FAPA Mailing #33
October 1945
OE: Jack Speer

1944 Fanzine YearbookBob Tucker  6
Afterthought #2Robert W. Lowndes  4
AllegoryJack Speer  14
Browsing #1 (New Series)J. Michael Rosenblum  14
En Garde 15Al Ashley, Abby Lu Ashley  20
Fan-Tods 12Norman Francis Stanley  26
Fandango 9Francis T. Laney  4
Fantasy Amateur V9#1Jack Speer  12
Fantasy Jackpot 2Andy Anderson / Merlin Brown / Mike Fern  24
Horizons 24Harry Warner, Jr  12
Light 134Leslie A. Croutch  24
Mag Without a Name Presents Fanews Second AnnualWalt Dunkelberger  18
Milty's Mag 19Milton A. Rothman  4
Milty's Mag 20Milton A. Rothman  4
Nonesuch 1Ron Lane  8
The Phantagraph V13, No 4Donald Wollheim  4
The Phantagraph V14, No 1Donald Wollheim  4
Phantasphere 3Donald Wollheim  4
Reader and Collector V3#5H. C. Koenig  18
Sardonyx 14L. R. Chauvenet  2
Sustaining Program 27Jack Speer  22
The Timebinder 4E. Everett Evans  30
A Tour of the 'Evans 12E. Everett Evans  14
Twilight Echoes 5Joe Fortier  12
Voice 2Leslie Croutch  8
25 issues, 312 pages

   Updated 01/23/2025, 12:25:26
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