FAPA Mailing #153
November 1975
OE: Gregg Calkins

The Best Lines are Forever on the FloorCharles Burbee  16
Cigar Roach for PresidentMike Glyer  2
Cognate November 1975Rosemary Hickey  2
The Devil's Work 33Norm Metcalf  6
The Devil's Work 34Norm Metcalf  3
Diaspar 17Terry Carr  14
Fantasy Amateur V39#4Redd Boggs  9
FAPA Book 4 Mailings 49-64Bob Pavlat  19
From Sunday to Saturday November 1975Don Fitch  8
Philistine Quarterly 7Don Markstein  4
Rambling Fap 71Greg Calkins  2
Synapse December 1975Jack Speer  12
12 issues, 97 pages

   Updated 02/25/2025, 17:44:35
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