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Next Zoom Session:
October 26, 2024 - Robin Johnson, the Traveling Fan from Oz, with Robin Johnson, Perry Middlemiss and Leigh Edmonds
Time: 7PM EDT, 4PM PDT, Midnight London (sorry), and 10am AEDT Sunday, Oct 27 Melbourne
From peripatetic fan to chair of Aussiecon I, Robin Johnson is one of the best known Australian fans. In addition to pulling together a wildly disparate group of fans as chair of Aussiecon 1 in 1975, he has chaired multiple
Thylacons in Tasmania and has pubbed his ish. Robin has received a Ditmar Award and a Big Heart Award, and helped every DUFF winner for the last 50 years. He was recognized as a Worldcon Fan Guest of Honor in 2010.
How did he come to be in Australia, and chair Aussiecon 1? How was Tasmanian fandom orgainized? How has his influence continued down the years? Join us and learn more about his fannish career (and hear how Antifan rallied the
world around an Australian Worldcon).
Schedule for Future sessions
October 26, 2024, Time 7PM EDT, 4PM PDT, Midnight London (sorry), and 10am AEDT Sunday, Oct 27 Melbourne, Robin Johnson interview, with Robin Johnson, Perry Middlemiss and Leigh Edmonds
November-December 2024 TBD
January 11, 2025, Time 2PM EST, 11 AM PST, 7PM GMT London, and 6AM AEDT (sorry) Sunday, Jan 12 Melbourne, Out of the Ghetto and into the University: Science Fiction Fandom University Collections, with Phoenix Alexander (University of California, Riverside), Peter Balestrieri (University of Iowa), Susan Graham (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), and Richard Lynch
February 22, 2025 Time TBD,Margaret Middleton - A Shaper of Modern Filk