SAPS Mailing #70
January 1965
OE: Bruce Pelz

Collector January 1965Howard DeVore  4
Excelsior 2Arnie Katz  12
The Golden Harp 2Dian Pelz  10
Mistily Meandering 11Fred Patten  11
Niflheim 10David G. Hulan  15
Pleasure Units 9Gordon Eklund  14
Retro 35F. M. Busby  12
Spacewarp 80Art Rapp  10
The Spectator 70Bruce Pelz  5
The SpeleoBem 26Bruce Pelz  16
Spy Ray January 1965Dick Eney  22
11 issues, 131 pages

   Updated 07/26/2024, 12:23:10
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