FAPA Mailing #29
September 1944
OE: Larry Shaw

Agenbite of Inwit #6Robert W. Lowndes  10
An Anonymous CivilianBill Watson  2
Banshee #5Larry Shaw  28
Banshee #6Larry Shaw  20
Beyond #3Rosco E. Wright  18
Browsing #7J. Michael Rosenblum  6
Caliban 6Larry Shaw  6
Cushlamochree 1Walter Daugherty  6
Cushlamochree 2Walter Daugherty  10
Elmurmurings 3Elmer Perdue  9
En Garde 11Al Ashley, Abby Lu Ashley  11
Fan-Tods 8Norman Francis Stanley  20
Fandango 6Francis T. Laney  12
Fantasy Amateur V8#1Larry Shaw  20
Fantasy Commentator 2A. Langley Searles  16
Fantasy Commentator 3A. Langley Searles  17
Fantasy Fiction Field presents Richard Tooker and E.R. BurroughsJulius Unger  14
The FAPA Fan 15Donald Wollheim  2
FAPA Variety 10Bob Tucker  2
Guteto V4#2Morojo  8
Horizons 20Harry Warner, Jr  12
Janus 1Paul Spencer, Russ Whitman  4
Light 132Leslie A. Croutch  20
The Mad MuseJames Russell Gray  35
Milty's Mag 16Milton A. Rothman  5
Nucleus V5#2Gertrude Kuslan  6
Open Letter to All Members of FAPARobert Lowndes  3
Open Letter to Officers and MembersF. Towner Laney / Walt Daugherty / James Kepner / Morojo / Mel Brown / Forrest J Ackerman  1
The Panty RaiserJames Kepner / F. Towner Laney  1
Paradox 8Frank Wilimczyk  12
Presenting Adam SinglesheetForrest J Ackerman  2
RouzineGordon K. Rouze  2
Sardonyx 12L. R. Chauvenet  10
Star Bound bookmarkLitterio Farsaci  2
A Tale of the 'Evans 8E. Everett Evans  14
These Amazing AmendmentsAl Ashley  6
Twilight Echoes 1Joe Fortier  4
Walt's Wramblings Fall 1944Walt Liebscher  11
YHOS 11Art Widner  19
40 issues, 408 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:26
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