FAPA Mailing #141
November 1972
OE: Gregg Calkins

Bete Noire 24Redd Boggs  8
Bobolings 23Bob Pavlat  4
Brief Index - Fanzines Published by Me 2Terry Carr  4
Burblings A November 1972Charles Burbee  2
Different V4#1Sam Moskowitz  8
Dynatron 51Roy Tackett  6
Fantasy Amateur V36#1Gregg Calkins  8
FAPA Book 1, Mailings 1-16Bob Pavlat  14
FAPA Psychotic 1Richard E. Geis  2
Horizons 132Harry Warner, Jr  24
The Passing Parade 2Milt Stevens  24
11 issues, 104 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:26
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