FAPA Mailing #41
October 1947
OE: Charles Burbee

Fandango 15Francis T. Laney  6
Fanomena 1Andy Lyon  10
Fantasy Amateur V12#1Charles Burbee  7
FAPA Flypaper #0Dale Hart  1
Frappe 1Virginia Blish  10
Glom 9Forrest J Ackerman  4
Grulzak 2Joe Kennedy  12
Half-Length ArticlesAndy Anderson  12
Horizons 32Harry Warner, Jr  12
Moonshine 8Leonard Moffatt  14
Phanteur 4Donald B. Thompson  10
Plenum 7Milt Rothman  16
RequiemBetty Perdue / Elmer Perdue  10
Slithy Toves 2Gus Willmorth  4
Synapse Fall 1947Jack Speer  22
A Tale of the 'Evans 17E. Everett Evans  14
TangentsMike Fern  2
Wild Hair 1Charles Burbee, Cy Condra, Roger Graham, F. Towner Laney, Sydney Stibbard, Art Widner  16
18 issues, 182 pages

   Updated 02/25/2025, 17:44:35
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