FAPA Mailing #43
May 1948
OE: Charles Burbee

Burblings 3Charles Burbee  14
Burblings November 1948Charles Burbee  4
Canadian Fandom 15Beak Taylor  36
Disturbing Element 2William Rotsler  8
Dream Quest adDon Wilson  1
Fandango 17Francis T. Laney  12
Fanomena 2Andy Lyon  25
Fantasy Amateur V11#3Charles Burbee  12
The Fantasy Collector 1Oswald Train  10
Glom 11Forrest J Ackerman  4
Grullzak 3Joe Kennedy  16
Horizons 34Harry Warner, Jr  12
Light 35Leslie A. Croutch  14
Masque 2William Rotsler  32
Merger 1Don Wilson / Howard Miller  18
Moonshine 10Leonard Moffatt  6
The New Loxygen #3Joe Schaumburger  4
One Fan's Outlook 2Stan Woolston  4
Phanteur 5Donald B. Thompson  13
Plenum 9Milt Rothman  4
ScroogeDon Wilson  2
Snix 4Walter A. Coslet  16
Solipsist V1#2Bob Stein  2
Sparx 7Henry Spelman  30
Synapse Spring 1948Jack Speer  22
Three Eye 2Henry Spellman  6
Time for Union of the Free by Harold UreyMike Fern  4
Yellum 2Ron Maddox  11
Ysatnaf #1Ray Higgs  10
29 issues, 352 pages

   Updated 02/25/2025, 17:44:35
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