July 1996 -- Volume 1, Number 2
Plokta comes to you from Steve Davies and Alison Scott. Plokta is an acronym, which should be decipherable to anyone with sufficiently superfluous technology. It's also an innocent little fanzine, thrust upon an uncaring world at an early age. It is available for letter of comment, trade (2 copies if poss, please), contribution, two pints of beer, baby paraphernalia, or, of course, superfluous technology. Send them to locs@plokta.com. May contain geeks. Partners in crime include Steven Cain, Giulia De Cesare, Sue Mason and Mike Scott. Thanks to Pam Wells for proof-reading, Martin Easterbrook for his joke.
Illustrations by Sue Mason (Fyffe, Griselda Esmerelda, Ommmmm), Brad
Foster (Video Drone, Reduced & Skewed), Teddy Harvia (Can I Have Some
More), Mae Strelkov (Colour Hecto) and Ian Gunn (Plok? Ta, Tennis Ball Cannon).
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