FAPA Mailing #131
May 1970
OE: Officialdom

Bete Noire 19Redd Boggs  8
Bobolings 20Bob Pavlat  4
Descant 16Norm Clarke, Gina Ellis Clarke  10
Die Schmetterling 7R. Schultz  42
Fantasy Amateur V33#3Bob Pavlat  10
Helen's Fantasia May 1970Helen Wesson  15
Horizons 122Harry Warner, Jr  24
Moonshine 39Leonard Moffatt / June Moffatt / Rick Sneary / Stan Woolston  32
New Cat Sand 5Calvin Demmon  8
Null-F #47Ted White  2
Of Cabbages & Kings (and Baby Turtles) 5Peggy Rae Pavlat  3
Rambling Fap 48Greg Calkins  18
Rambling Fap 49Greg Calkins  29
Snickersnee V4#3Bob Silverberg  8
14 issues, 213 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:26
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