$pagetitle='Denvention 3 Archive: Exhibits Division';?>
A Mile Closer to the Stars
Denvention 3, the Worldcon that's "A Mile Closer to the Stars," is less than a month away!
Exhibits at Denvention 3 will be situated in Denver's beautiful Colorado Convention Center. While many exhibits will be in the main exhibit hall (the prosaically named "Hall D"), we will take advantage of other areas in the building as well. There are spaces with wonderful natural light that will both enhance exhibits and provide a pleasant environment for the fannish exhibit-watcher.
Activities in our division include:
Since this is the first Worldcon in Denver in many years, we will explore connections to Denver, both fannish and otherwise. We want to take full advantage of this opportunity for our members to sample what the Colorado science fiction community has to offer, and for Colorado fans to experience Worldcon fare. If you have questions about any of these activities, please contact us. Perhaps you'd even like to volunteer -- your time or a costume or fanzine or fanhistorical artifact for one of our exhibits. Contact us at exhibits@denvention.org.