SFPA Mailing #224
November 2001
OE: Jeff Copeland

2001 SFPA Egoboo Poll ResultsJeff Copeland  5
AaaaYiiiGuy Lillian III  4
Avatar Press V2#18Randy B. Cleary  8
Bartland's Unfamiliar Quotations, Part TwoJeff Copeland  52
Challenger 14 SelectionsGuy Lillian III  59
Challenger 15Guy Lillian III  108
Comments 13Steve Hughes  19
Frequent Flyer November 2001Tom Feller  4
Guilty Pleasures 21Eve Ackerman  4
Handcuffs and Peanut ButterJeff Copeland  28
Home With The Armadillo 50Liz Copeland  16
It Goes On the Shelf #23Ned Brooks  1
Mysterious DestinationsMike Weber  26
The New Port News 200Ned Brooks  10
Passages 11Janet Larson  6
Peter Pan and Merry 40David Schlosser  8
Portraits of GriefJeff Copeland  6
Revenant 9Sheila Strickland  13
The Southerner 224Jeff Copeland  4
The Southerner 224.1Jeff Copeland  1
The Sphere 195Don Markstein  6
Spiritus Mundi 186Guy_Lillian_III">Guy Lillian III  13
Tennessee Trash 44Gary Robe  12
To George Wells from Allie CopelandAllie Copeland  1
Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette #73Richard Dengrove  26
Tyndallite V3#98Norm Metcalf  8
Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores 30Gary Brown  2
Variations on a Theme 9Rich Lynch  4
28 issues, 454 pages

   Updated 12/24/2024, 09:54:02
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