FAPA Mailing #23
March 1943
OE: Al Ashley

Collected Verse - Fragments of a Broken DreamLouis Russell Chauvenet  31
En Garde 5Al Ashley, Abby Lu Ashley  16
FA Lean-To Annex #1Al Ashley  3
FA Lean-To V1#2Al Ashley  1
Fan-Tods 2Norman Francis Stanley  14
Fantasy Amateur V6#3Al Ashley  11
The Fighting FanArt Widner  7
Flight UnknownManson Brackney  5
Horizons 15Harry Warner, Jr  12
Madman of Mars 4Forrest J Ackerman  4
Matters of Opinion 13Jack Speer  8
Midge 1James Kepner, Mike Fern  2
Milty's Mag 12Milton A. Rothman  8
Moonshine 2Leonard Moffatt  1
Nucleus V4#1Gertrude Kuslan  8
Sardonyx 8L. R. Chauvenet  19
The StefanAl Ashley  4
Sustaining Program 17Jack Speer  15
Walt's Wramblings 4Walt Liebscher  4
Wudgy Tales #1Phil Bronson  7
YHOS 6Art Widner  13
21 issues, 193 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:26
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