SFPA Mailing #13
September 1964
OE: Joe Staton

Bel-Marduk 1Jim Harkness  10
Cliffhangers and Others 6Rick Norwood  10
Constitution of the Southern Fandom Press AllianceJoe Staton  2
DamnYankee 2Arnie Katz  8
DamnYankee 3Arnie Katz  4
dol drum 4Dave Locke  12
Endless Shadow 1David Mitchell  6
Excalibur 7Lenny Bailes / Arnie Katz  38
Excalibur 8Lenny Bailes / Arnie Katz  30
Important noticeAl Andrews  1
The Invader 4Joe Staton  14
IscarioT 13Al Andrews / Richard Ambrose  38
Manndate 1Richard Mann  12
Nothing 1Richard Mann  2
Phoenix 9Dave Locke  22
The Pulp Era 61Lynn Hickman  28
The Southerner 13Joe Staton  2
Sporadic 12Bill Plott  6
Stranger Than Fact V2N1Jim Harkness  36
Such and Such 1Hank Luttrell  2
Utgard 2Dave Hulan  12
Warlock 5Larry Montgomery  36
Zaje Zaculo 3Lenny Bailes  8
23 issues, 339 pages

   Updated 02/25/2025, 17:44:35
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