SFPA Mailing #216
July 2000
OE: Toni Weisskopf

Avatar Press V2#9Randy B. Cleary  10
Beach BlanketedGuy Lillian III  10
C4 #1George Wells  1
Comments 8Steve Hughes  13
Frequent Flyer July 2000Tom Feller  4
The Frozen Weblog 1Arthur Hlavaty  2
Geek RantJeff Copeland  28
Guilty Pleasures July 2000Eve Ackerman  10
Home With The Armadillo 42Liz Copeland  20
The New Port News 192Ned Brooks  10
OhmighodMike Weber  16
Passages 6Janet Larson  8
Peter Pan and Merry 30David Schlosser  13
Restless 1Nicki Lynch  6
Revenant 2Sheila Strickland  7
The Southerner 216 postmailingToni Weisskopf  1
The Southerner 216Toni Weisskopf  4
The Sphere 187Don Markstein  6
Spiritus Mundi 178Guy Lillian III  15
Tennessee Trash 36Gary Robe  6
This is Not a Minaczine 100Rich Lynch  22
Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazzette #65Richard Dengrove  22
Tyndallite V2#86Norm Metcalf  5
Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores 22Gary Brown  2
24 issues, 241 pages

   Updated 07/26/2024, 12:23:12
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