FAPA Mailing #130
February 1970
OE: Officialdom

520 07 0328 #4Elmer Perdue  12
Bobolings 19Bob Pavlat  6
Futurian Commentator 12Roy Tackett  5
Godot 11Mike Deckinger  8
Grandfather Stories February 1970Howard DeVore  2
Great Art Should Never be Mushed UpFred Patten  27
Grue 33Dean Grennell  11
High Tobey 1Dian Pelz  10
Horizons 121Harry Warner, Jr  24
Le Moindre 1970Boyd Raeburn  8
Mirage 9Jack Chalker  43
Rambling Fap 47Greg Calkins  12
Sercon's Bane 43F. M. Busby  7
Trill 8Charles Wells  7
Vandy 32Buck Coulson, Juanita Coulson  8
A Whimper, Maybe?Bob Tucker  1
The World's Greatest Fannish Crossword PuzzleCharles Wells  3
17 issues, 194 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:26
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