N'APA Mailing #25
June 1965

Adderkop 1Roy Tackett  2
Alliance Amateur 25Fred Patten  6
Beatnique 1Arnie Katz / Judi Sephton  4
BellatrixRoy Tackett  2
Feemwlort 2Greg Shaw  46
Foofaraw 16Fred Patten  9
The Gamesman 2Don Miller / Creath Thorne  20
Gemzine 4-44G. M. Carr  14
Guano 21Arthur Hayes  24
Gyre 1Lon Atkins  10
Hog Jowls and Peanut Brittle 1Tom Dupree  8
Journal of the Society of the Golden Jug 3Henry Stine  11
Kaymar 11K. Martin Carlson  10
Meow 6Arnie Katz  12
Natterjack 6Lenny Bailes  6
Rache 18Bruce Pelz  16
The Rogue 2Stephen Barr  6
Romann 5Rich Mann  20
Sena 1Donald L. Miller  14
Troglodyte 5Hank Luttrell  10
20 issues, 250 pages

   Updated 02/25/2025, 17:44:35
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