APA-L Mailing #16
February 1965
OE: uncredited

All Digression Weekly 3Milt Stevens  6
APA-L OO 16uncredited  2
B-roll Negative 2Ted Johnstone  2
Barricini 1Mike McInerney  1
Deception 16Richard Mann  2
Expletive 7Bjo Trimble  8
First Draft 47Dave Van Arnam  2
The Gallant Gallstone 16Jack Harness  1
Gremlinkin 7Ellie Turner  3
HET BPEMR 16Bruce Pelz  2
The House of the Games 4Dwain Kaiser  6
Ipzik! 16Lenny Bailes  2
maLAise 14Dave Van Arnam  6
Niddhoggr 7Dave Hulan  3
O #5Dan Alderson  2
OPO 30Richard Lupoff, Pat Lupoff  1
OPO 31Richard Lupoff, Pat Lupoff  2
Rabanos Radiactivos! 16Fred Patten  2
18 issues, 53 pages

   Updated 02/25/2025, 17:44:35
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