FAPA Mailing #34
January 1946
OE: Jack Speer

a #4Robert Swisher, Frances Swisher  10
Browsing #2 (New Series)J. Michael Rosenblum  18
BT His Mag #2Bob Tucker  4
Elmurmurings 4Elmer Perdue  8
En Garde 16Al Ashley, Abby Lu Ashley  30
Falling Petals 1Larry Farsaci  9
Fandango 10Francis T. Laney  10
Fantasy Amateur V9#2Jack Speer  6
The Fantasy Critic 1Samuel D. Russell  10
Full Length Articles #4, The Speer - Dunkelberger FeudJack Speer  30
Glom 3Forrest J Ackerman  8
Guteto V4#3Morojo  8
Guteto V4#4Morojo  8
Horizons 25Harry Warner, Jr  12
Inspiration V3#4Lynn Bridges  4
Light 135Leslie A. Croutch  16
Mag Without a Name January 1946Walt Dunkelberger  2
The Phantagraph V14, No 2Donald Wollheim  4
The Phantagraph V14, No 4Donald Wollheim  4
The Phantagraph V15, No 1Donald Wollheim  4
The Phantagraph V15, No 2Donald Wollheim  4
Phanteur 1Donald B. Thompson  20
Science Fiction 1Larry Shaw, Judy Zissman  20
Science Fiction Savant #4Raymond W. Washington  22
Sustaining Program 28Jack Speer  23
A Tale of the 'Evans 13E. Everett Evans  8
The Timebinder 5E. Everett Evans  37
Walt's Wramblings 16Walt Liebscher  12
28 issues, 351 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:26
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