The 1995 World Science Fiction Convention to be held in Glasgow, Scotland.
From 24th August 1995 until 28th August 1995 (inclusive).
Membership Information - How to join.
Guests - Intersection Guests of Honour.
Please Help - Volunteer to help the Intersection staff.
Stop Press - Latest Information.
README.pdf - Guide as to what's on at the con. (In Acrobat PDF/Postscript - Gizipped/Postscript)
grid.pdf - Daily guide as to what's on at the con presented in tabular grid, to be used with the README. (In Acrobat PDF/Postscript - Gizipped/Postscript)
Hotel Information - Information and a hotel booking Form.
Restaurant Information - Review of Glasgow Restaurants
Science Programme (courtesy of
Progress Report Articles - Some articles from the progress reports.
High Road - A List of articles for people coming to Intersection. (does not seem to be available at
Information Updates - Regular updates from Vince Docherty.
Lost Members - List of folk that we do not have addresses for.
Search - Search the Intersection Files, by keyword.
Scottish Hotlist - Scottish information on the Net.
SF Hotlist - SF sites on the Net.