FAPA Mailing #109
November 1964
OE: Bruce Pelz

Asp 3Bill Donaho  12
Bobolings 11Bob Pavlat  10
Deadwood 1George Locke  29
Descant 12Norm Clarke, Gina Ellis Clarke  26
Fantasy Amateur V28#1Bruce Pelz  10
Goliard 835Karen Anderson  18
Horizons 100Harry Warner, Jr  26
Null-F #36Ted White  1
Null-F #37Ted White  2
Poor Richard's Almanac 19rich brown / Steve Stiles  8
Rambling Fap 35Greg Calkins  10
Self-Preservation 6Lee Hoffman  20
Sercon's Bane 22F. M. Busby  12
Vandy 23Buck Coulson, Juanita Coulson  20
14 issues, 204 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:26
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