May 29, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #277, #67.1D, and #71.1A of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
May 21, 2014
Ned Brooks has updated two of his indices under the FANAC Bibliographies index.
An issue of the University of Chicago Magazine from January 1952, found by Malcolm Edwards on eBay, was added to The Hannes Bok Illustration Index.
He also updated his Fanzine Index
Thanks Ned.
May 16, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.2 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 28 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
May 5, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #249, #255, #273, and #276 of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
April 13, 2014
Joe Siclari passed on PDFs of a "Cumulative Subject Index of Oputina #1 to #275" (279.9 KB) and issues #252 (133.6 KB), #253 (5.4 MB), and #257 (2.4 MB) of Dale Speirs' perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale and Joe.
The SFPA had a postmailing, so Ned Brooks updated the Southern Fandom Press Alliance Index to include the new information. Thanks Ned.
April 11, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (454 KB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 27 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
April 6, 2014
Joe Siclari passed on PDFs of the first (#1) and the most recent (#274) issues of Dale Speirs' perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale and Joe.
April 2, 2014
Ned Brooks uploaded the bimonthly addittion to Southern Fandom Press Alliance Index and the latest version of his Fanzine Index. Thanks Ned.
March 31, 2014
Rogers Cadenhead sent us a copy of his Prime Material #6 (August 2013) PDF (253.2KB) his Alarums & Excursions APA submission. This APAzine has been added to Rogers Cadenhead's APA Submissions under our Electronic Fanzines index. Thank you Rohers.
March 14, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (882.0 KB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 26 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
March 1, 2014
Rogers Cadenhead sent us copies of two of his recent APA contributions. Three Rocks #5 November 2013 (Capa-Alpha) and Swordperson #2 February 2014 (FAPA). Thanks Rogers.
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (90.5KB) of Lost Toys #1, his contribution to Arnie Katz's new Trufannish Electronic Press Exchange (TePe) APA. Taral also included a copy of TePe Pre-eMailing 0 (48.2KB), Arnie's announcement of the formation of the APA. We have uploaded both to the new Lost Toys index. Thanks Taral.
February 9, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.4 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 25 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
February 3, 2014
Over the last several months Mark Olson sent us a whole bunch of scans of various pubs relating to conventions. Of these we have found homes for all but 15, 13 Bid Flyers and a couple of Playbills. We have have now uploaded these scans and they can be found under the Fan Publications Conventions and Worldcons indices. Thanks Mark.
January 27, 2014
Mark Olson sent us PDFs of three of NYcon II's Progress Reports which we have added to it's Publications index. Thanks Mark
January 20, 2014
Mark Olson sent us a PDF (14.1MB) of Clevention's Progress Report #4 that we have added to Clevention's Publications list. Thanks Mark.
January 16, 2014
Mark Olson sent us 26 PDFs of The Mad 3 Party that where scanned in by Tim Szczesuil. We have added them to the Modern Fan Publications index. Our thanks to both Tim and Mark.
January 10, 2014
Mark Olson sent us PDFs of thee of the Progress Reports from 1957's Loncon I which we have added to it's Publications index. Thanks Mark.
January 4, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (9.0 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 24 Xmas Ish which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 28, 2013
Evelyn C. Leeper sent us her Chicon 7 report which be accessed from the Worldcon index. Thanks Evelyn.
December 16, 2013
Mark Olson sent us a PDF (1.4MB) of the Pocket Program for Tricon, the 1966 Worldcon, that we have added to to Tricon's index. Thanks Mark.
December 10, 2013
Mark Olson sent us a PDF (1.5MB) of the playbill for Back to the Rivets, a Fannish Operetta by Sue Anderson & Mark M. Keller that was presented at Boskone 14. We have added it to Boskone's index. Thanks Mark.
December 9, 2013
Mark Olson sent us a couple of more scans (PDFs) of Solacon publications which we have added to Solacon's publications list. Thanks Mark.
December 8, 2013
Mark Olson sent us another four scans (2 PDFs & 2 JPGs) of material from Detention, the 1959 Worldcon, which we have added to it's Publications index. Thanks Mark.
December 1, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.0 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 23 REVISED which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
November 14, 2013
Mark Olson sent us seven scans (PDFs & JPEGs) of Solacon publications which we have added to Solacon's publications list. Thanks Mark.
November 9, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.2MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 22 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
November 2, 2013
Rogers Cadenhead sent us copies of Prime Material #4 (August 2013) and Prime Material #5 (Novemmber 2013) his Alarums & Excursions APA submissions and Three Rocks #3 (June 2013) his Capa-Alpha APA submissions. These APAzines have been added to Rogers Cadenhead's APA Submissions under our Electronic Fanzines index. Thank you Rohers.
October 30, 2013
Carol De Priest sent us a copy of 2013 TusCon Science Fiction Convention an article from the Tuscon Daily Star by Gerald M. Gay which we have added to our Important Articles about Fandom and TusCon indices. Thanks Carol.
October 29, 2013
David Speakman sent us a PDF (678.4KB) of The NEOSFS Newsletter #3 published by the Northeast Ohio Science Fiction Society in November of 1968. We have added it to the Classic Fan Publications index. Thanks David.
October 27, 2013
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of 49 of AussiCon 4's publications. Thanks Joe.
October 19, 2013
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of 28 of LoneStarCon 3's publications. Thanks Joe.
October 14, 2013
We have downloaded HTML versions of eBooks of the four issues of Ray Bradbury's Futuria Fantasia that were publishes during 1939-1940, These electronic versions were created and released by The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.
Our thanks go to Project Gutenbergâą, the eBooks' producers Greg Weeks and Mary Meehan and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at who made them possible.
October 5, 2013
Mark Olson sent us scans of four Worldcon membership cards that we have added (one each) to the Cinvention, Nolacon I, SFCon, and Loncon I photo albums. Thanks Mark.
September 28, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.8MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 21 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
September 24, 2013
Mark Olson sent us PFDs of Detention's Progress Report #3 (10.9MB) and #4 (6.9MB) that were both edited by George Young. Thanks Mark.
September 23, 2013
Mark Olson sent us a PFD (5.4MB) of the Weclome to Detroit that was supplied by Detroit for the members of Detention. We have added it to the Detention publications list. Thanks Mark.
September 22, 2013
Mark Olson sent us PFD's of some of the Detention's publications which we have added to the Detention photo album and other indicies. Thanks Mark.
August 23, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (6.1MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 20 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
August 22, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (4.6MB) of Chris Garcia's Drink Tank 340 which contains Taral's final contribution 100 is Not Too Many! which we have added to our Important Articles about Fandom index. Thanks Taral and thanks Chris for letting use this.
August 9, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (368.8KB) of his Scanners Live in Vain. a list of fanzines and other material that he has scanned over time. We have placed it under the FANAC Bibliographies & Collecctions index. Thanks Taral.
Brian Kanpp sent us copies of his scans of the Lunacon '87 Program Book. Thanks Brian.
August 4, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us PDFs of Genre Plat, a Fanzine that was published from 1977-1983 and edited primarily by Allyn Cardogan with Bill Gibson or Grant Canfiel. Thanks Taral.
July 31, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (4.0MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 19 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
Taral also sent us copies of several issues of Censored, an Apazine published by Fred Hunter Jr. between 1941 and 1954. Thanks again Taral.
July 28, 2013
We have used Mark Olson's scans to add progrm book covers to the photo albums for the following Worldcons:
Thanks Mark.
July 25, 2013
Rogers Cadenhead sent us Three Rocks #1 (April 2013) and Three Rocks #3 (June 2013) his Capa-Alpha APA submissions, Prime Material #2 (May 2013) and Prime Material #3 (June 2013) his Alarums & Excursions APA Submissions, and Swordperson #1 (May 2013) his FAPA submission. These have been added to Rogers Cadenhead's APA Submissions under our Electronic Fanzines index. Thank you Rohers.
July 23, 2013
A while back Rogers Cadenhead sent us a copy of Three Rocks #2, his May 2013 fanzine submission for the Capa Alpha APA. Thanks Rogers.
We have also consolidated all of Rogers' submissions under one index at Rogers Cadenhead's APA Pubs.
June 25, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.2MB) of his perzine Broken Toys 18 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
May 31, 2013
Mark Olsen sent us scans of the Program Book covers from Renovation and Chicon 7. Thanks Mark.
May 28, 2013
Carol De Priest sent us scans of Iguagacon's Program Report #5. This report includes Iguanacon's final Financial Report. Thanks Carol.
May 27, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.6MB) of his perzine Broken Toys 17 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
April 30, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (980.4 KB) of his perzine Broken Toys 16 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
April 22, 2013
Evelyn Leeper sent us her Renovation convention report. It has been added to our Renovation index. Thanks Evelyn, as you said "Better late than never!".
April 4, 2013
Rogers Cadenhead sent us Prime Material #1, his April 2013 fanzine submission for the Alarums & Excursions APA. Thanks Rogers.
April 3, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (991.8 KB) of Broken Toys 15 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
March 27, 2013
We have added Release The Hounds! #3 (52.9KB PDF), Rogers Cadenhead's February 2011 FAPA Fanzine submission. Thank you for sending it to us.
March 21, 2013
Rob Hansen was kind enough to let us know that a number of the links that we had to his material were no longer valid and where the material has been relocated. So far we have fixed the links that where broken in both Then and the Enchanted Duplicator. Thanks Rob.
March 3, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.3 MB) of Broken Toys 14 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
February 11, 2013
Joe Siclari sent us Andrew I. Porter's photo of Ann Deverough Jordan to add to the photo album for ConStellation 1983. Thanks Joe and Andy.
We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 31, No. 32, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both
January 22, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.5 MB) of Broken Toys 12 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.5 MB) of Broken Toys 12 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
January 20, 2013
We have added Fanac's Articles of Incorporatioon and the 2003 version of the By-Laws to the FANAC, Inc. directory.
December 31, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.7 MB) of Broken Toys 11 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 17, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.6 MB) of Broken Toys 10 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 2, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us 47 scans that we used to create a Fan Artist album for Atom (Arthur Thompson). Thank you both.
November 25, 2012
Shelby Vick sent us a link to a PDF (13.1MB) of Hyphen 37 which we have copied to our Hyphen directory replacing the offsite link to that we used to use. Thanks Shelby.
November 17, 2012
Mark Olsen sent us a scan of Tucker Bag 4-œ, a single page flyer issue of the occasional newszine sent to contributors to The Tucker Bag, a fan fund to bring Bob Tucker to Aussiecon 1. This issue was published for Discon II in 1974. Thanks Mark.
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.2 MB) of Broken Toys 9 which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
November 11, 2012
Mark Olson has notified us that Fancyclopedia III has just passed 8,500 pages. Why not visit it and add some more?
November 7, 2012
Carl Coling sent us a link to his website that details the making of the costumes, props, and puppets,, which we have added to the caption of the photo of the presentation (w84m045.html) in the LA Con II photo album. Carl did this for the 30th anniversary of the release date of the film (December 17, 1982). Thanks Carl.
October 12, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.4 MB) of the Eighth issue of Broken Toys which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
October 11, 2012
We have used 16 of Taral Wayne's scans to create a Fan Art album for Marc Schirmeister. Thanks Marc and Taral.
September 16, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us another six of his scans for Stu Shiffman's Fan Art album. Thanks Taral.
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.1 MB) of the Sixth issue of Broken Toys which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
September 14, 2012
We have used 19 of Taral Wayne's scans to create a Fan Art album for Stu Shiffman. Thanks Stu and Taral.
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (851.6 KB) of the Seventh issue of Broken Toys which we have added to our Electronic Fanzines index. Thanks Taral.
September 9, 2012
A while ago we noticed that the link to Joe Schaumburger's (1930-2011) Klatchian Foreign Legion, a world-wide group of Discworld fans, newszine WOSSNAME was broken. We just found out that the editorship of this publication was later taken over by Annie Mac and that the old link is active again. Keep up the good work Annie.
September 6, 2012
Kim Huett picked up a copy of Progress Report #4 from the 11th World Science Fiction Convention on eBay recently. Interestingly this copy had been addressed to T. L. Sherred but returned to sender for some reason. It had never been opened so the voting card for the first Science Fiction Achievement Awards was still inside. Thanks Kim for sending it to us.
September 3, 2012
Ned Brooks sent us page scans of The Planeteer #5 from March, 1936. These scans are from a facsimile by Gary Labowitz in 1971 and distributed with his fanzine, Canticles from Labowitz #7. Thanks Ned.
September 1, 2012
Ned Brooks has updated his Hannes Bok - Illustration Index. The changes were inspired by a notion of George Beahm's that Ned should send George printed copies - and Ned has no printed copies, just the 1970 covers with the Bok art. The printed pages were all outdated, as corrections since 1994 have been to the computer file. Whether it is ever actually printed again, Ned will continue to update the file. Thanks Ned.
August 7, 2012
Ned Brooks just updated the index to the 288 mailings of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance and the index to his Fanzine Archive. Thanks Ned.
August 5, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us PDFs of the first four of his personal zine Broken Toys. Thanks again Taral.
August 2, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.6 MB) of the Fifth Issue of Broken Toys which we have added to our Electronic Fanzines index. Thanks Taral.
June 20, 2012
Shelby Vick sent us a photo of himself and Bea Mahaffey at Detention. Thanks Shelby. He's the one with the big grin...
June 3, 2012
Mark Olson has notified us that Fancyclopedia III has just passed 6,500 pages. Thomas Bull of Australia has been especially active and Australia is probably now the best-documented area.
June 2, 2012
We have used 12 photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for MidAmeriCon. Thanks Joe.
May 27, 2012
We have added 18 photos from a party that was held at Edie Stern and Joe Siclari's home near Kingston, NY in 2008 to the New York Fandom photo album. The photos were taken by Mark Olson, Joe Siclari, and Edie Stern. Thanks all.
We have used 43 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for MagiCon. Thanks Mark.
May 20, 2012
We have used two of Rich Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Midwestcon 43. Thanks Rich.
May 12, 2012
Dara Korra'ti gave us access to a couple of scans of photos from the Memory Book of NorthameriCon, the 1979 NASFiC. Thanks Dara.
(The cover of the Memory Book was used as the logo for this con's photo index. JW)
May 11, 2012
Angelique Trouvere sent us another photo from LA Con II that she had in her collection. Thanks Angee.
May 10, 2012
We have used 11 of Taral Wayne's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation 2009. Thanks Taral.
May 9, 2012
We have replaced the link to Fanac's LiveJournal with one to Fancyclopedia III in our homepage's index.
Please vist Fancyclopedia III and take advantage of, and possibly add too, the wealth of Fannish history, knowledge, humor, and other interesting material that has been gathered there.
April 28, 2012
Don Sakers sent us a PDF (207.3 MB) of the Intersection (1995 Worldcon) Pocket Programme Book and Local Guide. Thanks Don.
March 4, 2012
Last month Kim Huett sent us scans of an issue of Warwick Hockley's fanzine Austra-Fantasy #3 from the late 1940's. Thanks Kim.
February 1, 2012
Joe Siclari sent us one of Andrew I. Porter's photos to add to the photo album for Conspiracy. Thanks Andrew.
January 19, 2012
When we first put up Spaceways #1 in April of 1999 we did not have a copy of the zine's TOC so the correct order of the articles could not be determined. Kim Huett recently sent us a scan of the missing TOC so we have attempted to get it right this time. Thanks Kim and how well did we do?
January 15, 2012
Steve Silver also gave us access to a PDF of the program book from Chicon III. We have added links to it from the Convention Publications, the Worldcon Publications, and the Worldcon indices. Thanks again Steve.
January 14, 2012
Steve Silver gave us access to PDFs of the program books from Chicon I and Chicon II (TASFiC). We have added links to them from the Convention Publications, the Worldcon Publications, and the Worldcon indices. Thanks Steve.
December 21, 2011
We have enhanced the Fannish Publications indices by adding a Worldcon Publications Index and an Other Convention Publications Index. In addition we have made all of the Fannish Publications indices sortable for your convince.
Our thanks to Stuart Langridge for his excellent JavaScript app, "SortTable". It worked exactly as expected "right out of the box".
December 9, 2011
Matthew Strait sent us a number of publications from Minn-stf's Minicon. The next four of these pubs (Program Books for Minicons 9, 10, 19, & 25) are now on-line and they may be accessed from the Minicon or Convention Pubs indices. Thanks Matthew.
November 29, 2011
We have added a photo provided by Bill Warren of the LASFS Board of Directors standing in front of the first clubhouse in 1973 or 1974 to the LASFS album. The photographer is unknown so if you know who he or she is please let us know too. Thanks.
November 28, 2011
We have used five of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Nippon. Thanks Brian.
We have used two of Mike Ransom's photos to add to the photo album for OKon I. Thanks Mike.
We have used nine of Richard Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Corflu 11 and another three to add to the photo album for FanHistoricon 01. Thanks Richard.
November 25, 2011
Rich Lynch sent us larger scans of some of his photos from Corflu 11, FanHistoriCon 1, and MidwestCon 43. Thanks Rich
October 29, 2011
Kim Huett sent us scans of the first issue of Olon F. Wiggins' The Science Fiction Fan that was published July 1938. Thanks Kim.
October 28, 2011
We have used 104 of Frank Olynyk's photos to add to the photo album for Renovation. Thanks Frank.
October 24, 2011
Rob Hanson also sent us a link to his collection of Loncon II con reports and photos. This link has also been added to Fanac's Worldcon index. Thanks again Rob.
October 20, 2011
A while back Rob Hanson sent us a link to his collection of Loncon I con reports and photos. This link has been added to Fanac's Worldcon index. Thanks Rob.
October 19, 2011
Matthew Strait sent us a number of publications, a bunch of program books and one flyer, from Minn-stf's Minicon. The first five of these are now on-line and they may be accessed from the Minicon or Convention Pubs indices. Thanks Matthew.
October 13, 2011
Kim Huett sent us scans of Austra-Fantasy #2 the second issue of the first fanzine published in Melbourn, Australia. Please notice that Kim has discovered a way to make hecktographed pages far more legible than they usually are after the initial scanning, Thanks Kim.
September 10, 2011
We have used two photos from Kim Huett's collection to add to the photo album for Australian Fandom. Thanks Kim.
In addition, Kim Huett sent us a PDF of the first issue of the first fanzine published in Melbourn, Australia, Austra Fantasy. This zine was published by Warwick Hockley and Keith Taylor in 1940. Thanks Kim.
Kim Huett also sent us PDFs of the 9œ issues of the fanzine Melbourne Bulletin, the seond fanzine that was that was published in Melbourn, Australia, from late 1940 to late 1941. This zine was also published by Warwick Hockley and Keith Taylor. Thanks Kim.
September 9, 2011
We have used one photo from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon I. Thanks Angie.
We have used photos from Mark Olson, Richard and Nicki Lynch, and Melanie Herz to start a photo album for Renovation. Thanks Mark, Richard, Nicki, and Melanie.
September 8, 2011
We have used 63 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation 2009. Thanks Mark. There's more to come.
September 1, 2011
Rich Lynch has added an on-line copy of Mimosa Issue #9 which may be viewed through our Mimosa Index. Thank you Rich.
August 7, 2011
At Jim Caughran's request, Mark Olson has taken over as editor of Fancyclopedia III. We would like to sincerely thank Jim for the time and effort that he invested in this worthwhile project over the past five years. We would also like to invite all of you to visit the new Fancyclopedia III to explore it's newly expanded content and to contribute your insights, experiences, and knowledge of Science Fiction Fandom by adding new articles or expanding existing ones.
June 17, 2011
We have used 11 photos that were scanned by volunteers at Anicipation to add to the photo album for MidAmeriCon.
May 20, 2011
We have used ten photos from Dik Daniels's collection to add to the photo album for LA Con III. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. There are a lot more comming.
We have used ten of Taral Wayne's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Taral.
May 19, 2011
We have used 20 of Dik Daniels's photos to add to the photo album for Loscon 19. Thanks Dik. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens and there are more comming.
May 15, 2011
We have used three of Richard Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for DeepSouthCon 14 and two more to create a photo album for DeepSouthCon 15. Thanks Rich.
April 26, 2011
Laurie Mann sent us updated links for the home pages of the four Noreascons that are listed in our WorldCons index. Thanks Laurie.
April 25, 2011
We have used one of Nicki Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for California Fandom. Thanks Nicki.
We have used one of Rich Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Millennium Philcon. Thanks Rich.
We have used one of Rich Lynch's photo to create a photo album for Ditto 2001. Thanks Rich.
We have used three of Rich Lynch's and one of Barry Newton's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. Thanks Rich and Barry.
April 23, 2011
Angelique Trouvere sent us scans of 14 of Celia Tiffany's photos from St Louiscon, the 1969 Worldcon. These photos are courtesy of The International Costumers Guild / Pat & Peggy Kennedy Memorial Library. Thanks to both Angie and the guild.
April 16, 2011
We have added a photo from the 1985 Omnicon October Party to the Omnicon index.
April 15, 2011
We have added eight photos from Don Sakers' collection to the photo album for Millennium Philcon. Thanks Don.
We have added one photo to the photo album for Nolacon 2.
We have used 18 photos to create a photo album for Omnicon 1986 and four more to create a photo album for Omnicon 1988.
April 7, 2011
Kim Huett sent us a copy of Jack Speer's 1943 circular The Cosmic Circle and Fandom. Jack published this in December of 1943 when the Cosmic Circle brouhaha was at its peak, Thanks Kim.
April 4, 2011
Kim Huett sent us scans of Harry Warner's fanzine Spaceways #7 and #8 from August and September 1938. Thanks Kim.
April 1, 2011
We recently updated the photo album photo pages but there was a problem that we had missed. When one of those new pages was linked to by anything other than another one of those new pages the browser's back button would not work properly. This has been fixed for all the major browsers except for FireFox which may have a small bug in it's JavaScript support. When you access one of the new photo pages with FireFox from anywhere outside of Fanac please right click on back button and select the page that you wish to return to from the drop down list. Oh, and Safari requires a double click in the same circumstances.
March 20, 2011
We have completed a major update of the Fanac photo albums. All 6,438 photo webpage html files have been replaced by files that are an average of 34% of their old size. This update will result in more consistent formatting of the webpages and their associated photo update forms because many of those pages and forms were generated early in the life of the website and have now been brought up to date in terms of how they are displayed for you. Please note that the pages make use of JavaScript to control their format. Without JavaScript enabled they will still display properly but some formatting features and the photo updates forms will not be available.
February 23, 2011
Kim Huett sent us scans of Muarice Z. Ingher's fanzine Science Fiction Digest, Vol. 1, No. 7 from March 1933. Thanks Kim.
January 31, 2011
Kim Huett also sent us a PDF (442.6KB) of Bob Tucker's Sci-Fic Variety #7, the Winter of 1942 edition . Thanks Kim.
January 30, 2011
Kim Huett sent us PDFs of Richard Wilson's Science Fiction News Letter #32 (503.9KB), #33 (775.1KB), #34 (735.6KB), and #35 (737.8KB) from July, 1938. Thanks Kim
January 26, 2011
Kim Huett sent us a PDF (1.2MB) of H. C. Koenig's fanzine Reader and Collector from June, 1943. Thanks Kim
October 31, 2010
L. Truman Douglas just won a very rare copy of the 3rd Worlldcon Program on eBay and he kindly sent us scans of the front cover and the
inside front cover which we have used to start a Denvention I album.
Thanks Truman.
October 16, 2010
Don Sakers sent us scans of his Membership Card and the Program Book plus PDFs of three of of the newsletters, the program from "2001 a Space Opera", and the Film Prorgam from Discon II. Thanks Don.
September 27, 2010
At Gary Farber's suggestion we have added three additional links to Fanzine Collections to the FANAC Bibliographies & Collections index. Thanks Gary.
September 25, 2010
At Gary Farber's suggestion we have added a link to the University of California Riverside Libraries Fanzine Collections to the FANAC Bibliographies & Collections index. Thanks Gary.
July 31, 2010
We have added the last issue of the second series (#101 August 2010) of The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet . Thank you Edwina Harvey & Ted Scribner for sending it to us. We are sure that this fine newszine will be sorely missed.
June 28, 2010
We have used 39 34 30 28 photos that were scanned by Mike Resnick from his and Margaret Kiefer's collections to add to the photo albums for:
(Fan Photos) Midwest Fandom, S-F Professionals
(Other Cons) Triple Fan Fair 1969, Midwestcon 3, Tropicon 15
(Worldcons) Chicon II, Chicon III, Discon I, Interaction, LA Con I, LA Con II, MidAmeriCon, Millennium Philcon, Nolacon I, Nolacon II, NY Con III, Pittcon
Thanks Mike.
June 19, 2010
We have used nine photos by Steve Stiles or Lee Smoire to create a photo album for the N. Y. Fanoclasts, 1970s. Thanks Steve and Lee.
June 18, 2010
Jean Weber has updated several pages in the Fan Funds directory including the Index, Miscellaneous Australlian funds, and GUFF Winners. Thanks Jean
June 15, 2010
We have used 14 of Dik Daniels's photos to create a photo album for Forry Ackerman's Birthday under the new Southern California Fandom index. Thanks Dik.
June 4, 2010
We have added a link to the web page for TropiCon XVI to the index for TropiCon.
June 2, 2010
We have added links to the web pages for TropiCon XIV, the only post convention one, and TropiCon XV to the index for TropiCon.
May 31, 2010
We have added a link to the web pages for TropiCon XVII to the index for TropiCon.
May 28, 2010
We have added a link to the web pages for TropiCon XVIII to the index for TropiCon.
May 27, 2010
We stumbled across the files (on a Zip disk no less) for the homepage for TropiCon and the web pages for TropiCon XX so we put them on-line, more may follow.
May 16, 2010
We have used 48 photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for IguanaCon II. Thanks Joe.
We have used 33 photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Mike.
May 3, 2010
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of the thirteen issues of Anticipation's Newsletter Voyageur. Thanks Joe.
May 1, 2010
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of two more Progress Reports and sixteen documents from the WSFS business meeting that was held at Anticipation. Thanks Joe.
April 29, 2010
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of a Flyer and two Progress Reports for Anticipation. Thanks Joe.
April 28, 2010
We have added the April 2010 version of To Walk the Moon, Taral Wayne's convention report, to the Anticipation reports index. Thanks Taral.
Kim Huett sent us scans of Art Rapp's Spacewarp 39 from June of 1950. Thanks Kim.
April 6, 2010
We have used 42 of Bill and Beverly Warren's photos to add to the photo album for the Ackermansion. Thanks Bill and Beverly.
We have used 31 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Mark.
Jean Weber has updated several pages in the Fan Funds directory to include the DUFF 2010 winner info and to update links to Irwin Hirsh's Australian Fan Funds pages, which are now located at Thanks Jean.
March 14, 2010
We have used 37 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Mark.
March 2, 2010
We have used 14 of Bill Warren's photos to add to the photo album for Seacon. Thanks Bill.
We have used two photos that were scanned by James Bacon & Peggy White to add to the photo album for Irish Fandom. Thanks James & Peggy.
February 17, 2010
Joe Siclari sent us his scans of Vega 3 which we have put on-line. Thanks Joe.
February 9, 2010
Jean Weber has just updated several of the pages in the Fan Funds pages and added some more historical material (DUFF and GUFF ballots). Thanks Jean.
February 6, 2010
We have used four photos from Mike Resnick's collection to replace existing with better copies in the Nebula Awards 1990, Oasis, MagiCon, and BucCONeer albums. Thanks Mike.
February 3, 2010
We have used 28 photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to or create photo albums for Albacon 2002, Astronomicon 2009, ConText 2006, DragonCon 2008, Istrocon 2001, Nebula Awards 1995, Omegacon 2002, Windycon I, Discon I, LA Con I, Discon II, ConStellation, Nolacon II, Noreascon 3, ConFransisco, ConAdian, BucCONeer, and Millennium Philcon. Thanks Mike.
February 2, 2010
Laurie Mann has started archiving the Denvention 3 website on She says that it should take 'till March to get the job done. Good luck Laurie.
January 30, 2010
We have used four photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo albums for Solacon, Pittcon, Chicon II, and Chicon III. Thanks Joe.
January 16, 2010
We have used a few photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to the photo albums for MidAmeriCon and NorthAmeriCon 1979. Thanks Mike.
January 15, 2010
Andy Porter sent us a bunch of photos of a number of cons and other fan stuff that he has scanned using both his own photos and those from other fans, includibng Ben Jason and Don Fanzo. These scans have been used to add to or create photo albums for Philcon II, Clevention, Loncon II, Tricon, NYcon III, Baycon, LA Con I, West Coast Fandom, Midwest Fandom, New York Fandom, and S-F Professionals. Thanks Andy.
January 14, 2010
We have used 19 of Mike Resnick's photos to add to the photo album for ConJosé. Thanks Mike.
We have used 20 of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Brian.
We have used 21 of Will Stewart's photos to create a photo album for Disclave 1989. Thanks Will.
January 1, 2010
Angelique Trouvere noticed that three photos of Marjii Ellers that were in the ConFederation album should have been in a photo album for Costume Con 1986 instead. We have corrected that error. Thanks Angie.
December 21, 2009
We have used 22 of Mike Resnick's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Mike.
December 20, 2009
We have used 14 of Don Ford's photos from Margaret Kiefer's collection to add to the photo album for Midwestcon #2. Thanks Don and Margaret. These photos were scanned by Mike Resnick.
December 17, 2009
Bill Warren noticed that a couple of his photos that we thought belonged in the LA Con II photo album actually belong in the one for the 1980 Loscon 7. Thanks Billy, the photos have been moved.
December 16, 2009
We have put the last two of Brian Knapp's scans of the 1983-89 Boskone con pubs, Boskone XXV and Boskone XXVI, on-line. Thanks Brian for sending us the scans and for helping with the editing of the on-line indices.
December 15, 2009
We have put Brian Knapp's scans of the Boskone XXIV con pubs on-line. There's still more to come. Thanks Brian.
December 13, 2009
We have used 13 more of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Brian. There's more to come.
We have used 38 of Dave Sorgen's photos to add to the photo album for Interaction. Thanks Dave.
We have used 12 photos that were scanned by volunteers at Anticipation add to the photo album for Denvention Two. Our thanks to all of those who participated.
We have used 24 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation and another 25 to add to the photo album for Boskone 46. Thanks Mark. There is much more to come.
December 12, 2009
We have put Brian Knapp's scans of the Boskone XXIII con pubs on-line. There's more to come. Thanks Brian.
We have used 13 photos that were scanned by volunteers at Sakers Con to add to the photo albums for ConFederation, Conspiracy '87, and Noreascon 3. Our thanks to those people who volunteered their time and effort. There is more to come.
We have used ten of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for La Con IV. Thanks Laurie.
December 8, 2009
We have put Brian Knapp's scans of the Boskone XXII con pubs on-line. Three down, four to go. Thanks Brian.
December 5, 2009
We have put Brian Knapp's scans of the Boskone XXI con pubs on-line. There's more to come. Thanks Brian.
December 4, 2009
Brian Knapp sent us scans of the convention publications for the Bokones that were he from 1983 through 1989. We have put the ones for Boskone XX on-line. The rest will follow shortly. Thanks Brian.
November 29, 2009
Ned Brooks has added an index to the first 270 mailings of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance to the Bibliographies & Collections index. Thanks Ned.
November 27, 2009
Taral Wayne and Gary Farber sent us PDFs that Taral made of Susan Glicksohn's Susanzine Amor which she published from 1972 to 1979. Thanks Taral and Gary.
November 26, 2009
Brian Siano has allowed us to display the 2009 PhilCon publications. Thanks Brian.
November 23, 2009
We have used 20 photos that were scanned and/or taken by Andy Porter to create or to add to photo albums for ConFederation, Conspiracy '87, NYcon III, Autoclave 1976, Corflu 7, Westercon 6, Westercon 10, Los Angeles fandom, LASFS, and New York fandom. Some of these photos were from Forry Ackerman's collection. Thanks Andy.
We have used one of Jay Kay Klein's photo to add to the photo album for Tricon. Thanks Jay Kay.
We have used seven of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Brian.
We have used eight photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for the Poul & Karen Anderson 33rd Wedding Anniversary that was held in the LASFS Clubhouse. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks to all.
We have used ten photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo album for LA Con II. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks to all.
November 19, 2009
Last night Ned Brooks uploaded the PDF (7.7MB) of It Goes On The Shelf #31. Thanks Ned.
November 18, 2009
A while back Ned Brooks sent us a photo of Ruth Judkowitz, George Wells, and JoAnn Montalbano at ConFderation. We fianlly remebered to put it on-line. Thanks Ned.
November 11, 2009
We have added a link to the Westercon homepage to our Westercon photo album's index.
November 8, 2009
Andrew Porter sent us a photo that was provided by John Bangsund of a group of Australian fans in Ferntree Gully, January 1968.
October 30, 2009
We have used five of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation 2009. There's more to come. Thanks Brian.
October 28, 2009
We have used six of Marly Collas and Marc Verdiesen's photos to add to the photo album for ConFiction 1990. Thanks Marly and Marc.
We have used one of Nicki Lynch's photo to create a photo album for Pennsylvania Fandom. Thanks Nicki.
We have used four of Helena Binns's photos to create a photo album for Canberra 1956. Thanks Helena.
We have used 35 of Mark Olson's photos; 6 to create a photo album for Windy City Pulp & Paper 36, 12 to create a photo album for SmofCon 26, and 17 to create a photo album for Boskone 46. There's more to come for Boskone 36. Thanks Mark.
October 23, 2009
We have used nine of Bill Warren's photos to add to the photo album for Baycon 1968. Thanks Bill.
October 22, 2009
We have used five of Kevin Williams's photos to add to the photo album for Seacon 1979. Thanks Kevin.
We have used eight of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation 2009. Thanks Brian.
We have used nine of Bill Warren's photos to add to the photo album for LASFS. Thanks Bill.
We have used five of Richard and Nicki Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Interaction 2005. Thanks Richard and Niki.
October 20, 2009
Kim Huett has sent us new scans of Spacewarp 38. Thanks Kim.
October 9, 2009
Evelyn Leeper has also published a preliminary version of her 2009 Worldcon report, Anticipation. More to come later. Thanks again Evelyn.
October 5, 2009
Evelyn Leeper has published her 2008 Worldcon report, Denvention 3. Thanks Evelyn.
September 29, 2009
Ned Brooks sent us a cleaned up copy of The Secret History of ansible page 13 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly #11 published in 2001 by Lee Hoffman, Geri Sullivan, Jeff Schalles & Terry Hughes. The old copy we had had a number of formatting errors that he has corrected. Thanks Ned.
September 27, 2009
Gary Farber sent us a link to a Googel Books copy of a May 21, 1951, Life Magazine article Through the Intersellar Looking Glass by Winthrop Sargent. This link had been added to our Fan Publications: Articles index. Thanks Gary.
September 23, 2009
Gary Farber also sent us a PDF of Jerry Kaufman's Best of Susan Wood that was published on October 31, 1982. This zine was also scanned by Taral Wayne. Thanks again Taral & Gary.
September 22, 2009
Gary Farber sent us PDFs of five issues of Aspidistra that was edited by Susan Glicksohn (Susan Wood) from 1971 to 1973. The zines were scanned by Taral Wayne. Thanks Taral & Gary.
We have used 40 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for MagiCon. Thanks Mark.
We have used nine of Joe Siclari's photos to add to the photo album for TropiCon IV. Thanks Joe.
September 15, 2009
We have used three of Richard Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Richard.
September 14, 2009
Kim Huett sent us a 12.7MB PDF of Harry Turner's Zenith One that was published in August of 1941. Thanks Kim.
September 12, 2009
Joe Siclari forwarded us copies of the first two issues of Robert A. W. "Doc"" Lowndes' Le Vombiteur that were scanned by Kim Huett. Thanks to Joe & Kim.
September 5, 2009
We have used a few more of the photos of earlier conventions that were scanned by volunteers at the Fanac Fan History booth at Anticipation:
There's still more to come.
September 4, 2009
We have used more of the photos of earlier conventions that were scanned by volunteers at the Fanac Fan History booth at Anticipation:
We have aslo used 16 of Joe Siclari's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation and 34 photos from Len & June Mofffatt's collection to add to the photo album for LA Con II. Len & June's photos were scanned by Milt Stevens.
September 3, 2009
We have used 11 photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for Conspiracy. Thanks Joe.
September 2, 2009
During Anticipation a number of photos from earlier conventions were scanned by volunteers at the Fanac Fan History booth. We have just added a few of these photos to our site:
There are many more to come.
August 26, 2009
Andy Porter sent us a photo of the line awaiting entrance to Baycon's Summer Party. Thanks Andy.
Joe Siclari sent us a photo of One of the largest groups of past, present & future Worldcon Chairmen (27) that were in attendance at Anticipaton. Thanks Joe.
August 25, 2009
Joe Siclari sent us eight additional Interaction Pubs. Thanks Joe
August 23, 2009
Joe Siclari sent us the rest of Tom Veal's scans of Jane's Fighting Smofs (Issues #2 - #8) that was published by Jane & Scott Dennis in the mid to late 1980s. Thanks Joe and Tom.
August 17, 2009
Richard Lynch sent us three photos of his plus one each by Joe Siclari and Tom Veal which we have used to start a photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Richard.
August 13, 2009
Jean Weber has added and updated a number of pages in our Fan Funds directory. She has added a page about the DUFF 2009 Race Results and copies of the DUFF 2009 Ballot in both HTML and PDF versions and she has updated the DUFF - Doun Under Fan Fund and DUFF Winners pages. Thanks Jean.
August 11, 2009
We have used one photo that Angelique Trouvere sent us to add to the photo album for St Louiscon. Thanks Angie.
August 7, 2009
Kim Huett sent us scans of the 1973 Eastercon, OMPAcon, First Day Cover. Thanks Kim.
August 6, 2009
We have put the Program Book and the Video & Radio Room Schedules that Brian Knapp sent us for LunaCon '84 on-line. That's the last one. Thanks Brian.
August 4, 2009
We have put the Program Book & Schedule that Brian Knapp sent us for LunaCon '83 on-line. One more to go. Thanks Brian.
July 30, 2009
We have put the Program Book & Schedule that Brian Knapp sent us for LunaCon 25 (1982) on-line. Two more to go. Thanks Brian.
July 29, 2009
Brian Knapp sent us scans of the Program Books and Schedules for !981-1984. We have put the pubs for 1981 on-line at LunaCon. The others will follow soon. Thanks Brian.
July 23, 2009
Brian Knapp sent us scans of the Program Books and Schedules for LunaCon '79 & '80. Thanks Brian.
July 16, 2009
Ben Yallow has been working (for much too long) to scan and OCR some fanzines on conventions. He also wrote an article about other rule changes. These zines, The Legal Rules and Ben's article are available under the Convention Management and Control were produced both as a service to fandom in general and as a Cult publication by Jerry William Lapidus. They are presented in both HTML and PDF format.
July 15, 2009
Last March Brian Knapp sent us scans of the MagiCon Original Bookmark Anthology which we added to the MagiCon photo index. Due to an editing error that Brian called to our attention these entries were poorly displayed so we have moved them to the Convention Pubs to correct the problem.
July 9, 2009
We have used 22 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Denvention 3. Thanks Laurie.
July 6, 2009
We have used one of Richard Lynch's photo to create a photo album for Disclave 1994. Thanks Richard.
We have used five of Ned Brooks's photos to create a photo album for DeepSouthCon 31. Thanks Ned.
June 20, 2009
We have used three photos, one by Sarah Clemens, one by Edie Stern, and one by an unknown photographer, to add to the photo album for Denvention 3. Thanks Sara and Edie.
May 11, 2009
We have used 11 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four 2004. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
We have used 25 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for ConJose. Thanks Laurie.
May 10, 2009
We have used 27 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Denvention 3. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
May 9, 2009
We have used 24 of Kyle McGregor's photos to create a photo album for the Toronto Comic-Con Fan Appreciation Event 2009. Thanks Kyle.
May 1, 2009
We have used 22 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for EasterCon 24. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens and are a subset of the 1973 TAFF Trip photos that were put up the other day. Thanks Len, June, and Milt. Our thanks also go out to Harry Bell, Bill Burns, John Nielsen Hall, Rob Jackson, Jim Linwood, Ian Maule, and Peter Weston who helped with the editing of the photo captions.
April 26, 2009
We have used 17 of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Two. Thanks Brian.
We have used 45 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for the 1973 TAFF Trip. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks Len, June, and Milt. Our thanks also go out to Harry Bell, Bill Burns, John Nielsen Hall, Rob Jackson, Jim Linwood, Ian Maule, and Peter Weston who helped with the editing of the photo captions.
April 25, 2009
We have used 11 of Kay Shapero's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. Thanks Kay.
We have used one photo from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Chicon V. Thanks Angie.
We have used photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo albums for LA Con II and ConStellation. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
April 14, 2009
We just put up a copy of the Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet April 2009 Supliment regarding the Ditmars and NAFF (National Australian Fan Fund) races which are now both open. The Ditmar nominations close on 4th May, and the NAFF nominations close 24th April.
April 9, 2009
Ned Brooks has updated his Fanzine Index.
March 29, 2009
The Fanac Fan History website has been moved to a new Internet Host at X7 Hosting. The move, which was not our idea, appears to have been fairly successful but if you notice anything that's screwed up please drop a note to -- Jack Weaver, Webmaster
Fanac Fan History Project
Rogers Cadenhead joined FAPA last year and he started a new fanzine as his contribution. He has asked us to host it. The second issue of his zine, Release The Hounds, is now on-line.
March 4, 2009
We have used 12 artworks by Sarah Clemens, Phil Foglio, Ingrid Neilson, MagiCon Guest of Honor Vincent Di Fate to add to the photo album for MagiCon. These artworks were scanned by Brian Knapp. Thanks Brian.
Joe Siclari sent us Tom Veal's scans of the first and the final issues of Jane's Fighting Smofs that were published in August of 1985 and April of 1998. Thanks Joe and Tom.
February 21, 2009
We have used four artworks, one by Phil Foglio and one by Michael Whelan (we don't know who did the others) to create a photo album for ConAdian. These artworks were scanned by Brian Knapp. Thanks Brian.
February 5, 2009
Deb Geisler led us the images of the front and back covers for Interaction's Wondrous Things CD. She thought that it would make a lovely addition to our page about Wondrous Things.. We concur. Thanks Deb.
February 1, 2009
Brian Knapp found a copy of a handout that was given to everyone who went to ConStellation's banqut, the Hugo Awards Crab Feast, along with their commemorative ConStellation crab mallet. Thanks for sending it to us Brian
January 31, 2009
We have added the latest issue (#83) of The Australian Science Fictioon Bullsheet. Thank you Edwina Harvey & Ted Scribner for sending it to us.
January 29, 2009
Jim Caughran has added or updated several articles in Fanac's Fanclopida III. Thanks Jim.
January 23, 2009
Jim Caughran has added an article about the Alberta Science Fiction Society to Fanac's Fanclopida III. Thanks Jim.
January 13, 2009
Over the last couple of weeks Jean Weber has sent us issue 1-82 of the new version of The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet which we have placed on-line. This new version of this newsletter is written by Edwina Harvey and rendered into html by Ted Scribner. Thanks Jean.
January 11, 2009
At Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon held in Glasgow, Scotland, attendees were presented with a unique CD edited by Deb Geisler. A version of this CD, Wondrous Things is now on-line and can be accessed via the Interaction Publications index. Thanks to Doug Brown who was kind enough to send us his copy and Vincent Docherty who gave us permission to use its material.
We have used 23 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for LA Con I. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
January 8, 2009
We have used 15 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for LASFS. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
January 5, 2009
Jean Weber has uploaded more PDFs of scanned back issues of her Weberwoman's Wrevenge (issues 31-48). Thanks Jean.
January 2, 2009
Jean Weber has uploaded PDFs of 20 more scanned back issues of her Weberwoman's Wrevenge (issues 11-30). Thanks Jean.
January 1, 2009
We have updated the Plokta index and added issues 14-31 using material from Deb Geisler's Wondrous Things CD.
December 31, 2008
We have used 65 of Norman Shorrock's photos to add to the photo album for Loncon I and 22 of Norman Shorrock and Ben Jason's photos to add to the photo album for Loncon II, and we have also added 21 Interaction publications. This material was all taken from the Wondrous Things CD that was edited by Deb Geisler for the attendees of Interaction. Thanks to Deb, Norm, and Ben and thanks to Doug Brown who sent us his copy of the CD and Vince Docherty, co-chair of Interaction, who gave us the okay to use it.
December 23, 2008
Jean Weber has updated the Fan Funds pages for the Down Under and Going Up and Over/Under Fan Funds. Thanks Jean.
She has also uploaded ten PDFs of scanned back issues of her fanzine Weberwoman's Wrevenge. Thanks again.
December 11, 2008
We have used five of Jeff Maynard's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon II. Thanks Angee and Jeff.
We have used nine of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Nippon. There's more to come. Thanks Brian.
December 9, 2008
Rogers Cadenhead joined FAPA and he started a new fanzine as his contribution. He has asked us to host it. The first issue of his zine, Release The Hounds, is now on-line.
October 29, 2008
We have used 61 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to create a photo album for FUNcon I - Future Unbounded Science Fiction Show and Convention 1968. Thanks Len & June and Milt.
We had erroneously identified them as from Lazlar Lyricon 1985 which is also referred to as Funcon 1 but Mark Plummer caught our mistake and pointed us in the right direction. Thanks Mark.
October 27, 2008
We have used 32 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to create a photo album for Westercon 23. Thanks Len & June and Milt.
October 24, 2008
We have used 15 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for LASFS Anniversary Dinner 1972. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks Len & June and Milt.
October 11, 2008
We have used 59 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to create a photo album for LASFS Board of Directors Meeting 1972. Thanks Len & June and Milt.
We have used 11 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
We have used 11 of Carol De Priest, Gary Hayes, and Earl Billick's art and photos to add material to the photo album for TusCon XXXIV. Thanks Carol. The art was scanned by Carol De Priest.
October 10, 2008
We have used 23 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for Noreascon I. Thanks Len & June and Milt.
October 6, 2008
We have used 12 examples of art by Taral Wayne, Roger Patterson, Skip Olsen, D. D. Carol Roberts, William R. Warren, Don Davis, and Robert McCall to add to the photo album for IguanaCon. Thanks all. These artworks were scanned by Taral Wayne and Carol De Priest.
We also added three publications that relate to IguanaCon including The Provenance of IguanaCon II, Tim Kyger's comments on why IguamaCon was dubbed "II" when it was the first. and so far the only, IguanaCon.
October 3, 2008
Doug Brown sent us a copy of a Lars-Olov Strandberg photograph of Kathy and Drew Sanders' presentation of the "King and Queen of Pentacles" from the Seacon '79 masquerade. This photo was copied from the CD-R "Wondrous Things" from Interaction 2005 and used with permission from Vince Docherty the co-chair of the con. Thanks Doug and Vince.
September 28, 2008
We have used 16 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to to create a photo album for FunCon 1 - Lazlar Lyricon 1985. There's more to come. Thanks Len.
September 25, 2008
We have used seven of Kay Shapero's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. There's more to come. Thanks Kay.
We have used 19 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for Noreascon I. There's more to come. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
September 19, 2008
We have used 11 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for Noreascon I. There's more to come. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
We have used 13 of Michael Jhon, Michael Lee Burgess, Michael Jhon, and Stephen Jacobson's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Nolacon 2. Thanks Angelique.
September 18, 2008
We have used 37 of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Nippon 2007. Thanks Brian. There's more to come.
September 13, 2008
We have used ten of Kay Shapero's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. Thanks Kay.
Joe Siclari sent us ten more issues (101-110) of Marc Ortlieb's The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet which we had overlooked. These issues cover June 26 thru November 20, 1998. Thanks Joe.
September 12, 2008
We have used 12 of Carol De Priest's photos to create a photo album for TusCon XXXII. Thanks Carol.
We have used 29 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo album for Westercon 22 and 32 photos from the same collection to add to the photo album for Noreascon I. All of these photos were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens. Thank you Milt, Len, & June. There's still more to come.
September 10, 2008
We have used six photos from Wolf Forrest's collection to add to the photo album for TusCon 25. Thanks Wolf.
September 8, 2008
We have used one of Carol De Priest's photos to add to the photo album for TusCon XXXI and five of her photos to add to the photo album for TusCon XXXIII. Thanks Carol.
September 6, 2008
We have used 27 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for Westercon 22. All of these photos were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens. Thank you Milt, Len, & June. There's more to come.
August 27, 2008
We have photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo albums for Westercon 25 and Baycon. All of these photos were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens. Thank you Milt, Len, & June.
August 20, 2008
We have used two of Nicki Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Denvention 3. Thanks Nicki.
We have used four more of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. Thanks Laurie. There are a few more to come.
We have used 44 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo album for Baycon. Thanks Len. There's more to come.
August 18, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us 25 more PDF's of the documents then were published for LA Con IV. Thanks Joe.
August 16, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us two more PDF's of the documents that were published for Denvention 3. Thanks Joe.
August 14, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us PDF's of 22 of the documents that were published for Denvention 3. Thanks Joe.
August 7, 2008
Greg Pickersgill e-mailed us today and said "I have just found out that the Fanac site still has a copy of my Memory Hole webpages dated 1999. That's pretty startling in itself, but it's also a bit useless in that the information on those pages is now outdated or completely obsolete and misleading." and asked us to delete our versions of his material. This has been done and we have replaced the links to that old material on the Bibliographies & Collections index with links to the newer material on his site. Thanks for the "heads up" Greg.
August 2, 2008
Joe Sicalri sent us a copy of a Denvention I report by Rusty Hevelin that was scaned by Gay Haldeman. Thanks to all involved.
July 22, 2008
We have used 18 of brengibble, Rachel Holmen, Rick Hawes, Jay Kay Klein, and Dave Clark's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConStellation 1983. Thanks Angelique.
July 6, 2008
We have used nine of Carol DePriest's photos to add to the photo album for TusCon XXXI. Thanks Carol.
June 29, 2008
We have used 11 of Dave Clark, brengibble, Linda Sweeting, and Trudy Myers's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConStellation 1983. Thanks Angelique.
We have used one of Jeff Maynard's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon II 1974. Thanks Angelique.
June 14, 2008
We have used one of Michael Nelson's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for BucCONeer 1998. Thanks Angelique.
June 10, 2008
We have used photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo album for LASFS Halloween 1965 and Tricon 1966.
We have used photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create photo albums for Westercon 18, Westercon 19, and Westercon 20.
All of these photos were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens. Thank you Milt, Len, & June.
We have use four photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo albums for BucCONeer 1998. Thanks Angelique.
We have used one of Libby Tucker's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConFederation 1986. Thanks Angelique.
June 7, 2008
We have used a dozen photos by from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to or create photo albums for IguanaCon II 1978 (Ray Jones and Sally C. Fink), MidAmeriCon 1976 (Mike Resnick, Marjii Ellers, Hank Beck, and Sandy Cohen), Baycon 1968 (Anthony Lewis), Noreascon 3 1989 (Carol Porter), and MagiCon 1992 (Thom Walls). Thanks Angelique.
June 4, 2008
Usually we don't mention the updates that our loyal fans make to the captions and other information for the photos that we have on-line because most of the time, while we are truly grateful for their efforts, they affect only a few photos at a time. In the last week or so Angelique Trouvere has updated 67 of the BucCONeer Masquerade photos and we think that that deserves a special mention. Thanks Angee.
June 2, 2008
In September of 2007 Angelique Trouvere was interviewed by Richard Arndt, a well known and respected comic book fan. With the permission of Mr. Arndt angee has sent us a copy of that interview, Angelique, the Unconventional ComiCon Costumer. The interview and her introduction are now on-line under the Fan Publications: Articles index. Thank you both.
May 15, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us scans of the first issue of New Frontiers and the December 1945 issue of The G.A.P.A. Vanguard. Thanks Joe.
May 14, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of Wild Hair 3 from December 1952. Thanks Edie.
May 12, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of Science Fiction Fan #48, Thanks Edie.
Joe Siclari sent us scans of the first (and probably only) issue of Mallophagan. Thanks Joe.
May 11, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us a flyer and six Progress Reports from Nippon 2007. Thanks Joe.
May 9, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us a number of PDFs of the publications from LA Con IV. Thanks Joe.
May 8, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us a whole bunch of PDFs of the publications from Noreascon 4. Thanks Joe.
May 7, 2008
We have uploaded additional PDFs of Progress Reports 3 & 6 for 2003's Torcon 3. Like the ones for Progress Reoprt 2 these PDF's are of groups of pages of the progress report, in addition to the entire full sized report itself, and were also provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
May 6, 2008
We have uploaded PDFs of Progress Report 2 for Torcon 3. These PDFs are of groups of pages of the progress report, in addition to the entire 7MB report itself, and were also provided by Joe Siclari. There is more of these to come. Thanks Joe.
May 5, 2008
We have uploaded PDFs of some of the progress reports, Dam Write Daily newsletters, and Hugo award notices from 2003's Torcon 3 that were recently provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
May 1, 2008
Joe Siclari also sent us PDF files of of the Millennium PhilconÂź Progress Reports. Thanks Joe.
April 27, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us PDF files of 2001's Millennium PhilconÂź Kessel Run newsletter. Thanks Joe.
April 25, 2008
We have used ten of Mike Resnick and Jeff Maynard's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon II. Thanks Angelique.
Joe Siclari pointed out that the NASFiC index was messed up. We're sorry about that, it has been corrected. Thanks Joe.
April 19, 2008
We have used 19 photos by Al Elliott, Mike Resnick and Kathy Sanders all from Angelique Trouvere's collection to create or add to the photo albums for SFcon, Heicon 70, Noreascon I, Torcon 2, NYcon III, St Louiscon, SunCon, NaSFic 1975 and NaSFic 1979. Thanks Angelique.
We have used five photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to the photo album for Millennium Philcon. Thanks Mike.
We have used one photo from Ned Brooks's collection to add to the photo album for European Fandom. Thanks Ned.
April 18, 2008
Edie Stern provided us with scans for the Spring, 1945, issue of Acolyte. Thanks Edie.
Joe Siclari sent us another publication from the 2005 Worldcon Interaction. It is ION Trails, The WSFS Armadiiio Inflight Magazine, Premier Issue, for August 3005, Thanks Joe.
April 17, 2008
We have used one of Joe Markovic's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConFederation. Thanks Angelique.
Joe Sicalie sent us a photo that he recieved from Andy Porter amd we have used it to start a photo album for Midwestcon #17. Thank you both,
April 12, 2008
We have used 32 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for ConJose. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
Joe Siclar sent us scans of Vertigo #25. Thanks Joe.
April 9, 2008
We have used photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection by Dave Clark & Lenny Provenzano to add to the photo album for LA Con II. Thanks again Angie.
Angelique Trouvere sent us six of Stephen Jacobson & Mike Resnick's photos from her and Ernst & BJ Ellersieck's collections to create a photo album for IguanaCon II. Thanks Angie.
We have used 18 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
April 5, 2008
Joe Sclari sent us a dozen more cardzine scans of Fanewscard #11-14, 17-18, 20-25, Thanks Joe.
March 27, 2008
Joe Sclari sent us some cardzine scans that we have uploaded to the Fanac website. They are Fanewscard #106, FFF FANEWSCARD #2, QX the Cardzine #14-#20, and STEFCARD #1. Thanks Joe.
March 22, 2008
We have uploaded the last two of Tom Veal's fanzine scans, the 1940's Scienti-Comics issues #1 & #2, to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 20, 2008
We have uploaded more of Tom Veal's fanzine scans, the first four issues of Science, Fantasy & Science Fiction, to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 17, 2008
We have uploaded one more of Tom Veal's fanzine scans, A Lovecraft Symposium from 1963, to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 13, 2008
We have uploaded another of Tom Veal's fanzine scans, Fantastic Worlds 4, to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 10, 2008
Tom Veal has scanned a number of fanzines for us. The first of those zines, Fanscient #5, has been uploaded to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 8, 2008
We have uploaded last two of Melanie Herz's convention publications scans. These are Progress Report #1 and a "Confidential Progress Report" for 1950's NorWesCon. Many thanks Melanie.
March 5, 2008
We have uploaded one more of Melanie Herz's convention publications scans. This one is Journal #1 for 1957's Loncon. Thanks again Melanie.
February 28, 2008
Two more of Melanie Herz'a convention publications scans have been uploaded to the Fanac site. They are the Program Book for the first Worldcon, NYcon I, held in New York in 1939 and Journal #1 for the second Worldcon held in New York, NYcon II, in 1956. Thanks again Melanie.
February 26, 2008
We have uploaded five more of Melanie Herz's convention publications scans. These are 10th Anniversary Bulletins #1-#4 and an Invatation leaflet for 1952's Chicon II. Thanks again Melanie.
February 25, 2008
We have uploaded four more of Melanie Herz's convention publications scans. These are Progress Reports #1-#4 for 1954's SFCon. Thanks again Melanie.
February 22, 2008
Edie Stern sent us scans of the 1946 fanzine Space Flight... When? edited by Gerry de la Ree. It is now on-line under the Classic Fanzine index. Thanks again Edie.
February 20, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us 142 .txt files each one containing an issue of Marc Ortlieb's 1994-2001 Newsletter The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet. The are now on-line under the Modern and Electronic Fanzines indices. We had some trouble figuring out the format of these files but, thanks to Jean Weber's help, we finally succeeded.
February 19, 2008
Jean Weber has uploaded changed pages for TAFF Publications & Stuff and CUFF winners, plus minor changes to the Fan Funds Home Page. She's collecting info to update some of the other pages. Thanks Jean.
February 18, 2008
We have moved Melanie Herz's scan of the Solacon Progress Report #3 to the Fanac site. Thanks Melanie.
February 16, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of the 1937 fanzine Tomorrow Vol. 1 No. 2 edited by Douglas W. F. Mayer. It is now on-line under the Classic Fanzine index. Thanks again Edie.
February 14, 2008
We have replaced the site search that we have successfully used for the last several years with one from
. If you want to give it a try then please click on
either in our Homepage's index or here and let us know what you think. The new search will encompass all of Fanac including the main part of the site, the new Fancyclopedia III on EditMe, and ConJosé, an archive of the 2001 Worldcon's homepage.
The reason for this change is the limitation of 10,000 web pages imposed by the Fluid Dynamics search engine. We have recently blown that limit and, though there have not been any apparent problems, we thought that it was time for an upgrade.
February 13, 2008
We have moved five of Melanie Herz's scans of Clevention's Progress Reports to the Fanac site. They can be found in the new Clevention Publications index. Thanks Melanie.
February 10, 2008
New on Fancyclopedia: Knights of
St Fantony, by Peter Weston (from Prolapse 11) and
Langdon Chart (adapted from Rick Lynch notes on history of fandom in the 1960s, by Frederic Gooding).
Jean Weber has updated the DUFF and GUFF pages and added a bunch of new pages to the Fan Funds directory. She also updated the first page of that directory. Thanks Jean.
February 3, 2008
The DUFF 2008 ballot and voting results have been moved to Fanac's Fan Funds index.
February 2, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of a copy of Sun Spots from September of 1940. This zine was edited and published by Gerry de la Ree. Thanks Edie.
Moved another two of Melane Herz's scans, the Nolacon Bulletin #1 and #2 to the Nolacon Publications index. Thanks Melanie.
February 1, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us the DUFF 2008 Voting Results. Thanks Joe.
Moved four more of Melane Herz's scans, the Philcon II Progress Report #1, #2, #3, and #4 to the Philcon II Publications index. Thanks Melanie.
January 30, 2008
Because of the addition of the Convention Pubs index to the "Fanzines" index it has been renamed Fan Publications. This is a work-in-progress so please bear with us as we consolidate the existing Convention Publications that are already on the site and add the scans that Melanie Herz has done for us.
January 29, 2008
Moved two more of Melane Herz's scans, the Philcon News #1 and #2, to the to the Convention Publications index. Thanks Melanie.
January 28, 2008
Joe Siclari has sent us a PDF of the Pavlat-Evans Fanzine Index that was published in December of 1952 by Bob Pavlat and Bill Evans. Thanks Joe.
Moved two more of Melane Herz's scans, a Convention Flyer and Convention News #1, to the Convention Publications and the Pacificon I photo album. Thanks Melanie. index. Thanks Melanie.
January 23, 2008
Melanie Herz has scanned a number of Convention Publications, Progress Reports, Newsletters, etc. The next three issues of the Cinvention Daily are now on-line under the Cinvention index. Thanks Melanie.
We have started a new index under the Fanzines index for Convention Publications. Currently convention publications such as ones for Cinvention are scattered throughout the other fanzine idiocies making them hard to find. We hope that this will make the site easier to use.
January 21, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of The Acolyte #12 from the Fall of 1945. This zine was edited and published by Francis T. Laney & Samuel D. Russell. Thanks Edie.
January 20, 2008
Edie Stern sent us a copy of X #1 the Notorious NY Futurian "X" document created by Roger Conway in 1941. Thanks Edie.
Melanie Herz has scaned a number of Convention Publications, Progress Reports, Newsletters, etc. The first of these, issue #1 of the Cinvention Daily is now on-line. Thanks Melanie.
We have used 14 photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo albums for the Cincinnati Fan Group, Cinvention, Philcon II, Discon I, and NYcon III. Thanks Joe.
January 18, 2008
We have used a photo from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for NYcon II. Thanks Joe.
We have used three photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for LA Fandom. Thanks Joe.
We have used one photo from Ned Brooks's collection to add to the photo album for LA Fandom. Thanks Ned.
January 17, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of The Acolyte #11 from the Summer of 1945. This zine was edited and published by Franciis T. Laney & Samuel D. Russell. Thanks Edie.
January 16, 2008
We have used the last of Laurie Mann's Interaction photos to add to that album. Thanks Laurie.
January 15, 2008
We have used 13 of Lee Bradley's photos to create a photo album for CascadiaCon (NASFiC 2005). Thanks Lee.
We have used one of Saha's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon I. Thank you both.
January 14, 2008
We have used 13 more of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Interaction. There's still more to come. Thanks Laurie.
January 7, 2008
Laurie Mann has created a LiveJournal community account for Fanac to help introduce the FANAC Web site to LJers. Thanks Laurie.
January 3, 2008
We have used 22 of the photos that Laurie Mann sent us to create a photo album for Interaction. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
December 23, 2007
Joe Siclari, the current North American Administrator for the Down Under Fan Fund, sent us a pdf of the 2008 DUFF Ballot. This ballot can be downloaded and printed so you can vote but it must reach Joe or the Australasia Administrator, Norman Cates, by January 31, 2008!
December 21, 2007
Ned Brooks has just uploaded this year's issue, It Goes on the Shelf 29, of his zine to the Modern Fanzines index. Thanks Ned.
November 2, 2007
We have used ten photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to or create photo albums for Pros & Fans At Large, MidwestCon 43, ConVersion 2000, Denvention Two, Nebula Awards 1990, and Nolacon 1951. There's more to come. Thanks Mike.
We have used three of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to add to the photo album for Australian fandom. Thanks Merv & Helena.
October 29, 2007
We have used about sixty of Mike Resnick's photos to add to or create photo albums in the Worldcon (17), Fan Photo (1) and Other Conventions (14) photo albums. Thanks Mike.
October 27, 2007
We have used another 13 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There are still more to come. Thanks Laurie.
We have used 31 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Millennium Philcon. Thanks Laurie.
October 26, 2007
We have used 16 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There are many more Noreascon Four photos yet to come. Thanks Laurie.
October 24, 2007
We have used three of Debbie King's photos from Joe Siclari's collection that we found where they had fallen behind some dusty boxes of old photos to create a photo album for Boskone 29. Thanks Joe and Debbie.
October 23, 2007
We have used five of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There are many more Noreascon Four photos yet to come. Thanks Laurie.
October 20, 2007
We have used eight of Joel Zakem's photos to create a photo album for Midwestcon #57. Thanks Joel.
We have used seven of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There are more of these photos to come. Thanks Laurie.
We have used seven of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Chicon 2000. Thanks again Laurie.
October 18, 2007
We have used ten of Kay Shapero's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV 2006. There's more to come. Thanks Kay.
October 17, 2007
We have used 33 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV and 19 of her photos to add to the photo album for Chicon 2000. There's more to come for both albums. Thanks Laurie.
October 16, 2007
We have used 21 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. Thanks Laurie.
October 13, 2007
The last one of Melanie Herz's photos have been added to the LA Con IV photo album. Thanks Melanie.
October 10, 2007
Andy Porter has allowed us to use his recent (Sept. 28, 2007) photo of Terry Jeeves at home. It's been added to the UK Fandom photo album. Thanks Andy.
October 9, 2007
Jim Linwood sent us better scans of the two photos in the "Young UK Fandom" section of the UK Fandom photo album. Thanks Jim.
September 27, 2007
We have added forty of Melanie Herz's photos to the LA Con IV photo album. Thanks Melanie.
We have also added eleven photos by Adina Klass and Laurie Mann from Joe Siclari's collection to the Noreascon Four photo album. Thank you Joe.
September 19, 2007
Recemtly Gordon McGregor sent us 31 photos that we have used to create a photo album for Nippon 2007. Thanks Gordon.
Joe Siclari has provided PDF formatted copies of Changing Tides, the newsletter that was published at Nippon 2007. Thanks Joe.
Ned Brooks sent us six of Larry Montgomery's photos that we have added to the DeepSouthCon III photo album. Thanks to you both.
August 11, 2007
Fred Patten has provided A Brief History of the LASFS that has been added to Jim Caughran's Fancyclopedia III. Thanks Fred.
July 31, 2007
Cynthia L. Moore has tolds us that "That is definitely NOT the Lisa Goldstein who wrote The Red Magician or The Alchemist's Door. Do we have another LG in fandom?" in the LoneStarCon 2 photo Lisa Goldstein and Melissa Scott busily signing books. Can anybody help? Thanks.
June 24, 2007
Jim Caughran has completed the first step in creating a new version of Fancyclopedia III and we have replaced the link to the old Fancy III link in the Fancyclopedia index with a link to this new site. This new version is located on EditMe which is a Wiki type hosting service. Please take a look at the results so far and let us know what you think. Thanks Jim.
May 1, 2007
We have used one photo from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Japanese fandom. Thanks Joe.
We have used three photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for LASFS. Thanks Joe.
We have used five of James O'Meara's photos from Earl Kemp's collection to add to the photo album for Los Angeles Fandom. Thanks Earl.
We have used one photo from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for Los Angeles fandom. Thanks Joe.
We have used one of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to add to the photo album for Melbourne fandom. Thanks Merv & Helena.
We have used one of James O'Meara's photos from Earl Kemp's collection to create a photo album for Wyoming fandom. Thanks Earl.
April 30, 2007
We have used one of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to create a photo album for Unicon 4. Thanks Merv & Helena.
We have used one of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to create a photo album for Cinecon 2. Thanks Merv & Helena.
We have used one of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to create a photo album for Wellcon 1980. Thanks Merv & Helena.
We have used one of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Mythcon 4. Thanks Joe.
We have used two of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Mythcon 8. Thanks Joe.
We have used one of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Mythcon 13. Thanks Joe.
We have used two of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Westercon 25. Thanks Joe.
We have used 14 of Lee Bradley's photos to create a photo album for CascadiaCon. Thanks Lee.
We have also consolidated the NASFiC photo albums that we had for NorthAmericon and LoneStarCon under the NASFiC heading in the Other Conventions index.
We have used one of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create photo album for the Mythopoeic Society. Thanks Joe.
April 29, 2007
We have added six photos to the Andre Norton at Necronomicon in 1985 section of Andre Norton's personal album that was loaned to us by Irene Harrison. Thanks Irene.
Note that not all of these photos have Adndre in them but they are are part of the album.
April 28, 2007
We have used 1 photo from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConStellation. Thanks Angie.
We have used 3 of James O'Meara's photos from Earl Kemp's collection to add to the photo album for Midwest Fandom. Thanks Earl.
We have used 1 of James O'Meara's photos from Earl Kemp's collection to create a photo album for California Fandom. Thanks Earl.
We have used 1 photo from Mike Resnick's collection to create a photo album for ConCave 15. Thanks Mike.
We have used 4 of my photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV.
April 25, 2007
Added Petrea Mitchell's fanzine Picofarad to the Modern and Electronic Fanzines indices. As she said in her note "It's not strictly an e-fanzine, though there are probably more people reading it online than in print". Thanks Petera.
Angelique Trouvere sent us a number of photos from the 1974 and 1975 Star Trek Conventions that were held in New Your City. Thanks Angie.
April 24, 2007
Used more of Mike Resnick's photo to create or add to various photo albums: Thanks Mike.
April 23, 2007
Added three of Joel Zakem's photos to the LA Con IV photo album. Thanks Joel.
Added 27 photos by James O'Meara and Joe Sarno from Earl Kemp's collection to the Pittcon photo album. Thanks Earl.
April 22, 2007
Angelique Trouvere sent us photos by Rick Hawes, Dave Clark, Bill Lewis, and Lenny Provenzano for LA Con II and photos by Anthony Pescatore and Bruce Mittelman for the 1974 TrekCon that was held in New York. Thanks Angie.
We also added six photos from Joe Siclari's collection to the LASFS album. Thanks Joe.
April 21, 2007
We have used photos that we obtained from Mike Resnick's collection to create photo albums for Midwestcon 45 and Midwestcon 47. Thanks Mike.
We have also added photos from Lee Hoffman's collection to the photo albums for Nolacon, Chicon II, and Loncon I, and the Southern Fandom album. We miss you Lee.
We have added 42 of Laurie Mann's photos to the Torcon 3 photo album. Thanks Laurie
April 20, 2007
Angelique Trouvere sent us 21 photos by Carolyn Cushman, Dave Clark, and Jane Jewell from ConFederation 1986 and a single photo by Mike Resnick from St Louiscon 1969. Thank you Angie.
March 25, 2007
Geri Sullivan has sent us a PDF version of SFFY #12 and a improved PDF version of SFFY #11. In addition she has allowed to use her a brief history that was original published on Bill Burns' eFanzines site. Thanks Geri.
March 14, 2007
Added Shelby Vick's confuSon V1 N5 to the Confusion fanzine index. This issue is a memorial to rich brown. The issue is in PDF format which requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. Thanks Shelby
March 6, 2007
Judy Bemis has entered the text of a number of pages from Masque #7. This makes them easier to read and allows them to be scanned by search engine spiders as well as searched by you. Thank you Judy.
February 28, 2007
In November of 1985 the South Florida Science Fiction Society (SFSFS) published the first issue of it's quarterly clubzine Solstice. We have added a copy of that issue to the Modern Fanzines index.
February 25, 2007
In fond memory of Lee Hoffman we have added a copy of Happy Birthday, LeeH! to the Modern Fanzines index. This was limitedly published in August 2002 by a number of her friends and fans as a surprise present for LeeH's 70th birthday.
We have also added seventeen more photos to Andre Norton Scrapbook from the Andre Norton's personal album loaned to us by Irene Harrison. Fan Photo Album There is more to come. Thank you Irene.
February 10, 2007
Evelyn Leeper has sent us a copy of her convention report for LA Con IV. Thanks Evelyn.
January 23, 2007
Ned Brooks has added more fanzines from George Wells' declutterfication project to his Fanzine Index in the Fannish Bibliorgaphys index. Thanks Ned.
January 3, 2007
Mike Ransom sent us the rest of the OKon '78 Program Book and we have put it in the Classic Fanzine index. Thanks again Mike.
December 29, 2006
Mike Ransom sent us a photo of the OKon '78 program book cover that we have added to the OKon II photo album. Thanks Mike.
December 15, 2006
Ned Brooks has again updated his Fanzine Index.
December 4, 2006
Ned Brooks has updated his Fanzine Index in honor of the arrival of the 12th issue of the Science Fiction Five-Yearly.
November 28, 2006
We have added a link to Gary McGath's Filk Book Index to the Fannish Bibliorgaphys index. Thanks Gary.
November 22, 2006
Ned Brooks has added his The Hannes Bok Illustration Index to the Fannish Bibliorgaphys index. Thanks Ned.
November 9, 2006
A while back Mike Resnick sent us a bunch of photos from various cons and other fan activities. We have just used a dozen or so of them to add to or create photo albums for Discon I, four Midwestcons, some New York fan activity, and a couple of Rivercons. Thanks Mike.
November 7, 2006
Angelique Trouvere also sent us four photos from ConFederation by Jay Kay Klein. Thanks again Angee.
November 5, 2006
Angelique Trouvere sent us eleven photos from Noreascon I by Gail Osherenko and Jay Kay Klein. Thank you Angee.
November 4, 2006
In a much overdue effort to frustrate the bottom feeders that troll websites such as ours for e-mail addresses of people to victimize, we have made a change to the Fanac Guestbook. The e-mail addresses have been altered so the one of the critical characters is incorrect. If you want to send mail to one of the great people that have signed the book over the years you will need to correct that character before you can do it.
October 26, 2006
Added 12 photos to the Seacon 1979 album that were sent to us by Ned Brooks. Thanks again Ned.
October 22, 2006
Ned Brooks has added Issue 28 to his It Goes on the Shelf zine. Thanks Ned.
Evelyn Leeper has also sent us a copy of her convention report for Readercon 17. Thanks again Evelyn.
August 31, 2006
Replaced Shelby Vick's confuSon V1 N4 to the Confusion fanzine index. Shelby's comment: "Thanx to Peter Sullivan, the somewhat HEAVYish Four has been redone; now just a bit over 400 kilobites. Also, somehow I had left out the ending of Arnie Katz' column. It's in it, now." Thanks Shelby.
August 12, 2006
Added Shelby Vick's confuSon V1 N4 to the Confusion fanzine index. This issue is in PDF format which requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing.
June 16, 2006
Shelby Vick sent us scans of the Program Book for Pacificon I, the "4th World Science Fiction Convention". Thank you Shelby.
June 14, 2006
Evelyn Leeper has provided us with her (short) convention report for Lunacon 2006 and an updated version of her report for Philcon 2005 Thank you Evelyn
April 28, 2006
We have added PDF formatted copies of The Port Authority Interaction's twice/thrice daily newsletter.
April 18, 2006
We have moved another five of Helena Binns' photos to the Torcon 2 photo album. Thank you Helena.
We aslo recieved the following note from Eric Schultheis:
I just discovered a photograph in a stack of 1949 Astoundings. The little girl seems to be posed reading the June 1947 Astounding, and I doubt the undated photo was taken much later than the Fifties. It was scanned at 1500dpi and I have the original. I'm just wondering whose sister or daughter was posed for this photo.
If anybody can help Eric please send him a note and copy us. Thanks.
April 15, 2006
We have moved another sixteen of Helena Binns' photos to the Seacon 1979 photo album. Thank you Helena.
March 25, 2006
Added the last twelve of the photos that David Dyer-Bennet's sent us to the Discon II photo album. Thank you David.
March 20, 2006
Added the final three photos from Andre Norton's personal album loaned to us by Irene Harrison of Andre Norton at Oasis to the Andre Norton Scrapbook. Thank you Irene.
March 8, 2006
Evelyn Leeper has provided us with her new convention report for Philcon 2005 and an updated version of her convention report for Aussiecon Three. Thank you Evelyn
February 14, 2006
We have added 44 more of Charles Mohapel's photos to the Torcon 3 photo album. Thank you Charles. There is still much more to come.
February 10, 2006
We have uploaded HTML scans of issues #14, #15, and #16 of Raymond D. and Joyce M. Fisher's 1960's fanzine ODD that we received from Ned Bush and Shelby Vick. Thank you both.
February 4, 2006
We used more Helena Binns photos from Merv & Helena Binns' collection to start a photo album for the Australian National Convention 2, to add Melbourne Fandom to the Australian Fandom photo album, and to add to the AussieCon One and AussieCon Two albums. Again, thank you.
February 3, 2006
We used some of Helena Binns photos from Merv & Helena Binns' collection to create photo albums for Syncon 1970 and Syncon 1975. Thank you both
February 2, 2006
We have added another two dozen of Charles Mohapel's photos to the Torcon 3 photo album. Thank you Charles. Again there is more to come.
We have also added fifteen photos from Joe Siclari's collection to the LASFS photo album. Thanks Joe. There may be more to come.
We have also created a photo album for Midwestcon 27 using four photos and added two more photos to Discon II. These photos are by Thelma Naugle from Joe Siclari's collection. Thank you both.
February 1, 2006
Using photos from Andre Norton's personal album that was loaned to us by Irene Harrison we have started the Andre Norton Scrapbook in the Fan Photo Album There is more to come. Thank you Irene.
January 17, 2006
We have added a link to Ned Brooks' Fanzine Index - January 2006 to the Fannish Bibliorgaphys index. Thanks Ned.
January 5, 2006
Added 15 more of David Dyer-Bennett's photos to the Discon II photo album.
Added another of Joe Siclari's photos to the LASFS photo album.
Added 3 more of Charles Mohapel's photos to the Torcon 3 photo album.
Added Shelby Vick's confuSon V1 N3 ("The Son of Confusion") to the Confusion fanzine index. This issue is a tribute to Howard Devore (1925-2005) and is in PDF format which requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing.
Thank you all.
January 4, 2006
Added more of David Dyer-Bennett's photos to the Discon II and the LA Con I photos albums. There is still more to come.
Started a photo albun for the Minnesota Science Fiction Socciety with one of David's photos.
Added 2 more of Charles Mohapel's photos to the Photo Album for Torcon 3. There is also still more to come.
Thank you David and Charles.
January 3, 2006
Last October David Dyer-Bennett sent us a number of photos for the site. Due to various reasons (mostly to do with our real lives) we are just now getting a chance to process them. You can find some of them in the Minicon 9 (1), Discon II (73), and the LA Con I (6) photos albums. There is more to come. Thank you David.
January 1, 2006
Shelby Vick has sent us a PDF of his Confusion #12 fanzine that he originally published in November of 1952. We have added it to the Classic Fanzine index. Note that this copy of the zine is in PDF format and requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. Thank you Shelby.
December 29, 2005
Shelby Vick has also sent us a copy of Raymond D. and Joyce M. Fisher's 1966 issue of ODD #14 which we have added to the Classic Fanzine index. Note that this copy of the zine is in PDF format and requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. Thanks again Shelby.
December 28, 2005
We have added a number of photos from Joe Siclari's collection to the site. They may be found in the Fan Photo Album, Intersection and MagiCon photo albums. Thanks Joe
December 27, 2005
Added 53 more of the photos that Charles Mohapel sent us for the Photo Album for Torcon 3. There is still more to come. Thank you again Charles.
December 20, 2005
Shelby Vick has sent us Ned Bush's scans of Scientifantasy #3 Bill Kroll & John Grossman's Prozine, this one published in the Spring of 1949. It has also been added to the Classic Fanzine index. Thank you both.
December 18, 2005
Shelby Vick has sent us scans of Scientifantasy #4 Bill Kroll & John Grossman's Prozine published in the Suummer of 1949. It has been added to the Classic Fanzine index. Thank you Shelby.
We have added a Site Map to the Fanac website. Over time we plam to add a bar to most of our pages that will allow you fast access this map, the Homepage, and the Search page. Please take a look at our efforts and let us know if the will be helpful.
December 16, 2005
Evelyn Leeper has provided us with her convention report for Interaction the 2005 Worldcon that was held in Scotland. Thank you Evelyn.
December 10, 2005
Ned Brooks has just added issue #27 of his It Goes On The Self fanzine that is available via the Modern Fanzines index. Thank you Ned
November 29, 2005
Added more of the photos that Charles Mohapel sent us for the Photo Album for Torcon 3. Thank you again Charles.
Planetary Stories Volume 1 Number 3 is now available via the Electronic Fanzines index. Chock--full! Includes -- A new Bill Jackson cover (based on an old confusion cover) and stories by L. Baehne, Richard Brooks, Ahrved Engholm, P. J. Lozito, Gerald Page and Shelby Vick and a new Feature, Pulp Fiction.
November 28, 2005
Shelby Vick was kind enough to send us a copy of Ned Brooks' scans of Raymond D. Fisher and Rich Elsberry's 1951 issue of ODD #9 which we have added to the Classic Fanzine index. Thanks to you both.
October 30, 2005
Recently rich brown (aka Dr. Gafia) has added several new, and updated some old, of his Dr. Gafia's Fan Terms definitions. Please take a look at the results of his efforts and, if you have any constructive comments or suggestions, please contact him at . Thanks again rich for your work.
October 24, 2005
Adder a link to Shelby Vick's new E-Zine Planetary Stories to the Electronic Fanzines index. "An Online homage to the S-F pulp magazines of the 30's through the 50's!" Good luck Shelby!
October 4, 2005
Added the rest of the photos that Andy Kwong sent us to the Photo Album for Noreascon Four. Thank you Andy and I'm sorry that it took so long to get funally get them all on-line.
October 2, 2005
Added links to the websites of the bidders for the 2008 and 2009 Worldcons. Thanks to Judy Bemis for the information.
September 15, 2005
Over the last couple of months rich brown (aka Dr. Gafia) has been revising his Dr. Gafia's Fan Terms. Please take a look at the results of his considerable efforts and, if you have any constructive comments or suggestions, please contact him at . Thank you rich for your efforts.
June 7, 2005
Used a few of the photos that Andy Kwong sent us last year to start a Photo Album for Noreascon Four. Thank you Andy and I'm sorry that it took so long to get them on-line.
June 4, 2005
Used a few of the photos that Charles Mohapel sent us to create a Photo Album for Torcon 3. Thank you Charles.
April 3, 2005
Added a button provided by Carol De Priest for "Tuscon V - The NonCon" to the TusCon photo albums. Thank you Carol.
March 31, 2005
Added a couple more photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo album for Millennium PhilconÂź. Thanks again Mike.
March 30, 2005
Added listings provided by Charles Mohapel of the various award winners at Torcon 3. Thank you Charles.
January 12, 2005
Added another two of Evelyn Leeper's convention reports, JerseyDevilCon 3 and Westercon 57, to the Other Conventions index. Thank you again Evelyn
January 11, 2005
Added two more of Evelyn Leeper's convention reports, one for Philcon 2003 and the other for Noreascon 4 (2004). Thank you Evelyn
November 1, 2004
We have installed a new, feature rich, Search Engine from Fluid Dynamics Software Corporation. If you want to give it a try then please click on
either in our Homepage's index or here and let us know what you think. You currently may search for references in either Fanac, the main part of the site, or ConJosé, an archive of ConJosé's homepage.
September 25, 2004
Added four new fanzines, Masque #7, Shrangi LA Fall-Winter 1953, Starlight #1, and Vega #5-11, to the Classic Fanzine index. Page scans provided by Tom Veal. Thank you Tom.
September 3, 2004
Nicki and Richard Lynch have added Mimosa 30 to the Mimosa index.
July 27, 2004
Added links to John Teeham's Millennium PhilconÂź Convention Report and Photo Album to the WorldCon and Millennium PhilconÂź indices. Thank you John.
July 23, 2004
Added a link to Bill & Sue-On Hillman's Edgar Rice Burroughs Web Museum and Weekly Online Fanzine to the Electronic Fanzines index. Thanks to you both.
July 21, 2004
Added the rest of the ConJosé photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the ConJosé photo album. Thanks again Mike.
A while back Julie Zetterberg pointed out that a couple of photos that belonged in the Nolacon 2 photo album had been incorrectly filed under Noreascon 3. This error has been corrected. Thank you Julie.
July 17, 2004
Added more photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo albums for ConJosé and Millennium PhilconŸ. Thanks Mike.
July 9, 2004
We have moved the rest of the photos that David Dyer-Bennet sent us to the Minneapolis Fandom, Minicon 39, and MidAmeriCon photo albums. Thanks again David.
July 7, 2004
Over the period of several years a number of people have called our attention to a group of masquerade photos that had been misfiled under Constellation when they should have been inculded in the ConFrancisco photo album. This error has finally been corrected.
Thanks to all of you who took the trouble to bring this error to our attention.
July 2, 2004
David Dyer-Bennet has sent us some photos for the Minicon 8, 9, and 10 photo albums. Thank you David.
June 26, 2004
Carol De Priest has provided Badges, Buttons, and Program Book Covers for all the TusCon photo albums. Thank you Carol.
June 21, 2004
Added 31 photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo album for Millennium PhilconÂź. Thanks again Mike.
Added a dozen of George Young's photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo album for Nolacon 2.
Added another ten photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo album for ConJosé. Thank you Mike.
May 1, 2004
Tony Lewis sent us a photo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Science Fiction Society banquet from 1959 and we added it to the Fan Photo Album. Thanks Tony.
April 30, 2004
Added a link to Joe Schaumburger's Pratchett-focused on-line monhtlly fanzine WOSSNAME to the Electronic Fanzines index. Thanks Joe.
April 18, 2004
Used photos provided by Tony Lewis to create a photo album for Boskone 1 and added two photos provided by Rich Lynch to FanHistoriCon I. Thank you both.
April 17, 2004
Used photos provided by Carol De Priest to create photo albums for TusCon XXIX and TusCon XXX. Thank you Carol.
April 9, 2004
Added more of Mike Resnick's convention photos from Discon II, MidAmeriCon, SunCon, Torcon 2, and Nasfic 1979. Thank you again Mike.
April 8, 2004
Used some of Mike Resnick's convention photos to create a photo album for Chicon 2000. Thank you Mike and I'm sorry that it took so long.
April 7, 2004
Added three issues (#14, #15 & #16) of Shelby Vick's fanzine Confusion , one issue (Vol 1 No 2) of Larry J. Touzinsky's fanzine Fan To See and one issue (Vol 3 No 3) of Paul Ganley's fanzine Fan-Fare to the Classic Fanzine and, when appropriate, Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
January 14, 2004
Added another issue (#190) of James V. Taurasi's fanzine Fantasy Times to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
December 26, 2003
Added the work of Professional Artists' Sam Andre, Davis, Ross A. Leslie, Miller, and William E. Terry plus additional work of Coggins and Emsh (Ed Emshwiller) to the Professional Artists Index. All of these pieces are eligible for consideration for Retro Hugos at Noreascon Four. More to come. Scans provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
December 11, 2003
Added nineteen more Professional Artists' work to the Professional Artists Index plus some additional work of those artists that were already there. All of these pieces are eligible for consideration for Retro Hugos at Noreascon Four. More to come. Scans provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
November 29, 2003
Added Evelyn Leeper's convention reports for ReaderCon II and 15. Thank you again Evelyn.
November 16, 2003
Added three photos provided by Greg Benford to the Fan Photo Album under the heading Fans Around the World. Thank you Greg.
November 2, 2003
Added Evelyn Leeper's convention reports for Boskone 24-32 and for Torcon 3. Thank you Evelyn.
October 28, 2003
Added two issues (#20 and #22) of Robert Silverberg's fanzine Spaceship and one issue of Norman L. Shorrock's fanzine Space Diversions to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
October 1, 2003
Added page scans provided by Judy Bemis to Don Fabun's Rhodomagnetic Digest #17 (1951) and #21 (1952)
September 26, 2003
Added three 1953 issues of of John Magnus' fanzine SF and a complete set of page scans for Walt Willis' Slant #7 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
September 18, 2003
Added five 1953 issues of of Ray Van Houten's fanzine The Fan-Vet and Charles Lee Riddle's Peon 28 and 29 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
September 16, 2003
Added a new directory for Professional Artists to dispaly work that is eligible for consideration for Retro Hugos at Noreascon Four. For starters we have work by Hannes Bok, Chesley Bonestell, Coggins, Emsh, Virgil Finlay, Kelly Freas, Mel Hunter, Sidney Meltzoff, and Frank R. Paul. More to come. Scans provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
September 14, 2003
Added the PDF Introduction to the Retro Hugos, a comprehensive introduction to, and history of, the Retro Hugos to the Worldcon and Retro Hugos Indicies. This document was edited by Andrew I. Porter with the assistance of Joe Siclari and Edie Stern.
July 28, 2003
Added Bob Tuckers fanzine issues Science Fiction Newsletter 28 and 29 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 26, 2003
Added the first six issues of Graham Stone's Australian Newsletter Science Fiction News to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 25, 2003
Added Roy A. Squires fanzine issiues Science Fiction Advertiser Vol VI No 4 (6), Vol VI No 5 (7), and Vol VI No 6 (8) to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 23, 2003
We are trying out a little something new on the recently added issues of Destiny, Fantastic Worlds, and The Journal of Science-Fiction. On the zine pages you may notice one or two extra buttons. For example: 
The two additional buttons are provided on pages of material (an editorial in the example) that are continuations from an earlier page (Page 3) and/or are continued on a later page (Page 47). We hope that this change will make browsing fanzines a little easier particularly for scanned material. Please let us know if this change is useful.
July 21, 2003
Added Charles Freudenthal and Edward Wood's fanzine The Journal of Science-Fiction 4 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 16, 2003
Added Sam Sacket's fanzine issues Fantastic Worlds 3 and 5 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 13, 2003
Added Earl Kemp & Malcom Willits' fanzine issues Destiny VII, VIII and IX to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans provided by Tom Veal
July 12, 2003
Nicki and Richard Lynch have added Mimosa 29 to the Mimosa index.
July 2, 2003
Used more of Carol De Priest's photos to create a photo album for TusCon IV and to add photos to the photo album for TusCon XXVIII. Thank you again Carol.
June 5, 2003
Used photos provided by Carol De Priest to create photo albums for TusCon II, XXIII, and XXVIII. Thank you Carol.
June 1, 2003
Added 1975, Patrick Nielsen Hayden's essay about his introduction to "science fiction fandom", to the Articles index.
May 28, 2003
Added The Sacred Writings of Roscoe by Arthur Rapp to the Fanzine Articles index.
Added Published Short Stories - 1953 to the Retro Hugos index.
May 20, 2003
Added thirteen new page scans to Lee Hoffman's Quandry 27-28 from December 1952.
May 18, 2003
Added Lee Hoffman's Quandry 29 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry and scans provided by Judy Bemis.
May 17, 2003
Added Charles Lee Riddle's Peon 26 and 27 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry and scans provided by Judy Bemis.
May 16, 2003
Added 17 page scans to Vanations #4 and added Skyhook 16, 17, 18, and 19 to the Classic Fanzine index. These zines are candidates for the Retro Hugos to be awarded at the 2004 Worldcon, Noreascon Four. Watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry and scans provided by Judy Bemis.
May 7, 2003
Added Fantasy Times 177 and Vanations #4 to the Classic Fanzine index. These zines are candidates for the Retro Hugos to be awarded at the 2004 Worldcon, Noreascon Four. Watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry and scans provided by Judy Bemis.
Also added Lee Hoffman's Quandry 27-28 from December 1952.
April 1, 2003
Added covers for NOSFAn #30 and NOLAzine #10-#13 to the Classic Fanzine index. Scans provided by Dean Sweatman. Thank you Dean.
March 31, 2003
Added two photos provided by Shayne McCormack to the photo albums for AussieCon and Discon II, one to each album. Thank you Shayne. Again we're sorry that it took so long to get your photos on-line.
Added Peon. This zine is a candidate for one of the Retro Hugos to be awarded at the 2004 Worldcon, Noreascon Four. Watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry provided by Judy Bemis.
Added a couple of photos by D. Gary Grady to DisClave 1976 photo album and used another of his photos to start an album for Disclave 1978. Photos provided by Tim Marion. Thank you both.
March 29, 2003
Added photos provided by Dina Pearlman, George Willick, and your humble Webmaster to the photo albums for Tropicon XX, LunaCon 1962, and Boskone 40. Thank you Dina and George and we're sorry that it took so long to get your photos on-line.
March 19, 2003
Added Evelyn C. Leeper's convention reports for ReaderCon I (1987), Boskone 40 (2003) & Shorecon '95. Thank you Evelyn.
March 9, 2003
We have made a change to the way photos are displayed in the various photo albums on the Fanac site. In the past photos that had incomplete information, such as a missing photographer's name, unidentified people in the photo, a totally missing caption, and the like were displayed with a form that could be used to supply the missing information. Photos that apparently had all their information were displayed without a form. We have found that the use of a form in this manner is distracting and that frequently people have wanted to add to, or make changes to, photos that did not have a form. In the future all photos will be displayed without a form but, by clicking were indicated, a form will be made available that will allow anybody to submit additions or changes that they think are appropriate for any photo.
We wish the thank all of those in the past that have taken the time to help us improve this site and to express our appreciation to those who will continue to do so in the future. We hope that this change will make it easier for you to continue to assist us.
March 6, 2003
Added issue 11 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. Data entry provided by Judy Bemis and hard copy provided by Geri Sullivan. Again, thank you both.
Started a new version of the Retro Hugos index for Noreascon Four.
February 19, 2003
Reestrablished the link to GötterdÀmmerung, a "A science fiction fanzine from Belfast", published by Mark McCann, Tommy Ferguson, and James McKee.
January 16, 2003
Added a dozen mostly unpublished examples of Fred Phillips' art work, provided by Norman E. Masters, to the Fan Art Index. Thank you Norman.
January 10, 2003
Added Evelyn C. Leeper's convention reports for Millenium Philcon (2001), ConJose (2002), Boskone 37 (2000), 38 (2001) & 39 (2002) and Windycon XXIX (2002), Thank you Evelyn.
January 9, 2003
Added the second part of Garth Spencer's work-in-progress, A History of Canadian SF Fandom, "Les AnnĂšes 70", to the FANAC Fan Histories. Thank you Garth.
January 2, 2003
Added issue 10 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. Data entry provided by Judy Bemis and hard copy provided by Geri Sullivan. Thank you both.
November 21, 2002
Now we have added issue 9 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. Data entry provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you again Judy.
November 11, 2002
Now we have added issue 8 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. All data entry and page scans were provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you again Judy.
November 8, 2002
Added issue 7 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. All data entry and page scans were provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you again Judy.
November 6, 2002
Rich Lynch sent us three of his photos from ConJosé for which we are very grateful. We wish that we had lots more of them.
October 13, 2002
Copies of issues 1-6 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, have been added to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. All data entry and page scans were provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
Cuyler Brooks has added a HTML copy of Issue 24 to his It Goes On The Shelf fanzine. Thank you Cuyler.
October 11, 2002
Rudy Fick Jr. has added a short rebuttal regarding the Ruby Fick "hoax" to Spacewarp #35 Page 11. Thanks for the input Rudy.
October 1, 2002
Carol De Priest has allowed us to link to her site for TusCon from the Other Cons Index. Thank you Carol.
September 21, 2002
Laurie D. T. Mann has allowed us to link to her sites for Chicon 2000, Millennium PhilconŸ 2001, and ConJosé. Thank you Laurie.
March 5, 2002
Nicki and Richard Lynch have added Mimosa 27 to the Mimosa index.
December 17, 2001
Added rich brown's Dr. Gafia's Fan Terms to the Fannish Reference Works index. Thank you rich.
October 18, 2001
Added a copy of Jim Gaine's article from the New Times Broward-Palm Beach on-line web site that provides a brief but comprehensive history of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. Thanks to Jim and his editor for allowing us to use the material
September 29, 2001
Added photos by:
John Hall
Tim Marion (sent by Jeff Kleinbard)
Norm Masters
We appreciate their effort and apologize for taking so long to get the photos on-line. Real life sometimes interferes with the important things like SF fandom.
August 26, 2001
The Site Search Engine is back on-line. It was taken off-line due to a problem that occured during the building of the search database that was caused by an incorrect setting of one of the server's parameters. This error has been corrected.
August 21, 2001
Added text copies of a number of pages of Spacewarp 35 and 36 to the existing photocopies of the zines and started a text version of Spacewarp 37.
Added photocopies of Quandry 3 and 4. All these zine pages were transcribed and/or photocopied by Judy Bemis.
July 12, 2001
Added text copies, transcribed by Judy Bemis, of a number of pages of Quandry 2.
July 10, 2001
Added text copies of a number of pages of Spacewarp 38. More thanks to Judy.
July 8, 2001
Added text pages for Yandro #122 Volume XI - No 3 to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entry by Judy Bemis.
July 4, 2001
Added text pages entered by Judy Bemis to Spacewarp 42. Thank you again Judy.
Added text and/or scanned pages provided by Judy Bemis for Quandry 1 and 2 to the Retro Hugos index. Thank you Judy.
June 26, 2001
Norm Masters has provided us with the complete indices and about 120 pages of text and/or scans from the fanzines THE NO-EYED MONSTER & THE UNKNOWN that he and John Merkel published during 1964-1974. Thank you Norm.
June 23, 2001
Added text copies of a number of pages of Slant #4.
Added a number of scanned pages to Spacewarp 38. More of Judy's good work.
June 21, 2001
Also added copies of Operation Fantast (New Series) 4, 5 (TOC only), and 6 (TOC only) to the Retro Hugos index. More thanks to Judy.
June 20, 2001
Added copies of Spacewarp 34, 35, 36, 38 (TOC only), and 42 to the Retro Hugos index. Text entry and/or page scans again provided by Judy Bemis. Thanks again Judy.
June 19, 2001
Added copies of Quandry 5, Sky Hook 9, and Slant #4 to the Retro Hugos index. Text entry and/or page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
We also added Rhodomagnetic Digest 17. Text entry also provided by Judy Bemis.
June 15, 2001
Added the Program Book cover provided by Dean Sweatman for DeepSouthCon 39. Thanks Dean.
May 20, 2001
Norm Masters sent in some photos for MidWestCon 19 and Triple Fan Fare 1969. Many thanks Norm.
Ned Brooks supplied a photo of the 100th meeting of the LASFS held in 1940 and Vincent J. Docherty provided a photo of the Smofcon 17 consuite. Thanks guys.
May 19, 2001
Shirlene Ananayo-Rawlik has provided us with photos from the SFSFS Annual Dinner 2000 and Tropicon XIX. Thank you Shirlene.
May 18, 2001
We have added copies of more candidates for the Retro Hugos for The 2001 Worldcon, the Millennium Philcon, at Fanscient 10 and Fanscient 12.
May 15, 2001
Added photos by Charlotte Proctor to the AussieCon Two, After AussieCon Two, and B'hamacon II photo albums. Thank you Charlotte.
May 13, 2001
Ned Brooks added issues #9 and #10 to his IGOTS fanzine in the Modern Fanzines index. Thank Ned.
March 20, 2001
We have added The LASFS Album to the Classic Fanzines index. This album was edited by Al Lewis and published by Fred Whitledge in 1966 in honor of the 1500th meeting of LASFS. The zine was scanned and ocr'd by Ned Brooks from a copy provided by Doris Beetem. Thanks to you all.
We have also added copies of Fantasy Commentator #24 and Science Fiction Newsletter #15, #16, #17, and #18 to the Classic Fanzines index. These five zines are candidates for Worldcon's Retro Hugos this year.
March 16, 2001
Jean Weber has added Issue #57 (March 2001) to her WeberWoman's Wrevenge fanzine. Thank you Jean.
February 23, 2001
Added Barry R. Hunter's Baryon Magazine to the Electronic Fanzines index.
February 21, 2001
Added the Program Book covers for DeepSouthCon 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11, and St. Louiscon to the convention's photo album indices. These covers were provided by Dean Sweatman.
February 18, 2001
Added the Program Book for the Eleventh World Science Fiction Convention to the Classic Fanzines index. This Program Book was also provided by Dean Sweatman. Thanks again Dean.
February 17, 2001
Added the Program Book for the 1969 Nebula Awards Banquet to the Classic Fanzines index. This Program Book was provided by Dean Sweatman. Thanks Dean.
December 24, 2000
Added John Foyster's article Nineteen Somerset Place to the Fan Histories index.
December 23, 2000
Added John Foyster's PDF format fanzine eFNAC to the Electronic Fanzines index.
December 9, 2000
Added a link to Nic Farey's fanzine This Here to the Modern Fanzines index. The site also includes sections for ARROWS of DESIRE (his zine which ran from 1988-98), SINGSING (FAPA contribution) and NICHEVO (fandomcentric genzine). Also available are font downloads which are needed for SINGSING and NICHEVO.
December 5, 2000
Added Jaap Bokestein's article about Dutch and Flemish fandom in the fifties and sixties to the Fan Histories Index. Thank you Jaap.
November 22, 2000
Ned Brooks has amemded Issue 22 of It Goes On The Shelf. For the first time the on-line version will differ significantly from the print version. He has acquired more complete information for the inventory of Mae Strelkov's manuscripts and added it to the on-line version.
November 21, 2000
Jean Weber has added Issue #56, dated November 2000, to her WeberWoman's Wrevenge fanzine. Thank you Jean.
November 14, 2000
Added "Chicon 2000", A convention report by Evelyn C. Leeper, to the WorldCon Index. Thank you Evelyn.
November 7, 2000
Added "A short outline of the history of GDR fandom" to the Fan History Index. Translation by Thomas Recktenwald.
October 26, 2000
Added the Program section (pages 14-16) of the Boskone 37 Program Book to the Boskone Index.
October 21, 2000
Added Michael J. "Orange Mike" Lowrey's Goh speech to the ICon 25 Photo Album.
October 18, 2000
Added a link to Richard Lynch's outline for a work in progress Fan History Outline - 1960's to the Fan Histories index.
October 10, 2000
Started a Photo Album for ICon 25 using a drawing of Michael J. "Orange Mike" Lowrey by Georgie Schnobrich. Thanks a lot guys, now how about more details and a bunch of photos to add to the album?
October 7, 2000
Added the first part Garth Spencer's work-in-progress, A History of Canadian SF Fandom, to the FANAC Fan Histories Index which has been moved from Fannish References to the main index. Thank you Garth.
October 4, 2000
Added Janice Gelb's SMOFcon 16 Convention Report "SMOFs in Snow" to the SMOFcon Index. Thank you Janice.
October 1, 2000
Added Laurraine Tutihasi's Westercon 49 Convention Report to the Westercon Index. Thank you again Laurraine.
September 30, 2000
Added Laurraine Tutihasi's WorldCon 1996 Convention Report to the WorldCon 1996 Photo Album. Thank you Laurraine for allowing us to use it.
September 26, 2000
Added Peter R. Weston's 1973 fanzine Speculation #33 to the Classic Fanzines index. Document scaning and conversion provided by Peter Barker. Thanks Mal.
September 19, 2000
Used a number of Bruce Pelz's photos to add to, or create albums for, Ackermansion, Arizona Fandom, Los Angeles Fandom, LASFS, Southern Fandom, San Francisco Fandom, TAFF, Texas Fandom, Walt Willis Fan Fund, and Chicon III. Thank you Bruce.
September 17, 2000
Added 84 of Debbie King's photos to the LaCon III Photo Album. Thank you Debbie.
Used photos provided by Ned Bush to add to, or create albums for, Southern Fandom, DisClave 1971, 1976, and 1977, MileHiCon 4, 6, and 7, NorthameriCon 1979, Rivercon 1976, WesterCon 24, Discon II, and MidAmeriCon. One of these photos was taken by Ned, the rest by Doris Beetem or her camera or by George Beahm's camera. Thank's to Ned, Doris, George, and their cameras.
September 9, 2000
Added 87 of Debbie King's photos to the Chicon IV Photo Album. Thank you Debbie.
Added FandBook No. 1, "A Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom by D. Franson", to the Fannish Reference Works index. Data entry by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
September 6, 2000
Updated the Gaylaxicon index page using information provided by Kendall Bullen. Thank you Kendall.
September 3, 2000
Added Joe Siclari's FANAC Update #7 to the Electronic Fanzines index.
August 10, 2000
Added a "Young English Fandom" section to "English Fandom" using two delightful photos provided by Jim Linwood. Thanks Jim.
July 28, 2000
Tim Frayser provided photos to start a Photo Album for Conestoga 2000. Thank you Tim.
July 26, 2000
Used a large number of photos by Debbie King to create a Photo Album for Boskone 18. Thank you Debbie.
July 25, 2000
Nicki and Richard Lynch have added Mimosa 25 to the Mimosa index.
July 16, 2000
Added photos provided by Tim Frayser to, or created Photo Albums for, ConQuesT 31, OKon IX, OKon XV, and Soonercon 13 Photo Albums. Thanks Tim.
July 3, 2000
Added a PDF file of the "True Tale of Zorba the Greep" by Jon Singer as published in RUNE 48 (1976) to the Fanzine Articles Index. File provided by Fred A Levy Haskell. Thanks Fred.
June 8, 2000
Added a form to the Fanac Names Cross Reference that will allow people to correct the way their names are presented in the listings. Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for the idea.
May 31, 2000
Added the third issue of Walt Liebscher's Chanticleer to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entry by Judy Bemis. Thanks Judy.
May 30, 2000
Added links to two of Susan Stepney's convention reports to the Albacon Photo Album. Thanks again Susan.
May 29, 2000
Added a link to Susan Stepney's convention report to the Conspiracy Photo Album. Thanks Susan.
May 28, 2000
Added a couple of Bob Ewart's photos to the SFSFS Photo Album. Thanks Bob.
May 11, 2000
Added issue number 14 of Lee Hoffman's Quandry to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entery by Judy Bemis. Thank you again and again and again Judy.
Added issue number 1 of Frank Dietz and Arthur H. Rapp's Cinvention Daily to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entery by Judy Bemis. Thank you again and again Judy.
May 10, 2000
Added issue number 21 of Don Fabun's Rhodomagnetic Digest to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entery by Judy Bemis. Thank you again Judy.
May 9, 2000
Jean Weber has added her WeberWoman's Wrevenge zine to the Modern Fanzines index. Thank you Jean.
Added issues 1 and 11 of Donald B. Day's Fanscient fanzine to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entery by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
May 8, 2000
Added issue #156 of Walter Dunkelberger & Earl Kay's FANEWSCARD that was published May 16, 1945. Data entry by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
May 5, 2000
Added a number of Susan Stepney's convention reports to the Eastercon index. Thank you Susan for alowing us to link to them.
May 1, 2000
Used material provided by Dean Sweatman to create or update Photo Albums for New Orleans Science Fiction Association, MidAmeriCon, Noreascon I, and Torcon 2. Thank you Dean.
Started a Photo Album for the Darkover Grand Council 1983 using a photo provided by Jim Grunst. Thanks Jim, please send us some more.
April 21, 2000
Used photos that were provided by Evelyn C. Leeper to start Photo Albums for Austrailian Fandom and AussieCon Three. Thank you Evelyn.
Used photos that were provided by Ben Jason to start Photo Albums for Pacificon II and Loncon II. Thank you Ben.
April 8, 2000
Added a text version of Issue #3 of Slant. Data entry also provided by Judy Bemis.
April 4, 2000
Added Ned Brook's AussieCon I Report to the AussieCon I Photo Album. Thanks Ned for the good work.
Added Issue #34 of Hyphen to its index and three missing articles by Walt Willis to the Willis Papers. More data entry also by Judy Bemis. More thanks to her.
April 2, 2000
Added Issue #5 of Hyphen that was edited by Walt Willis in 1953. More of Judy Bemis' hard work. Thank you again Judy.
March 17, 2000
Added Issue #36 of Hyphen that was edited by Walt and Madeleine Willis. Data entry by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
March 14, 2000
Added Issue #133 of THE FANEWS that was edited by Walter Dunkelberger and Earl Kay in March of 1945.
March 13, 2000
Added photos to, or created, Photo Albums for Corflu 9, Loscon 19, and MagiCon using photos provided by Bruce Pelz. Thank you Bruce, we really appreciate your many contributions.
Copied Eric Lindsay's fanzine Gegenschein from its Austrailian site to Fanac's Modern Fanzines index.
Added a number of photos by Debbie King and Laura Dolan to the SunCon Photo Album. Thank you ladies.
March 10, 2000
Added photos to, or created, Photo Albums for Ackermansion, Los Angeles Fandom, LASFS, SFSFS, OtherMeeting 89-NY95, Corflu 9, and Minicon 34 using photos provided and/or taken by Bill Warren, Debbie King, Geri Sullivan, Gordon Garb, Dan Siclari, and Francine Mullen. Thank you all very much.
Added Joe Siclari's FANAC Updates #6 to the Electronic Fanzines index.
March 9, 2000
Added photos to, or created new, Photo Albums for Historic Buildings and Things, English Fandom, Irish Fandom, TAFF 1998, Boskone 35, Corflu 6, Corflu 13, Minicon 25, OKon XIII, OKon XV, Toner 1996, Tropicon VII, LA Con III, and MagiCon using photos provided and/or taken by Geri Sullivan, Jeff Schalles, Tim Frayser, and Babich. Many thanks to one and all.
March 8, 2000
Added the ht://Dig search engine to the Fanac Fan History Project site.
The current version of the search software (ht://Dig 3.1.5) cannot handle phrase searching (see details on the search page). We will be upgrading the Search Engine as soon as possible.
February 17, 2000
Started a Photo Album for the Mae Strelkov Fan Fund using photos from Ned Brook's collection. Way to go Ned.
February 14, 2000
Added a photo from Bruce Pelz's collection the Photo Album for Los Angeles Fandom. Thank you Bruce.
February 4, 2000
Used photos by Tim Frayser, dee la Ree, and Frank Olynyk to add to, or create, Photo Albums for OKon XV, Soonercon 3, Clevention, and LA Con II. Thank you one and all.
February 3, 2000
Added a number of Debbie King's photos to the Photo Album for Seacon '79. Thank you Debbie.
January 30, 2000
Used a few of Tim Frayser's photos to add to, or create new, Photo Albums for ConQuesT 30, OKon XII, and Roc*Kon 6. Thanks Tim.
January 27, 2000
Added a number of Dina Pearlman's photos of the Second SFSFS Clubhouse and the SFSFS Annual Luncheon to South Florida Science Fiction Society Photo Album. Many thanks Dina.
Used some of Dean Sweatman's photos to create a Photo Album for the New Orleans Science Fiction Association and to add to the Disclave 1972 Photo Album. Thank you Dean.
January 26, 2000
Added four of Dunkelberger & Kay's Fanews Cards to the Classic Fanzines index. Anyone have any more that we can put on-line?
January 25, 2000
Ned Brooks has added Issue 21 to It Goes On The Shelf. Thank you Ned.
January 24, 2000
Added to the Photo Album for Intersection using photos by Carol Proter. Thank you Carol.
Added to the Photo Album for Los Angeles Fandom Using photos by Bruce Pelz. Many thanks Bruce.
Added to, or created Photo Albums for, OKon I, OKon II, OKon VI, OKon IX, OKon XI, and Soonercon 12 using photos provided by Tim Frayser. Again, thank you Tim.
January 21, 2000
Added to, or created Photo Albums for, South Florida Fandom, Tropicon VII, Tropicon IX, Tropicon X, Tropicon XIV, Tropicon XV, Tropicon XVI, MagiCon, using photos by Carol Proter. Thank you Carol.
January 18, 2000
Added a number of items from Joyce Scrivner to the Fan History For Sale page.
January 17, 2000
Added to, or created Photo Albums for, Los Angeles Fandom, DeepSouthCon 22, DeepSouthCon 27, Disclave 1972, SciCon 1980, and St. Louiscon 1969 using photos by Ned Brooks, Bruce Pelz, and Dean Sweatman. Thanks guys for taking the trouble to send them to us.
January 16, 2000
Added to or created Photo Albums for South Florida Fandom, Disclave 1988, Tropicon II, and Tropicon VII using photos by Joe Siclari. Thank you Joe.
January 15, 2000
Created Photo Albums for Ambercon, ConQuesT, OKon, and Roc*Kon using photos by Tim Frayser. Thank you Tim for taking the trouble to send them to us.
January 14, 2000
Added a bunch of Dian Pearlman's photos to the Tropicon XVIII Photo Album. Thank you Dina for letting us use them.
Created new, or added to existing, Photo Albums for Solacon 1958, Discon I, Torcon 2, and Tricon using photos by Ben Jason. Many thanks Ben for the photos.
January 13, 2000
Started a Photo Album for St. Louiscon, the 1969 Worldcon using two photos provided by Dean Sweatman. Thanks Dean.
January 12, 2000
Started a new section called "Fannish Artifacts" that will be used to hold off beat material that does not fit neatly into one of the other sections of this site. The first entry in this new section is Howard DeVore's Business Cards. These business cards show the wide range of interests, and humor, of one of the famous father figures of fandom.
January 9, 2000
Add photos to, or created photo ablums for, Southern Fandom, DeepSouthCon 7, DeepSouthCon 22, and Disclave 1972 using additional photos provided by Ned Brooks and some new photos provided by Dean Sweatman. Our thanks go to both of these gentlemen.
January 8, 2000
Add photos to, or created photo ablums for, Southern Fandom, DeepSouthCon 22, DeepSouthCon 23, DeepSouthCon 30, DisClave 1981, BucCONeer, ConFederation, MagiCon, and Noreascon 3 using photos provided by Ned Brooks. Thanks Ned.
December 28, 1999
Added the Aussiecon Three Newsletter, the Monotreme, to the Modern Fanzines index.
December 16, 1999
Added PulpFantasy, a new E-Zine by Marc Sahr and Todd DeBoni, to the Electronic Fanzines index.
November 28, 1999
Added some more of Joe Siclari's FANAC Updates to the Electronic Fanzines index.
November 24, 1999
Added the Cinvention Program Book to the Classic Fanzines index.
November 23, 1999
Started a Photo Album for Tropicon XVIII using photos by Bob Ewart.
October 31, 1999
Added a Photo Album for Concept Boreal 1999 using photos by Jean-Pierre Normand and Gaetan Borgia.
October 28, 1999
Added Evelyn Leeper's Convention Reports for Boskone 33, LunaCon 1994, and AussieCon Three.
October 17, 1999
Added Joe Siclari's FANAC Updates to the Electronic Fanzines index.
October 11, 1999
Added one of Debbie King's photos to the NESFA Photo Album and used other photos of hers to create a Photo Album for Lexicon 1989.
Added a couple of John Millard's photos, that were provided by Ned Brooks, to the AussieCon Photo Album.
October 6, 1999
Added more links to reports for Intersection, WorldCon 1995, that were also provided by V. J. Docherty.
October 5, 1999
Added a new feature to the Fanac Names Cross Reference. You may now add your E-Mail address to your Cross Reference listing entry to allow others in the fannish community to locate you. This feature was suggested by Joe Monson and has been added in the hope of helping fen locate long lost friends and acquaintances.
October 4, 1999
Added links to a number of reports for Intersection, WorldCon 1995, using a list provided by V. J. Docherty.
October 1, 1999
Created a Photo Album for Boskone 13 using photos by Debbie King.
Created or added to Photo Albums for Los Angeles Fandom, Northwest Fandom, DeepSouthCon III, DeepSouthCon XIV, AussieCon, ConFederation, Discon II, and Seacon '79 using photos taken or provided by Ned Brooks. September 30, 1999
Created a Photo Album for Star Trek 1975 using photos by Debbie King.
September 26, 1999
Using photos provided by Ann Methe, created a Photo Album for ConCept-Boreal 98 that was held in Montreal, Quebec, last year.
September 11, 1999
Using photos by Gordon Mcgregor, created a Photo Album for the Canadian National Science Fiction Expo that was held in Toronto, Canada, in August of this year.
September 10, 1999
Added the Cinvention Memory Book to the Classic Fanzines index.
Created a Photo Album for Metrocon 1954 using a photo by Ben Jason.
September 2, 1999
Started Photo Albums, or added photos to Photo albums, for the following: Ackermansion 12/97
Boskone 28
LoneStarCon I
LunaCon 1979
SmofCon 1915
World Fantasy Conference 1983
World Fantasy Conference 1987
Chicon II
Noreascon 3
Seacon '79
Using photos that were taken by Ben Jason (from Howard Devore's collection), Debbbie King, Laurie Mann, Frank Olynyk, Robert Sneddon, or Ben Yallow.
Started Photo Albums for Confusion and Contradiction 4 using photos that were taken by Frank Olynyk. Unfortunately we do not know the years or locations of these conventions so if you know anything about them please drop me a note. -- Thank you
Fanac Webmaster
September 1, 1999
Added some of the TAFF Progress Reoprts to the Modern Fanzines and Classic Fanzines indices.
August 31, 1999
Added some of Avedon Carol's photos to the Baltimore, Maryland, USA, East Coast Fandom, Washington, D. C. Fandom, and Disclave 1975 Photo Albums.
Added some of Lenny Provenzano's photos to the MagiCon Photo Album.
August 30, 1999
Added a bunch of Frank Olynyk's photos to the Photo Albums for Chicon Vand Denvention Two 1981.
August 29, 1999
Started Photo Albums, or added photos to Photo albums, for the following: English Fandom
Midwest Fandom
New Jersey
New York Fandom
Washington D. C. Fandom
Arisia 1998
Arisia 1999
Contact 1998
DeepSouthCon 1998
LunaCon 1997
MidwestCon #1
MidwestCon #2
MidwestCon #3
MidwestCon #28
MidwestCon #40
MidwestCon #49
PhilCon 1997
PhilCon 1998
SmofCon 1997
Wiscon 1998
LA Con I
NYcon 1
Seacon '79
Using photos provided or taken by, Avedon Carol, Joni Dashoff, Howard DeVore's collection, Don Ford, Mike Glicksohn, Lee Hoffman's collection, Ben Jason, Margaret Ford Kiefer's collection, Dick Schultz(?), and Joel Zakem.
August 28, 1999
Started Photo Albums for Balticon 1994 and LunaCon 1984 using photos from Joni Dashoff.
Added photos by Joni Dashoff and Debbie King to the LoneStarCon 2 Photo Album.
August 26, 1999
Added TommyWorld 47 to the Electronic Fanzines index.
August 25, 1999
Added 82 of Gordon McGregor's photos to the Noreascon 3 Photo Album and other photos of his to the Conspiracy '87 and Chicon V albums.
Started Photo Albums for Washington DC Fandom, Autoclave 1977, Balticon 1977, and Disclave 1975, using photos by Avedon Carol.
Added more photos by Avedon Carol to the Photo Album for Midwest Fandom.
Started a Photo Album for Disclave 1974, using photos by Dick Eney.
August 24, 1999
Created a Photo Album for the East Coast Fandom using a photo provided by Bob Madle and added it to the Fan Photo Album index.
Started a Photo Album for the Cocoa Beach, Florida 1999 Travelling Fete using photos provided by Carol Porter.
August 19, 1999
Created a Photo Album for the 1999 Nebula Awards Weekend using photos provided by Laurie Mann and added it to the Other Conventions index.
August 15, 1999
Added a one-shot fanzine that was edited by Joe Siclari & Edie Stern at the 1999 Travelling Fete, titled Tails of Fandom, to the Modern Fanzines index.
August 12, 1999
The relocation of the Fanac Fan History Project to our new host is 99% complete as of this evening. If you find any broken links, missing photos or graphics, or any other anomaly in these pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster describing the problem. ---- Thank you
August 11, 1999
Due circumstances beyond our control we have had to relocate the Fanac Fan History Project to a new host. Please bear with us while we complete this process. When you come accross a broken link please be patient and check back in a day or so, the link should be working by then. -- Thank you for your patience
Fanac Webmaster
July 21, 1999
Added a link to Samuel Lubell's WSFA Journal to the Modern Fanzines index.
July 8, 1999
Added a couple of photos of the 1996 SFSFS Annual Dinner by Joe Siclari to the Fan Photo Album.
July 7, 1999
Started photo albums for Loncon 1951 and Mancon 1952 using photos by Derek Pickles and added photos by Carol Porter and Lenny Provenzano to the MagiCon photo album.
July 6, 1999
Changed the Fan Photo Album to eliminate the "Miscelaneous" index. All collections of Fan Photos can now be accessed directly from the Fan Photo Album Index.
July 5, 1999
Started a photo album for Soonercon 1996 with a photo by John Coker and another for Westercon 16 with a photo by Joe Siclari.
July 3, 1999
Added photos by Joe Siclari to ICFA 1980 and 1981, Omnicon 1988, and the Traveling FĂȘte at Gainesville, Florida 1989.
Added albums for two of the Fabulous Traveling FĂȘtes, Key West, Florida 1996 and Naples, Florida 1998.
June 30, 1999
Added photos by Lenny Provenzano, Joe Siclari, Frank Olynyk, George Young, and Dick Lynch to, or created new photo albums for, ASFiCon 1982, ConClave 1982, ConStellation, EarthCon 1982, IllwisCon 1958, MarCon 1983, PhilCon 1983, Sci Con 1991, and TallyCon 1982.
June 27, 1999
Mike Scott has added Issue 13 to the on-line version of Plokta.
June 20, 1999
Added one of Mae Strelkov's pieces to the Fan Artists section of these pages.
June 19, 1999
Thanks to Laurie Mann for scanning the Martin Alger photos for Cinvention and Norwescon from Howard Devore's collection and thanks to Howard Devore for allowing us the use of part of his collection. Without the contributions of people like Laurie and Howard this project would surely come to naught.
We have added the rest of Martin Alger's photos to the NorWesCon photo album.
We have created a new photo album for ConClave 1981 and 1983 using photos from Frank Olynyk.
We have also added photos from Martin Alger, John Coker, Charles Mohapel, Richard Lynch, Frank Olynyk, Lenny Provenzano, Joyce Schrivner, Joe Siclari, and George Young to the following photo albums:
June 18, 1999
Added more of Debbie King's photos to the BucCONeer photo album. Thank you Debbie.
June 16, 1999
Added a bunch of photos (217 of them) from Martin Alger (from the collection of Howard Devore), Howard Devore, Richard Lynch, Robert Madle, Frank Olynyk, Joe Siclari, and George Young to a number of photo albums: WorldCon albums:
Chicon II & IV, Cinvention, Clevention, ConFiction, Conspiracy '87, LA Con II, Nolacon I, Noreascon Two, NorWesCon, NewYorCon (NYcon II), Seacon '79, and Solacon Fan Photo albums
Miscellaneous Other Convention albums:
MidwestCon #1, #2, #3, #4, #43, & #49 and the World Fantasy Conference for 1980, 1983, & 1987
June 14, 1999
Added several of Frank Olynyk's photos to the ConStellation and Conspiracy '87 photo albums and started a new photo album for LA Con II using his photos. Way to go Frank.
June 12, 1999
Added a number of Phylis Brown's photos to the BucCONeer, Chicon V, LA Con III, Nolacon 2, and Noreascon 3 WorldCon photo albums. Thank you Phylis.
June 9, 1999
Thanks to a number of dedicated fans we have added one or more photos to the following photo albums: Their generosity is deeply appreciated by the Fanac staff.
June 8, 1999
Added photos from Lenny Provenzano to the MagiCon photo album. We all appreciate your help Lenny.
June 7, 1999
Added a gaggle of Debbie King's photos to the BucCONeer photo album. Thanks Debbie.
May 22, 1999
Added links to Sarah Prince's photographic reports for Ditto 11 and BucCONeer.
May 18, 1999
Added photos from the construction of the South Florida Science Fiction Society's Clubhouse to the South Florida Fandom Photo Album.
May 12, 1999
Started a Photo Album for Boskone 36 (1999) with two photos by Lisa Hertel.
Added several new photos to the Tropicon Photo Albums.
May 9, 1999
Added issues #18 and #20, 1952, of Don Fabun's Rhodomagnetic to the Classic Fanzines index.
Added a link to Nova Express to the Modern Fanzines index.
April 30, 1999
Added a photo of Richard Lynch to the LoneStarCon 2 photo album.
Added a photo album for Corflu Nova 1994.
April 24, 1999
Mike Scott has uploaded Ploktas 11, 12 and 12.5 to the on-line version of Plokta. The earlier issues have also had a tidy-up, and issues 9 and 10 have new filenames, although he has left the old versions in place so that bookmarks and search engines will continue to work. Thanks Mike.
April 23, 1999
Added a couple of photos by Richard Lynch to the Intersection Photo Album. Thank you Richard.
April 21, 1999
Added Version 3, April 1999, of Greg Pickersgill's Memory Hole Collection to the Fanac Bibliography.
Added Issue #5, November 1998, of Fiona Anderson's Babel On to the Electronic Fanzines index.
April 20, 1999
Added issue #32, July 1935, of Fantasy Magazine to the Classic Fanzines index.
April 16, 1999
Added issue #2, Septemper 1952, of Hyphen and issue #161, June 1962, of Cry of the Nameless to the Classic Fanzines index.
April 7, 1999
Added issue #2, November 1953, of Toto and issue #1 of Spaceways to the Classic Fanzines index.
April 6, 1999
Added the June 1937 (Volume 1 Number 1) issue of Helios.
April 4, 1999
Added the March 1936 issue of Novae Terrae and a copy of the pamphlet A Warning by David Kyle that caused some consternation at the 1939 Worldcon.
April 3, 1999
Added text versions of the September 1952 issues of Cosmag and Science Fiction Digest.
March 28, 1999
Added a number of new photos to several of the existing photo albums and created several new photo albums:
March 21, 1999
Added a text version of Slant issue #1 to the Fanzine collection. This is in addition to the photocopy version that was already available.
March 14, 1999
Added a new feature to the Fanac Homepage. We now provide a list of fanhistorical related publications that are available from different sources. Please check out the new Fan Historical Publications For Sale page.
March 11, 1999
Added a Photo Album for BucCONeer the 1998 WorldCon.
March 10, 1999
Added Photo Albums for Albacon 1998 and Novacon 1998.
Added "P" and "Q" to Fancyclopedia I.
March 8, 1999
Added Slant issue #7 to the Fanzine collection.
March 4, 1999
Added "F", "I" (partial), "M", "N", "O", "S" (remainder), and "W" to Fancyclopedia I.
February 19, 1999
Added a report by Steve Towsley for Tricon (1966 Worldcon).
February 16, 1999
Created a photo album with three photos for Tricon (1966 Worldcon) thanks to Steve Towsley.
January 19, 1999
Added some new photos to the Intersection and NoreasCon 3 Photo Albums and added Photo Albums for Boskone 35 and EasterCon.
December 30, 1998
Added some new photos to the Tropicon XVII Photo Album and added Photo Albums for SmofCon 16 and the 1998 SFSFS Annual Dinner.
November 22, 1998
Added a new section, the Fan Photo Album, to provide a home for photographs of fannish activities that do not directly relate to a convention. This section starts out with a photographic report of Joyce Scrivner's 1981 DUFF trip to Australia.
November 16, 1998
Added a link to Cuyler Brooks' It Goes on the Shelf #18 to the Fanzine Index.
Started a Photo Album for Tropicon XVII
November 2, 1998
Started Photo Albums for MidwestCon 1951, 1992, and 1997 (please note that I'm not sure that the first photo in the 1951 album (M51-005) actually belongs there).
November 1, 1998
Added a bunch of new photos to LA Con III, Boskone, and LoneStarCon II
October 20, 1998
Added a number of new photos to the MagiCon Photo Album.
Started Photo Albums for Advention 1981 and Tropicon VII.
October 3, 1998
Added a link to Egoboo For Algernon to the Fanzine Articles Index.
October 1, 1998
Replaced the Memory Hole Collection listing with the latest version.
September 30, 1998
Started a Photo Album for DeepSouthCon 1978.
September 20, 1998
Started a Photo Album for Oasis 1997.
Added reports for Boskone 34 (1997) and Boskone 35 (1998).