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July 24, 2024
Fancyclopedia: Many thanks to Mike Benveniste for his help on the gnarly underside of Fancyclopedia. It's not the first time Mike has been the cavalry. Thanks, Mike!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--APA-L OO. Added an index page for APA-L's covers and contents, beginning with #16 (Feb 65). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell (aka Hildifons Took). Thanks, Sumner!
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added 2 issues: #1 (May 47), and an issue of Burblings combined with Elmurmurings 1 (Elmer Perdue) from Jul 47.
--brg, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 more issues of Bruce's apazind (ANZAPA): #35-37 (Aug 03-Apr 04), 40 (Feb 05) and 47 (Dec 06). Provided by Perry Middlemiss, with pdfs by Bruce Gillespie. Thanks, Bruce and thanks, Perry.
--Chuckles, Joy-Lynd Chamberlain. Add 4 issues of this brief apazine (APA-V) from the mid 90s.
--DamnYankee, Arnie Katz. Added #4 (Dec 64) of this apazine (SFPA). Scans by Rich Lynch.
--Fan-Dango, Francis T. Laney. Added #14 (Sum 47). Fan-Dango is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Fantasy Amateur, Elmer Perdue. Added 2 issues: Spr and Sum 47.
--Harold W. Cheney, Jr., Harold W. Cheney Jr. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us eponymous apazine (FAPA) from 1947.
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 6 issues of Bruce's apazine (APA-L): 16 (Feb 65), 252-255 (Sep 70) and 257 (Oct 70). Scan for #16 by Sumner Hunnewell. Thanks, Sumner!
--Ichor, Dale Hart. Added #2 (Jul 47). We may have the full run. Pavlat-Evans only lists 1 issue, and we now have 3 onlne.
--Manndate, Richard Mann. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (SFPA) from the mid 60s. Scans by Rich Lynch. I don't know if I ever thanked Rich Mann for his permission to put up his zines, so thanks Rich Mann! And thanks Rich Lynch!
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added 27 issues from 1993, completing the first half of that year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/19/2024 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Niddhoggr, Dave Hulan. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L and APA-F) from 1965. Issue 7 was scanned by Sumner Hunnewell. I don't know if I ever thanked Dave for his permission to put up his zines, so thanks, Dave and thanks, Sumner!
--Slithy Toves, Gus Wilmorth. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 1947 apazine (FAPA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--A Tale of the Evans, E. Everett Evans. Added #16 (Sum 47).
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Curtis. Added 5 issues: 89-93 (Sep 97 - Jan 98). Thanks, Jeanne.

July 20, 2024
FANAC expects to have a scanning station at the Glasgow worldcon, so if you have fanzines that are not on the site, bring them and we'll scan them during the convention. We do have to remove the staples to scan them, and if the zines are perfect bound we may not be able to do it at con. Note that we don't put fanzines up without permission, so if we don't already have the permission, they won't go on line quickly. Stop by and get your FanHistory ribbon too! Hope to see you there.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #267-271 (Oct 09-Feb 10). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--ANZAPA OBO. Added 6 issues: 231-235 (Bruce Gillespie, Jun 06- Feb 07) and 339 (David Grigg, Jun 24). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Australian SF Newsletter, Merv Binns. Added 4 issues: Apr 62, Jan 66, Apr 66 and May 66. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Boy's Own Fanzine, Leigh Edmonds and John Foyster. Added the brief #3 (Sep 71). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin.
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's perzine: 19 (Aug 97), 27 (Apr 00), 29 (Feb 01), 31 (Aug 01) and 34 (Feb 03). Scans by Bruce Gillespie and provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Bruce, and thanks, Perry.
--Fan-Tods, Norman Francis Stanley. Added #16 (Mar 47). There's a Bob Tucker article, a review by Thomas Gardner and a proof by Chan Davis.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the July 2024 issue of this perzine. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Plenum, Milt Rothman. Added 2 issues: #5-6 (Apr-Jul 47).
--Searchlight, Timothy Green Beckley. Added 2 more issues of this related (UFO/Shaver) zine: 20-21 (66).
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #117 (Jul 2024). This is "a part 3 of the 55th anniversary edition". Thanks, Bruce!
--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Added 2 issues: Mar 47 and Spr 47.
--The, Richard Harter. Added 5 issues of this apazine (APA-L) from the 70s: 7-8, 13-15, all from 1972.

PDF Replacements: The Australian Science Ficton Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs: 18 (Sep 94), 25 (Feb 95) and 27-29 (Mar 95). PDFing by Perry Middlemiss, with scans from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.

July 17, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 3 items (one of which may belong elsewhere): Fapanthology (Art Rapp, Feb 50), ONSHE (Dave Cohen, Dec 56), and Typo 1 (Michael Moorcock and Jim Linwood, Spr 57). Typo 1 was scanned by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: 261 (Apr 09), 263-266 (Jun-Sep 09). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--ANZAPA - One Shots and Misc. Added this index page for One Shots and Miscellaneous, beginning with 2 items: "A Literary Fragment" from Marc Ortlieb (Feb 93) and a flyer for the Australian Science Fiction Foundation (Oct 92). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Australian SF Newsletter, Merv Binns. Added 5 issues (Apr 59-Jan 62), and replaced the single issue that we had online before with a searchable PDF. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Burroughsania, Michael Moorcock. Added #1 (Apr 56). Scan by John Davey and provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob and John!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the last 2 issues: June and July 2024. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the July 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Het BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues of this brief apazine (APA-L) from 1970: 246-247 (Jul 70), 249-251 (Jul-Aug 70).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/12/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the July 2024 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue (Stampede Rodeo). Thanks, Dale.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the July 2024 issue. Thanks, George.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 5 issues: 37 (Jan 56), 45 (Oct 56), 54 (Jul 57), 58-59 (Nov-Dec 57). Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan. These issues were provided by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!

PDF conversions and issue updates: The Australian Science Ficton Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced 6 issues with searchable PDFs: 52-55 (Apr-Jun 96), 57 (Jul 96) and 60 (Aug 96). PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.

July 14, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Arniniel, Dan Goodman. Added 2 issues of this brief, new-to-us apazine (APA-F) from 65.
--The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Added 5 issues: 166-168 (Apr-May 01), 170-171 (Jun 01). Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry!
--Crudzine Quarterly, rich brown. Added #30 of this apazine (APA-F) from Apr 65.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/5/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added another 26 issues from 1992, completing the year of 1992. Thanks, Evelyn!
--OPO, Dick and Pat Lupoff. Added #45 (May 65). "OPO" is for "One Page Only".
--Sagana, John Boardman. Added 2 issues of this brief, new-to-us apazine (APA-F) from the mid60s.
--Science Fiction Review, Robert Franson. Added 2 items: A 1963 subscription form, and an October 1964 Index of the first 31 issues.
--Sci-Fi Showcase, Tom Dupree. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid60s. Contributors to #5 include Hank Luttrell and Joe Staton.
--Scrimshaw, Bill Blackbeard. Added 2 issues of this brief, new-to-us apazines (APA-F and APA-L) from the mid 60s.
--Searchlight, Timothy Green Beckley. Added 4 issues of this UFO/Shaver related zine: 15-19 (66).
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 items, each of which is a double issue: 153-156 (Jul-Aug 74), 161-162 (Oct 74), 167-170 (Nov-Dec 74). Provided by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--The, Richard Harter. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 70s.

July 10, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's perzine: 14-18 (Aug 95-Apr 97). Scans by Bruce Gillespie, and provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Bruce! Thanks, Perry!
--Cliffhangers and Others, Rick Norwood. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s apazine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added the June 2024 issue of Perry's apazine. Thanks, Perry.
--maLAise,Dave Van Arnam. Added 4 issues: 13 (Jan 65), 21 (Mar 65), 25 (Apr 65), 30 (May 65).
--N'APA Yap. OO of N'APA. Added #4 (Mar 60), edited by Guy Terwilleger.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Stampede Parade 2024 (most recent) issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Phoenix, Dave Locke. Added #9 (Sep 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--PowWow, Joyce Katz. Added 6 issues of this brief apazine (APA-V) from 1996. Added #33038 (Jun-Dec 96).
--The Seldon Seen, Sam Bellotto. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine from 1967. This is the "official science-fiction fan magazine of the harry seldon foundation society".
--Space Trails, Ken Krueger. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us genzine. The first is from Sum 47 and features Bob Tucker's "Prison Planet". the 2nd is from 53 and features Toby Duane's "The Old One".
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 6 issues of this perzine: #83-88 (Feb-Aug 97). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Yum, John Roles. Added 2 of these Christmas greeting zines (56-57). Each year, Roles added another "Yum", so the 3rd issue is Yum Yum Yum 3, and the 4th is Yum Yum Yum Yum 4.

July 6, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: 239 (Jun 07), 254-257 (Sep-Dec 08). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the Merv Binns collection. Thanks, Perry.
--Booklist, Ron Holmes. Booklists were done for the British Fantasy Library, so I've added Rob's latest scan, the British Fantasy Library Catalogue 1948, to this index page. Thanks, Rob!
--Dangerous Jade, Aileen Forman. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us brief apazine (APA-V) from the mid 90s.
--D'Journal, Bob Tucker. Added #1 (Jan 39), thereby completing the run. Many thanks to David Ritter for spotting this in the Only-Need-One-Issue  list, and providing the scan to us. Thanks, David!
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the July 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Gremlinkin, Ellie Turner. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-F) from the mid 60s.
--Guano, Arthur Hayes. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this apazine (N'APA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #144 (July 24). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Jazz Fan, Michael Moorcock. Added #7 (May 57). Scan by John Davey, by way of Rob Hansen. Thanks, John and thanks Rob!
--Melbourne Science Fiction Club. Also known as the MSFC, today added 5 publications from the club from 59-71, including book lists and an information sheet. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--New Cat Sand, Calvin Demmon. Added #3 (Nov 67).
--Out of the Bin, Merv Binns. Added 6 items: Oct 06, Apr and Dec 07, Sep and Nov 13, along with a 2006 COA. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Portland Science-Fantasy Society News Bulletin. Added V2#6 (Nov 49), edited by J.M. Higbee. This issue includes the official announcement that "the NORWESCON COMMITTEE is not officially connected with the Portland Science-Fantasy Society but is a separate orgainzation coposed of indivudals who are largely members of PSFS." The lead stroy in the newsletter is "Nudist Colony Closes".
--Small Mammal, Margaret Austin and Martin Easterbrook. Added 5 issues and created an index page for this 80s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scans by Mark Plummer. Thanks, Mark!

PDF conversions and issue updates: Ansible, Dave Langford. Replaced 22 issues with searchable PDFs: #43 (Jun 85), 94-96 (May-Jul 96), 98 (Sep 95), 103 (Feb 96), 112 (Nov 96), 115-118 (Feb-May 97), 121 (Jul 97), 130-131 (May-Jun 98), 136 (Nov 98), 138-141 (Jan-Apr 99), 143 (Jun 99). PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!

Corrections and Clarifications: APA45 OO. Thanks to Mark Plummer for figuring out from the mailing comments that the OO was likely titled "XLV". Thanks, Mark!

July 3, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 10 titles: Dinky Bird 23 (Ruth Berman, Jul 67), Dormouse 9 (Marc Ortlieb, Oct 81), The Gamesman 2 (Don Miller and Creath Thorne, Jun 65), Gyre 1 (Lon Atkins, Jun 65), Hog Jowls and Peanut Brittle 1 (Tom Dupree, Jun 5), Journal of the Society of the Golden Jug 3 (Henry Stine, Jun 65), Natterjack 6 (Lenny Bailes, Jun 65), The Rogue 2 (Stephen Barr, Jun 65), Romann 5 (Rich Mann, Jun 65), and Troglodyte 5 (Hank Luttrell, Jun 65. Scan for Dormouse 9 by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
. --Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 2 issues: #442-443 (May-Jun 24).
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's apazine (ANZAPA): #9-13 (Oct 93-Jun 95). Scans provided by Bruce Gillespie. Thanks, Bruce!
--The Huckleberry Finnzine, Lynn Hickman. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s apazine (OMPA, SFPA), relocating the issue that had been in Hickman-Other Publictions. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 6/28/2024 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--ODD, Raymond Fischer. Added #21 (71). More precisely, according to the first page, this is a photocopied version of Odd 21 that Joyce Katz received in Aug 78 from Dave Hall. She believed that the zine was actually produced in 1971. Thanks to Andy Hooper for providing this scan. Thanks, Andy!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the June 2024 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Polaris, Paul Freehafer. Added #5 (Dec 40) to complete the run. The contributor list: Doc Lowndes, Duane Rimel, Ted Carnell, Forrest J Ackerman, Harry Warner Jr and Damon Knight. Many thanks to David Ritter for providing this scan upon realizing it was the last issue we needed. Thanks, David!
--References - Fan Histories. Added: SF Fandom in Melbourne As I Remember It Part 1 (Merv Binns, May 02). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 items: #142-144 (May 74), 146-148 (June 74), and 151-152 (Jun 74). There are several double issues in the list. These fanzines were provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--The Southerner. Added 3 SFPA related items to this index page, as this is the OO of SFPA. Added: The SFPA Constitution (Joe Staton OE, Sep 64), the SFPA 1964 Egoboo Poll Results (Bill Plott OE, Jun 64) and "If I Am Elected" (Joe Staton, Jun 64). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the July 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Alpha, Jan Jansen and Dave Vendelmans. Not a correction nor a clarification but an improvement. Replaced the Oct 55 issue with a better copy. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Nothing, Rich Mann. Not a correction nor a clarification but an improvement. Replaced #3 with a better copy. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Sandra Bond, Bill Burns, Janice Gelb, Aron Insinga, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Mark Plummer, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks to all!

June 29, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 5 items, mostly from a scan of FAPA 42: The Fifth (World's Fair) Convention (Jack Robins, Dec 40), Lone Indian Fraternity (Ray Higgs, Feb 48), Mi Skribas 1 (Rick Sneary, Feb 48)), Old and Rare 1 (Don Wilson, Mar 48) and SOIPDALGEIF (Rog Philips Graham, Don Wilson, Rex Ward and Charles Burbee, Jan 48). The Fifth (World's Fair) Convention piece is "a series of articles written by Jack Robins in July 1939, but published only in 1940." The zine also has an account of the July 1939 Futurian meeting.
--APA45. Added an index page for the APA45 OO and other APA docs. Added today: Bylaws (Richie Benyo, Apr 64) and APA45 1 Contents (Richie Benyo, October 64}. Did APA45 have a named OO? Someone tell me please. Thanks.
--Banshee, Larry Shaw. Added #7 (Mar 45), completing the run. Includes an article by John Michel on Hannes Bok, and a piece of fiction by Judy Zissman (Merrill). Many thanks to David Ritter for providing this scan upon realizing it was the last issue we needed to complete the run, and a posthumous thanks to Alistair Durie for scanning it.
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's apazine (ANZAPA): #3-7 (Sep 91-Feb 93). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Crossoid, Ross Chamberlain. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us APAzine (APA-F) from 1965.
--Dangerous Crudzines, Elst Weinstein. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the mid 70s.
--Degler, Andrew Porter. Added 2 issues of this APAzine (APA-F): #47-48 (Mar 65). This is the 3nd number 48 so one of them is misnumbered.
--FFANZ. Added the 1995-96 nomination solicitation form from Tim Jones. Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--IscarioT, Al Andrews and Richard Ambrose. Added V3#12 (Jun 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. added 27 issues from 1992, completing the first half of the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Alliance Amateur. Added 2 items: #25 (Fred Patten, Jun 65) and 28 (Bruce Pelz, Mar 66). N'APA Yap changed it's name to Alliance Amateur somewhere around 1965. Because of the name change, I didn't realize what this was, so one of these was relocated from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Nothing, Richard Mann. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA45, SFPA). Issues 3-4 are one page experiments with reproduction (the printing kind). Scan for #1 by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Roll of the Dice, Peggy Burke. Added 4 issues of this brief APAzine (APA-V) from the mid90s.
--Scientifictionist, Henry Elsner. Added #8 (Feb 47) to "extra" complete the run. Pavlat-Evans only lists 7 for this zine. Contributors to #8 include Jack Speer and Thomas Gardner. Now, thanks to David Ritter, we have the scan for #8. Thanks, David!

June 26, 2024
Many thanks to Conversation, the 2023 Eastercon, for their generous contribution to We appreciate all your help!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 items: Swerve 2 (Arnie Katz, Apr 95), Till the Morning Comes (Lenny Bailes, 89), Turkey Trot 2 (Arnie Katz, Mar 77), Wind 1 (Joyce Katz, Aug 92), and Wood Pulp 3 (Woody Bernardi, 05). Wind 1 is full of poetry.
--APA-tizer, Ken Forman. Added 2 issues of this APAzine (APA-V): 12-13 (Mar-Apr 95). This is the 2nd number 12.
--Cauldron Bubble, Bill Blackbeard. Added #18 (Mar 65) of this APAzine (APA-F).
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added Dagon 15 (Feb 65) and 41 (Apr 65).
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the June 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--No Goat's Toe/No Goat's Kneecap, Geri Sullivan. Added 3 issues of No Goat's Toe, created an index page for this 90s zine, and relocated No Goat's Kneecap from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. These zines are publication, notes, LoCs, and so on related to other zines Geri worked on - "Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator...To the Enchanted Convention" and SFFY 9.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Summer Solstice 2024 issue and updated the cumulative index. Thanks, Dale.
--Out of the Bin, Merv Binns. Added 5 more of these perzines: 28-32 (Aug-Dec 04). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--PowWow, Joyce Katz. Added 5 issues of this APAzine (APA-V): 19-20 (Apr-Jun 95), and 30-32 (Apr-Jun 96).
--References. Added Walt Daugherty's "Directory of Fandom" from Apr 42. Daugherty lists Claude Degler in this edition. He does not in the 2nd publication from 1944.
--Sol, Mario Kwiat and Thomas Schluck. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid60s. This is an English language fanzine from Germany. We start with issue 38, so it may be that earlier issues are in German.
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 items: #136-141 (Apr 74). One of these is a double issue. Provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.

This site is sponsored by the Florida Association for Nucleation And Conventions (F. A. N. A. C.), Inc. which is sponsored by MagiCon, the 1992 World Science Fiction Convention.

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Updated July 24, 2024. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.

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