Who's Who
This page tells you who is who in the ConJosé organization.
Please do not contact staff members directly through their personal
email. Always use the official ConJosé email addresses given
on this page. This will help us process con
business more efficiently, and it will mean that messages will not go
astray if we reassign responsibilities. This listing is as accurate
as we can make it as of April 15, 2002.
Please note that just because we have names against jobs
here it does not mean that we don't need anyone else. This list of just
the tip of the iceberg as far as staffing a Worldcon goes. If you would
like a job in any of these areas, please get in touch. Also, if you
are looking for vacant staff positions, see our volunteers
Executive Division:
Co-Chairs: Tom Whitmore, Kevin Standlee
Vice Chair/Controller: Cindy Scott
Minion: Kerry Ellis, Kathy Fulton
Budget Consultant: Mark Olson
At-Con Treasury Manager: Jim Hudson
Treasury Specialist: Michael Schaffer
Staff: Erik Bigglestone
Vice Chair/Deliverables Manager: Craige Howlett
Assistant to Vice Chair: Jan Price
Chairmen's Staff: Ben Yalow, Bobbi Armbruster
Committee Secretary: James Stanley Daugherty
Events Division
Division Manager: John Blaker
Deputies: Kent Bloom, Eric Larson
Advisors: Susan DeGuardiola, John Hertz, Crickett Fox
Torcon 3 Shadow: {TBD}
Safety Officer: Kurt Siegel
Events Office Manager: {TBD}
Department Heads/Directors: Pierre Pettinger, Sandy Pettinger
Master of Ceremonies: John Hertz
Caller: Larry Schroeder
Stage Manager: John O'Halloran
Judges (presentation): Bjo Trimble, John Trimble, jan howard
finder, Janet Wilson Anderson
Judges (workmanship): Kevin Roche, Andy Trembley
Judges Clerk: {TBD}
Green Room: Byron Connell
Official Photographer: Charles Mohapel
Assistant: Leonard J. Provenzano
Fan Photographer: Danny Low
International Costumer's Guild Archival Video: Carl Mami
Half-Time Entertainment: Trans-Iowa Canal Company (TICC)
Hugo Awards
Department Head/Director: Randy Smith
Advisors: Janice Gelb, Bobbi Armbruster
Staff: Perrianne Lurie
Stage Manager: Les Roth
Presenters: {TBD}
Stage Escorts: Mary Kay Kare
Reception Hostess: Laurie Mann
Backstage Greeter (Check in): Perianne Lurie
Voice of Ghod: Eric Larson
Official Photographer: Danny Low
Assistant: Charles Mohapel
Opening/Closing Ceremonies Director: Twilight (Sue
Technical Services Director: Carl "Z!"
House Manager: Tom Galloway
Exhibits Division
Division Manager: Larry Smith
Art Show (Hall 1): Jerome Scott, Elizabeth Klein-Lebbink
Staff: Bonnie Atwood, Janet Baernstien, Gary Bell, Joanne Belton,
Sherry Benoun, Melanie Breedlove, Kim Brown, Sanford Cohen, Maria
Covingtion, Bronwyn Dougherty, KT FitzSimmons,, Dekker Graden, Jo-Anne
Hall, John Hall, Allison Hershey, M J Jewel, Tina Klein-Lebbink,
Johnna Y. Klukas, Donna Long, Eric Long, Carol Lynn, Charles Matheny,
Winton E. Matthews, Chris Meredith, Mary Meredith, Kathleen Meyer,
Fuzzy Niven, Margaret Organ-Kean, Bob Passovoy, Bruce Payette, Elayne
Pelz, Maurita Plouff, Wes Plouff, James W. Reynolds, Pam Rice, Suzanne
Robinson, Andrea Senchy, Steve Simmons, Kris Smelser, Dave Stein,
Harold Stein, Shari Taylor, Beth Zipser, Mike Zipser
General Exhibits (Hall 2):
Commercial Exhibits: {TBD}
Fan Tables: {TBD}
Fan Exhibits: {TBD}
Dealers Room (Hall 3): Sally Kobee (pre-convention), Art and
Becky Henderson (at-convention)
Facilities Division
Division Managers: David Gallaher, Nancy Cobb
Facility Negotiators: Bobbi Armbruster, Ben Yalow
Facility Staff: Glenn Glazer, Andrew A. Adams
Safety Officers: Kurt Siegel, Sam Pierce
Party Maven: Richard Ney
Convention Operations: John Harold, Robbie Bourget
Staff: James Daniel Bishop, Noel Collyer, Rick Kovalcik,
Steve Lopata, Pat McMurray, Kurt C. Siegel, Neil Simpson, Tadao Tomamatsu,
Dave Tompkins
Suite Coordinator: Elspeth Kovar
Assistant: Roxanne Meida King
Fairy Godfather Division
Division Manager: David W. Clark
Deputy: Crickett Fox
Fairies: Anne Bennedsen, Greg Dougherty, Chris O'Halloran,
John O'Halloran, Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Daniel Spector, Maurine Starkey,
Karen Tully, and a cast of dozens.
WSFS Manager: Kevin Standlee
Hugo Administration: Kevin Standlee, John Lorentz
Online Hugo Nominating Ballot Designer: Erik Olson
Business Meeting Chair: Kevin Standlee
Deputy/Parliamentarian: Kent Bloom
Secretary: Cheryl Morgan
Timekeeper: Pat McMurray
Emergency Holographic Everything: Seth Breidbart
Mark Protection Committee: Cheryl Morgan
2005 Site Selection: Jim Briggs
Staff: Rick Katze, Dick Spelman, Steve Francis,
Todd Dashoff, Rowan Fairgrove
Advisor: Mark Linneman
Hospitality Division
Division Manager: Geri Sullivan
Deputy: Priscilla Olson
Coach: Bobbi Armbruster
Torcon III Shadow: {TBD}
Staff: Ulrika O'Brien
Con Suite: Sandra Childress
Deputy: Regina Reynante
Resort Management: Catherine Crockett, Gigi Gridley,
Christian McGuire, Michael "Lynx" Molisani, Anne KG Murphy,
Gregg Reynante
Cabana Boys and Girls: Tristan Anderson, Kris Bauer, Doug Faunt,
Keith Oshins
Lifeguard: Jack Targonski
On-Site Shopper: Kathy Fulton
Supplies: Katherine (Katt) Thornton
Staff: Nancy Kathleen Bruce, Cathy Green, Melinda Kimberly,
Grant Kruger, Cat M. Meier, Tracy Poole, John Yaskowich
Advisor: Naomi Fisher
Fan Lounge: Alan Rosenthal, Janice Murray
Deputy & Champion of Breakfasts: Marci Malinowycz
Staff: Neil Rest, Donya Hazard White
Fanspace: Geri Sullivan, Priscilla Olson
Staff: Gary Agin, Ulrika O'Brien
Member Services Division
Division Manager: Elaine Brennan
Aide-de-Camp: Sharon Sbarsky
Childcare/Liaison to KiddieCorp:
Elaine Brennan
Handicapped Access: {TBD}
Info Desk: {TBD}
Freebie Tables and Information Displays: {TBD}
Registration: Elaine Brennan
Deputy: Mark Herrup
Staff: A Cast of Dozens
Solutions Desk: {TBD}
Ribbons: Sharon Sbarsky
Sales to Members: Scott & Jane Dennis (Fo'Paws Productions)
Video Programming: {TBD}
Programming Division
Division Manager: Kathryn Daugherty
Guest of Honor Liaison: Elisa Sheets
Anime: Tracy Brown
Staff: Bay Area Animation Society
Auctions: Sandy Cohen
Autographing: Angela Penrose
BOFs/SIGs: Linda "Kitty" VonBraskat-Crowe
Dances: Greg Dougherty
Regency Dance: John Hertz
Modern Dance: Gary Alexander
Facilities Liaison: Tim Szczesuil
Assistant: Ann Broomhead
Filk: Seanan McGuire
Deputy: Kathy Mar
Staff: Kierin Bushore, Gwen Knighton, Dave Weingart
Fun and Games: Thomas Galloway
Gaming: Mike Beyer
Staff: John David Galt
Green Room: Linda Deneroff
Staff: Sandy Cohen, Sue Mohn, Ira Stoller
Guest of Honor Liaison: Elisa Sheets
Kaffeeklatches: Kathei Logue
Staff: Eva Whitley
Program Operations: Ian Stockdale
Staff: Adina Adler, Mary Ann Anthony, Jeff Beeler,
Tammy Coxen, Martin Easterbrook, Richard Foss, Cynthia Gonsalves,
Saul Jaffe, Ruth Leibig, Jim Mann, Laurie Mann, David Score, Deirdre
Saoirse Moen, Susan Wheeler
Program Database: Mary Ann Anthony, Ruth Leibig, Jim Mann
Mailings: Jim Mann, John Schmid
Program Participant Liaison: Rebekah Jensen
Programming Staff: Douglas Reay, Sharon Rush
Program Webmaster: Aidan Rogers
Writers Workshop: Adrienne Foster
Staff: Gerri Balter, Kent Brewster, Jennifer Carson,
Richard Chwedyk, Raymund Eich, Derek James, Devon Monk, Kevin O'Donnell
Jr., Ken Rand, Eric Witchey
Panel Consultants: Margaret Organ-Kean (Art), Janet Wilson
Anderson (Costuming), Bobie DuFault (DYR), Janice Gelb (Fan), David
Bratman (Fantasy), G. David Nordley (Hard SF, Science), Lee Whiteside
(Media), Mike Willmoth (Science), Deirdre Saoirse Moen (Writer/Publishing)
General Programming Consultants: James Stanley Daugherty, Mike
Glyer, Joyce Scrivner, Bill Humphries, Richard Mandrachio
Publications Division
Division Managers: Bob Daverin, Brenda Daverin
Publications Whip: Gary Alexander, Anne KG Murphy
Copyeditor: Anne KG Murphy
Program Book: Brenda Daverin, Bob Daverin
In Memoriam List: Teddy Harvia
Pocket Program, Progress Reports and Offline Publications:
Sue Ellen Adkins
At-Con Newsletters
Publisher: Robert Daverin
Editors: Matt Branstad, Michelle Boyce, Brenda
Staff: Douglas Berry, Mike Nelson, Hilary Ayer, Barbara Johnson-Haddad,
Julie Wall
Local Resources Guide: Lynn Gold
Restaurant Guide: Bruce Schneier, Karen Cooper
Hugo Awards Ceremony Program Book: Geri Sullivan
Webmaster: Lunatic E'Sex, Michael R. Bernstein, Bob Daverin,
Aahz Maruch, Diane Kurilecz
On-Line Information: Kevin Standlee, Elaine Brennan
Publicity: Rob Miles
Flyer Distribution: Paul Israel
Advertisement Coordinator: Sushmita Sen Majumdar
Local Media Adviser: Lynn Gold
Press Relations: Bart Kemper
At-Convention Press Office: Bart Kemper
Staff: Adrienne Foster, Rayma Kemper, Bill Farina, Charles
Mohapel, Bev Widder, Bill Widder
At-Convention Sign Shop: Sue Ellen Adkins
Support Services Division
Division Manager: Tony Cratz
Deputy: {TBD}
Corporate Liaison: Debbie Notkin
E-mail Services: Tony Cratz
Foreign Legion Commandant: James Stanley Daugherty
Canada: John Mansfield
Europe: Vince Docherty
United Kingdom: Steve Davies, Gulia De Cesare
Australia: Rose Mitchell
Information Technology: Mike Higashi
Staff: Deirdre Saorise Moen, Rick Moen, Eric Scott
PDA Software: Jossie Diaz, Bhroam Mann
Systems Administration: Jim Dennis
Tech Support: Jerry Tien
Internet Lounge: Heather Stern, Jim Dennis
Game Arcade: TJ Bayer
Logistics: {TBD}
At-Convention Office: Laura Domitz
Pre-Con Office: {TBD}
Mail Box: Cindy Scott
Staff Lounge: Jorell Clark
Technical Services: Carl "z!" Zwanzig
Network Engineering: Aaron Block
Staff: Steve Okay, Eric Scott
Production Stage Manager - Civic Auditorium: Bill Parker
Staff: Seth Breidbart, Karl Ginter, Ron Jarrell, David Josephson,
Paul Kraus, Bryan 'SMASH' Manternach, Jeff Poretsky, Ken Uhland
and a Cast of Tens
Volunteers: Peggy Rae Sapienza
Staff: Sharon Pierce, Bernard Bell, Barbara Karmazin,
Judith Kindell, Chris Marble, Dawn Plaskon