FAPA Mailing #48
August 1949
OE: F. Towner Laney

Cygni 7Boff Perry  17
Fantasy Commentator 23A. Langley Searles  30
Horizons 39Harry Warner, Jr  12
Leer 1Charles Lee Riddle  18
Light 39Leslie A. Croutch  12
Light 40Leslie A. Croutch  12
Light 41Leslie A. Croutch  12
Mindwarp 1Art Rapp  16
Moonshine 15Leonard Moffatt / Rick Sneary / Stan Woolston  20
Proclamation!Len Moffatt  1
Sky Hook 7Redd Boggs  24
11 issues, 174 pages

   Updated 07/26/2024, 12:23:00
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