FAPA Mailing #161
November 1977
OE: Bruce D. Arthurs

Bobolings 27Bob Pavlat  4
Diaspar 19Terry Carr  14
Different V4#4Sam Moskowitz  9
Dynatron 66Roy Tackett  8
FAPA Book 5, Mailings 65-80Bob Pavlat  31
Floccipaucinhilipilification 3Mike Glicksohn  10
Grue 41Dean Grennell  4
In the Gums of a Mumbling GaleJohn_Bangsund">John Bangsund  4
Iris 7Don_Markstein">Don Markstein  4
Of Cabbages & Kings (and Baby Turtles) Nov 1977Peggy Rae Pavlat  4
10 issues, 92 pages

   Updated 12/24/2024, 09:53:55
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