FAPA Mailing #30A
November 1944
OE: Larry Shaw

Adulux Beskan 3Donald A. Wollheim  1
Browsing #9J. Michael Rosenblum  10
Doctor Ashley and Mr. LowndesRobert Lowndes  5
Fandango 7Francis T. Laney  14
Fantasy Amateur V8#2Larry Shaw  6
Fantasy Commentator 4A. Langley Searles  20
FAPA Variety 11Bob Tucker  4
Milty's Mag 17Milton A. Rothman  6
The Phantagraph 49Donald Wollheim  10
The Phantagraph 50Donald Wollheim  6
The Phantagraph 51Donald Wollheim  6
Star-BoundLarry Farsaci  30
Tag-Line Musings?George Ebey / Bill Watson  7
Twilight Echoes 2Joe Fortier  4
Zizzle-Pop 3L. R. Chauvenet  1
15 issues, 130 pages

   Updated 07/26/2024, 12:23:00
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