All APAs
SAPS, the Spectator Amateur Press Society was the third fannish APA. Founded in 1947, it’s still active. SAPS has no fixed body of rules, the OE being omnicompetent except insofar as custom and the threat of revolution limits him. He is the only functioning officer. For more info, see


Mailing Date Editor #Fanzines #Pages
11947Maddox, Ron1    8    
2(undated)2    15    
3(undated)1    4    
4Jul 19481    16    
5(undated)1    10    
6Dec 19481    6    
7Apr 19493    12    
8Jul 19492    17    
9Oct 19491    14    
10Jan 19502    28    
11Apr 19501    6    
12Jul 19503    54    
13Oct 1950Coslet, Walter1    4    
14Jan 1951Eney, Dick2    18    
15Apr 1951Eney, Dick2    21    
16Jul 1951Eney, Dick5    88    
17Oct 1951Eney, Dick17    137    
18Jan 1952Coslet, Walter3    24    
20Jul 1952Coslet, Walter2    26    
21Oct 1952Black, Gordon L.9    119    
22Dec 1952Black, Gordon L.3    25    
23Mar 1953Black, Gordon L.2    49    
24Jun 1953Black, Gordon L.2    32    
25Sep 1953Ballard, Wrai5    70    
26Dec 1953Ballard, Wrai6    167    
27Mar 1954Ballard, Wrai6    106    
28Jun 1954Ballard, Wrai5    111    
29Sep 1954Gerding, Nan5    88    
30Dec 1954Gerding, Nan4    90    
31Mar 1955Anderson, Karen2    38    
32Jun 1955Anderson, Karen2    48    
33Sep 1955Anderson, Karen1    18    
34Jan 1956Anderson, Karen4    46    
35Mar 1956Anderson, Karen5    116    
37(undated)2    37    
38(undated)1    43    
39(undated)2    39    
40(undated)1    32    
41(undated)2    59    
42Jan 1958Share, Nancy3    50    
43(undated)1    6    
44(undated)1    20    
45(undated)1    34    
46Jan 19598    109    
47Apr 19595    72    
48Jul 19594    72    
49Oct 19595    196    
50Jan 196022    408    
51Apr 1960Toskey, Burnett13    257    
52Jul 1960Eney, Dick9    246    
53Oct 1960Eney, Dick12    246    
54Jan 1961Eney, Dick8    146    
55Apr 1961Eney, Dick8    152    
56Jul 1961Pelz, Bruce6    116    
57Oct 1961Pelz, Bruce6    119    
58Jan 1962Pelz, Bruce6    110    
59Apr 1962Pelz, Bruce15    247    
60Jul 1962Pelz, Bruce12    142    
61Oct 1962Pelz, Bruce12    238    
62Jan 1963Pelz, Bruce15    230    
63Apr 1963Pelz, Bruce12    130    
64Jul 1963Pelz, Bruce14    169    
65Oct 1963Pelz, Bruce14    145    
66Jan 1964Pelz, Bruce13    116    
67Apr 1964Pelz, Bruce8    81    
68Jul 1964Pelz, Bruce6    54    
69Oct 1964Pelz, Bruce7    47    
70Jan 1965Pelz, Bruce13    178    
71Apr 1965Pelz, Bruce9    141    
72(undated)6    67    
73Oct 1965Pelz, Bruce5    35    
74Jan 1966Pelz, Bruce6    67    
75Apr 19663    36    
76(undated)4    47    
77Oct 1966Ballard, Wrai2    47    
78(undated)3    36    
79Apr 1967Ballard, Wrai2    12    
80(undated)6    33    
81Oct 1967Hulan, Dave1    32    
82(undated)1    11    
83(undated)2    21    
84Jul 1968Busby, F. M. & Elinor5    50    
85(undated)3    27    
87Apr 1969Busby, F. M & E.1    4    
93(undated)2    12    
94(undated)1    36    
95Apr 1971Webbert, Jim & Webbert, Doreen2    72    
96Jul 1971Webbert, Jim & Webbert, Doreen2    44    
97(undated)1    84    
100(undated)6    172    
101Oct 1972Webbert, Jim & Webbert, Doreen1    104    
102Jan 1973Webbert, Jim & Webbert, Doreen3    34    
104(undated)2    9    
105Oct 1973Webbert, Jim & Webbert, Doreen1    5    
107Apr 1974Webbert, Jim & Webbert, Doreen1    4    
108(undated)2    24    
109(undated)3    30    
110(undated)1    20    
111Apr 1975Webbert, Jim & Webbert, Doreen2    12    
112(undated)3    17    
113(undated)1    4    
143(undated)1    12    
144(undated)2    28    
145(undated)1    4    
146(undated)1    4    
147(undated)1    4    
148(undated)2    20    
150(undated)1    4    
151(undated)1    4    
152(undated)1    4    
154(undated)1    4    

111 mailings, 484 issues, 7414 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:27
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