Stratus SF SIG News 1990

1988 _ 1989 _ 1990 _ 1991 _ 1992-3


	           Stratus SF SIG News #17--January 8, 1990


     Robert Adams, author of the Horse Clans books, died of cancer
     in Florida last week.  He was in his early 60s.

     Harold (Doc) Edgerton, inventor of the strobe light and a favorite
     speaker at MIT and Boskones, died in the MIT Faculty Club last
     week of a heart attack.  He was 87.

     The TV show Beauty and the Beast has been cancelled, effective 1/24/90.


     It's time to start thinking about the Hugos again.  NESFA will hold a
     discussion group on the Hugos for 1989 at Laurie & Jim Mann's house in
     Northboro on Monday, January 15, starting at about 8:00pm.  All are
     welcome.  If you're interested in attending, send me mail and I'll send
     you a map.

     Your editor has just become a real fan editor, having assumed
     editorship of NESFA's Proper Boskonian.  The next issue will be out
     SOONER that "Real Soon Now"---namely May 1.  If you are interested in
     contributing an article or review, just send me something and I'll let
     you know if we can use it.  We're also looking for people's lists of
     the 10 SF books they'd most recommend, and the 10 non-SF books they'd
     most recommend.  Proper Boskonian will have a kickoff party
     on the Friday night of Boskone in the Fan Lounge.


     Codclave is a little relaxacon that will be held in Newport
     Marriott from January 19-21.  No films, no program, no dealers'
     room, just a nice cozy con suite, informal gaming and
     lots of gabbing.  I think the rate is $20, and memberships can
     be bought in the con suite at any time.


     Yes, there still are hotel rooms left for Boskone at the Sheraton Tara
     in Springfield.  The rates are $79 for a single, $84 for a double, $89
     for a triple, and $94 for a quad.  We'll be accepting preregs
     for about another week.  The prereg rate is $26.  If you want to
     attend, send $26 (check or charge welcomed) to:

	       Boskone 27
	       Box G
	       MIT Branch PO
	       Cambridge, MA  02139

     If you want a hotel room, specify the size of room
     you want, and include your MasterCard or VISA
     number to hold the reservation.


     A new con being held for the first time in Boston on February 23-25 at
     the Lafayette Hotel.  Rich Bowker and AC Farley are the guests.  Write
     to PO Box 2334, Pittsfield, MA 01202-2334 for more information.


     Readercon ``puts the focus squarely on literature,'' and ``gives it the
     kind of treatment that a significant art form deserves.'' It has a
     serious, intelligent program.  Readercon 3 will be held in April, 1990,
     in Lowell, MA.  Write to P.O.  Box 6138, Boston, MA 02209 for more


From Laurie:


     It was one of the most boring conventions I've ever been to
     in my life.  WHY do I keep going back?  I didn't wind up going
     to a single panel.  I spent a lot of time talking quietly
     to friends in the hallway---a nice change from the frenzy of
     Worldcon.  The art show was pretty dull, though it featured
     nice works by a few artists I'd never heard of before.


From Laurie:

     Does anyone remember if I ever sent out issue 16?  It was mostly
     the Boskone Progress Report.


	           Stratus SF SIG News 18--February 1990



     For the Trekkies in the audience, George Takei reports that Paramount
     is considering filming a Star Trek prequel (to the TV series), hiring
     younger actors to fill the boots of Kirk, Spock, Bones, etc.  Some fans
     are sending protest letters.

     IMHO, it's only a movie...


     Time to nominate for the 1989 Hugo awards.  If you were a member of
     Noreascon, you are eligible to nominate, though you must be a member of
     ConFiction to vote for the final awards.  If you're interested in
     nominating, let me me know and I'll dig up a ballot for you.

     Boskone, February 16-18, at the Springfield Tara and Marriot,
	       Springfield, MA.  Memberships:  $42, available at the Tara.

     Arisia, Feburary 23-25 at the Hotel Lafayette in downtown Boston.
	       Rich Bowker and AC Farley are the guests.  At the door
	       rate is $35.

From the Boston Globe, February 9, 1990

A Cambridge scientist who is considered a founder of
the field of artificial intelligence has won the prestigious
1990 Japan Prize...

Minsky founded MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and more
recently helped establish Thinking Machines, a Cambridge company
that builds computers using large numbers of parallel

The Japan Prize, administered by a nonprofit foundation...was
established in 1985 to recognize scientists who contribute to the
"peace and prosperity of mankind" through original and outstanding
achievements in science and technology.

Minsky has been a speaker at a number of SF conventions over the years.


From:  Amy McNulty

For those of you who have never read Analog magazine, I highly recommend
the January 1990 issue.  And for those of you who regularly read and enjoy
Analog, don't miss this one!

This month is the sixtieth anniversary of Analog, and the double-sized
anniversary issue is fabulous.  I've been an Analog subscriber for a couple
of years now, and I always enjoy every issue.  However, the anniversary
issue is definitely one of the best ever.  It contains a wide variety of
innovative stories, including several wonderful stories from years past.

However, even if you aren't a big fan of Analog's stories, and even if you
don't like SF stories (but then what are you doing on the mailing list for
this newsletter?!) this issue has one additional feature that I highly
recommend to everyone -- "Sixty Astounding Years." This article by Michael
F.  Flynn explores the path of science fiction and scientific development
during the past century or so.  In addition to highlighting "predictions"
in a variety of science fiction stories of the past that have since been
realized (some in ways that the authors never dreamed of), the article also
includes numerous quotations and anecdotes about famous scientists and
politicians describing future scientific discoveries as "impossible" or
"useless." One of my favorites was this one about the future of air flight:

     "We hope that Professor Langley will not put his substantial greatness
     as a scientist in further peril by continuing to waste his time, and
     the money involved, in further airship experiments.  Life is short,
     and he is capable of services to humanity incomparably greater than
     can be expected to result from trying to fly....  For students and
     investigators of the Langley type there are more useful employments."
	                 (The New York Times, December 10, 1903)

     [Footnote:  Better that they should spend all that money here on
     Earth, right?  By the way, why don't you quickly go and check the date
     of the Wright Bros.  flight.  I'll wait.]

(By the way, I did check; for those of you who don't keep lots of
historical facts and dates in your heads, the date of the first Wright
Brothers flight was December 17, 1903 -- one week after this discouraging
statement in The New York Times!)

And how about this gem:

     "While theoretically and technically television may be feasible,
     commercially and financially I consider it an impossibility,
     a development of which we need waste little time dreaming."
	                 (Lee DeForest, "Father of the Radio," 1926)

     (Lee, ya shoulda known better!)

Or this one:

     "There is no plea which will justify the use of high tension and
     alternating currents, either in a scientific or a commercial sense."
	                 (Thomas A. Edison, 1889)

And, finally:

     "The popular mind often pictures gigantic flying machines speeding
     across the Atlantic and carrying innumerable passengers....  [E]ven if
     a machine could get across with one or two passengers the expense
     would be prohibitive....  Another popular fallacy is to expect
     enormous speed....  The resistance of the air increases as the square
     of the speed and the work as the cube....  It is clear that with our
     present devices there is no hope of competing for racing speed with
     either our locomotives or our automobiles."
	                 (William H. Pickering, US Astronomer, c. 1910)

Don't miss it!

	            -- Amy McNulty

From Howard Ship:

	  Too bad about Beauty and the Beast.  I caught a few episodes last
	  year that were very good, and I've caught all the episodes this
	  year, since its in a new spot that I'm around to watch.  Anyway,
	  the show has a great look, and the scripts (after a rough start
	  this season) have been getting better -- I look forward to B&TB at
	  least as much as, say, ST-TNG.  Lance Henrickson (The Terminator,
	  Aliens, Near Dark, Johnny Handsome) had a really terrific guest

CREATION, a convention review by Howard Ship

Creation really wasn't much.  Huckster's room, some autograph signing:

     Yvonne Craig (Batgirl, also a green skinned girl in
     one episode of Star Trek).

     George Takei (Sulu)

     Jonathan Harris (Dr. Smith, Lost in Space)

I generally don't go to conventions.  I did get George to sign a
really nifty Star Trek poster.  I was only there for a few hours
on  Sunday,  so  I missed any saturday events.  I have my doubts
whether I'll be headed to the next one (there's  one  coming  up
with Michael Dorn -- Worf of ST-TNG).

I  find  the  circus  side-show  atmosphere  at  these  type  of
conventions very disturbing.  Much of the  goings  on  is  quite
mindless,  especially  the  adoration of the 'celebrities'.  For
the most part,  these  people  are  'one  hit  wonders'.  Unlike
Leonard  Nimoy,  whose  participation  in  Star  Trek  has (only
recently) become a  spring  board  to  directing  non-Star  Trek
films,  the  other guests I've seen have had little visible work
outside of Star Trek (or Batman, or  Lost  in  Space).  Although
they  are  well  paid  for  their  appearences,  and really seem
pleased to be at the show, it still feels like we (the mass, the
crowd) are rubbing their faces in it.

Its  very  different  I  suppose  for an author at a convention,
since s/he is undoubtedly working on something, and  is  at  the
con  for  the attention and support of the fans (and the money).
Actors can't lock themselves in their rooms and act -- they need
a stage or a film set.  I think  that's  what  bothers  me,  the
sense  (especially  from  George Takei) that he wants to do more
(acting and writing) but is locked out.  And appearing at a  con
reinforces  his  identification  with the 'Star Trek Phenomenon'
and further isolates him from outside work.


	           Stratus SF SIG News #19--March 1990


     Isaac Asimov is recovering from recent heart surgery.  Isaac, who
     turned 70 in January, has had heart trouble for a number of years now.

     ATom (Arthur Thompson), a well-known artist, has died.

Mebula Nominations Announed  (from Chuq Von Rospach (Usenet))

1989 Nebula Award final ballot

 Here is the official list of nominees for the 1989 Nebula Award, given by the
 Science Fiction Writers of America. Congratulations to all the nominees!

 Novels: Poul Anderson, Boat of a Million Years (Tor)
	 Orson Scott Card, Prentice Alvin (Tor)
	 John Kessel, Good News From Outer Space (Tor)
	 Mike Resnick, Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future (Tor)
	 Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, The Healer's War (Doubleday/Foundation)
	 Jane Yolen, Sister Light, Sister Dark.

 Novellas: Lois McMaster Bujold, The Mountains of Mourning
	       (Analog, Borders of Infinity)
	   John Crowley, Great Works of Time (Novelty)
	   George Alec Effinger, Marid Changes his Mind (Asimov's)
	   Megan Lindholm, A Touch of Lavender (Asimov's)
	   Judith Moffett, Tiny Tango (Asimov's)
	   Howard Waldrop, A Dozen Tough Jobs (Zeising Brothers)

 Novelettes: Greg Bear, Sisters (Tangents)
	     Megan Lindholm, Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man (Asimov's)
	     Mike Resnick, For I have touched the sky (F&SF);
	     Kristine Kathyrn Rusch, Fast Cars (Asimov's)
	     Robert Silverberg, Enter A Soldier. Later: Enter Another
	            (Asimov's, Timegate)
	     Connie Willis, At the Rialto (Omni, The Microverse)

Short Stories: Mary Aldridge, The Adinkra Cloth
	            (Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine)
	       Michael Bishop, The Ommatidium Miniatures (The Microverse)
	       Orson Scott Card, Lost Boys (F&SF)
	       Suzy McKee Charnas, Boobs (Asimov's)
	       Geoffrey A. Landis, Ripples in the Dirac Sea (Asimov's)
	       Bruce Sterling, Dori Bangs (Asimov's)

 Special congratulations to the multiple nominees, Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine
 (nine nominations), Tor Books (five of six novels -- four edited by Beth
 Meacham, one by David Hartwell) and Mary Aldridge: this is evidently her first
 major sale (not a bad way to start!).

 chuq (SFWA Nebula Awards Editor)



Time to vote for the 1990 Hugo Awards!

Nominations close on March 10, 1990.

     If you were member of the 1989 Worldcon (Noreascon 3), or are a member
     of the 1990 Worldcon (ConFiction), you are eligible to nominate.  If
     you are interested in voting, send me E-mail and I'll get you a

     The Hugo awards are voted by SF fans for best fiction of the previous
     years.  There are also awards honoring artists, movies, fan writers,
     and fan editors.  There are two special categories this year---one for
     best piece of art (published or unpublished) and the other for best
     foreign language SF.


Readercon 3

Lowell Hilton
Lowell, MA

March 29-April 1, 1990

Guests of Honor:  John Crowley and Thomas M. Disch

THE con for the serious reader.  No costumes, no weapons, no movies, just
loads of book talk.  HIGHLY reccomended.

Rates:  $25 until 3/20/90
	?? (probably $25 at the door, but not explicitly stated on their flyer)

PO Box 6138
Boston, MA  02209

Readercon in '91 and '92 will take place at the Worcester Marriott
in July.


Westercon 43

Red Lion Inn, Jantzen Beach
Portland, Oregon

July 5-8, 1990

Guests of Honor:  Ursula K. LeGuin, Vonda McIntyre, Kate Wilhelm

rates:  $40 until 6/20/90
	$50 at the door

Address:  Westercon 43
	  PO Box 43
	  Portland, OR  97228

     Westercon is the big annual west coast con.


From Chuq von Rospach, Usenet

An Internations SF Convention On the Volga
Volgograd, USSR, September 8-14, 1991

SF Club "The Wind of Time" and the Youth Association ATOM announce the
establishing of the "Volga-con" Organizing Committee.

Volga-Con has in store for you:

o Seven unforgettable days on the Volga.
o Meeting old and new friends. Conversations from morning till night and
  all night long.
o Talks, discussions, lectures and meetings with
     Cyberpunks on the Volga
     The Young Wave in the Soviet SF
     The Concisce History of the Soviet SF and Fandom
o A mini-con for SF Clubs of the Volga Region
o Various Poetry Rounds, Folk-song performances, Story-telling contests, SF
  Stories Competition, an Auction and a Fancy-Dress Ball with a great
  Universe Banquet to crown it all.

We are inviting 300 official guests to the Volga-Con, including Guests of
Honour from many lands.

We also welcome SF fans, writers, painters, critics, journalists, editors
and publishers -- all people who love SF and Fantasy.

We do believe that your participation will make the Volga-con brighter and
more fascinating.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us for further unformation. Our address
for applications and inquiries is:

Boris A. Zavgorodny
Volgograd-66, Poste Restante,
USSR, Volga-con

Phones: 34-74-62, 34-74-64, 34-44-09, 34-86-56



from Laurie Mann:

     Boskone XXVII

Boskone went pretty well, though I didn't see much of the con.  I was
running kids' activities (DragonsLair), so I was pretty restricted during
the day.

Professionals in attendence included Esther Friesner, Susan Shwartz, Judith
Tarr, Joan Vinge, Larry Niven, Hal Clement, Jane Yolen, Don Maitz, Glen
Cook, David Cherry, Charles Ryan, and Ron Walotsky.  The art show looked good,
the huckster rooms seemed busy whenever I glanced into them,  Many parties
this year, and the con suite was busy most of the time.  We had about 1,000
people at Boskone.


So, how did Arisia go?  I know Jack Chalker will be the GoH guest, an
appropriate guest given the type of audience they are going for...


	           Stratus SF SIG News #20--almost April 1990  (March 30, 1990)


	                    1990 Hugo Nominations

  ConFiction, the 1990 World Science Fiction Convention, announces the Hugo
  nominees for 1990:

  Best Novel

  The Boat of a Million Years      Poul Anderson (Tor)
  Prentice Alvin    Orson Scott Card (Tor)
  A Fire in the Sun      George Alec Effinger (Doubleday/Foundation)
  Hyperion     Dan Simmons (Doubleday/Foundation)
  Grass   Sheri S. Tepper (Doubleday/Foundation)

  Best Novella

  "The Mountains of Mourning" Lois McMaster Bujold (Analog, May 89; Borders
	    of Infinity, Baen)
  "A Touch of Lavender" Megan Lindholm (IASFM, Nov 89)
  "Tiny Tango" Judith Moffett (IASFM, Feb 89)
  "The Father of Stones" Lucius Shepard (IASFM, Sep 89; The Father of
	    Stones, WSFA Press)
  "Time-Out" Connie Willis (IASFM, Jul 89)

  Best Novelette

  "Dogwalker" Orson Scott Card (IASFM, Nov 89)
  "Everything but Honor" George Alec Effinger (IASFM, Feb 89; What Might
	    Have Been, Vol. 1, Bantam Spectra)
  "The Price of Oranges" Nancy Kress (IASFM, Apr 89)
  "For I Have Touched the Sky" Mike Resnick (F& SF, Dec 89)
  "Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another" Robert Silverberg (IASFM, Jun 89;
	    Time Gate, Baen)
  "At the Rialto" Connie Willis (Omni, Oct 89; The Microverse, Bantam

  Best Short Story

  "Lost Boys"  Orson Scott Card (F&SF, Oct 89)
  "Boobs" Suzy McKee Charnas (IASFM, Jul 89)
  "Computer Friendly" Eileen Gunn (IASFM, Jun 89)
  "The Return of William Proxmire" Larry Niven What Might Have Been, Vol. 1,
	  Bantam Spectra)
  "Dori Bangs" Bruce Sterling (IASFM, Sep 89)
  "The Edge of the World" Michael Swanwick (Full Spectrum II,

  Best Dramatic Presentation

  The Abyss
  The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen
  Field of Dreams
  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  Best Non-Fiction Book

  Astounding Days   Arthur C. Clarke (Gollancz, Bantam Spectra)
  Harlan Ellison's Watching   Harlan Ellison (Underwood-Miller)
  Grumbles from the Grave     Virginia Heinlein, ed. (Del Rey)
  Dancing at the Edge of the World      Ursula K. Le Guin (Grove)
  The World Beyond the Hill   Alexei & Cory Panshin (Tarcher)
  The Noreascon Three Souvenir Book     Greg Thokar, ed. (MCFI Press)

  Best Professional Editor              Best Professional Artist

  Ellen Datlow                          Jim Burns
  Gardner Dozois                        Thomas Canty
  Edward L. Ferman                      David A. Cherry
  David G. Hartwell                     James Gurney
  Beth Meacham                          Tom Kidd
  Charles C. Ryan                       Don Maitz
  Stanley Schmidt                       Michael Whelan

  Best Semiprozine                      Best Fanzine

  Locus                                 File 770
  New York Review Of Science Fiction    Foxfax
  Thrust                                Lan's Lantern
  Science Fiction Chronicle             Pirate Jenny
  Interzone                             Mad 3 Party

  Best Fan Writer                       Best Fan Artist

  Mike Glyer                            Steve Fox
  Arthur Hlavaty                        Teddy Harvia
  Dave Langford                         Merle Insinga
  Evelyn Leeper                         Joe Mayhew
  Leslie Turek                          Stu Shiffman
	                                Taral Wayne

  John W. Campbell Award (Not a Hugo)   Best Original Artwork (Not a Hugo)

  John Cramer^1                         Quozl cover by James Gurney (Ace)
  Nancy Collins^1                       The Stress of Her Regard cover by
  Katherine Neville^1                             James Gurney (Ace)
  Kristine Kathryn Rusch^2              Rimrunners cover by Don Maitz
  Allen Steele^2                                  (Warner/Questar)
	                                Hyperion cover by Gary Ruddell
	                                 (Doubleday/Foundation, Bantam Spectra)
  ^1 First year of eligibility          Paradise cover by Michael Whelan (Tor)
  ^2 Second year of eligibility         Renagades of Pern cover by Michael
	                                          Whelan  (Del Rey)

  Note: No Award is an option for each category.

  Since not enough voters nominated non-English works, this category will
  not appear on the final ballot.

  ConFiction received 281 ballots and there were two three-way ties for
  fifth place.

  Hugo ballots will be in the mail to all members of ConFiction this spring.
  Completed ballots must be postmarked by 7/13/90.


Readercon is this weekend in the Lowell Hilton. The at-the-door rate is
over $20, but I'm not sure how far over.  This con is VERY worthwhile
if you are a serious reader, and like to talk or listen to other
people talk about books.  It's also a great place to meet professional
writers without seeing them in mobs of people.


Nobody's read ANYTHING this month????


from Chiu Ngan Chan

Is there anybody who lent out books that they have read already?  I buy mostly
paperbacks.  Most of my reading materials come from the library (who carries
most of the good ones).


	           Stratus SF SIG News #21---April 30, 1990


Nebula Winners Announced  (from Chuq von Rospach, Usenet)

Novel: Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, The Healer's War (Doubleday)
Novella: Lois McMaster Bujold, Mountains of Mourning  (Analog)
Novelette: Connie Willis, At the Rialto (Omni)
Short: Geoffrey A. Landis, Ripples in the Dirac Sea (Asimov's)


Turtles Boffo Box Office

What can you say about a movie that's about 4 adolescent shelled critters
who live in a sewer?  Kids are saying "Take me to see this movie!" and
their parents are doing so in droves.  Turtles raked in over $85 MILLION
dollars in four weeks.  Awesome!


Gaylaxicon 2
Gaylaxicon '90, PO Box 1052, Lowell, MA 01853
Gaylaxicon is a Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention for gay people and
their friends.  It will be held from July 20-22 at the Tewksbury/Andover
Holiday Inn, Tewksbury, MA.  Melissa Scott is the GoH, Hannah M.G. Shapero
is the Art GoH.  Memberships are $20 until June 30, and $25 at the door.

c/o NESFA, Box G, MIT Branch PO, Cambridge,  MA  02139
Lexicon is a small relaxacon held by NESFA each summer.  It will be held in
late July in Keene, New Hampshire.  This is a small, very laid-back con.
The "structured" activities include a Saturday night BBQ in nearby Marlow
(just up the hill from PC Connection), and a con suite open for many hours.

Box 3251, Darlington Branch, Pawtucket, RI 02861
NECon is a fantasy \&\ horror sercon held each July.

RSO 352, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
Annual fall con held on the UMass campus.  An extensive film program is
the highlight of the con.


Contraption is sponsoring the Charlie Card Fund for United Cerebral Palsy.
To raise money, they've produced the Fan/tasy Art Calendar.  The calendar
runs from April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 and features the art of Sheryl
Birkhead, Heather Bruton, Kevin Davies, Tom Dow, Tim Eldred, Giovanna
Fregni, Mary Hanson-Roberts, Linda Leach Hardy, Teddy Harvia, Peggy Ranson,
Bill Ware, Robin Wood and Diana Stein.  It features convention dates and
addresses as well as other useful or amusing information.  It will be
available at Contraption for $5.00 or by mail for $6.00 including postage
and handling.  Make checks to Contraption and mail to P.O.  Box 2285, Ann
Arbor, MI 48106.

The Charlie Card Fund is named for the son of Orson Scott Card, who was
Contraption's very first Professional GoH.  Charlie has cerebral palsy.  The
fund is Contraption's way of saying ``thank you'' to a great writer and his
family for supporting our convention.  United Cerebral Palsy offers many
kinds of assistance to people like Charlie, through the generous
assistance of people like you.

For every calendar sold, about $3.40 will be given to UCP.  Only printing
and postage costs are being deducted.  After April 30, I will have calendars
for sale, so if you want to see one and buy one, stop on by.


Online version of Proper Boskonian available!

Proper Boskonian, NESFA's ressurrected fanzine, is now available online.
PB 27 (May 1990) features:

  The Kurt Baty Roast   Laurie & Jim Mann
  Sushi-Chefs I've Known and Loved   Jon Singer
  Neglected Authors
       James H. Schmitz   Mark L. Olson
       John W. Campbell (Don A. Stuart)   Ben Yalow
  Bits and Pieces of Noreascon III
       Richard Newsome
       Evelyn C. Leeper
       Joe Rico
  My Life as a Faned   Leslie Turek
  Star Trek: The LOST Generation   Quantum Buc
  Bits and Pieces of Boskone XXVII
       Mary Sughrue-Yacino
       Evelyn C. Leeper & Mark R. Leeper
  Luau in North Hawaii (a/k/a New York)   Pam Fremon

If you want to read the online version, send me E-mail and I'll forward
it to you.  If you are a contributor, you'll receive the hardcopy
version of the fanzine in early May.


From Laurie Mann

Recently, the American Booksellers Association and Walden Book took out
full-page ads in many major newspapers, decrying censorship.  The incidents
of censorship include groups that:

     o  Wage war on our libraries and schools to remove such titles
	as Huckleberry Finn, Catcher in the Rye, and the Grapes of Wrath.
     o  Work to expand censorship laws in virtually every state in
	the country.
     o  Fight to keep Constitutionally-protected publications, such as
	Glamour, Sports Illustrated, Life, Playboy, and Vogue off
	the library and store shelves.
     o  Challenge textbooks which don't fit their view of the world.
     o  Harass and threaten booksellers in an attempt to force
	the removal of certain titles.
     o  Attempt boycotts of advertisers who sponsor television shows
	such as ALF and Golden Girls.

If you are opposed to censorship, you can show your support by clipping the
following ballot and sending it to the ABA.  Thanks.

    |  Censorship cannot eliminate evil.  It can only kill freedom.  |
    |                                                                |
    |     [ ] I agree:  Americans have the right to buy, stores      |
    |         have the right to sell, authors have the right to      |
    |         write and publishers have the right to publish         |
    |         Constitutionally-protected material.  Period.          |
    |                                                                |
    |     Name________________________________________________       |
    |                                                                |
    |     Address_____________________________________________       |
    |                                                                |
    |            _____________________________________________       |
    |                                                                |
    |     Signature___________________________________________       |
    |                                                                |
    |     Return to:  American Booksellers Association               |
    |                 PO Box 672, NY, NY 10113                       |


Necroscope  (review by Sean Powers)

     For anyone who enjoys a good scary horror story I just finished reading
     the Necroscope trilogy by Brian Lumley.  I like the kind of horror
     books that make me get on my knees and pray before I can go to sleep,
     and these did the trick for me.  I don't recommend reading them when
     you're home alone.

Thomas the Rhymer (review by Laurie Mann)

     A few years ago, Ellen Kushner burst on the fantasy scene (having spent
     a few years as an editor, then a short story writer) with a superb
     novel called Swordspoint.  Swordspoint was a marvellous novel of
     manners in a mythical city.  There weren't any quests, dwarves, or
     magic anywhere in the novel.  For those of us sick to death of that
     brand of fantasy, it was a welcome change!

     Thomas the Rhymer is a good novel, a little more grounded in
     traditional fantasy, but it never wallows in the genre.  It follows a
     young minstrel named Thomas, who disappears from a small village one
     night.  He has been kidnapped into elfland, to serve as the lover of
     the elf queen and the singer for elfland court for seven years.

     The major weakness of the book is that Kusher spends almost 60 pages
     describing the people surrounding Thomas in the village before his
     disappearence.  I think a brief introduction would have been better.
     The book almost reads like the first chapter was added later, because
     the material after Thomas' kidnapping holds up nicely on its own.

     I recommend this novel, another one in the series of fantasy novels
     being edited by Terry Windling and illustrated by Thomas Canty.  It's
     currently just available in hardback.


	           Stratus SF SIG News #22--May 29


Marion Zimmer Bradley is in the hospital with pneumonia.  Bradley is the
author of many works, and is probably best-known for her Darkover books.
She has been in ill-health recently, having suffered a stroke a few years


An Invitation

The NESFA Other Meeting & Cookout will be held on Sunday, June 3 starting at
2 at Laurie & Jim Mann's place in Northboro.  This is a purely social
occasion, with volleyball, bocce, and talk about books.  We'll get the
grills going at about 5.  If you'd like to meet some local SF fans, here's a
good place to do it.  We live just off of Route 20.


Chiu Ngan Chan
	          "VOYAGERS III, Star Brothers" by Ben Bova, 1990

	  Expanding  on  the  idea  of  bio-chips,  is  the  concept  of
     nano-technology, which involved machines that are the size of of  a
     virus that is semi-sentient.  Nano-technological devices can repair
     its  host's body (presumably by decoding the DNA sequences and even
     eliminate  the  bad   sequences),   thus   resulting   in   virtual
     immortality.  Also  these  devices  expand  it's  hosts  brain  and
     dormant psychic abilities.

	  The  last  continuation  (maybe  the  last,  can't  never tell
     anymore) of the VOYAGERS novel from the  last  decade.  This  novel
     finally  explains  that  the  purpose of the alien craft is to help
     human kind into it's next evolutionary step- expanded brain  power,
     and  a  community of human beings that are linked virtually mind to

	  The  conflict  is  that  every  civilization that has gain the
     knowledge of  nano-machines  inevitably  over-run  its  planet  and
     destroys itself by running out of resources or used it wrongly as a
     weapon and destroys all life on the planet.  Therefore Keith Stoner
     (the  main  character  in  all  three  novels) goes on a crusade to
     prepare the world for  the  use  of  nano-technology,  while  power
     hungry  man  who  had  access  to the technology tries to use it to
     control the  world.  On  the  side  is  another  man  who  use  the
     technology  to  destroy  the  unwanted  population  of the world by
     introducing it as a contagious disease.

	  The  plot  is fairly straight forward and the final resolution
     had been seen in other novels before.  but readers  of  VOYAGERS  I
     and  VOYAGERS II will find that this finally wraps up the series in
     a fairly satisfactory manner.  By itself it is  readable  as  well,
     but  the  novel  does  make explicit references to events that have
     happened in the past, so I suggest  that  you  read  all  three  in
     sequence,  as  each  deals  with a different human issue (the first
     being first contact with an  alien  craft,  the  second  I  haven't read).

Jim Mann

Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis

Lewis's space trilogy is too comlicated to do justice to in a short
review.  It is a complex philosophical work that also is, at least in
the first and third books, a good adventure story.  The books can be
viewed as an examination of good vs.  evil or of Lewis's traditional
Christian philosophy vs.  a philosophy of progress at all costs.
Either of these views are over-simplifications.

The three books are quite different from one another.  Out of the
Silent Planet is a Wellsian space adventure, reminiscent (on the
surface, not in philosophy) similar to The First Men in the Moon.
Perelandra is perhaps the weakest story in the group, though is
fascinating reading none-the-less.  That Hideous Strength, by far the
greatest of the trilogy, is what would today be classed as an "urban

A number of people seem to avoid these books because they have heard
they are "Christian" (they are, though it is only Peralandra that
concentrates on one element of Christian lore, namely the temptation
and fall) or because they disagree with his philosophy.  Neither of
these are valid.  Dante can be read and appreciated by non-Christians.
And how many of us agree with every writer we read.  Lewis's space
trilogy is something you should read even if you disagree with Lewis.
He is worth coming to terms with.  (I found myself almost carrying on
an internal debate with the points he was raising as I read.) If
nothing else, read That Hideous Strength (which can be read on its own).

Boat of a Million Years by Poul Anderson.

Some have billed this as the major Anderson novel.  It isn't.  It's
quite good, especially the first two thirds, but in the end it leaves
the reader wishing for more.  The historicial sections are marvelous:
several of them could have contended for short fiction awards if they
had been released separately (one was, though I don't think it did get
nominated).  However, the present day section and the future section
seem to be more outlines of what should have been novels in their own
right (at least the future section should have).  Overall, good, but
not his best.

By the way, Card's review of this book in F&SF raised an interesting
criticism.  Much of what could have been the most powerful parts of
the novel happened "off-stage," between the short stories if you will.
Namely, the main characters are immortals in a world of mortals and
often think about the pain of parting from those they know.  Yet only
once do we really get even a partial glimpse of them dealing with this
parting.  It would perhaps, as Card notes, been a more powerful book
had Anderson met this head-on.

Hyperion by Dan Simmons.

This book has echos of Cordwainer Smith, Frank Herbert, and Geoffrey
Chaucher.  Overall, it is a very nicely put together novel but...  But
it's not a novel, only the first half of one.  The Fall of Hyperion is
also quite good--perhaps better than Hyperion.  Together (as the Book
Club published them as The Hyperion Cantos) this is a Hugo-calliber
novel.  Each part on its own power is not enough to be worth a Hugo
(except in a weak year, which this seems to be).


	           Stratus SF SIG News #23--August 27, 1990

     Sorry for the two-month delay on this issue.  I hope to resume a
     monthly schedule (more or less) with this issue.


Hugo Award Winners Announced at the 1990 Worldcon at The Hague!

The Hugo awards, voted each year by members of the current World
Science Fiction Convention, were awarded Saturday, August 25th in
The Hague at ConFiction.  About 480 people voted for this year's awards.
And the winners are:

  Best Novel        Hyperion     Dan Simmons (Doubleday/Foundation)

  Best Novella      "The Mountains of Mourning" Lois McMaster Bujold
	                 (Analog, May 89; Borders of Infinity, Baen)

  Best Novelette    "Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another" Robert Silverberg
	                 (IASFM, Jun 89; Time Gate, Baen)

  Best Short Story  "Boobs" Suzy McKee Charnas (IASFM, Jul 89)

  Best Dramatic Presentation  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  Best Non-Fiction Book       The World Beyond the Hill
	                           Alexei & Cory Panshin (Tarcher)

  Best Professional Editor    Gardner Dozois

  Best Professional Artist    Don Maitz

  Best Semiprozine            Locus

  Best  Fanzine               Mad 3 Party

  Best Fan Writer             Dave Langford

  Best Fan Artist             Stu Shiffman

The following are awards voted with the Hugos, but they are not Hugos:

  John W. Campbell Award      Kristine Kathryn Rusch

  Best Original Artwork       Rimrunners cover by Don Maitz (Warner/Questar)

News About Local Nominees

     Over the last few years, people with connections to Southern
     New England have been well-represented in the Hugo nominations.

     Leslie Turek, an employee of XEROX in Cambridge, and the chair of
     Noreascon II (held in Boston in 1980), was nominated for Best Fan
     Writer, and her fanzine, The Mad 3 Party, won the award for Best
     Fanzine.  Congratulations, Leslie!

     Stu Shiffman, a twelve-time nominee for Best Fan Artist, FINALLY won,
     so he can throw away his "Remember, it's an honor just to be nominated"
     pin.  Stu, a long time New York fan, has lived in the Boston area for
     the last two years, and plans a move to Seattle real-soon-now.
     Congratulations, Stu!

     Greg Thokar, an employee of a Marlboro high-tech firm (the name of
     which eludes me just now), edited the Noreascon Three Souvenir Book,
     which was nominated for Best Non-Fiction Book.

     Charles C.  Ryan was nominated for Best Professional Editor.  He edits
     Aboriginal SF in Woburn.  Abo is the only large-size, full-color SF
     magazine being published.

     Thomas Canty, known for his fine covers for the "fairy tale" books,
     such as Ellen Kushner's Thomas the Rhymer, placed second in the
     ballotting for Best Professional Artist.  Tom lives on the South Shore,
     and has shown his work in local galleries.

     Merle Insinga, a former Marlboro resident, was nominated for Best Fan
     Artist.  Her husband, Aron, is a DEC employee, and they live in Nashua.

     Allen Steele, a nominee for the John W.  Campbell Award, used to be a
     writer for Worcester Magazine, and published his first short story in
     Worcester Monthly two years ago.  Allen placed second in the voting for
     the Campbell, and his first novel, Orbital Decay, has received rave
     reviews.  Allen's wife, Linda, is a radio personality for a small
     station in southern New Hampshire.

Site of the 1993 Worldcon Announced

     Members of the 1990 World Science Fiction Convention selected San
     Francisco as the site of the 1993 Worldcon.  Hawaii placed second in
     the voting, the first time a write-in vote made such a strong showing.
     Zagreb, No Preference, and Phoenix rounded out the field of sites.

Ed Emshwiller, SF Artist and Video Creator, Dead

     Ed Emshwiller, also known as Ed Emsh, died on August 1st of cancer.  He
     was in his early 60s.  He was well-known in the SF community as a
     Galaxy artist in the '50s and '60s.  Recently, he was an active video
     artist.  Ed had been selected as the Artist Guest at the 1991 Boskone.
     The next Boskone will feature a retrospective on Ed's work.


     A cross between "rumor" and information---the local Star
     Trek society is planning some sort of a social event for
     fans some time this fall.  When I get more information, I'll
     let you know.


Phil Kramer

Scions of Shanarra by Terry Brooks

Like many authors, Terry Brooks wrote a good first Tolkien-like epic novel,
the 'Sword of Shanarra', some years back.  It is about the adventures of
the Ohmsford family to find and use the magical powers left to them by
their elven ancestors, naturally against something Wicked and Evil.  In
typical fashion, Brooks followed it up with two more books about later
generations of Ohmsfords, combating other similar evils.

Now that he had a trilogy (albeit the books were only loosely connected), and
unable to let a good thing go to waste, Brooks decided to do another trilogy,
this time a single story spread over 3 books.  When I said these were
Tolkien-esque, I wasn't kidding.  They are long (450 pages each).  The good
part is that the new book (Scions) is generally not as tedious as some of his
earlier books. You know - less plodding through the desert for seemingly
endless chapters.

The premise of Scions is that we are now 300 years after the last Shanarra
book.  A group called the Federation has taken over government of the Four
Lands.  The Federation is wicked (why am I not surprised?), and is sworn to
wipe out magic.  At the same time, the ghost of Allanon (from earlier books)
warns of impending doom from a new kind of nasty magic called the Shadowen.
Allanon gets three new members of the Ohmsfords to fight this new magic and
the Federation, and tasks each of them with a seemingly impossible mission.

The books ends with one of the characters having completed his task, and
there are still two more to go (not surprising, since there are two
books to go)  You feel a little disappointed, since the next book is
probably a year or so away, but Brooks DOES have a good way with words and
creates likeable, generally believable characters, as well as doing a good
job with the magical elements of the story.

by Laurie Mann

Grass by Sherri S. Tepper

Sherri Tepper created a rich world filled with fascinating characters and
political intrigue in Grass.  While many have likened the novel to Dune,
Tepper does not fall into the common trap of making her novel too similar.

Grass is the name of a planet engulfed by grass.  A few towns exist, but
most inhabitants live on isolated ranches.  The locals spend much of their
time engaged in hunts, the complete with indigenous foxes, hounds, and
mounts.   A new ambassador is named to Grass by the federation, and his
job is to see why the plague, which is decimating other planets in
the federation, hasn't affected Grass.

This novel is very strong, and is filled with well-drawn characters
trapped in a series of difficult situations.  I highly recommend this novel.


	           Stratus SF SIG News #23.5--September 10, 1990

A short issue with three things I foregot the last time.


     Guests of Honor for Con Francisco, the 1993 Worldcon:

     Pro GoH:  Larry Niven
     Art GoH:  Alicia Austin
     Fan GoH:  jan howard finder
	       Tom Digby
     TM:       Guy Gavriel Kay
     Dead GoH: Mark Twain



     Tonight (Monday, September 10), starting at about 8pm, there will be a
     discussion group at my house in Northboro.  The topic will be
     "Historical Figures in Fantasy and Science Fiction,"  but you
     can also expect conversation about the recent Worldcon and
     NASFiC.  All are welcome.


NEWS from the 1992 Worldcon:

  MagiCon          PO Box 621992         Orlando, FL 32862-1992          USA
  The Fiftieth World Science Fiction Convention

  September 10, 1990

  Price Increases

  Effective September 30, 1990, the price for an Attending Membership
  for MagiCon rises to $75 from the present $65. A Child's Membership
  (for children born after September 3, 1980) is still $35.00. Supporting
  Memberships remain at $20.00, and Kids-in-Tow Memberships (for children
  born after September 3, 1986) are free. These rates remain in effect
  through March 31, 1991.

  Membership Statistics

  MagiCon had 2200 Attending Memberships, 217 Supporting Memberships, and
  75 Children's Memberships as of August 20, 1990. In addition, MagiCon has
  issued 7 Guest Memberships, and 14 Kids-in-Tow Memberships.

  Progress Report 2

  MagiCon will be releasing Progress Report 2 in October. It will be mailed
  to all Attending and Supporting members.

  New Appointments

  MagiCon announces the following appointments:

       Administration     Office Staff                         Robin Douglas

       Events             Hugo Ceremonies                      Jill Eastlake
	                  Masquerade                           Marty Gear

       Exhibits           Exhibits Division Head               Mark Olson
	                  History Exhibits                     Peggy Rae Pavlat

       Program            NASA Liaison                         Joseph Green
	                  Program Staff                        Jerry Kaufman
	                  Program Staff                        Priscilla Olson

       Publications       Pre-con Publications Subdivision     Tom Hanlon

       Publicity          Press Relations                      Laurie Mann


	           Stratus SF SIG News #24--October 1990


     Not much.  General consensus is that the Worldcon was fun and made
     a little money, and the NASFiC (held in San Diego the following
     weekend) was not-so-hot.


 (Reposted from GEnie)

*                           Send Books to the Troops                          *
*                                                                             *
* The Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) has launched a campaign to    *
* collect paperback novels to be sent to our military forces in
* Saudi Arabia.  SFWA is a non-profit organization of 1000 members whose      *
* purpose is to encourage public interest in Science Fiction literature.      *
* Preliminary arrangements have been made to have these books sent in bulk    *
* shipments free of charge on a space-available basis on military aircraft.   *
*                                                                             *
* Several publishing companies have been contacted and literally all of them  *
* will be donating novels for this effort.  Individuals are also encouraged   *
* to join in and send some books.  Any novels of nearly any genre are         *
* acceptable with the exception of romance novels.  If any cover art is       *
* found to be unacceptable by Saudi authorities, the cover will be removed    *
* prior to shipment to avoid problems.  Anti-Islamic literature is not        *
* acceptable.                                                                 *
*                                                                             *
* We currently have over 160,000 military personnel deployed in Saudi Arabia. *
* There is a distinct lack of entertainment and ways to pass the time.  Your  *
* books will be sent to various units and passed from person to person,       *
* giving much-needed relief and a morale boost for our soldiers, marines,     *
* pilots, and sailors.  Now is your chance to show your support for our       *
* military men and women in Saudi Arabia.  This will be a continuing          *
* effort on our part until it is no longer needed.                            *
*                                                                             *
* Please send all paperback books to the following address.  They             *
* will be sent to our deployed armed forces:                                  *
*                                                                             *
*   Thomas A. Zelinski                                                        *
*   G.I. Paperback Campaign                                                   *
*   516 26th Road South                                                       *
*   Arlington, VA 22202-2506                                                  *
*                                                                             *
* Both SFWA and our troops thank you for caring and participating.            *

Upcoming Local Events:

     NotJustAnotherCon, UMass, Amherst, Friday, October 19-Sunday, October 21.
	  Based at the Student Union, this con emphasizes an extensive
	  film program.  Many local professionals (such as Hal Clement
	  and Jane Yolen) attend.  For more information, write to
	  RSO 352, UMass, Amherst, MA  01003

     When Worlds Collide, a Halloween party for local SF fans, sponsored by
	  the Boston Star Trek Association, Friday, November 2 at the VFW on
	  Arsenal St.  in Watertown.  Admission:  $2.00.  There will be
	  food, a DJ playing music that fans will appreciate, exhibits from
	  the local clubs, a cash bar, door prizes, and games.  BSTA is
	  organizing this party for local fans to get together and
	  socialize, and other local clubs (like NESFA and the Gaylaxians)
	  are helping out.  I'll have flyers in my office later this month.

Reposted from USENET

 Russell Galen, the agent for the estate of Philip K. Dick,
 recently joined the Literary Forum on CompuServe.  At the
 same time, an interesting discussion of the works of Philip
 K. Dick appeared in SF-Lovers Digest.  Since I thought Russ
 might find the discussion interesting, I forwarded it to
 him.  He asked me to forward the following message to SFLD:



 I'm the literary agent for the Estate of Philip K. Dick, and would be very
 grateful to anyone who can help me with a major decision involving his works.

 As all of you know, many of his best novels have been hard to find, available
 (if at all) in mass-market editions which appear on the racks for a few weeks
 and then disappear for years.  I've spent several years trying to correct this
 by convincing a mainstream trade paperback imprint to reissue several of his
 books, since trade paperbacks tend to stay in print and available less
 erratically, and for longer periods of time, than mass-market. Recently
 Vintage, one of the most prestigious of such imprints, agreed to reissue six
 out of print Dick novels beginning in late 1991.  It was immediately agreed
 that three of the six should be the so-called "VALIS Trilogy" (VALIS, THE
 DIVINE INVASION, and TIMOTHY ARCHER).  I have to name the other three by the
 end of October

 Which 3 Dick novels would you choose?  Bear in mind that there are three things
 at stake.  One, not much Dick is in print now, so these six books will become
 the vehicle by which new readers discover Dick, or don't discover him, for
 years to come.  So they have to be his best books; they have to be the ones
 which will best carry the message to the outside world.  Two, they have to be
 as commercially viable as possible, otherwise Vintage will cancel the program.
 If they succeed, Vintage will want 6 more, and 6 more after that, and I can
 eventually get almost the whole corpus out in impressive editions.  Three, they
 should be representative, giving new readers a good overall picture of Dick's
 breadth of interests and themes.

 There's too much riding on making the best possible choices for me to do this
 alone.  I've been following the messages here about Dick and they've already
 influenced my thinking on which books to choose.  When I was given the
 opportunity to put the question to all of you directly I seized it, and will be
 tremendously grateful for any advice you can give.



 It is generally possible to send e-mail to CompuServe from
 Internet.  Russ's CIS user number is


 which translates to


     (From Stratus:

	  To:  uucp
	  Subject:  Phil Dick Books


He can also be reached by street mail:

      Russell Galen
      Scott Meredith Inc.
      845 Third Avenue
      New York City 10022


	           Stratus SF SIG News #25--November 1990


     Nothing to report.


     When Worlds Collide, a Halloween party for local SF fans, sponsored by
	  the Boston Star Trek Association, Friday, November 2 at the VFW on
	  Arsenal St.  in Watertown.  Admission:  $2.00.  There will be
	  food, a DJ playing music that fans will appreciate, exhibits from
	  the local clubs, a cash bar, door prizes, and games.  BSTA is
	  organizing this party for local fans to get together and
	  socialize, and other local clubs (like NESFA and the Gaylaxians)
	  are helping out.   So be there, and try to identify your
	  fellow Stratus employees.

     Now is a good time to register for Boskone!  For $28, you get:

	  Mike Resnick, our GoH
	  Brian Thomsen, our special guest
	  Special tributes to Ed Emsh, our artist guest who died
	            over the summer
	  A huge art show
	  Varied and bizarre bazaar (huckster room)
	  Large, congenial con suite
	  No lines at registration
	  Lots of program items
	       Did you ever want to see how a writer pitches a novel
	            to a publisher, and how a book contract is developed?
	       Learn about how aspects of African tribal culture can be
	            used in science fiction?
	       Hear about neglected authors like Diana Wynne Jones,
	            E.E.  Smith, and James Blish?
	       Find out about the current explosion in fairy tales
	            retold as adult fantasy?
	       Join a guided tour of the art show?
	       Experience the fannish inquisition?
	  These are just a few of the quasi-musical questions tackled
	       by our panelists this year.

	  Yes, there are plenty of surprises, too.

	  Boskone is from Friday, February 15-Sunday, February 17.
	  You can see me for a flyer, or you can send in $28 (please
	  make out the check to Boskone 28) to:

	       Boskone Prereg
	       Box G
	       MIT Branch PO
	       Cambridge, MA  02139



From Wayne Newbury

     I've heard about, but not yet watched the sequel based on Logan's Run.
     I'd like other peoples' impressions.


	           Stratus SF SIG News #26--December 1990


I regret to report that Donald Wolheim died last month.  He was the impetus
behind the first SF convention (held in 1936), one of the early fanzines,
and DAW books, a major SF/fantasy book line.  Wolheim was the Guest of Honor
at the 1988 World Science Fiction Convention.  Wolheim had been in poor
health for a number of years.  He is survived by his wife, Elsie, his
daughter, Betsy (currently the president of DAW books), and a granddaughter.

I also regret to report that Isaac Asimov is in very poor health.


The following cities are bidding for Worldcons:

     1994:  Louisville and Edmonton.  This race will
	    be decided at Chicon next Labor Day.

     1995:  Atlanta and Glasgow.  This race will be
	    decided at Magicon (in Orlando) on Labor Day, 1992.

     1996:  Currently, Los Angeles is the only bid.  This city will
	    ratified at ConFrancisco on Labor Day, 1993.

     1997:  San Antonio and New Orleans. This race will be voted
	    on at the 1994 Worldcon.

	    Rumor has it New Orleans may also be running for 2000.

The rates for Boskone go up on January 9.  Boskone will be held in
Springfield over Presidents' Weekend.  Confirmed program participants
include David Hartwell, Gordon Van Gelder, Roger MacBride Allen, Lisa
Barnett, Jeffrey Carver, Hal Clement, Bruce Coville, Tom Doherty, John
Douglas, Bob Eggleton, Moshe Feder, Esther M. Friesner, Greer Gilman, Steven
Gould, Jeff Hecht, Anne Jordan, Michael Kandel, Ellen Kushner, Laura
J. Mixon, J.F.  Rivkin, Darrell Schweitzer, Melissa Scott, Susan Shwartz,
David A.  Smith, Sarah Smith, Allen Steele, Judith Tarr, Michael Whelan,
Sheila Williams, and Jane Yolen.

If you're intersted in attending, please send $28 per membership
(and include the names and addresses of the people you're registering)
to Boskone, Box G, MIT Branch PO, Cambridge, MA  02139.


From Laurie Mann

Jim and I went to Tropicon and Smofcon during our week in Florida.  Tropicon
was a generic SF con, and Smofcon was a small con aimed at convention
planners.  Both were very enjoyable.

Local writer Hal Clement was the pro GoH at Tropicon.  There was a surprising
amount of programming related to movies, because many movies are now made
in Florida, and some of the independent filmmakers have ties to fandom.  The
art show was mostly prints, but most of them were pretty good.  The con suite
looked out over a runway of the Ft. Lauderdale airport.  About 220 people
attended, and most of them were Floridians.

Smofcon was held in the same place the following weekend (and, yes, used the
same room for the con suite).  About 120 people from across America (and two
from England) attended.  Panels focused on the relationship of conventions
to their audiences, their guests, and their facilities.  People representing
upcoming worldcons and current worldcon bids put on presentations.  Smofcon
is a fascinating little convention, and I hope to go to the next year's
in Portland.  New Orleans will host the 1992 Smofcon (though it will be run
by "carpetbaggers" from Washington), and England will probably host the
1993 Smofcon.


From Wayne Newberry

     I would like some help in finding a sci-fi short story.  It is by
     Robert Silverberg, and is titled "The Man In The Maze".

     It was originally published in 1968 in the April and May editions of IF
     Science Fiction Magazine, so if someone among your readers/contacts has
     both of those copies stashed away, that would be one possible
     connection.  The other chance would be in a collection of Robert's
     works or some other short story collection.

1988 _ 1989 _ 1990 _ 1991 _ 1992-3