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February 12, 2025
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
- blank, Barry Gold. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid-60s. The title is not "blank"; it's " ". Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons.
- 1 Issue-More to Come. Added 3 items (one extremely rare): Den Haag Nieuwsblaadje 1 (Billy Pettit, Jan 68), Fan Mail 3 (Arthur C. Clarke), and Rastus Johnson's Cakewalk 1 (Greg Pickersgill, Sep 93). The Fan Mail 3 had a copy count of 5. These scans were all provided by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
- 1970s One Shots. Added 5 items: Contact 1 (Jan Jansen, Dec 72), Fountain of Old Age (Wally Weber, approx. 1975), Lady Luck (Marcia Hulan, Nov 76), Nobody Knows (Sarah Prince, Oct 78), and Reconnaissance (John Packer, 79). Warning: the copy of Contact that was scanned is hard to read. Scan for Contact 1 by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg.
- Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #246-250 (Jan-May 08). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
- Invader, Joe Staton. Added #8 (Aug 65) of this SFPAzine. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
- Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added #25 (Feb 25). Thanks, Perry.
- MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue (February 7, 2025). Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
- New Cat Sand, Calvin Demmon. Added #4 (May 69).
- Operation Fantast Newsletter, Ken Slater. Added #8 (May 52). Issue 8 includes a report on the first Australian Convention, sponsored by the Futurian Society of Sydney, held on March 22, 1952, in Sydney, NSW.
- References. Added the Directory of 1962 Science Fiction Fandom, by Ron Bennett. Scan by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg.
- Royal Swiss Navy Gazette, Garth Spencer. Added 3 issues: #11-12 (Nov 03-Jun 04), 16 (Dec 08). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
- Science Fiction News, Graham Stone. Added 5 issues: #81-82 (New Series, May-Jun 11), 116 (New Series, Oct 92), 122 (New Series, Nov 11), and 129 (New Series, Aug 12). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
- Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added #17 (Feb 25). Thanks, Heath.
February 8, 2025
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
- Beagles World Revisited, Catherine Ortleib. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine (ANZAPA) from the mid 80s. Thanks to Cath Ortleib for her permission to put these online. Thanks, Cath!
- FANannIA, Anne Steul. Added an index page and 2 more issues of this English language fanzine from 1950s Germany. There had been an issue in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, and that is now relocated here. Scans by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
- Mac's GI Journal, Dan McPhail. Added 3 issues: #3 (Jan 45) and 5-6 (Apr-Jun 45). I believe these issues complete the run. Scans by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
- Na Mele O Na Hoku, Debra Sanders. Added 5 issues of this Hawaiian filk newsletter: Added V2#10-V2#12 (Jan-May 90) and V3#1-2 (Jul-Sep 90). Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli!
- Nothing, Richard Mann. Added #7 (Aug 65) of this apazine (SFPA). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
- Philk Fee-Nom-Ee-Non, Paul Willett. Added 6 more issues: #19-24 (May-Oct 83). Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli!
- Science Fiction News, Graham Stone. Added 2 issues from the second series: #75 (Nov 10) and 78 (Feb 11). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
- Tuna, Greg Shaw. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid-60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner!
- Wollongong Pig-Breeders' Gazette, Perry Middlemiss. Added the complete 6-issue run of this new-to-us title from the 90s. Thanks, Perry!
PDF Replacements:Fantasy Fictioneer, Sully Roberds. Replaced all four issues with searchable PDFs. Also added ".44 Calibre SF, V%N6.5" by Hoy Ping Pong and Mark Her Ching, which was distributed with Fantasy Fictioneer 2 but is separately listed in Pavlat-Evans.
Corrections and Clarifications: Monthly Bulletin, Lang Jones. Thanks to Mark Plummer for letting us know that the correct name for this fanzine is Monthly Bulletin instead of Monthly Bulletin Group. It was issued on behalf of Group 65. I've corrected the fanzine title. Thanks, Mark!
February 5, 2025
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 1940s One Shots. Added "Expose!" by Joe Kennedy (Jan 47). It's a "Kennedy's-Eye View of the Philly-Conference.
- Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 6 issues: #240-245 (Jul-Dec 07). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
- B.C., Railee Bothman and Leigh Couch. Added the complete 5 issue run of this early 70s fanzine.
- Bletherings, Ethel Lindsay. Added 2 issues: #27 (Sep 64) and #1 New Series (Feb 69).
- De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the latest 2 issues: Jan-Feb 2025. Thanks, Heath!
- Kalien, James Allen. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us zine from the 80s. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
- Lines of Occurrence, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #12 (86).
- Mein Omp-F, Colin Freeman. Added an index page and another issue of this mid-60s apazine (OMPA), relocating the issue that was in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
- Moebius Trip 16, Ed Connor. Added #16 (Jan 73). Contributors include Walt Liebscher, and Eric Lindsay.
- Monthly Bulletin Group, Lang Jones. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us newszine from the 60s.
- Morph, John Roles. Added 4 issues of this early 60s apazine (OMPA): #24 (Sep 61), 32-33 (Fall-Dec 63) and 35 (Sum 64).
- MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue (January 31). Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
- MT VOID-1990-1997, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last half of 1996 to complete the year. Thanks, Evelyn.
- Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added #50 (Jan 25). Congratulations on #50, Perry! Thanks for sending.
Corrections and Clarifications:
- Lhyfe, Roger Weddall. Thanks to Alan Stewart for spotting that issue 1 and 2 linked to the same text. I have removed #1. Alan points out: Lhyfe 1 was a performance which happened and was not recorded as far as I know, so I don't think it could be up on". Thanks, Alan.
- Tomorrow And, Jerry Lapidus. Thanks to Mark Plummer pointing out the dead link, I have now fixed the 404 error on the Review Supplement for #8. Thanks, Mark!
Recent contributors include Sandra Bond, John Coxon, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Bee Ostrowsky, Meredith Peruzzi, Mark Plummer, Joe Siclari, Andrew Sigel, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek Jr, and of course, Mark Olson.
February 1, 2025
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
- APA45 OO. Added XLV (Lesleigh Luttrell, Jan 72). XLV is the OO for the 30th mailing.
- East Fanglian Times, George Locke. Added 2 issues of this from the early 60s. Each issue seems to be part of the run-up to a British convention.
- Lhyfe, Roger Weddall. Added #1 (92). This issue has contributions by John Foyster.
- Maelstrom, Bill Plott. Added 4 issues: #1-2 (59), and 8-9 (62). Contributors include Joe Staton, John Berry, and Ray Nelson.
- Maverick, John D. Berry. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us newszine from 1968.
- Maybe, Irvin Koch. Added #5 Special Edition (Jun 70).
- Metanoia, Greg and Suzy Shaw. Added 6 issues: #2 (Apr 70), 8 (Mar 71), 10-13 (Nov 71 - Feb 73). I'm not sure which issues are joint productions and which are not. If someone has a better idea, please let me know. Contributors include Greg Benford and John D. Berry, plus lots of Rotsler illos.
- Moonshine, Leonard Moffatt, June Moffatt, Rick Sneary and Stan Woolston. Added 2 issues: #36 (Nov 68) and 40 (Feb 71).
- Muzgash, George Heap. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us zine from 1969-1971.
- Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Lunar New Year 2025 issue. Thanks, Dale.
- Stamp, Joe Staton. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (SFPA) from 1965. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
- Tuesday After Lunch, Len Bailes. Added 2 issues: #1 (Tuesday After Lunch, Aug 70) and #2 (Jan 84). Lenny provided both issues: #1 was scanned at Corflu and Lenny has scanned #2 for us. Thanks, Lenny!
- Twink, E. B. Frohvet. Added 6 issues: #8 (Jan 98), 17-18 (00), 21 (01), 24 (01) and 26 (Aug 01).
- Warlock, Larry Montgomery. Added #11 (Feb 66).
January 29, 2025
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 8 items: Dysteleology 1 (Ken Bulmer and Vince Clarke, Sep 54), Fantastic 1 (Litterio B. Farsaci, May 38), Needle 1 (Fred Smith, Sep 54), 'TATOR V2N1 (Walter Coslet, Mar 47), PSR 1 (Andrew Brown, Dec 88), Targets of Opportunity 2 (Dick Eney, Jul 51), Voice from the Gallery 27 (Ralph M. Holland, Feb 57), and Vonset 7 (Ray Schaffer, Win 59). Voice from the Gallery is non-genre, but was published by a well-known fan. Scans for PSR 1 by Irwin Hirsh. Fantastic 1 was "Published for the First National Science Fiction Convention", and scanned by Michelle Rosenblum aka Eowyn. Dysteleology and Needle were both distributed in the first OMPA mailing, and the scans are by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Irwin! Thanks, Rob! Thanks, Michelle!
- Foyster-Other Publications, John Foyster. Added "Well, Thank You One and All!" (02). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin.
- Golgotha, Tom White. Added the complete 2 issue run of Golgotha, a new-to-us OMPAzine edited by Tom White. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
- Minimac, Lee Jacobs. Added an index page and 2 issues for this FAPAzine (mid 60s), and relocated one issue from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
- MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue (January 25, 2025). Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
- Na Mele O Na Hoku, Debra Sanders. Added 5 issues of this Hawaiian filk newsletter: Added V2#5-V2#9 (Aug-Dec 89). Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli!
- Philk Fee-Nom-Ee-Non, Paul Willett. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us filk title from the early 80s. Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks to Eli for the scans and to Paul Willett for his permission to put these online. Thanks, Paul! Thanks, Eli!
- Royal Swiss Navy Gazette, Garth Spencer. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us title: #1 (Sep 97), 3-5 (Sep 98 - Apr 00), and a double issue, #8-9 (Sep 02). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
- SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #119 (Jan 25). Thanks, Bruce.
- Steam, Ken Bulmer. Added #3 (Spr 55). Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
Corrections and Clarifications:
Core Fanzine List to Scan . Thanks to John Hertz for pointing out a typo in the editor list. Fixed now. Thanks, John!
January 25, 2025
Title: University Fan Archives, with Phoenix Alexander, Peter Balestrieri & Susan Graham
Overview: In this January 2025 FANAC Fanhistory Zoom, moderator Joe Siclari explores the details behind the creation and current state of some of the best known university archives of science fiction fan material. Phoenix Alexander is the Jay Kay and Doris Klein Science Fiction Librarian at the University of California, Riverside; Peter Balestrieri is the Curator of the Science Fiction and Popular Culture collection at the University of Iowa; and Susan Graham is the Special Collections Librarian at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Each of these Universities have received sizable collections from prominent fans of the period.
Part 2:
The archivists discuss how their collections have been used for traditional research, in teaching ("the planets and science fiction"), in developing expository exhibits and much more. As mimeos become popular in maker culture, there is also new interest in the mechanics of fanzine publishing. There's commentary on techniques for successfully navigating such massive collections, recommendations for preserving fanzines, and the difficulty of preserving fanzines printed on unusual materials (such as bologna). For fans interested in donating materials to universities, there is much that is pertinent in the conversation. Many fans pass away without making provision for their collection, and so Pete says "Our only real competition is the dumpster".
Part 3:
Q&A: Questions posed (and answered) in this segment range from physical security of collections, especially considering their growth in value, to the state of collections at other universities, the difficulties of establishing permissions from estates, and the intricacies of inter-university cataloguing. Topping it off is a brief show-and-tell of unique items from the University of Iowa collection (ranging from Clark Ashton Smith to Star Trek)....Bonus: Listen to the recording and find out which of our archivists is a former rock star!
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 items: Arcturus 1 (Keith Wright, Peter Rigby and John Ashcroft, Nov 55); Sun Shine 7 (Lloyd Alpaugh, Oct 51); Sunshine 28 (Hank and Lesleigh Luttrell, Jan 74); Surd 2 (Chuck Harris, Feb 56); and Tales of the Silver Screen 1 (Martin Wooster, Dec 80).
- Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #234-238 (Jan-May 07). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
- The Filking Times, Rick and Deborah Weiss. Added 6 issues: #32-35 (Feb 92 - Mar 93), the Chi-Con V Special (Sep 91) and Loose Notes V0N12 (Dec 88), a predecessor to The Filking Times. Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli!
- Foundation, Paul March-Russell. Added the 3 issues from 2021: #138-140. PDFs provided by Paul March-Russell. Thanks, Paul!
- Instant Message, Michael Kerpan. Added the Sep 2024 issue.
- Melbourne Science Fiction Club, Ian Gunn. Added the Jan 91 Calendar of Events by Ian Gunn. Heavily illustrated. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
- Rabanos Radiactivos, Fred Patten. Added #146 (Aug 67). This one is titled iRabanos Radiactivos.
- The Science Fiction Fan, Olon Wiggins. Added 5 issues: #36 (Jul 39), 46-47 (May-Jun 40) and #51-52 (Oct-Nov 40). Contributors include John Michel, Doc Lowndes, Don Wollheim, and Harry Warner. Scan by Michelle Rosenblum aka Eowyn. Thanks, Michelle!
- Sercon Popcult Litcrit Fanmag, Garth Spencer. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us zine from the mid 90s. Scans provided by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
- Small Mammal, Martin Easterbrook. Added 3 issues: #23 (Nov 78) and 25-26 (Dec 78-Feb 79). Fanzines provided for scanning by Mark Plummer, and scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon.
January 22, 2025
Title: University Fan Archives (pt 1 of 3), with Phoenix Alexander (UCR), Peter Balestrieri (UI) and Susan Graham (UMBC)
Description: In this January 2025 FANAC Fanhistory Zoom, moderator Joe Siclari explores the details behind the creation and current state of some of the best known university archives of science fiction fan material. Phoenix Alexander is the Jay Kay and Doris Klein Science Fiction Librarian at the University of California, Riverside; Peter Balestrieri is the Curator of the Science Fiction and Popular Culture collection at the University of Iowa; and Susan Graham is the Special Collections Librarian at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Each of these Universities have received sizable collections from prominent fans of the period.
In this part 1, we get a sense of the scope of the various collections (including how many linear feet they have of uncatalogued materials), along with a view of which well-known fan collections were donated to the universities. There are "origin" stories for these collections, how they came to collect fan materials, and their policies on public access. Fans want access to these materials, and the participants speak about what is available and how it can be accessed (with a brief excursion into copyright concerns). What do archivists want? Our panelists also discuss their "grail" items, and other, perhaps more likely additions they would like to see in their collections. Inevitably, the talk turns to budgets...One nugget from University of Iowa's origin story - Pete Balestrieri credits Rich Lynch for the suggestion that University of Iowa digitize its fanzines. The University of Iowa now has almost 800 fanzines digitally available.
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 items: B-roll Negative 2 (Ted Johnstone, Feb 65), High Aesthetic Line 13 (Dave Hulan, Nov 76), Impact 3 (Carol McKinney, December 54), Intergalactic Animal Husbandry 13 (Ed Zdrojewski and Nina Bogin), and Perihelion 3 (Bryan Welham and Barry Hall, Aug 58). Contributors to Perihelion include Bob Shaw, John Berry and Sid Birchby and there are illos by Terry Jeeves, Bill Rotsler, ATom and Eddie Jones. B-roll Negative was scanned by Sumner Hunnewell, and Perihelion was scanned by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Sumner! Thanks, Rob!
- Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #229-233 (Aug-Dec 06). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
- Bullzine, Arthur Hayes. Added 5 issues (well, 4 and a fragment). Added today: #49-50 (May-Jun 65), 52 (Feb 66), 71 (Jun 70) and a Jan 59 fragment.
- CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the January 2025 issue. Thanks, Leybl.
- Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue (Edgar Allan Poe's Birthday 2025) and an updated cumulative index. Thanks, Dale.
- Filking Times, Rick and Deborah Weiss. Added 5 items (6 issues): #3-4 (Mar-Apr 89), #16 (Jun 90), 28-31 (Jul 91 - Jan 92). Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli! Thanks, Rick!
- Na Mele O Na Hoku, Debra Sanders. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us newsletter of the Hawaii Filksinging Society. The issues are from Apr 88 - Jul 89, and issue 2 tells us that the title of zine translates to "Songs of the Stars". Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli! Thanks, Rick!
- Psychodaleks, James Allen and Phil Wlodarczyk. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us Australian title from the 90s. There's a lot of artwork, and the topic is psycho daleks indeed. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
Corrections and Clarifications: Wondering and Wandering, Don Fitch. Joe pointed out that we had an issue of this in From Sunday to Saturday despite the fact that the numbering wasn't continuous, thereby breaking our rules for what titles go together. I have given it an index page, and also relocated the issue that was languishing in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
January 18, 2025
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 10 items: GMS Newsletter 1 (Don Miller, Feb 78), Gang Bang! 1 (William Rotsler, Aug 64), Girn 1 (Robert Gilbert, 57), Goudy 1 (P. J. Kearny, 61), Hay is for Horses 2 (Roger Sims, Jul 51), Hoop 7 (Lon Atkins, Feb 67), Icepick 5 (Lon Atkins, May 77), Vice 3 (Brian Jordan, Jun 61), Vorzimerzine 4 (Peter Vorzimer, 54) and Wyoma 5 (Eva Firestone, Jun 60).
- Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 more issues: #224-228 (Mar-Jul 06). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
- Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the January 2025 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
- Fantasy Comics, James Taurasi. Added #16 (Jun 60).
- Kallikanzaros, John Ayotte. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the late 60s/early 70s. Contributors include Sandra Miesel, Darroll Pardoe, Jack Gaughan, and Jerry Kaufman. Thanks to Mike Glyer for seeking permission for us, and thanks to John Ayotte for agreeing to have this fanzine archived online. Thanks, John! Thanks, Mike!
- Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 3 issues: #97-99 (Nov 24-Jan 25). Thanks, Jeanne!
- MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue (January 17, 2025). Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
- Small Mammal, Martin Easterbrook. Added 5 issues: #18-22 (Jun-Oct 78). Fanzines provided for scanning by Mark Plummer and scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon. Thanks, Mark!
- Sui!, Bob Smith. Created an index page and added an issue of this Australian zine from 1961, also relocating the issue that was in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
- WOOF. Added 2 items: Glasgow 2024 Instant Fanzine (Alison Scott and Valentin Ivanov) and WOOF #49 (Glasgow 2024 Worldcon). Scan provided by Valentin Ivanov. Thanks, Valentin!
January 15, 2025
FANAC update: Added the FANAC FanHistory Project newsletter (#24, Jan 25) with a brief article by Rob Hansen, and a summary of FANAC at the Glasgow Worldcon.
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
- Blue Moon, Dave Cohen. Added the complete 3 issue run of this 1950s genzine. Contributors include Ken Slater, Archie Mercer, Terry Jeeves, Bobbie Wild, and Eva Firestone. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
- Bullzine, Arthur Hayes. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us zine from 1958-1965. These were from the N3F Welcommittee.
- Dream Stuff, G.M. Carr. Added 2 issues of this apazine (N'APA) from 1959-60 and relocated the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More To Come.
- Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 5 issues: #147-148 (Oct 89-Jan 00), 150 (Jul 00), 160 (Jan 03), and 163 (Oct 03). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by Susie Haynes. Thanks, Susie!
- Retro, F.M. Busby. Added #37 (Jul 65) of this SAPSzine.
- Small Mammal, Martin Easterbrook. Added 5 issues: #11 (Oct 77), 13 (Jan 78), 15-17 (Mar-May 78). Fanzines provided for scanning by Mark Plummer and scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon. Thanks, Mark!
- Picture Trick, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added 2 issues (#1, Nov 59 and #3, Jun 60) and relocated the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More To Come.
- Plokta, Alison Scott, Steve Davies, and Mike Scott. Added 5 PDF issues (#14-15, 18-20), to complement the same issues in their online, html format. Plokta was published in that in-between age, both in paper format and online. With both versions available, you can get a sense of the choices available and the choices made. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
- Postcon Poctsarcd, Bruce Pelz. Added 4: #12-15 (Mar 92 - Jul 93). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
Corrections and Clarifications:
January 11, 2025
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: "How to Make Fans & Influence Slans" (George Young, 59) and "Inscrewtibobble" (Ken Slater, Dec 56).
- 1960s One Shots. Added 4 items: an untitled zine from Ted Johnstone (Jan 60) intended for SAPS 50, "Hickey...That It is Hickey...Rosemary" (Rosemary Hickey, 68), "Hillside" (John and Bjo Trimble, Bob Lichtman, Jack Harness, Fred Patten, and Steve Tolliver, Feb 62), and "Htpptc Atonic #?" (Ted Johnstone, Mar 64).
- 1980s One Shots. Added 2 items, both from Australia, and both from Phil Wlodarczyk: Adventures of Man No. 9 (Mar 86) and Big Jobbies in Little China (Nov 87). Big Jobbies describes itself as a "hallucinozine". These are the first of Phil's zines that we've put up. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Phil and thanks Alan!
- 1990s One Shots. Added 3 items: "100-Mile Circus" (Joyce Katz, Nov 97), "A Few Thoughts on Checklists, Indexing, etc." (Vince Clarke, Apr 97), and "Memory Hole - A Brief Outline" (Greg Pickersgill, Apr 97). The last 2 were in the short-lived Fan History APA.
- Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 6 issues: #218-223 (Sep 05 - Feb 06). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
- The Devil's Work, Norm Metcalf. Added #7 (Jan 67) of this FAPAzine.
- dol drum, Dave Locke. Added Yellowjacket 7. Quoting Dave Locke: "Yellowjacket's numbering is the continuation of all single-edited Locke SFPAzines. This zine is born of the Time Honored custom of changing your title when you change your policy." Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
- Fantasy Rotator. Added 2 issues: #142 - Honneur Soit Qui Mal Y Pense (Don Fitch, Mar 64) and Fantasy Rotator 235.02 psi - Legal Constitution II (George Heap, Aug 59).
- IscarioT, Al Andrews. Added #17 (Sep 65) of this SFPAzine. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
- Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added #24 (Dec 24). Thanks, Perry!
- Melbourne Science Fiction Club. Added the 1999 Summer Calendar of Events. You'll note that the meeting for Sept 3 is canceled in favor of Aussiecon 3. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
- MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue (Jan 10, 2025). Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
- Okcigu, Dian Pelz. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from 1968.
- Revoltin' Development, Martin Alger. Added "A Revolting Construction" (Feb 52). Dated by a mailing comment I found in an issue of Horizons. This issue is about Building the AHMF $3.75 Mimeo.
- Target: FAPA, Dick Eney. Added an undated issue from somewhere in the 60s. It's after 62 as it talks about Sense of FAPA.
January 8, 2025
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 1970s One Shots. Added 3 items: "Rubber Stamp Owner's Bulletin" (Taral Wayne, 78), "A Whimper, Maybe?" (Bob Tucker, Feb 70), and "Why Bother?" (Dave Hulan, May 75). Both were FAPAzines.
- APA-L and APA-F-1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Created this index of 1-so-far for APA-L and APA-F, both weekly apas and with many fanzines sent through both. Starting with 5 fanzines from 1964-65, scanned by Joe Siclari and Sumner Hunnewell (aka Hildifons Took). Thanks, Sumner!
- Badinage. Added 2 issues of this clubzine, from the Bristol and District SF Group. Contributors include Archie and Beryl Mercer, and Peter Roberts.
- Bronclette, Eva Firestone. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from 1959-60.
- Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 5 issues: #134 (Jul 96) and 138-141 (Jul 97 - Apr 98). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Susie Haynes. Thanks, Susie!
- Father William's Mishapventures, Bill Bowers. Added 1 issue and an index page for this apazine (Mishap) and relocated the one issue that was on 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
- House of the Games, Dwain Kaiser. Added #4 (Feb 65) of this apazine (APA-L). Scan by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
- Melange, John Trimble. Added the July 1966 issue (Bucket of Plaid). Check out the cover.
- Postcon Poctsarcd, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 more of Bruce's Poctsarcds: #21 (Loscon 21, Nov 94), #23 (Minicon 30, Apr 95), and 3 Zoocards from 1993. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
- Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added #240 (Oct 98). This is the newsletter of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
- Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added #589 (Jan 25), the early January issue. Thanks, Dale.
- Small Mammal, Martin Easterbrook. Added "Ice and Iron Zero", the first Small Mammal. This was scanned at Glasgow, with the fanzine provided for scanning by Mark Plummer. Thanks, Mark!
- Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added #22 (Nov 64) of this FAPAzine.
- Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added #16 (Jan 25). Thanks, Heath.
- Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added #364 (Jan 2025). Thanks, George.
Corrections and Clarifications: SFPA-1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Thanks to Rich Lynch for correcting the editor attributions on a couple of these zines. These are fixed now, and my apologies for screwing it up in the first place. Thanks, Rich!
January 5, 2025
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 items: "BLYD 2" (Ross Chamberlain, May 65), "Bias Binding 2" combined with Nirvana (Nigel Lindsay, Jun 55), "Biscuit 5" (Jack Harness, Apr 65), "Grimling Bosch 5" (Harry Bell, Mar 76) and "The (Unspeakable) Thing 3" (Helen Wesson and Burton Crane, Jul 47). The (Unspeakable) Thing has a striking cover, and contributions from Francis T Laney and Harry Warner, Jr. The "Bias Binding 2" is the "Official Organ of the Torbay, Romiley and London Scottish Dancing, Lampshade Makers, Happy Fan Veterans and Promiscuous Snogging Society," with a guest editorial by Ken Bulmer.
- 1970s One Shots. Added 2 items: Kamikaze (Harry Bell, Mar 78) and SFPA Meet Great Scott (Rich Small, Aug 74).
- 520 07 0328, Elmer Perdue. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the late 60s.
- Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #213-217 (Apr - Aug 05). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
- Balrog, Ben Solon. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (N'APA) from 1966.
- Cognate, Rosemary Hickey. Added the Aug 80 issue of this FAPAzine.
- Harold W Cheney, Harold Cheney Jr. Added #3 (Feb 48) of this apazine (FAPA).
- Mac's GI Journal, Dan McPhail. Created an index page and added 2 more issues: #2 (44) and #4 (Feb 45). We also relocated issues #1 which had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scans by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
- Filking Times, Rick and Deborah Weiss. Added #15 (May 90). Scan by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli!
- MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue (Jan 3, 2025). Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
- Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the latest issue, #47 - Jan 25. Thanks, Garth.
- Outre, Kent McDaniel. Created a new index page and added #3 (Dec 64) of this SFPAzine. We had an issue in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, and that was moved to the new page. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
- Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added 3 issues: #47-49 (Oct-Dec 24). Sorry it took so long to get them online. Thanks, Perry!
- SFPA-1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added an index page for fanzines from SFPA that are singletons so far. This now has 5 items: Bel-Marduk 1 (Jack Harkness, Sep 64), Carbo 10 (Richie Benyo and Pete Jackson, Mar 65), Errata 1 (Dave Hulan, Jun 65), Five 5 (Dave Norwood, Aug 65) and Golem 2 (Larry Montgomery, Jun 65). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
- TAFF. Added 2 issues of Taffluorescence! from Sandra Bond and Sarah Guide. Added #6-7 (Nov-Dec 24). Thanks, Sandra!
Corrections and Clarifications:
- Grist, Ellis Mills. Thanks to Mark Plummer for pointing out a numbering error on one of the issues. Not cool when we put a mailing number in rather than the issue number. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
January 2, 2025
Happy New Year!
Fanzines Added
Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
- 2010 One Shots: Added "Eklundia Stories - The Complete Fan Fiction of Gordon Eklund", edited by Bob Lichtman, May 13.
- Ansible, Dave Langford: Added 5 issues: #206-207 (Sep-Oct 04), 210-212 (Jan-Mar 05). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
- Archive, Archie Mercer: Added 2 items: The Archive Memorial Page - Great Irish Rift, by Sid Crockett (57), and the Archive 10 pre-supplement - The Great Irish Rift Value Expedition (Oct 56). The dating of the Sid Crockett piece is approximate. If anyone has a better idea, please let me know.
- Fan Polls and Awards: Added 3 items: "TV Science Fiction Census" (Martin Easterbrook, 75), "Another FAPA People Poll" (Gregg Calkins, Nov 69), and Fan Poll 1964 (Ernst Richter-Preis). That last one is in German.
- Filk: Added 2 items: "Ring Cycle" (Dick Eney, Aug 65). This is a LOTR songbook; and "On and On Into the Night" (Margaret Middleton, Mar 78). Scan for "On and On Into the Night" provided by Margaret Middleton. Thanks, Margaret!
- Memphen, Greg Bridges: Added #283 (which I think is Jun 23). The issue numbers make the date questionable. Scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon.
- MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper: Added the latest issue, Dec 27, 2024. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
- Notes From Arinam, Roy Tackett: Added the Summer 80 issue of this FAPAzine.
- Our Fair City, Martin Easterbrook: Added #1 (Jan 75), "Unsteady Progress of SF in Our Fair City". Scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon.
- Postcon Poctsarcd, Bruce Pelz: Added 5 more of Bruce's postcards: #16-19 (Aug 93-Sep 94) and 22 (Feb 95). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
- Small Mammal, Martin Easterbrook: Added the first 5 issues (Oct 76-Mar 77). Fanzines provided for scanning by Mark Plummer, and scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon.
- Stupefying Stories, Dick Eney: Added an index page and one more issue - #102 (May 76). Issue #92 was already up under Fantasy Rotator, and I have it duplicated here too. The new issue was scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon.
Corrections and Clarifications
Matrix, GRAHAM JAMES: Many thanks to Sandra Bond for letting me know that I had reversed the name of the Matrix editor that was highlighted last time. It should be Graham James. Graham James and not James Graham. Thank you, Sandra.
Recent contributors include Sandra Bond, Thomas Bull, Bill Burns, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Bruce Mai, Mark Plummer, Nigel Rowe, Flash Sheridan, Joe Siclari, Steven Silver, Geri Sullivan, Jan Vanek Jr, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!
December 28, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 6 issues: 167 (Jun 01), 190-191 (May-Jun 03), 202-204 (May-Jul 04). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 6 issues: #124-125 (Jan-Apr 94), 129-132 (Apr 95-Jan 96). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Susie Haynes. Thanks, Susie!
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 3 items: FR 473.07734 (Meg Stull, Apr 83), FR 311.307 - Stupefying Stories 92, V18#2 (Dick Eney, Dec 73) and FR 600.9876 (Elst Weinstein, Aug 90).
--Fiendetta, Charles Wells. Added #9 (Feb 55).
--Filking Times, Rick and Deborah Weiss. Added 10 issues: #5-14 (Jun 89 - Mar 90). Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli! Thanks, Rick!
--HET YEIYXA, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 of these short zines from Aug 69, done for LASFS.
--Matrix, Graham James. Added 4 issues: 33-35 (Dec 80-Apr 81) and #44 (Oct 82). Contributors include Brian Stableford, Simon Ounsley, Dave Langford, Joseph Nicholas, and Roelof Goudriaan. Scanned at the 2024 Glasgow Worldcon by fanzines provided by Rob Jackson. Thanks, Rob!
--Southerner. Added #17 (Dave Hulan, Aug 65) of this SFPA OO. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--WOOF. Added #2 (Sep 77) from Suncon, edited by Bruce Pelz.
December 24, 2024
Upcoming FANAC FanHistory Zoom: January 11, 2025
Out of the Ghetto and into the University: Science Fiction Fandom University Collections, with Phoenix Alexander (University of California, Riverside), Peter Balestrieri (University of Iowa), and Susan Graham (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Time: 2PM EST, 11 AM PST, 7PM GMT London, and 6AM AEDT (sorry) Sunday, Jan 12 Melbourne
Description: Somewhere along the way, science fiction graduated from being perceived as uninteresting escapist literature to being worthy of appreciation. Inevitably, academia followed. Today, a number of universities have science fiction archives with collections of fanzines, photos and artifacts. How did these collections get started and what do they contain? Are they open for public access? Are they continuing to grow? What are they collecting? What are the new challenges that they face?
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added the 3 most recent issues: #447-449 (Oct-Dec 24). Thanks, Dave!
--Bibbilty, Ray Thompson. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 50s.
--Detours, Russ Chauvenet. Added #9 (Feb 81) of this apazine (FAPA).
--Disinformation, Arthur Hlavaty. Created a new index page for this apazine (FAPA), and added one issue (#4 from Aug 80. I also relocated an issue from the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come page.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 3 issues: 120-121 (Jan-Apr 93), and 161 (Apr 03). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--FAPA One Shots. Added 5 items to this list of FAPA One Shots, all from FAPA 39 or FAPA 40, so all from March-July 1947. Note that this index is chronological rather than alphabetic. Added today: FAPArition (Tom Jewett), Get Them Out on Time (Forry Ackerman and Charles Burbee), Moslecule (Walter Coslet), A Patients Memoirs (Walt Dunkelberger) and "Willie Acquires an Italian Hand" (Bill Watson and George Ebey).
--From Sunday to Saturday, Don Fitch. Added 1 issue of this apazine (FAPA): Feb 81.
--Harpings, Margaret Middleton. Added 5 issues: #17 (Jan 89), 22 (Mar 90) and 24-26 (Sep 90 - Jan 91). Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli!
--Null Set, Felice Rolfe. Created a new index page for this apazine (N'APA), and added one issue (#4 from Feb 67). I also relocated an issue from the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come page.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, #588 - Winter Solstice 2024. Thanks, Dale.
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 2 issues of this apazine (FAPA): #38 (Feb 66) and 89 (May 82).
--Tacitum, Benny Sodek. Added #3 (55).
--What the Dormouse Said, Marc Ortlieb. Added #3 (Feb 79) of this apazine (FAPA).
--What, Neffer?, Joanne Burger. Added one more issue, this one (Dec 72) edited by Joanne Burger.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Harpings, Margaret Middleton. Thanks to Eli Goldberg for pointing out that our issue #22 was really #21. Sort of fixed now. Thanks, Eli!
--Scribble, Colin Freeman. Thanks to Mark Plummer for pointing out an error of attribution in this zine. We had had an incorrect co-editor on one of them. Corrected now. Thanks, Mark!
December 21, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Australian SF Newsletter, Merv Binns. Added #1 (Nov 58). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Irwin - sorry it took me so long to get this online. Thanks!
--Bangsund-Other Publications. Added "Halliford House Newsletter One" by John and Diane Bangsund (Jun 69). Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Beepsky, Eva Firestone. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine from the late 1950s.
--CyberCozen, Lebyl Botwinik. Added the Dec 2024 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--DUFF. Added 5 items: "DUFF 2K: The Result!" (Janice Gelb and Terry Frost, 2000), "DUFFactOZ" (Phil Ware, Jun 94), "DUFFacto" Sept 93 and Spr 94 (Dick and Leah Smith), and "Think Fast" (John D. Berry, 90). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 5 issues: #106 (Apr 89), 112-114 (Oct 90-Jul 91) and 119 (Oct 92). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--House of the Games, Dwain Kaiser. Added #23 (Sep 65) of this apazine (APA-L). Scan by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Invader, Joe Staton. Added "Stop the Presses", subtitled "A rider of sorts to Invader #6". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Melbourne Science Fiction Club. Added 2 items: Flyer for the MSFC & Fantasy Film Group (Merv Binns/Paul Stevens), and MSFC Form Guide (uncredited). These are approximately 1970 publications. The Form Guide is a fannish racing guide (to a very fannish set of races). The Film Group flyer scan was provided by Irwin Hirsh and the Form Guide by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Irwin and Alan!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last issue, Dec 20, 2024. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--Pablo Lennis, John Thiel. Added #439 (Jun 24). Zine provided for scanning by Guy Lillian III. Thanks, Guy.
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added #61 (Jul 71) of this SAPSzine.
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added the Nov 24 issue. Thanks, Bruce!
--SFPA One Shots. Added 5 short SFPA one shots by Joe Staton, Dave Hulan and Judi Sephton from the mid-60s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Vector, Michael Kenward. Added #51 (Oct 68). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
Corrections and Clarifications: Pot Pourri, John Berry. Thanks to Mark Plummer for finding an error in the apa mailing comment for #18. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
December 18, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Best of APA-L. Added #2 (Fred Patten, 66) and relocated #3 (Lee Gold, Aug 72) from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Dr Faustenstein, David Redd. Added the complete 3 issue run of this new-to-us zine from 1979-1980. Scans by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
--DUFF. Added 5 items: Redback #1 (Oct 89), #2 (Mar 90) and 6 (Dec 90), from John D. Berry; DUFF Bulletin (Australia) 1, from Shayne McCormack (Jan 74) and; No Title, from Roger and Pat Sims (95). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Expletive, Bjo Trimble. Added a Feb 66 issue. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the Dec 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Ink Gun Blues, Lenny Bailes. Added a LoC from Walt Willis, dated Oct 13, 1986.
--Mardi Gras zines, Don Markstein. Added Venus 6 (Mar 76).
--Micron, Jack Riggs. Created a new index page and added issue #2 (Jul 47); also relocated #5 (May 50) from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--O, Dan Alderson. Added #5 of this apazine (APA-L) from Jan 65. Scan by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Richard_E_Geis-Personal_Journal, Richard E. Geis. Added Geis Letter #30 (Jan 66).
--Snix, Walter A. Coslet. Added Snix #1 (Mar 47) of this apazine (FAPA).
--Trimble-Other Publications, John and Bjo Trimble. Added 5 apazines (APA-L) to this index: A Bucket of Plaid (John, Feb 66), Art Lessons (Bjo, Jan 66), Noel 2 (Dec 65), Ouiga 1 (Bjo, Feb 66) and zinFANdel 1 (John & Bjo, Dave Hulan, Jun 65). Noel 2 is a one shot from a Trimble Christmas party with many contributors. Art Lessons is essentially a single illo by Bjo. The Christmas party sounds like great fun. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner!
--What, Neffer?, Gary Mattingly. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us N3F zine from the early 70s.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #41 (Jun 56). Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added the latest issue, #60. Thanks, Guy!
Corrections and Clarifications:
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Many thanks to Sam McDonald for spotting a broken link for Bunnies, Zucchinis and Sweet Basil 5. It's fixed now, and is in fact a symptom of a software bug that's being worked. Thanks also to Sam for comments on the scans of Space Flight...When (1940s One Shots). We'll get them all fixed. Thanks, Sam!
--Fouler, Greg Pickersgill. Many thanks to Mark Plummer for pointing out that I had Fouler 4 in the list twice (once masquerading as #5). Fixed - the real issue #5 is now there where it should be. Thanks, Mark!
December 14, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 7 items: "Beatnique 1" (Arnie Katz and Judi Sephton, Jun 65), "Bellatrix" (Roy Tackett, Jun 65), "Gasp 7" (Gerald Steward. Jan 56), "Way 1" (Randy Byers, Feb 07), "Windmills 1" (Len Bailes, Oct 68), "Wizard 2" (Carsten Schioler, Apr 77) and "Xenophilia 3" (Richard Faulder, Nov 81). Note that Wizard 2 is in Danish.
--APA-L Table of Contents. Added 10 more of these ToCs: 101-110 (Sep-Nov 66). The ToCs were scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--Australian Science Fiction Review, Science Fiction Collective. Added 2 more issues: #9-10 (Jul-Sep 87). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 5 issues and fractional issues: #475 (Jim Gilpatrick, 83), 475.124C41BARF (Larry Propp, May 83), Fantasy Rotator 545.52687 (Katherine FitzSimmons, Jun 87), 548.12 (Yale Edeiken, Aug 87) and Fantasy Rotator 561.050588 (Michael Sherck, May 88).
--Fenachrome, Dave Fox. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid 60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Fouler, Greg Pickersgill and Roy Kettle. Added the complete 6 issue run of this new-to-us zine from the 70s. Note that there was no issue #1. Scans by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues (Dec 6-13). Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the December 2024 issue of Garth's perzine. Thanks, Garth.
--Wallbanger, Eve Harvey. Added #5 (Oct 81).
Corrections and Clarifications: 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Thanks to Sandra Bond for finding a bad link in a newly added fanzine (Enzyme 5). Fixed now, and possibly an indicator of an underlying bug in our new software. Thanks, Sandra!
December 11, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: "Bunnies, Zucchinis & Sweet Basil 5" (Allyn Cadogan, Dec 78), "Credit 1" (Tom Perry, May 86), "Die Wis 12" (Richard Schultz, Apr 64), "Down the Xylem 2" (Gary Labowitz, 1972), "Eldritch 1" (Peter Mansfield, Nov 60) and "Enzyme 5" (Redd Boggs and Phil Castora, Fall 63).
--1940s One Shots. Added "Spaceflight...When?.." from Gerry de la Ree (1946).
--Australian Science Fiction Review, Science Fiction Collective. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 80s. Contributors include Bruce Gillespie, John Foyster, and George Turner. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added #603 (Dec 24). Thanks, Heath.
--DUFF. Added 2 items from Art Widner - Corroboree 1 (Feb 91) and Corroborree 4 (Feb 93). We still have a few bugs in the new software, so please ignore the funky headings which will eventually be internal links. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--ERB Zines-Burroughs. Added an uncredited issue of The Gridley Wave - #159 (Dec 95). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 2 issues: #94 (Jan 66) and 100 (Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took.
--From Sunday to Saturday, Don Fitch. Added the Feb 1973 issue of Don's FAPAzine.
--Mordor, Tom Dupree. Added 2 issues of this short, new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took.
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added 2 items for this index: My Back Pages #31 (Dec 24), and You're Still on My Mind #7 (Nov 24). Thanks, Rich.
--Ritblat Grim News, Greg Pickersgill. Added #2 (Apr 74). Contributors include Roy Kettle and Rob Holdstock. Scan provided by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
--Sena, Donald Miller. Added 1 issue of this apazine (N'APA): #1 (Jun 65) and relocated #4 from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Trimble-Other_Publications, Bjo Trimble. Added "Burn Before Reading 1", a short apazine (APA-L) from Feb 66. Scan by Sumner Hunnewell. Thanks, Sumner.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--1940s One Shots. Moved Hints on Stencil Cutting from 1950s One Shots based on analysis by Mark Plummer. Also fixed the link, which was broken! Thanks, Mark.
December 7, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 5 issues: #312 - Old Oaken Windmill 11 (Yale Edeiken, Dec 73), 525 - Dry Run 22 (Johnny Lee, 86), Fantasy Rotator 142.3 - Suffering Tarpon (Mar 64), Fantasy Rotator 235.02psi - Legal Constitution II (George Heap, Aug 69), Fantasy Rotator 473.07734 (Med Stull, Apr 83), and 554 - Untitled 10 (Alan Lankin, Nov 87).
--Filking Times, Rick and Deborah Weiss. Added 5 issues of this filk newszine: 21-24 (Dec 90-Mar 91) and 26 (May 91). Scans by Eli Goldberg. Thanks, Eli!
--maLAise, Dave Van Arnam. Added #50 (Jan 66) of this short apazine (APA-L). Scan by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Norstrillia Notes, Dan Alderson. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid 60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took.
--Science Fiction Review, Donald Franson. Added 4 issues of Science Fiction Review: #4-6 (Oct - Nov 63), and #20 (Sep 66).
--Stop Breaking Down, Greg Pickersgill. Added 2 more issues: #6-7 (Mar 78 - Aug 81).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added #363 (Dec 24). Thanks, George.
--Vector. Added 5 issues: #12 (James Groves, Jun 61), 33 (Roger Peyton, Jun 65), 46 (Phil Mullowney, Sep 67), 47 (Tony Sudbery, Nov 67) and 49 (Tony Sudbery, Jun 68). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--World SF Newsletter. Added 5 miscellaneous publications from the early 80s: World SF Conference Progress Report 1 (Gerald Bishop, Win 83), World SF Meeting Proposal 1983 (Kristo Mazuranic and Bruno Ogorelec, Aug 82), World SF Membership Directory and Supplement (Nov 80), and a World SF membership card (80).
December 4, 2024
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 2 issues: #64 aka Blue Draft (May 65), and 93 aka Rough Draft (Dec 65). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Gallant Gallstone, Jack Harness. Added #66 (Jan 66). Scan by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--GUFF. Added 5 items: GUFF News (John Foyster, Aug 81), 2 issues of The Guffiate (Roelof Goudriaan, Jul-Dec 91), and The Northern Guffblower #1-2 (Dave Langford, Aug-Nov 78). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Harpings, Margaret Middleton. Added 3 issues: 19-20 (Jul-Nov 89) and 22 (Jan 90).
--House of the Games, Dwain Kaiser. Added 3 issues of this apazine (APA-L): 22 (Sep 65), 39-40 (Jan-Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--LASFuss, Bruce and Dian Pelz. Added 2 issues of this short apazine (APA-L): #15-16 (Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell. Thanks, Sumner.
--Mayhem Annex, Felice Rolfe. Added 2 issues of this apazine (APA-L): #35-36 (Jan-Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell (aka Hildifons Took). Thanks, Sumner.
--Opuntia, Dale Speir. Added the latest issue - early December 2024. Thanks, Dale.
--Probably Something, Tom Digby. Added 2 issues of this apazine (APA-L): #11-12 (Feb 66).
--Roquat, Ruth Berman. Added 3 issues of this apazine (APA-L): #15-17 (Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the December 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Stop Breaking Down, Greg Pickersgill. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 70s. Contributors include D. West, Eric Bentcliffe, Malcolm Edwards and Rob Holdstock. It's a terrific addition to the archive. Many thanks to Greg Pickersgill for the scans. Thanks, Greg!
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 2 issues: #122-123 (Nov 00 - Jan 01) of this perzine. Fanzines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors to include Dave Langford, Perry Middlemiss, Mark Plummer, David Ritter, Joe Siclari, Andrew Sigel, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Geri Sullivan, Jan Vanek Jr and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!
Corrections and Clarifications:
--1950s One Shots. Thanks to Mark Plummer for correcting the date on "The Fannish Case of Ashworth v Lindsay." Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
--Fancyclopedia typo - Thanks to Greg Meyer for letting us know about typos in Fancyclopedia. We'll get them fixed and please keep them coming. Thanks, Greg!
November 30, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Blazon, Eric Bentcliffe and Keith Freeman. Added #1 (Apr 74) by Eric Bentcliffe. This is the Magazine of "St. Fantony and Science Fiction". Contributors include Ken Bulmer, Harry Warner, Bob Shaw, Larry Niven, Ron Bennett and Ramsey Campbell. Issue 2 of Blazon was in the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come directory, and has been moved here. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Bruzzfuzzel News, Clay Fourrier. Added 5 more issues of this clubzine from the Baton Rouge Science Fiction League: #53-57 (Feb-Oct 88). Also relocated the 1 issue that was in the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come directory, now moved to this page. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 5 issues: 87-88 (Jul-Oct 84), 91 (Jul 85), and 97-98 (Jan-Apr 87). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Filking Times, Rick and Deborah Weiss. Added 6 issues of this filk-oriented newszine from the early 90s. Added: #1-2 (Jan 89), 17-20 (Jul-Oct 90). Scans by Eli Goldberg from the collection of Rick Weiss. Thanks, Eli! Thanks, Rick!
--GUFF. Added 6 issues of GUFFStuff by Eve Harvey. Added issues #1-6 (Mar 86-May 88). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the November 29 issue. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 2 issues: #76-77 (Sep-Nov 24). Thanks, Guy.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues of this perzine: #117-121 (Apr-Oct 00). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
PDF Replacements: Replaced issues 25 and 27 of The Filking Times with searchable PDFs. Scans by Eli Goldberg. Thanks, Eli!
November 27, 2024
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 4 issues: #368-371 (Mar-Jun 18). Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--Harpings, Margaret Middleton. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us filkzine from the mid 80s. Scans by Eli Goldberg and Joe Siclari. Thanks, Eli!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues (Nov 15- Nov 22). Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--O, Dan Alderson. Added 5 issues of this short new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid 60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Rowrbazzle, June Konigsberg aka June Moffatt. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Scrimshaw, Bill Blackbeard. Added #10 (Oct 65) of this apazine (APA-L). Scan by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #69 (Jun 82). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Topaze, Jayn Ellern. Added 4 issues of this apazine (APA-L): #16-19 (Jan-Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell. Thanks, Sumner.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues of this apazine (Turbo-APA): #112-116. Zines provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Widening Gyre, Ulrika O'Brien. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from 1997. Contributors include: Ed Green and Andy Hooper. Thanks, Ulrika!
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Rob Hansen, for pointing out that we had the wrong Wall for #2 in The Wall. Fixed now. Thanks, Rob.
--Thanks to Mark Plummer, for pointing out that the recently added "The Bird is Cruel? 20" was distributed through AZAPA not ANZAPA, eg the Arizona-APA and not the Australia and New Zealand APA. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
November 23, 2024
We're having some problems with generating the revised alphabetic and chron lists, so for now, the newly added fanzine issues won't show. You can find them by clicking the fanzine index pages (links included below), or looking at the Classic List to obtain the link to the fanzine index page.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 2 items: N'apacon (Ed Meskys, Jun 60), and Two-Shot (Gordon Benson, Aug 68). Two-Shot is from the Albuquerque Science Fiction Society and includes contributions from Jack Speer, Bob Vardeman, and Roy Tackett.
--1970s One Shots. Added 5 items: Anyplace But Here (Don Markstein, 75), Cigar Roach for President (Mike Glyer, Nov 75), Last Stand (Rich Small, 1975), Pogoland (Meade Fierson, 76), and The World's Greatest Fannish Crossword Puzzle (Charles Wells, Feb 70).
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 7 items: Big Mac 111 (Norman Hollyn, May 86), The Bird is Cruel? 20 (Patrick Hayden, May 76), Blue KangaRue 1 (Sharon Miller, May 84), Blue Jaunte 1 (Taral Wayne, Apr 76), Boffin 1 (A. Everett Winne, Jul 51), Brodie 3 (Tom Springer, May 95), and Claudius 2 (Claude Hall, Sep 54).
--Cybercozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added 2 issues: Oct-Nov 24. Thanks, Leybl!
--De Profundis. Added 2 issues: Oct 14, 1965 (John and Bjo Trimble) and #325 (Scott Beckstead, Sep 99). Scan of #325 by Rich Lynch, and scan of the Oct 65 issue by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Rich and Sumner.
--Godot, Mike Deckinger. Added #11 (Feb 70) of this apazine (FAPA).
--GUFF. Added 6 issues of GUFFAWE: #4-9 (Feb 88-Aug 90). Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 4 issues of this mid-60s apazine (APA-L): #67-70 (Jan-Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--LASFuss, Dian and Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues of this short apazine (APA-L) from the mid-60s. Most of each issue is a single cartoon by, I believe, Dian Pelz. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Montgomery Papers, Guy Lillian III. Added 5 more issues: #5-9 (Jun 82 - Jan 83). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 2 issues of this apazine (FAPA): #46-47 (Nov 69-Feb 70).
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to John Bray for pointing out that the counts on the APA summary page are now zero. They're still there, but thank you, John. We'll add it to the bug list. John also pointed out counting errors on newszines. Thanks, John.
--Thanks to Perry Middlemiss for pointing out typos in dates for SF News. Fixed now. Thanks, Perry.
--Thanks to Leigh Edmonds and Perry Middlemiss for informing us that Stopgap and SF News should not be on the same index page. One is not a continuation of the other, and the numbering systems are not contiguous. They've now been separated. Thanks, Leigh and Perry!
November 20, 2024
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #363-367 (Oct 17-Feb 18). Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper and Victor Gonzalez. Added 4 issues: #54 (Feb 96), 57-58 (Apr 96), and 63 (Jul 96). Issue 63 was co-edited by Carl Juarez. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Bento, David Levine and Kate Yule. Added #22-23 (Aug 11 - May 13). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Fanmark Greeting Cards. Added an undated Christmas card, possibly from 1960, from Bruce, Don, John, Bjo and Ernie. Provided for scanning by A.C. Kyle. Thanks, A.C.!
--Good Housekeeping, Bjo Trimble. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us, short apazine from the mid-60s (APA-L). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner!
--Grayscale, Jeanne Gomoll. Added #18-19 (Jun-Sep 00) of this apazine.
--House of the Games. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid-60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner!
--Probably Something, Tom Digby. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us short apazine (APA-L) from early 1966. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner!
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added #251 (Sep 99) of this clubzine from the Portland Science Fiction Society. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Rabanos Radiactivos, Fred Patten. Added 4 issues of this short apazine (APA-L): #67-70 (Jan-Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Roquat, Ruth Berman. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us short apazine (APA-L) from the mid-60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #72 (Dec 82). From Rich Lynch (who scanned this): "On page 29 there is a brief anecdote about RAH, including a reprint of a postcard that Heinlein sent to Guy. A small treasure for any RAHogists out there." Thanks, Rich!
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues of this apazine (Turbo-APA): #105-107 (Jun-Aug 99), and 110-111 (Sep-Oct 99). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
November 16, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Anvil, Cindy Riley. Added: Anvil - The Special Edition (Oct 84).
--Australian SF News Special, Merv Binns. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us newszine (Jun 00-Oct 05). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Cliffhangers and Others, Rick Norwood. Added issue #7 (Mar 65) of this apazine (SFPA). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Etherline, Merv Binns. Added a 1 page issue from Jan 70. Scan by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the November 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Grayscale, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues: #13-17 (Jul 99 - Mar 00). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added #170 (Jan 68) of this apazine (APA-L).
--Invader, Joe Staton. Added #6 (Jan 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Montgomery Papers, Guy Lillian III. Added the 1st 4 volumes (5 pubs) of Guy Lillian's "overview of the first 20 mailings of
The Southern Fandom Press Alliance". Information courtesy of Rich Lynch, who credits Mary Palmer Linnemann of the Hargett Library at the University of Georgia with providing some PDFs of Guy's apazines. Thanks, Rich!
--Morbid, Craig Miller. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (Capa-alpha) from the early 70s.
--Of Members & 'Zines, Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added the Feb 81 issue of this FAPAzine.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added 3 issues: #584-586 (Oct-Nov 24). Thanks, Dale!
--Phenotype, Dick Eney. Added the December 1959 issue. The cover is the floorplan of the Tucker Hotel.
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added 2 issues of this FAPAzine: 53 (Dec 63) and 56 (Mar 65).
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Nov 69 issue of this apazine (FAPA).
--Yezidee, Dian Crayne. Added 2 issues of this SAPSzine, both numbered 19. One is from Jul 75 and the other from Nov 75.
November 13, 2024
Fanzines added: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 3 items: Running, Jumping and Standing Still Magazine 1 (Mal Ashworth, May 61), SFBE (Science Fiction Played by Ear), from Ray Beam (Jun 62) and Swamp Gas, Weather Balloons and Venus in the Day Time (Leon Hale and Jack Speer, Feb 67).
--Algol, Andy Porter. Added 3 items: #24-25 (Sum 75-Win 76), and an extract of Algol 9 (Apr 65) that was distributed through APA-F. Contributors to 24 and 25 include Ted White, Jack Williamson, Bob Silverberg and Greg Benford. Scans for 24-25 by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper and Victor Gonzales. Added 5 issues: #39 (Jul 95), 49-51 (Dec 95 - Jan 96) and #54 (Feb 96). All scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Bronc, Eva Firestone. Added the Apr 57 issue of this apazine (SAPS).
--BSFAN, Mike Kurman. Added #9 (Mike Kurman, Jun 78).
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #24 (Sum 06) and 30 (Sum 09). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Crifanac, Ken Forman and Arnie Katz. Added 4 issues: #7 (Sep 98), and 10-12 (Dec 98-Mar 99). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 6 issues: #207 - Honneur Soit Qui Mal Pense 6 (Don Fitch, Dec 67), 214 - Strange Cult Tales (Scotty Tapscott, May 68), 215 - Con Muchos Arboles 9 (Fred Patten, May 68), 217.00001 - Stories of the Street (Jerry Lapidus, 68), 221 - Ye Old Oaken Windmill Visits the La Brea Tar Pits (George Scithers, 63) and 241 - De Wawkin' Kneemoanyue Obsurvuh #1 (Barry Longyear, 80).
--Gremlinkin, Ellie Turner. Added #7 (Feb 65). Scan by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner!
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. Added #156 (Feb 79) of this FAPAzine.
--Magnitude, Ralph Stapenhorst. Added #2 (Sum 55). There's an article by Forry Ackerman in this issue.
--Manndate, Rich Mann. Added #3 (Mar 65) of this apazine (SFPA). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Paperback Inferno, Joseph Nicholas. Added #21 (Joseph Nicholas, 80).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added #362 (Nov 62). Thanks, George.
November 9, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: AFAB Gazette Turkey Special (Meade Frierson, Dec 93), Apatite 1 (Dan Goodman, Feb 79), BBB 1 (Joyce Katz, Laurie Yates, and Aileen Forman, Nov 91), Bagarthach 13 (Don Markstein, Sep 74), Been There, Done That! 1 (Steve Stiles, Jan 84), and Mac's GI Journal 1 (Dan McPhail, Oct 44). Mac's GI Journal was scanned by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
--1950s One Shots. Added 3 items: Hints on Stencil-Cutting (John Newman and Ken Slater, 53), Prodigal 1 (Dave Newman, Sum 58), and Tyke (Jack Harness, Feb 58). Scans of Hints on Stencil-Cutting and Prodigal 1 were by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--1960s One Shots. Added 5 items: Birth of a Project (George Locke, Feb 66), Canto One (Lee Harding, Dec 64), Double Trouble (Richard Schultz, Nov 65), Markstein for President!!! (George Wells, 68), and Rejected Scene (Ted Johnstone, 68). Contributors to Canto One include John Foyster and John Bangsund. Canto One was scanned by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added the first 6 issues: #1-6 (Mar-Apr 94). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Instrumentality, Greg Hills. Added 5 issues: V3#6 (Dec 91), V4#1-2 (Apr-Aug 92), V5#1-2 (Feb 93-Jan 94). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Southerner, Joe Staton. Added #15 (Mar 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Such and Such, Hank Luttrell. Added #3 (Mar 65) of this apazine (SFPA). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Ul, Norm Metcalf. Added #39 (Jan 72).
--Vector, Michael Kenward. Added 2 issues: #50 (Jul 68), and #54 (Fall 69). Vector is the official journal of the British Science Fiction Association. All scans today by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Wait a Minute, Larry Montgomery. Added 2 issues of this SFPA apazine from the mid 60s. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to John Bray for pointing out a typo in one of the fanzine titles. Thanks, John!
November 6, 2024
New software! We've moved onto new software for the fanzine archive, written by the indefatigable Mark Olson. You'll notice a few new features cropping up on the index pages for new and updated fanzines. The editor's name will now be linked to their Fancyclopedia article, the titles with complete runs are marked as complete on their index page, and any related club will be listed. The Classic List will be updated more frequently, and there's more error checking in the software, so hopefully, it will catch some of my finger-fumbled dates.
There's a remaining problem with the statistics on the alpha and chron list. We know about and are working on it. But, if you spot anything awry, please send a note to Hooray for Mark! This code is enormously easier to use than the 25 year old REXX code it replaces.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--ASFOAWN, Joe Celko and Brad Linaweaver. Added 1 issue: Apr 83. The date is approximate, based on the contents.
--Ben's Beat, Ben Indick. Added #41 (Mar 96) of this apazine (FAPA).
--Camber. Added 2 issues: #1 (Fred Robinson, Sum 53), and 8 (Alan Dodd, 57). Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added 5 issues: #6 (Sum 97), 9 (Spr 99), 17-18 (Win-Spr 03) and 21 (04). Contributors include Mike Resnick, Terry Jeeves and Greg Benford. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Cosmic Cuts, Gordon Holbrow. Added 4 issues: #2 (Jun 43), 11-12 (Dec 44-Feb 45), and 21 (Dennis Tucker, Jun 46). Scans provided by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
--Crifanac, Ken Forman and Arnie Katz: Added 5 issues: #1 (May 98), and 3-6: Jun-Aug 98. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added #45 (Nov 24). Thanks, Garth.
--Pantopon, Ruth Berman. Added 2 issues of this apazine (FAPA): #12 (Aug 65) and 14 (Feb 66).
--Pertinence, Archie Mercer. Added 3 issues of this perzine: #1-3 (Jan-May 69). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Pulsar, David D. Levine. Added #165 (Sep 92).
--Romann, Rich Mann. Created an index page and added 1 zine for this 60s apazine (N'APA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 issue-maybe more to come.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the Oct 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Vector, Malcolm Edwards. Added #62 (Nov 72). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Warlock, Larry Montgomery. Added #7 (Jun 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Zaje Zaculo, Lenny Bailes. Added #5 (Mar 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Nathan Lily for pointing out a bad link in the Philcon 2004 conpubs directory. Thanks, Nathan!
November 2, 2024
Robin Johnson, Traveling Fan from Oz (Pt 2 of 2), with Perry Middlemiss and Leigh Edmonds
Description: FANAC History Zoom: October 2024: This enjoyable session continues with more of the fannish history of Robin Johnson, not only one of the best known Australian fans, but also one of the best loved. In Part 2 of this 2 part session, Robin continues with more tales of Aussiecon (1975), the first Australian worldcon. As chairman of Aussiecon, Robin shares his memories including the massive crowding caused by injudicious placement of the only 3 computer arcade games around, an unfortunate and expensive attempt to publicize a Hugo novel candidate, and a sadly lost slide carousel.
In addition to Aussiecon, you’ll hear about the Tasmanian convention, Thylacon, named after the extinct marsupial, the thylacine, better known as the Tasmanian wolf. In 2010, Robin was Fan Guest of Honor at Aussiecon 4, the 4th Australian World Science Fiction Convention. After those tales, and a few traveler’s tales too, the session concludes with a slideshow of Australian fan photographs and a little Q&A.
Many thanks to master interviewer and Aussiecon 3 chair, Perry Middlemiss, and to Leigh Edmonds, who served as Robin's auxiliary memory in this session.
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 3 recent issues: #441 (Apr 24), 445-446 (Aug-Sep 24).
Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 5 issues: 40-41 (Aug 95), 45 (Oct 95) and 47-48 (Nov-Dev 95). The last two were co-edited by Victor Gonzalez. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
Australian Science Fiction Newsletter, Merv Binns. Added 6 issues of this newszine: Sep 60, Dec 60, Apr 61, Sep 61, Dec 64 and Jun 65. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
Cosmic Dustbug, John Bangsund. Added 5 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in Bangsund-Other Publications. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
DamnYankee, Arnie Katz. Added #5 (Mar 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
The Echo Beach Quarterly, Marc Ortlieb. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (FAPA) from the early 80s.
Hornpipe Series, Redd Boggs. Added: Asleep at the Wheel, Hornpipe Series 4 (May 95).
Idle Hands, Norm Metcalf. Added #10 (Jan 63).
Kabumpo, Dian Pelz. Added #2 (Mar 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Loki, Dave Hulan. Added #8 (Mar 65) of this apazine (SFPA and SAPS). The numbering on these issues is a little screwy, but seem to be confirmed by the indexes. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/1/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
MT_VOID-1990-1997, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added the issues from the first half of 1996. Thanks, Evelyn!
Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 1 issue of this apazine (N'APA): #23 (Sep 60).
Shadowfax, Greg Hills. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine from the 80s.
Wigglemiggle Remembrancer, Frank Wilimczyk. Added #12 (Jan 65) of this apazine (APA-F).
YHOS, Art Widner. Added #30 (Nov 84).
October 30, 2024
YouTube: FANAC Fan History Zoom
Title: Robin Johnson, Traveling Fan from Oz (Pt 1 of 2), with Perry Middlemiss and Leigh Edmonds
Description: This enjoyable session explores the fannish history of Robin Johnson, not only one of the best known Australian fans, but also one of the best loved...Beginning with his birth in Hobart to his chairmanship of Australia's first World Science Fiction Conventions (1975), in Part 1 of this 2 part session, Robin regales us with stories of his fannish career. From his early days in fandom ("crouched around the feet of John Campbell while he smoked and pontificated"), to other well known Australian fans ("living with John Bangsund is a very difficult job"), and the enormity of bidding for an Australian Worldcon ("no one else in Australia had even been to a Worldcon at the time", Robin makes this history come alive...There are tales of Antifan, and stories of Harlan Ellison, Ursula Le Guin, Susan Wood and Mike Glicksohn, the Magic Pudding Club and how the Aussiecon Art show was saved by judicious negotiation.
It's great fun, and interviewer Perry Middlemiss does a masterful job of teasing out the details. With the help of Leigh Edmonds, serving as Robin's auxiliary memory, the session is a delightful tour through the making of the first Australian Worldcon.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 7 titles: Bonzer 15 (John Ryan, Feb 71), Crossfire 1 (Arnie Katz, Jan 93), The Devil's Motorboat (Nick and Noreen Falasca, 1958), Jabberwock 1 (John Hardin, Mar 96), STzine 9 (Joe Moudry, May 91), Spectrum 2 (Lin Carter, Jan 63) and True Rat 8 (Roy Kettle, Aug 76). Contributors to True Rt include Peter Roberts Graham Charnock, and Harry Bell. Thanks to Roy Kettle for his permission to put his fanzines online. Scan for Bonzer 14 is by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Roy! Thanks, Perry!
Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: 359-362 (Jun - Sep 17). This includes one half issue, remembering Brian Aldiss. Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
APA-L Table of Contents. Added 10 early issues of ToCs for APA-L mailings: 81-100 (May-Sep 66). The ToCs were scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
Banshee, Michael Gorra. Added 2 issues: 8-9 (May - Aug 74). Contributors include Buz Busby, John D. Berry, Cy Chauvin, Susan Wood, Dean Grennell and Dave Locke. There are two fanzines named "Banshee", and this one is listed under its original title of "Starship Tripe". The issues after the name change are listed properly as "Banshee".
Clarges, Lon Atkins. Added #1 (Mar 65) of this apazine (SFPA). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
De Profundis. Added 2 issues: #21 (Chuck Crayne, Mar 68) and 65 (Bill Warren, Oct 73). Issue 65 announces the opening of the new LASFS clubhouse.
The Instrumentality, Greg Hills. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 90s. This is the "Instrumentality of the Australian Science Fiction Association". Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
Ipzik!, Lenny Bailes. Added 2 issues: 16 (Feb 65, scanned by Sumner Hunnewell), and 21 (Mar 65) scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Sumner! Thanks, Rich!
Le Moindre, Boyd Raeburn. Added #32 (Feb 75) of this apazine (FAPA).
Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. added another 26 issues from 1995, completing the second half of the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
Niflheim, Dave Hulan. Added #18 (Jan 67).
Skug, Gary Mattingly. Added #12 (Mar 96).
The Star Rover, Van Splawn. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s/50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come.
Starling, Hank Luttrell. Added #4 (Mar 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
Utgard, Dave Hulan. Added #4 (Mar 65) of this apazine (SFPA). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Wild Heirs, Arnie & Joyce Katz and the Vegas All-Stars. Added Wild Heirs 1 (Apr 93). It's all about Silvercon 1993
Zymurgy, Dick Patten. Added 2 issues: j-k (Apr-Aug 76). Contributors include Bob Vardeman and Darrell Schweitzer.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include: John Bray, Thomas Bull, Eva Whitley Chalker, Eric Coleman, Dave Langford, Mark Plummer, Steven Silver, Jan Vanek Jr, and of course Mark Olson.
October 27, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: FANanniA (Anna Steul, Sep 55), Secant 1 (Greg Hills, Jan 87), Selakejuheualehepaotreupahr 1 (Fred Patten, Dec 67), Sena 4 (Donald L. Miller, Mar 66), Sergeant Chough 6 (Frank Denton, May 81) and Solecism 1 (Ben Solon, July 68). FANanniA was the first German fanzine (in English) in OMPA. Sergeant Chough is dedicated to the mystery-detective field. Many thanks to Greg Pickersgill for the scan of FANanniA. Thanks, Greg!
Australian SF News, Merv Binns. Added #2 (Jul 78). Scan by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry!
Conference Call, Dick Eney. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from 1976.
Eight Ball, Beak Taylor. Added #2 (May 43). Contributors to this issue include Fred Hurter, Jr. and Leslie Croutch. After issue 3, this fanzine became Canadian Fandom. Scan of #2 provided by Greg Pickersgill. Thanks, Greg!
Endless Shadow, David Mitchell. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (SFPA) from the mid60s. According to Fancyclopedia, David Mitchell was a hoax neofan by Larry Montgomery with his friend Lamar Hollingsworth. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
Fantasy Rotator. Added 6 issues and fractional issues of this apa (Cult): #193.001 - The Legal Constitution II (Scott Tapscott, Feb 67), #202 - Con Mucho Arboles #8 (Fred Patten, Aug 67), #204 (Chuck Crayne, Oct 67), #205 - Musky 1 (Dan Goodman, Nov 67), #205.03 - Shabrat # Omega (George Heap, Nov 67), and #206 - Lamentations 3 (Bill Donaho, Dec 67). Lamentations 3 was also the title of Bill Donahos FR 175 (Jan 66) but these are different FRs.
Kraml, James O'Meara. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from 1960. James O'Meara was Vice-chairman of Chicon III in 1962.
Milarky, Craig Miller. Added #74 (Feb 71) of this apazine (APA-L).
MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues: 10/28/24 and 10/25/24. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
The Sphere, Don Markstein. Added V144#1 (May 93) of this apazine (SFPA).
This is Not a Minaczine, Rich Lynch. Added 2 issues of this apazine (SFPA): #46-47 (May 93).
World SF Newsletter, Elizabeth Anne Hull. Added 6 issues: #4 (Fall 81), 7-8 (Sum 82-Win 83), 12 (Fall 84), 22=23 (Spr-Sum 86).
Corrections and Clarifications: News Bulletin - Detroit Science Fantasy League, Howard DeVore. Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out that we had a duplicate item (scanned from a different copy) of what had been listed in Michigan-Other Publications as the Detroit SFL News Bulletin (Dec 50). I've removed the old scan which wasn't as clear. Thanks, Sam!
October 23, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #355-358 (Feb-May 17).
There's a half issue in there as part of the count. Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--Irusaben, Bob Silverberg. Added #11 (May 53) of this apazine (FAPA).
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll.
Added the October 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--News Bulletin of the Detroit
Science Fantasy League, Howard DeVore. Added the Dec 49 Bulletin. This 1 pager includes a paragraph report on the previous
meeting - where a constitution was adopted and elections held.
--Mardi Gras
zines, Don Markstein. Added 2 issues of Don Markstein's Mardi Gras (or perhaps better described as anti-Mardi Gras) apazines.
These are dated 75-77.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Sep 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Pulp, Avedon Carol, Rob Hansen, Vince Clarke. Added 5 issues of this late 80s/early
90s UK genzine. Contributors to these issues include the editors plus Dave Langford, Chuch Harris, and Kate Schaefer. These fanzines
were scanned at the Glasgow 2024 Worldcon.
--Replay, Joanne Burger. Added 5 more issues of these listings for the N3F Tape
Bureau: #31-36 (Dec 71-Jan 73).
--Sambo, Sam Martinez. Added #24 (Aug 75) of this FAPAzine.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the September and October issues of
The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Tyndallite, Norm Metcalf. Added V2#60 (Jul 95) of this apazine (SFPA).
--Utgard, Dave Hulan. Added #22 (Nov 76) of this apazine (SFPA).
--Vaux Hall Fanatic, Seth Johnson. Added 2 issues of this apazine (N'APA):
Dec 60, and the other is early 60s but I have no idea when.
--WSFA Journal. Added 2 issues both edited by Joe Mayhew: Jan 96- Feb 96.
--Zap, Robert Briggs. Added the Oct 51 issue of this apazine (SAPS).
October 20, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--APA-L Table of Contents. Added 10 early issues of ToCs for APA-L mailings: 71-80 (Feb-Apr 66). The ToCs were scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--Ben's Beat, Ben Indick. Added #15 (Nov 69) of this apazine (FAPA).
--Excelsior, Arnie Katz. Added #4 of this apazine (SAPS) from Apr 65.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the October 24 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 6 issues and fractional issues of the Cult apa: #4 - Ululume (John Hitchcock, 54), 7 1/69 - I've Got it (Dennis Moreen, 54), #7.5 (Ted White, Jan 55), #13 (Larry Stark, 60), #173.29 - The Jug of Doubtful Joy #2 (Dave Van Arnam, Dec 65), and #175 - Lamentations 3 (Bill Donaho, Jan 66).
--Kaymar, K. Martin Carlson. Added #13 of this apazine (N'APA): Jun 66.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/11/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added the first 6 months of 1995. Thanks, Evelyn!
--The New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added 2 issues of this appazine (SFPA): #155 (May 94) and 169 (Sep 96).
--Out of the Blue, Harry Bell and Kevin Williams. Added the complete 5 issue run of this genzine from the early 80s. Zines provided for scanning at the 2024 Glasgow Worldcon by Rob Jackson. Thanks, Rob!
--Shelta Thari, Dick Eney. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added #48 (Jul 75) of this apazine (SAPS).
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #36 (Nov 76) of this apazine (SFPA).
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added 2 issues of this apazine (FAPA): Nov 66 and Dec 75.
--Wallbanger, Eve Harvey. Added 2 issues: #7-8 (Nov 82- Nov 83).
--World SF Newsletter. Added 5 issues: #1 (Niels Dalgaard, Dec 80), 1988 #2 (Judy Blish), 1989 #2 (Jim Goddard) and 1991 #2-3 (Jim Goddard}. The numbering scheme was changed in 1988 (approx) to reflect the newsletter issue relative to the year.
Corrections and Clarifications: Foofaraw, Fred Patten. Thanks to Ruth Berman for pointing out that #18 was actually a copy of #16. I've removed it for now, and we're looking for the real #18. Thanks, Ruth!
October 16, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 4 items: High Level 1 (Jan Jansen, 56), Slimy Tails - the Bottomless Pit of Detroit Fandom, An Expose (Howard DeVore, 1955 approx.), Smirch - The Blot on Fandom (Wally Weber, Royal Drummond, Burnett Toskey and William Austin, Sep 52) and Who is this Man (Nick and Noreen Falasca, 58). The Falasca item is about WSFS Inc. Thanks to Rob Hansen for the scan of High Level 1. Thanks, Rob!
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #350-354 (Sep 16 - Jan 17). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--Cloud Chamber, Dave Langford. Added 2 issues of this perzine: #37 (Oct 87) and 44 (Aug 93). Issue 37 was scanned by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added #2 (Aug 54).
--Dynatron, Roy Tackett. Added #29 (Sep 66).
--Melikaphkhaz,Lon Atkins. Added the 1st issue of this apazine (SFPA), from Jun 65. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Our Fair City, Martin Easterbrook. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us fanzine from the mid 70s. Scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon.
--Passing Parade, Milt Stevens. Added 3 issues: 2-4 (Nov 72 - Aug 73).
--Replay, Joanne Burger.Added 5 more issues of these listings for the N3F Tape Bureau: #26-30 (Mar - Oct 71).
--Rogue Raven, Frank Denton. Added 3 issues: 35 (86), and 46-47 (93-95). Scans by Eli Cohen. Thanks, Eli!
--References-Pro. Added: Science Fiction Pocketbooks of 1954 (uncredited, presumably 1955).
--Vector, Jo Walton, Polina Levontin and others. Added 6 issues of this official journal of the British Science Fiction Association: #291-297 (Sum 20 - Spr 23). PDFs provided by Kevin Williams (BSFA). Thanks, Kevin!
Corrections and Clarifications: FanHistoriCon. Thanks to Irwin Hirsh for pointing out that the location of Fanhistoricon 9.5 was a little misleading. I've changed it to explicitly refer to Australia. Thanks, Irwin!
October 14, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 1 item: "Facts in the Case of W. Dunkleberger" by Francis T. Laney (Jan 46). "In connection with Walt Dunkleberger's recent open letter on the subject of his dispute with Jack Speer, I have a few pertinent facts to present to fandom."
--ANZAPA OBO, David Grigg. Added #338 (Apr 24) and 241 (Oct 24). Scans provided by David Grigg and Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, David and Perry.
--APA-L Table of Contents. Added 10 early issues of ToCs for APA-L mailings: 61-62 (Dec 65) and 64-70 (Jan-Feb 66). The ToCs were scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--The Best Lines are..., Charles Burbee. Added 2 more issues of this apazine (FAPA): #1 (May 75) and the Oct 75 issue. They're both marked as one-shots, but they're not.
--Collector, Howard DeVore. Added 1 issue: Oct 56. This was dated by searching for news related to the content on "Farm Secretary Benson", which I found in the October 14, 1956 edition of the New York Times.
--Dangerous Crudzines, Elst Weinstein. Added #1 (May 75).
--Helen's Fantasia, Helen Wesson. Added 2 issues of this apazine (FAPA): #17 (Mar 66) and Oct 80.
--Ipzik!, Lenny Bailes. Added 2 issues of this brief apazine (APA-L). Added #67 (Jan 66) and 70 (Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. thanks, Sumner.
--Manndate, Rich Mann. Added #4 (Jun 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--MT_VOID-1990-1997, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. Added the remaining issues from 1994, completing the second half of that year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Resin, Norm Metcalf. Added 5 issues of this SAPSzine: 14-15 (Jul 62-Jan 64), 20 (Jan 65), 31 (Jul 67) and an issue dated Jan 67.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the October issue. Thanks, George.
--Tulgey Wood, Guy Terwilleger. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (N'APA) from 1960.
--Wallbanger, Eve Harvey. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the late 70s/early 80s. Contributors include Bob Shaw and Steve Green.
--Warlock, Larry Montgomery. Added #8 (Jun 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--What to Do When..., Bruce Pelz. Added 7 of these brief apazines (APA-L) from Dec 65- Feb 66. These are one page each, and consist of an illustration. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Wizard, Alma Hill. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the 60s. Wizard had fiction and helpful essays for writers. This was published "under the auspices of the Writers' Exchange of the National Fantasy Fan Federation."
--Zaje Zaculo, Lenny Bailes. Added #6 (Jun 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
October 9, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 6 issues: #344-349 (Mar-Aug 16). Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--By Strange Unseen Gods, Dwain Kaiser. Added 2 issues of this brief, new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from 1966. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Chunga, Andy Hooper, Randy Byers, and Carl Juarez. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine from the 00s. Contributors to these issues include James Bacon, Christina Lake and Steve Stiles.
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the September and October 2024 issues. Thanks, Heath.
--Foofaraw, Fred Patten. Added 2 issues of this apazine (N'APA): 13 (Sep 64) and 16 (Jun 65).
--Gallery, Chick Derry. Added #10 (Sum 59). Contributors: Dean Grennell, John Berry, Harry Warner Jr., and George Metzger.
--Grunion, Greg Shaw. Added 2 issues: 68-69 (Feb 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added #23 (Oct 24). Thanks, Perry.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/04/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mythprint, Glen GoodKnight. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from 1970. Mythprint is the montly bulletin of the Mythopoeic Society. --Outsiders, Wrai Ballard. Added 2 issues of this SAPSzine: #14 (Dec 53) and 19 (Mar 55).
--Replay, Joanne Burger. Added 5 more issues of these listings for the N3F Tape Bureau: #21-25 (Sep 70 - Mar 71).
--Sentinel, Dave Locke. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us brief apazine (SFPA) from 64-65. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Inferno, Paul and Cas Skelton. Added #4 (Jul 74)
--Society of Editors Newsletter, John Bangsund. Added 2 issues: May 84 and Feb 93.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the October 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Such and Such, Hank Luttrell. Added #4 (Jun 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Gloria Albasi for reporting a typo in the last what's new update. Sorry, all. Thanks,
Gloria. Fixed now.
October 5, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: Westmarch Chronicle 8 (Bernie Zuber, Nov 77), Why Bother 8 (John Brosnan, Feb 70), Wrapper 2 (Terry Hughes, 86), YTTERBIUM 39 (Alan Stewart, Apr 96), and Z Prime 2 (Bob Silverberg, Oct 51). Wrapper 2 has TAFF, GUFF and DUFF ballots and platforms included, and Westmarch Chronicle is a newsletter of the Tolkien Fellowship of Southern California. Scan for Why Bother 8 by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--APA L Table of Contents. Added 12 of these between #48-60 (Sep-Dec 65). Scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--Descant, Norm Clarke and Gina Ellis Clarke. Added 2 issues of this apazine (FAPA): #22 (Aug 73) and 24 (Aug 75).
--Dillinger Relic, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 2 issues: #21 and 23 both 1982.
--A Fanzine for Jack Harness, Fred Patten. Added 5 issues of this apazine (APA-L): Sept 65, Jan 66, and 3 Feb 66 issues. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 2 issues: #98-99 (Jan-Feb 66). Issue 98 is titled "First Double". Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Marauder, Ken Cheslin. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (Pieces of Eight) from the early 90s.
--New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added 1 issue of this SFPAzine: #149 (May 93).
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 5 issues: 50-52 (Aug 70-Feb 71), and 70-71 (Aug-Nov 75).
--Resin, Norm Metcalf. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the early 60s.
--Rover, Art Hayes. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us early 60s genzine from Canada.
--Sphere, L. T. Thorndyke. Added 2 issues: #1-2 (Sep-Nov 56). "Time was when only a small map of the United States was sufficient to pinpoint Fandom in its scattered sections.. Today for a more comprehensive picture (with wide-screen view and other "New Look” gimmicks) it requires a map of the world".
October 2, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--De Profundis. Added 2 issues of this LASFS clubzine: 147 (Gavin Claypool, Apr 84), and 283 (Tim Merrigan, Nov 95)
--Damn Yankee, Arnie Katz. Added 1 issue: #6 (Jun 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Deadwood, George Locke. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s apazine (FAPA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. This is now a complete run.
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 5 issues: 119 - Blacklist (rich brown, 83), 187.nein (Bruce and Dian Pelz, Nov 66), 306 - Rock & Roll Queens (Dennis McCunney, 73), 308.5007 - Revenge (Jack Harness and Lee Gold, 83) and 311 - Honneur Soit Qui Mal Y Pense (Don Fitch, Dec 73).
--Galoot, Jim Keith. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid60s. The first issue is coedited by Jim Schumacher. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Ignatz, Nancy Rapp. Added 3 issues of this apazine (SAPS): #13 (Apr 57), 37 (Jan 65), and 39 (Jan 66).
--IscarioT, Al Andrews. Added #16 (Jun 65). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Kabumpo, Dian Pelz. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 60s apazine (SFPA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--L, Ted White. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid 60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Lan's Lantern. Added #21 (Oct 86). Contributors include Dave Langford, Buck Coulson, and Uncle Andy Offutt. There's a Brad Foster cover on this issue.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/27/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the late September 2024 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Utgard, Dave Hulan. Added #5 (Jun 65) of this apazine (SFPA). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Replay, Joanne Burger. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us NFFF zine from 1970 with listings from the NFFF tape bureau.
--What the Dormouse Said/Dormouse, Marc Ortlieb. Added 3 issues and created an index page for this apazine (FAPA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Rogue Raven, Frank Denton. Thanks to Eli Cohen for spotting an incorrect date
on one of the issues. Fied now. Thanks, Eli!
--Whatsit, Ken Cheslin. Thanks to
Mark Plummer for spotting an incorrect date on one of the issues. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include: Sandra Bond, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Gary McGath, Mark Plummer, David Ritter, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!
September 28, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 5 items: Gee (Jun 54), a hoax by "W. Jacques Bellygrease", Olympus (Jack Speer, Aug 59), Oolong (Bob Pavlat, Nov 59), The Punxsutawny, Pittsburgh and Mars Picayune (Bill Danner, Spr 52) and Sand in the Beer (Art Rapp, Nov 59). "Sand in the Beer" is a collection of poetry.
--Allerlei, Walter Breen. Added Allerlei Special Leaflet 1 - The Gemini Problem: A Study in Darkover (Feb 73).
--Falling Petals, Larry Farsaci. Added #2 (Sum 46).
--From Sunday to Saturday aka Wondering and Wandering, Don Fitch. Added 6 issues of Don's new-to-us apazine (APA-L and FAPA). At some point Don changed the name of the fanzine from "Sunday to Saturday" to "Wondering and Wandering". Joe did 2 of the scans and the rest were done by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks to Don for his permission to put his zines online, and thanks, Sumner.
--Loki, Dave Hulan. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 60s. Contributors include Bill Plott and Joe Staton. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Lost Fanzines of Gary Farber, Alison Scott and Steven Cain. Added the last 2 of these brief zines, done to publicize the Farberday effort to bring Gary Farber to the UK.
--Philistine Quarterly, Don Markstein. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine (FAPA) from the mid 70s, subtitled "A Journal of the Arts".
--Runway 37, Margaret Middleton. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 70s/early 80s. Thanks to Margaret for her permission to add these to the online archive. Thanks, Margaret!
--The Southerner, Dave Hulan. Added 2 issues (or 1 issue and a supp?) from SFPA 16 (Jun 65). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Trantor, Bob Briggs. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Zap, Robert Briggs. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1970s One Shots. Apparently not a one shot at all, nor a 70s zine.
September 25, 2024
YouTube: The Secret Origins of Plokta (Pt 1 of 2) - Steve Davies, Sue Mason, Alison Scott and Mike Scott.
This fannish group (aka the Plokta Cabal) burst on the scene in May 1996 with the fanzine Plokta, which went on to receive two Best Fanzine Hugos, 2 Nova Awards for Best Fanzine, and Hugo nominations each year from 1999 to 2008. They are energetic, quirky and very, very funny. They are writers, artists, con runners, Worldcon bidders and fan fund winners... In part 1 (of 2), Steve Davies, Sue Mason, Alison Scott and Mike Scott, recount how they came into fandom and found each other. They tell entertaining stories of their fannish lives, from convention newsletters to the celebrated Plokta to the glories of providing a unique in-joke badge to each member of a convention. You'll learn what a SMURF is, hear strong opinions about staples, and find out just what voodoo board spam can be.... Plokta was one of the first web fanzines, and came together differently than most other fanzines. The group dynamics and interactions that created it are on full display in this recording. It's great fun to watch, and it's very, very clear that it was great fun to live.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Cognate, Rosemary Hickey. Added 1 issue of this short apazine (FAPA): Nov 75.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 2 issues of FAPA's OO: V38#2 (Gergg Calkins, Feb 75) and V39#4 (Nov 75).
--Ignatz, Nancy Share aka Nancy Rapp. Added 5 issues of this SAPSzine: 26 (Oct 60), 32-35 (Oct 62-Jan 64). Note that #35 is misdated on page 1 as 1963.
--Invader, Joe Staton. Added 2 issues of this apazine (SFPA): 5 (Dec 64) and 7 (Jun 65). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the September 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Maybe, Irvin Koch. Added #32 (Oct 75).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/20/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Off Trails, Ken Cheslin. Added 3 issues of the OMPA OO: 68-69 (Jan-Apr 73) and 79 (Oct 75).
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 5 issues of this apazine (FAPA): 28 (Nov 61), 30 (Feb 62), 35 (Nov 64), 40 (Feb 67), and 48 (May 70).
--References - SF, Fantasy and Horror, Redd Boggs. Added: Astounding Story-Key 1930-1951 (Feb 52) which appeared in FAPA 58."The Astounding Stery-Key was first designed for my own use, as a means of finding that story I wanted to read in my files of Astounding." And now we have Google.
--The Spectator. Added 2 issues of the SAPS OO: #112-113 (Jim and Doreen Webbert, Jul-Oct 75).
--Spy Ray, Dick Eney. Added 3 issues: Jul 68, Oct 74, and an issue which I've labeled as 1975 based on the contents. It is about D&D and that was first released in 1974.
--Vagary, Roberta Gray. Added 2 issues of this OMPAzine: 26 (Apr 73) and 30A (Oct 75).
--Whatsit, Ken Cheslin. Added 2 issues of this OMPAzine: 24 (Jan 73) and 29 (Oct 75).
September 22, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Andromeda, Pete Campbell. Added 2 issues: #11-12 (Jun-Jul 55).
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: 338-339 (Sep-Oct 15), 341-343 (Dec 15-Feb 16). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from he collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--A-zyn, Marcin Klak. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Zines provided by Marcin Klak. Thanks, Marcin!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added 2 issues: Aug-Sep 24. Thanks, Leybl.
--The Gallant Gallstone, Jack Harness. Added 6 issues of this brief apazine (APA-L): 31 1/2 (May 65), 33 (Jun 65), 47 (Sep 65), and 63-65 (Dec 65-Jan 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took Thanks, Sumner.
--Lhyfe, Roger Weddall. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 90s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--MT_VOID-1990-1997, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added the issues from Jan-Jun 1994. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added #57 (Jan 80).
--Rabanos Radiactivos,Fred Patten. Added 4 issues of this apazine (APA-L): 16 (Feb 65) and 64-66 (Jan 66). Scans provided by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--The Sydney Futurian, Graham Stone. Added #8 (Jul 48). This is a special Torcon issue.
--Title, Donn Brazier. Added 3 issues: #1 (Apr 72), 5-6 (Aug 72).
September 18, 2024
FANAC History Zoom this weekend! September 22, 2024 - The Secret Origins of Plokta, with Steve Davies, Sue Mason, Alison Scott, and Mike Scott, Time: 2PM EDT, 1PM CDT, 11AM PDT, 7PM London (BST) & too early in Melbourne This fannish group burst on the scene in May 1996 with the fanzine Plokta, which went on to receive two Best Fanzine Hugos, 2 Nova Awards for Best Fanzine, and Hugo nominations each year from 1999 to 2008. They are energetic, quirky and very, very funny. They are writers, artists, con runners, Worldcon bidders and fan fund winners. Join us and learn more about their secret origins, fannish impact and what they are doing now. If you are not on the zoom list, drop a note to
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 5 items: Adderkop 1 (Roy Tackett, Mar 65), The Doddering Report (Alan Dodd, 64), Dream Girl 1 (Rich Mann, Oct 64), The New Necronomicon (Joseph Sarno, 69) and "A Partial Exegesis of the Thoughts of Chairman Mao Tre*Tung (Dick Eney, Aug 68). The last two are selected quotes from a wide variety of places, both genre and nongenre.
--Bento, David Levine and Kate Yule. Added 4 issues: #17-20 (Aug 05- Aug 08).
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the September 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--GUFF. Added "I Knew The Porridge Was Trying to Tell Me Something - Some collected writings of Ang Rosin (for GUFF)", edited by Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer (Mar 07). Scan provided by Claire Brialey. Thanks, Claire!
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 3 issues of this brief apazine (APA-L: 64 (Dec 65) and 65-66 (Jan 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--LARPLX!, Ed Meskys. Added 3 items on this new index page: two issues of Ed's apazine (Shadow-FAPA), and a third issue which appears to be followon by Norm Metcalf in the same apa a few months later.
--Mayhem Annex, Felice Rolfe. Added 4 issues of this mid60s apazine (APA-L): 17 (Sep 65), 32-34 (Dec 65-Jan 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added 2 issues: 9/6/24 and 9/13/24. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Middle September 2024 recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added 2 issues: August, and Sept 2024. Thanks, George.
--Topaze, Jayn Ellern aka Jane Ellern. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
September 14, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 6 issues: 329 (Dec 14), and 333-337 (Apr-Aug 15). Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--APA-L ToC, mostly uncredited. Added the Table of Contents for issues 34-45 (Jun-Aug 65). These were scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared (and provided) by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--Artzines. Added 1 item: A Cross-Section of Art in Science-Fantasy (Roger C. Nelson and William F. Nolan, June 52). This was done to commemorate the 1952 SOU-WESTERCON, and includes art from Virgil Finlay, Frank R. Paul, Chesley Bonestell, and others. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--maLAise, Dave Van Arnam. Added 3 issues of this apazine (APA-L and APA-F): #14 (Feb 65) and 32-33 (Ma-Jun 65). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--Niddhoggr, Dave Hulan. Added 5 issues of this brief apazine (APA-L): 21-22 (May-Jun 65), 29-30 (Sep 65). Scans provided by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Sumner.
--OPO, Pat and Dick Lupoff. Added #31 (Feb 65).
--Patter, Paul Doerr. Added the complete 4 issue run of this mid70s apazine (FAPA). It has been suggested that Paul Doerr was the Zodiac killer. See for the reference.
--Rabanos Radiactivos!, Fred Patten. Added 5 issues and created an index page for this brief 60s apazine (APA-L), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scans provided by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons.
--Schamoob, Frank C. Johnson. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the late 60s/early 70s.
--Seetee, Peter Graham. Added 2 issues of this clubzine of the Tellurian Sciencefictioneers. Added: #7-8 (Fall 52-Mar 53). Issue 8 has an article and interior illustrations by Terry Carr.
--Swingline, Joyce Katz. Added #21 (Sep 74) of this brief apazine (APA).
September 11, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: 2B or Not 2B #6 (Ron Maddox, Jun 46), Abortions 4 (Ken Krueger and Eugene Smith), Dec 51), Ajax 1 (Hank Luttrell, Oct 64), Alpha & Omega 5 (Meg Johns, Oct 51), Arundel 1 (Arnie Katz, Mar 65) and Auslander 3 (Dave Hulan, Dec 65).
--Bento, David Levine and Kate Yule. Added 5 issues: 12-16 (Aug 01-Aug 04). PDFs supplied by David Levine. Thanks, David.
--Grunion, Greg Shaw. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us brief apazine (APA-L) from the mid60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons!
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues of this brief apazine (APA-L): Added 32 (May 65), 46-47 (Sep 65), 52 (Oct 65) and 64 (Jan 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons.
--Ipzik!, Lenny Bailes. Added 4 issues of this brief apazine (APA-L) from the mid 60s. Added #64-66 (Dec 65-Jan 66). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons.
--is, Tom Collins. Added #5 (72). This had been misplaced in our queues, and as a result even though it was scanned long ago, it is just going up now. This 100 page issue was done for the 100th mailing of SAPS and has contributions from Ray Lafferty, Redd Boggs, Ted White, Earl Kemp, Harry Warner, Jr. Dean Grennell, MZB and others. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Lost Fanzines of Gary Farber, Alison Scott and Steven Cain. Added 5 more issues: #7-11 (96). Their titles are: Balloons Over Brooklyn, Playfarber, Lan's Blowtorch, Runcible 108 and Obsessions 5. Thanks to Geri Sullivan for providing these for the scanning. Thanks, Geri.
September 7, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1990s One Shots. Added 2 items: The Fanimals Bestiary (Ian Gunn, Aug 94) and a Timebinders Letter to LoneStarCon 2 (Peggy Rae Pavlat, Nov 96). Scan for the Bestiary done by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: 324-328 (Jul-Nov 14). These issues were scanned by Perry Middlemiss from he collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Added 3 issues: 163 (Mar 01), 165 (Mar 01) and 177 (Sep 01). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--Bento, David Levine and Kate Yule. Added 5 issues: #6-11 (Feb 95 - Feb 00). Zines provided by David Levine. Thanks, David.
--Microwave, Terry Hill. Added 4 items: #6-8 (Aug 83-Mar 85), and a 2 page item titled Egoboo Express: LeeH that I believe went along with #7. Issue 8 was edited not by Terry Hill but by Margaret Hill and Elda Wheeler. Contributors include Chuch Harris, Lee Hoffman, Sid Birchby, Bob Shaw, Skel and Terry Jeeves. There are some fine looking covers by Stu Shiffman and Harry Bell.
--Sambo, Sam Martinez. Added #13 (Aug 65).
--The Science Fiction Fan, Olon F. Wiggins. Added 4 issues: #38-40 (Sep-Nov 39), and 50 (Sep 40). Scans provided by Michelle Rosenblum aka Eowyn at Glasgow 2024. Thanks, Eowyn!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #75 (Aug 24). Thanks, Guy.
--Steve Albini's.., Julian Warner and Lucy Sussex. Added two items for this index page from the mid90s. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Sandra Bond for letting me know that the Fan Funds Report from Glasgow (which you can see under any of TAFF, GUFF or DUFF) was written by Alison Scott, and not by Sandra herself. It's fixed now. Thanks, Sandra (and sorry, Alison).
PDF Replacements: The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb.
Replaced 6 issues with searchable pdf files. Replaced are: 61-63 (Sep-Oct 96), 65 (Nov 96), 126 (Sep 99), and 128 (Oct 99). Scans and
OCR by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
September 4, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--All Digression Weekly, Milt Stevens. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid60s. Two of the scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons!
--brg, Bruce Gillespie. Added 4 issues of Bruce's ANZAPAzine: #96-99 (Jun 17 - Feb 18). PDFs by Bruce Gillespie, provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Bruce and thanks, Perry.
--Degler!, Andrew Porter. Added #83 (Sep 65). Scan by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took.
--Expletive, Bjo Trimble. Added #7 (Feb 65).
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 2 issues: #62 (May 65) and 95 (Jan 66). Also replaced #77 with a better copy. Two of the scans are from Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons!
--Futurian War Digest, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added 4 issues: #10 (Jul 41), 12 (Sep 41), and 14-15 (Nov-Dec 41). The lead article in #15 (Dec 41) is "America At War". Fanzines were provided by Mark Plummer, and scanned at Glasgow Worldcon 2024. Thanks, Mark, for bringing them!
--The Lost Fanzines of Gary Farber, Alison Scott / Steven Cain. Added 5 of these short zines published in 1996 to publicize Farberday, an effort to bring Gary Farber to the UK. Fanzines provided for scanning by Geri Sullivan. Thanks, Geri!
--Lunazine, Mike McInerney.Added 2 issues of this new-to-us brief apazine (APA-F) from 1964.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 8/30/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--MT_VOID-1990-1997, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added the remaining issues from 1993, completing the second half of that year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Sep 2024 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Late August 2024 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the Sep 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--TAFF. Added 2 items: TAFF Talk 1 (Peter Roberts, Dec 77), and The League of Fan Funds Newsletter - Well, that was Amazeballs! (Sandra Bond, Aug 2024). The newsletter covers the Fan Fund presence at Glasgow 2024, so really belongs to all the fan funds. It is accessible from the DUFF and GUFF listings as well. Thanks, Sandra.
September 1, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: Five Fingers - the Glory Hand (F. Towner Laney, Jun 46) and "The Time Has Come..." (Ken Slater, Aug 48). The Slater letter is about coordination and cooperation between UK and US fans.
--APA-L Table of Contents, mostly uncredited. Added the Table of Contents for issues 21-31 (March-May 65). These were scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared (and provided) by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--Bento, David Levine and Kate Yule. Added 6 issues of this perzine: #1-5 (Aug 89-Sep 93) and #21 (Aug 09). Thanks to David for his permission to put these up. Issue 21 scanned by Joe Siclari, and the rest provided by David. Thanks, David!
--A Fanzine for Jack Harness, Fred Patten. Added 5 of these new-to-us unnumbered apazines (APA-L) from the mid60s. With phots, stamps and miscellaneous bits of things, it appears to be a collection of things that Fred Patten thought Jack Harness would like. Does anyone have knowledge of this? Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons.
--FOO, Boff Perry. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1940s One Shots. It wasn't a one shot. There are no dates, but it appears to be a 40s zine. If someone knows, please pass the info on to
--The Gallant Gallstone, Jack Harness. Added 2 issues of this apazine (APA-L and APA-F): 16 (Feb 54) and 29 (May 65). Issue 16 was scanned by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons!
--Hombren, Rich Mann. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell, aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons.
--Microwave, Terry Hill. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the early 80s. Contributors include Vince Clarke, Lee Hoffman, Walt Willis, Harry Turner and Terry Jeeves. Thanks to Terry Hill for his permission to put his fanzines online. Thanks, Terry!
--OPO, Dick and Pat Lupoff. Added 3 issues of this apazine (APA-L and APA-F): 46 (May 65), 58-59 (Aug-Sep 65). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons.
Corrections and Clarifications: Gross Encounters, Alan Dorey. Many thanks to Rob Jackson who was the person that brought the fanzines to Glasgow for scanning! Thanks for sending us the list of zines that you brought!
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributions have come from John Bray, Sandra Bond, Thomas Bull, Bill Burns, Vincent Docherty, Steve Johnson, Gary McGath, Laurie Mann, Mark Plummer, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, Bill Wallace, and of course Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!
August 29, 2024
The server migration is over! You're reading this on our new server. If you spot anything wonky over the next few days (or later) please send me a note at
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 6 issues: #277 (Aug 10) and 318-323 (Jan-Jun 14). Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--Crazy From the Heat, Trufan Ten. Added 2 issues (03-04) of this new to us fanzine from a subset of Vegrants. We obtained the zines for scanning at Corflu 41.
--Gross Encounters, Alan Dorey. Added 5 items from this new-to-us fanzine from the 80s (mostly). Added: #12-15 (May 84-Aug 89) and also a supplement to issue 3 (Jul 78). The supplement was provided by Geri Sullivan at Corflu Craic and the rest were scanned at the Glasgow Worldcon. Apologies but we've lost the notes on who brought them. A belated thanks, Geri.
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. That's not really the fanzine's name, but as close as I can easily get to a Cyrillic title. Added 3 issues of this apazine (APA-L): 256 (Oct 70), and 258-259 (also Oct 70).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues: 8/16 and 8/23. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Science Fiction Fan, Olon F. Wiggins. Added 5 more issues: #42-43 (Jan-Feb 40), 54-55 (Dec 40-Feb 41). Don Wollheim is a contributing editor. Scans provided by Michelle Rosenblum aka Eowyn at the Glasgow Worldcon. Thanks, Eowyn!
--The, Richard Harter. Added 4 more issues of this apazine (APA-L): #25-28 (72).
PDF Replacements: The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced 10 jpeg issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are: 30-31 (Apr 95), 41-46 (Oct-Dec 95), 51 (Mar 96) and 58-59 (Jul-Aug 96). Scans and PDFing by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
August 23, 2024
We are in the middle of migrating to a new host, so please have patience over the next few days. Thanks!
August 21, 2024
--APA-L OO. Added 9 early issues of ToCs for APA-L mailings: 11-15 (Dec 64-Jan 65) and 17-20 (Feb-Mar 65). Added 6 OOs (incl the covers): 32-33 (May-Jun 65), 46-47 (Sep 65), 52(Oct 65), and 63 (Dec 65). The ToCs were scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared by Heath Row. The OOs were scanned by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Heath! Thanks, Hildifons!
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's ANZAPAzine: #91-96 (Feb 16-Apr 17). PDFs by Bruce Gillespie, provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Bruce and thanks, Perry.
--Expletive, Bjo Trimble. Added 6 issues of this 60s apazine (APA-L) and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1960s One Shots. Well, we thought it was a one shot. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons!
--Fargas, Dwain Kaiser. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid 60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell aka Hildifons Took. Thanks, Hildifons!
--Futurian War Digest, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added 5 issues: #3 (Dec 40), 5-8 (Feb-May 41). The lead article in #8 (May 41) is "Two More Fans Called Up", about Ken Chapman and Arthur C. Clarke. These rare fanzines were provided by Mark Plummer, and scanned at Glasgow Worldcon 2024. Thanks, Mark, for bringing them!
--Ipzik!, Len Bailes. Added 5 issues of this brief new-to-us apazine (APA-L) from the mid 60s. Scans by Sumner Hunnewell (aka Hildifons Took).
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the middle August 2024 issue, and updated the cumulative index. Thanks, Dale.
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 2 issues: 188 (May 75) and 190 (Jun 75). Provided by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--T.I.T.O.T, Dave Vendelmans. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us mid50s OMPAzine. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--SF&F Journal, Don Miller. Added #86 (Feb 76). Provided by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
August 17, 2024
The first of the fanzines we received at worldcon is in today's batch. Many more to come!
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: 272-276 (Mar-Jul 10). Scans by Perry Middlemiss rom the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Added 5 issues: 164 (Mar 01), 169 (May 01), 172-173 (Jul 01) and 176 (Aug 01). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the August 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the August 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the August 2024 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the July 2024 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--The Science Fiction Fan, Olon Wiggins. Added 5 issues: #3 (Sep 36), 37 (Aug 39), 41 (Dec 39), 45 (Apr 40) and 49 (Aug 40). Contributors include Don Wollheim, C.S. Youd, Douglas Mayer, Bob Tucker, and Ray Bradbury. Scans by Michelle Rosenblum (aka Eowyn). Many thanks to Eowyn for providing these and many other old zines via thumbdrive at the Glasgow Worldcon. Thanks, Eowyn!
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the August 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--The, Richard Harter. Added 5 issues of this brief perzine from 1972.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 6 issues of this perzine: #99-104 (Oct 98 - Apr 99). Scanned from fanzines provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 3 issues: #66-67 (Jul-Aug 58) and 72 (Jan 59). Contributors include Dan Akins, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Don Franson, John Berry, Ed Wood, George Scithers and Bruce Pelz. Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan.
August 14, 2024
We're back from Worldcon, and were able to scan lots of fanzines, including some rare 40s issues! They'll start going online soon. For today, here are some previously scanned fanzines for you.
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1980s One Shots. Added 3 items: Segue (Dave Locke, Feb 81), Greetings from SMOFville XMAS 1984 (Terry and Margaret Hill, Vince Clarke, ATom, and Elda Wheeler, Dec 84), and Thoughts of Chairfan Meow (Michelle Muijsert, Nov 89). Thanks to Terry Hill for his permission to archive his fanzines. Thoughts of Chairfan Meow was scanned by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Terry! Thanks, Alan!
--APA-L ToCs. Added the Table of Contents (and distribution lists) for the 1st 10 issues of APA-L. Hopefully, the ToCs will be useful for those doing research, even without scans of the rest of the mailing. These were scanned by Karl Lembke and prepared (and provided) by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 6 issues of Bruce's perzine: 52 (Dec 07), 72-73 (Oct-Dec 11), 79 (Apr 13), 86-87 (Dec 14-Feb 15). Scan for #87 by Perry Middlemiss, and the remaining scans by Bruce Gillespie. Thanks, Bruce! Thanks, Perry!
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the August 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #145 (Aug 2024). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Kaymar, K. Martin Carlson. Added #11 (Jun 65).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the ast 2 issues: 8/2/24 and 8/9/24. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added 2 issues: the Late July 2024 issue and the early August issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Pelf, Dave Locke and Dave Hulan. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine from 1969. Contributors include Buck and Juanita Coulson, Len Moffatt, Len Moffatt and Rick Sneary.
--Pixel Dreams, Alan White. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine with gorgeous, gorgeous artwork. Thanks to Alan White, for providing these and for his permission to put up his other fanzines. Thanks, Alan!
--TAFF. Added Taffluorescence 5 (Sandra Bond, Jul 24). Thanks, Sandra.
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 items, all but one of them double issues: 171-172 (Dec 74), 177-180 (Feb-Mar 75), 183-184 (May 75) and 187 (May 75). Zines provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--The Southerner, Jeff Copeland. Added 8 recent issues of the SFPA OO: #352-359 (Mar 23-May 24). Provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the July 2024 issue of The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues: 94-98 (Feb - Aug 98). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
July 27, 2024
The APA Mailings listings have been updated. Click on an APA listed to get an index page with all the mailings for which we have some of the contents, and then click on the mailing number to see what we have. For example, Rich Lynch has been scanning early SFPA mailings; click on #13, to see what we have.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Australian SF Newsletter, Merv Binns. Added 4 issues: Jul 62, Jul 64, Mar 65 and Oct 65. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Bulgacon Fanzine, Valentin D. Ivanov, Desislava Sivilova,and others. Added 2 issues of this Bulgarian+English language fanzine. These are associated with Bulgacon (and are FANAC's first Bulgarian pubs). One is a pamphlet relating to the con and other is very fanzine-like. Thanks to Valentin Ivanov for providing them. Thanks, Valentin!
--Foundation, Paul March-Russell. Added all 3 2020 issues. Thanks for sending, Paul!
--Implosion, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this apazine (APA-V): #37-38 (Nov-Dec 96).
--JoHn Re, JoHn Hardin. Added 4 issues of this apazine (APA-V): 8 (Dec 94), 10-12 (Feb-Apr 95). I don't think I ever thanked John for his permission to put these up, so thank you, John!
--Matters of Opinion, Jack Speer. Added #21 (Sum 47).
--Melbourne Science Fiction Club. Added 4 items, all by Merv Binns. Added: MSFC Newsletter Feb 63, MSFC Club Report (May 66), Melbourne SF Club Report (Apr 67) and the Melbourne SF Club Newletter (Aug 68). Sans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/26 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Southerner. Added #14 (Joe Staton, Dec 64) of this OO for SFPA. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #74 (Jul 24). Thanks, Guy!
--Such and Such, Hank Luttrell. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (SFPA) from the mid 60s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Utgard, Dave Hulan. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (SFPA) from 64. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Warlock, Larry Montgomery. Added #6 (Dec 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 5 issues: #61-65 (Feb-Jun 58). Yandro is a core fanzines for us to scan. Fanzines provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien.
--Zaje Zaculo, Lenny Bailes. Added #4 of his apazine (SFPA) from Dec 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari.
--Guteto, Morojo. Replaced the last remaining JPG issue with a searchable PDF.
--Operation Fantast, Ken Slater. Replaced the last remaining JPG issue with a searchable PDF.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include John Bray, Bill Burns, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Manny Maris, Mark Plummer, David Ritter, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Geri Sullivan, Jan Vanek jr, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!
July 24, 2024
Fancyclopedia: Many thanks to Mike Benveniste for his help on the gnarly underside of Fancyclopedia. It's not the first time Mike has been the cavalry. Thanks, Mike!
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--APA-L OO. Added an index page for APA-L's covers and contents, beginning with #16 (Feb 65). Scans by Sumner Hunnewell (aka Hildifons Took). Thanks, Sumner!
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added 2 issues: #1 (May 47), and an issue of Burblings combined with Elmurmurings 1 (Elmer Perdue) from Jul 47.
--brg, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 more issues of Bruce's apazind (ANZAPA): #35-37 (Aug 03-Apr 04), 40 (Feb 05) and 47 (Dec 06). Provided by Perry Middlemiss, with pdfs by Bruce Gillespie. Thanks, Bruce and thanks, Perry.
--Chuckles, Joy-Lynd Chamberlain. Add 4 issues of this brief apazine (APA-V) from the mid 90s.
--DamnYankee, Arnie Katz. Added #4 (Dec 64) of this apazine (SFPA). Scans by Rich Lynch.
--Fan-Dango, Francis T. Laney. Added #14 (Sum 47). Fan-Dango is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Fantasy Amateur, Elmer Perdue. Added 2 issues: Spr and Sum 47.
--Harold W. Cheney, Jr., Harold W. Cheney Jr. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us eponymous apazine (FAPA) from 1947.
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 6 issues of Bruce's apazine (APA-L): 16 (Feb 65), 252-255 (Sep 70) and 257 (Oct 70). Scan for #16 by Sumner Hunnewell. Thanks, Sumner!
--Ichor, Dale Hart. Added #2 (Jul 47). We may have the full run. Pavlat-Evans only lists 1 issue, and we now have 3 onlne.
--Manndate, Richard Mann. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (SFPA) from the mid 60s. Scans by Rich Lynch. I don't know if I ever thanked Rich Mann for his permission to put up his zines, so thanks Rich Mann! And thanks Rich Lynch!
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added 27 issues from 1993, completing the first half of that year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/19/2024 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Niddhoggr, Dave Hulan. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-L and APA-F) from 1965. Issue 7 was scanned by Sumner Hunnewell. I don't know if I ever thanked Dave for his permission to put up his zines, so thanks, Dave and thanks, Sumner!
--Slithy Toves, Gus Wilmorth. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 1947 apazine (FAPA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--A Tale of the Evans, E. Everett Evans. Added #16 (Sum 47).
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Curtis. Added 5 issues: 89-93 (Sep 97 - Jan 98). Thanks, Jeanne.
July 20, 2024
FANAC expects to have a scanning station at the Glasgow worldcon, so if you have fanzines that are not on the site, bring them and we'll scan them during the convention. We do have to remove the staples to scan them, and if the zines are perfect bound we may not be able to do it at con. Note that we don't put fanzines up without permission, so if we don't already have the permission, they won't go on line quickly. Stop by and get your FanHistory ribbon too! Hope to see you there.
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: #267-271 (Oct 09-Feb 10). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--ANZAPA OBO. Added 6 issues: 231-235 (Bruce Gillespie, Jun 06- Feb 07) and 339 (David Grigg, Jun 24). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Australian SF Newsletter, Merv Binns. Added 4 issues: Apr 62, Jan 66, Apr 66 and May 66. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Boy's Own Fanzine, Leigh Edmonds and John Foyster. Added the brief #3 (Sep 71). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin.
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's perzine: 19 (Aug 97), 27 (Apr 00), 29 (Feb 01), 31 (Aug 01) and 34 (Feb 03). Scans by Bruce Gillespie and provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Bruce, and thanks, Perry.
--Fan-Tods, Norman Francis Stanley. Added #16 (Mar 47). There's a Bob Tucker article, a review by Thomas Gardner and a proof by Chan Davis.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the July 2024 issue of this perzine. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Plenum, Milt Rothman. Added 2 issues: #5-6 (Apr-Jul 47).
--Searchlight, Timothy Green Beckley. Added 2 more issues of this related (UFO/Shaver) zine: 20-21 (66).
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #117 (Jul 2024). This is "a part 3 of the 55th anniversary edition". Thanks, Bruce!
--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Added 2 issues: Mar 47 and Spr 47.
--The, Richard Harter. Added 5 issues of this apazine (APA-L) from the 70s: 7-8, 13-15, all from 1972.
PDF Replacements: The Australian Science Ficton Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs: 18 (Sep 94), 25 (Feb 95) and 27-29 (Mar 95). PDFing by Perry Middlemiss, with scans from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
July 17, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 3 items (one of which may belong elsewhere): Fapanthology (Art Rapp, Feb 50), ONSHE (Dave Cohen, Dec 56), and Typo 1 (Michael Moorcock and Jim Linwood, Spr 57). Typo 1 was scanned by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: 261 (Apr 09), 263-266 (Jun-Sep 09). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry.
--ANZAPA - One Shots and Misc. Added this index page for One Shots and Miscellaneous, beginning with 2 items: "A Literary Fragment" from Marc Ortlieb (Feb 93) and a flyer for the Australian Science Fiction Foundation (Oct 92). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Australian SF Newsletter, Merv Binns. Added 5 issues (Apr 59-Jan 62), and replaced the single issue that we had online before with a searchable PDF. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Burroughsania, Michael Moorcock. Added #1 (Apr 56). Scan by John Davey and provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob and John!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the last 2 issues: June and July 2024. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the July 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Het BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues of this brief apazine (APA-L) from 1970: 246-247 (Jul 70), 249-251 (Jul-Aug 70).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/12/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the July 2024 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue (Stampede Rodeo). Thanks, Dale.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the July 2024 issue. Thanks, George.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 5 issues: 37 (Jan 56), 45 (Oct 56), 54 (Jul 57), 58-59 (Nov-Dec 57). Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan. These issues were provided by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
PDF conversions and issue updates: The Australian Science Ficton Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced 6 issues with searchable PDFs: 52-55 (Apr-Jun 96), 57 (Jul 96) and 60 (Aug 96). PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
July 14, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Arniniel, Dan Goodman. Added 2 issues of this brief, new-to-us apazine (APA-F) from 65.
--The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Added 5 issues: 166-168 (Apr-May 01), 170-171 (Jun 01). Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry!
--Crudzine Quarterly, rich brown. Added #30 of this apazine (APA-F) from Apr 65.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/5/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added another 26 issues from 1992, completing the year of 1992. Thanks, Evelyn!
--OPO, Dick and Pat Lupoff. Added #45 (May 65). "OPO" is for "One Page Only".
--Sagana, John Boardman. Added 2 issues of this brief, new-to-us apazine (APA-F) from the mid60s.
--Science Fiction Review, Robert Franson. Added 2 items: A 1963 subscription form, and an October 1964 Index of the first 31 issues.
--Sci-Fi Showcase, Tom Dupree. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid60s. Contributors to #5 include Hank Luttrell and Joe Staton.
--Scrimshaw, Bill Blackbeard. Added 2 issues of this brief, new-to-us apazines (APA-F and APA-L) from the mid 60s.
--Searchlight, Timothy Green Beckley. Added 4 issues of this UFO/Shaver related zine: 15-19 (66).
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 items, each of which is a double issue: 153-156 (Jul-Aug 74), 161-162 (Oct 74), 167-170 (Nov-Dec 74). Provided by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--The, Richard Harter. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 70s.
July 10, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's perzine: 14-18 (Aug 95-Apr 97). Scans by Bruce Gillespie, and provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Bruce! Thanks, Perry!
--Cliffhangers and Others, Rick Norwood. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s apazine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added the June 2024 issue of Perry's apazine. Thanks, Perry.
--maLAise,Dave Van Arnam. Added 4 issues: 13 (Jan 65), 21 (Mar 65), 25 (Apr 65), 30 (May 65).
--N'APA Yap. OO of N'APA. Added #4 (Mar 60), edited by Guy Terwilleger.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Stampede Parade 2024 (most recent) issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Phoenix, Dave Locke. Added #9 (Sep 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--PowWow, Joyce Katz. Added 6 issues of this brief apazine (APA-V) from 1996. Added #33038 (Jun-Dec 96).
--The Seldon Seen, Sam Bellotto. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine from 1967. This is the "official science-fiction fan magazine of the harry seldon foundation society".
--Space Trails, Ken Krueger. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us genzine. The first is from Sum 47 and features Bob Tucker's "Prison Planet". the 2nd is from 53 and features Toby Duane's "The Old One".
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 6 issues of this perzine: #83-88 (Feb-Aug 97). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Yum, John Roles. Added 2 of these Christmas greeting zines (56-57). Each year, Roles added another "Yum", so the 3rd issue is Yum Yum Yum 3, and the 4th is Yum Yum Yum Yum 4.
July 6, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues: 239 (Jun 07), 254-257 (Sep-Dec 08). Scans by Perry Middlemiss from the Merv Binns collection. Thanks, Perry.
--Booklist, Ron Holmes. Booklists were done for the British Fantasy Library, so I've added Rob's latest scan, the British Fantasy Library Catalogue 1948, to this index page. Thanks, Rob!
--Dangerous Jade, Aileen Forman. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us brief apazine (APA-V) from the mid 90s.
--D'Journal, Bob Tucker. Added #1 (Jan 39), thereby completing the run. Many thanks to David Ritter for spotting this in the Only-Need-One-Issue list, and providing the scan to us. Thanks, David!
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the July 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Gremlinkin, Ellie Turner. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-F) from the mid 60s.
--Guano, Arthur Hayes. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this apazine (N'APA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #144 (July 24). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Jazz Fan, Michael Moorcock. Added #7 (May 57). Scan by John Davey, by way of Rob Hansen. Thanks, John and thanks Rob!
--Melbourne Science Fiction Club. Also known as the MSFC, today added 5 publications from the club from 59-71, including book lists and an information sheet. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--New Cat Sand, Calvin Demmon. Added #3 (Nov 67).
--Out of the Bin, Merv Binns. Added 6 items: Oct 06, Apr and Dec 07, Sep and Nov 13, along with a 2006 COA. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Portland Science-Fantasy Society News Bulletin. Added V2#6 (Nov 49), edited by J.M. Higbee. This issue includes the official announcement that "the NORWESCON COMMITTEE is not officially connected with the Portland Science-Fantasy Society but is a separate orgainzation coposed of indivudals who are largely members of PSFS." The lead stroy in the newsletter is "Nudist Colony Closes".
--Small Mammal, Margaret Austin and Martin Easterbrook. Added 5 issues and created an index page for this 80s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scans by Mark Plummer. Thanks, Mark!
PDF conversions and issue updates: Ansible, Dave Langford. Replaced 22 issues with searchable PDFs: #43 (Jun 85), 94-96 (May-Jul 96), 98 (Sep 95), 103 (Feb 96), 112 (Nov 96), 115-118 (Feb-May 97), 121 (Jul 97), 130-131 (May-Jun 98), 136 (Nov 98), 138-141 (Jan-Apr 99), 143 (Jun 99). PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
Corrections and Clarifications: APA45 OO. Thanks to Mark Plummer for figuring out from the mailing comments that the OO was likely titled "XLV". Thanks, Mark!
July 3, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 10 titles: Dinky Bird 23 (Ruth Berman, Jul 67), Dormouse 9 (Marc Ortlieb, Oct 81), The Gamesman 2 (Don Miller and Creath Thorne, Jun 65), Gyre 1 (Lon Atkins, Jun 65), Hog Jowls and Peanut Brittle 1 (Tom Dupree, Jun 5), Journal of the Society of the Golden Jug 3 (Henry Stine, Jun 65), Natterjack 6 (Lenny Bailes, Jun 65), The Rogue 2 (Stephen Barr, Jun 65), Romann 5 (Rich Mann, Jun 65), and Troglodyte 5 (Hank Luttrell, Jun 65. Scan for Dormouse 9 by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
. --Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 2 issues: #442-443 (May-Jun 24).
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's apazine (ANZAPA): #9-13 (Oct 93-Jun 95). Scans provided by Bruce Gillespie. Thanks, Bruce!
--The Huckleberry Finnzine, Lynn Hickman. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s apazine (OMPA, SFPA), relocating the issue that had been in Hickman-Other Publictions. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 6/28/2024 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--ODD, Raymond Fischer. Added #21 (71). More precisely, according to the first page, this is a photocopied version of Odd 21 that Joyce Katz received in Aug 78 from Dave Hall. She believed that the zine was actually produced in 1971. Thanks to Andy Hooper for providing this scan. Thanks, Andy!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the June 2024 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Polaris, Paul Freehafer. Added #5 (Dec 40) to complete the run. The contributor list: Doc Lowndes, Duane Rimel, Ted Carnell, Forrest J Ackerman, Harry Warner Jr and Damon Knight. Many thanks to David Ritter for providing this scan upon realizing it was the last issue we needed. Thanks, David!
--References - Fan Histories. Added: SF Fandom in Melbourne As I Remember It Part 1 (Merv Binns, May 02). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 items: #142-144 (May 74), 146-148 (June 74), and 151-152 (Jun 74). There are several double issues in the list. These fanzines were provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--The Southerner. Added 3 SFPA related items to this index page, as this is the OO of SFPA. Added: The SFPA Constitution (Joe Staton OE, Sep 64), the SFPA 1964 Egoboo Poll Results (Bill Plott OE, Jun 64) and "If I Am Elected" (Joe Staton, Jun 64). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the July 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Alpha, Jan Jansen and Dave Vendelmans. Not a correction nor a clarification but an improvement. Replaced the Oct 55 issue with a better copy. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Nothing, Rich Mann. Not a correction nor a clarification but an improvement. Replaced #3 with a better copy. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Sandra Bond, Bill Burns, Janice Gelb, Aron Insinga, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Mark Plummer, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks to all!
June 29, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 5 items, mostly from a scan of FAPA 42: The Fifth (World's Fair) Convention (Jack Robins, Dec 40), Lone Indian Fraternity (Ray Higgs, Feb 48), Mi Skribas 1 (Rick Sneary, Feb 48)), Old and Rare 1 (Don Wilson, Mar 48) and SOIPDALGEIF (Rog Philips Graham, Don Wilson, Rex Ward and Charles Burbee, Jan 48). The Fifth (World's Fair) Convention piece is "a series of articles written by Jack Robins in July 1939, but published only in 1940." The zine also has an account of the July 1939 Futurian meeting.
--APA45. Added an index page for the APA45 OO and other APA docs. Added today: Bylaws (Richie Benyo, Apr 64) and APA45 1 Contents (Richie Benyo, October 64}. Did APA45 have a named OO? Someone tell me please. Thanks.
--Banshee, Larry Shaw. Added #7 (Mar 45), completing the run. Includes an article by John Michel on Hannes Bok, and a piece of fiction by Judy Zissman (Merrill). Many thanks to David Ritter for providing this scan upon realizing it was the last issue we needed to complete the run, and a posthumous thanks to Alistair Durie for scanning it.
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues of Bruce's apazine (ANZAPA): #3-7 (Sep 91-Feb 93). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Crossoid, Ross Chamberlain. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us APAzine (APA-F) from 1965.
--Dangerous Crudzines, Elst Weinstein. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the mid 70s.
--Degler, Andrew Porter. Added 2 issues of this APAzine (APA-F): #47-48 (Mar 65). This is the 3nd number 48 so one of them is misnumbered.
--FFANZ. Added the 1995-96 nomination solicitation form from Tim Jones. Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--IscarioT, Al Andrews and Richard Ambrose. Added V3#12 (Jun 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. added 27 issues from 1992, completing the first half of the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Alliance Amateur. Added 2 items: #25 (Fred Patten, Jun 65) and 28 (Bruce Pelz, Mar 66). N'APA Yap changed it's name to Alliance Amateur somewhere around 1965. Because of the name change, I didn't realize what this was, so one of these was relocated from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Nothing, Richard Mann. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA45, SFPA). Issues 3-4 are one page experiments with reproduction (the printing kind). Scan for #1 by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Roll of the Dice, Peggy Burke. Added 4 issues of this brief APAzine (APA-V) from the mid90s.
--Scientifictionist, Henry Elsner. Added #8 (Feb 47) to "extra" complete the run. Pavlat-Evans only lists 7 for this zine. Contributors to #8 include Jack Speer and Thomas Gardner. Now, thanks to David Ritter, we have the scan for #8. Thanks, David!
June 26, 2024
Many thanks to Conversation, the 2023 Eastercon, for their generous contribution to We appreciate all your help!
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 items: Swerve 2 (Arnie Katz, Apr 95), Till the Morning Comes (Lenny Bailes, 89), Turkey Trot 2 (Arnie Katz, Mar 77), Wind 1 (Joyce Katz, Aug 92), and Wood Pulp 3 (Woody Bernardi, 05). Wind 1 is full of poetry.
--APA-tizer, Ken Forman. Added 2 issues of this APAzine (APA-V): 12-13 (Mar-Apr 95). This is the 2nd number 12.
--Cauldron Bubble, Bill Blackbeard. Added #18 (Mar 65) of this APAzine (APA-F).
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added Dagon 15 (Feb 65) and 41 (Apr 65).
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the June 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--No Goat's Toe/No Goat's Kneecap, Geri Sullivan. Added 3 issues of No Goat's Toe, created an index page for this 90s zine, and relocated No Goat's Kneecap from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. These zines are publication, notes, LoCs, and so on related to other zines Geri worked on - "Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator...To the Enchanted Convention" and SFFY 9.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Summer Solstice 2024 issue and updated the cumulative index. Thanks, Dale.
--Out of the Bin, Merv Binns. Added 5 more of these perzines: 28-32 (Aug-Dec 04). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--PowWow, Joyce Katz. Added 5 issues of this APAzine (APA-V): 19-20 (Apr-Jun 95), and 30-32 (Apr-Jun 96).
--References. Added Walt Daugherty's "Directory of Fandom" from Apr 42. Daugherty lists Claude Degler in this edition. He does not in the 2nd publication from 1944.
--Sol, Mario Kwiat and Thomas Schluck. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid60s. This is an English language fanzine from Germany. We start with issue 38, so it may be that earlier issues are in German.
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 items: #136-141 (Apr 74). One of these is a double issue. Provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
June 22, 2024
HALF A MILLION FAN PAGES! has reached over 500,000 pages of fanzines and convention pubs. Read all about it in the latest FANAC newsletter. HALF A MILLION PAGES!!!!
FANAC Newsletter 23 was just sent out to everyone on the mailing list. Thanks to Fred Lerner, one error (in requirements for APA45) was fixed before it went up on the website. Thanks, Fred, and everyone else - if you didn't get a copy then go to the homepage and subscribe.
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alpha, Dave Vendelmans and Jan Jansen. Added #8-9 (Feb-Apr 55). Contributors to these issues include Dean Grennell, Eric Bentcliffe, and Mal Ashworth. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Booklist, Ron Holmes. Added 3 issues: Win 1947, Spring 1948, and #11 (Apr 49). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Grayscale, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues of this perzine: #7-12 (Dec 97-Mar 99). Provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Idea, Geri Sullivan. Added 2 items: #14 (Jun 24) and "Remembering Deb". An expanded version of Remembering Deb is included in Idea 14. This is a memorial publication in honor of Deb Geisler, who died in March 2024. Provided by Geri Sullivan. Thanks, Geri.
--Implosion, Arnie Katz. Added 5 issues of this apazine (APA-V): 16-20 (Feb-Jun 95).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues: 6/14 and 621. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added #30 (Jun 24). Thanks, Rich.
--Rayflections, Ray Waldie. Variously titled as Rayflection, Rayflections and Ray-Flection, we have added 4 issues of this new-to-us Apazine (APA-V).
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 3 issues: #114-116 (Nov 23 - Jun 24). Thanks, Bruce!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the June issue of The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues of this perzine: #78-82 (Sep 96-Jan 97). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Warlock, Larry Montgomery. Added #4 (Jun 64) Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--FANAC-Updates. Chip Newcastle pointed out a bad link in the latest newsletter (ARGHHH!). I've added a redirect so that it will work, as well as correcting the pdf versions. Thank you, Chip.
--Vector. Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out an error in the editor attribution for Vector 44. Fixed now. Thank you, Sandra.
June 19, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--dol drum, Dave Locke. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 60s apazine (SFPA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 4 issues: #42 (Dec 64), 47 (Jan 65), 54 (Mar 65) and 58 (Apr 65). These were distributed through APA-F.
--The Invader, Joe Staton. Added 2 issues of this SFPAzine: #3-4 (Jun-Sep 64). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Mt Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added another 26 issues from 1991, completing that year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Operation Fantast, Ken Slater. Added 6 items: 3 regular issues - #3-5 (Mar-Sep 48), and 3 Trading Supplements (Jan 48 - Mar 49}. Operation Fantast is a core fanzine for us to scan, and these additions complete the main run (if you don't count the supplements). It was also fundamental in Walt Willis's becoming a fanzine fan. See Warhoon 28. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Out of the Bin, Merv Binns. Added 5 more of these perzines: 23-27 (Apr-Jul 04). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Revel-ation, Marcie Waldie. Added 2 issues of this APAzine (APA-V): #3 (Apr 95) and 5 (Jun 95).
--Sercon-Navigtion, Tom Springer. Added 5 issues of this apazine (APA-V): #5 (Nov 94), 6.2 (Dec 94), 7 (Feb 95), 8.8 (Apr 95) and 11.1 (Jun 96).
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 issues: 113 (Nov 73), 121 (Jan 74), 131 (Mar 74), 133-135 (Mar 74). There's a double issue in that last one. Provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
--The Southerner. Added 2 issues of the SFPA OO. Issue #12 (Bill Plott, Jun 64) and 13 (Joe Staton, Sep 64). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Zaje Zaculo, Lenny Bailes. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
PDF conversions and issue updates: The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced another 11 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
June 15, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the June issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Gemini, Ron Lane. Added #5 (Nov 44). Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Goojie Pubs, Miriam Dyches. Added #1 - Mental Marshmallow (58). Each of these is named differently. This issue includes "The Girl with the Golden Goojies" by Forrest J Ackerman, and today's addition completes the run. Goojie Pubs is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 6/07/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Out of the Bin, Merv Binns. Added 6 issues: 15-18 (Aug-Nov 03), 21-22 (Feb-Mar 04). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--PowWow, Joyce Katz. Added 6 issues of this apazine (APA-V): #13-18 (Dec 94 - Apr 95).
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 6 issues: 84 (Mar 73), 86 (Mar 73), 97 (Jul 73), 99 (Jul 73), and 101-102 (Jul-Aug 73). Zines provided by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the June issue. Thanks, George.
--Wild Sharkaah, Eva Hauser. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us early 90s English language fanzine from Czechoslovakia. Zine provided courtesy of Bill Burns and efanzines. Thanks, Bill!
Corrections and Clarifications: Delirium Tremens, Dennis Tucker. Thanks to Mark Plummer for pointing out that the fanzine is Delirium Tremens, with an I and not Delerium Tremens which is the way I had spelled it. All changed to reflect the correct spelling. Thanks, Mark!
June 12, 2024
FYI, the Core List of fanzines to scan, and the assembled APA Mailings have been updated.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Amateur Effer. Added #45 (May 65) of this OO of APA-F. J. Sanders was the OE for this issue.
--DamnYankee, Arnie Katz. Added #2-3 (Sep 64) of this APAzine (SFPA). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Dither, Ross Chamberlain. Added 5 issues of this apazine (APA-V): #13-16 (Nov 94-Feb 95) and 18-19 (Apr 95).
--Excalibur, Lenny Bailes and Arnie Katz. Added #7 (Sep 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Implosion, Arnie Katz. Added 5 issues of this apazine (APA-V) from the mid 90s. Added: 11-15 (Sept-Dec 94).
--Ink Gun Blues, Lenny Bailes. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 80s-90s. Fanzines provided for scanning at Corflu 41. Thanks, Lenny!
--IscarioT, Al Andrews and Richard Ambrose. Added #13 (Sep 64). This issue has articles by Hank Luttrell, and Bill Plott. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the June 24 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the May 24 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Revel-ation, Marcie Waldie. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us APAzine (APA-V) from the mid 90s.
--Sporadic, Bill Plott. Added #12 (Sep 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Starling, Hank Luttrell. Added #3 (Oct 64).
--Stranger Than Fact, Jim Harkness. Added V2N1 (Sum 64). This issue has a Buck Coulson piece, and Joe Staton artwork. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Warlock, Larry Montgomery. Added #5 (Sep 64). This is the annish. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Replaced 20 more issues (between Feb 93 and Feb 95) with searchable PDFs.
--New Fandom, Sam Moskowitz. Replaced issue 7 with a searchable PDF.
June 10, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--APA-tizer, Ken Forman. Added 5 issues of this APAzine (APA-V): 7-8 (Sep-Nov 94), 10 (Dec 94) and 12 (Feb 95). There are two issues numbered 8, so one is probably a #9.
--Clarges, Lon Atkins. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s APAzine (SFPA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Feemwlort, Greg Shaw.Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Foofaraw, Fred Patten. Added #18 (Jun 65).
--The Gallant Gallstone, Jack Harness. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us APAzine (APA-F, APA-L) from the mid 60s.
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added #4-44 (Jun 65).
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added 3 issues of this APAzine (SFPA): 23-25 (Sep 76-Jan 77). Provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
--Karnis Bottle's Metanoia, Greg and Suzy Shaw. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us 70s zine.
--Meow, Arnie Katz. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s APAzine (N'APA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. added another 26 issues from 1991, completing the first half of the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Notes from Arinam, Roy Tackett. Added the Spring 78 issue of this FAPAzine.
--Obscene Matter, Jack Harness. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine (N'APA) from 1961. Issue 1 includes a "Fan-Hilton Diary" on what LASFS was like at the time.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Early June 2024 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Out of the Bin, Merv Binns. Added 5 issues of this perzine from the 00s: 6 (Dec 02), 11-14 (May-Jul 03). Scans provided by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Situation Normal. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s clubzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. This was the clubzine of the Southern Nevada Area Fantasy and Science Fiction Union. Added today was an Oct 95 issue, edited by Joyce Katz.
--Snorkel, Harry Bell. Added the complete 2 issue run of this 1980 zine.
--Solstice, Kat Klein. Added #5 (Jun 89) o this SFSFS clubzine.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #42 (Jul 56)
Corrections and Clarifications: Many thanks to Rob Hansen for pointing out that Twerpcon was a hoax convention. Mea culpa - in the last update, I pointed out the Twerpcon report in Alpha issue 5. Per Rob, the hoax became clear in subsequent letter columns, and Vince Clarke also wrote a fake conreport. Thanks, Rob!
PDF Replacements: The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced 10 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are: #88-94 (Nov 97 - Mar 98) and 96-98(Apr-May 98).PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
June 5, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alpha, Dave Vendelmans and Jan Jansen. Added 4 issues: #1 (Sum 53), 5-7 (Aug - Dec 54). Issue 5 has a report on the (hoax convention) Twerpcon. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added 2 issues: May-Jun 24. Provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--Fantasy Collector, G. A. Bibby. Added 5 issues: 60-64 (Oct 63- Feb 64). Fanzines provided by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--Grayscale, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the first 6 issues (Sep 96-Sep 97) of Jeanne's apazine for Intercourse. Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--Mistily Meandering, Fred Patten. Added #26 (Sep 68).
--OPO, Pat and Dick Lupoff. Added 4 issues: 25 (Dec 64), 20 (Jan 65), 37 (Mar 65) and 41 (Apr 65).
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Victoria Day 2024 issue (most recent). Thanks, Dale.
--Searchlight, Timothy Green Beckly. Added 5 issues of this UFO/Shaver related fanzine: #11-15 (65-66).
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 issues: 77 (Jan 73),79 (Jan 73), 81-83 (Jan-Feb 73). Fanzines provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
--The Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the March 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--The Vegrant. Added 11 issues of this OO for APA-V: #13 (JoHn Hardin, Nov 94), #14 (Arnie Katz, Dec 94), 15-20 (JoHn Hardin, Dec 94-Jun 95), 36 (Ben Wilson, Oct 96) and 37-38 (Ross Chamberlain, Nov-Dec 96).
PDF conversions and issue updates: The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced 10 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are: #77-80 (May-Jul 97), and 82-87 (Aug-Nov 97). PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
June 1, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Burroughsania, Michael Moorcock. Added 4 more issues: #7 (Aug 56), 14 (Jun 57), 16 (Aug 57) and 18 (57). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--ChatSFic News, Andre Barker-Bridget. Added #13 (Sep 82). This was the clubzine of the Chattanooga Science Fiction Club.
--Devil's Work, Norm Metcalf. Added #6 (Aug 67) of this FAPAzine.
--Hydra, Mike McInerney. Added 4 issues of this apazine (APA-F and APA-L) from the mid 60s: #24 (Dec 64), 30 (Jan 65), 34 (ar 65) and 36 (Apr 65).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added 143.5 (May 24). This issue has interesting information from and about Ake Schwartz, the editor of Sweden's first fanzine from 1952. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/31/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the early May issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Out of the Bin, Merv Binns. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 00s. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Outre, J. Vernon Shea. Added 1 issue (#9 from Jun 78) of this zine distributed in the Esoteric Order of Dagon apa and created an index page for this zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Issue 9 has an article by Steve Swires, "Grab What You Can Get: The Screenwriter as Journeyman Plumber", a conversation with Leigh Brackett. Scan contributed by Sasha Dumontier. Thanks, Sasha!
--The Rubbish Bin(ns), Merv Binns. Added #4 (Jun 98). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 issues from 1972: #60-61 (Aug), 68 (Sep), 71 (Nov) and 74 (Dec). Zines provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added the May 24 issue of Guy's perzine. Thanks, Guy.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 6 issues: #105 (Oct 61), 107 (Dec 61), 125 (Jun 63), 140 (Oct 64) and 143 (Dec 64). Fanzines provided by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. I've put up a bunch of these in the last few weeks, and I've neglected to add that Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan. Yandro had contributors like Bob Tucker, Betsy Curtis, Gene DeWeese, Dick Lupoff, the Trimbles, and Earl Kemp. It's been really nice to get this batch up. Thank you, Matt!
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include John Bray, Bill Burns, Steve Johnson, Mark Plummer, David Ritter, Alison Scott, Flash Sheridan, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks to all!
May 29, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Added 3 issues: #35 (Jun 95), 48 (Feb 96) and 67 (Dec 96). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Fanjan, Jan Jansen. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scan for the newly added issue #2 (Jan 73) by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Fantasy Collector, G.A. Bibby. Added 5 issues: #54-56 (Apr-Jun 63) and 58-59 (Aug-Sep 63). Zines provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--JoHn Re, John Hardin. Added 6 issues of this brief new-to-us APAzine (APA-V) from the mid 90s.
--Lurk, Mike and Pat Meara. Added #2 (Jul 72). This issue includes an article by Pete Weston, and art from Terry Jeeves among others. Provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the May 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Milarky, Craig Miller. Added 2 issues of this brief, new-to-us APAzine (APA-L) from the early 70s. The zines were dated approximately by the intended APA-L mailing. If anyone has better dates (Craig?) please let me know.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/24/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. added another 26 issues from 1990, completing the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--PowWow, Joyce Katz. Added 5 more issues of this brief APAzine (APA-V): 8-12 (Jul-Oct 94).
--Sercon-Navigation, Tom Springer. Added 5 issues of this brief APAzine (APA-V): #2-4 (Jun-Aug 94) and 26-27 (Sep-Oct 96).
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 issues: 35 (Oct 71), 49-50 (Feb-Mar 72), and 53-54 (Apr-May 72). Zines provided for scanning by Matt Strait from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet. Replaced 19 more issues with searchable PDFs, from the mid90s. PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Many thanks to Pat Molloy and Ben Yalow for pubs to scan, and many thanks to ALan Stewart and Perry Middlemiss for providing conpub scans.
---Anticipation added KC '09 Bid badge, Art Show Rules for bidding and Auction, Hugo nomination ballot, Membership badge and holder, Program participant letter, Programme changes, Programme highlights and schedules, 2011 Site selection results
---Aussiecon 4 added Committee business card, Past Worldcon Chairs' Reception invitation, Postcard flyer 2, Pre-Hugo Award Reception invitation, Program participants information, Program updates, Sundry party invitations
---Chicon 7 added Flyer, Hugo Award Ceremony booklet, Information and invite, Membership badge, Pink sheets, Program Participants' Information, Promotional story flyer, The Write Stuff Hugos
---ConFederation added New York in '86 4-page flyer
---ConJose added 2002 Xerps Bid badges 3
---Denvention 3 added Hugo awards ceremony program, Invite and volunteer nuggets, Postcon reimbursement letter, Post-PR2 apology postcard, Program participant letter, Program participants name plates, PR 0, Signing schedule and program changes, Membership badge
---Denvention Two added Westwind - Seattle in 1981 special issue
---Discon II added 1974 DC 74 Button
---Intersection added Flyer
---L.A.Con I added LA in 72 Bid badge
---L.A.con IV added Gaming program, Hoax newsletter, Party invitation, Restaurant guide
---Loncon 3 added Amazing Stories flyer, Art Show and Events information sheet, Doctor Who London locations flyer, Fan Fund Ffunda notes, Invitation and Green Room Token, Local Services information sheet, Membership badge, Pigeon Post 0, Pigeon promotional postcard, Pink sheets, Programme participant information, Volunteer timesheet and rewards, London in 2014 Flyer 2, London in 2014 Supporter Registration form
---LoneStarCon 3 added Membership badge, Schedule and Highlights, Program Participants' Information, Texas in 2013 Bid newsletter
---MidAmeriCon added 1976 MidAmeriCon button
---MidAmeriCon 2 added 2009 KC '09 Bid badge
---Nippon 2007 added Art Show Bidders Rules, Hugo information postcard, Invites and sticker, Membership badge and some ribbons, Paperback protector and bookmark, Progress report 0.5, Promotional badges, Restaurant guide, Site selection ballot for 2009, Sticker book, The Timely Times Flyer and issues, Uncorrected Hugo ballot, Volunteer Time Sheet
---Noreascon 4 added Site selection ballot for 2007 (Nippon distribution)
---NyCon3 added Site Selection rules letters collected by Ray Fisher
---Renovation added Art Night guide, Film festival Schedule, GoH promo card and Move in-out passes, Hugo Awards Ceremony booklet, Local Restaurant and Retail Guide, Membership badge, Program partipants' information, Seattle in 2011 bid badge, Seattle in 2011 Bid bookmark, Seattle in 2011 bid zine
---Arisia 2024 added Flier
--Armadillocon: ArmadilloCon 36, 37 and 38 all added Program Books.
--Australian Natcon:
---A-Con 7 added Program Book
---Advention 2 added Program Book
---Advention '85 added PR
---Basicon 2 added Post-con report, Program book, Programme, Video programme, Badge
---Bofcon added Program Book
---Convergence 2 added Flyer
---Eighth Australian Science Fiction Convention added Program Book
---Festival of the Imagination 1996 added 1996 Festival of the Imagination Newsletter 1, 1996 Festival of the Imagination Newsletter 2, 1996 Festival of the Imagination Newsletter 3, 1996 Festival of the Imagination Newsletter 4, 1996 Festival of the Imagination Newsletter 5, 1996 Festival of the Imagination Programme Booklet, 1996 Festival of the Imagination Souvenir Book
---Ninth Australian Science Fiction Convention added Program Book
---Olympicon added Program Book
---Ozcon added Program Book
---Second Australian Science Fiction Convention added Program Book
---Seventh Australian Science Fiction Convention added Program Book
---Sixth Australian Science Fiction Convention added Program Book
---SunCon added Badge, Post-con Awards Presentation Photos by Alan Stewart
---Swancon XI added Badge, Flyer
---Swancon 14 added badge, Programme Book
---Syncon '75 added Program Book
---Tenth Australian Science Fiction Convention added Program Book
---Third Australian Science Fiction Convention added Program Book
---Thylacon 1 added Flyer
---Balticon 58 added Color flyer
---Boskone 44 added Souvenir book
---Boskone 46 added Pocket program, Program participant information, Souvenir book
---Chattacon IX added Program Book
---Chattacon XIII added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Chattacon XIV added Program Book
---Chattacon XVI added Program Book, Pocket Program
---Con*Stellation XXII: Pegasus added Two-sided Flyer
---Con*Stellation XXVIII: Vupecula added Flier
---ConQuesT 38 added Convention Book
--Eastercon (Australia):
---Eastercon '72 added PR 2, Program Book
---Eastercon '73 added PR 2, Program Book
---Eastercon '79 added Program Book
---Eastercon '87 added Badge, Programme Book
--HELIOsphere:HELIOsphere 2022 and 2024 added Flyer
--Lunacon 2017 added Program Book
--Conucopia added Button.
May 26, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 2 items: Ergo Ego (Michael Moorcock, Sep 62), and A Folio of Philby (John Baxter/Bob Smith, 62). Ergo Ego was scanned by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Added 3 issues of this newszine: 14 (Jul 94), and 16-17 (Aug-Sep 1994). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Dither, Ross Chamberlain. Added 6 issues of this apazine (APA-V): 10-13 (Aug-Oct 94), 35 (Sep 96), and 37-38 (Nov 96).
--The Rubbish Bin(ns), Merv Binns. Added 6 issues of this new to us perzine (1999-2002). Scans by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry!
--Searchlight, Timothy Green Beckley. Added 5 issues of this related zine - UFO/Shaver - from 64-65: #6-10.
--Starling, Hank and Leslie Luttrell. Added #5 (May 65). Fanzine provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--Tiot, Jan Jansen. Added 3 issues of this English language OMPAzine from mid 50s Belgium. Contributors include Ron Bennett and Archie Mercer. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the May issue of The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--The Vegrant. Added 5 issues: 8-10,#12 (Ken Forman, Jun-Oct 94), and #35 (Ross Chamberlain, Sep 96).
--Yandro, Buck and Jaunita Coulson. Added 5 issues: 76 (May 59), 80 (Sep 59), 82-83 (Nov-Dec 59) and 103 (Aug 61). Fanzines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
May 22, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Carcasilla, Tom Gilbert. Added 2 issues: #14 (Jan 65) and 24 (Apr 65). Issue 24 is an index to the first 11 mailings of APA-L.
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 2 issues: #134-135 (Sep 76). Fanzines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the May 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added #82 (Jun 65). Zine provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--Number One, Mike McInerney. Added 2 issues: #2 (Apr 65) and 4 (Oct 65).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/17/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. Started this index page for the 90s and dded 27 issues from 1990, completing the first half of the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--New Cat Sand, Calvin Demmon. Added #1 (Feb 67) of this FAPAzine.
--Newfangles, Don and Maggie Thompson. Added 6 issues: #25-27 (Aug-Oct 69), 29 (Oct 69), 44 (Feb 71) and 46 (Apr 71). Fanzines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!.
--No Place, F.M. Busby. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 60s apazine (N'APA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Science Fiction Review, Robert Franson. Added 5 issues: 18-21 (Apr-Jun 64) and 32 (Nov 64). Zines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 2 issues of this clubzine: #42 (Carol Porter, Sep 88) and 83 (Don Cochran and Francine Mullen, Feb 92).
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 5 issues: #15-16 (Jan-Feb 71), 18 (Apr 71), 20 (May 71) and 26 (Jul 71). Zines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 2 issues: 58-59 (Nov-Dec 94). Issues provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Wastebasket, Lee Harding. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this Australian 50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1950s One Shots. Surprise! It's not a one shot. Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
PDF conversions and issue updates: Bullsheet, Marc Ortlieb. Replaced 22 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out missing APA-tizers and a typo in the "What's New". Both are corrected now. Thanks, Sandra!
May 18, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added #134 (Apr 24). Thanks, Joseph.
--The Amateur Effer, Mike McInerney, Frank Wilimczyck, and Dave Van Arnam. Added #37 (Mar 65) and 41 (Apr 65).
--APA-tizer, Ken Forman. Added 4 issues of this APAzine (APA-V): #5-6 (Jun-Aug 94), 16 (Nov 95), and 19 (Jun 96).
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the May 2024 issue. Thanks, Leybl.
--Encumbrance, Karl Kreder. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us APAzine (APA-V) from 1994. Zines acquired for scanning at Corflu 41.
--Fanoclast Weakly, Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues: V3N3 (Dec 64), V4N1-2 (Mar 65). These are short APAzines (APA-F).
--Fantasy Collector, G.A. Bibby. Added 5 issues: 48-50 (Sep-Nov 62), and 52-53 (Feb-Mar 63). Zines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt.
--Implosion, Arnie Katz. Added 5 issues of this APAzine (APA-V) from 1994. Added 8-10 (Jun-Aug), and 35-36 (Oct-Nov 96). Acquired for scanning at Corflu 41.
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added 5 issues of this SFPAzine: 6 (Sep 73), 11 (Jul 74), and 13-15 (Dec 74-Apr 75). Fanzines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--Searchlight, Timothy Green Beckley. Added 5 issues of this related zine from 1964. This is focused on UFOs and Shaver.
--Spicy, Rich Coad. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us zine from the mid 70s. The last one is titled "Spicy Rat Tails".
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 6 issues: 47 (Dec 56), 49 (Feb 57), 51-52 (Apr-May 57), 55 (Aug 57) and 60 (Jan 58). Contributors include George Scithers, Ron Bennett, Dick Lupoff, Joe Hensley, and Marion Zimmer Bradley. Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan. Fanzines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
May 15, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Dither, Ross Chamberlain. Added 5 issues of this APAzine (APA-V): #8-9 (Jun-Jul 94), 25 (Nov 95), 32 (Jun 96) and 34 (Aug 96).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/10 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added #3-4 (Dec 67 - 68). Zines provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--SAPS One-Shots. Added an index page with 5 items intended to contain the one-shots from SAPS. These initial items are all from SAPS 17 (Oct 51).
--Science Fiction Review, Robert W. Franson. Added 5 issues from the mid60s: #13-17 (Feb - Apr 64).
--Shangri L'Affaires, Redd Boggs. Added #69 (May 64). Contributors include Alexei Panshin, August Derleth, Jerry Page, Fritz Leiber, Bjo Trimble and Bill Rotsler. There's art from George Barr, Lee Hoffman, Ray Nelson, ATom, Steve Stiles and Rotsler too. Fanzine provided for scanning by Matt Strait, from the collection of Denny Lien. Thanks, Matt!
--Skug, Gary Mattingly. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine, dating from 1977 to 1995, and moving from Detroit to San Francisco.
--Something Else, Shayne McCormack. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 70s.
--Spudnut, Gary Deindorfer. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 90s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Tonight's the Night, Steve Stiles. Added 4 issues of this short new-to-us APAzine (APA-F) from the mid 60s.
--Vegrant. Added 6 more issues of this OO for APA-V: #25 (JoHn Hardin, Nov 95), 30-31 (Apr-May 96) and 32-34 (Ross Chamberlain, Jun-Aug 96).
--World SF Newsletter, Elizabeth Anne Hull. Added this index page with 2 newsletters and the organizing flyer.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Sam MacDonald for observing that the old, manual FAPA mailing lists (which still exist in, have zines listed that are not in the current FAPA mailings pages. It's a boring story on my side. Suffice it to say that I think it's fixed so they show up properly. Thanks, Sam!
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Hiding on the Backstreets is from Nicki Lynch, and not from Rich Lynch. Thanks to Rich Lynch for the correction.
May 11, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: Cliffhangers and others 4 (Rick Norwood, Dec 63), dol drum 2 (Dave Locke, Mar 64), Hiding on the Backstreets 8 (Rich Lynch, Mar 88), Outre 2 (Kent McDaniels, Dec 63), Scimitar 1 (George Proctor, Dec 63) and To Save a Membership 1 (Dave Hulan, Dec 63). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--The Amateur Effer. Added 4 issues of this APA-F OO. #24 (rich brown, Dec 64), 25 (John Boardman, Dec 64), #26 (Tom Gilbert and Don Fitch, Dec 64), and #30 (Mike McInerney Jan 65).
--Collector, Howard DeVore. Added 3 issues of this SAPSzine: Apr 60, @25 (Apr 61) and 28 (Apr 62).
--Dilinger Relic, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #22 (82).
--Gem Tones, G. M. Carr. Added 2 items: The V1 Binder and Gem Tones Chrysoberyl, both Oct 51.
--Grandfather Stories, Howard DeVore. Added the Feb 1975 issue.
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added #6 (May 24). Thanks, Rich.
--One Fan's Outlook, Stan Woolston. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--PowWow, Joyce Katz. Added 5 of these APAzines (APA-V): 25-29 (Nov 95-Mar 86). Zines acquired for scanning at Corflu 41.
--Sapian, Ray Higgs. Added #12 (Jul 51).
--Saucer News, James Moseley. Added 5 items of this related zine: #25-26 (Aug-Oct 57), #28 (Dec 57) and Saucer News Newsletter 3 and 4 (Jan - Mar 57).
--The Spectator. Added 2 items: Rules of the Spectator Amateur Press Society (Jul 51) and Spectator 17 (Oct 51).
--Plak Tow, Shirley Meech. Added #10 (Oct 68).
--Three Eye, Henry Spelman. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s FAPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the May issue. Thanks, George.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues: #52-57 (May-Oct 94). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Yellum, Ron Maddox. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s APAzine (FAPA), relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. I think this is the first fanzine we've had that was edited in Ethiopia.
May 8, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Antipodes, Lee Harding. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the mid60s. Contributors include Donald Tuck and Terry Jeeves. Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss from Merv Binn's collection. Thanks, Perry!
--ANZAPA OBO, Bruce Gillespie. Added 2 issues of the ANZAPA OO: #259-260 (Feb-Apr 11). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--The Devil's Work, Norm Metcalf. Added 5 issues of this FAPAzine: #26-27 (May-Aug 73), 31 (Sep 74), and 33-34 (Nov 75-Jan 76).
--Dither, Ross Chamberlain. Added 5 issues of this brief apazine (APA-V) from the mid 90s - #26-31 (Dec 95-May 96). Zines acquired for scanning at Corflu 41, thanks to Nic Farey. Thanks, Nic.
--Ego Beast, Don Wilson. Added #1 (Feb 48).
--Focus, Mervyn Barrett. Added #9 (Jan 62). Scan by Perry Middlemiss, from the Merv Binn collection. Thanks, Perry.
--Implosion, Arnie Katz. Added 11 more issues of this apazine (APA-V) from the mid90s. Added: #24-34 (Oct 95 - Aug 96). Zines acquired for scanning at Corflu 41, provided by Nic Farey. Thanks, Nic.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. added another 27 issues from 1989, completing the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Sambo, Sam Martinez. Added 2 issues of this FAPAzine: 12-13 (Aug 63-Aug 84).
--Sapterranean, Walter Breen. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this early 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--The Space Wastrel, Michelle Mujisert and Mark Loney. Added #13 (Jul 87).
--The Vegrant, JoHn Hardin. Added 5 issues of this OO (APA-V) from the mid 90s: #24 (Oct 95), 26-29 (Dec 95-Mar 96). Zines acquired for scanning at Corflu 41, provided by Nic Farey. Thanks, Nic.
May 4, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--APA-tizer, Ken Forman. Added 5 issues of this 1990s APAzine (APA-V). These zines were acquired at Corflu 41. Thanks to Nic Farey for sending them. Thanks, Nic.
--Lincroft-Holmdel Science Fiction Club, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. Added another 6 months of issues, these from Jan-Jun 89. Thanks, Evelyn!
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added #39 (May 24) issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Perhaps, Lee Harding. Added 3 issues of this delightful new-to-us Australian genzine from the early 50s. The contributors are international. In addition to Australian contributors like Bertram Chandler, there are articles and verse by Bob Silverberg, Hal Shapiro, Phil Farmer and George O. Smith. Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss, from the collection of Merv Binns. Thanks, Perry!
--PowWow, Joyce Worley Katz. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us short apazine (APA-V) from the mid 90s. These zines were acquired at Corflu 41. Thanks to Nic Farey for sending. Thanks, Nic.
--Saucer News, James Moseley. Added 5 issues of this related zine from the 50s about, yes, UFOs.
--Science Fiction Review, Robert Franson. Added 5 issues: #2 (Sep 63), 8-9 (Sep-Dec 63), 11-12 (Jan-Feb 64). Issue 2 was coedited by Dean Sandin.
--Sercon-Navigation, Tom Springer. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine (APA-V) from the mid90s. These zines were acquired at Corflu 41. Thanks to Nic Farey for sending them. Thanks, Nic.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the latest issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added 3 issues: May 66, Feb 67 and Nov 68.
Corrections and Clarifications: Starship Tripe, Michael Gorra. Many thanks to Sandra Bond for letting us know that Gorra's "Starship Tripe" was renamed as "Banshee" after issue 5. We had an index page for Banshee, and now the two titles are combined under Starship Tripe. Thanks, Sandra!
May 1, 2024
Belated thanks to John Davey for supplying the scans for Michael Moorcock's first two issues of what morphend into "Jazz Fan", and eventually "Rambler". The first issues had different titles: "Fantasy & Jazz Fen 1", and "Fantasy & Jazz Fan 2". Also, thanks to Rob Hansen for pointing out the errors in the credits and naming. Thanks, Rob and thanks, John!
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--ANZAPA OBO, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues:#226-230 (Aug 05 - Apr 06). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Burroughsania, Michel Moorcock. Added 5 more issues: #9-13 (Dec 56- May 57). Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Dither, Ross Chamberlain. Added 3 issues of this new to us APAzine (APA-V) from the mid 90s. Zines acquired for scanning at Corflu 41. Thanks to Nic Farey for sending these.
--Fan Polls and Awards. Added the nomination form for the 1985 Ditmar Awards. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Implosion, Arnie Katz. Added 4 issues of this new to us APAzine (APA-V) from the mid 90s. Zines acquired for scanning at Corflu 41. Thanks to Nic Farey for sending these.
--Menace of the LASFS, Drew Sanders. Added the October 1969 issue.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. Added another 26 issues from 1988, completing the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Nedicks, Andrew Porter. Added 2 issues of this very, very brief apazine from the mid 60s. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Late April 2024 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--References. Added "Ghu's Lexicon" (Ralph Holland, 58), published by the N3F. Zine provided by Craig Miller. Thanks, Craig!
--Starship Tripe, Michael Gorra. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 70s. Several of the covers are by Sheryl Birkhead.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 6 more issues of this apazine: #46-51 (Nov 93-Apr 94). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--The Vegrant. Added 4 issues of this OO for APA-V, the Las Vegas APA. Each issue seems to be themed. These zines were acquired for scanning at Corflu 41. Thanks to Nic Farey for sending these.
--Wigglemiggle Remembrancer, Frank Wilimczyk. Added 2 short issues of this new-to-us mid60s APAzine (APA-F).
PDF conversions and issue updates: Ansible, Dave Langford. Replaced 10 more issues with searchable PDFs.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors to Fancyclopedia include: John Bray, Thomas Bull, Edward Finneran, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Kathryn Heffner, Dave Langford, Matt Leger, Perry Middlemiss, Mark Plummer, David Ritter, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks to all!
April 27, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 10 titles: Gunny's Gazette (Ian Gunn, Dec 88), Nemesis 1 (Arnie Katz, Mar 64), Partyzine 1 Living in the Seventies (Ian Gunn, 88), Po She Lo 7 (Bruce Pelz, Oct 70), Psycho (Philip Schumann), Quiescently Frozen 1 (Andrew Porter, Oct 68), Softcore Fantasy Adventures 3 (Arnie Katz, Jun 05), Time Enough for Minac 2 (Rich Lynch, Apr 97) and Zaje Zaculo 1 (Lenny Bailes, Mar 64). Gunny's Gazette and Partyzine 1 were scanned by Alan Stewart. Pyscho, Quiescently Frozen and South Norwalk scans by Mark Olson. Nemesis 1 and Zaje Zaculo scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Alan, Rich and Mark.
--ANZAPA OBO, Bruce Gillespie. Added 4 issues edited by Bruce: #254-255, and 257-258. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Fan Polls and Awards. Added 2 items: the 1992 Ditmar Nomination Ballot Form, and 1994 Ditmar Award nomination plaques. Scan of the ballot by Perry Middlemiss, and of the plaques by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan and Perry.
--A Fanzine for Fred Whitledge, Andrew Porter. Added 4 issues of this very, very brief apazine from the mid 60s. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--Hydra, Mike McInerney. Added #24 (Dec 64).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/26 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--MT Void-Pre 1990, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added 26 issues covering 1H88. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the Apr 2024 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--QUANt Suff, Joyce Worley Katz. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 90s. Contributors to issue 7 include Ray Nelson, Walt Willis, and Bill Rotsler.
--Warlock, Larry Montgomery. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the 60s. Contributors include Joe Staton and Terry Ange, and #2 has an article called "Fandom at the Phil-Con", a review of the 22nd Philcon. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Corrections and Clarifications: Luna Monthly, Ann Dietz. Thanks to Crystalandmoon for pointing out a bad link for Luna 7. Fixed now. Thanks Crystalandmoon!
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Many thanks to Pat Molloy for sending convention pubs for the scanning and to Alan Stewart for contributing many scans.
---Aussiecon Two added Flyer and Aussiecon Three added Later bid flyer
---Chicon 2000 added Memory Book, PR5 Beaucratic supplemental, PR 6, The Chicon Sampler
---ConJose added Membership badge and holder, Postcon mailout note
---Interaction added Interaction DVD Wondrous Things, Interaction Flyer 2, Interaction Pocket program covers, UK in 2005 Flyer, UK in 2005 PR1, UK in 2005 PR2
---L.A.con IV added LA in 2006 bid flyer
---Millennium Philcon added Hugo Nomination forms, receipt
---Noreascon 4 added Convention guide, Galactic Patrol Gazette #1, Galactic Patrol Gazette #2, Student science fiction and fantasy contest flyer
---Torcon 3 added Bid Generic personal pocket program planner, Durn Wrong Yearly, Letter to supporting members 1, Letter to supporting members 2, Progress report 1, Survey #1
--Arisia '04 added Flyer
--Chattacon: Chattacon 4l VI and VII added Program Books
---Con*Stellation XXXV: Horologium added 1982-2017 Memory Book, Pocket Program
---Corflu 17 added Corflatch 9 Progress report 2
---Corflu 20 added Flyer, Progress report
---Ditto 15 added Flyer
---Conversation added Factsheet 3, Factsheet 3 (large print), Factsheet 1 (for website), Factsheet 1 (large print - for website), Factsheet 2 (for website), Factsheet 2 (large print - for website), Policies document - larger print, Policies document (A5), Programme grid - latest for con, Programme guide - larger print, Programme guide - latest for con, Read Me - larger print, Read Me (A5) - final for website
---Levitation added Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 3, Issue 4, issue 5
---Satellite 4 added Vanguard 1, Vanguard 2, Vanguard 3, Vanguard 4, Vanguard 5, Vanguard 6, Vanguard Hugos
---FenCon XIII added Pocket Program
---Dragon*Con 1995 added Atlanta flyer NASFiC and World Horror
PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Mark Olson today. Thanks, Mark.
--Guteto, Morojo. Replaced 4 issues with searchable PDFs. One more to go.
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. Replaced 3 more issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are issues 15-17 (Mar-Sep 43).
--Matters of Opinion, Jack Speer. Replaced the remaining 3 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Phanny, Donald B. Thompson. Replaced the remaining 3 jpg issues we have with searchable PDFs.
--Sardonyx, L.R. Chauvenet. Replaced 4 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are issues: 7-10 (Dec 42-Fall 43).
--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Replaced the remaining 4 jpg issues that we have with searchable PDFs.
April 24, 2024
Special thanks to Mike Benveniste for his deep expertise and hours of work on needed upgrades to the Mediawiki software that runs He's been of enormous help before, but this time his help is fundamental to the ongoing health of Fancy 3. Thank you, Mike!!
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--FFANZ. Added the ballot for 1985 (from John Newman and Tom Cardy). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--GUFF. Added the ballot for 1985 (from Joseph Nicholas/Justin Ackroyd). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Fantasy & Jazz Fen, Michael Moorcock. Added #1-2 (56). This is the same numbered series as Jazz Fan and as The Rambler. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/19/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mt. Holz Science Fiction Club Notice, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are predecessors to MT Void. added another 26 issues from 1987, completing the year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Sep 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--References. Added 2 items: the 1946 Fanzine Index (Bob Tucker, Feb 47) and the Directory of APA Officials (uncredited, Dec 62). The 1946 index is "a service of The Fantasy Foundation".
--Space Wastrel, Mark Loney, Michelle Mujisert and Julian Warner. Added 3 issues: V2#1 (Dec 85), V2#7.5 (Jun 87) and V2#9b (Jan 88). The issue V2#7.5 is also "The Move to Melbourne Newsletter" with editing credits to Michelle Mujisert, Amelia Underwood, Lucinda Lewis and Emily Birdsfoot. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Tigger, Marc Ortlieb. Added 6 issues: 9-12 (Feb-May 85), and 14-15 (Jul-Aug 85). These were produced for the Aussiecon Two Committee. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 6 issues of this apazine: #40-45 (May-Oct 93). Issues provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Vapourware, Greg Hills. Here's a curiosity from the transition of printed fanzines to electronic fanzines. Added 2 scans of the fanzine in its printed format (now online as pdfs). We had had these issues online as textfiles, marked to be freely distributed electronically. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Replaced 26 issues with searchable PDFs. The issues ranged between 11 and 50, dated from Aug 80 to Aug 87. More to come.
--Twilight Echoes, Joe Fortier. Replaced #5 (Fall 45) with a searchable PDF. This had been lost in the inbox - I believe the PDFing was done by Dave Renfro. Thanks, Dave!
April 20, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Amateur Effer. Uploaded #21 of the APA-F OO (rich brown and Steve Styles, Nov 64).
--ANZAPA OBO. Bruce Gillespie Added 5 issues of the ANZAPA official organ: #221-225 (Oct 04 - Jun 05). Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Baying at the Moon, Mike McInerney. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 60s apazine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Burroughsania, Michael Moorcock. Added 2 issues: #6 (Sep 56) and #8 (Nov 56). Issue 8 has an article by Ron Bennett, in addition of course to pieces by Michael Moorcock, and an ATom cover. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Carcasilla, Tom Gilbert. Added #9 (Dec 64).
--Crudzine Quarterly, rich brown. Added 2 issues: #20 (Nov 64) and #23 (Dec 64). The December issue is titled CZQ.
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added #12 (Dec 64).
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the Apr 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added the April 2024 issue. Thanks, Perry.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the April 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--maLAise, Dave Van Arnam. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us zine from the mid60s.
--Lincroft-Holmdel Science Fiction Club, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added another 25 issues from 1987, completing the first half of that year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added #570 (Solar Eclipse 2024) and updated the cumulative index. Thanks, Dale.
--Swingline, Joyce Katz. Added 5 more issues of this apazine from the mid 70s: #18-20 (Oct 73 - Jan 74) and #22 (Sep 75). If the numbers don't seem right, it's because there are two #19s. Issues provided for scanning at Corflu by Sandra Bond. Thanks, Sandra.
--Tigger, Marc Ortlieb. Added #1-6 (Jun - Nov 84). Issues 1-15 of Tigger were the 'Australian newsletter for Aussiecon Two". Scans provided by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added #59 (Spr 24). Thanks, Guy.
Corrections and Clarifications: TNFF. Thanks to Sam McDonald for identifying that "Welcome Fan - What is Science Fiction" was misdated as being from the 40s. It reprinted material from the 40s but is from approximately 1961. Thanks also for finding an out of order issue, which I believe was misprinted in terms of volume number. Corrected now (I think). Thanks, Sam!
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Special thanks to David Ennis, Pat Molloy, Mark Richards & Alan Stewart for their contributions. Thanks, all!
---BucConeer added 1998 Baltimore in 1998 bid flyer, 1998 Boston bid flyers, 1998 Hugo Awards Nomination Reminder List, 1999 Hugo Awards Nomination Reminder List, Audio cassette order form, Broadside 1, Broadside 3, Doubloon, Progress report 2, Progress report 3, Progress report 4, Registration quickie and Worldcon introduction, The Parting Shot Project flyer, Niagara Falls bid flyer
---ConFiction added LA Bid badge and keyring
---ConFrancisco added 1993 ConFrancisco Bid party cookbook and Intersection added Bid zine 4
---LoneStarCon 2 added Chilli cook-off form, Hugo nominating ballot, Membership badge, Membership-conversion form, Merchandise forms, Newsletter Domino 9, Newsletter Welcome Mat 0, Pocket program cover variant, Progress report 0.5, Progress report 4.5
---Nippon 2007 added Nippon bid Japanese head band
---NyCon3 added NY in '67 Fanoclasts Questionnaire, Why New York in '67
---Torcon II added Toronto. Is There Anywhere Else
--DeepSouthCon: DSC 53, 55, 56, and 61 added Program Book
--Helicon added Heliograph #1, Heliograph #2, Heliograph #3, Heliograph #4, Heliograph #5, Heliograph #6, Heliograph #7
---EerieCon 3 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Video Schedule
---EerieCon 4 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Video Schedule
---EerieCon 5 and 6 added Program Book
---EerieCon 7 added Program Book, Pocket Program
---EerieCon 8 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Videos
---EerieCon 9 added Flyer, Program Book, Progress Report
---EerieCon 10 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---EerieCon 11 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Progress Report, Videos
---EerieCon 12 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---EerieCon 13 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Videos
---EerieCon 14 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Progress Report
---EerieCon 15 and 16 each added Pocket Program, Program Book
---EerieCon 17 and 18 each added Pocket Program, Program Book, Videos
--FUNcon 1 added Post-Con report (PR 4)
--FenCon VIII (DeepSouthCon 49) added Program Book
---HELIOsphere 2018 and 2019 each added Program Book, Pocket Program
---HELIOsphere 2022 added Program Book
---HELIOsphere 2023 added Program Book, POcket Program
--Tropicon 7 added Willis invitation to Tropicon 1987
PDF Replacements: FAPA One Shots. Replaced 19 items with searchable PDFs. The most notable are "A Decimal Classification System of Fantastic Fiction" (Samuel Russell, Dec 43), "Fungi from Yuggoth" (Lovecraft, published by Bill Evans, Jun 43), and "The Cruise of the FooFoo Special Jr" (Art Widner, Dec 43). PDFing by Mark Olson.
April 17, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: Bandwagon 6 (Dick Ryan, Sum 60), Dinosaur Spit 1 (Murray Moore, Apr 97), Dipody 2 (Alan Shaw, Apr 66), Fanview 5 (Butch Manks and Johnny Bowles, Jun 59), and Sanseveria 2 (Dale Speirs, Jan 97). Sanseveria has an essay on the origin of the hectograph.
--2000's One Shots. Added 2 items: The Sweetheart of Fanac Falls - Joyce Katz Anthology (Arnie Katz, Mar 05) and Wassamatta U (Randy Byers, Jun 03). Wassamatta U was scanned by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Ben's Beat, Ben Indick. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. I believe it was really a 1986 issue, so there you go. The advantage of archiving original materials is the vast opportunity to correct your previous errors, or perhaps make new ones.
--Burroughsania, Michael Moorcock. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us ERB-related title from the mid-50s. Contents include some fan fiction. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Calendars. Added 2 items, both from Australia. Added: 1981 Australian Science Fiction Fan Calendar (Merv Binns, 80) and Ian Gunn's 1984 Trivia Cartoon Almanac Calendar (Ian Gunn, 83). The 1981 calendar has a cover by Stephen Campbell. The Gunn calendar is full of entertaining cartoons with accompanying one paragraph descriptions. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Fanoclast Weakly, Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the mid 60s.
--Horsetail, Gretchen Schwenn. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine title from the mid 60s.
--Lincroft-Holmdel Science Fiction Club, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void. added another 30 issues from 1986, completing that year. Thanks, Evelyn!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/12 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--OPO, Dick and Pat Lupoff. Added #70 (66?), their last issue.
--TAFF. Added Taffluorescence! fourth issue (Sandra Bond, Apr 24). Thanks, Sandra.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the April issue. Thanks, George.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 6 issues: #34-39 (Nov 92-Mar 93). Scanned from zines provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
April 12, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 3 titles: "Blame the Movers 1" (Steve Miller/Sharon Lee, 88), "Kolvir 2" (Tim Daniels, May 75) and "Paper Plane 1" (Steve Miller, 76). These three were provided for scanning by Sharon Lee. Thank you, Sharon.
--fanzines/Cauldron_Bubbles, Bill Blackbeard. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the 60s.
--FanoMatiC, Dave van Arnam. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 60s. It's dedicated to APA-F mailing comments.
--Hydra, Mike McInerney. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the 60s.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #143 (Apr 24). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Metrofan Bulletin, Andrew Porter. Added 3 issues: #1-3 (May-Oct 65). Scans by Mark Olson.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/5/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Lincroft-Holmdel Science Fiction Club, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. These are the predecessors to MT Void, dating back to 1978 with notes from the Bell Labs SF Discussion group. Evelyn has kindly provided txt files of the early zines, and I'm putting them up as pdfs. This first batch has 50 issues. Thanks, Evelyn!
--OPO, Dick and Pat Lupoff. Added 6 issues of this APAzine from the mid60s. OPO stands for One Page Only.
--Swingline, Joyce Katz. Added 6 issues: #12 - 17 (Mar-Sep 73). Fanzines provided for scanning at Corflu 41 by Sandra Bond. Thanks, Sandra!
--Xtreme, Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 90s. Enjoying the Rotslers in these.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Mark Olson today
--Banshee, Larry Shaw. Replaced the remaining 3 issues that were JPGs with searchable PDFs.
--Caliban, Larry Shaw. Replaced the remaining 4 issues that were JPGs with searchable PDFs.
--En Garde, Al and Abby Lu Ashley. Replaced the remaining issues we have with searchable PDFs.
--Fan-Tods, Norman Francis Stanley. Replaced the remaining 3 JPG issues with searchable PDFs.
--Inspiration, Lynn Bridges. Replaced the remaining 4 JPG issues that we have with searchable PDFs.
--S.F. Weekly, Andrew Porter. Replaced the remaining 3 JPG issues that we have with searchable PDFs.
--Walt's Wramblings. Replaced the remaining 5 jpg issues that we have with searchable PDFs.
April 6, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--The Amateur Effer. This is the OO of APA-F, and it now has an index page and 4 1964 issues listed. I had the first complete mailing up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come as "The Amateur Effer 1", and heard from quite a few people that the placement was odd, since it was an entire APA mailing. I have started now to break the individual zines out and list them separately, as they should be. I'll leave that first one there for a while until all the zines are up elsewhere. There'll be a proper APA listing for it too.
--Crudzine Quarterly, rich brown. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us apazine from the 60s. These are one pagers.
--Dolphin, Elinor Busby. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from the early 60s.
--Fantasy Collector, G. A. Bibby. Added #51 (Dec 62).
--Fantasy Historical Amateur. Added 1 issue, 4 flyers and such, and created an index page for the official organ of the Fantasy Historical APA (FHAPA) from the late 90s. One issue was relocated to this page, having been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--First Draft, Dave van Arnam. 6 issues: #18-19 (Jul 64), 33 (Oct 64), 37-38 (Nov 64) and 41 (Dec 64).
--Gambit, Ted White. Added 2 issues: #49-50 (Jul 64).
--Glitz, Arnie and Joyce Katz. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 90s.
--Much Binding on the Marsh, Garth Spencer. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--The Rambler, Michael Moorcock. Added #10 (Jan 58). The name change from Jazz Fan to Rambler definitely happened at issue 10. Thanks to Rob Hansen for the scans and the clarification! Thanks, Rob.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis Added 6 issues of this APAzine: #28-33 (Feb-Oct 92). Scanned from fanzines provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added 2 issues: Nov 01, and May 04.
--TAFF. Added Taffluoresence! third issue (Sandra Bond, Apr 24). Thanks, Sandra.
PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing today by Joe Mark Olson.
--Fan-Tods, Norman Francis Stanley. Replaced the first 2 issues with searchable PDFs.
--YHOS, Art Widner. Replaced 3 issues: #4-6 (Sep 42-Mar 43) with searchable PDFs.
April 3, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 3 titles: Fantasy 6 (Fritz Bachtrogler, Aug 60, Austria), Pottery Leaflet 4 (Dick Eney, Jan 64) and Quay-Berth 1 (Billy Pettit, Jan 67).
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Brood 1" (Michael Moorcock, Dec 57) and "The Outhouse on the Asteroid" (Martin Alger, Ralph Fluette, Bill Groover and Art Rapp, Mar 50). Scan for Brood 1 was provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob! And thanks to Michael Moorcock for his permission to put these zines online.
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the April 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--FanewsCard, Walt Dunkelberger and Earl Kay. Added 3 issues: #60-62 (Aug-Sep 44). Scans by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Holier Than Thou, Marty Cantor. Added #8 (Oct 80). I believe the only issue we need now is #5. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Invisible Fan, Avedon Carol. Added #3 (Spr 77). Fanzine provided by Sharon Lee. Thank you, Sharon.
--Number One, Mike McInerney. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the 00s. Zines provided by Geri Sullivan. Thanks, Geri!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Good Friday 2024 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--The Rambler, Michael Moorcock. Added 4 issues: #11-14 (Feb-Mar 58). Michael Moorcock changed the name of his zine, "Jazz Fan" to "The Rambler" somewhere around issue 10. The issue numbering continues from the Jazz Fan issue numbers, so we have them both on the same fanzine index page. Thanks to Rob Hansen for providing these scans. Thanks, Rob!
--Probe. Added #130, edited by Liz Simmonds (I think), Jan 06. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--References. Added 1 item: British Fanzine Bibliograph 1 (1936-1950), edited by Peter Roberts (May 77). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--References - Fan_Histories. Added 1 item: Australian Fan History 1953-1966 (I), by John Foyster (Aug 99), also marked for Fanhistoricon 9.5 and Aussiecon Three. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--The Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the April 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--TAFF. Added "The TAFFlon Tudor!" (Martin Tudor, Jul 96). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--View from under a 60 Watt Lamp, Dave Locke. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 80s. Issue 3, starting on pg 2 has an entertaining description of the other APA members for (presumably) a new member. Sample: "Roy Tackett is 156 years old and lost his fingers in a geisha house in Japan. Types by striking the typewriter with his foot. Actually, Harlan Ellison is right: Roy looks like a Kansas City hitman. Created the expression "Ed Cox Doodle Here," and actually has the personality that Buck Coulson carries around as a shtick. Lives on a sand dune near Albuquerque, and says arresting things." After reading these, now I want to join FLAP circa 1982.
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Special thanks to Pat Molloy and Alan Stewart for recent contributions of zines and scans to the archive.
---Aussiecon added Hugo Nomination ballot 1975
---Aussiecon 4 added Postcard flyer, Bbookmark, Aussiecon Four envelope, Pre-supporter form with THAT typo
---Baycon added _1968_Vardeman_1968
---Chengdu added Progress Report 2, Memphis in 2023 trifold flier - Lynch
---Chicon V added 1990 Chesley Awards Invitation, 1990 Chesley Awards Program, PR 7, Sydney in 91 flyer
---ConAdian added Australia in 99 room party flyer and sign, Film schedule, Games program guide, Hotel reservation form, Hugo and Campbell award winners flyer, Hugo and Campbell awards voter statistics, Masquerade information, Membership badge back, Membership badge front, Membership receipt, Passport, Pre-con information, Prix Aurora Awards flyer, Program participants information, Restaurant guide, Room party invitation, Site selection and t-shirts receipts, WSFS Second main business meeting agenda, Perth in 94 Worldcon Bid Flyer
---Conspiracy '87 added Britain in 87 Bidding committee meeting minutes July 1984, Britain in 87 flyer Australia, Britain in 87 flyer bulldog, Britain is heaven in 87 flyer US, Conspiracy membership badge
---Discon I added Hugo Nomination ballot
---Dublin 2019 added 1943 Retro Hugo Nominations Ballot, 1943 Retro Hugo Nominations Ballot Instructions, 2018 Hugo Nominations Ballot, 2018 Hugo Nominations Ballot Instructions
---Glasgow 2024 added Glasgow-2024-Worldcon-Bid-Questionnaire, Glasgow-Worldcon-Board-Rules, Glasgow-Worldcon-Facilities-Proposal, Glasgow-Worldcon-Letter-of-Intent
---Intersection added Gopher T-Shirt, Agent's APA The Camel 5, Bid report 1, flyer form (used), flyer, Hot hotel newsflash, Hugo ballot, membership receipt, Site selection ballot for 1998, Sydney in '95 bid zine Sinchronicity 1
---L.A.con III added HA & Medical questionnaire, Hugo ballot, Masquerade registration form, Retro-Hugo ballot, Site selection ballot for 1999, Spat! 12.5, Supporting member postcard, L.Acon III A Wealth of Fable flyer (with PR 0)
---Loncon II added Auction Catalog, Program Book
---Noreascon 3 added Boston in '89 Bidding T-Shirt #2, Boston in '89 T-shirt, Committee T-Shirt
---St. Louiscon added Pocket Program
---Tricon added Boston in 1970 bid with 1967 site selectionvote tally on back
---Arisia 2023 added Flyer, Arisia 2024 added Bookmark, Postcard flier, Arisia '00 added Clear Ether, Program Book
---Arisia '01 added Program Book, Arisia '02 added Clear Ether, Program Book, Arisia '99 added Program Book
--Australian Natcon:
---Constantinople added Program participant information
---Convergence 2002 added A5 flyer
---Swancon 14 added Photo and name badges
---Syncon '92 added Flyer PM
---Balticon 50 added Program Book, Balticon 57 added Program Book, Balticon 58 added Postcard flier
---Boskone 5 added Program Book
---Boskone 7 added Program Book, Auction Materials, Restaurant Guide Benatan
---Boskone 9 added Program Book
---Boskone 10 added Film Schedule
---Boskone 13 added Helmuth - Sunday, Pocket Program
---Boskone 14 added Progress Report
---Boskone 15 added Progress Report
---Boskone 17 added Helminth Fri-Sat-Sun
---Boskone 19 added Progress Report
---Boskone 61 added NarniaCon Pocket Program, Pocket Program
---Con*Stellation I: The Pleiades added Program Book
---Con*Stellation II: Gemini added Program Book
---Con*Stellation III: Ursa Major added Program Book
---Con*Stellation IV: Aquarius added Program Book
---Con*Stellation IX: Sagittarius added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Con*Stellation V: Andromeda added Program Book
---Con*Stellation VI: Lyra added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Con*Stellation VII: Centaurus added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Con*Stellation VIII: Cetus added Pocket Program
---Con*Stellation XI: Scorpio added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Con*Stellation XII: Orion added Program Book
---Con*Stellation XIII: Musca added Program Book
---Con*Stellation XIV: Monoceros added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Con*Stellation XV: Aquila added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Con*Stellation XVII: Hydra added Flyer
---Con*Stellation XXI: Pavo added Pocket Program & Area Guide, Program Book
---Corflu 8 added Progress report 1
---Corflu 11 added Corflu Nova Progress report 1a, Corflu Nova Progress report 2, Corflu Nova The Progress Report
---DSC 20 added Program Book
---DSC 21 added PR 1, PR 2, Program Book, Satyricon News, Weird Shit Tales - Friday, Weird Shit Tales - Saturday, Weird Shit Tales - Sunday
---DSC 22 added Program Book
---DSC 23 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---DSC 24 (L&N DSC) added PR 2, Program Book
---DSC 25 added Program Book
---DSC 26 added Program Book
---DSC 27 added Program Book
---DSC 28 added DSC 27 Program Book, Program Book
---DSC 29 added Program Book
---DSC 32 added Badges, 1994 DeepSouthCon 32 Pocket program
---DSC 33 added Program Book
---DSC 34 added Program Book
---DSC 36 added Program Book, Welcome to the Inn of the Dancing Dragon
---DSC 37 added Program Book
---DSC 38 added Program Book
---DSC 41 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---DSC 42 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---DSC 47 added Program Book
---DSC 48 added Pocket Program
---DSC 62 added Bid Flyer
---Ditto 3 added Convention book, Spirits in the Night 1, Spirits in the Night 2, Spirits in the Night 3, Spirits in the Night 4
---Ditto V added Flyer, Later flyer
---LXICON added con Jetstream, Con Program Book
---OMPAcon '73 added Auction & Hotel form , PR 3, PR 4
---Reconnect added Half-page Ad
---FanHistoriCon 1 added Flyer
---Lunacon 6 added Eastercon 2 Welcome 1966 (Lunacon)
---Lunacon 8 added Eastercon 1 Welcome & Auction
---Reconstruction added Program Book
---Norwescon 14.5 added PR
---Norwescon XX added Pocket Program
---Norwescon XXIII added Post Con Report, Progress Report
---Norwescon XXIV added Flyer
---Norwescon XXVIII added Pocket Program
---Norwescon XXXI added Member's Guide
---Norwescon XXXII added Post Con Report
---Norwescon XXXVI added Program Book
---Norwescon XXXVII added Program Book
---Norwescon 38 added Pocket Program - Saturday&Sunday
---Norwescon 39 added Program Book
---Novacon 16 added Booking form, Progress report 1, Progress report 2, Progress report 3
---Novacon 17 added Booking form, Progress report 1
---Novacon 21 added Snooker Tournament Form
---OryCon 16 added Progress report 1
---OryCon 20 added Pocket Program
---OryCon 22 added PR 1, PR 2, Flyer
---OryCon 31 added Pocket Program
---Rivercon I and V added Program Book
---Rivercon VI added Schedule & Guide, Video Program, Rivercpn 6 Program Book, Newsletter Update
---Rivercon VII added Program Book
---Rivercon VIII added Program Book, Newsletter Update
---Rivercon XII added Pocket Program, Rivercon Journal Sat-Sun, Program Book
---Rivercon XIII added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Rivercon XIV added Program Book
---Rivercon XVI added PR
---Rivercon XVII added The Rivercon Report
---Rivercon XVIII added The Riverboat Packet
---Rivercon XIX added Rivercon Stories #1-2
---Rivercon XXI added Flyer, Program Book, The Riverboat Packet
---Rivercon XXII added Program Book, Riverboat Packet Fri-Sat
---Rivercon XXIII added Program Book
---Rivercon XXV added Program Book, The Riverboat Packet
---Rustycon 2, 5, 7, 8, and 9 added Program Book
---Rustycon 6 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Programming Who's Who, Video Program
---Rustycon 10 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Rustycon 16 and 20 added Program Book
---Rustycon 18 added Pocket Program
---Rustycon 2021 added Program Book, Pocket Program
---Rustycon 27, 29, 30 and 31 added Program Book
---Rustycon 28 added Pocket Program
---Rustycon 32 added Program Book, Pocket Program
---Rustycon 33 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Rustycon 34 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Rustycon 35 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Smofcon 36 added Program Book, Program Grid
---ConClusion added Program Book
---Conkopelli added Dancing and Joking - John Hertz
---Empirecon added Masquerade Memory Book, Program Book
---Westercon 23 added The Chronon
---Westercon 43 added When in Doubt, Make It Chocolate Pilz & Malin 1990-07 Westercon 43
---Westercon 46 added The Voice of the Clam
---Westercon 48 and 54 both added Flyers
---Westercon 56 added Program Book
---Westercon 66 added Program Book, Tardum Flumen #6
---Xanadu 2.0 added Program Book, Son of Book and Xanadu 3.0 added Program Book, Video Schedule
---Xanadu 4 added Program Book, and Xanadu 5 added Program Book
---Xanadu 6 added Program Book, Program Schedule and Xanadu 7 added Program Book
Corrections and Clarifications: DUFF. Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for a correction on date for one of the items. Fixed now. Thanks, Leah!
March 30, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--BSFAN, Mike Kurman. Added 2 issues: #1 (Mar 75) and 3 (Oct 75). Fanzines provided for scanning by Sharon Lee. Thank you, Sharon.
--Don-O-Saur, Don C. Thompson. Added #59 (Aug 90). Fanzine provided for scanning by Sharon Lee. Thank you, Sharon.
--DUFF. Added 1 item: "Vote Early and Vote Often - Dick & Leah for DUFF" (Dick and Leah Smith, 93). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Extrapolation, Thomas Clareson. Added 2 items to this new-to-us index page. Issue V10#2 (May 69) and the index to Vol 1-10 (also May 69). Extrapolation is an academic publication, rather than a fanzine.
--FanewsCard, Walt Dunkelberger and Earl Kay. Added 5 issues: #55-59 (Aug 44). Sample headline - "FANCYCLOPEDIA is being mimeod by LASFS 100 pgs single spaced". Scans for these issues provided by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Jazz Fan, Michael Moorcock. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us related zine from the mid 50s. Previously titled "Fantasy and Jazz Fan", with issue 5 (the first one we have) the name was changed to Jazz Fan. Many thanks to Rob Hansen for the scanning, and to Michael Moorcock for his permission to archive these zines here.
--Memphen, Greg Bridges. Added 2 issues: #280-281 (Sep 02 - Mar 04). Provided for scanning by Geri Sullivan. Thanks, Geri.
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added a 1996 issue, provided by Geri Sullivn for the scanning. Thanks, Geri!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/29 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added #42 (Mar 24). Thanks, Perry.
--Swingline, Joyce Katz. Added 5 issues; #7-11 (Sep 72 - Feb 73). These issues were acquired at Corflu 41.
--Twink, E.B. Frohvet. Added 2 issues: #16 (Apr 00) an #25 (02). Fanzines provided for scanning by Sharon Lee. Thank you, Sharon.
--Whathell, Dave Locke. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from 1981.
--Xenolith, Bill Bowers. Added #39 (Mar 97). Provided for scanning by Geri Sullivan. Thanks, Geri!
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include: Thomas Bull, Vincent Docherty, Edward Finneran, Barry Gold, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Bee Ostrowsky, Mark Plummer, David Ritter, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course Mark Olson.
March 27, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added the last 2 issues - Feb-Mar 24. Thanks, Dave.
--ANZAPA OO. Added 2 items: the 1992 ANZAPA Poll (Cath Ortlieb, Oct 92) and ANZAPA OBO 147 (Alan Stewart, Aug 92). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--BSFA. Added a membership flyer from about 1970 (Audey Walton). If anyone has a more certain date, please let me know.
--Calendars. Added the ATom Fan Calendar 1959, produced and published by Sandy Sanderson, Joy and Vince Clarke and Arthur Thomson. This was scanned at Corflu 41.
--The Charlottan, Len Bailes. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 60s SAPSzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Obtained or scanned at Corflu 41.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the March 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Full Length Articles, Jack Speer. Added #2, Part 1 - Up to Now (Jun 39). This is the first history of fandom ever.
--GUFF. Added 4 items: GUFFStuff 4 (Joseph Nicholas, Apr 99), GUFFaw 1 (Steve Davies, Julian Headlong and Paul Kincaid, 99), GUFFaw 3 (Paul Kincaid Nov 99) and GUFFaw 5 (Paul Kincaid, Oct 00). All scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/22/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Stop the Presses, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added #4 (Aug 93). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Paperback Parlour, Joseph Nicholas. Added V3#2 (Oct 79).
--Rogue Raven, Frank Denton. Added #42 (Sep 90). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--Rune, Jeanne Mealy and David Romm. Added #78 (Jul 88). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Swingline, Joyce Katz. Added 5 issues of this-new-to-us APAzine from the early 70s. Issues acquired at Corflu41.
--Texas SF Inquirer, Alexander Slate. Added #53 (Sep 94). Texas SF Inquirer is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Wild Heirs, Arnie and Joyce Katz and the Vegrants. Added #12.5 (Jan 96). This issue is "Trufan Detective Magazine". Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--WOOF. Added 4 issues: #35 (Alan Stewart, Sep 10), 36 (Randy Byers, Aug 11), #44 (Kees van Toorn, Dublin 2019) and 48 (Donald E. Eastlake III, 23). Issue 44 provided by Jan Vanek, and scans provided by Bill Burns and Thanks Jan and Bill!
PDF conversions and issue updates: Fanvariety, Max Keasler. Replaced 3 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are issues 7-8 (Apr-May 51) and 10 (Jul 51).
Corrections and Clarifications: WOOF. Thanks to Jan Vanek for pointing out that I typo'd one of the whole numbers on the WOOF page. Fixed now. Thanks, Jan!
March 23, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: Baloney 1 (Arnie Katz/Tom Springer, Apr 00), Ben's Beat 74 (Ben Indick, Sep 03), Phantom Circuit 1 (Don Simpson, 65), Portrait of the Artist (Bruce Pelz, Dec 72), Vegas Fandom Weekly 8 (Arnie Katz, Jan 05) and Western Romance 7 (Joyce Katz, Nov 03). Baloney and Ben's Beat were scanned at Corflu 41. Vegas Fandom Weekly and Western Romance were acquired at Corflu 41.
--ASFA. Added a membership flyer from Matt Fertig from the mid-80s.
--Canadian Fandom, Bill Grant. Added 4 issues: #34-37 (Jun 57-Oct 58). Canadian Fandom is a core fanzine for us to scan. Canadian Fandom is a core fanzine for us to scan. Contributors in these issues include Dr. David Keller, Richard Elsberry, and Sam Moskowitz (with an article on Ray Bradbury and the "Influences that Shaped Him"). These issues were provided for scanning by Murray Moore at Corflu 41, and scanned right there. Thanks, Murray!
--Diagonal Relationship/Dillinger Relic, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 3 issues: Diagonal Relationship 19-20 (Oct 81- Jan 82), and Dillinger Relic 37 (84). These were scanned at Corflu 41.
--Flag, Andrew Hooper. Added 5 issues: #17-21 (May 16 - May 18). These were provided by Nic Farey and scanned at Corflu 41. Thanks, Nic.
--Plasma, Arnie Katz. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 90s/00s.
--References - SF, Fantasy & Horror Bibliographies. Added an unusual item: manuscript for Don Franson's "History of the Hugo, Nebula and International Fantasy Awards". It includes a cover letter to Howard DeVore.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the March 24 issue of The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Zip (new series), Ted White. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us 1956 fanzine. It ran in parallel to Stellar (not before).
March 20, 2024
YouTube: The Women Fen Don t See w/Claire Brialey, Kate Heffner & Leah Zeldes Smith
Link for part 1:
Part 1: Women did not magically appear in fandom with the advent of Star Trek, but have been part of science fiction fandom since the earliest days. They're faneds, and convention chairs, writers and artists, club fans and costumers. Sometimes, they're all of the above. Our impressive panelists (see bios on the bottom) Claire Brialey, Kate Heffner and Leah Zeldes Smith talk about why early female fans have received less credit than they deserved, or been overlooked entirely, and describe the contributions of a number of them....In this recording (Mar 2024, part 1 of 2), our panelists talk about how this research began, and why women that were cranking the mimeos, writing fanzine articles and going to conventions were not even regarded as fans. Early fan historians didn t correct this impression, reflecting the attitudes of society and ignoring women s contributions to fandom, especially married women. In this recording, you ll learn about what fans did say about women in the community, the radical hoax of Lee Hoffman , and Miss Science Fiction 1949 (and the Fake Geek Girl response that ensued).
Woman discussed in part 1 include Jean Bogart, Pam Bulmer, Daphne Buckmaster, Marion Eadie, Helen Finn, Nancy Kemp, Trudy Kuslan, Lois Miles, Frances Swisher, and Jane Tucker. There s a lot of information, a little hero worship and a dive into those hard-to-research women whose fanac was not primarily in fanzines.
Link for Part 2: Woman discussed here include Ina Shorrock, Bobbie Gray, and Ethel Lindsay. There s more about Femizine, the impact that early female fans can have on younger generations today, and whether women fans today will experience the same sorts of erasure. At about 32 minutes in, Q&A from the audience begins, with the difficulty of researching women fans, especially those that change their names multiple times, and anecdotes of Nan Gerding, Lynette Mills, Fuzzy Pink Niven, and Noreen Shaw. Maggie Thompson contributes a wonderful anecdote about her mother SF author Betsy Curtis and Tony Boucher. The recording concludes with a welcome discussion of how women have been treated in fandom in recent years.
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 5 items: "Baycon 1968" (Bob Vardeman, 68), "Go Westercon Young Man" (Dwain Kaider, Jul 65), "Myrtle Rebecca Douglas - An Appreciation" (Elmer Perdue, May 65), "One Hundred Perent" (Miriam Knight and Bob Lichtman, May 65) and "Open Season on Elephants" (rich brown, 64). I should have had the Morojo appreciation up before last weekend's zoom.
--1990s One Shots. Added 2 items: Westercon 44 ANZAPA One-shot (Aug 91), and the Whiz for ATom flyer (90). The Westercon 44 ANZAPA One Shot was scanned by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Birdsmith, Vernon McCain. Added 3 issues: #16-18 (Feb-Fall 57). Issues were scanned at Corflu 41.
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added 2 issues: 26 and 26a both from Aug 69. These zines were sanned at Corflu 41.
--Dark Toys, Taral Wayne. Added Taral's new issue, #77 (Mar 24). Thanks, Taral!
--Diagonal Relationship, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 5 issues: #14-18 (Jull 80-Jul 81). These zines were scanned at Corflu 41.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the March 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the St. Urho's Day 2024 issue (most recent). Thanks, Dale.
--Pooka, Don Ford. Added #11 (Mar 60). Zine for scanning at Corflu 41.
--Tightbeam, Lynne Holdom. Added #9 (Nov 77). Adding this issue helped me figure out that the July 79 issue was really #19, and not as it was labeled inside, issue 109.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 more issues of this apazine: #73-77 (Feb-Aug 96). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--WOOF. Added 2 issues: #24 (Alan Stewart, Aussiecon 3, Sep 99), 47 (Chris Garcia, Chicon 8, 22). Provided by Rich Lynch
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Australian SF News, Merv Binns. Thanks to Perry Middlemiss for spotting a date typo on the index page for one of the issues. Fixed now. Thanks, Perry.
--Rahuun, Forry Ackerman. Thanks to Sam McDonald for finding an upside down page in #2. Hopefully corrected by the time you read this. Thanks, Sam!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for spotting the typos made when I updated the Spartacus index this week. Fixed now. Thanks, Evelyn!
March 16, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added #133 (Feb 24). Thanks, Joseph.
--Canadian Fandom, Bill Grant. Added 5 more issues from the mid 50s: #26 (Sep 55), 29-29 (Feb-Jun 56), 32-33 (Jan-Feb 57). Canadian Fandom is a core zine for us to scan. All of these were provided by Murray Moore and scanned at Corflu 41. Thanks, Murray!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the Mar 24 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Diagonal Relationship, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 6 issues: #2 (77), 7-8 (Oct 78-Jan 79), 10 (Jul 79), and 12-13 (80). Scanned at Corflu 42.
--Flag, Andrew Hooper. Added 3 more issues: #14-16 (Mar - Aug 14). Zines provided for scanning by Nic Farey and scanned at Corflu 41. Thanks, Nic!
--Focal Point, Arnie Katz. Added V2#26 (Jul 72).
--Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added 4 issues of Perry's apazine: #17-20 (Aug 23- Feb 24). Thanks, Perry.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/15/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Notes From Arinam, Roy Tackett. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us-APAzine from the 70s.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added the last 2 issues: #71-72 (Feb-Mar 24). Thanks, Guy.
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added #37-38 (Aug 56- Feb 57).
March 13, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--ANZAPA OBO, David Grigg. Added 5 items: 4 issues of the OBO (Aug 23 - Feb 24), and the Aug 92 ANZAPA Constitution, edited by LynC. The OBOs were all scanned by David Grigg, and the Constitution by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, David! Thanks, Perry!
--Chanticleer, Walt Liebscher. Added 2 issues: #1 (43) and 4 (44). Chanticleer is a core fanzine for us to scan. Contributors to these two issues include Art Widner, Harry Warner, Jr., Bob Tucker, Milt Rothman and F.T. Laney. Zines provided for scanning by Murray Moore and scanned at Corflu 41. Thanks, Murray!
--Deja Vu, Eric and Kathy Mayer. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the late 80s. There's an article by John Berry in #4.
--Flag, Andy Hooper. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine title from the 2010s. Flag won two FAAn awards for Best Perzine. Thanks to Nic Farey for bringing them to Corflu 41 for the scanning. Thanks, Nic!
--Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added 5 issues of Perry's ANZAPAzine: #12-16 (Aug 22- June 23). Thanks, Perry.
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added Nandu 7 Book 1. What we had online before was nandu 7 Book 2.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Mar 24 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Seetee, William Knapheide. Added 1 issue (#1) and created an index page for this early 50s clubzine of the Tellurian Sciencefictioneers (Bay Area). We relocated the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, so now there are two.
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added 5 issues: #31 (Nov 54), 33-36 (Aug 55-May 56).
March 11, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--ANZAPA OBO, David Grigg. Added 6 more issues of the ANZAPA OBO, all with David Grigg as OE. Added are: #328-333 (Aug 22 - Jun 23). Scans by David Grigg.
--Canadian Fandom. Added 6 issues: Beak Taylor- #10 (May 46); Gerald Steward- #20 (Mar 54), 22-23 (Sep-Dec 54); and Bill Grant- #24-25 (Mar-Jun 55). Contributors include Fred Hurter, Don Ford, Leslie Crouch, George O. Smith, Dean Grennell and Boyd Raeburn. Canadian Fandom is a core zine for us to scan. All of these were provided by Murray Moore and scanned at Corflu 41. Thanks, Murray!
--Excelsior, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues: #6 (Jan 66) and #8 (Jul 66). These were provided by Lenny Bailes and scanned at Corflu 41. Thanks, Lenny!
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 7 issues: Bob Pavlat: V31#3-4 (May-Aug 68), V32#3-4 (May-Aug 69), V33#3-4(May-Aug 70), and Gregg Calkins: V34#1 (Nov 70).
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 5 issues: George Scithers - #211 (Mar 68), and George Heap - #224 (Dec 68), 237 (Sep 69), 250 (Jun 70) and 263 (Mar 71).
--Of Cabbages and Kings (and Baby Turtles), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added 2 issues: #2 (Nov 69) and 5 (May 70).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/8/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Pleasure Units, Gordon Eklund. Added 2 more issues: #6 (Jan 64) and 9 (Jan 65).
--The Saturday Evening Ghost, Robert Lee. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 6 issues: #67-72 (Aug 95-Jan 96). Zines provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
March 7, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: Barsoomian Newsletter 1 (Paul C. Allen, Apr 64), Ego 3 (Bill Meyers, 63), Kiarans' Luncheon 59 (Bruce Pelz, Feb 88), Old and Rare 2 (Redd Boggs, Aug 62), and Orientbreeze 4 (Askold Ladonko, Jun 66). Orientbreeze was edited in Venezuela and published by Fred Patten in the US. Unless of course Askold Ladonko is not a real person.
--ANZAPA OBO, David Grigg. Added 6 issues: #322-327 of this, the official organ of ANZAPA. Scans provided by David Grigg. Thanks, David!
--Bronc, Eva Firestone. Added #15 (Jan 60).
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added #25 (Jul 69) and 27 (Sep 69). Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--Defenestration, David Singer. Added 5 issues and created an index page for this 70s/80s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Contributors to later issues include Lee Hoffman, Eric Mayer, Vince Miranda, rich brown, and Sarah Clemens.
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the March 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues: #5 (Mar 91) and 19 (Nov 93). Issue 19 has a Reed Waller cover, and articles by Geri Sullivan, Chuch Harris, Shelby Vick and a Vince Clarke reprint.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #142 (Mar 24). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added 5 more issues: #7-11 (Oct 21-Jun 22). Thanks, Perry.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/1/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Leap Day issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Pertinence, Archie Mercer. Added the 4th issue ("Pertinence Fourth") from Aug 69.
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added 3 issues: #28-30 (Feb-Aug 54).
--The Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added the March 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the March issue. Thanks, George.
March 5, 2024
Corflu 41 (from Joe): The FanHistory Project had a scanning station at Corflu 41 in Las Vegas this last weekend, and received a great response from members. They brought us hundreds of fanzines to scan and we were able to scan over 3,000 pages of new material at the con. We received materials from Lenny Bailes, Sandra Bond, Nic Farey, John Wesley Hardin, A.C. Kyle, Murray Moore, and Nigel Rowe. FANAC members working at the con were Mark Olson, Edie Stern and Joe Siclari, with additional help from Mary Ellen Moore. A personal highlight for us was the FAAN Lifetime Achievement Award given to Edie and Joe. Thanks to all who contributed.
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--ANZAPA OBO. Added 6 issues: Bruce Gillespie - #316-317 (Aug-Oct 20), and David Grigg - 318-321 (Dec 20-Jun 21). Scans by David Grigg. Thanks, David!
--Cynic, Gray Boak. Added #7 (Feb 75).
--Exhystenialism, Roger Weddall. Added 3 issues of this new to us ANZAPAzine from 1992. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Heckmeck, Mario Kwiat and Manfred Kage. Added #25 (Dec 70).
--The Invader, Joe Staton. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the early 60s. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Letter Forum - IES NE, Alma Hill. Added #13 (Nov 59) of this clubzine of the Interplanetary Society, New England Members & Friends. Fanzines supplied at Boskone for scanning by Jack Butterworth. Thanks, Jack!
--OSFAn. Added V2#5 (Mar 70) edited by Chester Z. Malon Jr, Sally Watson and Jay Rikosh. OSFAn is a publication of the Ozark Science Fiction Association.
--Pleasure Units, Gordon Eklund. Added 5 issues of this SAPSzine from the early 60s. Thanks, Gordon, for your permission to put these online!
--Sporadic, Bill Plott. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the early 60s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Stranger Than Fact, Jim Harkness. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the early 60s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich. These two have Joe Staton covers.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 7 more issues: #60-65 (Jan-Jul 95). Scanned from fanzines provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
February 29, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: Karuna 1 (Jane Gallion, Aug 62), Leftover 1 (Marion Bradley, Nov 60), Meow 3 (Arnie Katz, Sep 64), No Place 10 (F.M. Busby, Sep 62) and Null Set 2 (Felice Rolfe, Jun 66).
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added 4 issues of this ANZAPAzine: #21-24 (Jun 98 - June 99). Scans by Bruce Gillespie, sent by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks to both Bruce and Perry!
--FFANZ. Made an index page for FFANZ - the Fan Fund of Australia nad New Zealand. It has 5 new items, including 4 ballots and an issue of FFANZ News (Nov 91). Scanning credits shared between Alan Stewart, Perry Middlemiss and Rich Lynch. Thanks, Alan, Rich and Perry!
--Grunt, Calvin Demmon. Added #2 of this perzine from 1963.
--IscarioT, Al Andrews and Richard Ambrose. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the early 60s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Outsiders, Wrai Ballard. Added 2 issues of this apazine: #22 (Dec 55) and #47 (Apr 61).
--Megatheriums for Breakfast, David Grigg. Added 3 issues: #6-8 (Aug-Dec 92). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Persian Slipper, Ted Johnstone. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 60s.
--Pantopon, Ruth Berman. Added 3 issues of this apazine: #5-6 (May 62-Aug 63), and 15 (Aug 66).
--Potlatch, Joyce Katz. Added 4 issues: #1-4 (Dec 70-Jun 71). Contributors include Arnie Katz, and Lee Jacobs. There are Terry Carr reprints too.
--Qabal, Dean Grennell, and some of Jack Speer, Robert Bloch, Dick Eney, Boyd Raeburn, Ger Steward, Ron Kidder and Jean Grennell. Added 5 issues and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. This is a confusing one - there are two #4s and two #5s, it's hard to figure out who to credit for editor, and it took me twice to realize that Grennell was listing both him and Jean on the zine. If someone has better info than what I put on the index page, please let me know.
--The Southerner. Added #11 (Bill Plott, Mar 64). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include: Sandra Bond, Edward Finneran, Barry Gold, Bill Higgins, Merav Hoffman, Dave Langford, Perry Middlemiss, Bee Ostrowsky, Mark W. Richards, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Alan Thiesen, Jan Vanek jr and of course Mark Olson. Thanks, all!
February 27, 2024
Title: Tropicon 8 (1989)-Part 3 of 3 - Filk with Julia Ecklar, Orion's Belt and Linda Melnick
Description: Julia Ecklar was the special filk guest at Tropicon 8, held in Dania, Florida, in 1989. This recording captures the third part of an open filk at the convention, and includes 8 songs (of which Julia sings four, with one incomplete) and one poem. The performers on this recording in order of appearance: Julia Ecklar, Chuck Phillips, Dina Pearlman, Francine Mullen, Doug Wu, and Linda Melnick. The video includes much of the conversation between songs, the laughter and the occasional disagreement of a 1980s convention filk session. This video includes several songs by Orion's Belt, which consisted of Dina Pearlman, Francine Mullen and Doug Wu.
Tropicon was a small convention, and you will see some of the author guests in the filk. That's Tropicon 8 GoH Lynn Abbey sitting next to C.J. Cherryh for example, and Joe Green sitting back against the wall. Note that the last song is incomplete - the recording chops off in the middle. Many thanks to Eli Goldberg for sound editing on this recording and for the details in the song listing.
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--ANZAPA OBO. Added 6 more issues of the official organ of ANZAPAPA. Four from Alan Stewart: 146 (Jun 92), 148-150 (Oct 92 - Feb 93). The remaining two are from Bruce Gillespie: 314-315 (Apr-Jun 20). The first four were scanned by Perry Middlemiss and the last two by David Grigg. Thanks, Perry and thanks, David!
--Energy, Marc Ortlieb. Added 2 1992 issues of this new-to-us ANZAPAzine. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 6 issues of the FAPA OO. From Bruce Pelz: #107 (May 64), 117-119 (Nov 66-May 67); from Bob Pavlat: #121-122 (Nov 67-Feb 68).
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added #18 (Nov 75).
--Little Blue Number, Perry Middlemiss. Added 6 2020s issues of this new-to-us ANZAPAzine. Thanks, Perry!
--Mayhem Annex, Felice Rolfe. Added 6 more issues. Issue 11 (Jul 65) was co-edited with Ed Meskys. The remainder were by Felice. In addition to #11, we also added 16 (Aug 65), 29 (Dec 65), 37-38 (Feb 66) and 43 (Mar 66).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/23/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--New Cat Sand, Calvin Demmon. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the late 60s.
--Northlight, Alan Burns. Added #8 (Jan 60). This issue has an article by Ted Tubb.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 2 issues: #14 (Jul 57) and #36 (Apr 62).
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the February issue of The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
February 24, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 7 titles: The Amateur Effer 1 (Mike McInerney and rich brown, Jul 65), Bombshells aka Avengers Re-Assemble (Bombshell Rutherford, 67), Dream Stuff 6 (G.M. Carr, Sep 60), First Draft 3 (Tom Perry, Apr 87), Mezrab 7 (Marion and Robert Bradley, Jan 52), Mien Omp-F 5 (Colin Freeman, Jun 65) and Outre 7 (J. Vernon Shea, Nov 77). Contributors to the Amateur Effer include: Arnie Katz, Dave Van Arnam, rich brown, Andy Porter and Ted White. Note that the Amateur Effer was the first mailing (complete in and of itself) of Apa-F. The Outre 7 scan was provided by Sasha Dumontier. Thanks, Sasha!
--ANZAPA OBO. Added 5 issues from the early 90s. Four of these were edited by Clive Newall and LynC, with the fifth edited by Alan Stewart. Earlier issues were OO, and these are now OBO, presumably for "Official Bloody Organ". Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--De Profundis. Added 3 more issues: #7 (Fred Hollander, Apr 66) and 24-25 (Chuck and Sally Crayne, Oct-Nov 68).
--DUFF. Added 3 items: DUFF 1992-Voting Ballot (Greg Turkich/Art Widner, Spr 92), DUFF Ballott 1992-93 from ANZAPA (Art Widner/ Roger Weddall, Win 93) and the Secret DUFF Newsletter (Roger Weddall, Jun 92). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the February issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--G'nel, Marc Ortlieb. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us ANZAPAzine from the early 90s. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Megatheriums for Breakfast, David Grigg. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us ANZAPAzine from the early 90s. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Motley, Jim Benford. Added 2 issues of Jim Benford's perzine: #16-17 (May 21-Feb 22). Issues provided by Jim Benford. Thanks, Jim.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the Feb 24 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added #26-27 (Dec 91-Jan 92). Provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Pegasus, Bob Jones. Replaced #2 with a searchable PDF.
February 21, 2024
Part 1 Link:
Title: Wrong Turns on the Wallaby Track: Australian SF Fandom 1960-75, Pt1- Leigh Edmonds, Perry Middlemiss
Description: Once again historian Leigh Edmonds and Perry Middlemiss take us to the heart of Australian fan history. This February 2024 zoom session begins with the events of 1960, and the origins of modern Australian fandom in Melbourne. Illustrated with photos and publications, Leigh tells the story of early fannish meetings, of Somerset Place, and of the competing visions of Australian fandom, from sercon to fannish. In this part 1, he covers how Science Fiction Review got started, the seminal influence of John Foyster, John Bangsund and Lee Harding, and the reason the Ditmar Awards are so named. (He also tells you what they are not named.) There s the first APA in Australia, why it was started and what it became, the importance of comics fans in Australian fan history and Gelaticon. And Leigh conveys the reason why fans were so intent on getting together - In this group, when you happen to say something about science fiction, people don t look at you like you re crazy.
The zoom session is great fun and well worth watching. Leigh Edmonds is an Australian historian, and a very long-time science fiction fan. His history of science fiction fandom in Australia, Proud and Lonely; a history of science fiction fandom in Australia 1936-1975 part 1, will be published in 2024 by Norstrilia Press. Perry Middlemiss is a fanwriter, editor and podcaster as well as a former Worldcon chair.
Part 2: Link:
Description: Part 2 continues the story of Australian fan history. Historian Leigh Edmonds and Perry Middlemiss begin with a discussion of the cultural environment (and censorship) in Australia of the period, the raid on John Foyster s home and the intersection of real politics with fandom. Especially interesting is the conversation about the campaign to bring the Worldcon to Australia, from changes needed to the WSFS constitution, to the origins of DUFF, and to the bidding publicity Australian fans courted with Anti-Fan (staring Paul Stevens as Anti-Fan). You ll hear about the beginnings of the Australian SF writing community, Ursula Le Guin s connection with the Aussiecon Writer s Workshop, and the emerging uniquely Australian convention tradition. The discussion wraps up with anecdotes about the Worldcon itself (including the Tucker fund), and its sizeable impact on local fandom. Finally, there s Q&A with the audience.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: Qabal 2 (Dean Grennell, May 56), Small Mammal Apr 83 (Martin Easterbrook), Trill 8 (Charles Wells (Feb 70), Vorpal Dragon #2 (66), Woodchuck Handbook 1 (Scott Shaw, Jul 69), and Wootton Major Journal (R. Doyle, Sum 69).
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: CUSTard (Walter Coslet, Aug 56) and Mish Mosh (Ted White, Mar 55).
--1960s One Shots. Added 3 items: 2-acetylbenzoic acid (Joanne Burger, Mar 69), Panelzine - The Fear Element in Science Fiction (Hal Lynch and George Heap (61), and The Wizard and Us (Bill Rotsler, 66). The Rotsler piece is not art, but fiction/poetry.
--1970s One Shots. Added 1 item: Three Cubic Acres of Fanzines (Don Markstein, May 76).
--1980s One Shots. Added 3 items: Dead Lobsters Tell No Tales (Diane Goldman/Dana Siegel/David Singer, Apr 89), Grotty (rich brown, Nov 84) and a N'APAcon report from Ed Meskys (Jun 60) which appeared in N'APA 5.
--Fan Polls, Awards, Surveys and Discussions. Added a strange little item by Miriam Carr - FAPAsurvey and SAPSurvey Reports, Like (60). In it you'll learn that the average SAPS male is 26 years 10 months old, the average height for FAPA women is 5ft 5 in, and the average FAPA male weighs 177 pounds.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the February 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Mayhem Annex, Felice Rolfe and Ed Meskys. Added 6 issues of this mid 60s APAzine. Fanzines provided for scanning by Stan Meskys. Thanks, Stan.
--References-SF, Fantasy And Horror Bibliographies and Histories. Added History of the Hugo, Nebula and International Fantasy Award 1951-1969 (Howard DeVore, 69). --Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 4 issues: #22-25 (Aug-Nov 91). Thanks, Jeanne.
February 17, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: Califan 1 (Felice Rolfe, Jul 66), Fanalysis 2 (Ray Schaffer Jr, Jul 56), Futurian Commentator 12 (Feb 70), High Tobey 1 (Dian Pelz, Feb 70), and Kabumpo 6 (Dian Pelz, Feb 66).
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Added #46 (Apr 81). Atarantes is the clubzine of the Atlanta Science Fiction Club (ASFiC).
--Horizons, Harry Warner, Jr. Added #121 (Feb 70).
--Irusaben, Bob Silverberg. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 50s FAPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Le Moindre, Boyd Raeburn. Added 2 issues of this apazine: #5 (Aug 56) and the 1970 issue (misdated as 69).
--Letter Forum - IES NE, Alma Hill. Added 3 1959-60 issues of this new-to-us title, the clubzine of the Interplanetary Society, New England Members & Friends. Fanzines supplied at Boskone for scanning by Jack Butterworth. Thanks, Jack!
--Lyddite, Gary Deindorfer. Added #4 (62). Thish contains an article by Ted White on Charles Mingus.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/16/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Pesky's, Ed Meskys. Added 5 issues and created an index page for this 60s apazine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Zines provided at Boskone for scanning by Stan Meskys, Ed's son. Thanks, Stan!
--SAPSzine, Ed Meskys. Added 3 issues: #18-20 (Oct 64-Jul 65). Zines provided at Boskone for scanning by Stan Meskys.
--Sambo, Sam Martinez. Added #3 (Aug 56).
--SF Echo, Ed Connor. Added 1 item - the massive double issue (#23-24) from 1975. This 170 page issue includes contributions from Robert Chilson, Walt Liebscher, Tom Collins, Jeff Schalles, and Mae Strelkov.
--Vagary, Roberta Gray. Added #10 (Jan 59).
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #32 (Feb 70).
Corrections and Clarifications:
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Thanks to Sandra Bond for her observation that 1849 is probably not the correct date on Walt Coslet's Gr-runk 6. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!
--Fanews, Walt Dunkelberger and Earl Kay. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out that one of the issues was incomplete. It is so marked now. Thanks, Bee!
--Fanthologies. Rearranged so the Best of Susan Wood (Kaufman, Oct 82) is here properly. It was in the wrong directory and while it was accessible from Fanthologies, it didn't show up in the alpha listing. Fixed now. Thanks to Joe for finding (or rather not finding) it.
--Motley, Jim Benford. Thanks to Sandra Bond for finding a bad link for Motley 1. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra.
--Odyssey 2010. Thanks to Mark Plummer for pointing out that we had omitted several of the GoHs. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
February 14, 2024
Audio: Added Terry Pratchett's GoH speech from Noreascon 4. It's very, very, funny. The recording is about 1 hr, 10 minutes long. It does not include all the Q&A. Audio provided by Steven Silver. Thanks, Steven!
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: Schnorkelstil 2 (Dian Pelz, Feb 65); Shelta Thari 3 (Dick Eney, May 65), Stan's Weekly Express 27 (Stan ??, Mar 70), Sui 1 (Bob Smith, Feb 62), Trufan 1 (Ray Higgs, Feb 57), and Writers' Exchange 1 (Alma Hill, 65). That last is an N3F publication. From looking at Stan's Weekly Express 27, I couldn't figure out who Stan was, and apparently neither could the LoCs. Apparently Stan would leave "hints" but by issue 27, no one had penetrated his disguise.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the Feb 24 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Grandfather Stories, Howard DeVore. Added the brief Feb 70 issue. Mimeo'd with red ink on the left and blue on the right.
--Ibid, Ben Indick. Added 2 items: #23 (Aug 78) and 31 (Aug 80).
--Lark, Bill Danner. Added 3 items: Lark Aug 54, Lark Z, Vol X No Y (Aug 56), and "Lark is Dead' (May 62), a two page FAPAzine announcing the end of Lark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added 2 February issues and an updated index: the early February issue and the Lunar New Year issue. Dale's index now covers from issue 1 to #565. Thanks, Dale!
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 2 issues: #25 (Aug 61) and 73 (May 76).
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added #43 (Feb 70). I miss Buz - the description under the title and below the blank cover reads "The above illustration depicts an albino nudist in a snowbank, throwing snowballs at a retreating polar bear while eating vanilla ice cream. Scattered on the snow is about a ream of typing paper, spilled when the nudist was startled by the polar bear. Out of sight just over the hill are all the Funny Parts."
--Sigma Octantis, John Mussells. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the 50s. Contributors include Gary Labowitz, Jerry Page, Kent Moomaw (in issue 5), and Dan Adkins. Fanzines provided for the scanning by Jack Butterworth. Thanks, Jack!
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added #20 (Nov 50).
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 more issues of this apazine: #17-21 (Mar-Jul 91). Thanks, Jeanne.
February 12, 2024
Reminder: Join us this weekend for our FanHistory zoom (send a note to to get the link): Science Fiction Fandom in Australia 1960-1975, with Leigh Edmonds and Perry Middlemiss.
Date and Time: February 17, 2024 (Feb 18 in Australia) - 7PM EST, 4PM PST, 11 AM Feb 18 Melbourne AEDT
Leigh's description: Like a phoenix, Australian fandom was rekindled from the ashes of its own demise in the early 1960s. In 1960 there had been one small club, by the early 1970s there were clubs in most states, many fanzines, multiple conventions and a bustling fan community. By 1975 this fannish community had created such a presence on the world stage that it hosted a World SF Convention, published world class fanzines and many of its fans had international reputations. What had happened to bring such a change to fandom in the land of the Wallaby Track. Tune in to find out, mate.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: Deadwood 2 (George Locke, Feb 66), Fanjan 1 (Jan Jansen, Oct 72), Flint (Eva Firestone, Jul 56), Gr-runk 6 (Walter Coslet, Mar 49), and Homo Saps 3 (Philip J. Castora, Jul 57).Note that there was an earlier Fanjan, with Jan Jansen as a co-editor which was published in 1956.
--1960s One Shots. Added 2 items: The Quatt Wunkery (Charles Wells, Feb 65) and Sold Down the River, a true account of the new N'APA Regime (Jack Harness, Jun 61).
--Cinder, Larry Williams. Added 4 issues: #4-7 (May 61-62). Contributors to #6 include Buck Coulson, Len Moffatt, Seth Johnson and bill Bowers.
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the February 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Fap, Les Gerber. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this early 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Add 2 items. Added #141 (Feb 24), and FaiNZINE #3, his AI generated fanzine with pictures. Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added January 2024. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/9/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--You're Still on my Mind, Rich Lynch. Added #5 (Jan 24). Thanks, Rich.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Feb 24 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Edgar Allan Poe's birthday issue (Jan 24). Thanks, Dale!.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the February 24 issue. Thanks, George.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues of this perzine: #12-16 (Oct 90 - Jan 91). Thanks, Jeanne.
February 7, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added 4 issues: #15 (Nov 67), 18-19 (Jul-Sep 68) and 23 (Mar 69). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Cinder, Larry Williams. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us title from 1962: #8-11, 13 (Nov 62).
--Lurk, Mike and Pat Meara. Added #6 (May 74). Contributors include Eric Bentcliffe, Vera Johnson, and Malcolm Davies It also includes a "loc" of hair from Dave Rowe.
--paraFANalia, Bruce Burn. Added 5 issues: #6 (Jul 60), 8-11 (Sep 61 - Aug 74).
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added 3 issues: Dec 23 - Feb 24. Thanks, Heath.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues of this apazine: #7-11 (Apr - Sep 90). Thanks, Jeanne.
--Wildhack, Dave Locke. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 80's APAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Wombat, Shayne McCormack and Ron L. Clarke. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 70s.
--The Works, Dave Locke. Added 3 issues and created an index page for this late 70s/early 80ss zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
February 3, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fadeaway, Robert Jennings. Added 5 issues of Fadeaway: #16 (Jun 10), 19-22 (Dec 10-Apr 11). Fadeaway maintains the numbering scheme of "The Monday Evening Ghost" aka "Fadaway". Thanks to Robert Jennings for sending us the fanzines to scan. Thanks, Robert!
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added the double issue #45-46 (Win 93). This 147 page double issue is the 50th Anniversary Double Issue, and contributors include Sam Moskowitz, Steve Sneyd, and Lloyd Eshbach. Scan provided by Nate at/of the Chrononauts Podcast - Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks, Nate, and thanks, Chrononauts Podcast!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/2/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the Jan 24 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Phoenix, Dave Locke. Added 2 issues: #7-8 (Jun 63-64). Contributors include Buck Coulson, Dave Hulan and Bill Plott. We will not speak of the Feghoot in #7.
--Union Street, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 6 issues of this perzine: #1-6 (Sep 89 - Mar 90). Thanks to Jeanne for providing the publications.
--Warhoon, Richard Bergeron. Added #4 (Win 53).
--Warp, Greg Hills. Added #24 (May 81) of this magazine of the New Zealand National Association for Science Fiction.
--Wild Heirs, Arnie and Joyce Katz, and the Vegrants. Added 6 issues: #10 (Oct 95), 10.5 (Nov 95), 12 (Dec 95), 15.5 (Jul 96), 17-18 (Sep-Oct 96). Contributors include Ross Chamberlain, Bill Rotsler, Ray Nelson, Martin Tudor, and Chuch Harris.
--Wraith, Wrai Ballard. Added #19 (Nov 62) -'A goshwow type issue celebrating the Chicon...".
--WRR, Otto Pfeifer. Added v4#2 (68). Contributors include John Berry, Art Rapp, and Wally Weber.
January 31, 2024
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: Alcheringa 1 (Jeanne Gomoll, 82), BU87988 (Ed Cox, May 64), Barean 5 (Ron Ellik, Aug 59), Bog 9 (Otto Pfeifer, Apr 59), Canticles from Labowitz 8 (Gary Labowitz, 72), and Cellophane Heavens, Gafia Prose 1 (Spr 63). Alcheringa was provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--1940's One Shots. Added 3 items: The Bufflocon Number 1 (Ken Krueger, 44), Dear Friends (and Others!) (J. E. Rennison, Feb 43), and Fantasy Illustrated (Bob Stein, Fall 46). The Bufflocon report details the visit of midwest fans to visit Ken Krueger, and was sent with an objective - "to try to get you to come to the second Bufflocon." "Dear Friends" is a letter that was distributed in Fido, and is a farewell to fandom - "Fandom has learnt me a lot, and I would be a fool to deny it, but I feel my education is complete." Scan of "Dear Friends" by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--1950's One Shots. Added 2 items" One is a handwritten note written on Ann Arbor bank paper that was found in the Hydracon program book about Michelism, and the other is "Wans Burrow Ings" (Howard DeVore, Apr 58).
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 2 recent issues: #433 (Aug 23) and 428 (1/24). Thanks for sending, Dave!
--Bronc, Eva Firestone. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 50s SAPSzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--BSFAN. BSFAN is the offical organ of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this clubzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Cube, Jeanne Gomoll. Added #1 (Oct 82). Provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--Mercatorial Annual, Archie Mercer. Added #8 (Nov 63).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 1/26/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Phineas Pinkham Pallograph, Rusty Hevelin. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s FAPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Polhode, Ed Meskys. Added #1 (59).
--SFOHA Publications. Added the Oct 01 newsletter, uncredited.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added a "Minor Correction" (Aug 64), a letter from Jack that went out with Synapse as a postmailing to FAPA 108. The minor correction in the note was to clarify what OE Gregg Calkins had paraphrased and attributed to Jack, and to replace it with the exact quote, which had a different meaning. As this was in Aug 64, if you guessed Breendoggle, you would be right.
--Tailgate, Roger Sims and George Young. Added #1 (Sep 54) of this SAPSzine.
--Vaux Hall Fanatic, Seth Johnson. Added an issue published in 1962.
--Yezidee, Dian Pelz. Added 2 issues of this-new-to-us SAPSzine from the 60s.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include: John Bray, Thomas Bull, Vincent Docherty, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Murray Moore, Mark Plummer, Flash Sheridan, James Shields, Leah Zeldes Smith, Geri Sullivan, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!
January 27, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Cockatrice, Redd Boggs. Added Cockatrice #4 (Spr 63). Cockatrice later was changed to Bete Noire and so both titles are on this index page.
--Convention Extra. Added Convention Extra 2 (uncredited, Feb 44). Convention Extra 1 was part of Cosmic Cuts, and so I've placed both issues i that index page. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--Fan-Tods, Norman Francis Stanley. Added #17 (Spr 48). This was done for VAPA but I don't know which mailing.
--The Monday Evening Ghost, Bob Jennings. Added #8 (Dec 60). Contributors include Mike Deckinger and Rich Brown (with caps).
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming and Gary Klupfel. Added 6 issues from 1969-1970: #110, 112-116. Most of these are in German, but issue 114 has both German and English language contents.Heicon, the only German worldcon to date was of course, in 1970.
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added #20 (Aug 62).
--Pooka, Don Ford. Added 2 issues, #12-14 (Mar 62- Sep 63) of this OMPAzine.
--Poor Richard's Almanac, rich brown. Added 3 issues: #14 (Aug 62), 19 (Nov 64) and Nov 70. Issue 19 was written by Steve Stiles, and is the second Poor Richard's Almanac issue distributed in FAPA 100.
--The Southerner. Added #10, edited by Bill Plott from Dec 63). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Tattooed Dragons, Bill Rotsler. Added the "Tattooed Dragain Strikes Again", Nov 69. This is all art (not a surprise).
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added 3 issues: the last 2 issues (Dec 23 - Jan 24) of the The National Fantasy Fan, and V24#3 (Wally Weber, Jun 65). Thanks, George, for the recent ones.
--Warp. Added 6 issues of Warp, the magazine of the New Zealand National Association for Science Fiction. #8-10 (Frank Macskasy Jnr, Jan-May 79), 11-13 (Bruce and Robyn Ferguson, Gary Perkins, Robert Fowles and Mervyn Barrett in various comibinations, July-Nov 79).
--Why Not, Al Lewis. Added #6 (Aug 64).
--Wraith, Wrai Ballard. Added #26 (Nov 65).
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Special thanks to Don Glover for the Norwescon materials and Jeanne Gomoll for Wiscon.
---Aussiecon Two added Aussiecon 2 Accomodation reservation form, Aussiecon 2 Altmann & Cherny Opals advertising card, Aussiecon 2 ANZAAS flyer (with PR3), Aussiecon 2 Badge, Aussiecon 2 Banquet booking form, Aussiecon 2 Film notes, Aussiecon 2 Hogu & Blackhole final ballot, Aussiecon 2 Hogu ranquet flyer, Aussiecon 2 Letter to program participants, Aussiecon 2 Memory Book, Aussiecon 2 Postcard to members who voted at ConStellation, Aussiecon 2 Programme guide, Aussiecon 2 Programme update sheet Monday, Aussiecon 2 Programming errata booklet, Aussiecon 2 Progress report 1, Aussiecon 2 Progress report 2, Aussiecon 2 The Aussiecon 2 Free Press, Aussiecon 2 Volunteer form
---Chengdu added 2023 Hugo Award Stats - Final
---Chicon IV added Hotel Reservation Confirmation, Membership Confirmation, Receipt, 1984 Site selection ballot, 1982 Supporter postcard
---Chicon V added Chicago Confidential, Flter 2, Flyer 1, Restaurant Guide, Son of Daley Planet
---ConAdian added Winnipeg in '94 Party Invitation 1991
---ConFrancisco added Membership receipt #1028 - 1990-08-26
---ConStellation added Australia in 83 Bid postcard, Gaming schedule, Programming notes, Progress Report 5
---Denvention Two added Apology postcard, D&D Tournament entry form, DENotations 1 1979, Denvisions 3 1979, Housing request form (different version), 1981 Hugo ballot, 1981 Letter on behalf of, 1981 Meals with authors booking form, 1981 Progress report 4.5, 1981 Site selection ballot, 1981 The Rocky Mountain Oyster (3 issues), 1981 Thin Air Wonder Stories 3 1979
---Glasgow 2024 added PR 3
---IguanaCon II added Ellison Lookalike contest flyer, ERanquet flyer, Hyatt welcome flyer, Newsletter 3 Journey to Tuscon, Phoenix information pamphlet, Restaurant flyer, STAR Foundation schedule, Watership Down flyer, LA in 78 flyer
---Intersection added Say Da to Moscow business card, Travel Pass 1995
---MagiCon added MagiAPA 11 , MagiAPA 12 , Potion, Night of the Round Tables by Willis 1991
---Nippon 2007 added Flyer for Chicon 2000
---Noreascon 3 added Hugo Awards Program addendum 1989-09-03
---Noreascon Two added Lobster Tales excerpts, 1982 Site Selection Ballot
---SFCon added Membership card
---Sasquan added Restaurant Guide by Cherise Kelley, Souvenir Book
---St. Louiscon added Like, Discover Columbus in 1969
---Boskone 59 added Drink Chit, Helmuth 3-6, Program Participant Schedule, Program Particpant welcome, Tips for Moderators
---Norwescon V added Program Book, Norwescon X added Pocket Program, Norwescon XII added Pocket Program, and Norwescon XVI added Pocket Program
---Norwescon XVII added Pocket Program, Program Book, Norwescon XVIII added Pocket Program, Norwescon XIX added Pocket Program, and Norwescon XXII added Program Book
---Norwescon XXIII added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Norwescon XXIV added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Norwescon XXV added Program Book and Norwescon XXX added Program Book
---Norwescon XXXI added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Norwescon XXXII added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Norwescon XXXIV added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Norwescon XXXV added Pocket Program, Membership Guide, Program Book
---Norwescon XXXVI added Pocket Program
---Norwescon 38 added Pocket Program - Planning & Membership Guidelines, Pocket Program - Thursday and Friday
---Norwescon 39 added Pocket Program - Planning & Membership Guide, Pocket Program - Saturday & Sunday, Pocket Program - Thursday & Friday
---Norwescon 40 added Planning & Membership Guide, Saturday & Sunday, Thursday & Friday
---Norwescon 41 added Planning & Membership Guide, Saturday & Sunday, Thursday & Friday
---Niederrheincon added Flyer
---Smofcon 40 added Program Guide
---Tropicon XIX added & FanHistoricon 10 flyer Siclari 2000 SFSFS & FANAC
---ConClusion added Pocket Program
---Westercon 44 added Discount certificate 1991
---WisCon 21 added Brochure #1, Brochure #2, Pocket Program, Potential Program Participant letter, PR, Souvenier Book, Tiptree T-Shirt form, Vintage Times #s1-4
---WisCon 22 added Brunch Tickets, in The Capital Times, Mad Moose Gazette #1&2, Moderator's Instructions, Pocket Program, PR A, PR, Preliminary Program Mailing, Second Program Mailing, Sorry You Could Not Come Letter, Souvenir Book, Tepper Speaks
---WisCon 27 added A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #1-4, Blank Badge, Card #1, Card #2, Dessert Coupon, Flyers, Pocket Program, PR 2, PR, Souvenier Book, Survey
Corrections and Clarifications: Tightbeam. Thanks to Jon Swartz for pointing out that I had consistently misspelled his name. Apologies, Jon and many thanks for pointing it out. Fixed now.
January 24, 2024
YouTube: - An Interview with Joseph L. Green
Description: Joe Green s interest in science fiction began in the 1940s, before he knew there was even a name for this kind of literature. His introduction to science fiction fandom came in the early 1950s, and first published fiction in the 1960s. Add to that his long career in the military and civilian space programs, and you have a trajectory that is the envy of a many a science fiction reader.
In this fascinating interview, Joe Green talks about his life and career, and his views on science fiction and fandom after more than 70 years in the SF community. With a professional career spanning more than 60 years, (his last published work was in 2023), in this discussion Joe starts with his introduction to fandom, and his early fanzine contributions, his first professional sales and the struggle to balance fandom, professional writing and a growing family. With a decades-long career revolving around space, he tells anecdotes ranging from the Cuban missile crisis of the 60s to one of his most important accomplishments - editor and principal writer of the NASA report on the Challenger disaster. Here he talks about that difficult but necessary work.
Starting in the days of the manned Apollo launches, the Greens hosted spectacular and now legendary launch parties. Joe couldn t help but share his joy at one of the finest achievements of mankind. In this session, there are great anecdotes about well-known writers and fans, including Poul Anderson, Sam Moskowitz, Arthur C. Clarke and A.E. Van Vogt, and Joe s unorthodox advice about getting entr e to NASA launches. It s a delight to hear, and makes you wish you had been there...One story we didn t get to was what happened when Joe Green heard filk music for the first time. Joe was delighted, especially with the space-oriented pieces, and not too long after he heard the Minus Ten and Counting recording, one of those songs was played as the wake-up music for the astronauts in space....Many thanks to Joe s daughter, Rose-Marie Lillian for her technical support, enabling Joe to participate in the Zoom.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bete Noire, Redd Boggs. Added #8-9 (Spr-Sum 64) of this 60s FAPAzine.
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added 2 issues: #46-47 (Feb-May 72). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Burp, Ron Bennett. Added #18 (Dec 60).
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the January issue. Thanks, Leybl.
--Fantasy Aspects, Alan Lewis. Added #1 and 2 (Aug 58- Mar 59). This Fantasy Aspects was a reprint zine, and articles reprinted include pieces by Willy Ley, Jack Williamson, Sam Moskowitz, F.T. Laney and Robert Bloch.
--Fantasy Rotator / FR. Added 3 issues: #74 (Bill Sarill, Jan 60), 159 (Walter Breen, Jan 65) and a fractional issue FR 148.4216) from Norm Metcalf (Aug 64). Unusually, Norm's zine was also circulated in FAPA. It has this in the beginning: "Introduction for those FAPAns not aware and/or interested in The Cult. This consists of comments on the last few Cultzines plus some additional comments. None of them are too interesting PARTICULARLY SINCE MOST OF THEM CONCERN. THE BREEN SITUATION AS EXPOUNDED RECENTLY IN THE CULT."
--Instant Message, NESFA newsletter. Added 2 issues: Sep 23 and Jan 24, both edited by Robert Luoma.
--Le Moindre, Boyd Raeburn. Added #11 (May 58) of this FAPAzine.
--Niflheim, David Hulan. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the 60s. Thanks to David for his permission to put these online. Thanks, Dave!
--Nine Innings, Andy Hooper. Added 4 isshes of this new-to-us perzine from the 80s. Thanks Andy, for permission to put these online. Thanks, Andy!
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added #46 (Feb 61).
--Wraith, Wrai Ballard. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 60s.
Corrections and Clarifications: Canadian Fandom, Beak Taylor, Ned McKeown and others. Thanks to Colin Hinz for pointing out a broken link for #16. It's fixed now. Thanks, Colin!
January 21, 2024
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added #132 (Dec 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--Banshee, Michael Gorra. Added 2 1974 issues of this new-to-us genzine. Issue 7 has contributions from Mike Glicksohn, Cy Chauvin, Marc Schirmeister, Aljo Svoboda, Bob Tucker and Arnie Katz. Plus art by Grant Canfield, Dan Steffen and others.Thanks to Mike Gorra for giving us permission to put his zines online.
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added 5 issues: #28-29 (Nov-Dec 69), 33 (Jun 70), 41-42 (Apr-Jun 71). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Bunyip, John Martin Baxter. Added 2 1960 issues of this new-to-us genzine from Australia. Contributors include Donald Tuck, Mike Deckinger (in #2 with his impressions of Pittcon), and John Foyster.
--Collector, Howard DeVore. Added the April 65 issue.
--Galactic Jive Tales, Mike Glyer. Added #164 (Oct 79).
--Grue, Dean Grennell. Added #36 (Nov 71). In which Dean Grennell discusses the "Lewd" Book he almost wrote, "lewd" being the acronym for the working title - "Law Enforcement Weapons Digest". Alas, the inevitable acronym was noticed and of course, the title changed.
--Hurkle, Redd Boggs. Added #1 (Jan 50) completing the run.
--Instant Message. Added 2 issues of NESFA's newsletter, both from 1968 edited by Susan Hereford. Thanks to Rick Kovalchik and NESFA for their permission to post IM.
--Kaymar, K. Martin Carlson. Added #19 (Mar 69).
--Lan's Lantern, Lan Laskowski. Added #32 (Mar 90), a 172 page behemoth with contributions from Susan Shwartz, Ray Beam, Thomas Easton, Skel and many others. The issue is dedicated to William F. Temple, and has some brief tributes including some fond comments from Arthur C. Clarke.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the January 2024 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 1/19/24 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the Dec 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added #82 (Jul 66).
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Nov 65 issue.
--Tangent. Added the complete 1st series (2 issues) of this BSFA clubzine. The first was edited by Rog Peyton and the 2nd by Chris Priest. Issue #2 has an article by Michael Moorcock.
--Target:FAPA, Dick Eney. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine, one from 1954 and the other from 1960.
Corrections and Clarifications: Bobolings, Bob Pavlat. Cleaned up the numbering of the two issue 7s. Thanks, Joe.
January 17, 2024
REMINDER: Our next Fan History Zoom session is scheduled for this Saturday, January 20, at 3PM Eastern. If you're not on our frequent zoomer list and would like to join, drop a note to
AN INTERVIEW WITH JOE GREEN - Joe Green has traced an amazing arc through fandom, prodom and the space program. Joe was a fan in the 50s, is a professional science fiction writer with his first stories having appeared in the early 60s, and later became a NASA spokesman, specializing in educating the public about the space program. Host of many a lengendary launch party, Joe has lived the dream of many a young science fiction fan.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: The BB sf Letterzine 1 (Bo Stenfors, 62), Fanjan 1 (Jan Jansen, Spr 56), Glurf! (Jack Chalker, Jul 67), Sapstype V3#1 (Ray Higgs, Jan 58), and Spacewoof 1 (Dean Grennell, Apr 54). The "BB" in the Letterzine title stands for Brigitte Bardot.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: The Alger Story (Alice Douglas, Fall 52) and InVention Report. Alice Douglas was not a real person, and used here in an uncomplimentary discussion of Martin Alger. The InVention Report (Richard Elsberry / Hal Shapiro) is about a hoax "invitational convention". See the Fancyclopedia article.
--Bleen, Dean Grennell. Added #6 (Jun 56).
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #2 (Win 95). Contributors include Toni Weisskopf and James P. Hogan.
--Cyrille, Bill Evans. Added #6 (Dec 63).
--Cube. Added #47 (Steve Swartz, May 92).
--Esdacyos, Ed Cox. Added #11 (May 64).
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the Jan 2024 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Foofaraw, Fred Patten. Added 2 issues: #8 (Jun 63) and 11 (Mar 64).
--FR, David Rike. Added FR 61 - Rabble Rouser (Apr 59). FR here is Fantasy Rotator, for the Cult.
--Godot, Mike Deckinger. Added #5 (May 65).
--Ignatz, Nancy Rapp. Added #40 (Jul 66).
--The Monday Evening Ghost, Robert Jennings. Added 2 issues: #7 (60) and 12 (61). Contributors include rich brown and Art Rapp. Issues supplied for scanning by Bob Jennings. Thanks, Bob!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the New Year's Day 2024 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--TAFF. Added 2 items from Sandra Bond: Taffluoresence! second issue (Jan 24) and the 2024 Final TAFF Ballot. Thanks, Sandra.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #70 (Jan 24).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the Jan 24 issue. Thanks, George.
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #12 (Aug 61).
--Wild Colonial Boy, John Foyster. Added #5 (Jan 64).
--Yearbooks. Added the SF Yearbook '77, edited by Dave Lewis and published for BSFA. Contributors include Rob Jackson, D. West, and Bob Shaw.
Corrections and Clarifications: Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Thanks to Michael Finn for pointing out a bad link (pdf7 is NOT a file type) for Outworlds 62. Fixed now. Thanks, Michael!
January 13, 2024
Happy 2024 to everyone!
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 3 items: Dianoura 1 (Phillip Harrell, May 63), The Hannes Bok Sketchbook Folio (Bjo Trimble et al, Aug 67), and The Insurgent Manner (Karen and Poul Anderson, Miri and Jerry Knight, Cal Demmon, Ed and Jessie Clinton, 62). The sketchbook is primarily sketches of women. The Insurgent Manner is a 2 page one-shot, apparently driven by more than few nuclear fizzes. Dianoura contributors include Marion Zimmer Bradley, Dean Grennell,August Derleth, Ed Wood, and ATom.
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added 7 issues: #1 (Oct 65), 3-4 (Jan-Feb 66), 7-8 (Oct-Nov 66), and 12-13 (May-Jul 67). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Cube / eCube. Add an index page for these, and 5 eCubes, all edited by Jeanne Gomoll. Cube was the newsletter of the Madison Science Fiction Group, and became eCube, primarily a newsletter for Wiscon. eCubes provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the January 2024 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Flying Saucer Review, E. Rockmore. Added 2 issues of this "related" pub, from early 1952.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Add 2 items. Added #140 (Jan 24), and FaiNZINE #2, his AI gnerated fanzine with pictures. Thanks, Ahrvid! --MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 4 issues, from 12/22/23-1/12/24. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark!
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 2 issues: #22-23 (Apri-Aug 62).
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Jan 24 issue. Thanks, Garth.
December 21, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Artychoke, Ian Gunn. Added 4 issues: #2-4 (Jan-Sep 93) and #7 (Mar 94). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Bangsund - Other Publications. Added the newsletter, Cosmic Dustbug #6 (Jul 67). Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the December issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fan Dance, C.S. Youd. Added #2 (Oct 41), thereby completing the run. This was distributed in Futurian War Digest. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Galaxy, Terry Overton. Added Galaxy 5 (Feb 43). Galaxy was distributed in Fido too. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--Idea, Geri Sullivan. Added Idea #13, hot off the presses from Geri. Idea 13 follows a 23 year gap in publication, and provides a table of contents worth the wait. Thanks for sending it, Geri!
--Madison Foursquare, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the December 2023 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added #28-29 (Aug 98). Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 5 issues: #2 (Jan 60) and 16-19 (Jun-Oct 61).
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added #16-17 (May-Aug 63).
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #90-91 (Nov 15-Apr 16). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Spy Ray, Dick Eney. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the early 60s.
December 19, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: A-Zym #7 (Marcin Klak, Apr 23), The Alliance Amateur 28 (Bruce Pelz, Mar 66), Half Baked Articles 2 (Lee Jacobs, May 54), Namleps 1 (Henry Spelman III, Dec 47), The Precipitant 2 (Al Ashley, Mar 45) and The Saturday Evening Ghost #2 (Robert Lee, mid50s). The Half Baked article is particularly choice - it's subtitled "The Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Folk Music" and analyzes the stf content of folksongs of the day.
--1980s One Shots. Added 1 item - "Bride of Game Crossing" from Mog Decarnin (Feb 88). Scan by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry, and sorry it took so long.
--Fantasy Collector, Camille Cazedessus and G.A. Bibby. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Note that this is a different Fantasy Collector than the one published by Oswald Train.
--First Fandom Publications, John Coker III. Added 3 issues of Scientifiction: 67-69 (Win 21 - Fall 21). Thanks, John.
--Grist, Ellis Mills. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this OMPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues: #66-70 (Apr - Aug 22) and 78 (Apr 23). Zines provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Sapian, Ray Higgs. Added 3 issues and created an index page for this 40s-50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Sercon's Bane, F. M. Busby. Added 2 issues: #16-17 (Ma-Aug 63).
--TNFF. Added V39#5, edited by Owen Laurion.
--Whatsit, Ken Cheslin. Added #30 (Mar 76).
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Many publications provided by Jeanne Gomoll and Ben Yalow. Thanks also to Don Glover for the big box of pubs that arrived recently. You'll see the scans reported here as we go. Thanks, Don! Thanks Jeanne and Ben!
---Anticipation added Hugo and Site Selection ballots
---Chengdu added Hugo Final Voting Statistics, Business Passed On to Glasgo 2024
---Chicon 7 added Hugo reception invitation
---Glasgow 2024 added Business Passed on from Chengdu Worldcon
---Loncon I added Hugo Nomination Form
---Loncon 3 added London in 2014 4-page flyer
---Nippon 2007 added PR 0
---NyCon3 added Hugo Nominations Ballot
---Pacificon II added Hugo Nominations Ballot
---Pittcon added The Purple Pastures program
---Renovation added Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Flyer 3
---Sasquan added DangerousSmoke, Hugos and Site Selection ballot
--ConQuesT: ConQuesT 45 added Program Book, ConQuesT 47 added Program Book, and ConQuesT 48 added Program Book
---Contemplation added 2007 Flyer
---Convoy added Cancellation Notice
---Illustrious added PR 3
---Odyssey 2010 added PR 2
---Orbital 2008 added PR 1, PR 2, PR 3
---Lunacon 2014 added PB, Program Grid
---Norwescon 1 added Newspaper announcement
---Norwescon 39 added Accessibility Brochure, Newsletter Dec 18, Newsletter Feb 15, Newsletter Jan 18, Newsletter Mar 16, Newsletter May 2, Newsletter Nov 15, Newsletter Oct 15, Staff T-Shirt, Temporal Anomaly - Friday, Temporal Anomaly - Saturday, Temporal Anomaly - Thursday, T-Shirt
---Norwescon 40 added Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Membership Guide, Newsletter Apr 9, Newsletter Dec 16, Newsletter Feb 20, Newsletter Mar 16, Newsletter May 15, Newsletter Nov 21, Newsletter Oct 15, Newsletter Sep 15, Staff T-Shirt, T-Shirt
---Norwescon 41 added Newsletter Apr 19, Newsletter Aug 18, Newsletter Dec 16, Newsletter Fab 18, Newsletter Jan 14, Newsletter Jul 16, Newsletter Jun 15, Newsletter Mar 17, Newsletter Mar 23, Newsletter Mar 24, Newsletter Nov 15, Newsletter Oct 15, Newsletter Sep 16, T-Dai;ly Zine - Friday, T-Dai;ly Zine - Saturday, T-Dai;ly Zine - Thursday, T-Shirt, T-Staff Shirt
---Norwescon 42 added Newsletter Apr 1, Newsletter Apr 9, Newsletter Dec 27, Newsletter Feb 25, Newsletter Jan 14, Newsletter Jun 1, Newsletter May 16, Newsletter Nov 20, Newsletter Sep 25, Pocket Program, Staff T-Shirt, T-Shirt
---Norwescon 43 added Newsletter 19 Dec 22, Newsletter 20 Aug 29 (It goews virtual), Newsletter 20 Dec 1, Newsletter 20 Dec 21, Newsletter 20 Feb 18, Newsletter 20 Jan 17, Newsletter 20 Mar 13 (cancellation notice), Newsletter 20 Nov 1, Newsletter 20 Nov 16, Newsletter 20 Oct 2, Newsletter 20 Oct 16, Newsletter 21 Feb 1, Newsletter 21 Feb 16, Newsletter 21 Jan 15, Newsletter 21 Mar 1, Newsletter 21 Mar 19, Opening Annoucement, Program Book
---Norwescon 44 added Newsletter Dec, Newsletter Feb, Newsletter Jan Special Announcement, Newsletter Jan, Newsletter Jul 1, Newsletter Mar, Newsletter Nov 15, Newsletter Oct 15, Newsletter PB, Newsletter Sep 15, Newsszine #1, Newsszine #2, Newsszine #3, Newsszine #4, Post-ConCOVID Report #1, Post-ConCOVID Report #2, Post-ConCOVID Report #3
---Norwescon 45 added Newsletter Apr, Newsletter Dec, Newsletter Feb, Newsletter Jan, Newsletter May, Newsletter Oct, Newsletter Sep, Newsletter Mar
--OryCon: OryCon 28 added Regress Report, OryCon 36 added Program Book, and OryCon 37 added Pocket Program
--Philcon 2004 added Program Book
--Readercon: Readercon 25 added Program Book, and Readercon 26 added Program Book
---Westercon 23 added Program Book
---Westercon 64 added Westercon 2013 Site Selection ballot
---Westercon 66 added Site Selection for Westercon 68
---Westercon 67 added Program Book
---Westercon 68 added PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, Site Selection ballot for Westercon 68
---WisCon 10 added Art Show Ballot, Badge, Independent Survey, PB, Schedule Grid
---WisCon 11 added Evaluation Form
---WisCon 23 added Also-Not-the-Last PR, Attendee Survery, Brunch Tickets, Letter to Committee, Mad Moose Gazette, Mini-flyer, Not-the-Last PR, Pocket Program, PR 3, Souvenier Book, Art Show Ballot
---WisCon 24 added Badge, Dessert Ticket, Fantasy Bibliography, Flyer 2, Newsletters 1-5, PB, Pocket Program, PR 3, PR N, Program Grid and Errata, Restaurant Guide, Video Schedule
---WisCon 25 added Badge, Dessert Tickets, Guide to Farmer's Market, Newsletters, Pocket Program, Souvenir Book, Survey
---WisCon 26 added Badge, Dessert Ticket, Newsletter flyer, Pocket Program, Program Book, Survey
---WisCon 28 added Badge, Broad Universe gathering, Desert Salon tickets, Dinner Invitation, Flyer, Internet Access, Newsletters, Newspaper articles, Pocket Program, Postcard, PR Other, PR, Tiptree Award anthology order form, Tiptree Back Sale, Program Book
---WisCon 29 added Dessert Salon Tickets, Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Newsletters, Pocket Program, Postcard, PR Last, PR, Program Feedback Form, Souvenir Book
---WisCon 30 added Academic stuff poster, Badge, Dessert Salon tickets, Drinks menu, Flyer, Gathering, Newsletters, Pocket Program, Post Card, Potluck Picnic & Meeing Notice, PR, Program Book, Volunteer Release form
---WisCon 31 added Card, Dessert Salon Tickets, Pocket Program, Souvernir Book, PR
---WisCon 32 added Bar List, Dessert Salon Ticket, Flyer card, Pocket Program, PR 2, PR, Program Book
---WisCon 35 added Bookmarks, Flyer, Newsletters, Pocket Program, PR 1, PR, Program Book
---WisCon 38 added Everything about Wiscon 38 and SFRA 2014, & SFWA 2014 Program Book, Bookmarks, Newsletter 1-4 & extra, Pocket Program, PR
PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Amateur. Replaced the remaining 5 Lean-Tos and Annexes that we have online with searchable PDFs.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--1980s One Shotrs. Added "Another Fan's Poison" from Curt Phillips (Jan 86). This had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, until we learned it was really a one-shot. Thanks, Curt, for letting us know. If we can get the one-shots of the one-so-far list, it will be a lot more manageable.
--Best of ANZAPA, Perry Middlemiss. Thanks to Perry for pointing out errors in the names listed on the index page for this publication. Fixed now. Thanks, Perry! (and sorry).
December 16, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: AJ-73016 #2 (Hal Shapiro, Oct 1952), Albatross 9 (not) (Dian Pelz, Jun 65), Cepheid 2 (Milt Lesser, Spr 46), Changeling 1 (Franklin Kerkhof, Aug 49), and Fan-Noise 2 (Gary Deindorfer, Aug 66).
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 428 (Mar 23) and 437 (Dec 23). Thanks, Dave.
--Cygni, Boff Perry. Added #7 (Aug 49).
--Don-O-Saur, Don C. Thompson. Added #55 (Aug 89). Scan by Mark Olson.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the December issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Lettersubs, Mog Decarnin. Added 3 issues of variously titled lettersubs from the early 80s. Scans by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry and sorry it took so long to put them up. I wasn't sure where to put them, so I put them on their own index page.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues: #61-65 ((Nov 21 - Mar 23). Zines provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added the December 2023 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 12/15/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Middle December issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Pablo, Darroll Pardoe. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 70s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Tattooed Dragons, Voyages and others, Bill Rotsler. Added a short publication called "Rotsler Stuff". Date is approximately mid 60s.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the December issue. Thanks, George.
--W'Basket, Calvin Demmon. Added 1 issue (issue 3, Aug 62) and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added #29 (Sep 66) and #43 (Jun 67).
PDF conversions and issue updates: All PDF converstions today are by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Chronicle, Andrew Porter. Replaced the 3 issues we had with searchable PDFs
--Convention, Andrew Porter. Replaced 3 issues with searchable PDFs. One to go.
--Fanthologies. Replaced 17 more with searchable PDFs. Replaced are annual Fanthologies from 76, 86 and 89, 6 in 60 (Marcy Lyn-Waitsman, 2000), Battle of the Titans (Ray Fisher, 1969), The Best of Fandom from 1957 and 1958, Button-Tack, Chuch-Harris Appreciation Society Magazine, Howard Philips Lovecradt - Memoirs, Critiques and Bibliographies (George Wetzel, Aug 55), The Incompleat Terry Carr and Vol 2 of the Incomlete Burbee, Of Such are Legends Made, Ole Chavela! (John and Bjo Trimble, 1960), The Portable Carl Brandon, The Really Incompleat Bob Tucker and When Yngvi was a Louse.
--Luna, Frank Dietz. Replaced the remaining 2 jpg issues with searchable PDFs.
--Musicals. Replaced 4 with searchable PDFs: Mik Ado about Nothing, Rivets Redux, The Decomposers Songbook playbill and The Mimeo Man.
--The SF Critic, Andrew Porter. Replaced the remaining 4 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Twentieth Century Unlimited, Andrew Porter. Replaced 10 of these with searchable PDFs. Two more to go.
December 13, 2023
YouTube: - APAs Everywhere (pt 1), Fred Lerner, Christina Lake, Amy Thomson and Tom Whitmore. - APAs Everywhere (pt 2)
Description: Since the first FAPA mailing in 1937, Amateur Press Associations (APAs) have been a part of fannish life. APAs are everywhere our panelists include a former Worldcon chair, a professional science fiction writer, a TAFF and multi-FAAn award winner, and a member of the Kipling Society Council. They are all long-time fans...In this wonderful FanHistory Zoom panel, our speakers, all long-time participants (in multiple different APAs), speak about their experiences with APA life. During this 2-part recording, you ll hear their personal fannish origin stories and APA experiences, along with a wealth of fascinating commentary on the nature and purpose of APAs. From fanac in a corner to intentional community , this video provides thoughtful, insightful discussion on why APAs have been a mainstay of science fiction fandom.
Of particular interest are the discussions of standing waves of cultural issues that run through our APAs and the ways that science fiction fandom has dealt with cultural challenges. Fandom had notable failures (and successes) dealing with social issues long before the general culture dealt with them...Of course, it s not all social commentary. You ll hear the story of APAs used in divorce proceedings, APAs which may have been created to bedevil particular individuals, and the APA which didn t live up to its banner of the 13 nastiest bastards in fandom . You ll learn why APAs thrive, even in this era of instant online gratification. Other topics: privacy issues, digital preservation of APAs, a soft toy APA, APAs you wouldn t join, Langdon charts, and of course, audience Q&A. There s a list of APAs at If your science fiction APA is not there, please write to and tell us about it.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: Papaya 5 (Jay Cornell, Jul 72), Pipsqueak 4 (Royal Drummond, Oct 52), Sapian (Ray Higgs, Fall 52), Sonoma 4 (Norm Metcalf, Mar 61) and Trilobite 4 (M. McNeil, Sep 52).(
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added #11 (Dec 64). Thish is also Pillycock 13, Sagana 1 and FR 154.1967.
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the December 2023 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Dillinger Relic, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #56 (Feb 88).
--DUFF. Added "Sue and Steve's Excellent Adventure in Australia", their 2008 DUFF trip report. Thanks, Steve! Thanks, Sue!
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 2 issues: Dick Eney - Fantasy Rotator 97 aka Avanc 2 (61), and Robert Lichtman - Fantasy Rotator 106 aka Acculturations (Feb 62).
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. Added #56 (Fall 53).
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added October and November 2023. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/18 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added #29 (Dec 23). Thanks, Rich.
--Space Warp, Art Rapp. Added "Space Warp by Proxy" (Oct 52), written by Art Rapp, published by Martin Alger and combined with Alger's "Revoltin Development".
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Nov 87 issue.
--TAFF. Added the German version of the 1963 TAFF Ballot (Ethel Lindsay and Ron Ellik).
--NFFF. Added 3 unusual items: Michel Barnes - N3F Overseas Bureau 1 & 3 (Jun 69), G.M. Carr - NFFF as it Could Be? Should Be? (69) and Joanne Burger - N3F Yesterday and Today (Aug 74).
--Warp, Greg Hills. Added 4 more issues: #19.5 (De 80) - 22 (May 81).
Corrections and Clarifications: Lan's Lantern, George Laskowski. The index was out of numerical order, and is now fixed. Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for letting me know. Thanks, Evelyn!
December 10, 2023
FANAC Newsletter, Edie Stern and Joe Siclari. We've just sent out a newsletter (#22) on FANAC FanHistory project activities. Fanzines, conventions and APA shenanigans. If you don't receive it directly, you can join the mailing list by sending me a note at, or by filling in the the yellow highlighted form on the homepage.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 odd items: Creative Film Association Presents "A Survey of German Cinema" Program 6 - Metropolis (Sep 47), and Dear Fapaians (Walt Dunkelberger, Apr 48).
--1960s One Shots. Added 3 item: A Letter from Jean Linard (Jean Linard, Aug 62), Logarithmic V1#1 (Bob Silverberg, Feb 61), and We Live in a Fanzine Factory (Al Lewis and Ron Ellik, Jun 62). Logarithmic has some reminiscences from Bob on his early days in FAPA, as a young teen.
--1990s One Shots. Added 1 item: Silvercon Memories - The Adventures of Trufans in Glitter City (Arnie Katz, Apr 94). This is about Silvercon III.
Detours, Russ Chauvenet. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this FAPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--The Monday Evening Ghost, Bob Jennings. Added 3 issues: #9-11 (Feb-?? 61). It turns out that the Monday Evening Ghost and Fadaway are the same zine, having experienced a title change after issue #12. I'm therefore combining the index page that we had for Monday Evening Ghost with the page for Fadawy. Contributors include Mike Deckinger, Bob Farnham, Bill Plott, Art Rapp, and Ray Nelson.
--Ibid, Ben Indick. In a stunningly fast move, we've added 1 issue and created an index page for this Exotic Order of Dagon zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. That was, what, 3 days stuck in 1-So-Far? The "new" issue,, #45, has an in memorium article on George Wetzel.
--Ignatz, Nancy Share aka Nancy Rapp. In a 2nd stunningly fast move, we've added 1 issue and created an index page for this SAPSzine too, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Also after 3 days.
--Infanity's Notebook, Don Cochran. Added #2 (Jan 94) and 4 (Oct 94). This is a filk oriented fanzine, and contributors include Lee Gold and Cecelia Eng.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Add 2 items. Added #139 (Late Nov 23), and FaiNZINE, an AI gnerated fanzine with pictures. Very interesting fool-around with AI generated text on the history of fandom. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 2 more issues: #14-15 (Feb-Apr 61).
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the December 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--TAFF. Added "We came in Through the Taffroom Window", by Jeanne Bowman and Richard Brandt (91) for the 1992 TAFF.
--Warp, Greg Hills. Added 5 1980 issues of a new-to-us clubzine from New Zealand. Warp is the magazine of the New Zealand National Association for Science Fiction. Thanks to Greg Hills for permission to archive these. Thanks, Greg!
--YHOS, Art Widner. Added #53 (Oct 93). There are contributions from rich brown, Ray Nelson, Rich Lynch and Arnie Katz.
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon added PR 0
---Detention added Membership card
---L.A.Con I added Columbia Pictures sheet, PR4 Author brunches form, 1972 in PR4 L.A. CON News John Foyster June 1972, 1972 in PR4 Last minute news, 1972 in PR4 Mail ballot for site selection, 1972 in PR4 Seminars form, 1972 L.A. CON News John Foyster September 1971, 1972 Membership card, PR 0
---MidAmeriCon added Bid pamphlet, Last minute notes and notices, PR 1, Site selection ballot, Small MidAmeriCon envelope
---Noreascon 3 added Dead Lobsters Tell No Tales; Notes=A pre-con hoax newsletter or something..
---Seacon '79 added Faber pamphlet in Pocket program, PR 2 insert: Accommodation guide, PR 2 insert: Hotel reservation form, PR 2 insert: Map, PR 3 insert: Membership update form, Supporting membership card
---Torcon II added Mini-poster, Newsletter
--Eastercon: Brumcon II added Programme Book and Bullcon added East Fanglian Times #4; Notes=News of the convention
--Buffalo Nasfic 2024 added flyer, Buffalo in 2024 NASFiC flier, Buffalo in 2024 NASFiC flier
---Norwescon XXXIII added Program Grid
---Norwescon XXXIV added 501st Legion Photoshoot Flyer, Apr 20 Newsletter, Bookmark, Dec 31 Newsletter, Feb 14 Newsletter, Lazer Tag Flyer, Mar 30 Newsletter, Paranormal Fair Flyer, Poker Tournement Flyer, PR Alpha, Staff T-Shirt, T-shirt, Volunteering Flyer
---Norwescon XXXV added Apr 5 Newsletter, Dec 22 Newsletter, Feb 16 Newslketter, Flyer, Jan 27 Newsketter, Jeevs - Thursday, Jun 1 Newsletter, Mar 15 Newsletter, May 25 Newslletter, Nov 28 Newslketter, Program Grid Friday, Program Grid Panel Descriptions, Program Grid Saturday, Program Grid Sunday, Program Grid Thursday, Staff T-Shirt, T-Shirt
---Norwescon XXXVI added Flyer, Newsletter Apr 15, Newsletter Aug 28, Newsletter Dec 1, Newsletter Feb 2, Newsletter Feb 21, Newsletter Jan 23, Newsletter Jun 25, Newsletter Mar 15, Newsletter Mar 17, Newsletter Oct 17, Newsletter Oct 22, Poster, Program Grid, Staff T-Shirt, T-Shirt
---Norwescon XXXVII added Membership Guide, Newsletter Apr 4, Newsletter Apr 11, Newsletter Apr 29, Newsletter Jan 6, Newsletter June 15, Newsletter Mar 7, Newsletter May 15, Newsletter Oct 16, Poster 1, Poster 2, Program, Staff T-Shirt, T-shirt
---Norwescon 38 added Flyer 2, Newsletter Dec 1, Newsletter Feb 17, Newsletter Jan 15, Newsletter Jan 22, Newsletter Mar 15, Newsletter May 15 2015, Newsletter May 15, Newsletter Nov 18, Newsletter Oct 15, Program Grid, Staff T-shirt, T-shirt, P. K. Dick Awards Ceremony Program
---Readercon 33 added Flyer
---Smofcon 12 added Baby Steps #1
---World Fantasy Convention 2024 added Flyer
PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Review, Walter Gillings. Replaced the remaining 4 jpg issues with searchable PDFs. These zines are from 1949-50.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Bill Burns says that all the efanzines Rotsler zines were scanned by Robert Lichtman. Thanks, Bill. I'll add that to the credits.
--References. I've been referring to the British fanzine bibliography on Rob Hansen's website as "Rob's bibilography". Rob says: ...referring to the British Fanzine Bibliography as *my* bibliography is incorrect. Yes, Vince Clarke and I extended it, but the initial bibliography was put together by Peter Roberts in the 1970s as a number of thin booklets. The British Fanzine Bibliography on my website is just an online version of that.". Thanks, Rob. I'll try to get it right going forward.
--Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Index page, Redd Boggs - Thanks to Geri Sullivan for pointing out that the envelope to Lee Hoffman is really of 1983 vintage. Fixed. Thanks, Geri!
December 6, 2023
REMINDER: Our next Fan History Zoom session is scheduled for next Saturday at 2PM Eastern. If you're not on our frequent zoomer list and would like to join, drop a note to
APAs Everywhere - Fred Lerner, Christina Lake, Amy Thomson and Tom Whitmore - December 9, 2023 - 2PM EST, 11AM PST and 7PM London GMT
Since the first FAPA mailing in 1937, APAs have been a part of fannish life. There are topic specific apas, local apas, general interest apas, convention committee apas, letter substitutes and doubtless many more. Our panelists, all long time APA members, talk about their experiences with APA life: Why did you join the APA(s)? Did you APA live up to your expectations and why? Tell us about the APAs you've been part of, and tell us what makes them unique. (You can tell us about APAs you weren't part of too!) Talk about the way the members of the APA related to each other, and the nature of that community. Compare the experience of an online community like LiveJournal or Facebook with your APA experience. The Cult was called the "13 Nastiest Bastards in Fandom". Was it? What feels different about womens' APAs? Are APAs now obsolete? Would you join a new APA today?
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: Ibid 12 (Ben Indick, Nov 75), Ignatz 16 (Nancy Share, Jan 58), King Biscuit Time (Robert Lichtman, Aug 69), Limbo 2 (Dave Rike, May 60), Notebook 2 (Steve Stiles, 66) and Scatalog 1 (Art Wilson, Dec 60). Ibid 12 was for an APA called "The Esoteric Order of Dagon", and contains a first publication of some self-criticism written by Lovecraft in 1929. The Esoteric Order of Dagon is devoted to scholarship related to H.P. Lovecraft and the works of Weird Tales school of writers. Notebook is combined with the last issue of C.C. Rider. Scanning for Scatalog 1 is courtesy of Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Black Bike, Leigh Edmonds. Added #8 (Jul 72).
--Dallascon Bulletin, Tom Reamy. Added #4-5 (Win 69 - Spr 70).
--Descant, Norm and Gina Clarke. Added #4 (Feb 61).
--Fan Polls, Awards and Surveys. Added the 2nd Tucker Fan Survey from 1954. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--ForLo Kon, Kenneth Bonnell. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Lark, Bill Danner. Added #486 (Aug 53).
--Le Moindre, Boyd Roaeburn. Added 2 issues: #21 (Nov 60) and #27 (Aug 62).
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 5 more issues: #7-9 (Jun-Aug 60) and 11-12 (Oct-Nov 60).
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Outsiders, Wrai Ballard. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this SAPSzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Phenotype, Richard Eney. Added 3 issues and created an index page for this OMPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. The three issues added include a complete reprint of Laney's "Ah! Sweet Idiocy!" from 1948.
--Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Redd Boggs. Added 2 of this title, completing the run. Boggs did these for FAPA 100 and for FAPA 200, and the next issue was planned for 2012. I've also tucked in a curiosity - the envelope of a letter he wrote to Lee Hoffman with a very curious way of identifying her address. It did arrive successfully, since we found the envelope among LeeH's papers. Very silly.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Thanks to Sam McDonald for determining a publication date for Arnie Katz's "WC 1". Thanks, Sam!
--IPSO, Ted Forsyth, George Locke. Rob Hansen points out that IPSO was definitely an APA, with an OO named IPSO FACTO. From his Bibliography: "IPSO was a bound apa-mailing with contributions taking the title of that mailing's set topic..." For that reason, Rob doesn't list individual contributions separately, and neither did we. Thanks, Rob. I appreciate the correction.
December 3, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 4 titles: Science Fiction Times-Chronicle V19#101 (Meade and Penny Frierson), WC 1 (Arnold Katz, 1960s-ish), Wildhack 1 (Dave Locke, Nov 85) and You Knew the Job Was Dangerous When You Took It #1 (Rich Small, May 72). WC1 is what looks like the first pub of the N3F Welcomittee.
--1940s One Shots. Added 5 items: Fantascience Fan 1 (Van Splawn, Jan 46), Pneumo 1 (Charles Burbee, Mar 48), A Premonition of Disaster (Howard Miller, Feb 48), The Rating of Rocket Fuels (Feb 48) and A Visit from Graham (Rick Sneary, Feb 48). If you're seeing an early 1948 theme here, you're right.
--Critical Wave, Steve Green and Martin Tudor. Added a brief Critical Wave update apparently done for the 1988 Corflu that announces a US edition. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fanthologies. Add "Dancing and Joking", which I believe is a Westercon 57 publication of John Hertz's fanwriting. This may also end up under conpubs.
--Ipso Facto, Ted Forsyth. Added 3 issues of this title, one coedited with George Locke. Is it an APA, or is it a genzine? It's a themed APA, so rather than try to break it into pieces to put online, I've uploaded it (as what I think is) whole. Contributors/participants include Gordon Eklund, Fred Patten, Ethel Lindsay, Bruce Pelz, Ted White, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Robert Lichtman, John Berry and lots of others. The themes for these three issues are Time Travel, Heinlein, and Sex and science fiction.
--Lamppost, E. Frank Parker. Added issues 2-3 (Feb-Apr 44), completing the run of this FIDOzine. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/18 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 5 issues: #1 (Dec 59), #3-6 (Feb-May 60).
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added #27 (Jul 67). From Elinor's response to Helen Wesson - "It's quite sensible for a married couple to have two Fapa memberships if they feel that there is any danger that they might split up."
--Sambo, Sam Martinez. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby - Added #21 (Aug 64).
PDF conversions and issue updates: This time they're all by Mark Olson, unless otherwise noted.
--Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Replaced #23-25 (Jul-Dec 52) with searchable PDFs.
--Planet, Allen Glasser. Replaced #1 with a searchable PDF, completing the run.
--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Replaced #8 with a searchable PDF.
--Son of the WSFA Journal. Replaced 8 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced #64-65, 78, 85, 163-166, 189 and 191. Now all the issues we have online are searchable PDFs.
--Space Diversions, John Roles. Replaced the remaining issues that we have of this 1950s zine with searchable PDFs. Of the 4 replaced, 2 were OCR'd by Joe Siclari and 2 by Mark Olson.
--Toward Tomorrow, James Kepner. Replaced the last jpg issue with a searchable PDF.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors to Fancyclopedia: Sandra Bond, Darrah Chavey, Bill Higgins, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Gary McGath, Geri Sullivn, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr and of course Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!
November 29, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 zines: Gostak 1 (Don Bratton, Win 48), Grunt! Aug 58 (Dutch Ellis), H-1661 #2 (Rusty Hevelin, Feb 48), Science-Fantasy Report Card #5 (W.N. Austin, Jul 51) and Wasted Words #1 (Tom Perry, Feb 89).
--Northlight, Alan Burns. Added 5 issues and created an index page for this early 60s UK genzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 3 issues, some fractional: FR 74.3333495 aka The Cult Shall Rise Again 1 (Alan Lewis, Feb 60), FR 169-2 aka Dusenberg Splendor (George Scithers, 66), FR309 aka Along the Causey Road 5 (Frank Denton, Oct 73). I can't quite figure the month on #309, but based on the activity report, I think it must be 1966.
--Sigbo, Jerry DeMuth. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Warning - #6 has many pages that are faded to illegibility. There are others that are absolutely readable.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin, R.B. Cleary. Added V11#3 (Nov 23).
--TAFF. Added "Taffluorescence! first issue" from Sandra Bond, the newsletter of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund. PDF provided by Sandra Bond. Thanks, Sandra!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the November issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--We Don't Know Yet / Uncle Albert's Science Fiction Fanzine, Larry Tucker. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 70s. Contributors include Lloyd Biggle, Randy Bathurst, Ted Reynolds and Joni Stopa.
Conpubs: Many scans, especially of Australian convention pubs, provided by Alan Stewart. Don Glover provided the Norwescon scans. Several other scans provided by Rich Lynch, Mark Richards and Joe Siclari. All other scans are by Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!
---Aussiecon added Australia in 75 matchbox
---Aussiecon Two added Hugo Ballot, Site Selection Ballot for 1987 , PR 0
---Chengdu added Business Passed On from Chicon 8, WSFS-BM-Resolutions-Rulings-of-Continuing-Effect-20220905, WSFS-Constitution-as-of-September-5-2022, WSFS-Standing-Rules-as-of-September-5_2022, WSFS BM Agenda, Member Guideboook
---Chicon 8 added Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 0-1, Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 2, Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 3, Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 4, Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 5, Uncharted A Chicon 8 Newsletter Hoax, WSFS-Minutes
---CoNZealand added 2019 Hugo finalists' gift card (given by CoNZealand)
---ConFederation added Ray Bradbury GOH Speech
---ConFiction added Minutes - 1990 WSFS Business Meeting Flynn 1990-12-31 ConFiction - Joe Siclari
---Dublin 2019 added Hugo finalists' gift card from CoNZealand
---Glasgow 2024 added Glasgow Press Release 4, PR 1, PR 0, PR 2, Press Release 5, Souvenir Book Ad Rates
---MidAmeriCon 2 added Artist's Showcase
---NorWesCon added Norwescon report
---Noreascon 4 added N4 Hugo Nonimee's book bag
---SFCon added Howard De Vore business card, Local food guide, Lunch menu, WSFS Resolution
---Seattle Worldcon 2025 added PR 0
---Torcon I added Auction List
--Australian Natcon:
---Conflux 9 added 2013 Conflux 9 Badge, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 1, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 2, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 3, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 4, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 5, 2013 Conflux 9 Thank you letter, Convention book
---Continuum 13: Triskaidekaphilia added Convention book, Pocket program, Ribbon handed out by attendee
---Continuum 15: Other Worlds added 2019 Continuum 15 Name tag, 2019 Continuum 15 Pocket program
---Continuum 8: Craftonomicon added 2012 Continuum 8 Craftonomicon badge, 2012 Continuum 8 Craftonomicon Convention book
---Continuum X: Carnival of Lost Souls added 2014 Continuum X A5 Flyer, 2014 Continuum X Badge, 2014 Continuum X Convention book, 2014 Continuum X Feedback form, 2014 Continuum X GoHs 5 Questions sheet, 2014 Continuum X Pocket program, 2014 Continuum X Story book
---Swancon 40 added Convention Booklet
---Balticon 58 added Two-sided flier
---Capclave 2023 added Program Book, Program sheets and Capclave 2024 added Bookmark, Flier, Narrow flier
---Loscon XXVI added Frefanzine 2, Flashlight
---Loscon 32 added PR 2 and Loscon 34 added PR 3
---Minicon 57 added Flier and registration form, Mini-flier
---Pemmi-con 2023 added Business Meeting minutes
--Norwescon, with thanks to Don Glover for supplying the scans:
---Norwescon 1 added flyer, program book and Norwescon III added Pocket Program, Flyer, Flyer2
---Norwescon 3.5 added .5 program and Norwescon IV added Pocket Program, flyer, flyer2
---Norwescon 4.5 added Program and Norwescon V added flyer, Pocket Progam
---Norwescon 5.5 added Program, and Norwescon VI added ad, Pocket Program
---Norwescon VII added flyer, January PR
---Norwescon VIII added flyer, miniregform, Progress Report, January PR
---Norwescon 8.5 added Con lounge menu, Flyer and Norwescon IX added flyer, PR
---Norwescon 9.5 added .5 Program Book and Norwescon 10.5 added Program
---Norwescon XI added Post-con report, PR and Norwescon XX added mug
---Norwescon XXIV added PR and Norwescon XXV added Post-con report
---Norwescon XXVI added PR Alpha, PR and Norwescon XXVII added Flyer
---Norwescon XXVIII added FormFlyer, January PR, Post-con report, PR Alpha, Program
---Norwescon XXIX added PR Alpha, PR Beta, Program Grid, Run! #1, Run!! #2, Run!!! #3, Run!!!! #4
---Norwescon XXX added Post-Con report, Run Runner! #0, Run Runner! #1, Run Runner! #2, Run Runner! #3
---Hydracon added Program Book
---Readercon 6 added Program Guide, and Readercon 7 added Program Guide
---Readercon 14 added Program, and Readercon 15 added Program
---Readercon 16 added Program, and Readercon 18 added Program
---Readercon 19 added Program Guide, and Readercon 20 added Program Guide
---Readercon 30 added 1948 Torcon 1 Auction list, RC 30 Program 3
---Readercon 31 added RC 31 program, and Readercon 32 added Souvenier Book, Program
---Smofcon 40 added flier and registration form
---Episode XXXX added Ship's Log (Saturday), Ship's Log (Sunday)
---FUNcon II added ConFuntation Day 3 NL - Dwain Kaiser ; Notes=07-05-1969, Day 3
---Westercon 23 added PR 3, and Westercon 41 added Newslatter #4
---Westercon 43 added PR 2, and Westercon 44 added Pocket Program
---WisCon 14 added Mad Moose Gazette 1
November 26, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1980s One Shots. Added 2 items: Fish Helmet complete (Rob Hansen, Jul 88), and North with the Sun (Bruce Pelsz, Jun 88). Fish Helmet complete is a collection of Rob's contributions to Frank's APA.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added #435-436 (Oct-Nov 23). Thanks, Dave.
--Checkpoint, Peter Roberts. Added #85 (Win 77). "All the News that's Fit to Print and Some Other Stuff".
--Delerium Tremens, Dennis Tucker. Added 4 issues of this FIDO zine: #8-9 (Feb - May 43), 11 (Aug 43), and 13 (Apr 44). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Fan Spectator, Ron Maddox. Added an index page and issue #2 (Feb 47), and relocated the first issue which had been in 1940s One Shots. Pavlat-Evans only recorded the first issue, so I listed it as a one shot. They were wrong. Now, the question is whether or not there are any more.
--Fantasy News (New Series), Ken Beale. Added 2 issues of this newszine: #1 and #4, both Jun 63.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/24/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the November 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Portland Science-Fantasy Society News Bulletin, Don Day. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us newszine from the late 40s. The zines are uncredited, but Pavlat-Evans says they are primarily edited by Don Day.
--Review Section, Ron Holmes. Added 3 issues of this FIDO zine: #4 (Feb 43), 6 (May 43), and 8 (Aug 43). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Wild Heirs, Arnie and Joyce Katz, and many Vegrants. Added 4 issues: #9 and 9.5 (Sep 95), 11.5 (Nov 95) and 15 (Jul 96). Issue 9.5 is Arnie's account of the Corflu Vegas, and 11.5 is a reprint supplement.
--Wooden Nickel, Arnie Katz. Added issues #1-3 (Jul 73).
November 21, 2023
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 4 titles: Rocky Mountain High 1 (Gail Barton, Mar 74), Sambo 9 (Sam Martinez, Aug 60), Sigbo 5 (Jerry DeMuth, 57) and Situation Normal V5#2 (Peggy Burke, Dec 94). Sigbo 5 has contributions by Bob Tucker and Bob Bloch.
--1940s One Shots. Added 6: Abed & Bored (Al Ashley, Feb 48), Antipostmailer (Forrest J Ackerman, Feb 48), Asp V1#1 and Half-Asp V1#1 (Charles Bubee and Bill Rotsler respectively, Mar 48), Bedfast (F.T. Laney, Mar 48), Brownout (Charles Burbee, Feb 48) and Parasite (Bill Rotsler, Feb 1948).
--1950s One Shots. Added 1: A Fanzine for Ger Steward (Lee Hoffman, Fall 59).
--1960s One Shots. Added 1: Sarandipity 1 (Dean Grennell and Ron Ellik, Jul 67).
--1970s One Shots. Added 3: Motor City Madness (Brian Earl Brown, Aug 78), The Poke Salad Days Chronicle (Meade Frierson III, Sep 73) and Yellow HooHah (Rich Small, 74). The dating on Motor City Madness required a little digging. I was able to match up the dates in the paragraph on Autoclave with the dates of Autoclave 3 as listed in Fancyclopedia. Add to that the mention in the zine that the con was last month, and hooray. We have a date.
--Disturbing Element, Bill Rotsler. Added 1 issue (completing the run) and created an index page for this 1948 FAPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added #61 (Jan 81).
--Plenum, Milt Rothman. Added #8 (Jan 48).
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added the Nov 23 issue of Guy's perzine. Thanks, Guy.
--When the Gods Would Sup, Alan J. Lewis. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Wild Heirs, Arnie and Joyce Katz, and many Vegrants. Added 5 issues - #3-5 (Feb-Apr 95), 7.5 (Arnie and Tom Springer), and 8.5 (Arnie and Robert Lichtman). Issue 7.5 is fiction, and 8.5 is reprinted articles.
--WSFanac, Avedon Carol. Added #4 (80).
November 18, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 5 items, some a little odd. Added: Fan Activity Poll (Ed Robnson, 60 maybe), Fankle 1 (Ivor Latte, Jun 65), Is California Secure (Dick Eney, Aug 68), New Year's Tale (Dannie Platcha and Dick Schultz, 63) and Son of the Fanalytic Eye Squints Sideways at OMPA (Jhim Linwood, Mar 62).
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added issue #2 (Win 48).
--De Profundis, Marty Cantor. Added 4 issues: #469 (Mar 12), 481 (Mar 13), 483 (May 15) and 487 (Sep 13). Scans provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--FANAC, John Henri-Holmberg. Added 3 issues of this Swedish language newszine from the mid 60s. These early issues are marked as edited by Carl Brandon, and according to Fancyclopedia, John-Henri used the pseudonym of Carl Brandon in the early issues.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the November issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Ichor, Dale Hart. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--KAPA One Shots. Added an index page and 3 items for one-shots that ran throgh KAPA. Added today: Decaying Orbit (Gary Robe, Sep 89), Gotham City Journal (Corlis Robe, Sep 89) and Personnel Turbulence (Nicki Lynch, Sep 89). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Lethe, Jack Riggs. Added #8 (Feb 48).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/17/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Phanteur, Donald Thompson. Added the Winter 48 issue, which appears to be an unnumbered issue between 4 and 5. It appeared in the FAPA 42 mailing, and the Fantasy Amateur for that mailing shows an issue of Phanteur with what appears to be the right number of pages (our copy has the number obscured). Dating something winter always makes it hard to figure out if it's the end of one year or the beginning of the next.
--Shoreline, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 more issues of Jeanne's apazine, and a letterzine: #7-11 (79-81). Issue #7 is better known as "What Spare Time 2", a letter substitute that Jeanne ran through several APAs. "Secretary No More" is also "What Spare Time 1" and was run through with Shoreline (and Obsession). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Snix, Walter Coslet. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 40s.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Winter 48 issue.
--TAFF. Added "Cast Your Vote for a Coffee Drinker", from Joy Clarke (60).
Conpubs: Hydracon - Added the program book from the 1950 New York Science Fiction Conference aka Hydracon. Very cool. The committee included Judith Merrill, Fred Pohl, Martin Greenberg, David Kyle and Fletcher Pratt. The book art, layout and production was by Harry Harrison and Lester Del Rey was in part responsible for editorial. Scan by Joe Siclari. For more on Hyrdracon, see
November 15, 2023
Zoom schedule- We've added a January zoom session to the schedule. On January 20th, we'll be doing an interview with Joe Green. If you don't know Joe Green, this is an opportunity to learn about his amazing arc through fandom, prodom and the space program. A fan in the 50s, a professional science fiction writer with his first stories appearing in the early 60s, and later a NASA spokesman, specializing in educating the public about the space program. Host of many a legendary launch party, Joe has lived the dream of many a young science fiction fan. Join us in January and learn more.
YouTube - - Frankenstein...a not so gory version-Delta Science Fiction Film Group (1963)
This 1963 fannish production of Frankenstein a not so gory version from the Delta SF Film Group, starts with a panorama across a mad scientist s lab featuring Entrails of Aldiss and bheer . It s an entertaining and complete story in less than 4 minutes, starring British fans of the day. You ll be (un)amazed at the special effects, the pathos of the story and its shocking ending. It's good fun, and Delta group went on to produce many more short films.
Bill Burns, who provided this and other Delta Films tells us The individual films date from 1963 to 1970, and were made on 8mm silent film to which a magnetic stripe was later added and the sound dubbed on. They were then shown mercilessly at club meetings and Eastercons, and suffered accordingly. For more about the Delta SF Film Group, see the Fancyclopedia article and see the text of Bill s talk at Manunicon (2016 Eastercon) at Many thanks to Bill Burns for providing the video, and the list of actors and crew that worked on the Delta Group films.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 7 titles: Baying at the Moon #2 (Mike McInerney, Apr 64), Beacon (Racy Higgs, Dec 62), Mimsy 1 (Steve Tolliver, 58), Moffatt House Newsletter 1 (Len and June Moffatt, Dec 79), No Goat's Kneecap (Geri Sullivan, July 1992), Poo #5 (A. Young, May 56), and Star Parade 5s (Ken Bulmer, Sep 41). Scan of Star Parade by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--De_Profundis, Marty Cantor. Added 5 issues: #457-459 (Mar-May 11), and 464-465 (Oct-Nov 11). Scans provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--Madison Foursquare, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the November 2023 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added #4, the Nov 23 issue. Thanks, Rich.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Remembrance Day issue, and updated the cumulative index, now covering issues 1-560. Thanks, Dale.
--Shoreline, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us late 70s apazine. Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added 6 issues of Heath's new personal apazine collation. Zines provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--Squire, Skip Williamson. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us early 60s genzine. The intro to issue 3 says: SQUIRE is an amateur magazine of social commentary and devastating satires that is published for the sheer unadulterated hell of it." More info from Joe: "Skip had his first professional publication the year before in Kurtzman's "Help!". The third issue has a great list of artists from Art Spiegelman to Ray Nelson with Jay Lynch and others in between."
--Tin Tacks, Donald J. Doughty. Added the remaining 7 issues (all 1941) to complete the run. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
PDF conversions and issue updates:Egoboo, Ted White and John D. Berry. Replaced remaining 7 issues of jpgs with PDFs. The run is now fully searchable.
November 11, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 9 titles: Afterburner 11 (Binker Hughes, Jul 98), Coprofile 1 (Art Wilson, Dec 68), Ibid 175 (Gary Brown, Jul 98), The Northern Californian 6 (Robert Lichtman, Jul 98), Oblio 117 (Gary Brown, Jul 98), Seasons 33 (Binker Hughes, Jul 98), Soufpaw 8 (Richard Brandt, Jul 09), Timebinders 1 (Don Markstein, Nov 72), and Wondering and Wandering V1#1 (Don Fitch, Aug 89). Coprofile scan by Steve Johnson. The rest are from Rich Lynch. Thanks, Steve! and thanks, Rich!
--Allargandro, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 4 issues: #6-7 (Feb-Apr 87), and 15-16 (88). Scans from copies provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Blast From the Past, Janet Larson. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this SFPA zine, relocating the issue that had been in SFPA - One Shots. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Brumble, Ken Cheslin and C.D. Winstone. Added 3 issues: 1,3 and 5 (64-65). Brumble was published as a runup to Brumcon by the Birmingham Science Fiction Group. This completes the run.
--Canadian Fandom, Beak Taylor. Added #15 (May 48).Contributors include Fred Hurter, Leslie Croutch and David H. Keller, MD. The cover of this issue is silver on black, and scanning it was not trivial. Canadian Fandom is a core zine for us to scan.
--Excalibur, Lenny Bailes. Added #5 (Dec 63).
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 2, both by Charles Burbee. Added: V11#2 (Win 48) and Fantasy Amateur Jr. #1 (Mar 48).
--Gentlest Art, Douglas Webster. Added 4 more issues, completing the run. Added: #5-8 (Apr-Jul 41). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Grandfather Stories, Howard DeVore. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. The first is #1 (Aug 64). I have no idea of the date (nor of the decade) on the other one. There was an 11 page Grandfather Stories in FAPA 174 (May 81) so I marked it as 1981. The issue is about WWII.
--He Said, Ron Holmes. Added the complete 2 issue run of this 1941 FIDOzine. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Memphen, Greg Bridges. Added 3 issues: #68-69 (Mar-Apr 84) and 71 (Jun 84). Scans by Greg Conley. Thanks, Greg.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/10/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Nov 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--SFPA One Shots. Added a page of correspondence (Jul 98) from Arthur Hlavaty regarding another interpretation of the acronym "SFPA". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--This is Not a Minaczine, Rich Lynch. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this SFPA zine, relocating the issue that had been in SFPA - One Shots. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
November 8, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 4 items: Marc Ortlieb - As Flies 1 (an 78), Minardor 4 (Dec 77) and Occasional Fanzine 1 (May 92); Graham Stone - Journal of the Australian Science Fiction Association 1 (Sep 65). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Fly in the Ointment 1" by R.G. Medhurst (Feb 41), and "With the Archeologists" by Harry Turner (Mar 41). Both of these were distributed in J. Michael Rosenblum's Futurian War Digest. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. added #131 (Oct 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--Allargandro, Jeanne Gomoll. Added #1-5 (Sep 86 - Jan 87) of this apazine. Fanzines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added #434 (Sep 23). Thanks, Dave.
--Ash-Wing, Frank Denton. Added #7 (Mar 71). Scan by Steve Johnson. Thanks, Steve!
--Cosmos, John Edward Rennison. Added 3 issues: #3-5 (Mar-Dec 41). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Dawn Shadows, James Rathbone. Added #1 (Oct 40), and thereby completed the run. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Delerium Tremens, Dennis Tucker. Added 3 issues: #1 (Apr 42), #3 (Jul 42), #5 (Oct 42). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Esdacyos, Ed Cox. Added #3 (Nov 53). Scan by Steve Johnson. Thanks, Steve!
--Fandom Dispatch, Dave Rike. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1955.
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. The last letter of the title is actually a backwards R. In Russian, the title means "No Time". Bruce did these for APA-L, and presumably to cause consternation in indexers everywhere. It is not his only cyrillc fanzine title. Bruce - it worked.
--Hornpipe Series, Redd Boggs. Added 3 items of this late 80s publication: Postcard Mimeograph (#1, Feb 86), Under the Azalea (#2, May 86), and The House of the Hidden Poet (#3, Aug 87).
--Memphen. Added 5 issues: Rusty Smith - #45 (Jul 81), Greg Bridges - 46 (Oct 81), 52 (Jul 82), 54 (Nov 82), and 62 (Aug 83). Scans by Greg Conley. Thanks, Greg.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the November issue. Thanks, George.
--The Zine That Has No Name, Cas and Paul Skelton. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 77-82. Contributors include Bob Shaw, Dave Langford and Ted White.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Ansible, Dave Langford. Posted an improved scan of #146, provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to FANAC's Joe and Mark for finding many small, irritating errors in dating fanzines, spelling them correctly, and citing the correct APA mailing. Fixed as we go, but they don't always get public credit, so thanks guys.
November 4, 2023
APA Mailings. Mark has added a column to the individual APA pages that lists the number of pages we have of the mailing. If you click through on FAPA, for instance, you'll see that for the 100th mailing, Aug 1962, OE Charles Burbee, we had 23 zines for a total of 636 pages. That's our largest scanned mailing. Very cool. Thanks, Mark!
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Allargandro, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us title all from the late 80s. Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added 8 items. First, 4 issues of the BSFA Bulletin: #6 (May 66), 11 (Mar 76), and 16-17 (Jan-Apr 68). Next, the first two nomination forms for the BSFA Fantasy Award (65-66). Finally, two sets of BSFA minutes, one from May 69, and the other from April 72. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Bulletin of the British Interplanetary Society. Added 10 issues of this "related zine" from the 1930s. Joe says: "It might seem that the Bulletin of the British Interplanetary Society is a bit out of our perview but the early issues have some resemblance to fanzines. Scientifiction is mentioned and the editors names are somewhat familiar. The Bulletin can easily be seen with (although hopefully more accurate than) such fanzines as Space Magazine and others. Thanks to David Ritter, we have some of these to pass along to you. We will not try to make great numbers of them available. These issues were from the collection of Alistair Durie." For example, V2#8 is edited by Arthur C. Clarke (whose name is more than somewhat familiar), and has an article by William Temple. Scans by David Ritter. Many thanks, David!
--De Prodfundis, Heath Row. Added #590-1, the Oct and Nov 23 issues. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/3 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--TAFF. Added Jeanne Gomoll's TAFFiles 3 (Apr 88). Zine provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added to the Yandro index page is the November 55 issue of EISFA which Buck and Juanita edited.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Tomorrow And..., Jerry Lapidus. Replaced 4 more issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced #1, 5, 9 and the 9 Letter supplement. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Kevin Black for spotting that we had a Seacon (79) membership card up on conpubs under Seacon (61). Fixed now. Thanks, Kevin!
November 1, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: Les Sample - "Fan-tome 1" (57); Frank Prieto - "Fantasy-Reviews 1" (Jun 60); David Rike -"Fanzine Material Pool Newsletter 2" (Apr 60); Bill Bowers - "Father Williams Mishapventures 5" (Aug 76); Greg Shaw - "Feemwlort 1" (64); and Lee Jacobs- "Minimac 4" (May 65).
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper, Carl Juaraz and Victor Gonzalez. Added 6 issues: #72-73 (Jan 97), 75-76 (Mar 97), 78 (May 97), and 80 (Jun 97).
--En Garde, Al and Abby Lu Ashley. Added #17 (Apr 46). An especially large issue for the title, with an article on A. Merritt by A.E. Van Vogt, and articles by Bob Tucker, Fran Laney, and Charles Burbee among others. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Fafhrd, Ron Ellik. Added 2 issues: #4 - 5 (May-Aug 56). Warning - the copy scanned of #4 was not very good. It is readable.
--Goojie Pubs, Miriam Knight. Added Q.E.D. This is Goojie Pubs #5, from Jul 62. Goojie Pubs is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Mock, Arnim Seielstad. Added both issues of this 1950 title. Unfortunately, #2 is incomplete. Ray Nelson is also a contributor.
--Moebius Trip, Edward Connor. Added #14 (Jul 72). Contributors include Paul Walker (with aa Joanna Russ interview), George Turner, Eric Lindsey, Jack Wodhams, Grant Canfield, Jeff Schalles, Terry Jeeves and Sheryl Birkhead.
--Moonshade, Len Moffatt and Stan Woolston. Added #6 (Feb 64).
--Moonshine, Len and June Moffatt. Added #31 (Aug 63) and 46 (Feb 79) of this FAPAzine.
--Paperback Parlour, Philip Stephensen-Payne. Added #3 (Jun 77).
--Peals, Belle Dietz. Added #5 (62).
--Revoltin' Development, Martin Alger. Added the Feb 61 issue.
--Science Fiction Journalen, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #158 (Win 91) of this Swedish language newszine.
--The Spectator. Added #107 (Apr 74) from Jim and Doreen Webbert.
--Tucker Bag, Jackie Franke and Brue Gillespie. Added #2 (Jun 74).
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Sandra Bond, Thomas Bull, Bill Burns, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Flash Sheridan, Joe Siclari, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course Mark Olson. Thanks, all!
Corrections and Clarifications: Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Thanks to Rob Hansen for picking up a bad date on #99, recently added. It should be Jul72 and is now fixed. We had picked up the date of the original publication of the cover, more than 10 years earlier. Thanks, Rob!
October 28, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper, Carl Juaraz and Victor Gonzalez. Added 5 issues: #66-70 (Aug-Nov 96). Apparatchik was a nominee for the 1996 Hugo Award for Best Fanzine.
--FANtasmagorique, Scott Neilsen. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this early 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Contributors include Gordon Eklund, Alan Dodd and Al Jones.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues: Gregg Calkins - V34#2 (Feb 71), V35#1 (Nov 71), V35#3 (May 72); Bruce Pelz - V43#2 (Feb 80), V45#4 (Aug 82).
--First Fandom Publications. Added 3 items: Dave Kyle - First Fandom News Letter 3 (Jul 69) and First Fandom (86); Lynn Hickman - First Fandom Magazine 4 (Jun 61).
--Future Retrospective, Cliff and Susan Biggers. Added #11 (May 77). Several articles on Piers Anthony, and contributions by Grant Carrington and Mike Glyer.
--Gilgamesh, Terry Carr. Added 2 issues: #37-38 (Jan-Feb 71).
--Horizons, Harry Warner, Jr. Added #87 (Sum 61).
--Informator, Jan Plata-Przechlewski. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us Polish language clubzine from Gdansk. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--KAPA. Added the OO for #45, by Gary Robe. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Added the June 82 issue.
--Matrix, Tom Jones. Added #12 (Jun 77).
--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added the Cumulative Index to Mimosa for Issues 1-15 by Don Fitch, published Nov 94.
--Maybe, Irvin Koch. Added 5 issues: 50 (78), 52 (oct 78), 55 (Oct 79), 57-58 (Dec 80-Apr 81).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/27/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mutant, William James. Added #10 (Aug 49), with a snazzy Rick Sneary cover. Contributors include Art Rapp, Hal Shapiro, and Bill Warren.
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues of Bruce's N'APAzine - #12-13 (Dec 63 - Mar 64).
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added #38 (Oct 65).
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added 2 issues: #3, aka Fapulous #10 (Jul 60), and #21 (May 65).
--SFPA - One Shots. Added 5 items from July 1998, including a DSC 36 One Shot, "Liz's Hugo Reading Checklist", Janet Larson's "Days of Future Passed", and Steve Hughes's "The Internet Email One Shot". Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added #99 (Oct 61).
--Tucker Bag, Jackie Franke. Added Issue #.5, coedited with Bruce Gillespie. This was an occasional newszine sent to contributors to the fund to bring Bob Tucker to Aussiecon I.
Corrections and Clarifications: The Phantagraph, Donald Wollheim. Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out several typos on the index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Sam.
October 25, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 7 titles: The Charlottan #1 (Len Bailes, Apr 64), Famous Fantastic Mouse Stories #1 (Redd Boggs, Nov 95), Fanshape #16 (Arthur Hlavaty, 90s), Fantasia #2 (Lou Goldstone, Apr 41), Fantasmagorique #1 (Scott Nielsen, May 61), The Fantastic Flea Market (Ray Nelson, May 60), and The Fantasy Collector #122 (Caz Cazedessus, Feb 69).
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: V-R Record Review #1 (Robert Lownedes and James Blish, Mar 45), and Vantage Point #1 (John Michel, Mar 45).
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper and Victor Gonzalez. Added 7 issues: #56 (Mar 96), 59-61 (May-Jun 96) and co-edited also by Carl Juarez, 62 (Jun 96), 64-65 (Jul-Aug 96).
--Cacoethes, Dian Girard. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 70s apazine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. We now have 3 issues, each edited by Dian, but with different versions of her name.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues: Dick Eney - V20#4 (Nov 57); Ted White - V22#4 (Feb 59); Marion Zimmer Bradley - V24#2 (Feb 62); Bruce Pelze - V30#4 (Aug 67), and Bob Pavlat - V32#2 (Feb 69).
--Rantasy Rotator. Added #137, edited by Fred Patten (Feb 63).
--Hughes - SFPA Zines, Steve Hughes. Added 2 items: Hands Free (Jul 98) and Spider Pie 12 (Jul 98), a Deep Southcon 36 report. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Madison Foursquare, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the October issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Halloween issue. Thanks, Dale.
--References. Added 2 fan directories from the 1950s, both by Ron Bennett: Directory of 1955 SF Anglo Fandom, and Directory of 1957 SF Fandom. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Phoenix, Dave Locke. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 60s. Contributors include John Berry and Buck Coulson.
--Psi-Phi, Robert Lichtman. Added #7 (Dec 60).
--Slant, Walt Willis. Added a Fall 1950 note from Walt to "any active British fan organisation" about Slant subscriptions. Note the art on the back of the note! (Compare it to the logo.) Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the September issue. Thanks, George.
--TNFF. Added 5 issues of TNFF: Stan Woolston and Arthur Hayes - V31#1 (Feb 71); Gary Mattingly - V32#3 (Aug 72), Joanne Burger - V36#1 (Feb 76), V36#6 (Dec 76); and the most recent issue, George Philies - V82#10 (Oct 23). We also updated V34#4 (Aug 74) with a copy that has additional material at the end, including the constitution of the N3F and a list of projects.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Egoboo, Ted White and John D. Berry. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are issues 5-7 and 9-10, dating from 68-70.
--Full Length Articles, Jack Speer. Replaced the remaining two issues we have with searchable PDFs.
Corrections and Clarifications: Hyphen, Walt Willis and Chuck Harris. Replaced issue 21 with an upgraded scan. We had been missing page 41 and the back cover. No more. Many thanks to Rob Hansen for providing the improved scan. Thanks, Rob!
October 22, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles, all from the 1940s: Alan Child - Mephisto 1 (Jan 43); Van Splawn - Star Rover 5 (Sum 46); Ray Nelson - Universe 2 (49); Gordon Rouze - Xenon 2 (Jul 44), and Ronald Levy - Zeus 3 (Feb 41). Star Rover 5 has contributions from Bob Tucker, Forry Ackerman, and Will Sykora. There's also an article by George Fox on Thorne Smith. Universe 2 has a story by Hal Shapiro, as well as one by Ray Nelson. Zeus 3, from Australia, has the conclusion of a Vol Molesworth serial.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 6 issues, 3 edited by Andy alone and 3 co-edited by Victor Gonzales. Added Andy Hooper - #42-44 (Sep-Oct 95); Andy Hooper and Victor Gonzalez - #46 (Nov 95), 52 (Feb 96), 55 (Mar 96).
--Collector, Howard DeVore. Added 4 issues of Howard's SAPSzine: Jan 59, Oct 65, Jul 72 and one which we believe to be from sometime in the 1950s (I marked it as 1955).
--Copeland - SFPA Zines, Jeff Copeland added 2 titles, both from Jul 98: "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" and "Time Keeps on Slipping into the Future". Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the October issue. Thank you, Leybl.
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added #1 (Sum 54).
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues: Tom Locke - #80 (Nov 75); Gavin Claypool - #151 (Aug 84) and Jeni Burr - #244-B (Aug 92), #248-249 (Dec 92 - Jan 93).
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the October issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Fendenizen, Elinor Busby. Added #22 (61).
--Gallery, Chick Derry. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Contributors include John Berry and Dean Grennell.
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added an issue from 1994.
--Melange, Bjo and John Trimble. Added #2 (Feb 61). Contributors include Ruth Berman, Elmer Perdue and Charles Burbee.
--Memphen/Mempish. Added 5 issues of this clubzine: Greg Bridges: Sep 79, Jul-Aug 80, Sum 08; Tim Gatewood - #230 (Apr 97). Scans provided by Greg Conley. Thanks, Greg!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/20/2023 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--OSFAn, Hank Luttrell. Added the July 10, 1967 issue.
--Pantopon, Ruth Berman. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added 2 issues - the Sept and Oct issues of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry and sorry for the delay.
--Pulsar, Paul Wrigley. Added #92 (Jun 86). Scan by Sam butler. Thanks, Sam.
--The Southerner, Liz Copeland. Added #204 (Jul 98). This is the OO of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #166 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores, Gary Brown. Added #10 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
October 20, 2023
Part 1:
Title: Evolution of Art(ists) (Pt 1 of 2): Grant Canfield, Tim Kirk, Jim Shull, and Dan Steffan
Description: Fillos, illos, cartoons and the disturbing depictions of many a fannish nightmare have long made fanzines and convention publications more interesting. Multi-talented fans have run the gamut from writing to editing to fan artist. This distinguished group of award-winning artists represent the cream of 60s/70s fan artists, uniquely qualified to have this discussion.
In part 1 of this 2-part session, you ll hear their origin stories , their influences, how they found science fiction fandom, and what they perceive as the unique benefits of fandom to young artists. You ll find out why artists should avoid hecto, and torturous tales of justifying margins by hand. There are intriguing insights into adjusting one s art to the reproduction medium, and how fandom helped people along, especially towards professional careers. Larger than life figures make their appearance, including several stories of Bill Rotsler.
There s plenty more, including their views on Carl Barks, why Dan started Lizard Inn , Jim s take on the slippery slope to having a fanzine too big to staple without an industrial stapler, Tim on his deep desire to tell stories, and Grant s opinion of Starling .
Part 2:
In part 2 of this 2-part session, the fan art discussion continues, with more on professional careers as well. The conversation ranges from Tolkien s house to Harlan Ellison's house, from The Last Dangerous Visions to Bill Gibson, from Harlan Ellison stories to BNFs that had an impact. There are more Rotsler stories too. You ll hear about silent jam sessions, Esoteric Fan Art Tales , and the impact that conventions had on artists who worked in isolation. A real treat is the slideshow of samples of our panelists art, with their live comments on what each piece represents.
Q&A starts about 45 minutes into the video, with comments as well as questions, including Ted White s discussion of the impact of Mondrian s work on modern magazine design. Lest you believe that fanzines are a thing of the past, the video wraps up with a plug for an upcoming paper fanzine by faned Geri Sullivan.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 1 item: 'Best of APA-L", edited by Lee Gold (Aug 72). Contributors include Bjo Trimble, Tom Digby, Don Simpson, Bruce Pelz, Ruth Berman, Lenny Bailes, Fred Patten, and many more. Scan provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--1930s One Shots. Added 1 item by D.W.F. Meyer, "The Purpose of Sciencefiction" from April 38. "This is the text of a speech delivered by the author at the Second Convention of the Science Fiction Association, April 10, 1938, at A.O.D. Memorial Institute, Holborn, London." The pamphlet was published by CPASF - The Committee for the Political Advancement of Science-Fiction". See Scan by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--1990s One Shots. Added 2 items: "In Space's Belly - Poetry in UK SFnzines and Little Magazines" by Steve Sneyd (99), and "Novae Terrae - The Last Year" by Vince Clarke (Dec 96). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--ANZAPA OO. Nothing new here except the index page. I've moved two OOs from Foyster-Other Publications to their own page so we can start assembling ANZAPAs a little better.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 6 issues: #32-34 (Apr-May 95), 36-18 (Jun-Jul 95).
--De Profundis, Tim Merrigan. Added 7 issues, all edited by Tim Merrigan: 251-252 (Apr-Jun 93), 254-256 (Jun-Aug 93), 260-261 (Dec 93 - Jan 94).
--The Fan-Vet. Ray Van Houten. Added 2 issues: V1#5 (May 51) and V4#1 (Apr 54). The latter was put out by James Taurasi.
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 2 issues: #4-36 to 4-37 (Jul-Sep 63).
--Menace of the LASFS, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues: #100 (Sep 64), and Nov 64.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/13 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Pot_Pourri, John Berry. Added #33 (Apr 64). Pot Pourri is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 3 issues: #10 (May 57), 29 (Feb 62) and 53 (Feb 71).
--Sam, Steve Stiles. Added #7 (63).
--The Spectator. Added 4 issues: Nan Gerding - #29-30 (Sep-Dec 54); Karen Anderson -31 (Mar 55); Bruce Pelz - 61 (Oct 62). There's a problem somewhere with the volume number for either 29/30 or 31. The first two are vol 10, and the next one is marked as vol 12.
--TNFF, Art Hayes. Added 5 issues from 1971, all edited by Art Hayes. They are V31#2-6.
--The Zed, Karen Anderson. Added #791 (58).
PDF conversions and issue updates: The Fantasy Fan, Charles Hornig. Replaced the remaining 3 issues we had of jpgs with searchable PDFs.
October 17, 2023
Zoom doula: Thanks to Tom Becker for being Grant Canfield's zoom doula and getting him set up to participate in the history zoom. The video will be uploaded to YouTube in the next few days. Thanks, Tom!
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 6 issues of Andy's perzine - #23-27 (Dec 94-Feb 95) and #30 (Mar 95).
--Fantasta, Larry Balint. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 50s. Issue 6 has a poem from Terry Carr.
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues of this LASFS clubzine, all edited by Jeni Burr. Added: 233 (Jul 91), 237 (Dec 91), 241-242 (Apr-Jun 92) and 244 (Jul 92).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #137 (Oct 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Nimoyan, John and Bjo Trimble. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fan magazine from the early 70s.
--Northern Lights, Linda Ross-Mansfield. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us Canadian newszine from the early 80s. Thanks to Linda Ross-Mansfield for giving her permission to archive the zine. Thanks, Linda!
--Nudity, Dick Eney. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the early 50s.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Fantasy Amateur - Replaced 7 early issues from the 30s-40s. Replaced are: Fred Pohl - Spr 38; L.R. Chauvenet - V5#4 (Jun 42), Al Ashley - V6#1-4 (Sep 42-Jun 43), R.D. Swisher: V7#1-2 (Sep-Dec 43).
--Femizine, Ethel Lindsay. Replaced issue #1 with a searchable PDF.
--Science Fiction Five Yearly, Lee Hoffman and Dan Steffan. Replaced #7 with a searchable PDF. Now they all are.
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Geri Sullivan for pointing out a bad link on the Science Fiction Five Yearly page. It's fixed now. Thanks, Geri!
October 11, 2023
Upcoming History Zoom - Evolution of Art(ists) - Grant Canfield, Tim Kirk, Jim Shull, and Dan Steffan
October 15, 2023 at 4PM EDT (New York), 1PM Pacific (PDT), 9PM London (BST) and 7AM AEDT October 16 in Melbourne
Fillos, illos, cartoons and the disturbing depictions of many a fannish nightmare have long made fanzines and convention publications more interesting. Multi-talented fans have run the gamut from writing, to editing to convention running and fan artist. Is being a fan artist different now than it was decades ago, and if so how? What is the golden age of fan art? Is fan art a path to becoming a professional artist, or is it just for fun? Has fan art essentially disappeared with the adoption of the internet? Will AI help or hurt?
Send a note to if you want to attend and you are not already on our list.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Atomic Age, Louis Jonquel II. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us newsletter from 1946. It's billed as "A weekly newsletter of fact and opinion on atomic power and the atomic bomb".
--Dark Toys, Taral Wayne. Added the last 2 issues. Thanks, Taral.
--Challenge, Lilith Lorraine. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us poetry zine from 50-51. The zine's mission is to print poetry that can "foreshadow and interpret the tremendous implications of the Atomic Age".
--Crifanac, Ken Forman and Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues of this new to us zine from 1998.
--De Profundis. Added 6 issues of the LASFS newsletter. Marty Cantor: #440 (Oct 09), 448 (Jun 10), and 450 (Aug 10). These 3 provided by Heath Row. Note that 448 is misdated on the cover. Also, added #31 (Chuck and Sally Crayne, Jul 69), 66 (Bill Warren and Craig Miller (Oct 73) and 71 (Bill Warren, 74).
--Fantasias, David English. Added 2 issues: #3-4 (Apr-Jul 52).
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 4 issues: 4-29 to 4-30 (61), 4-33 and 4-35 (62-63).
--Haverings, Ethel Lindsay. Added #20 (Feb 66).
--Helen's Fantasia, Helen Wesson. Added 2 issues: #12 (May 62) and the March 78 issue.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Oct 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Moonshade, Rick Sneary and Len Moffatt. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine from 1962.
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added 2 issues: #22-23 (Jul-Oct 59).
--The Spectator, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues that Bruce edited: #68-69 (Jul-Oct 64), 71 (Apr 65), 73-74 (Oct 65-Jan 66).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the October issue. Thanks, George.
--TNFF, George Phillies. Added the September issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
October 8, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ariel, Marc Ortlieb. Added 2 issues of Ariel - #1-2 (Feb-Jun 79). Ariel 3 is better known as Q36 #A, and so they share the index page. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 4 issues: #12-15 (Jun -Aug 94).
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues from the 00s - #403 (Milt Stevens, Aug 06) and 4 from Marty Cantor - 434 (Apr 09), 436-438 (Jun-Aug 09). Scans provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 4 issues: Dick Eney- V21#4 (Aug 58); Bruce Pelz - V29#3 (May 66) and V44#2 (Feb 81); Gregg Calkins - V36#1 (Nov 72).
--Fantasy Rotator or FR. Added 4 more issues and relocated one. Added: George Scithers - FR 572 (Dec 88) and 591.13 (Jan 90); Rich Lynch - 586 (Sep 89) and 599 (Jun 90). Relocated #59 Karen Anderson) from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. FR was the OO of The Cult. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 6 issues: #189 (Oct 67), 191-194 (Nov-Dec 67) and 200 (Jan 68).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/6 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Oct 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most Thanksgiving 2023 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Pulsar. Added 6 issues of Pulsar, the newletter of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Added: 60 (Rosalind Malin, Apr 86), 93 (Snowfeather / YaLeah, 86), 130 (Eric Simonson, Jul 89), 138 (William Ryan, Apr 90), 178 (Linda Pilcher, Aug 93), 200 (John Lorentz, Jun 95). Scans provided by Sam Butler. Thanks, Sam.
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added #58, edited by Gerry Adair from Jan 90. One of the banquet awards noted in the issue: to Doug Wu, the Sharp as a Tack Award for the headline: ROBOT SLAYS 10! VOWS TO TEST CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE 1ST LAW! Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Union Street. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us perzine from Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis from the early 00s. Zines provided by scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Rob Hansen for determining that Science Fiction Gazette issue 4 that was posted was in fact the unofficial version, put out by the Gotliffe Leeds faction that was later defeated and suspended. History comes alive - thanks, Rob!
October 5, 2023
APA Mailings have been updated this week. We now have 1461 FAPAzines and 323 OMPAzines. Thanks to Mark Olson for the software that assembles the mailings.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 5 1994 issues: 16 (Sep) 18 (Sep), 20-22 (Oct-Dec).
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues of this LASFS clubzine: Marty Cantor - #396 (Jan 06), Milt Stevens - #497 (Feb 06), 402 (Jul 06), 413 (Jun 07) and 415 (Aug 07). Scans provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues of this FAPA OO, all by Redd Boggs. V15#1 (Fall 51), V15#4 (Sum 52), V16#1 (Fall 52), V16#2 (Win 52), and V16#4 (Sum 53).
--Munich Roundup, Waldemar Kumming and Gary Kl pfel. Added 2 issues of this German language zine: 153 (Aug 82) and #157 (Aug 99). Scans provided by Thomas Recktenwald. Thanks, Thomas!
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 4 issues: #26-29 (82-83). Fanzines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--Science Fiction Collector, Morris Dollens and John Baltadonis. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine, both edited by John Baltadonis. The issues are from May 38 -Jan 39. Contributors include Milt Rothman, Oliver Saari, Jack Speer, Robert Madle and Ozzie Train. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Science Fiction Gazette, G. Ken Chapman. Well, that was the shortest tenure on the 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come page. Last update, I listed #3 as being added there, and now, thanks to David Ritter, we have 4 more issues from 1937-1938. The Science Fiction Gazette was distributed to the members of the Science Fiction Association. According to Pavlat-Evans - ""There was a split in the SFA...Two factions in Leeds claimed power. Both issued Gazettes bearing number 4. ...The Gotliffe group was defeated and suspended."--Wollheim as quoted by Swisher." One of the issues we have is #4. Scans by David Ritter. Thank you, David!
--Spent Brass, Andrew Hooper and Carol Root. Added #16 (Jan 93). Scan provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Izabeau Legendre for reporting a "404" error on Dave Kyle's "A Warning". In this case, it had been moved to the 1930s One Shots. Thanks also to Owen Whiteoak for reporting another. That one was due to the jpgs being replaced with a searchable PDF. Usually, a 404 error represents a bug we have to fix. Please everybody, continue to report the 404 errors. It really helps.
October 1, 2023
YouTube: Boston in the 60, Part 2 - Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek, and Mike Ward, moderated by Mark Olson.
Part 2 of the panel on Boston science fandom in the 1960s, continues with the true story of how the Boston in 67 Worldcon bid began, and the surprising origin of Locus , now the magazine of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror field . There are anecdotes of the late, lamented House of Roy, why NESFANs are expected to receive club permission to marry, and the origin of the Skylark Award. You ll even find out about the Silent and Silly Committees of NESFA, the pun fine, and what is likely the only retelling of Goldilocks to be written in Fortran. Also pastrami ice cream.
Many in the audience could easily have been panelists. The last half of the recording covers the Q&A, eliciting stories on the Boston Save Star Trek demonstration, Baskin Robbins expeditions and the Boston penchant for rules, rules, rules.
Panelists Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward are uniquely suited to discuss the 60s. Tony joined the MIT Science Fiction Society (MITSFS) in 1957, served as "Onseck" and "Librarian", is a founder of NESFA, and chaired the first Boston Worldcon - Noreascon 1 (1971). Leslie Turek discovered fandom in the mid 60s, is a founding member of NESFA, chair of Boskone 6 (1969), editor of several MITSFS fanzines, and chair of the second Boston Worldcon - Noreascon 2 (1980). Mike Ward, MITSFS "Skinner", founding member of NESFA, and editor of several MITSFS fanzines, was involved with the Boston in 67 bid and the MITSFS index. (And moderator Mark Olson chaired the third Boston Worldcon, Noreascon 3 (1989).)
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added "The Science Fiction Gazette 3", by G. Ken Chapman, dated May 1937. Scan provided by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 5 issues of this perzine, from 1994. This is a new title for the archive.
--Amateur Science Stories, Douglas Mayer. Added the complete 3 issue run from 1937-1938. These issues contain the first published fiction of Arthur C. Clarke - see issues 2 and 3. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Calendars. Added 6 items from 1969-1973. Added are Tim Kirk's 1969 Tolkien calendar, 3 'DC in 74' calendars, another 73 calendar, and "Thru the Haze" -an N3F Birthday Calendar from Apr 71. Thanks, Tim for permission to put up the 69 calendar!
--Confessions of a Consistent Liar, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #67 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.
--Cry of the Nameless, G.M. Carr. Added 4 early issues: #1 (Jan 50), 5-6 (May-Sep 50), and 14 (May 51). Cry is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 4 issues - Andy and Jean Young, V23#3-4 (May-Aug 60); Marion Zimmer Bradley, V24#1 and 3 (Nov 60, May 61).
--Madison Foursquare, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the last 2 issues - Aug/Sep 2023. Thanks, Jeanne!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/29 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added #180 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues: #21-25 (81-82) of this APAzine. Fanzines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Offline Reader, Irv Koch. Added Jul 98. Scan by Rich Lynch.
--The Satellite, John F. Burke. Added 4 issues: from Rob Hansen, #14-16 (Jan-Mar 40); from David Ritter, #9 (Jun 39). Issue 15 has a sweet cover by Harry Turner. Thanks to Rob and David for the scans!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 5 issues of Guy's perzine: 20-24 (May 17- Jan 18). Thanks, Guy.
--Stardust, W. Lawrence Hamling. Added an advertising flyer from 1940. Scan provided by David Ritter Thanks, David!
--Tennessee Trash, Gary Robe. Added 2 items - #34-34.5 from Jul 98. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette, Richard Dengrove. Added #53 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors to Fancyclopedia include: Thomas Bull, Darrah Chavey, Steve Johnson, Chris Krolczyk, Gary McGath, Laurie Mann, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Alan Thiesen, Jan Vanek jr, and of course Mark Olson. Thanks to all for your work.
September 27, 2023
YouTube: - Boston in the 60s, with Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward, moderated by Mark Olson
Boston in the 60s was a generative hotbed of fannish activities, with long lasting consequences. The first modern Boskone was held in 1965 by the Boston Science Fiction Society, as part of its bidding strategy for a Boston Worldcon. NESFA began in 1967, and the first Boston Worldcon was held in 1971.
Panelists Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward are uniquely suited to discuss that period. Tony joined the MIT Science Fiction Society (MITSFS) in 1957, served as "Onseck" and "Librarian", is a founder of NESFA, and chaired the first Boston Worldcon - Noreascon 1 (1971). Leslie Turek discovered fandom in the mid 60s, is a founding member of NESFA, chair of Boskone 6 (1969), editor of several MITSFS fanzines, and chair of the second Boston Worldcon - Noreascon 2 (1980). Mike Ward, MITSFS "Skinner", founding member of NESFA, and editor of several MITSFS fanzines, was involved with the Boston in 67 bid and the MITSFS index. (And moderator Mark Olson chaired the third Boston Worldcon, Noreascon 3 (1989).)
In Part 1 of this discussion, you'll feel what fandom was like in those days, and how our panelists came to be part of it. There are anecdotes of the surprising way NESFA was funded, MIT's Building 9 (where the department of Magic is housed) and the day that Hugo Gernsback came to MITSFS. Isaac Asimov comes into it, as does the "The MIT Science Fiction Society's Index to the S-F Magazines", and the story of fandom's "pioneer in copyright". There are reminiscences of the big name fans of the area and the era, and the creative ways that Boston's intrepid fans helped create a community that is still vibrant today.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fiendetta, Charles Wells. Added #14 (May 56).
--Goliard, Karen Anderson. Added #834 (Feb 65).
--Home with the Armadillo, Liz Copeland. Added the July 98 issue. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Moonshine, Rick Sneary. Added #30 (Aug 62).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/22/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Newfangles, Don and Maggie Thompson. Added #28 (Nov 69).
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 7 issues: 12-13 (79), 15 (79), 17-20 (80). Provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Peter Pan and Merry, David Schlosser. Added #18 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added 2 issues: #17 (Feb 61) and 19 (Feb 62).
--Rats!, Bill Kunkel and Charlene Komar. Added #16 (Aug 72).
--Sailing the Abnormalcy, Bryan Porter. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine from the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Bryan! Thanks, Rich!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 3 issues: #98-100 (Apr 19-Nov 19). Issues 98 and 99 are the 50th Anniversary edition (!!!). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 2 issues: #67-68 (Jul-Sep 23). Thanks, Guy!
--The Sphere, Don Markstein. Added #175 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.
September 21, 2023
History Zoom: September 23, 2023 at 4PM EDT (New York), 1PM Pacific (PDT), 9PM London (BST) and 6AM Sept 24 in Melbourne
Boston in the 60s, with Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward, moderated by Mark Olson
Boston in the 60s was a generative hotbed of fannish activities, with long lasting consequences. The first modern Boskone was held in 1965 by the Boston Science Fiction Society, as part of its bidding strategy for Boston in 67. NESFA began in 1967, and the first Boston Worldcon was held in 1971. MIT provided a ready source of new fans, and they made themselves heard in fanzines, indexes, clubs and conventions (and invented the micro-filk). What was Boston fandom like in the 60s? How was it influenced by MIT? Who were the driving forces and BNFs? What were the impacts of the failed 67 bid? What made Boston unique?
Send a note to for the link.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. added #130 (Aug 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the September issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the September issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/15 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues: #6-8 (77-78), and 10-11 (78-79). Fanzines provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the middle-September issue. Thanks, Dale.
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues: #15 (Sep 75), 94-97 (Jun 17-Aug 18). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Souffle, John M. Baxter. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from the early 60s.
--Transitional, Naomi Fisher. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine - Transitional Minac One (Apr 98), Transitional Nattering 1 (Nov 98) and Transitional Phases 41 (Apr 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
September 18, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Derogatory Reference, Arthur Hlavaty. Added DR 89 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fantasy Scout, James Taurasi. Added the last issue, #15 (Jun 39). "With this issue, this paper becomes two years old, and for a fan magazine, that s old age."
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added Issue 4-24 (62).
--Guilty Pleasures, Eve Ackerman. Added #4 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--KAPA. Added the KAPA official organ done by Pat Malloy for 5 issues in the late 90s. Also a Chambanacon flyer. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added #15-16-17 (Aug 91). This massive 148 page issue features George Turner, Ian Gunn, Lee Hoffman, John Bangsund, Doug Barbour, Avedon Carol and many others. Scan by Perry Middleimss. Thanks, Perry!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the late August issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Q36, Marc Ortlieb. Added 7 issues: #A-D (Sep 79-Sep 80), #F (Jun 81), #J (Dec 82), and #K Second Series (May 91). Contributors include John Packer, John Alderson, Sheryl Birkhead, Judith Hanna, Harry Andruschak and George Turner. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added #11 (May 59).
--Rabbitears, Mog Decarnin. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 80s. Rabittears is a "fanzine of television commentary". Scans by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry! Sorry it took so long to get them online.
--fanzines/Spent_Brass, Andy Hooper and Carol Root. Added 7 issues, almost completing the run. Added: #3 (Mar 91), 5 (Apr 91), 15 (Dec 92), 27-28 (Feb 94 - Apr 95), and 30-31 (Mar 96-Mar 97). Scans provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
--Tyndallite, Norm Metcalf. Added V2#78 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Review, Walter Gillings. Replaced issues 11-14 with searchable PDFs.
September 12, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fendenizen, Elinor Busby. Also called Fenden, we added 4 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from 1959-1960. There are some charming ATom covers.
--Floccipaucinihilipilification, Mike Glicksohn. Added #8 (Aug 81).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/8 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Nonsense, Terry Carr and Keith Joseph. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 50s, dedicated to cartoons of a skiffy sort.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Sep 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Rataplan, Leigh Edmonds. Added 5 issues: #4 (69), 6-7 (70-71), 9 (72) and 12 (Sep 73). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added 2 issues - #1 (Feb 60), and a second (or rather a previous) #10 (May 62).
--The Satellite, John F. Burke. Added 2 issues from 1939 - #10 (Jul 39) and #12 (Sep 39). Contributors include Wm. F. Temple, Ted Carnell, L.V. Heald, and Harry Turner. It's a rare treat to receive zines this old for sharing online. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #7 (Jun 56), with its hand-coloured cover of ATom art. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 6 issues: #40 with Kawalhioqua 11 (Dec 73), 86-89 (Feb 14- May 15) and 93 (Dec 16). This is a 2nd issue titled SF Commentary 40, this hone combined with Kwalhioqua 11 from Ed Cagle. Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry and thanks Bruce!
--Ul, Norm Metcalf. Added #23 (Mar 66).
September 4, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bluegras, Guy Lillian III. Added #41 (Jan 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--De Profundis. Added 9 issues: Tim Merrigan - #175 (Jun 86), Jeni Burr - #197-202 (Jun - Oct 88), Heath Row - #588-589 (Aug-Sep 23). The last two issues were provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 2 issues: Ted White - V22#3 (Jun 59) and Bruce Pelz - V44#1 (Nov 80).
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues: #6-7 (Apr-May 91) and 13 (Dec 91). Issue 13 is "A Fan Novel".
--Helen's Fantasia, Helen Wesson. Added 1 issue: February 1972.
--Holier Than Thou, Marty and Robbie Cantor. Added #20 (Oct 84). Contributors include Lee Hoffman, John Berry, Richard Bergeron, Mike Glyer and Harry Warner Jr.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #136 (Sep 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added the last 2 issues (Jul-Aug 23). PDFs provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues - 8/25-9/1. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Notes from the Club Car, G. Patrick Molloy. Added #51 (Jan 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 2 issues: #23 (Apr 59) and 60 (Oct 80).
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added #5 (Dec 61).
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 3 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. --Stellar, Ted White. Added the first issue with this title - #8 (May 56). The fanzine was previously titled "Zip". Contributors in this issue include Lee Hoffman Shaw and Larry Stark, as well as, of course, Ted himself.
--TNFF, George Phillies. Added the August issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #4 (Aug 59).
--Vanish with the Rose, Nicki Lynch. Added #58 (Jan 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Review, Walter Gillings. Replaced the issues 6-10 with searchable PDFs. These date from 1947-1948.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include: Sandra Bond, Thomas Bull, Bill Burns, Vincent Docherty, Dave Langford, Ben McKenzie, Flash Sheridan, Leah Zeldes Smith, Alan Thiesen and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!
August 23, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 8 zines: Detroit Iron #4 (Richard Schultz, Dec 63), Mooncalf #1 (Georgina Ellis, Jan 56), Mything Link #17 (Dave Hulan and Gracia Fay Ellwood, Nov 72), Nocres #1 (Lynn Torline, Chuck Holst, Cat Coel, Brian Bjorgen, Bev Swanson, Madman Riley, Aug 75), Omnibus #5 (Sandy Sanderson, Jan 56), Satan's Child #5 (Dorothy Ratigan, Dec 58), United Fandom #1 (Ben Singer and George Young, 48), and Vision #1 (Robert W. Lowndes, Sep 38).
--De Profundis. Added 6 issues: Chuck & Sally Crayne - #23 (Sep 68), Bruce Pelz - #26 (Jan 69), Barry Gold - 76 (Apr 75), Beverly Warren - #95 (Nov 77), Sharon Bohner - #133(Jan 82) and 138 (Jun 82).
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added #21 (Jan 59).
-- Napalm in the Morning, Joseph Nicholas. Added the complete 4 issue run of this 1980s perzine. Thanks, Joseph for permission to put this online.
--NOSFan Lawrence Zeilinger. added #15 (Aug 71).
--Null-F, Ted White. Added #34.5 (Dec 63).
--New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added #70 (Mar 81).
--SYA-DASTI-SYA-NASTI-SYA-DAVAK-TAV-VASKI, Denny Lien. Added 3 1970s issues of this perzine. The name was later changed to "Murgatroyd".
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added #3 (Aug 23). Thanks, Rich.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Review, Walter Gillings. Replaced the first 5 issues with searchable PDFs. These date from 1947.
August 20, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Cognate, Rosemary Hickey. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the 60s.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the July and August issues. Thanks, Leybl.
--De Profundis. Added 7 issues: #139 (Sharon Bohner, Jul 82); #140 (Marke Sharpe, Sep 82), #180-181 (Therri Moore, Jan-Feb 87), 192 (Galen Tripp and Jeni Burr, Jan 88), 194-195 (Jeni Burr, Mar-Apr 88).
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the August issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 8/18 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Murgatroyd, Denny Lien. Added 5 more issues of Denny's APAzine: 15 (Nov 80), 24-27 (Apr-Nov 85).
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us perzine, all from 2023. Thanks, Garth!
August 17, 2023
YouTube: - Minicon 23 (1988) Barbie s Inferno by Jeanne Gomoll, Fanzine Reading
Minicon 23 was held April 1-3, 1988. On Saturday afternoon, David Emerson hosted a program of fanzine readings, including Jeanne Gomoll s reading of her hysterical short piece, Barbie s Inferno . This 18 minute audio recording, enhanced with images, is a delightful visit both to that program in 1988, and to the subject matter Jeanne Gomoll s childhood experiences with Barbie...Jeanne is an outstanding writer, as well as an excellent reader. This short recording provides an empathetic glimpse into what many fans have experienced -- what it s like to grow up in a family where you and your parents have very different ideas of who you should be. Plus you learn about waxers. Thanks to Geri Sullivan for recording, preserving, digitizing and providing this program.
Originally published in Harlot (edited by Anne-Laurie Logan and Avedon Carol, 1983), a newly revised version of Barbie s Inferno is contained in Pretending, the first volume of Jeanne s two volume memoir, Pretending and Becoming. 2023 (to be released).
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 3 items from Shadow FAPA #6: fap 3 (Les Gerber, Nov 61), The Lurking Shadow 6 (Charles Ford Hansen, Nov 61, and Pantopon 3 (Ruth Berman, Nov 61).
--1960s One Shots. Added OMPAlog: Fiction (Fan & Faan) - Sep 60.
--Idle Hands, Norm Metcalf. Added #6 (61).
--Mistily Meandering, Fred Patten. Added #23 (Jan 68).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added two today: the 8/4 and 8/11 issues. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Murgatroyd, Denny Lien. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us ANZAPAzine from the late 70s. Its previous name was "SYA-DASTI-SYA-NASTI-SYA-DAVAK-TAV-YASKI" and we'll get some of those up too.
--N'APA YAP. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. This was the OO of the N3F APA N'APA.
--NOSFan. Added #8 (Don Markstein, Jun 70).
--Notes from the Club Car, G. Patrick Molloy. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine from the late 90s.Thanks, Pat! And thanks to Rich Lynch for scanning them.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the last 2 issues of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Yellowed Memories, Rich Small. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 70s.
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added #58 (Sum 23). Thanks, Guy!
PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Fantasite, Phil Bronson. Replaced two issues with searchable PDFs. Now all the ones we have are in PDF format.
--Fantascience Digest, Robert A. Madle. Replaced the last jpg issue with a searchable PDF. Now all the ones we have are in PDF format.
--The Fantast, C.S. Youd. Replaced the 3 issues and a letter with searchable PDFs. Now all the ones we have are in PDF format.
August 13, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 7 issues: Chaos 1 (Lee Jacobs, Spr 52), Dark River 3 (Rich Small, Oct 74), De Jueves #80 (Len and June Moffatt, Jul 70), Death and the BNF #10 (Dwain Kaiser, Sep 65), Disinformation 6 (Arthur Hlavaty, Jan 81), Lizard's Inn #2 (Dan Steffan, Nov 71) and Llanthony #5 (Irwin Hirsh, Feb 81).
--Cadenza, Charles Wells. Added interim issue #8.5 (Jun 64), a very brief issue.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #19 (Fall 03). Contributors include Sue Mason, Greg Benford, Mike Resnick, John Berry and Joseph Major.
--Chao, John J. Alderson. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us Australian genzine from the 70s.
--Le Moindre, Boyd Raeburn. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine. The earliest is from 1957 and the latest is 1981.
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 more issues of Bruce's apazine: #25 (Mar 67) and #28 (Jun 68).
--The Spectator. Added 4 more issues of the SAPS OO: #35 (Karen Anderson, Mar 56), #56-58 (Bruce Pelz, Jul 61-Jan 62).
--Singing the Soul Home, Nicki Lynch. Added #6 (Nov 88) of this title. The apazine name later changed to "Vanish with the Rose" but the numbering scheme was maintained. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Yellow Tangerine, Rich Small. Added 3 issues (early 70s) of a new-to-us APAzine from Florida fan Rich Small.
PDF conversions and issue updates: Bulletin of the Cleveland SF Society and Science Fantasy Bulletin, Harlan Ellison - replaced the remaining issues with searchable PDFs.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--1960s One Shots. Thanks to Gianna Walker for finding a bad link for Bathtub Gin (Dick Lupoff, rich brown and Steve Stiles). Turns out that's what happens when we use a ~ in the file name. Fixed now. Thanks, Gianna!
--Thanks to Mark Nelson for pointing out multiple Australian zines that should have FAPA or ANZAPA mailing numbers.
August 10, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 items from the 2nd FanHistory APA mailing (96). Added today: Fantiquarian Chronicler 2 (R. Graeme Cameron, Dec 96), The Fantasy Historical Amateur 2 (Lindsay Crawford, Dec 96), Much Binding on the Marsh #2 (Garth Spencer, Jun 96), Retro 2 (Rob Hansen, Dec 96), Smorgasbord 2 (Arvhid Engholm, Dec 96). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. added #129 (Jun 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--Bluegras, Guy Lillian III. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine from the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Collector, Howard DeVore. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the 60s.
--Doxa!, Roman Orszanski. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #135 (Aug 23). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Aug 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Early August issue, and the updated cumulative index. Thanks, Dale.
--Pilikia, Chuck Devine. Added 3 issues and relocated 1 from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. These early 60s zines are a showcase of Boise fandom, characterized here as one BNF, one confan, and three neos. "I got started In fandom when Guy Terwilliger caught me reading a sf book Instead of Silas Marner (not only is Guy my boss at the store but by some accident he is my literature teacher too.)" Guy is a contributor, along with Donald Franson, Ray Nelson, John Berry and ATom.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the August issue. Thanks, George.
--Ul, Norm Metcalf. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from the early 60s.
--Vanish With the Rose, Nicki Lynch. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine from the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
August 7, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Eye, Stuart Mackenzie, Vince Clarke and Ted Tubb. Added #1 (Jun 64) completing the run. In addition to the editors, contributors include Walt Willis and Daphne Buckmaster. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Cloud Chamber, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 1980s.
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 1 item: Issue 4-39 (64).
--Hell, Paul Skelton and Brian Robinson. Added #9 (Jul 73), the second annish.
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added 2 issues: #22 (Jul 76) and 26 (Mar 77).
--Knockers From Neptune, Pat and Mike Meara. Added the complete 6 issue run of this 70s genzine.
--Poor Richard's Almanac, rich brown. Added #13 (Aug 61).
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues of Bruce's apazine - 14 (Jun 64), 16-18 (Dec 64-Jun 65) and 24 (Dec 66).
--TAFF. Added 2 items: a note from Ken Bulmer to "Fandom of Britain" (May 58), exhorting British fandom to get a move on and get that year's TAFF race going, and a 1964 LASFS flyer regarding ATom's TAFF trip to California. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--Vertigo, Edwin Murray. Added 3 issues: #39-41 (Sep 78-Sep 79).
Corrections and Clarifications: Uchujin, Takumi Shibano. Thanks to Alison Scott for providing a corrected date on the first international issue (in English!). Thanks, Alison.
August 3, 2023
Zoom Schedule: We've now scheduled four history zooms, with the first one in September. Click on the link to see what they are.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Conversation, Lynn Hickman. Added 5 issues: #12-13 (Dec 60-Feb 51), 15-16 (Apr-Jun 61) and 21 (Dec 62).
--Light, Leslie Croutch. Added #69 of the second series (Feb 61).
--A Mad Woman's Knitting, Perry Middlemiss. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine, done for the Fan History APA in the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added 3 issues: 9-10 (Aug 53-Aug 54), and one marked Winter 49.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 1 issue: #41 (Apr 63).
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added 2 issues: #15-16 (Jul-Nov 60). Also relocated one issue which had been languishing in 1_Issue-Maybe_More_to_Come 1 Issue- Maybe More to Come.
--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Added #34 (64).
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 7 issues of Bruce's N'APAzine: 1-4 (Dec 60-Sep 61), 8-9 (Sep-Dec 62).
--Snickersnee, Bob Silverberg. Added #17 (Feb 65). Dating on this title is eclectic shall we say.
--SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added #45 (Oct 70).
--Spacehound's Gazette, Joe Kennedy. Added 2 issues of this SAPSzine: #4 (Sum 48), 7 (Mar 49).
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Nov 98 issue.
PDF conversions and issue updates: 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Thanks to Rich Lynch for providing a much improved scan and OCR of "The Big O #3", edited by Clarence Jacobs, Es Coles and Les Cole.
Corrections and Clarifications: Lodbrog, John Bangsund. Added some APA mailing information thanks to Mark Nelson. He also sent information on several other zines. Thanks, Mark!
July 31, 2023
Zoom Schedule for the fall - The first two zooms have been scheduled. Send a note to if you're not on our Zoomer list.
September 23, 2023 - 4PM EDT - Boston in the 60s, with Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward, moderated by Mark Olson
October 15, 2023 - Evolution of Art(ists) - Grant Canfield, Tim Kirk and Dan Steffan
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Added #57 (Mar 82).
--DR, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 3 items: Dilinger Relic 25-26 (82-83) and Derogatory Reference 78 (94).
--Devil's Work, Norm Metcalf. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine. These issues run from 1973-1981.
--Erbania, D. Peter Ogden. Added a 1965 flyer.
--Elmurmurings, Elmer Purdue. Added the 3rd V1#1 issue, this one from Feb 64. He had an odd way of numbering, but according to our references, these three are all number 1. I added the series designation so that anyone looking at the alphabetic list would not be confused.
--Horizons, Harry Warner, Jr. Add 2 issues: 165-166 (May-Aug 81).
--Infanity's Notebook, Don Cochran. Created an index page and added 1 issue - #1 from 1993, along with the 1 that was already online at 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Both Joe and I have an article in thish, mine about my introduction to conventions and filking.
--Morph, John Roles. Created an index page and added 1 issue - #21 (Fall 59) of this OMPAzine, along with the 1 that was already online at 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/28 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added #154 (Mar 94).
--Orcrist, Richard West and James Robinson. Added the 100 page #1 (68). Orcrist is a publication of the University of Wisconsin J.R.R. Tolkien Society.
--Unasked Opinion, G. M. Carr. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from 1952.
--Vertigo, Edwin Murray. Added 5 issues: 30-31 (Jul-Oct 76), 34-35 (Jul-Sep 77) and 37 (Apr 78).
PDF conversions and issue updates: All PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Science-Fiction Five-Yearly, Lee Hoffman et al. Replaced issues 8 and 10 with searchable PDFs. Two more issues to go until they're all done.
--A Bas, Boyd Raeburn. Replaced all the remaining jpgs with searchable PDFs. Now when you search, you'll be able to find the Robert Bloch article. A Bas is a core fanzine for us to scan.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Thomas Bull, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Gary Mattingly, Joe Siclari, Steven Silver, Ian Sorensen, Leah Zeldes Smith, and of course, Mark Olson.
July 27, 2023
A quick update, just two days after the previous one because Verizon is coming to upgrade our network tomorrow, and I'm not sure when we will be back to normal. So color me a natural pessimist. Hopefully, we'll be back up and running by tomorrow afternoon. is hosted professionally, so no disruptions to anyone else.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Camber, Alan Dodd. Added #9 (Spr 58). Contributors include Juanita Coulson, John Berry, Bill Rotsler, Eddie Jones and Terry Jeeves.
--Cap'n Ro's Whiz-Bang, Ro Nagy. Created an index page and added 1 issue - V2#1 from 1975, along with the 1 that was already online at Issue-Maybe More to Come. Contributors in the new issue include Ted Reynolds, Phil Foglio, and Randy Bathurst.
--Chronicle of Fandom, Joe Siclari. Added #2 (Dec 96). "The FanHistory web site is up and running. The first things put on-line have been a series of photo albums from Worldcons from 1939 to the present." Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Cynic, Gray Boak. Added #5 (May 73). Along with the articles, there's art by Dave Rowe, Harry Bell, Alexis Gilliland, Arthur Thompson and others.
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues: David Klaus - #126-7 (Apr-May 81); Sharon Bohner - 129 (Aug 81) and 131 (Oct 81); and Tim Merrigan - #134 (Sep 85). Some disruption of the numbering scheme went on.
--Esdacyos, Ed Cox. Added #30 (Aug 80). This issue has an article on Wilbur Scott Peacock by Larry Shaw, reprinted from a 1943 Paradox. We scanned that issue of Paradox at Chicon 8 last year, so you can read the original article here if you'd rather.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added #34 (Aug 63).
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 6 issues: Dick Eney - V20#3 (Aug 57), Charles Burbee: V25#2 (Feb 62), V25#4 (Aug 62) and V40#3 (May 77); Gregg Calkins - V38#1 (Nov 74), and Bruce Pelz: V44#3 (May 81).
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 4 items from the mid70s to this index page of Jeanne Gomoll's apazine for the Women's APA. Three are regular issues and the 4th is "Subsessions 1" - the subapa of Obsessions. Thanks to Jeanne Gomoll for sending.
--Of Cabbages and Kings (and Baby Turtles), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added the Summer 96 issue. This and the Chronicle of Fandom were both part of the Fan History APA 2nd mailing, and were scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Vertigo, Edwin Murray. Added 4 issues and replaced one PDF. Issues added: 23 (Oct 74), 26-28 (Jul 75- Jan 76).
PDF conversions and issue updates: A Bas, Boyd Raeburn. Replaced 2 issues with searchable PDFs.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Eye, Vince Clarke and others. Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out typos on the index page. It's CLARKE not CARKE. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra.
--Thanks to Ted White for identifying the people in the photo in our latest newsletter.
July 25, 2023
FANAC Newsletter, Edie Stern and Joe Siclari. We've just sent out a newsletter on what FANAC has been doing this year. Thrills, spills and fanzines. If you don't receive it directly (we use Mailerlite) then you can join the mailing list by sending me a note at, or by filling in the the yellow highlighted form on the homepage.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added "Master of Monsters", written by Seattle Fandom. The date is approximate, and the prose is what you'd expect from a publication subtitled "An allegory by Waddagobble de Gook".
--Celephais, Bill Evans. Added #31 (May 62).
--De Profundis. Added 6 issues of this LASFS newsletter: Fred Hollander - #11 (Oct 66); Leigh Strother-Viewn - #103-105 (Jan-Mar 79), 108 (Jun 79); and Dean Anton Sherwood - September 12, 1983 issue.
--Embelyon, Lee and Jim Lavell. Added #3 (Aug 70). Contributions by Juanita Coulson, andy offutt, Sandra Miesel, Alicia Austin, Jeff Schalles, Sandra Miesel and others.
--Eye, Vince Carke, Ted Tubb and Stuart Mackenzie. Added #3 (Dec 54), all 170 pages of it. Eye #3 takes an interesting approach to the table of contents, indicating on each line the color of paper which that line item is printed on. With a printed copy in hand, you can flip right to it. In addition to the editors, there are pieces by Ken Bulmer, Sid Birchby, Ted Carnell and Harry Turner. There's also "Fanderella and her Fairy Ghodmother, a Fantomine for XMAS '54" by Vince Clarke. The zine has a special poetry section, edited by Joy Godwin. Eye 3 was valiantly scanned by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the July issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Green Dragon, Ed Meskys. Added #3 (Oct 67) of this newszine of the Tolkien Society of America. Scan by Harry Turtledove. Thanks, Harry!
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues of this perzine: #56-60 (Jun-Oct 21), and #81 (Jul 23). Thanks, Jeanne.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/21 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--TNFF, George Phillies. Added the July issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Vertigo, Edwin Murray. Added 6 issues of this clubzine from the Carolina Fan Federation. Added today: 15-16 (Sep 72 - Jan 73), 18 (Jul 73), 20-22 (Jan-Jul 74).
July 22, 2023
We've updated the Core List as of 7/15. What's been updated is not the fanzine titles, but rather the % complete. We're almost at 84%. For those of you that are valiantly scanning for us (or would like to), if you have anything marked in red in the last column, we'd really like to get a scan. The red ones are the zines with the lowest percentage of issues on line. Of course, we'd be happy to have scans of any issues of the titles in the grid that are not already online.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 4 items: "Blue Man #2" from Dan Steffan (Nov 83), "Little Green Things 1" from Ed Cox and Dave Locke (May 77), "Scintillation 8" from Carl Eugene Bennett (Mar 76), and "The Spacewarper 4" from Charles Nuetzel (Sum 53).
--Arglebargle, Denny Lien. Added 4 issues: #7-10 (Nov 80-Jul 81).
--DUFF. Added Guy and Rosie Lillian's trip report for 2003 - "The Antipodal Route". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Hklplod, Mike McInerney. Created an index page and added 1 issue, along with the 1 that was already online at Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues of this perzine: #51-55 (Jan-May 21). Thanks, Jeanne.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added 4 issues of Jack's FAPAzine, dated from 1967 to 1975.
--Ur, Ellis Mills. Added #3 (Nov 57).
--Valhalla, Young Fandom. Created an index page and added 1 issues, along with the 1 that was already online at Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Yellow Submarine, Rich Small. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us apazine title from the early 70s.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Alpha listing. Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for finding a bug in our alphabetic listing of fanzines. It's fixed now. Thanks, Evelyn!
--The Gryphon and Satura, John Foyster. Thanks to Irwin Hirsh for pointing out that The Gryphon index page is a duplication as the zines are already on the Satura page. I've removed it. Thanks Irwin
--Torcon II. Thanks to John Bray for letting us know about some missing files in the Torcon II pubs directory. They have been found, and the error fixed. Thanks, John!
July 18, 2023
YouTube: - Castle of Terrors Delta Science Fiction Film Group (1964)
This fannish production from Harry Nadler and the Delta SF Film Group gives us a slapstick parody of horror movies, replete with well known British fans of the day. There are angry villagers, damsels in distress, and scary monsters, as well as less well-known horror tropes like food fights in this 20 minute amateur extravaganza. In Castle of Terrors you can feel just how much fun Delta Group was having (and get a clear sense of their love for slapstick)...Bill Burns, who provided this and other Delta Films tells us The individual films date from 1963 to 1970, and were made on 8mm silent film to which a magnetic stripe was later added and the sound dubbed on. They were then shown mercilessly at club meetings and Eastercons, and suffered accordingly. For more about the Delta SF Film Group, see the Fancyclopedia article and see the text of Bill s talk at Manunicon (2016 Eastercon) at
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 4 issues: 429-432 (Apr-Jul 23). Thanks for the zines, Dave!
--Arglebargle, Denny Lien. Added 6 issues from the late 70s of this new-to-us perzine title from Denny Lien.
--Erbania, D. Peter Ogden. Added #12 (Jul 62).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #134 (Jul 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 8 more issues of this APAzine, #41-48 (Mar-Oct 20). Thanks, Jeanne.
--Majoon, Mog Decarnin. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid-late 80s. "MAJOON, A Fanzine of Advanced Sexual Politics". Scans by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--Yellow Balloon, Rich Small. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine from the early 70s.
PDF conversions and issue updates: All PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Canadian Fandom, Beak Taylor. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs. Six more to go and we will have PDF'd all the issues that we have.
--Science Fiction Five Yearly, Lee Hoffman. Replaced 8 issues with searchable pdfs. Four more to go.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Mutant. Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out a typo on the date of Mutant #1, recently added. Fixed now. Thanks, Sam!
--fanzines/Foyster-Other_Publications, John Foyster. Thanks to Leigh Edmonds and Joe Siclari for providing a date correction on John Foyster's "Where are You Going". Thanks, Leigh!
July 14, 2023
The APA Mailing lists have been updated. The items in FAPA mailings have grown about 50 since the last run, and OMPA has grown by about 20.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added "Fantasy Rotator #59", edited by Karen Anderson, approx 1958. Fantasy Rotator was the Official Organ of the Cult. Scan by Mark Olson.
--1960s One Shots. Added 3 items: "Burgess's Lights 1" from Brian Burgess (Sep 60), "Proxyboo 1" from Ted White and Walter Breen (Nov 63) and "The Review 1" from Larry Stark. Proxyboo 1 seems to consist of a cover on top of "Allerlei 8 & 9".
--Alouette, Rob Sawyer. Added the remaining 6 issues to complete the run - #6-11 (Jan 93-Jun 97). Alouette was a newsletter for Canadian SFWA members. Scans provided by Rob Sawyer. Thanks, Rob!
--Critical Wave, Steve Green and Martin Tudor. Added #35 (94).
--LASFS Newsletter. Added 6 issues: Feb 61 (Bjo Trimble), and the remainder from Ted Johnstone: V5#1-3 (Oct 64- Feb 65), Apr 65.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/14 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mutant, Ben Singer. Added #1 (Oct 48). According to Fancyclopedia, this Ben Singer fanzine later became the official organ of the Michigan Science-Fantasy Society (MSFS). Thish has a cover by A. Budrys, and includes a poem by Tigrina.
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine title from the mid 70s. Issue #1 is Jeanne's first APAzine, and the zine was done, I believe, for the Women's APA.
--Psi-Phi, Robert Lichtman. Added #4 (Sep 59). The copy we scanned from was not very good, so the scan is not the best. If anyone has a better one....
--References. Added an item by Joe Siclari (Nov 96) on where you could find information on FanHistory. Compare and contrast to today's abundance. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Science Fiction Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #112 (Jun 23). This is strongly weighted to tributes to those we've lost including Lee Harding, Valma Brown, Martin Morse Wooster, Marty Cantor and Denny Lien. Bruce, thank you for sending.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the July issue. Thanks, George.
PDF conversions and issue updates:
--Foundation. Replaced issue #1 with a split version that's easier to read. That is, rather than having a 2 page-up format, the pdf now shows a single page at a time. PDF provided by Mark Olson.
--Rune. Replaced #62 with a searchable PDF. Now all the Runes we have online are PDFed. PDF by Joe Siclari.
July 10, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: "The BASRA Journal 3" from James England (approx 1962), "Green Stuff 5" from Murray Moore (May 98), "Loki 1" from Gerry de la Ree and Genevieve Stephens (Spr 48), "Peskys 5" from Ed Meskys (Sep 60), "Science Fiction Advertiser 3" from Fred Pohl (Aug 38), and "Solar Reader 1" from Dave Easlick (63). Loki 1 contributors include Eando Binder, Joe Kennedy, Richard Shaver and Lin Carter. Rich Lynch did the scanning for Green Stuff 5. Thanks, Rich.
--First Fandom Magazine. Added #20 (89). We think Lynn Hickman is the editor.
--LASFS Newsletter/LASFS Newspinkle. Added 8 more issues, some of which were edited by Redd Boggs and some by Bill Blackbeard. The issues are dated from August 63 to July 64.
--Lefnui, Fred Patten. Added an index page and one more issue (#1, Nov 63) for this OMPAzine zine. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come and it is now relocated here.
--Lines of Occurrence, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 2 issues: #1-2 (80).
--Link, Beryl Henley. Added 3 issues of a new-to-us UK genzine from the mid 60s.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/7/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Calgary Stampede Parade 2023 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Science Fiction Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #113 (Jul 23). Contributors include Daniel King and Mats Dannewitz Linder. Provided by Bruce Gillespie. Thanks, Bruce!
--Swoon, Arnie and Joyce Katz. Added #6 (Oct 76). It's a special "We Got Letters" issue.
July 6, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--De Profundis, Marty Cantor. Added 7 issues: #348-49 (Dec 01-Jan 02), 351 (Mar 02), 353 (May 02), 356 (Nov 02) and 359-60 (Nov-Dec 02). PDFs provided by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave.
--Fan Polls and Awards. Added 4 items from the early 60s related to the Fan Poll started by George Wells in 1962. There's a ballot, a piece on the committee, and a final report as well as a second ballot for the second year.
--Fanthologies. Added an announcement for "ATom 2000" from Ken Cheslin (Apr 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Foyster-Other Publications. Added the June 63 "Unnameable". Scan by Mark Olson.
--LASFS. Added a LASFS Holiday card from 1989.
--LASFS Newsletter, Bjo Trimble, Dian Girard. Added 13 issues of this new-to-us title from LASFS from the early 60s. These brief newsletters are full of club news and upcoming events. "On July 19th a panel will be held to discuss the absence of girls in SF fandom."
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added #28 (Jul 23). Thanks, Rich!
--TAFF. Added 1 item: "Ron Ellik for TAFF!" from Al Lewis (61).
--T-Negative, Ruth Berman. Added a T-Negative Portfolio, date uncertain. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Wwhimsy, Ronald Voight. Added an index page and one more issue (#3, Jul 55) for this poetry zine. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come and it is now relocated here. The one that had been up was misattributed to Kenneth Ford. He had a lot of content there, but it was really Ronald Voight. Scan by Mark Olson.
July 3, 2023
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 10 items: "Doxa!" from Roman Orszanski (Feb 90), "Doxy 3" from John Foyster (Mar 90), "Eridani Triad 3" Gail Barton, Doris Beetem and Judith Brownlee (Sep 72), "Fapulous 4 - Like Hogan's Goat" from Elinor Busby (Oct 59),"Ichor 1" from Dale Hart (Jul 46), "Null-A Men V2#6" from Alex Osheroff (Dec 54), "Outsiders 9" from Wrai Ballard (Oct 52), "The Vulcan 5" from Lionel Inman (Jan 44), "Transatlantic Fringe Fan #2" from rich brown (Fall 59) and "Valhalla 10" from Bill Rotsler. The Eridani Triad includes contributions from Ruth Berman, Devra Langsam, Hal Clement, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, and James Tiptree Jr. Null-A Men was a publication of the ESFA - the Eastern Science Fiction Association, and Valhalla 10 was a publication of "Young Fandom". All scans by Mark Olson.
--De Profundis, Marty Cantor. Added 11 issues: #328-331 (Apr-Jul 00), 336-339 (Dec 00-Mar 01), 341 (May 01) and 346 (Oct 01). Also added the July 2023 issue (Heath Row). PDFs for the earlier issues provided by Dave L. Renfro. PDF for the Jul 23 issue provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Dave. Thanks, Heath.
--Lurk, Pat and Mike Meara. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 1970s. Contributors include Peter Weston, James White, and Paul Skelton. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added the June 2023 issue. Thanks, Heath!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 6/30 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the new Canada Day issue. Thanks, Dale.
--YSFRG Newsletter. Added 2 issues of the Young Science Fiction Readers Group newsletter from the early 60s. According to Fancyclopedia, the group was initially around 30 members worldwide. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
June 27, 2023
--1950s One Shots. Added "One/fourteen" from Dick Eney (Oct 56), his one-shot report on NYCon II. Scan provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
--Alouette, Rob Sawyer. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us title from 1992. Alouette was "A Newsletter for Canadian Active Members of SFWA". Thanks to Rob Sawyer for providing it, and to Bill Burns for suggesting he provide it to FANAC. Thanks, Rob! Thanks, Bill!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the June issue. Thanks, Leybl.
--Ego Beast, Don Wilson. Added an index page and one more issue (Spr 49) for this FAPAzine. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come and it is now relocated here. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the June issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George.
--Les Spinge, Darroll Pardoe. Added 2 items: #15 (Aug 66) and #22 (Jul 70). Articles by John Berry, Pete Weston, and Ken Cheslin among others. Les Spinge is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the most recent two issues (#79-80, May-Jun 23). Thanks, Jeanne.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 3 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Summer Solstice 2023 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Paperback Parlour Philip Stephensen-Payne. Added 3 issues: V2#3-V2#5 (Jun-Oct 78). Scans by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #66 (Jun 23). Thanks, Guy!
--Tailgate. Added an index page and one more issue (#6, Mar 56) for this SAPSzine. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come and it is now relocated here. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Talisman. Added an index page and one more issue (#2, Sum 50) for this zine. Issue #2 has an article by Seabury Quinn. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come and it is now relocated here. Scan by Mark Olson.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the June issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Umbra, John Hitchcock. Added #4 (Sep 54). Scan by Mark Olson.
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Many thanks for scans provided for Wiscon by Jeanne Gomoll, for Australian conventions by Alan Stewart, and for other conventions by Rich Lynch and Lisa Hertel.
---Clevention added It's a Long Way to Tipperary by Lee Hoffman
---ConFrancisco added Nameless Zine 1 1990, Peggy Rae Pavat
---Detention added Finances (partial) 1959, probaby, Membership Card, Membership Card 109
---Discon III added Souvenir Book-Chinese edition
---L.A.con III added Squeak of the Rat 3 Tepper 1994-Wi LAcon III, Squeak of the Rat 16 Tepper 1996-07 LAcon III
---Loncon I added Dave Kyle's London Tripfund flier
---Nolacon I added Flyer/letter by Harry Moore, 1951
---Noreascon 4 added Galactic Patrol Gazette #3
---NyCon3 added Flyer uncredited 1966, Interim report of the Tricon Hugo Study Committee
---Torcon 3 added PR 0
--Australian Natcon (scans provided by Alan Stewart):
---Capcon added Badge and photo by Alan Stewart, Business Meeting pre-con memo, Convention Book
---Conflux 1 added Badge, Convention book, Ditmar awards, Flyer, Handbook, Main program, Progress report 1, Progress report 3, Progress report 4, Progress report 5
---Convergence 2002 added Badge, Business meeting, Convention Book, Convention Bookcover, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Fan films schedule, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Gaming information sheet, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Newletter, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Pocket program book, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Progress Report 1, 2002 Convergence 2002 Progress Report 2, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Progress Report 3, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Progress Report 4, 2002 Convergence 2002 Video programme guide
---Conviction (Syncon '88) added Conviction badge, Writers of the Future flyer, Progress Report 2, 1988 Conviction Convention Book
---Swancon XI added Progress Report 3
---Swancon 2000 (Swancon 25) added Final Progress Report, Convention Book, Souvenir Book
---Swancon 2001: Masquerade added Convention Book, Progress Report 3, Progress Report 4
---Thylacon 1 added Ditmar Award
---Thylacon 2 added Badge, Program Book, Progress Report 1
---Unicon IV added Progress Report
---Corflu 5 added Restaurant Guide
---Corflu 17 added Corflatch 9 Progress Report 1
---Disclave 6 added Flyer
---Disclave 41 added Pocket Program
---Ditto 1 added Progress report
---FanHistoriCon 6 added Progress Report, First FanHistoricon Fan Fund announcement
---Detcon1 added ScheduleGuide, PPfinal, PR3-print, RG, SouvenirBookFINAL, -2014-Dealer-App1, flyer fall2013
---PgHLANGE II added Flyer: May 1970
---Philcon 1997 added Flier and advance registration form
---Philcon 2000 added Progress Report
---Smofcon 12 added Baby Steps #2, Baby Steps #3
---Sou-Westercon added Program Book
--WisCon (materials provided by Jeanne Gomoll):
---WisCon 11 added Cheating the Reader, Evaluation Form, flyer #2, Flyer #3, Flyer, Independent Survey, Mad Moose gazette #1, Mad Moose gazette #post-con, Pocket Program, Program Book, Restaurant Guide
---WisCon 12 added Art Show ballot, Badge, Mad Moose Gazette #1, Mad Moose Gazette #2, Pocket Program, Program Book, Survey
---WisCon 14 added Program Book
---WisCon 20 added A Momentary Taste of Wiscon, Ad Rate card, Always Coming Home invitation, And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Collation Rack, Child Care postcard, Dead Dog party notice, Flyer 2, Flyer 3, Flyer, Opening Ceremonies Script, Pocket Program, Program Book, Program Participant Invitation, Program Participant Questionaire, Progress Report, Reimbursement form, Slow Mimeo, Survey, The Last Afternoon, Tiptree Reception Ticket, We Who Stole the 'Zine, Le Guin article #2, Le Guin article, Literary Calendar
---WisCon 34 added Bookmark, Newsletter, Pocket Program, Program Book
---WisCon 36 added A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #1-4, Andrea Hariston bookmark p1, Debbie Notkin bookmark, Pocket Program, Program Book, Progress Report #2, Progress Report
---WisCon 37 added Newsletter, Pocket Program, PR 2, PR, Program Book
PDF conversions:
--Science Fiction Advertiser, Roy Squires. Replaced the last of the jpg issues we had with a searchable PDF. PDF by Joe Siclari.
--Science Fiction Times. Replaced 38 issues with searchable PDFs. All the issues we have online are now in PDF format. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!
Corrections and Clarifications: Maya, Ian Maule. Thanks to Rob Hansen, issue #3 now has a cover! Rob saw it was missing, scanned his copy and sent it to us to complete the one on Thanks, Rob!
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Thomas Bull, Gary Feldbaum, Barry Gold, Kathryn Heffner, John-Henri Holmberg, Dave Langford, Michael Lowry, Laurie Mann, Gideon Marcus, Gary McGath, Bee Ostrowsky, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks go to all of you for contributing to Fancyclopedia!
June 20, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans today are by Mark Olson.
--Badmouth, Lynn Hickman. Added a 1970 issue and made a new index page for this title. We had had 2 issues in Hickman-Other Publications, and I've now moved those two in to the new index page along with the 3rd issue.
--Embelyon, Lee and Jim Lavell. Added 2 issues of this new-us-genzine from 70-71. Contributors include Sandra Miesel, Juanita Coulson, Cy Chauvin, Steve Fabian, Mike Gilbert, Alicia Austin, and Jeff Schalles.
--LASFS. Added the "LASFS Recommended Viewing List 1999". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 10: issues 31-40 (May 19-Feb 20) of this perzine. Provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--Maybe, Irv Koch. Added 7 items: 5 issues from the eary/mid 70s: 31-32 (73-74), 39-40 (75) and 46 (Apr 76), and two "Baby of Maybe" from 1971. The Babys are lettercols.
--Menace of the LASFS, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us clubzine from the early 60s, with accounts of LASFS meetings. Bruce freely interprets. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Ragnarok, Terry and Miriam Carr. Added #8 (Feb 61).
--SLANder, Jan Sadler Penney. Added #4 (Apr 59).
--The SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added #11 (Apr 61).
--Twig, Guy Terwilliger. Added #13 (58). Contributors include Don Franson, Dick Lupoff, Tom Reamy and Dan Adkins.
--Wonder, Michael Tealby. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from 49-51. V3#2 is about the Shaver Mystery.
PDF conversions: Science Fiction Times. Replaced 46 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!
June 13, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Fairy Tales of Fabulous Faps" from Marion Zimmer Bradley and Royal Drummond (Nov 53). and "Fanachronism 1" from Dean Grennell (May 59).
--Amble, Archie Mercer. Added #16 (Dec 63).
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Added #56 (Feb 82).
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III.Added #26 (Spr 07). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Dafoe, John Koning. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the early 60s. Contributors include Marion Zimmer Bradley, rich brown, Don Franson, Harry Warner, Jr., Bob Tucker, and Robert Bloch.
--Derogatory Reference, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #73 (92).
--Esdacyos, Ed Cox. Added a new index page and an additional issue for "Esdacyos". Added #5 (Aug 55) and relocated #8 from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--First Fandom Bulletin. Added #3 (1960) from Lynn Hickman.
--Fringe, Mal Ashworth. Added a new index page and an additional issue for "Fringe". Added #2 (May 60) and relocated #3 from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 3 issues: issue number 4-11 (May 56), 4-19 (May 58) and 4-22 (Feb 59).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #133 (Jun 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Jelerang, Harriett Kolchak Added 3 issues of this new-to-us clubzine from 1963. Issue 2 has an article by Randall Garrett.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 10 more issues of this perzine: 21-30 (Apr 18-Apr 19). PDFs provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Maybe, Irvin Koch. Added 6 issues: #24-28 (73), and 30 (Jul 73). Scans by Mark Olson.
--SFPA One Shots. Added "Pure Vomit" from Glen Brock, Ned Brooks and Joe Celko (Dec 68).
PDF conversions:
--Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Replaced the remaining 24 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!.
--Science Fiction Advertiser, Roy Squires. Replaced 9 more issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--Science Fiction Times. Replaced 28 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out that I had misspelled Irv Koch's name. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!
June 5, 2023
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 2 items: "CUSFuSsing 14", Charles Seelig (Jan 80) and "Gothique 8", Dave Griffiths and Stan Nicholls (Mar 68). The CUSFuSsing is from the Barnard-Colombia Science Fiction Society. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--First Fandom Publications, John L. Coker III. Added Scientifiction #64 (Spr 20). Provided by John L. Coker III. Thanks, John.
--Idle Hands, Norm Metcalf. Created an index page and added 2 issues, along with the 1 that was already online at 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the June 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Maybe, Irvin Koch. Added 9 issues from the early 70s - #13-18 (Sum 71-Apr 72), and 21-23 (72-Feb 73). Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--KaCSFFS Newsletter, Nancy Nutt. Added V29#3 and V29#6. Note that there are now two V29#3s listed - they are different. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 10 more issues of this perzine: 11-20 (Jan 17-Mar 18). PDFs provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 6/2 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--No Award, Marty Cantor. Added #7 (Spr 00). Art in this issue contributed by Taral, Steve Stiles, Joe Mayhew, Terry Jeeves, Brad Foster, Ray Capella, Bill Rotsler and Alexis Gilliland. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the June issue. Thanks, George.
PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, today all PDFing is by Mark Olson.
--Fantasy Newsletter, Paul Allen. Replaced 27 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced 20-45 plus a couple more.
--Mythologies, Don D'Ammassa. Replaced issues 7-17 with searchable PDFs.
--Science Fiction Times, James Taurasi et al. Replaced 52 items with searchable PDFs: #299-301, 306-352. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!
--South of the Moon. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Waldo, Eric Bentcliffe. Replaced 4 issues with searchable PDFs.
Corrections and Clarifications: Spaceship, Robert Silverberg. Thanks to Bill Slankard for finding a missing issue, with a different issue hiding under the link. We'll see if we can find a real #16 to scan and replace the bogus one. Thanks, Bill.
June 2, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue- Maybe More to Come. Added 12 items: "Erebus" from Len Marlow (Oct 43), the double issue "Grist 20 &21" from Ellis Mills (Win 59), "Hence 1" from John Fletcher (Jan 54), "Mad #5" from Dick Ryan ("the Willish", Aug 52), "Northlight #7" from Alan Burns (Nov 59), "Quagmire II" from John Quagliano (Aug 58), "Tesseract 2" from Walter Breen (Mar 60). "Till the Cows Come Home 1" from Alan and Elke Stewart (Mar 74), "Transuranic" from Al Alexander (Feb 56), "Trantor 3" from Robert Glen Briggs (Sep 53) and "When the Gods Would Sup #3" from Al Lewis (Jan 61). There's also an intentionally unnamed fanzine from Texas, which we have listed as "unnamed" from Lyndon Henry, James Hitt and Alert Allen Jackson IV (Fall 59). Scans for Tesseract and When the Gods Would Sup by Mark Olson.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 from Lee Hoffman. "Fanzine for W.M Danner, Harry Warner, Larry T. Shaw, Marion Zimmer Bradley..." (Nov 59), and a "Fanzine for Richard Eney and also anyone else who is willing to read it" (Feb 57). These were both distributed through FAPA.
--Fanthologies. Added 1 item - the memorial zine for Denny Lien edited by Karen Schaffer and Geri Sullivan - the "LienZine". This contains "A memorial sampler of Denny Lien's writing from fandom and beyond". Cover by Jeanne Gomoll, and interior art by Stu Shiffman, Reed Waller and others. PDF provided by Geri Sullivan. Thanks, Geri and condolences.
--The Insider, St. Louis Science Fiction Society. Added 4 issues from the turn of the century of this new-to-us clubzine. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us perzine from 2015-16. PDFs provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--MSA Bulletin, James Avery. Added #3 (Jan 40) of this clubzine from Maine.
--paraFANalia, Bruce Burn. Added #4 (Sep 59).
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the May 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added #243 (Jan 99) of this, the clubzine of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--References-Fan Histories. Added a short article on the Scienceers, the 1929 NYC club. It was first printed in Sphere #12 in 1959, but seemed like it should be listed here too. Read this or read the original - we have that issue of Sphere!
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added 6 issues: #8-9 (Sum 69-?69), 11-13 (Nov 70- 72).
--Swoon, Joyce and Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues: #1 (Mar 74), 3-4 (May-Jun 76). Contributors include Terry and Miriam Carr, Bill Kunkel, Ed Wood, ATom, Harry Bell, Ken Fletcher, Stu Shiffman, Ross Chamberlain and Harry Warner Jr.
--Variations on a Theme, Rich Lynch. Added #40 (Mar 05) of Rich's SFPAzine. PDF provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
May 30, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1_Issue-Maybe_More_to_Come. Added 17 items: "Brief Index - Fanzines Published by Me 2" from Terry Carr (Nov 72), "Bugle of Dingly Dell" from Bob Tucker (Jun 66), "Cacoethes" from Dian Crayne (May 76), "Classic Cat Follies 1" from Ed Cox and Lon Atkins (May 68), "ERB-dom 1" from Alfred Guillory Jr and Camille Cazedessus (May 60), "Fantasy Sampler 4" from John Murdock (Jun 56), "Flights of Fantasy 1" from Craig Miller (Jan 69), "Foliot 11" from Lon Atkins (Dec 67), "For BEMS Only 5" from Jerry Merrill and Paul Cook (57), "Hobbitalia 3" from Paul Doerr (Oct 72), "Gyronny 1" from John and Bjo Trimble (Mar 62), "Interim 1" from Mark Irwin (63),"Kitchen Sink 3" from Don Markstein (Jan 79), "Mystery Trader 11" from Ethel Lindsay (Apr 75), "Neon 4" from Arnie Katz (Apr 11), "SFanzine 3" from Sam Johnson (54), and "Tales of the Great Rich #4" from Rich Small (Dec 72). ERB-dom won the 1966 Best Fanzine Hugo, and was also nominated for the award in 1964. Contributors to "For BEMS Only 5" include John Berry, Joe Sanders, and Kent Moomaw. Contributors to Craig Miller's "Flights of Fancy" include Ray Bradbury, Forrest Ackerman, Lee Klingstein (now Gold) and Tim Kirk.
--1940s One Shots. Added "Nonesuch" by Ron Lane (Oct 45).
--1970s One Shots. Added 2 items, perhaps not fanzines at all - "New SF&F Books in Britain" (Gerald Bishop, BSFA Information Service, 1971, and "The Ratfan Dynamo v. The Gannett Flyers" (uncredited, 76). The latter is apparently a flyer for a football match - "See the Big Name Fans Make Big Fools of Themselves" and "Patrons are requested not to soil the pitch and to refrain from throwing embarassing objects during the lap of honour."
--The Best Lines Are..., Charles Burbee. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the mid 70s. Each of the issues has a name of the form "The Best Lines Are..".
--Cactus, Sture Sedolin. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us early 60s fanzine from Sweden. It's in English, and one of the zines we have online is the first annish, #5. Contents include: "I was the Treasurer for the London Con to End All London Cons...presented to fandom by Archie Mercer, Honorary Treasurer of the British Science Fiction Association". In that issue, you'll also find "The Beanie Brigade" by Ray Nelson.
--En Garde!, Al and Abby Lu Ashley. Added #9 (Mar 44).
--Imaginative Collector / Dawn, Ed Russell Watkins. This zine began as "Dawn" and changed to "Imaginative Collector" at issue 10. We've added 2 issues, from 1951.
--Memphen. Added #229 (Tim Gatewood, Mar 97) of Memphen, the clubzine for the Mid-South Fantasy Association.
--New Forerunner. Added the Oct 1975 Quarterly, and created a new index page for this title. We had had "New Forerunner 3" in the 1_Issue-Maybe_More_to_Come and have now moved it here. This is a publication of the Sydney Science Fiction Foundation.
--Paperback Inferno, Andy Sawyer. Added 8 issues: #90-97 (Jun 91-Aug 92). Scans by Kevin R. Smith for BSFA. Thank you, Kevin.
--References- Fan Histories. Added "A Presentation on Fanzines for Valbonne (2021 French Science Fiction Convention)" by Pascal J. Thomas. This is a machine translation from the original French, with a very few touchups. Thanks, Pascal!
--Swoon, Joyce and Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 70s. Art by Ross Chamberlain, Bill Kunkel, Jay Kinney, Bill Rotsler, Stu Shiffman and Dan Steffan.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Thomas Bull, Darrah Chavey, Vincent Docherty, John-Henri Holmberg, Steve Johnson, Laurie Mann, Rich McAllister, Gary McGath, Bee Ostrowsky, Nigel Rowe, Kirby Sloan, Leah Zeldes Smith, Geri Sullivan, and of course Mark Olson.
Corrections and Clarifications: Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Thanks to Rob Hansen for quickly spotting that I had failed to put the "missing pages" note for Scottishe 35 in the right place. I had listed the note with a different fanzine that he had scanned, on a completely different index page. Thanks Rob for both the scans and the corrections.
May 26, 2023
FAPA 43: Here are the last 3 of the FAPA 43 zines. Added 3 in 1940s One Shots. "Merger 1" (Don Wilson / Howard Miller), "Scrooge" (Don Wilson). and a reprint of "Time for Union of the Free" by Harold Urey, distributed through FAPA by Mike Fern.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 3 items: First, "Wavelength - Science Fiction Collaboration 1" by Forry Ackerman and Henry Ackerman (no relation). Wavelength scan provided by Rob Hansen. Secondly, "4SJ's Sci-Fi Kaleidoscope 20" (Forry Ackerman, Dec 96) and "Tau Ceti Reprints 1" (Bob Tucker, Feb 61). In this issue of Tau Ceti Reprints, Bob starts with a reprint of a 1935 "Science Fiction Bibliograpy". We have the original up here. The last two scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rob and thanks, Rich!
--1950s One Shots. Added "The Fannish Case of Ashworth v Lindsay" from Ethel Lindsay. This is an entertaining bit of 1950s fannish silliness purportedly between Ethel Lindsay and Mal Ashworth, about the consequences of offering attractive young females a subscription rate of "one photo of self in a bikini."
--1960s One Shots. Added 6 items: "Afrogiwood" (John Foyster, Jul 62), Carr-con II flyer (Terry and Miriam Carr, 60), "Fannish IN and OUT Book" (Bill Sarill and Larry Stark, 60), "Share the Rapp" and "Share the Rapp invitation" (John and Bjo Trimble, early 61) and "White Stencil 62" (Bob Silverberg, Feb 64).
The Carr-con flyer is a party invitation, and "Share the Rapp" is in honor of Nancy Share and Art Rapp's wedding.
--1990s One Shots. Created this index page, and started it with 6 items three scanned by Rich Lynch, one by Roelf Goudrian, and one provided by Geri Sullivan. There's a list of Forry's films, a letterzine from George Flynn, and a Christmas card substitute from Eric Lindsay. Those are from Rich. There's "Gasworks 1" by John D. Berry and Steve Swartz, provided by Roelf Goudrian and later also provided by Geri Sullivan at Corflu Craic. Finally, there's the "Fan Editor Who Couldn't Meet a Deadline" by Roger Sims, and "Nameless Zine 1" by Peggy Rae Pavlat. That last was for the Confrancisco APA. Thanks to Rich Lynch, Roelf Goudrian and Geri Sullivan.
--2020s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Gatekeeper", an uncredited fanzine scanned at Chicon 8, and from Pat Sims, the handout provided at Roger Sims memorial service which includes a short bio of Roger. Thank you, Pat.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the May 2023 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George.
--KWS, Pascal Thomas. Added 10 more issues of this French language zine. Added #80-89 (Jul 17-Aug 22. PDFs provided by Pascal Thomas. Thanks, Pascal.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #35 (Apr 64). This is missing the last page (two pages of print - Natterings page 2 and 3. Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan byRob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--TAFF. Added "Snufkin Goes West, Notes from the TAFF Trail, 1998" by Maureen Kincaid Speller. This is not a TAFF report... Now there are many people who don t actually believe in the existence of TAFF reports anyway..". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Timebound, David Sooby. Added 2 issues of this clubzine of the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society: V24#6 (Jul 00) and V24#8 (Oct 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the May issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Torrents, Nancy Share. We had had an issue up on the One So Far page. Today we add another issue and give this zine its own index page (and move the first one out of the One so Far page).
PDF conversions: Winnie, Michael Ward. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs. Repaced are V4#2, V4#6, #44-45, and 54. PDF and OCRing by Mark Olson.
May 20, 2023
YouTube: Description: At the 2023 Eastercon (Conversation), Guest of Honor Niall Harrison, and fellow Third Row fans John Coxon, Emily January and Abigail Nussbaum sat down for a discussion on the future of fandom (circa 2004). Moderated by Meg MacDonald, the panel hilariously tells the story of Third Row Fandom, named and brought into being accidentally by Greg Pickersgill during a Future of Fandom panel at the 2004 Eastercon. Themselves dubbed the future of fandom by Greg, the fans seated in the third row at that panel have made good on the title, pulling others into their orbit and having an outsized influence on science fiction and science fiction fandom over the last 20 years...Illustrated with powerpoint slides to map out their impact, this fascinating panel tells the story of a cohort of young fans maturing into movers and shakers in the field, as writers, reviewers, editors, award judges and convention organizers...Many thanks to Conversation 2023 for providing this recording, and particularly to Alison Scott for her assistance.
FAPA 43: Here are 9 more of the FAPA 43 zines.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 7 items, all from Spring 1948: "Disturbing Element #2" (Bill Rotsler), "The New Loxygen #3" (Joe Schaumburger), "One Fan's Outlook #2" (Stan Woolston), "Solipsist #2" (Bob Stein), "Third Eye #2" (Henry Spelman III), "Yellum #2" (Ron Maddox), and "Ysatnaf #1" (Ray Higgs).
--Fanomena, Andy Lyon. Added #2 with FAPA 43. There was one issue in the One-So-Far directory. I've put both of them here.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Spring 48 issue, and just like Fanomena, pulled an issue from the "One So Far" directory. In this case, also added a third issue from Feb 94.
Other Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--2010s One Shots. Added this index and 1 item - "Neither Complete Nor Conclusive", a collection of fanwriting by John Hertz. That's the only fanzine listed so far, but I'm sure there will be more.
--Avenging Aardvark's Aerie, Ross Pavlac. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the late 70s.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #8 (Fall 98). Contributors include Terry Jeeves, and Harry Warner Jr. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the June issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the March 2023 issue of the LASFS newsletter.
--Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 2 issues: #56-57 (Nov 98-Jan 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Paperback Inferno, Andy Sawyer. Added 10 more issues: #80-89 (Oct 89 - Apr 91). All scans by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin.
--Science Fiction Review, Robert Franson and Dean Sandin. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us reviewzine from the early 60s. Issue #10 has a short column by Poul Anderson on his favorite book so far ("Three Hearts and Three Lions").
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Three additions: Added #3-4 (Jun-Sep 55) and #37 (Sep 64). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. These scans provided by Rob Hansen. Sincere apologies to Rob for the long delay between his providing the scans and me putting them online. Errors on my part entirely. Thanks, Rob.
--Tandstikkerzeitung, Don Markstein. Added #9 (Oct 75).
--Why Not, Al Lewis. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us APAzine (mostly N'APA) from the early 60s.
May 17, 2023
FAPA 43: Joe has scanned FAPA 43, and I'm starting to upload the individual zines. I've added 5 so far. The next time we run the FAPA mailing code, these will show up as they should under the FAPA 43 mailing. For right now, I'll tell who what I've put online and you can go and read it there. You can use the alpha list to find everything -
--Added "Burblings 3" (Charles Burbee), "Fantasy Amateur V11#1" (Charles Burbee), "Dream Quest" ad (Don Wilson}, "Phanteur 5" (Don Thompson) and "Grulzak 3" (Joe Kennedy). The Grulzak issue completes that run.
Other Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: "Detours 65" (Russ Chauvenet, Aug 98), "Interstellar Ramjet Scoop" (Bill Wright, Aug 04), "Statement 259" (Joel Polowin - Newsletter of the Ottawa Science Fiction Society, Feb 99), "Trash Barrel" (Donald Franson, Aug 98), "Warp 45" (Lynda Pelley - Newsletter of the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, Jan 99) and "The Floating Fan #4" (Pam Boal, Jan 99). These scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Brevizine, Warren Freiberg. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 50s. Lots of fan fiction here.
--Filk Added the 2001 combined edition of Bruce Pelz's Filksong Manual. Originally published in 4 parts, the combined edition is 101 pages long. This index is intended to be ordered chronologically, but I've listed this right after the original publication of part 2. If you've wanted to find the words to the Gilbert and Sullivan parodies, or "The Childish Edda", here's your chance. There are songs by Poul Anderson, Randall Garrett, Tom Digby, Ted Johnstone, and of course, Bruce Pelz. Plus many others. The original publications were in 1965-1969, and some of the songs are considerably older. "Think of the Old Tacky Stuff as Of Historical Interest. To Someone. Somewhere. Somewhen. And blame the appearance of this revision/reprinting -three years after I started it -- on Lee Gold."
--Eureka!, Nicki Lynch. Added 6 issues of Nicki's 1980s Dr. Who zine, "Eureka!". Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich. Thanks, Nicki!
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added 2 items: Issue #4 and #4a from Dec 25, 1990.
--The Michifan, Martin Alger. Added an issue from 1955.
--Paperback Parlour. Added 3 early issues: Philip Stephensen-Payne: #6-8 (Dec 77-Apr 78).
--SFOHA Publications. Added the Jan 94 newsletter, edited by Nancy Tucker.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 11 issues: #25-26 (Mar-May 18), 30-31 (Dec 18-20), 34 (Sep 19), 36 (Jan 20), 50 (Aug 21), 52-53 (Nov 21-Jan 22), 62-63 (Jan-Feb 23). Scans provided by Guy Lillian and e-fanzines. Thanks, Guy! Thanks, Bill!
--SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added issue #35 of Bruce's perzine from Apr 67.
--Spent Brass, Andy Hooper and Carol Root. Added 1 item - #23-24 from Dec 93.
PDF conversions: Hot Shit, John D. Berry and Calvin Demmon. Replaced the complete run of this fanzine with searchable pdfs. PDFing and OCRing by Mark Olson.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--My miscellaneous directory got hosed up somewhere along the line, and I am fixing it. For those that are interested, I've moved Dave Kyle's "A Warning!" to the 1930s One Shots at Thanks to Joe for finding this issue.
--Thurban 1, Warren Dennis. Several people have told me that Ted White has pointed out that the fanzine I labeled "Thurban" is actually "Thurban 1" as in the first planet around the sun Thurban. I've changed it appropriately on the index page, and added the date and last issue information. Thanks, Ted! and thanks to Bill Burns and Andy Porter for passing the word.
May 10, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue -Maybe More to Come. Added 11 items: "Radioactiovs! 160" (Fred Patten, Nov 67), "Rock 2" (Es Adams, Spr 59), "Rubber Meatball 1" (Steve Stiles, May 62), "Tailgate 5" (Roger Sims and George Young, Dec 55), "Tallahassee Fandom Comix and Stories V2#2" (Rich Small, May 73), "Tandem 1" (Joyce and Arnie Katz, Feb 73), "Tart 3" (George Jennings, mid 50s), "Telstar 1" (Mario Kwiat, Jul 63), "Telstar 1" (Carla Motteli, Apr 64), "Torrents 2" (Nancy Share, Fall 54), and "Vanguard Variorum" (Larry Shaw, May 46). Note that the two Telstars (yes, there are two different zines with that name) are both German language zines.
--1980s One Shots. Added 4 by Christina Lake: "Acrylic" (Jul 85), "Holiday Supplement" (Jan 84), "Snail's Countdown" (May 84) and "Soft Parade" (Mar 86). Provided for scanning by Christina Lake at Eastercon 2023. Thanks, Christina!
--Anakreon, John Boardman. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us filk apazine from 1990.
--British Fantasy Society Bulletin. Added 1 item by J. Michael Rosenblum - "British Fantasy Fan Federation Preliminary Bulletin 1", Mar 42. It reports the results of a questionnaire in FIDO on the creation of a proposed new Fantasy Society.
--BSFA Bulletin. Added a membership list from 1965-66.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #5 (Win 96). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Dragonburst, Christina Lake. Added the complete 3 issue run of this early 80s genzine. Contributors include Ian Sorensen and Simon Lake. Thanks to Christina for bringing these to Eastercon to be scanned, and for permission to put them online. Thanks, Chirstina!
--Jornada Post, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 00s. PDFs provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/5 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added early May, the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin. Added 10 more issues: Warren Buff - V9#3 (Aug 09); R.B. Cleary - V8#5-6 (Mar-Aug 04), V11#1-2 (Oct 22 - Mar 23); Jennifer Liang - V1#1-3 (Jul 13-Sep 15); Julie Wall - V7#12-13 (Mar-Jun 06). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the May issue. Thanks, George.
PDF conversions:
--Epsilon, Rob Hansen. Replaced #1-18 with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson.
--Fantasy_Advertiser, Gus Wilmorth and Roy Squires. Replaced 15 more issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson.
May 4, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bedlam, Mike Deckinger. Added #1 (61) and created a new index page for this. Issue #2 had been in the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come directory, and now I have moved it to the new index page. This 2-issue run is now complete.
--Fanews, Walt Dunkelberger. Added the Dec 45 "Fanews Photo Album". As you might expect, there are photos of notable fans, including a full page on Brooklyn fans, and one on fans in the service. There's also photographic evidence of Hoy Ping Pong's trip to the moon.
--Fan Polls and Awards. Added 2 nominating ballots for the Tucker Award. Read about it at
--First Fandom Publications, Dave Kyle. Added 2 special First Fandom News Letters from 98 and 99. Zines sent by Pat Sims after Roger passed. Thank you, Pat. (There's a short description of conflict among the ranks in the 99 issue.)
--Intermission Ahrvid Engholm. Added #132 (May 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--International Revolutionary Gardener, Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas. Added 4 issues. Zines provided for scanning by Joseph Nicholas at Eastercon 2023. Thanks, Joseph!
--KWS-Keep Watching the Skies, Pascal Thomas. Added 10 more issues of this French language zine. Added #65-74 (Jul 10-Sep 14) and #90 (Jan 23). PDFs provided by Pascal Thomas. Thanks, Pascal!
--Mercatorial Annual, Archie and Beryl Mercer. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us publication from 58-68.
--Musicals and Plays. Added 2 choice items: the original script for "FAANS", written by Larry Tucker and Randy Bathurst (80ish), and the script for "FANNS II" written by Leah Zeldes Smith and Larry Tucker (87). Both were provided by Pat Sims from Pat and Roger's collection. Thank you Pat.
--Paperback Inferno, Andy Sawyer. Added 3 more issues: #72-74 (Jun - Oct 88). Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin.
--SFOHA Publications. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us organization zine, ranging from the late 88s to 2006. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Tandstikkerzeitung, Don Markstein. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the mid 70s.
--Thurban, Warren Dennis. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1953, described by Fancyclopedia as a crudzine. Issue #3 does have the first part of a serial by Roger Zelazny, listed on the masthead as an assistant editor.
PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Degler!, Andrew Porter. Replaced the remaining issues we have (57) with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson for 53 of them.
--Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Replaced another 10 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Science Fiction Times, James Tuarasi. Replaced another 14 issues with searchable PDFs.
--WSFA Journal. Replaced 13 more issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributions by Darrah Chavey, David Dyer-Bennet, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Gary Mattingly, Bee Ostrowsky, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Geri Sullivan, Jan Vanek jr and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!
April 30, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Comme. Added 6 items: "Voice 2" from Leslie Croutch (Fall 45), "WAFE 1" from Kent McDaniel and Arnie Katz (Dec 63), "W'basket 8" from Calvin Demmon (Mar 64), "The Works 2" from Dave Locke (Feb 79), and "YDMOS 5" from Ben Indick (Oct 76) done for the 5th mailing of the Hyperborian League.
--1970s One Shots. Added 5 items: "Gunputty 1" and the photo supplement (Samuel Long, 1975), "JoeD's New Roomate" (JoeD Siclari, Jun 73), "Memories of Xmas 1972" (Rich Small, Jun 74), "Shelf Life" (Tom Perry, Nov 78).
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. added #128 (Apr 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--The Chattahoochee, Okefinokee and Ogeechee Occasional Gazette, Lee Hoffman. Added Nov 55.
--Degler!, Andrew Porter. Added 178/79 (Apr 67), which exists in addition to 178 and 179. This was combined with "the cosmic dustbug 4" (John Bangsund).
--Grayscale, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 9 issues of a new-to-us perzine from Jeanne Gomoll. These issues are from Apr 02 to Feb 04 and were distributed in an APA called Intercourse. Thanks to Jeanne for sending them to us. Thanks, Jeanne!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/28 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Never Quite Arriving, Christina Lake. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 1990s. Fanzines provided for scanning at Eastercon 2023. Thanks, Christina!
--fanzines/Paperback_Inferno, Andy Sawyer. Added 7 issues: 70-71 (Feb-Apr 88), 75-79 (Dec 88-Aug 89). Scans by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the April 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
PDF conversions: Degler, Andrew Porter. Replaced a few less than 50 issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Sam McDonald for letting me know that "Salvo" by Eric Bentcliffe is in two places - 1960s One Shots and in TAFF. I'll keep the best scan (which he says is the new one) but leave it in both places. Thanks, Sam!
--Psychotic, changed the date on the Psychotic Mashup. Thanks to Dave Renfro's detective work, we've now listed it as November 1956 (date approx). Thanks, Dave.
April 27, 2023
APA Mailings: You'll start to notice that the APA Mailing columns on fanzine index pages are becoming populated with links to the specific mailing where the zine appeared. Hooray for Mark Olson for providing the software to automatically generate the links! Now, there are three things you will see:
1. Ideal - the link takes you to the mailing page, and the zine you started with shows up in the list of zines that were in the mailing. Yay.
2. OK - the link takes you to the mailing page, but the zine you started with is not listed. Please be patient - the next time we regenerate the list of APA mailings, it will show up properly.
3. Slightly annoying - the link is not found. Please be patient - this fanzine was the first one we have that belongs in that mailing. The next time we generate the APA mailings, it will be there.
Many thanks to Mark Olson for the software.
YouTube: - Researching Science Fiction FanHistory (Pt2 of 2)- Rob Hansen, Andy Hooper, Mark Olson & Joe Siclari
Description: In this Part 2 video, discussion ranges from academia to our panelists' investigative techniques. When the primary resources are fanzines, researchers deal with first person accounts where "accuracy is not their primary virtue", although how different that is from other histories is questionable. Unsurprisingly, panelists share stories and findings, more sometimes with each other than the audience. Spoiler alert: John W. Campbell's mother was not an identical twin!...Particularly interesting is a segment on the place of anecdote in fan history, and for those interested in learning more, there's a "starter list" of readings. Audience Q&A forms the last portion of the recording, and with many of the audience experts in their own right, the questions (and answers) are first-rate.
Fan History References. Added "Science Fiction in East Germany, 1949-1982" by Richard Jasinski. The author writes from Poland.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 4 items: Eyetracks #1 (Walter Coslet, Nov 59), Bronc #16 (Eva Firestone, Apr 60), FAPA Booze #1 (Bob Tucker, Nov 55) and Irusaben #7 (Bob Silverberg, May 52). Interesting cover on the Bronc #16.
--1950s One Shots. Added "Voice of the Prophet 1" from Fred Prophet (Jul 58). Scan by Mark Olson.
--Boggs - Other Publications, Redd Boggs. Added 6 items in a new index page for miscellaneous Redd Boggs pubs. "Scintillas From World's End" (Aug 82) is 10 pages of his notebook jottings over the years. Sample: "39. I love to hear myself talk. I'm working on trying to find something to say.", "19. We have had to handicap women with high heels, flimsy stockings, slippery undergarments, dangling purses, and long flying hair else we could never keep up.". Warning: he starts by asserting that he was a male chauvinist long before the term was invented.
--Chapter Play, Bob Tucker. Added #3 (Feb 57).
--DUFF. Added 4 items: Altered Brands 1-3 (Janice Murray, 98-99), and the 1998 DUFF Ballot. These four were scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added 2 issues: Mar-Apr 2023 of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added #18 (Oct 92). This is also titled "The Gist of the Magicon" and is a 30 page convention report. Having been on the board for MagiCon (head of program), it's really fun to read this for the first time.
--Future Times. Added 7 issues of this clubzine from the Atlanta Science Fiction Society. Added V1#2-6 (Apr-Aug 98), V2#5 (May 99). These were edited by Ian Letendre. Also added V3#7 (Sep 00) edited by Bill Sides. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Head, Doug Bell and Chirstina Lake. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us UK fanzine. Thanks to Christina for bringing these to Eastercon for the scanning. Thanks, Christina!
--Lesser Flea, Joy Clarke. Added #7 (Jun 57). Scan by Mark Olson.
--Lillian-Other SFPA Zines. Added "Up the Darth Vator" from 1978. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Maneki-Neko, Bjo and John Trimble. Added 2 more issues of this fanzine "tuned to "inviting and beckoning" you to vote for LA in *68, but also we hope to interest you all in helping bank the money needed to bring Takumi Shibano to the convention in Los Angeles in 1968.". There was one issue in Trimble-Other Publications and that's now been moved.
--Musicals and Plays. Added "Fanotchka" by Andy Hooper. Fanotchka is a parody of Ernst Lubitsch 1939 film "Ninotchka". PDF supplied by Lenny Bailes. Thanks, Lenny.
--SFPA One Shots. Added "Watching the Candle Burn" by Lon Atkins (May 78). Scan by Mark Olson.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the April issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
April 23, 2023
YouTube:; Researching Science Fiction FanHistory (Pt1 of 2)- Rob Hansen, Andy Hooper, Mark Olson & Joe Siclari
Description: The first fan history was written by Jack Speer in 1939, and the most recent is the crowd-sourced, updated as of yesterday. The fan historians on our panel each focus in a very different way on fan history...Rob Hansen, author of "Then: Science Fiction Fandom in the UK", brings a UK centered perspective to global fandom, and Andy Hooper has deeply researched the first World Science Fiction convention, both publishing in the traditional way. Mark Olson and Joe Siclari are part of the FANAC Fan History project - Mark is chief editor of the crowd-sourced online, and Joe is the chairman behind the Fan History project, and in particular the driving force behind FANACs digital archive ( this Part 1 video, the panelists talk about how they became interested in fandom and fan history in particular, and the different approaches they have taken to recording and interpreting fan history. You'll hear about the creation of the first timeline of UK fan history, the nude figure with a dagger in each hand, and the tenuous but possible connection of fandom to the Zodiac killer...Perhaps most engrossing are the stories of contacts from non-fans, relatives of fans long gone. Some of these have no real understanding of what fandom was and is, but are seeking to learn about their relatives. There's even an anecdote about Warren Fitzgerald, the African-American fan who was the founding president of the Scienceers, the first first regularly meeting sf fan club which was started in 1929.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 3 items: "Blazon 2" from Keith Freeman (Jul 75), "Chocolates of Lust 2" from Phil Palmer (83), and "Some Days, the Bear Eats You" from Anne Hamill Warren (Jul 85). All 3 were provided by Geri Sullivan for scanning at Corflu Craic. Thanks, Geri!
--1930s One Shots. Added "My Time Annihilator 1" by Francis J. Litz (Sep 39).
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Allegory" by Jack Speer (Oct 45), and "The Rocket 1" by Walt Daugherty (Mar 40).
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: "D'Journal d'Art" by Richard Bergeron (Jan 53), and "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" by Lee Hoffman (55), subtitled "An Inadequate Convention Report". On inspection, this last is LeeH's Clevention report, and I will now go put it in conpubs too.
--1960s One Shots. Added 4 items: "Short Title 1" from Dave Hulan and Dave Locke (Aug 68), "So You Want to Be a Fan" from John Boardman (Jul 66), "bhob stewart and John Benson Talk with B. Krigstein" from bhob stewart and John Benson (63), and "Tomchats in the Dark" from Thomas Schluck (Sep 64).
--1970s One Shots. Added 6 items: "Silver Pipe" from Lon Atkins (Aug 71), "Star Begotten 1" from Steve Stiles (Aug 70), "Towards a Theory of Science Fiction" from John J. Pierce (71), "Will Fame & Fortune Spoil Great Scott?" from Rich Small (Sep 74), "Yesterday and Today" from Sheryl Birkhead (Aug 74) and "Zap" from Robert Briggs (sometime in the 70s).
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added #8.5 (Feb 60).
--Catch Trap, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added 2 issues: #90 (May 60) and 92 (Aug 60).
--De Profundis, Scott Beckstead. Added #324 (Jun 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--KWS, Pascal Thomas. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us French language fanzine. Zines provided by Pascal Thomas and scanned at Eastercon. Thanks, Pascal!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/21 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Middle April 2023 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Paperbak Inferno, Andy Sawyer for BSFA. Added 10 issues: #60-60 (Jun 86-Dec 87). Scans by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin!
--Thirsty Boots, John D. Berry. Added #15 (Nov 83). Issue provided by Geri Sullivan for scanning at Corflu Craic. Thanks, Geri.
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added #2 (Apr 23) of this letterzine. Thanks, Rich.
April 19, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 5 items: Blush, by John Foyster (Aug 69), Eclipse 1 by Greg Bear and Dan Garrett (Sum 67), Journal of the Henry James Appreciation Society by John Foyster (May 68), Richard E. Nixon, Man of Destiny by Bob Silverberg (Nov 60), and Salvo by Eric Bentcliffe (Spr 60). Eclipse is a one-of-a kind that Astrid found while going through Greg's papers. Greg was about 16 when this was done. Many thanks to Astrid for scanning it and sending it to us.
--Dark Toys, Taral Wayne. Added #74 (Apr 23). Per Taral, the previous issue was in Baloobius 10, so I've added this zine to the Baloobius index page. It's also a continuation of Broken Toys, so the numbering is a little eclectic. PDF provided by Taral. Thanks, Taral.
--Balloons Over Bristol, Christina Lake. Added the complete 14 issue run of this late 80s/90s fanzine. Thanks to Christina Lake for bringing these zines to Eastercon for scanning.
--Beer Cat Scratching, Alisdair Hepburn. Added 11 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 90s. Thanks to Alisdair Hepburn for bringing them to Eastercon for scanning. Thanks, Alisdair!
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added #151 (Oct 00). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Paperback Inferno. Added 5 issues: #49 edited by Joseph Nicholas (Aug 84); and edited by Andy Sawyer: 55-56 (Aug-Oct 85) and 58-59 (Feb-Apr 86). Scans by Kevin R. Smith for BSFA. Thanks, Kevin!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #19 (Dec 59). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 6 issues: 17-19 (Nov 16-Mar 17), 43 (Sep 20), 46 (Mar 21), and 48 (Jul 21). These issues via Bill Burns and e-fanzines Thanks, Bill. Thanks, Guy.
--Title Goes Here, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added "Title Goes Here 4" (Nov 97). This is part of the Mimosa index page. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Corrections and Clarifications: Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Thanks to Rob Hansen for finding some issue links that pointed to the wrong issues. Mea culpa - it happened when we replaced the jpgs with pdfs. Hooray for Rob finding this error. Thanks, Rob!
April 16, 2023
Reminder: Our next FanHistory Zoom will be April 22 at 4PM Eastern on "Researching (and Saving) Science Fiction Fan History", with Rob Hansen, Andy Hooper, Mark Olson and Joe Siclari. If you're not already on the zoom list and wish to attend, drop a note to
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the June issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--FTT aka Fuck the Tories, Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas. Scanned at Eastercon, we have uploaded the entire 21 issue run of this 80/90s fanzine. Originally a three continent production by Valma Brown and Leigh Edmonds, Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas, and Terry Hugues, by the 4th issue, the zine was done by Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas. Many thanks to Joseph Nicholas for both his permission and for bringing the zines to the convention to be scanned.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/14/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Paperback Inferno, Joseph Nicholas. Added 10 issues: #43-48 (Aug 83-Feb 85), #50-53 (Oct 84 - Apr 85). Scans by Kevin R. Smith for BSFA. Thanks, Kevin!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added 4 issues: #13-16 (Dec 57 - Win 58). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 6 issues: #1 (Jul 13), 4 (Sep 14), 8 (May 15), 11 (Dec 25), 14 (Apr 16), and #64 (Mar 23). All but the last one are via Bill Burns and e-fanzines Thanks, Bill. Thanks, Guy.
Corrections and Clarifications: Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Fixed an incorrect volume number on issue 16. Thanks to Mark Olson for the correction. Mark has found many other errors, but I won't torture everyone by listing them today.
April 12, 2023
At last, another update. Apologies for the delay - there was travel, and there was Covid during travel, and so there have been no updates lately. However, you can look forward to some scans done at Eastercon and Corflu being added to the site in the near future.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1970s One Shots. Added 5 items: "Columbia Fandom 1967-1972, the last shot" edited by Doug Carroll (Sep 72); "Everyfan's Guide to Auctions" from Jack Chalker (Jan 74); "Friends" from Rich Small (Jun 73); "Great Art Should Never be Mushed Up" from Fred Patten (Feb 70, with a title from Peanuts); and "Greatest Sensation of the Century" from Frank Denton (Oct 72).The piece by Jack Chalker has a cover and "graphic blandishment" by Tim Kirk.
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Atarantes was the clubzine of the Atlanta Science Fiction Club (ASFiC). Added 6 issues from Oct 81- September 82.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added V9#1 (Oct 45) edited by Jack Speer. The scan-from copy was not good.
--From Out of the Ashes, A Voice. Angela Howell, Laura Bulman, Laura Taylor and Rich Howell. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us clubzine from the Atlanta Science Fiction Club, all from 1983. Not sure when this one stopped publications.
--Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 2 issues: #62 (May 99), and #65 (Jul 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the March 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George.
--Masque Post Mortem, Bill Warren. Added #1 (Apr 2001). This 45 page zine was put together from material found in Bill Rotsler's home after his death.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 4 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Sorry to have gotten so far behind. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Of Members and Zines (and Egoboo Polls ), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added the Feb 74 issue. These are useful to researchers who want to know who the FAPA members were for the time period.
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added 5 issues of this clubzine: #235 (May 98), #248-249 (Jun-Jul 99), #264-265 (Oct-Nov 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--ScientiFiction, Jim Harmon. Added the Fall 2001 issue.
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added 2 issues: #1 (Dec 54) and #20 (Mar 60). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added #52 (Aug 63).
--Tripe Reportcard, Bruce Pelz. Added 4 of these postcards to the index page for Bruce's other postcard mailings - the Postcon Poctsarcd. Three of the Tripe Reportcards were scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the March 2023 issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the April 2023 issue. Thanks, George.
--Twink, E. B. Frohvet. Added 3 issues: #13-14 (May-Oct 99) and #19 (Oct 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Dagon, John Boardman. Thanks to Jon Singer for finding that several Dagons were giving 404s. Fixed now. He also found a problem with one of the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come zines, also fixed. Thanks, Jon!
--Genre Plat. Corrected a spelling error on Allyn Cadogan's name thanks to Sandra Bond. Thanks, Sandra!
--Janus, Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks to Roman Orszanski for finding page order problems with Janus 1 and sending us a corrected copy. Thanks, Roman! (And thanks for getting up very, very early to participate in the Zoom).
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all conpub scans are by Mark Olson.
---Anticipation added Hugo Awards English , Hugo Awards French , Restaurant Guide
---Aussiecon 4 added Hugo Awards Ceremony , Voice of the Koala
---Aussiecon Three added Zagreb in 1999 Eclipse Flyer, Zagreb in 1999 Flyer, Agenda for Preliminary Business Meeting
---BucConeer added Roadkill Gazette, Broadside #5, Multi-Purpose Order Form, Hugos voting ballot - 1998 Worldcon, Broadside #2
---Chicon 8 added Hugo Awards Ceremony , Program Participants Instructions
---Chicon 2000 added Chicago in 2000 Bid , Chicago in 2000 Bidding cards, Chicago 2000 Flyer
---ConFrancisco added Bid Flyer
---ConJose added SF in 2002 Flyer, Bookmark, Roswell in 2002 Worldcon bid flier, San Francisco or San Jose indecisive 2002 two sided flier
---Denvention 3 added Casa-de-Worldcon Hollister in 2008 Report-01, Casa-de-Worldcon Hollister in 2008 Report-02, Casa-de-Worldcon Hollister in 2008 Report-03, Casa-de-Worldcon Hollister in 2008 Report-04
---Discon III added Bid Flyer, Hugo Awards Ceremony , Newsletter H, Restaurant Guide, WSFS BM Rules of Order Help Sheet
---Dublin 2019 added Bid Booklet , Events Guide , Program Moderation Guides , Opening Ceremonies , Worldcon Philharmonic , Program Changes 1 , Program Changes 2 , Retro Hugo Ceremony
---Glasgow 2024 added Bid Booklet
---Intersection added Article about co-chair Vince Docherty from Oman newspaper
---L.A.con III added ASB Flyer, Blood-Drive, CassetteOrderForm, Dance, Dealers Room Directory, HospitalitySuite, PR 6, Program Grid, Stoat, Tor-Nesfa GoH Book Launch Flyer, Trivial Olympics
---L.A.con IV added Bid Flyer Badge List, Cross Worlds Puzzle, Hugo Awards Ceremony, Masquerade, Newsletter H, PR 0
---MidAmeriCon 2 added Hugo Awards Ceremoney, Susan Wood Booklet , Susan Wood Card , Code-Card , Program Participant Index , WSFS BM Rules of Order Sheet
---Nippon 2007 added Hugo Awards Ceremony - F. C. Moulton, Bid Flyer, Pocket Program Guide
---Torcon 3 added Incisors Report V3N2 Aug-Dec 1999, Chicago Bid Praty, Crossword Puzzle, Hugo Ceremony, Masquerade, News Article Globe And Mail 2003-08-27 PageR3, News Article Globe And Mail 2003-09-01 PageR1, Program Grid Monday, Program Grid Saturday, Program Grid Sunday, Program Grid Thursday, Torcon Issue of Devniad, Toronto in 03 one page flier
---Worldcon 76 in San Jose added Program Participant and Moderator Guide , Program Update , Promotional Card , Restaurant Guide
--Australian Natcon:
---Dudcon III added 2010 Dudcon III Badge and ribbon, 2010 Dudcon III Progress Report 1
---Swancon 18 added Progress Report 0, Progress Report 1, Progress Report 2, Progress Report 3, Progress Report 4, Progress Report Last, Souvenir Book
---Thylacon 1 added Badge, Progress Report 1, Souvenir Book
---Corflu 12 added Pry 3/Corflu 12 progress report December 1994
---Corflu 16 added Progress Report 3
---Corflu 24 added Progress Report 2, FAAn Award Votes 2007
---Corflu 25 added PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, Post-Con REport, Corflu Zed Seattle 2009, PR1, PR 3, PR 2, Program
---Ditto 14 added Fanhistoricon 11 two page flier
---Ditto 18 added One-page flyer
---Loscon 21 added Future History Revisionist 1, Future History Revisionist 2, Future History Revisionist 3 , Future History Revisionist 4, Future History Revisionist 5 Loscon 21 newszine Baden et al Nov 27 1994, Future History Revisionist 6 Loscon 21 newszine Baden et al December 31 1994
---Loscon XXVI added Flier
---CascadiaCon added Coffee Guide
---Conucopia added PR 3
---NorthAmeriCon '17 added Program Book, Program Grid
---Potlatch 4 added Program Book, Progress Report 3, Reading List
---Potlatch 13 added Program Guide
---Potlatch 15 added Program Book
---Potlatch 17 added Auction Guide
---Rivercon XXIII added Statement About the Future of Rivercon
---Smofcon 28 added SMOFcon San Jose Local Color and Dining Guide
---Conagerie added Los Angeles in 2002 Westercon bid flier
---Westercon 64 added Program Book , Dining-Guide
---Westercon 74 added ProgramGrid - F. C. Moulton
---WisCon 8 added Art Show ballot, F&SF Film Ratings, Mad Moose Gazette V8.3 (#1), Mad Moose Gazette V8.3 (#2), Program Book, Program Grid, Restaurant Guide, Survey
---WisCon 31 added Progress Report #1, Progress Report #2, Two sided postcard flier
---WisCon 39 added Program Book , Fan Resources , A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #1-3; Notes=Newsletter, Welcome Letter
March 19, 2023
Corrections and Clarifications: Credit for recent scans of Paperback Inferno goes to Kevin R. Smith. There have been two active Kevin Smiths in BSFA, and my apologies for not being explicit as to which Kevin Smith was providing scans. Thanks, Kevin R.!
YouTube: Feminism in 1970s/80s Fandom: Janice Bogstad, Jeanne Gomoll, and Lucy Huntzinger - Fandom in the 70s/80s saw real influence from people with a feminist perspective, from the creation of Wiscon to fanzines like Janus and Rude Bitch, and to raising awareness of the reality women experienced. What were the beginnings? How did Wiscon get started? Was fandom following popular culture or leading it? - Part 1 - Panelists Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll tell us about the creation of Janus, Wiscon and the Madison nexus of feminist thought in 70s fandom, and Lucy Huntzinger brings us into the 80s with the lamentably short-run Rude Bitch, and her other experiences in fandom as a feminist. Moderated by Edie Stern, webmaster, this intriguing panel reveals the unusual origins of Janus (and how the editor found out it was a fanzine!), the academic background brought to the discussions of women in science fiction, and some of the factors that made Madison the hotbed of feminist thought in fandom. These personal histories trace the growth of feminist discussion in broader fandom, and explore why fandom felt like a safe space for women. The panelists also discuss the sometimes negative reactions received...Wound through with personal anecdotes ("Will the real James Tiptree please stand up!", and the production of "The Emperor Norton Science Fiction Hour"), the discussion provides a window on an important area of science fiction fan history. - Part 2 - Panelists Jeanne, Lucy and Janice continue here with more on the reactions they received from others, and with the differences in being a feminist in fandom in the 70s and in the 80s...Part 2 has stories about dating approaches in fandom, the wonderful origins of Corflu, and a number of anecdotes (both serious and constructive as well as personal and funny) about well known women writers. There are charming anecdotes about Octavia Butler, Connie Willis, Sheri Tepper (and her rousing call to action on population growth), and Ursula Le Guin. You'll also hear about the origins and early days of the Tiptree Award, and its novel funding mechanism. Finally, there are audience comments and reminiscences including a true story about the Minneapolis chicken hat...This session is lots of fun, with a serious thread underlying it.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 8 items: Scoop 5, edited by B. Jay Cronin, Bruce Odesser and L. D. Levenberg (Apr 55); Scrapbook 6 edited by Arthur Hlavaty (Jun 85); Seetee 4 edited by William Knapheide (Win 51), Skiffle 4 edited by Steve Stiles (74); Snap 1 edited by Bill Kunkel and Arnie Katz (Spr 73); So What 3 edited by Rick Norwood (Aug 61); Spudnut 2 edited by Gary Deindorfer (93) and Starlanes 12 edited by Orma McCormick and Nan Gerding (53). Starlanes 12 is full of poetry, Seetee 4 (Official Publiction of Tellurian Sciencefictioneers) has a Ray Nelson cover and poem, and Scoop 5 is subtitled "An Idiotic Fanzine" - not the best recommendation.
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Atarantes was the clubzine of the Atlanta Science Fiction Club (ASFiC). Added 12 issues from Jul 80-Oct 81. Issue #50 was scanned by Cliff Biggers. Thanks, Cliff.
--Copeland- SFPA zines, Jeff Copeland. Added 1 more that had previously escaped me. "You've Got Mars from May 01. Scan was either by Jeff or by Rich Lynch. In any event, thanks!
--Day*Star, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added the Feb 60 issue, "Day-Star Presents Kerry-Toons".
--De Profundis. Added 3 issues: Mary Cantor: #334 (Oct 00); Scott Beckstead: #321 (Feb 99) and Tim Merrigan: #314 (Jul 98). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added #146 (Jul 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fan-Tods, Norman Francis Stanley. Added #12 (Fall 45).
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. Added #24 (Oct 45).
--Mag Without a Name, Walt Dunkelberger. Added 3 items: 1) Summer 45 2) Mag Without a Name Presents Fanews Second Annual (Oct 45), and 3) the Jan 46 issue.
--SF Newscope, Lawrence Ray Campbell. Added #4 (Dec 50).
--Reader and Collector, H.C. Koenig - Added V3#5 (Oct 45). This serious and constructive issue contains Chapter 1 of an article (book?) by Robert Butman, "Modern Mythological Fiction" with footnotes fro the Journal of American Folkore, Amazing Stories, Alvin Boyd Kuhn's "Theosopy", and others. "In modern mythological literature the scientific an d the cosmological symbolic aspects are combined in many ways"
--Scientifan, Joe Fortier. Added #2 (Jan 40) which contains a long article by Robert Lowndes with a detailed review of the fanzines of 1939.
--Tale of the 'Evans, E. Everett Evans. Added V3#4, titled "A Tour of the 'Evans" from Fall 45.
--WSFA Journal. Added 5 issues: Samuel Lebell - Aug, Dec 98; Lee Strong - Jan 91, Jul, Nov 92. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
PDF conversions: Degler!, Andrew Porter. Replaced 33 issues with searchable PDFs. Issues are within the range: 62-99, and all from 1965. PDFing and OCRing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
March 16, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--ASFA Publications. Added #2 (May 80), edited by Amelia Sefton and Freff.
--Asmodeus, Alan H. Pesetsky and Michael DeAngelis. Added #3 (Spr 52). Contributors include H.B. Fyfe, Milt Rothman, Bob Silverberg, Jerome Bixby and Mack Reynolds.
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Added 8 issues from 79-80 of this new-to-us zine, the clubzine of the Atlanta Science Fiction Club (ASFiC).
--Browsing, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added #1 (New Series) from Fall 45.
--Chat, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added #27 (Dec 79) of this zine of the Chattanooga SF Association. Thanks, Rich.
--De Profundis. Added 2 issues: 323 (May 99) edited by Scott Beckstead, and 354 (Jun 02) edited by Marty Cantor. Issue 354 is the Bruce Pelz Memorial issue. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fan-Dango, Francis T. Laney. Added #9 (Fall 45).
--Fan-Fare, W. Paul Ganley. Added V2#3-4 (May - Jul 51).
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 90s.
--Helen's Fantasia, Helon Wesson. Added 4 issues of this perzine: #18-19 (Feb-May 67), 22 (Nov 68) and the May 70 issue too. Leah Zeldes Smith posted on Facebook recently about Helen Wesson, as part of her series of historical femmefans.
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added Rich's letterzine, with LOCs on the first 5 isues of his "My Back Pages". Thanks, Rich.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue, and Dale's revised cumulative index. The index now covers up through issue 545 (!). Thanks, Dale.
--Paperback Inferno, Joseph Nicholas. Added 4 issues: V6#1-2, and V6#4-5. All issues from 82-83. Scans by Kevin Smith and BSFA. Thanks, Kevin.
--PAS-tell, Bjo Trimble. Added #21 (Oct 66).
--Phantasphere, Donald Wollheim. Added #3 (Nov 45).
--Sardonyx, L. R. Chauvenet. Added the last, brief issue of Sardonyx (Jun 45).
--TNFF, Don Miller. Added V27#3 (Mar 68).
Conpubs: Some scans and materials for scanning provided by Rich Lynch, Alan Stewart, Jeanne Gomoll, Ben Yalow, Rick Katze and F.C. Moulton. Remaining materials were scanned by Mark Olson.
---Anticipation added Reluctant Voyagers R
---Aussiecon Three added 1999 Aussiecon 3 Badges, 1999 Voice of the Platypus (A3 size before folding to A5 size), 1999 Program schedule, 1999 Program particpant correspondence (sample), 1999 bookmarks and return address labels, 1999 Advertising poster (A4 size), 1999 Advertising poster (A3 size), Daily schedules
---BucConeer added 1998-Program Update 1, 1998-Program Update 3, 1998-Program Update 4
---ConFrancisco added Pocket Program/Quick Reference Guide
---L.A.con III added Post-con Letter from Chairman Mike Glyer to LA Con III program participants
---Noreascon 4 added First Night Guide, Ham Radio Info
---Renovation added Alien Reefer, Masquerade, Music Night Wednesday, 2011-Program Changes
---Torcon II added Torcon 2 Pocket Program
---ArmadilloCon 8 added Program Book
--Australian Natcon:
---SpawnCon Two added Awards ballot, 1999 Spawncon Two Flyer
---SunCon added Business Meeting minutes, Fundraising flyer, Program Book, Progress Report 1, Progress Report 3, Progress Report 4
---Syncon '92 added Australian artists list, Badge and ticket, Syncon Book of Lists, Syncon Daily 2, Syncon Daily 3, Maps, Photos by Alan Stewart, Photos by Ken Moylan, Program, Progress Report 2, Progress Report 3, Progress Report 4-5, Progress Report 6, Souvenir Book
---Balticon 20 added Pocket Program
--Boskone: Boskone 11 added Art Show Ballot, Movies, Program Book, Seminars; Boskone 59 added Pocket Program
---Chattacon V added Updated two-sided flier
---ConFusion 101 added Contests, Program Book, Restaurant Guide
---Corflu 4 added Worlds of Corflu - progress report
---Corflu 29 added PR: 2012-03-16, PR: 2012-02-16
---Loscon XIV added Newsletter #1-2, Pocket Program
---Lunacon 17 added PR 1
---Midwestcon 48 added Two-sided flier
---Minicon 13 added Thingie
---Minicon 22 added flyer, Minicon Monthly V1.2
---Minicon 26 added Mailing, PR (incomplete)
---Minicon 27 added Mailing
---Minicon 34 added Booksellers Guide
---Conucopia added NASFiC Film Competition flier, Restaurant and Resources Guide, Warner Aspect party flier 1999
---Rivercon XXV added Two-sided flier
---Westercon 32 added Film Notes, How to Buy Art in the Art Show, Map, Newsletter with BM minutes, Party Notice, Program Book
--WisCon: Pubs provided by Jeanne Gomoll.
---WisCon 1 added Program Book
---WisCon 2 added Program Book & Janus 11
---WisCon 3 added Press Release, Program Book, Program Grid and Map, Flyer, Film Program, Pocket Program, Folded flyer
---WisCon 4 added Program Book, Flyer, Folded flyer
---WisCon 5 added Film Schedule, Folded Flyer, Pocket Program, Program Book, Program Survey, Publicity Survey
---WisCon 6 added Art Show Ballot, Film Schedule, Mad Moose Gazette #6.4, Mad Moose Gazette #6.5, Pocket Program, Program Book, Program Survey, Publicity Survey
---WisCon 7 added Mad Moose Gazette #7.4, Mad Moose Gazette #7.5, Pocket Program, Program Book
---WisCon 9 added Art Show ballot, Flyer layout, Program Book
---WisCon 13 added Mad Moose Gazette V13.3, Mad Moose Gazette V13.4, Mad Moose Gazette V13.5, Program Book, Restaurant Guide
---WisCon 15 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---WisCon 16 added Flyer, Pocket Program, Program Book
---WisCon 17 added Mad Moose Gazette V17.2, Mad Moose Gazette V17.3, Mad Moose Gazette V17.4, Membership Survey, Pocket Program, Program Book, Request for Volunteers
---WisCon 18 added Art Show Ballot, Mad Moose Gazette #3, Mad Moose Gazette #5, Mad Moose Gazette #6, Membership Survey, Pocket Program, Program Book, Program Evaluation
---WisCon 19 added Folded flyer #2, Folded flyer, Mad Moose #4, Pocket Program, Pre-con publicity #1, Pre-con publicity #2, Program Book, Restaurant Guide
---WisCon 33 added A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #1, Program Book, Brochure, Pocket Program, Progress Report, Desert Salon tickets, A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #2
---WisCon 39 added Pocket Program, Postcard flyer
---WisCon 40 added Pocket Program
---12th World Fantasy Convention added Pocket Program, PR 1, PR 2, PR 3
March 10, 2023
We sent out a Newsflash a few days ago (and the link is in the list below). Part of the flash was to brag that we have now exceeded 20,000 fanzines available on 20,000! If you didn't receive the Newsflash, and would like to, sign up on and you'll get the next one.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: Life of the Fan (Milt Rothman, 46) and Proclamation! (Aug 49).
--ASFA Newsletter. Added Mar 82, edited by Sheila Orick.
--AtoZ, Arthur Thomson. Added #2 (Sum 60). Illustrated by ATom!
--Dimensions, Harlan Ellison. Added 2 items of ephemera: "Science Fantasy Bulletin Announces Dimensions" (53) and "Invitation to Dimensions" (54).
--FANAC updates. Added the March 2023 Newsflash that went out on 3/8/23.
--Future Retrospective, Cliff and Susan Biggers. Added 14 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 70s. Contributors include Mike Glyer and Mike Weber. Thanks to Cliff Biggers for both his permission to put these online and for providing the scans. Thanks, Cliff!
--Hickman-Other Publications, Lynn Hickman. Added Badmouth 3 (Sum 71).
--Milty's Mag, Milton Rothman. Added 2 issues of this FAPAzine - #19-20 (Jul-Oct 45). The location listed for 19 is Paris; for 20 it's "All over Europe".
--Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 3 issues: #59 (Mar 99), #63-64 (May-Jun 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the late Feb 23 issue. Thank you, Ahrvid.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/3 and 3/10 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Paperback Inferno, Joseph Nicholas. Added 7 issues: V4#6, V5#1-6 all from 81-82. Scans by Kevin Smith for BSFA. Thanks, Kevin!
--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Added the Fall 1945 issue.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the March issue. Thanks, George.
--Vegas Fan Diary, Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the 90s. Lots of stuff on the Vegrants.
--WSFA Journal. added 4 issues, all edited by Samuel Lubell. Added today were Nov 98, and Feb, May and Jun 99. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
March 6, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans re by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 10 items: Bloodshot (Jon Magnus and Dick Clarkson, Jul 54), Cincinnati Fantasy Group (Don Ford, Jul 57), Earth Women's Burden (Karen Anderson and Djinn Faine, 1958), Lilith (Delcie Austin, Sum 53), A Modest Proposal (Walt Willis, 57), Potshot (Karen Anderson, Jun 55), STF Habba No #1 (Art Rapp, Dec 51), This #1 (Pete Graham, May 58), Twin Set (Ken Slater, Aug 54), Void #1 (George Clements, Nov 52). Some fun stuff here - Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson's "Earthman's Burden" came out in 1957; Earth Women's Burden is credited to Karen and Djinn Dickson-to-be. Potshot is not a one-shot, it's a potshot. STF Habba No is a carbonzine. Walt's "A Modest Proposal" sets the stage with "Moskowitz nodded to Korshk, who rose and fixed the gathering with a glassy stare "This Extraordinary Meeting of Elder Fans," he said, "has been called by the Policy Committee of the Secret League of Old BNFs".
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added the last 2 issues - #126 (Dec 22) and #127 (Feb 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--Alien, Vic Waldrop Jr. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1952. There's an early Joe Green piece in one of them.
--Alien Culture, Jim Leary. Added #4 (Oct 49).
--Canadian Fandom, Beak Taylor. Added #14 (Feb 48). Conributors include Fred Hurter and Leslie Croutch.
--De Profundis. Added 6 issues of De Profundis, the LASFS clubzine, from the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Ectoplasm, William J. Calabrese and Myles Callum. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1952.
--En Garde, Richard Schultz. Added #5.5, a supplement to #5 (Jan 69) of this related zine. The zine is focused on the TV show "The Avengers".
--Eye Tracks, George Locke. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1960.
--GUFF. Added 2 items: 1999 Ballot, and GUFFaw 2 (Paul Kincaid, Aug 99). Scans and GUFFaw OCR by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added what I think is #178, from early 1970s. He says that Kipple is getting too hard. Our scans show there was a big jump between 177 in Mar 70, and 179 in Oct 84.
--Rasterman Blues, Lenny Bailes. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title courtesy of Lenny Bailes and Thanks, Lenny. Thanks, Bill.
--Scarab, Fred Ross Burgess. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 40s. Poetry, fiction, reviews. Pavlat-Evans only lists #5, which we don't have.
--Variant World, Shel Deretchin. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 50s.
--Xenolith, Bill Bowers. Added #17, the script for FAANS by Larry Tucker and Randy Bathurst (which is on our youtube channel) from Mar 81.
Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out an updside page in Le Zombie 56. Fixed now. Thanks, Bee.
--Quip, Arnie Katz. Thanks to Sam McDonald, added a clarification that a supplement to #11, the "Fannish Worry Book", is often called Quip 11.5. Thanks, Sam.
--Warhoon, Richard Bergeron. Thanks to Bill Burns for letting me know about one bad link, and another 404 on the Warhoon index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Bill!
Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon added Australia in 75 Bid matches
---Aussiecon Three added Double sided bookmark flier, Flyer, Banquet menu, Banquet ticket, Hugo acceptor letter, Hugo nominee certificate, Hugo nominee letter, Hugo party invite
---Aussiecon Two added Melbourne in '85 Fundraising Calender 1 by Ashby
---BucConeer added Broadside #6 plus Pirate's Pocket Guide insert, program participant information letter, Program Update #5 09 Aug 1998, Site Selection Ballot from Bucconeer for choosing the 2001 Worldcon
---ConJose added San Francisco in 2002 flier
---LoneStarCon 2 added LSC 2 Flyer
---MidAmeriCon 2 added Tomorrow Is Now tri-fold brochure
---Millennium Philcon added Boston for Orlando in 2001 two sided bid flier, Boston for Orlando in 2001 FAQ, Flash pre-progress report, Orlando in 2001 flier
---Noreascon Two added PR 0, WSFS Business Meeting Minutes, Lobster Tales #1-12, N2 Dealers' Directory, N2 Film Info, N2 Pocket Program, N2 Program Supplement, The Noreascon Two Proceedings (hoax), WSFS Constitution as of August 1980
---Torcon 3 added Incisors Report 3 Torcon 3 bidzine Jan-July 1998, Incisors Report 4 Torcon 3 bidzine Aug-Dec 1998
---ArmadilloCon 10 added Program Book
---ArmadilloCon 17 added flyer
---ArmadilloCon XI added Program Book
---Balticon 57 added Two sided postcard flier
---Boskone 13 added Program Book
---Corflu 16 added 1999 Corflu final progress report, Progress Report 2
---DSC 36 added flier
---DSC 40 added Program Book
---DSC 60 added DSC60 and Other Destinations con report by Rich Lynch PDF direct conversion from MS Word file
---Disclave 21 added Program Book inserts, Program Book
---Ditto 10 added and Octocon 34 program and restaurant guide
---Ditto 11 added two-sided flier
---FanHistoriCon 5 added Program
---FSF 1995 added Program Book
---Loscon 25 added flier
---Loscon 48 added Loscon 48 one-shot conzine
---Loscon Fifteen added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Loscon XIV added Program Book
---Lunacon 18 added Pocket Program
---Lunacon 28 added Program Book
---Midwestcon 50 added Two-sided flier
---Minicon 25 added Restaurant Guide
---Minicon 28 added Pocket Program
---Minicon 30 added PR 1, PR 2, Pocket Program
---Minicon 31 added PR1.pdf; Notes=Two *really* big pages.., Pocket Program
---Mancon added Program uncredited 1952-10-05. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
---Conucopia added PR 1
---Norwescon IX added Pocket Program
---OryCon 13 added Pocket Program
---OryCon 14 added Pocket Program
---PgHLANGE IX added Flyer
---Philcon 1998 added Progress Report
---Rivercon XVI added PB, Pocket Program
---Rivercon XXIII added flier
---Rivercon XXV added Letter to Former Guests
---Tropicon XVII added flier
---Tropicon XVIII added Flier
---Westercon 41 added PR 4, Registration Form
---Westercon 46 added Pocket Program, Program Grid
---Westercon 48 added Pocket Program
March 1, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans re by Joe Siclari.
--Apollo, Joe Hensley and Lionel Innman. Added #2 (Nov 43).
--Centaur, Jack Chalker. Added Centaur 1 (Apr 60), aka the first issue of Mirage. The 2nd issue was named Kaleidoscope 2, and the third was named Mirage 3. It stayed Mirage after that. There's a John Berry article in this first issue. Adding the Centaur completes the run of Mirage.
--Conversation, Lynn Hickman. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title, both from 1960.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the January and February issues. Thanks, Leybl.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues: 195-197 (May-Nov 86), and 199-200 (May - Aug 87). All were by Seth Goldberg.
--Helen's Fantasia, Helen Wesson. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title. The zine ran for decades. These issues are from the 50s/60s.
--Imagination, Russ Hodgkins. Added #4 (Jan 38). Contributors include Forry Ackerman, Ray Bradbury and Henry Kuttner. There's also the text of a letter received by Forry Ackerman from H.P. Lovecraft. I believe this completes the run. Thanks to David Ritter, who noticed we were missing issue #4 and volunteered to provide scan. Thanks, David!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/24/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the late February issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the Feb 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry!
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added #27 (Apr 60).
--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Added #12 (May 60). This issue has photos on page 17 (that's 19 in the PDF).
--Pulsar. Added 3 issues of this, the clubzine of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Added #90 (Rosalind Malin, Apr 86), #91 (Pat Gulley, May 86), #157 (Arlene Hills-Peterson, Nov 91). Scans provided by Sam Butler. Thanks, Sam.
--Quip, Lenny Bailes and Arnie Katz. Added #1 (Fall 65), thereby completing the run.
--Random, Daphne Buckmaster. Added #1 (Sep 60), completing the run.
--ScoLar, Lars Bourne and Scotty Tapscott. Added the full 2 issue run of this 1959-60 fanzine, plus a letter from the editors.
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added #40 (May 69).
--Skoan, Calvin Demmon. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title, plus a letter from Rick Sneary sent for #13. All the issues are early 60s.
--STF maglet, Eva Jane Clevenger. Added 2 issues of this new to us title from 1948. The second is a little strange, as it is combined with Kar Mar (K.M. Carlson) and Nuzine (Ray Higgs) and the triplezine is only 6 pages long.
--T-Negative, Ruth Berman. Added the double issue #34-35 (Mar 79), completing the run.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the February issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George!
--Valapa, Bruce Pelz. Added 4 issues. I think this apazine is called Valapa - the title is written in Cyrillic, and Valapa is the best I can do with a transliteration. It was for ValAPA so it kind of makes sense. I tried to put this up with the file names having a Cyrillic set of characters. The server refused, my local code for prepping the index page refused. I gave up and now we have the fanzine "Valapa".
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added #57 (Feb 23).
PDF conversions: Degler!, Andrew Porter. Replaced the first 52 issues that we had on line with searchable PDFs. The issues are from 1964-65. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Bill Burns, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Ben McKenzie, Gregory Meyer, Joe Siclari, Leah Zeldes Smith, Ian Sorensen, and of course Mark Olson. T Thanks, all!
Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Bill Burns for spotting that Science Fiction Parade issue #6 was published at the end of the quarter and so my listing it as having been published at the beginning of the quarter introduced some errors in the Chron list. Fixed now. I think. Thanks, Bill!
February 25, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans re by Joe Siclari.
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added 4 issues of Bruce's FAPAzine: #19 (Nov 66), 22 (May 69), 28 (Feb 75), and 45 (May 98).
--Bullfrog Bugle, Lynn Hickman. Added 3 issues of Lynn's APAzie: 1 (Feb 59), 3 (59), and 5 (Jul 59).
--Bull Moose, Bill Morse. Added V2#1 (Feb 62) of this FAPAzine.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the January issue of this NFFF newsletter. Last week I realized that I had missed it, and George Phillies was kind enough to resend it. Thanks, George.
--Glamdring, Bruce Pelz. Added #2 (May 60).
--Moonshine, Len and June Moffatt. Added #37 (May 69).
--SLANder, Jan Sadler aka Jan Penney. Added one more issue (#1) of this 50s zine, and created an index page. A previous issue had been listed under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Now all moved to the new index page.
--SFSFS Shuttle, Carol Porter. Added #33 (the second issue marked #33) from Dec 87.
--Sparx, Henry Spelman. Added 2 issues: #7 (Jun 49) and #9 (Sep 49). Issue 9 is a special Isaac Asimov issue. Isaac was all of 29, and contributed a bibliography and a short article.
--The Sphere, Don Markstein. Added V48#1 (Apr 77) and V58#1 (Jan 79).
--Spinnaker Reach, Russell Chauvenet. Added #2 (Aug 60).
--Sun Spots, Gerry de la Ree. Added #26 (Fall 45). Contributors include Ralph Milne Farley, Harry Warner Jr., Manly Wade Wellman and William H. Evans.
--TAFF. Added 3 items: 1999 TAFF Ballot (Ulrika O'Brien and Maureen Kincaid Speller), TAFFkin's Bum 1 (Maureen Kincaid Speller, Jul 98) and TAFF Official (Avedon Carol, Jan 85). The TAFF Ballot and TAFFkin's Bum were scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Ur, Ellis Mills. Added #5 (Dec 58).
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 2 issues of the Coulson's FAPAzine: #7 (May 60) and 31 (Feb 69).
--Watling Street, Robert Lichtman. Added 7 issues of this SAPSzine: #7 (Jan 61), 9 (Jul 61), 10 (Oct 61), 12-13 (Apr-Jul 62), and 16-17 (Apr-Oct 63).
--Wild Heirs, Arnie & Joyce Katz, et al. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us genzine title from the 90s. Et al in this case: Bill Kunkel & Laurie Yates, Ken & Aileen Forman, JoHn & Karla Hardin, Tom Sprinker & Tammy Funk, Ben & Kathy Wilson, Ray & Marcy Waldie,Belle Augusta & Eric Davis, Peggy Kurilla, Ross Chamberlain, Woody Bernardi, Peggy Burke, Charles & Cora Burbee, William Rotsler and Chuch Harris. There are probably others who I have missed. Contributors include the editors (and that's quite enough) plus Rob Hansen, rich brown, and Ray Nelson. Issue #13, the annish, is 100 pages long.
February 22, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: Bilcyn 1 (Ken Slater, Mar 55), Ditmar Newsheet no. 1 (Peter Toluzzi, Dec 78), Etron 2 (Jim Schreiber, approx 1960), Phenotype (Dick Eney, approx 87), Shables 1 (Dave Locke and Ed Cagle, Feb 76) and Syllabus 1 (Shelby Vick, Aug 60). The Ditmar Newsheet was scanned by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Fantasy Amateur, Seth Goldberg. Added 11 issues: #183-184, 186-194 all fromMay 83 to Feb 86. Fantasy Amateur is the Official Organ of FAPA.
--Imagination!, Russ Hodgkins. Added 4 items from the 1930s: #3 (Dec 37), 6 (Mar 38), 12 (Sep 38) and "Imagination! Rejected - Council on Controversy". It's a treat to get these online, since most of our recent uploads have been from much later decades. Contributors include: Ray Harryhausen, Julius Schwartz, Charlie Hornig, Henry Kuttner, Oswald Bradbury, T. Bruce Yerke, Forry Ackerman, and Robert Bloch. I believe "Oswald Bradbury" is a penname for Ray Bradbury.
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Added 2 issues: #119 (Mar 65) and #125 (Jul 65).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/17/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Spectator. Added 2 issues of this, the OO of the Spectator Amateur Press Society. Added #42 (Nancy Share, Jan 58) and #87 (Buz and Elinor Busby, Apr 69).
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added 5 issues: #5 (68), 10 (70), 14-16 (Aug 71-Jan 72).
--Wooden Nickel, Arnie Katz. Added 12 issues of this new-to-us perzine from 1973. Well, one of them is called Wooden Pickle instead - "WOODEN PICKLE Volume 1 Number 7 Whole number 7 is catering in a lewd and lascivious manner to the prurient interest of 50 high-living fans By Arnie Katz."
Corrections/Clarifications: Leer, Charles Lee Riddle. Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out that the Dec 56 issue was in OMPA 10. Somehow, I had missed checking Vince Clarke's OMPA listing for its first 5 years. Thanks, Sandra!
February 16, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Camber, Fred Robinson. Added #2 (Fall 53). Most of this title was edited by Alan Dodd, but this one was done by Fred J. Robinson. Thanks to Rob Hansen for noticing that we were missing #2 when we added the others, and scanning one of the missing issues. Thanks, Rob!
--Cinder, Jim Ashe. Added #7 (May 68).
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the February issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George.
--Lark, Bill Danner. Added 2 issues of this FAPAzine: Mar and Oct 1960.
--Leer, Charles Lee Riddle. Added the December 56 issue of this OMPAzine. Contributors include Robert Bloch and Jim Harmon. I'm not sure which OMPA mailings the issues appeared in, but I can assign some FAPA mailing numbers. More as we find out...
--Les Spinge, Darroll Pardoe. Added #23 (Jan 71).
--Lines of Occurrence, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #3 (80). Scan by Mark Olson.
--New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added 6 issues of Ned's apazine: #2 (Jul 76), 49 (May 77), 58-59 (Nov 78-Jan79), 81 (Feb 83) and a 2 pager called "Another M-4!" from Oct 78, about his acquisition of a RexRotary #4 at a junk sale.
--Noise Level, John Brunner. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine by author John Brunner.
--Oz, Beryl Mercer. Added 2 issues: #8-9 (Jun-Dec 68).
--Pogrom, John Brunner. Added 3 issues of another new-to-us John Brunner OMPAzine, these all from 1955.
--Pooka, Don Ford. Added 3 issues of this OMPAzine: #1 (Dec 55), #6 (Jun 57) and #8 (Mar 59).
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added 4 issues of this clubzine: #244-246 (Feb-May 99) and 262 (Aug 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Revoltin' Development, Martin Alger. Added 2 issues: #10 (Nov 52) and Sep 53. Scans by Mark Olson.Thanks, Mark.
--Spent Brass, Andy Hooper and Carrie Root. Added #20 (Aug 93). --Waftage, Vic Ryan. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the early 60s.
--Whatsit, Ken Cheslin. Added #15 (Dec 68). Ooh - a color cover.
--WSFA Journal, Sam Lubell. Added 2 issues from the late 90s: Mar 98 and Mar 99. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Zymic, Vince Clarke. Added #1 (Sep 54), done for the first mailing of OMPA. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
February 14, 2023
YouTube Zoom: New York Fandom in the 70s (Pt 1)- Moshe Feder, Jerry Kaufman, Andy Porter, and Steve Rosenstein
The story of New York fandom is fascinating, from its Worldcon in the 60s to fragmentation and multiple fannish groups in the 70s. In this 2023 Zoom recording, ably moderated by FANAC chair Joe Siclari, our panelists provide a fond and anecdotal recounting of their decades of experience in New York fandom. In this part 1 (of 2) you'll hear how they came into fandom (including the value of having a big name pro last name), the true meaning of Kratophany, and what the Avocado Pit really was. There's background on the many NY clubs of the era from Fanoclasts to Fistfa to Lunarians and SFFSAQC (this last founded by one of our speakers). There are personal anecdotes of Isaac Asimov, and the lengths that Jack Chalker went to in order to attend Lunarians while living in Baltimore. This video has plenty more - from the questionable respectability of the NYU club to why Moshe was cautioned not to sing along to "The Music Man" on Broadway to the first live fanzine, Spanish Inquisition and Stu Shiffman's exquisite mastery of on-stencil art.
-- Part 2
In this part 2 (of 2), the session continues, beginning with how Star Trek conventions got started, modeled on the local traditional convention, Lunacon. Anecdotes include why a township in NJ paid bus fare for the actors in Trek-a-Star, how PBS was involved with the naming of Omni magazine, and all about Bunnycon, the get out of jail free convention . There are stories about SFExpo, Tesser-time, and the fanzine epicenter of New York - Brooklyn. You ll even hear why Moshe Feder, head of the Omnivores, could never be a Gastrognome. Towards the end of the video, there are comments from attendees, many of whom could easily have been panelists.
These are stories that really convey what it was like to be a fan in the 70s.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--As the Crow Flies, Frank Denton. Added #1 (Aug 97). Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 10 issues of John's apazine. Added: #371 (May 88), 373-376 (May-Jul 88), 302 (Jan 90), 408-410 (May-Jun 90), 412 (Aug 90).
--DamnYankee, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues: 14 (May 67) and 18 (May 68).
--Entmoot, Greg Shaw. Added #4 (66). Contributors include Ted Johnstone and Felice Rolfe.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 4 issues: #6 (Nov 60), 32 (Nov 70), #142 (Jul 98) and 145 (Apr 99). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans for 142 and 145 provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues: Ed Cox - 177-179 (Nov 81 - May 82); Seth Goldberg - 181-182 (Nov 82-Feb 83).
--Geis Letter Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 4 issues: 51 (Aug 98), 58 (Feb 99), 60-61 (Apr 99). Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added the double issues 26-27 (Jul 98). Contributors include David Lake, Doug Barbour, and Irwin Hirsh. Scan provided by Bruce Gillespie (and suggested by Leigh Edmonds). Thanks Leigh, and thanks Bruce!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #2 (Mar 55). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 2 issues: #134 edited by Shirlene Ananayo (May 98) and 137 edited by Mal Barker (Jan 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Timebound, David Sooby. Added V24#7 (Sep 00). Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Vagary, Roberta Gray. Added 3 issues: #19-20 (Jun-Sep 64), and 25 (Oct 72).
--Whistlestar, Len Bailes. Added #4 (89). Contributors include Jeanne Bowman, Ted White, Dan Steffan and Stu Shiffman.
--Wild Colonial Boy, John Foyster. Added 5 issues of this apazine: #2 (Jan 63), 4 (Oct 63), 8 (Jul 64), 15 (Jan 60) and 36 (Aug 70).
--WRR, Otto Pfeiffer. Added #3 (59). And now we know that WRR stands for "Westercon Regression Report".
February 12, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Amble, Archie Mercer. Added 3 issues: #2 (Jun 60), #14 (Jun 63) and #17 (Mar 64).
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 11 issues of John's perzine: #361-370 (Oct 87 - Apr 88). There are two "extra" issues announcing the birth of grandchildren.
--Different, Sam Moskowitz. Added 3 issues of this perzine: V2#1-2 (Oct 58-Oct 60), and V3#4 (Nov 70). This V3#4 is the second of that designation. The first one is also online, dated Oct 69.
--Esprit, Daphne Buckmaster. Added #1 (Dec 54).
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added 4 issues - #119-121 (Mar-Apr 67), and 164 (May 69).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/10 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added #10 (Sep 60).
--Off Trails, Beryl Mercer. Added 3 issues to this title, the official organ of OMPA - the Offtrails Magazine Publishers Association. Added:#52-53 (Dec 68-Mar 69), 56 (Jan 70).
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the early February issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Poor Richard's Almanac, rich brown. Added 3 issues of this APAzine: #7-8 (Feb-May 60), and 10 (Aug 60).
--Sirruish, David Hall and Hank Luttrell. Added the July 65 issue.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added 4 issues: #88-90 (Apr-Oct 58) and 107 (Jul 74).
--Spiane, Len and June Moffatt, Rick Sneary. Added 3 issues of this 60s apazine.
--Starling, Hank Luttrell. Added 3 issues: #6 (66), and 8-9 (Jul 66-Feb 67).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the February issue. Thanks, George.
--WRR, Otto Pfeiffer. Added 2 issues: V2#6-7 (Jun-Nov 60). Contributors include Wally Weber and Bjo Trimble.
February 7, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Binx, Dean Grennell. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from 1966.
--fanzines/Bull_Moose, Bill Morse. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the late 50s/early 60s.
--Burp, Ron Bennett. Added #19-20 (Mar-Jun 61).
--DamnYankee, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this SFPAzine from the 60s. The title is "DamnYankee" with no space in the middle as far as I can tell.Thanks to Arnie Katz for his permission to put his zines online, to Cathy Matthews for passing the word, and to Lenny Bailes for arranging it all. Thanks, guys!
--DR/Dillinger Relic/Derogatory Reference, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 4 of this perzine series - Dilinger Relic 58-59 (88), DR 64 (90), Derogatory Reference 67 (90).
--Excelsior, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this SAPSzine from the mid 60s.
--Fanstuff, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the 2010s.
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added #12 )74).
--Melikaphkhaz, Lon Atkins. Added #7 (Nov 66) and #59 (Mar 79).
--Moonshine, Len Moffatt, Rick Sneary and Stan Woolston. Added 13 issues with various combinations of editors. Added: #9-16 (Win 48-Nov 49), 18 (Aug 50), 20 (May 53), and 25-26 (Nov 58-May 59). Also added a 1956 issue marked "Nycon II Memory Book Edition". There's a little uncertainty on dates for a couple of the issues, and those are marked in the notes.
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming and Gary Kl pfel. Added #106 (May 69). This is a German lanaguage zine.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Lunar New Year issue. This should have gone up a couple weeks ago. Sorry, Dale and thanks for the reminder.
--Quark, Lesleigh Couch and Chris Couch. Added 3 issues: #2 (Apr 67), 4 (Oct 67) and 9 (Jan 69). Contributors include Hank Luttrell and Jerry Kaufman.
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added 2 issues: #4 (Nov 60) and #25 (Feb 67) of this FAPAzine.
February 5, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Anvil. Added 3 issues: Wade Gilbreath: #5-6 (Mar-May 79); dburden and Jim Cobb (Nov 81).
--Asp, Bill Donaho. Added #9 (Feb 67).
--Bullfrog Bugle, Lynn Hickman. Added 3 issues and an index page for this. We had had one issue under Hickman-Other Publications and that's been relocated here. Issue #4 (May 59) has a brief article about "First Fandom", explaining what it's all about.
--Blitherings, Chan Davis. Added #7 (Fall 46).
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #14 (Spr 01). We had a subset of this online already, with Challenger 14 Selections as they appeared in SFPA 224. In today's addition, you can read the additional 55 pages of Challenger that weren't run through SFPA.
--Crifanac, Tom Reamy. Added #6 (58). Contributors include Harlan Ellison, Charles Beaumont, and Greg Benford. There's also a fine Kelly Freas cover.
--Day*Star, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added #1 (Nov 54) and #27, coedited with Walter Breen (Aug 66).
--Dilemma, Jackie Franke. Added #5 (Apr 74).
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 9 issues of the FAPA official organ. Gregg Calkins: #108 (Aug 64), Bruce Pelz: #109-114, 116 (Nov 64-Aug 66), and Seth Goldberg: #232 (Aug 95). Not necessarily good reading, but valuable for researchers we believe.
--First Fandom Publications. Added 2 items, both edited by Joseph Martino: ScientiFiction (New Series) 3-4 (04) and 6 (05).
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 2 items: #4-17 and 18 (Nov 57- Feb 58).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #129 (Jan 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Feb 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George.
--Kaymar, K. Martin Carlson. Added the September 62 issue.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/3 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added #4 (May 56).
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added #13 (Feb 60).
--Pooka, Don Ford. Added #9 (Dec 59).
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added 3 issues of this Portland area clubzine. #237-8 (Jul-Aug 98) and #247 (May 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Added #16 (Dec 50).
--Sinisterra. Added #8, edited by Burnett Toskey, Elinor Busby, F.M. Busby, G.M. Carr, Wally Weber, and Otto Pfeifer. Contributors include Burnett Toskey, G.M. Carr, Elinor Busby, F.M. Busby, and Wally Weber. There's also a piece by Jack Speer under the name John A. Bristol.
--Spaceship, Bob Silverberg. Added #16 (Jul 52).
--Spinnaker Reach, Russell Chauvenet. Added #7 (Feb 67).
--Steam, Ken Bulmer. Added V5#1 (Dec 59). It's short.
--Tigger, Marc Ortlieb. Added #13 (Jun 85).
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #26 (Aug 66).
--Winnie the P.O.O, Felice Rolf and Michael Ward. Added #11 (Jul 68).
Corrections/Clarifications:Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky, changed the date on Blitherings #3 from Winter to Dec 44. The fanzine is marked "Winter, but given the confusion about which winter fanzines marked "Winter" actually belong in, a date of December makes more sense. At least it falls chronologically where it should. Thanks, Bee.
Fancyclopedia: And a belated thanks to John Purcell for his contributions to Fancy.
February 1, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 9 items: AW 1 (Dean Grennell, 74), Blue BEM Comics 2 (Joe Kennedy, Spr 48), Defenstration 5 (David Singer, 83), Defolade 2 (Bill Donaho, Apr 61), Fantasy Artisans (Frank Dietz, Aug 50), Metrofen 3 (Leslie Gerber, Dec 59) Micron 5 (Jack Riggs, May 50) Morph 29 (John Roles, Win 62) and Muzzy 7 (Claude Hall, Sum 55). I think Fantasy Artisans is Aug 50 - that's the latest date I could find in it. Fantasy Artisans is a report to members of the "Fantasy Artisans Club", founded in 1947 as a "club of and for the amateur and semi-pro artists and authors in science fiction fandom." Metrofen 3 is "unnofficial organ of Metropolitan Fandom, if such exists still. (Don't laugh; as I type this, I don't know.)"
--Bete Noire, Redd Boggs. Added #23 (Sum 72).
--Fantasias, Dick English. Added #5 (53), and created an index page for this title. We had had one issue up on 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, and now they are both on this index page.
--Melange, John and Bjo Trimble. Added #4 (May 62).
--No Award, Marty Cantor.Added #3 (98) and 16 (Sum 06). Contributors include Mike Glyer, Bruce Pelz, Ed Green, Brad Foster, and Alexis Gilliland.
--Plenum, Milt Rothman. Added #9 (May 48).
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added 3 issues - #29 (Aug 66), 31-32 (Feb-May 67).
--The Southerner. Added 3 issues: Don Markstein - #52 (Feb 73). 54 (Jul 73); Gary Brown - #77 (May 77). This is the Official Organ of SFPA.
--SFC Bulletin, Meade Frierson. Added #3 (Sep 71).
--Space Junk, Rich Coad. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 70s/early 80s. Contributors include Bill Gibson, Mike Glicksohn, Tim Kyger, Joseph Nicholas, Dan Steffan, Jeanne Bowman, and Dave Langford. Thanks to Rich for his permission to put these online at Thanks, Rich!
--Special Series, Rich Small and Brad Linaweaver. Added 2 issues from the early 1970s.
--The Spectator. Added 3 issues: #21, edited by Gordon Black (Oct 52), #84 edited by Buz and Elinor Busby (Jul 68), and #105 edited by Jim and Doreen Webbert (Oct 73). This is the Official Organ of SAPS.
--Spent Brass, Andrew Hooper and Carol Root. Added 10 more issues of Andy and Carrie's perzine. Issues with whole numbers over 12 were added today.
--Spinnaker Reach, Russell Chauvenet. Added a second V2#2, this one from Feb 64.
--Spirochete Redd Boggs. Added #59 (Feb 92).
--TAFF. Added the 1998 ballot, US to Europe version.
--Vinegar Worm, Bob Leman. Added #15 (Nov 65).
--WRR, Otto Pfeiffer. Added V3#1 (Feb 61). Contributors include John Berry, Wally Weber, and Don Franson.
--YHOS, Art Widner. Added #63 (Apr 06).
Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for pointing out dead publication links in the "Other Conventions", especially Philcon. Some of these are now fixed. Remember, all our convention pubs can now found at
PDF conversions: Trip Reports. Apologies if these are in multiple places. Our reorganization of fan fund related pubs may have missed a few. Added PDF replacements for Lesleigh's Adventures Down Under (Lesleigh Luttrell) and From the Prying FFANZ into the Foyer (Rex Thompson).
January 29, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Bletherings, Ethel Lindsay. Added 2 issues: #26 (61), #35 (Mar 64).
--Glamdring, Bruce Pelz. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from 1968. Bruce catalogued other fanzines in Glamdring. I'll also list it in the References.
--Leftovers, John and Perdita Boardman. Added what we believe to be the full 5 issue run of this 67-68 zine.
--Lunacy, Roger and John Rehm, John Cockroft, and George Caldwell. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 40s.For some of the issues, we're not entirely sure of the publication date (and neither is Pavlat-Evans). We are also not entirely sure of the editors. It took a little searching to figure out who the "Rehmites" were. If you have a better sense of it, please let me know.
--The Medway Journal, Tony Thorne and Brian Lewis. Added issue #3 (May 53) and created an index page, pulling one other issue from the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come index.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 1/27/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--OSFAn. Added V2#6 (Apr 70) edited by Chester Z. Malon Jr, Sally Watson and Jay Rikosh,
--Revoltin' Development, Martin Alger. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title.
--SFSFS Shuttle, Shirlene Ananayo. Added #105 (Dec 93).
--SH-SF Fanthology, Ruth Berman. Added 2 more issues of this Fanthology series dedicated to writing on Sherlock Holmes in fanzines. It was published for the Professor Challenger Society in the 60s/70s. Contributors include Robert Bloch, Dick Eney, Dick Lupoff and Bruce Pelz.
--The Southerner, Don Markstein. Added #53 (Jun 73). This is the Official Organ of SFPA.
--The Spectator. Added #34, edited by Karen Anderson from Jan 56. This is the Official Organ of SAPS.
--Spent Brass, Andrew Hooper and Carol Root. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us-title from the late 80s/early 90s. Thanks to Andy and Carrie for their permission to archive this zine.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the January issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--WRR, Otto Pfeiffer. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the late 50's-60s. Contributors include Len Moffatt, John Berry, Buck Coulson, Bruze Pelz, Joe Green and Wally Weber.
Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Darrah Chavey, Barry Gold, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Michael Lowrey, Laurie Mann, Bee Ostrowsky, Profgeek54, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr and of course, Mark Olson. Apologies for the username in the list. I'll give credit again if/when I learn the name.
Corrections/Clarifications: And the first error report comes from Joe Siclari who points out that BSFan 13 was edited by ELAINE Stiles and not STEVE Stiles. Fixed now. Thanks, Joe.
January 25, 2023
References and the new approach: I should have mentioned in the last update that the reference section has been revamped. There are now three index pages, structured somewhat like the fanzine index pages are structured. We have a page for Fan Histories, a page for fannish bibliographies of professional publications, and a page for everything else - There are shortcuts at the top so you can find what you're looking for. With this new organization, you'll find that the references now appear in the alphabetical, chrono, and by editor listings. I've also added an index page for the older editions of Fancyclopedia at
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Crifanac, Orville Mosher and Tom Reamy. Aded 2 items by Orville Mosher: #1 (Jan 55), and a supplement (Sep 55).
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 5 issues: #71-75(Oct 68).
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 4 issues: V24#4 (Marion Bradley, Aug 61) V25#1 (Charles Burbee, Nov 61) and two edited by Gregg Calkins - V34#3 (May 71) and V36#3 (May 73).
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 2 issues of this early 60s APAzine.
--Motley, Bjo Trimble. Added 2 issues of this Motley. The short run perzine was intended to get folks to write letters to children in a school for the deaf. (We also have another Motley - this one a longer running perzine by Jim Bedford.) --Sam, Steve Stiles. Added #15 (Spr 83).
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added #18 (Jun 72). A little poetry, fanzine reviews, movies, and classy illos.
--Scribble, Colin Freeman. Added #2 (Oct 60), 4-5 (Feb-Apr 61).
--Slow Djinn, Dave Locke. Added 15 issues: #50-53 (Feb-Aug 88), 73-75 (Dec 91-Apr 92), 77-80 (Aug 92-Feb 93), 83-85 (Aug -Dec 93). There's a supplement in there too.
--Space Wastrel, Mark Loney, Julian Warner and Michelle Muijsert. Added 3 issues: #V2#4 (Sep 86), V2#7 (Apr 87), and V2#9A (Jan 88). Contributors include Dave Luckett and Paul Skelton.
--Spinnaker Reach, Russel Chauvenet. Added 3: V1#1 (May 60), V2#1-2 (Oct 61-Feb 62).
--Stf Trends, Lynn Hickman. Added 4 items: #10 (Jan 53), 12-13 (Mar-Apr 53), and #20 (May 55). The date on 20 is an approximation. It was combined with Tailgate (George Young) and the May 55 date is on the Tailgate content.
--Thanks to Sam McDonald for spotting a duplicate issue of Burp. And, oh, yeah, it shouldn't have been in the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come because we already had more, including that one. Mea culpa. Fixed now. Thanks, Sam.
--Thanks to Sandra Bond for spotting typos in the years on some of the newly uploaded Spirochetes. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra.
January 21, 2023
Hey, check out the logo on the individual fanzine index pages. Thanks to Geri Sullivan for providing a lovely, cleaned-up stacked logo for us to use. Thanks, Geri!
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 7 items in today's load: Bedlam 2 (Mike Deckinger, Dec 61), BSFan 13 (Steve Stiles, Jan 84), Burp 24 (Ron Bennett, Dec 64), Cap'n Ro's Whizz Bang #5 (Ro Nagey, 74), Circletter 5 (Dan Curran, Dave Foley, Jul 54), Clarges 3 (Lon Atkins, Aug 65), and Pegasus 7 (Joanne Burger, Feb 71). Contributors to Cap'N Ro include Ted Reynolds, Cy Chauvin, Randy Bathurst and Don D'Ammassa.
--Goliard, Karen Anderson. Added #848 (Feb 75).
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added #83 (Jan 66).
--Melange, Bjo and John Trimble. Added #1 (Nov 60) of this FAPAzine.
--Moonshine, Len & June Moffatt, and Stan Woolston. Added #35 (May 68).
--Pointing Vector, John Boardman. Added 19 items - several supplements plus issues 7-9 (Feb-Jun 62), 11-12 (Oct 62), 14-15 (Jan-Apr 63), 17-19 (Aug 63-Feb 64), 12-25 (Aug 64-Aug 65). Note: there is a lot of politics in these, along with other nonfannish stuff.
--Potlatch, Joyce Katz. Added #7-8 (Oct 71-Feb 72). Contributors include Bob Tucker and Bjo Trimble.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added #64 (Oct 59).
--Space Wastrel, Michelle Mujisert, Mark Loney and Julian Warner. Added V2#2 (Mar 86). Contributors include Ian Nicholls and Dave Luckett.
--The SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added #5 (Oct 59), a massive 102 page issue. --Spirochete, Redd Boggs. Added 27 issues of this APAzine: 2-18 (Nov 64-Sep 69), 41 (Aug 87), 49 (Aug 89), 56-57 (May-Aug 91), 63-65 (Feb-Aug 93), 67 (Feb 94), 69 (Aug 94) and #73 (Aug 95).
Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for catching a fanzine name error in the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. As Bee rightly points out, it is "Cluster" and not "Custer". Fixed now in the list. We'll see if we can get the metadata fixed too Thanks, Bee!
January 18, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Catch Trap, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added 2 issues of Marion's FAPA mailing comment zine from the early 60s. Per Fancyclopedia, an issue was numbered based on the FAPA mailing on which it was commenting.
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 12 items: #657-667 (Oct 14-Sep 15). There's a supplement to #662 in the batch.
--Lethe, Jack Riggs. Added 4 issues: #1-2 (Jul 44-Apr 46), 5-6 (Jan-May 47). Issue 1 was codedited by Louis C. Smith, Jack Riggs and Larry Smith, but near as I can tell the others were Riggs alone. Tigrina is a contributor. Regarding issue 1, "FRONTISPIECE Mlmeo-Block-Prlnt. The Most Colorful Fan Illustration Ever Published." It's still very bright, all these years later.
--Lan's Lantern, Lan Laskowski. Added 8 issues (totaling over 1000 pages): #31 (Aug 89), #35-6 (Dec 90-Mar 91), #39-41 (Aug 81-Jul 93), 43 (Mar 95) and 45 (Oct 97). Way too many contributors to list, but that list includes Thomas Easton, Laura Resnick, Jack Williamson, Michael Kube-McDowell, Gordon Dickson, Teddy Harvia, Mike Resnick, Martha Soukup, and Lois McMaster Bujold.
--Lines of Occurrence, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 80s. Thanks to Arthur for his permission to archive his zines. Thanks, Arthur!
--Maybe, Irwin Koch. Added 2 issues: #9 (Dec 70), and #20 (72).
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added 3 issues, each of which is dated only by the year. Added 1956, 1984 and 1986.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added #49 (Feb 73).
--Pablo Lennis, John Thiel. Added 2 issues: #11 (76), and #3 (2nd series?, May 86).
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 2 issues: #33-34 (Jul-Oct 61).
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the ltest - Jan 23. Thanks, Perry.
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added 2 issues: #22 (Oct 61) and #40 (Apr 66).
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added 3 issues of Bob's fanzine "Sandworm", a title that's new to us.
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added #18 (Nov 63).
Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Geri Sullivan for spotting a blank page for our chron list where there should have been numbingly long content. Apparently, I had a failure during upload and missed spotting it. Thanks, Geri!
January 15, 2023
You may notice that the navigation buttons are looking a little different. The references, Fancyclopedia buttons and miscellaneous other topics are now under "More". This may not be the Navigation bar's final form, but we'll settle on a standard soon. Thanks for your patience.
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 12 items: Amnesia 1 - Bob Lichtman (Aug 61); Bathtub Gin - Richard Lupoff, rich brown and Steve Stiles (65); Dark As A Dungeon 1 - Buck and Juanita Coulson (Dec 61); Figment of a Dream - David H. Keller and Jack Chalker (Dec 62); FORRY! 50th birthday zine - Fred Patten (66); Great White Also - Fred Patten (68); Grendel - John Foyster (Apr 62); Mobius Strip 1 - R. & D. Buckmaster and Chris Miller (Sep 60); Not Quite a Teapot - Bill Donaho (Jun 65); Pleiades Pimples - Bob Tucker (Jan 60); Where Have All the Misfits Gone? - uncredited (66), and The Zinephobic Eye - Mike Glicksohn (undated but 60s). Have a good look at FORRY!, the 50th birthday zine. It has letters from Robert Moore Williams, Brian Aldiss, Edmond and Leigh Brackett Hamilton, Isaac Asimov, Doc Lowndes, and others, plus articles by Len Moffatt, Ted Carnell, Earl and Nancy Kemp, William Nolan, Ray Bradbury, Walter Ernsting, and many more. Very cool, especially as it was done for a surprise present for 4sj and for the guests at the Testimonial Banquet in his honor. Note: Pleiades Pimples was scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Foofaraw, Fred Patten. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 60s.
--Garage Floor, Larry Stark and Jean Young. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the '50s.
--Grulzak, Joe Kennedy. Created an index page and added #1 from Oct 46. Moved #2 from the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come page.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 1/6/23 and 1/13/23 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--OSFAn, Hank Luttrell. Added 8 items: an April 68 proposed constitution, and issues 43 (Jan 68), 34 (Mar 68), 45-49 (Feb - Jun 69). Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--Polarity, F.M. and Elinor Busby. Created an index page and added #3 from Oct 58. Moved #1 from the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come page. Issue 3 has Buz and Elinor's (individual) reports on Solacon, "The Incompleat Southgate". A random sentence from Buz's report - "Monday, we were leaving for LA, so naturally the CRY was to be published on Sunday (add curses "May you become really active in-fandom")...".
--Potlatch, Joyce Katz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 70s.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the January 2023 issue. Thanks, George!
--TNFF, Wally Weber. Added V24#4 (Aug 65).
--Wee Tome Tipper, Walt Liebscher. Added The Wee Tome Tipper Extra (Jan 45, from Faews 103) to complete the run.
--Zymurgy, Zymurworm and Zymur-worm, Dick Patten and Bob Vardeman. Added 8 issues of these new-to-us titles, 5 of them edited by Dick Patten alone and the other three co-edited with Bob Vardeman. Dick Patten published Zymurgy, Bob Vardeman published Sandworm and it came to pass that they both published Zymurworm (with various spellings). Zymurgy and its offspring are numbered via the alphabet, so you'll see issues like e, f, and g. Thanks to Bob Vardeman for his permission to archive the zines, and to Pat Virzi for asking him.
PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari