FAPA Mailing #114
February 1966
OE: Bruce Pelz

Ankus 18Bruce Pelz  8
Asp 8Bill Donaho  6
BT His Pages 15Bob_Tucker,_B.T._-_His_Pages">Bob Tucker, B.T. - His Pages  12
Deadwood 2George Locke  22
Fantasy Amateur V29#2Bruce Pelz  8
Goliard 838Karen Anderson  18
Horizons 105Harry Warner, Jr  24
Kteic Magazine 141Bill Rotsler  12
Pantopon 14Ruth_Berman">Ruth Berman  4
Rambling Fap 38Greg_Calkins">Greg Calkins  20
Spiane 2.5Len Moffatt  2
11 issues, 136 pages

   Updated 12/24/2024, 09:53:55
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