
FanHistory Project Zoom Sessions

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Next Zoom Session:

February 22, 2025 - Margaret Middleton - A Shaper of Modern Filk

Time: 3PM EST, 2PM CST, 12Noon PST, 8PM GMT London, and 7AM AEDT Sunday, February 23 Melbourne

Description: Named to the Filk Hall of Fame in 1996, and a long time officer of the Filk Foundation, Margaret Middleton has been instrumental in the shaping of modern filk as well as a mainstay of Arkansas fandom. She has also published multiple fanzines, including Kantele, and was a founder of Roc*Con. Margaret co-chaired FilkCon 1, the first filk convention and helped create the Filk Foundation. Join us in this discussion, to learn more about her fannish career, and how modern filk developed.

Schedule for Future sessions

Past Sessions (all available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/c/FANACFanHistory)

Updated January 25, 2025. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.

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