Site Update History through 2023

December 21, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Artychoke, Ian Gunn. Added 4 issues: #2-4 (Jan-Sep 93) and #7 (Mar 94). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Bangsund - Other Publications. Added the newsletter, Cosmic Dustbug #6 (Jul 67). Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the December issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fan Dance, C.S. Youd. Added #2 (Oct 41), thereby completing the run. This was distributed in Futurian War Digest. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Galaxy, Terry Overton. Added Galaxy 5 (Feb 43). Galaxy was distributed in Fido too. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--Idea, Geri Sullivan. Added Idea #13, hot off the presses from Geri. Idea 13 follows a 23 year gap in publication, and provides a table of contents worth the wait. Thanks for sending it, Geri!
--Madison Foursquare, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the December 2023 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added #28-29 (Aug 98). Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 5 issues: #2 (Jan 60) and 16-19 (Jun-Oct 61).
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added #16-17 (May-Aug 63).
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #90-91 (Nov 15-Apr 16). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Spy Ray, Dick Eney. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the early 60s.

December 19, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: A-Zym #7 (Marcin Klak, Apr 23), The Alliance Amateur 28 (Bruce Pelz, Mar 66), Half Baked Articles 2 (Lee Jacobs, May 54), Namleps 1 (Henry Spelman III, Dec 47), The Precipitant 2 (Al Ashley, Mar 45) and The Saturday Evening Ghost #2 (Robert Lee, mid50s). The Half Baked article is particularly choice - it's subtitled "The Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Folk Music" and analyzes the stf content of folksongs of the day.
--1980s One Shots. Added 1 item - "Bride of Game Crossing" from Mog Decarnin (Feb 88). Scan by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry, and sorry it took so long.
--Fantasy Collector, Camille Cazedessus and G.A. Bibby. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Note that this is a different Fantasy Collector than the one published by Oswald Train.
--First Fandom Publications, John Coker III. Added 3 issues of Scientifiction: 67-69 (Win 21 - Fall 21). Thanks, John.
--Grist, Ellis Mills. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this OMPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues: #66-70 (Apr - Aug 22) and 78 (Apr 23). Zines provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Sapian, Ray Higgs. Added 3 issues and created an index page for this 40s-50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Sercon's Bane, F. M. Busby. Added 2 issues: #16-17 (Ma-Aug 63).
--TNFF. Added V39#5, edited by Owen Laurion.
--Whatsit, Ken Cheslin. Added #30 (Mar 76).

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Many publications provided by Jeanne Gomoll and Ben Yalow. Thanks also to Don Glover for the big box of pubs that arrived recently. You'll see the scans reported here as we go. Thanks, Don! Thanks Jeanne and Ben!
---Anticipation added Hugo and Site Selection ballots
---Chengdu added Hugo Final Voting Statistics, Business Passed On to Glasgo 2024
---Chicon 7 added Hugo reception invitation
---Glasgow 2024 added Business Passed on from Chengdu Worldcon
---Loncon I added Hugo Nomination Form
---Loncon 3 added London in 2014 4-page flyer
---Nippon 2007 added PR 0
---NyCon3 added Hugo Nominations Ballot
---Pacificon II added Hugo Nominations Ballot
---Pittcon added The Purple Pastures program
---Renovation added Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Flyer 3
---Sasquan added DangerousSmoke, Hugos and Site Selection ballot

--ConQuesT: ConQuesT 45 added Program Book, ConQuesT 47 added Program Book, and ConQuesT 48 added Program Book

---Contemplation added 2007 Flyer
---Convoy added Cancellation Notice
---Illustrious added PR 3
---Odyssey 2010 added PR 2
---Orbital 2008 added PR 1, PR 2, PR 3

---Lunacon 2014 added PB, Program Grid

---Norwescon 1 added Newspaper announcement
---Norwescon 39 added Accessibility Brochure, Newsletter Dec 18, Newsletter Feb 15, Newsletter Jan 18, Newsletter Mar 16, Newsletter May 2, Newsletter Nov 15, Newsletter Oct 15, Staff T-Shirt, Temporal Anomaly - Friday, Temporal Anomaly - Saturday, Temporal Anomaly - Thursday, T-Shirt
---Norwescon 40 added Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Membership Guide, Newsletter Apr 9, Newsletter Dec 16, Newsletter Feb 20, Newsletter Mar 16, Newsletter May 15, Newsletter Nov 21, Newsletter Oct 15, Newsletter Sep 15, Staff T-Shirt, T-Shirt
---Norwescon 41 added Newsletter Apr 19, Newsletter Aug 18, Newsletter Dec 16, Newsletter Fab 18, Newsletter Jan 14, Newsletter Jul 16, Newsletter Jun 15, Newsletter Mar 17, Newsletter Mar 23, Newsletter Mar 24, Newsletter Nov 15, Newsletter Oct 15, Newsletter Sep 16, T-Dai;ly Zine - Friday, T-Dai;ly Zine - Saturday, T-Dai;ly Zine - Thursday, T-Shirt, T-Staff Shirt
---Norwescon 42 added Newsletter Apr 1, Newsletter Apr 9, Newsletter Dec 27, Newsletter Feb 25, Newsletter Jan 14, Newsletter Jun 1, Newsletter May 16, Newsletter Nov 20, Newsletter Sep 25, Pocket Program, Staff T-Shirt, T-Shirt
---Norwescon 43 added Newsletter 19 Dec 22, Newsletter 20 Aug 29 (It goews virtual), Newsletter 20 Dec 1, Newsletter 20 Dec 21, Newsletter 20 Feb 18, Newsletter 20 Jan 17, Newsletter 20 Mar 13 (cancellation notice), Newsletter 20 Nov 1, Newsletter 20 Nov 16, Newsletter 20 Oct 2, Newsletter 20 Oct 16, Newsletter 21 Feb 1, Newsletter 21 Feb 16, Newsletter 21 Jan 15, Newsletter 21 Mar 1, Newsletter 21 Mar 19, Opening Annoucement, Program Book
---Norwescon 44 added Newsletter Dec, Newsletter Feb, Newsletter Jan Special Announcement, Newsletter Jan, Newsletter Jul 1, Newsletter Mar, Newsletter Nov 15, Newsletter Oct 15, Newsletter PB, Newsletter Sep 15, Newsszine #1, Newsszine #2, Newsszine #3, Newsszine #4, Post-ConCOVID Report #1, Post-ConCOVID Report #2, Post-ConCOVID Report #3
---Norwescon 45 added Newsletter Apr, Newsletter Dec, Newsletter Feb, Newsletter Jan, Newsletter May, Newsletter Oct, Newsletter Sep, Newsletter Mar

--OryCon: OryCon 28 added Regress Report, OryCon 36 added Program Book, and OryCon 37 added Pocket Program
--Philcon 2004 added Program Book
--Readercon: Readercon 25 added Program Book, and Readercon 26 added Program Book

---Westercon 23 added Program Book
---Westercon 64 added Westercon 2013 Site Selection ballot
---Westercon 66 added Site Selection for Westercon 68
---Westercon 67 added Program Book
---Westercon 68 added PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, Site Selection ballot for Westercon 68

---WisCon 10 added Art Show Ballot, Badge, Independent Survey, PB, Schedule Grid
---WisCon 11 added Evaluation Form
---WisCon 23 added Also-Not-the-Last PR, Attendee Survery, Brunch Tickets, Letter to Committee, Mad Moose Gazette, Mini-flyer, Not-the-Last PR, Pocket Program, PR 3, Souvenier Book, Art Show Ballot
---WisCon 24 added Badge, Dessert Ticket, Fantasy Bibliography, Flyer 2, Newsletters 1-5, PB, Pocket Program, PR 3, PR N, Program Grid and Errata, Restaurant Guide, Video Schedule
---WisCon 25 added Badge, Dessert Tickets, Guide to Farmer's Market, Newsletters, Pocket Program, Souvenir Book, Survey
---WisCon 26 added Badge, Dessert Ticket, Newsletter flyer, Pocket Program, Program Book, Survey
---WisCon 28 added Badge, Broad Universe gathering, Desert Salon tickets, Dinner Invitation, Flyer, Internet Access, Newsletters, Newspaper articles, Pocket Program, Postcard, PR Other, PR, Tiptree Award anthology order form, Tiptree Back Sale, Program Book
---WisCon 29 added Dessert Salon Tickets, Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Newsletters, Pocket Program, Postcard, PR Last, PR, Program Feedback Form, Souvenir Book
---WisCon 30 added Academic stuff poster, Badge, Dessert Salon tickets, Drinks menu, Flyer, Gathering, Newsletters, Pocket Program, Post Card, Potluck Picnic & Meeing Notice, PR, Program Book, Volunteer Release form
---WisCon 31 added Card, Dessert Salon Tickets, Pocket Program, Souvernir Book, PR
---WisCon 32 added Bar List, Dessert Salon Ticket, Flyer card, Pocket Program, PR 2, PR, Program Book
---WisCon 35 added Bookmarks, Flyer, Newsletters, Pocket Program, PR 1, PR, Program Book
---WisCon 38 added Everything about Wiscon 38 and SFRA 2014, & SFWA 2014 Program Book, Bookmarks, Newsletter 1-4 & extra, Pocket Program, PR

PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Amateur. Replaced the remaining 5 Lean-Tos and Annexes that we have online with searchable PDFs.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--1980s One Shotrs. Added "Another Fan's Poison" from Curt Phillips (Jan 86). This had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, until we learned it was really a one-shot. Thanks, Curt, for letting us know. If we can get the one-shots of the one-so-far list, it will be a lot more manageable.
--Best of ANZAPA, Perry Middlemiss. Thanks to Perry for pointing out errors in the names listed on the index page for this publication. Fixed now. Thanks, Perry! (and sorry).

December 16, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: AJ-73016 #2 (Hal Shapiro, Oct 1952), Albatross 9 (not) (Dian Pelz, Jun 65), Cepheid 2 (Milt Lesser, Spr 46), Changeling 1 (Franklin Kerkhof, Aug 49), and Fan-Noise 2 (Gary Deindorfer, Aug 66).
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 428 (Mar 23) and 437 (Dec 23). Thanks, Dave.
--Cygni, Boff Perry. Added #7 (Aug 49).
--Don-O-Saur, Don C. Thompson. Added #55 (Aug 89). Scan by Mark Olson.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the December issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Lettersubs, Mog Decarnin. Added 3 issues of variously titled lettersubs from the early 80s. Scans by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry and sorry it took so long to put them up. I wasn't sure where to put them, so I put them on their own index page.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues: #61-65 ((Nov 21 - Mar 23). Zines provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added the December 2023 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 12/15/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Middle December issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Pablo, Darroll Pardoe. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 70s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Tattooed Dragons, Voyages and others, Bill Rotsler. Added a short publication called "Rotsler Stuff". Date is approximately mid 60s.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the December issue. Thanks, George.
--W'Basket, Calvin Demmon. Added 1 issue (issue 3, Aug 62) and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added #29 (Sep 66) and #43 (Jun 67).

PDF conversions and issue updates: All PDF converstions today are by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Chronicle, Andrew Porter. Replaced the 3 issues we had with searchable PDFs
--Convention, Andrew Porter. Replaced 3 issues with searchable PDFs. One to go.
--Fanthologies. Replaced 17 more with searchable PDFs. Replaced are annual Fanthologies from 76, 86 and 89, 6 in 60 (Marcy Lyn-Waitsman, 2000), Battle of the Titans (Ray Fisher, 1969), The Best of Fandom from 1957 and 1958, Button-Tack, Chuch-Harris Appreciation Society Magazine, Howard Philips Lovecradt - Memoirs, Critiques and Bibliographies (George Wetzel, Aug 55), The Incompleat Terry Carr and Vol 2 of the Incomlete Burbee, Of Such are Legends Made, Ole Chavela! (John and Bjo Trimble, 1960), The Portable Carl Brandon, The Really Incompleat Bob Tucker and When Yngvi was a Louse.
--Luna, Frank Dietz. Replaced the remaining 2 jpg issues with searchable PDFs.
--Musicals. Replaced 4 with searchable PDFs: Mik Ado about Nothing, Rivets Redux, The Decomposers Songbook playbill and The Mimeo Man.
--The SF Critic, Andrew Porter. Replaced the remaining 4 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Twentieth Century Unlimited, Andrew Porter. Replaced 10 of these with searchable PDFs. Two more to go.

December 13, 2023
YouTube:  - APAs Everywhere (pt 1), Fred Lerner, Christina Lake, Amy Thomson and Tom Whitmore.  - APAs Everywhere (pt 2)
Description: Since the first FAPA mailing in 1937, Amateur Press Associations (APAs) have been a part of fannish life. APAs are everywhere our panelists include a former Worldcon chair, a professional science fiction writer, a TAFF and multi-FAAn award winner, and a member of the Kipling Society Council. They are all long-time fans...In this wonderful FanHistory Zoom panel, our speakers, all long-time participants (in multiple different APAs), speak about their experiences with APA life. During this 2-part recording, you ll hear their personal fannish origin stories and APA experiences, along with a wealth of fascinating commentary on the nature and purpose of APAs. From fanac in a corner to intentional community , this video provides thoughtful, insightful discussion on why APAs have been a mainstay of science fiction fandom.

Of particular interest are the discussions of standing waves of cultural issues that run through our APAs and the ways that science fiction fandom has dealt with cultural challenges. Fandom had notable failures (and successes) dealing with social issues long before the general culture dealt with them...Of course, it s not all social commentary. You ll hear the story of APAs used in divorce proceedings, APAs which may have been created to bedevil particular individuals, and the APA which didn t live up to its banner of the 13 nastiest bastards in fandom . You ll learn why APAs thrive, even in this era of instant online gratification. Other topics: privacy issues, digital preservation of APAs, a soft toy APA, APAs you wouldn t join, Langdon charts, and of course, audience Q&A. There s a list of APAs at If your science fiction APA is not there, please write to and tell us about it.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles: Papaya 5 (Jay Cornell, Jul 72), Pipsqueak 4 (Royal Drummond, Oct 52), Sapian (Ray Higgs, Fall 52), Sonoma 4 (Norm Metcalf, Mar 61) and Trilobite 4 (M. McNeil, Sep 52).(
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added #11 (Dec 64). Thish is also Pillycock 13, Sagana 1 and FR 154.1967.
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the December 2023 issue. Thanks, Heath.
--Dillinger Relic, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #56 (Feb 88).
--DUFF. Added "Sue and Steve's Excellent Adventure in Australia", their 2008 DUFF trip report. Thanks, Steve! Thanks, Sue!
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 2 issues: Dick Eney - Fantasy Rotator 97 aka Avanc 2 (61), and Robert Lichtman - Fantasy Rotator 106 aka Acculturations (Feb 62).
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. Added #56 (Fall 53).
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added October and November 2023. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/18 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added #29 (Dec 23). Thanks, Rich.
--Space Warp, Art Rapp. Added "Space Warp by Proxy" (Oct 52), written by Art Rapp, published by Martin Alger and combined with Alger's "Revoltin Development".
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Nov 87 issue.
--TAFF. Added the German version of the 1963 TAFF Ballot (Ethel Lindsay and Ron Ellik).
--NFFF. Added 3 unusual items: Michel Barnes - N3F Overseas Bureau 1 & 3 (Jun 69), G.M. Carr - NFFF as it Could Be? Should Be? (69) and Joanne Burger - N3F Yesterday and Today (Aug 74).
--Warp, Greg Hills. Added 4 more issues: #19.5 (De 80) - 22 (May 81).

Corrections and Clarifications: Lan's Lantern, George Laskowski. The index was out of numerical order, and is now fixed. Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for letting me know. Thanks, Evelyn!

December 10, 2023
FANAC Newsletter, Edie Stern and Joe Siclari. We've just sent out a newsletter (#22) on FANAC FanHistory project activities. Fanzines, conventions and APA shenanigans. If you don't receive it directly, you can join the mailing list by sending me a note at, or by filling in the the yellow highlighted form on the homepage.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 odd items: Creative Film Association Presents "A Survey of German Cinema" Program 6 - Metropolis (Sep 47), and Dear Fapaians (Walt Dunkelberger, Apr 48).
--1960s One Shots. Added 3 item: A Letter from Jean Linard (Jean Linard, Aug 62), Logarithmic V1#1 (Bob Silverberg, Feb 61), and We Live in a Fanzine Factory (Al Lewis and Ron Ellik, Jun 62). Logarithmic has some reminiscences from Bob on his early days in FAPA, as a young teen.
--1990s One Shots. Added 1 item: Silvercon Memories - The Adventures of Trufans in Glitter City (Arnie Katz, Apr 94). This is about Silvercon III.
Detours, Russ Chauvenet. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this FAPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--The Monday Evening Ghost, Bob Jennings. Added 3 issues: #9-11 (Feb-?? 61). It turns out that the Monday Evening Ghost and Fadaway are the same zine, having experienced a title change after issue #12. I'm therefore combining the index page that we had for Monday Evening Ghost with the page for Fadawy. Contributors include Mike Deckinger, Bob Farnham, Bill Plott, Art Rapp, and Ray Nelson.
--Ibid, Ben Indick. In a stunningly fast move, we've added 1 issue and created an index page for this Exotic Order of Dagon zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. That was, what, 3 days stuck in 1-So-Far? The "new" issue,, #45, has an in memorium article on George Wetzel.
--Ignatz, Nancy Share aka Nancy Rapp. In a 2nd stunningly fast move, we've added 1 issue and created an index page for this SAPSzine too, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Also after 3 days.
--Infanity's Notebook, Don Cochran. Added #2 (Jan 94) and 4 (Oct 94). This is a filk oriented fanzine, and contributors include Lee Gold and Cecelia Eng.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Add 2 items. Added #139 (Late Nov 23), and FaiNZINE, an AI gnerated fanzine with pictures. Very interesting fool-around with AI generated text on the history of fandom. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 2 more issues: #14-15 (Feb-Apr 61).
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the December 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--TAFF. Added "We came in Through the Taffroom Window", by Jeanne Bowman and Richard Brandt (91) for the 1992 TAFF.
--Warp, Greg Hills. Added 5 1980 issues of a new-to-us clubzine from New Zealand. Warp is the magazine of the New Zealand National Association for Science Fiction. Thanks to Greg Hills for permission to archive these. Thanks, Greg!
--YHOS, Art Widner. Added #53 (Oct 93). There are contributions from rich brown, Ray Nelson, Rich Lynch and Arnie Katz.

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon added PR 0
---Detention added Membership card
---L.A.Con I added Columbia Pictures sheet, PR4 Author brunches form, 1972 in PR4 L.A. CON News John Foyster June 1972, 1972 in PR4 Last minute news, 1972 in PR4 Mail ballot for site selection, 1972 in PR4 Seminars form, 1972 L.A. CON News John Foyster September 1971, 1972 Membership card, PR 0
---MidAmeriCon added Bid pamphlet, Last minute notes and notices, PR 1, Site selection ballot, Small MidAmeriCon envelope
---Noreascon 3 added Dead Lobsters Tell No Tales; Notes=A pre-con hoax newsletter or something..
---Seacon '79 added Faber pamphlet in Pocket program, PR 2 insert: Accommodation guide, PR 2 insert: Hotel reservation form, PR 2 insert: Map, PR 3 insert: Membership update form, Supporting membership card
---Torcon II added Mini-poster, Newsletter

--Eastercon: Brumcon II added Programme Book and Bullcon added East Fanglian Times #4; Notes=News of the convention
--Buffalo Nasfic 2024 added flyer, Buffalo in 2024 NASFiC flier, Buffalo in 2024 NASFiC flier

---Norwescon XXXIII added Program Grid
---Norwescon XXXIV added 501st Legion Photoshoot Flyer, Apr 20 Newsletter, Bookmark, Dec 31 Newsletter, Feb 14 Newsletter, Lazer Tag Flyer, Mar 30 Newsletter, Paranormal Fair Flyer, Poker Tournement Flyer, PR Alpha, Staff T-Shirt, T-shirt, Volunteering Flyer
---Norwescon XXXV added Apr 5 Newsletter, Dec 22 Newsletter, Feb 16 Newslketter, Flyer, Jan 27 Newsketter, Jeevs - Thursday, Jun 1 Newsletter, Mar 15 Newsletter, May 25 Newslletter, Nov 28 Newslketter, Program Grid Friday, Program Grid Panel Descriptions, Program Grid Saturday, Program Grid Sunday, Program Grid Thursday, Staff T-Shirt, T-Shirt
---Norwescon XXXVI added Flyer, Newsletter Apr 15, Newsletter Aug 28, Newsletter Dec 1, Newsletter Feb 2, Newsletter Feb 21, Newsletter Jan 23, Newsletter Jun 25, Newsletter Mar 15, Newsletter Mar 17, Newsletter Oct 17, Newsletter Oct 22, Poster, Program Grid, Staff T-Shirt, T-Shirt
---Norwescon XXXVII added Membership Guide, Newsletter Apr 4, Newsletter Apr 11, Newsletter Apr 29, Newsletter Jan 6, Newsletter June 15, Newsletter Mar 7, Newsletter May 15, Newsletter Oct 16, Poster 1, Poster 2, Program, Staff T-Shirt, T-shirt
---Norwescon 38 added Flyer 2, Newsletter Dec 1, Newsletter Feb 17, Newsletter Jan 15, Newsletter Jan 22, Newsletter Mar 15, Newsletter May 15 2015, Newsletter May 15, Newsletter Nov 18, Newsletter Oct 15, Program Grid, Staff T-shirt, T-shirt, P. K. Dick Awards Ceremony Program

---Readercon 33 added Flyer
---Smofcon 12 added Baby Steps #1
---World Fantasy Convention 2024 added Flyer

PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Review, Walter Gillings. Replaced the remaining 4 jpg issues with searchable PDFs. These zines are from 1949-50.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Bill Burns says that all the efanzines Rotsler zines were scanned by Robert Lichtman. Thanks, Bill. I'll add that to the credits.
--References. I've been referring to the British fanzine bibliography on Rob Hansen's website as "Rob's bibilography". Rob says: ...referring to the British Fanzine Bibliography as *my* bibliography is incorrect. Yes, Vince Clarke and I extended it, but the initial bibliography was put together by Peter Roberts in the 1970s as a number of thin booklets. The British Fanzine Bibliography on my website is just an online version of that.". Thanks, Rob. I'll try to get it right going forward.
--Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Index page, Redd Boggs - Thanks to Geri Sullivan for pointing out that the envelope to Lee Hoffman is really of 1983 vintage. Fixed. Thanks, Geri!

December 6, 2023
REMINDER: Our next Fan History Zoom session is scheduled for next Saturday at 2PM Eastern. If you're not on our frequent zoomer list and would like to join, drop a note to
APAs Everywhere - Fred Lerner, Christina Lake, Amy Thomson and Tom Whitmore - December 9, 2023 - 2PM EST, 11AM PST and 7PM London GMT
Since the first FAPA mailing in 1937, APAs have been a part of fannish life. There are topic specific apas, local apas, general interest apas, convention committee apas, letter substitutes and doubtless many more. Our panelists, all long time APA members, talk about their experiences with APA life: Why did you join the APA(s)? Did you APA live up to your expectations and why? Tell us about the APAs you've been part of, and tell us what makes them unique. (You can tell us about APAs you weren't part of too!) Talk about the way the members of the APA related to each other, and the nature of that community. Compare the experience of an online community like LiveJournal or Facebook with your APA experience. The Cult was called the "13 Nastiest Bastards in Fandom". Was it? What feels different about womens' APAs? Are APAs now obsolete? Would you join a new APA today?

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 titles: Ibid 12 (Ben Indick, Nov 75), Ignatz 16 (Nancy Share, Jan 58), King Biscuit Time (Robert Lichtman, Aug 69), Limbo 2 (Dave Rike, May 60), Notebook 2 (Steve Stiles, 66) and Scatalog 1 (Art Wilson, Dec 60). Ibid 12 was for an APA called "The Esoteric Order of Dagon", and contains a first publication of some self-criticism written by Lovecraft in 1929. The Esoteric Order of Dagon is devoted to scholarship related to H.P. Lovecraft and the works of Weird Tales school of writers. Notebook is combined with the last issue of C.C. Rider. Scanning for Scatalog 1 is courtesy of Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Black Bike, Leigh Edmonds. Added #8 (Jul 72).
--Dallascon Bulletin, Tom Reamy. Added #4-5 (Win 69 - Spr 70).
--Descant, Norm and Gina Clarke. Added #4 (Feb 61).
--Fan Polls, Awards and Surveys. Added the 2nd Tucker Fan Survey from 1954. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan.
--ForLo Kon, Kenneth Bonnell. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Lark, Bill Danner. Added #486 (Aug 53).
--Le Moindre, Boyd Roaeburn. Added 2 issues: #21 (Nov 60) and #27 (Aug 62).
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 5 more issues: #7-9 (Jun-Aug 60) and 11-12 (Oct-Nov 60).
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Outsiders, Wrai Ballard. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this SAPSzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Phenotype, Richard Eney. Added 3 issues and created an index page for this OMPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. The three issues added include a complete reprint of Laney's "Ah! Sweet Idiocy!" from 1948.
--Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Redd Boggs. Added 2 of this title, completing the run. Boggs did these for FAPA 100 and for FAPA 200, and the next issue was planned for 2012. I've also tucked in a curiosity - the envelope of a letter he wrote to Lee Hoffman with a very curious way of identifying her address. It did arrive successfully, since we found the envelope among LeeH's papers. Very silly.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Thanks to Sam McDonald for determining a publication date for Arnie Katz's "WC 1". Thanks, Sam!
--IPSO, Ted Forsyth, George Locke. Rob Hansen points out that IPSO was definitely an APA, with an OO named IPSO FACTO. From his Bibliography: "IPSO was a bound apa-mailing with contributions taking the title of that mailing's set topic..." For that reason, Rob doesn't list individual contributions separately, and neither did we. Thanks, Rob. I appreciate the correction.

December 3, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 4 titles: Science Fiction Times-Chronicle V19#101 (Meade and Penny Frierson), WC 1 (Arnold Katz, 1960s-ish), Wildhack 1 (Dave Locke, Nov 85) and You Knew the Job Was Dangerous When You Took It #1 (Rich Small, May 72). WC1 is what looks like the first pub of the N3F Welcomittee.
--1940s One Shots. Added 5 items: Fantascience Fan 1 (Van Splawn, Jan 46), Pneumo 1 (Charles Burbee, Mar 48), A Premonition of Disaster (Howard Miller, Feb 48), The Rating of Rocket Fuels (Feb 48) and A Visit from Graham (Rick Sneary, Feb 48). If you're seeing an early 1948 theme here, you're right.
--Critical Wave, Steve Green and Martin Tudor. Added a brief Critical Wave update apparently done for the 1988 Corflu that announces a US edition. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fanthologies. Add "Dancing and Joking", which I believe is a Westercon 57 publication of John Hertz's fanwriting. This may also end up under conpubs.
--Ipso Facto, Ted Forsyth. Added 3 issues of this title, one coedited with George Locke. Is it an APA, or is it a genzine? It's a themed APA, so rather than try to break it into pieces to put online, I've uploaded it (as what I think is) whole. Contributors/participants include Gordon Eklund, Fred Patten, Ethel Lindsay, Bruce Pelz, Ted White, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Robert Lichtman, John Berry and lots of others. The themes for these three issues are Time Travel, Heinlein, and Sex and science fiction.
--Lamppost, E. Frank Parker. Added issues 2-3 (Feb-Apr 44), completing the run of this FIDOzine. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/18 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 5 issues: #1 (Dec 59), #3-6 (Feb-May 60).
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added #27 (Jul 67). From Elinor's response to Helen Wesson - "It's quite sensible for a married couple to have two Fapa memberships if they feel that there is any danger that they might split up."
--Sambo, Sam Martinez. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby - Added #21 (Aug 64).

PDF conversions and issue updates: This time they're all by Mark Olson, unless otherwise noted.
--Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Replaced #23-25 (Jul-Dec 52) with searchable PDFs.
--Planet, Allen Glasser. Replaced #1 with a searchable PDF, completing the run.
--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Replaced #8 with a searchable PDF.
--Son of the WSFA Journal. Replaced 8 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced #64-65, 78, 85, 163-166, 189 and 191. Now all the issues we have online are searchable PDFs.
--Space Diversions, John Roles. Replaced the remaining issues that we have of this 1950s zine with searchable PDFs. Of the 4 replaced, 2 were OCR'd by Joe Siclari and 2 by Mark Olson.
--Toward Tomorrow, James Kepner. Replaced the last jpg issue with a searchable PDF.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors to Fancyclopedia: Sandra Bond, Darrah Chavey, Bill Higgins, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Gary McGath, Geri Sullivn, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr and of course Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!

November 29, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 zines: Gostak 1 (Don Bratton, Win 48), Grunt! Aug 58 (Dutch Ellis), H-1661 #2 (Rusty Hevelin, Feb 48), Science-Fantasy Report Card #5 (W.N. Austin, Jul 51) and Wasted Words #1 (Tom Perry, Feb 89).
--Northlight, Alan Burns. Added 5 issues and created an index page for this early 60s UK genzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Fantasy Rotator. Added 3 issues, some fractional: FR 74.3333495 aka The Cult Shall Rise Again 1 (Alan Lewis, Feb 60), FR 169-2 aka Dusenberg Splendor (George Scithers, 66), FR309 aka Along the Causey Road 5 (Frank Denton, Oct 73). I can't quite figure the month on #309, but based on the activity report, I think it must be 1966.
--Sigbo, Jerry DeMuth. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Warning - #6 has many pages that are faded to illegibility. There are others that are absolutely readable.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin, R.B. Cleary. Added V11#3 (Nov 23).
--TAFF. Added "Taffluorescence! first issue" from Sandra Bond, the newsletter of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund. PDF provided by Sandra Bond. Thanks, Sandra!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the November issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--We Don't Know Yet / Uncle Albert's Science Fiction Fanzine, Larry Tucker. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 70s. Contributors include Lloyd Biggle, Randy Bathurst, Ted Reynolds and Joni Stopa.

Conpubs: Many scans, especially of Australian convention pubs, provided by Alan Stewart. Don Glover provided the Norwescon scans. Several other scans provided by Rich Lynch, Mark Richards and Joe Siclari. All other scans are by Mark Olson. Thanks, everyone!
---Aussiecon added Australia in 75 matchbox
---Aussiecon Two added Hugo Ballot, Site Selection Ballot for 1987 , PR 0
---Chengdu added Business Passed On from Chicon 8, WSFS-BM-Resolutions-Rulings-of-Continuing-Effect-20220905, WSFS-Constitution-as-of-September-5-2022, WSFS-Standing-Rules-as-of-September-5_2022, WSFS BM Agenda, Member Guideboook
---Chicon 8 added Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 0-1, Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 2, Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 3, Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 4, Star Chart Chicon 8 Newsletter Day 5, Uncharted A Chicon 8 Newsletter Hoax, WSFS-Minutes
---CoNZealand added 2019 Hugo finalists' gift card (given by CoNZealand)
---ConFederation added Ray Bradbury GOH Speech
---ConFiction added Minutes - 1990 WSFS Business Meeting Flynn 1990-12-31 ConFiction - Joe Siclari
---Dublin 2019 added Hugo finalists' gift card from CoNZealand
---Glasgow 2024 added Glasgow Press Release 4, PR 1, PR 0, PR 2, Press Release 5, Souvenir Book Ad Rates
---MidAmeriCon 2 added Artist's Showcase
---NorWesCon added Norwescon report
---Noreascon 4 added N4 Hugo Nonimee's book bag
---SFCon added Howard De Vore business card, Local food guide, Lunch menu, WSFS Resolution
---Seattle Worldcon 2025 added PR 0
---Torcon I added Auction List

--Australian Natcon:
---Conflux 9 added 2013 Conflux 9 Badge, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 1, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 2, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 3, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 4, 2013 Conflux 9 Progress Report 5, 2013 Conflux 9 Thank you letter, Convention book
---Continuum 13: Triskaidekaphilia added Convention book, Pocket program, Ribbon handed out by attendee
---Continuum 15: Other Worlds added 2019 Continuum 15 Name tag, 2019 Continuum 15 Pocket program
---Continuum 8: Craftonomicon added 2012 Continuum 8 Craftonomicon badge, 2012 Continuum 8 Craftonomicon Convention book
---Continuum X: Carnival of Lost Souls added 2014 Continuum X A5 Flyer, 2014 Continuum X Badge, 2014 Continuum X Convention book, 2014 Continuum X Feedback form, 2014 Continuum X GoHs 5 Questions sheet, 2014 Continuum X Pocket program, 2014 Continuum X Story book
---Swancon 40 added Convention Booklet

---Balticon 58 added Two-sided flier

---Capclave 2023 added Program Book, Program sheets and Capclave 2024 added Bookmark, Flier, Narrow flier

---Loscon XXVI added Frefanzine 2, Flashlight
---Loscon 32 added PR 2 and Loscon 34 added PR 3

---Minicon 57 added Flier and registration form, Mini-flier
---Pemmi-con 2023 added Business Meeting minutes

--Norwescon, with thanks to Don Glover for supplying the scans:
---Norwescon 1 added flyer, program book and Norwescon III added Pocket Program, Flyer, Flyer2
---Norwescon 3.5 added .5 program and Norwescon IV added Pocket Program, flyer, flyer2
---Norwescon 4.5 added Program and Norwescon V added flyer, Pocket Progam
---Norwescon 5.5 added Program, and Norwescon VI added ad, Pocket Program
---Norwescon VII added flyer, January PR
---Norwescon VIII added flyer, miniregform, Progress Report, January PR
---Norwescon 8.5 added Con lounge menu, Flyer and Norwescon IX added flyer, PR
---Norwescon 9.5 added .5 Program Book and Norwescon 10.5 added Program
---Norwescon XI added Post-con report, PR and Norwescon XX added mug
---Norwescon XXIV added PR and Norwescon XXV added Post-con report
---Norwescon XXVI added PR Alpha, PR and Norwescon XXVII added Flyer
---Norwescon XXVIII added FormFlyer, January PR, Post-con report, PR Alpha, Program
---Norwescon XXIX added PR Alpha, PR Beta, Program Grid, Run! #1, Run!! #2, Run!!! #3, Run!!!! #4
---Norwescon XXX added Post-Con report, Run Runner! #0, Run Runner! #1, Run Runner! #2, Run Runner! #3

---Hydracon added Program Book

---Readercon 6 added Program Guide, and Readercon 7 added Program Guide
---Readercon 14 added Program, and Readercon 15 added Program
---Readercon 16 added Program, and Readercon 18 added Program
---Readercon 19 added Program Guide, and Readercon 20 added Program Guide
---Readercon 30 added 1948 Torcon 1 Auction list, RC 30 Program 3
---Readercon 31 added RC 31 program, and Readercon 32 added Souvenier Book, Program

---Smofcon 40 added flier and registration form

---Episode XXXX added Ship's Log (Saturday), Ship's Log (Sunday)
---FUNcon II added ConFuntation Day 3 NL - Dwain Kaiser ; Notes=07-05-1969, Day 3
---Westercon 23 added PR 3, and Westercon 41 added Newslatter #4
---Westercon 43 added PR 2, and Westercon 44 added Pocket Program

---WisCon 14 added Mad Moose Gazette 1

November 26, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1980s One Shots. Added 2 items: Fish Helmet complete (Rob Hansen, Jul 88), and North with the Sun (Bruce Pelsz, Jun 88). Fish Helmet complete is a collection of Rob's contributions to Frank's APA.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added #435-436 (Oct-Nov 23). Thanks, Dave.
--Checkpoint, Peter Roberts. Added #85 (Win 77). "All the News that's Fit to Print and Some Other Stuff".
--Delerium Tremens, Dennis Tucker. Added 4 issues of this FIDO zine: #8-9 (Feb - May 43), 11 (Aug 43), and 13 (Apr 44). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Fan Spectator, Ron Maddox. Added an index page and issue #2 (Feb 47), and relocated the first issue which had been in 1940s One Shots. Pavlat-Evans only recorded the first issue, so I listed it as a one shot. They were wrong. Now, the question is whether or not there are any more.
--Fantasy News (New Series), Ken Beale. Added 2 issues of this newszine: #1 and #4, both Jun 63.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/24/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the November 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Portland Science-Fantasy Society News Bulletin, Don Day. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us newszine from the late 40s. The zines are uncredited, but Pavlat-Evans says they are primarily edited by Don Day.
--Review Section, Ron Holmes. Added 3 issues of this FIDO zine: #4 (Feb 43), 6 (May 43), and 8 (Aug 43). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Wild Heirs, Arnie and Joyce Katz, and many Vegrants. Added 4 issues: #9 and 9.5 (Sep 95), 11.5 (Nov 95) and 15 (Jul 96). Issue 9.5 is Arnie's account of the Corflu Vegas, and 11.5 is a reprint supplement.
--Wooden Nickel, Arnie Katz. Added issues #1-3 (Jul 73).

November 21, 2023 --1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 4 titles: Rocky Mountain High 1 (Gail Barton, Mar 74), Sambo 9 (Sam Martinez, Aug 60), Sigbo 5 (Jerry DeMuth, 57) and Situation Normal V5#2 (Peggy Burke, Dec 94). Sigbo 5 has contributions by Bob Tucker and Bob Bloch.
--1940s One Shots. Added 6: Abed & Bored (Al Ashley, Feb 48), Antipostmailer (Forrest J Ackerman, Feb 48), Asp V1#1 and Half-Asp V1#1 (Charles Bubee and Bill Rotsler respectively, Mar 48), Bedfast (F.T. Laney, Mar 48), Brownout (Charles Burbee, Feb 48) and Parasite (Bill Rotsler, Feb 1948).
--1950s One Shots. Added 1: A Fanzine for Ger Steward (Lee Hoffman, Fall 59).
--1960s One Shots. Added 1: Sarandipity 1 (Dean Grennell and Ron Ellik, Jul 67).
--1970s One Shots. Added 3: Motor City Madness (Brian Earl Brown, Aug 78), The Poke Salad Days Chronicle (Meade Frierson III, Sep 73) and Yellow HooHah (Rich Small, 74). The dating on Motor City Madness required a little digging. I was able to match up the dates in the paragraph on Autoclave with the dates of Autoclave 3 as listed in Fancyclopedia. Add to that the mention in the zine that the con was last month, and hooray. We have a date.
--Disturbing Element, Bill Rotsler. Added 1 issue (completing the run) and created an index page for this 1948 FAPAzine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added #61 (Jan 81).
--Plenum, Milt Rothman. Added #8 (Jan 48).
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added the Nov 23 issue of Guy's perzine. Thanks, Guy.
--When the Gods Would Sup, Alan J. Lewis. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Wild Heirs, Arnie and Joyce Katz, and many Vegrants. Added 5 issues - #3-5 (Feb-Apr 95), 7.5 (Arnie and Tom Springer), and 8.5 (Arnie and Robert Lichtman). Issue 7.5 is fiction, and 8.5 is reprinted articles.
--WSFanac, Avedon Carol. Added #4 (80).

November 18, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 5 items, some a little odd. Added: Fan Activity Poll (Ed Robnson, 60 maybe), Fankle 1 (Ivor Latte, Jun 65), Is California Secure (Dick Eney, Aug 68), New Year's Tale (Dannie Platcha and Dick Schultz, 63) and Son of the Fanalytic Eye Squints Sideways at OMPA (Jhim Linwood, Mar 62).
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added issue #2 (Win 48).
--De Profundis, Marty Cantor. Added 4 issues: #469 (Mar 12), 481 (Mar 13), 483 (May 15) and 487 (Sep 13). Scans provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--FANAC, John Henri-Holmberg. Added 3 issues of this Swedish language newszine from the mid 60s. These early issues are marked as edited by Carl Brandon, and according to Fancyclopedia, John-Henri used the pseudonym of Carl Brandon in the early issues.
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the November issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Ichor, Dale Hart. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 40s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--KAPA One Shots. Added an index page and 3 items for one-shots that ran throgh KAPA. Added today: Decaying Orbit (Gary Robe, Sep 89), Gotham City Journal (Corlis Robe, Sep 89) and Personnel Turbulence (Nicki Lynch, Sep 89). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Lethe, Jack Riggs. Added #8 (Feb 48).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/17/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Phanteur, Donald Thompson. Added the Winter 48 issue, which appears to be an unnumbered issue between 4 and 5. It appeared in the FAPA 42 mailing, and the Fantasy Amateur for that mailing shows an issue of Phanteur with what appears to be the right number of pages (our copy has the number obscured). Dating something winter always makes it hard to figure out if it's the end of one year or the beginning of the next.
--Shoreline, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 more issues of Jeanne's apazine, and a letterzine: #7-11 (79-81). Issue #7 is better known as "What Spare Time 2", a letter substitute that Jeanne ran through several APAs. "Secretary No More" is also "What Spare Time 1" and was run through with Shoreline (and Obsession). Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Snix, Walter Coslet. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 40s.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Winter 48 issue.
--TAFF. Added "Cast Your Vote for a Coffee Drinker", from Joy Clarke (60).

Conpubs: Hydracon  - Added the program book from the 1950 New York Science Fiction Conference aka Hydracon. Very cool. The committee included Judith Merrill, Fred Pohl, Martin Greenberg, David Kyle and Fletcher Pratt. The book art, layout and production was by Harry Harrison and Lester Del Rey was in part responsible for editorial. Scan by Joe Siclari. For more on Hyrdracon, see

November 15, 2023 Zoom schedule- We've added a January zoom session to the schedule. On January 20th, we'll be doing an interview with Joe Green. If you don't know Joe Green, this is an opportunity to learn about his amazing arc through fandom, prodom and the space program. A fan in the 50s, a professional science fiction writer with his first stories appearing in the early 60s, and later a NASA spokesman, specializing in educating the public about the space program. Host of many a legendary launch party, Joe has lived the dream of many a young science fiction fan. Join us in January and learn more.

YouTube -  - Frankenstein...a not so gory version-Delta Science Fiction Film Group (1963)
This 1963 fannish production of Frankenstein a not so gory version from the Delta SF Film Group, starts with a panorama across a mad scientist s lab featuring Entrails of Aldiss and bheer . It s an entertaining and complete story in less than 4 minutes, starring British fans of the day. You ll be (un)amazed at the special effects, the pathos of the story and its shocking ending. It's good fun, and Delta group went on to produce many more short films.

Bill Burns, who provided this and other Delta Films tells us The individual films date from 1963 to 1970, and were made on 8mm silent film to which a magnetic stripe was later added and the sound dubbed on. They were then shown mercilessly at club meetings and Eastercons, and suffered accordingly. For more about the Delta SF Film Group, see the Fancyclopedia article and see the text of Bill s talk at Manunicon (2016 Eastercon) at Many thanks to Bill Burns for providing the video, and the list of actors and crew that worked on the Delta Group films.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 7 titles: Baying at the Moon #2 (Mike McInerney, Apr 64), Beacon (Racy Higgs, Dec 62), Mimsy 1 (Steve Tolliver, 58), Moffatt House Newsletter 1 (Len and June Moffatt, Dec 79), No Goat's Kneecap (Geri Sullivan, July 1992), Poo #5 (A. Young, May 56), and Star Parade 5s (Ken Bulmer, Sep 41). Scan of Star Parade by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--De_Profundis, Marty Cantor. Added 5 issues: #457-459 (Mar-May 11), and 464-465 (Oct-Nov 11). Scans provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--Madison Foursquare, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the November 2023 issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added #4, the Nov 23 issue. Thanks, Rich.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Remembrance Day issue, and updated the cumulative index, now covering issues 1-560. Thanks, Dale.
--Shoreline, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us late 70s apazine. Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Stf Amateur, Heath Row. Added 6 issues of Heath's new personal apazine collation. Zines provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--Squire, Skip Williamson. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us early 60s genzine. The intro to issue 3 says: SQUIRE is an amateur magazine of social commentary and devastating satires that is published for the sheer unadulterated hell of it." More info from Joe: "Skip had his first professional publication the year before in Kurtzman's "Help!". The third issue has a great list of artists from Art Spiegelman to Ray Nelson with Jay Lynch and others in between."
--Tin Tacks, Donald J. Doughty. Added the remaining 7 issues (all 1941) to complete the run. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

PDF conversions and issue updates:Egoboo, Ted White and John D. Berry. Replaced remaining 7 issues of jpgs with PDFs. The run is now fully searchable.

November 11, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 9 titles: Afterburner 11 (Binker Hughes, Jul 98), Coprofile 1 (Art Wilson, Dec 68), Ibid 175 (Gary Brown, Jul 98), The Northern Californian 6 (Robert Lichtman, Jul 98), Oblio 117 (Gary Brown, Jul 98), Seasons 33 (Binker Hughes, Jul 98), Soufpaw 8 (Richard Brandt, Jul 09), Timebinders 1 (Don Markstein, Nov 72), and Wondering and Wandering V1#1 (Don Fitch, Aug 89). Coprofile scan by Steve Johnson. The rest are from Rich Lynch. Thanks, Steve! and thanks, Rich!
--Allargandro, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 4 issues: #6-7 (Feb-Apr 87), and 15-16 (88). Scans from copies provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Blast From the Past, Janet Larson. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this SFPA zine, relocating the issue that had been in SFPA - One Shots. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Brumble, Ken Cheslin and C.D. Winstone. Added 3 issues: 1,3 and 5 (64-65). Brumble was published as a runup to Brumcon by the Birmingham Science Fiction Group. This completes the run.
--Canadian Fandom, Beak Taylor. Added #15 (May 48).Contributors include Fred Hurter, Leslie Croutch and David H. Keller, MD. The cover of this issue is silver on black, and scanning it was not trivial. Canadian Fandom is a core zine for us to scan.
--Excalibur, Lenny Bailes. Added #5 (Dec 63).
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 2, both by Charles Burbee. Added: V11#2 (Win 48) and Fantasy Amateur Jr. #1 (Mar 48).
--Gentlest Art, Douglas Webster. Added 4 more issues, completing the run. Added: #5-8 (Apr-Jul 41). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Grandfather Stories, Howard DeVore. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. The first is #1 (Aug 64). I have no idea of the date (nor of the decade) on the other one. There was an 11 page Grandfather Stories in FAPA 174 (May 81) so I marked it as 1981. The issue is about WWII.
--He Said, Ron Holmes. Added the complete 2 issue run of this 1941 FIDOzine. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Memphen, Greg Bridges. Added 3 issues: #68-69 (Mar-Apr 84) and 71 (Jun 84). Scans by Greg Conley. Thanks, Greg.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/10/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Nov 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--SFPA One Shots. Added a page of correspondence (Jul 98) from Arthur Hlavaty regarding another interpretation of the acronym "SFPA". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--This is Not a Minaczine, Rich Lynch. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this SFPA zine, relocating the issue that had been in SFPA - One Shots. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

November 8, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 4 items: Marc Ortlieb - As Flies 1 (an 78), Minardor 4 (Dec 77) and Occasional Fanzine 1 (May 92); Graham Stone - Journal of the Australian Science Fiction Association 1 (Sep 65). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Fly in the Ointment 1" by R.G. Medhurst (Feb 41), and "With the Archeologists" by Harry Turner (Mar 41). Both of these were distributed in J. Michael Rosenblum's Futurian War Digest. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. added #131 (Oct 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--Allargandro, Jeanne Gomoll. Added #1-5 (Sep 86 - Jan 87) of this apazine. Fanzines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added #434 (Sep 23). Thanks, Dave.
--Ash-Wing, Frank Denton. Added #7 (Mar 71). Scan by Steve Johnson. Thanks, Steve!
--Cosmos, John Edward Rennison. Added 3 issues: #3-5 (Mar-Dec 41). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Dawn Shadows, James Rathbone. Added #1 (Oct 40), and thereby completed the run. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Delerium Tremens, Dennis Tucker. Added 3 issues: #1 (Apr 42), #3 (Jul 42), #5 (Oct 42). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Esdacyos, Ed Cox. Added #3 (Nov 53). Scan by Steve Johnson. Thanks, Steve!
--Fandom Dispatch, Dave Rike. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1955.
--HET BPEMR, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. The last letter of the title is actually a backwards R. In Russian, the title means "No Time". Bruce did these for APA-L, and presumably to cause consternation in indexers everywhere. It is not his only cyrillc fanzine title. Bruce - it worked.
--Hornpipe Series, Redd Boggs. Added 3 items of this late 80s publication: Postcard Mimeograph (#1, Feb 86), Under the Azalea (#2, May 86), and The House of the Hidden Poet (#3, Aug 87).
--Memphen. Added 5 issues: Rusty Smith - #45 (Jul 81), Greg Bridges - 46 (Oct 81), 52 (Jul 82), 54 (Nov 82), and 62 (Aug 83). Scans by Greg Conley. Thanks, Greg.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the November issue. Thanks, George.
--The Zine That Has No Name, Cas and Paul Skelton. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 77-82. Contributors include Bob Shaw, Dave Langford and Ted White.

PDF conversions and issue updates: Ansible, Dave Langford. Posted an improved scan of #146, provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to FANAC's Joe and Mark for finding many small, irritating errors in dating fanzines, spelling them correctly, and citing the correct APA mailing. Fixed as we go, but they don't always get public credit, so thanks guys.

November 4, 2023
APA Mailings. Mark has added a column to the individual APA pages that lists the number of pages we have of the mailing. If you click through on FAPA, for instance, you'll see that for the 100th mailing, Aug 1962, OE Charles Burbee, we had 23 zines for a total of 636 pages. That's our largest scanned mailing. Very cool. Thanks, Mark!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Allargandro, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us title all from the late 80s. Zines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added 8 items. First, 4 issues of the BSFA Bulletin: #6 (May 66), 11 (Mar 76), and 16-17 (Jan-Apr 68). Next, the first two nomination forms for the BSFA Fantasy Award (65-66). Finally, two sets of BSFA minutes, one from May 69, and the other from April 72. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Bulletin of the British Interplanetary Society. Added 10 issues of this "related zine" from the 1930s. Joe says: "It might seem that the Bulletin of the British Interplanetary Society is a bit out of our perview but the early issues have some resemblance to fanzines. Scientifiction is mentioned and the editors names are somewhat familiar. The Bulletin can easily be seen with (although hopefully more accurate than) such fanzines as Space Magazine and others. Thanks to David Ritter, we have some of these to pass along to you. We will not try to make great numbers of them available. These issues were from the collection of Alistair Durie." For example, V2#8 is edited by Arthur C. Clarke (whose name is more than somewhat familiar), and has an article by William Temple. Scans by David Ritter. Many thanks, David!
--De Prodfundis, Heath Row. Added #590-1, the Oct and Nov 23 issues. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/3 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--TAFF. Added Jeanne Gomoll's TAFFiles 3 (Apr 88). Zine provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added to the Yandro index page is the November 55 issue of EISFA which Buck and Juanita edited.

PDF conversions and issue updates: Tomorrow And..., Jerry Lapidus. Replaced 4 more issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced #1, 5, 9 and the 9 Letter supplement. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Kevin Black for spotting that we had a Seacon (79) membership card up on conpubs under Seacon (61). Fixed now. Thanks, Kevin!

November 1, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: Les Sample - "Fan-tome 1" (57); Frank Prieto - "Fantasy-Reviews 1" (Jun 60); David Rike -"Fanzine Material Pool Newsletter 2" (Apr 60); Bill Bowers - "Father Williams Mishapventures 5" (Aug 76); Greg Shaw - "Feemwlort 1" (64); and Lee Jacobs- "Minimac 4" (May 65).
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper, Carl Juaraz and Victor Gonzalez. Added 6 issues: #72-73 (Jan 97), 75-76 (Mar 97), 78 (May 97), and 80 (Jun 97).
--En Garde, Al and Abby Lu Ashley. Added #17 (Apr 46). An especially large issue for the title, with an article on A. Merritt by A.E. Van Vogt, and articles by Bob Tucker, Fran Laney, and Charles Burbee among others. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Fafhrd, Ron Ellik. Added 2 issues: #4 - 5 (May-Aug 56). Warning - the copy scanned of #4 was not very good. It is readable.
--Goojie Pubs, Miriam Knight. Added Q.E.D. This is Goojie Pubs #5, from Jul 62. Goojie Pubs is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Mock, Arnim Seielstad. Added both issues of this 1950 title. Unfortunately, #2 is incomplete. Ray Nelson is also a contributor.
--Moebius Trip, Edward Connor. Added #14 (Jul 72). Contributors include Paul Walker (with aa Joanna Russ interview), George Turner, Eric Lindsey, Jack Wodhams, Grant Canfield, Jeff Schalles, Terry Jeeves and Sheryl Birkhead.
--Moonshade, Len Moffatt and Stan Woolston. Added #6 (Feb 64).
--Moonshine, Len and June Moffatt. Added #31 (Aug 63) and 46 (Feb 79) of this FAPAzine.
--Paperback Parlour, Philip Stephensen-Payne. Added #3 (Jun 77).
--Peals, Belle Dietz. Added #5 (62).
--Revoltin' Development, Martin Alger. Added the Feb 61 issue.
--Science Fiction Journalen, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #158 (Win 91) of this Swedish language newszine.
--The Spectator. Added #107 (Apr 74) from Jim and Doreen Webbert.
--Tucker Bag, Jackie Franke and Brue Gillespie. Added #2 (Jun 74).

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Sandra Bond, Thomas Bull, Bill Burns, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Flash Sheridan, Joe Siclari, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

Corrections and Clarifications: Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Thanks to Rob Hansen for picking up a bad date on #99, recently added. It should be Jul72 and is now fixed. We had picked up the date of the original publication of the cover, more than 10 years earlier. Thanks, Rob!

October 28, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper, Carl Juaraz and Victor Gonzalez. Added 5 issues: #66-70 (Aug-Nov 96). Apparatchik was a nominee for the 1996 Hugo Award for Best Fanzine.
--FANtasmagorique, Scott Neilsen. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this early 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Contributors include Gordon Eklund, Alan Dodd and Al Jones.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues: Gregg Calkins - V34#2 (Feb 71), V35#1 (Nov 71), V35#3 (May 72); Bruce Pelz - V43#2 (Feb 80), V45#4 (Aug 82).
--First Fandom Publications. Added 3 items: Dave Kyle - First Fandom News Letter 3 (Jul 69) and First Fandom (86); Lynn Hickman - First Fandom Magazine 4 (Jun 61).
--Future Retrospective, Cliff and Susan Biggers. Added #11 (May 77). Several articles on Piers Anthony, and contributions by Grant Carrington and Mike Glyer.
--Gilgamesh, Terry Carr. Added 2 issues: #37-38 (Jan-Feb 71).
--Horizons, Harry Warner, Jr. Added #87 (Sum 61).
--Informator, Jan Plata-Przechlewski. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us Polish language clubzine from Gdansk. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--KAPA. Added the OO for #45, by Gary Robe. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Added the June 82 issue.
--Matrix, Tom Jones. Added #12 (Jun 77).
--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added the Cumulative Index to Mimosa for Issues 1-15 by Don Fitch, published Nov 94.
--Maybe, Irvin Koch. Added 5 issues: 50 (78), 52 (oct 78), 55 (Oct 79), 57-58 (Dec 80-Apr 81).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/27/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mutant, William James. Added #10 (Aug 49), with a snazzy Rick Sneary cover. Contributors include Art Rapp, Hal Shapiro, and Bill Warren.
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues of Bruce's N'APAzine - #12-13 (Dec 63 - Mar 64).
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added #38 (Oct 65).
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added 2 issues: #3, aka Fapulous #10 (Jul 60), and #21 (May 65).
--SFPA - One Shots. Added 5 items from July 1998, including a DSC 36 One Shot, "Liz's Hugo Reading Checklist", Janet Larson's "Days of Future Passed", and Steve Hughes's "The Internet Email One Shot". Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added #99 (Oct 61).
--Tucker Bag, Jackie Franke. Added Issue #.5, coedited with Bruce Gillespie. This was an occasional newszine sent to contributors to the fund to bring Bob Tucker to Aussiecon I.

Corrections and Clarifications: The Phantagraph, Donald Wollheim. Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out several typos on the index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Sam.

October 25, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 7 titles: The Charlottan #1 (Len Bailes, Apr 64), Famous Fantastic Mouse Stories #1 (Redd Boggs, Nov 95), Fanshape #16 (Arthur Hlavaty, 90s), Fantasia #2 (Lou Goldstone, Apr 41), Fantasmagorique #1 (Scott Nielsen, May 61), The Fantastic Flea Market (Ray Nelson, May 60), and The Fantasy Collector #122 (Caz Cazedessus, Feb 69).
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: V-R Record Review #1 (Robert Lownedes and James Blish, Mar 45), and Vantage Point #1 (John Michel, Mar 45).
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper and Victor Gonzalez. Added 7 issues: #56 (Mar 96), 59-61 (May-Jun 96) and co-edited also by Carl Juarez, 62 (Jun 96), 64-65 (Jul-Aug 96).
--Cacoethes, Dian Girard. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 70s apazine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. We now have 3 issues, each edited by Dian, but with different versions of her name.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues: Dick Eney - V20#4 (Nov 57); Ted White - V22#4 (Feb 59); Marion Zimmer Bradley - V24#2 (Feb 62); Bruce Pelze - V30#4 (Aug 67), and Bob Pavlat - V32#2 (Feb 69).
--Rantasy Rotator. Added #137, edited by Fred Patten (Feb 63).
--Hughes - SFPA Zines, Steve Hughes. Added 2 items: Hands Free (Jul 98) and Spider Pie 12 (Jul 98), a Deep Southcon 36 report. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Madison Foursquare, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the October issue. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Halloween issue. Thanks, Dale.
--References. Added 2 fan directories from the 1950s, both by Ron Bennett: Directory of 1955 SF Anglo Fandom, and Directory of 1957 SF Fandom. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Phoenix, Dave Locke. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 60s. Contributors include John Berry and Buck Coulson.
--Psi-Phi, Robert Lichtman. Added #7 (Dec 60).
--Slant, Walt Willis. Added a Fall 1950 note from Walt to "any active British fan organisation" about Slant subscriptions. Note the art on the back of the note! (Compare it to the logo.) Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the September issue. Thanks, George.
--TNFF. Added 5 issues of TNFF: Stan Woolston and Arthur Hayes - V31#1 (Feb 71); Gary Mattingly - V32#3 (Aug 72), Joanne Burger - V36#1 (Feb 76), V36#6 (Dec 76); and the most recent issue, George Philies - V82#10 (Oct 23). We also updated V34#4 (Aug 74) with a copy that has additional material at the end, including the constitution of the N3F and a list of projects.

PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Egoboo, Ted White and John D. Berry. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are issues 5-7 and 9-10, dating from 68-70.
--Full Length Articles, Jack Speer. Replaced the remaining two issues we have with searchable PDFs.

Corrections and Clarifications: Hyphen, Walt Willis and Chuck Harris. Replaced issue 21 with an upgraded scan. We had been missing page 41 and the back cover. No more. Many thanks to Rob Hansen for providing the improved scan. Thanks, Rob!

October 22, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 5 titles, all from the 1940s: Alan Child - Mephisto 1 (Jan 43); Van Splawn - Star Rover 5 (Sum 46); Ray Nelson - Universe 2 (49); Gordon Rouze - Xenon 2 (Jul 44), and Ronald Levy - Zeus 3 (Feb 41). Star Rover 5 has contributions from Bob Tucker, Forry Ackerman, and Will Sykora. There's also an article by George Fox on Thorne Smith. Universe 2 has a story by Hal Shapiro, as well as one by Ray Nelson. Zeus 3, from Australia, has the conclusion of a Vol Molesworth serial.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 6 issues, 3 edited by Andy alone and 3 co-edited by Victor Gonzales. Added Andy Hooper - #42-44 (Sep-Oct 95); Andy Hooper and Victor Gonzalez - #46 (Nov 95), 52 (Feb 96), 55 (Mar 96).
--Collector, Howard DeVore. Added 4 issues of Howard's SAPSzine: Jan 59, Oct 65, Jul 72 and one which we believe to be from sometime in the 1950s (I marked it as 1955).
--Copeland - SFPA Zines, Jeff Copeland added 2 titles, both from Jul 98: "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" and "Time Keeps on Slipping into the Future". Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the October issue. Thank you, Leybl.
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added #1 (Sum 54).
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues: Tom Locke - #80 (Nov 75); Gavin Claypool - #151 (Aug 84) and Jeni Burr - #244-B (Aug 92), #248-249 (Dec 92 - Jan 93).
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the October issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--Fendenizen, Elinor Busby. Added #22 (61).
--Gallery, Chick Derry. Added 2 issues and created an index page for this 50s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Contributors include John Berry and Dean Grennell.
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added an issue from 1994.
--Melange, Bjo and John Trimble. Added #2 (Feb 61). Contributors include Ruth Berman, Elmer Perdue and Charles Burbee.
--Memphen/Mempish. Added 5 issues of this clubzine: Greg Bridges: Sep 79, Jul-Aug 80, Sum 08; Tim Gatewood - #230 (Apr 97). Scans provided by Greg Conley. Thanks, Greg!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/20/2023 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--OSFAn, Hank Luttrell. Added the July 10, 1967 issue.
--Pantopon, Ruth Berman. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added 2 issues - the Sept and Oct issues of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry and sorry for the delay.
--Pulsar, Paul Wrigley. Added #92 (Jun 86). Scan by Sam butler. Thanks, Sam.
--The Southerner, Liz Copeland. Added #204 (Jul 98). This is the OO of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #166 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores, Gary Brown. Added #10 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

October 20, 2023
Part 1: 
Title: Evolution of Art(ists) (Pt 1 of 2): Grant Canfield, Tim Kirk, Jim Shull, and Dan Steffan
Description: Fillos, illos, cartoons and the disturbing depictions of many a fannish nightmare have long made fanzines and convention publications more interesting. Multi-talented fans have run the gamut from writing to editing to fan artist. This distinguished group of award-winning artists represent the cream of 60s/70s fan artists, uniquely qualified to have this discussion.
In part 1 of this 2-part session, you ll hear their origin stories , their influences, how they found science fiction fandom, and what they perceive as the unique benefits of fandom to young artists. You ll find out why artists should avoid hecto, and torturous tales of justifying margins by hand. There are intriguing insights into adjusting one s art to the reproduction medium, and how fandom helped people along, especially towards professional careers. Larger than life figures make their appearance, including several stories of Bill Rotsler.
There s plenty more, including their views on Carl Barks, why Dan started Lizard Inn , Jim s take on the slippery slope to having a fanzine too big to staple without an industrial stapler, Tim on his deep desire to tell stories, and Grant s opinion of Starling .

Part 2: 
In part 2 of this 2-part session, the fan art discussion continues, with more on professional careers as well. The conversation ranges from Tolkien s house to Harlan Ellison's house, from The Last Dangerous Visions to Bill Gibson, from Harlan Ellison stories to BNFs that had an impact. There are more Rotsler stories too. You ll hear about silent jam sessions, Esoteric Fan Art Tales , and the impact that conventions had on artists who worked in isolation. A real treat is the slideshow of samples of our panelists art, with their live comments on what each piece represents.
Q&A starts about 45 minutes into the video, with comments as well as questions, including Ted White s discussion of the impact of Mondrian s work on modern magazine design. Lest you believe that fanzines are a thing of the past, the video wraps up with a plug for an upcoming paper fanzine by faned Geri Sullivan.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 1 item: 'Best of APA-L", edited by Lee Gold (Aug 72). Contributors include Bjo Trimble, Tom Digby, Don Simpson, Bruce Pelz, Ruth Berman, Lenny Bailes, Fred Patten, and many more. Scan provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--1930s One Shots. Added 1 item by D.W.F. Meyer, "The Purpose of Sciencefiction" from April 38. "This is the text of a speech delivered by the author at the Second Convention of the Science Fiction Association, April 10, 1938, at A.O.D. Memorial Institute, Holborn, London." The pamphlet was published by CPASF - The Committee for the Political Advancement of Science-Fiction". See Scan by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--1990s One Shots. Added 2 items: "In Space's Belly - Poetry in UK SFnzines and Little Magazines" by Steve Sneyd (99), and "Novae Terrae - The Last Year" by Vince Clarke (Dec 96). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--ANZAPA OO. Nothing new here except the index page. I've moved two OOs from Foyster-Other Publications  to their own page so we can start assembling ANZAPAs a little better.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 6 issues: #32-34 (Apr-May 95), 36-18 (Jun-Jul 95).
--De Profundis, Tim Merrigan. Added 7 issues, all edited by Tim Merrigan: 251-252 (Apr-Jun 93), 254-256 (Jun-Aug 93), 260-261 (Dec 93 - Jan 94).
--The Fan-Vet. Ray Van Houten. Added 2 issues: V1#5 (May 51) and V4#1 (Apr 54). The latter was put out by James Taurasi.
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 2 issues: #4-36 to 4-37 (Jul-Sep 63).
--Menace of the LASFS, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues: #100 (Sep 64), and Nov 64.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/13 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Pot_Pourri, John Berry. Added #33 (Apr 64). Pot Pourri is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 3 issues: #10 (May 57), 29 (Feb 62) and 53 (Feb 71).
--Sam, Steve Stiles. Added #7 (63).
--The Spectator. Added 4 issues: Nan Gerding - #29-30 (Sep-Dec 54); Karen Anderson -31 (Mar 55); Bruce Pelz - 61 (Oct 62). There's a problem somewhere with the volume number for either 29/30 or 31. The first two are vol 10, and the next one is marked as vol 12.
--TNFF, Art Hayes. Added 5 issues from 1971, all edited by Art Hayes. They are V31#2-6.
--The Zed, Karen Anderson. Added #791 (58).

PDF conversions and issue updates: The Fantasy Fan, Charles Hornig. Replaced the remaining 3 issues we had of jpgs with searchable PDFs.

October 17, 2023
Zoom doula: Thanks to Tom Becker for being Grant Canfield's zoom doula and getting him set up to participate in the history zoom. The video will be uploaded to YouTube in the next few days. Thanks, Tom!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 6 issues of Andy's perzine - #23-27 (Dec 94-Feb 95) and #30 (Mar 95).
--Fantasta, Larry Balint. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 50s. Issue 6 has a poem from Terry Carr.
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues of this LASFS clubzine, all edited by Jeni Burr. Added: 233 (Jul 91), 237 (Dec 91), 241-242 (Apr-Jun 92) and 244 (Jul 92).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #137 (Oct 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Nimoyan, John and Bjo Trimble. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fan magazine from the early 70s.
--Northern Lights, Linda Ross-Mansfield. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us Canadian newszine from the early 80s. Thanks to Linda Ross-Mansfield for giving her permission to archive the zine. Thanks, Linda!
--Nudity, Dick Eney. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the early 50s.

PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Fantasy Amateur  - Replaced 7 early issues from the 30s-40s. Replaced are: Fred Pohl - Spr 38; L.R. Chauvenet - V5#4 (Jun 42), Al Ashley - V6#1-4 (Sep 42-Jun 43), R.D. Swisher: V7#1-2 (Sep-Dec 43).
--Femizine, Ethel Lindsay. Replaced issue #1 with a searchable PDF.
--Science Fiction Five Yearly, Lee Hoffman and Dan Steffan. Replaced #7 with a searchable PDF. Now they all are.

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Geri Sullivan for pointing out a bad link on the Science Fiction Five Yearly  page. It's fixed now. Thanks, Geri!

October 11, 2023
Upcoming History Zoom - Evolution of Art(ists) - Grant Canfield, Tim Kirk, Jim Shull, and Dan Steffan
October 15, 2023 at 4PM EDT (New York), 1PM Pacific (PDT), 9PM London (BST) and 7AM AEDT October 16 in Melbourne
Fillos, illos, cartoons and the disturbing depictions of many a fannish nightmare have long made fanzines and convention publications more interesting. Multi-talented fans have run the gamut from writing, to editing to convention running and fan artist. Is being a fan artist different now than it was decades ago, and if so how? What is the golden age of fan art? Is fan art a path to becoming a professional artist, or is it just for fun? Has fan art essentially disappeared with the adoption of the internet? Will AI help or hurt?
Send a note to if you want to attend and you are not already on our list.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Atomic Age, Louis Jonquel II. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us newsletter from 1946. It's billed as "A weekly newsletter of fact and opinion on atomic power and the atomic bomb".
--Dark Toys, Taral Wayne. Added the last 2 issues. Thanks, Taral.
--Challenge, Lilith Lorraine. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us poetry zine from 50-51. The zine's mission is to print poetry that can "foreshadow and interpret the tremendous implications of the Atomic Age".
--Crifanac, Ken Forman and Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues of this new to us zine from 1998.
--De Profundis. Added 6 issues of the LASFS newsletter. Marty Cantor: #440 (Oct 09), 448 (Jun 10), and 450 (Aug 10). These 3 provided by Heath Row. Note that 448 is misdated on the cover. Also, added #31 (Chuck and Sally Crayne, Jul 69), 66 (Bill Warren and Craig Miller (Oct 73) and 71 (Bill Warren, 74).
--Fantasias, David English. Added 2 issues: #3-4 (Apr-Jul 52).
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 4 issues: 4-29 to 4-30 (61), 4-33 and 4-35 (62-63).
--Haverings, Ethel Lindsay. Added #20 (Feb 66).
--Helen's Fantasia, Helen Wesson. Added 2 issues: #12 (May 62) and the March 78 issue.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Oct 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Moonshade, Rick Sneary and Len Moffatt. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine from 1962.
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added 2 issues: #22-23 (Jul-Oct 59).
--The Spectator, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues that Bruce edited: #68-69 (Jul-Oct 64), 71 (Apr 65), 73-74 (Oct 65-Jan 66).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the October issue. Thanks, George.
--TNFF, George Phillies. Added the September issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.

October 8, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ariel, Marc Ortlieb. Added 2 issues of Ariel - #1-2 (Feb-Jun 79). Ariel 3 is better known as Q36 #A, and so they share the index page. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 4 issues: #12-15 (Jun -Aug 94).
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues from the 00s - #403 (Milt Stevens, Aug 06) and 4 from Marty Cantor - 434 (Apr 09), 436-438 (Jun-Aug 09). Scans provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 4 issues: Dick Eney- V21#4 (Aug 58); Bruce Pelz - V29#3 (May 66) and V44#2 (Feb 81); Gregg Calkins - V36#1 (Nov 72).
--Fantasy Rotator or FR. Added 4 more issues and relocated one. Added: George Scithers - FR 572 (Dec 88) and 591.13 (Jan 90); Rich Lynch - 586 (Sep 89) and 599 (Jun 90). Relocated #59 Karen Anderson) from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. FR was the OO of The Cult. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 6 issues: #189 (Oct 67), 191-194 (Nov-Dec 67) and 200 (Jan 68).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/6 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Oct 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most Thanksgiving 2023 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Pulsar. Added 6 issues of Pulsar, the newletter of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Added: 60 (Rosalind Malin, Apr 86), 93 (Snowfeather / YaLeah, 86), 130 (Eric Simonson, Jul 89), 138 (William Ryan, Apr 90), 178 (Linda Pilcher, Aug 93), 200 (John Lorentz, Jun 95). Scans provided by Sam Butler. Thanks, Sam.
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added #58, edited by Gerry Adair from Jan 90. One of the banquet awards noted in the issue: to Doug Wu, the Sharp as a Tack Award for the headline: ROBOT SLAYS 10! VOWS TO TEST CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE 1ST LAW! Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Union Street. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us perzine from Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis from the early 00s. Zines provided by scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Rob Hansen for determining that Science Fiction Gazette  issue 4 that was posted was in fact the unofficial version, put out by the Gotliffe Leeds faction that was later defeated and suspended. History comes alive - thanks, Rob!

October 5, 2023
APA Mailings  have been updated this week. We now have 1461 FAPAzines and 323 OMPAzines. Thanks to Mark Olson for the software that assembles the mailings.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 5 1994 issues: 16 (Sep) 18 (Sep), 20-22 (Oct-Dec).
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues of this LASFS clubzine: Marty Cantor - #396 (Jan 06), Milt Stevens - #497 (Feb 06), 402 (Jul 06), 413 (Jun 07) and 415 (Aug 07). Scans provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues of this FAPA OO, all by Redd Boggs. V15#1 (Fall 51), V15#4 (Sum 52), V16#1 (Fall 52), V16#2 (Win 52), and V16#4 (Sum 53).
--Munich Roundup, Waldemar Kumming and Gary Kl pfel. Added 2 issues of this German language zine: 153 (Aug 82) and #157 (Aug 99). Scans provided by Thomas Recktenwald. Thanks, Thomas!
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 4 issues: #26-29 (82-83). Fanzines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--Science Fiction Collector, Morris Dollens and John Baltadonis. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine, both edited by John Baltadonis. The issues are from May 38 -Jan 39. Contributors include Milt Rothman, Oliver Saari, Jack Speer, Robert Madle and Ozzie Train. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Science Fiction Gazette, G. Ken Chapman. Well, that was the shortest tenure on the 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come  page. Last update, I listed #3 as being added there, and now, thanks to David Ritter, we have 4 more issues from 1937-1938. The Science Fiction Gazette was distributed to the members of the Science Fiction Association. According to Pavlat-Evans - ""There was a split in the SFA...Two factions in Leeds claimed power. Both issued Gazettes bearing number 4. ...The Gotliffe group was defeated and suspended."--Wollheim as quoted by Swisher." One of the issues we have is #4. Scans by David Ritter. Thank you, David!
--Spent Brass, Andrew Hooper and Carol Root. Added #16 (Jan 93). Scan provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Izabeau Legendre for reporting a "404" error on Dave Kyle's "A Warning". In this case, it had been moved to the 1930s One Shots. Thanks also to Owen Whiteoak for reporting another. That one was due to the jpgs being replaced with a searchable PDF. Usually, a 404 error represents a bug we have to fix. Please everybody, continue to report the 404 errors. It really helps.

October 1, 2023
YouTube:  Boston in the 60, Part 2 - Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek, and Mike Ward, moderated by Mark Olson.
Part 2 of the panel on Boston science fandom in the 1960s, continues with the true story of how the Boston in 67 Worldcon bid began, and the surprising origin of Locus , now the magazine of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror field . There are anecdotes of the late, lamented House of Roy, why NESFANs are expected to receive club permission to marry, and the origin of the Skylark Award. You ll even find out about the Silent and Silly Committees of NESFA, the pun fine, and what is likely the only retelling of Goldilocks to be written in Fortran. Also pastrami ice cream.

Many in the audience could easily have been panelists. The last half of the recording covers the Q&A, eliciting stories on the Boston Save Star Trek demonstration, Baskin Robbins expeditions and the Boston penchant for rules, rules, rules.

Panelists Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward are uniquely suited to discuss the 60s. Tony joined the MIT Science Fiction Society (MITSFS) in 1957, served as "Onseck" and "Librarian", is a founder of NESFA, and chaired the first Boston Worldcon - Noreascon 1 (1971). Leslie Turek discovered fandom in the mid 60s, is a founding member of NESFA, chair of Boskone 6 (1969), editor of several MITSFS fanzines, and chair of the second Boston Worldcon - Noreascon 2 (1980). Mike Ward, MITSFS "Skinner", founding member of NESFA, and editor of several MITSFS fanzines, was involved with the Boston in 67 bid and the MITSFS index. (And moderator Mark Olson chaired the third Boston Worldcon, Noreascon 3 (1989).)

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added "The Science Fiction Gazette 3", by G. Ken Chapman, dated May 1937. Scan provided by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Apparatchik, Andy Hooper. Added 5 issues of this perzine, from 1994. This is a new title for the archive.
--Amateur Science Stories, Douglas Mayer. Added the complete 3 issue run from 1937-1938. These issues contain the first published fiction of Arthur C. Clarke - see issues 2 and 3. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Calendars. Added 6 items from 1969-1973. Added are Tim Kirk's 1969 Tolkien calendar, 3 'DC in 74' calendars, another 73 calendar, and "Thru the Haze" -an N3F Birthday Calendar from Apr 71. Thanks, Tim for permission to put up the 69 calendar!
--Confessions of a Consistent Liar, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #67 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.
--Cry of the Nameless, G.M. Carr. Added 4 early issues: #1 (Jan 50), 5-6 (May-Sep 50), and 14 (May 51). Cry is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 4 issues - Andy and Jean Young, V23#3-4 (May-Aug 60); Marion Zimmer Bradley, V24#1 and 3 (Nov 60, May 61).
--Madison Foursquare, Jeanne Gomoll. Added the last 2 issues - Aug/Sep 2023. Thanks, Jeanne!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/29 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added #180 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues: #21-25 (81-82) of this APAzine. Fanzines provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Offline Reader, Irv Koch. Added Jul 98. Scan by Rich Lynch.
--The Satellite, John F. Burke. Added 4 issues: from Rob Hansen, #14-16 (Jan-Mar 40); from David Ritter, #9 (Jun 39). Issue 15 has a sweet cover by Harry Turner. Thanks to Rob and David for the scans!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 5 issues of Guy's perzine: 20-24 (May 17- Jan 18). Thanks, Guy.
--Stardust, W. Lawrence Hamling. Added an advertising flyer from 1940. Scan provided by David Ritter Thanks, David!
--Tennessee Trash, Gary Robe. Added 2 items - #34-34.5 from Jul 98. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette, Richard Dengrove. Added #53 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors to Fancyclopedia include: Thomas Bull, Darrah Chavey, Steve Johnson, Chris Krolczyk, Gary McGath, Laurie Mann, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Alan Thiesen, Jan Vanek jr, and of course Mark Olson. Thanks to all for your work.

September 27, 2023
YouTube:  - Boston in the 60s, with Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward, moderated by Mark Olson
Boston in the 60s was a generative hotbed of fannish activities, with long lasting consequences. The first modern Boskone was held in 1965 by the Boston Science Fiction Society, as part of its bidding strategy for a Boston Worldcon. NESFA began in 1967, and the first Boston Worldcon was held in 1971.

Panelists Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward are uniquely suited to discuss that period. Tony joined the MIT Science Fiction Society (MITSFS) in 1957, served as "Onseck" and "Librarian", is a founder of NESFA, and chaired the first Boston Worldcon - Noreascon 1 (1971). Leslie Turek discovered fandom in the mid 60s, is a founding member of NESFA, chair of Boskone 6 (1969), editor of several MITSFS fanzines, and chair of the second Boston Worldcon - Noreascon 2 (1980). Mike Ward, MITSFS "Skinner", founding member of NESFA, and editor of several MITSFS fanzines, was involved with the Boston in 67 bid and the MITSFS index. (And moderator Mark Olson chaired the third Boston Worldcon, Noreascon 3 (1989).)

In Part 1 of this discussion, you'll feel what fandom was like in those days, and how our panelists came to be part of it. There are anecdotes of the surprising way NESFA was funded, MIT's Building 9 (where the department of Magic is housed) and the day that Hugo Gernsback came to MITSFS. Isaac Asimov comes into it, as does the "The MIT Science Fiction Society's Index to the S-F Magazines", and the story of fandom's "pioneer in copyright". There are reminiscences of the big name fans of the area and the era, and the creative ways that Boston's intrepid fans helped create a community that is still vibrant today.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fiendetta, Charles Wells. Added #14 (May 56).
--Goliard, Karen Anderson. Added #834 (Feb 65).
--Home with the Armadillo, Liz Copeland. Added the July 98 issue. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Moonshine, Rick Sneary. Added #30 (Aug 62).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/22/23 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Newfangles, Don and Maggie Thompson. Added #28 (Nov 69).
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 7 issues: 12-13 (79), 15 (79), 17-20 (80). Provided for scanning by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Peter Pan and Merry, David Schlosser. Added #18 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added 2 issues: #17 (Feb 61) and 19 (Feb 62).
--Rats!, Bill Kunkel and Charlene Komar. Added #16 (Aug 72).
--Sailing the Abnormalcy, Bryan Porter. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine from the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Bryan! Thanks, Rich!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 3 issues: #98-100 (Apr 19-Nov 19). Issues 98 and 99 are the 50th Anniversary edition (!!!). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 2 issues: #67-68 (Jul-Sep 23). Thanks, Guy!
--The Sphere, Don Markstein. Added #175 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch.

September 21, 2023
History Zoom: September 23, 2023 at 4PM EDT (New York), 1PM Pacific (PDT), 9PM London (BST) and 6AM Sept 24 in Melbourne
Boston in the 60s, with Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward, moderated by Mark Olson
Boston in the 60s was a generative hotbed of fannish activities, with long lasting consequences. The first modern Boskone was held in 1965 by the Boston Science Fiction Society, as part of its bidding strategy for Boston in 67. NESFA began in 1967, and the first Boston Worldcon was held in 1971. MIT provided a ready source of new fans, and they made themselves heard in fanzines, indexes, clubs and conventions (and invented the micro-filk). What was Boston fandom like in the 60s? How was it influenced by MIT? Who were the driving forces and BNFs? What were the impacts of the failed 67 bid? What made Boston unique?
Send a note to for the link.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. added #130 (Aug 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the September issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the September issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/15 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues: #6-8 (77-78), and 10-11 (78-79). Fanzines provided by Jeanne Gomoll for scanning. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the middle-September issue. Thanks, Dale.
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues: #15 (Sep 75), 94-97 (Jun 17-Aug 18). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Souffle, John M. Baxter. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from the early 60s.
--Transitional, Naomi Fisher. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine - Transitional Minac One (Apr 98), Transitional Nattering 1 (Nov 98) and Transitional Phases 41 (Apr 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

September 18, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Derogatory Reference, Arthur Hlavaty. Added DR 89 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fantasy Scout, James Taurasi. Added the last issue, #15 (Jun 39). "With this issue, this paper becomes two years old, and for a fan magazine, that s old age."
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added Issue 4-24 (62).
--Guilty Pleasures, Eve Ackerman. Added #4 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--KAPA. Added the KAPA official organ done by Pat Malloy for 5 issues in the late 90s. Also a Chambanacon flyer. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added #15-16-17 (Aug 91). This massive 148 page issue features George Turner, Ian Gunn, Lee Hoffman, John Bangsund, Doug Barbour, Avedon Carol and many others. Scan by Perry Middleimss. Thanks, Perry!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the late August issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Q36, Marc Ortlieb. Added 7 issues: #A-D (Sep 79-Sep 80), #F (Jun 81), #J (Dec 82), and #K Second Series (May 91). Contributors include John Packer, John Alderson, Sheryl Birkhead, Judith Hanna, Harry Andruschak and George Turner. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added #11 (May 59).
--Rabbitears, Mog Decarnin. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 80s. Rabittears is a "fanzine of television commentary". Scans by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry! Sorry it took so long to get them online.
--fanzines/Spent_Brass, Andy Hooper and Carol Root. Added 7 issues, almost completing the run. Added: #3 (Mar 91), 5 (Apr 91), 15 (Dec 92), 27-28 (Feb 94 - Apr 95), and 30-31 (Mar 96-Mar 97). Scans provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
--Tyndallite, Norm Metcalf. Added V2#78 (Jul 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Review, Walter Gillings. Replaced issues 11-14 with searchable PDFs.

September 12, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fendenizen, Elinor Busby. Also called Fenden, we added 4 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from 1959-1960. There are some charming ATom covers.
--Floccipaucinihilipilification, Mike Glicksohn. Added #8 (Aug 81).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/8 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Nonsense, Terry Carr and Keith Joseph. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 50s, dedicated to cartoons of a skiffy sort.
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added the Sep 23 issue. Thanks, Garth.
--Rataplan, Leigh Edmonds. Added 5 issues: #4 (69), 6-7 (70-71), 9 (72) and 12 (Sep 73). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added 2 issues - #1 (Feb 60), and a second (or rather a previous) #10 (May 62).
--The Satellite, John F. Burke. Added 2 issues from 1939 - #10 (Jul 39) and #12 (Sep 39). Contributors include Wm. F. Temple, Ted Carnell, L.V. Heald, and Harry Turner. It's a rare treat to receive zines this old for sharing online. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #7 (Jun 56), with its hand-coloured cover of ATom art. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 6 issues: #40 with Kawalhioqua 11 (Dec 73), 86-89 (Feb 14- May 15) and 93 (Dec 16). This is a 2nd issue titled SF Commentary 40, this hone combined with Kwalhioqua 11 from Ed Cagle. Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry and thanks Bruce!
--Ul, Norm Metcalf. Added #23 (Mar 66).

September 4, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bluegras, Guy Lillian III. Added #41 (Jan 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--De Profundis. Added 9 issues: Tim Merrigan - #175 (Jun 86), Jeni Burr - #197-202 (Jun - Oct 88), Heath Row - #588-589 (Aug-Sep 23). The last two issues were provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath!
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 2 issues: Ted White - V22#3 (Jun 59) and Bruce Pelz - V44#1 (Nov 80).
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues: #6-7 (Apr-May 91) and 13 (Dec 91). Issue 13 is "A Fan Novel".
--Helen's Fantasia, Helen Wesson. Added 1 issue: February 1972.
--Holier Than Thou, Marty and Robbie Cantor. Added #20 (Oct 84). Contributors include Lee Hoffman, John Berry, Richard Bergeron, Mike Glyer and Harry Warner Jr.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #136 (Sep 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added the last 2 issues (Jul-Aug 23). PDFs provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Heath.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues - 8/25-9/1. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Notes from the Club Car, G. Patrick Molloy. Added #51 (Jan 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 2 issues: #23 (Apr 59) and 60 (Oct 80).
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added #5 (Dec 61).
--Rambling Fap, Greg Calkins. Added 3 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. --Stellar, Ted White. Added the first issue with this title - #8 (May 56). The fanzine was previously titled "Zip". Contributors in this issue include Lee Hoffman Shaw and Larry Stark, as well as, of course, Ted himself.
--TNFF, George Phillies. Added the August issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #4 (Aug 59).
--Vanish with the Rose, Nicki Lynch. Added #58 (Jan 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Review, Walter Gillings. Replaced the issues 6-10 with searchable PDFs. These date from 1947-1948.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include: Sandra Bond, Thomas Bull, Bill Burns, Vincent Docherty, Dave Langford, Ben McKenzie, Flash Sheridan, Leah Zeldes Smith, Alan Thiesen and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

August 23, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 8 zines: Detroit Iron #4 (Richard Schultz, Dec 63), Mooncalf #1 (Georgina Ellis, Jan 56), Mything Link #17 (Dave Hulan and Gracia Fay Ellwood, Nov 72), Nocres #1 (Lynn Torline, Chuck Holst, Cat Coel, Brian Bjorgen, Bev Swanson, Madman Riley, Aug 75), Omnibus #5 (Sandy Sanderson, Jan 56), Satan's Child #5 (Dorothy Ratigan, Dec 58), United Fandom #1 (Ben Singer and George Young, 48), and Vision #1 (Robert W. Lowndes, Sep 38).
--De Profundis. Added 6 issues: Chuck & Sally Crayne - #23 (Sep 68), Bruce Pelz - #26 (Jan 69), Barry Gold - 76 (Apr 75), Beverly Warren - #95 (Nov 77), Sharon Bohner - #133(Jan 82) and 138 (Jun 82).
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added #21 (Jan 59).
-- Napalm in the Morning, Joseph Nicholas. Added the complete 4 issue run of this 1980s perzine. Thanks, Joseph for permission to put this online.
--NOSFan  Lawrence Zeilinger. added #15 (Aug 71).
--Null-F, Ted White. Added #34.5 (Dec 63).
--New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added #70 (Mar 81).
--SYA-DASTI-SYA-NASTI-SYA-DAVAK-TAV-VASKI, Denny Lien. Added 3 1970s issues of this perzine. The name was later changed to "Murgatroyd".
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added #3 (Aug 23). Thanks, Rich.

PDF conversions and issue updates: Fantasy Review, Walter Gillings. Replaced the first 5 issues with searchable PDFs. These date from 1947.

August 20, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Cognate, Rosemary Hickey. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the 60s.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the July and August issues. Thanks, Leybl.
--De Profundis. Added 7 issues: #139 (Sharon Bohner, Jul 82); #140 (Marke Sharpe, Sep 82), #180-181 (Therri Moore, Jan-Feb 87), 192 (Galen Tripp and Jeni Burr, Jan 88), 194-195 (Jeni Burr, Mar-Apr 88).
--Fanactivity Gazette, Mindy Hunt. Added the August issue of this NFFF newsletter. Sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George and Mindy.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 8/18 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Murgatroyd, Denny Lien. Added 5 more issues of Denny's APAzine: 15 (Nov 80), 24-27 (Apr-Nov 85).
--The Obdurate Eye, Garth Spencer. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us perzine, all from 2023. Thanks, Garth!

August 17, 2023
YouTube:  - Minicon 23 (1988) Barbie s Inferno by Jeanne Gomoll, Fanzine Reading
Minicon 23 was held April 1-3, 1988. On Saturday afternoon, David Emerson hosted a program of fanzine readings, including Jeanne Gomoll s reading of her hysterical short piece, Barbie s Inferno . This 18 minute audio recording, enhanced with images, is a delightful visit both to that program in 1988, and to the subject matter Jeanne Gomoll s childhood experiences with Barbie...Jeanne is an outstanding writer, as well as an excellent reader. This short recording provides an empathetic glimpse into what many fans have experienced -- what it s like to grow up in a family where you and your parents have very different ideas of who you should be. Plus you learn about waxers. Thanks to Geri Sullivan for recording, preserving, digitizing and providing this program.

Originally published in Harlot (edited by Anne-Laurie Logan and Avedon Carol, 1983), a newly revised version of Barbie s Inferno is contained in Pretending, the first volume of Jeanne s two volume memoir, Pretending and Becoming. 2023 (to be released).

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 3 items from Shadow FAPA #6: fap 3 (Les Gerber, Nov 61), The Lurking Shadow 6 (Charles Ford Hansen, Nov 61, and Pantopon 3 (Ruth Berman, Nov 61).
--1960s One Shots. Added OMPAlog: Fiction (Fan & Faan) - Sep 60.
--Idle Hands, Norm Metcalf. Added #6 (61).
--Mistily Meandering, Fred Patten. Added #23 (Jan 68).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added two today: the 8/4 and 8/11 issues. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Murgatroyd, Denny Lien. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us ANZAPAzine from the late 70s. Its previous name was "SYA-DASTI-SYA-NASTI-SYA-DAVAK-TAV-YASKI" and we'll get some of those up too.
--N'APA YAP. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this 60s zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. This was the OO of the N3F APA N'APA.
--NOSFan. Added #8 (Don Markstein, Jun 70).
--Notes from the Club Car, G. Patrick Molloy. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine from the late 90s.Thanks, Pat! And thanks to Rich Lynch for scanning them.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the last 2 issues of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Yellowed Memories, Rich Small. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 70s.
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added #58 (Sum 23). Thanks, Guy!

PDF conversions and issue updates: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Fantasite, Phil Bronson. Replaced two issues with searchable PDFs. Now all the ones we have are in PDF format.
--Fantascience Digest, Robert A. Madle. Replaced the last jpg issue with a searchable PDF. Now all the ones we have are in PDF format.
--The Fantast, C.S. Youd. Replaced the 3 issues and a letter with searchable PDFs. Now all the ones we have are in PDF format.

August 13, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 7 issues: Chaos 1 (Lee Jacobs, Spr 52), Dark River 3 (Rich Small, Oct 74), De Jueves #80 (Len and June Moffatt, Jul 70), Death and the BNF #10 (Dwain Kaiser, Sep 65), Disinformation 6 (Arthur Hlavaty, Jan 81), Lizard's Inn #2 (Dan Steffan, Nov 71) and Llanthony #5 (Irwin Hirsh, Feb 81).
--Cadenza, Charles Wells. Added interim issue #8.5 (Jun 64), a very brief issue.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #19 (Fall 03). Contributors include Sue Mason, Greg Benford, Mike Resnick, John Berry and Joseph Major.
--Chao, John J. Alderson. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us Australian genzine from the 70s.
--Le Moindre, Boyd Raeburn. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine. The earliest is from 1957 and the latest is 1981.
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 more issues of Bruce's apazine: #25 (Mar 67) and #28 (Jun 68).
--The Spectator. Added 4 more issues of the SAPS OO: #35 (Karen Anderson, Mar 56), #56-58 (Bruce Pelz, Jul 61-Jan 62).
--Singing the Soul Home, Nicki Lynch. Added #6 (Nov 88) of this title. The apazine name later changed to "Vanish with the Rose" but the numbering scheme was maintained. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Yellow Tangerine, Rich Small. Added 3 issues (early 70s) of a new-to-us APAzine from Florida fan Rich Small.

PDF conversions and issue updates: Bulletin of the Cleveland SF Society and Science Fantasy Bulletin, Harlan Ellison - replaced the remaining issues with searchable PDFs.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--1960s One Shots. Thanks to Gianna Walker for finding a bad link for Bathtub Gin (Dick Lupoff, rich brown and Steve Stiles). Turns out that's what happens when we use a ~ in the file name. Fixed now. Thanks, Gianna!
--Thanks to Mark Nelson for pointing out multiple Australian zines that should have FAPA or ANZAPA mailing numbers.

August 10, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 5 items from the 2nd FanHistory APA mailing (96). Added today: Fantiquarian Chronicler 2 (R. Graeme Cameron, Dec 96), The Fantasy Historical Amateur 2 (Lindsay Crawford, Dec 96), Much Binding on the Marsh #2 (Garth Spencer, Jun 96), Retro 2 (Rob Hansen, Dec 96), Smorgasbord 2 (Arvhid Engholm, Dec 96). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. added #129 (Jun 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--Bluegras, Guy Lillian III. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine from the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Collector, Howard DeVore. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the 60s.
--Doxa!, Roman Orszanski. Added 1 issue and created an index page for this zine, relocating the issue that had been in 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #135 (Aug 23). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Aug 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Early August issue, and the updated cumulative index. Thanks, Dale.
--Pilikia, Chuck Devine. Added 3 issues and relocated 1 from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. These early 60s zines are a showcase of Boise fandom, characterized here as one BNF, one confan, and three neos. "I got started In fandom when Guy Terwilliger caught me reading a sf book Instead of Silas Marner (not only is Guy my boss at the store but by some accident he is my literature teacher too.)" Guy is a contributor, along with Donald Franson, Ray Nelson, John Berry and ATom.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the August issue. Thanks, George.
--Ul, Norm Metcalf. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from the early 60s.
--Vanish With the Rose, Nicki Lynch. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us KAPAzine from the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

August 7, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Eye, Stuart Mackenzie, Vince Clarke and Ted Tubb. Added #1 (Jun 64) completing the run. In addition to the editors, contributors include Walt Willis and Daphne Buckmaster. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Cloud Chamber, Dave Langford. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 1980s.
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 1 item: Issue 4-39 (64).
--Hell, Paul Skelton and Brian Robinson. Added #9 (Jul 73), the second annish.
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added 2 issues: #22 (Jul 76) and 26 (Mar 77).
--Knockers From Neptune, Pat and Mike Meara. Added the complete 6 issue run of this 70s genzine.
--Poor Richard's Almanac, rich brown. Added #13 (Aug 61).
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues of Bruce's apazine - 14 (Jun 64), 16-18 (Dec 64-Jun 65) and 24 (Dec 66).
--TAFF. Added 2 items: a note from Ken Bulmer to "Fandom of Britain" (May 58), exhorting British fandom to get a move on and get that year's TAFF race going, and a 1964 LASFS flyer regarding ATom's TAFF trip to California. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--Vertigo, Edwin Murray. Added 3 issues: #39-41 (Sep 78-Sep 79).

Corrections and Clarifications: Uchujin, Takumi Shibano. Thanks to Alison Scott for providing a corrected date on the first international issue (in English!). Thanks, Alison.

August 3, 2023
Zoom Schedule: We've now scheduled four history zooms, with the first one in September. Click on the link to see what they are.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Conversation, Lynn Hickman. Added 5 issues: #12-13 (Dec 60-Feb 51), 15-16 (Apr-Jun 61) and 21 (Dec 62).
--Light, Leslie Croutch. Added #69 of the second series (Feb 61).
--A Mad Woman's Knitting, Perry Middlemiss. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine, done for the Fan History APA in the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added 3 issues: 9-10 (Aug 53-Aug 54), and one marked Winter 49.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 1 issue: #41 (Apr 63).
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added 2 issues: #15-16 (Jul-Nov 60). Also relocated one issue which had been languishing in 1_Issue-Maybe_More_to_Come 1 Issue- Maybe More to Come.
--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Added #34 (64).
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 7 issues of Bruce's N'APAzine: 1-4 (Dec 60-Sep 61), 8-9 (Sep-Dec 62).
--Snickersnee, Bob Silverberg. Added #17 (Feb 65). Dating on this title is eclectic shall we say.
--SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added #45 (Oct 70).
--Spacehound's Gazette, Joe Kennedy. Added 2 issues of this SAPSzine: #4 (Sum 48), 7 (Mar 49).
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Nov 98 issue.

PDF conversions and issue updates: 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Thanks to Rich Lynch for providing a much improved scan and OCR of "The Big O #3", edited by Clarence Jacobs, Es Coles and Les Cole.

Corrections and Clarifications: Lodbrog, John Bangsund. Added some APA mailing information thanks to Mark Nelson. He also sent information on several other zines. Thanks, Mark!

July 31, 2023
Zoom Schedule  for the fall - The first two zooms have been scheduled. Send a note to if you're not on our Zoomer list.
September 23, 2023 - 4PM EDT - Boston in the 60s, with Tony Lewis, Leslie Turek and Mike Ward, moderated by Mark Olson
October 15, 2023 - Evolution of Art(ists) - Grant Canfield, Tim Kirk and Dan Steffan

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Added #57 (Mar 82).
--DR, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 3 items: Dilinger Relic 25-26 (82-83) and Derogatory Reference 78 (94).
--Devil's Work, Norm Metcalf. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine. These issues run from 1973-1981.
--Erbania, D. Peter Ogden. Added a 1965 flyer.
--Elmurmurings, Elmer Purdue. Added the 3rd V1#1 issue, this one from Feb 64. He had an odd way of numbering, but according to our references, these three are all number 1. I added the series designation so that anyone looking at the alphabetic list would not be confused.
--Horizons, Harry Warner, Jr. Add 2 issues: 165-166 (May-Aug 81).
--Infanity's Notebook, Don Cochran. Created an index page and added 1 issue - #1 from 1993, along with the 1 that was already online at 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Both Joe and I have an article in thish, mine about my introduction to conventions and filking.
--Morph, John Roles. Created an index page and added 1 issue - #21 (Fall 59) of this OMPAzine, along with the 1 that was already online at 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/28 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added #154 (Mar 94).
--Orcrist, Richard West and James Robinson. Added the 100 page #1 (68). Orcrist is a publication of the University of Wisconsin J.R.R. Tolkien Society.
--Unasked Opinion, G. M. Carr. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from 1952.
--Vertigo, Edwin Murray. Added 5 issues: 30-31 (Jul-Oct 76), 34-35 (Jul-Sep 77) and 37 (Apr 78).

PDF conversions and issue updates: All PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Science-Fiction Five-Yearly, Lee Hoffman et al. Replaced issues 8 and 10 with searchable PDFs. Two more issues to go until they're all done.
--A Bas, Boyd Raeburn. Replaced all the remaining jpgs with searchable PDFs. Now when you search, you'll be able to find the Robert Bloch article. A Bas is a core fanzine for us to scan.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Thomas Bull, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Gary Mattingly, Joe Siclari, Steven Silver, Ian Sorensen, Leah Zeldes Smith, and of course, Mark Olson.

July 27, 2023
A quick update, just two days after the previous one because Verizon is coming to upgrade our network tomorrow, and I'm not sure when we will be back to normal. So color me a natural pessimist. Hopefully, we'll be back up and running by tomorrow afternoon. is hosted professionally, so no disruptions to anyone else.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Camber, Alan Dodd. Added #9 (Spr 58). Contributors include Juanita Coulson, John Berry, Bill Rotsler, Eddie Jones and Terry Jeeves.
--Cap'n Ro's Whiz-Bang, Ro Nagy. Created an index page and added 1 issue - V2#1 from 1975, along with the 1 that was already online at Issue-Maybe More to Come. Contributors in the new issue include Ted Reynolds, Phil Foglio, and Randy Bathurst.
--Chronicle of Fandom, Joe Siclari. Added #2 (Dec 96). "The FanHistory web site is up and running. The first things put on-line have been a series of photo albums from Worldcons from 1939 to the present." Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Cynic, Gray Boak. Added #5 (May 73). Along with the articles, there's art by Dave Rowe, Harry Bell, Alexis Gilliland, Arthur Thompson and others.
--De Profundis. Added 5 issues: David Klaus - #126-7 (Apr-May 81); Sharon Bohner - 129 (Aug 81) and 131 (Oct 81); and Tim Merrigan - #134 (Sep 85). Some disruption of the numbering scheme went on.
--Esdacyos, Ed Cox. Added #30 (Aug 80). This issue has an article on Wilbur Scott Peacock by Larry Shaw, reprinted from a 1943 Paradox. We scanned that issue of Paradox at Chicon 8 last year, so you can read the original article here  if you'd rather.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added #34 (Aug 63).
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 6 issues: Dick Eney - V20#3 (Aug 57), Charles Burbee: V25#2 (Feb 62), V25#4 (Aug 62) and V40#3 (May 77); Gregg Calkins - V38#1 (Nov 74), and Bruce Pelz: V44#3 (May 81).
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 4 items from the mid70s to this index page of Jeanne Gomoll's apazine for the Women's APA. Three are regular issues and the 4th is "Subsessions 1" - the subapa of Obsessions. Thanks to Jeanne Gomoll for sending.
--Of Cabbages and Kings (and Baby Turtles), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added the Summer 96 issue. This and the Chronicle of Fandom were both part of the Fan History APA 2nd mailing, and were scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Vertigo, Edwin Murray. Added 4 issues and replaced one PDF. Issues added: 23 (Oct 74), 26-28 (Jul 75- Jan 76).

PDF conversions and issue updates: A Bas, Boyd Raeburn. Replaced 2 issues with searchable PDFs.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Eye, Vince Clarke and others. Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out typos on the index page. It's CLARKE not CARKE. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra.
--Thanks to Ted White for identifying the people in the photo in our latest newsletter.

July 25, 2023
FANAC Newsletter, Edie Stern and Joe Siclari. We've just sent out a newsletter on what FANAC has been doing this year. Thrills, spills and fanzines. If you don't receive it directly (we use Mailerlite) then you can join the mailing list by sending me a note at, or by filling in the the yellow highlighted form on the homepage.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added "Master of Monsters", written by Seattle Fandom. The date is approximate, and the prose is what you'd expect from a publication subtitled "An allegory by Waddagobble de Gook".
--Celephais, Bill Evans. Added #31 (May 62).
--De Profundis. Added 6 issues of this LASFS newsletter: Fred Hollander - #11 (Oct 66); Leigh Strother-Viewn - #103-105 (Jan-Mar 79), 108 (Jun 79); and Dean Anton Sherwood - September 12, 1983 issue.
--Embelyon, Lee and Jim Lavell. Added #3 (Aug 70). Contributions by Juanita Coulson, andy offutt, Sandra Miesel, Alicia Austin, Jeff Schalles, Sandra Miesel and others.
--Eye, Vince Carke, Ted Tubb and Stuart Mackenzie. Added #3 (Dec 54), all 170 pages of it. Eye #3 takes an interesting approach to the table of contents, indicating on each line the color of paper which that line item is printed on. With a printed copy in hand, you can flip right to it. In addition to the editors, there are pieces by Ken Bulmer, Sid Birchby, Ted Carnell and Harry Turner. There's also "Fanderella and her Fairy Ghodmother, a Fantomine for XMAS '54" by Vince Clarke. The zine has a special poetry section, edited by Joy Godwin. Eye 3 was valiantly scanned by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the July issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Green Dragon, Ed Meskys. Added #3 (Oct 67) of this newszine of the Tolkien Society of America. Scan by Harry Turtledove. Thanks, Harry!
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 6 issues of this perzine: #56-60 (Jun-Oct 21), and #81 (Jul 23). Thanks, Jeanne.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/21 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--TNFF, George Phillies. Added the July issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Vertigo, Edwin Murray. Added 6 issues of this clubzine from the Carolina Fan Federation. Added today: 15-16 (Sep 72 - Jan 73), 18 (Jul 73), 20-22 (Jan-Jul 74).

July 22, 2023
We've updated the Core List  as of 7/15. What's been updated is not the fanzine titles, but rather the % complete. We're almost at 84%. For those of you that are valiantly scanning for us (or would like to), if you have anything marked in red in the last column, we'd really like to get a scan. The red ones are the zines with the lowest percentage of issues on line. Of course, we'd be happy to have scans of any issues of the titles in the grid that are not already online.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 4 items: "Blue Man #2" from Dan Steffan (Nov 83), "Little Green Things 1" from Ed Cox and Dave Locke (May 77), "Scintillation 8" from Carl Eugene Bennett (Mar 76), and "The Spacewarper 4" from Charles Nuetzel (Sum 53).
--Arglebargle, Denny Lien. Added 4 issues: #7-10 (Nov 80-Jul 81).
--DUFF. Added Guy and Rosie Lillian's trip report for 2003 - "The Antipodal Route". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Hklplod, Mike McInerney. Created an index page and added 1 issue, along with the 1 that was already online at Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 5 issues of this perzine: #51-55 (Jan-May 21). Thanks, Jeanne.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added 4 issues of Jack's FAPAzine, dated from 1967 to 1975.
--Ur, Ellis Mills. Added #3 (Nov 57).
--Valhalla, Young Fandom. Created an index page and added 1 issues, along with the 1 that was already online at Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Yellow Submarine, Rich Small. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us apazine title from the early 70s.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Alpha listing. Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for finding a bug in our alphabetic listing of fanzines. It's fixed now. Thanks, Evelyn!
--The Gryphon  and Satura, John Foyster. Thanks to Irwin Hirsh for pointing out that The Gryphon index page is a duplication as the zines are already on the Satura page. I've removed it. Thanks Irwin
--Torcon II. Thanks to John Bray for letting us know about some missing files in the Torcon II pubs directory. They have been found, and the error fixed. Thanks, John!

July 18, 2023
YouTube:  - Castle of Terrors Delta Science Fiction Film Group (1964)
This fannish production from Harry Nadler and the Delta SF Film Group gives us a slapstick parody of horror movies, replete with well known British fans of the day. There are angry villagers, damsels in distress, and scary monsters, as well as less well-known horror tropes like food fights in this 20 minute amateur extravaganza. In Castle of Terrors you can feel just how much fun Delta Group was having (and get a clear sense of their love for slapstick)...Bill Burns, who provided this and other Delta Films tells us The individual films date from 1963 to 1970, and were made on 8mm silent film to which a magnetic stripe was later added and the sound dubbed on. They were then shown mercilessly at club meetings and Eastercons, and suffered accordingly. For more about the Delta SF Film Group, see the Fancyclopedia article and see the text of Bill s talk at Manunicon (2016 Eastercon) at 

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 4 issues: 429-432 (Apr-Jul 23). Thanks for the zines, Dave!
--Arglebargle, Denny Lien. Added 6 issues from the late 70s of this new-to-us perzine title from Denny Lien.
--Erbania, D. Peter Ogden. Added #12 (Jul 62).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #134 (Jul 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 8 more issues of this APAzine, #41-48 (Mar-Oct 20). Thanks, Jeanne.
--Majoon, Mog Decarnin. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid-late 80s. "MAJOON, A Fanzine of Advanced Sexual Politics". Scans by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--Yellow Balloon, Rich Small. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us apazine from the early 70s.

PDF conversions and issue updates: All PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Canadian Fandom, Beak Taylor. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs. Six more to go and we will have PDF'd all the issues that we have.
--Science Fiction Five Yearly, Lee Hoffman. Replaced 8 issues with searchable pdfs. Four more to go.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Mutant. Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out a typo on the date of Mutant #1, recently added. Fixed now. Thanks, Sam!
--fanzines/Foyster-Other_Publications, John Foyster. Thanks to Leigh Edmonds and Joe Siclari for providing a date correction on John Foyster's "Where are You Going". Thanks, Leigh!

July 14, 2023
The APA Mailing  lists have been updated. The items in FAPA mailings have grown about 50 since the last run, and OMPA has grown by about 20.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added "Fantasy Rotator #59", edited by Karen Anderson, approx 1958. Fantasy Rotator was the Official Organ of the Cult. Scan by Mark Olson.
--1960s One Shots. Added 3 items: "Burgess's Lights 1" from Brian Burgess (Sep 60), "Proxyboo 1" from Ted White and Walter Breen (Nov 63) and "The Review 1" from Larry Stark. Proxyboo 1 seems to consist of a cover on top of "Allerlei 8 & 9".
--Alouette, Rob Sawyer. Added the remaining 6 issues to complete the run - #6-11 (Jan 93-Jun 97). Alouette was a newsletter for Canadian SFWA members. Scans provided by Rob Sawyer. Thanks, Rob!
--Critical Wave, Steve Green and Martin Tudor. Added #35 (94).
--LASFS Newsletter. Added 6 issues: Feb 61 (Bjo Trimble), and the remainder from Ted Johnstone: V5#1-3 (Oct 64- Feb 65), Apr 65.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/14 issue. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Mutant, Ben Singer. Added #1 (Oct 48). According to Fancyclopedia, this Ben Singer fanzine later became the official organ of the Michigan Science-Fantasy Society (MSFS). Thish has a cover by A. Budrys, and includes a poem by Tigrina.
--Obsessions, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine title from the mid 70s. Issue #1 is Jeanne's first APAzine, and the zine was done, I believe, for the Women's APA.
--Psi-Phi, Robert Lichtman. Added #4 (Sep 59). The copy we scanned from was not very good, so the scan is not the best. If anyone has a better one....
--References. Added an item by Joe Siclari (Nov 96) on where you could find information on FanHistory. Compare and contrast to today's abundance. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Science Fiction Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #112 (Jun 23). This is strongly weighted to tributes to those we've lost including Lee Harding, Valma Brown, Martin Morse Wooster, Marty Cantor and Denny Lien. Bruce, thank you for sending.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the July issue. Thanks, George.

PDF conversions and issue updates:
--Foundation. Replaced issue #1 with a split version that's easier to read. That is, rather than having a 2 page-up format, the pdf now shows a single page at a time. PDF provided by Mark Olson.
--Rune. Replaced #62 with a searchable PDF. Now all the Runes we have online are PDFed. PDF by Joe Siclari.

July 10, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: "The BASRA Journal 3" from James England (approx 1962), "Green Stuff 5" from Murray Moore (May 98), "Loki 1" from Gerry de la Ree and Genevieve Stephens (Spr 48), "Peskys 5" from Ed Meskys (Sep 60), "Science Fiction Advertiser 3" from Fred Pohl (Aug 38), and "Solar Reader 1" from Dave Easlick (63). Loki 1 contributors include Eando Binder, Joe Kennedy, Richard Shaver and Lin Carter. Rich Lynch did the scanning for Green Stuff 5. Thanks, Rich.
--First Fandom Magazine. Added #20 (89). We think Lynn Hickman is the editor.
--LASFS Newsletter/LASFS Newspinkle. Added 8 more issues, some of which were edited by Redd Boggs and some by Bill Blackbeard. The issues are dated from August 63 to July 64.
--Lefnui, Fred Patten. Added an index page and one more issue (#1, Nov 63) for this OMPAzine zine. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  and it is now relocated here.
--Lines of Occurrence, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 2 issues: #1-2 (80).
--Link, Beryl Henley. Added 3 issues of a new-to-us UK genzine from the mid 60s.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/7/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Calgary Stampede Parade 2023 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Science Fiction Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #113 (Jul 23). Contributors include Daniel King and Mats Dannewitz Linder. Provided by Bruce Gillespie. Thanks, Bruce!
--Swoon, Arnie and Joyce Katz. Added #6 (Oct 76). It's a special "We Got Letters" issue.

July 6, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--De Profundis, Marty Cantor. Added 7 issues: #348-49 (Dec 01-Jan 02), 351 (Mar 02), 353 (May 02), 356 (Nov 02) and 359-60 (Nov-Dec 02). PDFs provided by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave.
--Fan Polls and Awards. Added 4 items from the early 60s related to the Fan Poll started by George Wells in 1962. There's a ballot, a piece on the committee, and a final report as well as a second ballot for the second year.
--Fanthologies. Added an announcement for "ATom 2000" from Ken Cheslin (Apr 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Foyster-Other Publications. Added the June 63 "Unnameable". Scan by Mark Olson.
--LASFS. Added a LASFS Holiday card from 1989.
--LASFS Newsletter, Bjo Trimble, Dian Girard. Added 13 issues of this new-to-us title from LASFS from the early 60s. These brief newsletters are full of club news and upcoming events. "On July 19th a panel will be held to discuss the absence of girls in SF fandom."
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added #28 (Jul 23). Thanks, Rich!
--TAFF. Added 1 item: "Ron Ellik for TAFF!" from Al Lewis (61).
--T-Negative, Ruth Berman. Added a T-Negative Portfolio, date uncertain. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Wwhimsy, Ronald Voight. Added an index page and one more issue (#3, Jul 55) for this poetry zine. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  and it is now relocated here. The one that had been up was misattributed to Kenneth Ford. He had a lot of content there, but it was really Ronald Voight. Scan by Mark Olson.

July 3, 2023
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 10 items: "Doxa!" from Roman Orszanski (Feb 90), "Doxy 3" from John Foyster (Mar 90), "Eridani Triad 3" Gail Barton, Doris Beetem and Judith Brownlee (Sep 72), "Fapulous 4 - Like Hogan's Goat" from Elinor Busby (Oct 59),"Ichor 1" from Dale Hart (Jul 46), "Null-A Men V2#6" from Alex Osheroff (Dec 54), "Outsiders 9" from Wrai Ballard (Oct 52), "The Vulcan 5" from Lionel Inman (Jan 44), "Transatlantic Fringe Fan #2" from rich brown (Fall 59) and "Valhalla 10" from Bill Rotsler. The Eridani Triad includes contributions from Ruth Berman, Devra Langsam, Hal Clement, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, and James Tiptree Jr. Null-A Men was a publication of the ESFA - the Eastern Science Fiction Association, and Valhalla 10 was a publication of "Young Fandom". All scans by Mark Olson.
--De Profundis, Marty Cantor. Added 11 issues: #328-331 (Apr-Jul 00), 336-339 (Dec 00-Mar 01), 341 (May 01) and 346 (Oct 01). Also added the July 2023 issue (Heath Row). PDFs for the earlier issues provided by Dave L. Renfro. PDF for the Jul 23 issue provided by Heath Row. Thanks, Dave. Thanks, Heath.
--Lurk, Pat and Mike Meara. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 1970s. Contributors include Peter Weston, James White, and Paul Skelton. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Menace of the LASFS, Heath Row. Added the June 2023 issue. Thanks, Heath!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 6/30 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the new Canada Day issue. Thanks, Dale.
--YSFRG Newsletter. Added 2 issues of the Young Science Fiction Readers Group newsletter from the early 60s. According to Fancyclopedia, the group was initially around 30 members worldwide. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

June 27, 2023
--1950s One Shots. Added "One/fourteen" from Dick Eney (Oct 56), his one-shot report on NYCon II. Scan provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
--Alouette, Rob Sawyer. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us title from 1992. Alouette was "A Newsletter for Canadian Active Members of SFWA". Thanks to Rob Sawyer for providing it, and to Bill Burns for suggesting he provide it to FANAC. Thanks, Rob! Thanks, Bill!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the June issue. Thanks, Leybl.
--Ego Beast, Don Wilson. Added an index page and one more issue (Spr 49) for this FAPAzine. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  and it is now relocated here. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the June issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George.
--Les Spinge, Darroll Pardoe. Added 2 items: #15 (Aug 66) and #22 (Jul 70). Articles by John Berry, Pete Weston, and Ken Cheslin among others. Les Spinge is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added the most recent two issues (#79-80, May-Jun 23). Thanks, Jeanne.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 3 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Summer Solstice 2023 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Paperback Parlour  Philip Stephensen-Payne. Added 3 issues: V2#3-V2#5 (Jun-Oct 78). Scans by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #66 (Jun 23). Thanks, Guy!
--Tailgate. Added an index page and one more issue (#6, Mar 56) for this SAPSzine. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  and it is now relocated here. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Talisman. Added an index page and one more issue (#2, Sum 50) for this zine. Issue #2 has an article by Seabury Quinn. We had had one issue up under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  and it is now relocated here. Scan by Mark Olson.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the June issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Umbra, John Hitchcock. Added #4 (Sep 54). Scan by Mark Olson.

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson. Many thanks for scans provided for Wiscon by Jeanne Gomoll, for Australian conventions by Alan Stewart, and for other conventions by Rich Lynch and Lisa Hertel.
---Clevention added It's a Long Way to Tipperary by Lee Hoffman
---ConFrancisco added Nameless Zine 1 1990, Peggy Rae Pavat
---Detention added Finances (partial) 1959, probaby, Membership Card, Membership Card 109
---Discon III added Souvenir Book-Chinese edition
---L.A.con III added Squeak of the Rat 3 Tepper 1994-Wi LAcon III, Squeak of the Rat 16 Tepper 1996-07 LAcon III
---Loncon I added Dave Kyle's London Tripfund flier
---Nolacon I added Flyer/letter by Harry Moore, 1951
---Noreascon 4 added Galactic Patrol Gazette #3
---NyCon3 added Flyer uncredited 1966, Interim report of the Tricon Hugo Study Committee
---Torcon 3 added PR 0

--Australian Natcon (scans provided by Alan Stewart):
---Capcon added Badge and photo by Alan Stewart, Business Meeting pre-con memo, Convention Book
---Conflux 1 added Badge, Convention book, Ditmar awards, Flyer, Handbook, Main program, Progress report 1, Progress report 3, Progress report 4, Progress report 5
---Convergence 2002 added Badge, Business meeting, Convention Book, Convention Bookcover, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Fan films schedule, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Gaming information sheet, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Newletter, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Pocket program book, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Progress Report 1, 2002 Convergence 2002 Progress Report 2, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Progress Report 3, 2002 ConVergence 2002 Progress Report 4, 2002 Convergence 2002 Video programme guide
---Conviction (Syncon '88) added Conviction badge, Writers of the Future flyer, Progress Report 2, 1988 Conviction Convention Book
---Swancon XI added Progress Report 3
---Swancon 2000 (Swancon 25) added Final Progress Report, Convention Book, Souvenir Book
---Swancon 2001: Masquerade added Convention Book, Progress Report 3, Progress Report 4
---Thylacon 1 added Ditmar Award
---Thylacon 2 added Badge, Program Book, Progress Report 1
---Unicon IV added Progress Report

---Corflu 5 added Restaurant Guide
---Corflu 17 added Corflatch 9 Progress Report 1

---Disclave 6 added Flyer
---Disclave 41 added Pocket Program

---Ditto 1 added Progress report
---FanHistoriCon 6 added Progress Report, First FanHistoricon Fan Fund announcement
---Detcon1 added ScheduleGuide, PPfinal, PR3-print, RG, SouvenirBookFINAL, -2014-Dealer-App1, flyer fall2013
---PgHLANGE II added Flyer: May 1970

---Philcon 1997 added Flier and advance registration form
---Philcon 2000 added Progress Report

---Smofcon 12 added Baby Steps #2, Baby Steps #3
---Sou-Westercon added Program Book

--WisCon (materials provided by Jeanne Gomoll):
---WisCon 11 added Cheating the Reader, Evaluation Form, flyer #2, Flyer #3, Flyer, Independent Survey, Mad Moose gazette #1, Mad Moose gazette #post-con, Pocket Program, Program Book, Restaurant Guide
---WisCon 12 added Art Show ballot, Badge, Mad Moose Gazette #1, Mad Moose Gazette #2, Pocket Program, Program Book, Survey
---WisCon 14 added Program Book
---WisCon 20 added A Momentary Taste of Wiscon, Ad Rate card, Always Coming Home invitation, And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Collation Rack, Child Care postcard, Dead Dog party notice, Flyer 2, Flyer 3, Flyer, Opening Ceremonies Script, Pocket Program, Program Book, Program Participant Invitation, Program Participant Questionaire, Progress Report, Reimbursement form, Slow Mimeo, Survey, The Last Afternoon, Tiptree Reception Ticket, We Who Stole the 'Zine, Le Guin article #2, Le Guin article, Literary Calendar
---WisCon 34 added Bookmark, Newsletter, Pocket Program, Program Book
---WisCon 36 added A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #1-4, Andrea Hariston bookmark p1, Debbie Notkin bookmark, Pocket Program, Program Book, Progress Report #2, Progress Report
---WisCon 37 added Newsletter, Pocket Program, PR 2, PR, Program Book

PDF conversions:
--Science Fiction Advertiser, Roy Squires. Replaced the last of the jpg issues we had with a searchable PDF. PDF by Joe Siclari.
--Science Fiction Times. Replaced 38 issues with searchable PDFs. All the issues we have online are now in PDF format. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!

Corrections and Clarifications: Maya, Ian Maule. Thanks to Rob Hansen, issue #3 now has a cover! Rob saw it was missing, scanned his copy and sent it to us to complete the one on Thanks, Rob!

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Thomas Bull, Gary Feldbaum, Barry Gold, Kathryn Heffner, John-Henri Holmberg, Dave Langford, Michael Lowry, Laurie Mann, Gideon Marcus, Gary McGath, Bee Ostrowsky, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks go to all of you for contributing to Fancyclopedia!

June 20, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans today are by Mark Olson.
--Badmouth, Lynn Hickman. Added a 1970 issue and made a new index page for this title. We had had 2 issues in Hickman-Other Publications, and I've now moved those two in to the new index page along with the 3rd issue.
--Embelyon, Lee and Jim Lavell. Added 2 issues of this new-us-genzine from 70-71. Contributors include Sandra Miesel, Juanita Coulson, Cy Chauvin, Steve Fabian, Mike Gilbert, Alicia Austin, and Jeff Schalles.
--LASFS. Added the "LASFS Recommended Viewing List 1999". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 10: issues 31-40 (May 19-Feb 20) of this perzine. Provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--Maybe, Irv Koch. Added 7 items: 5 issues from the eary/mid 70s: 31-32 (73-74), 39-40 (75) and 46 (Apr 76), and two "Baby of Maybe" from 1971. The Babys are lettercols.
--Menace of the LASFS, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us clubzine from the early 60s, with accounts of LASFS meetings. Bruce freely interprets. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Ragnarok, Terry and Miriam Carr. Added #8 (Feb 61).
--SLANder, Jan Sadler Penney. Added #4 (Apr 59).
--The SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added #11 (Apr 61).
--Twig, Guy Terwilliger. Added #13 (58). Contributors include Don Franson, Dick Lupoff, Tom Reamy and Dan Adkins.
--Wonder, Michael Tealby. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from 49-51. V3#2 is about the Shaver Mystery.

PDF conversions: Science Fiction Times. Replaced 46 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!

June 13, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Fairy Tales of Fabulous Faps" from Marion Zimmer Bradley and Royal Drummond (Nov 53). and "Fanachronism 1" from Dean Grennell (May 59).
--Amble, Archie Mercer. Added #16 (Dec 63).
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Added #56 (Feb 82).
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III.Added #26 (Spr 07). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Dafoe, John Koning. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the early 60s. Contributors include Marion Zimmer Bradley, rich brown, Don Franson, Harry Warner, Jr., Bob Tucker, and Robert Bloch.
--Derogatory Reference, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #73 (92).
--Esdacyos, Ed Cox. Added a new index page and an additional issue for "Esdacyos". Added #5 (Aug 55) and relocated #8 from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--First Fandom Bulletin. Added #3 (1960) from Lynn Hickman.
--Fringe, Mal Ashworth. Added a new index page and an additional issue for "Fringe". Added #2 (May 60) and relocated #3 from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come.
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 3 issues: issue number 4-11 (May 56), 4-19 (May 58) and 4-22 (Feb 59).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #133 (Jun 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Jelerang, Harriett Kolchak Added 3 issues of this new-to-us clubzine from 1963. Issue 2 has an article by Randall Garrett.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 10 more issues of this perzine: 21-30 (Apr 18-Apr 19). PDFs provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--Maybe, Irvin Koch. Added 6 issues: #24-28 (73), and 30 (Jul 73). Scans by Mark Olson.
--SFPA One Shots. Added "Pure Vomit" from Glen Brock, Ned Brooks and Joe Celko (Dec 68).

PDF conversions:
--Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Replaced the remaining 24 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!.
--Science Fiction Advertiser, Roy Squires. Replaced 9 more issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--Science Fiction Times. Replaced 28 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out that I had misspelled Irv Koch's name. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!

June 5, 2023
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 2 items: "CUSFuSsing 14", Charles Seelig (Jan 80) and "Gothique 8", Dave Griffiths and Stan Nicholls (Mar 68). The CUSFuSsing is from the Barnard-Colombia Science Fiction Society. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--First Fandom Publications, John L. Coker III. Added Scientifiction #64 (Spr 20). Provided by John L. Coker III. Thanks, John.
--Idle Hands, Norm Metcalf. Created an index page and added 2 issues, along with the 1 that was already online at 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the June 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Maybe, Irvin Koch. Added 9 issues from the early 70s - #13-18 (Sum 71-Apr 72), and 21-23 (72-Feb 73). Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--KaCSFFS Newsletter, Nancy Nutt. Added V29#3 and V29#6. Note that there are now two V29#3s listed - they are different. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 10 more issues of this perzine: 11-20 (Jan 17-Mar 18). PDFs provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 6/2 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--No Award, Marty Cantor. Added #7 (Spr 00). Art in this issue contributed by Taral, Steve Stiles, Joe Mayhew, Terry Jeeves, Brad Foster, Ray Capella, Bill Rotsler and Alexis Gilliland. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the June issue. Thanks, George.

PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, today all PDFing is by Mark Olson.
--Fantasy Newsletter, Paul Allen. Replaced 27 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced 20-45 plus a couple more.
--Mythologies, Don D'Ammassa. Replaced issues 7-17 with searchable PDFs.
--Science Fiction Times, James Taurasi et al. Replaced 52 items with searchable PDFs: #299-301, 306-352. PDFing by Dave L. Renfro. Thanks, Dave!
--South of the Moon. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Waldo, Eric Bentcliffe. Replaced 4 issues with searchable PDFs.

Corrections and Clarifications: Spaceship, Robert Silverberg. Thanks to Bill Slankard for finding a missing issue, with a different issue hiding under the link. We'll see if we can find a real #16 to scan and replace the bogus one. Thanks, Bill.

June 2, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue- Maybe More to Come. Added 12 items: "Erebus" from Len Marlow (Oct 43), the double issue "Grist 20 &21" from Ellis Mills (Win 59), "Hence 1" from John Fletcher (Jan 54), "Mad #5" from Dick Ryan ("the Willish", Aug 52), "Northlight #7" from Alan Burns (Nov 59), "Quagmire II" from John Quagliano (Aug 58), "Tesseract 2" from Walter Breen (Mar 60). "Till the Cows Come Home 1" from Alan and Elke Stewart (Mar 74), "Transuranic" from Al Alexander (Feb 56), "Trantor 3" from Robert Glen Briggs (Sep 53) and "When the Gods Would Sup #3" from Al Lewis (Jan 61). There's also an intentionally unnamed fanzine from Texas, which we have listed as "unnamed" from Lyndon Henry, James Hitt and Alert Allen Jackson IV (Fall 59). Scans for Tesseract and When the Gods Would Sup by Mark Olson.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 from Lee Hoffman. "Fanzine for W.M Danner, Harry Warner, Larry T. Shaw, Marion Zimmer Bradley..." (Nov 59), and a "Fanzine for Richard Eney and also anyone else who is willing to read it" (Feb 57). These were both distributed through FAPA.
--Fanthologies. Added 1 item - the memorial zine for Denny Lien edited by Karen Schaffer and Geri Sullivan - the "LienZine". This contains "A memorial sampler of Denny Lien's writing from fandom and beyond". Cover by Jeanne Gomoll, and interior art by Stu Shiffman, Reed Waller and others. PDF provided by Geri Sullivan. Thanks, Geri and condolences.
--The Insider, St. Louis Science Fiction Society. Added 4 issues from the turn of the century of this new-to-us clubzine. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Madison Foursquare, Scott Custis and Jeanne Gomoll. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us perzine from 2015-16. PDFs provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--MSA Bulletin, James Avery. Added #3 (Jan 40) of this clubzine from Maine.
--paraFANalia, Bruce Burn. Added #4 (Sep 59).
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the May 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added #243 (Jan 99) of this, the clubzine of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--References-Fan Histories. Added a short article on the Scienceers, the 1929 NYC club. It was first printed in Sphere  #12 in 1959, but seemed like it should be listed here too. Read this or read the original - we have that issue of Sphere!
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added 6 issues: #8-9 (Sum 69-?69), 11-13 (Nov 70- 72).
--Swoon, Joyce and Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues: #1 (Mar 74), 3-4 (May-Jun 76). Contributors include Terry and Miriam Carr, Bill Kunkel, Ed Wood, ATom, Harry Bell, Ken Fletcher, Stu Shiffman, Ross Chamberlain and Harry Warner Jr.
--Variations on a Theme, Rich Lynch. Added #40 (Mar 05) of Rich's SFPAzine. PDF provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

May 30, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1_Issue-Maybe_More_to_Come. Added 17 items: "Brief Index - Fanzines Published by Me 2" from Terry Carr (Nov 72), "Bugle of Dingly Dell" from Bob Tucker (Jun 66), "Cacoethes" from Dian Crayne (May 76), "Classic Cat Follies 1" from Ed Cox and Lon Atkins (May 68), "ERB-dom 1" from Alfred Guillory Jr and Camille Cazedessus (May 60), "Fantasy Sampler 4" from John Murdock (Jun 56), "Flights of Fantasy 1" from Craig Miller (Jan 69), "Foliot 11" from Lon Atkins (Dec 67), "For BEMS Only 5" from Jerry Merrill and Paul Cook (57), "Hobbitalia 3" from Paul Doerr (Oct 72), "Gyronny 1" from John and Bjo Trimble (Mar 62), "Interim 1" from Mark Irwin (63),"Kitchen Sink 3" from Don Markstein (Jan 79), "Mystery Trader 11" from Ethel Lindsay (Apr 75), "Neon 4" from Arnie Katz (Apr 11), "SFanzine 3" from Sam Johnson (54), and "Tales of the Great Rich #4" from Rich Small (Dec 72). ERB-dom won the 1966 Best Fanzine Hugo, and was also nominated for the award in 1964. Contributors to "For BEMS Only 5" include John Berry, Joe Sanders, and Kent Moomaw. Contributors to Craig Miller's "Flights of Fancy" include Ray Bradbury, Forrest Ackerman, Lee Klingstein (now Gold) and Tim Kirk.
--1940s One Shots. Added "Nonesuch" by Ron Lane (Oct 45).
--1970s One Shots. Added 2 items, perhaps not fanzines at all - "New SF&F Books in Britain" (Gerald Bishop, BSFA Information Service, 1971, and "The Ratfan Dynamo v. The Gannett Flyers" (uncredited, 76). The latter is apparently a flyer for a football match - "See the Big Name Fans Make Big Fools of Themselves" and "Patrons are requested not to soil the pitch and to refrain from throwing embarassing objects during the lap of honour."
--The Best Lines Are..., Charles Burbee. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the mid 70s. Each of the issues has a name of the form "The Best Lines Are..".
--Cactus, Sture Sedolin. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us early 60s fanzine from Sweden. It's in English, and one of the zines we have online is the first annish, #5. Contents include: "I was the Treasurer for the London Con to End All London Cons...presented to fandom by Archie Mercer, Honorary Treasurer of the British Science Fiction Association". In that issue, you'll also find "The Beanie Brigade" by Ray Nelson.
--En Garde!, Al and Abby Lu Ashley. Added #9 (Mar 44).
--Imaginative Collector / Dawn, Ed Russell Watkins. This zine began as "Dawn" and changed to "Imaginative Collector" at issue 10. We've added 2 issues, from 1951.
--Memphen. Added #229 (Tim Gatewood, Mar 97) of Memphen, the clubzine for the Mid-South Fantasy Association.
--New Forerunner. Added the Oct 1975 Quarterly, and created a new index page for this title. We had had "New Forerunner 3" in the 1_Issue-Maybe_More_to_Come  and have now moved it here. This is a publication of the Sydney Science Fiction Foundation.
--Paperback Inferno, Andy Sawyer. Added 8 issues: #90-97 (Jun 91-Aug 92). Scans by Kevin R. Smith for BSFA. Thank you, Kevin.
--References- Fan Histories. Added "A Presentation on Fanzines for Valbonne (2021 French Science Fiction Convention)" by Pascal J. Thomas. This is a machine translation from the original French, with a very few touchups. Thanks, Pascal!
--Swoon, Joyce and Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 70s. Art by Ross Chamberlain, Bill Kunkel, Jay Kinney, Bill Rotsler, Stu Shiffman and Dan Steffan.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Thomas Bull, Darrah Chavey, Vincent Docherty, John-Henri Holmberg, Steve Johnson, Laurie Mann, Rich McAllister, Gary McGath, Bee Ostrowsky, Nigel Rowe, Kirby Sloan, Leah Zeldes Smith, Geri Sullivan, and of course Mark Olson.

Corrections and Clarifications: Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Thanks to Rob Hansen for quickly spotting that I had failed to put the "missing pages" note for Scottishe 35 in the right place. I had listed the note with a different fanzine that he had scanned, on a completely different index page. Thanks Rob for both the scans and the corrections.

May 26, 2023
FAPA 43: Here are the last 3 of the FAPA 43 zines. Added 3 in 1940s One Shots. "Merger 1" (Don Wilson / Howard Miller), "Scrooge" (Don Wilson). and a reprint of "Time for Union of the Free" by Harold Urey, distributed through FAPA by Mike Fern.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 3 items: First, "Wavelength - Science Fiction Collaboration 1" by Forry Ackerman and Henry Ackerman (no relation). Wavelength scan provided by Rob Hansen. Secondly, "4SJ's Sci-Fi Kaleidoscope 20" (Forry Ackerman, Dec 96) and "Tau Ceti Reprints 1" (Bob Tucker, Feb 61). In this issue of Tau Ceti Reprints, Bob starts with a reprint of a 1935 "Science Fiction Bibliograpy". We have the original up here. The last two scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rob and thanks, Rich!
--1950s One Shots. Added "The Fannish Case of Ashworth v Lindsay" from Ethel Lindsay. This is an entertaining bit of 1950s fannish silliness purportedly between Ethel Lindsay and Mal Ashworth, about the consequences of offering attractive young females a subscription rate of "one photo of self in a bikini."
--1960s One Shots. Added 6 items: "Afrogiwood" (John Foyster, Jul 62), Carr-con II flyer (Terry and Miriam Carr, 60), "Fannish IN and OUT Book" (Bill Sarill and Larry Stark, 60), "Share the Rapp" and "Share the Rapp invitation" (John and Bjo Trimble, early 61) and "White Stencil 62" (Bob Silverberg, Feb 64).
The Carr-con flyer is a party invitation, and "Share the Rapp" is in honor of Nancy Share and Art Rapp's wedding.
--1990s One Shots. Created this index page, and started it with 6 items three scanned by Rich Lynch, one by Roelf Goudrian, and one provided by Geri Sullivan. There's a list of Forry's films, a letterzine from George Flynn, and a Christmas card substitute from Eric Lindsay. Those are from Rich. There's "Gasworks 1" by John D. Berry and Steve Swartz, provided by Roelf Goudrian and later also provided by Geri Sullivan at Corflu Craic. Finally, there's the "Fan Editor Who Couldn't Meet a Deadline" by Roger Sims, and "Nameless Zine 1" by Peggy Rae Pavlat. That last was for the Confrancisco APA. Thanks to Rich Lynch, Roelf Goudrian and Geri Sullivan.
--2020s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Gatekeeper", an uncredited fanzine scanned at Chicon 8, and from Pat Sims, the handout provided at Roger Sims memorial service which includes a short bio of Roger. Thank you, Pat.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the May 2023 issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George.
--KWS, Pascal Thomas. Added 10 more issues of this French language zine. Added #80-89 (Jul 17-Aug 22. PDFs provided by Pascal Thomas. Thanks, Pascal.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #35 (Apr 64). This is missing the last page (two pages of print - Natterings page 2 and 3. Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan byRob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--TAFF. Added "Snufkin Goes West, Notes from the TAFF Trail, 1998" by Maureen Kincaid Speller. This is not a TAFF report... Now there are many people who don t actually believe in the existence of TAFF reports anyway..". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Timebound, David Sooby. Added 2 issues of this clubzine of the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society: V24#6 (Jul 00) and V24#8 (Oct 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the May issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Torrents, Nancy Share. We had had an issue up on the One So Far  page. Today we add another issue and give this zine its own index page (and move the first one out of the One so Far page).

PDF conversions: Winnie, Michael Ward. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs. Repaced are V4#2, V4#6, #44-45, and 54. PDF and OCRing by Mark Olson.

May 20, 2023
YouTube:  Description: At the 2023 Eastercon (Conversation), Guest of Honor Niall Harrison, and fellow Third Row fans John Coxon, Emily January and Abigail Nussbaum sat down for a discussion on the future of fandom (circa 2004). Moderated by Meg MacDonald, the panel hilariously tells the story of Third Row Fandom, named and brought into being accidentally by Greg Pickersgill during a Future of Fandom panel at the 2004 Eastercon. Themselves dubbed the future of fandom by Greg, the fans seated in the third row at that panel have made good on the title, pulling others into their orbit and having an outsized influence on science fiction and science fiction fandom over the last 20 years...Illustrated with powerpoint slides to map out their impact, this fascinating panel tells the story of a cohort of young fans maturing into movers and shakers in the field, as writers, reviewers, editors, award judges and convention organizers...Many thanks to Conversation 2023 for providing this recording, and particularly to Alison Scott for her assistance.

FAPA 43: Here are 9 more of the FAPA 43 zines.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 7 items, all from Spring 1948: "Disturbing Element #2" (Bill Rotsler), "The New Loxygen #3" (Joe Schaumburger), "One Fan's Outlook #2" (Stan Woolston), "Solipsist #2" (Bob Stein), "Third Eye #2" (Henry Spelman III), "Yellum #2" (Ron Maddox), and "Ysatnaf #1" (Ray Higgs).
--Fanomena, Andy Lyon. Added #2 with FAPA 43. There was one issue in the One-So-Far  directory. I've put both of them here.
--Synapse, Jack Speer. Added the Spring 48 issue, and just like Fanomena, pulled an issue from the "One So Far" directory. In this case, also added a third issue from Feb 94.

Other Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--2010s One Shots. Added this index and 1 item - "Neither Complete Nor Conclusive", a collection of fanwriting by John Hertz. That's the only fanzine listed so far, but I'm sure there will be more.
--Avenging Aardvark's Aerie, Ross Pavlac. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the late 70s.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #8 (Fall 98). Contributors include Terry Jeeves, and Harry Warner Jr. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the June issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--De Profundis, Heath Row. Added the March 2023 issue of the LASFS newsletter.
--Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 2 issues: #56-57 (Nov 98-Jan 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Paperback Inferno, Andy Sawyer. Added 10 more issues: #80-89 (Oct 89 - Apr 91). All scans by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin.
--Science Fiction Review, Robert Franson and Dean Sandin. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us reviewzine from the early 60s. Issue #10 has a short column by Poul Anderson on his favorite book so far ("Three Hearts and Three Lions").
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Three additions: Added #3-4 (Jun-Sep 55) and #37 (Sep 64). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. These scans provided by Rob Hansen. Sincere apologies to Rob for the long delay between his providing the scans and me putting them online. Errors on my part entirely. Thanks, Rob.
--Tandstikkerzeitung, Don Markstein. Added #9 (Oct 75).
--Why Not, Al Lewis. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us APAzine (mostly N'APA) from the early 60s.

May 17, 2023
FAPA 43: Joe has scanned FAPA 43, and I'm starting to upload the individual zines. I've added 5 so far. The next time we run the FAPA mailing code, these will show up as they should under the FAPA 43 mailing. For right now, I'll tell who what I've put online and you can go and read it there. You can use the alpha list to find everything -
--Added "Burblings 3" (Charles Burbee), "Fantasy Amateur V11#1" (Charles Burbee), "Dream Quest" ad (Don Wilson}, "Phanteur 5" (Don Thompson) and "Grulzak 3" (Joe Kennedy). The Grulzak issue completes that run.

Other Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: "Detours 65" (Russ Chauvenet, Aug 98), "Interstellar Ramjet Scoop" (Bill Wright, Aug 04), "Statement 259" (Joel Polowin - Newsletter of the Ottawa Science Fiction Society, Feb 99), "Trash Barrel" (Donald Franson, Aug 98), "Warp 45" (Lynda Pelley - Newsletter of the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, Jan 99) and "The Floating Fan #4" (Pam Boal, Jan 99). These scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Brevizine, Warren Freiberg. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 50s. Lots of fan fiction here.
--Filk  Added the 2001 combined edition of Bruce Pelz's Filksong Manual. Originally published in 4 parts, the combined edition is 101 pages long. This index is intended to be ordered chronologically, but I've listed this right after the original publication of part 2. If you've wanted to find the words to the Gilbert and Sullivan parodies, or "The Childish Edda", here's your chance. There are songs by Poul Anderson, Randall Garrett, Tom Digby, Ted Johnstone, and of course, Bruce Pelz. Plus many others. The original publications were in 1965-1969, and some of the songs are considerably older. "Think of the Old Tacky Stuff as Of Historical Interest. To Someone. Somewhere. Somewhen. And blame the appearance of this revision/reprinting -three years after I started it -- on Lee Gold."
--Eureka!, Nicki Lynch. Added 6 issues of Nicki's 1980s Dr. Who zine, "Eureka!". Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich. Thanks, Nicki!
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added 2 items: Issue #4 and #4a from Dec 25, 1990.
--The Michifan, Martin Alger. Added an issue from 1955.
--Paperback Parlour. Added 3 early issues: Philip Stephensen-Payne: #6-8 (Dec 77-Apr 78).
--SFOHA Publications. Added the Jan 94 newsletter, edited by Nancy Tucker.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 11 issues: #25-26 (Mar-May 18), 30-31 (Dec 18-20), 34 (Sep 19), 36 (Jan 20), 50 (Aug 21), 52-53 (Nov 21-Jan 22), 62-63 (Jan-Feb 23). Scans provided by Guy Lillian and e-fanzines. Thanks, Guy! Thanks, Bill!
--SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added issue #35 of Bruce's perzine from Apr 67.
--Spent Brass, Andy Hooper and Carol Root. Added 1 item - #23-24 from Dec 93.

PDF conversions: Hot Shit, John D. Berry and Calvin Demmon. Replaced the complete run of this fanzine with searchable pdfs. PDFing and OCRing by Mark Olson.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--My miscellaneous directory got hosed up somewhere along the line, and I am fixing it. For those that are interested, I've moved Dave Kyle's "A Warning!" to the 1930s One Shots at Thanks to Joe for finding this issue.
--Thurban 1, Warren Dennis. Several people have told me that Ted White has pointed out that the fanzine I labeled "Thurban" is actually "Thurban 1" as in the first planet around the sun Thurban. I've changed it appropriately on the index page, and added the date and last issue information. Thanks, Ted! and thanks to Bill Burns and Andy Porter for passing the word.

May 10, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue -Maybe More to Come. Added 11 items: "Radioactiovs! 160" (Fred Patten, Nov 67), "Rock 2" (Es Adams, Spr 59), "Rubber Meatball 1" (Steve Stiles, May 62), "Tailgate 5" (Roger Sims and George Young, Dec 55), "Tallahassee Fandom Comix and Stories V2#2" (Rich Small, May 73), "Tandem 1" (Joyce and Arnie Katz, Feb 73), "Tart 3" (George Jennings, mid 50s), "Telstar 1" (Mario Kwiat, Jul 63), "Telstar 1" (Carla Motteli, Apr 64), "Torrents 2" (Nancy Share, Fall 54), and "Vanguard Variorum" (Larry Shaw, May 46). Note that the two Telstars (yes, there are two different zines with that name) are both German language zines.
--1980s One Shots. Added 4 by Christina Lake: "Acrylic" (Jul 85), "Holiday Supplement" (Jan 84), "Snail's Countdown" (May 84) and "Soft Parade" (Mar 86). Provided for scanning by Christina Lake at Eastercon 2023. Thanks, Christina!
--Anakreon, John Boardman. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us filk apazine from 1990.
--British Fantasy Society Bulletin. Added 1 item by J. Michael Rosenblum - "British Fantasy Fan Federation Preliminary Bulletin 1", Mar 42. It reports the results of a questionnaire in FIDO on the creation of a proposed new Fantasy Society.
--BSFA Bulletin. Added a membership list from 1965-66.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #5 (Win 96). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Dragonburst, Christina Lake. Added the complete 3 issue run of this early 80s genzine. Contributors include Ian Sorensen and Simon Lake. Thanks to Christina for bringing these to Eastercon to be scanned, and for permission to put them online. Thanks, Chirstina!
--Jornada Post, Jeanne Gomoll and Scott Custis. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 00s. PDFs provided by Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks, Jeanne!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/5 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added early May, the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin. Added 10 more issues: Warren Buff - V9#3 (Aug 09); R.B. Cleary - V8#5-6 (Mar-Aug 04), V11#1-2 (Oct 22 - Mar 23); Jennifer Liang - V1#1-3 (Jul 13-Sep 15); Julie Wall - V7#12-13 (Mar-Jun 06). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the May issue. Thanks, George.

PDF conversions:
--Epsilon, Rob Hansen. Replaced #1-18 with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson.
--Fantasy_Advertiser, Gus Wilmorth and Roy Squires. Replaced 15 more issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson.

May 4, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bedlam, Mike Deckinger. Added #1 (61) and created a new index page for this. Issue #2 had been in the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  directory, and now I have moved it to the new index page. This 2-issue run is now complete.
--Fanews, Walt Dunkelberger. Added the Dec 45 "Fanews Photo Album". As you might expect, there are photos of notable fans, including a full page on Brooklyn fans, and one on fans in the service. There's also photographic evidence of Hoy Ping Pong's trip to the moon.
--Fan Polls and Awards. Added 2 nominating ballots for the Tucker Award. Read about it at
--First Fandom Publications, Dave Kyle. Added 2 special First Fandom News Letters from 98 and 99. Zines sent by Pat Sims after Roger passed. Thank you, Pat. (There's a short description of conflict among the ranks in the 99 issue.)
--Intermission Ahrvid Engholm. Added #132 (May 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--International Revolutionary Gardener, Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas. Added 4 issues. Zines provided for scanning by Joseph Nicholas at Eastercon 2023. Thanks, Joseph!
--KWS-Keep Watching the Skies, Pascal Thomas. Added 10 more issues of this French language zine. Added #65-74 (Jul 10-Sep 14) and #90 (Jan 23). PDFs provided by Pascal Thomas. Thanks, Pascal!
--Mercatorial Annual, Archie and Beryl Mercer. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us publication from 58-68.
--Musicals and Plays. Added 2 choice items: the original script for "FAANS", written by Larry Tucker and Randy Bathurst (80ish), and the script for "FANNS II" written by Leah Zeldes Smith and Larry Tucker (87). Both were provided by Pat Sims from Pat and Roger's collection. Thank you Pat.
--Paperback Inferno, Andy Sawyer. Added 3 more issues: #72-74 (Jun - Oct 88). Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin.
--SFOHA Publications. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us organization zine, ranging from the late 88s to 2006. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Tandstikkerzeitung, Don Markstein. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the mid 70s.
--Thurban, Warren Dennis. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1953, described by Fancyclopedia as a crudzine. Issue #3 does have the first part of a serial by Roger Zelazny, listed on the masthead as an assistant editor.

PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Degler!, Andrew Porter. Replaced the remaining issues we have (57) with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson for 53 of them.
--Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Replaced another 10 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Science Fiction Times, James Tuarasi. Replaced another 14 issues with searchable PDFs.
--WSFA Journal. Replaced 13 more issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributions by Darrah Chavey, David Dyer-Bennet, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Gary Mattingly, Bee Ostrowsky, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Geri Sullivan, Jan Vanek jr and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

April 30, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Comme. Added 6 items: "Voice 2" from Leslie Croutch (Fall 45), "WAFE 1" from Kent McDaniel and Arnie Katz (Dec 63), "W'basket 8" from Calvin Demmon (Mar 64), "The Works 2" from Dave Locke (Feb 79), and "YDMOS 5" from Ben Indick (Oct 76) done for the 5th mailing of the Hyperborian League.
--1970s One Shots. Added 5 items: "Gunputty 1" and the photo supplement (Samuel Long, 1975), "JoeD's New Roomate" (JoeD Siclari, Jun 73), "Memories of Xmas 1972" (Rich Small, Jun 74), "Shelf Life" (Tom Perry, Nov 78).
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. added #128 (Apr 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--The Chattahoochee, Okefinokee and Ogeechee Occasional Gazette, Lee Hoffman. Added Nov 55.
--Degler!, Andrew Porter. Added 178/79 (Apr 67), which exists in addition to 178 and 179. This was combined with "the cosmic dustbug 4" (John Bangsund).
--Grayscale, Jeanne Gomoll. Added 9 issues of a new-to-us perzine from Jeanne Gomoll. These issues are from Apr 02 to Feb 04 and were distributed in an APA called Intercourse. Thanks to Jeanne for sending them to us. Thanks, Jeanne!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/28 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Never Quite Arriving, Christina Lake. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 1990s. Fanzines provided for scanning at Eastercon 2023. Thanks, Christina!
--fanzines/Paperback_Inferno, Andy Sawyer. Added 7 issues: 70-71 (Feb-Apr 88), 75-79 (Dec 88-Aug 89). Scans by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the April 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry.

PDF conversions: Degler, Andrew Porter. Replaced a few less than 50 issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Sam McDonald for letting me know that "Salvo" by Eric Bentcliffe is in two places - 1960s One Shots  and in TAFF. I'll keep the best scan (which he says is the new one) but leave it in both places. Thanks, Sam!
--Psychotic, changed the date on the Psychotic Mashup. Thanks to Dave Renfro's detective work, we've now listed it as November 1956 (date approx). Thanks, Dave.

April 27, 2023
APA Mailings: You'll start to notice that the APA Mailing columns on fanzine index pages are becoming populated with links to the specific mailing where the zine appeared. Hooray for Mark Olson for providing the software to automatically generate the links! Now, there are three things you will see:
1. Ideal - the link takes you to the mailing page, and the zine you started with shows up in the list of zines that were in the mailing. Yay.
2. OK - the link takes you to the mailing page, but the zine you started with is not listed. Please be patient - the next time we regenerate the list of APA mailings, it will show up properly.
3. Slightly annoying - the link is not found. Please be patient - this fanzine was the first one we have that belongs in that mailing. The next time we generate the APA mailings, it will be there.
Many thanks to Mark Olson for the software.

YouTube:  - Researching Science Fiction FanHistory (Pt2 of 2)- Rob Hansen, Andy Hooper, Mark Olson & Joe Siclari
Description: In this Part 2 video, discussion ranges from academia to our panelists' investigative techniques. When the primary resources are fanzines, researchers deal with first person accounts where "accuracy is not their primary virtue", although how different that is from other histories is questionable. Unsurprisingly, panelists share stories and findings, more sometimes with each other than the audience. Spoiler alert: John W. Campbell's mother was not an identical twin!...Particularly interesting is a segment on the place of anecdote in fan history, and for those interested in learning more, there's a "starter list" of readings. Audience Q&A forms the last portion of the recording, and with many of the audience experts in their own right, the questions (and answers) are first-rate.

Fan History References. Added "Science Fiction in East Germany, 1949-1982" by Richard Jasinski. The author writes from Poland.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 4 items: Eyetracks #1 (Walter Coslet, Nov 59), Bronc #16 (Eva Firestone, Apr 60), FAPA Booze #1 (Bob Tucker, Nov 55) and Irusaben #7 (Bob Silverberg, May 52). Interesting cover on the Bronc #16.
--1950s One Shots. Added "Voice of the Prophet 1" from Fred Prophet (Jul 58). Scan by Mark Olson.
--Boggs - Other Publications, Redd Boggs. Added 6 items in a new index page for miscellaneous Redd Boggs pubs. "Scintillas From World's End" (Aug 82) is 10 pages of his notebook jottings over the years. Sample: "39. I love to hear myself talk. I'm working on trying to find something to say.", "19. We have had to handicap women with high heels, flimsy stockings, slippery undergarments, dangling purses, and long flying hair else we could never keep up.". Warning: he starts by asserting that he was a male chauvinist long before the term was invented.
--Chapter Play, Bob Tucker. Added #3 (Feb 57).
--DUFF. Added 4 items: Altered Brands 1-3 (Janice Murray, 98-99), and the 1998 DUFF Ballot. These four were scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added 2 issues: Mar-Apr 2023 of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added #18 (Oct 92). This is also titled "The Gist of the Magicon" and is a 30 page convention report. Having been on the board for MagiCon (head of program), it's really fun to read this for the first time.
--Future Times. Added 7 issues of this clubzine from the Atlanta Science Fiction Society. Added V1#2-6 (Apr-Aug 98), V2#5 (May 99). These were edited by Ian Letendre. Also added V3#7 (Sep 00) edited by Bill Sides. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Head, Doug Bell and Chirstina Lake. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us UK fanzine. Thanks to Christina for bringing these to Eastercon for the scanning. Thanks, Christina!
--Lesser Flea, Joy Clarke. Added #7 (Jun 57). Scan by Mark Olson.
--Lillian-Other SFPA Zines. Added "Up the Darth Vator" from 1978. Scan by Mark Olson.
--Maneki-Neko, Bjo and John Trimble. Added 2 more issues of this fanzine "tuned to "inviting and beckoning" you to vote for LA in *68, but also we hope to interest you all in helping bank the money needed to bring Takumi Shibano to the convention in Los Angeles in 1968.". There was one issue in Trimble-Other Publications  and that's now been moved.
--Musicals and Plays. Added "Fanotchka" by Andy Hooper. Fanotchka is a parody of Ernst Lubitsch 1939 film "Ninotchka". PDF supplied by Lenny Bailes. Thanks, Lenny.
--SFPA One Shots. Added "Watching the Candle Burn" by Lon Atkins (May 78). Scan by Mark Olson.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the April issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.

April 23, 2023
YouTube:; Researching Science Fiction FanHistory (Pt1 of 2)- Rob Hansen, Andy Hooper, Mark Olson & Joe Siclari
Description: The first fan history was written by Jack Speer in 1939, and the most recent is the crowd-sourced, updated as of yesterday. The fan historians on our panel each focus in a very different way on fan history...Rob Hansen, author of "Then: Science Fiction Fandom in the UK", brings a UK centered perspective to global fandom, and Andy Hooper has deeply researched the first World Science Fiction convention, both publishing in the traditional way. Mark Olson and Joe Siclari are part of the FANAC Fan History project - Mark is chief editor of the crowd-sourced online, and Joe is the chairman behind the Fan History project, and in particular the driving force behind FANACs digital archive ( this Part 1 video, the panelists talk about how they became interested in fandom and fan history in particular, and the different approaches they have taken to recording and interpreting fan history. You'll hear about the creation of the first timeline of UK fan history, the nude figure with a dagger in each hand, and the tenuous but possible connection of fandom to the Zodiac killer...Perhaps most engrossing are the stories of contacts from non-fans, relatives of fans long gone. Some of these have no real understanding of what fandom was and is, but are seeking to learn about their relatives. There's even an anecdote about Warren Fitzgerald, the African-American fan who was the founding president of the Scienceers, the first first regularly meeting sf fan club which was started in 1929.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 3 items: "Blazon 2" from Keith Freeman (Jul 75), "Chocolates of Lust 2" from Phil Palmer (83), and "Some Days, the Bear Eats You" from Anne Hamill Warren (Jul 85). All 3 were provided by Geri Sullivan for scanning at Corflu Craic. Thanks, Geri!
--1930s One Shots. Added "My Time Annihilator 1" by Francis J. Litz (Sep 39).
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: "Allegory" by Jack Speer (Oct 45), and "The Rocket 1" by Walt Daugherty (Mar 40).
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: "D'Journal d'Art" by Richard Bergeron (Jan 53), and "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" by Lee Hoffman (55), subtitled "An Inadequate Convention Report". On inspection, this last is LeeH's Clevention report, and I will now go put it in conpubs too.
--1960s One Shots. Added 4 items: "Short Title 1" from Dave Hulan and Dave Locke (Aug 68), "So You Want to Be a Fan" from John Boardman (Jul 66), "bhob stewart and John Benson Talk with B. Krigstein" from bhob stewart and John Benson (63), and "Tomchats in the Dark" from Thomas Schluck (Sep 64).
--1970s One Shots. Added 6 items: "Silver Pipe" from Lon Atkins (Aug 71), "Star Begotten 1" from Steve Stiles (Aug 70), "Towards a Theory of Science Fiction" from John J. Pierce (71), "Will Fame & Fortune Spoil Great Scott?" from Rich Small (Sep 74), "Yesterday and Today" from Sheryl Birkhead (Aug 74) and "Zap" from Robert Briggs (sometime in the 70s).
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added #8.5 (Feb 60).
--Catch Trap, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added 2 issues: #90 (May 60) and 92 (Aug 60).
--De Profundis, Scott Beckstead. Added #324 (Jun 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--KWS, Pascal Thomas. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us French language fanzine. Zines provided by Pascal Thomas and scanned at Eastercon. Thanks, Pascal!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/21 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Middle April 2023 issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Paperbak Inferno, Andy Sawyer for BSFA. Added 10 issues: #60-60 (Jun 86-Dec 87). Scans by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks, Kevin!
--Thirsty Boots, John D. Berry. Added #15 (Nov 83). Issue provided by Geri Sullivan for scanning at Corflu Craic. Thanks, Geri.
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added #2 (Apr 23) of this letterzine. Thanks, Rich.

April 19, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 5 items: Blush, by John Foyster (Aug 69), Eclipse 1 by Greg Bear and Dan Garrett (Sum 67), Journal of the Henry James Appreciation Society by John Foyster (May 68), Richard E. Nixon, Man of Destiny by Bob Silverberg (Nov 60), and Salvo by Eric Bentcliffe (Spr 60). Eclipse is a one-of-a kind that Astrid found while going through Greg's papers. Greg was about 16 when this was done. Many thanks to Astrid for scanning it and sending it to us.
--Dark Toys, Taral Wayne. Added #74 (Apr 23). Per Taral, the previous issue was in Baloobius 10, so I've added this zine to the Baloobius index page. It's also a continuation of Broken Toys, so the numbering is a little eclectic. PDF provided by Taral. Thanks, Taral.
--Balloons Over Bristol, Christina Lake. Added the complete 14 issue run of this late 80s/90s fanzine. Thanks to Christina Lake for bringing these zines to Eastercon for scanning.
--Beer Cat Scratching, Alisdair Hepburn. Added 11 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 90s. Thanks to Alisdair Hepburn for bringing them to Eastercon for scanning. Thanks, Alisdair!
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added #151 (Oct 00). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Paperback Inferno. Added 5 issues: #49 edited by Joseph Nicholas (Aug 84); and edited by Andy Sawyer: 55-56 (Aug-Oct 85) and 58-59 (Feb-Apr 86). Scans by Kevin R. Smith for BSFA. Thanks, Kevin!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #19 (Dec 59). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 6 issues: 17-19 (Nov 16-Mar 17), 43 (Sep 20), 46 (Mar 21), and 48 (Jul 21). These issues via Bill Burns and e-fanzines Thanks, Bill. Thanks, Guy.
--Title Goes Here, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added "Title Goes Here 4" (Nov 97). This is part of the Mimosa index page. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

Corrections and Clarifications: Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Thanks to Rob Hansen for finding some issue links that pointed to the wrong issues. Mea culpa - it happened when we replaced the jpgs with pdfs. Hooray for Rob finding this error. Thanks, Rob!

April 16, 2023
Reminder: Our next FanHistory Zoom  will be April 22 at 4PM Eastern on "Researching (and Saving) Science Fiction Fan History", with Rob Hansen, Andy Hooper, Mark Olson and Joe Siclari. If you're not already on the zoom list and wish to attend, drop a note to

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the June issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--FTT aka Fuck the Tories, Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas. Scanned at Eastercon, we have uploaded the entire 21 issue run of this 80/90s fanzine. Originally a three continent production by Valma Brown and Leigh Edmonds, Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas, and Terry Hugues, by the 4th issue, the zine was done by Judith Hanna and Joseph Nicholas. Many thanks to Joseph Nicholas for both his permission and for bringing the zines to the convention to be scanned.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/14/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Paperback Inferno, Joseph Nicholas. Added 10 issues: #43-48 (Aug 83-Feb 85), #50-53 (Oct 84 - Apr 85). Scans by Kevin R. Smith for BSFA. Thanks, Kevin!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added 4 issues: #13-16 (Dec 57 - Win 58). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 6 issues: #1 (Jul 13), 4 (Sep 14), 8 (May 15), 11 (Dec 25), 14 (Apr 16), and #64 (Mar 23). All but the last one are via Bill Burns and e-fanzines Thanks, Bill. Thanks, Guy.

Corrections and Clarifications: Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Fixed an incorrect volume number on issue 16. Thanks to Mark Olson for the correction. Mark has found many other errors, but I won't torture everyone by listing them today.

April 12, 2023
At last, another update. Apologies for the delay - there was travel, and there was Covid during travel, and so there have been no updates lately. However, you can look forward to some scans done at Eastercon and Corflu being added to the site in the near future.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1970s One Shots. Added 5 items: "Columbia Fandom 1967-1972, the last shot" edited by Doug Carroll (Sep 72); "Everyfan's Guide to Auctions" from Jack Chalker (Jan 74); "Friends" from Rich Small (Jun 73); "Great Art Should Never be Mushed Up" from Fred Patten (Feb 70, with a title from Peanuts); and "Greatest Sensation of the Century" from Frank Denton (Oct 72).The piece by Jack Chalker has a cover and "graphic blandishment" by Tim Kirk.
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Atarantes was the clubzine of the Atlanta Science Fiction Club (ASFiC). Added 6 issues from Oct 81- September 82.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added V9#1 (Oct 45) edited by Jack Speer. The scan-from copy was not good.
--From Out of the Ashes, A Voice. Angela Howell, Laura Bulman, Laura Taylor and Rich Howell. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us clubzine from the Atlanta Science Fiction Club, all from 1983. Not sure when this one stopped publications.
--Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 2 issues: #62 (May 99), and #65 (Jul 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the March 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George.
--Masque Post Mortem, Bill Warren. Added #1 (Apr 2001). This 45 page zine was put together from material found in Bill Rotsler's home after his death.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 4 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Sorry to have gotten so far behind. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Of Members and Zines (and Egoboo Polls ), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added the Feb 74 issue. These are useful to researchers who want to know who the FAPA members were for the time period.
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added 5 issues of this clubzine: #235 (May 98), #248-249 (Jun-Jul 99), #264-265 (Oct-Nov 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--ScientiFiction, Jim Harmon. Added the Fall 2001 issue.
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added 2 issues: #1 (Dec 54) and #20 (Mar 60). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added #52 (Aug 63).
--Tripe Reportcard, Bruce Pelz. Added 4 of these postcards to the index page for Bruce's other postcard mailings - the Postcon Poctsarcd. Three of the Tripe Reportcards were scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the March 2023 issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the April 2023 issue. Thanks, George.
--Twink, E. B. Frohvet. Added 3 issues: #13-14 (May-Oct 99) and #19 (Oct 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Dagon, John Boardman. Thanks to Jon Singer for finding that several Dagons were giving 404s. Fixed now. He also found a problem with one of the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  zines, also fixed. Thanks, Jon!
--Genre Plat. Corrected a spelling error on Allyn Cadogan's name thanks to Sandra Bond. Thanks, Sandra!
--Janus, Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks to Roman Orszanski for finding page order problems with Janus 1 and sending us a corrected copy. Thanks, Roman! (And thanks for getting up very, very early to participate in the Zoom).

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all conpub scans are by Mark Olson.
---Anticipation added Hugo Awards English , Hugo Awards French , Restaurant Guide
---Aussiecon 4 added Hugo Awards Ceremony , Voice of the Koala
---Aussiecon Three added Zagreb in 1999 Eclipse Flyer, Zagreb in 1999 Flyer, Agenda for Preliminary Business Meeting
---BucConeer added Roadkill Gazette, Broadside #5, Multi-Purpose Order Form, Hugos voting ballot - 1998 Worldcon, Broadside #2
---Chicon 8 added Hugo Awards Ceremony , Program Participants Instructions
---Chicon 2000 added Chicago in 2000 Bid , Chicago in 2000 Bidding cards, Chicago 2000 Flyer
---ConFrancisco added Bid Flyer
---ConJose added SF in 2002 Flyer, Bookmark, Roswell in 2002 Worldcon bid flier, San Francisco or San Jose indecisive 2002 two sided flier
---Denvention 3 added Casa-de-Worldcon Hollister in 2008 Report-01, Casa-de-Worldcon Hollister in 2008 Report-02, Casa-de-Worldcon Hollister in 2008 Report-03, Casa-de-Worldcon Hollister in 2008 Report-04
---Discon III added Bid Flyer, Hugo Awards Ceremony , Newsletter H, Restaurant Guide, WSFS BM Rules of Order Help Sheet
---Dublin 2019 added Bid Booklet , Events Guide , Program Moderation Guides , Opening Ceremonies , Worldcon Philharmonic , Program Changes 1 , Program Changes 2 , Retro Hugo Ceremony
---Glasgow 2024 added Bid Booklet
---Intersection added Article about co-chair Vince Docherty from Oman newspaper
---L.A.con III added ASB Flyer, Blood-Drive, CassetteOrderForm, Dance, Dealers Room Directory, HospitalitySuite, PR 6, Program Grid, Stoat, Tor-Nesfa GoH Book Launch Flyer, Trivial Olympics
---L.A.con IV added Bid Flyer Badge List, Cross Worlds Puzzle, Hugo Awards Ceremony, Masquerade, Newsletter H, PR 0
---MidAmeriCon 2 added Hugo Awards Ceremoney, Susan Wood Booklet , Susan Wood Card , Code-Card , Program Participant Index , WSFS BM Rules of Order Sheet
---Nippon 2007 added Hugo Awards Ceremony - F. C. Moulton, Bid Flyer, Pocket Program Guide
---Torcon 3 added Incisors Report V3N2 Aug-Dec 1999, Chicago Bid Praty, Crossword Puzzle, Hugo Ceremony, Masquerade, News Article Globe And Mail 2003-08-27 PageR3, News Article Globe And Mail 2003-09-01 PageR1, Program Grid Monday, Program Grid Saturday, Program Grid Sunday, Program Grid Thursday, Torcon Issue of Devniad, Toronto in 03 one page flier
---Worldcon 76 in San Jose added Program Participant and Moderator Guide , Program Update , Promotional Card , Restaurant Guide

--Australian Natcon:
---Dudcon III added 2010 Dudcon III Badge and ribbon, 2010 Dudcon III Progress Report 1
---Swancon 18 added Progress Report 0, Progress Report 1, Progress Report 2, Progress Report 3, Progress Report 4, Progress Report Last, Souvenir Book
---Thylacon 1 added Badge, Progress Report 1, Souvenir Book

---Corflu 12 added Pry 3/Corflu 12 progress report December 1994
---Corflu 16 added Progress Report 3
---Corflu 24 added Progress Report 2, FAAn Award Votes 2007
---Corflu 25 added PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, Post-Con REport, Corflu Zed Seattle 2009, PR1, PR 3, PR 2, Program

---Ditto 14 added Fanhistoricon 11 two page flier
---Ditto 18 added One-page flyer

---Loscon 21 added Future History Revisionist 1, Future History Revisionist 2, Future History Revisionist 3 , Future History Revisionist 4, Future History Revisionist 5 Loscon 21 newszine Baden et al Nov 27 1994, Future History Revisionist 6 Loscon 21 newszine Baden et al December 31 1994
---Loscon XXVI added Flier

---CascadiaCon added Coffee Guide
---Conucopia added PR 3
---NorthAmeriCon '17 added Program Book, Program Grid

---Potlatch 4 added Program Book, Progress Report 3, Reading List
---Potlatch 13 added Program Guide
---Potlatch 15 added Program Book
---Potlatch 17 added Auction Guide

---Rivercon XXIII added Statement About the Future of Rivercon

---Smofcon 28 added SMOFcon San Jose Local Color and Dining Guide

---Conagerie added Los Angeles in 2002 Westercon bid flier
---Westercon 64 added Program Book , Dining-Guide
---Westercon 74 added ProgramGrid - F. C. Moulton

---WisCon 8 added Art Show ballot, F&SF Film Ratings, Mad Moose Gazette V8.3 (#1), Mad Moose Gazette V8.3 (#2), Program Book, Program Grid, Restaurant Guide, Survey
---WisCon 31 added Progress Report #1, Progress Report #2, Two sided postcard flier
---WisCon 39 added Program Book , Fan Resources , A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #1-3; Notes=Newsletter, Welcome Letter

March 19, 2023
Corrections and Clarifications: Credit for recent scans of Paperback Inferno  goes to Kevin R. Smith. There have been two active Kevin Smiths in BSFA, and my apologies for not being explicit as to which Kevin Smith was providing scans. Thanks, Kevin R.!

YouTube: Feminism in 1970s/80s Fandom: Janice Bogstad, Jeanne Gomoll, and Lucy Huntzinger - Fandom in the 70s/80s saw real influence from people with a feminist perspective, from the creation of Wiscon to fanzines like Janus and Rude Bitch, and to raising awareness of the reality women experienced. What were the beginnings? How did Wiscon get started? Was fandom following popular culture or leading it?  - Part 1 - Panelists Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll tell us about the creation of Janus, Wiscon and the Madison nexus of feminist thought in 70s fandom, and Lucy Huntzinger brings us into the 80s with the lamentably short-run Rude Bitch, and her other experiences in fandom as a feminist. Moderated by Edie Stern, webmaster, this intriguing panel reveals the unusual origins of Janus (and how the editor found out it was a fanzine!), the academic background brought to the discussions of women in science fiction, and some of the factors that made Madison the hotbed of feminist thought in fandom. These personal histories trace the growth of feminist discussion in broader fandom, and explore why fandom felt like a safe space for women. The panelists also discuss the sometimes negative reactions received...Wound through with personal anecdotes ("Will the real James Tiptree please stand up!", and the production of "The Emperor Norton Science Fiction Hour"), the discussion provides a window on an important area of science fiction fan history.  - Part 2 - Panelists Jeanne, Lucy and Janice continue here with more on the reactions they received from others, and with the differences in being a feminist in fandom in the 70s and in the 80s...Part 2 has stories about dating approaches in fandom, the wonderful origins of Corflu, and a number of anecdotes (both serious and constructive as well as personal and funny) about well known women writers. There are charming anecdotes about Octavia Butler, Connie Willis, Sheri Tepper (and her rousing call to action on population growth), and Ursula Le Guin. You'll also hear about the origins and early days of the Tiptree Award, and its novel funding mechanism. Finally, there are audience comments and reminiscences including a true story about the Minneapolis chicken hat...This session is lots of fun, with a serious thread underlying it.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 8 items: Scoop 5, edited by B. Jay Cronin, Bruce Odesser and L. D. Levenberg (Apr 55); Scrapbook 6 edited by Arthur Hlavaty (Jun 85); Seetee 4 edited by William Knapheide (Win 51), Skiffle 4 edited by Steve Stiles (74); Snap 1 edited by Bill Kunkel and Arnie Katz (Spr 73); So What 3 edited by Rick Norwood (Aug 61); Spudnut 2 edited by Gary Deindorfer (93) and Starlanes 12 edited by Orma McCormick and Nan Gerding (53). Starlanes 12 is full of poetry, Seetee 4 (Official Publiction of Tellurian Sciencefictioneers) has a Ray Nelson cover and poem, and Scoop 5 is subtitled "An Idiotic Fanzine" - not the best recommendation.
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Atarantes was the clubzine of the Atlanta Science Fiction Club (ASFiC). Added 12 issues from Jul 80-Oct 81. Issue #50 was scanned by Cliff Biggers. Thanks, Cliff.
--Copeland- SFPA zines, Jeff Copeland. Added 1 more that had previously escaped me. "You've Got Mars from May 01. Scan was either by Jeff or by Rich Lynch. In any event, thanks!
--Day*Star, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added the Feb 60 issue, "Day-Star Presents Kerry-Toons".
--De Profundis. Added 3 issues: Mary Cantor: #334 (Oct 00); Scott Beckstead: #321 (Feb 99) and Tim Merrigan: #314 (Jul 98). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added #146 (Jul 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fan-Tods, Norman Francis Stanley. Added #12 (Fall 45).
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. Added #24 (Oct 45).
--Mag Without a Name, Walt Dunkelberger. Added 3 items: 1) Summer 45 2) Mag Without a Name Presents Fanews Second Annual (Oct 45), and 3) the Jan 46 issue.
--SF Newscope, Lawrence Ray Campbell. Added #4 (Dec 50).
--Reader and Collector, H.C. Koenig - Added V3#5 (Oct 45). This serious and constructive issue contains Chapter 1 of an article (book?) by Robert Butman, "Modern Mythological Fiction" with footnotes fro the Journal of American Folkore, Amazing Stories, Alvin Boyd Kuhn's "Theosopy", and others. "In modern mythological literature the scientific an d the cosmological symbolic aspects are combined in many ways"
--Scientifan, Joe Fortier. Added #2 (Jan 40) which contains a long article by Robert Lowndes with a detailed review of the fanzines of 1939.
--Tale of the 'Evans, E. Everett Evans. Added V3#4, titled "A Tour of the 'Evans" from Fall 45.
--WSFA Journal. Added 5 issues: Samuel Lebell - Aug, Dec 98; Lee Strong - Jan 91, Jul, Nov 92. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

PDF conversions: Degler!, Andrew Porter. Replaced 33 issues with searchable PDFs. Issues are within the range: 62-99, and all from 1965. PDFing and OCRing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.

March 16, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--ASFA Publications. Added #2 (May 80), edited by Amelia Sefton and Freff.
--Asmodeus, Alan H. Pesetsky and Michael DeAngelis. Added #3 (Spr 52). Contributors include H.B. Fyfe, Milt Rothman, Bob Silverberg, Jerome Bixby and Mack Reynolds.
--Atarantes, Cliff Biggers. Added 8 issues from 79-80 of this new-to-us zine, the clubzine of the Atlanta Science Fiction Club (ASFiC).
--Browsing, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added #1 (New Series) from Fall 45.
--Chat, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added #27 (Dec 79) of this zine of the Chattanooga SF Association. Thanks, Rich.
--De Profundis. Added 2 issues: 323 (May 99) edited by Scott Beckstead, and 354 (Jun 02) edited by Marty Cantor. Issue 354 is the Bruce Pelz Memorial issue. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fan-Dango, Francis T. Laney. Added #9 (Fall 45).
--Fan-Fare, W. Paul Ganley. Added V2#3-4 (May - Jul 51).
--Folly, Arnie Katz. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 90s.
--Helen's Fantasia, Helon Wesson. Added 4 issues of this perzine: #18-19 (Feb-May 67), 22 (Nov 68) and the May 70 issue too. Leah Zeldes Smith posted on Facebook recently about Helen Wesson, as part of her series of historical femmefans.
--You're Still on My Mind, Rich Lynch. Added Rich's letterzine, with LOCs on the first 5 isues of his "My Back Pages". Thanks, Rich.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue, and Dale's revised cumulative index. The index now covers up through issue 545 (!). Thanks, Dale.
--Paperback Inferno, Joseph Nicholas. Added 4 issues: V6#1-2, and V6#4-5. All issues from 82-83. Scans by Kevin Smith and BSFA. Thanks, Kevin.
--PAS-tell, Bjo Trimble. Added #21 (Oct 66).
--Phantasphere, Donald Wollheim. Added #3 (Nov 45).
--Sardonyx, L. R. Chauvenet. Added the last, brief issue of Sardonyx (Jun 45).
--TNFF, Don Miller. Added V27#3 (Mar 68).

Conpubs: Some scans and materials for scanning provided by Rich Lynch, Alan Stewart, Jeanne Gomoll, Ben Yalow, Rick Katze and F.C. Moulton. Remaining materials were scanned by Mark Olson.
---Anticipation added Reluctant Voyagers R
---Aussiecon Three added 1999 Aussiecon 3 Badges, 1999 Voice of the Platypus (A3 size before folding to A5 size), 1999 Program schedule, 1999 Program particpant correspondence (sample), 1999 bookmarks and return address labels, 1999 Advertising poster (A4 size), 1999 Advertising poster (A3 size), Daily schedules
---BucConeer added 1998-Program Update 1, 1998-Program Update 3, 1998-Program Update 4
---ConFrancisco added Pocket Program/Quick Reference Guide
---L.A.con III added Post-con Letter from Chairman Mike Glyer to LA Con III program participants
---Noreascon 4 added First Night Guide, Ham Radio Info
---Renovation added Alien Reefer, Masquerade, Music Night Wednesday, 2011-Program Changes
---Torcon II added Torcon 2 Pocket Program

---ArmadilloCon 8 added Program Book

--Australian Natcon:
---SpawnCon Two added Awards ballot, 1999 Spawncon Two Flyer
---SunCon added Business Meeting minutes, Fundraising flyer, Program Book, Progress Report 1, Progress Report 3, Progress Report 4
---Syncon '92 added Australian artists list, Badge and ticket, Syncon Book of Lists, Syncon Daily 2, Syncon Daily 3, Maps, Photos by Alan Stewart, Photos by Ken Moylan, Program, Progress Report 2, Progress Report 3, Progress Report 4-5, Progress Report 6, Souvenir Book

---Balticon 20 added Pocket Program

--Boskone: Boskone 11 added Art Show Ballot, Movies, Program Book, Seminars; Boskone 59 added Pocket Program
---Chattacon V added Updated two-sided flier
---ConFusion 101 added Contests, Program Book, Restaurant Guide

---Corflu 4 added Worlds of Corflu - progress report
---Corflu 29 added PR: 2012-03-16, PR: 2012-02-16

---Loscon XIV added Newsletter #1-2, Pocket Program
---Lunacon 17 added PR 1
---Midwestcon 48 added Two-sided flier

---Minicon 13 added Thingie
---Minicon 22 added flyer, Minicon Monthly V1.2
---Minicon 26 added Mailing, PR (incomplete)
---Minicon 27 added Mailing
---Minicon 34 added Booksellers Guide

---Conucopia added NASFiC Film Competition flier, Restaurant and Resources Guide, Warner Aspect party flier 1999
---Rivercon XXV added Two-sided flier
---Westercon 32 added Film Notes, How to Buy Art in the Art Show, Map, Newsletter with BM minutes, Party Notice, Program Book

--WisCon: Pubs provided by Jeanne Gomoll.
---WisCon 1 added Program Book
---WisCon 2 added Program Book & Janus 11
---WisCon 3 added Press Release, Program Book, Program Grid and Map, Flyer, Film Program, Pocket Program, Folded flyer
---WisCon 4 added Program Book, Flyer, Folded flyer
---WisCon 5 added Film Schedule, Folded Flyer, Pocket Program, Program Book, Program Survey, Publicity Survey
---WisCon 6 added Art Show Ballot, Film Schedule, Mad Moose Gazette #6.4, Mad Moose Gazette #6.5, Pocket Program, Program Book, Program Survey, Publicity Survey
---WisCon 7 added Mad Moose Gazette #7.4, Mad Moose Gazette #7.5, Pocket Program, Program Book
---WisCon 9 added Art Show ballot, Flyer layout, Program Book
---WisCon 13 added Mad Moose Gazette V13.3, Mad Moose Gazette V13.4, Mad Moose Gazette V13.5, Program Book, Restaurant Guide
---WisCon 15 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---WisCon 16 added Flyer, Pocket Program, Program Book
---WisCon 17 added Mad Moose Gazette V17.2, Mad Moose Gazette V17.3, Mad Moose Gazette V17.4, Membership Survey, Pocket Program, Program Book, Request for Volunteers
---WisCon 18 added Art Show Ballot, Mad Moose Gazette #3, Mad Moose Gazette #5, Mad Moose Gazette #6, Membership Survey, Pocket Program, Program Book, Program Evaluation
---WisCon 19 added Folded flyer #2, Folded flyer, Mad Moose #4, Pocket Program, Pre-con publicity #1, Pre-con publicity #2, Program Book, Restaurant Guide
---WisCon 33 added A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #1, Program Book, Brochure, Pocket Program, Progress Report, Desert Salon tickets, A Momentary Taste of Wiscon #2
---WisCon 39 added Pocket Program, Postcard flyer
---WisCon 40 added Pocket Program

---12th World Fantasy Convention added Pocket Program, PR 1, PR 2, PR 3

March 10, 2023
We sent out a Newsflash a few days ago (and the link is in the list below). Part of the flash was to brag that we have now exceeded 20,000 fanzines available on 20,000! If you didn't receive the Newsflash, and would like to, sign up on and you'll get the next one.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: Life of the Fan (Milt Rothman, 46) and Proclamation! (Aug 49).
--ASFA Newsletter. Added Mar 82, edited by Sheila Orick.
--AtoZ, Arthur Thomson. Added #2 (Sum 60). Illustrated by ATom!
--Dimensions, Harlan Ellison. Added 2 items of ephemera: "Science Fantasy Bulletin Announces Dimensions" (53) and "Invitation to Dimensions" (54).
--FANAC updates. Added the March 2023 Newsflash that went out on 3/8/23.
--Future Retrospective, Cliff and Susan Biggers. Added 14 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 70s. Contributors include Mike Glyer and Mike Weber. Thanks to Cliff Biggers for both his permission to put these online and for providing the scans. Thanks, Cliff!
--Hickman-Other Publications, Lynn Hickman. Added Badmouth 3 (Sum 71).
--Milty's Mag, Milton Rothman. Added 2 issues of this FAPAzine - #19-20 (Jul-Oct 45). The location listed for 19 is Paris; for 20 it's "All over Europe".
--Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 3 issues: #59 (Mar 99), #63-64 (May-Jun 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the late Feb 23 issue. Thank you, Ahrvid.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/3 and 3/10 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Paperback Inferno, Joseph Nicholas. Added 7 issues: V4#6, V5#1-6 all from 81-82. Scans by Kevin Smith for BSFA. Thanks, Kevin!
--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Added the Fall 1945 issue.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the March issue. Thanks, George.
--Vegas Fan Diary, Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the 90s. Lots of stuff on the Vegrants.
--WSFA Journal. added 4 issues, all edited by Samuel Lubell. Added today were Nov 98, and Feb, May and Jun 99. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.

March 6, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans re by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 10 items: Bloodshot (Jon Magnus and Dick Clarkson, Jul 54), Cincinnati Fantasy Group (Don Ford, Jul 57), Earth Women's Burden (Karen Anderson and Djinn Faine, 1958), Lilith (Delcie Austin, Sum 53), A Modest Proposal (Walt Willis, 57), Potshot (Karen Anderson, Jun 55), STF Habba No #1 (Art Rapp, Dec 51), This #1 (Pete Graham, May 58), Twin Set (Ken Slater, Aug 54), Void #1 (George Clements, Nov 52). Some fun stuff here - Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson's "Earthman's Burden" came out in 1957; Earth Women's Burden is credited to Karen and Djinn Dickson-to-be. Potshot is not a one-shot, it's a potshot. STF Habba No is a carbonzine. Walt's "A Modest Proposal" sets the stage with "Moskowitz nodded to Korshk, who rose and fixed the gathering with a glassy stare "This Extraordinary Meeting of Elder Fans," he said, "has been called by the Policy Committee of the Secret League of Old BNFs".
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added the last 2 issues - #126 (Dec 22) and #127 (Feb 23). Thanks, Joseph.
--Alien, Vic Waldrop Jr. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1952. There's an early Joe Green piece in one of them.
--Alien Culture, Jim Leary. Added #4 (Oct 49).
--Canadian Fandom, Beak Taylor. Added #14 (Feb 48). Conributors include Fred Hurter and Leslie Croutch.
--De Profundis. Added 6 issues of De Profundis, the LASFS clubzine, from the late 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Ectoplasm, William J. Calabrese and Myles Callum. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1952.
--En Garde, Richard Schultz. Added #5.5, a supplement to #5 (Jan 69) of this related zine. The zine is focused on the TV show "The Avengers".
--Eye Tracks, George Locke. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1960.
--GUFF. Added 2 items: 1999 Ballot, and GUFFaw 2 (Paul Kincaid, Aug 99). Scans and GUFFaw OCR by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added what I think is #178, from early 1970s. He says that Kipple is getting too hard. Our scans show there was a big jump between 177 in Mar 70, and 179 in Oct 84.
--Rasterman Blues, Lenny Bailes. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title courtesy of Lenny Bailes and Thanks, Lenny. Thanks, Bill.
--Scarab, Fred Ross Burgess. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 40s. Poetry, fiction, reviews. Pavlat-Evans only lists #5, which we don't have.
--Variant World, Shel Deretchin. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 50s.
--Xenolith, Bill Bowers. Added #17, the script for FAANS by Larry Tucker and Randy Bathurst (which is on our youtube channel) from Mar 81.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out an updside page in Le Zombie  56. Fixed now. Thanks, Bee.
--Quip, Arnie Katz. Thanks to Sam McDonald, added a clarification that a supplement to #11, the "Fannish Worry Book", is often called Quip 11.5. Thanks, Sam.
--Warhoon, Richard Bergeron. Thanks to Bill Burns for letting me know about one bad link, and another 404 on the Warhoon index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Bill!

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon added Australia in 75 Bid matches
---Aussiecon Three added Double sided bookmark flier, Flyer, Banquet menu, Banquet ticket, Hugo acceptor letter, Hugo nominee certificate, Hugo nominee letter, Hugo party invite
---Aussiecon Two added Melbourne in '85 Fundraising Calender 1 by Ashby
---BucConeer added Broadside #6 plus Pirate's Pocket Guide insert, program participant information letter, Program Update #5 09 Aug 1998, Site Selection Ballot from Bucconeer for choosing the 2001 Worldcon
---ConJose added San Francisco in 2002 flier
---LoneStarCon 2 added LSC 2 Flyer
---MidAmeriCon 2 added Tomorrow Is Now tri-fold brochure
---Millennium Philcon added Boston for Orlando in 2001 two sided bid flier, Boston for Orlando in 2001 FAQ, Flash pre-progress report, Orlando in 2001 flier
---Noreascon Two added PR 0, WSFS Business Meeting Minutes, Lobster Tales #1-12, N2 Dealers' Directory, N2 Film Info, N2 Pocket Program, N2 Program Supplement, The Noreascon Two Proceedings (hoax), WSFS Constitution as of August 1980
---Torcon 3 added Incisors Report 3 Torcon 3 bidzine Jan-July 1998, Incisors Report 4 Torcon 3 bidzine Aug-Dec 1998

---ArmadilloCon 10 added Program Book
---ArmadilloCon 17 added flyer
---ArmadilloCon XI added Program Book

---Balticon 57 added Two sided postcard flier
---Boskone 13 added Program Book
---Corflu 16 added 1999 Corflu final progress report, Progress Report 2

---DSC 36 added flier
---DSC 40 added Program Book
---DSC 60 added DSC60 and Other Destinations con report by Rich Lynch PDF direct conversion from MS Word file

---Disclave 21 added Program Book inserts, Program Book

---Ditto 10 added and Octocon 34 program and restaurant guide
---Ditto 11 added two-sided flier

---FanHistoriCon 5 added Program
---FSF 1995 added Program Book

---Loscon 25 added flier
---Loscon 48 added Loscon 48 one-shot conzine
---Loscon Fifteen added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Loscon XIV added Program Book

---Lunacon 18 added Pocket Program
---Lunacon 28 added Program Book

---Midwestcon 50 added Two-sided flier

---Minicon 25 added Restaurant Guide
---Minicon 28 added Pocket Program
---Minicon 30 added PR 1, PR 2, Pocket Program
---Minicon 31 added PR1.pdf; Notes=Two *really* big pages.., Pocket Program

---Mancon added Program uncredited 1952-10-05. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
---Conucopia added PR 1
---Norwescon IX added Pocket Program

---OryCon 13 added Pocket Program
---OryCon 14 added Pocket Program

---PgHLANGE IX added Flyer
---Philcon 1998 added Progress Report

---Rivercon XVI added PB, Pocket Program
---Rivercon XXIII added flier
---Rivercon XXV added Letter to Former Guests

---Tropicon XVII added flier
---Tropicon XVIII added Flier

---Westercon 41 added PR 4, Registration Form
---Westercon 46 added Pocket Program, Program Grid
---Westercon 48 added Pocket Program

March 1, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans re by Joe Siclari.
--Apollo, Joe Hensley and Lionel Innman. Added #2 (Nov 43).
--Centaur, Jack Chalker. Added Centaur 1 (Apr 60), aka the first issue of Mirage. The 2nd issue was named Kaleidoscope 2, and the third was named Mirage 3. It stayed Mirage after that. There's a John Berry article in this first issue. Adding the Centaur completes the run of Mirage.
--Conversation, Lynn Hickman. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title, both from 1960.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the January and February issues. Thanks, Leybl.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues: 195-197 (May-Nov 86), and 199-200 (May - Aug 87). All were by Seth Goldberg.
--Helen's Fantasia, Helen Wesson. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title. The zine ran for decades. These issues are from the 50s/60s.
--Imagination, Russ Hodgkins. Added #4 (Jan 38). Contributors include Forry Ackerman, Ray Bradbury and Henry Kuttner. There's also the text of a letter received by Forry Ackerman from H.P. Lovecraft. I believe this completes the run. Thanks to David Ritter, who noticed we were missing issue #4 and volunteered to provide scan. Thanks, David!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/24/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the late February issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the Feb 23 issue of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry!
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added #27 (Apr 60).
--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Added #12 (May 60). This issue has photos on page 17 (that's 19 in the PDF).
--Pulsar. Added 3 issues of this, the clubzine of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Added #90 (Rosalind Malin, Apr 86), #91 (Pat Gulley, May 86), #157 (Arlene Hills-Peterson, Nov 91). Scans provided by Sam Butler. Thanks, Sam.
--Quip, Lenny Bailes and Arnie Katz. Added #1 (Fall 65), thereby completing the run.
--Random, Daphne Buckmaster. Added #1 (Sep 60), completing the run.
--ScoLar, Lars Bourne and Scotty Tapscott. Added the full 2 issue run of this 1959-60 fanzine, plus a letter from the editors.
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added #40 (May 69).
--Skoan, Calvin Demmon. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title, plus a letter from Rick Sneary sent for #13. All the issues are early 60s.
--STF maglet, Eva Jane Clevenger. Added 2 issues of this new to us title from 1948. The second is a little strange, as it is combined with Kar Mar (K.M. Carlson) and Nuzine (Ray Higgs) and the triplezine is only 6 pages long.
--T-Negative, Ruth Berman. Added the double issue #34-35 (Mar 79), completing the run.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the February issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George!
--Valapa, Bruce Pelz. Added 4 issues. I think this apazine is called Valapa - the title is written in Cyrillic, and Valapa is the best I can do with a transliteration. It was for ValAPA so it kind of makes sense. I tried to put this up with the file names having a Cyrillic set of characters. The server refused, my local code for prepping the index page refused. I gave up and now we have the fanzine "Valapa".
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added #57 (Feb 23).

PDF conversions: Degler!, Andrew Porter. Replaced the first 52 issues that we had on line with searchable PDFs. The issues are from 1964-65. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Bill Burns, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Ben McKenzie, Gregory Meyer, Joe Siclari, Leah Zeldes Smith, Ian Sorensen, and of course Mark Olson. T Thanks, all!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Bill Burns for spotting that Science Fiction Parade  issue #6 was published at the end of the quarter and so my listing it as having been published at the beginning of the quarter introduced some errors in the Chron list. Fixed now. I think. Thanks, Bill!

February 25, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans re by Joe Siclari.
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added 4 issues of Bruce's FAPAzine: #19 (Nov 66), 22 (May 69), 28 (Feb 75), and 45 (May 98).
--Bullfrog Bugle, Lynn Hickman. Added 3 issues of Lynn's APAzie: 1 (Feb 59), 3 (59), and 5 (Jul 59).
--Bull Moose, Bill Morse. Added V2#1 (Feb 62) of this FAPAzine.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the January issue of this NFFF newsletter. Last week I realized that I had missed it, and George Phillies was kind enough to resend it. Thanks, George.
--Glamdring, Bruce Pelz. Added #2 (May 60).
--Moonshine, Len and June Moffatt. Added #37 (May 69).
--SLANder, Jan Sadler aka Jan Penney. Added one more issue (#1) of this 50s zine, and created an index page. A previous issue had been listed under 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Now all moved to the new index page.
--SFSFS Shuttle, Carol Porter. Added #33 (the second issue marked #33) from Dec 87.
--Sparx, Henry Spelman. Added 2 issues: #7 (Jun 49) and #9 (Sep 49). Issue 9 is a special Isaac Asimov issue. Isaac was all of 29, and contributed a bibliography and a short article.
--The Sphere, Don Markstein. Added V48#1 (Apr 77) and V58#1 (Jan 79).
--Spinnaker Reach, Russell Chauvenet. Added #2 (Aug 60).
--Sun Spots, Gerry de la Ree. Added #26 (Fall 45). Contributors include Ralph Milne Farley, Harry Warner Jr., Manly Wade Wellman and William H. Evans.
--TAFF. Added 3 items: 1999 TAFF Ballot (Ulrika O'Brien and Maureen Kincaid Speller), TAFFkin's Bum 1 (Maureen Kincaid Speller, Jul 98) and TAFF Official (Avedon Carol, Jan 85). The TAFF Ballot and TAFFkin's Bum were scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Ur, Ellis Mills. Added #5 (Dec 58).
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 2 issues of the Coulson's FAPAzine: #7 (May 60) and 31 (Feb 69).
--Watling Street, Robert Lichtman. Added 7 issues of this SAPSzine: #7 (Jan 61), 9 (Jul 61), 10 (Oct 61), 12-13 (Apr-Jul 62), and 16-17 (Apr-Oct 63).
--Wild Heirs, Arnie & Joyce Katz, et al. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us genzine title from the 90s. Et al in this case: Bill Kunkel & Laurie Yates, Ken & Aileen Forman, JoHn & Karla Hardin, Tom Sprinker & Tammy Funk, Ben & Kathy Wilson, Ray & Marcy Waldie,Belle Augusta & Eric Davis, Peggy Kurilla, Ross Chamberlain, Woody Bernardi, Peggy Burke, Charles & Cora Burbee, William Rotsler and Chuch Harris. There are probably others who I have missed. Contributors include the editors (and that's quite enough) plus Rob Hansen, rich brown, and Ray Nelson. Issue #13, the annish, is 100 pages long.

February 22, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: Bilcyn 1 (Ken Slater, Mar 55), Ditmar Newsheet no. 1 (Peter Toluzzi, Dec 78), Etron 2 (Jim Schreiber, approx 1960), Phenotype (Dick Eney, approx 87), Shables 1 (Dave Locke and Ed Cagle, Feb 76) and Syllabus 1 (Shelby Vick, Aug 60). The Ditmar Newsheet was scanned by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Fantasy Amateur, Seth Goldberg. Added 11 issues: #183-184, 186-194 all fromMay 83 to Feb 86. Fantasy Amateur is the Official Organ of FAPA.
--Imagination!, Russ Hodgkins. Added 4 items from the 1930s: #3 (Dec 37), 6 (Mar 38), 12 (Sep 38) and "Imagination! Rejected - Council on Controversy". It's a treat to get these online, since most of our recent uploads have been from much later decades. Contributors include: Ray Harryhausen, Julius Schwartz, Charlie Hornig, Henry Kuttner, Oswald Bradbury, T. Bruce Yerke, Forry Ackerman, and Robert Bloch. I believe "Oswald Bradbury" is a penname for Ray Bradbury.
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Added 2 issues: #119 (Mar 65) and #125 (Jul 65).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/17/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--The Spectator. Added 2 issues of this, the OO of the Spectator Amateur Press Society. Added #42 (Nancy Share, Jan 58) and #87 (Buz and Elinor Busby, Apr 69).
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added 5 issues: #5 (68), 10 (70), 14-16 (Aug 71-Jan 72).
--Wooden Nickel, Arnie Katz. Added 12 issues of this new-to-us perzine from 1973. Well, one of them is called Wooden Pickle instead - "WOODEN PICKLE Volume 1 Number 7 Whole number 7 is catering in a lewd and lascivious manner to the prurient interest of 50 high-living fans By Arnie Katz."

Corrections/Clarifications: Leer, Charles Lee Riddle. Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out that the Dec 56 issue was in OMPA 10. Somehow, I had missed checking Vince Clarke's OMPA listing  for its first 5 years. Thanks, Sandra!

February 16, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Camber, Fred Robinson. Added #2 (Fall 53). Most of this title was edited by Alan Dodd, but this one was done by Fred J. Robinson. Thanks to Rob Hansen for noticing that we were missing #2 when we added the others, and scanning one of the missing issues. Thanks, Rob!
--Cinder, Jim Ashe. Added #7 (May 68).
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the February issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George.
--Lark, Bill Danner. Added 2 issues of this FAPAzine: Mar and Oct 1960.
--Leer, Charles Lee Riddle. Added the December 56 issue of this OMPAzine. Contributors include Robert Bloch and Jim Harmon. I'm not sure which OMPA mailings the issues appeared in, but I can assign some FAPA mailing numbers. More as we find out...
--Les Spinge, Darroll Pardoe. Added #23 (Jan 71).
--Lines of Occurrence, Arthur Hlavaty. Added #3 (80). Scan by Mark Olson.
--New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added 6 issues of Ned's apazine: #2 (Jul 76), 49 (May 77), 58-59 (Nov 78-Jan79), 81 (Feb 83) and a 2 pager called "Another M-4!" from Oct 78, about his acquisition of a RexRotary #4 at a junk sale.
--Noise Level, John Brunner. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine by author John Brunner.
--Oz, Beryl Mercer. Added 2 issues: #8-9 (Jun-Dec 68).
--Pogrom, John Brunner. Added 3 issues of another new-to-us John Brunner OMPAzine, these all from 1955.
--Pooka, Don Ford. Added 3 issues of this OMPAzine: #1 (Dec 55), #6 (Jun 57) and #8 (Mar 59).
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added 4 issues of this clubzine: #244-246 (Feb-May 99) and 262 (Aug 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Revoltin' Development, Martin Alger. Added 2 issues: #10 (Nov 52) and Sep 53. Scans by Mark Olson.Thanks, Mark.
--Spent Brass, Andy Hooper and Carrie Root. Added #20 (Aug 93). --Waftage, Vic Ryan. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the early 60s.
--Whatsit, Ken Cheslin. Added #15 (Dec 68). Ooh - a color cover.
--WSFA Journal, Sam Lubell. Added 2 issues from the late 90s: Mar 98 and Mar 99. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Zymic, Vince Clarke. Added #1 (Sep 54), done for the first mailing of OMPA. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.

February 14, 2023
YouTube Zoom:  New York Fandom in the 70s (Pt 1)- Moshe Feder, Jerry Kaufman, Andy Porter, and Steve Rosenstein
The story of New York fandom is fascinating, from its Worldcon in the 60s to fragmentation and multiple fannish groups in the 70s. In this 2023 Zoom recording, ably moderated by FANAC chair Joe Siclari, our panelists provide a fond and anecdotal recounting of their decades of experience in New York fandom. In this part 1 (of 2) you'll hear how they came into fandom (including the value of having a big name pro last name), the true meaning of Kratophany, and what the Avocado Pit really was. There's background on the many NY clubs of the era from Fanoclasts to Fistfa to Lunarians and SFFSAQC (this last founded by one of our speakers). There are personal anecdotes of Isaac Asimov, and the lengths that Jack Chalker went to in order to attend Lunarians while living in Baltimore. This video has plenty more - from the questionable respectability of the NYU club to why Moshe was cautioned not to sing along to "The Music Man" on Broadway to the first live fanzine, Spanish Inquisition and Stu Shiffman's exquisite mastery of on-stencil art.
--  Part 2
In this part 2 (of 2), the session continues, beginning with how Star Trek conventions got started, modeled on the local traditional convention, Lunacon. Anecdotes include why a township in NJ paid bus fare for the actors in Trek-a-Star, how PBS was involved with the naming of Omni magazine, and all about Bunnycon, the get out of jail free convention . There are stories about SFExpo, Tesser-time, and the fanzine epicenter of New York - Brooklyn. You ll even hear why Moshe Feder, head of the Omnivores, could never be a Gastrognome. Towards the end of the video, there are comments from attendees, many of whom could easily have been panelists.
These are stories that really convey what it was like to be a fan in the 70s.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--As the Crow Flies, Frank Denton. Added #1 (Aug 97). Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 10 issues of John's apazine. Added: #371 (May 88), 373-376 (May-Jul 88), 302 (Jan 90), 408-410 (May-Jun 90), 412 (Aug 90).
--DamnYankee, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues: 14 (May 67) and 18 (May 68).
--Entmoot, Greg Shaw. Added #4 (66). Contributors include Ted Johnstone and Felice Rolfe.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 4 issues: #6 (Nov 60), 32 (Nov 70), #142 (Jul 98) and 145 (Apr 99). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans for 142 and 145 provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 5 issues: Ed Cox - 177-179 (Nov 81 - May 82); Seth Goldberg - 181-182 (Nov 82-Feb 83).
--Geis Letter Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 4 issues: 51 (Aug 98), 58 (Feb 99), 60-61 (Apr 99). Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added the double issues 26-27 (Jul 98). Contributors include David Lake, Doug Barbour, and Irwin Hirsh. Scan provided by Bruce Gillespie (and suggested by Leigh Edmonds). Thanks Leigh, and thanks Bruce!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #2 (Mar 55). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 2 issues: #134 edited by Shirlene Ananayo (May 98) and 137 edited by Mal Barker (Jan 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Timebound, David Sooby. Added V24#7 (Sep 00). Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Vagary, Roberta Gray. Added 3 issues: #19-20 (Jun-Sep 64), and 25 (Oct 72).
--Whistlestar, Len Bailes. Added #4 (89). Contributors include Jeanne Bowman, Ted White, Dan Steffan and Stu Shiffman.
--Wild Colonial Boy, John Foyster. Added 5 issues of this apazine: #2 (Jan 63), 4 (Oct 63), 8 (Jul 64), 15 (Jan 60) and 36 (Aug 70).
--WRR, Otto Pfeiffer. Added #3 (59). And now we know that WRR stands for "Westercon Regression Report".

February 12, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Amble, Archie Mercer. Added 3 issues: #2 (Jun 60), #14 (Jun 63) and #17 (Mar 64).
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 11 issues of John's perzine: #361-370 (Oct 87 - Apr 88). There are two "extra" issues announcing the birth of grandchildren.
--Different, Sam Moskowitz. Added 3 issues of this perzine: V2#1-2 (Oct 58-Oct 60), and V3#4 (Nov 70). This V3#4 is the second of that designation. The first one is also online, dated Oct 69.
--Esprit, Daphne Buckmaster. Added #1 (Dec 54).
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added 4 issues - #119-121 (Mar-Apr 67), and 164 (May 69).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/10 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added #10 (Sep 60).
--Off Trails, Beryl Mercer. Added 3 issues to this title, the official organ of OMPA - the Offtrails Magazine Publishers Association. Added:#52-53 (Dec 68-Mar 69), 56 (Jan 70).
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the early February issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Poor Richard's Almanac, rich brown. Added 3 issues of this APAzine: #7-8 (Feb-May 60), and 10 (Aug 60).
--Sirruish, David Hall and Hank Luttrell. Added the July 65 issue.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added 4 issues: #88-90 (Apr-Oct 58) and 107 (Jul 74).
--Spiane, Len and June Moffatt, Rick Sneary. Added 3 issues of this 60s apazine.
--Starling, Hank Luttrell. Added 3 issues: #6 (66), and 8-9 (Jul 66-Feb 67).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the February issue. Thanks, George.
--WRR, Otto Pfeiffer. Added 2 issues: V2#6-7 (Jun-Nov 60). Contributors include Wally Weber and Bjo Trimble.

February 7, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Binx, Dean Grennell. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from 1966.
--fanzines/Bull_Moose, Bill Morse. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the late 50s/early 60s.
--Burp, Ron Bennett. Added #19-20 (Mar-Jun 61).
--DamnYankee, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this SFPAzine from the 60s. The title is "DamnYankee" with no space in the middle as far as I can tell.Thanks to Arnie Katz for his permission to put his zines online, to Cathy Matthews for passing the word, and to Lenny Bailes for arranging it all. Thanks, guys!
--DR/Dillinger Relic/Derogatory Reference, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 4 of this perzine series - Dilinger Relic 58-59 (88), DR 64 (90), Derogatory Reference 67 (90).
--Excelsior, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this SAPSzine from the mid 60s.
--Fanstuff, Arnie Katz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the 2010s.
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added #12 )74).
--Melikaphkhaz, Lon Atkins. Added #7 (Nov 66) and #59 (Mar 79).
--Moonshine, Len Moffatt, Rick Sneary and Stan Woolston. Added 13 issues with various combinations of editors. Added: #9-16 (Win 48-Nov 49), 18 (Aug 50), 20 (May 53), and 25-26 (Nov 58-May 59). Also added a 1956 issue marked "Nycon II Memory Book Edition". There's a little uncertainty on dates for a couple of the issues, and those are marked in the notes.
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming and Gary Kl pfel. Added #106 (May 69). This is a German lanaguage zine.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Lunar New Year issue. This should have gone up a couple weeks ago. Sorry, Dale and thanks for the reminder.
--Quark, Lesleigh Couch and Chris Couch. Added 3 issues: #2 (Apr 67), 4 (Oct 67) and 9 (Jan 69). Contributors include Hank Luttrell and Jerry Kaufman.
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added 2 issues: #4 (Nov 60) and #25 (Feb 67) of this FAPAzine.

February 5, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Anvil. Added 3 issues: Wade Gilbreath: #5-6 (Mar-May 79); dburden and Jim Cobb (Nov 81).
--Asp, Bill Donaho. Added #9 (Feb 67).
--Bullfrog Bugle, Lynn Hickman. Added 3 issues and an index page for this. We had had one issue under Hickman-Other Publications  and that's been relocated here. Issue #4 (May 59) has a brief article about "First Fandom", explaining what it's all about.
--Blitherings, Chan Davis. Added #7 (Fall 46).
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #14 (Spr 01). We had a subset of this online already, with Challenger 14 Selections as they appeared in SFPA 224. In today's addition, you can read the additional 55 pages of Challenger that weren't run through SFPA.
--Crifanac, Tom Reamy. Added #6 (58). Contributors include Harlan Ellison, Charles Beaumont, and Greg Benford. There's also a fine Kelly Freas cover.
--Day*Star, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added #1 (Nov 54) and #27, coedited with Walter Breen (Aug 66).
--Dilemma, Jackie Franke. Added #5 (Apr 74).
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 9 issues of the FAPA official organ. Gregg Calkins: #108 (Aug 64), Bruce Pelz: #109-114, 116 (Nov 64-Aug 66), and Seth Goldberg: #232 (Aug 95). Not necessarily good reading, but valuable for researchers we believe.
--First Fandom Publications. Added 2 items, both edited by Joseph Martino: ScientiFiction (New Series) 3-4 (04) and 6 (05).
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 2 items: #4-17 and 18 (Nov 57- Feb 58).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #129 (Jan 23). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Feb 23 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George.
--Kaymar, K. Martin Carlson. Added the September 62 issue.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 2/3 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added #4 (May 56).
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added #13 (Feb 60).
--Pooka, Don Ford. Added #9 (Dec 59).
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added 3 issues of this Portland area clubzine. #237-8 (Jul-Aug 98) and #247 (May 99). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Added #16 (Dec 50).
--Sinisterra. Added #8, edited by Burnett Toskey, Elinor Busby, F.M. Busby, G.M. Carr, Wally Weber, and Otto Pfeifer. Contributors include Burnett Toskey, G.M. Carr, Elinor Busby, F.M. Busby, and Wally Weber. There's also a piece by Jack Speer under the name John A. Bristol.
--Spaceship, Bob Silverberg. Added #16 (Jul 52).
--Spinnaker Reach, Russell Chauvenet. Added #7 (Feb 67).
--Steam, Ken Bulmer. Added V5#1 (Dec 59). It's short.
--Tigger, Marc Ortlieb. Added #13 (Jun 85).
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #26 (Aug 66).
--Winnie the P.O.O, Felice Rolf and Michael Ward. Added #11 (Jul 68).

Corrections/Clarifications:Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky, changed the date on Blitherings #3 from Winter to Dec 44. The fanzine is marked "Winter, but given the confusion about which winter fanzines marked "Winter" actually belong in, a date of December makes more sense. At least it falls chronologically where it should. Thanks, Bee.

Fancyclopedia: And a belated thanks to John Purcell for his contributions to Fancy.

February 1, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 9 items: AW 1 (Dean Grennell, 74), Blue BEM Comics 2 (Joe Kennedy, Spr 48), Defenstration 5 (David Singer, 83), Defolade 2 (Bill Donaho, Apr 61), Fantasy Artisans (Frank Dietz, Aug 50), Metrofen 3 (Leslie Gerber, Dec 59) Micron 5 (Jack Riggs, May 50) Morph 29 (John Roles, Win 62) and Muzzy 7 (Claude Hall, Sum 55). I think Fantasy Artisans is Aug 50 - that's the latest date I could find in it. Fantasy Artisans is a report to members of the "Fantasy Artisans Club", founded in 1947 as a "club of and for the amateur and semi-pro artists and authors in science fiction fandom." Metrofen 3 is "unnofficial organ of Metropolitan Fandom, if such exists still. (Don't laugh; as I type this, I don't know.)"
--Bete Noire, Redd Boggs. Added #23 (Sum 72).
--Fantasias, Dick English. Added #5 (53), and created an index page for this title. We had had one issue up on 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, and now they are both on this index page.
--Melange, John and Bjo Trimble. Added #4 (May 62).
--No Award, Marty Cantor.Added #3 (98) and 16 (Sum 06). Contributors include Mike Glyer, Bruce Pelz, Ed Green, Brad Foster, and Alexis Gilliland.
--Plenum, Milt Rothman. Added #9 (May 48).
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added 3 issues - #29 (Aug 66), 31-32 (Feb-May 67).
--The Southerner. Added 3 issues: Don Markstein - #52 (Feb 73). 54 (Jul 73); Gary Brown - #77 (May 77). This is the Official Organ of SFPA.
--SFC Bulletin, Meade Frierson. Added #3 (Sep 71).
--Space Junk, Rich Coad. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 70s/early 80s. Contributors include Bill Gibson, Mike Glicksohn, Tim Kyger, Joseph Nicholas, Dan Steffan, Jeanne Bowman, and Dave Langford. Thanks to Rich for his permission to put these online at Thanks, Rich!
--Special Series, Rich Small and Brad Linaweaver. Added 2 issues from the early 1970s.
--The Spectator. Added 3 issues: #21, edited by Gordon Black (Oct 52), #84 edited by Buz and Elinor Busby (Jul 68), and #105 edited by Jim and Doreen Webbert (Oct 73). This is the Official Organ of SAPS.
--Spent Brass, Andrew Hooper and Carol Root. Added 10 more issues of Andy and Carrie's perzine. Issues with whole numbers over 12 were added today.
--Spinnaker Reach, Russell Chauvenet. Added a second V2#2, this one from Feb 64.
--Spirochete  Redd Boggs. Added #59 (Feb 92).
--TAFF. Added the 1998 ballot, US to Europe version.
--Vinegar Worm, Bob Leman. Added #15 (Nov 65).
--WRR, Otto Pfeiffer. Added V3#1 (Feb 61). Contributors include John Berry, Wally Weber, and Don Franson.
--YHOS, Art Widner. Added #63 (Apr 06).

Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for pointing out dead publication links in the "Other Conventions", especially Philcon. Some of these are now fixed. Remember, all our convention pubs can now found at

PDF conversions: Trip Reports. Apologies if these are in multiple places. Our reorganization of fan fund related pubs may have missed a few. Added PDF replacements for Lesleigh's Adventures Down Under (Lesleigh Luttrell) and From the Prying FFANZ into the Foyer (Rex Thompson).

January 29, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Bletherings, Ethel Lindsay. Added 2 issues: #26 (61), #35 (Mar 64).
--Glamdring, Bruce Pelz. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from 1968. Bruce catalogued other fanzines in Glamdring. I'll also list it in the References.
--Leftovers, John and Perdita Boardman. Added what we believe to be the full 5 issue run of this 67-68 zine.
--Lunacy, Roger and John Rehm, John Cockroft, and George Caldwell. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 40s.For some of the issues, we're not entirely sure of the publication date (and neither is Pavlat-Evans). We are also not entirely sure of the editors. It took a little searching to figure out who the "Rehmites" were. If you have a better sense of it, please let me know.
--The Medway Journal, Tony Thorne and Brian Lewis. Added issue #3 (May 53) and created an index page, pulling one other issue from the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  index.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 1/27/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--OSFAn. Added V2#6 (Apr 70) edited by Chester Z. Malon Jr, Sally Watson and Jay Rikosh,
--Revoltin' Development, Martin Alger. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title.
--SFSFS Shuttle, Shirlene Ananayo. Added #105 (Dec 93).
--SH-SF Fanthology, Ruth Berman. Added 2 more issues of this Fanthology series dedicated to writing on Sherlock Holmes in fanzines. It was published for the Professor Challenger Society in the 60s/70s. Contributors include Robert Bloch, Dick Eney, Dick Lupoff and Bruce Pelz.
--The Southerner, Don Markstein. Added #53 (Jun 73). This is the Official Organ of SFPA.
--The Spectator. Added #34, edited by Karen Anderson from Jan 56. This is the Official Organ of SAPS.
--Spent Brass, Andrew Hooper and Carol Root. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us-title from the late 80s/early 90s. Thanks to Andy and Carrie for their permission to archive this zine.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the January issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George.
--WRR, Otto Pfeiffer. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the late 50's-60s. Contributors include Len Moffatt, John Berry, Buck Coulson, Bruze Pelz, Joe Green and Wally Weber.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include Darrah Chavey, Barry Gold, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Michael Lowrey, Laurie Mann, Bee Ostrowsky, Profgeek54, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr and of course, Mark Olson. Apologies for the username in the list. I'll give credit again if/when I learn the name.

Corrections/Clarifications: And the first error report comes from Joe Siclari who points out that BSFan 13 was edited by ELAINE Stiles and not STEVE Stiles. Fixed now. Thanks, Joe.

January 25, 2023
References and the new approach: I should have mentioned in the last update that the reference section has been revamped. There are now three index pages, structured somewhat like the fanzine index pages are structured. We have a page for Fan Histories, a page for fannish bibliographies of professional publications, and a page for everything else - There are shortcuts at the top so you can find what you're looking for. With this new organization, you'll find that the references now appear in the alphabetical, chrono, and by editor listings. I've also added an index page for the older editions of Fancyclopedia at

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Crifanac, Orville Mosher and Tom Reamy. Aded 2 items by Orville Mosher: #1 (Jan 55), and a supplement (Sep 55).
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 5 issues: #71-75(Oct 68).
--Fantasy Amateur. Added 4 issues: V24#4 (Marion Bradley, Aug 61) V25#1 (Charles Burbee, Nov 61) and two edited by Gregg Calkins - V34#3 (May 71) and V36#3 (May 73).
--Gemzine, G.M. Carr. Added 2 issues of this early 60s APAzine.
--Motley, Bjo Trimble. Added 2 issues of this Motley. The short run perzine was intended to get folks to write letters to children in a school for the deaf. (We also have another Motley  - this one a longer running perzine by Jim Bedford.) --Sam, Steve Stiles. Added #15 (Spr 83).
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added #18 (Jun 72). A little poetry, fanzine reviews, movies, and classy illos.
--Scribble, Colin Freeman. Added #2 (Oct 60), 4-5 (Feb-Apr 61).
--Slow Djinn, Dave Locke. Added 15 issues: #50-53 (Feb-Aug 88), 73-75 (Dec 91-Apr 92), 77-80 (Aug 92-Feb 93), 83-85 (Aug -Dec 93). There's a supplement in there too.
--Space Wastrel, Mark Loney, Julian Warner and Michelle Muijsert. Added 3 issues: #V2#4 (Sep 86), V2#7 (Apr 87), and V2#9A (Jan 88). Contributors include Dave Luckett and Paul Skelton.
--Spinnaker Reach, Russel Chauvenet. Added 3: V1#1 (May 60), V2#1-2 (Oct 61-Feb 62).
--Stf Trends, Lynn Hickman. Added 4 items: #10 (Jan 53), 12-13 (Mar-Apr 53), and #20 (May 55). The date on 20 is an approximation. It was combined with Tailgate (George Young) and the May 55 date is on the Tailgate content.

--Thanks to Sam McDonald for spotting a duplicate issue of Burp. And, oh, yeah, it shouldn't have been in the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  because we already had more, including that one. Mea culpa. Fixed now. Thanks, Sam.
--Thanks to Sandra Bond for spotting typos in the years on some of the newly uploaded Spirochetes. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra.

January 21, 2023
Hey, check out the logo on the individual fanzine index pages. Thanks to Geri Sullivan for providing a lovely, cleaned-up stacked logo for us to use. Thanks, Geri!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 7 items in today's load: Bedlam 2 (Mike Deckinger, Dec 61), BSFan 13 (Steve Stiles, Jan 84), Burp 24 (Ron Bennett, Dec 64), Cap'n Ro's Whizz Bang #5 (Ro Nagey, 74), Circletter 5 (Dan Curran, Dave Foley, Jul 54), Clarges 3 (Lon Atkins, Aug 65), and Pegasus 7 (Joanne Burger, Feb 71). Contributors to Cap'N Ro include Ted Reynolds, Cy Chauvin, Randy Bathurst and Don D'Ammassa.
--Goliard, Karen Anderson. Added #848 (Feb 75).
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added #83 (Jan 66).
--Melange, Bjo and John Trimble. Added #1 (Nov 60) of this FAPAzine.
--Moonshine, Len & June Moffatt, and Stan Woolston. Added #35 (May 68).
--Pointing Vector, John Boardman. Added 19 items - several supplements plus issues 7-9 (Feb-Jun 62), 11-12 (Oct 62), 14-15 (Jan-Apr 63), 17-19 (Aug 63-Feb 64), 12-25 (Aug 64-Aug 65). Note: there is a lot of politics in these, along with other nonfannish stuff.
--Potlatch, Joyce Katz. Added #7-8 (Oct 71-Feb 72). Contributors include Bob Tucker and Bjo Trimble.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added #64 (Oct 59).
--Space Wastrel, Michelle Mujisert, Mark Loney and Julian Warner. Added V2#2 (Mar 86). Contributors include Ian Nicholls and Dave Luckett.
--The SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added #5 (Oct 59), a massive 102 page issue. --Spirochete, Redd Boggs. Added 27 issues of this APAzine: 2-18 (Nov 64-Sep 69), 41 (Aug 87), 49 (Aug 89), 56-57 (May-Aug 91), 63-65 (Feb-Aug 93), 67 (Feb 94), 69 (Aug 94) and #73 (Aug 95).

Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for catching a fanzine name error in the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. As Bee rightly points out, it is "Cluster" and not "Custer". Fixed now in the list. We'll see if we can get the metadata fixed too Thanks, Bee!

January 18, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Catch Trap, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added 2 issues of Marion's FAPA mailing comment zine from the early 60s. Per Fancyclopedia, an issue was numbered based on the FAPA mailing on which it was commenting.
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 12 items: #657-667 (Oct 14-Sep 15). There's a supplement to #662 in the batch.
--Lethe, Jack Riggs. Added 4 issues: #1-2 (Jul 44-Apr 46), 5-6 (Jan-May 47). Issue 1 was codedited by Louis C. Smith, Jack Riggs and Larry Smith, but near as I can tell the others were Riggs alone. Tigrina is a contributor. Regarding issue 1, "FRONTISPIECE Mlmeo-Block-Prlnt. The Most Colorful Fan Illustration Ever Published." It's still very bright, all these years later.
--Lan's Lantern, Lan Laskowski. Added 8 issues (totaling over 1000 pages): #31 (Aug 89), #35-6 (Dec 90-Mar 91), #39-41 (Aug 81-Jul 93), 43 (Mar 95) and 45 (Oct 97). Way too many contributors to list, but that list includes Thomas Easton, Laura Resnick, Jack Williamson, Michael Kube-McDowell, Gordon Dickson, Teddy Harvia, Mike Resnick, Martha Soukup, and Lois McMaster Bujold.
--Lines of Occurrence, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 80s. Thanks to Arthur for his permission to archive his zines. Thanks, Arthur!
--Maybe, Irwin Koch. Added 2 issues: #9 (Dec 70), and #20 (72).
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added 3 issues, each of which is dated only by the year. Added 1956, 1984 and 1986.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added #49 (Feb 73).
--Pablo Lennis, John Thiel. Added 2 issues: #11 (76), and #3 (2nd series?, May 86).
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 2 issues: #33-34 (Jul-Oct 61).
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the ltest - Jan 23. Thanks, Perry.
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added 2 issues: #22 (Oct 61) and #40 (Apr 66).
--Sandworm, Bob Vardeman. Added 3 issues of Bob's fanzine "Sandworm", a title that's new to us.
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added #18 (Nov 63).

Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Geri Sullivan for spotting a blank page for our chron list where there should have been numbingly long content. Apparently, I had a failure during upload and missed spotting it. Thanks, Geri!

January 15, 2023
You may notice that the navigation buttons are looking a little different. The references, Fancyclopedia buttons and miscellaneous other topics are now under "More". This may not be the Navigation bar's final form, but we'll settle on a standard soon. Thanks for your patience.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 12 items: Amnesia 1 - Bob Lichtman (Aug 61); Bathtub Gin - Richard Lupoff, rich brown and Steve Stiles (65); Dark As A Dungeon 1 - Buck and Juanita Coulson (Dec 61); Figment of a Dream - David H. Keller and Jack Chalker (Dec 62); FORRY! 50th birthday zine - Fred Patten (66); Great White Also - Fred Patten (68); Grendel - John Foyster (Apr 62); Mobius Strip 1 - R. & D. Buckmaster and Chris Miller (Sep 60); Not Quite a Teapot - Bill Donaho (Jun 65); Pleiades Pimples - Bob Tucker (Jan 60); Where Have All the Misfits Gone? - uncredited (66), and The Zinephobic Eye - Mike Glicksohn (undated but 60s). Have a good look at FORRY!, the 50th birthday zine. It has letters from Robert Moore Williams, Brian Aldiss, Edmond and Leigh Brackett Hamilton, Isaac Asimov, Doc Lowndes, and others, plus articles by Len Moffatt, Ted Carnell, Earl and Nancy Kemp, William Nolan, Ray Bradbury, Walter Ernsting, and many more. Very cool, especially as it was done for a surprise present for 4sj and for the guests at the Testimonial Banquet in his honor. Note: Pleiades Pimples was scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Foofaraw, Fred Patten. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 60s.
--Garage Floor, Larry Stark and Jean Young. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the '50s.
--Grulzak, Joe Kennedy. Created an index page and added #1 from Oct 46. Moved #2 from the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  page.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 1/6/23 and 1/13/23 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn. Thanks, Mark.
--OSFAn, Hank Luttrell. Added 8 items: an April 68 proposed constitution, and issues 43 (Jan 68), 34 (Mar 68), 45-49 (Feb - Jun 69). Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark.
--Polarity, F.M. and Elinor Busby. Created an index page and added #3 from Oct 58. Moved #1 from the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  page. Issue 3 has Buz and Elinor's (individual) reports on Solacon, "The Incompleat Southgate". A random sentence from Buz's report - "Monday, we were leaving for LA, so naturally the CRY was to be published on Sunday (add curses "May you become really active in-fandom")...".
--Potlatch, Joyce Katz. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 70s.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the January 2023 issue. Thanks, George!
--TNFF, Wally Weber. Added V24#4 (Aug 65).
--Wee Tome Tipper, Walt Liebscher. Added The Wee Tome Tipper Extra (Jan 45, from Faews 103) to complete the run.
--Zymurgy, Zymurworm and Zymur-worm, Dick Patten and Bob Vardeman. Added 8 issues of these new-to-us titles, 5 of them edited by Dick Patten alone and the other three co-edited with Bob Vardeman. Dick Patten published Zymurgy, Bob Vardeman published Sandworm and it came to pass that they both published Zymurworm (with various spellings). Zymurgy and its offspring are numbered via the alphabet, so you'll see issues like e, f, and g. Thanks to Bob Vardeman for his permission to archive the zines, and to Pat Virzi for asking him.

PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--References. Created PDFs of Peter Robert's two British Fanzine Bibliographies, covering 1951-1970. These were on a separate index page and have now been moved under References.
--Sky Hook, Redd Boggs. Replaced #18 with a better copy, and a PDF to boot.

January 10, 2023
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Birdsmith, Vernon McCain. Added #18 (Fall 57). "BIRDSMITH is published by the Society for the Preservation of Robert Bloch".
--Boo!, Bob Stewart. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 50s.
--Crank, Rob Hansen and Ted White. Added a supplement to #1 (Sep 85).
--Critical Mass, Don D'Ammassa. Added #3 (Jan 79).
--Fiendetta, Charles Wells. Added 4 issues of this 1950s title. We had had #13 up on the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, and now we've created an index page for them. Contributors inlude Redd Boggs, Dave English, Harlan Ellison, Lee Hoffman, Bob Tucker, Terry Carr and others.
--Kaymar-Trader, K. Martin Carlson. Added 13 issues of the Kaymar-Trader adzine from the 1950s. This zine was previously known as the "STF Trader". As I understand it, it is also related to the Kay-Mar Trader, but the numbering was restarted with STF Trader.
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added 2 items: #9 (Win 54) and the #9 Apropos Addenda. The Addenda has contributions from Jack Harness, Art Rapp, Ed Cox, Dean Grennell and others.
--NOLAzine. Added #8, edited by Patrick Adkins. Contributors include Daniel Galouye, Donald Markstein, Rick Norwood and others.
--Not Science Fantasy News, Vince Clarke. Added #3 (Mar 83), apparently completing the run.
--Penseroso, Redd Boggs. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the 80s.
--Prothallus, Sarah Prince. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the late 70s.
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added 2 issues: #16 (Apr 60) and 33 (Jul 64) of this SAPSzine.
--Stf Trends, Lynn Hickman. Added 2 items: Christmas supplement (Dec 52) and #11 (Feb 53).
--Watling Street, Robert Lichtman. Added #11 (Jan 62) of this SAPSzine.
--Winnie the Poo, Jerry Jacks. Added 2 issues: V3#3-4 (Jun-Jul 69).

January 3, 2023
Happy 2023!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added Burbee's "Bixel Factfinder 1" from 1946. This piece is subtitled "Facts in the Case of F. Towner Laney A Report to Stfandom".
--1980s One Shots. Added 2 items: Mike Resnick's "Masquerade 1" (80), and Stu Shiffman's "Proper Rosconian" (80). Proper Rosconian was scanned at Chicon 8.
--Anvil, Charlotte Proctor. Added #28 (Jun 83).
--Bete Noire, Redd Boggs. Added #25 (Aug 73).
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added Burblings A from Nov 72.
--Cadenza, Charles Wells. Added 2 issues: #2-3 (May-Aug 61).
--Camber, Alan Dodd. Added 9 issues of this UK genzine from the 50s and 60s. There had been one issue (#6) in the 1 Issue - More to Come  index page, and I've moved it here to this dedicated index page now. Contributors include Robert Bloch, Archie Mercer, Mike Deckinger, Terry Jeeves, George Barr, John Trimble, Ray Nelson, and others.
--Frap, Bob Lichtman. Added 5 issues and moved 1 issue from 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come, to complete our run of this 6 issue fanzine from the early 60s. Contributors include Ray Nelson, Len Moffatt, Elmer Perdue, Greg Benford, and others. Greg's column is "Happy Benford Chatter".
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #128 (Dec 22). Thanks, Ahrvid.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 12/30 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the New Year's Day issue. Thanks, Dale.
--Scribble, Colin Freeman. Created a dedicated index page for this zine and added 3 issues. #12 had been in the 1 Issue - More to Come  index page, and I've moved it here to this dedicated index page now.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications. Added a 1 page flyer from about 2001. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich.
--Spirochete, Redd Boggs. Added 17 issues: #22-29 (Nov 82-Aug 84), #31-35 (Feb 85-Feb 86), and #52-55 (May 90-Feb 91).

December 30, 2022
This is most likely our last update of the year. We have over 19,450 fanzines digitally archived and approx 23,000 publications total. Our APA Mailing view is growing as we go back and annotate our fanzine index pages, with 924 fanzines so far shown in their FAPA mailings (in context, sort of). Fancyclopedia is growing, the YouTube channel has topped 150K views, and the fannish community is continuing to provide scans and information to make the Fan History project better. Thank you all! Happy New Year.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--Brennschluss, Ken and Irene Potter, and Dave Wood. Addeed 2 issues: #2-3 (Aug 55-Apr 58). Contributors include Chuck Harris and John Berry.
--By Owl Light, Frank Denton. Added 5 issues of this perzine from the early 70s.
--Cadenza, Charles and Jane Wells. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 60s. Issue 6 has a convention report on Chicon III. There's a lovely little description of fannish re-entry: "Juanita? Juanita Coulson?" I said stupidly (what other Juanitas are there in fandom?). This was the first of a number of encounters with people which illustrates my wonderment at being at a convention and meeting for the first time people that I already know. I am afraid that all day Saturday I must have seemed quite goshwow; I certainly felt goshwow. You people, you jaded ones who have been to several conventions and/or live near a bunch of fans will have to remember back a ways to understand how I felt. Until the convention, I had met personally only Don & Maggie, Jerry Burge and Jerry Page since I reentered fandom. I had never met the Coulsons, the Busbys, Shaws, Lupoffs, Dick Schultz, Betty Kujawa, and dozens of other people even though I actually already knew them through fmz and letters".
--Goliard, Karen Anderson. Added #836 (Apr 65).
--MI, Eric Bentcliffe. Added 14 issues of this short perzine. These issues are mostly 1960, with a couple 61 and one from 64.
--Mistily Meandering, Fred Patten. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the early-mid 60s. Issue 9 has autographs collected at a 1964 4th of July party that lasted for 3 days. Signatures collected include Fred Lerner, Jack Harness, Don Fitch, Astrid Anderson, Len Moffatt, Ron Ellik, Redd Boggs, Rick Sneary, Gordon Eklund, Fritz Leiber, Dik Daniels and "The Divine Alhazred ibn Culthulu...".
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added the Jan 62 issue/
--Of Cabbages and Kings (and Baby Turtles), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added 2 issues of this APAzine: Nov 77-Feb 78.
--OSFAn. Added V2#7 (May 70).
--Science Fiction Forum, Lester del Rey and Damon Knight. The "Forum is meant to improve communication among writers." Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. Besides Lester del Rey and Damon Knight, contributors include James Blish, Fred Pohl and Theodore Sturgeon. Scans by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
--Scintilla, Larry Anderson. Added #15 (54).
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #32 (Mar 76).

Corrections/Clarifications: A belated thanks to Lew Wolkoff for providing fanzines for the scanning at Chicon 8. Thanks, Lew!

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include: Linda Bushyager, Michele Combs, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Laurie Mann, Bee Ostrowsky, Joe Siclari, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Pascal Thomas, Jan Vanek jr and of course, Mark Olson.

December 28, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans by Joe Siclari.
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 3 items: Ventura 1, edited by Phil Harrell (62), Perihelion 4, edited by Ron Parker (Oct 57), and Platform 1 from Eric Bentcliffe (Sep 54). Contributors to Ventura 1 include John Berry, Marion Zimmer Bradley, August Derleth Juanita Coulson and others.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added 3 items: #3-4 (Fall 95-Apr 96) and a supplement to #3.
--Godot, Mike Deckinger. Added 2 issues of this APAzine - #8-9 (Aug 67- May 68).
--Knowable, John Boardman. Added the complete 10 issue run of this mid 60s genzine. In issue 1, John says that Knowable "will deal with science in fact and fiction, and with fantasy." Example - #6 has an article on "Relativity in Fact, Fiction and Fraud".
--Maine-iac, Ed Cox. Added 2 issues of this APAzine - #25 (Aug 62) and 27 (Jan 65).
--Melange, Bjo and John Trimble. Added #3 (Nov 61).
--The Monday Evening Ghost, Bob Jennings. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 60s. Contributors include Art Rapp, Mike Deckinger, rich Brown, and others.
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added #20 (Dec 61). Contributors include Redd Boggs and Gary Deindorfer. The Boggs piece is a part of a history of Minnesota fandom, titled "Giants in Those Days".
--Niekas, Ed Meskys et al. Added 2 point issues: 8.9 (Jun 64) and 10.5 (Jan 65).
--OSFAn, Hank Luttrell. Added 10 more issues of this clubzine, #37-44 (Jun 68-Jan 69). This batch includes a couple of supplements as well. OSFAn is a publication of the Ozark Science Fiction Association.
--Pablo Lennis, John Thiel. Added #50 (Oct 79).
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added #62 (Apr 81).
--Renaissance, John Pierce. Added #2 (Spr 69).
--References. Added Ron Bennett's "Directory of Fandom 1959" (Jan 60).
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added #32 (Apr 64).
--Self Preservation, Lee Hoffman. Added #12 (Aug 69) of LeeH's perzine. Not sure how many issues were published, so this may be a complete run now.
--Slow Djinn, Dave Locke. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us APAzine. Most of these are from the mid 80s.
--Spacehound's Gazette, Joe Kennedy. Added #6 (Dec 48).
--Watling Street, Robert Lichtman. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the early 60s.

December 24, 2022
Happy Holidays to all!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Askance, John Purcell. Added the Dec 2022 issue. Thanks for sending, John.
--The Baloobius, Taral Wayne. Added #10 (Dec 22), which Taral says will be the last. Thanks, Taral.
--Genook, Bill Kunkel. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the 60s.
--Other Publications, Bruce Gillespie. Added Treasure #4 (Oct 16), which includes articles by Bob Lichtman and Mervyn Barrett among others.
--The Golden Harp, Dian Girard. Added the 2 issues of this APAzine run from the 60s.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 12//23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Winter Solstice 2022 issue, and updated the cumulative index to cover #1-540. Thanks, Dale.
--OSFAn. Added 10 issues of this clubzine by various editors: Hank Luttrell - #33, 35-36 (Feb-May 68), and # 4, 10-14, and 16 from combinations of Chester Malon Jr, Sally Watson, Marsha Allen, Francis Weyerich and Jay Rikosh. OSFAn is a publication of the Ozark Science Fiction Association.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the Dec 2022 issue. Thanks for sending, Perry.
--Richard E Geis - Personal Journal and Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added Geis Letter 41 (Nov 97).
--Sercon's Bane, F.M. Busby. Added 10 issues of this new to us APAzine from the 60s. Issue 9 has a poem from Buz, "My Water-Brother Was an Only Child", which begins "I m your mother's water-brother, from the good old days of yore, I shared water with your daughter, which she'd never done before...".
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the December issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George!
--Wanigas, Art Rapp. Added 3 issues of this late 1940s perzine distributed through SAPS.
--Zingaro, Mark Irwin. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us title from the 60s. Some nice fan photos in #8. I think we're only missing #2 now, so I've added it to the One-and-Done  list.

Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out that the 1957 Yearbook mentioned in the last update was already online. Between one shots, references, and other miscellaneous places to put fanzines that are not part of traditional runs, I sometimes end up posting a publication twice. Hopefully, there'll be less of that with the alpha listing  becoming so useful (unless of course something is published under multiple names).

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Loscon 48 added Loscon 48 one-shot conzine
---PgHLANGE IX added Flyer

December 21, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added 4 issues: #12 (Sum 00), 16 (Spr 02), 20 (Sum 04), 31 (Win 10).
--Dewachen, Trinlay Khadro. Added 2 issues from 2001 in a new index page. Scans by Rich Lynch.
--The Frozen Weblog, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 2 issues from 2000-01 in a new index page. Scans by Rich Lynch.
--Golden Apple, Dean Grennell. Added the full 5 issue run of this new-to-us perzine from the early 60s.
--Offline Reader, Irv Koch. Added 2 issues from 2001 in a new index page. Scans by Rich Lynch.
--Phlotsam, Phyllis Economu. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us title.
--Science Fiction Yearbook. Added #2, covering 1957 and published in 1958.
--Spectator. Added 13 issues of the Official Organ of SAPS. This is a new index page for us. The issues are from the 1960s, and OEs represented are Burnett Toskey, Dick Eney, Bruce Pelz and Wrai Ballard.
--TAFF. Added 2 items: the 2007 ballot and Suzanne Tompkins zine "Two Year TAFF Life #3" from Sep 07. Scans by Rich Lynch.
--Xyster, Dave Wood. Added 4 issues of this UK title, which won the Nova Award for Best Fanzine in 1984. Issue 8 includes Dave Langford's 1984 Novacon speech.

Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out a missing zine on the FAPA 21  mailing list.

PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--Fanac, Ron Ellik, Terry Carr. Replaced two hoax issues with searchable PDFs. This fanzine is now completely PDFed.
--Tolkien Journal, Dick Plotz and Ed Meskys. Replaced the last two issues of jpgs with searchable PDFs.

December 17, 2022
References  - We're doing some reorganization on the References, and working to make sure they show up in the chronolgical, alphabetical and by Editor lists. The References will be organized more like fanzines than the existing free text we have today. There are three new index pages: Fan References, Fan Histories, and SF, Fantasy and Horror Bibliographies  (remember when EVERYONE was indexing?).

This will all take a few days, but most of it is up and useful right now. We are working to create PDFs of the references that were in JPG or HTML, and for now have mostly left links to the older format. The dictionaries were all like that. So, watch this space.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the December issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Fantasy Advertiser, Roy Squires. Added V3#6 (Jan 50). Scan by Mark Plummer. Thanks, Mark!
--Godot, Mike Deckinger. Added 3 issues of "Godot", a new-to-us FAPAzine. These issues are from the 1960s.
--Goliard, Karen Anderson. Added 3 items: #836 (Feb 69), and a second issue dated Feb 69, as well as the "Goliard Broadsheet (Apr 67). The broadsheet is about Gene Roddenbury.
--Guying Gyre, Gil Gaier. Added the full 12 issue run of the 70s zine. Issue 7-8 is all about Thomas Burnett Swann.
--Maine-iac, Ed Cox. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine, these issues from 1959-60. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 12/16 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Pointing Vector, John Boardman. Added 2 issues from the mid60s and created an index page or this zine. We had #16 up on the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  page.
--Pooka, Don Ford. Added 4 new issues and created an index page for this zine. We had had #2 on the 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come  page, and now indeed More Have Come. Issues added are mostly in 50s with one in 1964.
--PorSFiS Newsletter, Debbie Cross and others. Added 4 PorSFiS Newsletters from 78-79. PorSFiS was the Portland Science Fiction Society newsletter. Scans provided by Sam Butler. Thanks, Sam!
--Rats, Bill Kunkel. Added issue #1 (Oct 67).
--References. Added 12 items: Marc Ortleib's "ANZAPA Index- The First 20 Years (Sep 88)", Vince Clarke's "APAthy - Complete Index of the first five years of OMPA" (Sep 59), Marion Zimmer Bradley and Gene Damon's "Checkist 1960", a checklist of Lesbian, variant and homosexual fiction in English, Bradford Day's "Checklist of Fantastic Magazines" (52), Eva Firestone's "Fanzine Checklist - Autumn 1950-Spring 1952" (52), Bob Pavlat's "FAPA Book 2" (Oct 73), Nancy Atherton's "Index to a Wealth of Fable" (90), Mark Owings and Jack Chalker's Index to the Science-Fantasy Publishers (Jun 66), Bob Weinberg's "Robert E. Howard Fantasy Bibliography" (69), Walt Daugherty's "Directory of Fandom 2" (44), Paul Scaramazza's "FFF Index 1-1911-1925 (Jun 46) and Eric Bentcliffe's "History and Checklist of New Worlds Science Fiction" (59). The FFF index is a an indiex of genre stories which appeared in the major magazines.

Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Mark Plummer for pointing out the lack of a credit for Roy as editor on the Fantasy Advertiser index page. It's been corrected now. Thanks, Mark!

PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari
--FantasyTimes, James Taurasi. Replaced 14 issues with searchable PDFs, all from 1955. Replaced #219-231.
--Science Fiction Times, James Taurasi. Relplaced 17 issues with searchable PDFs, from 1957-1958.
--WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Replaced 23 issues between Apr 66 and Dec 67 with searchable PDFs. OCRing and PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

December 14, 2022
YouTube:  - Fandom in 1970s Pittsburgh Pt1: Ginjer Buchanan, Linda Bushyager, Suzanne Tompkins, Laurie Mann (m)
Note: Participants had a few technical difficulties and there are some rough spots in the recording.
Pittsburgh in the late 60s/70s saw an explosion of fannish activity, with the founding of the Western Pennsylvania SF Association (WPSFA), the creation of PghLANGE and the publication of many fanzines, including Granfalloon (Linda Bushyager and Suzanne Tompkins). What made Pittsburgh special?...This group of panelists can certainly tell us - they're the Founding Mothers of WPSFA and PghLANGE. This conversation among friends truly conveys what it was like to be young, female, and the center of fannish creativity in 1970s Pittsburgh. It's history through facts and anecdotes, from how the organizers of the 1960 Worldcon felt about these new kids, to the Breezewood Curse and where the name PgHLANGE came from. You'll learn where and why Harlan Ellison whispered "Save me" to Ginjer, the contents of the first PgHLANGE art show, who Mary Esther is, and how Bob Silverberg came to welcome the Founding Mothers to Pittsburgh. It's great fun, and the convention stories of far too many people sharing far too little sleeping space may remind you of your early convention experiences.  -In part 2 of this session, we continue the conversation by the Founding Mothers of WPSFA and PghLANGE (with a few friends!), and continue the focus on fans, professionals and conventions of the 70s... There are some great stories about Harlan Ellison, and Robert Silverberg. Octavia Butler s interaction with the group comes up too. Linda talks about why she started writing, and her connection to the NYcon, and Ginjer comments on her transition from social worker to award winning editor. The impact of Star Trek on WPSFA is dissected as well. Fans, both living and dead, are remembered, with stories and anecdotes, including the full story of the Pittsburgh subway system. My favorite is the story of the Sensuous SF writer .... There are touching stories, funny stories, and at least one story that achieved mythic status in fandom. If you were a Pittsburgh fan in the 70s, you may find yourself mentioned!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Fantasy Collector, Oswald Train. Added #4 (Nov 51) and fixed a dating error on #3.
--Future Times, Bill Sides. Added 2 issues of this Atlanta clubzine: V3#6 (Jun 00) and V4#5 (May 01). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added #154 (Nov 68).
--Knights, Mike Bracken. Added 6 issues: Knights of the Paper Spaceship #5 (Apr 74), #10-12 (Oct 74- Apr 75); Knights #15-16 (Mar-Jun 76). Contributors include Don D'Ammassa, Bruce Arthurs, Jodie Offutt, Terry Jeeves, Sheryl Birkhead, Al Sirois, Ben Indick, C.L. Grant, Tom Monteleoneth, Phil Foglio, Roy Tackett, and others.
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Added 5 issues - #30-31, 35 nd 39, all from 1955, and an otherwise undated issue from 1977.
--Melange, John and Bjo Trimble. Added #6 (Nov 62) and 8 (Aug 65).
--Mirage/Kaleidoscope, Jack Chalker. Added Kaleidoscope 2 aka Mirage 2 (1960).
--OSFAn, Hank Luttrell. Added 2 issues of the Ozark Science Fiction Association clubzine: #50 (Jul 69) and V2#8 (Jun 70).
--PAS-tell, Bjo Trimble. Added V2#1 (Oct 62).
--Tattooed Dragons, Voyages & others, Bill Rotsler art zines. Added: Kong Papers (69), written by Harlan Ellison.
--Safari, Earl Kemp and James O'Meara. Added the Jan 62 issue.
--Scintilla, Larry Anderson. Added 2 issues: #5 (51) and #16 (54). Contributors in #5 include Forrey Ackerman, Ron Ellik and Terry Carr.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications. Added 2 items: A(nother) supplement to the SFC Roster 4 (Meade Frierson III, Feb 73) and SFC Bulletin 26, also from Meade, from Jan 82.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added 3 issues: the December 2022 issue, and issues 10-11 (1961). #10 was edited by Art Hayes and 11 by Al Lewis. George Phillies provided the Dec 2022 issue. Thanks, George!
--TNFF. Added 9 issues: Ralph Holland: V20#1 (Feb 62), V20#6 (Dec 61); Albert Lewis: V21#2 (Jun 62), V22#1 (Jan 53); Donald Franson: V23#4-6 (Aug-Nov 64); Wlly Weber V24#5 (Oct 65) and Joanne Burger V35#2 (Apr 75).
--Tomorrow And ..., Jerry Lapidus and Mike Bradley. Added #4 (Jan 69). Includes three stories by Harlan Ellison, and letters of comment from a stellar list of authors. Fancyclopedia calls it a "completist's nightmare".
--YHOS, Art Widner. Added #48 (Aug 89). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

--Full throated apologies to Suzle TOMPKINS for mangling her name in the contributor list in the latest FANAC newsletter. Suzle, I am very sorry.
--Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out an egregious error in the last "What's New" update. Fixed now. It must have been a brain fart. Thanks, Sandra!
--Our "By Editor" list has benefited from bug reports by Evelyn Leeper and George Phillies. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, George!

PDF conversions:
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Replaed 41 more issues with searchable PDFs: 160-160.5 (Nov 00), 162-166, 168-189, 192-198, 200-201, 205, 208-209 (Dec 04). PDF and OCRing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Fantast, C.S. Youd, Douglas Webster. Replaced 6 issues with searchable PDFs: #3 (Jun 39), #8 (Feb 40), and 10-13 (Apr 41-Apr 42). PDFing by Bee Ostrowsky. Thanks, Bee!

December 11, 2022
APA Mailings: Thanks to Mark Olson, we've put online the first version of the "Fanzines by APA mailing". For selected APAs, here's where you can see what zines from individual mailings are on now. As we add more to the archive, the list shown will grow. Over time, you'll be able to follow get a sense of what each mailing was like and the mailing comments that came after. It's still thin, and it's still rough, and we need OE lists and dates for VAPA and others (hint...hint).

You can get a nearly complete view now of SFPA mailings from the early 00s, thanks to the massive scanning job done by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich! Thanks, Mark!

FANAC update: We just sent out a new FANAC update. If you're on the newsletter mailing list, you'll receive it via email. If you'd like to join the mailing list, you can do that on the FANAC home page.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Moonshine, Leonard Moffatt, Stan Woolston and Rick Sneary. Added 6 issues with various editors. Edited by Moffatt, Sneary and Woolston: #17 (Win 50); Sneary and Moffatt: May 65, Sneary and Woolston: Nov 58, and by Woolston alone: May 54, Jun 55, and Aug 57.
These are all FAPAzines.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 12/9/22 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added 5 issues of this SAPSzine from the early 50s. Added: #1-2 (52-Jan 53), #5-7 (Dec 53-Jun 54).
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue, early December 2022. Thanks, Dale!
--Oz, Beryl Henley aka Beryl Mercer. Added #1 of this OMPAzine from March 65.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 7 issues of this FAPAzine, these issues from the late 50s-60s. Added #20 (Jul 58), 26 (Jan 60), 37-38 (Jul-Sep 62), 44 (Jan 64), 46 (Jul 64), and 49 (Jul 65). Also added some mailing designations, so the next time we generate the FAPA list, there'll be a few more issues in it.
--Pulsar, clubzine of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Added 6 issues: 121-123, 126, 131, and 263. The last one was edited by Debra Stansbury. The earlier ones are from a time with rotating editors, so check the index page to see them. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Renaissance, John J. Pierce. Added 2 issues: V1#1 (Win 69) and V2#2 (Spr 70).
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #10 (Mar 57). Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan provided by Mark Plummer. Thanks, Mark!
--SFPA Egoboo Poll, Jeff Copeland. Added the 2003 SFPA Egoboo Poll Results. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--SFPA One Shots. Added Liz Copeland's "Liz & Jeffs Alaska Trip Report" from Jul 01. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added #108 (1974).
--The Space Wastrel, Mark Loney, Julian Warner and Michelle Muijsert. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us genzine from Australia from the 1980s.
--Spirochete, Redd Boggs. Added 3 more issues: #51 (Feb 90), 66 (Nov 93) and 68 (May 94).
Contributors include Dave Luckett, Greg Egan, Ian Nichols, and others. Thanks to Mark Loney for his permission to put this online. Thanks, Mark!
--Vagary, Roberta Gray. Added #18 of this OMPAzine. It's misdated on the cover, but this is Summer'63.
--Vinegar Worm, Bob Leman. Added #3 (57). There's an article by Robert Bloch in this issue.
--Die Zeitschrift Fur Vollstandigen Unsinn, Karen Kruse Anderson. Added #771 (Feb 53) of this SAPSzine. This issue was coedited by J.H. Watson.

--Thanks to Laurie Mann for pointing out an egregious typo on the home page. Fixed now. Thanks, Laurie!
--Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for pointing out a broken link on the ConFrancisco paage. Not fixed yet, but hopefully soon. Thanks, Evelyn!

December 6, 2022
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #127 (Nov 22). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Lillian - Other SFPA Zines, Guy Lillian III. Added 7 zines to this new index page, created for Guy's one-off SFPA zines. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 12/2/22 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming and Gary Kl pfel. Added 2 issues: #176-177 (Jun 07-Jul 08). There is both English and German in these issues. Scans provided by Thomas Recktenwald, as part of a very large contribution of digitized material. Thanks, Thomas!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the late November issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Poulette - SFPA Zines, Bobby George Poulette. Add 8 items for this index of SFPA zines attributed to Bobby George Poulette. According to, Bobby George Poulette is "A hoax fan who was apparently intended as a caricature of a rural and only marginally literate Southerner. He was an occasional contributor to SFPA in the early 2000s, but his identity is unknown." Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Renaissance, John Pierce. Added V4#2 (May 72). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--TAFF. Added a good scan of the Lindsay Report (Ethel Lindsay, Apr 63). Scan by Dave Langford. Thanks, Dave!
--WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added #22 (May 66). Scan by Joe Siclari.

Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Pat Virzi for finding a myriad of typos, in fanzine index and conpubs pages. Fixed now. Pat, please keep them coming!

PDF conversions:
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Replaced 27 more issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing and OCRing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Replaced 31 more issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced issues from Nov 53 to the beginning of Mar 55. PDF and OCRing by Joe Siclari.
--It Goes on the Shelf, Ned Brooks. Replaced issues 23-25 (01-03) with PDFs. PDFs by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Chengdu added Welcome to ChengDu two sided invitation flier
---Chicon 8 added hotel map
---Interaction added Accommodation brochure

---ArmadilloCon 14 added Program Book

---Balticon 55 added Program Book
---Balticon 56 added Pocket Program, Program Book

---Boskone 12 added Pocket Program
---Capclave 2023
added flier
---Chattacon XV added Program Book
---Corflu 26 added Two page flier

---DSC 28 added flier
---DSC 42 added Flier2
---DSC 60 added badge, Dining Resources Guide, Program Book, Programming

--Early Conventions:
---Midvention added Midlands_S-F_Convention_Report_1_(Jan 1943, Futurian War Digest 25)
---The first Staplecon added Staplecon by Forrest Ackerman; Notes=incl material on Staplecon 2

---Conversation added business card
---SuperMancon added Operation_Armageddon_1_Clarke_1954.pdf; Notes=Operation Armageddon and Splash are fanziines about "A plan to brighten up the Supermancon. ., Operation_Armageddon_2_Clarke_1954, Operation_Splash_1_Newman_Clarke_1954-04-25

---Kubla 1991 Albuk added Miniflier
---Loscon 48 added postcard size flier
---Lunacon 22 added Pocket Program

---Minicon 10 added PR 2, PR 3
---Minicon 12 added flyer, Retaurant Guide
---Minicon 13 added PR 5
---Minicon 14 added PR 1
---Minicon 17 added PR 2, PR 3, PR
---Minicon 18 added PR 2
---Minicon 19 added Hotel Reservation form, PR 2
---Minicon 21 added Technical Guide
---Minicon 22 added Bozo Bus Tribune #22.4
---Minicon 25 added PR
---Minicon 27 added Flyer, PR
---Minicon 28 added Bozo Bus Tribune #28.1, Bozo Bus Tribune #28.2, Bozo Bus Tribune #28.3, hotel form, PR 1, PR last
---Minicon 29 added Bozo Bus Tribune #29.2, Bozo Bus Tribune #29.3, PR 2
---Minicon 30 added maps, PR special, Restaurant Guide
---Minicon 31 added PR 2
---Minicon 32 added PR
---Minicon 33 added Bozo Bus Tribune #33.1, Bozo Bus Tribune #33.2, Bozo Bus Tribune #33.6
---Minicon 4 added Advertising letter, PR 1, PR 2, PR 3
---Minicon 7 added Flyer
---Minicon 8 added PR 2, PR 3

---NorthAmeriCon '17 added NorthAmeriCon 17 program schedule
---Norwescon XVI added Program Book

---OryCon 13 added Program Book
---OryCon 14 added Program Book

---Rivercon XV added Pocket Program and Restaurant Guide, Program Book
---Rivercon XVII added Program Book

December 1, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added issue #4 2/3 from Jan 56.
--Fables of Irish Fandom, John Berry and Ken Cheslin. Added #1 - A Time Regained (Sep 98). Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the December 22 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Mindwarp, Art Rapp. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from 1949.
--Operation Armageddon / Operation Splash, Vince Clarke and Dave Newman. Added 3 issues of this 1954 fanzine, about "A plan to brighten up the Supermancon. ..without the co-operation of the Manchester group". The ideas proposed would still be relevant today..... Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Renascence, James Blish and Robert Lowndes. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us VAPAzine from 1949. This was published "by the Usher Society for its members" and for VAPA. In addition to the editors, contributors include Cyril Kornbluth, Fred Pohl and others. I can't find any information on the "Usher Society". Does anyone know anything about it?
--SAPSzine, Ed Meskys. Added 3 issues from the early 60s: #9 (Arkham Sampler, Oct 62), #13 (Amazing Adventures, Jul 63), and #14 (Ace Mystery, Oct 63).
--SFPA One Shots. Added 25 items in a new directory for SFPA One Shots. These are from 2000-2005, and are part of an effort to upload all the SFPA mailings from a period in the early 00s. All SFPA zine scanning by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Weber-SFPA Zines, Mike Weber. Added 3 more to this index: Meade Frierson III (Sep 01), Send Out the Pace Zamboni (Jul 02), and Crude Joke (Jan 03). Scans by Rich Lynch.
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added the November 22 issue. Thanks, Guy!

Fancyclopedia: Sorry everyone, for omitting the Fancy contributors last month. Contributors over (loosely) the last month are: Darrah Chavey, Barry Gold, Dave Langford, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, and of course, Mark Olson. If I've missed listing you, please let me know at Thanks, everyone, for your contributions!

PDF conversions:
--Fables of Irish Fandom, John Berry and Ken Cheslin. Replaced the remaining 3 jpg versions with PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Zenith/Speculation, Pete Weston. Replaced 14 more issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing/OCRing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

November 26, 2022
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 17 zines, all scanned at Chicon 8. Added: Abanico 2 (Bill Bowers, Nov 61), Bran Tub 2 (Joy Goodwin, Mar 55), Die Schmettering (R. Schultz, May 70), Esdacyos 8 (Ed Cox, Aug 63), Guano 6 (J. Arthur Hayes, Feb 60), Insurrection 9 (Robert Lambeck, Aug 60), Memoritor (J. Arthur Hayes, Jul 60), Ozone 1 (Mike Bracken, Aug 74), Pablo 16 (Darrell Pardoe, Oct 72), Pilikia 2 (Chuck Devine, Aug 60), Pointing Vector 16 (John Boardman, Jul 63), Polarity 1 (F.M and Elinor Busby, Fall 57), Spearhead 2 (Tom Carter, Jul 48), Spectrum 3 (George Jennings, Aug 59), Tanstaafl 5 (John Godwin, Sep 68), The Woodpile 6 or 7 (Warfield Wood Nov 60). Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the November issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Hughes-SFPA Zines, Steve Hughes. Created a new index page and added 12 items for Steve Hughes's variously named SFPA zines from the early 00s. There are several other index pages for his titles that appear more regularly, such as Comments  and Random Thoughts. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich! --MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/25 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Random Thoughts, Steve Hughes. Added the Nov 02 issue. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added the latest issue, #111. Thanks, Bruce!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the last 2 issues: October and November 2022. Thanks, George!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the November issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George!
--Wells-SFPA Zines, Steve Wells. Created a new index page and added 12 items for George Wells's variously named SFPA zines from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Wild Colonial Boy, John Foyster. Added #3 (Apr 63). Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

--Agentbite of Inwit. Robert Lowndes. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for sorting out the mystery of why Agenbite of Invite #1 only has 2 pages in FAPA 20. The issue was spread across 4 mailings of FAPA (17-20) and we only have the last part, so far. Thanks, Bee!
--Fanfare, Art Widner. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out pages out of order in the Fanfare Supplement 1. Fixed now. Thanks, Bee!
--Futurian War Digest, J. Michael Rosenblum. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out an upside down page in #19. Fixed now. Thanks, Bee!
--Hungry, Alan Rispin. Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out an upside down page in Hungry 2. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!
--Le_Zombie, Bob Tucker. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out duplicate and out of order pages in #32-33. We replaced those jpgs with a searchable PDF, hopefully in the right order and without duplicates. Thanks, Bee!
--Pluto, VIncent and Mavis Manning. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out that one page appeared several times in the PDF. Fixed now. Thanks, Bee!

PDF conversions:
--Fantasy News, James Taurasi. Replaced the first ten issues, all from 1938, with searhable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Le Zombie, Bob Tucker. Replaced the double issue 32-33 with a searchable PDF. PDFing by Joe Siclari.
--Tolkien Journal, Ed Meskys. Replaced issues 3-15 with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

November 19, 2022
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #43 (Autumn 22). Contributors include Rich Lynch, Joe Green, Jim Benford, and Richard Dengrove. Provided by Guy Lillian. Thanks, Guy!
--Copeland - SFPA Zines, Jeff Copeland. Created a new index page and added 37 items for Jeff Copeland's SFPA zines from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Melikaphkhaz, Lon Atkins. Added 22 issues from the mid 70s to early 80s of this SFPAzine. It was nicknamed "Mel" which is certainly easier to pronounce. Scanned at Chicon 8.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 11/18 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the last two issues - #27-28 (Oct-Nov 22). Thanks, Perry!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added the last two issues, #60-61 (Oct-Nov 22). Thanks, Guy!

PDF conversions:
--Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Replaced 5 issues with searchable PDFs: Sep 53-Nov 53. PDFing by Joe Siclari.
--Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Replaced 8 issues of this core fanzine with searchable PDFs: #7, #20-35 and #38, all from the 1950s. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Sky Hook, Redd Boggs. Replaced 3 issues with searchable PDFs: #4 (Fall 48), #7 (Sum 49) and #13 (Spr 52). PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Warhoon, Richard Bergeron. Replaced 17 more issues with searchable PDFs: #8 (Jul 60), 10 (Jan 61), 12-13 (Jul-Oct 61), 15 (Apr 60), 17 (Oct 62), 19-22 (Feb 64-Aug 65), 24-27 (Aug 68-Sep 70), and 29-31 (Oct 81-Jun 85). Warhoon is a core fanzine for us to scan. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

November 17, 2022
Apologies for the (recently) expired SSL certificate we had for a few days, that yielded the slightly scary security messages. Apparently auto-renewal means that I need to hit a button on the web hosting site in order to get the SSL certificate to renew. The next expiration date is on my calendar so hopefully it won't happen again. *sigh*

--Aberration, Kent Moomaw. Added #3 (57) to complete the run. Contributors include John Berry and Dean Grennell. Scan provided by Andy Hooper. Thanks, Andy!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the November issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the October issue , #126. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last two issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the last two issues. Thanks, Dale!
--The Southerner. Added 11 more issues of this, the official organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance (SFPA). Added #229-236 (Sep 02-Nov 03) and #248 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Tightbeam. Added 2 issues from the mid-60s: #31 (Duncan McFarland, May 65) and #33 (G.M. Carr, Sep 65). Scanned at Chicon 8.
--TNFF. Added 22 issues from the 60s/70s: Donald Franson - V23#1, Feb 64; Don Miller - V25#5-6 (Nov-Dec 66), V27#6 (Jun 68); Gary abowitz - Dec 69, and Joanne Burger: V32#5 (Dec 72), V33#1-V34#5 (Feb 73-Oct 84), V35#5-6 (Oct-Dec 75), V36#3-4 (Jun-Aug 76). Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Twink, E.B. Frohvet. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us title from the 1990s. This was part of the big mass of scanning done at Chicon 8.
--Weber - SFPA zines, Mike Weber. We've added 11 more items to this index page for Mike Weber's SFPA zines. Today's added titles: Mysterious Destinations, New Tools Old Me, Ohmighod, Ooooops, Phone Etiquette, Renenberubg 9/11, Small Change, The False Knight on the Road, Then and Now, Ticklish Situation Indeed, and Tired of London. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Conpubs: NorthAmeriCon '17. Added the Program Schedule. Scan provided by Fred Moulton. Thanks, Fred!

November 1, 2022
YouTube:  MaggieThompson: Before, During and After the Origins of Comics Fandom - Part 1 of 2
Maggie Thompson has the unique distinction of being a second generation science fiction fan, one of the architects of comics fandom in the early 60s, and a much revered professional in the comics field. In this two part zoom session, she is interviewed by Dr. Chris Couch...Part 1: In this absolutely delightful interview, Maggie talks about her lifelong experiences with science fiction, science fiction fandom, and popular culture. From her early love of the Oz books and her delight in John Campbell's magazine Unknown, to her convention and masquerade experiences, to her professional successes, Maggie's anecdotes are engrossing. There are great stories here - how she acquired her complete set of Unknowns, the origins of her publications Comic Art and Newfangles, the family connection to Walt Kelly (and the Pogo comic strip), her friendship with Carl Barks, and more....Endearingly, when asked as a child what she wanted to be when she grew up, Maggie answered "I want to be a BNF" (Big Name Fan). She has certainly accomplished that ambition.  Part 2
In this part of the interview by Dr. Chris Couch, we learn more about Maggie Thompson and her influence on comics. With husband Don Thompson, she published fanzines Comic Art and Newfangles, and went on to edit Comics Buyer s Guide and others. Maggie is a respected professional in the field and has been recognized with many awards, including the Eisner, the Harvey, the Inkpot, and the Jack Kirby awards...Part 2: Continuing this absolutely delightful interview, Maggie talks about her segue into the professional field, the end of Newfangles and the start of the Comic Buyers Guide. The engrossing anecdotes continue, with the nature of cosmopolitan Iola, Wisconsin, her articulation of "perpetual but non-exclusive rights", Dark Shadows, and the Done in One label for comics. There are stories of some of the field's great figures, including Harlan Ellison, Stan Lee, and Carl Barks. You'll see questions from the audience as well...After decades of furious activity in science fiction and comics, Maggie remains bubbling and full of enthusiasm for her chosen community. There was no need to ask Maggie what keeps her involved - the answers are more than clear.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Algol/Starship, Andrew Porter. Added 3 issues: #31-32 (Spr-Sum 78), and Starship 38 (Spr 80). Contributors include Poul Anderson, Joe Haldeman, Greg Benford, Richard Lupoff, Frederik Pohl. Bob Silverberg, Vincent Di Fate, Harlan Ellison, Susan Wood, and others.
--Masiform D, Devra Langsam. Added #12 (Feb 82) of this Star Trek zine. Zine provided for scanning by Todd Dashoff. Thanks, Todd!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues: 10/21 and 10/28 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Quodlibet, Bill Patterson. Added #1 (Jul 80).
--Renaissance, John J. Pierce. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us zine from the early 70s. It's our second fanzine with this title. You may notice that when we have two different zines with the same title, we set up at least one of the directories to include the name of the editor. This one is There's also a Renaissance that was edited by Joseph Semenovich from the 50s. That one is in a directory named
--SFPA Egoboo Poll, Jeff Copeland. Added 5 items - 3 years worth of early 00s ballots and 2 years of results. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Tennessee Trash, Gary Robe. Added 14 issues of this SFPAzine: #36 (Jul 00), 40-42 (Mar-Jul 01), 49-56 (Sep 02-Nov 03), and 68 (Nov 05). Scans by RIch Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Weber-SFPA Zines, Mike Weber. We've added 13 items on an index page for Mike Weber's SFPA zines. These are from the early 00s, and they all have different names, so are listed chronologically. You may have noticed a lot of SFPA related zines being added. Yep. Rich Lynch has valiantly scanned multiple year's worth from the early 00s. Thanks to Mike Weber for his permission. And thanks, Rich for the scans!

--File 770, Mike Glyer. Thanks to Steve Johnson for finding a malformed (and therefore not found 404) link on the index page for issue #2. Fixed now. Thanks, Steve!

October 26, 2022
Zoom Reminder: Sunday October 30, 2022, Time: 2pm EDT, 1pm CDT, 11am PDT, 6PM London. Request a link from if you're not on the list already.
Maggie Thompson self-describes as a celebrity-adjacent, award-winning pop-culture nerd. She has the distinction of being a second-generation science-fiction fan, one of the architects of comics fandom starting in 1961, and an influential professional in the comics field. With her husband, Don Thompson, she published such fanzines as Comic Art and Newfangles and went on to edit Comics Buyer s Guide and other publications. She has written extensively in comics and received (in alphabetical order) the Eisner Award, Harvey Award, Inkpot Award, Jack Kirby Award, and others. Interviewer Chris Couch is both a second-generation fan and author of a number of books on graphic novels and comics. He is senior lecturer at UMASS Amherst. Join us as Maggie illuminates the whys and wherefores of the origin of comics fandom, how it grew, and her role in what it has become.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Algol, Andrew Porter. Added 4 isues: #27-30 (Fall 76-Win 77). Fabulous contributors including James Gunn, L. Sprague de Camp, Darrell Schweitzer, Richard Lupoff, Marta Randall, Susan Wood, Vincent Di Fate, Bob Shaw, Robert Heinlein, Clifford Simak, and more. Algol is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--The Comet, Tom Wright. Added #3 (May 40). Contributors include Harry Warner, Jr. and Walt Daugherty.
--Enclave, Joe Pilati. Added 2 issues, which I believe complete the run. Added: #1 (Feb 63), #5 (Nov 63). Enclave 5 has an artile by Don and Maggie Thompson (see Zoom note above!), as well as articles by Ted White, Bhob Stewart, Harlan Ellison, Ray Nelson, Steve Stiles and others. The Ellison is an expanded version of a story that appeared first in Psychotic 13.
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added 7 issues: #40 (Win 89), #42 (Fall 91), #44 (Fall 92), 49-52 (Falll 96-Spr 00). Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Hungry, Alan Rispin. Added 2 issues: #4-5 (Sep 61-Sep 62).
--Revenant, Sheila Strickland. Added 14 issues from the early 00s: #2 (Jul 00), 5-7 (Mar-Jul 01), 13-21 (Sep 02-Nov 03) and 34 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Trumpet, Tom Reamy. Added 4 issues of Trumpet, some of which have additional co-editors. Added today: #3 (Dec 65), 6 (Jun 67), 8 (Reamy,Alex Eisenstein, Al Jackson, Sep 68) and 10 (Reamy, Alex Eisenstein, 69). There are outstanding contributors in these issues including Ray Bradbury, Robert Bloch, Doc Lowndes, Ray Nelson, Jerry Pournelle, George Barr, Andy Offutt, Larry Niven, Tim Kirk, and of course the editors.
--Uncle Lon's Unoffical Box Scores, Gary Brown. Added 9 issues: #35-42 (Sep 02-Nov 03) and 43 (Nov 05). This 2 page zine provides page counts for SFPA contributors. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

October 22, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 6 items: Fan-Atic 4 (Charles Beling, Jul 41), Free and Easy Wandering (John D. Berry, May 80), Cartouche 2 (Bryan Barrett and Lucy Huntizinger, Jan 91), N'APA Yap V2#4 (Belle Dietz, Mar 61), Scribble 12 (Colin Freeman and I think Bob Pavlat, Sum 63), and You'll Do Me 91 (Leigh Edmonds, Aug 80). Free and Easy Wandering, and You'll Do Me 91 were scanned by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--The Actifan, Maurice Lubin. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1955. The first one is doubly titled - Actifan 1 and also Tentacle 6. Issue 1 has an article on science fiction in Argentina.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added the latest issue, #125 (Oct 22). Thanks, Joseph!
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added 9 issues of Challenger. #33-37 (Win 11-Win 13), 39 (Spr 15) and 41-42 (Sum 17-Spr 19), and a selection from Challenger 18 that apeared in SFPA 234 (Jul 03). The Challenger 18 san by Rich Lynch. Other scans provided by Bill Burns and Thanks, Bill! Thanks, Rich!
--DUFF. Added "Janice for DUFF" (Eve Ackerman, Mike Glyer and Arthur Hlavaty, 1999). Scan for "Janice for DUFF" by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the October issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Fantasy Amateur. Added "Constitution of the the FAPA" II (Apr 40) to the Fantasy Amateur index page. "Constitution proposed in April, 1940, as substitute for old constitution, by Jack F Speer, Milton A. Rothman, Elmer E. Perduo, and John V. Baitadonis."
--Home with the Armadillo, Liz Copeland. Added 2 issues: "Shocked and Sleepless with the Armadillo" (Sep 01) and "Under the Knife with the Armadillo 56" (Nov 02). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/19 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--The Sphere, Don Markstein. Added 9 issues from the early 00s - 200-207 (Sep 02-Nov 03) and 219 (Nov 05). Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added 4 items: "Constitution of the NFFF" (Sep 45), "Fanclubs Welcome" Leaflet (Roy Lavender, Oct 50), and "Welcome Fan - What is Science Fiction Fandom" (1944). Also added the October issue of the The National Fantasy Fan, provided by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Travelers Tales, Steve Hughes. Added 6 issues of this new=to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

--1940s One Shots. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for spotting a duplicate copy of Larry Shaw's Entropy's Child over in the 1_Issue-Maybe_More_to_Come 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come index page. I've removed the duplicate, leaving the original in the One Shots page. Thanks, Bee!
--Caliban. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for resolving a date issue on #4. Thanks, Bee!
--Entropy. Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out that we had an earlier directory for Entropy. It now will redirect a viewer to the pdf. Thanks, Sam!
--Galactic Jive Tales, Mike Glyer. Thanks to Greg Meyers for pointing out a dead link on one of the issues. Fixed now. Thanks, Greg!
--Stardust, W. Lawrence Hamling. Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for spotting the inconsistency between the dates listed for issues and the fanzine start and end date. In this case, one of the issue dates had a typo. Fixed now. Thanks, Leah!
--Sweetness & Light, Jack Herman. Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for pointing out that the proper title uses an ampersand instead of the word "and". Fixed. Thanks, Leah!

October 19, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Degler!, Andrew Porter. Added #271 (Dec 76).
--Fadaway, Robert Jennings. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the early 60s.
--Goliard, Karen Anderson. Added 2 items (both are Goliard 835) from Oct 1964. The 2nd item is a Bill Rotsler piece entitled "On the Psychiatrist's Couch".
--The New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added 9 issues: #205-212 (Sep 02-Nov 03), and 224 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Peter Pan and Merry, David Schlosser. Added 12 more issues of this APAzine: #36-38 (Mar-Jul 01), 45-52 (Sep 02-Nov 03) and 64 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--The Rebel, Wilson Shepherd and Ray Preston. Added #3 (Sep 37) to complete the run.
--Sanders, David Nee. Added #21 of this newszine from Nov 72.
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 7 issues - #80-85 (Aug 10-Oct 13). Scans provided by Bill Burns and Thanks, Bill! Thanks, Bruce!
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added 10 issues of Guy's zine - #182 (Mar 01), 191-198 (Sep 02-Nov 03) and 210 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Tomorrow and .., Jerry Lapidus and Mike Bradley. Added #2 (68). We did have an issue marked as #2, but now we believe that it was really #3, and mismarked.

October 16, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1940s One Shots. Added "Staplecon" by Forrest Ackerman (1943). There are reports about Staplecon 1 and 2 here - "Original article was submitted to obsolescent Fantasite, finally requested back when 6 mos. had passed without its publication &_Staplecon #2 been held!", Scan of this rare fanzine by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--1950s One Shots. More choice material in these 5 additions: Mal Ashworth - My First Real Convention (Sep 54); Karen Anderson - Bull Shot (1950s); Walt Willis - One Shot for WAW - this was written by Walt and published by Rick Sneary as a one shot since the Science Fiction Parade it was intended to appear in was not being published soon enough; Toni Vondruska - Peregrinations in Blue (May 58, from New Zealand); and Rich Bergeron - The Sullied Soul and others (52). Scan for Mal Ashworth's piece on his first convention provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--1960s One Shots. Added 6 items (of which two go together). The two that go together are: Sylvia White: Fanzine 1 and Lettersville (both 1960). Also added: Karen Anderson: Ampersand 1 (60); Terry Carr: Entropy 1 (Nov 64); Outstanding (Jul 63) from Ed Cox, Anne Cox, Redd Boggs, Lee Jacobs, Ron, Lynn and Michele Parker; Lang Jones: Quotecards Anyone? (May 64). I believe Quotecards Anyone? is a con report for the 1964 Eastercon.
--Chapter Play, Bob Tucker. Added #4 (Feb 57). We had had #5 in the 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come  index, and have moved that to the new index page. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Critical Wave, Steve Green and Martin Tudor. Added #7 (1989). We had had #8 off in the 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come  index, and have moved that to the new index page. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Home With the Armadillo, Liz Copeland. Added 10 issues of this APAzine from the early 00s: #46-48 (Mar-Jul 01), 55 (Sep 02) 57-61 (Mar-Nov 03), and 69 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--LASFS. Added a 1942 pub on LASFS - "LASFS - in Explanation", which reads like a membership brochure. Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Nice Distinctions, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us apazine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Passages, Janet Larson. Added 5 issues of this APAzine from the early 00s: 9 (Mar 01), 15-18 (Sep 02-Sep 03). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--The Rebel, Wilson Shepherd and Ray Preston. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us perzine from 1937. The first issue is dedicated to "The Memory of H.P. Lovecraft. A fine friend - a Sincere critic".
--Rune, Minn-StF. Added 3 new issues and replaced a partial issue with a complete issue. The issues are: Jim Young - #14 (Jan 69), 17 (replacement, Nov 69) and 25 (Sep 71); Ken Fletcher - #25 (sic, Mar 72). Yep, the last two are both marked #25. Scans by the University of Iowa, and kindly provided to us by Minn-Stf's Matt Strait. Thanks, Matt!
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added #123 (Dec 98). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--TNFF. Added a publication from 1965 about the NFFF that was circulated through N'APA. "The N3F provides the opportunity to do or follow practically ANY fan type activity that can be found in any other club. It is a general purpose club. It has, within its own frontiers, all types, from the beginner to the professional, the good and the bad."

October 12, 2022
We're filling in the fall Zoom schedule. If you're not on our Zoomer list, then send a note to to receive a link. The first session is on October 30, and we're happy to announce:
An Interview with Maggie Thompson: Before, During and After the Origins of Comics Fandom, with interviewer Dr. Chris Couch.
A 2020 inductee into the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame, Maggie Thompson has the unique distinction of being a second generation science fiction fan, one of the architects of comics fandom in the early 60s, and a much revered professional in the comics field. With her husband, Don Thompson, she pubbed her ish (Comic Art, Newfangles), and went on to edit the Comic Buyers Guide and other publications. She has written extensively in comics, and received the Inkpot Award, Jack Kirby award, Eisner Award and others. Interviewer Chris Couch is both a (second-generation) fan and author of a number of books on graphic novels and comics. He is senior lecturer at UMASS Amherst. Join us as Maggie illuminates the whys and wherefores of the origin of comics fandom, and how it grew, and her role in what it has become.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added 2 issues: September and October 2022. Thanks, Leybl!
--Foundation, Paul March-Russell. Added 3 2019 issues of Foundation, the Journal of the Science Fiction Foundation. Thanks, Paul!
--Frequent Flyer, Tom Feller. Added 12 issues of this APAzine from the early 00s - Mar-May 01, Sept 02-Nov 03, and a special worldcon edition from November 05. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Guilty Pleasures, Eve Ackerman. Added 10 issues: 18-10 (Mar-Jul 01), 25-31 (Sep 02- Nov 03) and 40 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the October 22 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added 8 issues: 90 (Oct 19), 96-99 (Apr-Aug 20), 104 (Dec 20), 106 (Feb 21) and 124 (Aug 22). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Larean, Ron Ellik. Added 2 issues of Ron Ellik's perzine from the late 50s/early 60s.
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added #65 (1990). Scan by LynC, and passed on by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan and thanks, LynC!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last two issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Space Charge, Al Lewis. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the the early 60s.
--Inferno/Small Friendly Dog, Paul and Cas Skelton. Added 4 items: Inferno #6-8 (Nov 74-Jun 75), and Small Friendy Dog 14 (Feb 77). Scans by Eii Cohen. Thanks, Eli!
--Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette, Richard Dengrove. Added 12 issues: 69-71 (Mar-Jul 91), 80-85 (Jan-Nov 03), and 97 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

--Alpha Listing. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out broken links in the list (for jumping directly to fanzines beginning with specific letters). Fixed now. Thanks, Bee!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Thanks to Mark Plummer for pointing out a typo on the index page (in a year field) and the resulting incorrect placement of the last issue. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
--Self-Preservation, Lee Hoffman. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out a typo on the index page (in a year field). Fixed now. Thanks, Bee!

October 8, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Added 15 items, including 5 item from FAPA 41 and Fall 1947: Fanomena (Andy Lyon), Frappe 1 (Viriginia Blish), Grulzak 2 (Joe Kenned), Slithy Toves 2 (Gus Willmorth), and Synapse 1 (Jack Speer). The other items are: Egobeast 7 (Don Wilson, May 60), Fantasias 1 (David English, 1951), Frap 4 (Bob Lichtman, Greg Benford and Cavin Demmon, Mar 64), Gallery 7 (Chick Derry, Fall 57),Idle Hands 3 (Norm Metcalf, Feb 61), Launching Site 6 (Vince Clarke, Jun 57), Overbrook 1 Pt B. (Bruce Pelz, Nov 76), Plain-Psycho (Dave Hale, Sep 63), Rambling Fap 21 (Feb 60), and Tintinnabulations 2 (Don Cochran, Dec 68). Three of these were scanned by Mark Olson. Note: Gallery 7 is marked 8 inside. (
--Avatar Press, Randy Cleary. Added 12 issues of this apazine: V2#14-16 (Mar-Jul 01), V2#23-30 (Sep 02-Nov 03), and V2#41 (Nov 05). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Steve Hughes, Steve Hughes. Added 5 issues of this apazine: #10-12 (Mar-Jul 01), 16-17(Sep-Nov 02). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Hungry, Alan Rispin. Added 2 issues of this apazine from the early 60s.
--OSFAn, Hank Luttrell. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us clubzine from the mid 60s. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Omaha, Steve Stiles. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. Unsurprisingy, there is art. One issue scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks to Elaine Stiles for permission to put these online. Thanks, Elaine!
--Omega, Keith Joseph. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the 50s.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue (Thanksgiving 2022), and updated the cumulative index. Thanks, Dale!
--Postcon Potsarcd, Bruce Pelz. Added #2 (Jun 91). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Sundance, Jean Young. Added 2 issues of this new to us APAzine from the late 50s.

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Chicon 2000 added 47th Annual Hugo Awards Program Addendum, 47th Annual Hugo Awards Program
---Chicon 8 added 2023
NASFiC Site Selection Report, 2024
Worldcon Site Selection Report, Moderation Guide
---CoNZealand added Two-sided miniflier
---Interaction added Tom Feller from SFPA 248 Nov 2005
---L.A.con IV added LA in 2006 embroidered badges
---SunCon added Phillycon 1977 Survery Results

---Corflu 10 added Program Book, Program, Restaurant Guide, t-shirt order form

---DSC 38 added Beach Blanketed photozine from DSC 38 by Guy Lillian III
---DSC 39 added Life is a Oneshot done at DSC 39
---DSC 40 added Moogling Canoodling and Oogling oneshot from DSC 40
---DSC 41 added 2003 DSC One Shot from SFPA 235 Sept 2003, Old Iron Butt Is Back by Guy Lillian 2003 DeepSouthCon convention report

---Columbus 2020 NASFiC added Columbus NASFiC 2020 two sided flier

---Norwescon XI added PB, Pocket Program
---Norwescon XII added Program Book

---Philcon 1988 added Pocket Program Guide, Program Book
---Philcon 1991 added Art Show Directory, Dealer's Room
---Philcon 1992 added Program Book, Pocket Program

---Readercon 2 added Pocket Program

---Rivercon XIX added Pocket Program

---Westercon 44 added Program Book

PDF conversions: --FANAC, Ron Ellik and Terry Carr. Replaced 18 issues (#81-89, 91-97, Nov 61-Nov 63), and the Fannish 3 (3rd annish, 64) with searchable PDFs. OCR and PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Replaced the 10 issues we had from 5-20 with searchable PDFs, and issue 81 as well. PDF and OCRing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

October 4, 2022
Fanzine Navigation: Whoo-hoo! Thanks to Mark Olson and his nifty software, we have added another navigation aid for you. We now have a fanzine listing By Editor, which will be updated when we do our regular updates. This joins our normal archive listing, chron listing, country listing, and issue alphabetical listing, along with the newszine chron list, as ways you can find what you're looking for. Searches turn up all sorts of extraneous info, such as reviews and photos. Now you can see what's available for a particular editor far more easily. One note - name variations are listed separately (eg Walter A. Willis and Walt Willis). We'll get them combined soon. Many thanks to Mark Olson!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Confessions of a Consistent Liar, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 4 issues: #73-74 (Mar-May 01), and 78-79 (Sep-Nov 92). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Derogatory Reference, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 4 issues of Derogatory Reference (in earlier issues known as Diagonal Relationship). These issues are from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--ETA, Rob Hansen. Added #4 (Apr 89) of Rob's perzine.
--FFM, Pierre Versins. Added FFM#3 (Aug 55). FFM is "Functional Female Muster" in this issue, which is imagery of a female figure.
--First Fandom Publications. Added 3 "First Fandom News Letters", by Dave Kyle. Added #9 (Sep 73), #12-13 (Aug 74-May 75).
--The Pulp Era, Lynn Hickman. Added 2 items: #69 (Jan 68) and #73(Dec 69).
--Lyddite, Gary Deindorfer. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 60s.
--Ornithopter, Leigh Edmonds. Added #5 (Aug 79) of Leigh's perzine. Scan by Mark Olsn. Thanks, Mark!
--Oz, Beryl Mercer. Added #4 (Jan 66).
--Pablo Lennis, John Thiel. Added #14 (1977). Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Pretentious Science Fiction Quarterly, Mike Ward. Added 3 items (4 issues) of this new-to-us genzine title from the late 70s. Contributors incude Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Jack Gaughan, Grant Canfield, Terry Garey, James Patrick Kelly, Ed Wood, Dick Lupoff, Debbie Notkin, Andi Shechter and others.
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added #22 (Jun 66) of Bruce's APAzine.
--Sathanas, Richard Schultz. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the early 60s. Contributors include Ruth Berman, Bob Lichtman, Terry Jeeves, Richard Bergeron, Ray Nelson, Steve Stiles, and others. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Variations on a Theme, Rich Lynch. Added 11 issues: #15-24 (Sep 02-Nov 03) and #46 (Nov 05). Thanks, Rich!
--Zymic, Vince Clarke. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from the late 50s. Scans for 2 of them by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

Corrections/Clarifications: --Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out that the Femizine  run is not yet complete. We're still missing "Junior Fez", a 4 page issue that was part of the Cytricon Souvenir Combozine. Thanks, Sam!
--Thanks to Matt Strait for supplying a corrected date for one of the issues of Einblatt. Thanks, Matt!

PDF conversions:FANAC, Ron Ellik and Terry Carr. Replaced 20 issues (#61-80) with searchable PDFs. OCR and PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

October 1, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--A Fanzine for Krazy Kat, Ted White. Added 4 "issues" of this new-to-us FAPAzine. Issue 1 says it is a new scheme "to drive OEs mad: namely producing each sheet as a separate issue.". All four issues were in FAPA 79.
--Goliard, Karen Anderson. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us zine from the 60s. The first of the issues we added is numbered "838". Karen did not keep track of previous issue numbers. She did the same sort of thing in The Zed. The first issue we have for that one is numbered "773".
--Gyre, Charles Peterson. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us zine from the 60s. The first issue appears to be hecto. Scans done at Chicon 8.
--Michael, Mike Bracken. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 1970s. Scans done at Chicon 8. Thanks, Mike!
--Nandu, Nan Gerding. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 50s.
--Occasional Paper, Frank Denton. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 70s. Each issue has a different title.
--Pablo Lennis, John Thiel. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the 70s.
--Past, Present and Future, Graham Stone. Added 7 issues of this early 80s perzine. #2-3 (May 79 - Aug 80), #6-10 (May 81-May 93). Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Poor Richard's Almanac, rich brown. Added #29 (Aug 68). Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Salud, Elinor Busby. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the early 60s Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Scintilla, Larry Anderson. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the early 50s. Contributors include Terry Carr, Bob Silverberg, C.L. McCain, Charles Welles, and others.
--Small Wonder, Jean and Annie Linard. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine. It's an English language zine from France. Sanned at Chicon 8.
--Vaux Hall Fanatic, Seth Johnson. Added 3 issues of this early 60s apazine.

Fancyclopedia: hanks to our recent Fancy contributors: Claire Brialey, Thomas Bull, Darrah Chavey, Bill Higgins, Laurie Mann, Karl-Johan Nor n, Bee Ostrowsky, Leah Zeldes Smith, Matt Strait, Jan Vanek jr, and of course Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

September 28, 2022
Multiple runs completed this time, as we take advantage of the scanning done at Chicon 8. Particular thanks to Murray Moore for bringing zines that complete a number of runs. Thanks, Murray and thanks to the Chicon 8 FANAC scanning team!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1940s One Shots. Added 3 items: Spectra 1 (Arthur Joquel, 1941); Fantasy Jackpot 2 (Andy Anderson, Merlin Brown / Mike Fern, Fall 45), and Dark Wisdom and Other Tales (William James, published by Art Rapp, scanned at Chicon 8).
--1950s One Shots. Added 6 items: Alors (Apr 51) from Ellis Mills as he visited the Versins in Switzerland, Commedy of Errors from Joy Clarke and Inchmery Fandom (May 58), Fan Warp 1 (Lyle Kessler, 53), The Flesh Eaters (Basil Wells, 51), Gods, Graves and TV Sets from Lee Hoffman writing as C.W. Youngfan (Aug 55), and Girl's Herald 0 from William Clyde (Aug 55). Comedy of Errors and The Flesh Eaters were scanned at Chicon 8.
--Comments, Steve Hughes. Added 2 issues: #8 (Jul 00) and 15 (Jul 02). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Fan Slants, Mel Brown. Added #2 (Feb 44) to complete the run. Contributors include Walter Daugherty, Gus Wilmorth, Francis T. Laney, Forrie Ackerman, Arthur Joquel, Paul Freehafer, Walt Liebscher, Bob Tucker and others. The issue was provided for scanning by Murray Moore, and scanned at Chicon 9. Thanks, Murray!
--Gem Tones, G.M. Carr. Added 4 items (3 issues and a post mailing addendum) of this new-to-us early 50s SAPSzine from G.M. Carr.
--Knights/Knights of the Paper Spaceship, Mike Bracken. Added 6 items (7 issues) of this new-to-us genzine title from the 1970s. Contributors include Thomas F. Monteleone, Jerry Pournelle, Charles Grant, Terry Jeeves, Taral, Don D'Amassa, Darroll Pardoe, Grant Carrington, and many more. Some of these are big issues - the double issue #17-18 is 121 pages. Scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks to Mike Bracken for providing the issues and for his permission to put them online.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 9/23 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added #27 (Sep 22). Thanks, Rich!
--Nexus, Pete Weston. Added #6 (Oct 66) to complete the run. Scanned at Chicon 8.
--The New Port News, Ned Brooks Added #192 (Jul 00). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Peter Pan and Merry, David Schlosser. Added 2 issues: #30 (Jul 00) and #44 (Jul 02). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Placebo, Moshe Feder and Barry Smotroff. Added #4 (Jul 72) to complete the run. Great Stu Shiffman cover. Provided for scanning by Murray Moore. Scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks, Murray!
--Sam, Steve Stiles. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us title from the 60s. In addition to Steve, contributors include rich brown Dan Adkins, Andy Porter, Les Gerber, Dick Lupoff and others. Our thanks to Elaine Stiles for permission to put Steve's fanzines online.
--Scientifriction, Mike Glyer. Added #7 (Dec 76) to complete the run. Contributors include Dave Locke, Joe Sanders, Mike Glickson, and others. Fanzine provided for scanning by Murray Moore. Scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks, Murray!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added issues #77-79 (Nov 01-Feb 03). Number 79 is a special Tucker issue. Scans provided by Bill Burns and
--Smoke, George Locke. Added #1 (Jul 59) to complete the run. Contributors include Ken Bulmer, John Berry, Vince Clarke and ATom. Fanzine provided for scanning by Murray Moore. Scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks, Murray!
--Spanish Inquisition, Jerry Kaufman and Suzanne Tompkins. Added #2 (73). Just looking for #1 now to complete the run. Fanzine provided for scanning by Murray Moore. Scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks, Murray!
--Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette, Richard Dengrove. Added #65 (July 2000) of this apazine. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores, Gary Brown. Added #22 (Jul 00). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Vanations, Norman Browne. Added #2 (Sep 52) to complete the run. This issue was published 70 years agon this month. Fanzine provided for scanning by Murray Moore. Scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks, Murray!
--Waldo, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #3 (Aug 61) to complete the run. Fanzine provided for scanning by Murray Moore. Scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks, Murray!
--Whistlestar, Lenny Bailes. Added #6-7 (2002). Scans provided by Bill Burns and Thanks, Bill!

PDF conversions: FANAC  Ron Ellik and Terry Carr. Replaced 20 issues (#41-60) with searchable PDFs. OCR and PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

September 24, 2022
YouTube:  - Julia Ecklar was the special filk guest at Tropicon 8, held in Dania, Florida, in 1989. This recording captures the second part of an open filk at the convention, and includes 11 songs (of which Julia sings seven). The singers on this recording in order of appearance: Julia Ecklar, Linda Melnick, Dina Pearlman, C.J. Cherryh, Francine Mullen, and Doug Wu...includes much of the conversation between songs, the laughter and the real feel of a 1980s convention filk session. One lovely addition is that Linda Melnick signs on one of the songs, as well as sings. Another bonus - this video includes several songs by Orion's Belt, which consisted of Dina Pearlman, Francine Mullen and Doug Wu. Tropicon was a small convention, and you will see some of the author guests in the filk. That's Tropicon 8 GoH Lynn Abbey sitting next to C.J. Cherryh for example, and Joe Green sitting back against the wall...Thanks to Eli Goldberg for sound editing on this recording.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Avatar Press, Randy B. Cleary. Two issues added: V2#9 (Jul 00) and V2#22 (Jul 02). Scans by Rich Rich. Thanks, Rich!
--Frequent Flyer, Tom Feller. Two issues added: July 2000 and July 2002. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Guilty Pleasures, Eve Ackerman. Added 2 issues: July 2000, and #24 (Jul 02). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Kaymar, K. Martin Carlson. Added #9 (Jun 64). Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Lesser Flea, Joy Clarke. Added 3 issues: #1 (Mar 55), 6 (Spr 57) and 10 (Jun 58). Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Autumn Equinox 2022 (most recent) issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Orb, Bob Johnson. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the early 50s. Some good photos in #6, and issue 10 includes the script from the play presented at Nolacon 1 - "The Robot, the Girl, the Android and the Poet", a farce in one act by Fritz Leiber, Judith Merril and Frederic Brown. Wow.
--Paradox, Frank Wilimczyk. Added #5 (Fall 43). Contributors include Charles Burbee, and Raym Washington, Jr. Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Rache, Bruce Pelz. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the 1960s.
--Rats!, Bill Kunkel and Charlene Komar. Added 6 issues of this 1970s genzine. Contributors to issue 14 include Bob Shaw, John D. Berry, Frank Lunney, Harry Warner Jr, Bill Rotsler, and Grant Canfield.
--Sphere, L.T. Thorndyke. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 50s. Contributors include Bob Lichtman, Don Franson, George Scithers, and Guy Terwilleger. Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Spiral, Denis Moreen. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 50s. Contributors include Terry Carr, Harlan Ellison, and others. Scanned at Chicon 8.
--Stardust, W. Lawrence Hamling. Added #5 (Nov 49) completing the run. Contributors include Mort Weisinger, Ray Palmer, Jack Williamson, and Robert Moore Williams. Thanks to David Ritter who saw in the last "What's New" update that we had uploaded the first 4 issues and was kind enough to provide us the scans for the last issue to complete the run. Thanks, David!
--Starling, Hank Luttrell and Leslie Couch. Added 2 issues: #11 (Dec 67) and 13 (Jan 69). Issue 13 is "celebrating one hundred fanzines". Scanned at Chicon 8. Thanks to Lesleigh Luttrell for providing the issues for scanning. Thanks, Lesleigh!
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added 4 issues: 21 (Feb 51), 23 (Feb 52), 41-42 (Aug 58-Feb 59). Contributors include Carl Brandon and Harry Warner, Jr.
--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Added the Winter 1946 issue.
--Whatsit, Ken Cheslin. Added #1 (Oct 61) of Ken Cheslin's perzine.

Corrections/Clarifications: Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for pointing out incorrect italics in the cross reference under "P". It should be corrected the next time the cross reference is generated. Note that the cross reference is on the list for replacement. Thanks, Evelyn!

September 21, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the August issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the September issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Home With the Armadillo, Liz Copeland. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Liz! Thanks, Rich!
--Michigan - Other Publications. Added two MISFITS newsletters from the late 60s, both from Sandy Shapiro.
--Offline Reader, Irv Koch. Added 3 issues of Irv's SFPAzine from the early 00s. Added 17 (Jul 00), 26-27 (Jan-Mar 02). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Off_Trails. Added 2 issues: #22 (Ron Bennett, Dec 59) and Bruce Burn (Jun 62).
--Passages, Janet Larson. Added issue #6 (Jul 00). Scans by Rich Lynch Thanks, Rich!
--Random Thoughts, Steve Hughes. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--The Southerner, Jeff Copeland. Added 2 items, both from SFPA mailing 216. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Space Cage, Lee Ann Tremper. Added 6 issues of this genzine from 1960. Contributors include Hal Shapiro, Joe Sanders, Ray Nelson, Bob Lichtman, F.M. Busby, Juanita Coulson and Dick Lupoff.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #59 (Sept 22). Thanks, Guy!
--The Sphere, Don Markstein. Added #187 (Jul 00). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #178 (Jul 00). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Stardust, W. Lawrence Hamling. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from 1940. Stardust was an early (the earliest?) semiprozine, published with very high production values. Contributors include L. Sprague de Camp, Charlie Hornig, Ralph Milne Farley, Harry Warner Jr., Robert Moore Williams, Willy Ley, Forry Ackerman, Dale Tarr, Julie Schwartz, Bob Tucker, Sam Moskowitz, Walt Liebscher and others. The zines were provided to us for scanning by Mike Hillen, who was kind enough to donate his copies after contacting us at the FANAC table at Chicon. Many thanks, Mike!
--Take Off, Alan Dodd. Added the complete 2-issue run of this genzine from 57-58.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the September issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George!
--Tyndallite, Norm Metcalf. Added V2#86 (July 00). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Vagary, Roberta Gray. Added 5 issues of Roberta Gray's OMPAzine from the 50s: #3 (Sp 57), 7 (Mar 58), 11-13 (Sp 59-Jun 61).

--Thanks to Jan Vanek jr for pointing out a dead link in the notes to Walt Dunkelberger's Fanews  #276. Fixed now. Thanks, Jan!
--Many thanks to Jan also for his note on the breakage from deleting the old JPG version of Sense of FAPA when the new one was added. Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky, I've added a redirect so anyone that has the old link will still be able to find Sense of FAPA. Thanks, Jan and thanks, Bee!
--Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for pointing out a broken link on one of the Confusion  pages. Fixed now. Thanks, Leah!

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,825 names in these listings.

September 17, 2022
YouTube: Minicon 15 (1979)-Theodore Sturgeon Guest of Honor Speech, with intro by Toastmaster Bob Vardeman - Minicon 15 was held April 13-15, 1979 in Minneapolis, with Guests of Honor Theodore Sturgeon, Rick Sternbach and Tom Digby...In this brief Guest of Honor speech, Sturgeon speaks about his experience at the "Jupiter Encounter" at JPL, seeing photos of Ganymede and Callisto for the first time. This is followed by a rumination on humanity, interwoven with his shaping of "Sturgeon's Law", and an exposition on his favored "Ask the Next Question" philosophy. In this brief 16ish minute recording, you get a sense of the man himself. A lovely (and knowledgeable) intro by Bob Vardeman sets the stage...Thanks to Geri Sullivan and the Video Archeology project for providing the recording.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Astra's Tower, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added an "Astra's Tower Special Leaflet" from February 69, titled "A Message from Yesterday to Tomorrow".
--The Baloobius, Taral Wayne. Added #9 (Sep 22). Thanks, Taral!
--Bletherings, Ethel Lindsay. Added #2 (Mar 69).
--Dynatron, Roy Tackett. Added #39 (May 69).
--Fantasy Amateur, Charles Burbee. Added V12#1 (Fall 47). The Treasurer's report includes a list of all members.
--FAPA One Shots: Added 4 items from FAPA 41 (Fall 47). FAPA Flypaper (Dale Hart), Half-Length Articles (Andy Anderson), Requiem (Betty and Elmer Perdue) and Tangents (Mike Fern). Requiem is a rebuttal to Half-Length Articles. More issues from FAPA 41 in this update - guess what Joe has been scanning.
--Glom, Forry Ackerman. Added #9 (Oct 47).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last two issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter - Sept 9 and 16. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Phanteur, Donald B. Thompson. Added #4 (Oct 47).
--Plenum, Milt Rothman. Added #7 (Fall 47).
--Poor Richard's Almanac, rich brown. Added #9 (Feb 62). The copy we scanned from was the one sent to Bob Tucker.
--SAPSzine, Ed Meskys. Added #16 (Apr 64). This is the first of the lot scanned at Chicon 8.
--A Tale of the 'Evans, E. Everett Evans. Added #17 (Fall 47).
--Tigger, Marc Ortieb. Added #17 (Dec 85).
--Title, Donn Brazier. Added 17 issues of Title from the mid 70s: #51-54 (Jun-Sep 76), 56-58 (Nov 76 - Jan 77), and 60-69 (Mar-Dec 77). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Whistlestar, Lenny Bailes. Added issue #3 (Dec 85). Contributors include Jeanne Bowman and Robert Lichtman.
--Wild Hair, Charles Burbee, Cy Condra, F. Towner Laney. Added #1 (Dec 47) completing the run. Contributors include Al Ashley, Charles Burbee, F.T. Laney and Bill Rotsler. Wild Hair is a core fanzine forus to scan.

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon added Jack Chalker's "Preliminary Report"
---Aussiecon Three added Hugo Award Nomination Certificate
---BucConeer added Hugo Award Nominee Certificate accompanying letter, Hugo Award Nominee Certificate
---Chicon 2000 added PR 0, 2000 Hugo Awards Nomination List, 2000 Hugo Awards Voting Ballot, Hugo Award Nominee Certificate
---Chicon 8 added 2022-Hugo-Award-Details-Final (1), C8 - PocketProgram-5s, C8 - Program-Grids-Chicon-8, C8 - supplement_ballot and wsfs_f, C8 Program Book wAdditions Rvsd, Chicon-8-Artist-Showcase, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, WSFS Agenda as of August 22
---ConJose added Hugo Awards Nomination Certificate
---Denvention I added Third Science Fiction Convention Booklet: Baltadonis & Train & Rothman
---Intersection added Hugo Award Nominee Certificate
---L.A.con III added Hugo Award Nominee Certificate
---L.A.con IV added KC in 2006 one page bid flier
---MagiCon added MagiAPA #8, Hugo Award Nominee Certificate
---Nippon 2007 added Half page bid flier
---Noreascon 3 added Louis Wu's Birthday Party Program
---Noreascon 4 added Boston in 2001 Receprion invitation 1996, One page flier
---Torcon 3 added Hugo Award Nominee Certificate

---DSC 31 added Hotel Questionaire, Program Book, Pocket Program, Restaurant (etc.) Guide
---DSC 39 added One page flier
---DSC 41 added Flier
---DSC 42 added Flier

---Disclave 12 added Haldeman II 1968
---Disclave 29 added Program Book
---Disclave 4 added Announcement of Disclave 4; Notes=Bob Pavlat

---Third Eastern added Third Science Fiction Convention Booklet Baltadonis & Train & Rothman 1937-10-31

---Chessmancon added Meteor, Program Book

--Fourth Street Fantasy Convention:
---FSF 1988 added Program Book
---FSF 1989 added Program Book
---FSF 1990 added Program Book, Pocket Program

---Philcon 2022 added Two sided postcard flier

---Smofcon 39 added - DC III questionaire, - Chendu in 2023
questionaire, - Chicon 8 Q&A questionnaire, - Glasgow in 2024
questionaire, - Hotel booking information, - LA in 2026 questionaire, - Netherlands questionnaire Eurocon, - NY 2023
Smofcon bid questionaire, Program, - Tel Aviv in 2027 questionaire, Flyer, Seattle 2025 questionaire, COVID-19 Statement

---Westercolt added Program Book
---Westercon 46 added Program Book
---Westercon 74 added PR0, PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4-1, PR5

PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari --Blat!, Ted White and Dan Steffan. Repaced the last issue in the run, Blat! 3.5 Archives, with a searchable PDF.
--FANAC, Ron Ellik and Terry Carr. Replaced the first 40 issues with searchable PDFs. OCR and PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

September 13, 2022
Thanks to Bob Silverberg, we've added a choice (and rare) item - the May 1937 original Constitution of the FAPA. "Its purpose shall be to unite in fraternity the amateur writers, publishers, editors and printers of fantastic and highly imaginative literature and publications..." It's the first thing on the Fantasy Amateur  index page. Thanks, Bob!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added #124 (Aug 22). Thanks, Joseph!
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 3 recent issues: #416-418 (Mar-May 22) and replaced issue #74 (Sep 93) with a searchable PDF.
--Chunder, John Foyster. Added 4 issues from May 87-Jan 88. Contributions include an Aussiecon report by Don Fitch, and a Australian Natcon Report (BOFCON) by Elizabeth Darling.
--Fantasy Amateur. In addition to the constitution mentioned above, added 2 issues: V10#2 (Elmer Purden, Win 47) and V33#1 (Bob Pavlat, Nov 69). The 1969 issue was scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the early September 2022 issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Paperback Inferno/Paperback Parlour, Joseph Nicholas and Andy Sawyer. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us BSFA title from the late 70s/80s. This zine was devoted tor eviews of British paperback books. The zine changed its name from Paperback Parlour to Inferno in 1980 according to Fancyclopedia.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the September 2022 issue. Thanks, Perry!
--Peter Pan and Merry, David Schlosser. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, David! Thanks, Rich!
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added 27A (74), a precursor to issue 27, wherein John D. Berry is revealed to be the first person that offered to write a column for John Bangsund ever. This is a sweet and personal issue (and short). Scan provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin! --Revenant, Sheila Strickland. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Sheila! Thanks, Rich!
--Ritblat/Grim News, Greg Pickersgill. Added #1 (Mar 74) of this short run genzine. Contributors: Ian Williams, John Brosnan, Alan Burns, Leroy Kettle and Greg Pickersgill. Thanks to Greg for permission to put this online. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks, Greg! Thanks, Joe!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #58 (Aug/Dec 22). Thanks, Guy!
--Tennessee Trash, Gary Robe. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the earlly 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Gary! Thanks, Rich!
--Title, Donn Brazier. Added 8 issues of Title from the mid 70s: #41-44 (Aug-Nov 75) and 46-49 (Jan-Apr 76). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Vector. Added #291 (Sum 20), edited by Jo Walton and Polina Levontin. Scan provided by BSFA. Thanks!

PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari.
--Blat!, Ted White and Dan Steffan. Repace 4 issues: 2-4, and Blat! 4 Archives with searchable PDFs. PDFing and OCRing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Fantasy Times, James Taurasi. Replaced 17 issues: #169 (Jan 53) - #185 (Sep 53) with searchable PDFs.

Fancyclopedia: I'm a week or more late on listing contributors to Fancyclopedia, so apologies if you are left out. Recent contributors include: Clarire Brialey, Vincent Docherty, Andy Hooper, Dave Langford, Bee Ostrowsky, Meredith Peruzzi, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek jr, Jo Van Ekeren, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks everyone!

September 9, 2022
We're just back from Chicon 8. If you were attending, then we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. :-) . We'll start uploading the enormous amount of material scanned at the FANAC table soon, hopefully next week. Thanks to everyone who brought materials for us to scan!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, scans are by Joe Siclari
--Avatar Press, Randy B. Cleary. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Comments, Steve Hughes. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Steve! Thanks, Rich!
--Confessions of a Consistent Liar, Arthur Hlavaty. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Arthur! Thanks, Rich!
--Convention Girls' Digest, Lucy Huntzinger, Allyn Cadogan and Sharee Carton. Added the complete run of 2 issues of this mid 80s zine. From #1 - "So I m sitting here, nice day in the park, reading The Snarkout Boys And "The Avocado Of Death, minding my own business, when who runs by but Moshe Feder in a White Rabbit suit, pink ears twitching, clutching an exotic timepiece, "I'm late" he mutters distractedly. "Great Ghu, I'm late!" Grabbing my hand in passing, he yanks me peremptorily to my feet. "Hurry!" he cries, "Ben Yarrow will have my head!" Publications provided by Ben Yalow. Thanks, Ben!
--Fan To See, Larry Touzinsky. Added #3 (May 53). Contributors include Hal Shapiro, Harlan Ellison, and Terry Carr.
--Femizine, Ethel Lindsay. Added #14 to complete the run. Contributors include Juanita Coulson and Bjo Wells, as well as editor Ethel Lindsay. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--ISFA, Ed McNulty and Robert Adair. Added 2 issues of this publication from the mid 50s, sponsored by the Indiana Science-Fiction Society. Contributors include Buck and Juanita Colson. Issue 11 has a poem titled "Quandry". Pretty sure it's not a typo.
--MFS Bulletin, John Gergen. Added 5 issues of this early 30s clubzine from the Minneapolis Fantasy Society. Added: 6, 13-15, 17, published between Oct 42-Feb 43). Gordon Dickson was a contributor. We have a 20 minute video on these days on the YouTube Channel at, which was posted last July. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last two issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter (8/26-9/02). Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added #25 (Dec 20). Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Passages, Janet Larson. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #110 (Jul 22), with a new column by Colin Steele. Thanks, Bruce!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the September issue. Thanks, George!
--Title, Donn Brazier. Added 11 issues of Title from the 70s: #32-35 (Nov 74-Feb 75), 37-40 (Apr -Jul 75), 70 (Jan 78), 72-73 (Mar-Apr 78). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Bee Ostrowsky for pointing out a problem with the navigation bar on issue #44 of The Science Fiction Fan  (edited by Olon Wiggins in March 1940). Thanks, Bee!

August 24, 2022
Whups - the first two paragraphs were supposed to be in the last update.

Thanks to the many fans that let us know there was a problem with the security certificate on the site a few days ago. Our automatically renewing SSL certificate didn't automatically renew. It's fixed now. Thanks, all!

FYI, we have a brief new FANAC Newsletter  available. It's #19, and has info about Chicon and the recent survey.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Farrago, Donn Brazier. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us genzine title from the 70s. Contributors include Paul Di Filippo, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Sheryl Birkhead, Stuart Gilson and others. The scan for issue #7 was provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Frequent Flyer, Tom Feller. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich! Thanks, Tom!
--Guilty Pleasures, Eve Ackerman. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Eve! Thanks, Rich!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 8/19 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added #201-202 (Jan-Mar 02). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Late August 2022 issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added 2 issues: #187-88 (Jan-Mar 02). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Title, Donn Brazier. Added 15 issues from the 70s - #21-31 (Dec 73-Oct 74), 45 (Dec 75), 50 (May 76), 59 (Feb 77) and 71 (78). Also added an homage zine "Name", edited by DavE Romm and Frank Balazs from May 78. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the August issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George!
--Twygdrasil and Treehouse Gazette, Richard Dengrove. Added 5 issues (and one revised ToC) of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich! Thanks, Richard!
--Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores, Gary Brown. Added 2 issues: #31-32 (Jan-Mar 02). This is page counts and zine counts from SFPA. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

August 20, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Fan-Fare, W. Paul Ganley. Added 3 issues of this early 50s zine, and replaced the one issue we had online with a searchable PDF. Contributors include Terry Carr, Max Keasler, and Ken Krueger.
--Fantastic Story Magazine, Ron Ellik. Added #5 (May 54). Contributors include Terry Carr, Stanley Mullen, and Joe Kennedy.
--First Fandom Publications. Added 2 items: First Fandom Mangazine #13 (Lynn Hickman, Spr 67), and First Fandom News Letter 22 (Dave Kyle, June 81).
--Four Star Extra, Joyce and Arnie Katz, Bill and Charlene Kunkel. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 70s. Covers by Ross Chamberlain.
--Spaceship, Robert Silverberg and Saul Diskin. Added #7 (Jan 50).
--Sphere, Don Markstein. Added 9 early 00s issues of this SFPAzine (new title for us). Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--The Southerner, Jeff Copeland. Added 10 issues from the early 00s of this, the official organ of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance. Scans provided by Rich Lynch, and permission by Jeff Copeland. Thanks, Jeff! Thanks, Rich!
--Title, Donn Brazier. Added 13 issues from the early 70s - #7-9 (Oct-Dec 72), and 11-20 (Feb-Nov 73). Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Tyndallite, Norm Metcalf. Added 2 issues: the Jan-Mar 02 issues of this SFPAzine. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Variations on a Theme, Rich Lynch. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us SFPAzine from the early 00s. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Corrections and Clarifications:Gillespie - Other Publications, Bruce Gillespie. Thanks to Irwin Hirsh for spotting an error in one of the fanzine names. Corrected now. Thanks, Irwin!

August 17, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 1 title: Forlo Kon 4 (Kenneth Bonnell, Jan 47).
--Clause, H.P. Sanderson. Added 2 issues of ths new-to-us title from the late 1950s. Issue 3 is subtitled the "Gem Carr Deprecation Issue!"
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added "Selections from Challenger 14" which appeared in SFPA 224. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--DUFF. Added the 1988 Ballot.
--The Explorer, the official organ of the International Science Fiction Correspondence club. Added 5 issues from the 1950s. Ed Noble Jr - Aug 51; Ed and Jo Noble - Mar 52 and May 52; Ray Higgs - Oct 56; and Art Hayes - Jul 59.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the August issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Grils, Joyce Fisher, Sue Robinson and Pat Janisch. Added both issues of this late 60s zine. Issue # is titled "What About Us Grils". Contributors include Bob Tucker, Bob Bloch, Arnie Katz, TIm Kirk, and Bill Rotsler as well as the editors.
--FAPA One-Shots. Added Sam Russell's "Eight Pages" from Jan 47.
--The New Port News, Ned Brooks. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us APAzine, all from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Offline Reader, Irv Koch. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Plenum, Milt Rothman. Created an index page and added 1 more issue to the one that was already on the page for 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Plenum was Milt Rothman's FAPAzine.
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added 6 issues from the early 00s. The previous issues we had online were all from the 70s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--TAFF. Added "TAFF Terror Tales" (Steve Stiles, 1969).
--Title, Donn Brazier. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the 70s.
--Tigger, Marc Ortlieb. Added 11 issues of this new-to-us title from the 1980s. The first 2 we have were produced on behalf of the Aussiecon Two Committee.
--Tyndallite, Norm Metcalf. Added 7 issues from Mar 01-Jul 02. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Uncle Lon's Unofficial Box Scores, Gary Brown. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 00s. This is page counts and zine counts from SFPA. You probably noticed a a fair number of zines with a new upload of 7 issues. Rich has been scanning SFPA. More to come. These scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Whistlestar, Lenny Bailes. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the 1980s. Contributors include Jeanne Bowman, Ted White, Harry Bell, Brad Foster, Lucy Huntzinger, Tom Weber Jr, Dave Rike, and Bill Rotsler.

Corrections and Clarifications:Q36, Marc Ortlieb. Thanks to Sandra Bond for spotting the egregious typos. Corrected now. Thanks, Sandra!

August 12, 2022
Updated on the Fan Publications  page: Thanks to a reminder from Murray Moore, I've updated three informational pages about our Fanzines. Go to Fan Publications  for links to the current view of our Core Fanzine List to Scan, our Fanzine Begging List, and our somewhat overlapping but intended to be compelling "We Only Need One Issue to Complete the Run!"  list. On this last one, you'll notice some items that we really should have - fanzines by fans that are still very much alive. We've asked most of them for copies or scans of the missing issues, and they don't have them either. So if you do, please let me know (at Murray has kindly volunteered to bring some of these elusive issues 1-and-done issues to Chicon for scanning. Thanks, Murray!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Askance, John Purcell. Added the July 2022 issue. Thanks, John!
--B.T. His Mag, Bob Tucker. Added 3 issues: #3 (Sum 46), a 1949 issue, and B.T. His Pages 15 (Feb 66). Look at the back page of #3 - can you identify the photos? Or rather, can you help identify the photos?
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the July issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--fanzines/Elmurmurings, Elmer Purdue. Added #1 (Feb 62). Yes, this is the 2nd #1 on the index page. Fans are infinitely creative in their numbering.
--Fanmark Greeting Cards, Jim Caughran, Bjo and John Trimble. Added 8 items to a new index page for Fanmark Greeting Cards. These were a 1959 one-shot effort, but there are 7 distinct cards here. Still charming, even if not as applicable as they were 60+ years ago.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 8/12 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Quodlibet, Bill Patterson. Added 11 issues of Bill's 1980s perzine.
--Probe, Gail Jamieson. Added 18 more issues of this clubzine of Science Fiction and Fantasy South Africa (SFFSA). Thanks, Gail! And thanks to SFFSA!
--SF-NYTT, Sam Lundwall and Alan Dodd. Added 4 issues of this early 60s zine. Primarily a Swedish language zine, one of the issues is SF-NYTT International 1 and is in English.
--Tacitum, Benny Sodek. Added an index page for this title, and 3 more issues. There was already an issue in 1_Issue-Maybe_More_to_Come  and now that has been moved to this page. Tacitum was a 1950s zine.
--Vagary, Roberta Gray. Added 4 items from the 60s for this new-to-us apazine title. Embarrassingly, these were lost in our pipeline for some time. Scans provided by Joe Patrizio. Thanks, Joe!
--Viewpoints, Roscoe Wright. Added #1 (Sum 52). "A controversy has risen about the management and tone of World Science-Fiction Conventions, particularly the coming one in Chicago. Since these annual conventions are of major interest to most science-fictionists the matter merits attention...The whole thing with the Chicon is that there arn t any really well known fans there...No one will know how bad things really are until it is too late. ... I think we need a new guard of convention planners.." This was in regards to Chicon II (Lest you believe that Worldcon politics are a new thing.

PDF conversions: Unless otherwise noted, all PDF conversions are by Joe Siclari.
--SF Newsscope, Lawrence Ray Campbell. Replaced the remaining issues we have on line with searchable PDFs. Also, since Joe pointed out that I was spelling the fanzine name wrong, I've renamed it correctly (and fixed the link online). For those keeping score, it had been SF Newscope and now it is SF Newsscope. Thanks, Joe.

August 9, 2022
Directories: Fannish Who's Whos. Added the 1945 Directory of Anglo Fandom by J. M. Rosenblum. If you're looking for directories, bibliographies, and other references, just see the navigation bar on the home page and click on "References" to see what's available. Scan for the Anglo Fandom Directory provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 2 titles: Critical Wave 8 (Steve Green/Martin Tudor, 1988) and BEMS Newsletter (Pat James, Sep 90).
--Eclipse, Ray Thompson. Added 6 issues of this mid 50s genzine ranging from 1954 to 1956.
--Enclave, Joe Pilati. Added 4 issues of this genzine from the 1960s - #2-4 (May-Sep 63), and #8 (Fall 64). Contributors include Ted White, Tom Perry, Buck and Juanita Coulson, bhob stewart, Bjo Trimble, ATom, Don Thompson and others.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Aug 22 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--ISFAnews, mostly Bruce Coulson. Added 20 1970s issues of this new-to-us title, the very brief newsletter of the Indiana Science Fiction Association.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Early August issue, #531. Thanks, Dale!
--Probe, Gail Jamieson. There was one issue of Probe up on our 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Today we put up an index page dedicated to Probe and added 16 more issues of this clubzine of Science Fiction and Fantasy South Africa (SFFSA). Thanks to Rich Lynch for making contacts, and to Gail Jamieson and SSFA for providing the scans. Thanks, all!
--Q36, Marc Ortlieb. Added 12 issues of this new-to-us title from the 80s. Eclectically numbered, this genzine won the Ditmar Award for Best Australian Fanzine in 1981, 1982 and 1983. Thanks, Marc, for permission to include it in the archive!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the August issue. Thanks, George!
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added the Summer 2022 issue. Thanks, Guy!

Corrections and Clarifications: FanewsCard, Walt Dunkelberger. Thanks to Jerry Kaufman for spotting a wrongly asserted year for #325. I don't think it's actually #325 either, so it's there as Fanews Summer 1947. At 62 pages it's not a FanewsCard but a Fanews. Thanks, Jerry!

August 5, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 2 titles: Picture Trick (Marion Zimmer Bradley, 1960) and Talisman 3 (Roy Loan, Sum 51).
--1950s One Shots. Added "Ray Bradbury Review" by William Nolan from 1952. Contributors include Tony Boucher, Henry Kuttner, Chad Oliver, Ian Macauley, and others.
--Askew, John Purcell. Added #9 (Jun 14).
--Confab, Bob Peatrowsky. Added the complete 15 issue run of this perzine from the mid 1950s.
--DUFF. Added the 1990 ballot. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Esprit, Daphne Buckmaster. Created an index page and added 2 more issues. We had #12 already in the 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come  section. That's now been moved and Esprit has its own page.
--Eusifanso, Roscoe Wright and others. Added 2 more issues #6-7 (May-Jun 50). Also changed the numbering of the other issues - they were incorrectly marked as 7, 8, etc. but now that the real #7 is in hand, it's more clear what is actually what.
--Excalibur, Lenny Bailes and Arnie Katz. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the 60s. Contributors include John Berry, John Boardman, Steve Stiles and others. Thanks, Lenny!
--Foundation. Added #17 (Sep 79), edited by Malcolm Edwards. Scan provided by Paul Fraser. Thanks, Paul!
--Memphen, Greg Bridges. Added #279 (May 02). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Moonshine, Len Moffatt. Added 3 issues: #6 (Jan 47), V2#4 (edited by Rick Sneary, Aug 60) and #48 (Nov 80).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 8/5 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the latest issue, #25 (Aug 22) - Perry's 2nd Annish. Thanks, Perry!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #3 (May 14).
--A Tale of the 'Evans, E. Everett Evans. Added #15 (Fall 46).
--Twilight Zine. Added 2 issues of this, the clubzine of the MIT Science Fiction Society. Added #23 (Jon Ingersoll, 70) and #40 (Lisa Kroh, 89).
--Zizzle-Pop, L. R. Chauvenet. Added another #2, this one with an earlier publication date of Sep 42. Or put another way, we found an earlier #2 so apparently #3 had been misnumbered.

Corrections and Clarifications: Luna, Frank Dietz. Issues 4 and 5 had gone missing. Thanks to Rob Hansen for letting me know so I could correct it. Thanks, Rob!

Conpubs: Danse Macabre, 1990 Australian Natcon. Added 5 issues of Bizarre, "The magazine of the 29th Australian Science Fiction Convention, Danse Macabre" from Feb 89-Feb 90. Scans provided by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!

Fancyclopedia: Thanks to our recent Fancy contributors - John Bray, Thomas Bull, Darrah Chavey, Barry Gold, Philip Gust, Bill Higgins, Dave Langford, Perry Middlemiss, Rick Moen, Leah Zeldes Smith, Geri Sullivan, Jan Vanek jr and of course, Mark Olson.

PDF conversions: Organlegger, Mike Glyer. Replaced the remaining 4 JPG issues of Organlegger that we had on line with searchable PDFs.

July 31, 2022

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 3 more zines. "Big O #3", "Bruzzfuzzel News 61" and "Pooka 2" all scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Astra's Tower Special Leaflets, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added #1 (Aug 52). This one is on Sevener tales.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added 4 items: #15 (Fall 01), #27 (Nov 07), #40 (Sum 16) and Challenger sub-micron (Mar 01). Challenger 40 provided by Guy Lillian and other scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Guy! Thanks, Rich!
--DUFF. Added 2 more ballots (99 and 05) and upgraded the scan for 01. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--ERB Zines - Burroughs, Vernell Coriell and others. Started with 4 items, I added an index page for miscellaneous Burroughs zines. There's Dum-Dum 2 (Sep 62), an issue of the Burroughs Bulletin - #14 (63) and 2 uncredited issues of Gridley Wave from 2001.
--Fanactvity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the July 2022 issue. Thanks, George!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues - 7/22 and 7/29 - of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin. Added an issue edited by R.B. Cleary from Oct 02. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #56 (Jun 22). Thank you Guy.
--TAFF. Added 4 items: 2006 Ballot (this has an updated deadline compared to the 2006 ballot that was already online), "President TAFF's Bathtub 1" (Chris Garcia, 08), and Suzanne Tompkins "Two Year TAFF Life #1 (05) and 5 (Jun 08). Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Tyndallite, Norm Metcalf. Added 9 issues of this mostly new-to-us SFPAzine, from 2002 to 2005. Mostly new, because there was an issue in the index for 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come, now moved over to the new page Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Variant, Allison Williams. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1947. Variant was the "official magazine of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society" (PSFS). Issue 3 was a special convention issue for the first worldcon in Philadelphia (Philcon). Contributors include David Keller, Milt Rothman, Oswarld Train, Bob Madle, and others.
--Walt's Wramblings, Walt Liebscher. Added 2 issues: #9 (Spr 44) and the Fall 44 issue.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Fixed a broken link on the index page. Many thanks to Sam McDonald for finding the problem.
--First Fandom Publications. Fixed a broken link and typo on the index page for #53 (edited by John Coker III). Thanks to Jan Vanek jr for finding the error, and letting us know. Thanks, Jan!

PDF convesrsions: All OCR and PDFing not otherwise credited was done by Joe Siclari.
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Replaced Dick Eney's "Sense of FAPA" with a searchable PDF. Thanks to Lenny Bailes for asking about it.
--Madman of Mars, Forrest J Ackerman. Replaced the three issues we have of this title with searchable PDFs.
--Rahuun Ta-Ka, Forrest J Ackerman. Replaced the two issues we have of this title with searchable PDFs.

July 20, 2022
Thanks to everyone who has responded to our Second Ever FANAC Survey. We've had over 115 responses so far, and are just beginning to go through them. There's some really good stuff here, so thank you again. If you would like to take the survey and provide us with your feedback on the site, send a note to

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 8 items. One of them, "Chigger Patch of Fandom", has articles by Joe Gibson, Dick Eney, Stan Woolston, Ken Slater, Ron Ellik, Harlan Ellison, and others.
--Hickman - Other Publications, Lynn Hickman. Added Badmouth 1 (Spr 70).
--*brg*, Bruce Gillespie. Added #26 (Dec 99). It's all about Aussiecon 3.
--Brennschluss, Ken Potter. Added 3 more issues of this genzine from 1950s-1960s. This is the first time that we've had a title in the 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come  directory, and then actually scanned more issues and moved everything to its own page.
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added 2 1940s issues - Nov 48 and Jan 48.
--Censored, Fred Hurter. Added #1 (Jun 41). This issue includes an article by damon knight.
--Dawn, Russell Watkins. Added #8 (Mar 50).
--Day*Star, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added #6 (Aug 57).
--Milty's Mag, Milt Rothman. Added 2 1940s issues of Milty's Mag. Fall 1940 and June 1941.
--Reader and Collector, H. C. Koenig. Added #1 (Aug 38) of this FAPAzine.
--Shipside, John Trimble. Added #4 (Jun 60).
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added the latest issue of Guy's perzine (Jul 22). Thanks, Guy!
--Stellar, Ted White. Added #19 (Aug 58).
--Third Foundation, Lee Gold. Added #94 (70).
--(Title Goes Here), Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added 2 issues to the Mimosa index page - #3 (Apr 97) and #5 (Apr 98). Thanks, Rich!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the July issue of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George!
--Troat, Lynn Hickman. Added #4 (Sum 68).
--Vinegar Worm, Bob Leman. Added 10 issues (well 9 and a supplement) of this new-to-us title from the 60s.

Corrections and Clarifications: Lots of rearranging going on. Based on recommendations from Sam McDonald, I moved several of the zines from the 1 Issue - Maybe More to Come  to the One Shot pages. Several others were already up, and I had a (forgotten) precursor to the "1 Issue-More to Come" index called "Miscellaneous Fanzines". Those are now moved over and the Misc page is gone. I'm sure I'll find more that were in various pockets on the website. Thanks again to Sam McDonald for his meticulous notes on the individual fanzines on this page.

July 17, 2022

The "Second Ever Survey" is going out today. If you are not on our mailing list, and would like to participate, please send a note to

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue - Maybe More to Come. Added 25 more, including 4 from the Supermancon Combozine (54) all scanned by Rob Hansen. Tyndalite V3#128 (Norm Metcalf, 06) was scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rob! Thanks, Rich!
--Askew, John Purcell. Added the latest issue, #37 (Jul 22). Thanks, John!
--Aussiecon Flyer, Don Lundry. Added 6 items of this new-to-us title - 4 Aussiecon Flyers and 2 Offspring of Aussiecon Flyer (the latter by John Millard). Aussiecon Flyer was a zine that Don Lundry put out "designed to provide the latest information on the status of the group flight to the 33rd World Science Fiction Convention." Offspring was focused on the post convention tour. Scanning by Joe Siclari from copies provided by Pat Sims from the collection of Roger Sims. Thanks, Pat! For those that may not recall, Roger passed away last January.
--Baloobius, Taral Wayne - Added #8 (Jul 22). Thanks, Taral!
--Bangsund-Other Publications, John Bangsund. Added 1 item - Sixty Pages for FAPA (79).
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added "Sol Reader" (1962), an English language collection from West Germany edited by Thomas Schlueck. Tom Schlueck is the same person as the Tom Schluck who later won TAFF. This is the first German fanzine to be completely in English according to Schlueck. "You will probably be astonished to receive something by me of have never heard; you may not even know that there is somethihg like a fandom over here in Germany."
--Gillespie - Other Publications, Bruce Gillespie. Added Supersonic Snail 4 (Oct 77).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/15 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Musicals. Added a Rehearsal Script for the Mimeo Man (Moshe Feder/ Debbie Notkin / Eli Cohen) from 1975.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the most recent issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added 2: the June and July 2022 issues. Thanks, Perry!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the July issue. Thanks, George!

Conpubs: Aussiecon  - Added a Membership Flyer. Flyer provided by Pat Sims, from the collection of Roger Sims. Thanks, Pat!

Corrections and Clarifications: 1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out better homes for some of these plus a duplication. As a result, I've moved Wollheim's GAPA Vanguard to 1940s One Shots. More to come. Thanks, Sam!

July 14, 2022
Bibliographies: I added this a while ago, but failed to include it in an update. Thanks to the good offices of Rob Hansen (and his mighty scanner), we have added "The Science Fiction Bibliography, V1#1"  put out by the Science Fiction Syndicate (Austin, Texas) in 1935. "With your co-operation, these few pages can be expanded into a definitive digest of information on all amateur science and fantasy publications." Apologies, Rob, for failing to note it. Also, thanks, Rob!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1 Issue-Maybe More to Come. I've had about 70 scans sitting waiting for more of the same title to be uploaded for a while. In this new index, I plan to put them up for the time being. I'm not going to list them all here, but by all means please check it out. There are some great contributors - look at Camber 6 - Terry Jeeves, Terry Carr, John Berry, Ron Bennett, Jack Williams, Robert Bloch, Ron Ellik, Buck Coulson, Greg Benford and more. If anyone has scans they are willing to make or provide for other issues of these zines, I'll gladly give them their own pages and take them out of here. We start with 35 zines today, from 1941 to 1986. There's some good stuff here. Scanning for Lhyfe 3 by Roelof Goudrian, and for Marc 1 by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Roelof! Thanks, Perry!
--Hickman-Other Publications, Lynn Hickman. Added Bullfrog Bugle 8 (Dec 59).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #122 (Jul 22). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Lark, Bill Danner. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the 50s.
--Postcon Poctsarcd, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 "issues" of this new-to-us title, all from the 90s. Bruce sent out picture postcards after conventions he visited, with a (very) brief postcard zine.
--Twll-Ddu, Dave Langford. Added #18 (Aug 80). Scan by Eli Cohen. Thanks, Eli!

Corrections and Clarifications: 1980s One Shots. Fixed a page ordering problem with Hoaxarama. Fixed now. Thanks to Mike Glyer for spotting the problem and letting us know. Thanks, Mike!

July 8, 2022
Alphabetical List of Fanzines  - This looks different. John Hertz noticed that collections were not alphabetized like other fanzines. That wasn't very good, so Mark Olson has made an updated version of our fanzine alphabetization software that now treats collections differently, and alphabetizes them by their own name instead of something like 1940s One Shots. Now, instead of the decade by decade list at the front end of the alpha page, you'll see some individual zines with numbers for names. Good observation, John! Thanks! And of course, thanks to Mark Olson for the updated software.

Reference: Directories  - Added 2 fannish directories by Ron Bennett - one from 1956 and the other from 1958.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1940s One Shots. Added Caprice (Apr 47) from Redd Boggs.
--1960s One Shots. Added 4 items and updated one - from Bjo Trimble, added "Everyone Needs a Kitten" (69) and Expletive (Oct 66). From Ted Johstone, added "Roscoe Will Save" (May 60). From Archie Mercer, added part two of Meadows of Fantasy from 1965. Also provided a better copy of "Xerozine 00" from Bill Desmond.
--1980s One Shots. Added 3 items: Spung 1 (Ted White, Aug 87); Discount Hoaxerama (Elst Weinstein and Mike Glyer, 1985), Vox 1 (Richard Bergeron, May 88). Others listed in the table of contents to Hoaxarama: Jack Harness, Tom Digby, Craig Miller, Marc Schirmeister. Spung 1 was scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--2020s One Shots. Added Pluglunk, edited by John Purcell, a one shot written at the 2020 Corflu. Thanks, John!
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #32 (Sum 10). Contributors include Martin Morse Wooster, Greg Benford, James Bacon, Joseph Major, Taral and others. MThanks, Guy!
--Cosmic Dust, Walt Kessel. Added #7 (1944).
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the June issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--DUFF. Added Guy and Rosy for for DUFF from 2003. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Malignant / FANtastic Story Magazine, Ron Ellik. Added Malignant aka FANtastic Story Magazine 7. Last issue, I believe.
--JDM Bibliophile, Len and June Moffatt. Added #6 (May 67). This is a related publication, focused on mysteries.
--KaCSFFS Newsletter, Nancy Nutt. Added 2 issues from 2005 - V29#3 (Apr) and V29#8 (Sept). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Off Trails, official organ of OMPA - the Offtrails Magazine Publishers Association. This is a new title for us. Added 3 issues from 1963-1965.
--S.F. Echo, Edward Connor. Added S.F. Echo 26 (Dec 77). S.F. Echo is a continuation of Moebius Trip, and so they share an index page. Walt Leibscher is one of the contributors.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 4/8 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--sCINTillation, Mark Schulzinger. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1955. Contributors include Lou Tabakow, Dale Tarr, Don Ford, and T.E. Prufrock.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin. Added 2 issues: V8#2-3, edited by R.B. Cleary from 2003. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--STF Trader, K. Martin Carlson. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us adzine from the late 40s. Carlson is the same fan that did the Kay-Mar Trader, which ran from 1946 to I think 1948.
--TAFF. Added the 2003 TAFF Ballot. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--TNFF. Added #30 (Dec 54), edited by Donald Susan.
--Tightbeam, NFFF. Added #30, edited by Norm Metcalf, from Mar 65.
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added Vandy 28 (1967).
--Wastebasket, Vernon McCain. Added a preface to Wastebasket #4 (Jan 53).

Fancyclopedia: I forgot to check last week for the June contributors, so if I've missed someone, then my apologies. Many thanks to our Fancyclopedia contributors over the last 30 days: John Bray, Bill Burns, Darrah Chavey, Vincent Docherty, Barry Gold, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Gary McGath, Perry Middlemiss, Roger Robinson, Joe Siclari, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jean Thompson, and of course, Mark Olson.

July 2, 2022
Minicon 10 (1975)-History of the MFS-Poul Anderson, Gordon Dickson, Clifford Simak, Bob Tucker & more: Minicon 10 was held April 18-20, 1975 in Minneapolis. This panel discussion, orchestrated by Gordy Dickson, majors in history and anecdotes of the 1940s Minneapolis Fantasy Society (MFS). Particpants: Kenny Gray, Poul Anderson, Oliver Saari, Gordon Dickson, Grace Riger, Bob Tucker, and Clifford Simak. A high percentage of the MFS members went on to sell professionally to the magazines...The panel begins with the flowering of MFS after Clifford Simak moved to town to anecdotes about late night hero-saving plot sessions to the true identity of Squanchfoot (hint: Simak s City was dedicated to him). You ll hear about the softball games in which many Saaris participated, the origin of Twonk s disease, how Poul became an MFS member and more. There s silly story writing, an imitation Red Boggs, and a mass induction into the MFS. For those that live(d) in Minneapolis, and for those that didn t, this recording provides an affectionate look at the early MFS...Many thanks to Geri Sullivan and the Video Archeology project for providing the recording.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1950s One Shots. Added 7 items: Bob Pavlat's Eofandom (59); Andrew Young's iEHEU! (Jan 57 - "The Crottled Greep HAS BEEN FOUND"); William Austin's "Namelessentials" (Feb 51); Ted White's "Smithereen" - (54 - Smallest fanzine); John Koning's "Revolution" - (59) and a LoC on Revolution from Rick Sneary; and Don Durward's "Little Name Fan" = (Jan 59). Contributors to Revolution include Donald Franson, Robert Bloch, Len Moffatt, Steve Schultheis, Bob Lichtman, Jim Caughran, and others.
--Blatant, Avedon Carol. Added #18 (Apr 89) of Avedon's perzine.
--Bleen, Dean Grennell. Added Bleen #7 (May 58).
--Discord, Redd Boggs. Added the Questionaire from #16 (Jan 62).
--Duprass, Linda Bushyager and Leslie Smith. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 80s. Contributors include David D'Ammassa, Esther Friesner, Darrell Schweitzer, Brad Foster, Jack Gaughan, Alexis Gilliland, Bill Rotsler, Steve Stiles, Taral, Stu Shiffman and Moshe Feder.
--Enclave, Joe Pilati. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1963-64. Contributors include Bob Tucker, Tom Perry, Steve Stiles, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Ray Nelson, Dick Lupoff, Harlan Ellison, Buck Coulson, Walt Willis and Ted White among others.
--ETA, Rob Hansen. Added 2 issues of Rob's perzine: #3 (Oct 88) and #5 (Apr 90).
--Etaoin Shrdlu, Stephen Taller. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1950. According to Fancyclopedia, "ETAOIN SHRDLU" is from the top row of keys on the standard linotype keyboard because they are the most commonly used letters in English. Contributors include Alfred Bester.
--Impossible, Burnett Toskey. Added 4 issues of "Impossible", a new-to-us title from 1950-51. Impossible was a production of the Nameless Ones. Contributors include C.M. Carr, Lin Carter, Lee Hoffman, and others.
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added #17 (Jul 75) of Ned's perzine.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 7/1 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Of Cabbages and Kings (and Baby Turtles), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added the Fall 74 issue of Peggy Rae's FAPAzine.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the new Canada Day issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Oz, Beryl Henley Mercer. Added 2 issues: #2-3 of this OMPAzine, both from 1965.
--Poor Richard's Almanac, rich brown. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1962.
--Postwarp, Art Rapp. Added 4 early issues of Postwarp (the NFFF zine now evolved into Tightbeam), all edited by Art Rapp. Added today are issues 4-5 (Jan-Feb 50), and 7-8 (Apr-May 50). Lots of well-known names in these letterzines, including Boggs, Tucker, McCain, Vick, Sneary, Coslet, Venable, etc.
--Rhodomagnetic Digest, Don Fabun. Added #19 (52). Rhodomagnetic Digest is a core zine for us to scan.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the May and June issues of the The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks, George!
--Tomorrow And..., Jerry Lapidus. Added 3 more issues: #2 (coedited by Mike Bradley, Oct 68), #6-7 (71). Contributors include andy offutt, Lisa Tuttle, Dean Koontz, Mike Gilbert, Darrell Sweitzer, Jack Gaughan and others.

June 27, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1970s One Shots. Added "Space Opera 1" from Ed Pippin (Aug 78). This is a Tom Corbett zine, and was provided to us for scanning by Jesse Mazer. Thanks, Jesse!
--Differential, S. W. Paul Wyszkowski. Added 9 issues of this short new-to-us perzine from the early 60s. These are snappy little zines, with some humor and wit.
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added #43 (Spr 92). We pulled this one ahead in the scanning list as it was specifically requested for a paper being written by an academic in Azerbaijan. Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Holier Than Thou, Marty Cantor. Added #6 (Apr 80).
--HPL, Meade Frierson. Added Meade Frierson's massive (144 pg) Tribute to Howard Philips Lovecraft. Contributors include Robert Bloch, Stuart Schiff, E. Hoffman Price, Fritz Leiber, George Wetzel, Gerry de la Ree, Steve Fabian, Tim Kirk, Danny Frolich and others. We already had three supplements online and now we have the central publication. Whoot!
--Les Spinge, Dave Hale. Added #10 (Jan 63). Contributors inlude Ken Cheslin, John Berry, Terry Jeeves and others. Les Spinge is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Masiform D, Devra Langsam. Added #2 (Mar 72) and #8 (Feb 79). Contributors include Marion Zimmer Bradley, Joyce Yasner, Eleanor Arnason, Alicia Austin, Sandra Wise and others.
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming, Walter Reinecke and Gary Kl pfel. Added #87 (Mar 66) of this German language fanzine.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Summer Solstice 2022 issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Phantasphere, Donald Wollheim. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us VAPAazine, both from 1945. Issue 2 calls it the "phantagraph-in-vanguard"
--Quip, Arnie Katz. Added 4 issues: #2-3 (co-edited with Lenny Bailes, Win 65 - Spr 66) and #12-13(Aug-Oct 69). Contributors include F.M. Busby, Walt and Madeleine Willis, Ted Wite, Ross Chamberlain, Steve Stiles, Harry Warner Jr., Charles Burbee, Greg Benford, John D. Berry and more.
--Quotebook, Bill Rotsler. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. These are a "Collection of Quotations for all Occasions". From #1 - "This collection was compiled mainly from private sources conversation, correspondence, privately printed magazines of limited circulation and the more obscure, offtrail and overlooked public sources plus a few well-known quotations that amused or interested the editor." Example - a quote about work from Bob Shaw, Hyphen 10 - "Work is the only thing you can do for years without getting the habit." And if you would like to read the original, see Issue 2 lacks attributions.
--Random, Dapne Buckmaster. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from 1961.
--Rhodomagnetic Digest, Donald Baker Moore. Added two issues: #8 (Aug 50) and #11 (Feb 51). Rhodomagnetic Digest is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--SF Weekly, Andrew Porter. Added #182 (May 67).
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added #130 (Mar 74).
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin, Julie Wall. Added V7#11 (Nov 01). This issue has a number of In Memoriam articles for Meade Frierson III, a mainstay of southern fandom. The reminiscences include pieces by Toni Weisskopf, Guy Lillian III, Deb Hammer-Johnson, Irv Koch, and several others.
--T-Negative, Ruth Berman. Added 5 more issues of Ruth's Star Trek zine, thereby completing the run. Added #4-8 (Dec 69-Aug 70). Contributors include Dorothy Jones, Astrid Anderson, Juanita Coulson, Jacqueline Lichtenberg and others.
--Time Warp, Art Rapp. Added #6 (Sum 50).
--Vague, Ted Pauls. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1959/60.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Memoirs, Critiques and Bibliographies. Thanks to Donovan Loucks for pointing out that two pages were reversed. Fixed now. Thanks, Donovan!
--Thanks to Bill Burns for finding a busted navigation arrow on a page in "ATom Abroad". Fixed now. Thanks, Bill!

June 22, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1940s One Shots. Added 3 items - Bembook (Bill Groover and Art Rapp, Jul 47), Hazing Stories (Bob Pavlat, Bob Briggs and Chick Derry, Aug 49), and Final War (1949). Final War is an unusual piece. After a contest, ten pieces of art were selected by the Portland Science Fantasy Society to be reproduced on postcards. David Keller received a set of the cards, and wrote a story to fit them. This publication is David Keller's story, and the 10 pieces of art that inspired it. Very cool.
--Amble, Archie Mercer. Added #22 (Sum 65).
--Day*Star, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added 5 issues of Marion's zine - 3 from 1961, 19-20 (Aug 62-Feb 63). Contributors to these issues include Redd Boggs, Walter Breen, and of course, Marion Zimmer Bradley.
--Descant, Norm Clarke and Gina Ellis Clarke. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us apazine from 1961 to 1971.
--Disjecta Membra, Ted Pauls. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us letterzine title from the late 50s.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the June issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Homunculus, Avram and Grania Davidson. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us personalzine from the early 60s. The title is explained in issue 1 - "HOMUNCULUS.. This has several meanings. In Medieval Latin or Ancient Esperanto or something, it means a little man In this case, our unborn child."
--JD, Lynn Hickman. Added #22 (Oct 55). Contributors include Basil Wells and Wilkie Conner.
--Moebius Trip, Edward Connor. Added 6 more issues. #2-3 (Nov 69 - Jan 70), #5 (Jul 70), #7-8 (Jan-Mar 71), #10 (Oct 71). Contributors include Ted Pauls, Perry Capdelaine, Bill Rotsler, Terry Jeeves, David Gerrold, Mike Gilbert, Jeff Schalles and others.
--Nous, Ruth and Jean Berman. Added #1 (Jun 67). Contributors include Eleanor Arnason, and Len Bailes.
--Prehensile, Mike Glyer. Added #3 (72). Prehensile is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Quaro, Art Widner. Added 4 issues of Art's SAPszine from 1995 and 2000. This is a new title for us, and was scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Science Fiction Newscope, Lawrence Ray Campbell. Added #17 of this newszine (Jun 52).
--WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added 3 items to this page. The two most interesting are the announcement of Disclave 4 by Bob Pavlat (sponsored by WSFA) in 1958, and the Sept 1948 WSFA Constitution. Also added SF&F Journal 90 (May 78).

June 17, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Don-O-Saur, Don C. Thompson. Added 2 issues - #58 (May 90) and the last issue, #60 (Nov 90).
--Einblatt. Added 8 issues of Einblatt from 1986, all edited by Karen Schaffer. Einblatt is an events and announcements zine from Minn-Stf.
--Entmoot, Greg Shaw and David Hall. Added 4 items of this Tolkien focused zine from the mid60s - issues 1-3 and a questionnaire on the Tolkien Symposium.
--Eusifanso, D. R. Fraser. Added #7 (Jul 50). Contributors include Rick Sneary, Roscoe Wright, and Vernon McCain.
--Explorer. Added 6 issues of this, the official organ of the International Science Fiction Correspondence Club. Added issues from Oct 53-May 59. All but one were edited by Ray Higgs. The last one was edited by Art Hayes.
--Goojie Pubs, Miriam Knight. Added an item from 1963: "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Poughkeepsie". This is edited by Miriam Knight. The Goojie Pubs are a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Graymalkin, Denise Leigh. Added the complete run of 6 issues from the late 70s-early 80s. Later issues include contributions by Bill Bowers, George R.R. Martin, Dave Locke, Bill Rotsler, Bob Tucker, JodieOffutt, Terry Jeeves and others.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 6/10 and 6/17 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Phantagraph, Donald Wollheim. Added #33 (Feb 41). The Phantagraph is a core fanzine for use to scan.
--Quip, Arnie Katz and Lon Atkins. Added #5 (Feb 67). Contributors include Len Bailes, Pete Weston, Robert Bloch, Ross Chamberlain, Harry Warner, Jr., Bill Bowers, Wally Weber, Terry Carr, F.M. Busby, Greg Benford, Terry Jeeves, Andy Porter, Bill Rotsler, Steve Stiles, ATom and Bjo.
--Savoyard, Bruce Pelz. Added #9 (Mar 63).
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added #42 (Dec 66). Scottishe is a core zine for us to scan.
--Texas SF Inquirer. Added #37 (Mar 91), edited by Dale Denton and Alexander Slate. Texas SF Inquirer is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Tightbeam. George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the June issue. Thanks, George!
--Twilight Zine. Added 4 issues - 3 were edited by Leslie Turek and Cory Seidman: #17-18, 20 (1966) and one by Mike Ward: #16 (Mar 66). Twilight Zine is a clubzine of the MIT Science Fiction Society aka MITSFS.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Floccipaucinihilipilification, Mike Glicksohn. Mark also found a typo in the name 1) on the index page, 2) in the Classic List, and 3) online directory. For entertainment value, the online directory typo was a different typo. Thanks a lot Mark.
--Foundation. Mark Olson found a couple of errors on the index page. Now corrected. Thanks, Mark!
--Quip, Arnie Katz. Fixed an incorrect editor attribution. It's Cindy Van Arnam, not Dave. Thanks to Joe Siclari for the correction!

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon 4 added Melbourne in 2010 ConJose party flyer

---Balticon 56 added Name badge with CoC on the backside, Rocket Mail daily newsletter Friday, Rocket Mail daily newsletter Saturday, Rocket Mail daily newsletter Sunday

---Boskone 16 added Film Program, Helmuth (Satruday), Pocket Program
---Boskone 21 added Boxboro Fandom party invitation, Eichmil 1, Eichmil 2, Eichmil 3, Film & Video schedules, Helmuth #3, Helmuth #4, PR, Helmuth #2

---Capclave 2022 added Business card flyer

---ConFusion 14 added Program Book

---DSC 40 added Two page flyer

---Disclave 18 added Filk Song Book
---Disclave 27 added Program Book

---Coroncon added Loncon 53 in Song and Slightly Dirty Story by various
---Festivention added a Report by A. Vincent Clarke
---Helicon added flyer
---SCI-CON 70 added Two page photo sheet

---Midwestcon 59 added program book

Nasfic added Orlando in 2023
two sided NASFiC flyer, Winnipeg 2023
NASFiC flyer
---2024 Nasfic added Buffalo in 2024 NASFiC flyer

---Alternacon added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Norwescon IX added Norwesscon 9 Program Book
---Norwescon VII added Newsletter, Program Book, Pocket Program, Special Notice
---Norwescon VIII added Spawn of Prophecy #1

---Philcon 1982.1 added Program Book
---Philcon 1984 added Artist's Workshop, Film Guide, Program Book
---Philcon 89 added Film Guide

---Smofcon 38 added Flier

---Windycon XII added Gopher Information Sheet, Pocket Program, Volunteer release form
---Windycon XVI added Pocket Program

June 8, 2022
Apologies, all, for the long delay between updates. A family medical emergency kept me away from FANAC for most of the last month. It's now resolved, and FANAC updates should resume in pretty much the same fashion as they were before.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added #17 (Nov 75).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the latest issue, #121. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Kyben, Jeff Smith. Added 2 items: #3 (Feb 72), and a Kybs ballot from Jan 74. I haven't heard of "Kybs" either. Look at the ballot to see what it's about. Contributors include Bill Rotsler and James Tiptree, Jr.
--Les Spinge, Dave Hale. Added #11 (Jun 63). Les Spinge is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--MT_Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 3 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Odd, Ray Fisher. Added #19 (Sum 68). Contributors include Ted White, Roger Zelazny, Bob Bloch, Jack Gaughan, Bob Tucker, Joe Haldeman, Harry Warner Jr., and Arnie Katz among others. Odd is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added #525-526 (late May - early June), as well as updated the cumulative index. Thanks, Dale!
--Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Added 3 issues from 1950 - #12 (Mar 50) and #14-15 (Jul-Oct 50). Contributors include Tony Boucher, Roy Tackett, Larry Saunders and Jim Harmon. Peon is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Phantagraph, Donald Wollheim. Added the brief issue V14#3 (Aug 45) written to mark the end of World War II. The Phantagraph is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Pluto, Vince and Mavis Manning. Added #4 (Sep 40). Contributors include L.R. Chauvenet and Dale Tarr.
--Quip, Arnie Katz. Added 4 issues and corrected an error on the index page. Added: #4 (Sum 66) coedited by Lenny Bailes, #7 (Fall 67) coedited by Cindy Van Arnam, #10-11 (Oct 68-Feb 69). Also, as Lenny Bailes pointed out, we had labeled issue 6 erroneously as issue 5. That's now been corrected. Contributors incude Steve Stiles, Greg Benford, Harry Warner, Walt Willis, Ross Chamberlain, Jack Gaughan, Bill Rotsler, John Berry, John D. Berry, Ted White, John Trimble, F.M. Busby and others.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added 6 issues: Spr-Sum 1953, Dec 1953, #78-79 (Apr-Oct 64), and #83 (Jan 67). Spacewarp is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Twilight Zine. Added 20 issues by various editors. Added #24-39 (Jul 71- 87), 42 (1992), #44-5 (00-01) and #47 (Jan 07). These scans provided by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 6 issues of this FAPAzine: #2-3 (59), 15 (62), 17-18 (63) and 22 (64).
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #40 (May 56). Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors include John Bray, Darrah Chavey, Dave Langford, George Phillies, Steven Silver, Jan Vanek Jr, and of course, Mark Olson.

May 16, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Cinefantastique, Fred Clarke. The glossy magazine you may have read had its orgins as a mimeographed fanzine. We've added #1, 3, and 5 all from 1967.
--Devlins Review, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added the complete 2 issue run of this reviewzine from the mid 70s.
--Don-o-Saur, Don Thompson. Added 11 issues: #36-41 (Sep 74-Feb 76), 46 (Jul 76) 52 (Oct 88), 54 (Apr 89), and 56-57 (Nov 89-Feb 90).
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the May issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--FanewsCard. Added 3 items - #2 (Bob Tucker, Jan 43), and two special editions. One was an NFFF election special (Nov 45) and the other a holiday card from Dec 44.
--Quip, Arnie Katz. Added 3 issues of Quip to start with. This is a new-to-us fanzine from the 1960s. Contributors to these issues include Ted White, John Berry, Shelby Vick, F.M. Busby, Ross Chamberlain, Terry Jeeves, Bill Rotsler, Charles Burbee, Harry Warner, Dick Geis, Dick Lupoff, Bob Tucker, Greg Benford, John D. Berry and Steve Stiles - a stellar lineup. It was a team effort to get permission to put these online - many thanks to Lenny Bailes, Cathy Matthews and of course Arnie Katz for making it happen. Thanks all!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #55 (May 22). Thanks, Guy!
--STEFCARD, Walter Coslet. Added #2, 4, and 16 from 1950-51.
--Wee Tome Tipper, Walt Leibscher. Added issues #1-5 of this cardzine/newszine. According to Pavlat-Evans, there may have been one more issue in Jan 45.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Removed a duplicate line from the index page. Error spotted by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon Three added Schedule for September 2, Australia in 1999 button
---BucConeer added Thank you letter to program participants
---ConJose added Do You Know the Way to ConJose - by Rich and Nicki Lynch
---Denvention 3 added Book discussion flyer, Newsletter H, Why Denver in 2008 flyer, Program Schedule Grid
---Denvention I added Robert Heinlein's Guest of Honor speech
---Denvention Two added Denvention 2 Newsletter #1 p
---Detention added Detention 5
---L.A.con II added Pocket Program
---Millennium Philcon added Milli VaPhilly, Run Kessel Run, Program changes for August 30, Retro Hugo Ceremony program
---Nippon 2007 added Convention update and Hugo nominating ballot
---Noreascon 3 added Monday Pink Sheet
---Noreascon 4 added Galactic Patrol Gazette #5, Galactic Patrol Gazette #4
---Noreascon I added Advertising flyer
---Torcon 3 added Dam Write Daily H

---Balticon 9 added Program Book, HOPSFA Mini Hymnal
---Balticon 37 added Multipage flyer
---Balticon 52 added Daily newsletter for May 24th 2019
---Balticon 53 added Daily newsletter for May 24th 2019
---Balticon 56 added Two-sided postcard flyer

---Boskone 10 added Program Book
---Boskone 14 added Helmuth #3, Pocket Program
---Boskone 15 added Post-Con report, Program
---Boskone 16 added Flyer
---Boskone 18 added Film Program, Progress Report
---Boskone 24 added Helminth, Helmuth minus 2, Merchanter's Helmuth #1, Pocket Program, Scavenger Hunt
---Boskone 45 added Flier

---Capclave 2001 added flyer
---Capclave 2002 added One page flyer

---ConFusion 11 added Program Book, Trivia & Story Contest, Restaurant Guide
---Nine Billion Names of ConFusion added Restaurant Guide, Program Book

---Corflu 13 added Progress Report
---Corflu 16 added Progress report addendum, Progress report
---Corflu 36 added Flier and progress report

---DSC 50 added DSC 50. by Rich Lynch
---DSC 52 added Happy Contrails to You by Rich Lynch
---DSC 55 added High Times in High Point by Rich Lynch

---Disclave 18 added Pocket Program
---Disclave 20 added Program Book
---Disclave 30 added Pocket Program, Program Book

---Coroncon added Loncon 53 in Song and Slightly Dirty Story by Vince Clarke

---Kwintus Kublius added Program Book

---Loscon Sixteen added Program Book

---Lunacon 16 added Pocket Program
---Lunacon 19 added Pocket Program
---Lunacon 20 added Pocket Program
---Lunacon 21 added Pocket Program
---Lunacon 25 added Program Invitation

---Midwestcon 52 added two page flyer
---Midwestcon 71 added Two page flyer

---Minicon 16 added Egoboo Certificate, Program Schedule

---Detcon1 added Of Stargates and Superheroes by Rich Lynch
---NorthAmericon '79 added Embroidered cloth patch

---PgHLANGE VI added The Mimeo Man playbill, Program
---PgHLANGE VII added Program Book
---PgHLANGE XI added Program

---Philcon 1975 added Program Book
---Philcon 1976.1 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Philcon 1979 added Program Book
---Philcon 1984 added Pocket Program
---Philcon 1985 added Film program, Program Book, Pocket Program
---Philcon 1986 added Dealers Room Directory, Pocket Program, Program Book, Restaurant Guide, Space & Hard Science Program
---Philcon 2006 added Multipage flyer

---Readercon 1 added Read Me First, Program Schedule
---Readercon 2 added Flyer

---Rivercon III added Flyer
---Rivercon IV added Program Book
---Rivercon XI added Pocket Program, Program Book

---Conkopelli added John Hertz special publication flyer
---Westercon 29 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Membership Card
---Westercon 34 added Program Book, Pocket Program
---Westercon 37 added Hotel card, PR 3, Program questionaire, Pocket Program, PR 2, PR
---Westercone (sic) added Hotel card, Letter, PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, PR 4

---Windycon XI added Pocket Program

--World Fantasy Convention:
---12th World Fantasy Convention added Program Book
---2nd World Fantasy Convention added Pocket Program
---5th World Fantasy Convention added Progress Report

May 13, 2022
Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--2000s One Shots. Created an index page for these and started with 2 items (one of which looks very familiar and may be a duplicate): "Festzine - things for john foyster's sexagesimal anniversary" (Yvonne Rousseau, Juliette Woods and Damien Warman), and "On My Sleeve" (John Hertz).
--Booklist, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added the Mar 45 issue, bundled with Futurian War Digest 39.
--British Fantasy Society Bulletin, D.R. Smith. Added 2: issue #5 (Dec 42), bundled with Futurian War Digest 25 and issue #21 (Mar 45), bundled with Futurian War Digest #39.
--Canadian Fandom, Beak Taylor. Added #9 (Jul 45). Contributors include Leslie Croutch, and James Kepner. Canadian Fandom is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Delerium Tremens, Dennis Tucker. Added #7 (Jan 43). This was bundled with Futurian War Digest 25.
--Deviant, Carol McKinney. Added #3 (Jul 54). Contributors include Gregg Calkins, Rick Sneary and Terry Carr.
--Don-o-Saur, Don Thompson. Added 12 issues: #22 (Jul 73), 24 (Sep 73) 26-35 (Nov 73-Aug 74).
--Dot, Kevin Smith. Added #10 (Apr 81).
--Futurian War Digest, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added 3 issues: V3#2-3 (Nov 42-Jan 43), V5#2 (Mar 45). There was some misnumbering of issues. For a definitive list on issues and numbers, see Futurian War Digest is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Galaxy, Terry Overton. Added #4 (Jan 43). This was bundled with Futurian War Digest 25.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/13 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Added 3 issues of John Berry's perzine: #3 (Aug 58), #1 (Feb 60), and #19 (Oct 61). Pot Pourri is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added #9 (Jul 58) - "The Fanzine of Don'tFenceMeIn-ness".
--Review Section, Ron Holmes. Added 2 issues Nov 42 and Jan 43. These were bundled with Futurian War Digest 24 and 25, respectively.
--Texas SF Inquirer, Dale Denton and Alexander Slate. Added 5 issues: #38-39 (Apr-? 81), 41 (Oct 91), 45 (Sep 92) and 50 (Jun 93). Contributors to these issues include Ellen Datlow, Alicia Austin, and Teddy Harvia, Texas SF Inquirer is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the May issue. Thanks, George!
--Trumpet, Tom Reamy. Added 2 issues: #5 (Apr 67) and #11 (74). The later issue was co-edited by Alex Eisenstein and Ken Keller. Contributors include Harlan Ellison, Ruth Brman, George Barr, andy offutt, and Jerry Pournelle. Trumpet is a core fanzine for us to scan.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Rich Lynch for spotting a bad link in the What's New last time. Fixed now. Thanks, Rich!
--Thanks to Mark Plummer for detective work in identifying that what we had been calling "Bruce R Gillespie 1" was actually a review supplement to the 8th issue of Tomorrow And.... Thanks, Mark, for figuring it out and for letting us know!

May 9, 2022
Photos: ChattaCon XIII, 1988. A month ago, I uploaded Rich and Nicki Lynch's "Mimosa Live" to the YouTube channel. Today, I added 15 photos taken at that event to the Chattcon XIII photo album. All photos are by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich! Also, if you missed the Mimosa Live, you can see it on YouTube at 

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Celephais, Bill Evans. Added 11 more issues of Celephais. This fanzine provided for scanning by Eric Pavlat. Thanks, Eric!
--Cosmic Cuts, Gordon Holbrow. Added #5 (Dec 43). This issue was bound in with Futurian War Digest 32.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the May issue,, #120. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Lamppost, E. Frank Parker. Added issue #1 (Dec 43). This issue was bound in with Futurian War Digest 32.
--Mighty Atom, R. Rowland Johnson. Added #3 (Nov 43). This issue was bound in with Futurian War Digest 32.
--MSA_Bulletin. Added 3 1940 issues of this new-to-us title. The MSA Bulletin was the clubzine of the Maine Scientifiction Association. Issue 4 is exciting - "In a dramatic series of events culminating Feb. 29th, Jim S. Avery, Executive-Secretary of the Maine Scientifiction Association, turned in his resignation papers to President Gerald B. Clarke, together with an announcement of his severing of activities with national fandom!". Fancyclopedia has an interesting article about Jim Avery at
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 5/6 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the middle May 2022 issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Sglodion, Dave Langford. Added the complete 5 issue run of this perzine from 89-92.
--Tin Tacks, Donald J. Doughty. Added #6 (Aug 41). This was bound with Futurian War Digest Mailing #11.
--Twilight Zine. Added 8 items from the 1960s - issues #11-14 (1964-1966), #16 supplement, #19 (Aug 66) and #22 (Aug 67). There's also "Appalling Stories 19", with short stories such as "In Defense of Glory" by Pool Undersun (Cory Seidman) and "3 Terminal Element" by G.S. Bullard (Tony Lewis).

PDF conversions: Leprechaun, Larry Shaw. Replaced #1 with a searchable PDF. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

May 6, 2022
You'll see something a little different in the Futurian War Digest  arena. Joe is scanning fanzines that came in a FIDO mailing, and I am putting them online separately under their own name, with a "Mailing" column indicating which FIDO aka FWD mailing they were associated with. At a later time, we will dynamically assemble the individual mailing index pages. Our plan is to do this not only for FIDO, but to gradually be able to assemble FAPA and OMPA mailings, even though they are partial and represent only the zines we have online.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--Astra's Tower Special Leaflet, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Added 4 interesting items in this new-to-us title - 1) Astra's Tower Special Leaflet 2 (Mar 58), Lesbiana and variant novels, (2) Astra's Tower Special Leaflet 3 (Mar 59), a checklist of lesbian literature; 3) Astra's Tower Special Leaflet 5 (May 61) - Men, Halflings and Hero Worship; and 4) Astra's Tower Special Leaflet 6 (Aug 62), A meeting in the Hyades (on interlocking fantasy worlds).
--Bibliophan, R. G. Medhurst. Added 2 issues: #1-2 (Aug-Nov 41)) of this new-to-us title. The Bibliophan issues were bound into Futurian War Digest Mailing #11 and 16 respectively.
--Celephais, Bill Evans. Added 12 issues - #13-15 (Nov 57 - May 58), 17-25 (Oct 58- Nov 60). These zines provided for scanning by Eric Pavlat. Thanks, Eric!
--Dawn Shadows, James Rathbone. Added 2 issues - #2 (Nov 40), and #3 (Aug 41) of this new-to-us title. They were bound into Futurian War Digest Maiing #4 and 11, respectively.
--Delerium Tremens, Dennis Tucker. Added #12 (No 43). This was bound in the Futurian War Digest mailing #32. --Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added #144 (Jan 99). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Futurian War Digest, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added 9 issues - Added V1#4 (Jan 41), V1#9 (Jun 41), V1#11 (Aug 41), V2#1 (Oct 41), V2#4-7 (Jan42-Apr 42), along with V3#9 (Dec 43). Futurian War Digest is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--The Gentlest Art, Douglas Webster. Added #2 (Jan 41). This was part of the Futurian War Digest #4 mailing.
--Masiform D, Devra Langsam. Added 2 issues: #9-10 (Aug 79-May 80). These zines provided for scanning by Ben Yalow. Thanks, Ben!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added #22 (May 22) of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry!
--Sands of Time, Ted Carnell. Added #3 (Mar 42). These were bound with Futurian War Digest. Issue #3 was with FWD 18.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin. Added 3 issues: Warren Buff - V9#1 (Jun 08); R. B. Clearly - V8#13 (Aug 07) and V8#15 (Mar 08). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Zenith, Harry Turner. Added the June 53 issue, with contributions from F.T. Laney, Vince Clarke and others.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out the broken link on Bob Pavlat's Dogie. #1. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!
--Thanks to Rob Hansen for pointing out broken links on Frank Dietz's Luna  #1 and #2. Fixed now. Thanks, Rob!

PDF conversions: All OCR and PDFing not otherwise credited was done by Joe Siclari.
--Fantasy Times, Jimmy Taurasi. Replaced 22 more issues with searchable PDFs between Jan-Dec 1952.
--File 770, Mike Glyer - Replaced the remaining 6 JPG issues with searchable PDFs. File 770 issues are now completely searchable.
--Moonshine, John Burke. Replaced #1 (Jan 41) with a searchable PDF.
--Sands of Time, Ted Carnell. Replaced #1, 10 with searchable PDFs.
--Science Fiction Times, Jimmy Taurasi, Ray Van Houton, Frank Prieto. Replaced 6 issues with searchable PDFs from 1958.

Fancyclopedia: Thanks to Michele Combs for her recent Fancyclopedia contributions. She was thanked before only by username. Thanks, Michele!

April 30, 2022
Core List: I've updated our core list with new numbers on what we have online. Amazingly, with a core list of over 3650 issues, we have a whopping 81.6% online. And it only took us 25ish years. Thanks to everyone who has helped, is helping or will help in the future. A partial contributor list is at If you are not on the list and should be, then please let me know by sending a note to

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari
--1950s One Shots. Added 5 items - Bob Pavlat's Aonia 1 (Apr 51), Foggy Day 1 (Mar 58), Philosophical Dissertation on Abtruse Phenomena (1950) and Fan Maggot (along with Robert Briggs, Jul 54); and Lee Hoffman's "End of a Fine Old Tradition (Feb 57). The Pavlat zines were provided for scanning by Eric Pavlat. Thanks, Eric!
--1960s One Shots. Added 3 items - Dick Eney's "In Part Scal'd", 1963 Fan Poll Results; Jargon 1 from Dave Van Arnam, which includes an article by Ted White, and the "Science-Fiction Fan Club Questionaire" from Pete Campbell.
--brg, Bruce Gillespie. Added 1 issue of Bruce's perzine - #2 (1991).
--Celephais, Bill Evans. Added 10 issues of this FAPAzine, #3 (Aug 50) - #12 (Aug 57). Zines provided for scanning by Eric Pavlat. Thanks, Eric!
--Cyrille, Bill Evans. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from the early 60s. Fanzines provided for scanning by Eric Pavlat. Thanks, Eric!
--Dogie, Bob Pavlat. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us late 50s OMPAzine from Bob Pavlat. Paper issues were provided for scanning by Eric Pavlat. Thanks, Eric!
--Gillespie - Other Publications. Added Bruce R. Gillespie 1 (1971). It's a smaller section of a larger publication. Thanks, Bruce!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the Apr 29 issue of this, the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Triode, Eric Bentcliffe, Terry Jeeves. Added Triode 11 (Aug 57), thereby completing the run. In addition to the editors, contributors include Mal Ashworth, Sid Birchby, Eddie Jones, Bill Rotsler and Harry Turner. Triode is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Twilight Zine. Added 10 issues of this new-to-us title. Twilight Zine is a clubzine of the MIT Science Fiction Society (MITSFS). Thanks to MITSFS for their permission to put this online.
--QX, Ken Kreuger. Added #31 (Nov 46) of this newszie, presented by the Fantasy Book Club.

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributors to Fancyclopedia include: John Bray, Luke Bretscher, Thomas Bull, Darrah Chavey, Paul Gadzikowski, Michael Lowrey, Perry Middlemiss, DelphiPsmith, Jan Vanek Jr., Steven Silver, and of course Mark Olson. Apologies for the username for one of the contributors. I'll put the proper name in the update when I get it.

April 24, 2022 History Zoom on YouTube: Joe and Gay Haldeman - Fandom From Both Sides, a Fan History zoom with Joe Siclari
Esteemed icons in the field, Joe and Gay Haldeman have been involved with science fiction fandom since discovering it in the early 1960s. With long, successful careers, they have a view on science fiction from both the fan and the professional side. Joe Haldeman s highly regarded writing career has included 5 Hugo awards, 5 Nebulas, 3 Rhysling Awards, and many other honors; Big Heart award winner Gay Haldeman has managed the business as well as been a literary agent. But in this delightful zoom interview, the focus is primarily on fandom. Interviewer Joe Siclari knows just what to ask, having been friends with the Haldemans for decades.
Part 1 Joe and Gay describe how they first found fandom, their experiences at their first convention (Discon I, 1963), and how (and why) they became fans. They tell anecdotes of fans and professionals, their connections with non-US fandom, and the surprising identity of Joe s Italian editor. Joe tells the story of how he single-handedly (if unintentionally) started I-Con in 1975, his work on convention program (some of it while serving in Viet Nam), his contributions to fanzines and more. There s serious discussion about the reaction of fandom to him as a returning vet, along with Gay s fannish activities while Joe was overseas. You ll also hear much more, including the relationship between book advances and house mortgages, and the ultimate story of how far a science fiction novel can go. Highly recommended.
Part 2 In this Part 2 of the interview, the conversation continues with discussion and personal anecdotes about well-known authors and Big Name Fans. Rusty Hevelin was a particularly good friend, and Joe and Gay tell how they met him, and some impressive travel stories (especially the bicycle ones!). They offer stories and insights on Keith Laumer, Gordon Dickson, Robert Heinlein, Harlan Ellison, and others outside the field as well. This part of the zoom has audience Q&A, ranging from a literary question about the role of women in the Forever War to favorite means of writing (which leads to samples of Joe s artwork). Many of the questions begin with I first met you in xxxx , and the tone of the session is that of close friends, sharing a cherished time together. As one of the attendees says, You are some of the best people I know .

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. The prize addition of the day, I think. Added 5 items. The star is "Hymen", a one of a kind wedding present from Chuck Harris and Arthur Thomson for James and Peggy White. James gave it to us as a gift in Sept 92, as a thank you for MagiCon. He told us that Chuck had come on the honeymoon with them (!), a story corroborated by Walt Willis (which Madeline also said was true). Also added: Fan Press 1 (Ken Slater; Nov 52); Detention 5 (George Young; Feb 58); I Dreamt I Crept in Marble Crypts (Mal Ashworth, Nov 55); and Tasfic in Retrospect (Bill Venable, 1953). Tasfic In Retrospect includes articles by Frank Dietz, Hal Shapiro, Harlan Ellison, and others.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added #122 (Apr 22). Thanks, Joseph!
--Bobolings, Bob Pavlat. Added the remaining 14 issues to complete the run. Thanks to Eric Pavlat for providing them. The perzine ran from 1950 to 1982.
--Contour, Bob Pavlat. Added #11 (May 57). Thanks to Eric Pavlat for providing the issue.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the April issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--MT Void, Evelyn Leeper, Mark Leeper. Added the Apr 22 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Of Cabbages & Kings (and Baby Turtles), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us APAzine, from 1980-1992. The paper copies were supplied for scanning by Eric Pavlat. Thanks, Eric!
--Of Members & 'Zines (and Egoboo Polls), Peggy Rae Pavlat. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us APAzine, from 1986-1991. "The intention of the index is to make it easier to vote in the FAPA Egoboo Poll which should be included in this mailing." The paper copies were supplied for scanning by Eric Pavlat. Thanks, Eric!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added #523 (late Apr 22). Thanks, Dale!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the April issue of The National Fantasy Fan, volume 81#4. Thanks, George!

April 22, 2022
YouTube:  FanHistoriCon 6 (1997) - From MITSFS to NESFA to MCFI - Meskys, Harter, Lewis and Clement
FanHistoriCon 6 was held February 13-16, 1997 in conjunction with Boskone 34 in Framingham, MA. In this 35 minute excerpt of the panel "From MITSFS to NESFA to MCFI". Ed Meskys, Richard Harter, Tony Lewis and Hal Clement tell us stories of Boston area fandom from the Stranger Club in the 1940s, through area fandom's evolution by way of conventions, MIT and worldcon bids to NESFA and MCFI in the 90s. Beginning with the readers' club of the 40s and giving way to the more active projects of MITSFS and NESFA, the panel fondly remembers the people and pastimes that were the substance of Boston area fandom. Anecdotes mention well known names such as L. Ron Hubbard and Hugo Gernsback, the price of an interior illo from Amazing Magazine in the 1940s, and the storybook romance of Larry Niven and Fuzzy Pink. You'll learn the rules of the MITSFS game "Insanity", the originally proposed name for NESFA, the origins of Locus and much more. You'll even get a first hand report of why/how Hal Clement was "fired" from the Noreascon 1 committee. If you're interested in 20th century Boston fandom, here's your chance to listen to four of the folks that made it happen.

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Bobolings, Bob Pavlat. Added 16 issues from the late 1960s to early 1980s. Issue #30 has the Shadow FAPA Index for 1960-1966.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the April issue. Thnks, Leyl
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 3 issues - Apr 1 - Apr 15 - of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, Early April 2022. Thanks, Dale!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the latest issue, #21. Thanks, Perry!
--TAFF. Added 5 items: First, a (we think) fake TAFF Ballot from 1996. Also, a PDF version of Steam 16 (Ken Bulmer, Fall 58), "A Few Words About Bilbo Bentcliffe" (Mal Ashworth, Jun 60), Moffatt House Abroad (Len and June Moffatt, 1974) and TAFFiles 3.1 (Jeanne Gomoll, Apr 88).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the April issue. Thanks, George!
--Trap Door, Robert Lichtman. Added #20 (July 00), thereby completing the run. Trap Door is a core fanzine for us to scan. Issue supplied by Robert Lichtman. Thanks, Robert!
--WSFA Journal. Added 5 issues: Sam Lubell - Jun 98, Sep 03; Keith Lynch - Nov 04, Aug-Sep 09. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications. Thanks to Rich Lynch for finding a broken link on the index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Rich!

April 13, 2022
Home Page: There's a new look to the homepage. With help from Greg Meyer, we've revamped it so it's cleaner and hopefully better. Feedback welcome - just send a note to .

--  Minicon 15 (1979)-History of the Future-Ted Sturgeon, Clifford Simak, Lester del Rey, Gordon Dickson: Minicon 15 was held April 13-15, 1979 in Minneapolis. In this recording, four of the most respected authors of their time, Ted Sturgeon, Cliff Simak, Lester del Rey and Gordy Dickson have a free ranging discussion on topics from earlier science fiction views of the future, to what the literature has "missed", and the relationship of technocracy to then current society. Lester del Rey is at his most opinionated, getting laughs and applause, as well as exhibiting his encyclopedic knowledge of the field. There are discussions of freedom vs governance, the problems of finding information, and, triggered by a question from the audience, a long discussion on education. Cliff Simak tells a deeply personal story about his son's experience in the public school system, and the other authors speak of their own experiences with education. There are predictions, anecdotes, and a few surprising revelations...Thanks to Geri Sullivan and the Video Archeology project for providing the recording.
--  MidAmeriCon, the 34th World Science Fiction Convention, was held in Kansas City in 1976. In this very short video excerpt from the Fan Funds Auction at Big Mac, auctioneer Rusty Hevelin shows just how far fans will go to be supportive of the Fan Funds. In this clip, it's not books or vegemite up for bid, but currency. The second item is the one to watch, with Rusty skillfully extracting bids from the crowd. You'll also see fellow auctioneer Jan Finder making a brief appearance...This video is brought to you by the FANAC Fan History Project, with video from the Video Archeology project (coordinated by Geri Sullivan, with technical work by David Dyer-Bennet).

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Celephais, Bill Evans. Added 2 issues: Aug 58 and #29 (Nov 61).
--DUFF. Added 4 more ballots from 2008-2011. These had been tucked away on a not-easy-to-find fan funds page.
--GUFF. Added 3 more ballots - from 2003-4 and 2009. These had also been "hidden".
--Noumenon, Brian Thurogood. Added 2 items: #3 (May 76) and #42-43 (Aug 81). Scans provided by Phil Stephensen-Payne. Thanks, Phil!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Aurora, Janice Bogstad, Jeanne Gomoll and Diane Martin. Replaced #23 with a better scan. Thanks to Jeanne Gomoll for sending. Thanks, Jeanne!
--fanzines/Vector. Thanks to Leslie Kay Swigart for pointing out errors on the Vector index page. I had mismarked a bunch of issues with the wrong year. Fixed now. Thanks, Leslie!

PDF conversions: TAFF. Added a PDF of Jeanne Gomoll's TAFFiles 2 from Feb 88.

March 27, 2022
YouTube:  - Mimosa 3.5 (1988) - Rich and Nicki Lynch
Mimosa 3.5 was recorded live at Chattacon XIII on January 16, 1988. Beginning with Doug Chaffee drawing the "cover" on camera, and ending with WAHF ("We Also Heard From") excerpts from letters of comment, this recording really is Mimosa Live. Mimosa, edited by Rich and Nicki Lynch, was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo 14 times between 1991 and 2004, and won 6 times....Articles in Mimosa 3.5 are read/performed by Chattacon guests Ron Goulart (who also draws another cover), Jack Chalker and Maurine Dorris. Julius (Julie) Schwartz makes an appearance with "The Amazing Flying Wollheims". You'll also see a very young Pat Malloy, Eva Chalker and others...The script appears in the print copy of Mimosa 4, which you can find in the FANAC archive at . Thanks to Rich Lynch for providing the recording (and the scan of Mimosa 4).

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 items: Heinlein's GoH speech from the 1941 Worldcon (published by Forry Ackerman), and Jack Speer's "The Anti-Michelist Omnibus Dummy" from Jul 46. The latter is "a collection of the dissenting opinions of Mister Speer; and ya-tata ya-ta-ta ya-ta-ta...."
--1960s One Shots. Added 5 items: Terry Carr's exegesis of BNF of IZ, Edwin Joseph Baker's Concordance to Lord othe Rings (part 1), Philip Harbottle's "E.C. Tubb - An Evaluation", and Nancy Rapp's spoof of Bill Rotsler's zines - The Tattered Dragonette. There's also Dick Eney's "The Alexandria Trio", which includes Target: FAPA, and an Open Letter to Lee Hoffman, about the Discon.
--Bobolings, Bob Pavlat. Added 2 issues: #7 (Nov 61) and the Nov 69 issue.
--Bulletin of the Cleveland S.F. Society, Harlan Ellison. Added the elusive #15 (May 52) of Harlan's zine. There's a Max Keasler cover of the LaGuardia Spaceport and of course, material by Harlan. Sample: "Remember we mentioned that the editorial staff consisted of Myself and a goldfish. Well, we ve made some changes. The goldfish was fired because he was running off copy to slowly...and he started asking Union Scale on top of it, (Ingrate!) We ve hired a robot now name of Mrs. Honey Wood, who is faster and prettier, besides, we don t have to feed her."
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added 2 issues: July 54, which was combined with "Dream Quest combined with Primal combined with Esdacyos combined with Skip", and the issue from February 59, which was combined with Elmer Purdue's Elmurmurings.
--Chanticleer, Walt Liebscher. Added #5 (May 45). Includes articles by Cy Chauvenet and Robert Bloch. Chanticleer is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 15 more issues: 51-52 (Jul-Oct 75), 60 (Oct 77) and 77-80 (Jan-Oct 82), 82-86 (Apr 83 - Apr 84), 123 (Oct 93), 126-127 (Jul-Oct 94). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. These zines provided for scanning by Phil Stephensen-Payne. Thanks, Phil!
--Femizine, Joan Carr. Added 2 issues: #3/4 (Dec 52), edited by Joan Carr, and #15 (Sep 60), edited by Ethel Lindsay. Contributors include Pam Bulmer, and Ethel Lindsay. Femizine is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added #70 (Jul 65).
--Futurian War Digest, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added a bit of war time ephemera - a New Year's card from 1942.
--Lan's Lantern, Lan Laskowski. Added #37-38 (May 91 - Jul 92). Number 37 is an A.E. Van Vogt special, and 38 a Fritz Leiber special. Lan's Lantern is a core fanzine for us to scan. These zines provided for scanning by Phil Stephensen-Payne. Thanks, Phil!
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the 3/25 issues of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Sceince Fiction Parade. Added an issue edited by Stan Woolston - the Sept 64 issue.
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added #143, edited by Pete Rawlik from Mar 01.
--Vector, Malcolm Edwards. Added #63 (Jan 73). Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. This zine provided for scanning by Phil Stephensen-Payne. Thanks, Phil!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out that the Redd Boogs piece, "Hurrah for Our Side" (Jun 64), which I listed as having just been added to the Breendoggle index page  was already up in the 1960s One Shots index page. Sorry about the duplication (and sorry about forgetting it was already up). Thanks, Sam!

March 24, 2022
--, Traveling Ghiants, Fan Funds from the Days of Mimeo to the Days of Zoom (pt 1 of 2) -FanHistory Zoom
From the YouTube Description for Part 1: "Geri Sullivan (TAFF 2019) leads a lively panel on Fan Funds and how they've evolved over the last 70ish years. With Lesleigh Luttrell (first DUFF winner), Suzanne Tompkins (TAFF 2005), and Justin Ackroyd (GUFF 1984), the conversation in part 1 of this discussion ranges from why different Fan Funds were started ("to get rid of John Foyster for a while"), to the pre-internet experience of meeting an entire new fannish community, to the unexpected situations that administrators have faced. How long does a Fan Fund trip last? What responsibilities come with being a Fan Fund winner? Can you be an introvert and shine as a Fan Fund delegate? Here's your chance to find out."
--, Part 2: "In part 2, of our panel, Geri Sullivan (TAFF 2019), Lesleigh Luttrell (first DUFF winner), Suzanne Tompkins (TAFF 2005), and Justin Ackroyd (GUFF 1984), continue their collective tale of the history of Fan Funds. Beginning with further discussion on Fan Funds before the days of the internet, the topics range to the effects of Covid, being a Fan Fund winner to a virtual convention and other realities of modern fandom. There are traveler's tales, the true story of how Seattle was nominated for the Australian Natcon, an accounting of the winners of different Fan Funds that are now married, and more. Towards the end, there are comments and questions from the audience. Part 2 brings you up-to-date, and maybe a little bit into the future."

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added the latest issue, #121. Thanks, Joseph!
--Breen Boondoggle Related Publications. Added 2 items to this collection: Bill Donaho's "Apologia" (Aug 64), and Redd Boogs "Hurrah for Our Side" (Jun 64). The Bogg's piece is about Walter Breen being elected to FAPA membership by popular vote. The Boondoggle is almost 60 years old, and still feels like a sensitive topic. For more info, see the Fancyclopedia article at
--Black Bike, Leigh Edmonds. Added 3 issues of Leigh's perzien from the early 70s.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #11 (Spr 2000). Contributors include Mike Resnick, Joe Mayhew, Greg Benford, John Berry, Marty Cantor and others.
--DUFF. Added Lucy Huntzinger's Dropbear Digest 2 (Jun 88).
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 9 issues from the early 70s: #37 (Jan 72), 39 (Jul 72), 41-46 (Jan 73-Apr 74) and 48 (Oct 74). Zines provided for scanning by Phil Stephensen-Payne. These are very welcome, especially as Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks, Phil!
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the March issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--The Fantasy Collector, Oswald Train. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from 1948-1951.
--HPL, Meade Frierson. Added Supplement 1 (Oct 72) to Mead's HPL tribute. We still don't have the tribute scanned, but Supplement 1 is 64 pages of commentary and letters.
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added 2 items: Masque #11 (Feb 55) and Supplement 2 (also Feb 55).
--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added "Stop the Presses 3" from 1993. It's a newszine rider to Mimosa 13.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added #521 (Saint Urho's Day 2022). Thanks, Dale!
--PSFS. Added a PSFS non-con non-fanzine from sometime in the mid 60s.
--SAPSzine, Ed Meskys. Added #5 (Apr 62).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the March 2022 issue. Thanks, George! --TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the March issue of The National Fantasy Fan, volume 81#3. Thanks, George!
--Wild Colonial Boy, John Foyster. Added #11 (Jan 65) of this APAzine.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Mark Olson for finding typos on the index page of (fanzines/MSFS_Disbanded MSFS Disbanded) and Michigan-Other Publications. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
--Timebound. Kansas City clubzine. Thanks to Mark Olson for spotting that I had misattributed this to Kansas City, KS instead of where it belongs - Kansas City, MO. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!

March 20, 2022
Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Checkpoint, Peter Roberts. Added #28 (Dec 72).
--Don-O-Saur, Don C. Thompson. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 70s.
--ETA, Rob Hansen. Added #3 (Jan 89) of this new-to-us perzine title.
--Floccipaucinhilipification, Mike Glicksohn. Added 3 issues from 1976-1980 of this perzine distributed through FAPA. The dictionary definition of the word, according to Google's English dictionary is "the action or habit of estimating something as worthless. (The word is used chiefly as a curiosity.)." Ok.
--Foundation. Added 16 more issues from #26 (Oct 82) to #45 (Spr 89). Scans provided by Paul Fraser. Thanks, Paul!
--Futurist, Redd Boggs. Added #1 (Spr 50), completing the (short) run.
--MI, Eric Bentcliffe. Added MI V3#3 (Dec 72).
--Michifan, Marin Alger. Added 5 brief issues of this Detroit clubzine from Spring 1951.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/18 issue of the Mt. Holtz Science Fiction Society Newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming, Gary Kl pfel. Added #172 (2003).
--Phanteur, Donald B. Thompson. Added Phanteur #7 (May 49).
--Triton, Ed Cox and Russell Woodman. Added #4 from 1949.
--The Zed, Karen Anderson. Added 4 issues: 783 (Mar 56), 796 (Jul 61), 799 (Apr 62), and 802 (Jan 63). Contributions from Poul Anderson as well as Karen, and from Winston P. Sanders. Winston P. Sanders is, of course, a pseudonym of Poul's.

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Sam McDonald for spotting that there were two index pages for Eclipse. One, put online in 2021, was loaded with links to scanned zines. The other, put online in 1997, had bibliographic information but no zines. Fixed now. Thanks, Sam!

March 16, 2022
Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Critical Mass, Don D'Ammassa. Added #5 (May 79). Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the Feb-Mar 2022 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Foundation, various editors. Added 18 issues: Charles Barren: #2 (Jun 72), #4 (Jul 73); Peter Nicholls: #5-10 (Jan 74-Jun 76), #13 (May 78); Malcolm Edwards: #15-16 (Jan-May 79), #18-19 (Jan-Jun 80); Davi Pringle: #20-25 (Oct 80-Jun 82). Scans provided by Paul Fraser. Thanks, Paul!
--Komet, Alvar Appeltofft. Added the Jan 58 issue of this Swedish language fanzines.
--Lethe, Jack Riggs. Added #3.5 (Jul 46) done for the Pacificon Combozine. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Le Zombie, Bob Tucker. Added the excerpt from #61 (Jul 46) used in the Pacificon Combozine. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--The Passing Parade, Milt Stevens. Added #5 of Milt's FAPAzine from Dec 73.
--Phanteur, Donald B. Thompson. Added #3 (Jul 46) done for the Pacificon Combozine. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Sirius, Stan Serxner. Added #4 of this early 50s genzine. There's a one page story by Terry Carr in this issue.
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #54 (Mar 22). Thanks, Guy!
--Thud and Blunder Stories, Paul Shingleton. Added #5 of this quarter size fanzine from the early 60s. The editorial is by "PCS" and it took a while to figure out that PCS was Paul Shingleton. In fact, the only way I figured that out was by finding that some of the letters were addressed to "Paul", and doing a google search for "Thud and Blunder Stories" Paul. That led me to a 1964 TNFF issue that had a mention - "The last time we saw a quarter-size fanzine, was a few years ago when a Mr. Paul Shingleton was thudding and blundering his way through an appropriately titled periodical called THUD AND BLUNDER STORIES." Aha! Hooray for searchable PDFs, and for the vast indexing empire.
--VOM, Forry Ackerman. Added the VOM Bozine (Jul 46), done for the Pacifcon Combozine. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Wopple-Kit, Walter Coslet. Added #2 of this brief newsletter from Feb 1946.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Rich Lynch for spotting some problems on the index page of Plokta. Fixed now. Thanks, Rich!
--Thanks also to Rich Lynch for spotting date typos on Pulsar. Fixed now. Thanks, Rich!

PDF conversions: All OCR and PDFing not otherwise credited was done by Joe Siclari.
--Fantasy Times, James Taurasi, Ray Van Houton - Replaced 5 more issues with PDFs, these in the 50s, along with a flyer from 1941.
--Sylmarillion, Mike Glyer. Replaced the 5 issue run with searchable PDFs.

March 12, 2022
--Chicon. Added 17 photos from Chicon 1 (1940). David and Daniel Ritter spent last weekend scanning some of the (physical) photos in the FANAC archive. This is the first of those scanned images that we're putting online. Check out Forry Ackerman and Art Widner - a couple of fresh, fannish faces! Thanks, David and Daniel! Any errors in labeling are mine, not theirs.
--Corflu FIAWOL, Corflu 36, 2019. Added 3 photos of Corflu panels, taken by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--The Alien Review, Perry Middlemiss. Added 3 issues of Perry's (mostly) serious and constructive new fanzine. Thanks, Perry!
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 16 more issues from 1996 to 1998. These were provided by Ben Yalow for the scanning. Thanks, Ben!
--Askance, John Purcell. Added #48 (May 20). Thanks, John!
--AtoZ, Arthur Thomson. Added #3 of this APAzine from Fall 60.
--Blatant, Avedon Carol. Added #15 (Spr 86).
--Conventional Fanzine, Eva Chalker Whitley. Added #2 (Feb 79).
--DUFF. Added John D. Berry's Redback 2 (Feb 90). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added Selected Writings of Lee Jacobs. (Bruce Pelz. 68). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Gillespie-Other Publications, Bruce Gillespie. We started a page for Bruce's other publications. If/when we get more issues of some of these, we'll break them out into their own pages. We're starting with 4 items: Collingwood Capers (Apr 81), Finger Pickin Good 1 (Oct 80), Good Night Sweet Prince (Oct 89), and Raw Bits 9 (Aug 88). Good Night Sweet Prince was scanned by Rich Lynch, and the other three by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Rich! Thanks, Irwin! And thanks, Bruce!
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added 5 more: #83(Apr 19), #85 (Jun 19), #101-102 (Sep-Nov 20), and #105 (Jun 19). Thanks, Ahrvid (belatedly)!
--The Mad 3 Party. Added an uncredited parody, "The Bad Brie Party" from Feb 87. "The Bad Brie Party more than you never wanted to know about the cheesy affairs of ruining a Worldcon".
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the Mar 11 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Plokta, Alison Scott, Steve Davies, Mike Scott. Added 5 issues: #39-41 (Sep 08-Apr 11). Yes, there are 5 issues in there. These are from the collection of Ben Yalow. Thanks, Ben!
--Pulsar, Debra Stansbury. Added 4 issues of this, the clubzine of the Portland Science Fiction Society. Added #241-2 (Nov-Dec 88), 271-2 (May-Jun 01). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added issues #107-108 (Nov 21-Feb 22). Issue #108 has the first fiction ever to be published in SF Commentary (and it's by Michael Bishop). Thanks, Bruce!
--Southern Gothic, Lucy Huntzinger. Added #2 (May 94).
--Spaceteer, Lin Carter, Bill Paxton. Added #3 (Win 48) of this new-to-us title. Contributors include Joe Kennedy, Dale Tarr, Marion Zimmer, Bill Rotsler and Lin Carter. "Florida's Finest Fanzine".
--Texas SF Inquirer, Dale Denton, Alexander Slate. Added 2 issues from 1993- issue #48 and #48B.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Rob Hansen for spotting an error in a photo identification in the 1963 Sam Moskowitz interview on YouTube. Mea culpa - I screwed up. Fixed in the errata now. Thanks, Rob!

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon Two added Race Mathews speech at opening ceremonies
---BucConeer added Baltimore in 1998 Filksong Contest flyer
---Chicon 8 added Business passed on from Discon III, WSFS Constitution (12/18/2021), WSFS Rulings of Continuing Effect(12/18/2021), WSFS Standing Rules (12/18/2021)
---ConFederation added Phanadelphia flyer
---ConJose added - Double Secret Underground Party Review, Hugo Awards Ceremony program
---ConStellation added - Baltimore in '83 multi-language flyer
---Denvention Two added Seattle in 81 flyer
---Discon III added WSFS BM Minutes, My Day at Discon by Rich Lynch
---Interaction added Progress Report 0
---NorWesCon added Program Book
---Renovation added Reno in 2011 pre-supporter form
---Solacon added Program Book, Daily Dynamic - Friday, Daily Dynamic - Monday, Daily Dynamic - Saturday, Daily Dynamic - Sunday
---Torcon 3 added The Incisors Report V3N1 - Torcon 3 bidzine
---Torcon I added Torcon Program Book, Torque #2
---Worldcon 76 in San Jose added Retro-Hugo ceremony program, Hugo Ceremony program

---ArmadilloCon 30 added Program Book

---Balticon 16 added Program Book
---Balticon 52 added C. Asaro trading card, Flier from before B52 went virtual
---Balticon 54 Virtual added Flier from before it went virtual

---Boskone 60 added flyer
---Boskone 8 added Ad Card, Flyer, Letter from George Flynn, Letter to George Flynn, Membership Card, Misc. Info

---Capclave 2019 added Bookmark flyer
---Capclave 2022 added flyer

---Chattacon XII added Program Book
---Chattacon XXXVII added Program Book

---Decadent ConFusion added Program Book
---Genuine ConFusion added Restaurant Guide, Program Book, Short Short Story Contest

---Corflu 24 added Progress Report 1

---DSC 32 added Program Book

---Disclave 23 added Pocket Program
---Disclave 26 added Program Book

---Reclamation added Flyer
---Ronvention added Bastion-3-promotion-stand-up-Jones-1962-Sp
---Thirdmancon added Combozine (uncredited)

---Midwestcon 30 added Program 'Book'

---Minicon 55 added flyer

--Misc. Conventions:
---ASFicon 2 added Program Book
---Ditto 2 added Program book, Name badge, Neighborhood Guide, Post-Con Notes

Nasfic added Orlando in 2023
---LoneStarCon added Columbus in 1985 - Back from the Brink, Detroit Nasfic 1985

---OryCon 10 added Petry Charity Auction, Pocket Program corrections, The OryConian, Pocket Program

---PgHLANGE XI added flyer

---Philcon 1982.1 added Flyer
---Philcon 2022 added flyer

---Sou-Westercon added Cross-section of Art in Science-Fantasy
---Westercon 32 added PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, Tentative Program, site selection ballot, receipt

--World Fantasy Convention:
---1993 World Fantasy Convention added Pocket Program
---World Fantasy Convention 2007 added WFC 2007 awards ballot, Membership registration form, Progress Report 2
---World Fantasy Convention 2022 added Flyer

March 9, 2022
Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--1970s One Shots. Added 3 items: Bill Wright - Earthquake! (Apr 77), Prelude to Space (77); and Jan Finder - Parole Dalla Pizzeria (Feb 76). The Jan Finder pub was scanned by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Ansible, Dave Langford. Added 12 more issues - #57-60 (Apr-Jul 92), 62, 64, 66 (running from Sep 92-Jan 93); 70 (May 93), 87-88 (Oct-Nov 94), and 93 (Apr 95). Scan for #70 by Rich Lynch. Remaining Ansibles were from the collection of Ben Yalow. Thanks, Ben! Thanks, Rich!
--Askew, John Purcell. Added the latest issue, #36 (Feb 22). Thanks, John!
--Best of ANZAPA, Perry Middlemiss. Added #11 (Jan 95) of these ANZAPA collections, covering 1978-1979. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 25 more issues of John's APA-Q zine, from 2016-2020. Thanks to Deirdre Boardman Perez for sending them. Thanks, Deirdre!
--Infinite, Leonard Marlow and Claude Degler. Added #2 (Nov 41) thereby completing the run. Contributors include E. Everett Evans and Bob Tucker. Scan by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Mar 22 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Knight's in Old Berkeley, Jerry Knight. Added issue #3 (Oct 60). Scan by Robert Lichtman. Thanks, Robert!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the early March 22 issue, and updated the cumulative index. Thanks, Dale!
--Pulsar, Pat Steed. Added #125 (Mar 89) of this clubzine from the Portland Science Fiction Society. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Triode, Eric Bentcliffe and Terry Jeeves. Added #13 (Apr 58). Triode is a core fanzine for us to scan. This scan was provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Evelyn Leeper for spotting a date error on the File 770  index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Evelyn!

PDF conversions: Fantasy Times, Jimmy Taurasi. Replaced 22 more Fantasy Times issues with searchable PDFs. We now have converted all the issues we have before December 1951. All OCR/PDFing by Joe Siclari.

March 5, 2022
Death Does Not Release You - LASFS (pt2 of 2): "In part 2 of this FANAC Fan History Zoom Session (Feb 2022), the LASFS family reunion continues. Craig Miller (TV writer and producer, Worldcon chair, and LASFS member), Ken Rudolph (filmmaker, fanzine editor, former LASFS officer), Tim Kirk (professional artist, awarded many Fan Artist and Professional Artist Hugo Awards), and Bobbi Armbruster (professional and fan meeting and convention organizer) continue their conversation...Despite some early audio problems, the talk ranges from other Los Angeles fan subgroups like the Bixel Street Irregulars (40s), the Petards (late 60s-80s) and the Blackguards (60s), to well-known fans and professionals of the Los Angeles area to untimely deaths. Tim Kirk tells the wonderful story of how his Master's Thesis and a little luck resulted in his breaking through to the professional art field. There are even some convention stories, including the surprising origin of Loscon...If you're interested in the first big Heinlein blood drive, plans for the Last Dangerous Visions, or how many people could fit in the clubhouse kitchen, settle back and enjoy the recording."

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 4 items: Fantasy Book Club Bulletin 1 (Dave Kyle), First Person Singular 1 (Stan Woolston), Stan's News-sheet (also Stan Woolston), and Vertigo 1 (Donald Wollheim).
--1950s One Shots. Added 1 item: Gerry de la Ree's "Space Travel".
--1960s One Shots. Added 4 items: Ed Meskys: Arkham Sampler (63); Norm Metcalf: Next 70,000 Years of History (Mar 66); The Thirdmancon Combozine (uncredited, 68); and Hal Clement: Some Notes on Xi Bootis (Sep 1960). The Metcalf piece is about Asimov's Future History. The Hal Clement piece was done for Pittcon (1960), and the Combozine was for a convention also. Why are they here instead of conpubs? They'll be linked from both places. I try to get publications where they belong, but sometimes a site search is your friend. Keep telling me when you spot a problem, pls.
--Alif, Karen Anderson. Added 8 issues from the 1950-1960s of Karen's FAPAzine. Added #6 (Aug 58), 8 (Jul 60), 12-14 (Sum61-Fe 62), and two unnumbered issues, one dated Nov 60 and the other sometime in the late 50s. If you have an idea of the dating, please let me know.
--Alpha, Dave Vendelmans and Jan Jansen. Added 5 issues of this Belgain fanzine from the 50s.
--ALW Gazet  aka the Antwerpse Letterkundige and Wetenschappelijke Gazet, edited by Ron Bennett and Jan Jansen. Added 2 issues from 1955.
--Dimensions 16, Larry Shaw. Added #3 (Nov 57). Contributors include Bob Silverberg and Lee Shaw aka Lee Hoffman.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added #101 (Jan 88). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added Guy Terwilleger's 1959 Best of Fandom Questionnaire.
--Futurist, Redd Boggs. Added #2 (51), the last issue of this genzine. Willy Ley reviews "Out of the Silent Planet" in this issue.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the latest issue, #118. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 3/4/22 issue. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming and Gary Kl pfel. Added the 2004 annual issue.
--Oz, Beryl Mercer. Added #6 of this OMPAzine from 1966.
--RUR, David Rike. Added a brief supplement to RUR 10 (May 58).
--TASH, Tommy Ferguson. Added TASH 4 (1988). There's a Bob Shaw piece in this issue.
--Tightbeam. Added 7 issues of Tightbeam: Lee and Ira Riddle: #27-28 (Sep-Nov 64), Stan Woolston: #29 (Jan 65), #40 (Nov 66); Gary Labowitz: #45 (Sep 67), Lynne Holdom: #26 (Sep 80), and an uncredited issue from May 76.
--Tiot, Jan Jansen. Added an issue of this Belgian newszine-apazine from 1955.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Rich Lynch for spotting a bad link on the ConJose publications page. Thanks, Rich!
--Easternon 73 photo. Thanks to Jim O'Meara for correcting this identification yet again (after we mistakenly identified the person on the right as him). He assures us that that is not him. Ok, Jim. Sorry for the screwup. Thanks, Jim!
--Eastercon 96 photo. Thanks to Alison Scott for correcting the identification. Thanks, Allison!
--Nolacon masquerade photo. Thanks to the International Costumer's Guild Archivist for giving us the correct title of this costume. Thanks, Bruce!
--Tricon photo. Thanks to Missy Koslosky, Bob and Peggy Rae's daughter for adding the identification of her folks to this caption. Thanks, Missy!

PDF conversions: All OCR and PDFing not otherwise credited was done by Joe Siclari.
--Fantasy Magazine, Julius Schwartz. Here's something different. We replaced the one issue we had of Fantasy Magazine (#32, Jul 35) with a searchable PDF. What's different? This was previously a retyped version done decades ago.
--Fantasy Times, Jimmy Taurasi. Today, replaced 40 more late 1940s-1950 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Sata, Bill Pearson. Replaced #14 (Apr 63) with a PDF.

March 2, 2022
Death Does Not Release You - LASFS Through the Years (Pt 1 of 2). From the YouTube description: "Legend (and John Trimble) has it that the slogan "Death Does Not Release You" came about when Ray Bradbury gave a talk at the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society and was asked to pay his dues. When Bradbury said his membership had expired, Ernie Wheatley told him "death does not release you, even if you die". Bradbury paid his 35 cents... This notable group of panellists, including artist Tim Kirk, TV writer and producer Craig Miller, filmmaker Ken Rudolph and convention runner Bobbi Armbruster are all current or former members of LASFS. They are fan artisits, convention runners, fanzine editors and club officers. In part 1, the panellists talk about how they were welcomed into science fiction fandom and into LASFS (including how Ray Bradbury talked teenager Craig Miller into going to his first club meeting). There are stories about the drug culture of the 60s and its barbarian invasion of the club, as well as about the big movers and shakers of the 60s and 70s, many no longer with us, such as Bruce Pelz and Len Moffat. Even if you've never been to a LASFS meeting, this feels like a nostalgic family reunion. See Part 2 for the continuation."

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Ad Astra, Mark Reinsberg. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from 1939-40. Mark Reinsberg was the chair of Chicon 1 (1940), the second ever Worldcon. Contributors include Julian Krupa, Leslie Croutch, Charlie Hornig, Forry Ackerman, Ray Palmer, Bob Madle, Larry Farsaci, Harry Warner, Jr., Doc Smith, John Campbell (both in #4), Don Wollheim, Cliff Simak, Jack Williamson (last two in #2), Henry Kuttner and Erle Korshak (last two in #5). Wow. Just, wow.
--Algol, Andrew Porter. Added #19-20 (Nov 72-May 73). Contributors include John Bangsund, John Foyster, Sandra Miesel, Brian Aldiss, Dick Lupoff, Ted White, MZB, Bob Silverberg, George Turner. It's a stellar lineup in these two issues. Algol is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Amble, Archie Mercer. Added 7 issues from Mar 63 to Dec 65 of this OMPAzine.
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 more issues of Bruce's FAPAzine with dates ranging from 1962 to 1985.
--Anvil. Added 1 issue from Jim Gilpatrick (#15, Mar 81) and one from Charlotte Proctor (#42, Oct 86).
--Asp, Bill Donaho. Added 5 more of Donaho's FAPAzine from the early-mid 60s - #2 (Aug 63), #4-5 (Feb-May 65), #7-8 (Nov65 - Feb66).
--Awry, Dave Locke. Added #8 (Dec 74), to complete the run.
--Burblings, Charles Burbee. Added the Feb 86 issue of Burbee's APAzine. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Different, Sam Moskowitz. Added V4#1 (Nov 72).
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added 3 issues: #102-104 (Apr-Oct 88). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Garbistan, Charles Platt. Added #2 (May 65), completing the run. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Infinite, Leonard Marlow and Claude Degler. Added #1 (Sep 41), with a little bio by Isaac Asimov.
--Nekromantikon, Manly Banister. Added issue #4 (Win 50). Contributions from Lin Carter, Stanton Coblentz, G.M. Carr, and others. Thanks to John Godin for providing the zine.
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the last 2 issues from Feb-Mar 2022. How did I miss the February issue until now? Sorry, Perry. And thanks for sending, Perry!
--Psychotic, Richard E. Geis, Richard E. Geis. Added 2 items: The Fapa Psychotic #1 (Nov 72) and Richard E. Geis 18 (May 88).
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added the Mar 68 issue from the 3rd Mancon Combozine.
--Speculation, Pete Weston. Added the brief "Speculator at Large" from the March 1968 Mancon Combozine.
--Tales from the Oubliette, Archie Mercer. Added 2 issues from the late 50s of this new=to-us OMPAzine.
--Trumpet, Tom Reamy. Added #1-2 (Feb-Jun 65). Included are an article by Marion Zimmer Bradley, a Hannes Bok Christmas Card portfolio, and a back cover by Schoenherr, and that's just in issue #1.

PDF conversions: Fantasy Times, Jimmy Taurasi. Today, replaced 21 more 1940s issues with searchable PDFs.

Fancyclopedia: Contributors in the last month include Gerry Adair, John Bray, Thomas Bull, Darrah Chavey, Bill Higgins, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Gregory Meyer, Linda Michaels, Perry Middlemiss, Ben Ostrowsky, Joe Siclari, Steven Silver, Edie Stern, Jan Vanek jr and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

Corrections and Clarifications: Triode, Eric Bentcliffe. Thanks to Bill Burns for finding a typo on the fanzine index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Bill!

February 27, 2022
A big THANK YOU to Greg Meyer, who fixed our fanzine page look and feel on mobile devices. If you look a page like Fantasy Times  on your phone now, it looks ever so much better. Thanks, Greg!

YouTube: Description from YouTube: "Sam Moskowitz (SaM) was the chairman of the first World Science Fiction Convention (1939), a mover and shaper of science fiction fandom from the earliest days, and a historian of the field. In this audio interview (presented with illustrative pictures) from 1963. Fred Lerner, noted librarian, bibliographer and historian, conducts a conversation that ranges from the definition of science fiction, to typical early plots, to an analysis of the early 60s magazine and paperback industry. SaM was both a professional in the field, a writer, anthologist and critic as well as an iconic fan presence. In this interview, he speaks as a professional, casually inserting fannish references as he discusses the differences between science fiction fandom in the 30s and 60s, analyzes how fans relate to the general readership, and talks about the gaps that science fiction can fill...In, it is reported that "one friend described him as "physically massive" with a booming voice." In later years, SaM had throat cancer which required the surgical removal of his larynx, necessitating that he speak through an electronic voice-box, held against his throat. In this recording, you can hear SaM speak in his own voice about the field he loved and lived in...Thanks to Fred Lerner for providing the recording, and to Dr. Eric Fleischer (Dr. Gandalf) for digitization."

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #22 (Sum 05). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Contour, Bob Pavlat. Added the first 10 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from Bob Pavlat, from 1950-1956. Thanks to Eric Pavlat for providing the zines. Thanks, Eric!
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added Festzine (2001), edited by Yvonne Rousseau, Juliette Woods, and Damien Warman for John Foyster's sexagesimal anniversary. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Focus. Added 7 issues of this, the BSFA Writer's Magazine. Added: Chris Evans / Rob Holdstock: #1 (Fall 79), #4 (Spr 81); Chris Bailey / Dave Swindon / Allan Sutherland: #6 (Fall 82); Sue Thomason: #10 (Feb 85); Liz Holliday: #15 (Jul 88); Cecil Nurse: #22 (Dec 90), Simon Morden: #39 (May 01). Scans by Kevin Smith. Thanks, Kevin!
--Hoop, Jim Young. Added #4 (Sum 68) of this Apazine by Jim Young.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the 2/25/22 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added 5 items - 3 issues and 2 flyers. Issues added: #5 (Sep 70), 27 (Jan 76), and 69 (May 98). Also added two items from Oct 1970 a Data Sheet and Flyer 5. Contributors include Steve Fabian, Alicia Austin, Tim Kirk, Bill Rotsler, Ted Pauls, Mike Gilbert, Greg Benford, Alexis Gilliland (The Pornography of Science Fiction in #4), Jerry Kaufman, Ro Nagey, Jodie Offut, and others. Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Outworlds 69 scanned by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--Rune. Added #80 (Dec 89). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #109 (Feb 22), a tribute to Bill Wright who passed away on January 16. Bruce, thanks for sending.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Mark Olson for spotting minor errors in the index page for Sue Smith's Girl's Own Fanzine  and Harry Warner' Jr's Horizons. Thanks, Mark!

PDF conversions: Fantasy Times, Jimmy Taurasi. We've started the PDF/OCRing of the newszines. Today, replaced 29 more 1940s issues with searchable PDFs.

February 23, 2022
We had a scanning table at Boskone last weekend - our first in person convention since the start of the pandemic. Folks brought fanzines, and other treasures. We scanned some of them, and others are on the schedule. They will show up here in near future. Thanks to everyone who dropped by!

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Ash-Wing, Frank Denton. Added 3 more items- issues 23-24 (Mar-Oct 78), and a supplement to 24. Issue 24 was the last issue of the title.
--Best of ANZAPA, Perry Middlemiss. Added 2 more - #14-15 of these ANZAPA collections, done by Perry in the mid 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Perry! Thanks, Rich!
--Cockatrice, Redd Boggs. Added Cockatrice #1 (Summer 62). Per Joe, the zine was Cockatrice until a name change to Bete Noire at issue 6.
--Bobolings, Bob Pavlat. Added the Nov 72 issue, announcing FAPA Book.
--BOSH, Richard Bergeron. Added 2 issues of this 1969 zine with Bob Shaw quotes.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the Jan 22 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Dynatron, Roy Tackett. Added #51 (Nov 72).
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the February issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #117 (Feb 2022). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added 2 issues: #28-29 (Jun-Dec 2002), thereby completing the run. Issue 28 is a Mimosa Fanthology with contributors like Bob Shaw, Harry Warner Jr., Dave Kyle, Vince Clarke, Terry Jeeves, Steve Stiles, john Berry, Dave Langford, Walt Willis, and more. Issue 29 is part 2 of that, with an equally impressive list of contributors. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the 2/18/22 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the mid February issue. Thanks, Dale!
--Past, Present and Future, Graham Stone. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us perzine title from the early 1980s.
--Spirochete, Redd Boggs. Added 8 issues of Red Boggs' new-to-us APAzine, including #1 (Nov 64), and 7 other issues in the 80s and 90s.
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the February issue of The National Fantasy Fan, volume 81#2. Thanks, George!
--WSFA Journal. Added 3 issues: Lee Strong - Jul 90, Jan 93; uncredited - Sep 93. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--YHOS, Art Widner. Added #45 (Jul 88) of Art Widner's FAPAzine. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Best of ANZAPA, Perry Middlemiss. Thanks to Perry for clarifying the dates of all the issues of Best of ANZAPA. Perry says, "The numbering was intended to cover the years of the apa, so Volume 10 was for the 10th year and so on." Perry, thanks for the clarifications!
--Nyarlathotep, Ben Solon. Thanks to Mark Olson for noticing an egregious error in the spelling of the fanzine name. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!

PDF conversions: Fantasy Times, Jimmy Taurasi. We've started the PDF/OCRing of the newszines. Today, replaced 23 mid 1940s issues with searchable PDFs. Watch this space.

February 16, 2022
Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: Thump (Nov 56, Lee and Larry Shaw, A.J. Budrys) and Trouble's Child (Nov 52, Lee Hoffman).
--Agenbite of Inwit, Robert Lowndes. Added 5 items - 4 issues of Agenbite, and one item called Afterthought 2. These are all from 1944-1945.
--Alif, Karen Andersoon. Added 2 issues - #20 (May 64) and the Spring 1960 issue. Issue #20 is about Walter Breen being blackballed from the Pacificon.
--Amble, Archie Mercer. Added #1 (Mar 60).
--Ash-Wing, Frank Denton. Added 7 more issues: #16-22 (May-Jul 77).
--Best of ANZAPA, Perry Middlemiss. Add 3 of these ANZAPA collections, all done by Perry in the mid 90s. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Perry! Thanks, Rich!
--Cosmic Dust, Walt Kessel. Added #9 (Jan 45), published with issue 9 of Luna Pono.
--Kaymar, K. Martin Carlson. Added the June 1960 issue. There was a photo glued to the back of one of the pages, and we added that too.
--Lethe, Jack Riggs. Added Lethe #4 (Nov 46). This issue has fiction by Tigrina, Drake Errol and Walt Leibscher, and an article on poetry by Redd Boggs.
--Luna Pono, Fred Warth. Added the last issue, #9 (Jan 45), published with issue 9 of Cosmic Dust.
--PITFCS, aka Publications of the Institute of Twenty-First Century Studies, Theodore Cogswell. Added #148 (Nov 70), aka SFWA Forum 16.
--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Added #21 (Jan 62).
--Tapeworm, Jack Haldeman II (Jay). Added #6 of this new-to-us title from Jay Haldeman. Lots of the artwork for the issue was done by his brother, Joe. In addition to Joe (who did more than art here), other contributors include Banks Mebane, Gay Haldeman, Ron Bounds, Chuck Rein, Don D'Ammassa, Alexis Gilliland, Jack Gaughan, and Ray Rideour. "Tapeworm is an amateur publication - very amateur."
--Tatooed Dragons and other Rotsler artzines, Bill Rotsler. Added 2 items: "The Tattooed Dragon Meets the Wolfman" from Feb 1960, and Robin Hood (Nov 59) written by Jonathan William Yost. The Tattooed Dragon Meets the Wolfman is a special Saint Valentine's Day Edition too.
--Texas SF Inquirer, Dale Denton, Alexander Slate. Added #44 (92). Texas SF Inquirer is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Thirsty Boots, John D. Berry. Added #4 (Feb 76).
--Triode, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #19 (Mar 74). Triode is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Tumbrils, James Blish. Added 2 more issues: #1 (Mar 45), and #3 (45).
--Twig, Guy Terwilliger. Added 5 issues plus an alternate cover for #18. Added: #4 (May 57), #6-7 (Sep 57-Jan 58), #11 (Sep 58) and #17 (60). The alternate cover is by Don Adkins for "Twig Illustrated". Contributors to #17 include Gregg Calkins, Jim Caughran, John Berry, Steve Stiles, Bill Rotsler, and George Barr. There a lot of big issues for i960 - per Joe Siclari, Terwilliger's goal was to publish 6 issues that year.

Conpubs: Constellation, 1983 Worldcon. Added an item for a hoax bid for Johnstown in '83. Scan by Joe Siclari. Thanks, Joe!

PDF conversions: All OCR and PDFing not otherwise credited was done by Joe Siclari.
--Irish Fandom. Replaced "Through Darkest Ireland with Knife Fork and Spoon" by Chuck Harris (Dec 54) with a searchable PDf.
--File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 21 issues with searchable PDFs.

February 12, 2022
Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--The Baloobius, Taral Wayne. Added the Feb 2022 issue. Thanks, Taral!
--BSFA Bulletin, Archie Mercer. Added 7 issues of the BSFA Bulletin from #2 in 1965 to #35 in 1970.
--Flushing in '80, Stu Shiffman. Added 2 items on this hoax bid - both issues of What's Going Down from 1977.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. added the Feb 11 issue of this, the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Spacehound's Gazette, Joe Kennedy. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us SAPSzine from the late 40s.
--The SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added 13 items - 12 issues (or point issues) of Bruce's perzine from 1962-1964, and a "Farley" questonnaire from 1962. The questionaire was designed to gather all kinds of personal and fannish information about inividual fans, from education level to convention attendance to equipment owned or available (including whether your car was big or small).
--TAFF. Added 13 items: 5 ballots from 1957 to 1987, including a temporary ballot from 1971, as a result of the "total British mail strike", an Ethel Lindsay 1 pager produced when she found out she won; TAFF News (Len and June Moffat, Jan 76); 3 TAFF Progress Reports, incl 2 from Ron Ellik (62-63) and one from ATom and Terry Carr (Oct 65); TAFFiles 6 (Jeanne Gomoll, Jan 89), and TAFFluvia 3 and 6 from Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden (Nov 85, May 86).

Conpubs: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Mark Olson.
--Danse Macabre, 1990 Australian Natcon. Added 4 items: Programme Book, Bizzarre 5 (The Magazine of Danse Macabre), badge and Ditmar Award photos. All items provided (twice) by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan, and sorry for the delay in getting them online!
--Tropicon. Added PRs for Tropicon 6 (87) and Tropicon 13 (95), as well as a pocket program for Tropicon 11 (93). Scans by Joe Siclari. Thanks, Joe!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Fan-Dango, F.T. Laney. Big thanks to Ben Ostrowsky for spotting missing issues of Fan-Dango. In our drive to replace jpgs with PDFs, I inadvertantly used a down level index page as my starting point, so the index on line didn't show all the issues we have. Hooray for Ben spotting that there were issues missing. It's fixed now. Thanks, Ben!
--Twll-Ddu, Dave Langford. Thanks to Joe Siclari for finding a date error on the Twll-Ddu page. Fixed now. Thanks, Joe!

PDF conversions: All OCR and PDFing not otherwise credited was done by Joe Siclari.
--Luna Monthly, Ann Dietz. Replaced 14 more issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Shangri-LA. Replaced the remaining 34 issues with searchable PDFs.
--Wild Hair. Replaced issue 7 with a searchable PDF.

February 8, 2022
In the last days of January, we lost long-time fan and long-time friend Roger Sims. We put a brief Memorial splash page on the homepage for him. If you have other links to suggest we add, please let me know. Roger was a fine man, and he will be missed.

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 1 item: Speculations, edited by George R. Fox, from February 1946. Pavlat-Evans had question marks on even this issue, so I'm assuming it was a one-shot. Does anyone have any other information?
--Acolyte, F. T. Laney. Added 2 items - the manuscript of a poem by Clark Ashton Smith, and a 1942 announcement by Laney.
--Amphipoxi, Billy Pettit. Added #6 (Jun 67).
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues: #3 (Feb 62) and #15 (Feb 65).
--Ash-Wing, Frank Denton. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us title from 1968 to 1974.
--As the Crow Flies, Frank Denton. Added #4 of this perzine from Nov 2000. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Les Spinge, Dave Hale. Added #9 (Jul 62). Contributors include John Berry, Ken Cheslin, Sid Birchby and Terry Jeeves. Les Spinge is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--MT_Void. Mark and Evenlyn Leeper. Added the Feb 4 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the early February issue, #518. Thanks, Dale!
--Null-F, Ted White. Added 4 issues: July 59, #36-37 (Aug-Nov 64) and #43 (66).
--Rogue Raven, Frank Denton. Added 21 more issues, in the range from #21 (Jan 76) to #50 (Jul 97).
--Serenade, Richard Bergeron. Added #6 (Feb 68).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the Feb 2022 issue. Thanks, George!
--TNFF. Added 8 items: V4 #4 from Apr 45; V4 #7-8 from Jul-Aug 1945 edited by Jack Speer; V21 #5, 5A edited by Al Lewis, and the 1962 N3F Constitution and an N3F Ballot. There's a very entertaining piece by Larry Pinsker about Chicon III, "Cons are FANtastic!", in the October 62 issue (V21#5) of TNFF. I wish I'd been there, and you will too when you read it.
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added the Jan-Feb 2022 issue, #54. Thanks, Guy!

Conpubs: Balticon 16, 1982. Added Avedon Carol's convention badge. Scan supplied by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Avedon! Thanks, Rob!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Shangri-laffaires. Thanks to Ben Ostrowsky for finding an error in the metadata in one of the issues. We're fixing it. Thanks, Ben!
--VOM, Forry Ackerman and Morojo. Thanks to Rob Hansen for letting us know about a couple of screwups in the index page. When I replaced the jpgs with PDFs, I made errors with a couple of the links. All fixed now. Thanks also to Ben Ostrowsky for finding an error in one of the page counts. Thanks, Rob! Thanks, Ben!

PDF conversions: All OCR and PDFing not otherwise credited was done by Joe Siclari.
--Acolyte, F.T. Laney. Replaced 3 more issues with searchable PDFs.
--Fan-Dango, F. T. Laney. Replaced the last 3 jpg issues we had with PDFs. PDFing doesn't improve the copies we were scanning from, so beware - there are unreadable pages.
--Luna Monthly, Ann Dietz. Replaced 13 more issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Shangri L'Affaires. Converted another 6 issues to searchable PDFs including 3 of the Christmas art supplements.
--VOM, Forry Ackerman. Replaced 13 more issues with searchable PDFs.

February 5, 2022
YouTube:  The Future of Future Evolution, with Joe Green, Jack C. Haldeman II, Vince Miranda, and Tom Maddox. From the YouTube description - Tropicon 6 was a small local convention, held in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in 1987. This panel discussion about gene editing and the Future of Future Evolution is worth watching for several reasons. Thanks to author Joe Green, the panel focuses in very quickly on gene editing, and the issues it brings to confront humanity, both technically and ethically. The insightful comments by the panelists, and the issues and choices discussed are still very much with us, despite the panel having been recorded in 1987. One warning - there is loud background air conditioning noise for the first 15 minutes or so, but the sound is perfect for the remainder of the recording...The recording also provides a view into the dynamics of small, local conventions, where the writers are part of the community, know each other, and are not adverse to arguing with the audience. Everyone knows everyone, and no one is shy about asking questions. This panel was held at 10PM on Friday night, and there is silliness in the beginning.

Fanzines: All issues not otherwise credited were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Alpha, Jan Jansen, Dave Vendelmans. Added #41 (Jun 54) done for the SuperMancon Combozine. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thansk, Rob!
--BEM, Mal Ashworth and Tom White. Added issue #1.5 from June 1954, done for the SuperMancon. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Dawn, Russell Watkins. Added issue #1 from 1951 of this new-to-us fanzine.
--Femizine, Joan Carr and Ethel Lindsay. Added #1A done for the SuperMancon Combozine. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Focus, Mervyn Barrett. Added #5 of Focus, a new-to-us title done for the Wellington Science Fiction Circle in the mid 1950s.
--Grayswandir, Patrick Hayden. Added #2 of Patrick's APAzine from the mid 70s.
--Mag Without a Name, Walt Dunkelberger. Added 1 issue from Summer, 1950.
--Neofund. Just added 2 publications about the Neofund. According to the later of the two publications, the Neofund was orgainized in 1958 by Harriett Kolchak because "she noticed that at conventions, fans, especially younger neo-fen, would occasionally run out of money and be unable to get home."
--Notes and Comment, uncredited. Added 2 issues of this Journal of the Futurian Society of Sydney. According to Joe Siclari, "This is the second iteration of this title in Australian fanzines. The first was edited for three issues by Ken Martin and Vol Molesworth in 1952. This series edited by the "Executive Committee" of the Futurian Society of Sydney had four issues per theEdmonds/Huett bibliography."
--Oh Yeah!, Jack Chalker. Added #2 from 1975, "Second in a Series of 3 or 4 little fanzines that make up the unorganized acmemoirs of Discon II of one Jack Chalker".
--Rogue Raven, Frank Denton. Added 20 issues of this perzine from 1975. As most of you know, Frank Denton just recently passed away.
--SF&F Informant, Don Miller. Added #21 (Sep 77). This is on the index page with Son of the WSFA Journal. SF&F Informant is a supplement to the SF&F Journal, which is a retitling of the SF&F Newsletter, which replaced Son of the WSFA Journal in 1976.
--Space Diversions, David Gardner, Norman Shorrock, John Roles. Added #7A (Jun 54), done for the SuperMancon Combozine Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #22A (Jun 54) done for the SuperMancon Combozine. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Time & Again, Dave Locke. Added #1 of this new-to-us title from 1985. Contributors include Richard Bergeron, Harry Warner, Jr., Arthur Hlavaty, Dean Grennell, Bob Curry, Skel, ATom and Alexis Gilliland.
--Thumb, Tim Marion. Added #5 (Nov 71) co-edited by Lynn Hickman. This is a new-to-us title. The zine later changed its name to Celestial Shadows.
--Zenith, Harry Turner. Added #6A (June 54), done for the SuperMancon Combozine. This was part of the New Series of Zeniths. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

Conpubs: SuperMancon, Eastercon 1954. Added the combination Program Book and Combozine. Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Thanks to Mark Olson for spotting an error in the index. The typos are fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
--Thanks to Marcello Branco for providing a correction on Megalon  that's so embarassing, I'm not going to tell you what was wrong with it. Fixed now. Thanks, Marcello!
--Science Fiction World, Dale Tarr. Thanks to Mark Olson for noticing an error on the index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!
--Thanks to Johan Horzel for letting us know that the Chicon V  program book was missing. No idea where it went, but it's fixed now. Thanks, Johan!

PDF conversions: All OCR and PDFing not otherwise credited was done by Joe Siclari.
--Luna, Frank Dietz. Replaced Luna' #6 with a searchable PDF. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Luna Monthly, Ann Dietz. Replaced 10ish issues with searchable PDFs - #58-65. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Shangri L'Affaires. Replaced another 28 issues with searchable PDFs - issues #40 - 53, 61-62, 64, 66-67, 76, 78-79 in the B series, and 6 in the C series. Also replaced the 1945 Program Schedule and the 1969 Active Membership list.
--Texas SF Inquirer. Replaced another 4 issues with searchable PDFs- issues 46-47, and 51-52. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--VOM. Replaced the first 34 issues with searchable PDFs.

February 1, 2022
FANAC Update - We just sent out a Newsletter reporting on where we are with our Fan History projects. If you aren't on the subscriber list (and why not?), you can see it at Subscribe on the home page or send a note to

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added Shelby Vick's "Egad!" from 1953.
--1960s One Shots. Added 2 items: The MITSFS Mitigatorer from July 66, uncredited but edited by Mike Ward, and the non-con non-fanzine from sometime in the 60s, edited by Harvey Forman and Andy Porter. That last one is a little silly.
--1980s One Shots. Added 4 items: APA-Jeff 1 (Jeff Smith; Apr 80); Fanzines in Theory and in Practice, a massive collection of articles by D. West (1984); Quaint Fanoclasts (Stu Shiffman, Moshe Feder and other Fanoclasts, Dec 1985); and Waddlers in the Sky.
--Bastion, Eric Bentcliffe. Added a curiosity provided by Rob Hansen. "This was a stand-up display painted by Eddie Jones - with working drawbridge! - to rustle up subscribers that would've been displayed at that year's Eastercon. It was put on display again at CYTRICON V (2008), which is where I took the photo." Thanks, Rob!
--Current Science Fiction Weekly, Ronald S. Friedman. Added 2 issues of this early 50s newszine. FAPA Book, Bob Pavlat. Added FAPA Book 2, with indexes of FAPA mailings from #17 to #32.
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added the Feb 2022 issue, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Little Corpuscle, Lynn Hickman. Added 2 issues from the early 50s of Lynn Hickman's zine for The Little Monsters of American and the Napoleon Fantasy Club.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the Lunar New Year 2022 issue of Dale's perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Science Fiction Times. Added a 1959 open letter from Earl Kemp, decrying Jimmy Taurasi's proposal for a New York convention in 1964. It opens, "Dear Fugghead House".
--Science-Fiction World, Dale Tarr. With zines by Dale Tarr titled "Science Fiction World" and "Fan World", this gets a little confusing. Added 2 items today: Fan World 2 (Jan 46), and Science Fiction World 1 (1945). Last October, Bill Burns had given us some links to "The Tin Can Wonder" about mimeography. Well, it apparently was an article in Science Fiction World 1, added today. Pretty cool.
--Space Diversions, Tom Owens John Roles and Noran Shorrock. Added 2 issues of this 50s UK zine: #1 (Jun 52) and #5 (Feb 53). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--TimeBytes, Lillian Edwards and Christina Lake. Added 2 collections from 1995. These were scanned from the collection of Ben Yalow. Thanks, Ben!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out that the issue we had marked as #3 of Aberration, is in fact #2. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!

PDF Replacements:
--Shangri L'Affaires. Replaced the next 24 issues with searchable PDFs, starting with July 1944 issue. PDFng by Joe Siclari. Thanks, Joe!
--Texas SF Inquirer, Pat Mueller. Replaced 21 more early issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

Fancyclpedia: Recent contributions by Eva Whitley Chalker, Darrah Chavey, Gary Feldbaum, David Grigg, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Mike Lowrey, Rich McAllister, Gary McGath, George Phillies, Joe Siclari, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jan Vanek Jr, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon added G&G Stock list 1975-08
---Chicon III added Con Annual: Chicon 3
---CoNZealand added PR 1, 2020 Hugo Ballot fillable, Advertising Rate Card 4kc, Advertising Rate Card Shapes A5 current-v2, Advertising Souvenir Book rate card, PR 3, PR 4, Souvenir Book, Cruise Log - 01 August Afternoon, Cruise Log - 01 August Evening, Cruise Log - 01 August Morning, Cruise Log - 02 August Afternoon, Cruise Log - 02 August Morning, Cruise Log - 29 July Afternoon, Cruise Log - 30 July Afternoon, Cruise Log - 30 July Evening, Cruise Log - 30 July Morning, Cruise Log - 31 July Afternoon, Cruise Log - 31 July Morning, Cruise Log - Hoax issue, Site Selection 2020 A4
---Discon III added Name Badge (both sides), Covid screening: "I've Been Checked" pass, Hugo voting details, Winnipeg-Worldcon-2023
-Bid-Filing, Memphis-Worldcon-2023
-Bid-Filing, Chengdu-Worldcon-2023
-Bid-Filing-1, WSFS BM agenda, Business Passed on from ConZealand, Souvenir Book, DisCon_III_WSFS_Documents, Pocket Program Guide, Dis-n-Dat-Issue-0-v2, Dis-n-Dat-Issue-1-v3cen, Newsletter-Issue-2, Newsletter-Issue-3-Thurs-PM, Newsletter-Issue-4-Fri-AM, Newsletter-Issue-5-Fri-PM, Newsletter-Issue-6-Sat-AM, Newsletter-Issue-7-Sat-PM, Newsletter-Issue-8-Sun-AM, Newsletter-Issue-Hoax, WSFS_Agenda-as-of-20211210-Version-19, WSFS-Constitution-as-of-August-1-2020, WSFS-Rulings-of-Continuing-Effect-for-2021, WSFS-Standing-Rules-Revised-20210508, 81st Worldcon Site Selection ballot
---Heicon '70 added Hotel form, Hugo rules, Membership problems letter, Membership Receipt
---IguanaCon II added Bulletin, Ellison receoption receipt, Membership card, PR 0, PR 4.5, Newsletter 4; Notes="The Bullsheet #?", How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Don Markstein
---L.A.con IV added Join the Space Cadets #11, Join the Space Cadets #2, Join the Space Cadets #3, Kansas City in 2006 flyer, Space Cadets #4
---Loncon 3 added Facts & Figures
---MagiCon added POOF! #1 - You're It! 1 Parker & Herz 1990-05c
---MidAmeriCon added WSFS BM materials
---Noreascon Two added Flushing in 1980 Bid Prospectus
---Seacon '79 added Membership Card, Membership letter
---SunCon added Blood Drive, Hugo nominations ballot, Letter 2, Letter, PR 4, - The Sunbeam, Pocket Program

---Balticon 23 added Program Book
---Balticon 43 added Program Book

---Boskone 31 added Bookmark
---Boskone 38 added Program Book Geisler 2001-02-16
---Boskone 47 added Evening Event Program

---Capclave 2001 added program book

---Perpetual ConFusion added Art Show Ballot, Program Book, Restaurant Guide

---DSC 33 added DSC/Kubla Khan 23 flyer
---DSC 43 added one-page flyer
---DSC 50 added Program Book
---DSC 59 added Program Book

---Evolution added Wrath of Ghu #1, Wrath of Ghu #2, Wrath of Ghu #4, Wrath of Ghu #late Monday, Wrath of Slime, Readme
---Follycon (2018) added Souvenir Book
---Intervention added Program Book, ReadMe, PR 2
---Intuition added Outside Guide, Program Book, Programme, ReadMe
---LX added & Orbital 2008 Souvenir Book
---Orbital 2008 added Orbital & LX Souvenir Book
---Paragon 2 added Souvenir Book
---Reconvene added receipt
---Ytterbium added Pocket Programme, Read Me, Ytterbuim wedding invitation

---Loscon 17 added Program Book

---Lunacon 2016 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---Lunacon 36 added Pocket Program, Program Book

---T.A.N.S.T.A.A.F.L. CON added Con Report by Eli Cohen

---OryCon '86 added Regress Report
---OryCon '87 added GoH and Program correspondence, PR 1, PR 2
---OryCon 10 added Program Book
---OryCon 24 added Program Book

---Readercon 12 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Recommended Reading List
---Readercon 24 added Program Guide

---Smofcon 7 added Flyer

---Tropicon 4 added PR, Program Book, Progress Report Atherton 1985
---Tropicon 5 added Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Video & Game schedule, Program Book
---Tropicon 6 added Flyer
---Tropicon 7 added Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Program Book, Progress Report Siclari & Porter 1988
---Tropicon 8 added flyer 1, flyer 2, Program, Program Book
---Tropicon I added Flyer, Press Release, Program Book, Tentative Program, Banquet ticket
---Tropicon II added Program Book, Banquet Ticket, Flyer 1, Flyer 2, Press Release, Press Release
---Tropicon III added Flyer, Program Book Siclari 1984-11-30, Progress Report Siclari 1984
---Tropicon IX added Flyer, Program Book
---Tropicon X added Program, Flyer, PR, Program Book
---Tropicon XIV added Flyer 2
---Tropicon XIX added Program, TropiCon Daily Frefanzine 1, Program Book
---Tropicon XVI added Video Playbill
---Tropicon XVII added PR, Program Book
---Tropicon XVIII added Program Book, Progress Report

---Westercon 39 added Committee, Film Program, Index to Program Participants, Newsletter, Pocket Program, Program Book, Restaurant Guide, Site Selection ballot
---Westercon 43 added Program Book
---Westercon 54 added Pocket Program

--World Fantasy Convention:
---1993 World Fantasy Convention added Program Book, Programming Corrigenda
---World Fantasy Convention '82 added Program Book
---World Fantasy Convention 1983 added Pocket Program
---World Fantasy Convention 1984 added WFC 1984 Program Book
---World Fantasy Convention 2019 added Pocket Guide, Program Book
---World Fantasy Convention 2022 added WFC 2022 PR 1

January 28, 2022
YouTube:  ConFusion 14 (1977) - Poul Anderson/Gordon Dickson: The Way It Was (Pt 1): Minneapolis Fantasy Society - This short video features a conversation between authors Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson on the history of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society (MFS). Gordy, the older of the two, begins with a description of the prewar (World War II) MFS, a serious writers' group with members such as Clifford Simak and Donald Wandrei. Poul and Gordy then bring the calendar forward with anecdotes of traveling to Torcon (1948), MFS parties, and how the writing community worked in the middle of the century. These much loved members of the science fiction community are by turns very earnest, very funny and always very engaging in telling us "The Way It Was"...Note that this is part 1 of a longer program. As of January 2022, we are working to digitize the next part..Also note that there are about 5 seconds of disrupted video towards the end of the recording...Thanks to Geri Sullivan and the Video Archeology project for providing the recording.

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--KaCSFFS, Nancy Nutt. Added 2 issues: V29#2 and V29#5 from 2005. KaCSFFS is the clubzine of the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the Jan 28 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Pertinence, Archie Mercer. Added 2 issues from Nov 69 - Mar 70 of this perzine.
--Phantasmicom, Jeff Smith. Added two of the issues of Phantasmicom edited by Jeff Smith from the early 1970s.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin, R.B. Cleary. Added 2 issues: V8#7-8 from 2004-05. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the January issue of The National Fantasy Fan, volume 81#1. That's a large number. Thanks, George!
--TLMA aka The Little Monsters of America, Lynn Hickman. Added the complete 6 issue run of this early 50s zine. Contributers include Manly Banister, Basil Wells, Bill Venable, Richard Ellsberry, and Ronald Clyne.
--Triode, Eric Bentcliffe and Terry Jeeves. Added 3 issues: #8-10 from Fall 56 - Apr 57. Contributors include John Berry, Mal Ashworth, Eddie Jones, Bill Rotsler, ATom, and Harry Turner. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--WSFA Journal. Added Feb 2005 issue, edited by Keith Lynch. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Ken Rudolph for a correction on the index page for Shangri L'Affaires. Fixed now. Thanks, Ken!

PDF Replacements:
--Pendulum, Bill Venable. Replaced 3 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Ratatosk, Bruce Pelz. Replaced another 8 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Shangri L'Affaires. Replaced the first 23 issues we have, and issues #70-75 with searchable PDFs. That makes 29 issues replaced today. PDFing by Joe Siclari. Thanks, Joe!
--Texas SF Inquirer, Pat Mueller. Replaced the first 4 issues with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

January 22, 2022
Photos: Discon 3. Added 25 more photos taken by Frank Olynyk. These are author photos taken at the autograph sessions. Thanks, Frank!

Fanzines: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1970s One Shots. Added 5 items some of which are very interesting: a 1977 Carl Barks Calendar, published by Alan Hutchinson; "Charles Fort - A Radical Corpuscle" by Sam Moskowitz; "Harlan's Side" - Harlan's response to the brouhaha with Markstein at Iggy, published by Guy Lillian III; Our Yesterdays, edited by Joanne Burger with contributions from Harry Warner Jr, Stan Woolston and Don Franson among others; and the Tucker Transfer, a zine by Gale Burnick for a fund to bring Tucker to the 1979 Worldcon in Brighton.
--Amazing Thrilling Sexy.... Added the complete 2 issue run of whatever this is. One issue is edited by Robert Lichtman and the other by Ron Ellik. Look at one of the covers to see the full title.
--Ecce Fanno, Patrick Nielsen Hayden. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us Apazine title from the 1970s.
--FANtastic Story Magazine, Ron Ellik. Added 2 1954 issues of this new to us title. Issue 4 has an article on Meritt and another on Lovecraft. Issue 6 is a reprint issue with contributions from Walt Willis, Lee Hoffman, Bob Silverberg, Bob Shaw, Bob Tucker, MZB, and more.
--Invisible Fan, Avedon Carol. Added 2 issues of Avedon's 1970s zine. Conributors include Jeanne Gomoll, Dan Steffan, Steve Stiles, Stu Schiffman, and Alexis Gilliland.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the Jan 21 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Nargothrond, Rick Brooks. Added the complete 4 issue run of this 1960s zine. Well, there are 3 zines, and the last one is a double issue. There's some Star Trek material, some Tolkien material, and more.
--Necromancer, David MacInnes. Added 2 issues of this 3 issue run from the late 1940s. Oddly, the missing issue, #2, is apparently numbered Vol 1, #1.5.
--Oblique, Gould Added 2 issues of this mid50s zine. Sample of the fiction "The neo-fan lived in a black and gray world punctuated by the white lightning of hunger and the flickering of fear. His mimeo was an old fan-me-down, well rusted with age. He was tall and gaunt. His eyes were calm and his face was dead. Men turned away from him, women did not look, children stopped and watched him. It did not matter to the neo-fan. When the white lightning struck his mail box, he received his egoboo." Written, it says, in the style of Theodore Sturgeon.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #516 (8.0 MB) of his perzin. Thanks, Dale!
--S---, Terry and Miriam Carr. Added 2 issues of this early 60s SAPSzine.
--TAFF related pubs. Added 4 items: The 2022 ballot, the 1981-1982 TAFF ballot, which also has with it the ballot for the Fanzine Activity Achievement Awards, Jeanne Gomoll's 1987 TAFFiles 1, and Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden's Jan 85 TAFFluvia 1.
--Third Foundation, Lee Klingstein (Lee Gold). Added issue #82 (May 68).
--Yearbooks. Added Gerry de la Ree's 1974 Fantasy Collector's Annual. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

PDF Replacements: PDFing today by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Niekas, Ed Meskys. Replaced 8 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are issues #40-46. There are some issue numbers with an A and a B to make it up to 8.
--Ratatosk, Bruce Pelz. Replaced 10 issues #35-44 with searchable PDFs.

January 17, 2022
Fan Histories:  Added 2 items - The 1992 revision of "Memoirs of a Superfluous Fan" by T. Bruce Yerke, and the "History of SF Fandom in DEnver and Colorado" by Bob Peterson (1992). The Peterson scan was provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Aberration, Kent Moomaw. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1957.
--Allerlei, Walter Breen. Added the Feb 78 issue of this APAzine. Issues appeared in other fanzines, including MZB's Day*Star, and Ted White's Proxyboo.
--The Committeeman, Roy and Deedee Lavendar. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us title from 1950-51, which at least originally was related to the N3F. From the first issue: "Prupose--none that we know of. We just had the urge, plus a little doubtful artwork, so put them together."
--Day*Star, Marion Zimmer Bradley and Walter Breen. Added 2 issues: #26 (May 65) and the Feb 72 issue. Both incorporated issues of Walter Breen's Allerlei.
--DUFF. Added Pat and Naomi for DUFF to the DUFF index. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the January issue of this NFFF newsletter. Thanks, George!
--Gambit, Ted White. Added #24.5 (Dec 58), a short special issue about Kent Moomaw's death.
--Kent Moomaw Related Publications. If you are down to the Ks in this list, you've seen a few entries related to Kent Moomaw. These and a 1 shot are now listed in a Kent Moomaw index page. Kent committed suicide at the age of 18.
--LeeH. Added a Miniscule Portfolio to the LeeH index. It's all art by Lee but published by Owen Hannifen. Not sure of the year.
--Michigan - Other Publications. Added an issue of Aberrations, a publication of the Michigan Science Fantasy Society from 1951.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the Jan 14 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Science Fiction Times, James Taurasi. Distributed with the first March 1961 issue, added "Scientific-Fiction Times Vol X-Minus 1 - #2. This is what WOULD hae been in an issue of Science Fiction Times had it existed in March 1926. Headline - AMAZING STORIES FIRST ALL-SCIENTIFIC FICTION MAGAZINE COMING FROM THE PUBLISHERS OF "SCIENCE AND INVENTION". That headline is pretty obvious, but there's a lot more.
--TAFF. Added 1 item: Singing the Marseillaise (1985) - Patrick and Teresa Neilsen Hayden.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies / John Swartz. Added the January 2022 issue. Thanks, George!
--KaCSFFS Newsletter, Nancy Nutt. Added #V29N7 (Aug 05) of the Newsletter of the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--TNFF related. Added 3 items. Added: Bonfire 3A (Lou Goldstone, Jan 42), Joe Neophan (uncredited, 1951), and Neffan News December 12, 1958 (Stan Woolston). These are listed on the index page by date. The "Joe Neophan" piece seems to be marketing material - "By the end of his first year with NFFF, Joe is an 'experienced' fan. By taking advantage of the knowledge and information made available to him through NFFF, Joe has learned in one year what it used to take many years of trial-and-error for a solitary fan to find out."
--WOOF. AKA the Worldcon Order of Fan-Editors. Added the two most recent - #45-46 from 2020-2021.
--Yearbooks. Added a flyer for the 1946-47 Yearbook by Joe Kennedy. Consider it ephemera.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to John Hertz for pointing out a couple of errors in the People Cross Reference. This is creak old code, guys, and due to be replaced. However, the errors that John pointed out were typo sorts of errors and I have either fixed them and you can see that, or fixed them, and you will be able to see that after I run a new Cross Reference. Thanks, John! Of course, John doesn't use email and so likely will not see this acknowledgement. Thanks anyways, John!
--BSFA Newsletter. Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out some broken links. These were new too *blush*. Thanks, Sandra!
--Arcturus, Harold Kirshenblit. Thanks to Ben Ostrowsky for pointing out an error in the dating of #8. Fixed. Thanks, Ben!
--ConJose. Thanks to Randy Smith, added the identification of Mary Kay Kare in the foreground of one of the photos. Thanks, Randy!
--Conspiracy. Thanks to Catherine Pickersgill, added the identification of Rob Holdstock to the first of the panel photos. Thanks, Catherine!
--Noreason 1. Thanks to Pascal, added the identification of Fritz Leiber to one of hte photos. Thanks, Pascal!

PDF Replacements:
--Niekas, Ed Meskys. Replaced 23 issues with searchable PDFs: issues #3-9.5, and 30-39 (PDFing by Mark Olson) and #17-19 (PDFing by Joe Siclari). Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Joe!
--Ratatosk, Bruce Pelz. Replaced issues #1-10 with searchable PDFs. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

January 13, 2022
Photos: Discon 3. Added 7 photos from Discon 3, taken by Rich Lynch. More to come. Thanks, Rich!

Fanzines Added:
--1960s One Shots. Added Vince Clarke's 1960 "Fans and Ethics". This is Vince's view of the unwritten rules and ethics of fandom, especially as it relates to fanzines. It is especially his response to Laurence Sandfield, and Sandfield's article about the London Circle published in Northlight. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--BSFA Newsletter, Bobbie Gray and Ella Parker. Added 2 pre-convention quick BSFA newsletters from 1960. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Big Deal, Dave Hale. Added the complete 5 issue run of this 1960s OMPAzine. Scans courtesy of Joe Patrizio. Thanks, Joe!
--CyberCozen. Added the December 2021 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the December issue of the N3F newszine. Thanks, George!
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added 3 issues from last year - June, Aug and Dec, sent by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added 2 items - First, added #26 (Dec 2000). Contributors to this issue include Forry Ackerman, Mike Resnick, Dave Kyle, Roger Sims, Bill Mallardi, John Hertz and Joe Mayhew. Second, added "Through Time and Space - Forry Ackerman's Remembrances in Mimosa", published Aug 21. Mimosa is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks, Rich!
--Timebound, David Sooby. Added 3 issues from 2001 of this new-to-us title, the clubzine of the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added December 2021. Thanks, George!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added 5 issues from the last part of 2021. Sorry for the delay in getting these up! Thanks for sending, George!
--Triode, Eric Bentcliffe and Terry Jeeves. Added 3 issues: #5-6 (Dec 55- Sp 56) and #12 (Dec 57). Contributors include John Berry, Mal Ashworth, Harry Turner, Bill Rotsler, ATom, Eddie Jones, and others. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out the typos on Ethel Lindsay's Bletherings  index page. Also, thanks to Sandra for telling me that I had misspelled the title of the Bruce Pelz apazine that went up last week. It's really Savoyard  and not Sayoyard. Thanks, Sandra!

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing this time by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Niekas, Ed Meskys. Replaced issues #20-29 with searchable PDFs.
--Ratatosk, Bruce Pelz. Replaced issues #11-19 with searchable PDFs.

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,770 names in these listings.

January 8, 2022
Photos: Discon 3. Added 19 photos from Discon 3, taken by Frank Olynyk. More to come. Thanks, Frank!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1930s One Shots. Added "Storm Over Philadelphia" by Doc Lowndes from Dec 39. If you're interested in fannish history and New Fandom, look at this one. Sample - "She stands defiantly facing the- expectantly -triumphant faces of Sykora, Moskowitz, and Taurassi; her glance wanders to the non-New Fandomites. Bob Tucker, Mark Reinsberg, Richard L. Meyer, Walter E. Marconeotte, Erle Korshak, Miton A. Rothman, David Kyle, Bob Madle, Jack Speer some of you are members, true is New Fandom representative of you?".
--1940s One Shots. Added 2 particularly good items today. First, "After Ten Years - A Tribute to Stanley G. Weinbaum" by Gerry de la Ree and Sam Moskowitz. This has a stellar list of contributors including Ray Palmer, Ralph Milne Farley and Julie Schwartz. Secondly, "Bob Tucker Dies!", the publication announcing Tucker's death a few weeks before Cinvention. This was the second of the Tucker Death Hoaxes. See the article in Fancyclopedia - 
--1950s One Shots. Added Outworlds 1 (Robert Lichtman, Fall 1959). Contributors include Ted Johnstone, Harry Warner, Jr., Lee Hoffman, Len Moffatt and Terry Carr.
--Bletherings, Ethel Lindsay. Added #4 (May 72) of this new-to-us APAzine.
--LASFS Fanquet. Added the program for the March 1959 Fanquet, honoring George Fields. Guest speaker Fritz Leiber autographed this copy of the program and there are a few sketches.
--GUFF. Added Justin Ackroyd's "Australian GUFF Newsletter" from Feb 86.
--Lethe, Jack Riggs. Added the last issue, #9, of this new-to-us title from the 40s.
--Michigan-Other Publications. Added 5 items from 1950 to 1969. The first, a 10 page one shot, includes contributions from George Young, Ben Singer, Ray Nelson, Roger Sims and Martin Alger. You can also reach it from our 1950s One Shots  index.
--MSFS Disbanded. Added 3 communications from 1952 about the Michigan Science Fantasy Society.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue (Jan 7) of this, the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Neo-Fan's Guides. Added the 2nd edition of Bob Tucker's Neo-Fan's Guide (Aug 66).
--Sayoyard, Bruce Pelz. Added 5 issues of Bruce's OMPAzine from the 1960s. There are photos on the cover of #10.
--Shadowland, Sam Martinez. Added #1 (1951).
--Tweek, Patrick Hayden et al. This title was edited and published triweekly on a rotating basis by Patrick Hayden, Gary Farber, Anne Laurie Logan and Seth McEvoy. Issue 28 uploaded today was by Patrick.

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
--Worldcon: Discon III added Name Badge (both sides), Covid screening: "I've Been Checked" pass, Hugo voting details, Winnipeg-Worldcon-2023
-Bid-Filing, Memphis-Worldcon-2023
-Bid-Filing, Chengdu-Worldcon-2023
-Bid-Filing-1, WSFS BM agenda, Business Passed on from ConZealand, Souvenir Book, DisCon_III_WSFS_Documents, Pocket Program Guide, Dis-n-Dat-Issue-0-v2, Dis-n-Dat-Issue-1-v3cen, Newsletter-Issue-2, Newsletter-Issue-3-Thurs-PM, Newsletter-Issue-4-Fri-AM, Newsletter-Issue-5-Fri-PM, Newsletter-Issue-6-Sat-AM, Newsletter-Issue-7-Sat-PM, Newsletter-Issue-8-Sun-AM, Newsletter-Issue-Hoax, WSFS_Agenda-as-of-20211210-Version-19, WSFS-Constitution-as-of-August-1-2020, WSFS-Rulings-of-Continuing-Effect-for-2021, WSFS-Standing-Rules-Revised-20210508

---Evolution added Wrath of Ghu #1, Wrath of Ghu #2, Wrath of Ghu #4, Wrath of Ghu #late Monday, Wrath of Slime, Readme
---Intervention added Program Book, ReadMe, PR 2
---LX added & Orbital 2008 Souvenir Book
---Orbital 2008 added Orbital & LX Souvenir Book
---Paragon 2 added Souvenir Book
---Reconvene added receipt
---Ytterbium added Pocket Programme, Read Me, Ytterbuim wedding invitation

--Misc. Conventions: T.A.N.S.T.A.A.F.L. CON added Con Report by Eli Cohen

--OryCon: OryCon 10 added Program Book

--Westercon: Westercon 39 added Committee, Film Program, Index to Program Participants, Newsletter, Pocket Program, Program Book, Restaurant Guide, Site Selection ballot

--World Fantasy Convention:
---World Fantasy Convention '82 added Program Book
---World Fantasy Convention 1983 added Pocket Program
---World Fantasy Convention 2019 added Pocket Guide, Program Book

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari - Niekas, Ed Meskys. Replaced 7 issues (#10-16) with searchable PDFs

January 3, 2022

--  - "Diana Gallagher is now known primarily for her science fiction media novels. However, especially early in her fannish career, she also impressed as a filk songwriter/performer, and a fan artist. She received several Pegasus Awards, as well as the 1988 Fan Artist Hugo Award. As her songs often show, Diana was also an avid supporter of the space program. She passed away in December 2021....This recording was made in our living room in the early 1980s. At that time, she was a member of the local science fiction group, and an avid filker. She was our friend... This recording is excerpted from a longer filk recording, and features her performances of five songs (of which 4 were written by her). Many thanks to our Filk Consultant, Eli Goldberg and to our Sound Editor, Luke Bretscher for their help with this recording."
--  - Birth of the Society for Creative Anachronism - from an interview with Ed Meskys (2018) - "Ed Meskys tells us the story of the beginnings of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) in this short audio recording (enhanced with photographs). Ed played a pivotal role in introducing fencers Dave Thewlis and Ken de Maiffe to Diana Paxson, and has an insider's perspective on how the "Great Idea" was born...Ed recounts how the First Tournament came to be, and points us to a contemporary report about it in his fanzine, Niekas. You can read the report on page 7 of #16 at short recording is excerpted from a longer 2018 interview by Mark Olson." We are in process of converting the Niekas jpgs to searachble PDFs. If you want to read the Paxson article, go to the fanzine index page and see what we have online at the moment for #16.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Askance, John Purcell. Added #52 (Dec 21). Thanks, John!
--Boy's Own Fanzine, Leigh Edmonds and John Foyster. Added #2 (Dec 73). This 136 page zine has a large section on the 1971 convention, presumably the Natcon.
--An Egoboo a Day from All Over, Terry Carr and Walter Breen. Added the complete 3 issue run of this early 60s zine, distributed with Fanac.
--Michifan, Martin Alger. Added the May 8, 1951 issue of this clubzine of the Michigan Science Fantasy Society. Issues tend to be very small, and feature announcements.
--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added #18 (May 96). Contributors include Steve Stiles, Dave Kyle, Fred Learner, Vince Clarke, Forry Ackerman and Richard Brandt. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the 12/31/21 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, #515 (Dec 21) as well as an updated Index. Thanks, Dale!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the latest issue of Perry's perzine, #18 (Jan 22). Thanks, Perry!
--SAPSzine, Ed Meskys. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 60s.
--The Science Fantasy Fan, Arthur Williams. Added 1 issue of this new-to-us British title from 1941. There's fiction from Ken Bulmer and an artcile from Ron Holmes, among other contributions. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Speed of Dark, Mike Glyer. Added 9 issues of Mike's APAzine which wsa done for Myriad in the late 70s/early 80s.
--Trimble - Other Publications. Added "Last of a Series 1" from Bjo and John, written for a postmailing of FAPA 100 (Aug 62).
--Triode, Eric Bentliffe and Terry Jeeevs. Added 2 issues: #1-2 (Sep 54-Mar 55). Contributers include Walt Willis, Ken Slater, Mal Ashworth, and Vince Clarke. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributions by John Bray, Thomas Bull, Vincent Docherty, Laurie Mann, Nigel Rowe, Leah Zeldes Smith, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

December 27, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Amphipoxi, Bill Pettit. Added 2 issues of this late 60s fanzine dedicated fan history and other fanzines. Contributors include John Berry and Juanita Coulson
--Detroit Stfan, Agnes Harook. Added #6 (Oct 50).
--Hickman-Other Publications. Added 14 miscellaneous zines by Lynn Hickman, all intended for APAs from OMPA to SAPS to SFPA, and ranging from 1 page to 42.
--Michifan. Added 29 issues of this new-to-us Clubzine title from the early 50s. The first ten were edited by Art Rapp, the second 10 issues were edited by Martin Alger. and the last batch by various editors.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the Dec 24 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Trimble-Other Publications. Added 3 items: Amis 1 (John Trimble, Feb 59), done for FAPA 86; Space Time Continuum Oct 1992 (Bjo Trimble), a Visual Media Newsletter; and To the Stars #1 (John & Bjo Trimble), with a column by Forry Ackerman, an interview with Theodore Sturgeon, and a Hubbard reprint. Read more about "To the Stars" in Fancyclopedia at

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Mark Olson for pointing out errors in the Elmurmurings  index page, and a "not found" for an issue of Karen Anderson's The Zed from 1960. All fixed now. Thanks, Mark!

December 23, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added the Dec 2021 issue. Thanks, Joseph!
--Askew, John Purcell. Added 2: the June issue and the December issue. Thanks, John!
--DUFF. Added 4 DUFF related publications. From John D. Berry - Redback #4-5 (Feb-Aug 90), and #7 (Jan 91); from Lucy Huntzinger - Dropbear Digest 3 (Feb 89).
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added a substitute for #70 (Jul 65) intended to keep his string of contributions to consecutive FAPA mailings going.
--HPL, Meade Frierson. In 1972, Meade and Penny published a 144 page tribute to Howard Philips Lovecraft. We don't have it yet, but we have added 3 items: the flyer (which lists the table of contents}, and Supplements 2 and 3, published in the years after the orignal.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the latest (#116) issue. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Kaymar, K. Martin Carlson. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us APAzine from the early 1960s. The covers on 2 of the issues appear to be the same, but the contents are different.
--Kay-Mar Trader, K. Martin Carlson. Added 15 issues of this new-to-us adzine from the late 1940s. A little editorial, a little NFFF politicking, want lists, and for sale. The July 1929 issue of Amazing was on offer for $.60, and Science and Invention from 1920 on for 25 cents each. Again, there's some cover reuse.
--JDM Bibliophile, Len and June Moffatt. Added 5 items: JDM Bibliophile Bulletin 4 (May 78), JDM Bibliophile Memo (Dec 68), the JDM Master Checklist, done with William Clark, the JDM Master Checklist Corrections and Additions supplement (72), and the John D. MacDonald Quotebook (78) which was compiled by Bill Rotsler. The Checklist is 62 pages long. From the Quotebook: "Evil - It takes a special man to tell the difference between right and wrong, but any damn fool can tell the difference between good and evil."
--Knights in Old Berkeley, Jerry Knight. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us newszine(?) from 1960.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Niekas, Ed Meskys. Added the 1st issue, completing the run! Niekas is a core fanzine for us to scan, and was on our one-and-done list. Thanks to Jeremy Edmonds for providing the scan. Thanks, Jeremy!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added Dale's new issue, dated Saturnalia 2021. Thanks, Dale!
--Rune. Added 3 Rune-like publications. Added Einblatt (Feb 80), a Minn-Stf newsletter; Rune 5x, a 1980 Hoaxzine by Stuf Shiffman and Sue-Rae Rosenfeld, and Rune 71A, a Sci-Fi People Weekly with half a dozen editors.

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Mark Olson for pointing out several minor errors in the index pages of Harry Warner's Horizons  and the Lupoff's Horib. Thanks, Mark!

PDF Replacements: TAFF. Add a PDF version of the J.G. TAFF Catalog Auction Results to the TAFF index page.

December 16, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the latest issue, #115 (Nov 21). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--My Back Pages, Rich Lynch. Added the latest issue, #26. This issue includes the 200th essay since Rich began My Back Pages. Thanks for sending, Rich!
--Neolithic, Ruth Berman. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 60s. Contributors include Ted Johnstone, MZB, Eleanor Arnason, Redd Boggs and Felice Rolfe.
--Scientifiction, Walter Gillings. Added 4 issues from 1937, completing the run! Added #1-2 and 4-5. It's pretty remarkable that we're able to complete the run of a zine that is so old. Issue 5 includew an interview with John Russell Fearn. These scans were provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Simulacrum, Victoria Vayne. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 70s. Contributors include Taral, Cy Chauvin, Mae Strelkov, Don D'Ammassa, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Dave Jenrette, Darrell Schweitzer and Jodie Offutt. Art credits from Harry Bell, Alexis Gilliland, Bill Rotsler, Sheryl Birkhead, Grant Canfield, Stu Shiffman, Terry Jeeves, Bonnie Dalzell and others.
--Stf Trends, Lynn Hickman. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title distributed through SAPS. According to Fancyclopedia, Stf Trends is a continuation of TLMA and of The Little Corpuscle. There's some nice artwork and cartoons here.
--TAFF. Added 10 items - 3 ballots (65, 74, and 98), 3 issues of Robert Lichtman's TAFF Door - #1,3, and 5 (90-92), Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden's Taffluvia 9 (Jan 87), Jeanne Gomoll's Taffiles #4 and 5 (Jun-Oct 88), and finally Ulrika O'Brien's Demi-TAFF Americain 2 (May 98).

PDF Replacements: Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Replaced #18 and #24 with searchable PDFs. Now all the issues we have are PDFed!

December 7, 2021
YouTube: Part 1 -  and Part 2: 
Added "Wrong Turns on the Wallaby Track: Australian SF Fandom 1936-60, Leigh Edmonds, Perry Middlemiss" in 2 parts. Note: To begin Leigh had technical difficulties for the first 10 minutes so his portion begins after an excellent, but slightly long, introduction by Perry Middlemiss.
From the YouTube description: "In this delightful Fan History Zoom (Dec 2021), historian Leigh Edmonds provides both context and details of Australian Science Fiction Fandom in the early days. Beginning with an introduction to Australian history of the period by Perry Middlemiss, the session entertainingly describes the important fans, and clubs from the beginnings in Sydney with a Science Fiction League branch, to the Futurian Society of Sydney and the Thursday night group. Leigh provides both entertaining and instructive insights, from the parallels to US fannish history, to the Australian group whose "main form of entertainment was feuding", and the impact on science fiction readers of the Australian wartime embargo on the import of unncessary items. He discusses the uniquely Australian barriers to becoming a professional writer in the field, the banning of Weird Tales on moral grounds and more. This enjoyable talk, illustrated with photos and maps, brings together both Australian history, and the nitty gritty details (and entertaining anecdotes) of the early days of Australian science fiction fandom....Leigh Edmonds is an Australian historian, and honorary research fellow at the Collaborative Research Centre in Australian History (CRCAH) at Federation University in Ballarat, Australia. He is also a very long term science fiction fan. Perry Middlemiss is a fanwriter and editor as well as a former Worldcon chair.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added 9 zines, of which one is uncredited and 2 are definitely 1960s but have no date. Added: Anduril 1 (Marion Zimmer Bradley, Sum 62), Apa D 1 (Andrew Porter, Oct 65), Cutty Fanzine (Lee Hoffman), Fanzine for Bjohn (Bruce Pelz, Jul 60), Gondor (uncredited/undated), How We Won (Bill Donaho, Sep 67), Hurrah for Our Side (Redd Boggs, Jun 64), The Rumble (Walter Breen, Pat and Dick Lupoff, 1960), and Trivia (Lynn Hickman, Sum 66). Fanzine for Bjohn was done for Bjo and John Trimble's wedding. Gondor is "Man From Uncle" crossover fan fiction. APA-D is the "daily APA". Anduril is focused on Tolkien, and has contributions from Ruth Berman, Rick Sneary, Elinor Busby, David Bradley, Paul Zimmer, and Juanita Coulson along with MZB.
--Alpha, Jan Jansen and Dave Vendelmans. Added 3 issues of this 1950s zine from Belgium. Issue 13 is in two parts, each edited by one of the editors and distributed stapled together, Ace Double style. Familiar names among the contributors include ATom, Bob Shaw, John Berry, Eric Bentcliffe, and Archie Mercer.
--Lesser Flea, Joy Clarke. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title: issues #11 (58) and #14 (Feb 60). Lesser Flea was Joy's OMPAzine.
--Masiform D, Devra Langsam. Added 4 issues: #3-5 (Jul73 - Jul76), and #7 (Jul 78). Contributors to this fundamental Star Trek zine include Sandra Miesel, Ruth Berman, Eleanor Arnason, kand Jean Lorrah. Issues were scanned from the collection of Ben Yalow. Thanks, Ben!
--Polhode, Ed Meskys. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title: issues #2 (Mar 60), and #3 (Jun 60). Contributors include Jerry Page, John Berry, Art Rapp, and Ray Nelson.
--Wild Colonial Boy, John Foyster. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us apazine: #7 (Apr 64) and #13 (Jul 65).

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Scientifiction, Walter Gillings. This had been mistitled "The British Scientifiction Fantasy Review", but it's actually, "Scientifiction" and subtitled "The British Fantasy Review". Thanks to Rob Hansen for the much needed correction and for the scans. Thanks, Rob!

Conpubs: Many, many conpubs this time. Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Anticipation added Convention Guide
---Aussiecon added Aussiefan Poster
---Chicon 8 added PR 0, PR 1, PR 2
---Chicon II added Ye Olde Photygraf Album by Sam Martinez
---CoNZealand added PR 0
---ConJose added Hugo Ceremony program, Retro-Hugo ceremony program
---Detention added Hugo Nominations Ballot (2nd version)
---Discon I added Hotel reservation
---Heicon '70 added Heicon '70 Hugo Ballot 1970, Heicon '70 Membership letter 1969-10, Heicon '70 NASFiC 1972 Site Selection Ballot 1970, Heicon '70 Site Selection Ticket (unused), Grumpy letter by John Foyster about Site Selection
---L.A.Con I added Hugo Nomination Ballot, PR 2
---L.A.con III added The Rats of L.A.Con: Year One
---Philcon I added Tympani by Stein & Boggs Philcon Memory Book issue
---Pittcon added Pittcon bid card, Moffatt Proposal to WSFS Business Meeting
---Torcon II added Other Stuff Guide

---ArmadilloCon 16 added Program Book, Schedule of Events, Pocket Program
---Armadillocon 9 added Flyer

--Australian Natcon: Constantinople added 1994 Award nomination plaques

---Balticon 17 added Norton letter, Schedule, Program Book
---Balticon 20 added Program Book
---Balticon 21 added flyer, Pocket Program, Program Book
---Balticon 31 added 1-page Flyer

---Boskone 16 added Message from N2 committee, Questionaire, Helmuth 16 #1
---Boskone 20 added Committee packet, Jalte #1-3, program grid, Quiz, Helmuth XX #1-5
---Boskone 21 added Flyer
---Boskone 23 added Art Show reception, Boxboro Fandom party flyer, Boxboro Fandom reception invitation, Phone List, Pocket Program Convention map p4, Pocket Program Grid p3, Restaurant Guide, Pocket Program p1-2, Huckster's Room directory
---Boskone 27 added Quick Reference
---Boskone 31 added Pocket Program
---Boskone 35 added Helmuth 1-4, PB
---Boskone 49 added Program Book
---Boskone 51 added Program Book

---Capclave 2004 added Program Book
---Capclave 2019 added 1-page Flyer
---Capclave 2020 added 1-page Flyer

---Chattacon V added 2-sided Flyer
---Chattacon VI added 2-sided Flyer

--ConFusion: Genuine ConFusion added Genuine ConFusion flyer

---DSC 16 added 2-sided Flyer
---DSC 24 (L&N DSC) added PR 1 Inserts, PR 1
---DSC 40 added 1-page Flyer
---DSC 44 added 1-page Flyer

---Disclave 40 added 1996 - The Well-Tempered Dis-Clavier #1
---Disclave 41 added 1-page Flyer

--FanHistoriCon: FanHistoriCon 6 added Program Book

--FenCon: FenCon XVI added Program Book

--LibertyCon: LibertyCon 31 added PB, Pocket Program

---Lunacon 40 added Program Book, Convention Guide
---Lunacon 41 added PB
---Lunacon 42 added PB, Pocket Program, PR
---Lunacon 43 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Progress Report
---Lunacon 44 added Pocket Program, Program Book, Progress Report
---Lunacon 8 added Membership Card

--Midwestcon: Midwestcon 2 added MidWestCon 2 flyer from 1950

---Minicon 34 added PR 3
---Minicon 35 added Pocket Program

--Misc. Conventions:
---Fanvet Convention 5 added Program Book
---IllogiCon vii added Program Book
---LibertyCon 32 added Program Book
---Marcon 21 added Program Book
---MidSouthcon '80 added 2-sided Flyer
---Oklacon II added Ye Olde Photygraf Album by Sam Martinez
---Phrolicon 2 added Phrolicon 2 flyer

---OryCon '86 added Art Show rules, '86 Petrey Auction, '86 Video Program, The OryConian Friday, Pocket Program
---OryCon 15 added Program Book, Pocket Program
---OryCon 16 added Pocket Program, Program Book
---OryCon 41 added Program Book, Pocket Program

---Philcon 2019 added Rocket 1 , Rocket 2, Rocket 3, Rocket 4
---Philcon 2021 added Postcard flier

--Readercon: Readercon 9 added 1-page Flyer

--Roc*Kon: Roc*Kon 5 added 1-page Flyer

---Smofcon 36 added Bidders questionnaire Smofcon 36 - Cleveland 2020, Bidders questionnaire Smofcon 36 - Montreal Smofcon bid, Bidders questionnaire Smofcon 36 - SMOFCcon in Europe 2021, Chicago 2022 - Bidders questionnaire Smofcon 36, Dublin 2019 Smofcon 36.doc, noin23 fi smofcon36 mw, SMOFCon 36 Questionaire DC 2021, SMOFcon 2018 UKin2024, SMoFCon Santa Rosa - Fannish Inquisition Questionnaire - CoNZealand, France in 2023

---Smofcon 37 added Program Book

--Tropicon: Tropicon XIX added Progress Report

---ConDiablo added PR 0
---Conolulu added Conolulu Program Book
---Conosaurus added Program Book, Program Schedule, Drink chit
---Conozoic added Pocket Program, Program Book, PR 3
---Episode XXXX added Pocket Programs.pdf; Notes=(There were four separately folded little booklets, Program Book, Site Selection ballot
---Spikecon added PR 1.1, Program Book
---Westercon 41 added C C & P, Newsletter #1, Newsletter #2, Newsletter #3, preliminary budget, Program Participant letter, Restaurant Guide p1, Schedule, Westercon Bylaws
---Westercon 50 added PR 0

December 1, 2021
Reminder: Our next Fan History Zoom is this weekend. Join us for "Wrong Turns on the Wallaby Track: Australian Science Fiction Fandom to Aussiecon - Part 1, 1936 to 1960" with Leigh Edmonds and Perry Middlemiss. RSVP to for the link.
Date: December 4 (US)/December 5 (Australia), 2021
Time: 7PM Dec 4 EST, 4PM Dec 4 PST, 11AM Dec 5 Melbourne AU

Fanzines Added: Scans not otherwise credited are by Joe Siclari.
--The Baloobius, Taral Wayne. Added Taral's latest issue - #6, titled "... Sexth", in which he discusses turning 70. I also corrected the issue titles which I had missed doing before. Thanks for sending Taral!
--Cosmos, Vol Molesworth. Added issue #1 (Apr 40) of this early Australian zine. Scan provided by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Detroit Stfan, George Young. Added #5 (Sep 50) of this Detroit clubzine.
--Etherline, Ian Crozier. Added 2 issues: #101 (Dec 59). Also added issue #101 1/2, dated 14 years later and edited by Merv Binns. From Merv's editorial: "A couple of half-hearted attempts have been made to start ETHERLINE again, but as I consider this the first serious go at it I will start the numbering off from the last issue done by Ian Crozier. This is just a preliminary notice to all my friends and acquaintances that things are happening." Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Etherline II, Leigh Edmonds. Added the first 5 issues of this second series of Etherline, edited by Leigh Edmonds. These are late 60s zines and predate the #101 1/2 mentioned above. A little confusing? We can ask Leigh during the Australian Fan history zoom call. Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added the last 2 issues of the N3F's new newszine. Thanks, George!
--Fangle, Ross Chamberlain. Added the 3 issues of Ross's genzine. Thanks to Bill Burns and Ross Chamberlain for getting the scans to us. Thanks, Ross! Thanks, Bill!
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added the last 3 issues of the first series of Fantasy Commentator - #23 (Sum 49), #25-26 (Win 51-Sum 52). Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Horizons, Harry Warner, Jr. Added #153 (May 78) of Harry's FAPAzine.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the last 2 issues of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter from the last few weeks of November. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the late November 2021 issue of Dale's perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the December issue, #17. Thanks, Perry!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the latest issue, Nov 2021. Thanks for sending, George!
--Ultra, Eric F. Russell. In preparation for our Australian Fan History zoom, David Ritter has been kind enough to provide 2 issues of Eric Russell's Ultra, from 1939-40. These were published in Sydney, and had contributions from Australian fans as well as a few US fans. In addition to the editor and Bill Veney, you'll find Harry Warner Jr. and Forry Ackerman. Issue #5 includes a piece on the First Sydney Convention. Prescient? Bill Veney would chair the First Australian science fiction convention in 1952. Thanks for the scans, David!

Fancyclopedia: Recent contributions have come from Darrah Chavey, Steve Fahnestalk, Steve Johnson, Dave Langford, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

Corrections and Clarifications: Sparx, Henry Spelman. Fixed the link for #2. The pdf was actually online but labelled as #1. This issue is really #2, but has both #1 and #2 internally. According to Pavlat-Evans, the date makes it number 2. Thanks to Tom Rogers for letting us know. Thanks, Tom!

November 16, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Asp, Bill Donaho. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the mid 60s.
--Birdsmith, Vernon McCain. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine from the mid 50s. Sample: "BIRDSMITH is a publication of the Society for the Preservation of Robert Bloch. Remember, "Satisfaction guaranteed or double your offerings back "
--Eusifanso, Roscoe Wright. Added 3 issues from 1951-2 of this new-to-us title, the clubzine of the Eugene Science-Fantasy Artisans.
--Gilgamesh, Terry Carr. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 80s.
--Girl's Own Fanzine, Sue Smith (aka Sue Clarke). Add the complete 3 issue run of this 1973 genzine. One of the scans courtesy of Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the Nov 12 issue of the newsletter of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Shipside, John Trimble. Added 3 issues of this new to us FAPAzine from 59-60.
--Tightbeam. Added 9 issues of the NFFF Tightbeam: Robert Lembeck - #2 (Jul 60), #9 (Sep 61); Ed Meskys - #8 (Aug 60); Roy Tackett - #14 (Jul 62); Lynne Holdom - H7 (Jul 77), H23 (Mar 80), 166 (Nov 90); Diane Miller - #183 (Sep 93) and #195 (Sep 95). Tightbeam started as "Postwarp" in the late 1940s.
--Troat, Lynn Hickman apazine. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us-title from the mid 60s. Some appeared in SFPA  and some in OMPA.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Danny Plachta, Keith Freeman and Jim O'Meara at Eastercon 24. Added an identification on this photo thanks to Bill Burns. Thanks, Bill!
--Erle Korshak at Pacificon - 1946. Corrected spelling of Erle's name thanks to Leah Smith. Thanks, Leah!
--Windy City Pulp and Paper. The photos for Windy City Pulp and Paper were lumped in with the Windycon photos. Thanks to Steven Silver for pointing it out. The conventions have now been separated. We don't have many photos for either one unfortunately. Thanks, Steven!

We've updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,796 names in these listings.

November 11, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ancalagon, George Heap. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from 1961. Ancalagon was a PSFS clubzine, or rather it was published "in the interest of the Philadephia Science Fiction Society".
--Conventional Fanzine, Eva Whitley. Added #4 (79).
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the Nov 21 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Elmurmurings, Elmer Perdue. Added #1 (1944).
--Galactic Jive Tales, Mike Glyer. Added 5 issues of Mike's Apa-L zine from the mid 70s. This is a new-to-us title.
--Harpies, Richard Schultz. Added #6 (1969).
--Holier Than Thou, Marty and Robbie Cantor. Added 7 issues: #12 (Jan 82), #14 (Sep 82), #16-18 (Jun83-Feb84), #22 (Fall 85), #25 (Win 87). Contributors include Paul Skelton, Mike Glyer, Darrell Schweitzer, Jack Harness, Adrienne Fein, Taral, Stuart Shiffman, Boyd Raeburn, Marc Ortlieb, Terry Carr, and others.
--Joe's Jottings, Joe Kennedy. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us VAPAzine from the mid 1940s.
--Lan's Lantern, Lan Laskowski. Added 4 issues: #25-27, from 1988 and #30 (1989). In the approx 550 pages in these 4 issues, you'll find contributors including Mike G1icksohn, Thomas A. Easton, Esther Friesner, Bob Shaw, Mike Resnick, Kurt Erichsen, Terry Jeeves, Brad Foster, Stu Shiffman and Marc Ortlieb. Lan's Lantern is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Leer, Charles Lee Riddle. Added #1 (Aug 49).
--Maelstrom, Bill Plott. Added #4 (1960). Contributors include Harry Warner, Jr., Lloyd Biggle, Jr., Marion Bradley, Ray Nelson and Jerry Page.
--Nyarlathotep, Ben Solon. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 60s. We now only need issue #2 to complete the run. Contributors include Alexei Panshin, Robert Bloch, George Barr, Roger Zelazny, Bill Bowers, Ed Wood, Andy Offutt, Phyllis Eisenstein, Harlan Ellison, Vernon McCain, Steve Stiles, Ted White and more. Issue #2 is going on the One-and-done list.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Dale Speirs sent us #512 (9.6 MB) of his perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Southern Fandom, Lionel Inman. Added #1 (1948).
--Starling, Hank and Lesleigh Luttrell. Added #26 (Oct 73). Contributors inclulde Susan Glicksohn, Joe Sanders, Juanita Coulson, Grant Canfield, Ken Fletcher and Bill Rotsler.
--Tattooed Dragon zines, Bill Rotsler. Added "The Red-Nosed Tattooed Dragon" from 1976.
--Tympany/Tympani, Robert Stein, Redd Boggs. Added the Aug 1947 Philcon Memory Book issue of Tympani.
--Nexus, a Vector review supplement edited by Chris Fowler. Added #3 (Jun 77) to the Vector index page. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--The Zed, Karen Anderson. Added #801 (1960). Excerpt: "We just got a typical John Campbell letter. He's taking Poul's latest story -- one about Nick van Rijn---but he took a couple of pages complaining about various aspects of low-temperature chemistry involved, in it. This happens all the time. He never asks for revisions, but he almost always disagrees with some point in the physics (damn this typer) or chemistry or sociology of a story...I've missed him at the last couple of conventions; I do like John, in spite of everything. I still hope to write something I can sell him."

Corrections and Clarifications: Erle Korshak and Don Day at NorWesCon. Corrected spelling of Erle's name thanks to Leah Smith. Thanks, Leah!

PDF Replacements: Fan-Vet. Replaced 2 issues with PDFs - V3#2 (Feb 53), V4#4 (Feb 55).

November 6, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Erbania, D. Peter Ogden. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us British Burroughs zine from the 1950s. Contributors include E. Hoffman Price, Jim Cawthorn, Bjorn Nyberg, Joseph Miller and others.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the latest - #114 (Oct 21). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--LeeH, Lee Hoffman perzine. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us title of Lee's Lilapa perzine from the mid 1960s. They're short, but they're LeeH.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest - V40#19, dated 11/5/21. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Plokta, Steve Davies, Alison Scott, Mike Scott. Added 2 issues: #30 (Nov 03) and #38 (Mar 08).
--SaFari, Earl and Nancy Kemp. Added 2 issues: a 2 pager from 1962 titled The Last SaFari, and a 20 pager from Feb 1965 done for FAPA.
--Si-Fan, Gerald Page, Jerry Burge and Joe Christoff. Added all 4 issues of this new-to-us early 60s Atlanta area genzine.
--The Southern Fan. Added 10 issues. Added 4 edited by Jerry Burge: #1-2 (Jul-Sep 60) and 4-5 (Jan-Jul 61); 6 issues edited by Lloyd Broyles - #7-12 (Aug 61-May 62).
--Space Diversions, John Roles. Added 2 issues: #4 (Dec 52) and #9 (Sum 57). Contributors include Stanley Nuttall, Vince Clarke, Eric Bentcliffe and others.
--Sparx, Henry Spelman. Added 3 issues of this late 40s, new-to-us title. Issue 6 has an article by Jack Speer, "People Are No Damn Good".
--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #45 (Apr 78).
--Ur, Ellis Mills. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 50s/early 60s.
--Vandy, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 11 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine title. Issues we've uploaded run from 1958-1970. Fancyclopedia says that Vandy is a precursor to Yandro, and the earlier issues include contributions from Bob Tucker.

Corrections and Clarifications: More photo fixes, some of which were reported months ago.
--AussieCon 4. Corrected identifications on 3 photos thanks to Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--ConAdian. Added 2 photo identifications thanks to Margaret Austin and to Kim Hull. Thanks for sending them in, Margaret and Kim! And apologies for these corrections taking so long to do.
--Confederation masquerade photo. Added the identification of Garret Rigoni, courtesy of Bruce Mai, the archivist of the International Costumers Guild. Thanks, Bruce!
--Rupert Schwarz and Olaf Funke photo. Added the names of these two German fans thanks to Udo Emmerich. Thanks, Udo!
--LACon 2 Masquerade costume. Corrected the name of David Butterfield's costume, thanks to David Butterfield. Thanks for sending the correction, David!
--George Laskowski and Frank Olynyk. Corrected the spelling of Frank's name. (Sorry Frank.) Correction courtesy of Leah Smith. Thanks, Leah!
--Trekcon Intl photo. Added the names of the Andorian and Klingon, courtesy of the Klingon - Joe Sikoryak. Thanks, Joe!

November 2, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 11 issues: #170-171, 173-176, 178, 182-183, 185 and 190, all from the 2nd half of 1967.
--Lan's Lantern, Lan Laskowski. Added #42 (May 94). Contributors include Ben Indick, Pete Grubbs, Terry Jeeves, Andy Offutt, Harry Andruschak, Thoas Easton and others. Lan's Lantern is a core fanzine for us to scan. Issue provided by Roxanne King. Thanks, Roxanne! --MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue, V40#18 (Oct 29) of this, the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the latest issue, #16 (Nov 21). Thanks, Perry!
--Rune. Added 6 issues with various editors: Ken Fletcher/Caryl Bucklin - #28 (Mar 73); Fred Haskell - #40 (1974), 42 and 44 (1975); David Emerson - #50 (Nov 77); and Garth Edmond Danielson - #81 (Dec 91). Lots of Reed Waller art, as well as Ken Fletcher, Grant Canfield, and others. Other contributors include Don D'Ammassa, Jim Young, Jackie Causgrove and others.
--The Scarr, George Charters. Added #3 (Aug 64), thereby completing the run.
--Sirius, Erwin Scudla. Added 3 issues from 1960 - #2-4 of the International Edition. One more needed to complete the run - #5.
--Small Friendly Dog, Paul and Cas Skelton. Add 3 issues: #16-18 (Mar 79-Apr 80).
--Speculative Review, Dick Eney. All the issues of Speculative Review were edited by Dick Eney, except for the first, which was edited by John Magnus. That's what we've added today, V1#1 (Dec 57), and thereby have completed the run.
--SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues of this perzine: #21-22 (Oct 63-Jan 64).
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #51 (Oct 2021). Thanks, Guy!
--Umbra, John Hitchcock. Added 4 issues and a LoC: issues 6 (May 55), 9 (Oct 55), 11 (Jan 56), and 16 (Oct 56) along with a LoC from Rick Sneary to #16.

Corrections and Clarifications: There are LOTS of corrections and clarifications today. Mea Culpa.
--Bob, Ian Sorensen. Sandra Bond kindly pointed out that I have been consistently incorrect in the spelling of Ian's name. Apologies to Ian, thank yous to Sandra, and I'm sorry. It's been corrected.
--Cinvention. Corrected name spellings on this photo thanks to Leah Smith. Thanks, Leah!
--Wendy Sheridan at Discon II  and Elayne Pelz at Discon II. Added the names on these two masquerade photos thanks to Wendy Sheridan and to Joyce Lloyd. Thanks, Wendy! Thanks, Joyce!
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Corrected a screwup between issues 143 and 144. Thanks to Sandra Bond for finding this and letting me know. Thanks, Sandra!
--Midwestcon. Corrected or clarified a dozen photo captions in photos for Midwestcon 1, 2, 3, and 43. The changes included name identifications, corrections for name misspellings, and additional clarifications, all thanks to Leah Smith. Thanks, Leah!
--NYcon Princess Costume. Identified the wearer of the costume, Olga Ley, thanks to Bruce Mai and the International Costumer's Guild. Thanks, Bruce!
--Midwestcon 57. Updated the description of the Suzanne Reynolds photo to be more clear. Thanks to Leah Smith for the clarification. Thanks, Leah!
--Plokta, the Plokta Cabal. Thanks to Rich Lynch who pointed out that the index page wasn't working. It is now. Thanks, Rich!
--Sky Hook, Redd Boggs. Two issues were switched (#12 and 15). They're now correctly labelled. Thanks to Sandra Bond for letting me know about the mistake. Thanks, Sandra!
--Heidi Saha and Bob Bloch at Torcon. Corrected an identification on the page, thanks to David Dyer-Bennet. Thanks, David!
--Tricon photo 21, had a misidentification of Carol Carr as Miriam Carr. Thanks to both Eli Cohen and Jim Benford, it's corrected. Thanks, Eli! Thanks, Jim!

PDF Replacements: Fancyclopedia. Not a replacement but rather an addition of a PDF version of Fancyclopedia 2 by Dick Eney. PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

Fancyclopedia: Contributions this last month by Thomas Bull, Tom Cardy, Darrah Chavey, Robert Lichtman, Laurie Mann, Leah Zeldes Smith, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

October 27, 2021
YouTube: Added our latest Fan History Zoom Session. From the YouTube writeup: "...Keith Freeman and British fan historian Rob Hansen provide a first hand look at some of the landmark moments of British fandom. Keith found fandom in the 1950s, while still enlisted in the RAF, and became part of the Cheltenham Circle. Over the next decades, he was heavily involved in science fiction fandom. There are wonderful stories here of the origins of St. Fantony (and the associated jousting), the role of the Liverpool group in fannish marriages, the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA), and well known fans such as Eric Jones and Dave Kyle. In addition to fannish tales, Keith relates a chilling first person account of an H-bomb explosion on Christmas Island... Rob Hansen, author of "Then: Science Ficton Fandom in the UK: 1930-1980" is both interviewer and participant, eliciting an absorbing hour of fannish history."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added the latest issue, #119. Thanks, Joseph!
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added #46 (May 99). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Arcturus, Rick Sneary. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine done for SAPs. Added #1 (Dec 47) and #3 (Jan 49).
--Bob, Ian Sorensen. Added #4 of this new-to-us title from Oct 92. Scan by Roelf Goudrian. Thanks, Roelf!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the Oct 2021 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Etherline, Ian Crozier. Added 7 issues from 1955 of this Australian newszine. Added #54-57, 59-61 all from Jul-Dec 55. Scans provided by Leigh Edmonds. Thanks, Leigh!
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 15 items: issues #151, 153-156, and 160-169 (Feb-Jun 67).
--Moebius Trip, Edward Connor. Added 5 issues of this new to us genzine title, from 69-72. Contributors include Cy Chauvin, andy offutt, Hank Davis, Bill Rotsler, Terry Jeeves, Jeff Scahlles, Tim Kirk, Philip Jose Farmer, Mike Glyer, Grant Canfield and others.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 2 issues of MT Void, the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming. Added #174 (05). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, #511 (8.1 MB) of Dale's perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added #68 (Oct 97). Contributors include Bill Rotsler, Sam Moskowitz, Jeanne Bowman, Brad Foster, Sheryl Birkhead, Terry Jeeves and more. Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay. Added 2 issues: #38 (Feb 65), and #55 (Mar 70). Issue 55 is the 15th annish, with contributors including John Brunner, Richard Geis, E.C. Tubb, John Bangsund, Roy Tacket, Buck Coulson, Bob Shaw, Harry Warner, Bob Bloch, ATom, and more.
--Science Fiction Review, Richard E. Geis. Added 2 issues of Science Fiction Review (A series): #22 and 23 (Sep - Oct 55), thereby completing the run! Science Fiction Review is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Sky Hook, Redd Boggs. Added 5 issues and replaced a 6th with a searchable PDF. The new ones: #12 (Win 51), 15 (Fall 53), 23-25 (57). The PDF replacement is for #16 (Win 52). Contributors include Dean Grennell, Marion Zimmer Bradley, James Gunn, Joe Gison, Damon Knight, Virginia Blish, Doc Lowndes, and William Atheling with "The Issue at Hand" columns among others. Sky Hook is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 2 items: Issue #119 (Dec 62) and the 5th annual Yandro Egoboo Poll from Jan 63. Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--LASFS Album, Al Lewis. Rob Hansen provided several errata notes and they have been added to the index page of this photo album. Thanks, Rob!
--Denvention 2. Mike Glyer provided a correction for the Denvention 2 material. We had misidentified a flyer as a hoax bid. Fixed now. Thanks, Mike!

October 20, 2021
First, a reminder that on October 23, we have our next FanHistory Zoom session. Pls rsvp by sending a note to if you are not on the Frequent Zoomer list.
St. Fantony, BSFA, Brumcon and more - British Fan history with Keith Freeman and Rob Hansen Time: 2PM EDT, 7PM London, 11AM PDT, 1PM CDT
Keith Freeman and British fan historian Rob Hansen provide a first-hand look at some of the landmark moments of British fandom, from the inside. Keith has been a science fiction fan since the 50s he was a member of the Cheltenham Circle, a founder of the Reading Science Fiction Club, and is credited with reviving the Order of St. Fantony. He s a fanzine fan (still active!), a past officer of the British Science Fiction Society (BSFA), and the 1977 winner of the Doc Weir Award. Among his considerable fannish accomplishments, interviewer Rob Hansen is well known as a historian of British fandom, having published the definitive history Then -- Science Fiction Fandom in the UK: 1930-1980. Join us for this interview/discussion and find out about Brumcon, St. Fantony, the SF Society of Great Britain, the Eastercon relationship with BSFA, and more, including perhaps what it s like to watch an H-bomb explode.

FANAC by the Numbers: Updated our By-the-Numbers profile for the first time since last December. I don't have a way to easily count the photos, so that count is old. In the last 10ish months, we've added almost 3000 fanzines, close to 400 convention publications, over 1100 Fancyclopedia articles and 24 YouTube pieces. I'll try to get this updated more regularly. There's a lot of fan history; the numbers are a way we can mark our progress on documenting it all.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added 11 items: Issues #44-46 (Apr-Aug 09), 48 (Dec 09), 50 (Apr 10), 54 (Dec 10), 56-57 (Apr-Jun 11), and the letters from issues 55 & 56. Thanks, Joseph!
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added #18 (Feb 66).
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added #21 (Nov 79).
--Egoboo, Ted White and John D. Berry. Added #4 (Aug 68), completing the run.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 8 items: issues #141-142, 144-150 (Nov 66 - Jan 67).
--Flash Point, Patrick Nielsen Hayden. Added #7 (Oct 85).
--Gafia, Ted White.Added 4 issues: Gafia Newssheet 2-3 (58), and Gafia #4 and 6 (58). The Gafia Newsheet were in their own directory, but these have now been combined.
--Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added #3, 6 from 1990-92. I think those are the dates - there's some strangeness in the numbering of #6 - it's dated earlier than issues 1-3.
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added #102 (Jun 66).
--The Knanve, T. Bruce Yerke. Added issue #1 (Jan 44) of this rare fanzine, the fanzine of the Knanves, and thereby completed the run! Thanks to Robert Lichtman for providing the scan. Thanks, Robert!
--Les Spinge, Dave Hale. Added #7 (Sep 61). Les Spinge is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--NOLAzine. Added 1 issue of this clubzine- #10, edited by Rick Norwood and Craig Shuklas, from 1968. Also upgraded #12 to a more complete copy with cover and all.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added 2 issues: #7 (57) and #27 (62).
--Phantasmagoria, Derek Pickles. Added a flyer from 1950. Ephemera, anyone?
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #176-177 (Nov-Dec 67). Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added the latest issue, #53 (Oct 2021). Thanks, Guy!
--Zine Fan, Moshe Feder. Added #1 (Dec 74). This is one of the pubs associated with the Fan Activity Achievement Awards, and introduces itself as "operating organ of the Ad Hoc Committee for New Fan Awards (Moshe Feder, Linda Bushyager, Mike Glyer, Bill Bowers, Harry Warner, Jr., Donn Brazier, Michael Glicksohn, Sam Long, Jeff Smith, Don D Amnassa and Darroll Pardoe)."

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari.
--Quandry, Lee Hoffman. Replaced 8 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced #1-5 (Aug 50-Dec 50), #15-16 (Nov-Dec 51), and 27-28 (Dec 52). Quandry is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Le Zombie, Bob Tucker. Replaced 2 issues of Little Le Zombie with PDFs -issues 1 (Apr 41) and 3 (Aug 41).

October 15, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added 7 items: Issues #60, 75-76, 78-79, and the letters from issues 57 & 60. Thanks, Joseph!
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 11 issues: #123, 126, 130, 132-139 all from Jul-Nov 66.
--The Futurian, J.M. Rosenblum. Added #8 (V3#2, Spr 40). Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--G2, Joe and Robbie Gibson. Added V5#4 (Jan 66).
--Kenning, Jackie Causgrove. Added 5 issues: #30 (Oct 84) - #34 (Jun 85).
--Kyben, Jeff Smith. Added #2 (Aug 72).
--MI, Eric Bentcliffe. Added V4#2 (Jun 73).
--Nous/No, Ruth and Jean Berman. Added Nous #4 (Jul 69), the last issue before Ruth changed the title to "No".
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, Thanksgiving 2021, along with an update of the cumulative index. Thanks, Dale!
--Plokta, Allison Scott, Steve Davies and Mike Scott. Added 6 more issues: #32-37 (Nov 04-Apr 07) of this Hugo and Nova Award winning fanzine. Plokta was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo every year from 1999 through 2008. Files provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Science Fiction World, Dale Tarr. Added "The Tin Can Wonder" about mimeography. Thanks to Bill Burns for the suggestion and the links. Thanks, Bill!
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin. Added #4A, May 72, edited by Meade Frierson III, and V8#4, Dec 03, edited by R.B. Cleary.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the latest issue, Oct 2021. Thanks for sending, George!

October 10, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added 13 items: Letter supplement for #58 (Aug 11), and issues #59 (Oct 11), #61-71 (Feb 12-Oct 13). Thanks, Joseph!
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added #32 (May 82). It's the birthday list issue!
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added #13 (Fall 2000). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Checkpoint, Peter Roberts. Added #40 (Jun 73).
--Degler!, Andrew Porter. Added 2 issues of his new series: #2 (Sep 04) done for Noreascon 4, and #5 (Jun 05) done for BookExpoAmerica. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Doorway, Greg Benford. Added #4 (Mar 69). "WRITING A BOOK is a lot of work. It s also a strange experience."
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 13 issues: #91-92, 96, 104, 106, 110-111, 113-116, 118-119, all from Dec 65 to Jun 66. Number 96 is titled Lee Hoffman. It is incredibly sweet, and describes how Dave thought of her, having come into fandom himself when Quandry was ascendant and she was already a fannish legend. Disclosure: LeeH was a good friend of mine. All the hype in thish issue was richly deserved.
--Hitchhike, John D. Berry. Added #20 (Jun 74).
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #113 (late Sept 2021). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Kenning, Jackie Causgrove. Added 9 issues: #13 (Dec 81), 15-16 (Apr-Jun 82), 24-25 (Oct-Dec 83), 28-29 (Jun-Aug 84).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Munich Round Up, Waldemar Kumming. Added 2 issues: #169 (Sep 2000) and #175 (2006). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Parergon Papers / Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added Parergon Papers 8, part 2 - George Turner's 'Beloved Son'. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Revolting Tales of Sex and Super-Science, John Bangsund. Added #5 (Feb 74). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--(Son of) the WSFA Journal, Drew Bittner Added Mar 2007 issue. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Conpubs: There's a big update on conpubs, and scans not otherwise attributed are by Mark Olson.
--Anticipation added Bilingual miniflyer
--Aussiecon added Post-con publicity(?)
--ConStellation added Austin in 83 Bulletin 1, Austin in 83 Bulletin 2, Austin in 83 Bulletin 3, Austin in 83 Bulletin 4, Australia in 83 Bulletin 1, Australia in 83 Bulletin 2, Australia in 83 Bulletin 3, Australia in 83 Bulletin 4
--Denvention 3 added Denver in 2008 bid flyer
--L.A.Con I added LA Free Press reports on LAcon

---Boskone 34 added B34 Helmuth 1, B34 Helmuth 2, B34 Helmuth 3, B34 Helmuth 4, B34 Helmuth 5
---Boskone 35 added Helmuth 1, Helmuth 2, Helmuth 3, Helmuth 4
---Boskone 37 added B37 Helmuth 1, B37 Helmuth 2, B37 Helmuth 3, B37 Helmuth 4
---Boskone 44 added Flyer
---Boskone 52 added PR 1
---Boskone 53 added Souvenir Book, Postcard, Badge samples, Flyer
---Boskone 55 added Postcard, Poster, Helmuth 1 (pre-con), Helmuth 2 (pre-con), Ad information, Pre-reg form, Helmuth 1 (pre-con), Helmuth 2 (pre-con)
---Boskone 57 added Helmuth 0/1
---Boskone 58 added Helmuth 1 (pre-con), Helmuth 2 (pre-con), Helmuth 3 (pre-con), Helmuth 4 (pre-con), Helmuth 5, Helmuth 6, Helmuth 7, Helmuth 8

--Capclave: many scans by Rich Lynch. Scan credits on each Capclave page. Thanks, Rich!
---Capclave 2001 added 4-page Flyer, 2-page Flyer
---Capclave 2002 added Flyer
---Capclave 2005 added Bookmarks, 2-page Flyer, 4-page Flyer, Guest bios, 1-page Flyer
---Capclave 2006 added 1-page flyer, 2-page flyer, 4-page flyer, Restaurant Guide, Convention Guide, 1-page Flyer
---Capclave 2007 added 1-page Flyer, 2-page Flyer, Program grid
---Capclave 2008 added 1-page Flyer
---Capclave 2009 added 2-page Flyer, 1-page Flyer
---Capclave 2010 added 2-page Flyer, Program Grid
---Capclave 2011 added 1-page Flyer, 2-page Flyer
---Capclave 2012 added Restaurant Guide, 1-page Flyer, 2-page Flyer
---Capclave 2013 added Restaurant Guide, 2-page Flyer
---Capclave 2014 added Restaurant Guide, 1-page Flyer
---Capclave 2015 added Restaurant Guide, 1-page Flyer
---Capclave 2016 added Restaurant Guide, Ad
---Capclave 2017 added Restaurant Guide, 1-page Flyer
---Capclave 2018 added 1-page Flyer, 2-page Flyer #1, 2-page Flyer #2, Restaurant Guide, 2-page Flyer #1
---Capclave 2019 added Restaurant Guide
---Capclave 2021 added Program Book, Restaurant Guide

--Corflu: Corflu 23 added Progress Report

---Midwestcon 55 added The Daily Degler, Midwestcon 2004 edition
---Midwestcon 56 added Program Book
---Midwestcon 57 added Program Book

--Misc. Conventions :
---ANZAPACon 1 added Invitation, PR 1, PR 2 - scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
---WisCon 31 added Progress Report #1, Progress Report #2

--Nasfic: NorthAmericon '79 added North Americon in Words and Pictures by Charlie Williams, The NorthAmericon Nebula issues 1-4

--Philcon: Philcon 2002 added Flyer

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Pat Virzi for finding an error in a (20 year old) transcription of a Quandry article. Thanks to Pat, we are rescanning the Q and will put up a PDF facsimile instead of the transcription. We really need to do that for all the transcriptions. Thanks for pointing it out, Pat!

October 7, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added 11 issues - #72-73 (Dec 13- Feb 14), #80-88 (Apr 15-Aug 16). Thanks, Joseph!
--Cry of the Nameless, Wally Weber, Burnett Toskey. Added #106 (Aug 57). The cover of this issue has B&W photos from the 1957 Midwestcon, of folks like Bob Silverberg, Alan E. Nourse, Boyd Raeburn, Ted White, Bob Bloch and others. There's also a report on the Midwestcon by G.M. Carr. Her descripton of Isaac Asimov (reality) vs Isaac Asimov (what she expected) includes - "He turned out to be a senior-sized Harlan Ellison without the pipe and mustache. He s loud and brash and brassily jovial, built like a pugilist and with a voice to match". Cry is a core fanzine for us to scan. Fanzine provided by Andy Porter. Thanks, Andy!
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 10 issues: 10-11 (May 64), 14-16 (Jun 64), 53 and 55 (Mar 65), 66 (Jun 65), 69 (Jul 65) and 77 (Aug 65). Many of these are titled or subtitled with other names like "Old Laundry" or "Great Expectations" but they're all First Draft from Dave Van Arnam.
--Inferno / Small Friendly Dog, Paul and Cas Skelton. Added 6 items: 5 issues of Inferno: #9-13 (Sep 75-Sep 76), plus "Don't Go Columbus, You'll Fall Off the Crunchy Bit".
--Now and Then, Harry Turner and Eric Needham. Added 9 items: Issues 3-5, 7-8 and an expanded version of #6, along with 3 complete letters of comment from Rick Sneary. These are all from 1955-57, and the additions complete the run.
--Odd, Ray Fisher. Added #2 (Jun 49). Odd is a core fanzine for us to scan. Zine provided by Andy Porter. Thanks, Andy!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added 6 issues: #39-42, 44 and 47, all from 2020 - 2021. Thanks, Guy!
--The SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added #6 (Jan 60).
--WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added the supplement to #63 (Dec 68). WSFA Journal is a core fanzine for us to scan.

Corrections and Clarifications: Rob Hansen pointed out that we had marked The Knanve (T. Bruce Yerke, 40s) as complete, when in fact we are missing #1. I've removed the "COMPLETE" designation, but if anyone has a copy of it that they're willing to scan, that would be fabulous. Thanks for the correction, Rob!

October 2, 2021
YouTube: Thanks to Mowgli Assor for making it possible for this 88 year old fannish legend to participate in a 21st century Zoom.
--Part 1:  Juanita Coulson has been an active science fiction fan for 70 years. She's a marathon fanzine publisher, a mainstay of the filk community and a professional writer. Among her honors: Hugo winner (Yandro, 1965), Worldcon Fan Guest of Honor (1972), Filk Hall of Fame inductee (1998) and she famously outsang a steamboat whistle (NASFiC, 1979). In this fascinating interview, Juanita provides personal recollections of some of the legendary fans of science fiction, of whom she is one. Juanita starts with her entry into fandom, her experiences at Chicon II (1952 Worldcon) and recalls how racism affected her friend Bev Bowles as she tried to check into a convention hotel. Juanita tells of her first meeting with Harlan Ellison, the origin of Bob Tucker's "smooth" gesture, the first all night filksing and how she lost her job during the McCarthy era for being "different". This interview is a rare and enlightening look into science fiction fandom in 50s, 60s and onward. Part 1 ends with Juanita's rendition of one of the filksongs she made famous, Reminder, written by husband Buck Coulson.
--Part 2:  In part 2, Juanita talks more about fandom in the 60s and beyond There are stories of filk and its evolution, Filthy Pierre, her appearance as General Jinjur of Oz, and the quirky story of Gene Wolfe and the jacket shot. She recounts the start of her professional writing career, with the mentorship and encouragement of Marion Zimmer Bradley, and receiving this note from first reader Terry Carr: "In the immortal words of Lee Hoffman, you have lost your return postage". She speaks about women in science fiction fandom, the difference that Star Trek made, and getting lost in the basements of the St. Louiscon (1969) hotel. There are a lot of stories to tell, and after 70 years, Juanita is still a fan. Fandom is home.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added 6 issues - #58, 90, 95, 114-115, 118. Thanks, Joseph!
--Canadian Fandom, Bill Grant. Added 3 issues: #27 (Dec 55), and 30-31 (Sep-Nov 56) all edited by Bill Grant. Canadian Fandom is a core fanzine for us to scan. Zines for scanning provided by Andy Porter. Thanks, Andy!
--Challenger, Guy Lillians III. Added #23 (Win 05). Contributors include Joe Green, Alexis Gilliland, Earl Kemp, Mike Resnick ("Bathrooms I Have Known", with Kurt Erichsen illos), Greg Benford, and more. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Egoboo, Ted White and John D. Berry. Added 2 issues: #1 and #3 from 1968. Fanzine provided by Andy Porter. Thanks, Andy!
--The Futurian, J. M. Rosenblum. Added 3 issues: V2#4 - V2#6 from Spr-Fall of 1939. Contributors include C.S. Youd, Julie Unger, Fred Pohl, Harry Warner Jr, Walter Gillings, Bob Tucker and Leslie Crouch. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Horib, Dick and Pat Lupoff. Added 4 issues: #1 (Feb 66), #8 (Nov 67), #10-11 (May-Aug 68). Horib #11 has the "Xero Fun & Games Book worked by by Dick Lupoff and bhob Stewart, where you can learn the difference between basic worry and baroque worry in fandom.
--MT Void. Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the 10/1 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added #15 (Oct 21). Thanks, Perry!
--Prehensile, Mike Glyer. Added 2 issues: #7-8 (Mar 73). In #7, Mike writes, "I never realized (until having landed right in the middle of them) what constant fun convention politics can be." Did he know then that he would chair an LACon? Prehensile is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Quark/Logorrhea, Tom Perry. Added 3 issues to complete the run: #3-5 (Jul 63-64).
--Self Preservation, Lee Hoffman. Added #4-5 (Aug 63-64). From #5 - "Once I was a young fan and the microcosmos was a beautiful place filled with intelligent, interesting people, friends of my heart, the happy golden phans of the enchanted duplicator... or perhaps I was just once upon a time remarkably young and naive."
--WSFA Journal. Added 12 issues from 2005-2007: Samuel Lubell - Feb-Mar 2004; Keith Lynch - Jun-Jul, and Nov 2005; Ernest Lilley - Jan-Mar and Nov 2006; and Drew Bittner - Feb, May, and Jul 2007. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Zenith/Speculation, Pete Weston. Added Zenith #2 (Dec 63). Zenith is a core fanzine for us to scan. This zine provided by Andy Porter. Thanks, Andy!

Fancyclopedia: Contributors to Fancyclopedia this month are Thomas Bull, Tom Cardy, Darrah Chavey, Michael Lowrey, Laurie Mann, Nigel Rowe, Joe Siclari, Steven Silver, Leah Zeles Smith, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

Corrections and Clarifications: The second migration bug has been found by Eli Cohen. We had a missing page where the "Thank You" for financial donations should have been. It's fixed now. Thanks for letting me know, Eli. Also, thanks for the donation!

PDF Replacements: Oopsla!, Greg Calkins. Joe Siclari has replaced all 30+ issues with searchable PDFs.

September 27, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alif, Karen Anderson. Added 5 issues of Karen's FAPAzine, dated from 1957 to Nov 63. This is a new title for us.
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added 3 issues of Bruce's FAPAzine: #2 (Nov 61), #15 (May 65) and #31 (Aug 78).
--Archive, Archie Mercer. Added 6 issues and supplements for this OMPAzine from the 1950s. This is a new title for us.
--The Futurian, J. M. Rosenblum. Added "Extracts from the Futurian", an 8 page publication from Fall 1939.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 2 issues of Dave's perzine - #17 (Jul 64) and #69 (Jul 65).
--JDM Bibliophile, Len and June Moffatt. Added 6 issues of this related zine: #2 (May 66), #8 (Dec 67), #11-13 (Apr 69-Jan 70) and #22 (Aug 77).
--Lovecraftsman, Redd Boggs. Added 3 issues of this FAPAzine- #1-3 (May 63-Spr 64).
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added #14s (Nov 89).
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue V40, #13 of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Nous/No, Ruth Berman. Added 2 early issues (#2-3 from 1967-8), coedited with Jean Berman with the title of "Nous". When Jean left the zine, Ruth changed the title from "Nous" to "No".
--Null-F, Ted White. Added 6 issues: #19a (Feb 61), #20 (Win 61), #24-26 (Feb 62) and #29 (May 62).
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue (mid Sept). Thanks, Dale!
--The Original Science Fiction Stories, Ray Van Houten. Added the complete 3 issue run of this early 60s title. The previous issues with the same title were a prozine. See the  in Fancyclopedia.
--Ornithopter, Leigh Edmonds. Added #1 (May 77).
--Sinisterra, G.M. Carr, B.R. Toskey and R. W. Frahm. Added #2 (Sum 50). This was a publication of the Nameless Ones in Seattle. Contributors include Lin Carter, Wally Weber, F.M. Busby and the editors.
--SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 items - #27 (Apr 65) and an upgraded copy of #29 (Oct 65).
--Thirsty Boots, John D. Berry. Added #2 (May 75).

September 23, 2021
Reminder: This Saturday, we are restarting our Zoom History  sessions, and featuring Juanita Coulson. If you're not on the frequent Zoomer list, please send an rsvp to From the announcement: Juanita Coulson has been a marathon fanzine editor, a mainstay of the filk community, and a professional writer. She s a little bit larger than life, and among other honors, has been a DUFF winner (2014), a Hugo winner (1965), Worldcon Fan GoH (1972), NASFiC GoH (2010), Filk Hall of Fame inductee (1998) and a Big Heart Award winner (2012). Juanita has been widely known in filk music circles since the 1950s for both her singing and her songwriting, and was instrumental in establishing filk as a part of SF conventions. For thirty-three years, she co-edited the fanzine Yandro with her husband Buck, publishing a massive 259 issues. Yandro was nominated for a Hugo Award every year for ten years in a row, from 1958 1967. It won the award in 1965, thus making Juanita Coulson one of the very first women editor s to be so honored. Juanita s first novel, Crisis on Cheiron, came out in 1967. In this zoom history discussion, expect stories of 60+ years of fandom, how Juanita beat the steam boat whistle at NaSFic, mimeography, her Star Trek fanzines, and maybe even a song or two.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: Art Gallery (Richard Ward, 1953) with art by Richard Ward, Lee Hoffman and Max Keasler; Bad Day at Lime Rock (Lee Hoffman, Oct 59).
--1960s One Shots. Added 4 items: 1) Project Report 1 (Lee Hoffman, May 65); 2) Tower Comics (Bruce and Dian Pelz, Mar 64); 3)Beauty and the Beat (Ray Nelson, John Trimble, Feb 63) Beauty and the Beast is a charming artzine drawn by Ray Nelson. 4)Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Folk Music (1961) - this one is very funny.
--Amble, Archie Mercer. Added 10 issues of this new to us OMPAzine from the early 60s.
--Anvil, Jim Gilpatrick. Added issue #9 (Mar 80).
--Ice, Hal Shapiro. Added #2 (Dec 52) completing the run. When I put the issue #1 up, I mentioned that I didn't know whether the 2nd issue was ever published. Kim Huett read that and very kindly went through his collection, and has provided this scan for us. Thanks, Kim!
--Kyben, Jeff Smith. Added 3 issues of this perzine. #10 (Nov 74), #12-13 (Sep 75-Jan 76).
--Logorrhea/Quark, Tom Perry. Added 2 issues: #2 (Jun 63) and #6 (Apr 64).
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added 3 issues: #26 (Nov 75), 27.5 (Apr 91) and 45 (Jul 85). Apparently Bowers saved the materials from the 70s until he got around to pubbing thish in 1991. Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan for #45 provided by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--Parsection, George Willick. Replaced #4 with a new version that has the first two pages addeded. These were scanned by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin. Added 4 issues - Julie Wall: V7#9 (Apr 2001); and 3 by R.B. Cleary: V8#9-10 (Dec 05-Jun06), and V8#12 (Apr 07). Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Sugar Tooth, Leigh Edmonds. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine by Leigh Edmonds. Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--TAFF. Added 2 ballots - for 1973 and for 2001. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added #32 (Oct 2014). Thanks, Guy!

Corrections and Clarifications: Bill Burns has reported the first migration bug (now fixed). He received a 404 Not Found error (in itself a problem), and when he tried to follow the directions to report the issue, further got an error that there was no That email address has now been added, and the wayward file has been found. I saw that error page and never noticed the direction. Thanks, Bill!

PDF Replacements: Lighthouse, Terry Carr and Peter Graham. Replaced 14 issues with searchable PDFs. Now they're all PDF'd.

September 17, 2021
You'll see in the fanzine list below that Joe has scanned FAPA 34. Some of the zines are amongst our core zines to scan. Excruciating details below, along with all the other new additions to the site.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--a, Robert and Frances Swisher. Added #4. This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Browsing. J. Michael Rosenblum. Added #2 in the New Series (Jan 46). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--B.T. His Mag, Bob Tucker. Added #2 (Oct 45). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--CHAT, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added #29-30 (Feb-Mar 80). If I've counted correctly, we're now only missing #27. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the last 2 issues - August and Sept 2021. Thanks, Leybl!
--DNQ, Taral Wayne, Victoria Vayne. Added D.N.Kjola from Feb 79, a rider to DNQ 14. "A one-shot newszine of sorts"
--Elmurmurings, Elmer Purdue. Added #4 (Jan 46). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--En Garde, Abby Lu and Al Ashley. Added #15 (Oct 45), and #16 (Jan 46). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added #149 (Apr 2000). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Falling Petals, Larry Farsaci. Added #1 (Dec 45). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Fanactivity Gazette, George Phillies. Added 4 issues of the N3F's new newszine. The first two came out while they were still deciding on a name, and so they are titled "Nameless News". Thanks, George!
--Fan-Dango, Francis Towner Laney. Added #10 (Win 46). Fan-Dango is a core fanzine for us to scan. This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Fantasy Amateur, Jack Speer. Added V9#2 (Winter 46). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--The Fantasy Critic, Samuel Russell. Addd #1 (Jan 46). Pavlat-Evans says that there's a previous issue which appeared in April 1945, so perhaps that's another #1? This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Foyster - Other Publications. Added 5 more items to this list, from 1977-81. The list: Ambling Alligator; Apas, And Why They Work That Way; Electronic Thumb Piano; Wrong Stuff; and Zapp 1. All scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Full Length Articles, Jack Speer. Added #4 (Winter 46). This one is the "Speer-Dunkelberger Feud". Full Length Articles is a core fanzines for us to add. This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--The Futurian, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added 2 issues from the late 1930s- V2#2 (Sep 38) and V2#3 (Jan 39). There's poetry by David Keller, MD, an appreciation of Karel Capec (sic), and a column called "Fan Gossip" that recounts among other items, that Jack Speer ("famed fan of fascistic feelings") is in Washington to seek a pre-law course. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob! It's particularly good to receive these 1930s zines.
--Glom, Forrest Ackerman. Added #3 (Feb 46). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Guteto, Morojo. Added V4#3 from Jan 46. This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. Added #25 (Dec 45). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Inspiration, Lynn Bridges. Added V3#4 (Jan 46). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--JD-Argassy, JD and The Pulp Era, Lynn Hickman. Added 3 items: A LoC to JD 24 (Sep 56), JD 28 (whole number 30, from 1958) and #1 of The Pulp Era (New Series) from Oct 93. The Guest Editorial in the Oct 93 issue is by Basil Wells.
--The Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 2 issues: #66-67 (Mar-May 90). Scans provided by Marc Ortlieb. Thanks, Marc!
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. We've added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 40, No. 12. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Munich Round Up, Heinz Fries, Gottlieb Mahrlein, Waldemar Kumming and Walter Reinecke. Added 8 of these German language zines from 1959. Scans provided by Thomas Recktenwald. Thanks, Thomas!
--The Phantagraph, Donald Wollheim. Added 3 issues: V14#2 (Jun 45), V14#4 (Jul 45), and V15#1 (Sep 45). The Phantagraph is a core fanzine for us to scan. These, along with V15#2 which we already had online, were distributed in FAPA  34.
--Phanteur and Phanny, Donald B. Thompson. Added Phanteur #1 (Jan 46) of the fanzine formerly known as Phanny. This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Science Fiction Savant, Raym Washington. Added #4 (Win 45). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Added the Winter 45 issue. This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Tale of the 'Evans, E. Everett Evans. Added #13 (V4#1) from Winter 46. This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Thirsty Boots, John D. Berry. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title. Added #5 (Mar 76), #10-11 (Dec 80-Feb 81) of this perzine done for ANZAPA. The scan of #5 was provided by Perry Middlemiss, and the scans for 10-11 provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Perry! Thanks, Irwin!
--The Timebinder, E. Everett Evans. Added #5 (V2#1, Win 46). The Timebinder is a core fanzine for us to scan. This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--Walt's Wramblings, Walt Leibscher. Added #16 (Win 46). This was distributed in FAPA  34.
--WSFA Journal, Samuel Lubell. Added 9 issues of this clubzine. One was edited by Joe Mayhew and the rest by Samuel Lubell. Joe's was Jul 95. The others added are: Nov-Dec 2000, Feb 2001, Sep 2001, Sep-Oct 2002, May 2003, and Jan 2004. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added 4 issues: #199 (Aug 70), #234 (Jan 76), #238 (Dec 76) and #255 (Mar 82). Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--The Zed, Karen Anderson. Added 2 issues of this SAPSzine: #803 (1961) and the August 1960 issue.
--Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added #11 from Feb 2006. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Corrections and Clarifications: paraFANalia, Bruce Burn. Thanks to Sandra Bond who spotted a bad link on the index page. Given that there are only two issues, that's a pretty high bug rate for me. Mea Culpa. Thanks, Sandra!

September 12, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--John Bangsund - Other Publications. Added "Kilometre Devaluation Shock Report" from Nov 86. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--John Foyster - Other Publications. Added a new index page, with 17 miscellaneous publications from John Foyster, most of which appeared in FAPA, ANZAPA or Applesauce. The earliest is Feb 66, and the latest so far is in the 90s. Eleven of the scans were provided by Irwin Hirsh, and the other 6 by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Irwin! Thanks, Perry!
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added 3 issues - #107 (Mar 21) and #111-112 (Aug 21). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--JD-Argassy and The Pulp Era, Lynn Hickman. Added 12 issues altogether. Added 5 issues under the title JD-Argassy: #50-51 (Nov-Dec 59), #55 (Jun 60), and #59-60 (Mar 60-Win 63). Number 55 is the tenth anniversary issue and has material from Harry Warner Jr, Dean Grennell, Earl Kemp, Dan McPhail, Bob Tucker, John Berry, Phil Farmer, George Barr, Eddie Jones, Terry Jeeves, Bill Rotsler, Bjo Wells (Trimble) and others. Lovely cover by George Barr. Also added 7 issues under the title The Pulp Era: #61-64 (Jul 64-Jul 66), and #66-68 (Mar 67-Nov 67). Pulp Era 67 is the 17th anniversary issue, and features Doc Lowndes, Fred Pohl, Basil Wells, Lou Tabakow and others.
--Letters from Prison, Ted White. Added 2 items with four letters written to fans by Ted White in 1986, and published by them.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added V40#11 (the latest issue) of this newsletter. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added #44 (Jun 85). Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan provided by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--paraFANalia, Bruce Burn. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the late 50s/early 60s from New Zealand.
--Supersonic Snail, Bruce Gillespie. Added #4 (Oct 77). Scan provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--TAFF. Added 2 items from the 2006 race. "Bug for TAFF 2006 #1" from Tony Keen and Tom Becker, and the 2006 TAFF Ballot. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added the last 2 issues (August and September). Thanks for sending, George!
--Wordy Gurdy, Bruce Gillespie. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us perzine from the 70s. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--JD-Argassy, Lynn Hickman - Sam McDonald provided the key to my confusion on the JD-Argassy numbering, which I've added as a comment to Argassy 39. Thanks, Sam!
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail - Sam also cleared up the dating on #15 of Phantasy Press. Thanks, Sam!

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
---Aussiecon added Australia in '75 Bulletin 8 (David Grigg)
---Aussiecon Three added Aussiecon Three bookmark 1 uncredited 1999, Aussiecon Three bookmark 2 uncredited 1999, Hugo Losers Party invitation (Chicon 2000)
---Baycon added Pan-Pacificon 68 Questionaire
---Chicon I added Ad from Amazing
---Cinvention added Pre-con publicity; Cincinnati Enquirer, 1949
---Discon III added PR 0, Pre-con Newsletter 1, Pre-con Newsletter 2, Pre-con Newsletter 3, Pre-con Newsletter 4, Pre-con Newsletter 5, Pre-con Newsletter 6
---Interaction added Special Admission Voucher
---Torcon 3 added Torcon 3 letter to its members

--Lunacon: Lunacon 11 added Program Book

PDF Replacements: When we replace a JPG version of a fanzine with a PDF version, it takes a while for Google to catch up. You are better off following the links in index page, and not searching for specific issues. Google may send you to the old JPG page, which is no longer online. This has been a PSA (in response to folks telling me they are getting 404s).

September 5, 2021
YouTube: Big MAC Hugos. From the YouTube description: "MidAmeriCon, the 34th World Science Fiction Convention, was held in Kansas City in 1976. In this recording, Toastmaster Bob Tucker orchestrates a relatively compact ceremony, nevertheless with time and space for a little fannish humor, with the assistance of Pat Cadigan. The evening includes the awarding of the E. Everett Evans Big Heart Award, and a heartfelt presentation by Lester Del Rey of the First Fandom award given to Harry Bates. Ben Bova and Joe Haldeman are among the Hugo recipients accepting awards. The recording is a little damaged in places, but very watchable. Video and video restoration provided by David Dyer-Bennet and the Video Archeology Project."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Anglofanac, Archie Mercer. Added #1 from early 1959.
--Bleen, Dean Grennell. Added #8 (Feb 60).
--Dreams and False Alarms, Bruce Gillespie. Added 2 issues of this new to us title. Irwin Hirsh scanned #4, celebrating 50 years of FAPA, and Perry Middlemiss scanned #5, which Fancyclopedia lists as the last issue. Thanks, Irwin and Perry!
--Dynatron, Roy Tackett. Added #46 (Aug 71).
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 11 issues: #1-9, and #12-13, all from 1964. It's a window on NY fandom of the day, with comments on parties and FISTFA meetings, the Breendoggle, nonfannish current events and etc.
--First Fandom Magazine/Bulletin. Added 3 issues from 1962 - Lynn Hickman: #5 (Magazine, Feb 62); Roy Tackett: #6 (Bulletin, Jun 62) and #7 (Magazine, Sep 62).
--The Futurian, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added V3#1 (Win 40). This issue includes a short article by Arthur C. Clarke on "How to Build a Spaceship".
--JD-Argassy, Lynn Hickman. Added 14 issues: #40-49 (Dec 58-Sep 59), titled JD-Argassy, as well as Argassy 3 (Oct 57) and Argassy 7 (Oct 58). Once again theres something a little screwy about some of the numbering/dates. Issue 44 has an article by Robert Bloch, and several issues have nice covers by Dan Adkins. There are chapters of Bob Madle's "A Fake Fan in London" trip report, and illos by George Barr and Bill Rotsler.
--La Banshee, Dean Grennell. Add 5 issues of this new-to-us newszine from the mid50s. Issue 3 is a special issue explaining how to use the WO3W Quote-cards at the San Francisco Worldcon in 1954.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added 3 issues - V40#8 - V40#10 (the latest). These are now going up as PDFs. Thanks for sending, Mark and Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the last 2 issues: #507-#508 of this perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Orcrist, Richard West. Added #8 (1977). Orcrist is "A Journal of Fantasy in the Arts".
--Periscope, Ken Potter and Dave Wood. Added #2. This was done for the Junior Fanatics. Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss perzine. Added the latest issue, #14. Thanks, Perry!
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added #17 (Oct 57). There's something screwy about the numbering and/or dates in #15 and #17. Number 15 is dated the month after 17. Does anyone have any insights as to what the dates and or numbers should be? The cover article is "Tarzan and the Lost World" by Jack Speer.
--SFC Bulletin. Add V8#14, edited by R.B. Cleary from Dec 2007.
--Southern Gothic, Lucy Huntzinger. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 93-94. Thanks to Lucy Huntzinger for allowing us to archive her zines. Thanks, Lucy!
--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III. Added #49 (Aug 21). Thanks, Guy!
--WSFA Journal. Added 6 issues of the WSFA Journal from 2006 and 2007. The Apr 2006 issue was edited by Ernest Lilley and the other 5 by Drew Bittner. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Joe found a bunch of fanzines that were misattributed to the US in our country listing. I believe those have all been fixed now. Thanks, Joe!
--Leah Zeldes Smith found an error on the index page for Lee Hoffman's Fanhistory. Corrected now. Thanks, Leah!
--Irwin Hirsh told me that it was Bruce Gillespie that scanned Gryphon 15. The credit is corrected now. You can find it in the Satura  index page. Thanks, Irwin! And thanks, Bruce!

Conpubs: Australian Natcon. Added a number of publications from the 1994 Australian Natcon, Constantinople. These actually went up a couple of weeks ago, and this credit is way overdue. Scans provided by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted.
--Karass, Linda Bushyager. Replaced all 38 issues of Karass with searchable PDFs. OCR and PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Orcrist, Richard West. Replaced issues 6-7 or Orcrist with PDFs.

Fancyclopedia: Contributions this last month from Thomas Bull, Eva Whitley Chalker, Eric Coleman, David Dyer-Bennet, Steve Johnson, Jack Lechner, Laurie Mann, Nigel Rowe, Matthew See, Steven Silver, Leah Zeldes Smith, Jesse Weinstein, Peter A. Young, and Mark Olson.

August 31, 2021
If you can see this line, then our server migration is complete! Let's hope we're done for a few more years, as it's always traumatic. Apologies to everyone who sent material that has languished during the migration, or who sent corrections which have been seemingly ignored.

We've published another FANAC Newsletter - FANAC Newsletter. This is #16, and has several vignettes on how fan history is being documented, along with an update on the work. You can assign your own adjectives to the vignettes, but I like "charming". There's also a mini-article by Joe on relevant fanzines from comix, mystery and folk music fandoms.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added 2 issues of Bruce's perzine. Added #20 (May 67) and #29 (May 76).
--Anvil. Added 4 issues of the clubzine of the Birmingham Science Fiction Club from the early 80s. Added #12-13, both by Jim Gilpatrick, and #20-21, both by dlburden. Does anyone have a full name for dlburden? If you do, please let me know. Thanks.
--Bjottings, Bjo Wells / Bjo Trimble. Added 2 issues of Bjo's perzine - #2 (Nov 59) and the March 61 issue.
--Caravan, Lee Hoffman and later, Billy Faier. Added 5 issues (and one upgraded issue). There's one from LeeH: #14 (LeeH, Dec 58). The rest are from Billy Faier: #15 (Feb 59), the upgraded issue #16 (Apr 59) and 18-20 (Aug 59 - Jun 60). Issue #20 was the last one published. As Joe mentioned in his article in the FANAC Newsletter, LeeH sold the zine to Billy Faier when it started to interfere with her writing.
--Erg, Terry Jeeves. Added #5 from Sep 60. Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Gardyloo, Lee Hoffman. Added #7 of this (related) folk music zine, from 1960. Contributors include Pete Seeger, and Billy Faier.
--Hobgoblin, Terry Carr. Added #15 (Jul 65) of this SAPSzine.
--Horib, Pat & Dick Lupoff. Added #13 (May 69) of this FAPAzine.
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. Added 2 issues of Harry's FAPAzine - #58 (Sp 54) and #110 (May 67).
--Lan's Lantern, Lan Laskowski. Added #23 (Jun 87). Contributors include Paul Skelton, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Roy Lavender (with a personal fan history), Ben Indick and more. Lan's Lantern is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added #3 from the first series (Jun 70). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Ornithopter, Leigh Edmonds. Added #4 of this perzine from 1979.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail FAPAzine. Added #51 (Apr 67).
--Rataplan, Leigh Edmonds. Added #10 (1972).
--SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added 7 issues of Bruce's SAPszine, all from the mid60s. Added #24-26, 29-31 and 33.
--State of the Art, Taral Wayne. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 80s. Scans by Sparky. Thanks, Sparky!
--Vulcan, Terry Carr. Added 2 issues: #4 (Feb 53) and #5 (Jun 54).

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Joe found a bunch of fanzines that were misattributed to the US in our country listing. I believe those have all been fixed now. Thanks, Joe!
--Leah Zeldes Smith found an error on the index page for Lee Hoffman's Fanhistory. Corrected now. Thanks, Leah!

PDF Replacements: Karass, Linda Bushyager. Replaced all 38 issues of Karass with searchable PDFs. OCR and PDFing by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

August 20, 2021
We are migrating to a larger and more powerful server, so updates will be minimal until we're back in shape. Thanks for your patience. For now, here's what's new.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Choog, aka The Chattahoochee, Okefinokee and Ogeechee Occasional Gazette, Lee Hoffman/Lee Shaw. Added V2#3, part of LeeH's massive contribution to FAPA 79. This issue has a description of hearing Jean Ritchie sing, after an introduction by Oscar Brand. "My foremost impression of Jean Ritchie is of a very sincere, pleasant, and even shy, girl." It was decades later that I finally had a chance to hear Jean Ritchie sing.
--Conventional Fanzine, Eva Chalker Whitley. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title, both from 1979.
--Giant Wombo, Leigh Edmonds and Valma Brown. Added #1, thereby completing the run.
--Grue, Dean Grennell. Added #15 (Jun 53).
--Lan's Lantern, Lan Laskowski. Added #47, the last issue from Dec 98. This is a special Poul Anderson issue, with a stellar cast of contributors including Gordy Dixon, Greg Bear, Stan Schmidt, Joe Haldeman, Harry Turtledove, Sandra Miesel, and more. Lan's Lantern is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--SFC Bulletin. Added 2 issues: V7#10 (Julie Wall, Aug 2001) and V8#11 (R.B. Cleary, Dec 2006). Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Tony Lewis for letting us know we had the wrong abbreviation for Quebec in Fancyclopedia. Thanks, Tony!

August 14, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 choice items - "It's Tycho's Floor in '54', which Joe says is from Chuck Harris and Ken Slater (Sum 53), and "The Shaw Retort: A Further Symposium on Fannish Behavior in the Human Pro", by Bob Pavlat (Nov 59). The Tycho Floor piece is from Proxyboo Services Monopolated (hmm...).
--1960s One Shots. Added 1 item - Science Fiction Age 1 from James Taurasi. It includes an article titled "All Our Yesterdays Have Light, Fool..." by Sam Moskowitz. It starts with describing some of the let us say, interactions, Sam had with Terry Carr and Harry Warner over Harry's analysis of "The Immortal Storm".
--Ankus, Bruce Pelz. Added 16 issues of this new-to-us APAzine. Bruce started it in 1961 and the last issue was published in 2002, a very respectable run. Cataloging zines that were edited/published by Bruce Pelz is always such a relief. As a librarian, he was careful to put issue numbers and dates in a consistent location and very visible. He kept his creativity for other aspects of fandom. The scan for issue 49 was provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Etwas, Peggy Rae McKnight. Added the full 7 issue run of this early 1960s fanzine by Peggy Rae. Peggy Rae McKnight of course is Peggy Rae McKnight Pavlat Sapienza. Contributors include Harry Warner, Jr., Les Gerber, Ozzie Train, and others. The shorter issues may be more like perzines.
--Ettle, Jackie Causgrove. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title. Jackie's perzine is from the mid80s.
--Excelsior, Lee Hoffman Shaw and Larry Shaw. Added 2 issues - #2-3 to complete the run. Contributors include Robert Bloh, Ted White, ATom, Harlan Ellison and Archie Mercer.
--Glass Houses, Taral Wayne. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. Taral's perzine is from the early 80s. Scans by Sparky. Thanks, Sparky!
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. We've added the last two issues of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter, MT Void Vol. 40, No. 6 and 7. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Peals, Belle Dietz / Frank Dietz. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from 59-60. Contributors include Sam Moskowitz, Harry Warner Jr., Bjo Trimble and others.
--Southern Star, Joseph Gilbert and Harry Jenkins. Added #5 (Mar 45), the last issue which completes the run. This issue appeared more than 4 years after the previous one.
--The SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added 3 issues: 2 and 2.5 from early 59, and 7 from Apr 60.

August 9, 2021 --Bete Noire, Redd Boggs. Added 11 issues of this new-to-us FAPAzine, ranging from Fall 63 to July 74. Of particular interest, is issue 10. It was written in April 64 and is all about the Breendoggle. Boggs did not publish it until 10 years later, commenting "The events described here could no longer manage to happen in today's fandom, though this is no improvement. They couldn't happen, but worse things might." There's a collection of Breendoggle related material here -
--DUFF. Added "Janthology", a 1999 publication from Janice Gelb. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added 1 item - "A Bright Particular Star - Words and Deeds of Lucy Huntzinger" (2002) from Kim Huett.
--Imaginative Fiction, Bob Madle. Added issue #2 (Apr 36). Milt Rothman was associate editor, and John Baltadonis took this over after a few issues.
--The Mad Dan Review, Marc Ortlieb. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 70s. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Mote, Bob Peatrowsky. Added the last 3 issues, all from 1953, completing the run. Issue #7 is 60 pages and includes contributions by Richard Bergeron, Vernon Mcain, Dick Lupoff, Jack Harness, and others.
--Norstrilian News, John Foyster. Added Norstralian Comments 1 (Sept 70), distributed with Norstrilian News 13. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the last 2 issues: #505 and #506 of Dale's perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added #31 (Spr 83) and a Rate card from 1975. Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan of #31 provided by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--PITFCS, aka Publications of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies, Theodore Cogswell. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us predecessor to the SFWA Journal. The contributors are impressive.
--Polaris, Paul Freehafer. Added Forry Ackerman's Memorial Appreciation to Paul Freehafer published in 1944 after his untimely death at 26. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Rude Bitch, Lucy Huntzinger and Avedon Carol. Added both Rude Bitch and Dear Rude Bitch, from 1983-4.
--Satura, John Foyster. Added Gryphon 15 from Feb 65. Gryphon was the continuation of Satura. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Supersonic Snail, Bruce Gillespie. Added #3 of Bruce's perzine from April, 1977. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

Conpubs: Worldcons
--Aussiecon, 1975 - Added Australia in '75 Bulletin 8 by David Grigg. Scan provided by Leigh Edmonds. Thanks, Leigh!
--Aussiecon Three, 1999 - Added 2 bookmarks from 1999. Scan provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

Corrections and Clarifications: Mentor, Ron Clarke. Alan Stewart sent us an improved scan for #61 Thanks, Alan!

August 5, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bundalohn Quarterly, John Bangsund. Added #3 (Aug 72). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Etherline, Ian Crozier. Added 10 issues of this Newszine, from 1957-58. Added issues #91-100. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Foundation. Added 6 issues: 101-102, and 104-107 all edited by Graham Sleight from 2007-9. Scans provided by Paul March-Russell. Thanks, Paul!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 40, No. 5. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--New Millennial Harbinger, John Bangsund. Added #6-7 (Jun-Jul 69). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the last 2 issues of Perry's perzine, dated Jul and Aug 21. Thanks, Perry!
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added 4ish issues - Added #14 (Dec 72), #55-56 (Mar 81) and #68 (Aug 85). There was a version of #14 online already as part of a larger compendium of issues from 14-18. Today's upload is the standalone #14. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Revolting Tales of Sex and Super-Science, John Bangsund. Added #2 (Jul 73). Number 1 and #4 are dated August 73, and #2 is dated July 73. Go figure. Scan provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Tyrann, Henry Ebel and Norbert Hirschorn. Added 6 issues, and 2 polls from this new-to-us title from the early 1950s. Warning - our first issue(#2) has some pages that are not readable, but it does have some that are. Later issues are just fine, so don't get discouraged by the fading in issue 2. By issue 5, there are contributors like Bob Silverberg, Bill Venable, Lynn Hickman and the next issue has a Harlan Ellison story.
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added the latest, #52 from Guy. Thanks, Guy!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--DNQ, Taral Wayne and Victoria Vayne. Fixed the index entry for "DNQ 32 Base 8" which had been marked as DNQ (second issue) or somesuch. Thanks to Taral for the correction!
--Foundation. Fixed the pointer to issue 129, edited by Paul March-Russell from 2018. The url on the index page was wrong. Thanks to Paul March-Russell for the correction!

August 1, 2021
YouTube: Added the very funny fannish musical "The Decomposers", produced in 1978 at Boskone 16. It's in two parts.
Part 1: 
Part 2: 
From the writeups - "A very funny musical depiction of a poorly run Worldcon, this fannish musical was written by Mark M. Keller and Sue Anderson, and produced with musical direction by Chip Hitchcock. The problems are played for laughs, with specialized fandoms clamoring for space, a very inexperienced head of program room allocation, and a Worldcon Chair who does nothing at all. There are plays within plays, and we see a few musical numbers from each."...."In part 2, the WorldCon's woes continue, as the chairs resign and the committee puts the convention together on the spot. There are Star Wars and Forbidden Planet jokes, there are gentle digs at Isaac Asimov and other well known authors, and there are more than a few in-jokes. Watch for the delightful songs on "Women in SF panels" and "Quitting Science Fiction". If you have trouble with understanding any of the words in this 40+ year old recording, you can read along in the searchable Songbook at NESFA, the New England Science Fiction Association, which ran Boskone 16, comes in for a little jab a "The New England Science Fiction Authority", but features in the big ending."
Lots of fans appear, including some that are no longer with us; check the Playbill for a full list -
This recording was made by Bill Desmond, provided by Rick Katze and digitized by Dr. Gandalf. Thanks!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Etherline, Ian Crozier. Added 10 issues of this Newszine, all from 1957. Added issues #81-90. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Added 2 items from 1977. Added the Dec 1977 issue, and a 12 page set of crossword puzzles from 1977. Bill says "Don't ask me why I did these crossword puzzles -- I don't even know."
--Kyben, Jeff Smith. Added #9 (Sep 74).
--Moonshine, Len Moffatt. Added 3 issues of Len's FAPAzine: #7-8 (Spr-Fall 47), and #39 (1970). Issue 39 was coedited/published by June Moffatt, Rick Sneary and Stan Woolston for FAPA 131.
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added 3 issues: #15-17 (Feb 73). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Self-Preservation, Lee Hoffman. Added the Aug 1971 issue.
--Science Fiction News, Graham Stone. Added 7 issues: #107 (1988), #111-113 (Jul-Dec 90), #74 (2009), #76 (2001) and #84 (2011). The last three issues explain that Graham Stone was using previously unused issue numbers. The index page is in chronological order, so look for them at the end. Kim Huett has confirmed that the numbers are correct, despite the strangeness of the dates. That perhaps should be that the dates are correct despite the strangeness of the issue numbers. At any rate, we have a creative numbering for these latter issues. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry! Thanks, Kim for the information!
--SF Critic, Andrew Porter. Added another #4 (Jun 67), and a PDF version of #4 (Sep 67). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #19 aka V3#1 from Jan 54. There's an article here by Walter Gillings on "Science Fiction 25 Years ago". His reminiscences start with 1929 on Fleet Street. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

Fancyclopedia: Contributors this month are Bill Burns, Gary McGath, Laurie Mann, Leah Zeldes Smith, Perry Middlemiss, Steve Johnson, Thomas Bull, and of course Mark Olson.

Corrections and Clarifications: DNQ, Taral Wayne and Victoria Vayne. Fixed the index entry for "DNQ 32 Base 8" which had been marked as DNQ (second issue) or somesuch. Thanks to Taral for the correction!

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted.
--Musicals, The Decomposers Songbook or "Rivets Has Risen From the Grave" has been replaced by a PDF.

July 24, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added a Dixie Press Flyer (1942) from Harry Jenkins Jr.
--1950s One Shots. Added Lee Hoffman's FAPAzine, "Sackcloth and Ashes" from Nov 55.
--1970s One Shots. Added 2 SAPSzines, bound together. Added Joe Siclari's "JoeD 1" (Jul 73), and Rich Small's "Yellow Banana". Yellow Banana is on the last page of the PDF.
--En Garde!, Al and Abby Lu Ashley. Added issue #1 of this FAPAzine from March, 1942. Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Etherline, Ian Crozier. Added 11 issues of this Australian newszine. Added #7 and 14 (1953); 32 and 38 (54); 44, 50, and 58 (55); 71, 77-79 (56). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--First Fandom Publications. Added 9 issues of Scientifiction with various editors. Mark Schulzinger: Scientifiction Sum 98; Paul McCall: Fall 98-Spring 2000; Jim Harmon: Sum 2000. Thanks to John Coker III for providing the zines for us to scan.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 40, No. 4. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Science Fiction News, Graham Stone. Added 11 issues of Graham Stone's Australian Newsletter: #50 (76), #52 (Dec 77), #94-102 (Jan 86-Mar 87). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--The SpeleoBem, Bruce Pelz. Added 6 issues of Bruce's SAPSzine, mostly from the 60s. This is a new-to-us title.
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #18 (Dec 53). This is a 66 page Christmas issue. Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

July 22, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fafhrd, Ed Cox and Ron Ellik. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title, both from 1955. Contributors include Redd Boggs, John Trimble and of course Ed Cox and Ron Ellik.
--First Draft, Dave Van Arnam. Added 3+ issues: 186-188 (Sep-Oct 67). The + in 3+ is a one page zine anouncing the birth of his daughter, Wendy. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--First Fandom Publications. Added 8 issues. Mark Schulzinger: Summer-Fall 96, Spring-Summer 97, Winter 97; Jim Harmon: Summer-Winter 2002. Thanks to John Coker III for sending the scans. Thanks, John!
--JDM Bibliophile, Len and June Moffatt. Added 3 issues of this related zine devoted to John D. MacDonald. Added #3-4 (Aug-Nov 66), coedited by Ed Cox, and #7 (Aug 67). In issues 3 and 4, June is credited as June Konigsberg.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added 4 issues of the first series. #1, 4, 6, and 8 from 1969-72. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Science Fiction Savant, Raymond Washington. Added the Summer 46 issue of this perzine done for FAPA.
--Science Fiction News, Graham Stone. Added 7 issues of this Australian newszine. Added #40-43 (Apr-Jul 72), and #46-48 (76). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--TNFF, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added 7 full issues, and one election issue. Added: Ray Higgs - V10#2-4 (Apr-Aug 51); Ralph Holland - V20#4 (Aug 51); Albert Lewis - V21#5A (Oct 62), V21#6 (Dec 62). 5A is the election special issue. And also added the June and July 2021 issues. There had also been some errors in the order that issues were listed. I think I have them fixed now but if anyone spots an out of order zine, please let me know. Thanks for the two current ones, George!
--Trumpet, Tom Reamy. Added #4 (Apr 66). Contributors include Tom Perry, George Barr, Jerry Pournelle, Alex Eisenstein, and andy offutt.

July 17, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alembic. Added the full 5 issue run of this new-to-us UK title from Norman Ashfield in the late 40s. Thanks to Rob Hansen for providing a scan of the supplement to complete the run. Thanks, Rob!
--Bangsund Miscellaneous Publications, John Bangsund. Added 4: Anzapa Book 1 and 2 (1977), Parerga 1 (Oct 70), and From the Dead Centre 2 (Apr 72). Remember that this index page is organized by date rather than title. All scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Deviant, Carol McKinney. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from 1954. Contributors include Terry Carr, Charles Lee Riddle, and Robert Bloch. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--DUFF materials. Added 3 more DUFF items - DUFFinite Article 1-3 (1995-96) edited by Alan Stewart, Dick and Leah Smith, and Pat and Roger Sims. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added the first 3 issues of volume 2: #13-15 (Win 46-Sum 47). Contributors in these three issues include Sam Moskowitz, Dr. David Keller, and Henry Kuttner. Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan. Many thanks to David Ritter for scanning these issues. Thanks, David!
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added the July 2021 issue, #110. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--G2, Joe and Robbie Gibson. Added 5 issues of this early 60s zine, and also a credit to Robbie Gibson which had been inadvertently omitted.
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 2 issues: #68-69 (Aug 90-Jan 91). Contributors include Buck Coulson, Mae Strelkov, Alan Stewart, Susan Clarke, and Peggy Ranson. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Science Fiction News (Australia), Graham Stone. Added 13 issues of this newszine of the Australian Science Fiction Society. Added #25-29 (Jan-May 71), and #31-38 (Jul 71-Feb 72). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Sun Spots, Gerry de la Ree. Added 2 issues: V6#2-3 (Feb-Apr 42). Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

July 14, 2021
Fanzines Added:
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the July 2021 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Etherline, Ian Crozier. Added 3 issues of this Australian newzine: #2-3(Mar 53) and #6 (Jun 53). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added a whopping 8 issues: #1 (Dec 43), 3-6 (Sep 44-Spr 45), 8-10 (Fall 45-Spr 46). Contributors include A. Merritt, H.C. Koenig, Sam Moskowitz, Thomas Gardner, Harry Warner Jr, and others. Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan. Big thanks to David Ritter for providing these excellent scans. Thanks, David!
--Matrix, BSFA. Added 3 issues - John and Eve Harvey: #27 (Dec 79) and #31 (Aug 80); Graham James: #32 (Oct 80). Conributors include Bob Shaw, Simon OUnsley, and Joseph Nicholas. Scans by Rob Jackson. Thanks, Rob!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added issue #1 of the latest volume. This is a little out of order, as I somehow missed it. It's MT Void Vol. 40, No 1. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added 11 issues: #3-4.5 (Dec 70-Apr 71), 6 (Aug 71), 8 (Oct 71), 10 (Apr 72), 69 (Jun 86), 73-74 (Dec 87-Apr 88), 81 (Feb 91) and 92 (Spr 96). All scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Science Fiction News, Graham Stone. Added 14 issues of this newszine of the Australian Science Fiction Society, in what appears to be a second series (beginning in 1969). Added #11-24 (Nov 69-Dec 60). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added #321-322, the June and July 2021 issues. PDFs provided by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Voice of the ImagiNation, Forrest J Ackerman and Morojo. Added #31 (Apr 44), completing the run! This issue comes to us by way of Australia, with scan provided by Kim Huett. VOM is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks, Kim!

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for pointing out that a number of issues of Fantasy News  were edited by Frances Alberti. She is now credited on the index page as the editor. Leah also pointed out that we missed the switch from Taurasi to Sykora. Fixed now. Thanks, Leah!

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted.
--Science Fiction News, Graham Stone. Replaced 14 issues with searchable PDFs. #11-24 (Jul 55-Aug 59).

July 11, 2021
Sorry for the break in the action - we had some unexpected (and very unwelcome) family medical issues, including a 4 day hospitalization. Hooray for antibiotics!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Alexiad, Joseph and Lisa Major. Added 12 issues from 2018 to present- #100-102, 104-111, and 117. Thanks to the Majors for the files and for their permission.
--Bleen, Dean Grennell. Added 2 issues - #1 (1954) and the August 1978 issue.
--Brillig, Lars Bourne. Added #13 (1958).
--Detroit Stfan, Edith Furcsik and Agnes Harook. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us clubzine from 1950. There's poetry, puzzles, a Burroughs obituary, and the tantalizing announcement that the program at the Oct 20, 1950 meeting will be a play entitled "The Perfect Story" written by Wally Weber and adapted by Roger Sims.
--DNQ, Taral Wayne, Victoria Vayne. Added 5 issues - #30 (May 80), #31 (Aug 80), 2 #32 (Oct 81-Nov 80 ???), and #33-34 (Dec 84-Oct 83). The numbering on the zines is a little confused, or if it is not, then I am confused. There appear to be two issues marked as #32 over the course of a year, and #34 was published before #33. The second #32 is coedited by Saara Mar. Scans provided by Sparky. Thanks, Sparky!
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added #37. Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 40, No. 2. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Noumenon, Brian Thurogood. Added issues #44-47 (Dec 81 - May 82). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added Dale's latest issue - #504. Thanks, Dale!
--Peon, Charles Lee Riddle. Added #22 (May 52). Contributors to this issue include Jerry Bixby, James Blish, Dave Mason, George Wetzel, Len Moffatt, Terry Carr and E. Hoffman Price. Peon is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe. Added 3 issues - #14-15 (Aug-Sep 53), and #17 (Nov 53). Issue 14 was coedited by Eric Jones. Contributors include Walt Willis, with the text of the Coronvention radio play, Sandy Sanderson, G.M. Carr, and Ken Slater. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--ST-Phile, Juanita Coulson and Kay Anderson. Added the complete 2 issue run of this Star Trek zine from 1968. Issue 1 comes by way of a 1976 reprint. Contributors include Ruth Berman, Bob Vardeman, John and Bjo Trimble, John D. Berry, Devra Langsam, Shirley Meech and Jean Lorrah.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Bill Burns and to Mark Richards who both pointed out a problem with the Heicon photos  recently added. Fixed now. Thanks, Bill! Thanks, Mark!
--Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for pointing out inaccuracies in the dates on Fandbook. Fixed now. Leah also pointed out a broken button on the Midwestcon 4  photo page. Fixed now.

June 30, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Cinder, Jim Ashe. Added #6 (Apr 68).
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the June 2021 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Eclipse, Richard Kuhn, Lynn Bridges, and Paul Portteus. Added the complete 5 issue run of this 1941-42 fanzine out of Detroit. Contributors include E. Everett Evans, Harry Jenkins, Joe Gilbert, Joe Fortier, Bob Tucker and others.
--FAPA One Shots. Added Bill Evans 1954 reprint of a story published in 1935, and with different sections written by different authors - Stanley G. Weinbaum, Donald Wandrei, Edward E. Smith, Harl Vincent and Murray Leinster. This index is chronological, so look down towards the end to find it.
--Grue, Dean Grennell. Added #31 (Aug 63). The curious reader will note that we already had an issue 31, provided by Rob Hansen and dated 1969. Now we have two, published 6 years apart. The earlier zine is complete with interlineations like "And -then there was the cannibal mother who fed her baby strained relations..."
--Haverings, Ethel Lindsay. Added #2 (Oct 60).
--Kyben, Jeff Smith. Added 6 issues of this new to us title from mid70s. Thanks to Jeff Smith for allowing us to put it online.
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 2 issues - #61 (Mar 87) and #73 (Jan 92). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Odd, Raymond D. Fisher. Added #18 (Spr 68). Contributors include Jack Gaughan, Bill Bowers, Arnie Katz, Phoebe Gaughan, Terry Jeeves, Ray Nelson, Bjo Trimble and others. It's big - 123 pages and there's lots and lots of art in here.
--Serenade, Richard Bergeron. Added issues 1-5 of this 1960s APAzine.
--Winnie. Added #3 (Mar 68) edited by Felice Rolfe. Most of the later issues were edited by Jerry Jacks or Mike Ward. The cartoon says "I only asked you to do one issue of WINNIE..."
--Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added 5 issues of this zine about zines: issues #24-28 (Nov 2009 - Aug 2011). Thanks, Guy!

June 27, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots, added Larry Shaw's "Destiny's Child" from 1945. Includes an article by Damon Knight on A.E. Van Vogt.
--Algol, Andrew Porter. Added 3 issues: #16-18 (Dec 70 - May 72). Articles and columns by Doc Lowndes, Bob Bloch, Dick Lupoff, Greg Benford, John Bangsund, Alfred Bester, Thomas Burnett Swann, Ted White, Bob Silverberg, Dick Wilson. The list goes on. Artists include Vaughn Bode, Ross Chamberlain, Mike Hinge, Tim Kirk, Bill Rotsler, Jeff Jones, Steve Stiles, Joe Staton. The list goes on. Algol is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Artzines. Added the 1966 Hobbit Coloring Book from Charlie and Marsha Brown. Artists in the book include Tim Kirk, Steve Stiles, Bjo Trimble, Mike Gilbert Eddie Jones, George Barr and Don Simpson. This index page has art focused zines from folks like Ian Gunn, Bill Rotsler, Vaughn Bode and Jack Gaughan.
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added 2 issues: #19 (Jul 48) and #22 (Spr 49). There are installments of Sam Moskowitz's "The Immortal Storm" and articles by David Keller, Darrell Richardson, George Wetzel, Francis T. Laney, and others. Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Leer, Charles Lee Riddle. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from Honolulu in the early 50s. Some of the issues are one sided, and we've included the back of the pages so you can get the original experience (sort of). These were run through FAPA.
--Miscellaneous Fanzines. This is a newly created index page for fanzines where we have one scan, and don't expect to get scans of additional issues. If we do at some point get scans of additional issues, then we'll give them their own index page and pull the issues out of this one. We start with 4 zines, including Jack Chalker's "Oh Yeah" an informal history of Discon II.
--Miscellaneous Related Fanzines. This is a newly created index page for fanzines that are not really genre zines but are related, and for which we don't have much of a run. We start it with one zine, the John Dickson Carr Bibliophile by Rick Sneary.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 52. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Southern Star, Joseph Gilbert and Art Sehnert. Added 2 issues of this early 40s zine: issues #3-4. Contributors include Milt Rothman, Bob Tucker, Harry Jenkins and others
--Spaceship, Robert Silverberg. Added #21 (Apr 53). Articles by Redd Boggs, Norman Browne, and Dave Mason, along with fiction, columns and artwork. This is the 4th anniversary issue.
--Starlight, Tom Wright, Joe Fortier, and James Bush. Added #1 of this new-to-us title. Contributors include Roy Hunt, Emil Petaja, Phil Bronson, J. Michael Rosenblum, Harry Warner Jr., C.S. Youd and Damon Knight. The title of Rosenblum's article is "After One Year of War" and chronicles the impact of the war on British fandom.

June 23, 2021
YouTube:  ConFiction (1990) Worldcon - The Hugo Ceremony. From the YouTube writeup: This video, captured with a hand held camera, covers the Hugo Awards, as well as the Campbell Award for New Writers, and the fannish Big Heart and First Fandom awards. Many awards were accepted by designees for the recipients, and we see Anne McCaffrey and Jack Chalker among those accepting for others. There's a bit of humor from Dave Langford, and appearances by the American Ambassader to the Netherlands, C. Howard Wilkins. The World Science Fiction Society Banner, first hung at NyCon II in 1956, makes its appearance, and the video ends with the traditional view of all the recipients on stage." The video was recorded by John Cramer, provided by Tom Whitmore and used with the permission of Kees van Toorn, Chairman of ConFiction. Thanks, all!

Photos: Heicon, 1970 worldcon. Added 6 photos thanks to Kees van Thorn. Thanks, Kees!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added Oracle 1, from C.B. Stevenson (Feb 48) - "The free-thinking unfanfapaperiodical".
--1950s One Shots. Added Wastebasket, from L. J. Harding. This Australian zine from 1953 has an article by Don Tuck, among other contributors. Does anyone know if there was ever a second issue?
--1960s One Shots  Added Void V1#1, from C.A. Cook and Lew Gaff. We know it's dated Winter, but not sure what year. This is primarily a fiction zine, and we believe there was no issue #2. Perhaps they found the title already in use?
--DNQ, Victoria Vayne and Taral Wayne.Added 6 items - 4 issues of DNQ, one of Typo and the "Rubber Stamp Owners' Bulletin" from Jan 78 which was distributed with DNQ 5. Today, we added DNQ 27-29 (Feb-Jun 80) and DNQ 31 (Aug 80). Also added Typo 9 (Jun 80). All scans by Sparky. Thanks, Sparky!
--Down With!, Victoria Vayne. We had had #3 in with the DNQs, but now that we have issues 1-3, Down With! has its own index page. Down With! is the "Official News, transactions and proceedings of the New Chips and Coffee Club." Scans by Sparky. Thanks, Sparky!
--DUFF publications. Added DUFFinite Article 4 (Nov 96) from Alan Stewart. Scan also by Alan. Thanks, Alan!
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 2 issues - #70 (Mar 91) and 72 (Nov 91) Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added issue #503 (7.0 MB) of this perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Quanta, WSFA. Added 2 issues from 1949 of this early clubzine of the Washington Science Fiction Society.
--Radio Free Thulcandra, Marty Helgesen. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 80s.
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe. Added 3 issues: V2#4-5 (Apr-May 53) and V2#7 (Jul 53). Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Triton, Ed Cox and Russell Woodman. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us fanzine from the late 1940s.

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Savannah Johnston, for letting us know about the upside down pages in the Journal of Science Fiction, issue #2. It's fixed now. Thanks, Savannah!

June 19, 2021
Bibliographic Material: Added 2 titles, one a fanzine index and one a professional index. First, added the "Fantasy Anthology Index 1", from Sam Moskowitz and Alex Osheroff (1946). Second, added the "Fanzine Publishing Record", from Roger Sween (1975).

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added #4 27/33 (Mar 56). Wondering now how our alphabetizing software will cope with the fractional whole number.
--DNQ, Taral Wayne and Victoria Vayne. Added 12 issues of DNQ and 4 of Typo, its letter supplement. Added: #15-25 (Mar 79 - Jan 80), and Typo #4-7 (Mar 79 - Sep 79). Issue 19 has an article by Joe Siclari. Also added issue #3 of Down With! from Victoria Vayne which came out the month before DNQ #1. Scans by Sparky. Thanks, Sparky!
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. We've added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 51. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Geis Letter, Richard E. Geis. Added 2 issues: #1-2 (Jan-Feb 92). This shares an index with "Richard E. Geis - A Personal Journal" and "Conspiracy Newsletter".
--PAS-tell. Added 2 items: PAS-tell #8 (May 62), and a Project Art Show Artist Catalogue from Juanita Coulson (1962). This catalogue has addresses, art training, preferred media, restrictions, and awards. I wish I had had such a nice concise listing when I was doing bio notes for various convention art retrospectives. Did you know that Fritz Leiber did splatter-stencil?
--Psi-Phi, Robert Lichtman. Added 1 issue of this new-to-us title: #8 (Feb 63). Art in the issue is by Bill Rotsler, ATom, Gary Deindorfer and Ray Nelson. This issue was one of the ones done for FAPA.
--Rebel, John Jackson. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 60s.
--Science, Fantasy, and Science Fiction, Frank Dietz. Added issue #6, V2#2 from Jul 49. Includes a report on the second New York Conclave, held on July 3, 1949.
--TAFF pubs. Added 1 item: Salvo 1, from Eric Bentcliffe (Spr 60).
--TNFF. Added 1 issue - V32#2, edited by Art Hayes, from Apr 72.
--Gim Tree, Bjo Trimble. Added the first issue (Apr 59) of this new-to-us title to the index page for Trimble-Other Publications.

We've updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,702 names in these listings.

June 16, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Cygni, Boff Perry. Added issue #6 of this new-to-us title from Oct 47. It's the 2nd annish, and contributors include Rick Sneary, Redd Boggs, and damon knight.
--FAAN Awards. Added the 1977 Nomination Ballot. Scan by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!
--Ice: The Frigid Fanzine, Hal Shapiro. Added #1 (Aug 52). The editorial address 790th AcW Squadron for Sgt. Hal Shapiro, and I'm not sure when the title ended. P-E lists at least one more issue in 1952.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #109 (Jun 21). Thanks, Ahrvid!
--The Lovecraftsman, Redd Boggs. Added #4 of this new-to-us-title from Fall 65. This last issue is only 2 pages.
--Matrix, BSFA. Added 3 issues: #26 (Oct 79), #29-30 (Apr-Jun 80), all edited by John and Eve Harvey. Scan by Rob Jackson. Thanks, Rob!
--The Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 10 issues and supplements. Sometimes the supplements came months apart from the main issue (including months before I think). We added #61A (1986), #62 (Jan 89), #62A (May 87), #62C (Mar 88), #64 (Aug 89), #71 (Jun 91), #74-75 (Apr-Jul 92), #78 (Apr 93) and a Review supplement from Jun 89. Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Noumenon, Brian Thurogood. Added 3 issues: #1-2 (1976), and #4 (Jun 76). Scans by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added 4 issues: #18 (Jan 58), #31 (Jan 61), #39 (Oct 62) and #48 (Apr 65).
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added #71 (Aug 87).
--Rune, Minn-Stf. Added #75 (Nov 86), edited by Michael Butler and a LoC on the issue from Rick Sneary. Includes a Corflu con report by Geri Sullivan.
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 3 issues of the South Florida Science Fiction Society newsletter. Added #2-3 (Apr-May 85, Nancy Atherton) and #156 (Jul 2003, Cindy Warmuth). For those with a particular liking for bylaws, I can tell you that #3 includes the then current bylaws. These were developed from the NESFA bylaws, so you know they are terse.
--Sludge, Bob Foster. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us UK title from 1951. Issue 2 has an article titled "Science Fiction has Ruined my Social Life".
--Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin. Added V9#2 (Sep 2008), edited by Warren Buff.
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #16 aka V2#10 (Oct 53). Contributors include Terry Jeeves, Mal Ashwoth, Sandy Sanderson and G.M. Carr.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added #9 (Dec 47). Spacewarp is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Tink, Mae Strelkov. Added her hecto album from November 1979.
--Winnie, Jerry Jacks newszine. Added V2#1 (Apr 69). This one is titled Winnie the P.O.O. The lead article - St. LouisCon biggest yet? - "The next world convention is seemingly building up to be the larest one yet. As of April 16, the convention had approximitly 670 members, up about 5% from Baycon."
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Added #114 (Jul 62). Includes columns by Ted White and Marion Bradley, and art by ATom, Dan Adkins and others. Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan.

PDF Replacements: Norstrilian News. Replaced the August 1973 issue (Robin Johnson) with a searchable PDF.

June 13, 2021
Fanzines Added: All scans today by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: Aleph-Null V1#1 from Bill Venable (Aug 50), and Ye Cats 1 from Neal Clark Reynolds (Aug 52). Neither of these faneds intended to pub a one-shot, and in fact Pavlat-Evans has a possible #2 for Aleph-Null, but it's dated ?????. If it turns up, we will give it an index page.
--Brumble, Ken Cheslin. Added 2 issues of this BSFG clubzine from the mid60s. Issue #4 is an excited preamble to Brumcon II.
--Different, Sam Moskowitz. Added V3#2 (Oct 67). In this issue, "How I Was Dragged, Kicking and Screaming, Into the Arena as a Reluctant Antagonist of the New Thing". Here the New Thing is the New Wave.
--DUFF. Added the very first DUFF ballot (72), "Introducing DUFF".
--Dynatron, Roy Tackett. Added #100 (Dec 91).
--Ice Age, Larry and Noreen Shaw FAPAzine. Added 4 issues of this early 60s FAPAzine.
--The Lindsay Trader, Ethel Lindsay. Added #2 (Sep 71).
--Magnitude, Ralph Stapenhorst, Jr. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 50s.
--Mote, Bob Peatrowsky. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 50s. Contributors in clude Dick Lupoff, Norman Browne, Richard Bergeron, and others.
--The New Newport News News, Ned Brooks. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us APAzine title from the late 60s. And yes, it originated in Newport News.
--Phantasy Press, Dan McPhail. Added #54 (Apr 79), done for FAPA 167. This was Dan's re-entry into FAPA after a multiyear absence. He also reprints a 1939 article by Jack Speer, listing fannish nicknames of the day. Stanislaus Prosody? aka Cyril Kornbluth. The Polysyllable Multiname? aka Sam Moskowitz. There are more.
--Rockets, R. L. Farnsworth. Added 6 issues of this related pub. Edited by Farnsworth, Rockets was an official publication of the United States Rocket Society. The issues run from 1946 to 1956.

Conpubs: All scans today are by Mark Olson.
----Tricon, 1966. Added Tricon Baltimore in 67 flyer, Tricon Boston in 67 Grumpy flyer, Flyer, Mark Owings Hugo letter, PR 1, PR3, Hotel card, Hugo nomination form, and the Program Book
----St. Louiscon, 1969. Added Program Book, The St. Louis Bug #1
----Noreascon I, 1971. Added Boston in '71 and also DC in '71 ads in St. Louiscon PB
----LACon I, 1972. Added PR1 and PR4
----Nolacon II, 1988. Added Janice Gelb's Report - Bring Me the Head of Dennis Dolbert
--Eastercon. Added the program book for Seacon 84.
--Westercon. For FUNcon II (1969), added the Final Report, and Program Book
----For Westercon 16 (1963), added the Program Booklet, Project Art Show, PR 1, PR2, Info sheet, Hotel Card, Hotel brochure, flyer, and Auction Materials
----For Westercon 18 (1965), added "A Guide to Long Beach", Auction Catalog, PR 1, PR 2, PR 5, the Hotel card, and the Program Book
----For Westercon 19 (1966), added Advertising brochure
----For Westercon 23 (1970), added PR 1, PR 2
--Miscellaneous conventions. When we get more pubs for each of these, they will get their own page
----BYOB con 8 (1978): added Program Book
----CopperCon 2 (1982): added PR 1
----SFCon 70 (1970): added PR 2

We just received a package of interesting stuff from Rich Lynch, including material from Mae Strelkov. More for the scan pile! Thanks, Rich!

June 9, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari. You'll see a real community effort here. On one day we received scans from 4 countries on 3 continents.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: Off of This Planet Adventures (Lee Hoffman and Charles Wells, 1952) and Perspective #1 (Harvey Segal, Apr 55). LeeH's zine is subtitled "A special convention mag from Savannah Fandom".
--Awry, Dave Locke. Added #3 (Oct 72). In this issue is material by by Bob Tucker, Milt Stevens, Bill Rotsler, Dan Steffan, Alexis Gilliland, Jeff Schalles and others.
--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added 3 issues: #7 (Win 98), 10 (Fall 99) and #38 (Sum 2014). Contributors to #38 include Greg Benford, Joseph Major, Joe Green, Mike Resnick, Kurt Erichsen, Taral and David Thayer. The issue also includes Mike Resnick's Chicon 7 GoH speech.
--The Fan-Vet, Ray Van Houten. Added 2 issues: V1#1 (Sep 50) and V5#2 (Apr 55). "Veterans of World War II know what it means to be isolated from science-fiction after years of activity in the fan field --- to be cut off without even the stuff to read." The Fan-Vet was published by the Fantasy Veterans Association.
--Fantum, Anne Steul. From Rob Hansen: Fantum is "historically important being the first fanzine by an individual German fan. The SFCD, which had only formed less than a year earlier, had ANDROMEDA as it's official organ, and that was it. FANTUM's editor, Anne Steul, also organised the first German SF con (with some help from the Benfords) and did an OMPAzine, too." Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Femizine, Joan Carr. Added #2 (Summer 54). From Joe Siclari: "Femizine was an integral part of one of the great fannish hoaxes. It started as a zine for all women contributors with editor Joan W. Carr. Joan's address was at Maida Camp in Egypt. Joan Carr, of course, was male fan Sandy Sanderson. He had some help from Frances Evans and Ethel Lindsay. The subterfuge was revealed in 1956, in issue 9 officially. Pam Bulmer's editorial says the revelation was met with laughter but there were also some bad feelings generated. It took a while, but Ethel Lindsay revived the zine under a proposed (seriously or not) new title, Distaff. Femizine was back officially with #11 and with a swarm of new contributors, many were US femmefans. The last issue was #15 in 1960. Rob Hansen has some background including photos of "Joan" and the other Femizine contributors at" Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Inspiration, Lynn Bridges FAPAzine. Added 2 issues: V3#3 (Fall 45), V4#1 (Apr 46). The April 46 issue has an article on "The First Twenty Years" looking back on the magazines from the perspective of a point 20 years after the first issue of Amazing Stories" hitting the newstands.
--JD aka JD-Argassy aka Pulp Era, Lynn Hickman. Added 11 issues, and a Loc from Rick Sneary. JD-Argassy was devoted to the pulps, and many were distributed through OMPA. It was nominated for the 1959 and 1960 Best Fanzine Hugos. The zine had multiple name changes, but maintained the same numbering.
--JDM Bibliophile, Len and June Moffatt. Added 7 issues, #14-20 (from 1970-75) of this mystery fanzine. These were scanned from the collection of Len and June Moffatt. Some of these were distributed through FAPA.
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added #16 (1965).
--Matrix, John and Eve Harvey. Matrix is a publication of the British Science Fiction Association. We've added 4 issues: #22-25 (Feb-Aug 79) edited by Eve and John Harvey. Issue 23 has a piece by Bob Shaw. Scans by Rob Jackson. Thanks, Rob!
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 2 issues: #77 (Jan 93) and #81 (Jan 94). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added issue 24-25 (Dec 95). Many interesting lists (of favorite authors) in this issue. Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 49. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Retro, F.M. Busby. Added 12 issues of Buz's SAPSzine from 1958 to 1965.

Conpubs: Noreascon 1, 1971 Worldcon. Added 8 misclelaneous publications including: Art Show Rules, Discussion Group Form, Hotel Reseration card, Instant Boston, PR0 and Peggy Rae Pavlat's site selection ticket. By the way, the price charged for an attending membership was $5. Scans by Joe Siclari.

June 5, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bleen, Dean Grennell. Added 3 issues of this 1950s FAPAzine.
--Brillig, Lars Bourne. Added #7 (Mar 57).
--Diaspar, Terry Carr perzine. Added #19 (Nov 77), in which Terry discusses his experience at SunCon. Talking about a panel on "Fandom in the 60s" that morphed into a panel on "Fandom in the 50s" when Bob Silverberg elected to go to the botanical gardens instead, "A strange and moderately wonderful thing happened when we started talking about fannlsh fanzines and sercon fanzines: Ted was rhapsodizing over HYPHEN when Ed Wood boomed from the audience, "I WAS ON THE HYPHEN MAILING LIST AND I USED TO DROP EVERY COPY INTO THE WASTEBASKET WITHOUT EVEN OPENING IT!" Ted told him he was crazy and had no taste and they promptly got into a loud argument that went on for five minutes while I sat there bemused, thinking to myself that this was exactly the sort of thing that used to happen in fandom in the fifties and all the neofans in the audience, like Tom Perry, were seeing history come alive."
--EC Fan Journal, Mike May. Added #6 (May 54). This early comics fanzine is full of familiar names - contributors include Larry Stark, Ted White, and Ron Ellik.
--Grue, Dean Grennell. Added #22 (Fall, 54). Contributors include Vince Clarke, Greg Calkins, and others.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest, #502 of Dale's perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added #76-77 (Spr 89). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Remembrance of Things Past, Bill Evans. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title. Each issue is a selection of writings from a single fanzine title. For example, #5 is taken from the pages of Fantascience Digest. These were distributed in FAPA. The issue on Spaceways  is 186 pages, a fannish blockbuster.
--Renaissance, Joseph Semenovich. Added 6 issues and a poll of this new-to-us Genzine from the early 1950s. Contributors include George Wetzel, Richard Billings, Elmer Kirk, Lee Hoffman and Robert Silveberg.
--Rune, MinnStf. Added 5 issues and a supplement of the zine from Minn-STF. Added: John Bartelt and David Stever - #67-68 (Sp-Sum 82); Karen Trego - #69 (Fall 82); John Bartelt, David Stever, Garth Danielson - #70 (1982); Dave Romm and Jeanne Mealy - #77 (Jan 88). Also aded a supplement to #71.
--RUR, Dave Rike. Added 15 issues of this new-to-us title. This was commonly mailed out with Terry Carr and Ron Ellik's FANAC. From Joe: "RUR did not a little to build up the Brandon mythos. Rike often talked about him."
--Science Fiction Chronicle, Andrew Porter. Added V3#9 (Jun 82).
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #9 (Mar 53). Contributions by Eric Bentcliffe (of course), G.M. Carr, Brian Varley and Sandy Sanderson among others. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--TAFF. Added the 1962 TAFF ballot. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--X-Bilinmeyen, Selma Mine. This is a Turkish language fanzine, and we've added #2 from Apr 76. The title translates to "X-the Unknown". There's some fan fiction, articles, and I'm not sure what else. Google Translate is your friend, so be adventurous.
--Zealot, Ragnar Fyvi. Also known as Zelot, and ZeaLoc (for the letter supplements/point issues), Zealot is an English language fanzine from Norway from the late 70s. We've added 1 regular issue and 2 point issues.

Conpubs: Constellation. Added an Australia in 83 Bidding Statement. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

June 2, 2021
Bilbiographic Material: Added 4 items to the Bibliographic Publications. In order of date, added 1) Larry Shaw's Index to FAPA, issues 1-28; 2) Material Towards a Fanzine Index by Alan Lewis, 3) Neffer's Guide to Current Fanzines, Dora Holland from a card file by Ralph Holland, and 4) Chronicle of Fandom by Joe Siclari, which was part of the origin story of

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added 1 item: Fan Spectator 1, edited by Ron Maddox (Feb 46). This NYC zine looks like it was planned to be a newzine. We have it in one-shots because Pavlat-Evans says it's a one shot, but Bruce Pelz's list has unnumbered one pagers as well. If we find them, we'll give it a dedicated directory.
--1950s One Shots. Added 2 items: Con-Science, edited by Eric Bentcliffe, Eric Jones and Terry Jeeves (Apr 54). Con-Science is "a not so serious constructive publication dedicated to all those who have fallen at past conventions.". Also added - Confusion 1, edited by Gar Williamson (Sep 52).
--Plays and Musicals. Added 2 items: First, a play, Requiem for a Fake Fan, presented by CHIAC-LASFS at the Pittcon in 1960. Secondly, a Sherlockian Christmas Carroll by Robert Pattrick, from Dec 1960, originally sung by Ruth Berman and Ron White. "I took my steely gun in hand, long time the Afghan war I fought. In extremely open field I stood, was Jazailed while I thought." The Sherlockian Christmas Carroll was scanned by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!
--Askance, John Purcell. Added the latest issue, #51. Thanks, John!
--Atres Artes, Harold Cheney. Added 2 issues of this 1946 genzine. Issue #2 (Mar 46) has articles by Frederic Brown, Bob Tucker, Francis T. Laney and others. The other issue added is the Pacificon Combozine issue.
--DNQ, Taral Wayne and Victoria Vayne. Added 14 issues of this new-to-us title, and 3 issues of the letter supplement "Typo" . DNQ's subtitle was "the subjective faanish newszine". Lots of interesting material here. We've added issues #1-14 from 1978 and 1979. Thanks to Taral for letting us put this online, and to Sparky for the scans. Thanks, Sparky! Thanks, Taral!
--Femizine. Added 3 issues by two editors: Ethel Lindsay - #10 (Sep 58) and #12 (Fall 59); Pamela Bulmer - #8 (Mar 56). Contributors include Madeleine Wilis, Ken Bulmer, Bjo Wells (now Trimble), and Joy Clarke. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--JDM Bibliophile, Len and June Moffatt. Added 4 issues of this mystery fanzine dating from 1968-1976.Some issues were distributed through FAPA, and it well shows the overlap in science fiction and mystery fandom. These were scanned from the collection of Len and June Moffatt.
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 5 issues: #48 (Feb 94), #89 (Jan 96), and #92-#94 (Jul 97-Mar 99). Scans provided by Alan Stewart. Issue 94 has articles by Mae Strelkov and Buck Coulson, among others. Thanks, Alan!
--NOLAzine, clubzine of the New Orleans Science Fiction Association. Added 7 issues, #3 is memorial issue for Rosel George Brown. Added #2 (Harrington Purvis, 67), #3 (Dec 67, Purvis/Don Walsh/William Bruce/Donald Markstein), #4 (Feb 68, Purvis), #6 (Aug 68, Patrick Adkins), #9 (70, Adkins) and #12-13 (71-73, Adkins). We had the cover for #12 and #13, but not the issues and those are now added.
--Norstrilian Review, John Foyster and Bruce Gillespie. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title, dating from the early 1970s. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss perzine. Added the most recent, #11. Thanks, Perry!
--Quandry Index. Added Laundry 1 to the Quandry index, Lee Shaw aka Lee Hoffman, and with a charming Quandry homage cover page. From Joe Siclari: "Although it drives Edie crazty to do all the work to put up a minor little one-shot fanzine, these items are occaisionally little gems of satire and sometimes fine narrative of travel or even serconess. Laundry is a self-satire from Lee Hoffman that I had to share. I liked LeeH, even when she was indulging the puerile side of her sense of humor like teaching our cat to fetch by with tobacco."

Conpubs: Torcon II. Added Jim Young's Minneapolis in '73 Filksong book to the competitive bid materials of the day. It's also linked from the Filk index. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Fancyclopedia: In the last month we've had Fancyclopedia contributions from: Bill Higgins, Linda Strickler, Dave Langford, Ian Sorensen, Jo Van Ekeren, Joe Siclari, John Bray, Laruie Mann, Leah Zeldes Smith, Manny Maris, Michael Lowrey, Steven Silver, Matt Strait, Thomas Bull, Tom Whitmore, and of course, Mark Olson. Thanks, all!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Sparky for spotting the egregiously bad typo in the DNQ  index page. Fixed now.
--Thanks to Jim Benford for pointing out typos (many of them) on the index page for Shaver Mystery Magazine. Fixed now.

May 29, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Andromeda, Pete Campbell. Added 4 issues of this mid50s UK zine. Apparently Pete Campbell had fun with the dating - dates are marked from 1055 to 1854.
--Ark, Ron and Sue Clarke. Added 2 issues (the complete run) of this mid 70s fanzine. #1 is marked Dec 74 followed by #2 in Mar 74, but I believe the first issue is really 1973. If you know different, please drop me a note (to Issue 1 has part one of Vol Molesworth's "Australian Fan History". Scan provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Askew, John Purcell perzine. Added #33 (Mar 2021). Thanks, John!
--The Blue Cat, John Boardman. Added issue #708 (Dec 2020) sent by Andy Porter. Thanks, Andy!
--GUFF. Added 5 items: John Foyster and Dave Langford - GUFF Awe 1 (Apr 80); John Foyster and Rob Jackson - GUFF Awe 2-3 (Jul - Dec 80); John Foyster - GUFF Auction Report 3 (Mar 81) and GUFF 1984 Australian Report (Jan 84). Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--The Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 8 more issues: #11 (Sep 68), 13 (Jan 69), 16 (Aug 69), 18 (Apr 71), 23 (Sep 73), 90 (Jul 96), 91 (Jan 97) and 95 (2001). Issue #23 was published like an Ace Double with Sue Clarke's "Girl's Own Fanzine 3" on the back (pages 32-64). From Joe Siclari: "Each zine is marked as the last issue of that title and that they were going to be combined as The Ark edited by them both. There are 2 issues of The Ark...My biblios show no more GoF after #3. Ron certainly went back to The Mentor titles and produced more." Issues 90-91 and 95 were scanned by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 48. Thank you, Mark! Thank you, Evelyn!
--Noumenon, Brian Thurogood. It's the day of the double issue for Noumenon. Added 10 issues published as 5 fanzines, from 1976 to 1978. Added #5-6, 8-9, 13-14, 16-17, and 22-23. Scans by Perry Middlemiss Thanks, Perry!
--Rotsler Artwork, William Rotsler. Added a 1982 Portfolio, originally published for inclusion in Kteic. The copy count was just 35.
--Small Friendly Dog, Paul and Cas Skelton. Added 7 issues of this new-to-us title from the years 1978-84. Thanks to Skel and Cas for allowing us to put these online. I didn't read these when they were published, and only met Cas and Skel at Corflu a few years ago. Whoohoo for living in the future and having these in our digital archive.
--Steam Engine Time, Bruce Gillespie, Paul Kincaid and Maureen Kincaid Speller. Added #2 (Nov 2001). Other contributors in this issue include Claire Brialey, Ron Drummond and Ron Bennett.

PDF Replacements: Norstrilian News, Robin Johnson. Replaced the Dec 1972 issue with a searchable PDF. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

May 26, 2021
YouTube: Part 2 of the Bjo and John Trimble interview is up. From the YouTube description - "In part 2 of Bjo and John Trimble's interview with Joe Siclari (May 2021), they tell the remarkable story of how they met Gene Roddenberry and became involved in Star Trek. Learn the story of how they started, orchestrated and managed the "Save Star Trek" campaign which resulted in the third year of Star Trek, the original series. Hint: it all started in Clelveland. There's much more in this interview. There are stories of the early days of the SCA, including how it got the name "Society for Creative Anachronism", the day that a Knight of St. Fantony appeared at an SCA event, and the unlikely story of the first coronation of an SCA king. Additionally, you'll hear about costuming, Takumi Shibano and how Gene Roddenberry helped get him to Worldcon (and how Bjo helped Shibano-san learn that his wife spoke English), and Q&A from the attendees."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Etherline, Ian J. Crozier. Added 22 more issues of this Australian newszine. Added #43, 45-47, 49, 51, 53, 66-70, 72-76 and 80 from 1955-1956. Scans by Leigh Edmonds. Thanks, Leigh!
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added 5 issues (in 2 fanzines). Added the blockbuster #19-21 (Jul 94 and 120 pages), and # 22-23 (Nov 95). The latter is the "People Issue", and has history articles on the "Beginnings of the Melbourne Science Fiction Club" and "Life, Love and Fandom in the Seventies". Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Noumenon, Brian Thurogood. Added 17 issues from the late 70s/early 80s. Added: #24-34, 37-41. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 47. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added #501 of Dale's perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Shaver Mystery Magazine, Richard S. Shaver. Added what we believe are all 7 issues of this semi-pro, related zine. From Joe Siclari: "Some might not consider this a fanzine because rumor has it that it was paid for by Ray Palmer and Ziff-Davis. However the Shaver Mystery stories were a subject of great controversy in fanzines. So it is of related interest. It definitely was not a money-maker. It seems to fit into the category we later called a semi-prozine. The bibliographies I have seen say there were seven issues which we have. There does seem to be a descrepancy in the numbering. Ex. the Locus checklist has seven issues. It lists Vol.2,#4 but does not have Vol.3,#2. If anyone has a copy of Vol.2,#4, we's like to get a scan of it." If you've been hearing the words "Shaver Mysteries" bruited about, now's your chance to see what all the fuss is over. And the art! McCauley, Finlay...
--TNFF, George Phillies. Added the May 2021 issue of TNFF. Thanks, George!

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,671 names in these listings.

May 22, 2021
YouTube:  - The Bjo and John Trimble Interview, Part 1, is uploaded to YouTube. From the description:"Bjo and John Trimble sit with Joe Siclari (May 2021) to tell us about their fannish histories. In part 1 of this interview, they talk about how they each found fandom, their ultimate meet-cute under Forry Ackerman's grand piano, Burbee's "Golden Treachery" and more serious topics...The Trimbles changed their part of fandom. Bjo talks about how she revitalized LASFS in the 1950s, and about the beginnings of the convention art show as we know it today (and Seth Johnson's surprising part in that). Fandom is not without its controversies, and the Trimbles also speak about the Breendoggle and Coventry. Part 1 finishes up with anecdotes about Tony Boucher's poker games. In Part 2, the interview will continue with the Trimbles' roles in the Save Star Trek campaign."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Burp, Ron Bennett. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us OMPAzine from the mid 60s. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks, Joe!
--Egoboo, Ted White and John D. Berry. Added #2 (Mar 68). Scan by Jeff Schalles. Thanks, Jeff!
--Etherline, Ian J. Crozier. Added 21 issues of this new-to-us title from 1953 and 1954. According to Fancyclopedia, Etherline began as a newszine of Amateur Fantasy Publications of Australia, and later became a clubzine of the Melbourne Science Fiction Club (MSFC). Issue 27 is a convention issue and has news from all over. There's a Fanquet report of the 1954 LASFS Fanquet (from Stan Woolston). There's comments about Torcon by Lyell Crane. Scans by Leigh Edmonds. Thanks, Leigh!
--Focus, BSFA. Added 8 more issues: Added #60-65 (2013-2015), 67 (2017) and 69 (2019) by various editors. Scans provided by BSFA. Thanks!
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 2 issues: #76 (Oct 92) and #79 (Jul 93).
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #8 (Feb 53). Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob! --The Timebinder, E. Everett Evans. Added #7 (Sum 46). This has a nice cover by Wiedenbeck, and articles by Gus Willmorth and Charlie Hornig ("A Conscientious Objector Speaks"). The Timebinder is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Triode, Eric Bentcliffe. Added #7, co-edited by Terry Jeeves. Contributors include ATom, Ted Carnell, and John Berry. Triode is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Xenolith, Bill Bowers. Added 3 issues: #32-34 from Sep 90- Feb 91. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

May 19, 2021
Reminder: An Interview with John and Bjo Trimble will be held on Zoom Saturday, May 22, at 2PM Eastern. Send an RSVP to to get a link. From the writeup: "Bjo and John Trimble have had an enormous impact on fandom from the 1950s onward. They've pubbed their ish, and some of the zines are available on Bjo created the convention art show as we know it today (pre-pandemic) with Project Art Show, and published PAS-tell to share info with interested fans everywhere. In LASFS, Bjo had a large role in reviving a flagging LASFS in the late 50s. Her most famous contribution was the successful Save Star Trek campaign which resulted in a 3rd year of the original series . Bjo was one of the organizers of Los Angeles fandom's film making endeavors. John is a co-founder of the LASFS clubzine, De Profundis and an editor of Shangri-L'Affaires. Bjo and John were Fan Guests of Honor at ConJose (2002), and were nominated twice for Best Fanzine Hugos. Bjo was nominated for Best Fan Artist Hugo. They were also involved in the SCA and costuming, receiving a lifetime achievement award from the International Costumers Guild in 1992. In this interview, expect stories and anecdotes of Los Angeles fandom, how the art show came to be, Save Star Trek and more."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--The CAID Newsletter, John and Bjo Trimble. Added issue #1 of this SCA newsletter from 1974.
--Focus, BSFA. Added 9 more issues, and a special fiction supplement. Added #51-59 (2007-2012). All but the last were edited by Martin McGrath. The last one was edited by Guest Editor, Keith Brooke. Scans provided by BSFA. Thanks!
--GUFF. Added an index page for GUFF - the Get Up and over Fan Fund. We've started this page with 10 items - 2 ballots (1979 and 2000), GUFFaw 4 (Paul Kincaid, May 2000), Northern GUFFblower 3 (Dave Langford, Spr 79) and all 6 issues of GUFF Fundies by Leigh Edmonds (1979). GUFFaw was a full fanzine, and GUFFblower was a newsletter. The GUFF Fundies were scanned by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 15 issues: #21 (Sum 72), 41-42 (Dec 82-Feb 83), 44 (Jun 83), 46-47 (Oct-Dec 83), 49-53 (Apr 84-Apr 85), 56 (Nov 85), 58 (Mar 86) and 88 (Oct 95). We replaced #54 with a full scan. The version that was there was not a full scan (and that's what happens when you distract the scanner).
--Ornithopter, Leigh Edmonds. Added #2 (Apr 78) of this perzine.
--Trimble-Other Publications, John and Bjo Trimble. Added a couple of items to this new Other Pub page. First, the International Science Fantasy Art Exhibition Bulletin #3 (Oct 68) and then Maneki-Neko 3 (Aug 67). Fancyclopedia says Maneki-Neko was "edited by the Trimbles for the PanPacificon Worldcon bid and the TOFF fan fund to bring Takumi Shibano to the 1968 Worldcon". Issue #3 has part 2 of Shibano-san's "History of Japanese Science Fiction Fandom...". Part 2 is the Rise and Fall of the So-Called 'Science Fiction Boom'. There's also a long Westercon report, including material on Trek-a-Star.

PDF Replacements: File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 4 issues with searchable PDFs: #71, 82, 84 and 88. OCR (and original scans) from Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

May 16, 2021
Today is National Mimosa Day. In honor of the day, we have a new splash page up on the homepage for Rich and Nicki Lynch's fanzine, Mimosa. I've added links so you can explore the material on this multi-Hugo winning fanzine. And thanks to Tom Becker for the suggestion.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Ben'Zine, Ben Zuhl. Add the full 5 issue run. Contributors included Mike Glicksohn, Jodie Offutt, Bill Rotsler, Ken Fletcher, John Berry, Phil Folio, Bob Shaw, Andy Offutt, and more. Very cool. Thanks to Ben for his permission to put it online. Thanks, Ben!
--FANAC BNF pages. Moved the recent John Bangsund splash page to our archive. Thanks to all who helped.
--Chunder, John Foyster. Added 5 issues and a Poll for 1981 - V4#1-2 (Jan-Feb 80), V4#4-5 (June-Dec 80), and Chunder Returns (Mar 87). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the May issue of this long running zine. Thanks, Leybl!
--Dagon, John Boardman. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us title. Dagon is John's long running zine for APA-Q. When I say long running, you can judge its duration by the fact that one of the issues I put up is #709. The zine is currently titled the "Blue Cat", after the eye color of the kitten his family recently acquired. Thanks to John and to his daughter Deirdre Boardman Perez for providing these zines. Thanks guys!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 46. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--Rosebud, Mari Beth Wheeler. Added #1 of this 1940s genzine, completing the run. This issue has contributions by Bob Tucker and Raymond Washington among others.
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added the 2 most recent issues of SF Commentary. Thanks, Bruce!

Corrections and Clarifications: Last time, I misattributed the scans for 4 issues of Crog and all the Antipodean Announcers to Irwin Hirsh. They were really scanned by Perry Middlemiss. Sorry guys, and thank you Perry!

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.
--Nycon 1, 1939. Added Metropolis 1.
--IguanaCon II, 1978. Added a Pacificon II competitive bid flyer.
--Noreascon 3, 1989. Added "Through the Looking Glass #D", N3 Newsletters 1-7, and Through the Looking Glass 1-E -"Thru the Cooking Gas". The last one is a hoax newsletter.

PDF Replacements: File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 10 issues with searchable PDFs: #90-99. OCR (and original scans) from Mark Olson, except for #96 which was done by Joe Siclari. Thanks, Mark and Joe!

May 12, 2021
Reminder: We have another intriguing Zoom sesson coming up. At 2PM EDT on May 22, Joe Siclari will be interviewing John and Bjo Trimble. Bjo and John Trimble have had an enormous impact on fandom from the 1950s onward. They've pubbed their ish, and some of the zines are available on Bjo created the convention art show as we know it today (pre-pandemic) with Project Art Show, and published PAS-tell to share info with interested fans everywhere. In LASFS, Bjo had a large role in reviving a flagging LASFS in the late 50s. Her most famous contribution was the successful Save Star Trek campaign which resulted in a 3rd year of the original series. Bjo was one of the organizers of Los Angeles fandom's film making endeavors. John is a co-founder of the LASFS clubzine, De Profundis and an editor of Shangri-L'Affaires. Bjo and John were Fan Guests of Honor at ConJose (2002), and were nominated twice for Best Fanzine Hugos. Bjo was nominated for Best Fan Artist Hugo. They were also involved in the SCA and costuming, receiving a lifetime achievement award from the International Costumers Guild in 1992. In this interview, expect stories and anecdotes of Los Angeles fandom, how the art show came to be, Save Star Trek and more. If you're not on our Frequent Zoomer list, send an RSVP to to receive a link.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1970s One Shots. Added 1220, from Paul Skelton, Mike Meara, Pat Meara and Cas Skelton. Thanks to the Mearas and the Skeltons for allowing us to put up their zines.
--Chunder!, John Foyster. Added 8 issues of this Australian Newszine from 1979 - V3#1-V3#8. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Crog, John Bangsund. Added 4 issues from 1969-70. Issues 1, 3, 7-8. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--DUFF related pubs. Added 2 items, both by John Foyster: "Ron's the One!" (Mar 94) and "Introducing Ken and Linda" (Aug 79). Both scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Grue, Dean Grennell. Added issue #28 (May 56). Contributors include ATom, Chuck Harris and George Charters. Unfortunately this copy is missing pages 3-8, *sigh*. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Hell, Paul Skelton and Brian Robinson. Added 7 issues (and one Post Mortem) of this new-to-us title. Anyone for fanzine geneaology? Inferno was originally the title of the reviews and comments section in Hell, but morphed into a stand alone fanzine by Paul and Cas Skelton, per Rob Hansen's "Then". After a couple of years, it became "Small Friendly Dog" which continued into the 1980s. Thanks again to Skel and Cas for permission to put these online.
--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #108 from April 2021. Thanks, Ahrvid!
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added issues #12 (Oct 68) and #17 (Feb 71). Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 45. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added issue #500! Also added the Cumulative Subject index for all 500 issues. Dale has been publishing his perzine for more than 30 years, and in this internet age it is now resplendent in beautiful color photography. This issue continues his series on detectives, covering Bulldog Drummond, Barrie Craig, Boston Blackie and others from an old-time-radio perspective. Congratulations, Dale on this formidable achievement. Thanks, Dale, for providing Opuntia issues for the archive.
--Norstrilian News. Added 8 issues: John Foyster - Jan 72; Robin Johnson - 1972 (June, Nov), 1973 (Jan-Feb, May-Jun, Sept). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Rune, Minn-Stf. Added 6 issues of Rune from 1971 to 1987. Lynn Torline and Chuck Holst: #20-21 (Feb-Mar 1971); Lee Pelton and Carol Kennedy: #52 (1978), #55 (Feb 79), #57 (Sep 79); Jeanne Mealy and David Romm: #76 (Aug 87). Issue 57 includes a transcript of the Minicon 15 Guest of Honor speech by Theodore Sturgeon, and it's his "Ask the Next Question" talk. It's a much better use of the letter "Q" than we've seen in recent years. Good stuff.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added #320. PDF provided by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Van Houten Says, Raymond Van Houten. Added a 4 page "Greeting" Van Houten Says, done in summer of 1939 for the first Worldcon. Very cool. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Conpubs: The first 3 items are Worldcon related.
--Nycon I, 1939. Linked to Raymond Van Houten's "Greeting". Scan by Rich Lynch as noted above.
--Chicon I, 1940. Added Bob Tucker's Tau Ceti Reprints No. 2, which is all about the Chicon I. The reprint was published in May 1965. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Aussiecon Two, 1985. Added 5 issues of the convention bidzine, Antipodean Announcer, edited by David Grigg. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Second Australian Science Fiction Convention. Added a report by A.W. Haddon. Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted.
--File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 20 issues with searchable PDFs: #100-119. OCR (and original scans) from Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

Corrections and Clarifications: Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet. I've combined the index pages for Series 1 and Series 2 and they're all together now, appropriately titled.

May 8, 2021
Fanzines Added:
--Chunder!, John Foyster. Added 6 issues of this Australian Newszine from the late 70s. Added #1-3, #5-7. Many thanks to the scanning dynamo, Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Fanew Sletter, Leigh Edmonds. Added 20 issues of this Australian Newszine from the mid 70s - 1974: #1, 3-10; 1975: #21; 1976: #50; 1977: #76, 85; 1978: 94-99. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Focus, BSFA. Added 11 more issues, of which 10 were edited by Simon Morden, and the last (#50) by Martin McGrath. Issues added are #40-50 (from 2001 - 2007). Scans provided by BSFA. Thanks!
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added #27 (Oct 80). Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added issues 28-29 (Oct 76). Contributors include Steve Fabian, Leah A. Zeldes, Andy Offutt, Poul Anderson, Robert A.W. Lowndes, Joe Haldeman, Greg Benford, Susan Wood. Do I need to go further? Harry Bell, Dave Locke, Dan Steffan... Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--Space Times, Eric Bentliffe and Eric Jones. Added 6 issues of this early 1950s genzine. From 1952: #3-6; from 1953: #7. Besides Eric Bentcliffe, contributers include Terry Jeeves, Ken Slater, Eric Jones, and Vince Clarke. Many thanks to Rob Hansen for providing these scans. Thanks, Rob!

PDF Replacements: File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 21 issues with searchable PDFs: #120-140. OCR (and original scans) from Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

May 5, 2021
Youtube:  Part 2 of the Zoom session interview with Erle and Steve Korshak is now online. Erle is pushing 98. As I was constructing the write up, I realized just how much and clearly Erle had given a picture of the early days of fandom. From the writeup: "Part 2 of his interview is replete with entertaining anecdotes of well known fans and pros in the field such as Aldous Huxley, Charlie Hornig, and Bob Tucker. Erle recounts a sweet tale of Frank R. Paul drawing on stencil, and a charming story of how he himself came to be the model for the Hubert Rogers cover for Heinlein's "Revolt in 2100". You'll also hear convention stories, art stories and more. Best of all, Erle paints a clear picture of what science fiction fandom was like in the early, early days."

Fanzines Added: Today's additions are almost entirely from Australia and New Zealand today. The scans are entirely from Australia.
--Chunder!, John Foyster. Added 12 issues plus one supplement of this Australian newszine from the late 70s. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh Thanks, Irwin!
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added 6 issues - #10 (Mar 87), #11-13 (Nov 87), #14 (Nov 89) and #18 (Mar 93). Issues #11-13 were distributed as one; this mammoth publication is 124 pages and features a host of spectacular contributors including Brian Aldiss, Dave Langford, Thomas Disch, Greg Egan, Terry Hughes, Harry Warner Jr, Joseph Nicholas, David Lake, and Richard Brandt. There are so many more that you'll have to go and look for yourself. Scan by Perry Middlemiss (who is one of the contributors too). Thanks, Perry! This was a massive job.
--Noumenon, Brian Thurogood. Added 5 issues of this New Zealand genzine from the late 70s - issues #15, 18-21. Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Rataplan, Leigh Edmonds. Added issue #31 (Aug 85). For the history minded among you, this issue includes an article on the 101ST (Airborne) Fandom by Jack Herman, described as a brief description of what happened in Sydney between 1978 and 1983. It begins: "Thursday night was the centre of the Golden Age of Sydney Fandom.". Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Sky Hook, Redd Boggs. Added #6 (Spr 49). Sky Hook is a core fanzine for us to scan (and it's been a while since I had a chance to type that). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Focus, BSFA. Thanks to Rob Hansen for providing out typos on the index page. Thanks, Rob!

Fancyclopedia: Thanks for recent contributions go to Jo Van Ekeren and Barry Gold. Those are the people behind the cryptic user names from the last "What's New" update. Thanks guys!

PDF Replacements: File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 19 issues with searchable PDFs: #141-151, and #152-160. OCR (and original scans) from Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

May 2, 2021
YouTube: Last Tuesday, we did a FANAC History Zoom interview of First Fandom stalwart, Erle Korshak. From the YouTube description: Erle Korshak, founder of the legendary Shasta Publishers, instrumental in the second Worldcon in 1940 (Chicon I) and very likely the first SF bookseller, sat with his son, Stephen, and fan historian Joe Siclari for a dive into his 80+ year SF fan career (April 2021). Part 1 of this wide-ranging and entertaining interview covers Erle's early days in fandom beginning in 1934, his experiences at the first Worldcon as a 16 year old with his high school friend, Mark Reinsberg, and how they became the leaders of the 2nd Worldcon, Chicon 1, in 1940. Erle tells numerous anecdotes about some of the famous fans and pros of the period, including Bob Tucker, E.E. "Doc" Smith, Anthony Boucher, L. Ron Hubbard, Robert Heinlein and others. Erle tells wonderful stories of Shasta, including how the Library of Congress made them successful. He recounts in detail the rise, fall and controversies of the small press.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Focus, BSFA. Added 10 more issues of BSFA's Writer's Magazine. These are issues #30-39, from 1996-2001. The first 7 were edited by Carol Ann Green and Julie Venner, and the last three by Simon Morden. Scans provided by BSFA. Thanks!
--Ionisphere, John Thiel. Added Feb and Apr 2021 issues of this zine from the National Fantasy Fan Federation. PDFs provided by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--Noumenon, Brian Thurogood. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us New Zealand genzine from the mid 1970s. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added the May 2021 issue, #10, of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry!
--Resolution, Jackie Causgrove. Added #3 (Jul 78), thereby completing the run! Contributors include Dean Grennell, Hank Heath, Jack Gaughan, Dave Locke and Randy Bathurst. Thanks to Irwin Hirsh for seeing it on the One-And-Done page, and for providing the scan. Thanks, Irwin!
--Satura, John Foyster. Added #1 (Feb 1964). Scan by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added #319. PDF provided by George Phillies. Thanks, George!
--TNFF, George Phillies. Added 3 issues from the National Fantasy Fan Federation, for Feb-April 2021. PDFs provided by George Phillies. Thanks, George!

Fancyclopedia: Contributors this last month include: Barry, Bill Burns, Darrah Chavney, Dave Langford, Gary McGath, Geri Sullivan, Jesse Weinstein, JoVan, John Bray, Leah Zeldes Smith, Steven Silver, Steve Johnson, Tom Cardy and of course, Mark Olson. Sorry for the several screen names.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe and Eric Jones. Thanks to Rob Hansen for providing the whole number on the issue we have up. Rob has scanned some more issues and they will be up soon. Thanks, Rob!

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted.
--File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 21 issues with searchable PDFs: #44-64. OCR (and original scans) from Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

April 30, 2021
Convention Running: We have a small section on convention running which you can see at Added 1 item today: "The Kennedy Compendium" - a distillation of experience from a number of experienced masquerade people on how to run a masquerade. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Focus. Added 8 issues of this SF Writer's Magazine from the British Science Fiction Association. From Cecil Nurse: #20-21 (Apr-Aug 90), #23 (Oct 91); Carol Ann Green and Julie Venner: #24-29 (Jun 93-Dec 96). Thanks to BSFA for the scans. Thanks! --MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the last 3 issues of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter - V39#42-44. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added issue #499 of this perzine. Thanks, Dale! --TAFF. Added 2 items: a list of the Iguanacon TAFF-DUFF Auction Items (Aug 78), and "Terry Hughes Wins TAFF" (Roy Tackett) from 79.
--Trip Reports. Added 2 items: Mike Glicksohn - "The Hat Goes Home", his Aussiecon Trip Report published 1976; Joe Siclari/Edie Stern - "On & Off the Road Again".

Conpubs: Aussiecon One. Added a link to Mike Glicksohn's Trip Report - "The Hat Goes Home". Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements: File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 12 issues with searchable PDFs: #12, #14-15. #20-21, #23-29. OCR (and original scans) from Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

April 15, 2021
Bibliographies: Our section of Bibliographies can be seen at, and today we added 3 items from Steven Beatty, that is, three of his Fanzine Indexes covering some of the years between 1976 and 1981. Scanning was done by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bobolings, Bob Pavlat. Added our first issue, #30 with a listing of the Shadow FAPA contributions from 1960-1966. It's linked from Bibliographies as well. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the April 2021 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--Fan Polls and Awards. Added a section with 9 items on the FAAN Awards. Materials so far are from 1974-1980. There is a separate directory for the FAAN awards, but it will be combined shortly with this one.
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 6 issues, including two that had multiple co-editors. Added #1, 4, coedited by Ken Hobson, Richard Moir and Chris Guy, along with #6, 9-10, and 25. Between issue 9 and 10, the page count jumped 20 pages. Contributors to #10 include Leigh Edmonds, Ronald Graham, Pat Terry and others. All but #25 are from the 60s. Issue #25 has a segment of Vol Molesworth's "Australian Fan History". Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 41. Thank you, Evelyn! Thank you, Mark!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added the 40 page 2nd part of issue 21-22. Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Many thanks to Jerry Kaufman who scanned both parts. Thanks, Jerry!
--Science Fantasy News, Vince Clarke. Added "Introducing the Science Fantasy Society" from 1949.
--TNFF pubs. Added 10 items: 2 NEFFER Newsletters from 1970-1971, edited by Stan Woolston, and 8 TNFFs from the early 2000s, with various editors. Thanks to the N3F for letting us archive these from their website.

Corrections and Clarifications: Destiny, Earl Kemp and Malcolm Willits}. Thanks to John Bray for catching a consistent misspelling in the editors names. Mea Culpa. It's fixed now. Thanks, John!

April 10, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bangsund Miscellaneous Pubs, John Bangsund. Added 4 items: Proceedings of the Thomas Love Peacock Society (Dec 69), ANZAPA Egoboo Poll Ballot (1970), Winding Up (1970), and FAPAbit 1 (May 76). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Fan Fund Related Materials. Yeah, well, this index was really for trip reports, but I put the brief "Introducing the Shaw Fund" here (Marc Ortlieb and Justin Ackroyd) from 1984.
--Fan Polls and Awards. Started this new index page for various fan polls and awards. Added 6 items so far: 3 of Terry Carr's nominating ballots for the Fanac Poll, two more ballots from the early 60s, and one "Fan Award Poll Results" from 1963. Watch this space.
--Fantasy Aspects, Alan J. Lewis. Added #3 (Nov 59) of this new-to-us title. Contributors include: Rog Phillips, Harry Warner, Jr., Joe Kennedy, Art Rapp, Bjo Trimble, and Bob Block (sic). The piece is "Banquet Remark(s)" and it reads like Bob Bloch - "Friends - and Dr. Asimov: Perhaps I shouldn t have said that. After all, I m not here to insult Isaac Asimov ...even if that were possible. On the contrary, I have a very high opinion of Asimov...though I know him well. Men like Isaac Asimov do not pass our way very often...and for this we should be grateful."
--First Fandom Publications. Added 3 items: From 1959, two versions of Lynn Hickman's announcement of the formation of First Fandom as an organization. Very cool. From 1966, we have a financial statement. It has a signature, but I can't make out who signed it. Can anyone decipher it? If so, let me know and I'll put the name of the originator on the index page.
--Harris Miscellaneous Pubs, Chuck Harris. Started an index page for the miscellaneous writings of Chuck Harris. Added 6 items today from 1955-60, including #1 and #2 of his "Swan Song". "Hymen 1" scan provided by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!
--Procrustean Papers, John Bangsund. Added 1 issue: #3 (Aug 80). Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Satellite, John Burke. Added 3 issues of this 1939 title: #7-8 (Apr-May 39), and #11 (Aug 39). Issue 8 has a piece by L.V. Heald on the "Liverpool Science Fiction Cosmos" that still gives off that fannish air of enthusiasm. Contributions by C.S. Youd, Louis Kuslan, Harry Turner and others. Many thanks to Rob Hansen for the scans. Thanks, Rob!
--Small Steps Across a Foreign Land, Perry Middlemiss. Added #1 of Perry's new travelzine. Thanks, Perry!
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 3 SFSFS directories from the late 80s.
--Star Trek Related Materials. Added 2 items to this new index page, and pointers to the Star Trek related zines already on the site: a letter from Harlan Ellison, and Bjo Trimble's "Where No Fan Has Gone Before 2".

--AussieCon Two. Added a bidding pub by David Grigg for Melbourne in '85. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Syncon 2 aka Syncon 72. Added the program book for this, the 11th Australian Natcon. Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!

April 7, 2021
YouTube: A choice addition today (although they are all choice) - an audio recording of the 1969 GoH speech given by Jack Gaughan at Boskone. The talk is entertaining, and it is so very clear that Jack is among his friends in his chosen place. From the YouTube writeup: " both entertaining and thoughtful, interspersed with sharply witty comments. He quotes from Leonardo Da Vinci, and teases his friends, some in the room, including Isaac Asimov, Ed Emsh and Donald Wollheim. He starts with a recounting of the problems faced by female artists like his wife, Phoebe. He tells anecdotes about his experiences as an illustrator, teases Lester del Rey, and compares the lives of artists today to the lives of artists 500 years ago. Jack is frank about his own feelings on science fiction and science fiction illustration. It's chatty, low key, entertaining and comfortable and a marvellous window into an important figure in the field, lost far too soon...Thanks to the New England Science Fiction Society (NESFA) and Rick Kovalcik for providing the recording. Thanks to Andrew Porter for providing photos and to Dr. Gandalf for digitization."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added 1 item: Rob Hansen's 1987 collection of recent British fanwriting, "Now Read On".
--First Fandom Publications. Added 5 issues of Dave Kyle's "First Fandom News Letter", from 1968-1976.
--Gemini, Ron Lane. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 1940s. There are articles, poetry and in #6, some spiffy color art plus part 2 of "Alice in Thrilling Wonder-Land", which is about fans.
--G2, Joe Gibson. Added 17 issues from 1963-1966: V3#2-12, V4#1, V4#4, V4#6, V4#9, V5#2, and V5#10.
--High Points, Elsie Wollheim. Added #2 of this 1945 zine. Since Pavlat-Evans only lists #1, I feel as if we have overachieved.
--Improbable, Vowen Clark. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from the 1950s. From #3 - "This brings up a pet peeve of mine. Quite a bit of material has been written, telling just how unfair, rude, discouraging, vicious, and just generally ornery those legend-shrouded figures, known only as BNFs, can be. This is hogwash...pure, unadulterated and unabridged junk. Most of this propaganda is written by neos who have received bad reviews of their pride-and-joy zines or by neos who aspire to join the BNFs by criticising them." There was a review by Bob Tucker in that issue along with material from Guy Terwilleger.
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added 4 issues: #2-4 (Nov 84- Jul 85) and #9 (Aug 86). Issue 4 has Don Ashby's story of "The Magic Pudding Club" circa 1975.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, #498 (2.9 MB) of Dale's perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--PSFS News. Added 10 newsletters of recent vintage. Nathan Lilly - Feb-Nov 2003; Jenna Lynn Binder - May-Aug 2004. I said they were of recent vintage, however, the kids born at the beginning of the run I put up today are now eligible to vote in the U.S.
--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications. Added 2 items: P.L. Caruthers-Montgomery: SFC Bulletin V4#5 (Jul 89); and Tom Feller: SFC Bulletin V6#9 (Jun 97).

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted.
--File 770, Mike Glyer. Replaced 26 issues with searchable PDFs - #3-11, 16-17, 19 and 30-43. PDFing and OCRing (and original scanning) by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Sky Hook, Redd Boggs. Replaced #9 with a searchable PDF.

April 3, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--The Baloobius, Taral Wayne. Added #5 of Taral's perzine. Thanks, Taral!
--Miscellaneous Publications, John Bangsund. Added 3 items to this index: "I Must be Talking to Myself" (Oct 75), A Moving Story (Dec 75) and "A Note of Some Importance" (74). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--First Fandom Publications. Added 4 items: Roy Tackett- First Fandom Magazine 9 (Jul 63); Lynn Hickman - First Fandom Magazine 12, 14, 15 (Fall 66-Spr 68).
--Focus, BSFA. Added 15 issues from 1980 by various editors of this BSFA publication, "An SF Writer's Magazine". The issues run from #2 in 1980 to #20 in 1990. Check the index page to get the full list of editors. Thanks to the good folks at BSFA for providing these scans.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. We've added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 40. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added #9 of Perry's perzine. Thanks, Perry!
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added 3 issues: #23 (Apr 73), #27-28 (Fall-Win 74). Contributors include Bertram Chandler and George Turner. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Revolting Tales of Sex and Super-Science, John Bangsund. Added #69, so numbered because John lost track of the numbering of the zine, and was pretty sure that this whole number was available. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Skyrack, Ron Bennett newszine. Added 21 issues and 2 supplements to complete the run!: #10 (Dec 59), #16 (Apr 60), #32A (May 61), #33 (Jun 61), #66-67 (Apr-May 64), #71 (Oct 64), #73-77 (Dec 64-Apr 65), #79-82A (May-Aug 65), #86 (Feb 66), #90 (Jun 66), and #92-95 (Sep 66-May 68). All scans by Rob Hansen. Whoo-hoo and thanks, Rob!

Fancyclopedia: Contributors this last month include: Andrew Lippert, Darrah Chavney, Chris Krolczyk, Gary McGath, Jesse Weinstein, Joe Siclari, Kirby Sloan, Laurie Mann, Leah Zeldes Smith, Mark Olson (of course), Anne Gray, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Steven Silver and Thomas Bull. Thanks, all!

PDF Replacements: All OCR and PDFing by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted.
--Fanhistory, Lee Hoffman. Replaced the 3 issue run with searchable PDFs.

Corrections and Clarifications: Thanks to Mark Olson for pointing out a typo in the index page for Rob Hansen's Licks. Fixed now. Thanks, Mark!

March 31, 2021
We are delighted to report that was given the 2020 FAAn Award for Best Online Achievement at the Sunday, March 28, virtual award Zoom call. Many thanks to all who provided us with this most excellent egoboo!

YouTube: Added Part 2 of the Zoom talk by Jim and Greg Benford is now online. From the YouTube writeup: "Jim and Greg Benford continue with their history in science fiction and fandom. They discuss fandom at UCLJ (now UCSD), travelling ghiants, and the talented writers of the Bay Area. There are stories of famous names, from Poul Anderson and Robert Silverberg to Edward Teller, Elon Musk, Martin Rees and Stephen Hawking. The relationship of science fiction to technical advances in weaponry is discussed, and regional differences in fandom. The anecdotes shine, and Greg tells a particularly fine tale about Buzz Aldrin, almost the first man on the moon. To cap it off, there's the Void Boys song, and a little of its history including some comments by Ted White."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--First Fandom Publications. Added 8 issues of ScientiFiction, edited by Mark Schulzinger, covering all of 1994-1995. Zines were provided for scanning by John Coker III. Thanks, John!
--Licks, Rob Hansen. Added the full run of 14 issues (and an Egoboo Poll certificate) for this FAPA perzine. Licks ran from 1990 to 1995. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Megalon, Marcello Branco and Renato Rosatti. This is a Portuguese language fanzine. Added 8 items: #5-10 (Jul 89-May 90), #24 (Jan 93) and #62 (Sep 2001). Scans provided by Marcello Branco. Thanks, Marcello!
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 3 issues: #5 (Apr 65), #8 (Jun 68) and #45 (Aug 83). From 6 pages in 1965, Mentor grew to a substantial genzine. Issue 45 is 58 pages and has contributions by A. Bertram Chandler, and others. From the Chandler article - "Now every time that I meet Harlan I ask hirn, "When is The Last Dangerous Visions coming out?" He retaliates with, "When is Frontier Of The Dark coming out?" Both books should have been coming out this year. When they will come out the Odd Gods of the Galaxy alone know." Scans by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 39. Thanks, Evelyn! Thanks, Mark!
--No Award, Marty Cantor. Added #4 (1998). Contributors include Teddy Harvia, Milt Stevens, Mike Glyer, Len Moffatt, Joseph Major, Bill Rotsler, Ray Capella and Brad Foster.
--Skyrack, Ron Bennett newszine. Added 16 issues: #5-8 (July 59-Oct 59), #10 (Dec 59), #14-15 (Feb-Mar 60), #19-20 (May-Jun 60), #23-24 (Sep-Oct 60), #26-27 (Nov-Dec 60), #30-32 (Mar-May 61). All scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Rob Hansen for spotting some typos in the London Newsletter  index page. Fixed now. Thanks, Rob!
--Thanks to John Bray for spotting typos in the Light  index page and the NOLAzine index page too. Fixed now. Thanks, John!
--Thanks to Dale Speirs for spotting a download problem with New Canadian Fandom  #8. Fixed now. Thanks, Dale!
--Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out some missing pages in Warhoon  26. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,554 names in these listings.

March 27, 2021
History: Added Kim Huett's new history of the Fan Achievement Awards - Thanks, Kim!

YouTube:  - Today was the Fan History zoom with Jim and Greg Benford. I've uploaded Part 1 to YouTube (there'll be one more part). From the YouTube description: "Jim and Greg Benford talk about their lives in science fiction fandom and in science. Part 1 includes stories from their childhoods spent immersed in other cultures to their well respected fanzine Void and through much of their science careers. There are anecdotes about well known fans and writers, about the Texas fan community of the day, and early science fiction conventions. Jim and Greg are exuberant in their affection for the field, and for the careers they chose to help make the Heinlein juveniles become possible."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--DUFF. Added 5 pubs related to the Down Under Fan Fund: Jerry Kaufman's trip report for his 1983 DUFF trip: Kaufman Coast to Coast; Janice Gelb's trip report for her 1999 DUFF trip: Janice's Adventures in Down-Underland; Art Widner - Corroboree 2-3 (1992); and Ken Fletcher - What's DUFF (Jul 81). Corroboree 2 starts with very sad apologies, as Art reports the death of his son and his own treatment for prostate cancer.
--First Fandom Publications. Added 6 items all edited by Mark Schulzinger: 3 issues of First Fandom Report, from 1992-93 ; 1 issue of ScientiFiction-the First Fandom Report (Win 93); and 2 issues: Secretary/Treasurer's Report (Sum and Win 92). Thanks to John Coker, III for the scans. Thanks, John!
--London Newsletter, Jean Muggoch. Added 2 issues of this irregularly published brief newszine, from 67-68.
--Masiform D, Devra Langsam. Added 1 issue of Devra's Star Trek zine. Next month's Zoom call is on early Star Trek fandom.
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added 1 issue from 1983, which was combined with KTEIC Magazine. Rotsler says it is a letter-substitute fanzine. Scan by Bill Burns. Thanks, Bill!
--Megalon, Marcello Branco and Renato Rosatti. Megalon is written in Portuguese. Added 6 issues and 4 supplements to this title from Brazil. Thanks go to Marcello Branco, who provided the scans. Thanks, Marcello!
--New Canadian Fandom, Robert Runte. Added 4 issues: #5-8 (Aug 82-Oct 85). Contributors include Taral Wayne, David Stever-Schnoes, Brad Foster, Lloyd Penny, Doug Barbour, David Vereschagin, and others.
--No, Ruth Berman. Added 12 issues plus 1 supplement for this new-to-us early 70s genzine. Contributors include John Berry, Jim Young, Ken Fletcher, Ben Indick, John Boardman, Sheryl Birkhead, Grant Canfield, Eleanor Arnason, and others.
--Plak-Tow, Shirley Meech. Added #6 of this new-to-us Star Trek title.
--Procrastinator, John and Bjo Trimble. Added 2 issues of this OMPAzine from the mid 60s.

Corrections and Clarifications:
--Thanks to Rich Lynch for telling us about a problem with the newly uploaded SFPA indexes in the Bibliography  section. Fixed now. Thanks, Rich!
--Thanks to John Bray for telling us about a problem with the MagiCon newsletters in Fixed now thanks to Mark Olson. Thanks, John! Thanks, Mark!
--Thanks to Rob Hansen for correcting some errors on the Skyrack  index page. He's also sent us some new issues which we'll get online shortly. Thanks, Rob!

March 24, 2021
Bibliographic works: Added 2 indexes to SFPA, both by Dave Hulan and done in the 60s. Bibliographic pubs are at  Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1950s One Shots. Added "Some Important Information Concerning Unicorn Productions" by John and Bjo Trimble. This has to do with their movie-making group. I'm not sure of the date, but it is in the 50s.
--1980s One Shots. Added "Currently Recommended", a one-shot reviewzine from Gary Farber (Mar 81).
--Bjottings, Bjo Trimble. Added 1 issue of this personalzine from 1966.
--DUFF. Added 4 DUFF Ballots and 4 newsletters. DUFF Ballots: 1992, 1993, 2001, and 2002; Added DUFFberry Bush #1 (May 85), 3, 5 (86) and 6 (87).
--Fantasy Advertiser, Gus Willmorth. Added V2#2 (Aug 47).
--Glom, Forry Ackerman. Added #10 (Feb 48).
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Added 12 issues, with all scans provided by Bill Burns: #117-118 (1962, although not positive about 118), Oct 1976, two 1978 issues (Dec and one without a month), Feb-Mar 1980, May, Jul, Aug 1981 and Dec 1982. Thanks, Bill!
--Megalon, Marcello Branco and Renato Rosatti. Megalon is written in Portuguese. Added 9 issues and 2 supplements to this new-to-us title from Brazil. Thanks go to Marcello Branco, who provided the scans. Thanks, Marcello!
--The Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 6 issues of Mentor (scanned by three different people). Added #43 (Apr 83), 54-55 (Jul-Sep 85), 59 (Jul 86) and 80 (Oct 93). Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss (43 & 80), Alan Stewart (55) and Joe Siclari (54, 57, 59). Thanks, Perry Alan and Joe!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue(#497)(8.9 MB) of his perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--Prehensile, Mike Glyer. Added #2 (1972). Prehensile is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Saint Fantony publications. Added Dave Kyle's "An Important Communique to Knights and Ladies of St. Fantony" from 1971.
--Skyrack, Ron Bennett. Added issue #11 of the Skyrack Trader from Dec 72.
--UniFan, Ellen Pederson and Niels Dalgaard. This new-to-us title is an English language zine from Denmark. Added 2 issues. Issue 1 has both an article on the history of fandom in Denmark, and a very entertaining transcript of a workshop at the Scandinavian Science Fiction festival Fabula 77 with Brian Aldiss, Phil Farmer and Sam Lundwall wherein they talk about a possible sf story and argue about the whys and wherefores. I think there may have been alcohol involved.
--Warhoon, Richard Bergeron. Added a supplement to #28, "Notes for a Willis Bibliography". I'll also link to it from our BIbliographic page -

PDF Replacements:
--Fanhistorica, Joe Siclari. Replaced issues 0, 2, 4 with searchable PDFs, and added a Fanhistorica Press flyer from 1978.
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Replaced issues 12, 17 and 20 from the late 40s with searchable PDFs.

March 20, 2021
John Bangsund is our new Featured Fan on the homepage. Many thanks to those that have been feverishly scanning his zines and helping in other ways in preparation for this spotlight - Bruce Gillespie, Irwin Hirsh, Kim Huett, Perry Middlemiss, Mark Ortlieb, Mark Plummer, and Sally Yeoland.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bangsund Misc Publications, John Bangsund. Added 14 more of these ranging from the early 70s to 1983. Most are very brief. Perry Middlemiss supplied 9 and Joe Siclari supplied 5. There's "Not Philosophical Gas", and "Not the Society of Editors Newsletter". Other titles include "First Draft 1", "Moving Story", the "Return of Oberon", "Swine Fever" and "Wedding 2". "Constitutional Stuff" for ANZAPA 13 (coauthored with Leigh Edmonds and Paul Stevens), contains an amendment to the ANZAPA constitution. Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the March 2021 issue. Thanks, Leybl!
--BNF pages. Added Walt Willis, currently featured on our home page.
--Karellen, Georges Gheorghiu. Added #1 (Apr 60) of this French language fanzine. I'm not familiar with the zine or the editor, but in an article about French SF from the point of view of amateur publications (written by Jean-Pierre Planque in Bifrost 1-3 in 1996), Gheorghiu is mentioned as a pioneer of the Golden Age. The lead piece in Karellen 1 is fiction by Elie Rosenberg, and there's a reprint of an Honore de Balzac story.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 38. Thanks, Mark! Thanks, Evelyn!
--The Nehwon Review, Redd Boggs. Added 4 issues: #2-3 (Mar 64-Spr 67), #7-8 (Win 70 - Sum 71).
--Novacious, Forry Ackerman and Morojo. Added #4 of this zine from Feb 1940.
--Rune. Added 3 supplements: Garth Danielson - Klarn Rays 1-2 (92-93); John Bartelt and Garth Danielson - Bong 31 (93)
--Society of Editors Newsletter, John Bangsund. Added 1 issue of this new-to-us title: V8#7 (Mar 79).
--Space Times, Eric Bentcliffe and Eric Jones. Added 1 issue of this new-to-us title: V2#6 (Jun 53) which is an annish. It was published for the Nor'west Science-Fantasy Club in Cheshire. There's fiction, articles, columns and artwork. Cover by Harry Turner.
--TAFF. Added 4 more items: Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden: TAFFluvia 7-8 (Aug-Nov 86), 10 (Apr 87); Terry Carr and Thomas Schluck: TAFF Progress Report 10 (Jan 68).
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Added the last 3 issues: #316-318. Thanks to George Phillies for sending. Thanks, George!
--TNFF. Added 6 more issues of this clubzine of the N3F with various editors. Added Janine Stinson - V62#1-2 (2002), V66#4 (2006); Ruth Davidson - V66#1 (Mar 2006); Jeff Redmond - V66#2 (Jun 2006); Chris Garcia/Ruth Davidson/Janine Stinson 0 V66#3 (Sep 2006). Scans provided by the N3F. Thanks!
--Undulant Fever, Bruce Arthurs. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us title, starting with #1 in 1975. Issue #1 is "the new personalzine from the new civilian Bruce D. Arthurs at his really-new address". Not the same as spring after a pandemic, but I can empathize with the sentiment.

Clarifications and Corrections:
--Thanks to Sandra Bond for pointing out a metadata error in is  1. Fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!
--Thanks to Kevin Smith for pointing out 4 missing pages in Matrix  9. Thanks, Kevin. We made a note and will try to figure out if we have them.

PDF Replacements:
--AKOS, Eli Cohen. Replaced all 3 issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Eli Cohen. Thanks, Eli!
--Fanhistorica, Joe Siclari. Replaced #1,3,and 5 with searchable PDFs.
--Kratophany, Eli Cohen. Replaced all 14 issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Eli Cohen. Thanks, Eli!

March 17, 2021
Whoo-hoo! The admirable team of Mike Benveniste and Mark Olson have solved the problem of not being able to reference photos in Facebook. There was something nonstandard in our code and FB broke it so that the pix wouldn't work. But now, you can post away. Thanks, Mark! And big thanks to Mike!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--1940s One Shots. Added an "Open Letter to Anglofans" by Forry Ackerman from Sep 41. This came to us from Jim Halperin by way of Rob Hansen. Thanks, Jim! Thanks, Rob!
--Alien Culture, Jim Leary. Added #2 (Apr 49) of this title. It's a well rounded zine, with articles, verse and illustration, including one by J.C. May aka Julian May.
--August Derleth Society Newsletter, Richard Fawcett. This is the clubzine of the Society. Added the first 4 issues from 1977-1978.
--Miscellaneous Bangsund Publications. Added 7 more of John Bangsund's miscellaneous pubs. First, scanned by Irwin Hirsh, is a one-shot called "Wreckin Heaves" from 1990. Then we have 6 more ANZAPA pubs, from Polls to ANZAPA OO material from 1970 to 1979, all scanned by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry! Thanks, Irwin!
--European Link, Jean G. Muggoch. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us European newsletter from 1968.
--FAPA Book, Bob Pavlat. Added 5 issues of this bibliographic publication, which lists exactly what was in the referenced FAPA mailings. Having struggled with trying to put together FAPA mailings that had been separated, this feels like a real "wow". Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--New Millennial Harbinger, John Bangsund. Added an alternate cover to #14 (Jan 75). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added #21-22, a double issue from Nov 74. Contributors include Doc Lowndes, Poul Anderson, Susan Wood, Bob Tucker, andy offutt, Sandra Miesel and Jerry Pournelle. Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!
--Stefantasy, Bill Danner. Added #111 as our first of this title. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--Stopgap, Graham Stone. Added 2 issues of Stopgap from 1952. According to Joe - "Stopgap was the newszine of the Australian Science Fiction Society which Graham Stone ran. He pubbed Stopgap for about a year before he started Science Fiction News (AU) in 1953 which then went to ASFS members Stopgap ran from #1 (Sep 1950?) - #11 (Nov 1952).
--TAFF. Added 8 items: Taffervescent 4 (Pam Wells, Feb 92). Scan by Irwin Hirsh; TAFF It Isn't Too Early (Roy Tackett; 1979); TAFF Progress Report 1 (Steve Stile and Thomas Schluck, Aug 68); TAFF Progress Report 6 (Wally Weber and Ethel Lindsay, Jun 64); TAFF Progress Report 9 (Terry Carr, Nov 65). TAFFluvia 2, and 4 (Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Aug 85-Jan 86); Weekly TAFF News 3 (Randy Byers, Jul 2005). Thanks to Irwin Hirsh for the scan of Taffervescent 4!
--TNFF. Added 8 issues from 1979-1999 from various editors. Irvin Koch - V39#4 (Jul 79); David Heath Jr - V43#6 (Dec 83), V84#8 (Aug 84); Donald Franson -V50#1 (Feb 90); Craig Boyd - V53#3 (Jun 93), V56#5 (Oct 96), V57#5 (Oct 97) and V59#1 (Feb 99). These were all supplied to us by the N3F. Thanks, guys!
--Trip Reports From Fan Funds. Added Bruce Gillespie's "American Kindness", written about his trip sponsored by the "Bring Bruce Bayside" fund. Formatting issues ably resolved by Geri Sullivan. Thanks, Geri! Thanks for sending the zine, Bruce!
--WSFANAC, Avedon Carol. Added WSFANAC #5 (1980).
--The Zine Dump, Guy Lillian III. Added the lastest issue, #51 of Guy's fanzine. Thanks for sending, Guy!

Clarifications and Corrections: Thanks to Ben Ostrowsky for letting us know about a couple of upside down pages in SF News. Thanks, Ben!

March 14, 2021
We've sent out FANAC Newsletter #15. It's longer than usual and includes articles by Leah Zeldes Smith and Laurie Mann. If you'd prefer a PDF, we have it online at

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Bundalohn Quarterly, John Bangsund. Added #2 (May 72).
--Choog, Lee Shaw (Hoffman). AKA the Chattahoochee, Okefinokee and Ogeechee Occasional Gazette. Added V2#6, "a fanzine for GM Carr and Boyd Raeburn".
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added #18 (Nov 76). This perzine was done for FAPA.
--Different, Sam Moskowitz. Added V4#4 (Nov 77). This perzine was done for FAPA too.
--Dynatron, Roy Tackett. Added #66 (Nov 77).
--Maelstrom, Bill Plott. Added #10 (Jul 63).
--Masque, Bill Rotsler. Added 2 issues - #1-2, from 1948. Contributors include F. Towner Laney and Charles Burbee.
--Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 13 issues: #30- 40, 59A, 60. These run from 1981 to 1986. Here you'll find more of Vol Molesworth's "Australian Fan History", along with contributions from A. Bertram Chandler, Buck Coulson and others. If you get hooked on one of these excerpts of Australian fan history, you can read the entire work in our histories section at Look under the Non-US histories towards the bottom. There are also publications on the history of fans in Argentina, Canada, German, and others.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 37. Thanks Evelyn! Thanks Mark!
--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added #1 of the new series (Jul 1984).
--Matrix, a publication of the British Science Fiction Association. Added 3 issues: Tom Jones - #7 (Aug 76), #9 (Dec 76); John and Eve Harvey - #28 (Feb 80).
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added #11 (Apr 72).
--Rune. Added 7 issues from the 1970s-90s. Added: Fred Haskell - #43 (May 75), 48 (Aug 76); David Emerson - #49 (Jan 77); Lee Pelton and Carol Kennedy - #56 (May 79); Tom Juntunen - #83 (Jul 92); Jeff Schalles - #84-84 (Jan 93 - Mar 95), and a supplemental issue to #85. Contributors include Jim Young, Jon Singer, Jim Odbert, Reed Waller, Ken Fletcher, Grant Canfield, Alexis Gilliland, David Egge, Bill Rotsler, Bjo Trimble and others.
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 7 issues with various editors: Nancy Atherton - #25 (Mar 87); Kat Max - #29 (Jul 87); Gary Alan Ruse - #37 (May 88); Carol Porter - #39 (Jun 88); Judy Bemis - #43 (Oct 88), Bill Wilson - #51 (May 89); and Terri Wells - #52 (Jun 89).

PDF Replacements: Replaced Bill Danner's one shot "Mallophagan .5" with a searchable PDF. I also moved this to our 1950s One Shot  page, because that's where it belongs. Joe says this was a 1.5 inch fanzine that Bill produced to show off his typesetting skills.

March 10, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--The Explorer, Ed Noble. Added 13 issues of this new-to-us title from the early 1950s, the official organ of the ISFCC - the official organ of the International Science Fiction Correspondence club. There's something dicey about the dates or the numbering, but I'm not sure exactly what. From issue #1 - "The purpose of the club ie, of course, to encourage the exchange of ideas and thoughts and methods of the science-fiction world."
--Maelstrom, Bill Plott. Added #7 of this new-to-us title. Bill Plott was a speaker on our History of Southern Fandom zoom call last month.
--The Mentor, Ron Clarke. Added 10 issues of this Austraian zine. #14-15 (Feb-May 69), 19-20 (Win-Spr 1971), 24 (Mar 78), 26 (Aug 80), 28-29 (Dec 80-Feb 81), 60A (Sep 86), and 63 (Apr 88). Vol Molesworth's Australian Fan History was serialized in The Mentor. Other contributors included Terry Jeeves, A. Bertram Chandler and Bruce Gillespie.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, #496 of Dale's perzine. Thanks, Dale!
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 10 issues, of which 9 were edited by Nancy Atherton. #1, 4, 7, 9-10, 14, 17, 18-19. Also added #21, edited by Carol Porter. These issues are all from 1985-1986.
--Threepenny Planet, John Bangsund. Added issue 2 or 3 (John wasn't sure) of this perzine from 1980. Scans by Perry Middlemiss and Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Perry! Thanks, Irwin!
--Vector, Polina Levontin and Jo Lindsay Walton. Added 3 issues: #287-289 (2018-19) of this, the official journal of the British Science Fiction Association. Very chewy issues, focusing on a variety of interesting topics. These were provided by the editors, Polina Levontin and Jo Lindsay Walton. Thanks, Polina! Thanks, Jo!
--Perryscope, Perry Middlemiss. Added 8 issues of this pandemic perzine. Thanks, Perry!

PDF Replacements: Quandry, Lee Hoffman. Replaced 14 issues of Quandry with searchable PDFs.

March 7, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
-- New Millennial Harbinger, John Bangsund. Added 6 more issues: #1-5 (Oct 68 - Apr 69), #14 (Feb 74). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--K'taogm-m, Donald A. Wollheim. Added 2 issues of this perzine from 1945. I couldn't find a listing in Pavlat-Evans, so I'm clueless as to how long it lasted.
--Kteic Magazine, Bill Rotsler. Added 11 issues of this new-to-us title. Fancyclopedia 2 (ca 1959) comments on this zine - "First a multi-carboned read-and-pass-on job, later mimeoed. Burbee coined the expression "short-shot" to define it and separate it from the one-shot, but the imitations it provoked were more usually called letter-substitutes, and were circulated by people whose correspondence ran away from them. Kteic was thought a hoax by many -- it was sent to a very limited and select group."
--Les Spinge, Darroll Pardoe. Added 12 issues from 1967-1979. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--Lodbrog, John Bangsund. Added #1 (Apr 70). Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Melange, Bjo and John Trimble. Added #5 of this new-to-us title, fro Oct 1962.
--The Meteor, Bob Madle. Added #3 (Fall 38), which according to Pavlat-Evans is the last issue. The repro is not stellar, and someone has lettered over a lot of the words to make them more clear. Bob? or the recipient?
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter, The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 36. Thanks, Mark and Evelyn!
--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added 5 issues: #19 (Apr 73), 53-43 (Jan 81), 65 (Spring 84). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Procrustean Papers, John Bangsund. Added #1-2 of this new-to-us title. One scan by Perry Middlemiss and the other by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Perry! Thanks, Irwin!
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 5 issues of this clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. Judy Bemis- #104 (Nov 93); Shirlene Ananayo - #112, 114 (mid 94); Carol Porter and Christina Santiago - #124 (Mar 96); and Carlos Perez - #140 (Feb 2000).
--Stunned Mullet, John Bangsund. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us title. Scan by Perry Middlemiss. As you may be discovering, John Bangsund published a lot of different fanzines with a lot of different titles. Five issues scanned by Perry Middlemiss and one by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Perry and thanks, Irwin!

Fancyclopedia: Last time, I gave credit and said thank you to some Fancyclopedia contributors that were represented only by their user names. Well they are: Andrew Lippert, Jesse Weinstein, John Bray, and Karl-Johan Nor n. Thanks, all!

Cross Reference: We've updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,542 names in these listings.

March 3, 2021
FanHistory Zoom Sessions:
Date and Time: Date and Time: March 27, 2021, 2pm EDT (11AM, 6PM London, 5AM Sunday Sydney)
Our next FanHistory Zoom will be "The Benford Twins, Fandom and the Larger Universe". Jim and Greg Benford became fans in the 1950s, and throughout a lifetime of science, professional writing, and extensive accomplishments, they have remained fans. In this Zoom session, they'll talk about their introduction into fandom, their fandom over the years, and tell stories about the important and interesting people they've met. What influence has fandom had on them? Did relocation change their interactions with fandom? How have their professional lives influenced their fandom? Join us and find out (and expect a few surprises.) To receive a Zoom link, please RSVP to . The current schedule of future Fan History zoom sessions is available at

YouTube: Added the Noreascon 3 (1989) Masquerade. Some of the songs used by the costumers caused a copyright issue with YouTube, so they have been muted. Sorry for that, but better to mute than not put it up at all. The Masquerade video was an hour and a half long, so I've put it online in 2 parts. From the description of part 1: "...In this recording, costumers make their appearance on the big stage, and showcase the physical results of their imaginations and their skills. The costumers range from Novices to Journeymen to Masters, and the themes from silly and playful to very serious...Thanks to Dr. Gandalf for digitizing this recording." You can find part 2 at

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.
--Crog, John Bangsund. Added 2 issues of this perzine, both 1970.
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added "John Foyster: The Continuum Tribute", from Bruce Gillespie. This is a transcript of the panel that was held at Continuum. the Melbourne SF Convention, on Friday, 11 July 2003.
--It Comes in the Mail, Ned Brooks. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us title from the 70s.
--Les Souris Dansent, John Bangsund. Added #1 (Aug 93) and #7 (Aug 96). Scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Lodbrog, John Bangsund. Added #2 and 3 of this new-to-us John Bangsund title. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!
--New Canadian Fandom, Robert Runte. Added 4 issues of this early 1980s zine. Contributors include Taral, doug barbour, Stu Shiffman, and Terry Jeeves. Thanks to Robert Runte for his permission to put these online.
--The New Millenial Harbinger, John Bangsund. Added issue #12 (Nov 74). Scan by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Perry!
--Philosophical Gas and Parergon Papers, John Bangsund. Added 7 issues of Parergon Papers: #4-5, 7-9, and 11-12 from 1977-1979. Also added 12 issues of Philosophical Gas, plus two supplements: #12-13, 18, 31, 33-36, 60-61, 86, and 93. The supplements are to Philosophical Gas 34 and to Parergon Papers #4. All scans by Perry Middlemiss. Thanks Perry!
--PAS-tell, Bjo Trimble. Added 13 issues plus a mailing list of this new-to-us title. PAS in the zine's name stands for "Project Art Show", and PAS-tell is "the art show magazine". A wonderful look at the institution of the convention art show as it's being built. You'll find sales prices, awards lists, and more. Thanks to Bjo for permission to put this online.
--Silme, Bjo Trimble. Added the complete run of 2 issues from the early 1960s. Contributors include Juanita Coulson, Harlan Elllison, Dick Eney, G.M. Carr, Adrienne Marine, and Ron Ellik. Thanks to Bjo for her permission to put these on line.
--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 10 issues of this, the South Florida Science Fiction Society Clubzine. Added: Gary Alan Ruse - #38 (Jun 88); Carol Porter - #45 (Dec 88); Bill Wilson - #46-7 (Jan-Feb 89); Gerry Adair - #62 (Feb 90); Don Cochran and Francine Mullen - #94-96 (Jan-Mar 93); France Mullen - #98 (May 93) and Francine Mullen and Carol Porter - #99 (Jun 93).
--TNFF. Added 13 issues of the National Fantasy Fan, ranging from 1946 to 1969. Added: Milt Rothman - V5#4-V5#6 (1946); Ray Higgs - V7#1 (Feb 48), V8#2 (Apr 49); Donald Franson - V22#6 (Dec 63); Don Miller - V28#2-#6 (Aug-Dec 68); Gary Labowitz - V29#4-5 (Aug-Oct 69). These scans courtesy of TNFF.

Fancyclopedia: Thanks to the following for their contributions this month to Fancyclopedia: Bill Burns, Darrah Chavney, Gary McGath, JesseW, Joe Siclari, John, Kjnoren, Michael Lowrey, Laurie Mann, Leah Zeldes Smith, Murray Moore, Peter Young. Steven Silver, Steve Johnson, and Matthew Strait. Sorry about the sprinkling of user names. I'll try to get the real names for next time.

Clarifications and Corrections: Thanks to Tracy Poff for finding an egregiously bad typo in the index page for T-Negative. Fixed now. Thanks, Tracy!

February 27, 2021
Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.

--Cosmag, Ian Macauley. Added 3 issues: #4-5 (1951) and 8 (1952). These were distrbuted with Henry Burwell's Science Fiction Digest. We're going to break these out so you can look up the Science Fiction Digest separately. For now, let me tell you that #4 Cosmag has a contribution from Lee Hoffman, Richard Elsberry and #3 Science Fiction Digest (distributed with #4 Cosmag) has contributions from Hannes Bok, Shelby Vick, Lin Carter, and Walt Willis. #4 Science Fiction Digest has "The Immortal Teacup" by Walt Willis, and #5 Cosmag has fiction by Terry Carr, and articles by Bob Silverberg and Lee Hoffman.

--Metaphysical Review, Bruce Gillespie. Added 2 double issues from the second series (mid 80s). Contributors include John Bangsund, Yvonne Rousseau, Greg Egan, George Turner and Damien Broderick.

--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added Rich's latest - "I Remember Me and Other Narratives - Walt Willis in Mimosa". Thanks, Rich!

--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 35. Thanks Evelyn and Mark!

--The Nehwon Review, Redd Boggs. Added #6 from Spring 1970.

--Review, Vernon McCain. Added 11 issues from the early to mid 50s. This is primarily a reviewzine, as you might guess from the title. There are also articles, for example, there's one by Eric Bentcliffe in #11

--Science Fiction Digest, Henry Burwell. Added #7 (Sep 52). Lots of great reprints from Terry Jeeves, Bob Tucker, Arthur Clarke, and Ted Carnell.

--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 13 issues of the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society: Nancy Atherton - #11 (Jan 86), 13 (Mar 86); Pam Parsons - #13 (May 86); Carol Porter - #24 (Feb 87), #34 (Jan 88); Bill Wilson - #26 (Apr 87), #32 (Sep 87); Kat Max - #27-28 (May-Jun 87), #30-31 (Aug-Sep 87); Judy Bemis - #33 (Nov 87); Gary Alan Ruse - #35 (Feb 88).

--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added 3 more issues from the late 70s.

--Steam Engine Time, Bruce Gillespie, Paul Kincaid, Maureen Kincaid Speller. Added #1 (Apr 2000).

--Stellar, Austin Hamel. Added #3 (Sep 44).

--TAFF. Added ballots from 1958, 1963, 1972, 1976-77 (one from the UK and one from the US), and 2017.

--Uchujin International Edition, Takumi Shibano. Added #1 (Sep 60). This is the first English language fanzine published in Japan, and the name translates as "Cosmic Dusts". The name is actually much cooler than that. Shibano-san explains that the components of Uchu are two words - "U" meaning Space, and "Chu" meaning Time. Very cool.

--Umbra, John Hitchcock. Added #14 (Jul 56).

--Unnamable, Meade Frierson III. Added 5 issues of this early 70s perzine.

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.

--Worldcons: Noreascon Two - Added a 1977 flyer for Boston in '80. Scan by Joe Siclari; Denvention Two - Added a flyer for Devention 81. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Boskone: Boskone 1 - Added an uncredited 8 page promo. Scan by Joe Siclari; Boskone 34, added PR 2; For Boskone 35, added Pocket Program; For Boskone 36, added PR 2; For Boskone 38, added PR 2 , Boskone promo, Boston in 1980 flyer (from 1977), Denvention in '81 flyer

--Nasfic  - For Conucopia, added Pocket Guide, PR 2;

--Rivercon  - For Rivercon XXIV, added Program Book

--World Fantasy Convention - For 25th World Fantasy Convention, added WFC 25 flyer 1, WFC 25 flyer 2, Pocket Program, Program Book

PDF Replacements:

--Void, Jim and Greg Benford, Ted White. Replaced all 29 issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari. Bonus - added the full text of a LoC to #18 from Rich Sneary (Apr 59).

Clarifications and Corrections:

--Thanks to Leah Zeldes for spotting an upside down page in Innuendo  #11 (Terry Carr). We've replaced the PDF and it's ok now. Thanks, Leah!

--Thanks to Thomas Bull for spotting date errors on a number of issues of Thyme. I've fixed then now. Thanks, Thomas!

--Thanks to Bill Burns for spotting an upside down page in Null-F  #2 (Ted White). We've replaced the PDF and it's ok now. Thanks, Bill!

--Removed the page for Eclipse (edited by Richard Kuhn, et al from the early 40s. It was a placeholder with no scans. It will be back after we have the scans. Thanks to Rob Hansen for spotting this!

February 24, 2021
YouTube:  Added "An Anecdotal History of Southern Fandom" from our Fan History Zoom on February 20. From the description: "This Fan History Zoom (February 2021) explores the last 50-60 years of Southern US Fandom, through anecdotes and personal experiences. From Bill Plott with over 60 years of experience to Toni Weisskopf with a mere 40, the speakers share cherished memories and their thoughts on the nature of Southern Fandom. They speak about conventions, both regional and Worldcons, awards and traditions, bigger than life personalities, and fanzines. At the heart of it all, lies the hospitality and inclusiveness of Southern Fandom. There's also a brief appearance by Jim Benford on the topic of his early fanzines, and an interesting Q&A session with the audience."

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.

--1940s One Shots. Added Chronoscope 1, from Redd Boggs. This ended up being a one-shot. Contributors include David H. Keller, MD, Art Rapp, and Marion E. Zimmer.

--1950s One Shots. Added "Indian Lake...There I Went" by Bob Tucker. This is a con report on the 1953 Midwestcon, and it's also linked to from there - under 

--Diaspar, Terry Carr perzine. Added #16 (Nov 74).

--Rune. Added 9 issues from various editors: #16, 18 (Jim Young, Jun 69-Nov 70); #29, 31, 33 (Bev Swanson, Apr-Nov 73); #34, 36-37 (Don Blyly, Jan-May 74); and #39 (Fred Haskell, 1974). RUNE is the clubzine of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society (Minn-StF). There's a nice Fancyclopedia article on the group at

--Spockanalia, Devra Langsam and Sherna Burley. Added the complete 5 issue run of this early Star Trek zine. The 5 issues provide over 500 pages of material. Earlier issues were published during the brief run of the show. Contributors include Dorothy Jones, Juanita Coulson, John Mansfield, Jean Lorrah, Ruth Berman, robert toomey, Lois McMaster, Sandra Miesel and Jacqueline Lichtenberg.

--T-Negative, Ruth Berman. Added 28 issues of this new-to-us title, one of the early Star Trek fanzines. Contributors include Juanita Coulson, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Dorothy Jones, Astrid Anderson, Hal Clement, and Larry Niven.

--The Unique Magazine, A.F. Williams. Added #1 from Oct 41. There apparently only 2 issues according to Pavlat-Evans. This one has fantasy by Doc Lowndes and science fiction by Duane Rimel.

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.

--Torcon II. Added links to the Dallascon bid materials (competing bid).

February 21, 2021
Fanzines Added: Most of the fanzines listed below were published in the Southern US. There are a lot more than usual with just a single issue representing the title - that's because we were trying to get a sampling of Southern fanzines in support of our Zoom session yesterday on the history of Southern fandom. If you missed the session, you can watch the YouTube version, which will be posted soon. We'll also start to put Zoom session announcements on the homepage to make them easier for everyone to find.

Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.

--1950s One Shots. Added "Galleon of Dream, Poems of Fantasy and Wonder" by Lin Carter. It's Autographed and with illustrations by the author.

--ASFO, edited by Jerry Burge and Carson Jacks. Added #3 (Sep 53). This zine is the "unofficial organ of the Atlanta Science Fiction Organization".

--ASFOAWN, Joe Celko and Brad Linaweaver. Added 13 issues of this new-to-us Atlanta area newszine from 1983 - 1984.

--Challenger, Guy Lillian III. Added issue #1 from 1993.

--ChatSFic News, Andre Barker-Bridget. Added #1 of this clubzine for the Chattanooga Science Fiction Club.

--Collector's Bulletin, Ned Brooks. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us title, including one edited by Mike Scott.

--Correlation, James Corrick bibliozine. Added #1 (1971).

--Cosmag, Ian Macauley Added #7 (May 52). Contributors include Lee Hoffman and Bob Silverberg. Distributed with Science Fiction Digest (Burwell) #6.

--Confusion, Shelby Vick. Added #15p (Dec 53), which consists entirely of a 6 page article by Bob Bloch entitled "How Conventional Can You Get? being a special report via time-traveling machine, on the Philadelphia World Science Fiction Convention of 1975".

--Cullowhee Comments, Richard Llewellyn perzine. Added #6 (Apr 81).

--Dallascon Bulletin, Tom Reamy bidzine. Put 3 issues on line from 1969

--Mathom, Joseph Pumilia. Added #5 (Oct 70). This was the official fanzine of the Houston Science Fiction Society, with most other issues edited by Lisa Tuttle.

--Maybe, Irwin Koch. Added #6 (Jul 70). Contributors include Robert Weinberg, Alexis Gilliland, Thomas Burnett Swann, and Jeff Schalles.

--Memphen, Greg Bridges. Memphen was the clubzine of the Mid-South Fantasy Association. Added 3 issues from the early 80s.

--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 34. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!

--Opuntia, Dale Speirs perzine. Added the latest issue, #495. Thanks Dale!.

--Science Fiction Digest, Henry Burwell. Added #6 (May 52) distributed with Cosmag #7 (Macauley). These were sent out Ace Doubles style.

--Skiffy, Ned Brooks. Added Skiffy Bag (Apr 1979). Skiffy Bag was done for SFPA. We already had Skiffy Thyme up.

--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications. Added the 1980 Handbook (Meade Frierson III) and V4#3 of the SFC Bulletin (P.L. Caruthers-Montgomery, Sep 88).

--Spiritus Mundi, Guy Lillian III. Added #41 (Sep 77) of this new-to-us apazine.

--Strange Punch, Andre Barker-Bridget. Another clubzine for the Chattanooga Science Fiction Club. Added #7 (Sep 81).

--Tabebuian, Dave and Mardee Jenrette. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from the mid 70s.

--Trumpet, Tom Reamy and Alex Eisenstein. Added #9 (1969) with its stellar list of contributors, including Emil Petaja, Andy Offutt, Tim Kirk, Bill Rotsler, Harlan Ellison, and David Gerrold.

--Undertakings, Sam Johnson. Added 4 issues and 2 G.M. Carr LoCs of this new-to-us mid 50s fanzine. Issue #4 says it's "a Fugghead publication".

--Utopian, R.J. Banks. Added #11 from Nov 1952.

--Vertigo, Randy Williams and Edwin Murray. Added 3 issues: #38 (Jun 78), #42-43 (Mar-Aug 80). Vertigo is the clubzine of the Carolina Fan Federation.

Conpubs: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Mark Olson.

Worldcon: BucConeer - added Boston in 1998 final bid mailing


--Readercon 10 - added Program Guide, Souvenier Book

--Readercon 11 - added Program Guide, Souvenier Book

--Readercon 12 - added Program Book, Program Guide

--Readercon 13 - added Program Guide, Souvenir Book.pdf

Smofcon: Smofcon 18 - added Program Book

Westercon: For Westercon 54, added PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, PR 4

Fantasy Convention World Fantasy Convention:

--25th World Fantasy Convention - added WFC 1999 Awards Ballot, WFC 1999 PR 2

--World Fantasy Convention 2000 - added PR 2

February 17, 2021
YouTube:  Uploaded "Science Fiction as Social Criticism", a half hour interview with Fred Pohl by Fred Lerner, conducted for WKCR in 1963. From the YouTube writeup: Frederik Pohl fields questions on everything from how science fiction covers race relations to religion and advertising in this 1963 audio interview (presented with illustrative pictures). Fred Lerner, noted librarian, bibliographer and historian, was just 17 when he interviewed Frederik Pohl, both a professional science fiction writer of long standing, and one of the earliest science fiction fans. At the time of the interview, in addition to writing, Fred Pohl was editing prominent SF magazines and original anthologies. In this recording, listen for the discussion of his "Space Merchants" to predictions about the advertising industry, his views on fantasy vs science fiction, comments on the best fiction of the period, and even a whiff of "fans are slans". This thoughtful interview provides not only a perspective on a major author in the field, but on a major editor. It's worth noting that this is the second interview Pohl did that day. Interviewer Fred Lerner tells us that "the recording engineer was so interested in what Pohl had to say that he forgot to turn on the recorder. Fred Pohl was gracious and patient enough to repeat the interview!" Thanks to Fred Lerner for providing the recording. Thanks, Fred!

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.

--1940s One Shots. Added Sun T(r)ails #1 from Arthur Louis Joquel II. According to Joe: "...its instigation was Hornig's "In Defense of Pogo" and it is Joquel's condemnation of Hornig. Another early feud!". You can read "In Defense of Pogo" in Hornig's Bulletin, in the same index.

--Choog, aka The Chattahoochee, Okefinokee and Ogeechee Occasional Gazette, from Lee Hoffman. Added 7 issues from 1952 to 1957 of this FAPA perzine: #1 (1952), an issue from 1953, two issues from 1955 and one from 1956. There's also v2#1 and #2 done for the FAPA 79. There were at least 4 Choogs that appear to all be for FAPA 79.

--Goojie Pubs, Miriam Dyches. Added #4 - Syzygy (Aug 59) edited by Miriam Dyches Carr. Contributors include Dan Adkins, Kris Neville, Harry Warner Jr., Ted Johnstone, Terry Carr, Ray Nelson and Terry Jeeves. Goojie Pubs is a core publication for us to scan.

--is, Tom Collins. Added #3 and 4 from 1971. An incredible list of contributors to issue #4 (focused on Derleth) including Bob Bloch, Ramsey Campbell, Lin Carter, Fritz Leiber, Doc Lowndes, E. Hoffman Price, and Gahan Wilson.

--I Palantir, Ted Johnstone. Added #1 (Aug 60) to complete the run. Thanks to Ruth Berman for sending us a copy. Thanks, Ruth!

--Intermission, Ahrvid Engholm. Added #103 from Dec 2020. Thanks, Ahrvid!

--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added (Title Goes Here), a mid 1995 progress report on Mimosa 17. Thanks, Rich!

--Quark, Lesleigh and Chris Couch. Added #6 (Apr 68).

--Ragnarok, Terry and Miriam Carr perzine for SAPS. Added 3 issues (#5-7) from 1960.

--Rally, Don Markstein. Added #41 (Nov 78).

--SFSFS Shuttle. Added a local article about SFSFS into this index, from 2001. Warning: this article contains several factual errors.

--Shadowland, Sam Martinez. Added #2 of this new-to-us title from 1951. Shadowland subtitles itself "the Eerie Fanzine".

--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications. Added 23 items: 9 bulletins edited by Meade Frierson III: SFC Bulletin #2 (Jun 71), #4 (May 72), #8 (Aug 73), #8 supplement (Aug 73), #9 (Oct 73), #11 (Jul 74), #15.5 (Aug 76), #18 (Fall 77), and #27 (Jul 82), and 4 Roster and Roster supplements from the early 70s: #1, #4 Sup, #5 and #5 Sup along with 2 Handbooks (1974-1977); 5 edited by Tom Feller: V6#2 - V6#6 (Nov 95 - Oct 96); 1 edited by Julie Wall: V7#2 (Jan 99); 1 edited by Toni Weisskopf - the 1997 Handbook; and 1 by Guy Lillian III - Rebel Yell V2n2 (84).

--Trap Door, Robert Lichtman. Added #34 (Dec 2018), an all-web issue. Thanks, Robert!

--Zenith, Harry Turner. Added #5 from Apr 42, coedited with Marion Eadie. Contributers include Ted Carnell and Maurice Hanson.

Conpubs: SunCon. Added a Blood Drive flyer. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Clarifications and Corrections: Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for pointing out an error in the dating of Fandango, combined with Burblings (FT Laney and Charles Burbee). It should be Nov 1948. Thanks, Leah!

February 13, 2021
We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,524 names in these listings.

Fanzines Added: Unless otherwise noted, all scans are by Joe Siclari.

--1940s One Shots. Added Hornig's Bulletin #1 (Charlie Hornig, Sep 1941). P-E said there was a note in Le Zombie about a 2nd issue. Has anyone seen it? If there's a scan out there (or a fanzine to scan), I'll put it in a dedicated index. It starts with IN DEFENSE OF POGO- "In this first number, I wish to clear the name of one of fandom s top feminine fans Pogo of false accusations and suspicions. Wo have always agreed that fans should "stick together" yet we sometimes go out of our way to pass on some choice bit of malicious scandal about another fan." . Plus ca change.

--1950s One Shots. Added Space Legion 1 (Larry Touzinsky, Fall 54). Does anyone know if there was ever an issue 2? I couldn't find anything that would tell me. This first issue has contrubtions from Ken Slater, Greg Calkins, and Redd Boggs. Scan by Mowgli Assor. Thanks, Mowgli!

--Australian Science Fiction Monthly, John Bangsund. Added 2 items with 4 issues: issue #1 supplement (Jan 71), and #2-4 (Mar 71). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the February 2021 issue. Thanks, Leybl!

--DUFF. Added 7 items: DUFF 1977-78 Administrator's Report (Christine Ashby), DUFF 1980 Administrator's Report (Paul J. Stevens), DUFF 1983 Newsletter (Peter Toluzzi), DUFF Talk-About (Pat and Roger Sims, 1196) and 3 DUFF Reports from 1985-86 (Jack Herman). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--FANAC, Walter Breen. Added a supplement to #78 from 1961 titled "Admirable Crycon".

--G2, Joe Gibson. Added V3#1 (Oct 63).

--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 33. Thanks Evelyn, thanks Mark!

--Null-F, Ted White. Added 2 issues: #10-11 (Feb 1958).

--Pot Pourri, John Berry. Added issue #40 (Jul 1965) - Project Research - the V2 .

--Rune, various. Added 4 issues, all edited by Lee Pelton and Carol Kennedy from the late 70s. Added issues #51 (1978), #53-54 (1978) and #58 (1979).

--Self-Preservation, Lee Hoffman FAPAzine. Added #1 (Spr 61) and 6 (Nov 64). From #6 - "Well, the next thing I know--a few days later--Andy phones and tells me that Lupoffs will pick me up about 7:00 and that he has to go eat. A few minutes later Lupoffs call to tell me that they are practically on the way. Soon Terry Carr calls to ask if I can make it. I am overwhelmed. And shortly I am in a Caddy convertible with Arthur Thomson, and Dick and Pat Lupoff, seeking Brooklyn." Andy is Andy Porter.

--SFaira, Lars Helander. Added #4 of this Swedish genzine (which is in English).

--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications, Meade Frierson III. Added 4 SFC directories from the early 1970s.

--Tattooed Dragons, Voyages & others, Bill Rotsler artzine. Added The Tattooed Dragon Returns (1958).

--Third Foundation, Lee Gold. Added #91 (Nov 69). Contributors besides Lee are Tom Digby, Barry Gold, Ted Johnstone, Barry Weissman, Darrell Schweitzer and David Gerrold.

--Tightbeam, various. Added 3 items: V32#2 (Art Hayes, Apr 72), V21#5A (Al Lewis, Nov 62), and Tightbeam June 82 (Owen Laurion).

Conpubs: Unless other noted, all scans by Mark Olson

--Boskone. For Boskone 42, added Helmuth 42, the Pocket Program and the Program Book

--Midwestcon. For Midwestcon 58, added the Program Book

--Readercon. For Readercon 16, added the Program Guide and the Program Book

Clarifications and Corrections:

--Thanks to Dave Langford and Leah Zeldes Smith for pointing out some omissions in Slant. We've replaced issues #1 and #4 with searchable PDFs (with all the pages this time). Thanks, Dave!

--Thanks to Sandra Bond for letting us know that there was a problem in the TAFF directory (a missing publication). It's been fixed now. Thanks, Sandra!

February 10, 2021
YouTube:  Added the final part of Ted White's interview. From the YouTube description: In part 4, Ted tells us about his history with Corflu, his experience attending conventions and how that's changed with age. There are anecdotes of Ron Ellik, the origin story of the Fan Writers of America, the proliferation of APAs, and the original concept behind FAPA. Ted discusses his juvenile fiction and answers questions about editing Amazing and Fantastic, Dr. Progresso and more."

Fanzines Added:

--Bundalohn Quarterly, John Bangsund. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--DUFF. Added 4 items. First, the 1972 results (Fred Patten), and then 3 issues of the 1980ish DUFF Newsletter by Ken Fletcher (and one co-edited by Linda Lounsbury). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--Fantasy Digest, Ted Dikty. Added #7 (Mar 1940), the first annish. Conributors include Henry Kuttner, Earl Korshak, Bob Tucker, Don Wollheim, Charlie Hornig, and Doc Lowndes. The Kuttner piece is subtitled, "Kuttner Tells All!". From that piece, "I don t ask for much; all I want is a quiet, peaceful existence with my six dictaphones, my thirteen stenographers (including the blond), and the eighty-seven typewriters, including the automatic one which writes stories by itself." Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added Fanthology 75, edited by Bruce Arthurs. There are pieces from Mike Glicksohn, Jeff Shaelles, Robert Bloch, Susan Wood, Dave Locke, Gene Wolfe, James White and Phil Foglio among others. Scan by Eli Cohen. Thanks, Eli!

--Green Dragon, Ed Meskys. Added 2 issues of this Tolkien Society Newsletter. From 1970, added issues #10-11. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Minac, Ted White and Les Gerber. Added 5 issues to complete the run. Added #11 (Jan 64), 12 (Feb 64), 13 and 13A (Mar 64) and 15 (Jul 64). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Operation Fantast, Ken Slater. Added a supplement to issue #6, New Series, from Sept 1950. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the early February 2021 issue (the latest). Thanks, Dale!

--Philosophical Gas and Paregon Papers, John Bangsund. Added Paregon Papers 10 (Oct 78), and Philosophical Gas 57-59, and 63. Philosophical Gas 57-59 was distributed together. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications, various. Added 9 issues: From Tom Feller, V6#1, 8, 10, 12 from 1995-98, and from Julie Wall, V7#1, 3, 5-7 from 1998-2000, Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Space Tales, Tom Ludowitz. Added #3 (1941). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Added #23 (Fall 1944). Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

--Thots, Henry Elsner perzine. Added issues #1-3 from 1947 to 1948. Does anyone know if this is a complete run? P-E only lists #3. Here's a random sample - "The anti-science movement in stf might be explained: the stories in which a scientifically governed, over-efficiency-ized culture, was shown up to be evil might have been a natural reaction, after the flood of science-worship in early stfan circles." Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Postwarp, Bob Johnson. Added the September 1950 issue. San by Joe Siclari.

--Thyme, Alan Stewart. Added the entire issue #88 (Nov 92), replacing the part A that had been there. I believe this completes the run. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!

--Twig, Guy Terwilliger. Added #14-15 from 1960. Slightly odd, issue 14 is marked Vol 3, #2 and issue 15 is marked Vol 3, #1. Contributors are impressive, but not odd. They include: Dan Adkins, Dick Lupoff, Ron Ellik, George Barr, Tom Reamy, Juanita Coulson, ATom, Bob Bloch, and Terry Carr. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

--Wiz, Richard Bergeron perzine. Added the complete 13 issue run of this perzine that ran from 1982 to 1986. Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements: Space Tales, Tom Ludowitz. Replaced #4 with a searchable PDF. OCR by Joe Siclari.


--Balticon, Added Balticon 42 program book

--Boskone, Boskone 43 - Program Book and Pocket program; Boskone 47 - Progress Report 2

--Lunacon, Lunacon 1 - ad; Luncacon 50 - Progress report, Program Book; Lunacon 51 - Daily Crescent 2008 and Pocket Program; Lunacon 52 - Progress Report and Program Book

--Minicon. Minicon 44 - PR 2

--Philcon. Philcon 2005 - Pocket Program

Clarifications and Corrections:

--Thanks to Alan Stewart and Irwin Hirsh for letting us know that what we had marked as Thyme  #109 local was actually an alternate cover for 109, along with page 2. Thanks Alan and Irwin!

--Thanks to John D. Berry for pointing out two pages reversed in an issue of Foolscap. Fixed now. Thanks, John!

February 7, 2021
Addition to our next FanHistory Zoom: On February 20th, "An Anecdotal History of Southern US Fandom" will be discussed. We've added a deeply knowledgeable speaker to the session - Bill Plott - who has been active in Southern Fandom since the 1950s. Join Bill, Toni Weisskopf, Janice Gelb and Guy Lillian III for a dive into Southern Fandom. RSVP to for the zoom link.

YouTube:  Added part 3 of the FanHistory Interview of Ted White by John D. Berry (from Feb 6). From the YouTube description: "Ted White has been in the science fiction field for over 70 years, as a fan, artist, fanzine editor and publisher, professional writer, editor and jazz critic..Ted talks about his solo fanzines and his fanzine collaborations, including one which was "an exercise in macho fanmanship". He describes his theory of fandom as an anarchistic meritocracy, his experiences with the Washington Science Fiction Association, and tells wonderful anecdotes about Lee Hoffman. And, from a first hand perspective, he talks about Walter Breen...My favorite quote from this part of the interview - "When I first became a fan, anyone else that was a fan was de facto my friend."

Fanzines Added:

--G2 or G Squared, Joe Gibson. Added 21 issues of this early 1960s perzine, along with 4 complete LoCs from Rick Sneary. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Iguanacon Blues, Bruce Arthurs. Added 2: Iguanacon Blues and Iguanacon Blues Redux. One man's view of the 1978 worldcon, Iguanacon. Scanned at Boskone 2020.

--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added #177 (Mar 1970). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue (Late January 2021). Thanks to Dale for sending. Thanks, Dale!

--Revolting Tales of Sex and Super-Science, John Bangsund. Added 4 issues from 1973-1974. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--Rune. Added 7 issues of Rune, with different editors. Added #19 (Art Roberts, Dec 1970), 22 (Lynn Torline and Chuck Holst, Apr 1971), and 38 (Bev Swanson, 1974). Added 4 issues edited by Fred Haskell - 41 (Dec 74), 45-47 (1975-76). Contributors include Jim Young, Reed Waller, Ken Fletcher, Leigh Edmonds, Grant Canfield and others. Scans by Joe Siclari

--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications, various. Added 15 publications: SFC Bulletins #12 and #13, edited by Meade Frierson III from 1974-5, Rebel Yells V2#1, edited by Guy Lillian III from 1983, SFC Bulletin V4 issues from P.L. Caruthers-Montgomery, V4#1-2 (1988), #4 (Jan 1989), #6-8 (1990-1991). Added 6 issues from volume 5, all edited by Sue Francis, from 1993-94. These provide a lot of information that might be useful background when we have the "Anecdotal History of Southern Fandom" zoom on Feb 20th. RSVP to Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Thyme, Alan Stewart. Added #96 (Mar 94) and #109 Local (May 96) of this Australian newszine. I believe with these, the run is now complete. Scan by Alan Stewart. Thanks, Alan!

--Tucker Bag, Jackie Franke. Added #3 (Jul 74) of this zine sent to contributors of the fan fund to bring Bob Tucker to Aussiecon I. Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

Suggestions and Corrections: Thanks to Kim Huett for suggesting an Axe 25B Willis article  for us to add to the splash page. Done, and thanks, Kim!

February 3, 2021
There's a new splash page up on our home page. This month, we are highlighting Walt Willis, a deeply missed and very gifted fan. The splash page lists the material we have by and about him on and points to relevant Fancy3 articles as well as the interview done for the MagiCon, the 50th Worldcon, where he was Fan Guest of Honor. Material from previous splash pages can be found at FANAC BNF pages.

Fanzines Added:

--1940s One Shots. Added "Nirvana 1", edited by Ken Bulmer from Fall, 1949. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Bangsund - Other Publications, John Bangsund. Added 2 items: "Postscript to Anzapa 57" (1977) and "Rewolf-Galf?" (Jun 79). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--DUFF. Added 7 ballots from 1975 to 1985. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--Foundation, various editors. Journal of the Science Fiction Foundation. Added 5 issues: #1 (Mar 1972), #45 (Spr 89), and 129-131 (2018). Scans provided by editor Paul March-Russell. Thanks, Paul!

--Godless, Bruce D. Arthurs. Added the complete 14 issues run of this 1970s fanzine. Contributors include Dave Locke, Terry Jeeves, Don D'Ammassa, Sheryl Birkhead and others. Ten of these issues were scanned last year at Boskone 2020, and the other four by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

--New Millennial Harbinger, John Bangsund. Added 2 issues: #8 (Jan 74) and #10 (Jun 74). Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added #5 (Jun 71). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, Irwin!

--Southern Fandom Confederation Publications, Meade Frierson III. Added 15 issues of the SFC Bulletin from 1972 to 1983. We're planning to put other publications from the SFC in this index including Handbooks and Rosters. If you're interested in Southern Fandom, remember that we have a Zoom history call on Feb 20th at 7PM to discuss "An Anecdotal History of Southern Fandom". RSVP to Scan for the SFC pubs are by Joe Siclari.


--2014 World Fantasy Convention. Added the Virgil Finlay Centennial catalog for the exhibit that Joe and I did for the 2014 World Fantasy Convention.

Fancyclopedia: Contributions this last month from Dave Langford, Zeah Zeldes Smith, Steven Silver, Steve Johnson, Thomas Bull, Gary McGath, Michael Lowrey and Darrah Chavney. Thanks, all!

January 30, 2021
Corrections: Thanks to Rob Hansen for spotting a problem with the dates on Roger Ebert's Stymie. Thanks, Rob!

--  Added a filk concert from 1987. From the YouTube description: "Leslie Fish was the special filk guest at Tropicon 6, held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in 1987. This recording captures (almost all of) her concert at the convention, and includes 12 songs. Of these, Leslie wrote eleven, including one song which is a posthumous collaboration with Rudyard Kipling. For decades, Leslie has been a towering presence in the filk world, with some of her songs achieving true iconic status. Her strong libertarian streak is on full display in this concert, as is her enormous skill with words and practiced performance."

--  Added part 2 of the FanHistory Interview of Ted White by John D. Berry. From the YouTube description: "Ted White has been a science fiction fan for over 70 years, as well as an artist, fanzine editor and publisher, professional writer, editor and jazz critic. Interviewer John D. Berry has known Ted for more than 50 years. In part 2 of the January 23, 2021 interview, Ted talks about how he began writing professional science fiction, and the influence of Marion Zimmer Bradley, Terry Carr, Bob Tucker and others. There are anecdotes of the New York Fanoclasts and of how the bid for the 1967 NyCon3 came about. Ted discusses "The Club House" column in Amazing Stories, responsible for bringing many into fandom in the early 1970s (including me), and speaks of his many fanzine collaborations, along with challenges along the way."

Donations: In the last 25 years, in addition to contributions of scans and physical material, has received monetary contributions (and thanks to all who provided financial and material support!). As the archive expands in size, and as we start to incorporate "ancient" audio and video, we appreciate those contributions even more. This last week we added a DONATE button to the home page for those that want to contribute funds. is non-profit organization approved by the IRS under section 501(c)(3).

Fanzines Added:

--1970s One Shots. Added "Leaves and Leaflets" from Mae Strelkov. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--A Bas, Boyd Raeburn. Added a full 2 page letter from Len Moffatt, dated May 16, 1959, intended as a LoC for issue #11. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Australian Science Fiction Monthly, John Bangsund. Added #1 (Dec 70) of this new-to-us title. Interesting article by George Turner in this issue. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Bangsund - Other Publications, John Bangsund. Added an index page for the minor publications done by John Bangsund. Some of these are very minor, others are a bit more substantial. Scans provided by Perry Middlemiss and Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Perry and Irwin!

--DUFF. Added 2 items: DUFF Newsletter V3#1 from Joyce Scrivner (1982) and DUFF 2K the Newsletter from Terry Frost and Janice Gelb (2000). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--First Fandom Publications. Added 3 items: First Fandom Magazine #8 (Roy Tackett, Feb 63), and 2 issues of ScientiFiction edited by Mark Shulzinger (Win 96, Spr 98). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Goon Defective Agency Publications, John Berry and ATom. "A Goonzine One Shot 1" (Jan 56). Scan by Joe Siclari

--Gripes and Groans, Rick Sneary. Added what we believe is the complete 2 issue run of this 1940s fanzine. However, the 2nd issue is marked #3. Pavlat-Evans isn't sure if there's an issue between. I've marked it as issue 2. Does anyone know? Scan by Joe Siclari.

--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 31. Thanks Evelyn and Mark!

--Outlander. Added Outlander News Review #1 from Len Moffatt (Jul 1951). It's short, just 3 pages, and mostly it's a Westercon 4 convention report. "Bidding at the Auction was healthy. Outstanding items were a Bonestell original, originals by G. Faraco and a Bradbury manuscript." Scan by Joe Siclari.

--PSFS News. Added 14 issues, almost all from the late 90s and all but one edited by Carol Kabakjian. Added Jan 97 (Beck Jollensten), and Aug 91, Jan-Mar 98, July-Nov 98, Feb-Mar 99 and May 99. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Sinisterra, G.M. Carr. Added #1 (Apr 50) of this publication by the Nameless Ones. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Sirius, Erwin Scudla. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title from 1959-1961. Sirius was "the newsletter and magazine of the ISFS - International Science Fiction Society". Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Speculative Review, Dick Eney. Added 7 of the 8 issues of this new-to-us title. Speculative Review was a reviewzine from WSFA in the early 60s. All we need is the one issue from 1957 edited by John Magnus. It's going on the One and Done  list! Scans by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements: The Science Fiction Fan, Olon Wiggins. Replaced issue #48 with a searchable PDF. OCR by Joe Siclari.


--Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out a problem with the page titles on Bob Tucker's Le Zombie  #36. Thanks, Sam!

--Thanks to Rob Hansen for finding a problem in the Chronological List of Fanzines, and on a page in FANAC 41 (Ron Ellik & Terry Carr). The first was a software bug, and has now been fixed by Mark Olson. I fixed the other one. Thanks Rob and Mark!

January 27, 2021
FanHistory Zooms: Announcing two more FanHistory Zoom sessions.

--February 6, 2021, 4PM EST (1PM PST, 9PM London, 8AM Sunday in Sydney) - A continuation of the Ted White interview by John D. Berry. The Jan 23 session ran 2 hours, and there was lots more to go over. Attendees clamored for more, and therefore, we are planning a part 2. RSVP to for the Zoom link.

--February 20, 2021, 7PM EST (4PM PST, 12:00 AM London, 11AM Sunday in Sydney) - An Anecdotal History of Southern US Fandom, with Toni Weisskopf, Janice Gelb and Guy Lillian III. Get a perspective on Southern Fandom from the inside. Topics expected to include history and impact of conventions and Worldcons, clubs and fanzines, and bigger than life individuals. RSVP to for the Zoom link.

YouTube:  Added Part 1 of the FanHistory Interview of Ted White by John D. Berry. From the YouTube description: Ted White has been a science fiction fan for over 70 years. His career spans the gamut from artist to fanzine editor and publisher to professional writer, editor and jazz critic. He is considered by many to be the current patriarch of fannish fandom. Interviewer John D. Berry has known Ted for more than 50 years. In this portion of the interview, Ted talks about how he got into fandom at 13 in Virginia, how he started publishing fanzines , and his journey to New York City leading to the start of his professional writing career. He gives insight about his artistic roots, and his theories of editing and publishing fanzines." This is part 1 of part 1 - there's another hour of the first session to put on YouTube.

Donations: In the last 25 years, in addition to contributions of scans and physical material, has received monetary contributions (and thanks to all who provided financial and material support!). As the archive expands in size, and as we start to incorporate "ancient" audio and video, we appreciate those contributions even more. This week we added a DONATE button to the home page for those that want to help fund our efforts. is non-profit organization approved by the IRS under section 501(c)(3).

Fanzines Added:

--Doorway, Greg Benford FAPAzine. Added #1 (May 70). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Dark Star, Terry Carr OMPAzine. Added the 2 issue run from 1962-63. In addition to Terry Carr, contributors include Ted White, ATom, Bill Rotsler, Ray Nelson and Alva Rogers. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Drift, Gary Farber. Added 4 issues of this new-to-us genzine from the 1970s. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--DUFF. Added 3 items: Two from Rusty Hevelin - "DUFFund '76 Newsletter 1" and "DUFFund '77 Newsletter 1", both March 76. A third from Derek Carter and Mike Glicksohn - "And Lo God Made Rotsler for DUFF". Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Fiawol, Joyce and Arnie Katz. Added #8 of this newszine, from Jan 1974. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The Lindsay Trader, Ethel Lindsay. A 1971 catalogue of items for sale. At the time, $2 was equivalent to 40p, or at least that's what Ethel Lindsay suggested. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Masque, William Rotsler. Added #3 (Nov 48), a contribution from Charles Burbee, and lots of art from Bill and from Russ Manning, and Sydney Stibbard who apparently were roommates at one time. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Monster-Times, James Taurasi newszine. Added issue #1, focusing on guess what. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Added 10 issues of Philosophical Gas and an Index to Paregon Papers: #9 (Dec 71), 70 (May 87), 76 (Oct 88), 78-79 (Feb-May 90), 82-83 (1992), 85 (Apr 93), 86A (Aug 93) and 87 (Spr 94). Scans by Perry Middlemiss and Irwin Hirsh. Thanks, guys!

--Pluto, Vincent and Mavis Manning. Added the issue from the Denventioneer Combozine (Summer 41). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--SFSFS Shuttle. Added 9 issues of this clubzine, along with a supplement with Bylaws and Procedures (1992). Added #16 (Nancy Atherton, Jun 86), 36 (Gary Alan Ruse, Apr 88), 40 (Carol Porter, Jul 88), 66 (Gerry Adair, Sep 90), 101 (Francine Mullen, Aug 93), 107 (Judy Bemis, Feb 94), 117 (Shirlene Ananayo, Jan 95), 126 (Shirlene Ananayo, Aug 96) and 138 (Carolos Perez, May 99). Scans by Joe Siclsri

--Southern Fandom, Lionel Inman. Added #2 of this new-to-us title, from 1948. Pavlat Evans says there are 3 more issues out there somewhere. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Spartacus, Guy Lillian III perzine. Added the lastest issue, #45. Thanks, Guy!

--TAFF. Added 3 items: Demi-TAFF 1 (Ulrika O'Brien, Feb 98), Snufkin Goes West 1 (Maureen Kincaid Speller, 98) and "Special Message from TAFFboy" (Dan Steffan, Aug 95). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Trap Door, Robert Lichtman. Added #15 (May 95). Contributors include John Foyster, Arnie Katz, Redd Boggs, Arthur Thomson, Carol Carr and Ray Nelson. We only need one more issue to complete the run of Trap Door - #20. It's going on the We-Only-Need-1  list. Anybody willing to scan us a copy? Scan for #15 done by Joe Siclari.

January 24, 2021
Fanzines Added:

--DUFF. Added 3 more items: 1) DUFF Newsletter #4 by Ken Fletcher from 1980, and 2) 2 issues of a DUFF Newsletter from Jerry Kaufman (1984-1985). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added 2 issues: #27 (Spr 53) and #39 (Win 78). A little gap there. Contributors include Sam Moskowitz and George Wetzel. Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Kim Gibbs. Thanks, Kim!

--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added the "John W. Campbell Symposium Programme" from John Bangsund (to go along with the Tribute). Scanning by Perry Middlemiss and Irwin Hirsh. Thanks guys!

--Les Souris Dansent, John Bangsund perzine. Added 3 issues: #2-4 (1993-4). Scans by Irwin Hirsh and Perry Middlemiss. Thanks guys!

--Le Zombie, Bob Tucker. Added "Le Gruesome Zombie 1", which Tucker did with Dean Grennell (Jul 55). Le Gruesome Zombie is "a serious constructive burbee-type one-shot". Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The New Millennial Harbinger, John Bangsund APAzine. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from 1974. Scans by Perry Middlemiss and Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Perry and Irwin!

--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 30. Thanks, Evelyn and Mark!

--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added "Outworlds First Five Years Index". Despite a 1976 publication date, the zine says this index should go between issues 22 and 23. We don't have issue 22, so it's sitting before issue 23 waiting. If anyone has an issue 22 and can scan it, that would be great. Scan for Outworlds First Five Years Index was by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks, Jerry!

--Philosophical Gas, John Bangsund. Are you detecting a pattern? Perry and Irwin have been methodically scanning through John Bangsund's zines so we can put them up. Added 7 issues: #1-2 (Sep-Oct 70), 7 (Sep 71), 51 (Jul 80), 64 (Fall 83), 67 (Feb 85) and 80 (Nov 90). Scans for all but #80 by Irwin Hirsh. Scan for 80 from Irwin Hirsh and Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, Irwin! Thanks, Perry!

--SaFari, Earl Kemp. Added issue V2#1 from 1963. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The Scarr, George Charters. Added #12 aka #110. Now we're only missing a single issue - #3 - and it's going on the One-and-Done list. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--SF Commentary, usually Bruce Gillespie. Added #27 aka Journal of Omphalistic Epistemology #5, and this issue says it is edited by John Foyster. SF Commentary is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Shangri-LA. Replaced our copy of #22 with a complete copy. The one that had been online was missing a few pages. Bonus - the new copy is a searchable PDF. Shangri-LA is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Shangri-L'Affaires. Added #77, edited by Marty Cantor and Mike Glyer from 1980. Shangri-L'Affaires is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Snickersnee, Robert Silverberg. Added 3 issues with creative numbering, from 1967 to 1977. I think I have them in the right order. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Space Diversions, Tom Owens and John Roles. Added issue #3 (Oct 1952). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Stellar, Ted White. Added 2 items - issue #20 (1958) and a 12 page 1956 parody issue "Speller" by Jack Harness. Stellar is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--TAFF. Added 4 more items: 1) TAFF from Hyphen 4 (1953), 2) an Ethel Lindsay ad for a TAFF Trip Report from 1962, 3) Taffeta 4 from Rob Hansen (May 86) and 4) Have Bag Will Travel, parts 1-4 by Martin Tudor (1996 TAFF report). Scans by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:

--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Replaced issue #11 with a searchable PDF. OCR by Joe Siclari.

--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Replaced 12 entries with searchable PDFs: Flyer 4, the 1970 Egoboo Poll, #13, #29.5, and #32-39. OCR by Joe Siclari.

Conpubs (only a partial accounting):

--Aussiecon One  - Added two bidding publications by Leigh Edmonds - Australia in 75 Bulletins #1 and #2. Scans by Perry Middlemiss and Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin and Perry!

--NyCon3  - Added the Hugo nomination form to the NyCon3 publications. Scan by Joe Siclari.

January 20, 2021
Fanzines Added:

--1940s One Shots  - 2 items. A "1940 Chicon Scrapbook and Everyfan's Guide including Pong's Rules of Order" from Bob Tucker and "Foo" from Boff Perry. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Choog, Lee Shaw aka Lee Hoffman. Added 2 issues of this FAPAzine, from 1957, both focused on folk music. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Chronicle of Fandom, Joe Siclari. Added issue #1 from Nov 1995. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--DUFF. Started an index page for DUFF related materials, similar to the one we have for TAFF. So far, we've put up: 12 files: 2 issues of DUFFberry Bush (Cantor, 1986), DUFFLE Bag (Joni Stopa, 1985) and 9 DUFF ballots from 1974 to 2000. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Fan Activity Achievement Awards and Zine Fan. Set up an index for this activity and added the 1975 Ballot (Moshe Feder), Zine Fan 2 (Linda Bushyager, 1975) and Zine Fan 4 (Don D'Ammassa, 1975). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Hanrahan, John Bangsund perzine. Added 3 issues: #1-2, and 4. Scans by Irwin Hirsh.

--Isomer, Peter Graham. Added #2 (Sep 55) of this new-to-us title. Dean Grennell and Robert Bloch have pieces in this issue. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Larrikin, Perry Middlemiss and Irwin Hirsh. Added the complete 22 issue run of this mid-late 80s fanzine from Australia, along with an index. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh and Perry Middlemiss. Thanks guys!

--Operation Fantast, Ken Slater. Added the 1952 and 1953 Operation Fantast Handbooks. The Handbooks were intended to be an annual reference work, and included info like lists of literary agents, clubs and societies by country, and book dealers (also by country). Operation Fantast is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Scythrop and Australian Science Fiction Review, John Bangsund. Added 3 issues of Scythrop: #25-27 (1972) to complete the run. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh and Perry Middlemiss. Thanks, guys!

--TAFF. Added 20 items: 14 TAFF ballots ranging from 1961 to 2018, TAFF Progress Report 5 (1963), a "Wanted for TAFF" ATom flyer (1964), "Letters Concerning TAFF" (Joy Goodwin, Dec 1954), TAFF Door #2, #4 (Robert Lichtman, 1991) and TAFF Newsletter (Jeanne Bowman, Dec 1992). I rearranged the index a little, and put all the TAFF Ballots together. It's now organized into ballots, reports, and other publications. The other publications are listed chronologically rather than alphabetically. If you have a better organizational approach, let me know (send to Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Tightbeam. Added 4 issues: #12 (Ray Higgs, Mar 62), 15 (Wally Weber, Sep 62), 32 (Art Hayes, Jul 65), and 35 (Bill Mallardi, Jan 66). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--The Tucker Bag, Jackie Franke. Added 3 issues of this occasional newszine sent to contributors to The Tucker Bag, a fan fund to bring Bob Tucker to Aussiecon 1. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--TNFF, various editors. Added 6 issues, the 1961 Story Contest Winners, and a Chicon flyer: V7#2-4 (Ray Higgs, Apr-Aug 1948), V13?#? from Aug 54, edited by Merrill Malkerson, V20#3 (Ralph Holland, Jun 61), V22#4 (Donald Franson, Aug 63). Also added a flyer for the NFFF Chicon Hospitality Suite (1962). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Toto, Walt Willis, et al. Added 5 issues which had been represented only by index pages. Issues 1, 3, 6, 11 and 12 from 1953-1953. Replaced the remainder with searchable PDFs as well.

--Yearbooks. Added the 2 page Joe Kennedy intro to the 1945 Fan Poll. Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:

--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Replaced 34 entries in the index between issues 1 and 10, including various flyers and supplements, #40-43, 46, 49 and 51-67. OCR by Joe Siclari.

--Trip Reports. Replaced Don Ford's 1960 "TAFF Baedecker" report with two searchable PDFs, reflected the way it was published. OCR by Joe Siclari.


--Midwestcon 5 article, by Leah Zeldes Smith. Leah has put together a fascinating look at the "Midwestcon Incident" - when Harlan Ellison supposedly waterbagged Jim Harmon, and Harmon, out of anger, retaliated by putting his fist through Harlan's hotel room door. Putting together commentary from contemporary fanzines, Leah has crafted a well researched, well rounded look at this well known bit of fannish history. Well worth reading. Thanks, Leah!

Conpubs (only a partial accounting):

--Convention pubs  We've added a slew of publications related to Concertina, Consonance, Darkovercon, OVFF, and Marcon, thanks to Eli Goldberg who provided us with scans. Thanks, Eli! And thanks to Mark Olson for putting them online.

--ConFusion. Added 3 program books for 3 years of ConFusion (2003-2005). All 3 provided by Anne Gray. Thanks, Anne!

Corrections: Thanks to Rob Hansen for pointing out a broken link in the Psychotic/SF Review index.

January 16, 2021
Fanzines Added:

--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Replaced issue #28, with the two missing pages now present. Thanks to Kim Gibbs for scanning the missing pages for us!

--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added 4 issues: #1 (May 60), 86 (Sep 65), 88 (Oct 65), and 98 (Mar 66). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue of this, the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 29. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!

--Operation Fantast, Ken Slater. Added the first 2 issues of this important UK fanzine. Operation Fantast is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, Edgar Allan Poe's Birthday 2021. Thanks, Dale!

--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. Added 2 issues: #12 (Mar 48) and #62 (Mar 56). Spacewarp is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Tattooed Dragons, Voyages and others, Bill Rotsler. Added 3 of Rotsler's artzines: Tattooed Dragon (1957), Tattooed Dragon Meets the Beat Generation (1962), and Tattooed Dragon and the Idol's Eye (1974). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--SFSFS Shuttle. Added #109 (Apr 94), edited by Francine Mullen. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The Southern Fan. Added 2 issues: #3 (Jerry Burge, Nov 60) and #14 (Lloyd D. Broyles, Nov 62). The Southern Fan was the "Official organ o the Southern Fandom Group". Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Tangent, Lee Hoffman. Added #2 (Spr 1952) of this FAPAzine. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Texas SF Inquirer, Alexander Slate. Added #54 from April 1995. Texas SF Inquirer is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Tumbrils, James Blish. Added #15 from 1948. This was done for VAPA. Contributors include Eric Frank Russell and Chan Davis. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Corrections: Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith, Jerry Kaufman, Suzle Tompkins, Amy Wolfthal, Lori Meltzer, Robin Johnson, and Ell Schulman for photo corrections in a variety of directories.

January 13, 2021
Fanzines Added:

--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the Jan 21 issue of CyberCozen - "Israel's longest running and only English language SF fanzine". Thanks, Leybl!

--Drilkjis, Dave Langford and Kevin Smith. Added issue #5 to complete the run. In addition to the edditors, contributors include Chris Priest, Joseph Nicholas, Peter Nicholls, Rob Hansen, Jim Cawthrone and Phil Foglio. Scan provided by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!

--Hanrahan, John Bangsund perzine. Added #3, from Feb 80. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added 7 issues from the 1960s: #30-31, 34, 41-43 and 116. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--KiwiFan, Roger Horrocks. Added 2 issues of this New Zeland zine from the mid50s.

--Klein Bottle, Terry Carr. Added the complete 6 issue run from 1959-1960. This was distributed through FAPA. conributors include Bob Tucker, Bill Rotsler, Jack Speer, Ray Nelson, Dan Adkins, Charles Burbee, ATom, F.M. Busby, Ron Elik, Bruce Pelz, and of course, Terry Carr. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Mimosa, Rich and Nicki Lynch. Added a supplement to #11. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added #30, extracted from Xenolith  #4. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Rhodoagnetic Digest, Donald Baker Moore. Added #10 (Nov 50). Contributors include Leland Sapiro, Don Fabun, Fred Brown, Marion Z. Bradley and J. Lloyd Eaton. Rhodomagnetic Digest, "being the proceedings of the Eleves', Gnomes' and Little Men's Science-Fiction Chowder and Marching Society" is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Science Fiction Weekly, Robert Lowndes. Added 9 issues to complete the run of this 1940 newszine. Added #2-3, 5-7, 10, 12-14. Sample headline from #6 - "Weird Tales Stays Weird", an article to the effect that Weird Tales was NOT becoming a horror magazine. Scans provided by David Ritter. Thanks, David!

--Sfaira, Lars Helander. Added 3 issues of this new-to-us title from 1956-1957. Sfaira is a Swedish zine written in English. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Sydney Futurian, Vol Molesworth and Graham Stone. Added issue #1 of this newzine, from Sept 1947. Scan by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!

--TAFF, Equal Time 1A and 1B (Feb 65), from Bjo Trimble, John Trimble, Al Lewis and Stan Woolston. This was published Ace Double style, to support Jock Root and Terry Carr for TAFF. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Tightbeam, clubzine of the NFFF. Added 6 issues: #23 (Jan 64, Felice Rolfe), 25 (May 64, Art Hayes), 26 (Jul 64, Roy Tackett), 38 (Jul 66, Bill Bruce), 39 (Sep 66, Stan Woolston), 78 (Oct 73, Stan Woolston). Scans by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements: 3 runs completely replaced!

--Fantastic Worlds, Edward Ludwig and Sam Sackett. Replaced all 8 issues of this early 1950s fanzine with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

--Granfalloon, Linda Bushyager. Replaced the full run of 20 issues with searchable PDFs. Also broke out the art portfolios into separate line items. OCR by Joe Siclari.

--Slant, Walt Willis. Replaced all issues except #1 with searchable PDFs, along with Inclinations (the Slant 6 supplement) and a 1953 questionnaire. OCR by Joe Siclari.

Conpubs (only a partial accounting): Added Hugo Nomination ballots for Baycon (1968) and St. Louiscon (1969) under their listings in Conpubs. The Baycon ballot was scanned by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!

Corrections: Added some names corrections to photos from the 1996 Eastercon. Correct identifications provided by Udo Emmerich. Thanks, Udo!

January 9, 2021
On Monday, I uploaded Part 1 of one of Harlan Ellison's programs at IguanaCon. It's at From the description on YouTube: "Guest of Honor Harlan Ellison held forth for hours in "Burning the Phoenix: Remarks, Dark & Light." This audio recording, illustrated with images, is the 1st 40 minutes of that talk. Harlan tells a great story about Avon, talks about The Tonight Show, his script for Asimov's "I, Robot" and about his plans for "The Last Dangerous Visions". Harlan was a charismatic, funny, witty speaker, and at this event, he is talking to a large audience of his appreciative and enthusiastic fans. "

Fanzines Added:

--Convention, Andy Porter. Added a flyer from 1972. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Energumen, Susan Wood from A Room of One's Own. The piece on Susan Wood is listed at the bottom of the Energumen index page. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Gobrin Gazette, Eli Cohen perzine. Added both issues of this short run perzine from the mid70s. Zines provided by Eli Cohen. Thanks Eli!

--Granfalloon, Linda Bushyager. We have the complete run of Granfalloon, but today we added a hoax zine, "Grand Balloon" edited by Craig Miller from 1973, and an art portfolio from 1972 by Walt Simonson. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Metrofan, David MacDonald. Added issue #5 and a letterzine "M/Folly" from June 1958. Metrofan was "unofficial publication of the New York Fandom Council." Scan by Joe Siclari.

--MT_Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 28. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!

--Null-F, Ted White. Added 2 issues: #32 (Feb 63) and #51 (Feb 75), the 20th annish. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Philosophical Gas and Parergon Papers, John Bangsund. Added 6 issues of Philosophical Gas: #14-19 (distributed as one, Dec 72), and one of Parergon Papers - #6 (Jan 78). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Rhodomagnetic Digest, Donald Baker Moore. Added issue #7 (Jun 50). Rhodomagnetic Digest is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Rumble, John Magnus. Added 3 issuess to complete the run. Issues added: #2, 4, 14 as well as a LOC for #11. All are from 1957-58. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Stellar, Ted White and Larry Stark. Added 2 issues: #11 (1957) and #17 (1958). Issue 11 includes contributions by Marion Zimmer Bradlye, Harry Warner Jr, Charles Burbee, Lee Hoffman (as Lee Shaw) and Ray Nelson among others. Stellar is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Tattooed Dragons, Bill Rotsler. Added 2 Tattooed Dragon artzines: "The Curse of the Tattooed Dragon", 1973 and the "The Tattooed Dragon and the Queen of Mars" (1975). This index page lists the ones we don't have as well. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Third Foundation, Lee Gold. Added issue #81 (Mar 68). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--TNFF. Added 4 issues: V18#1 (Ray Higgs, Mar 59), V23#6 (Donald Franson, Nov 64), V23#7 (Wally Weber, Dec 64), V24#2 (Wally Weber, Apr 65). TNFF is a publication of the National Fantasy Fan Federation. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Trap Door, Robert Lichtman. Added 12 issues: #21-26, 29-33 from 2002 through 2016. BTW, the page count listed in the index is about half the correct count, as they were scanned 2 up. So, twice the reading pleasure for you. Trap Door is a core fanzine for us to scan. These issues provided by Bill Burns, and they are also available at Thanks, Bill!

PDF Replacements: Enchanted Duplicator, Walt Willis and Bob Shaw. All the versions of this (and there are many) are replaced with searchable PDFs. The links are all collected here. If you know of any other versions, please let us know. I think we're missing one. OCR by Joe Siclari.

January 2, 2021
We're planning our 2nd Fanhistory Zoom for January. Scheduled for January 23, at 4PM EST, we will have an interview of Ted White by John D. Berry. Ted has been a fan for almost 70 years, and there's a lot to talk about. Please send your RSVPs to, and I'll send you the link a day or two before the talk.

Two of the largest fanzines ever produced are now up on See the listings below for Outworlds 71 and for Warhoon 28. These are enormous, worthwhile labors of love and you should read them.

One of the comments that came in response to one of the splash pages was that we should keep the BNF splash pages permanently somewhere. Great idea. We're saving them in -  . Warning: These are a point in time snapshot of materials we have on line when the splash pages were done. They won't be updated as we put up new material, although they may be updated a little later. Example: Since her splash page was up last September, we've added LeeH's perzine "Self-Preservation" and her "Inadequate Time Machine".

Fanzines added:

--1940s One Shots, X Prime 1. Destruction of the original futurians, signed by Larry Shaw, James Blish, Judy Zissman, Damon Knight, Chester Cohen, Virginia Emden and Bob Lowndes. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Algol, Andrew Porter. Added 2 issues: #26 (Sum 76) and 33 (Win 78). Algol is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The Bug Eye, R diger b. Gosejacob, Helmut Klemm and Rolf C. Gindorf. The Bug Eye is a new-to-us West German title from the early 60s, and today we've added 10 issues. Earlier issues are German with some English, and later issues are mostly in English. Joe Siclari adds, "This is the only zine I know of that directly addressed fannish attitudes regarding Germans and Nazis and Jews." Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added 8 issues of this genzine, from the mid 60s. Issues added: #65-66, 68, 72, 75, 79, 81 and 84. The last two pages from #65 are ripped out of our copy, so if anyone has it and can scan them for us, we'll update the pdf. Thanks. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 27. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!

--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added two teaser PDFs, the magnificent Outworlds 71 (a posthumous publication) and "Afterworlds, An Eclectic Bill Bowers Appreciation and Fanthology ", edited by Pat Virzi, Jeanne Bowman, Rich Coad, and Alan Rosenthal, design, layout & production by Pat Virzi. These are monumental publications, totaling over 500 pages of high quality material. You can acquire paper copies via Amazon, with proceeds going to benefit the Fan Funds. Well done, guys. And thanks to Pat Virzi for providing them to us to put online. Thanks, Pat!

--Slant, Walt Willis. Didn't add any issues, because Slant is complete. However, we did add two indexes, one by contributor and one by issue. Indexes created by Joe Siclari.

--Snickersnee, Robert Silverberg FAPAzine. Added 2 issues: #1 (Jun 76), and Vol?#!(Spr 72). Issue 1 scanned by Eli Cohen, and the strangely identified issue by Joe Siclari. Thanks, Eli. Thanks Joe too, but since he is leading this project, he gets fewer exclamation points.

--Warhoon, Richard Bergeron. Added Warhoon 28! We've put this up in 3 parts because it's so large. This 668 page mimeographed zine was published in hardback in May 1978. It is a complete collection of the writings of Walt Willis, including "The Harp that Once or Twice", "The Harp Stateside" and "Twice Upon a Time". Warhoon 28 was nominated for the 1981 Best Non-Fiction Book Hugo. If you haven't read Walt Willis before, this is very much worth your while. Warhoon is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan for #28 by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!

PDF Replacements:
--Cry of the Nameless, F. M. Busby edited these issues. We replaced 35 issues: 115 (May 58), 130-145 (Aug 59-Dec 60), 151-160 (Jun 61-May 62), and 162-169 (Aug 62-Aug 63), along with ephemera. With these, we have replaced all the issues we have with searchable PDFs. Phew. Cry is a core fanzine for us to scan. OCR by Joe Siclari.

December 30, 2020
It's the last update for 2020. Wishing you all a better, safer, more joyful year to come.

YouTube: Uploaded on Dec 27, the video of Rob Hansen's Virtual walking tour of fannish London. From the YouTube description: "In the midst of the Covid pandemic, Rob Hansen, noted historian of British fandom, takes us on a virtual walking tour of fannish Holborn (London). Using video and audio clips, along with historical photos, Rob provides a thoughtful and insightful look at British fan history. He talks about early fans, conventions, fanzines, clubs, and the impact of WWII. As this is a walking tour, many of the stops are legendary pubs - the favored meeting places for London fandom for many decades. This is a live recording too - about 35 fans from two continents attended the zoom call where this was presented, and the video includes their Q&A." Find it at  Thanks Rob, for a great tour!

Fanzines added:
--Awry, Dave Locke. Added #9 (Aug 75) of this genzine. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added 27 issues of this genzine, mostly from the early 60s. Added issues #2-13, 15, 50-52, 57-62, 64, 97, 118, 157, and 179. Contributors include Ted White, Marion Bradley, Red Boggs, Rog Ebert (#11), John Magnus and others. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Ornithopter, Leigh Edmonds perzine. Added 5 issues of this new-to-us title from the late 70s/early 80s. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--I Palantir, Ted Johnstone. Added #2 of this Tolkien fanzine out of LA in the mid 60s. Ted Johnstone edited the first 2 issues, and Bruce Pelz edited the last two. We're only missing #1 to complete the run, so it's going on the One and Done Begging list. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Rosebud, Mari Beth Wheeler. Added #5 (Mar 46) of "fandom's intimate fanzine". Not only is Bob Tucker on the TOC, but so is H.P. Pong. We have only one issue left to complete the run - we're missing #1. So, it's going on the One and Done list too. Scan of issue 5 was by Joe Siclari.
--Self-Preservation, Lee Hoffman. Added 2 more issues of Lee's perzine: #3 (Sum 62) and #9 (Aug 66). Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Short Enough To Be Interesting, Eli Cohen. Added the full 4 issue run of Eli's perzine from the mid 1970s. Thanks, Eli!
--Sirruish, Leigh Couch and the Ozark Science Fiction Association. Added 4 isses: #9-12 from the early 1970s. Issue 11 has an article on where the zine got its name. Hint: it has to do with cuneiform and dragons. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. Added issues #2 and 3 of this newszine from fall of 1969. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Twll-Ddu, Dave Langford perzine. Added 11 issues, plus an apology and a flyer. Issues: #1-7 (Apr 76-May 77), 12.5 (Aug 78), 14 (Oct 78), 16 (Jul 79), and 20 (Apr 83). Twll-Ddu won the 1977 Nova Award for best fanzine, and three Checkpoint Fan Polls. Twll-Ddu is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:
--Cry of the Nameless, F. M. Busby edited these issues. We replaced 16 issues: 130-145 from Aug 1959 to Dec 1960. Cry is a core fanzine for us to scan. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Fantasy Fan, Charles Hornig. Replaced #2, 15 with searchable PDFs. Scan/OCR by Kim Huett. Thanks, Kim!
--Innuendo, Terry Carr. Replaced 9 more issues with searchable PDFs. Now the whole run is in that format. OCR by Joe Siclari.

Convention Pubs (partial update): Thanks, delayed: Thanks to Anne Gray for sending us Smofon 2000 and Confusion 2009 pubs. You can find them at  and

December 26, 2020
Fanzines added:
--1930s One Shots. Starting off this new index page with a single entry - "The Science Fiction Circular", a one page zine from Sam Moskowitz.
--1950s One Shots. Added 3: Terry Carr's "The BNF of Iz", Lin Carter's "Sandalwood and Jade" and Sam Moskowitz's "Science Fiction Market Survey 1956". The BNF of Iz was already up as an article, retyped by Judy Bemis in (I think) the 1990s. It's replaced here with a searchable PDF facsimile copy. Lin Carter's zine is subtitled "Poems of the Exotic and the Strange" and is scanned from the copy he gave to Lee Hoffman. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Added an undated one shot "Fanalog" from Shelby Vick. If anyone has a different/better sense of what decade (or year) it belongs in, please let me know. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--1970s One Shots. Starting this index page with 4 short one shots from Eli Cohen. Thanks Eli!
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts, added Vol 1 of the Complete Bob Shaw - "The Best of the Bushel". Scan by Joe Siclari (and the copy was autographed to Joe by Bob).
--Fandom Speaks, Rex Ward and Jack Clements. Added 4 issues of this late 1940s letterzine. We're only missing #5, so it's going into the One-And-Done Begging List. Joe adds," Laney wrote a letter to Fandom Speaks but it had folded. The letter is in Fan-Dango 17." Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Moss on the North Side, also MOS on the North Side, Eli Cohen. Added the complete 17 issue run of Eli's perzine from the late 70s/early 80s. He started the zine while living in Canada and changed the name when he moved to NY. Scans provided by Eli Cohen. Thanks, Eli!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. We Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 26. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--The Scientifiction Scout, Gerry de la Ree. Added the last issue, #7 of this new-to-us title from 1941. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Sinisterra. Added #6 (Fall 1954), edited and William Austin and Royal Drummond. This is a publications of the Nameless Ones club (Seattle). Contributors include Wally Weber, G.M. Carr, and F.M. Busby. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Tightbeam, various editors. Added 4 issues and an 18 page supplemental issue: #10s (1961), 13 (May 1962), 17-18 (Jan-Mar 1963), and 20 (Jul 1963). Issue #18 was edited by Bill Mallardi and Bill Bowers, later of Double Bill fame. Scans by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:
--Cry of the Nameless, Wally Weber, and Buz & Elinor Busby edited these issues. We replaced 15 issues: 101, 109, 120-121, 126-129, 170-175, and 184 from Mar 1957 - Sep 1969. Cry is a core fanzine for us to scan. OCR by Joe Siclari.

December 23, 2020
Notable: is resplendent in a new SSL certificate. You'll notice that there's a little locked lock next to the url at the top of the page. If your browser was telling you we were insecure, this should make the nagging go away.

Last weekend's Zoom call - Rob Hansen's virtual tour of Fannish Holborn: I forgot to mention that all the photos that were used in the Zoom call are online in the Fanac Fan Photo album section. If photos went by too quickly for you, you can dwell on them at your leisure at The photos are arranged in the order of the stops on the tour, so you can retrace Rob's steps as you go. If you weren't able to join the call, you can still look forward to the tour. I'm hoping to put the recording up on our YouTube channel  RSN.

Fanzines added:
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the December 2020 issue. Thanks Leybl!
--Fantasy News, William Sykora. Added issue #149 (mismarked as 150) from May 1941. Scan provided by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Horizons, Harry Warner, Jr. Added #152 (Feb 1978). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Musicals and Plahys, Requiem for a Fake Fan, by James O'Meara. This was done for Pittcon, the 1960 worldcon. It's also listed with the rest of the Pittcon pubs. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs. Added the latest issue, Saturnalia 2020. Thanks, Dale!
--Rhodomagnetic Digest, Don Fabun. Added 4 issues: #14-16 (1951), and 22 (edited by Al haLevy, 1962). Rhodomagntic Digest is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Self-Preservation, Lee Hoffan FAPAzine. This is a new title for us, and we've added 5 issues from the 1960s. FYI, issue 10 is the "Special Legible issue in commemoration of the fact that I bought a new impression roller.)". Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Rune, various editors, from the Minnesota Science Fiction Society aka Minn-Stf. Added 10 issues and an envelope: #37.5, 72 (and envelope), 73-74, 82, 87-91. Scans courtesy of Matthew Strait and Minn-Stf. Thanks Matt!
--Tink, Mae Strelkov. Added issue #9 (Aug 1973). Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:
--Cry of the Nameless, G.M. Carr, Wally Weber, and F.M. Busby for these issues. We replaced 27 issues: 21 from the early 1950s, and 6 from the early 1960s. Cry is a core fanzine for us to scan. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Innuendo, Terry Carr. Replaced issue #4 with a searchable PDF. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Luna, Frank Dietz. Replaced 4 issues: #1-2, and 4-5 from the 1960s with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Spanish Inquisition, Jerry Kaufman and Suzle Tompkins. Replaced all the issues we have with searchable PDFs. Want to egoscan? Now you can do that courtesy of Ctrl-F. We are still missing issues 1 and 2. If you have them, we'd love to get a scan. I did go egoscan for chair, Joe Siclari. I found this from Jerry in #6 - "Vaguely square of shape and slow of speech, Joe is an omnibus collector. No, I take that back. Joe does not collect omnibuses, thank God. He does collect movies, fanzines, sf pulps, film, mystery and sf books, projectors, piano rolls... I expect the walls of our new apartment to be covered with paper (spines neatly out) from wall to shining wall." Joe hasn't changed much. And of course, OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Stellar, Ted White and Larry Stark. Replaced all 10 issues that we have with searchable PDFs. Stellar is a core fanzine for us to scan. OCR by Joe Siclari. Joe's note on Stellar: "Fan fiction (fiction about fans), not amateur science fiction, has appeared in fanzines for many years. I think the best period for this was during the 1950s. From The Enchanted Duplicator to The BNF of Iz and more, we had some marvelous ideas mitered with good writing. For six issues from when it started Stellar carried the epitome. These zines are still worth reading again. Fiction by Brandon White, Stark, Harness, plus Grennell - and that was the first issue. Carr, Ashworth, Shaw and Hoffwoman (as Lee Shaw), plus Calkins, Ellison, Jeeves, Willis and quite a few others. The "Death of Science Fiction" serial may have overshadowed other pieces but there was much good stuff to read, even Mike Hammer (sort of) - and of varied enough styles so that it didn't blend into a mush as so much fan fiction seems to. There were other features as well, reviews, articles. Ted White carried it all in the best looking zine of its time. His color mimeography was superb and the layout utilized modern (for its time) styling. It couldn't last. With the exception of #18 with (Willis and Hammer), the later issues were just standard White fare."

December 19, 2020
Noteworthy: Today we held the first Fanhistory Zoom session. Rob Hansen gave a virtual tour of Holborn (London) fannish history. Using video, audio and still photos, Rob gave an interesting and entertaining illustrated tour, much of it centered on the pubs which have been the venues for meetings of London fandom. About 35 people were in attendance, and participated with questions and commentary. If you weren't there today, you may get a second chance. We're going to put a recording on the YouTube channel real soon now. We do have another zoom scheduled for January. When we have a date and time settled, I'll announce the details here.

Fanzines Added:
--1950's One Shots. Continuing to add index pages with one shots by decade. We already have the 40s, 60s and 80s represented. Today, we add the 1950s. The first and so far only entry in the list - Richard Lupoff's "One-Shot Wonder #1 Pal Maxy Science Fiction" from 1952. This is one of Dick's earliest fanzines. We put up his other early title a few days ago. Scans by Joe Siclari.

----1960's One Shots. "Harlequin" by John Berry and Arthur Thomson (May 1964). From the introduction by Bob Shaw: "You'll be able to read about John's days in the army, a couple of his adventures with Arthur Thomson, a fan fiction item and a spy story or two. You've also got the wonderful ATom illustrations to ponder over. I had a sneak preview a couple of months ago, and I think they're fabulous." Scan by Joe Siclari.
--ASFA Publications. Added the 17th Chesley Awards Program (2002). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Asmodeus, Alan Pesetsky and Michael DeAngelis. Added issue #2 of this new-to-us title. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Discrete, Virginia Emden (aka Virginia Kidd). Added the complete 2 issue run of this 1945 perzine. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Energumen, Mike Glicksohn and Susan Wood. Added 7 issues and several supplements, completing the run. Added today: issues #1 (Feb 70), 4 (Nov 70), 11-15 (Mar 72- May73). Also added are an ad for Torcon 2, and supplements to issues 7 and 9. Energumen won the 1973 Best Fanzine Hugo and was nominated for the 1971 and the 1972 Best Fanzine Hugos. Contributors include Ted White, Greg Benford, Bob Toomey, Jack Gaughan, Bill Rotsler, Tim Kirk, Grant Canfield, Dan Steffan, Sandra Miesel, Walt Liebscher, Bubbles Broxon and others. Energumen is a core fanzine for us to scan, and features in the Susan Wood spotlight currently on our homepage. Scans by Taral Wayne. Thanks Taral!
--Fantasy News, William Sykora. Added 14 issues: #129 (Dec 1940), 132 (Jan 1941), 138-146 (Feb-Apr 1941), 151 (Aug 1941), 153 (Oct 1941) and an announcement for the 3rd annish from June, 1941. Issue #132 recaps the headlines of 1940, has articles and excerpts of articles and runs 12 pages. Scans provided by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 25. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--New Futurian, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added issue #1 (Spr 1954) to complete the run! Last week, I told you we were only missing one issue. Sam McDonald came through for us! He scanned the issue and sent it to us. Thanks Sam! I'm taking it off the list.
--Rune, aka The Newsletter of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, by various editors. Added 16 issues of this clubzine: #5-8 (May-Jul 1968), 10 (Aug 1968), 12-13 (Nov-Dec 1968), 17 (Nov 1969), 23 (May 1971), 35 (Feb 1974), 59-61 (1980), 63-66 (1981-1982). The first 9 scans were provided by Matt Strait and Minn-Stf. Thanks, Matt! The last 7 were scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Xenolith, Bill Bowers perzine. Bill did two series of this title, which is primarily a perzine. We've added 7 issues of the first today (from 1977-1979), and 8 of the second series, along with a 2 page index. Scans by Joe Siclari.

December 16, 2020
Reminder: This next Saturday, Dec 19, is the day for our first Fan History Zoom session. Rob Hansen is giving a virtual tour of Fannish Holborn (London) using video clips, audio, historic stills and with his learned commentary. Also of course, Q&A. If you are interested and have not signed up, send a note to If you have signed up, you'll receive a note in the next two days with a link and details.

Fanzines Added:
--Different, Sam Moskowitz. Added 2 issues: #3 (Jan 1949), and V3#4 (Oct 1969). Issue #3 contains a speech, "A Purpose for Science Fiction" that SaM delivered at the convention meeting of the ESFA on March 6, 1949. Worth reading. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Dynatron, Roy Tackett. Added 19 issues: #32 (May 1967), 36 (May 1968), 64-65 (Nov 1975-Sept 1976), 70-73 (May 1979-Aug 1980), 77-84 (Feb 1983-Sum 1985), 94-95 (May 1990--May 1991), and 99 (Nov 1991). Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Gargoyle, David McIlwain. Added 1 issue, #5 (Apr 1941). This was the last issue. This completes the run. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!
--New Futurian, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added 5 more issues: #3-7. All we are missing now is #1. It now goes on the One-and-Done  list. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Nyarlathotep, Marc Michalete. This French language zine covers the fantastic, science fiction and bande dessinee. "Nyarlathotep's team, deeming that an editorial necessarily leads to commonplace, demagoguery or triumphalism beat, has decided to spare its readers the gloomy display of its pointless considerations." There's a nice cover on issue 1. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--The Satellite, John F. Burke and David McIlwain. Added 2 issues: #3 (Dec 1938) and #6 (Mar 1939). According to Fancyclopedia, The Satellite published early fiction by C. S. Youd, Charles Eric Maine and Arthur C. Clarke. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!
--Sirruish, Leigh Couch. Added issue #8 (Aug 1968). Includes the text of Harlan's GoH speech at Ozarkcon III. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Voyage of the SF52, Richard Lupoff. From Joe Siclari: Richard Lupoff's earliest fanzines were carbonzines, Voyage of the SF52 and One Shot Wonder. Dick told me his circulation totaled eight copies each issue. He had to retype each issue twice each to make his circulation, which included Lee Hoffman and Gregg Calkins. His first issue of Voyage of the SF52 was in February, 1952. Only Lee Hoffman responded back. He did two more issues, dated March and April. The covers of Voyage 2 and 3 are hand-drawn on green construction paper. The interiors are regular bond paper. The scan of these two issues are from the typed/drawn originals."
--Xenium, Mike Glicksohn. Added 15 issues. Susan Wood co-edited the first three of this zine. Some of the issues were for APA-45 and othersfor FAPA. In his thoroughly fannish way, Mike started numberng these with #1-3, proceeded to 2.1-2.7, and then back to 11-15. Is this a complete run? Scans by Taral Wayne. Thanks Taral!

PDF Replacements:
--Fanscient, Donald Day. Replaced 14 issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Replaced the 150 page issue #70 with a searchable PDF, to make it easier for those reading Outworlds 71 (and trackng through the lettercol). Be warned - it's 59MB. OCR by Joe Siclari.

December 12, 2020
Susan Wood spotlight: Starship. Added all the "Worlds Out of Words" columns, from Andrew Porter's Starship, issues 38-41 (1980-1981). See the splash on the homepage. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Fanzines Added:
--Baloobius, Taral Wayne. Added 4 issues of this title. Each issue assures us that it's a one-shot. Thanks, Taral!
--Diaspar, Terry Carr. Added 3 issues (1968-1971) of this new-to-us title. Diaspar was a FAPAzine. According to Fancyclopedia, it was named after the billion-year-old city in Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--The Fanhattonite, Rob Hansen. Added the complet 5 issue run of Rob's perzine from thelate 1980s. Thanks Rob!
--The Fantast, C.S. Youd and Douglas Webster. Added 5 issues from 1939-1942 to complete the run of this core fanzine. Also added a letter to the editor from a young Ken Bulmer. This wealth of fannish history scanned and provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Fantasy News, William Sykora. Added 12 issues of this newszine. V4#6 (Jan 40), V4#11-12, 16 (Mar-Apr 1940), V5#22-23 (Nov-Dec 1940), V7#5 (Nov 1941), V8#1 (Mar 1942), V8#3 (May 1943), V9#4-6 (Apr-Jul 1945). Scans by David Ritter. Thanks, David!
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added 2 items: "Remember When" (Karen Cooper, 1990), a perspective on Art Widner, Guest of Honor at Minicon 25. Next, "John W. Campbell, An Australian Tribute" (John Bangsund, 1974). The Campbell tribute is over 100 pages. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Irish Fan Publications, NICON 86 Remembered, by Tommy Ferguson. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks, Mark!
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 24. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--Mutant, clubzine with various editors. Added 6 issues of this title. Mutant was the official organ of the Michigan Science-Fantasy Society. These issues are from 1948-1948. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--New Futurian, J. Michael Rosenblum. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title of Rosenblum's mid 50s genzine. Contributors include Eric Bentcliffe, Walter Gillings, John Berry, John Christopher, A. Langley Searles, Archie Mercer and Donald Tuck. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--My Back Pages, Richard Lynch. Added the Dec 2020 issue. Thanks Rich!
--Now & Then, Harry Turner and Eric Needham. Added issue #6 (Nov 1955). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks, Rich!
--The Science Fiction Fan, Olon Wiggins. Added issue #2 (Aug 1936). One of the contributing editors was Donald A. Wolheim, who has a column called Fanfarade. Scan by Alistair Durie. Thanks, Alistair!
--Trap Door, Robert Lichtman. Aded #11 (Feb 1992). Contributors include F.M. Busby, Carol Carr, Greg Benford, Dave Langford and Karen Haber Silverberg. Trap Door is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:
--Aporrheta, H. P. Sanderson. Replaced all 17 issues (and a holiday card) with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Bane, Vic Ryan. Replaced all 10 issues with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Double Bill, Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi. Replaced 15 issues: #2-13, 18-20 with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

December 9, 2020
Splash!: For the next six weeks or so, we feature the late, lamented Susan Wood on the homepage. We hope you take the opportunity to sample her writing, and perhaps listen to her speak. Photo provided by Andrew Porter, Washington Post articles by Eli Cohen, material on the Mac II display by John D. Berry. In addition to these materials, and what we already had on the site, we've added her essay on "Women and Science Fiction", and all the Propeller Beanie columns from Algol. Check out our homepage to see the splash. If you looked at it yesterday, look again. We've added more.

Ephemera: TAFF, added a 1955 Zap Gun license (Mark II), granted on Saturday, April 9, 1955 by Jophan at the Cytricon in exchange for a donation to TAFF. Thanks to Rob Hansen for providing it to us. Thanks, Rob!

Fanzines Added:
--1980s One Shots. Added "Theme" from Vince Clarke (Nov 1983). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Blatant, Avedon Carol. Added issues #14 (Nov 1985) and 17 (Fall 1988). Scans by Eli Cohen. Thanks, Eli!
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added #28 (Fall 1953). It's missing a couple of pages, so if someone has a complete issue we'd love to get a scan of pages 239-240. Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts, Added Susan Wood, about and by, edited by John D. Berry (Aug 2016).
--Foolscap, John D. Berry. Added #12 (Jan 1977), which was on our begging list. Eli Cohen saw it there and provided us the scan. Thanks, Eli!
--Gargoyle, David McIlwain. Added 6 issues of this new-to-us UK title from 1940-1941. Well, we added issues #1-3, 3A and 4, along with Forerunner, marked as a preface to Gargoyle 3. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!
--Ionisphere,John Thiel. Dec 2020 issue added, sent to us by George Phillies. Ionisphere is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George!
--Inspiration, Lynn Bridges. Added #1 (Mar 1942) of this FAPAzine. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added the Feb 1971 "special austerity issue". Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs perzine. Added issue #489 (7.1 MB). Thanks Dale!
--Philosophical Gas and Parergon Papers, John Bangsund. Added 13 issues (1973-1993) of this new-to-us title. According to Joe Siclari, "Philosophical Gas (PG) ran to at least issue #87. Howver, John stopped PG and did Parergon Papers 1-12 which he later included as #38-49 of PG." Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Relapse, Pete Weston. We've added issues #1 and 2, to complete the run. We've also added "The Sage of Nuneaton", an article written by Rob Hansen to Relapse 22. Relapse 22 was never published due to Pete's illness. All provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added Dec 2020 issue. Thanks to George Phillies for sending.
--Warm Champagne, Susan Wood perzine done for ANZAPA. Added 10 issues (1975-1978) of this title (new to us). Scans provided by Eli Cohen. Thanks Eli!

PDF Replacements: Scienti-Comics, Philip Bronson. Replaced issue #1 with a searchable PDF. OCR by Joe Siclari.

Convention Pubs (incomplete update): Cytricon V, Pete Weston. Added the program book from Cytricon V.

Photos: Added 2 photos of the Susan Wood exhibit at MidAmeriCon II (2016). Photos contributed by John D. Berry. Thanks John!

December 6, 2020
Ephemera?: LASFS Fanquet programs. Added 8 programs for LASFS Fanquets from 1950 to 1966. These were held to honor LASFS members who had achieved professional sales. Fancyclopedia tells us that Louise Leipiar was June Moffat's mother. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Fanzines Combined: Our issues of Bonfire have been moved to the TNFF  index. As we mentioned in the newsletter, we are moving towards using a single index page for fanzines which changed their names midstream. You can still see both names in the Classic List. Bonfire was the first name under which TNFF was published. We also replaced the issues of Bonfire that we had with searchable PDFs while we were at it. OCR by Joe Siclari.

Fanzines Added:
--1960s One Shots, Defenestration, Terry and Miri Carr. This was done for OMPA in 1961. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--1980s One Shots, Skiffy Thyme, Ned Brooks. Spring 1980. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Australian Science Fiction Review and Scythrop, John Bangsund. Added 16 issues titled Australian Science Fiction Review: #3 (Sep 1966), #6-20 (1966-1969). Australian Science Fiction Review was nominated for Best Fanzine in 1967 and 1968. In 1968 (in the first year the Ditmars were presented), it won the award for best Australian fanzine. We now have a complete run under that name. The zine changed its name to Scythrop in 1969, and we added 5 issues of Scythrop: #21-24 and #28. We just lost John Bangsund to Covid-19 this year. You can read his Nov 1 obituary in the Age here - Many thanks to Sally Yeoland for allowing us to put these zines online. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Awry, Dave Locke. Added 7 issues of this early 70s genzine. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Celephais, Bill Evans perzine. Added 2 issues from the early 1960s. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik. Added the Nov 2020 issue. Thanks Leybl!
--Fan To See, Larry J. Touzinsky. Added issue #1 (Jan 1953). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Gotterdammerung, Tommy Ferguson et al. Added "Gotterdammerung Redux" (2007), with excerpts from the fanzine's issues. It was published about 10 years after the fanzine stopped publishing. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Fanzine Readers Review, Rick Sneary. Added the 2 issue complete run of this title from the mid 1940s. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 23. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--New Ashmolean Marching Society and Student's Conservatory Fanzine, Ted Johnstone. Added the complete 2 issue run, both from 1963, of this perzine done for OMPA. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks, Joe!
--Phantagraph, Donald Wollheim. Added 6 issues and 2 supplements: Aug and Oct 1936 supplements, V8#3 (Aug 1940), V11#2 (Oct 1943), V13#1,2 (Jan, Feb 1945), V14#1 (May 1945), V15#2 (Oct 1945). The two supplements are parts 2 and 3 of a Robert E. Howard essay - "The Hyborian Age". This is the original publication of "The Hyborian Age". Thanks to Alistair Durie for these scans. We've consolidated the index pages for this fanzine. You'll see issues and the previous names for the zine all on one page. Before it was the Phantagraph, the zine had two other names - "International Science Fiction Guild's Bulletin" and "Terrestrial Fantascience Guild's Bulletin". The Phantagraph is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks Alistair!
--Safari, Earl and Nancy Kemp. Added #1 (Apr 1959). This was for SAPS. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Science-Fantasy Review, L.V. Heald, L.J.Johnson and others. Added 9 issues: #1-4, and #9-13 of this UK newszine from 1939. Issue 2 starts out with a report of the 3rd SFA convention held in London. Good reading, including a discussion of how to value the stories you read. Scans provided by Alistair Durie. Thanks, Alistair!
--Science, Fantasy, and Science Fiction, Frank Dietz Jr. Added the V2#2 supplement - a report on the 1949 Cinvention. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!
--Twixt, Jackie Franke. Added 3 issues of this perzine from 1975. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!
--Swan Song, Chuck Harris. Added issue #1 (Spr 1959) of this OMPAzine. Swan Song, "Every issue constitutes the sole fannish activity of Chuck Harris" went on for at least two issues according to the British Fanzine Bibliography - Scan by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!
--Viewpoints, Rosco Wright. Added issue #2 (Fall 1952) of this genzine/apazine. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

PDF Replacements:
--Fan-Dango, Francis T. Laney. Replaced issues 3A and 21 with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--Mota, Terry Hughes. Replaced 28 issues with PDFs. The entire run is now online in searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

December 2, 2020
If you read our recent FANAC update, you can skip the next 2 paragraphs. Otherwise, please read on.

Get ready for a trip to fannish London! We are planning a series of Zoom Interactive Fan History Sessions, and for our first session, Rob Hansen is going to give us an historic tour of fannish Holborn, London. Rob is probably the most accomplished fan historian writing these days. As most of you know, he has written the history of English fandom, Then and has put together a number of books covering various aspects of British fandom. Find many of them at Reserve the date: Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 11AM EST. Despite the pandemic, Rob has done video recordings around London, and with historic photos and live description will give us a tour that covers some household fannish names and places. He has worked with Edie over the past several months to provide an interesting and fairly detailed coverage of London’s fan heritage. This one hour session is based on tours which Rob has given to individual fans and also developed as a group tour after the last London Worldcon. Even if you have been on one of these tours, you will find some fresh sights and insights. Of course, Rob will be live on Zoom with additional material and to answer questions. Please send your RSVP to, as our Zoom service is limited to 100 participants.

We have created a list of fanzine titles by country of origin. Thanks to Mark Olson’s software, this list will let you sample fanzines from other parts of the world, but don’t be surprised if you find a few familiar names. Fans are slans after all, and not adverse to international relations. You can click on it from the lists of lists at  or reach it directly The current counts of non-US zines: Australia (26 titles), Canada (15), Ireland (14), United Kingdom (99), and other countries have 3 or less.

And now for the updates -

Bibliographic Material:

Fanzine Listings, The Australian Fanzine Database (1939-1975, Kim Huett and Leigh Edmonds. Completed June 2020 year, this is a listing of items held in state and federal library collections, and in Kim's private collection. What a massive amount of work. Thanks go to Kim Huett and Leigh Edmonds!

Bibliographic Publications, The Science Fiction Bibliography, Vol 1, No 1, 1935. Published by W.L. Crawford and D.R. Welch in Austin, Texas this 1935 pamphlet covers both SF and fannish publications. Very old, very cool. Thanks to John Coker III for providing the scan. Thanks John!

Fanzines Added:
--1960s One Shots. The Reader's Guide to Barsoom & Amtor, Dave Van Arnam and Richard Lupoff. This 95 page zine began life as an article with accompanying map. But there were discrepancies in the map, and the Burrough's material just kept growing until it deserved a publication of its own. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Beabohema, Frank Lunney. Added issue #1 (1968) completing the run. Steve Johnson saw it listed on our One and Done Begging List, and provided us with a scan the very next day. Thanks Steve!
--FANAC Newsletter/Updates, Joe Siclari. Not quite a fanzine, but we added the Nov 2020 FANAC newsletter to the archive. Of note, the announcement of our ZOOM Fan History program. Read the newsletter, and RSVP to to join. The first program is a guided tour of fannish London, by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob! We know it's been a lot of work to get this ready.
--Fan-Dango, Francis T. Laney. Added 5 issues: #8 (Spr 1945), 12-13(Sum-Fall, 1946), 15 (Fall 1947), and 18 (Sum 1948). Fan-Dango is a core zine for us to scan. Issue #13 includes Laney's report on the Pacificon. He himself said that this should be included as an addition to his memoirs in Ah! Sweet Idiocy!. Scan and comment on #13 by Joe Siclari.
--Holier Than Thou, Marty and Robbie Cantor. Added issue #19 from 1984. This 100 page zine has contributions from Taral, John Berry, Mike Glyer, Dave Langford, ATom and others. Scan by Roelof Goudriaan. Thanks Roelof!
--Motley, Jim Benford. Added issues 1-15 (2012-2020) of Jim's perzine done for FAPA. Jim's first fanzine was published in the mid 50s and you should read it. Read this too for the perspective of someone who has been in fandom for 60 years. Thanks, Jim for sending them!
--Munich Round Up. Issues #1 and #2 from 1958 added. These are in German, so if you're interested and you don't speak German, you'll have to use Google Translate to get a sense of the zine. The headline for issue 1? SCHON WIEDER EIN FANMAG. In English, "A Fanmag Again". Thanks to Thomas Recktenwald for the scans. Thanks Thomas!
--Not Science Fantasy News, Vince Clarke. Added issue #2 (Oct 1982). Scan by Roelof Goudriaan. Thanks Roelof!
--fanzines/SF_Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added issues 73-75 (Oct 1993). This 120 page zine is marked #73-75. Includes the George Turner Issue and the Paul Voermans Issue. Scan by Roelof Goudriaan. Thanks Roelof

PDF Replacements:
--Hyphen, Walt Willis and Chuck Harris. Replaced all the remaining 19 issues with searchable PDFs: issues 20-38 as well as the Thumbnail of #38 (Shelby Vick), and a TAFF Supplement to #23 (1959). All of the Hyphen run is now searchable, thanks to OCR by Joe Siclari.

November 28, 2020
YouTube Recordings:
--Tropicon 1989 Filk  Today, added part 1 of a video recording of a Filk held at Tropicon in 1989. From the YouTube description: "Julia Ecklar was the special filk guest at Tropicon 8, held in Dania, Florida, in 1989. This recording captures the first part of an open filk at the convention, and includes 10 songs (of which Julia sings four)...You'll see a variety of songs and performers enjoying themselves while making science fiction music." There are links to each song in the list at the end of the description on YouTube.

Fanzines Added:
--1980s One Shots  index added. The first and so far only zine here is from Avedon Carol and Rob Hansen. We've added "Chuch" from 1986. Contributors include Patrick Neilsen Hayden, Dave Langford, Christopher Priest, and Jeanne Gomoll. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Astronaut, Robert Stein and Redd Boggs. Added issue #1 (Sep 1947), completing the run. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--A Child's Garden of Olaf, Ken Cheslin. Added issue #2 (Aug 1989). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Dynatron, Roy Tackett. Added 8 issues: #1-2 (1960), 4-6 (1961), 8 (1961), 23 (1964) and 26 (1965). Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Eclipse, Ray Thompson. Not the same as the zine put out in the early 40s by the Kuhns. This was a mid 50s zine published in Iowa. We've added issue #19 to the archive. You might enjoy the John Berry article about fanning with a family. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Fantholgies, Collections and Festschrifts, "Hommage a Burbee", Bill Rotsler. From the zine: "FANDOM IS JUST A GODDAMNED HOBBY". The words of Charles Edward Burbee II. Fandom has never had a better motto. In other pages of this unblushing monument you will read what friends of Charles Burbee have to say about him. If you'd like to know how he influenced my life, read on." Scan by Joe Siclari.
--FAPA One Shots, The Inadequate Time Machine, Lee Hoffman (1Q1954). "THE U-MAK-A KIT CO. presents a new treat for the home enthusiast". Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!
--ffm/ffm ending, Pierre Versins. Added 4 issues of "ffm ending" and one of ffm. This late 1950s genzine was published in Switzerland. Generally considered to be "Fake Fantastic Mystery" although Fancyclopedia reports it could also be "Functional Female Muster". Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Lovecraft Collector, Ray Zorn (1949). Added 3 issues of this title. The issues are short, but there's a contribution from David Keller and one from August Derleth. Scans provided by John Coker. Thanks John!
--fanzines/MT_Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. We've added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 22. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--Rataplan, Leigh Edmonds. Added 23 issues of this new-to-us title. Some issues were coedited with others and those are marked on the index page. Rataplan was nominated for a Ditmar award in 1969 and 1973, and won in 1984 (shared with Ornithopter). Scans by Joe Siclari.
--fanzines/SF_Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added #104. Thanks, Bruce!
--Tink, Mae Strelkov. Added "The Tinkunaku Event" (Sept 1973). Hecto. In the 1970s. Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:
--Hyphen, Walt Willis and Chuck Harris. Replaced issues 1-8 and 10-18 with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

November 22, 2020
You've seen some of the updates say "this is a core fanzine for us to scan". We've updated the list, including how many issues we think there are, how many issues are online, and what our percent completion on those titles. If you have better information on the number of issues, or could provide scans of any of the issues that are missing, that would be fabulous. You can find the listing at BTW, there's a phase 2 core list we're working as well.

Fanzines Added:
--Wsfanac/Blatant, Avedon Carol. Added 8 issues of this new-to-us title. The first seven issues of this zine were titled "Wsfanac" and the zine then switched to Blatant. Thanks Avedon! Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. Added "The Incompleat Bruce Gillespie, a Selection of Bruce Gillespie's fanzine writing", edited by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks to Bruce Gillespie who provided it. Thanks Bruce!
--Horib, Pat and Dick Lupoff perzine/FAPAzine. Added 9 issues of this new-to-us title. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 21 Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--The National Fantasy Fan, 11 issues. We've added: V25#2-3 (Don Miller, 1966), V26#4, #6, #7 (Stan Woolston, 1967), V27#1, #4, #5 (Don Miller, 1968), V28#1 (Don Miller, 1968) and V29#2 (Wally Weber, 1969). We've also added the November 2020 issue, sent to us by George Phillies. Other scans by Joe Siclari.
--Resolution, Jackie Causgrove perzine with contributors (1977-80). We have 4 issues, and are only missing #3 to have a complete run. This is going up on our One and Done Begging List. If you have any of the zines on this list and are willing to scan them for the archive, please drop a note to Scans of Resolution by Joe Siclari.
--Salamander, Fred Patten. Added the complete run of 3 issues (all from 1962) along with two complete LOCs from Rick Sneary. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Tightbeam, George Phillies and John Swartz. Added issue #314 (the latest). Thanks George!
--Zed, Karen Anderson. Added issue #782 (Win 1955). Karen mentions that this is issue #12. Includes a Tony Boucher Christmas Carol, and of course contributions from Poul and Karen. Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:

Beabohema, Frank Lunney. Replaced issues #12, 17, 18 with searchable PDFs. Now all the issues we have online are in PDF format. OCR by Joe Siclari.

Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Replaced issues #25 and #48 with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

Cross Reference: We updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,427 names in the listings.

November 18, 2020
Directory: Fannish Who's Whos, Rogue's Gallery (Schwarts and Lazar), 1943. This fannish Who's Who comes with heights and weights. Some pages are harder to read than others, but hey, it's almost 80 years old. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Fanzines Added:
--Beyond, Charles Platt. Added 3 issues: #3, 7.1 and 7.2. All we are missing to complete the run is #1. It will be on the One and Done Begging List. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!
--Fantasy News, James Taurasi. Added 4 issues: V2, #15, #20, #21, #26 from 1939. I believe these will complete the 1939 issues. Many thanks to David Ritter who provided the scans. Thanks David!
--ScientiFiction, a publication of First Fandom. Added 28 issues from 2011 to 2018, the earlier ones edited by Joseph Martino, and the later issues edited by John Coker, III. Thanks to First Fandom and John Coker for providing them.
--Gimble, Ted Johnstone. Added issue #3 (Mar 1961), completing the run. This is a Coventry related publication. If you don't know what that means, read the article in Fancyclopedia - Scans by Joe Siclari.\
--Heckmeck, Mario Kwiat and Manfred Kage. Added 6 issues of this new to us title from the 1960s (of which one is actually 1970). The Google translator says that "heckmeck" is German for nonsense. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. Added 11 issues, all from 1963: #36-40, 44-49. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 20. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--The National Fantasy Fan, 6 issues plus 1 upgraded. The upgraded issue is V9#2 (Apr 1950), now sporting a cover. We've added: V8#3, V8#5 (1949), V9#5 (1950), V19#4a (1960), V21#2 (1962), V22#3 (1963), and V23#2 (1964). V19#4a was a special Pittcon Souvenir issue. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Nite Cry, Don Chappell. Added issue #11 (May 1956). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs perzine. Added 2 issues: #487 (7.2 MB) and #488 (5MB). Thanks Dale!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added 3 issues: #19-20 (1974) and 24 (1975). Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari today.
--Sikander, Irwin Hirsh. Added 15 issues: #1-14 (primarily from the 1980s) to complete the run. It really is 15 issues - there's a #9.5 in there too. Irwin has been contributing scans of all kinds of zines to the site. It's nice to be able to add his own zine to the list. Scans for these issues done by Joe Siclari.
--Tangent, Lee Hoffman. Tangent was a FAPAzine that Lee did in the early 1950s. In her first issue, uploaded today, there are contributions by Walt Willis, F.T. Laney, Charles Burbee, Marion Bradley and LeeH of course. Scans provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob! It's a treat to get more of LeeH.

November 15, 2020
Pubs Added:
--Booklist, Ron Holmes. This is not the same as the Booklist sheets that were distributed with Rosenblum's Futurian War Digest, but this Booklist was for the BFL- the British Fantasy Library. A new title for us, we've added issue #8 (July 1948). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Fantasy Commentator, A. Langley Searles. Added issue #33 (Win 1983). Contributors include Sam Moskowitz, Lloyd Eshbach, George Wetzel and others. Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Gallimaufry, Joni Stopa and Dave Locke. We've added the complete 2 issue run of this mid80s genzine. Contributors include Mike Glicksohn, Andy Offutt, Paul Skelton, Larry Tucker, and Harry Warner, Jr. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Kenning, Jackie Causgrove. Add 10 issues (early 1980s) of this new-to-us title. Kenning was a perzine distributed through FLAP - the Fannish Little Amateur Press. Jackie Causgrove was a co-founder, along with Dave Locke. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Kipple, Ted Pauls. This is a new title for us, and we've added 18 issues from the early 1960s along with one hoax issue. Contributors include Len Moffatt, Marion Bradley, Bill Bowers, Ted White, Richard Bergeron, Harry Warner Jr. and Terry Carr. There's an article by Robert Ebert in one of the issues of this fanzine, but I didn't spot it. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--MT Void, Evelyn and Mark Leeper. Added the latest issue of this Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 20. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--The National Fantasy Fan, 6 issues. 1 issue: Feb 1966, edited by Art Hayes. 5 issues edited by Joanne Burger: V34#6 (Dec 74), V35, #1,3,4 (1975), V37#6 (Dec 77). Scans byJoe Siclari.
--Quark, Tom Perry. 1 issue: #10 (Jul 1965). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Rot, Mal Ashworth, the complete run of 6 issues from the 1950s-1969s, and a LOC. The LOC is from Rick Sneary, and is 4 pages long. It was cut to half a page for inclusion in Rot 5, and here you can see the full letter. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Safari, Earl Kemp. Issue #3 (Oct 1959). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp. 1 issue: #41 (Aug 1950), the first Insurgent Issue. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Stymie, Roger Ebert. Yes, that Roger Ebert. Complete in two issues from 1960, Ebert mentions Stymie and receiving his first fanzine, Yandro  on his blog on May 04, 2008. He also talkls about what caused him to gafiate. You can read his blog on his fannish career at  .

Corrections: Thanks to David Ritter for correcting the dates in the index on a couple issues of Fantasy News. Thanks David!

November 12, 2020 --1960s One-Shots, Xerozine 00, William Desmond (Nov 1969). The only triangular zine I've ever seen. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Beyond, Charles Platt. Added issue #5 (Apr 1964) and #8 (Apr 1965). Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Dilemma, Jackie Franke. A new-to-us title and we begin with 8 issues from 1975-77. According to Fancyclopedia, the title "Dilemma" was a nod to Lee Hoffman's Quandry. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Hurkle, Redd Boggs. 10 issues and a supplement. From Joe Siclari - "We just put up a complete run of Retrograde and Discord. Here is a nearly complete run of Hurkle. We are missing only #1. These zines along with Sky Hook show what an interesting writer Redd was. We will continue to add his zines as we get them." Scans as well as commentary from Joe Siclari.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 19. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--Trap Door, Robert Lichtman. Added 2 more issues - #12 (Mar 93) and #16 (Aug 96). Contributors include Charles Burbee, Redd Boggs, Greg Benford, Andy Hooper, Steve Stiles, Rob Hansen, Bob Shaw and Chuch Harris. Trap Door is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

November 8, 2020
Pubs Added:
--The No Holds Barred Guide - How to Get Stinko Fannishly, Karen Anderson, 1954. This fun little pub was handed out at SFCon, the 1954 worldcon. Scan provided by Astrid Anderson. Thanks, Astrid!
--Brillig, Lars Bourne. Added issue #7 (Mar 1957). Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Retrograde and Discord, Redd Boggs. Added the full 17 issue run of this perzine from the early 1960s. The zine received a Best Fanzine Hugo nomination for 1961. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--FAPA One-Shots, Fantasy-Views (Jun 1941). This takeoff on Fantasy News  is uncredited, and subtitled "the science fiction weaker newspaper". Remember, these FAPA One-shots are currently listed chronologically, so you can see what went into a given FAPA mailing. Scan provided by Sam McDonald. Sam has also provided us in the past with a number of great scans of Fantasy News. Thanks Sam!
--Metrofan, David McDonald, 1958 issues. Added 2 issues of this new-to-us title. "This is the unofficial publication of the New York Fandom Council, composed of Circle, ESFA, and Lunarians—three first rate s-f clubs in the New York area." Cool. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Nite Cry, Don Chappell. Added 8 issues (1953-1955) of this new-to-us title. "NITE CRY is the Official Publication of the Oklahoma' Science Fiction Confederation." Issue 10 is I believe, the first publication of Harlan Ellison's "Gnomebody" which appeared the year after in Amazing Stories. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Quark, Lesleigh and Chris Couch. Added 2 issues from 1968-1968 of this new-to-us title. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Prolapse, Pete Weston. Added #3 (Nov 2006). Prolapse 3 was completed "after a lapse of only 23 years".

November 4, 2020
--1940s One Shots. We've created an index to hold the 1940s One Shots in order to keep the Classic list from getting completely out of control. Right now, the FAPA One Shots will stay in their own directory, Yes, I know it's not completely consistent, but use a Google site search if you're not sure where to look. We've added two fanzines today. Our first entry in this 1940s One Shots index comes from Joe Fortier and Harry Jenkins Jr - "Fan Editor and Publisher". The second is "Spicy STF Stuff" from 1949 which references the Detroit Science Fantasy League. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--1960s One Shots. Index created and 2 fanzines added: Hyborian Times (George Heap, 1967), and Rox (Tom Perry, 1964). Rox was intended to appear "on occasional intervals when the need for an opposition rag in fandom appears evident". Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Bibliographies. Added 5 publications. First from Al Lewis, we have the 1961 and 1962 Indexes to the Science Fiction Magazines, as well as a 2 page "Corrections and Additions" to 1961. We've added an Index to the Clayton Astounding, by Bill Evans and Jack Speer. That one is from 1946. Also, Dick Spelman's guide to Ace Book Publications from 1953-1968, from 1968. Scanning by Joe Siclari
--Conspiracy Newsletter, Richard E. Geis and an unnamed co-editor. Added 7 issues, the complete run, of this non-SF zine. It's a Conspiracy zine, perhaps appropriate for these trying times. It's a sequel to "Richard E. Geis - A Personal Journal", and so it is in the same index - Scans by Kim Gibbs. Thanks Kim!
--Giant Wombo, Leigh Edmonds, Valma Brown. Added 2 issues from 1979-1980. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Hodge-Podge, Mary-Louise and Nancy Share. Added 2 issues from 1954, with contributions from Art Rapp, Lynn Hickman, Chuck Harris, Robert Bloch, Marion Bradley, Bill Rotsler, Ray Nelson, Juanita Coulson and others. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Now & Then, Harry Turner and Eric Needham, 2 issues from 1954. "Being the proceedings of the ROMILEY FAN VETERANS & SCOTTISH DANCING SOCIETY". If you're not familiar with it, see the brief Fancyclopedia article at  and follow the links to "Widowers". Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Perspex Parrot, Bob Shaw (1990). A rare fanzine published by Bob Shaw - "It's a weird thing, but suddenly I feel quite nervous. I've published millions and millions of words as a science fiction writer, as a journalist, and as a fanzine contributor — but this is the first time I've ever sat down to compose an editorial for a fanzine of my very own." I was introduced to Bob once or twice, but I wish I had known him better. Scan by Dave Langford. Thanks, Dave!
--PSFS News, News of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, 7 issues. Oddly, one issue is from the mid 1940s and the rest are the mid-later 1990s. Added today, Jul 1944, Nov 1994, Jan/Mar/April 1995 (Rich Kabakjian), and Mar/May 1997 (Carol Kabakjian). Very cool to have a club newsletter than spans 50 years. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Toward Tomorrow, James Kepner. Thanks to Rob Hansen, we've added the final issue to complete the run. Issue #3 (Jan 1945). This one on our "One and Done Begging List" and Rob was kind enough to send us the scans. You can see the list of titles for which we need only a single issue to complete the run at  . Thanks, Rob!

PDF Replacements:
--New Frontiers, Norm Metcalf. Replaced issues 2 and 3 with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.
--The Willis Papers, George W. Fields / Ted Johnstone, 1961. This is listed under Irish Fandom. OCR by Joe Siclari.

November 1, 2020
We've added a new way to find out what's new at the site. You can send a subscribe note to this address: and we'll add you to notification list. The note can be blank - just send it to that address. The notification list is different than the newsletters we've been doing every quarter or so. This is an email that will come to you about twice a week with "What's New". If you forget to check here, but you want to know what we're adding to the archive, this is for you.

--Beabohema, Frank Lunney, Cum Bloatus (Feb 1972), a letterzine for the last issue of Beabohema, and distributed as a supplement to Syndrome's  first issue. Scan by Kim Gibbs. Thanks Kim!
--FAPA Correspondent, Harry Warner, Jr. #1 (Winter 1939). Adding this completes the run for this title. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Futurian Observer, Australian newszine edited by William D. Veney, Bert Castellari and later Ronald Levy. Added 12 issues from 1940-41 in searchable PDFs. Sample: "SCIENCE FICTIQNEERS CARDS ARRIVE: William D. Veney has at last been able to acknowledge receipt of the Science Fictioneers membership cards for the members of the Futurian Society Sydney. These have been distributed to all fans who are supposed to get them. Fans who have joined up since the list was sent away will.have their names forwarded to Frederic Pohl for inclusion in the Science Fictioneers repidly increasing membership." Very cool. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Null-F, Ted White. Added 11 issues from 1956 to 1970: #5, 22-23, 30-31, 38-40, 42, 45 and 47. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Added 3 issues, all from 2020 - #101-103.
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller, newszine. Added #149 (June 1974). Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:
--Newfangles, Don and Maggie Thompson. Replaced #1, 34, 45, and 54 with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.


--Thanks to Irwin Hirsh for correcting a typo in the info on the Aussicon 4 photograph of "How Not to Enjoy This Convention".

--Thanks to Bruce Mai for adding the costume name to a masquerade photo for Noreascon 1 (1971), and the participants' names to the Tricon masquerade photo of "Birds".

--Thanks to Leah Zeldes for adding info to a Midwestcon 43 photo, as well as several Detroit Fandom photos. Best of all, she's pointed out a misidentification of a photo from Loncon II (1965) and untiringly worked to figure out who it might be. Leah also pointed out that #3 (Winter 1958) of Jim Caughran's A L'Abandon  had pages out of order. Joe Siclari has now corrected that. Thanks Leah!

--Thanks to the International Costumer's Guild for providing information on several custume photos at Westercon 23 (1970).

--Thanks to Mark Richards for correcting a misidentification in a photo from the 1979 Lunacon.

October 28, 2020 --Horizons, Harry Warner, Jr's FAPAzine. Added 12 issues: #55 (Sum 53), 88 (Fall 61), 100-101 (64-65), 108 (Nov 66), 112 (Fall 67), 123 (Aug 70). 125 (Feb 71), 142 (May 75), 145 (Feb 76), 150 (May 77) and 164 (Feb 81). I'm not real sure about #144. The entry says it's from 1978 although it's in between issues from 1975 and 1976. I'll wait until more issues turn up before figuring out what it really is, although I tend to trust Harry more on which FAPA it is going be distributed in than I do on the Horizons whole number. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--MT Void, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Latest issue added of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 17. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--Nova, Al Ashley, issue #2 (May 1942). Unfortunately incomplete, but still 38 pages of good 40s fanzine. If anyone has a complete issue and can provide scans of the missing pages. we'd be thrilled. Thanks to Kenny Martens for providing it. Thanks Kenny!
--Richard E. Geis - Personal Journal, Richard E. Geis (of course). Added 15 issues - #1-3, 10, 12, 14-23. These are different issues #1-3 than were already here on line. Apparently he restarted the title a few years later and reset the numbering. Scans provided by Kim Gibbs. Thanks Kim!

October 27, 2020
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #486 (8.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 21, 2020 --Fancyclopedia, Dick Eney, Additions and Corrections to Fancyclopedia II. Dick Eney wasn't completely satisfied with Fancy II, and put out this 24 page publication of Additions and Corrections to improve its "accuracy and completeness." This is in our Reference Section, not the Fanzine section. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Fanspeak, Gary Labowitz (1956). An updated version of the versions done in the early 50s. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr's FAPAzine. 7 issues - #93-99 from 1963-1964. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--New Fandom, added issue #9, edited by James Taurasi, Fall 1941. There's a little damage to the a couple of the pages, but the words are readable. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Ratatosk, Bruce Pelz, #45. We thought issue #45 had never been published, when much to our surprise a copy turned up. Here it is for you now to fulfill your desires for 1967 news, and now the run is complete. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Tightbeam and Postwarp, various editors and centuries. Added 8 more issues of Tightbeam and its predecessor Postwarp. Editors/Issues: Ray Higgs -Dec 1951 and Jul 1953; Gary Labowitz with Son of Tightbeam (Feb 1968); Beth Slick - Jan/Mar/May/Jul 1975; David Speakman -#272 May 2015. Scans by Joe Siclari
--The National Fantasy Fan, October 2020. George Phillies sent us a PDF of the latest. Thanks George.

PDF Replacements: SF Weekly, Andrew Porter, 3 issues (1967) - #193, 198-199. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark! Only 3 more left to PDF/OCR.

October 19, 2020
--Fan-Tods, Norm Stanley, issue #19 (Fall 1952). Scan by Joe Siclari
--Focal Point, Arnie Katz's newszine, issue V3#4 (Nov 1971) completing the run. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Foolscap, John D. Berry, issue #7 (Nov 1972). Scan by Joe Siclari
--Horizons, Harry Warner Jr's FAPAzine. We've added 10 issues - #28-33, and 39-42 from the late 40s. From Joe Siclari on Harry: "Harry Warner, Jr., was probably the most prolific fan writer of all time. His first genzine, Spaceways, ran for 30 issues. Harry wrote for it but it was his genzine and he featured many of the major fanwriters of that time, and not a lot of his own writing. He started his personal FAPAzine, Horizons, in 1939 and continued it quarterly well into the 21st Century. By issue 200 he had passed 4,300 pages. The last we have online is 243, dated November, 2000. Harry continued to write Horizons after that. He died Feb 17, 2003.

In addition to his own fanzines, Harry was a prolific writer of articles for others, sometimes penning a dozen articles a year during the 1940s and 1950s, slowing down a bit by the mid-60s and later. However, Harry is best known for his letter writing over 60 plus years. It was pretty standard for a fan editor to use “waiting for Harry Warner’s loc” as an excuse to why his fanzine was delayed. Harry said that if a fanzine editor took the effort to send him a fanzine, he should make an effort to write a LoC (letter of comment). He couldn’t respond to every fanzine that he received but he wrote back to more than any other fan, sometimes more than a hundred times a year. And Harry’s letters were not quick notes saying “thanks and good luck”. They were usually tightly spaced, multi-page, thoughtfully written and entertaining little essays. If a zine was so bland that there were no comment hooks, Harry could find an excuse to write in detail about something unrelated, perhaps about bicycles or the latest music album he had heard. I don’t know the full amount of Harry’s fan writing but I’m guessing over 10,000 pages is a conservative estimate.

So far, we have all of Spaceways and over 125 issues of Horizons on, several articles about Harry’s fan work on, and interviews on out Fan History YouTube channel - A search on FANAC.or will find many articles by Harry as well.
--No Award, Marty Cantor, issues #5 and 5a (March 1999). Contributors include Milt Stevens, Bruce Pelz, Len Moffatt, Brad Foster, Joseph T. Major, and Ed Green. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Nova, Al Ashley, issue #1 (Nov 1941). Thanks to Kenny Martens, we have the first issue of Nova. It's beautiful, and has articles by Doc Smith, Forry Ackerman, E. Everett Evans, and Hoy Ping Pong. Thanks so much to Kenny Martens for providing it. Thanks Kenny!
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers. Added some ephemera today - Flyer 3 (1970), Flyer 6 (1971) and an Envelope from around 1974. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Not Cricket, Stu Shiffman and Larry Carmody, Sept 1983. This Constellation one-shot can be found in the Raffles index (and are thinking of it as Raffles 7.75}. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie, issue #92 (Jul 2016).
--Solstice, South Florida Science Fiction Society, 2 issues - late 80s. We've added issues 2x4 and 4 to complete the run. There was no issue 3. Issue 2 has a piece by Brad Linaweaver. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Spinnaker Reach, Russell Chauvenet, May 1966. This FAPAzine is a new-to-us title. Poetry, an article by Harry Warner, Jr and mailing comments. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!
--Trap Door, Robert Lichtman, 3 issues - #17-19, 1997-99. Contributors include Karen Haber Silverberg, Ron Bennett, Carol Carr, Steve Stiles, Dave Langford, F.M. Busby, and Marta Randall. Trap Door is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:
--SF Weekly, Andrew Porter, 20 issues (1967-68) - #210-229. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

October 15, 2020
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik, October 2020 (the latest issue). There are changes coming. Read the issue to see. Leybl, thanks for sending it to us.
--Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts: Sweetmeats,"a collection of the light, humorous, and simply wierd writing of Sandra Miesel", published by Jerry Kaufman in 1980.
--Harpies, the clubzine of the MiSFitS aka the Michigan Science-Fantasy Society. Added 5 issues (all but one) of this 1969 new-to-us title. Editors include Roger Sims and Howard DeVore. We're only missing #6, so if you have a copy, please let us know. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs' perzine, #485 (the latest. Thanks Dale!
--Postwarp, 8 more issues from the late 50s. This is under the Tightbeam index as Postwarp was the "magzine of letters and comments" for the NFFF. Added some issues from 1952-59 from various editors. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Twll-Ddu, Dave Langford, 6 more issues from the late 70s. Added issues #8-10, 11 supplement, 12 and 15. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Winnie, Jerry Jacks, issue V2#6 (Sep 69). Winnie had several incarnations. This is the first one we've scanned that was put out by Jerry Jacks. Most of what we he have online is by Mike Ward. Scan by Joe Siclari.

PDF Replacements:
--LeZombie, Bob Tucker, issue #5 (May 39). PDF by Sam McDonald. Thanks Sam!
--SF Weekly, Andrew Porter, 19 issues (1967) - #188-192, 194-197, 200-209. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Convention Publications: Mark Olson is putting up vast quantities of convention pubs. I'll start noting them individually when the numbers are more manageable. You can find them all at
--NonCon 2  (1979, Edmondton, Canada) - Prgram Book Added. Scan by Eli Cohen. Thanks Eli!

--Waldo, Eric Bentcliffe, #1 date was incorrectly marked as April. Thanks to Bill Burns for the correction. It should be December.
--Void, Jim and Greg Benford, #6-8 had incorrect headers on the pages. They said #4 (???). Thanks to Tamar Lindsay for the correction.

October 12, 2020
--1 more issue of Forry Ackerman's perzine Glom. Added #11 (May 48). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--added "The Miscellany 1" by Louis Kuslan. This one shot was distributed with Fantasy News, so I've tucked it on that page in January 1940. Scan by Sam McDonald. Thanks Sam!

--5 issues of Jerry Page's Lore. This is a new title for us. There are indexes and checklists, poems by Thomas Burnett Swann, art and articles by Jeff Jones, and more. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of M.K. Hanson's Novae Terrae. The elusive #15 has been added to really complete the run. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--added "Out of Reitsch?" (John Berry, 1997/2002) to Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts. It was originally published in 4 "consecutive copies of ORBIT, a journal specialising in space stamps, postcards and covers dealing with a space theme". Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--added "The SAPS Index", which covers mailings 13-33 to the Reference Section. Look for it in the Bibliographies. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

--2 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. We've added issue #12 (Nancy Atherton, Feb 86) and #61 (Gerry Adair, Apr 90). Scans by Joe Siclari.

October 11, 2020
--5 Artist Showcases. Courtesy of Sara Felix, we've added Artist Showcase Publications from the 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2019 Worldcons. You can find them in two places - first, under Artzines, and second, under the Worldcon publications section for the Worldcon with which they are associated. Start here to get the Worldcon pubs -

--2 ASFA publications. Sara Felix, President of the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA) has provided us with a few publications from the group. The two pubs are 25 years apart, and show considerable evolution (as you'd expect). The first, published 2 years after the incorporation of the group, looks like a typical fanzine of the period. The more recent has some spectacular illos. Thanks Sara! Send more!

--1 more issue of Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi's Double Bill. Issue #15 completes the run. Thanks to Steve Johnson who saw we needed it on our One-and-Done page, and provided this scan. Issue #15 is marked the Tricon issue, and has contributions from the likes of Buck Coulson and Roger Zelazny. Artists include Dan Adkins, George Barr, Terry Jeeves, ATom and Bill Rotsler. Double Bill is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks Steve!

--1 more issue (the latest) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 15. We've had it up for a couple of days, but somehow I missed putting it in the What's New. Sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

--4 issues of Pulsar, the clubzine of the Portland Science Fiction Society. These are from 2001-2002, and are all edited by Debra Stansbury. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 more issue of Joseph Gilbert and Art Sehnert's The Southern Star. Added issue #2 (Jun 41). From Columbia, S.C., the Southern Star "is a supposedly bi-monthly publication which achieves that enviable status with distressing infrequency." Articles in this issue by Elmer Purdue, L.R. Chauvenet, Milt Rothman, Jim Tillman and Oliver Saari. When we put something up which is that old, we revel in it a little bit. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue (the latest) of the NFFF's Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Thanks guys!

For a real treat, we've added 17 photos from Karen Anderson's collection (thanks to Astrid Bear!) to the Solacon album. These include half a dozen photos from "Alice in Thrillingwonderland" which was performed at the con. In issue #795 of Karen's fanzine Zed, you can read the script for the play starting on page 7. So now you can read the script, see the pix and imagine yourself there. There are also some wonderful masquerade photos and some individual photos as well. Thanks to Astrid for letting us put them up.

October 10, 2020
--1 issue of Ken Cheslin's A Child's Garden of Olaf. Reprint of issue #1 which was originally published in April, 1964. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 issue of Gray Boak's Cynic. This is completely devoted to the 1971 Eastercon. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!

--7 issues of a Dave Van Arnam's perzine, First Draft. This is a new title for us and these very short zines are from the end of 1967-beginning of 1968. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

--1 more issue of Frank Wilimczyk's Pardox. Added #4 from Summer 1943. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--12 issues of Bruce Pelz's Profanity. This starts in 1958, and the last issue we put up was from 1977. There was a 15 year gap between issues #7 and 8. In #7, Bruce talks about his change in focus and why he's back to doing general fanzines instead of mostly APAzines. In issue #10, he talks about how he is starting his checklist of his impressively large fanzine collection. We use it still to check titles, issues and dates to inform what we put online. This is a new title for us. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Replaced 5 issues of Andrew Porter's SF Weekly  with searchable PDFs. Issues #183-187 from 1967 have been replaced, with OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Also added the Chicon 2000 Press Kit to the Conpubs. You'll find it here - Scan courtesy of Steven Silver. Thanks Steven!

October 8, 2020
I've been touting our Begging List and our One-And-Done Begging list (both here under the various Fanzine pages) - fanzines We've now updated the more general "What We Want" page. It can be found a few lines below the Begging lists on the same page. If you ever wondered if there was method or madness in our fanzine choices, here's where to find out. Of course, there's a dose of serendipity involved too. If you have material that's on our priority list, please let us know.

Corrections: We inadvertently had Ted White's egoscan  on the list of fanzines where a single scan would complete the run. It's complete, and has been for months thanks to Irwin Hirsh who gave us a scan of issue #1. Thanks again, Iriwn!

--4 more issues of Ethel Lindsay's Haverings. Issues #6, 16, 18, and 34 added. The eagle-eyed among you will notice that we already had a #16 before. That was actually an unnumbered issue ("TAFF News Item"), and is more properly placed between 12 and 13 where it now sits in the index. The actual #16 is online now.

--1 more issue of Mike Deckinger's Hocus. Issue #8 from 1959. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Marty Cantor's Holier THan Thou. Issue #3 from Jun 1982 added. Darrell Schweitzer, Marc Ortlieb, Mike Glyer, and letters from many a well known fan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Bruce Pelz's I Palantir. Issue #4 from Aug 1966 added. This is a Tolkien fanzine, "The Official Publication of The Fellowship of the Ring, an organization of devotees of the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien, insofar as they treat of the lands and peoples of Middle Earth." Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of the National Fantasy Fan, V19#6 (Dec 60) edited by Ralph Holland, and V25#2 (Apr 66) edited by Art Hayes. The latter is the 25th Anniversary Issue. Scan by Joe Siclari.

October 7, 2020
--7 more issues of Terry Carr's perzine Hobgoblin. Added #4-5, 7, 9, 11-13. These are from Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of a Mike Deckinger's genzine Hocus, a new title for us. Hocus ran from 1959-1960. There's Roger Ebert material here, along with Donald Franson, Bob Silverberg, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Rick Sneary, Art Rapp and August Derleth. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of Postwarp. This is the precursor to Tightbeam and I've put it into the same index. It's an NFF publication and the issues I've added are from the early 1950s. Scans by Joe Siclari.

October 6, 2020
Hooray! The first response to our "One and Done" page. Eli Cohen has sent us a scan of issue #1 of Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden's Izzard. That completes the run - thank you Eli! To see the other zines where we need only a single issue, go to

We have stuff. Lots of stuff. I put up a quick page on FANAC by the Numbers -- The formatting and the location may change. Whoo!

Finally, we put up the complete 9 issue run of George Willick's Parsection. This ran from 1960-1961. In a rare expository mood, here's what Joe Siclari has to say about it:

"George Willick's Parsection is an under-rated, lesser known example of a typical Midwestern genzine of its period. I don't mean that in a demeaning manner. Vic Ryan's Bane ( ) and the Coulson's Yandro ( ), are better known titles. Paresection addressed science fiction and fannish subjects with a fairly sercon attitude. Humor and light "fannishness" was not its forte.

Parsection started off focusing on what Willick though was the reigning controversy of the day - whether science fiction magazines had any future. On this subject alone, the fanzine had a fairly hefty array of contributors including H. L Gold, Gordy Dickson, Don Wollheim and others.

Joe Hensley had a series of lightly written columns which often triggered more hefty responses. One column on Claude Degler raised responses from Algis Budrys and Redd Boggs among others.

Overall, Parsection was good enough to attract some interesting contributors, Kate Wilhelm (fiction), Harlan Ellison and Roger Ebert (fanzine reviews) and a stable of well-known letter writers. Of special interest to fan historians is a series of autobiographical pieces from several fans - Buck Coulson, Rosemary Hickey, Sam Lundwall, Harry Warner, Jr., and more."

October 5, 2020
--1 issue of Waldemar Kumming's Munich Round Up. This is the first issue for us of this long running German fanzine. This issue edited/published by Waldemar Kumming and Gary KlĂŒpfel in 2001. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 more issue (Oct 2020) of John Thiel's Ionisphere  sent by George Phillies. Thanks George!

Replaced 26 issues of JPGs with searchable PDFs today. In particular, we replaced #27-35, 37-39 of Merv Binns's Australian SF News. Also replaced a Chicon special issue of Australian SF New. Additionally, we replaced 13 issues of Richard Geis's SF Review. Almost all of the SFRs are now searchable PDFs.

It's a YouTube day. Link: This recording comes from Boskone 6 in 1969. It's "The Feminine Viewpoint" , moderated by Hal Clement and with Anne McCaffrey, Marion Zimmer Bradley and Larry Niven. From the writeup - "Moderated by Hal Clement, this audio recording (illustrated with dozens of images) is a 1960s view of feminism and the female viewpoint in SF by two of SF's most successful women writers of the day. It is uncomfortable in parts by today's standards, with comments like "you can't be a feminist if you like being a woman", and remarks about fanzines that discount female writers solely because of their sex. Hal Clement is the neutral moderator, and Larry Niven provides a male perspective. This panel is dominated by MZB and Anne McCaffrey, who express their views on women in the field, on the differences in fiction written by woman and men, and on the disadvantages attendant on being a female science fiction writer. Remember, Anne McCaffrey was born in 1926 and MZB in 1930. Their opinions were shaped by the times. It's a fascinating snapshot of the times." Thanks to NESFA and Rick Kovalcik for providing the recording.

October 4, 2020
!!!! Thanks to the fan history researches of Rob Hansen, we have something wonderful for you today. From within Vince Clarke's papers, Rob has found the final draft of Walt Willis's speech at the 1952 worldcon where he was the recipient of the "WAW with the Crew in '52" fan fund started by Shelby Vick. Here is Joe Siclari's introduction to the speech:

Although Walt Willis was prolific, the quality of his writing remained very high because he was diligent. In several articles, Walt Willis described some of his writing procedures.Despite what so many people thought was his facile and relaxed style, he worried over pieces and rewrote them. See Warhoon 12, p 23 -

Walt’s quality writing was why Shelby Vick created the first really successful campaign to bring a foreign fan to a US Worldcon, "WAW with the Crew in '52". You can imagine the excitement when this was successful. You might also imagine the stress when Walt realized that he would have to speak at the TASFiC/Chicon II.

So it seems he wrote a speech beforehand. Not only did he work on it in advance and rewrite and edit it, but it seems he sent it to at least one friend. During his research into Vince Clarke's papers, Rob Hansen discovered this presentation that you are about to read. It's probably the closest we will get to what Walt Willis said at the TASFiC. As Rob indicated in a note: "What *isn't* included, obviously, is whatever off-the-cuff thanks he added after he'd finished reading." Not seen in close to 70 years, here is what Rob has called: The Harp Speaks.

October 3, 2020
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #484 (7.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 2, 2020
Joe Siclari has put together a list of the fanzines for which we only need ONE issue to complete the run. If you have any of these, please step up and help us mark "COMPLETE" for this title in the archive. You can find the link on the main fanzine page, Thanks in advance!

--2 issues of Calvin "Biff" Demmon's Grunt, a perzine from the early 1960s. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--6 issues of Terry Carr's perzine Hobgoblin. This is a new title for us. Earlier issues were done as a supplement to FANAC, and later ones were distributed through SAPS. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more Fanthology, to wit, "Travlin' Jiant - The Adventures of Art Widner in Frontierland" by Kim Huett. You'll find it (alphabetically) listed under Fanthologies. Scan by Mark Olson.

--6 issues of Future Times, the Clubzine of the Atlanta Science Fiction Society. These issues are from 2001-2, and this is a new title for us. Scans were provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 more issue of Mike Glyer's Prehensile. We've added #1 today. Prehensile is a core fanzine for us to scan.

September 29, 2020
--5 issues of Forry Ackerman's perzine, Glom. This was done for FAPA in the late 1940s. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Harry Warner Jr's Horizons. Added #90 (Spr 62). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. Added #2 (Jan 87), "intended for *ahem* Mature Audiences". Mimosa is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--7 more issues of Roelof Goudriaan and Lynne Ann Morse's newszine from the Netherlands, Shards of Babel. We've added #3, 12, 17-21 from the mid 80s. Thanks to Roelof Goudriaan for the scans!

--4 more issues of the NFF's National Fantasy Fan, all from the early 1970s. The volume/#s are an educated guess on a couple of these. If anyone knows for sure they are wrong, please let me know. We've added issues from June, August and October of 1970, as well as Feb 1972. Scans by Joe Siclari.

September 28, 2020
--1 more issue of Roscoe Wright's Beyond. Added #6 (Mar 46). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Dan Steffan's Boonfark, well a supplement anyway. Added a supplement to #8 from Nov 83. We also replaced 7 issues with searchable PDFs. Replaced are #1-3 and 5-8. Scan and OCR by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of Sam Moskowitz's Different. This is a new title for us and we've added issues from 1962-1974. I think this was primarily a FAPAzine. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Ted Johnstone's Coventry zine, Gimble. #1-2 from 1959-1960. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--8 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues #47-54 (done by various editors). Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--1 more issue (the latest) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 13. Thanks to Mark and Evelyn Leeper for sending.

--1 more issue of Tom Perry's zine later known as Quark. This is #1, and was published in 1956 under the name "Logorrhea". Scans by Joe Siclari.

--5 issues of Sirruish, "The Official Publication of the Ozark Science Fiction Association". This is a new title for us, and we've added #3-7 from the mid-late 1960s. The first two were edited by Jim Hall, and the remaining 3 by Leigh Couch. Contributors include Hank Davis, Chris Couch, Alexis Gilliland, Jack Gaughan, Don D'Ammassa, Harry Warner Jr. and Bob Vardeman. #5 includes a GoH speech Roger Zelazny gave at Ozarkcon. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Fourteen zines replaced with searchable PDFs: Replaced the 3 issues we had left of Andy Porter Algol  JPGs. These were issues #9, 12-13. Also replaced the complete 3 issue run of Eric Bentcliffe's Bastion, 7 issues of Geis's Science Fiction Review  (#18, 21-22,24,and 29-31) and issue #1 of Ted White and Dan Steffan's Blat  with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

September 26, 2020
--1 more issue (the last) of Larry Farsaci's Golden Atom. We've also uploaded some interesting Golden Atom ephemera. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Ted White and Les Gerber's Minac. Added issue #14 from April 1964. "It has not been our intention to turn MINAC into The Journal for the Defense of Walter Breen, but we find ourselves more or less fulfilling that function nonetheless." Scans by Joe Siclari.

--5 issues of Tom Perry's Quark. This is a new title for us and we have issues from the 60s-70s. Includes chapters of Walt Willis's "The Harp that Once or Twice". Scans by Joe Siclari.

--9 issues of John Foyster's Satura. This is a new title for us. John Foyster was the main organizer of the 1966 Seventh Australian Science Fiction Convention, which is credited with relaunching Australian fandom (see ).

--3 more issues of Norman Browne's Vanations. Added issues #1, 5 and 6 from 1952-1953. All we're missing now to complete the run is issue #2. Anyone??? Scans by Joe Siclari.

--8 issues of Bill Donaho's Viper. This is a new title for us and has some great material. Joe Siclari: "Besides Donaho, you'll find John Berry, F. M. Busby, Elinor Busby, Robert Lichtman, Ted White, Jack Speer, Len Moffatt, Alva Rogers, Terry Carr, Ray Nelson, Bill Rotsler and others. This was where Rogers' Raquiem for Astounding was first published as a serial (starting in issue #2). It also has one of the earliest big articles on Heinlein by Al haLevy (cochair of Pacificon, 1964), " The Utopian Novels of..." in #6. Issue #9 has article by Donaho looking back at the Breendoggle."

September 25, 2020
--1 more issue of Roy Tackett's Dynatron. Issue #61 (Jan 75) added. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of Ethel Lindsay's Scottishe. Added issues #9 (Dec 56), 17 (Mar 59), and 32 (Jun 63). For issue 32, from Joe, "This issue might be unique. I had 2 copies mostly the same but each had different at least one page different from the other. This scanned issue has all the pages in what I think is the proper order." Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. Two were both edited by Gerry Adair, and one by Carol Porter. We've added issues 59, 64 and 125. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of Karen Anderson's The Zed. We added issues #773 (Sep 53), 775 (Spr 54), and 792 (Dec 58). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Guy Lillian's Zine Dump. We've uploaded #50 for Jun-Sep 2020. Thanks Guy!

If you have any old bookmarked links to the wikidot version of, now is the time to delete them. We've been up and running on the new for months and months, and the wikidot site is now defunct. RIP wikidot Fancy 2011-2020.

September 23, 2020
--3 issues (the full run) of Bruce Pelz's Coventranian Gazette. You'll likely need to read the Fancyclopedia article at to get the context. Scan (and index page notes) by Joe Siclari.

--7 more issues and one supplement of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 36, and 38-43 from the early 1980s, all edited by Graham James and some with Linda Strickler as co-editor. Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--2 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. These were both edited by Gerry Adair, and date from 89-90. We've added issues 56 and 63. When you're putting up fanzines of the period, it's always such a relief when the editor/publisher gets a laser printer. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 more issues of Karen Anderson's The Zed. We added issues #785, 795, 805 and 806. Scans by Joe Siclari. Includes lovely stuff, like this verse from Poul (all on one line here for space)- "Oh, you can't get to Heaven With a Dean machine Cause the Lord don't sell Thiotimolin"

--1 more issue of Art Widner's YHOS. Issue #17 from 1980. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Also replaced 12 issues of Merv Binns's Austrlian SF News  with searchable PDFs. Replaced are issues #13-19, 21, 23-26. OCR by Joe Siclari.

September 21, 2020
--1 issue of a Leigh Edmonds and John Foyster's Boy's Own Fanzine. This is a new title for us and we've added issue #1. We've also linked to issue #5, "Emu Tracks Over America", Leigh Edmonds report of his DUFF trip in 1975. It's already up under our index for Trip Reports from Fan Funds. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue (the latest) of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl and Happy New Year!

--3 issues of James Taurasi's Fantasy Scout. This is a new title for us, and according to Pavlat-Evans, the zine was previously titled "Science Fiction Scout". Sam Moskowitz was the Associate Editor. Those were heady days back in 1939, and this is what the fans were talking about. Scans by Sam McDonald. Thanks Sam!

--2 more issues of Bill Bowers's Outworlds. We've added issues #7 (Spr 71) and #23 (Apr 75). Issue #23 is the 5th anniversary issue. Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. We've also replaced #14 with a searchable PDF. OCR and scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Earl Kemp's SaFari, this one from Oct 1961. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue (the latest) issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks to George Phillies for sending it.

--2 issues of Dave Langford's celebrated fanzine, Twll-Ddu. According to, Twll-Ddu won the 1977 Nova Award for best fanzine and placed in the Checkpoint Fan Poll for 1976/77, and won the following three such polls: 1977/78, 1978/79, and 1979/80.

September 20, 2020
Almost all newszines today:

--2 more issues of Walt Dunkelberger's newszine, Fanews. These are special issues - one is a Fanews Portfolio (Jul 1948) created by his wife while he was ill so that he could retain his FAPA membership, and the other is a Pacificon 1 page special Fanewscard issue (1946). Scans by Joe Siclari

--17 more issues of James Taurasi's Fantasy News. We've added issues from 1940 onward this time, once again all thanks to Sam McDonald. We've added issues 81-83, 85a, 86, 92, 96, 98-99, 120-125, 180, and 186. Issue #85a is a 2 page extra issue, with the headline: "PHILIP FRANCIS NOWLAN, CREATOR OF ‘BUCK ROGERS’,DIES". Thank you, Sam - these are great!

--16 more issues of Don and Maggie Thompson's newszine Newfangles. Issues today are #30-33, 35-43, 48-50. These are from 1970-71. We also replaced issue #51 with a searchable PDF. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

--2 more issues of Redd Boggs's Sky Hook. Added issues #1 (Win 48) and #8 (Aut 49). Issue #8 has a short article by Laney on Lovecraft. Sky Hook is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Also added Ron Bennett's 1966 Directory of S.F. Fandom. It's in the Fannish directories section at Scan by Joe Siclari.

September 19, 2020
--17 issues of James Taurasi's Fantasy News. We've added issues from 1938 onward, all thanks to Sam McDonald. We've added issues 36, 40, 45, 48, 50, 62-64, 66-67, 70, 77-78, 80, 150 (the annual), 188 and a 2 page extra issue, 70a. Headline on the extra issue: "Something new in 'STF' ‘CAPTAIN Future'!" We also replaced issue 79 with a searchable PDF. These are rare and hard to come by - thanks Sam!

--2 issues of Robert Lichtman's Trap Door. These are issues #13-14 from 93-94. Trap Door is a core fanzine for us to scan. Contributors to these issues include Jeff Schalles, Gordon Eklund, Dave Hartwell, Ted White, Rob Hansen, Greg Benford Steve Stiles, Geri Sullivan and Shelby Vick. Scans by Joe Siclari.

If you saw our last FANAC Update, you know that we now have arranged to put up publications from First Fandom. Today, we started with the first of these (and there are many more to come). There are two titles - First Fandom Report and ScientiFiction and they'll all be found under Today we put up 8 issues, along with a membership application from 1992. Scans today by Joe Siclari.

September 18, 2020
--15 more issues of (mostly) Charlotte Proctor's Anvil  from the 1980s. One issue, #37, was edited by Cindy and Linda Riley. We added issues #25-27, 29-30, 32, 34-41, and 44 today. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Lars Bourne's Brillig. Added issue #6 (Dec 1956). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Roy Tackett's Dynatron. Added issues #67-68 from 1978. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue (the latest) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 12, courtesy of Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thanks guys!

--1 more issue (the latest) of Dale Speirs's perzine, Opuntia. Thanks Dale!

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 28,336 names in these listings.

September 15, 2020
--2 more issues of Roy Tackett's Dynatron. Added issues #31 (Mar 67) and #74 (1981). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Eric Bentcliffe's MI. V3#1 (1972) has been added. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue (supplement?) to South of the Moon. Added Supplement 2 (Nov 1975), by Tim Marion. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of the N3F's clubzine, The National Fantasy Fan. Added issues V11#1, V11#2 (both from 1952) and V32#4 parts 1 and 2 (from 1972). Scans by Joe Siclari.

Replaced 23 issues of Merv Binns's Australian SF News  with searchable PDFs. Replaced are issues 1,3-4, 6-12, 20, 22, 34, 36, 40-46, 49-50. OCR by Joe Siclari.

September 14, 2020
--5 more issues of Charlotte Proctor's Anvil. Added #23-24 from 1982, and #53-55 from the early 90s. The last two issues were co-edited with Julie Wall. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Dick Shultz's Avenger fanzine, En Garde. This first issue is titled "Rigger Digger", so consider this a homage at the passing of Diana Rigg. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Ethel Lindsay's reviewzine, Haverings. Added #54 (Jan 1973). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Ethel Lindsay's Scottishe. Added #39, 41 from 1966. Both have lovely ATom cover. Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Art Rapp's Spacewarp. Added #40 (Jul 1950) and also replaced #39 with a searchable PDF. Spacewarp is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans and OCR by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of Third Foundation. Issues #77-78 (1967) were edited by James Shapiro, and issue #90 (Sep 69) by Lee Gold. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro. Added #235 (Apr 1976). Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

And finally, replaced all of Tucker's Bloomington News Letters and Science Fiction News Letters with searchable PDFs. They have all been moved into a single directory as well, and you can find them at We have been replacing larger fanzines with PDFs to save a little space on the server. Joe is now moving to OCR the newsletters, even though they are smaller, so that anyone looking for information on a particular person or event can make use of the search. Slowly, we'll get there. OCR and the decision to combine the directories for easier access by Joe Siclari.

September 12, 2020
--2 issues (the complete run) of Larry Shaw's Beulah's Scrapbook. This is identified as a free supplement to Nebula. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Added #93 (May 79), edited by Steven Green. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--added a 1 page supplement to issue #5 of Dan Steffan's Boonfark. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Peter Roberts's newzine Checkpoint. Added issue #24 (Oct 72). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--6 issues of Patrick Nielsen Hayden's perzine Flash Point  from the 1980s. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Monsters of the Moon, from Forry Ackerman. This one shot was published in 1940. Scan by Mark Olson.

--1 more issue (the latest) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter, The MT Void. Thanks to Mark and Evelyn Leeper for sending.

--1 more issue of Outworlds, edited by Bill Bowers. Add issue #18 (Oct 73). Outworlds is a core fanzine to scan, and this one was provided by Jerry Kaufman and John D. Berry. Thanks guys!

--1 more issue of the NESFA genzine Proper Boskonian. We've added issue #9, edited by Richard Harter from 1972. This completes the run. Proper Boskonian is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Mike Glyer's Scientifriction. Added issue #8 (Jul 77), and this leaves us with only one more issue to complete the run. Does anyone have an issue #7 they can scan for us? Scientifriction is a core fanzine for us to scan. This scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Ron Bennett's Skyrack  Trader from the early 1970s. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--6 issues (the complete run) of Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden's perzine, Zed. This ran from 1981-1984. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Replaced issue #152 of Mike Glyer's File 770  with a searchable PDF. Scan by Rich Lynch. Replaced issue #151 of Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro  with a searchable PDF. Scan by Mark Olson. And we replaced 6 issues of Richard Geis's zines too - Science Fiction Review 37 (Apr 70), Alien Critic 6 (Aug 73), 8 (Feb 74), 11 (Nov 74) and 12 (Feb 75). OCR by Joe Siclari.

September 10, 2020
--6 more issues (some in multiple parts) of John Purcell's Askance. Most of these came courtesy of the NFFF franking service, and one from John. Thanks John! And thanks NFFF too :-)

--7 more issues of John Purcell's perzine, Askew. These came courtesy of the NFFF franking service.

--1 more issue of Terry Jeeves's Erg. Added #47 (Jul 74). Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of Ethel Lindsay's reviewzine, Haverings. Added issues 52-53, and 55 (from 1972-1973). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Mike Glyer's Prehensile. We've added issues 5-6 from 1972. Prehensile is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Ethel Lindsay's Scottishe. Added #61, 65 to the archive. Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Art Widner's YHOS. Added #44 (Jul 88), including Pulp 9 from Rob Hansen and Avedon Carol. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

For the musically inclined, we've added the script, program, posters and letters for the Pirates of Fenzance, written by John Pomeranz and debuted at LoneStarCon 2 in 1997. You can find it all under Musicals  in fanzine listings. Thanks go to John Pomeranz who provided the materials.

We replaced issue 1 of the Bill Bowers/Bill Mallardi zine, Double Bill  with a searchable PDF. PDF by Rich Lynch.

September 7, 2020
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #482 (7.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 6, 2020
Sam McDonald points out that we were premature in declaring Novae Terrae  completed. We are missing issue 15, a pamphlet between issues 10 and 11, and several supplements. Thanks Sam. We'll keep looking for those. Also, thanks to Sam for the info on Tom Collins's "is" changing its name to Apollo at issue 7.

Fixed some upside down and sideways pages in Void 29. Thanks to Sandra Bond for letting us know they were wonky.

--1 more issue (the latest) of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl!

--5 issues of Dave Langford and Kevin Smith's Drilkjis  from the late 70s/early 80s. This is a new title for us. There's also a flyer for #2. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Ken Potter and Dave Wood's Peri  from 1953-1954. Contributors include Ted Tubb, Walt Willis, Chuch Harris and Terry Jeeves. Scans by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!

--1 issue (the latest) of Tightbeam  from the NFFF. This is issue 312, edited by George Phillies and John Swartz. Thanks to George Phillies for sending.

Replaced 14 issues of Richard Geis's Psychotic  with searchable PDFs. Today we uploaded issues 5, 7-8, 11, 13, 17, 20-27, along with Psychotic Mashup. These are from the 50s-60s. We also replaced Science Fiction Review #21 and 28, and Alien Critic 5 with searchable PDFs. So 17 replacements. OCR by Joe Siclari.

September 5, 2020
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of August 2020's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #481 (7.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 2, 2020
Worldcon Publications: Everything is moved over to the new format, with new links from photo albums to pubs. Hooray for Mark Olson - he has scanned and uploaded an enormous volume of worldcon publications. Read them all (including a few committee APAs) at Thanks Mark! If you have materials that we don't have online, how about scanning them and sending them in?

YouTube: We've added Part 2 of the Best of Confederation and you can find it at From the YouTube blurb: "Hosted by Eve Ackerman, this is Part 2 of a "Best of ConFederation" video, and includes candid scenes around the convention, a salute to Julius Schwartz, Toastmaster Bob Shaw at the Hugos, Harlan Ellison on the Manly Wade Wellman auction (and accepting his Hugo), scenes of the Masquerade and hall costumes. There's also the memorable non-acceptance of Judy-Lynn del Rey's award as well. The video is Part 2 of a grand tour of the convention, and ends with the traditional closing ceremonies and thanks to the committee (including Joe Siclari who now runs the"

--1 more issue of Ken Cheslin's Envoy. This is really issue #17, but is labelled as #16. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!

--2 issues of Tom Collins's is. It's a new title for us. "is" had 6 issues and ran from 1971-1972. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--1 more part of The Wall  OMPA round robin, this one by Darroll Pardoe. Part 2 completes the round robin. Scan by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

August 31, 2020
Yesterday was a YouTube day. We added part 1 of the "Best of ConFederation". From the YouTube blurb: "ConFederation, the 44th World Science Fiction Convention, was held in Atlanta, GA in 1986, with Ray Bradbury and Terry Carr as Guests of Honor. Hosted by Eve Ackerman, this is Part 1 of a "Best of ConFederation" video, and includes candid scenes around the convention, an excerpt of a (very funny) performance on the recent history of SF, a little filk, and a little programming. Best of all are long excerpts from the Guest of Honor speeches. Terry Carr talks about his fannish past, and after that there are 20+ minutes of Ray Bradbury''s captivating Guest of Honor speech. Ray touches on fandom, Ray Harryhausen, John Houston, Epcot Center and more, ending with a stirring affirmation. This is an outstanding talk by Ray Bradbury." Thanks to Ron Zukowski, co-chair of ConFederation for permission to put this online. You can find it at .

--2 more issues of Charlotte Proctor's Anvil. Added issues 51-52 from 1990. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of Kevin Smith's Dot, a new title for us. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Rob Hansen's Epsilon. Epsilon had been marked complete, but we were missing this short point issue (which is dated after issue 18). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of Terry Jeeves's Erg. We've added issues 19, 26, and 135. Erg is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of James Taurasi's newszine, Fantasy Times. We've added issue 3 from Nov 41, thanks to the scans of David Ritter. Thanks David!

--1 more issue of Lee Gold's Third Foundation. This is issue 80 from 1968, and has a previously unpublished story by Ray Lafferty. Scan by Joe Siclari.

August 29, 2020
--8 issues of Charlotte Proctor's Anvil, a new title for us. Charlotte edited most of the issues, but the early issues had other editors. Today we add 11 (edited by Jim Gilpatrick), and 22, 45-50. This is the clubzine of the Birmingham Science Fiction Club, but contributors include Marc Ortlieb, Taral, Bill Rotsler, Buck Coulson, Mike Glyer and more. So we now have clubzines from Birmingham clubs on two continents. Scan of issue 50 is by Rich Lynch, and the others by Joe Siclari. Thanks guys!

--4 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter, by various editors. Today's issues are 179, 189, 436 and 442 from 1986 to 2008. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to Fanac.

--1 more issue of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. Added issue 21, from Dec 1997. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 more issue (the latest) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 9. It was provided by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thanks!

--5 issues of Pete Weston's OMPAzine, Nexus. It's a new title for us and we have added the first 5 issues. I didn't meet Pete until much later than 1964, and it's very cool to have his young voice here. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

August 27, 2020
--11 issues of a new title for us - Joe Patrizio's Binary. This was an OMPAzine, and we have uploaded issues 1-1011 (aka issues 1-11) from 1962-1971. Scans provided by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--6 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Some were edited by Eunice Pearson and some by Graham Poole. Today's issues are from 1983-85. We've added issues 140, 142-143, 145, 151 and 161. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to Fanac.

--6 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 110, 113, 116-119, and 121. These were edited by either by Chris Terran or by Jenny and Steven Glover. Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

August 25, 2020
We are hoping to have a very good set of major convention publications, with appropriate navigation and statistics. Thanks Mark, also for the scanning. If you see items that we lack, but which you have in the way of convention publications, you know what comes next. You can find standards for sending scans at If these are too hard, contact us and we'll figure it out with you.

--1 more issue of Charles Ford Hansen's The Alchemist. We've added issue 6, V2#1 from Autumn 1946. Scan provided by Alistair Durie. Thanks Alistair!

--11 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Some were edited by Pauline Morgan, and a few by Eunice Pearson. Today's issues are from 1982-83. We've added issues 128-132. and 134-139. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to Fanac.

--1 more issue of Gannetscrapbook. We've added issue #7, edited by Andy Firth from 1980 and this completes the run. Scan by Rob Jackson. Thanks Rob!

--12 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 90-91, 93, 95, 97-99, 101, 104-105, and 108-109. These were all edited by Jenny and Steven Glover, with scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--1 more issue (the last issue) of John D. Berry's Wing Window. We've added issue 12 (Jan 1993) and this completes the run. Scans provided by John D. Berry. Thanks John!

In the world of Worldcon and other convention publications:

--added some Millenium Philcon pubs  scanned by Rich Lynch. Rich also gave us Capclave 2002 pubs  and Conucopia pubs. Conucopia was the 1999 NASFIC. Thanks Rich!

--added some flyers and hotel ephemera for Loncon I  from Roger Robinson, and PRs and ephemera from Loncon 3. Thanks Roger!

--add a bunch of Eastercon  materials from Thomas Recktenwald for Seacon 75 and Seacon 84. Thanks Thomas!

--added a bunch of Novacon  pubs from Roger Robinson. These are for Novacons from 2009 to 2018. Thanks Roger!

August 22, 2020
CHANGE NOTIFICATION: We're making the move to a different interface for accessing Worldcon Publications. If you've been paying attention to recent newsletters and flashes, Mark Olson has put together a new, easier-to-love format for Worldcon pubs. All the worldcon pubs are searchable PDFs and you'll also find bidding material, and even ephemera. You can find it all at The format and the link for photos and audio stay the same for now, and over the next few days (or maybe weeks) we will migrate completely to the new approach. For a little while, worldcon pubs may be available the old way as well, but one by one those will be cleared out. If you have any worldcon pubs bookmarked, then please be aware that those bookmarks will not be valid for too much longer. All hail Mark Olson, king of the Worldcon pubs! And most seriously, a heartfelt thanks to Mark from a webmaster who really didn't want to start coding again.

August 20, 2020
--1 more issue of Charles Platt's Beyond. This is issue #2 and is marked as "Point of View" #2 from Dec 1963, but it's also Beyond #2. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!

--15 issues of a new title for us: Envoy  from Dick Schultz and Ken Cheslin. They tended to alternate issues across the pond for this OMPAzine. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--2 more issues of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. We added #1 (Jan 82) and #12 (Jul 92). Contributors include Jack Chalker, Dave Kyle, Terry Jeeves, Roger Sims, Walt Willis, Steve Stiles, Ted White and more. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 more issue of the SFSFS Shuttle. Added #246 from 2002, edited by Cynthia Warmuth. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

August 19, 2020
--2 more issues of rich brown's beardmutterings, completing the run. We added #1 (1972) and #3 (1982). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of a new title for us - the first series of the BSFA Newsletter. This is not the series that morphed into Matrix  (those are in the Matrix index), but an earlier series of brief newsletters. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Walt Leibscher's Chanticleer. We added issue 2 from 1944. There's an entertaining article called "Michiconfusion (Slan Shack Shennanigans" which asserts "Authors Note: Any similarity between this account and the third annual ’Michicon’ (twerent really) is purely detrimental." Chanticleer is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Redd Bogg's Sky Hook. Added issue 3 from the Summer of 1948. Sky Hook is a core fanzine for us to scan; today's scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Norman Browne's Vanations. We've added #3, and replaced #4 with a searchable PDF. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Raymond Van Houten's Van Hoouten Says. We've added V4#6 from July 1, 1940. This issue announces "Intellectual Brotherhood of Pro-Scientists". *sigh* Scan by Joe Siclari.

August 18, 2020
Leah Zeldes has put together a fabulous set of pointers to resources for fanhistory. You can find it on Fancyclopedia at Thanks, Leah!

In the fanzine archive world, today we add:

--1 more issue of Andy Anderson's Centauri. Added #4 from Summer, 1945. This was the last issue. Contributors include Bob Tucker, Walt Leibscher, and Harry Warner. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--added a supplement to issue 25 of Roy Tackett's Dynatron. The supplement is a reprint of Jack Speer's Fantasy Fiction Decimal Classification System, originally published in 1943.

--3 more issues of Morojo's Guteto. Issues 1, and V4#4 along with a 16 page supplement marked "Mar 58" which is from March 1946. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of the LASFS Imagination!. We've added issue #1 from October 1937, edited by T. Bruce Yerke. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. Added issue 3 from September 1987. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--2 issues of Marty Cantor's No Award. This is a new title for us, and we've added the first and last issues of the zine. The first one has a previously unpublished Terry Carr article. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of M.K. Hanson's Novae Terrae  from 1936, and 3 supplements (from 1936 to 1938). We've added issues 2, 3 and 9, along with the supplements to #3 and #9. It's always exciting to have fanzines from the 1930s added to the archive. It feels as if we are snatching them from oblivion, and today we have these plus at least one more. Scans here were done by Joe Siclari. This completes the run, and Novae Terrae is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--2 issues (well 1.5 issues) of John Magnus's Varioso  from 1956. These issues complete the run. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--added 3 supplements to BSFA's Vector. These are supplements to #24 and #29, with a proposed constitutional amendment, the BSFA constitution and a questionnaire. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Added another Voyage  12 from Bill Rotsler. This however, is a different Voyage 12 than the Voyage 12 that was already online. Just to make it interesting for the archivist I suppose. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Songs From Space, from Eric Bentcliffe. This filkish publication (with a cover by Eddie Jones) was issued to commemorate the 1957 Worldcon. You'll find it in the Filk  section. Scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

August 11, 2020
--2 more issues of Rosco Wright's Beyond, plus one additional now replaced with a searchable PDF. The new issues are #2 (Mar 1944) and #4 (Jan 1945). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Bruce Sterling's Cheap Truth. Issue 14 completes the run! Scan by Joe Siclari.

--our first issue of John Edward Rennison's Cosmos. There are multiple fanzines with the same name. This is the one that was distributed with issues of Futurian War Digest. Today we added issue 6. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Laney's Fandango  plus a bonus Burblings from Burbee and Laney that was sent with Fandango 1. The newly uploaded issue is Fandango 20 (Winter 1949). Fandango is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Harry Warner's FAPAzine Horizons. Issues 36 and 37, from 1948 were added today. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 more issues of Imagination!  This is a big treat, as these are zines from 1937-1938 from LASFS. By various editors, Imagination is the "Organ of the L.A. Chapter, S.F.L, & the 1st Overseas Chapter, S-F A." As you might imagine, there are contributions from LASFS stalwarts. There's Ray Bradbury with "Formula for a successfool stf story" and Henry Kuttner doing book reviews in issue 7. There's Doc Lowndes, Forry Ackerman, Morojo, Charlie Hornig, and Yerke. There's "A Ghoul" and "Claire Voyant" all in the TOCs. Scans by Joe Siclari. Whoo-hoo!.

August 9, 2020
--2 issues of Walter Gillings' British Scientifiction Fantasy Review. We added issue 3 (Jun 1937) and issue 7 (Mar 1938). Just to be clear, the page number field on the index page has the pages in the PDF. So if the scan was side-by-side, there are really twice as many pages. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--5 more issues of Foundation, the Journal of the Science Fiction Foundation. These are issues 122-124, and 126-127 all edited by Paul March-Russell. Thanks to the Science Fiction Foundation and Paul March-Russell for providing the scans!

--2 more issues of Ella Parker and Paul Enever's Orion. Added issues 21 and 23 from 1959. Orion is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--1 more issue of Vince Clarke's Science Fantasy News. Added issue 12, and some information in the index page. Example: Issue 6 was never published. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Dale Tarr's Science-Fiction World. We've added issue 1, completing the run. And today Joe tells me that the proper title is Science-Fiction World, and not Science Fiction World. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of a new-to-us title - Irwin Hirsh's Sikander. This is issue 15 from March 1989. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

--1 issue (the latest) of Tightbeam  from the NFFF. This is issue 311, edite by George Phillies and John Swartz. Thanks to George Phillies for sending.

--2 more issues of Robert Lichtman's Trap Door. Added issues 9 and 10 from 1990-1991. James White, Greg Benford, Redd Boggs, Jeanne Bowman, Ed Burbee, Judith Hanna, Terry Carr, and Bob Shaw among others. Trap Door is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans today by Joe Siclari.

Replaced with searchable PDF, OCR by Joe Siclari: Issue 6 of Tucker's Sci-Fic Variety, issue 1 of Samuel Russell's Science Fiction Goo, issue 1 of Chauvenet's Zizzle-Pop, issue 1 of Walt Leibsher's Walt's Wramblngs, and issue 14 of Harry Warner's Horizons.

August 8, 2020
--4 issues, the full run, of Ella Parker's OMPAzine Compact. Scans provided by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--1 more issue of Ethel Lindsay and Joan Carr's Femizine. We've added issue 13 from Spring 1960, with scan provided by Joe Patrizio. Contributors include Juanita Coulson, Bjo Wells, Joy Clarke and Ina Shorrock. Femizine is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks Joe!

--5 more issues of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. We've added issues 15, 19, 23, 25, and 30, and replaced issue 9 with an updated copy. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 more (the latest!) issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 6,MT Void. Thanks to Mark and Evelyn Leeper for sending it!

Yesterday was a YouTube day. We have another recording from Boskone 5 (1968). From the YouTube writeup: Larry Niven gives a delightful talk on the effects of teleportation on a society. Five years before his"Flash Crowd" was published, this recording is a grand exposition of what goes on in this author's mind as he works out the impact of new technology. "The limitations you assume for your teleportation are going to define your society." Isaac Asimov (and a number of other audience members) challenge Larry with questions and suggestions. There's even a chalkboard talk (which you can follow from the audio). The program provides a very entertaining and complete logical framework for thinking about the problems and advantages of different implementations of mechanical teleportation, with the eager participation of the engineers in the audience. 

August 6, 2020
We are happy to tell you that we have a new arrangement with the Science Fiction Foundation to put issues of their journal Foundation  online here. Today, we added 8 issues. These scans have been provided to us by Paul March-Russell, who also edited these issues. Thanks, Paul! Also -

--8 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 80-89 (except for 88) and updated 82. These were edited by Maureen Porter (80-85) and by Jenny Glover (86-89). Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--1 more issue (the latest!) of Dale Speirs's Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 5, 2020
--9 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 71-79 edited by Maureen Porter, from 1987-1988. Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--1 issue of a new title for us, Manly Banister's Nekromantikon. We have issue 2 from summer 1950. Nekromantikon is subtitled the "Amateur Magazine of Weird and Fantasy". This issue has a feature on artist Ralph Rayburn Phillips. This was provided to us by John Godin at Boskone 2020 and scanned by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Ted White's Null-F, from Feb 1972. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Potrzebie  (the only issue?), edited by Bob Stewart and Larry Stark, published by Ted White. Issue 1 is from 1954. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--added issue 19a of Vector, aka issue 17 of the BSFA Newsletter. Edited by Archie Mercer, this 6 page issue is from June 1963. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Replaced 7 issues of George Flynn's Voice of the Lobster  with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Replaced 2 more issues of Andrew Porter's Algol  with searchable PDFs. OCR for these by Joe Siclari.

August 3, 2020
Thanks to those of you that answered our survey. We have more than 125 responses so far. For those that didn't answer yet, there's still time. You can find it at Also:

--7 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 180-186. These issues, from 2006-2007. All but one of these were edited by Tom Hunter, and the other one by Ian Whates, and Del & Kim Lakin-Smith. Scans were provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--1 more issue of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. This is issue 27 from 2001. Ron Bennett, Eve Ackerman, Bob Madle, Mike Resnick, Dave Kyle, Earl Kemp, Forry Ackerman, Bruce Pelz.... Scan provided by Rich Lynch. Mimosa is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks Rich!

--1 more issue (the latest!) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 5. Thanks to Mark and Evelyn Leeper for sending it.

--3 issues (all the issues!) of Ken Cheslin's OMPAzine Sally-Port. These are all from 1962 and were scanned by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--1 issue associated with Thyme. This is a 1992 one shot called "DownThyme" and you'll find it in the Thyme index. Scan provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

--1 half issue of Joe Siclari's unterHelios. Issue 2.5 from 1972 is really more of a flyer, but ephemera "r" us. Scan by editor Joe Siclari himself.

--15 issues of Ken Cheslin's OMPAzine Whatsit. These issues of his perzine are from 1962 to 1974 and have very charming covers. Watercolor? Silk screen? Does anyone know? Scans provided by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

Replaced 7 issues of Laney and Russell's Acolyte, 1 issue of Norm Metcalf's New Frontiers, 1 issue of Wild Hair, and 8 issues of Andrew Porter's Algol  with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

July 30, 2020
--2 more issues of Ted White's Gambit  from 1960. We've added issues 37 and 39. Issue 39 was coedited by Pete Graham, and combined with THIS #10. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--10 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 170-179. These issues, from 2004-2006, were edited by Tom Hunter. Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--8 more issues of Hank and Lesleigh Luttrell's Starling, these issues from the mid-late 1970s. We've added issues 30-37 of this Hugo nominated fanzine. Scan's by Joe Siclari.

--6 more of issues of Thyme, the Australian newszine, edited by Alan Stewart. These are issues 89-93 from 1993, and also issue 46.5 from 1985, edited by Peter Burns and Roger Weddall. The eagle-eyed amongst you will protest that we already had issue 46.5 up. Turns out that was really issue 46, and today's addition is 46.5. But now, thanks to all these scans provided by Irwin Hirsh, you can read them both. Thanks Irwin!

Also replaced issue 10 of Laney and Russell's Acolyte  with a searchable PDF. OCR by Joe Siclari.

July 29, 2020
Today, I sent out our First Ever User Survey for the Fan History sites (, and our YouTube channel). Response so far has been great, with more than 70 folks filling in the survey. If you are not a subscriber and missed the Facebook posts, you can just go directly to We'd love to get your feedback.

--10 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 160-169. These were mostly edited by Mark Greener and Martin McGrath, with a couple done by Martin McGrath alone and also two by Tom Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--10 more issues of Hank and Lesleigh Luttrell's Starling  from the mid 1970s. We've added issues 15-16, 21-25 and 27-29. Contributors include Joe Sanders, Banks Mebane, Juanita Couson, Grant Canfield, Ken Fletcher, Bob Tucker, Terry Hughes, Jack Gaughan, and Tim Kirk. Nice covers and interior art too. Starling was nominated for the 1975 Best Fanzine Hugo. Scans by Joe Siclari.

July 28, 2020
--1 more issue of Gus Willmorth's Fantasy Advertiser. Issue 6 from Jan 1947, scanned by Joe Siclari.

--10 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 150-159 (done by various editors). Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--9 issues, the entire run, of a rare fanzine from 1940 Liverpool - Science-Fantasy Review's War Digest. This was from Ronald Holmes and (I think) Leslie Heald. I don't know what the copy count was, but even Pavlat-Evans has incomplete information about it. But now, thanks to Alistair Durie, you can read them all. Thank you Alistair for providing these scans!

July 26, 2020
Apologies to Nicki Lynch. When I noted the latest addition of an issue of Mimosa  (#24), I identified it as by Rich Lynch. Incorrect for sure. That should have been Mimosa by Rich and Nicki Lynch. Again, my apologies.

--2 more issues of Mike and Susan Glicksohn's Energumen. Issues 3 and 9 added, with other contributors including Bob Toomey, Ted Pauls, Andy Offutt, Ted White, Joe Haldeman, John Douglas, Vincent di Fate, Tim Kirk and Bill Rotsler. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of A. Langley Searles' Fantasy Commentator. Added today is issue 2 from June 1944. Alas, Retro voting is over, or we'd add this issue to the list. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--4 more issues of John D. Berry's Hitchhike. We've uploaded issues 21-24, with scanning courtesy of Eli Cohen. Thanks, Eli!

--19 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 130-149 (various editors), with the exception of issue 146 which we still don't have. Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--1 more issue (the latest) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 4. Thanks to Mark and Evelyn Leeper for sending it to us.

--1 more issue (the latest) of Dale Speirs's perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 24, 2020
We've sent out a Fanhistory Project update to the subscriber list, and added it under FANAC Updates - The updates are being sent out via Mail Chimp. Let me know if you're subscribed and not receiving yours. We're going to try out a survey too (also through Mail Chimp). In the next few days, expect to see a brief survey on how you use the History sites ( YouTube Channel). Thanks in advance for answering the survey!

Abject apologies to Martin Morse Wooster, whose name we inadvertantly misspelled in the update. We'll fix it in the version that goes up on the website.

--9 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin R. Smith. We've added issues 120, 122-129. Scans provided by Kevin R. Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--1 more issue of Rich Lynch's Mimosa. Today's addition is issue 24, from Aug 1999. Mimosa is a core fanzine for us to scan. Contributors in this issue include Forry Ackerman, Dave Kyle, Curt Phillips, Eve Ackerman, and Mike Resnick. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 more issue (the last remaining issue!) of John Berry and ATom's Retribution. A scan of issue 1 (January 1956) has been provided by Rob Hansen, completing the run. Thanks Rob! Thanks both for the scan, and for completing the run. Retribution is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--1 more issue of Len Moffatt's Science Fiction Parade. We've added the June 1962 issue, this one edited by Stan Woolston. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--4 more issues of the Australian newszine Thyme. Well, at least 3 1/2 issues. Edited by Greg Hills and Mark Loney, these are from the early 90s. We've added issues 84-85 and 87. There's a half issue between 84 and 85. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

--1 more issue of the WSFA Journal. Added the July 1999 issue, and was edited by Samuel Lubell. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. The issue was scanned and provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

July 22, 2020
Apologies to those that tried to access Matrix last night. Somehow I screwed up the directory and it was HTML soup. Thanks to Dave Langford and Thomas Hartl who let me know about the problem so I could fix it. Fixed it is. Also, more fanzines.

--1 more issue of Sam Moskowitz's Helios. This is issue 4 from October, 1937. Contributions from David Keller, John Russell Fearn, J. Michael Rosenblum, Louis Smith, Corwin Stickney, Jack Gillespie, Donald A. Wollheim, and Clark Ashton Smith. I hope you noticed that our homepage is a splash for SaM, in honor of his centenary. Links to his writings that we have on our site are collected there. Scan for Helios #4 provided by that historian of the 30s, David Ritter. Thanks David!

--11 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin Smith. We've added issues 82, 88, 92, 94, 96, 106-107, 111-112, 114-115. Scans provided by Kevin Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--1 more issue of Bill and Joan Bowers' Outworlds. This is issue 17, from August 1973. Outworlds is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan for #17 provided by Jerry Kaufman. Thanks Jerry!

--1 more issue of Ethel Lindsay's Scottishe. Issue 66, from 1973, with scan provided by Joe Siclari. Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan.

July 21, 2020
--1 more issue (the latest) of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl!

--3 more issues of Ethel Lindsay's Haverings. Added today are issues 23, 57 and 58. After issue 58, Haverings was folded into Scottishe.

--5 more issues of Harry Warner's apazine Horizons. Added today are issues 144, 148, 157, 160 and 168. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--15 more issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. We've added issues 56-70, and scans were provided by Kevin Smith. Thanks Kevin!

--7 issues of Starling  from Hank Luttrell, almost all of which are coedited with Lesleigh Luttrell (formerly Lesleigh Couch). This is a new title for us. Starling was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo in 1975. Contributors include Bob Tucker, Banks Mebane, Grant Canfield, Ken Fletcher, Juanita Coulson, Joe Sanders, Jim Turner, Tim Kirk and Angus Taylor. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Replaced 5 more issues of Thyme  with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

July 19, 2020
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of July 2020's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

July 18, 2020
PSA: We've had some reports of PDFs that seem to have missing or duplicated pages. Thanks so much for letting us know, but before you drop us a note, please page through slowly. Apparently the Adobe reader can get confused when you're skating through quickly and screw up order, etc. Also, thanks to John Bray, we know that the Google Maps GPS Coordinates extension inside the Brave browser can screw up the index pgaes.

--3 more issues of Leland Sapiro's Riverside Quarterly. This completes the run! Scans provided by Kim Gibbs. Thanks Kim!

--1 issue (the only issue) of Stu Shiffman's Fokal Point. This is folk rather than filk but you will find it in the filk directory. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of Matrix and BSFA Newsletter, from the British Science Fiction Association. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue (the latest) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 3. Provided by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thanks guys!

--1 issue of Bill Bowers's Outworlds. Issue 16 from 1973, and all the illustrations are by Steve Fabian. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Frank Dietz's Science, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. This is issue 5, from Apr 1949, and contributors include Forry Ackerman, Sam Moskowitz, David H. Keller, M.D., Wilkie Conner, and Frank Dietz. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Art Rapp's Spacewarp. We've added issue 101 (Jan 1973) and issue 194 (Apr 1994). This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Don Miller's WSFA Journal. This is issue 69 from 1969. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Karen Anderson's Zed. Added issue 778 (?) from 1954. Scans by Joe Siclari.

July 15, 2020
--12 issues of Matrix, from the British Science Fiction Association. This is a new title to us and comes courtesy of BSFA and Kevin Smith. Scans for the first 21 issues were done by Alex Bardy, and the rest were done by Kevin Smith. Thanks to you all!

--Filthy Pierre's Microfilk! Online now on the filk index page. This was a bear to scan (and thanks to Joe Siclari for prevailing). Of course Filthy Pierre is aka Erwin Strauss. If you've never used the Microfilk, be aware that it is very aptly named. A mainstay of east coast filks in the 70s when I first started singing, the Microfilk brought in a new generation of filkers. Note that the lyrics start on page 14. Be warned - it's a PDF that's almost 50MB.

--1 more issue (the latest issue) of Opuntia  from Dale Speirs. Thanks, Dale!.

--3 issues (the complete run) of John Owen's Rastus  from the early 80s. This is a new title for us and was provided by John Owen. Thanks, John!

--3 issues of Earl and Nancy Kemp's SaFari, originally distributed in SAPS. Today, I added issues 2, 6 and a supplement to issue 5 which is also SaFari Annual 1. The numbering here is more than a little odd. Issue 2 celebrates Bob Bloch's sale of Psycho to the movies. The cover is full of pictures of a celebratory party. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. These are by various editors. We've added issues 93, 113, 121 and 128. Scans by Joe Siclari.

July 14, 2020
A new record today. Scans provided for this update by six different contributors on 3 continents!

--1 more issue of Ron Bennett's Ploy. Rob Hansen has provided us scans of issue 2 from Fall 1954, thereby completing the run. Issue 2 has contributions by Mal Ashworth, Terry Jeeves, Vince Clarke and others. Ploy is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks, Rob!

--2 more issues of The Scarr, by George Charters. Added today are issues 10, and 102 (which I believe to be #11). Scans provided by Joe Patrizio. Thanks, Joe!

--1 more issue John Owen's Shipyard Blues. Added issue 7 from Mar 1992, thereby completing the run. Scans provided by John Owen. Thanks, John!

--6 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. These were edited by Don Cochran and Francine Mullen in the early 90s. We've added issues 80, 81, 84, 86-88. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--added 1 issue of Roger Weddall's Thyme. Issue 31 (1984). Scan by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

Replaced 41 issues of Thyme  with searchable PDFs. The issues replaced are 94-95, 97, 99-106, 130-136. OCR by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

We also put up part 2 of the Dick Smith interview with Bob Tucker from 2000. From the YouTube description: "Dick Smith's interview of Bob Tucker was done for Chicon 2000. Here in Part 2, the stories keep coming (and Bob is an excellent storyteller). Tucker talks about Claude Degler's first appearance in fandom and how Jack Speer (later Judge Speer) got into trouble. There's more about Chicon 1, how he learned about the internet and how fandom has changed in the preceeding 60 years. You'll even hear how Bob ended up joining the N3F after decades in fandom." See it at  Videography by Tom Veal.

July 11, 2020
--2 bits of ephemera from Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi's Double Bill. There's a letter to artists, and D:B Jr aka "Things we Forgot to put in the Magazine, proper". Scans by Joe Siclari

--added John Kenny's FTL 1, from March 1989. You can find under Irish Publications in the Classic Index. That's a good place to start when you're looking for any fanzine. The Classic Index is at FTL was scanned at Dublin 2019, and provided by Philippa Ryder. Thanks Philippa!

--1 more issue of Linda Bushyager's Karass. Well, we uploaded the "False Karass" that was distributed at Big Mac in 1976. Now it's really complete. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 2, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thanks guys!

--6 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. These are by various editors from the early 1990s. We've added issues 67, 71, 75-78. We also upgraded issue 73 to a new scan with a cover still intact. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of John Owen's Shipyard Blues  from the late 80s/early 90s. This is a new title for us. Contributors include Mary Gentle, Skel, Eric Mayer, Martyn Taylor, and more. Nice art! Scans provided by John Owen. Thanks John!

It's a YouTube day. We've put an interview with Bob Tucker from 2000 up on the YouTube channel. From the writeup: "Dick Smith's interview of Bob Tucker was done for Chicon 2000 (with videography by Tom Veal, chair of Chicon 2000!). In this low key conversation, Tucker tells wonderful stories about 60 years of fandom, from Chicon 1 in 1940, to his only stint as convention Artist Guest of Honor, to the origin of the Tucker Hotel, to Claude Degler and more. There's history. There's "smoothing". There are intriguing hints of stories not told. Here's your chance to sit down with a ghiant of fandom, and listen to Dick Smith draw out his stories of our fannish past." 

July 7, 2020
--19 more issues of Roy Tackett's Dynatron. Uploaded today - issues 40-41, 43-44, 48-50, 52-60, 62-63, and 96. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 issues of H.T. McAdam's Fantopologist. Poetry, fiction, and topology. How utterly charming, and not recorded in Pavlat-Evans. My last topology class was in 1968, from the topologist immortalized in "Stress Analysis of a Strapless Evening Gown" as L.M.S.F.T. (Lee M. Sonneborn, fine topologist). He was very cool. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 more issues of Dan McPhail's Phantasy Press. Uploaded today - issues 8, 13, 21-22, 29, 50, and 59. Issue 8 comes from 1956 and issue 59 from 1980. Phantasy Press was a FAPAzine. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--6 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. These are by various editors from the late 1980s to the 90s. We've added issues 48, 50, 53, 103, 129, and 136. When Joe and I edited, it was a family affair. Issue 103 has a column by our then 13 year old son. I'm not sure what the statute of limitations is on egoboo, but I have to admit that reading the letter column for #103 is still very exciting and encouraging. Scans by Joe Siclari.

July 6, 2020
Thanks to Evelyn Leeper and Martin Moore Wooster for pointing out errors on the site. We will get them fixed.

Added 2 more pieces by Sam Moskowitz for his centenary. They are "A Canticle for P. Schuyler Miller" and "Peace and Olaf Stapledon". Both are in the Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts index and links can also be found on the FANAC homepage ( ). There's a centenary splash for SaM there, which will be up until the end of July. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of the TNFF's clubzine Tightbeam. This is the latest issue, issue 310. Tightbeam is edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz, and was sent to us by George Phillies. Thanks George!

--8 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. These are by various editors from the 1990s to 2000s. We've added issues 118, 123, 131, 133, 135, 139, 148 and March 2005. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of John Berry's Pot Pourri. Issue 17 - Eney for TAFF. Pot Pourri is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--13 issues of Roy Tackett's Dynatron. Uploaded today - issues 16-18, 20-22, 24-25, 28, 30, 34, 37-38. Scans by Joe Siclari.

July 4, 2020
--10 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. These are by various editors from the 1990s. We've added issues 79, 85, 89-92, 102, 108, 111 and 116. Issue 116 has a sweet article "Remembering Robert Bloch" from Gerry Adair. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--added an errata sheet for issue V5#3 of Leland Sapiro's Riverside Quarterly. Scan provided by Kim Gibbs. Thanks Kim!

--1 more issue (the latest) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 39, No. 1. This issue, as all others, provided by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both!

--1 more issue of Terry Jeeves's Erg. Added issue 136 (Jan 1997), with scanning by Joe Siclari.

--10 issues of Roy Tackett's Dynatron. This is a new title for us, and we start with issues from the early 60s. There are more coming. Note that for issue 6, all we have is a cover. Articles and columns by Len Moffatt, Takumi Shibano, Bjo Trimble, Rick Sneary, and more. Scans by Joe Siclari.

I forgot to note the latest YouTube upload here. It's part 2 of the audio tape from IguanaCon on Fans to Pros, with Terry Carr, Richard Lupoff, Ted White, Robert Silverberg and Harlan Ellison. From the YouTube description: "More serious than part 1, this segment talks about becoming a writer, and provides straightforward, candid insights about selling in the field. There's less byplay but lots of good discussion. Note two things - the recording does not go to the end of the panel but stops abruptly (source material ends), and there is a section where members of the audience are speaking and you can't hear them on the recording. Please be patient - the responses from the panel are worth hearing." You can see it at

July 2, 2020
--1 more issue of Dale Speirs's Opuntia. This is the latest, issue #477. Thanks Dale!

--5 more issues of Leland Sapiro's Riverside Quarterly. Today's additons are V7#2-3, and V8#1-3 from the 1980s-1990s. We also have 2 issues of Sapiro's Sasquatch Saskatchewanian listed in the early 1970s in the same index page. These scans were provided by Kim Gibbs. So enjoy! Thanks Kim!

--9 more issues of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. These are all edited by Gerry Adair, from the late 80s-early 90s. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Mae Strelkov's Tink. This is spectacular hecto. Scans by Joe Siclari.

June 29, 2020
--replaced 21 issues of Thyme  with searchable PDFs. Scans by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

--8 issues of Leland Sapiro's Riverside Quarterly. We've added V5#2-4, V6 entirely, and V7#1. Scans provided by Kim Gibbs. Thanks Kim! Riverside Quarterly is a core fanzine for us to scan.

June 28, 2020
Thanks to Dave Langford and to Sandra Bond for finding errors on the site (which are now being fixed). Everyone else is invited to do the same! Please do send a note to if you see a typo or a mistake or something we should fix. If you sent corrections to convention photos, I apologize. Our photo software is creaaky and I'm looking for alternatives. If anyone out there is an expert on gallery software, please contact me.

--3 issues of Joe Hensley's Apollo  from the early 40s. This is a new title for us. Issue 5 says it's dedicated to H.P. Lovecraft (and includes his street address). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 more issues of Destiny, co-edited by Malcolm Willits (always), Earl Kemp (some issues) and Jim Bradley (other issues). These are from the early 1950s. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 issues of the Geis Letter, by Richard E. Geis. Issues 19, 49-50 and 52 added. The Geis Letter shares an index page with "Richard E. Geis - Personal Journal", so look for these at the bottom of the index page. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 issues of John Foyster's The Gryphon. This title (new to us) is a continuation of his Satura (not here yet). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--A cover (alternate cover?) and inside back cover added to the LASFS Lovecraft Symposium. These were provided by Kim Gibbs. Thanks Kim!

--2 more issues of Mike Glyer's Prehensile. We've added issues 14-15. Issue 15 was the last one. Contributors include Mike Glicksohn, Don D'Ammassa, Terr Carr, Bill Rotsler, Marc Schirmeister and others. Prehensile is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Earl Kemp's Safari. This is issue 4 (Jan 1960) done for SAPS 50. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--7 more issues of the clubzine, SFSFS Shuttle. We've added issues with numbers under 100 by various editors. SFSFS = South Florida Science Fiction Society. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Robert Lichtman's Trap Door. This is issue 7 with memories of Terry Carr. Scan by Joe Siclari.

June 27, 2020
Thanks to Dave Langford for spotting some minor errors on the site (which I've now fixed). Please do send a note to if you see a typo or a mistake or something we should fix.

--7 fanzines and newsletter issues scanned last year at Dublin. Titles: Aphelion, Cortex, Darklands V3#3, Finger Cramps 1, Prototype 8, Sector 14 Convention Special, and Star Truck. You can find them in our list of Irish Fan Publications - Zines provided by Philippa Ryder and scans at Dublin by Mark Olson.

--1 more issue of Don Wilson's Dream Quest  . We've added issue 1 from 1947. Articles and reviews by Jack Speer, Rick Sneary, Joe Kennedy, Sam Moskowitz, Forry Ackerman and more. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The Eastercon Speeches (Complete BoSh: vol2), published by Robert Jackson in 1979. I wish we had audio recordings of some/all of these. Also scanned at Dublin 2019 and also can be found at

--2 issues of Al and Abby Lu Ashley's En Garde  from 1942-1943. We've added issues 2 and 5. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of F. T. Laney's Fan-Dango  from 1948. We've added issue 17, with scan by Joe Siclari. Fan-Dango is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Galah Performance, a trip report by John Berry published in 1982 by Taral. Scan at Dublin 2019.
--fanzines/Irish_Fandom/Irish_Fandom27.pdf  Grecian Odd Essays by John Berry (2001). Scanned at Dublin 2019 by Mark Olson.
--A Fan's Christmas in Ireland, published by Tom Whitmore, this 1991 publication brings together the unique Christmas card fanzines that Walt and Madeline Willis would send out. Scanned at Dublin 2019 by Mark Olson.

--1 issue of Ted White's GAFIA newsheet  from 1958. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 52, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

--5 more issues of Ken Slater's Operation Fantast. We've added 11-14, and 16. Operation Fantast is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of Jack Speer's Rambling, from 1939 and 1941. We added issues 5, 9 and 10. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--5 more issues of Leland Sapiro's Riverside Quarterly. We've added the 1st issue as well as V4#2-4 and V5#1. Riverside Quarterly is a core fanzine for us to scan. These scans were provided by Kim Gibbs, who saw the gaps in the run and volunteered to provide some issues. Thanks Kim! It's much appreciated.

--1 more issue of Lee Gold's Third Foundation. Issue 83 from July 1968 added today. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Robert Lichtman's Trap Door. This is issue 8, from 1988 with contributions from Jeanne Gomoll, rich brown, Dan Steffan and Bill Rotsler among others. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of James Blish's Tumbrils  from 1945. These were issues in the Futurian apa - Vanguard APA. Tumbrils is a new title for us. Scan by Joe Siclari.

We also replaced issue #2 of Scienti-Comics, and Art Rapp's Spacewarp 85  with searchable PDFs.

June 25, 2020
--2 issues of Rob Hansen and Ted White's Crank. These two (issues 4-5) complete the run! Thanks go to Irwin Hirsh for the scans.

--9 more issues of John Owen's Crystal Ship, completing the run. We've added issues 8-15, and "The Last Ripples". Issue 11 is the William Morris issue. Scans provided by John Owen. Thanks John!

--2 issue of Roger Sims's Fantasy Scope  - #1 from Apr 1950 and #2 from April 1992, completing the run. This fanzine has a 50 year publication history, but there were *ahem* some gaps. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Dean Grennel's Grue. We had only had the cover before, but Rob Hansen sent us this scan of the entire issue. Thanks Rob!

--4 more issues of Harry Warner Jr's FAPAzine, Horizons. These are issues 64, 85, 103 and 109. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 more issues of Thyme, with various editors, and one insert throwing someone off the mailling list. These are issues 70, 72-76, and 80.5. The insert comes from Roger Weddall from issue 21. Scans are courtesy of Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

We also added 2 brief articles on Fan History by Rich Lynch, one on DC Fandom, and the other on early fandom. You can find them at Material provided by Rich Lynch Thanks Rich!

June 24, 2020
--9 more issues of Ken Slater's Operation Fantast. These are issues of the New Series, from #1 in July 1949 to #15 in 1953. There's also an Operation Fantast Handbook from 1951. Operation Fantast is a core fanzine for us to scan. Operation Fantast was one of the zines that connected Walt Willis to fandom outside of Ireland, and motivated him to pub his ish. So very cool to have it here. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Mike Glyer's Prehensile. Issue 4 from Jun 1972, with scan by Joe Siclari. Thish has not a TOC, but a "Table of Malcontents". Prehensile is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--3 issues of Dale Tarr's The Science Fiction World  from the mid 1940s. This is a new title for us. It lasted 4 issues according to Pavlat-Evans. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Ethel Lindsay's Scottishe. This is issue 40 from Apr 1966. Scottishe is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--3 satires of Thyme  by various people from 1988. These are Thyming, Time Out and Why Me 69. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. What happened in Australian fandom in 1988? We also replaced two issues with searchable PDFs. Thanks Irwin!

--7 more issues of NFFFs Tightbeam  with various editors, plus one supplemental issue (with strange numbering). We've added issues from the mid 70s, and finished adding pages to each issue. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Guy Lillian's Zine Dump. This is issue 48 from April. Thanks Guy!

We've added another 16 photos, this time taken by Kim Huett. There are 10 from the 1997 Corflu  and 6 from 1996 Seattle fandom. Thanks Kim! Ok, and we've also added another 35 or so from the 1958 Solacon. These are from the Elinor Busby collection, and scanned by Linda Deneroff. You can find them at Buz and Elinor Busby Photo Album. Thanks Elinor and Linda!

June 21, 2020
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of June 2020's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

--2 more DUFF  reports, albeit for one DUFF trip. Added "Duffbury Tales by Marty Cantor, and "Tales of Duffbury" by Robbie Cantor, both from 1987. They were published together, Ace Double style. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues (the last two) of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. These are the May and June issues. Thanks Leybl!

--1 more (the latest) issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 51, sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you guys!

--1 more issue of Rich Lynch's My Back Pages. This is issue 24, hot off the word processor. Thanks Rich!

--5 more issues of NFFFs Tightbeam, these edited by Chuck Rutherford and Frank Denton. We've added issues 66-70. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--the one and only issue of Vector, edited by Harlan Ellison and Jim Schreiber from Dec 1952. Very early Ellison fiction. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Also added a PDF version of issues 5 and 6 of Jeanne Gomoll's Taffiles. Thanks to Jeanne for sending!

We also replaced Leigh Edmond's DUFF Report (1974), Emu Tracks over America  with a searchable PDF. Scan/OCR by Joe Siclari.

We've added another 25 photos from Elinor Busby's collection, scanned by Linda Deneroff. These are from around 1957-1958, and there are photos of Bob Bloch and the Andersons among others. You can see them in the Busby photo album. More to come! Thanks Linda and Elinor!

June 20, 2020
--1 more issue of Ted White's egoscan. This completes the run. The scan was provided by Irwin Hirsh who noticed the gap and kindly filled it. Thank you Irwin! Hey, if anyone else sees a gap in a fanzine run on that they can fill, please do. We really appreciate it.

--7 more issues of Marty (and Robbie) Cantor's Holier Than Thou. We've added issues 1, 3, 7, 9, 23, 26-27. Scans by Joe Siclari. Issue 26 is the Terry Carr Memorial issue.

--1 more artistic fannish calendar. This one is designed by Dave McKane, for 1992 from ISFA, the Irish Science Fiction Association. You can find it in Calendars.

--3 issues of The National Fantasy Fan  from 1950. These are issues from Volume 9 (!). Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 new issue of Dale Speirs's perzine Opuntia. Dale sent us a PDF of issue #476 (3.6 MB). Thanks Dale.

--3 Rotsler Artzines, including two Tatooed Dragons. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--both Safari Annuals  by Earl and Nancy Kemp. From 1960-1961, and starting with surveys and questionnaires, thesse are "Who Killed Science Fiction" and "Why is a Fan". Scans provided by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

--7 issues of NFFFs Tightbeam. We've added the January 1974 issue (Don Markstein), and from 1979-1981, 18, 21-22, 24-25, and 30 (Lynn Holdom). Scans by Joe Siclari.

June 18, 2020
--1 more issue of Charles Platt's Beyond. This is issue 6 (Jul 1964). Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!

--the 1 and only issue of John Foyster's Emanation. This 80 page zine has contributions from Donald Tuck, Nigel Jackson, and John Baxter. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Ted White's perzine The Gafiate's Intelligencer, one from 1973 and the other from 1983. Creative numbering. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of The Green Dragon  from 1968-9. This was the newzine of the Tolkien Society of America, edited by Ed Meskys. Scans are by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Maura McHugh's Ogham  from 1997. They were provided by Philippa Ryder and scanned at Dublin 2019. Thanks Philippa!

--1 more of Guy Lillian's Spartacus. Issue 37, and this was provided by George Phillies. Thanks George!

And a treat for the musically inclined. We've added the script for "HMS Trek-a-Star'. This was done in 1967, primarily by Karen and Astrid Anderson and Dorothy Jones, but with help from Poul Anderson, Jerry Jacks and others. It's under Musicals at 

We also replaced Fanews Analyzer  #2 (Cosmic Circle) with a searchable PDF.

June 16, 2020
We've added Kim Huett and Leigh Edmond's 76 page just completed database of Australian of Australian Fanzines from 1939-1975. What a great addition to the serious researcher (and also to the interested dilettantes). Thanks Kim! You all can find it under Bibliographies at 

--3 issues of a new-to-us title, Ron Christiansen's The Grotesque. These date from 1946, and were scanned by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of Ethel Lindsay's reviewzine, Haverings. We've added issue 16 from August 1962. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of John D. Berry's Hitchhike. Today, we've uploaded issues 25 and 27 from 1975-76. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--7 more issues of Harry Warner Jr's Horizons. Uploaded are issues 161-163, 172, 191, 225 and 243. We also uploaded a searchable PDF for issue 69. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of Lan Laskowski's Lan's Lantern. We've added issues 18-19 and 22. Lan's Lantern is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 50, sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both!

--10 issues of NFFFs Tightbeam  with various editors. We've added issues 61-62, 64-65, and 71-76. Scans by Joe Siclari. We've also added the latest issue, #309, from George Phillies. Thanks George!

We also replaced issue 6 (1940) of Sam Moskowitz's New Fandom  with a searchable PDF.

June 14, 2020
We've changed the name of the "Fanthologies" page to "Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts". Today we added "In Memoriam - H.G. Wells", from 1946 by Forry Ackerman and Arthur Joquel. Scanning by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob! We also added the "Fanthology Index - 1986-1990" by Don Fitch, with scanning by Joe Siclari. It's at 

--2 more issues of Terry Jeeves's Erg. Uploaded are issues 50 (Apr 74) and 143 (Oct 98). Scan of issue 50 by Joe Siclari, and of issue 143 by Rich Lynch. Thanks!

--9 more issues of Harry Warner Jr's Horizons. Uploaded are issues 115-116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 146-147 and 158. These range from 1968 to 1979. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. These are issues 11 (Dec 91) and 13 (Jan 93). Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--9 more of issues of Thyme, the Australian newszine, with various editors. These are issues 60-64, 66-69 from 1986 - 1988. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

--9 issues of NFFFs Tightbeam  with various editors. We've added issues 44, 46-47, 50, 54-56, and 58-59. Scans by Joe Siclari. I'm starting to add the number of pages in each issue to this index, so bear with me as it will be incomplete for a while.

--2 more issues of Robert Lichtman's Trap Door. We've added issues 5 and 6 from the mid 1980s. Contributors include Mal Ashworth, Redd Boggs, Harry Warner Jr., Charles Burbee, Terry Carr, Dave Langford and others. Scans by Joe Siclari.

June 12, 2020
--15 more issues of Harry Warner Jr's Horizons. Uploaded are issues 34-35, 38, 66, 82, 86, 89, 91-92, 102, 104-107 and 111. These range from the 1940s to 1967. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--17 more of Peter Burns and Roger Weddall's issues of Thyme, the Australian newszine. These range from issue 41 in 1984 to issue 59 in 1986. Scans provided by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

--3 issues of NFFFs Tightbeam  with various editors. Issues 19, 29 and 34. Scans by Joe Siclari. I'm starting to add the number of pages in each issue to this index, so bear with me as it will be incomplete for a while.

June 11, 2020
First, apologies for failing to credit Terry Carr in the title and description of the last YouTube upload. He was listed in the titles within the piece and this was a pure proof-reading screwup on my part. I fixed it now. YouTube restricts us to 100 characters for the titles, so if you see crappy spacing and shortforms in the titles, that's why.

Second, fanzines:

--13 more issues of Roger Weddall's Australian newszine, Thyme  from the early to mid 80s. We put up issues 19, 23, 25.5, 30, and 32-39. While Thyme has had multiple editors, these issues were all done by Roger. Peter Burns was the interim editor on issues 36-39 (actually through 42). The issues were scanned by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

--8 more issues of the NFFF's Tightbeam. These range from the 1970s to very recent. The numbering went chaotic in the 1970s. There were unnumbered issues, restarted numbering, and apparently an estimate of the number that should have pertained with a consequent move to that scheme. If anyone has the specifics, please let me know and I'll put it in the preamble to the index as well as make sure it gets into These are provided by the NFFF, via president George Phillies. Thanks George!

--9 issues of Ted White's newszine Gambit  from the late 50s to the mid 60s. We've added issues 26-31, 44, 47 and 52. Scans by Joe Siclari.

June 9, 2020
--3 more issues of Ethel Lindsay's reviewzine Haverings. Issues 29,31 and 56 on the list now. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of John D. Berry's Hitchike. Issue 26 added to the list. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--4 more issues of Marty Cantor's Holier Than Thou. Issues 2, 4, 11 and 15 added to the list now. Scans by Joe Siclari.

It's a YouTube day (well, yesterday was). Today's upload is an audio recording, enhanced with images, of a very entertaining Fan to Pros panel at Iguanacon (1978). Harlan Ellison and Bob Silverberg along with Dick Lupoff and Ted White, talk about the topic but it's the sidebars that make it really fun. From the writeup: " It's clear that the participants are old friends, with the combination of sharp wit and long familiarity. There are multilingual puns, sincere stories of friends that helped them become professionals, tales of writerly poverty, editorial benevolence and malevolence, and a ready acknowledgement (in detail!) of how fandom helped these writers become professionals in the field. Well worth listening to for both the content and the occasional conversational gymnastics. " 

June 7, 2020
--10 more issues of Lan Laskowski's Lan's Lantern. We've added issues 11-17, 29, 33-34. Check out the notes on these issues - there are special issues dedicated to Heinlein, Norton, Temple, Simak and others. Lan's Lantern is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Robert Lichtman's Trap Door. We've added issues 4 and 27. Trap Door is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--8 more issues of Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro. Today's additions - 163, 174-175, 178-179, 231, 236, and 243. Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

June 6, 2020
--13 more issues of Ethel Lindsay's reviewzine Haverings. These run from 1961 to 1968. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--13 more issues of Rich Lynch's My Back Pages. This zine collects Rich's previously published articles in one place. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--18 more issues of Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro. The issues added were from the mid 60s-1980. Yandro is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

June 5, 2020
We're happy to continue the birthday for Bob Madle by adding 7 more issues of Fantascience Digest, and replacing 2 others with searchable PDFs. Some of these scans were made from photocopies. I suspect you can tell the difference between the hecto and the copies. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of a new title for us - John Owen's Crystal Ship. John has sent us scans of issues 1-7 from 1977-1983. You'll find contributions from Mary Gentle, Joseph Nicholas, Kate and Anna McGarrigle and more. Thanks John!

--1 issue of Dick Wilson's Escape  from Jan 1940. This was the last issue. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--12 issues of Lan Laskowski's Lan's Lantern  from the first issue in 1976 to the double issue (#24) in Nov 1987. Several of these issues are dedicated to a specific writer. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--5 issues of a new title for us - Rich Lynch's My Back Pages. This zine collects Rich's previously published articles in one place. Scans provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

June 2, 2020
Happy Birthday on June 2 to Bob Madle, who reaches triple digits. If you have been to, you'll have seen our splash page which gives pointers to the audio and video we have of Bob, as well as links to the fanzines he edited in the 1930s. Happy Birthday, Bob!

We've added 5 issues of Fantasy Fiction Telegram, Bob's fanzine of the mid 30s. The run is now complete! These scans were provided by David Ritter in timely celebration. Thanks David!

Also..the latest Opuntia  from Dale Speirs (along with an updated index), and the latest Ionisphere  from John Thiel and the NFFF

May 30, 2020
--6 issues of Gannetscrapbook, a fanzine published by some of the folks of "Gannet Fandom". This was published in the 1970s and had various editors. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--12 regular issues of Dean Grennell's Grue, along with a Gruesome Zombie (one-shot with Bob Tucker) and a Grue "NN". We also replaced issue 27 with a searchable PDF. From issue 23: James Blish, Chuck Harris, Jack Speer (reprint), Gerry Kincannon, Bob Tucker, Mal Ashworth, Es and Les Cole, Harlan Ellison, Andy and Jean Young, Robert Bloch, Bob Silverberg, and Redd Boggs. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 more issues of Geis Letter, from March-April 1998. I also moved one to this index rather than the SF Review index. Scans by Joe Siclari.

May 28, 2020
Thanks to Paul Fraser for pointing out a readability issue with Vector 72. We've uploaded a new version  which hopefully will be more readable.

--3 bibliographies of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Two were done by Dick Spelman in the 1970s as references for pubs by Arkham House, Avalon and a few others. The 3rd was done by Al Lewis for the 1962 science fiction magazines. You'll find them in our reference section under Bibliographic Publications: 

--1 issue of Bernard Cook's newszine Fan-Newsie  from Jan 1960. Featured story - "LASFS CELEBRATES 25th ANNIVERSARY; VAN VOGT, ROBERT BLOCH SPEAK". Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Harold Cheney's Fantasy Aspects, a reprint zine sponsored by the NFFF. These 1947 issues promise they are "presenting the best from the current fan publishing field". Pavlat-Evans doesn't report any issues past 2, so this may be the complete run. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Science Fiction International's Interim Newsletter  from 1950. Various editors, scanned by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Don Allen's Satellite. This is from the UK and the late 1950s. Contributors include Vince Clarke, Mike Moorcock, Michel Boulet and others. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--13 issues of Guy Lillian's perzine Spartacus. These issues are from 2014-2020. Issue 32 has a sweet and heartfelt obituary for Patti Green, wife of writer Joe Green. Patti was a wonderful human being, and taught me that the trick to hosting a houseful of people is to boil enough eggs. That sure worked for the neverending stream of fans camping out at the Greenhouse before launches at Cape Kennedy. Thanks, Guy, for sending these.

May 25, 2020
--1 issue of Charles Platt's Beyond  from 1964. Scanning by Rob Hansen. Thanks to Rob, we also have a con card for Beyond. Hooray for ephemera! Thanks Rob!

--2 interesting filkish items. First we have a 1945 piece by James Blish and Cyril Kornbluth. Scan by Joe Siclari. Next, a 2017 revision of Some Filk Terms and Songs that Every Fan Should Know, 2017 revision by Erwin "Filthy Pierre" Strauss. Scan by Filthy Pierre. You can find them here - One more item, more properly found in the Musicals index. We've added the Playbill for The Dublin 2019 production of The Enchanted Duplicator, courtesy of Filthy Pierre. It's under Musicals at

--2 items from Richard E. Geis. One is a "Controversy in Review" and the other a "Geis Letter". Both are in the index for Richard E. Geis Personal Journal. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Charles Platt's Garbistan  from 1964. Scanning by Rob Hansen. Thanks, Rob!

--1 issue of Bruce Pelz's I Palantir, which Fancyclopedia lists as the first Tolkien fanzine. This is issue 3 (Apr 1964). I Palantir was published as a clubzine by The Fellowship of the Ring, Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 issue of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. Rich has scanned issues 20 and 22 for us, from 1997-1998. Michael Burstein, Sharon Farber, Dean Grennell, Dave Kyle, John Berry, Walt Willis.... Mimosa is a core fanzine for us to scan. Mike Resnick, Ian Gunn, Dave Kyle, Forry Ackerman, Curt Phillips...Thanks Rich!

--8 more issues of Pete Weston's Relapse  (the fanzine formerly known as Prolapse). They're tucked into the Prolapse directory and range from 2009-2013. There's always a fan history focus here. Provided and and scanned by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--1 issue of Rune, the clubzine of The Minnesota Science Fiction Society. Thish is 86, edited by Jeff Schalles from March 2002, and is dedicated to Scott Imes (appearing a few months after his death). Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 issue of the SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. This is 147, edited by Cynthia Warmuth, from April 2002. Scan by Rich Lynch (who must have reached 2002 in his files). Thanks Rich!

We've also added Filthy Pierre's "Con Committee's Guide". This was published for ConCon in 1984, aka the first SMOFcon. It's in a small section on Convention Running at Scanning by Filthy Pierre. Thanks!

And finally, for those that want to dig deep into fan history, we've added one of the pamphlets published in 1938 by the CPASF  - Committee for the Political Advancement of Science Fiction. "THE SPEECHES BY DONALD A. WOLLHEIM AND JOHN B. MICHEL. SUPPRESSED BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE NEWARK CONVENTION". Scan by Joe Siclari.

May 23, 2020
Thanks to the scanning of Linda Deneroff, we're putting up photos from Elinor Busby's collection. Today, we've added the first 16 and these are from the 1958 Solacon, and parties thereafter. Find them at  . There are more to come. Thanks to Linda for scanning and to Elinor for providing the photos. It's a real treat to see these.

--7 issues of a Dianetics fanzine from the 50s, Aberree, by Alphia Hart (?) with the "POLICY—Don’t take it so damn’ seriously". I believe we came to have these from a friend now passed whose father was an early devotee. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Gavin Brown's Cosmos Bulletin, done for the International SF Correspondence Club. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of a different En Garde. This one, from Richard Schultz in the 1960s was dedicated to the TV show, The Avengers. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Roger Sims's Fantasy-Scope  from 1996-2000, including an account by Pat Sims of their African adventure. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. This is issue 17 from 1995. Michael Burstein, Sharon Farber, Dean Grennell, Dave Kyle, John Berry, Walt Willis.... Mimosa is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--3 issues of Mike Glicksohn/Susan Wood's Energumen. We've added issues 2, 6 and 10, with scans by Joe Siclari. Energumen is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--1 issue (our first) of Lan Laskowski's Lan's Lantern. Issue 28 from 1988, with scan by Joe Siclari. Lan's Lantern is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--1 issue (the latest issue) of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 47, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

--1 issue, actually the 1st issue, of George Charters's The Scarr  (April 1963). Scan by Joe Siclari. Bob Shaw, Ian McCauley, John Berry.

--2 more issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues 55, 56 along with a couple of review supplements for issues 84 and 96. Scans this time by Joe Siclari.

Also added Dick Eney's FANCYCLOPEDigest(1968) and The Rejected Canon(1962). FANCYCLOPEDigest is a shorter "guide to some of the folkways of of science fiction and fantasy fandom." The Rejected Canon is a reprint of all the parts of Fancy 1 that were not carried over into Fancy 2. Find them both, along with Fancy 1 and 2 at Scans by Joe Siclari.

May 18, 2020
--1 issue (the latest, May issue) of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. George Phillies sent it to us. Thanks George!

--10 issues of Pete Weston's Prolapse, these issues from 2006-2008. A genzine with a fanhistory bent, from an accomplished fan and faned. Prolapse won a Nova Award in 2007 and 2008, so these are some of the issues that were honored. Read a brief bio of Pete at Fancyclopedia - Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--issue 1 of Joseph Gilbert and Art Sehnert's The Southern Star  from Feb 1941. Issue 1 has Robert W. Lowndes, Erle Korshak, Harry Warner Jr, "Southern Fans" and more. Scan by Joe Siclari.

May 17, 2020
--3 issues of Terry Jeeves's Erg. We've added issues 155-157 from 2001-2002. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 issue of Fables of Irish Fandom, edited by John Berry and Ken Cheslin. This one is from 1999 - Tales of Oblique House. Provided and scanned by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 (and only) issue of James P. Rathbone's Macabre  from 1939. Pavlat-Evans is a little snide about this, quoting under the title "...first issue just out" —”Futurian II 6, Aut 39”. Provided and scanned by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!

--1 issue of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. Today's upload is issue 5 from 1988. Mimosa is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Rich Lynch.

--1 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 46, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

--1 issue (the latest issue) of Dale Speirs's perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

--6 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 220-225, running from 2001-2002 and edited by Tony Cullen. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

--3 issues of the WSFA Journal, from 2001-2002 (December - March), edited by Samuel Lubell. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

May 14, 2020
--1 issue of Graham England's Don't Panic. Added issue 1 from 1978 and also replaced issue 2 with a searchable PDF. Scan and OCR by Joe Siclari.

--8 issues of Ted White's FAPAzine Null-F  from the 50s to the 60s.

--1 issue of Don Miller's Son of WSFA Journal, this one being issue 4 from Jan 1970. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--15 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 205-219, running from 1999-2001 and edited by Tony Cullen. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

Replaced about 25 issues of Luna Monthly  with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

May 10, 2020
--2 issues of Jim Caughran's OMPAzine A L'Abandon  from 1958-1960. Scan by Mark Olson.

--2 issues of rich brown's beardmutterings. We've added issue 2 (1972) and issue 4 (1983). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The Double Bill Symposium, "being 94 replies to 'A Questionnaire For Professional Science Fiction Writers and Editors' as Created by: LLOYD BIGGLE, JR." . Put out by Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi, of Double Bill. Scan by Joe Siclari. Double Bill  is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--2 issues of Miriam Dyches's Goojie Pubs. These all have different names, and we have uploaded Moor Park (#2) and Uneven (#3). This is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--1 issue of Ken Slater's Operation Fantast. This is the convention report issue from 1948, all about the London convention at Whitsuntide. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of John Berry's Pot Pourri. Issue 13 from 1960. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of the eponymous Richard E. Geis. Issue 1 from 1972 uploaded today with scan by Joe Siclari. This is listed in the Science Fiction Review  index and is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--1 issue of George Charter's The Scarr. Issue 8 from 1965 today, with scanning by Joe Siclari.

--The Ted White Sampler, edited by Arnie Katz. Collection of Ted White articles with art by Ross Chamberlain, Bill Kunkel, Bill Rotsler and ATom. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

--10 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 190-199, running from 1996-1998 and edited by Tony Cullen. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

Trip and Convention Reports: Added Ken Slater's Consomme report from 1953. Trip and conreports not related to fan funds can be found at

May 6, 2020
--2 of the 2 volumes of Ken Cheslin's The Adventures of Hemlock Soames. Scanned at Boskone 2020.
--BoSH Goes South, "a collection of Bob Shaw's fan writing for his friends in the South and transcripts of his GoH speeches at southern cons...". I would really really like to get a serious scientific talk recording to put on YouTube. Does anyone have one that we can digitize?
--Hektograph!  from Geri Sullivan, 1989 - Corflu 6. With articles by Walt Willis and Andy Hooper. Scanned at Boskone 2020.

--1 issue of Marty Cantor's Holier Than Thou. This is issue 10 from April 1981.

--1 issue of Mike Glyer's Organlegger. Issue 7 from August 1973. Scan by Mark Olson.

--2 con/trip reports. We started a directory for non-Fan Fund Trip and Con reports. Here we begin with Chuck Harris's 1957 Lonconfidential and Walt Willis's 1989 The Enchantment. The Enchantment was up before Irish Publications, and we've now replaced it with a searchable PDF. Both of these can also be found by links in the Irish Publications directory.

--10 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 180-189, including a 32 page supplemental review issue for 188. There were various editors on these, and they span from 1993-1996. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.
--Xero  fun. We've uploaded a special ToC from issue 9, "Special Edition Fanoclasts Pre-Chicon Welcome Party" with some choice autographs. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Zimri, well at least one supplemental issue. We've uploaded the Issue 8 supplement, which now completes the run. Scan by Joe Siclari.

We've also replaced 9 issues of Ray Fisher and Richard Elsberry's Odd  with searchable PDFs as well as a couple of the Goon Defective Agency publications. OCR by Joe Siclari.

May 5, 2020
Thanks to those that told us about corrections needed: Sandra Bond, Jerry Kaufman, and Mark Olson.

--1 issue (of 2) of Robert L. Stein's Astronaut  from 1947. Contributions by R. L. Farnsworth, Rick Sneary, and George Wetzel.

--3 issues of Gerry de la Ree's Sun Spots. Issues 25, 27 and 28 from the mid 1940s. Two of these were scanned by Joe Siclari and one by Mark Olson. Thanks guys!

--1 issue of Tightbeam. Edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz, and sent by George Philies, we have issue 308. Tightbeam, is the clubzine of the NFFF. Thanks George!

--1 issue of Van Houten Says. This one is from 1940 and is the 5 page 4th annish. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--10 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 170-179, edited by Catie Cary, from the early 1990s. We also have a new and improved issue 138, thanks to Thomas Hartl, who spotted the fact that our 138 was actually 137. The correct Vector is now up. Thanks Thomas! Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

--7 trip reports added from the 1960s-1970s. These are reports of fan fund trips. We've added "Mae Strelkov Trip Report", "Colonial Excursion", "Epitaff", "The Lindsay Report", "A Fake Fan in London" (PDF replacement), "A Squirrel's Tale", and "Parker's Peregrinations". The last is also titled "The Harpy Stateside". You can see them in the trip report index we're building at:  . Mark Olson scanned the Mae Strelkov trip report and the others were scanned by Joe Siclari.

May 3, 2020
Thanks to those that wrote to correct the panelist names in the Le Guin video. My apologies - if I'd been thinking I would have checked with Australian fans before I posted it to get the correct spellings. As it was, I just transcribed what I heard. The names are now corrected in the YouTube description.

--1 issue of Mike Glicksohn's Energumen. We've added the last issue, issue 16. Contributors include Susan Wood, Ted White, Dave Locke, Gene Wolfe, Joe Haldeman, Dave Langford and more. Energumen is a core zine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 44, was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

--1 issue of Shangri-L'Affaires. This is issue 1, 3rd series, edited by RDE Conway, but it comes right after issue 71 (?). We've also added an alternate cover for issue 38. Additionally, we added an art supplement for Three Hearts and Three Lions. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--5 issues of Art Rapp's Spacewarp. These include issues 17, 128, and 3 unnumbered issues (I couldn't find numbers) of which 2 are Spacewarp by Proxy. These short zines were done while Art was in Korea - but he made it into SAPS. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--10 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 160-169. Issue 160 was edited by Kev McVeigh and Boyd Parkinson. Issues 161-165 were edited by Kev McVeigh and Catie Cary, and the remaining issues by Catie Cariy alone. These are from from the early 1990s. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

We replaced ATOM - A Tribute, with a searchable PDF. OCR by Mark Olson. Also we replaced both Laney's ASI and Elinor Busby's People index to ASI with searchable PDFs. You can find them at OCR by Joe Siclari.

May 2, 2020
Under our history section ( ), we've added a couple of items. First, we have Sam Moskowitz's The Immortal Storm, published in Nov 1951. I hope you all have read it already, but here you have it on hand and searchable. In a real way, this is our joint origin story. Scan by Joe Siclari.


--1 issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. We added the April 2020 issue. Thanks Leybl!

--4 issues of Bob Tucker's e-Zombie. These are 2 and 3 page issues from the early 00's. From hecto to ezines. Smooth. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Our first 2 issues of Marty and Robbie Cantor's Holier Than Thou. This fanzine was nominated for 3 Best Fanzine Hugos. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. These are issues 7 (Dec 1989) and 16 (Dec 1994). Bylines include Dave Kyle, Skel, Mike Resnick, Vince Clarke, and Roger Sims. Mimosa is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans for Mimosa are by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--3 issues of Don D'Ammassa's Mythologies. With the addition of issues 1, 2 and 3 we've completed the run. Mythologies is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scanning at Boskone 2020.

--10 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 150-159. One issue was edited by David Barrett, and the rest were edited by Boyd Parkinson and Kev McVeigh. They run from 1989-1991. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

We also have added two other histories, one on fandom in Argentina (by Claudio Omar Noguerol) and the other on fandom in Poland (by Krzysztof Papierkowski, translated by Aleksandra Marczynska). These were provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

May 1, 2020
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #473 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

April 29, 2020
--10 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 140-149. These issues were edited by David Barrett. They run from 1987-1989. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

--1 issue of Robert Lichtman's Trap Door  (issue 3). We also replaced the cover on issue 2. The previous one was stained. Trap Door is a core zine for us to scan. Thanks to Robert for the cover, and Joe Siclari for the scan.

--2 issues of Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro. Issues 237 and 239 from the mid 1970s.

--5 issues of Zimri, edited by Lisa Conesa from the early 1970s. We added issue 1-2, 4-5 (and yes that is 5 issues). These were scanned by Mark Olson at Boskone 2020. Sorry, I can't recall who brought them. Whoever you are, thanks!

Replaced Fred Hurter's Censored, issues 2, 4 and 5 with searchable PDFs. OCR by Joe Siclari.

We've uploaded 2 memorial pieces today, both of which were scanned at Boskone. Look in the Fanthologies  index for "Califania", the autobiography of Len Moffatt, and for "Henry Kuttner, A Memorial Symposium". The latter was edited by Karen Anderson and includes contributions by Poul, Fritz Leiber, Ray Bradbury, Richard Matheson, Tony Boucher, Bob Bloch and an evocative poem by Karen. I believe the poem was published in F&SF as well. The cover is like unto the Astounding cover for The Fairy Chessman. *sigh*

April 28, 2020
--6 issues of Aurora, Specualative Feminism from the 1980s. Aurora is the successor to Janus. Editors are Diane Martin, Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. Provided by Janice Bogstand and Jeanne Gomoll. Thanks!

--30 issues of Leslie Croutch's Light, ranging from issue 133 (Winter 1944) to issue 68 (1961). Yes, the numbering did restart in the middle. These were provided by Murray Moore and scanned at Boskone 2020 by Mark Olson. Specific issue added: 37-42, 44-49, 51-68 and 133. Thanks Murray, Mark!

--We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 43, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

--George Phillies sent us a PDF of April 2020's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

--11 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 129-139. These issues were edited by David Barrett. They run from 1985-1987. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans

Replaced John Berry's "The Goon Goes West" with a searachable PDF. Now you can find it in the Goon Defective Agency Publications  index. We've also replaced Innuendo  6, and Dave Kyle's 1939 worldcon pamphlet "A Warning"  with searchable PDFs. Scanning and OCR by Joe Siclari.

April 23, 2020
--4 issues of John Bangsund's Australian Science Fiction Review  from the 1960s. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

--6 issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Rob Hansen has scanned issues 86-89 and 91 for us. He's also provided a jaunty SF menu for the 1983 Brum Christmas party. Thanks Rob!

--the 200 page Mota Reader. This collection from Terry Hughes's Mota  was edited by Dan Steffan and published in 2015. Scan by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark.

--2 more issues of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. Issues 8 and 10 today, scanned by Rich Lynch. Contributors include Vince Clarke, Dave Kyle, Harry Warner Jr and more.

--1 issue Riverside Quarterly, by Leland Sapiro. This is V7#4 from 1985, and was scanned by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of the WSFA Journal, this one from October 1998 and edited by Samuel Lubell. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--3 issues of Lisa Conesa's Zimri  from the mid-70s. This UK zine includes contributors such as Ted Tubb, Rod Holdstock, and Harry Turner. Scans by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe!

We also replaced Ted Dikty's 1940 Who's Who  in Fandom with a searchable PDF. OCR by Joe Siclari.

April 21, 2020
We added a summary, a few days ago, of the last 3 months of work on and Fancyclopedia in the form of FANAC Update 12. One correction (already). The zines that Sandra Bond brought to Corflu to be scanned were from Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer. Thanks to Claire and Mark, and thanks to Sandra for bringing them.

--2 issues of A. Langley Searles's Fantasy Commentator  from the late 1940s. We added issues 16 and 21. Contributors include SaM, David Keller, Redd Boggs and George Ebey. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of Cry of the Nameless. The most recent is issue 173 1/2 (April 1964) edited by Wally Weber, and I believe, Ella Parker. Contributors this time include George Locke and Ella Parker. Provided and scanned by Joe Patrizio. Thanks Joe! The other two are much earlier - from 1950 we bring you issues 2 and 3, edited by G.M. Carr. Scanning for those by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

--1 issue of John D. Berry's Foolscap. We've added issue 9 from 1973, with scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

--4 issues of the International Science Fiction Guild Bulletin, edited by E.E. Evert. These are from 1934-1935 and were kindly provided by Alistair Durie. The zines are marked as edited by Evert, but Pavlat-Evans credits Wilson Shepherd. In 1935, Donald Wollheim took over and the zine morphed into The Phantagraph. These are among our oldest fanzines.

--1 issue of Lee Hoffman's Quandry. Finally, we have issue 30 completing the run of this focal point 1950s fanzine. Yay, Joe Siclari, for the scan.

--1 issue of John Berry and ATom's Retribution, the official organ of the Goon Defective Agency. This is issue 4 from Oct 1956, and was scanned by Mark Olson. More GDA at 

--1 issue of Dave Ish's Sol. Issue 4 completes the run. Contributors include Lee Hoffman, Shelby Vick, and Bob Silverberg. Another complete run, thanks to Joe Siclari for the scan.

And it's another YouTube day. Today's entry is a panel from Aussiecon 1 (1975). From the YouTube writeup: "This panel centers on questions to Guest of Honor Ursula Le Guin's on her writing for young adults (or at least classified as for young adults). The panelists, moderated by Fan Guest of Honor Susan Wood, are Ursula herself, Stella Leeds, Peter Nicholls, Anna Shepherd, and Ann Sydhom. The video quality leaves a lot to be desired, but the discussion on Le Guin's process of writing, the panel's views on children's literature, and children's literature as a literary ghetto remain interesting and very pertinent. Remember, this was decades before the phenomena of Harry Potter. Thanks to S.C.I.F.I. for digitizing, and to Elayne Pelz for providing us the footage." You can find it at:

April 16, 2020
--3 issues of Alva Rogers' Bixel. Issue 3 (Jun 1965) and issue 4 (Oct 1968). We've also uploaded Bixeltype aka FTL and ASI. This completes the run of Bixel. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--5 issues of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Day Star. Some of these are combined with Walter Breen's Allerlei. This was a FAPAzine, and scanning is courtesy of Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom! (And is it Day Star or Day*Star?)

--1 issues of Max Keasler's Fanvariety. We've added issue 2 from Nov 1950, thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari. This is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--1 issue of Ron Smith's Inside. Issue 5 (May 1954) includes an article by Hannes Bok. Provided and scanned by Kim Huett. Thanks Kim!

--1 issue of Dale Speir's Opuntia. Dale sent us the latest issue from mid April Thanks Dale!

We also added 3 fandom directories from various years. You can find them in the reference section at The new ones are the two by Ron Bennett and the one for 1973 by Fred Patten. Also replaced the 1950 directory with a searchable PDF. Scans and OCR by Joe Siclari.

Finally, we've linked to a chron list of all the conventions we know about, in . We'll get it all integrated in the future. You can find the link at 

April 13, 2020
--6 issues of Lars Bourne's Brillig  from the late 50s. Lars Bourne = Larry S. Bourne. Early issues are marked as edited by "Larry S. Bourne". A Portland zine, Brillig contributors include Dick Geis, Juanita Coulson, Bill Rotsler, and Gina Ellis. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of A. Langley Searles's Fantasy Commentator. Issues 30, 32 from 1979-1982. Articles, poetry and regular features. Scans by Joe Siclari. This is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--the latest issue of Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. From George Philies, we have issue 307. Tightbeam, is the clubzine of the NFFF. Thanks George!

--1 issue of BSFA's Vector. Issue 10, provided and scanned by Joe Patrizio, fills a gap in the run. Contributors include Archie Mercer, Ken Slater and Paul Enever. Thank you, Joe!

April 11, 2020
In the Retro Hugo  reading list page, you'll find all the materials on line (that we know about) for the Retros in the categories of Best Related Work, Best Fanzine, and Best Fan Writer. There are links to fanzines on and to efanzines and the Hevelin collection in Iowa. If I've missed anything that you know of, please let me know. Read before you vote!

In the category of "years that are not 1944" we have:

--4 issues of Harold Kirshenblit's Arcturus  from the mid 1930s. Contributors include some of the famous names of First Fandom - Fred Pohl, Don Wollheim, and Ted Carnell. Pavlat-Evans says the last issue is incomplete. This issue 10 mockup does seem to be complete. Provided and scanned by Alistair Durie. Thanks, Alistair!

--1 issue of The Mentor  by Ron Clarke. Today we uploaded issue 83 (July 1994). This issue includes Chapter 2 of Vol Molesworth's "History of Australian Fandom". The issue was provided and scanned by Sheryl Birkhead. Thanks Sheryl! Welcome to the archiving party.

--2 issues of Frank Lunney's Syndrome. Today we add the first two issues, scanned by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

--cover for issue 1 of James Kepner's Towards Tomorrow. Robert says, "I got my set of Kepner's fanzine from the late Charles Burbee, so I assume it's authentic. In the table of contents for the issue, the cover art is credited to Bill Watson, whose signature is on the artwork of the cover I sent. Harry Turner's signature is on the one Rob sent. Could there have been another fanzine with the same name?" So, we have Rob's cover on the PDF and here is cover from Burbee's collection for you too. Thank you, Robert.

--2 issues of Robert Lichtman's Trap Door. These are the first issues we've put online of this excellent fanzine. Trap Door was nominated for Best Fanzine in 1987 and 1992, and won numerous FAAN awards. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--5 more issues of BSFA's Vector. These are issues 200-204, from the late 1990s. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

--2 issues of Art Widner's YHOS. Issues 55 (1999) and 57 (2000) online today courtesy of the scanning of Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

April 8, 2020
No new uploads today (at least yet). The Retro Hugo Finalists have now been announced by CoNZealand. In addition to Best Fanzine finalists, there are of course, Best Fan Writer finalists. I'm starting the process of combing through the 1944 fanzines looking for articles by the Best Fan Writer finalists so that you don't have to do that. You can just read them. I'm up to "C is for Centauri" and will eventually get through the entire alphabet. You can find the links at If there are articles I've missed, pls send a note to

April 6, 2020
I've been tinkering with the look and feel of the fanzine index pages, and I'm not done yet. As most of you know, this website was started in the 1990s, so there are some pages/user experiences that are old enough to vote. When I get done, I hope the new look is cleaner and easier to use. Once the fanzine index pages are done, then I'll look for more places that need some updating. Comments welcome.

--3 issues of Terry Jeeves's Erg, from 2002. We added issue 158. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 issue of Rich and Nicki Lynch's Mimosa. This is isse 4 from 1988, with Julie (Julius) Schwartz, Bob Tucker, Ron Goulart, Jack Chalker, Sheryl Blrkhead, Doug Chaffee, Alexis Gilliland, Teddy Harvla, Bill Rotsler, Bob Shaw and more. Scans by Rich Lynch.

--8 issues of the WSFA Journal  from the early 2000's. Issues from 2002 were edited by Samuel Lubell and issues from 2004-2005 were edited by Keith Lynch. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 issue of Lisa Conesa's Zimri. This is issue 3 from 1972. From, "won the Nova Award for Best Fanzine in 1974, tied with Big Scab by John Brosnan. It also won the Checkpoint Fan Poll as Best Fanzine for 1973/74, and placed in 1971/72 and 1974/75. Harry Turner won Best Fanzine Cover for Zimri #6." That's a lot of acclaim. Scanned at Boskone 2020.

April 4, 2020
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #471 (4.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

April 3, 2020
We've had the Goon publications listed in the Irish Fandom  directory, but there are more than a few, so today I've started moving them into their own directory. Since there are some sizable publications, a full move over will end up waiting until Joe can transform them into searchable PDFs. Today, on the new Goon Defective Agency Publications index page, we add "Goon Library 2 - Cloche by Night", scanned by Tom Whitmore and a searchable PDF of "This Goon for Hire", also from Tom. Thanks Tom!

--3 issues of Terry Jeeves's Erg, from 2001. We added issues 152, 153 and 159. Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 issue of Terry Hughes's Mota, from 1971. This is issue 3, and it was scanned at Boskone 2020. The addition of this issue completes the run!

--2 more issues of David Ish's Sol. Issues 1 and 2 from 1951, plus an alternate cover for issue 5.

--1 issue of Art Widner's YHOS. Issue 56 from 1999. Scan by Rich Lynch.

--8 issues of the WSFA Journal  from 2001-2004. Scan by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--2 supplements to the WSFA Journal  from Don Miller, 1970. These are 73-1 and 73-2, with scanning by Joe Siclari. Supplement 2 has a Phlange report by Jay Kay Klein.

--1 issue of Son of the WSFA Journal  from Don Miller, 1970. Issue 11, with scanning by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of SF&F Journal  from 1976. We have added issue 1. This is also Don Miller, and is in the WSFA Journal index. Scan by Joe Siclari.

March 31, 2020
--1 issue of Bleary Eyes. This is issue 5 (the last issue), selected by John Berry. John Berry, Terry Jeeves, Wally Weber, Greg Benford, ATom. Scans by Rich Lynch.
--Boskonian 1, edited by Art Widner (Feb 1942). This was the first attempt at a Boston club fanzine; one article is noted as "an outgrowth of a regular STRANGER'S CLUB discussion on possible, past civilizations". I have tucked it in with the Proper Boskonians  of a later age. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 issues of Conacs, by M. David Johnson from the early 1980s. This starts out as a convention listing, and grows to 30 pages by the next year. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Ron Clarke's Mentor. We've added issues 86 ad 87 from 1995. Issue 86 has an article by Mae Strelkov, one by Buck Coulson and "Part 5 of Vol Molesworth's history of Australian fandom, this time covering the years 1953-1954. Heinlein paid a visit!" Quote and scans from Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--2 issues of Mimosa  by Rich and Nicki Lynch. These are issues 6 and 14 from the early 90s. Rich says "The back cover of #14 has an off-color area top right corner. This is a soot stain from the January 1995 fire. All issues #16 and earlier are survivors of that fire." Scans by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--Bob Bloch and Bob Tucker's Science-Fiction Fifty Yearly. Published in 1957, it's 25 pages of Bloch and Tucker, and Hoy Ping Pong :-) Scan by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

--6 issues of David Ish's Sol  from the early 1950s. I hadn't heard of this zine before, but it has contributions from Lee Hoffman, Shelby Vick, Walt Willis, Bob Silverberg and Gerry de la Ree. Issue 5 is dedicated to the Willis Fund. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 issues of Eric Bentcliffe's Triode, from the late 1950s/early 1960s. We've added issues 14-17. Contributors include Terry Jeeves, Harry Warner, John Berry, George Locke, Eddie Jones, ATom, Mal Ashworth and more. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

March 29, 2020
Lockdown news of the day:
--Kitsch in sync legends, Bleary Eyes #4 (1954), by John Berry and Ken Cheslin. Lovely reprints from James White, Walt Willis, Bob Shaw, ATom, John Berry. Provided and scanned by Richard Lynch. Thanks Rich!

-- 1 issue of Walt Leibscher's Chanticleer. This is the last issue, issue 7 from June, 1946. Contributors include Bob Tucker, Bob Bloch, and FT Laney. Scans by Joe Siclari. This is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--1 issue of the N3F's Ionisphere, edited by John Thiel and sent by George Phillies. This is the April 2020 issue. Thanks George!

--3 issues of Ron Clarke's The Mentor, from the mid 1990s. This Australian zine ran from 1968-2001 according to Fanyclopedia. Provided and scanned by Rich Lynch who tells us "Lots of interesting stuff within, including another short article by Buck Coulson, a portfolio of some very nice pencil art by Mark McLeod, a look back at the 1950s-60s science fiction comic strip (seems more of a graphic novel) Captain Condor, and Part 3 of Vol Molesworth's history of Australian fandom covering the years 1947-1951." and that's just issue 84. Thanks Rich!

--1 issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 39, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you.

--1 issue of The National Fantasy Fan. George Phillies sent us the latest issue. Thanks George!

--7 issues of George Charters's The Scarr. These are from 1964-1970. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--21 issues of Dick Wilson's Science Fiction Newsletter  from 1937-1938. A blast from the past, these are pretty consistenly 2 pages each and sent out every week. We've added all the issues to complete the run, and replaced two issues that were JPGs with searchable PDFs. Provided and sanned by David Ritter. Thanks David!

--Breaking out individual zines from the Pacificon Combozine, and placing them in their appropriate directories as well. Today: Jack Speer's Matters of Opinion, Morojo's Guteto, and Walt Daugherty's Fan. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

It's a YouTube day. I've uploaded a 2013 interview of Bob Madle conducted by Joe Siclari at Philcon. From the writeup on YouTube: "A science fiction reader and fan since the early 1930s, Bob Madle has been a part of the SF field for almost 90 years. He has done it all - he's pubbed his ish, worked on conventions, been a TAFF fan fund winner, a worldcon Fan Guest of Honor, and one of the best known book dealers in science fiction. His encyclopedic command of the field is legendary. Bob is the one that named the Hugos (and he talks here about how the awards came to be). In this 2013 interview by fan historian Joe Siclari, Bob talks about it all, from his first entry into fandom to his experiences across the years." Thanks to Syd Weinstein and Philcon 2013 for the recording. 

I do believe I failed to note another YouTube upload from last week. This is our earliest recording so far - from the 1960 worldcon, Pittcon. It's an audio recording of James Blish giving his Guest of Honor speech, now decorated with appropriate images. From the writeup: "Pittcon, the 18th World Science Fiction Convention, was held in Pittsburgh, PA in 1960. By permission of the Blish family, we have an almost complete audio recording of James Blish's Guest of Honor Speech. This is a thoughtful, not always complimentary look at the state of contemporary science fiction literature, where it falls short and where it can improve. Very much worth listening to, this short recording (enhanced with images) is just what you'd hope to hear from William Atheling, Jr , Blish's serious and constructive critical pseudonym." 

For YouTube, I'm starting to put together playlists by decade. If you want to see what we have on the Fanac Fan History YouTube channel, you'll be able to just pull up the appropriate playlist. To find the channel, you can go to YouTube and search on "Fanac Fanhistory" or you can just go to .

March 27, 2020
Today's additions for your stay-at-home pleasure.

--2 issues of Dream Quest  from Don Wilson. Issue 5 (April 1948) and issue 12 (Nov 1954). Articles by F.T. Laney, Milt Rothman, Art Rapp, Jack Speer and others. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of Le Zombie  by Bob Tucker. Who-hoo! We have issues 42-44 from 1941 uploaded today. Contents include the "Annual Eyebrow Lifter Dept", the "Wailing Wall Dept" and the "Interview with Dr. Tucker" by Hoy Ping Pong. Scans by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

--1 issue of Mikros. This is issue 4 (Feb 1939), with "Sabina of the White Cylinder" by Forry Ackerman, an article by Charlie Hornig and more. This fanzine is even older than Joe Siclari, who scanned it.

--3 issues of OSFIC Quarterly  from the early 1970s. This was edited by John Douglas and Gordon Von Toen, and was from the Ontario Science Fiction Club. There are articles by Mike Glicksohn and Susan Glicksohn among others. This is the complete run, and was provided and scanned by Eli Cohen. Thanks Eli!

--1 issue of Satryic, by Edgar Martin. This is issue 1 (Mar 1942). Provided and scanned by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob!

--1 issue of Science Fiction Checklist, issue 7 (Nov 1941) from Robert and Frances Swisher. This issue provided and scanned by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob!

--1 issue (of 1) of Whacky. This uncredited 1 page zine was distributed in FAPA 17 (Sept 1941), and Pavlat-Evans says it is possibly by Julius Unger. I'm not sure whether we should think of it as ephemera, or a zine. But here it is, and when we find/scan FAPA 17, it will placed in situ. Scan by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob!

March 26, 2020
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #470 (4.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 25, 2020
Lots of work this week in cleaning up FanewsCard. For the last umpty years, we had a scheme special to cardzines which didn't have much forgiveness for multipage newsletters. Those were therefore listed in a separate directory. As of now, they are all in a single directory for your news junkie appetite. You choose - CNN/BBC/etc and coronavirus today -or- WWII from FanewsCard. You can see them all at

--1 issue of Approach To Infinity, issue 1 from April 1951. This copy of Dollens's beautiful artzine was given by Forry Ackerman to Lee Hoffman. See the inscription on page 3. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Cry of the Nameless. Issue 31 (June 1952), by Wally Weber. Provided and scanned by Richard Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--2 issues of dubious  by Algis Budrys. Pre-FAPAzine from 1960. Scans by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

--1 issue of Mimosa. Issue 9 (Dec 1990), by Rich and Nicki Lynch. Provided and scanned by Richard Lynch. Thanks Rich!

--1 issue of Opuntia. Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #469 (5.5 MB) of his perzine. Thanks Dale!

--1 issue of John Magnus's Varioso, issue 16 (July 1958). Articles by Harlan Ellison and Ted White, illos by Bill Rotsler. Scan by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

--PDF replacements: 2 issues of Walt's Wramblings  with PDFs. Scans this time by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob! Also replaced issue 16 of Laney's Fan-Dango  with a PDF. This one was scanned by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

--Breaking out individual zines from the Pacificon Combozine, and placing them in their appropriate directories as well. Today: Al and Abby Lu Ashley's En Garde, Walt Liebscher's Chanticleer  and E. Everett Evans's Timebinder. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

March 20, 2020
Many small corrections have been made, from correcting a typo in Bob Madle's TAFF report (thanks to Nigel Rowe) to removing no longer valid references in a list of convention running fanzines (thanks to John Bray) to adding the 1942 Fanzine Yearbook to the Yearbooks page (thanks to Sam McDonald). Other corrections are still pending. Thanks everyone for sending in the broken bits that you find, and please be patient while I correct them. Thanks!
--Chunder, V5#1 (March 1981) from John Foyster. "The fanzine that brings it up first." Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Contact, 9 issues and 2 supplements from 1956-1957. This is a newszine from Belgium from the Contact Group: Jan Jansen, Ron Bennett, John Hitchcock, Ellis Mills, and sometimes Steve Schulteis. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Crank, issues 1-3 (1985) edited alternately by Rob Hansen and Ted White. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--CyberCozen, March 2020 issue, from Leybl Botwinik. Thanks Leybl!
--Le Zombie, issues 19 (Dec 39), 49 (Sep 42) and e-Zombie 68 (Oct 2000) all from Bob Tucker of course. Also replaced issues 45 and 46 with searchable PDFs. All but issue 45 were scanned by Joe Siclari. This is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 38 - the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter sent by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.
--Science Fiction Parade, issue 7 (Oct 57) from Len Moffatt. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The Pacificon Combozine, 1946. The combozine of the 4th World SF Convention. Mark Olson scanned this monster (>130 pages) and Joe Siclari has broken it up into the individual fanzines. The link  gets you to the assembled Combozine, but I'll be putting up the individual zines as well with their respective titles. The one-shots will be accessible in the fully assembled Combozine. Thanks Mark and thanks Joe!
--Placebo, issues 1-3.5 and #5 from Moshe Feder and Barry Smotroff. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Spacewarp, issues 1 (Apr 1947) and 18 (Sep 1948) from Art Rapp. Scans by Joe Siclari. This is a core fanzine for us to scan.
--Vector, issues 126-128. Vector is the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These issues edited by Paul Kincaid. Christopher Fowler and the rest of this batch are edited by Dave Wingrove. These are from from the early to mid 1970s. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan and we have 173 online so far. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

March 17, 2020
--Added an issue of The Alchemist  from 1947, and a separate PDF of the Denventioneer issue of the fanzine. This was edited by Charles Ford Hansen, Roy Hunt, and Lew Martin. Nice Roy Hunt cover on the 1947 issue. Some familiar names here like Bob Tucker, 4e, Harry Warner Jr and Art Widner. You can see the entire combozine at Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Added an issue + of Dan Steffan's Boonfark. The issue was #4 from 1981, and the + part is the issue 4 Zen Vaudeville Encore. This completes the run. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Added an issue of Bill Watson's Diablerie  from 1945. Features fiction by Joe Fortier and Bob Bloch. The Bloch piece begins:

--Added the last 3 needed issues of Janus  to complete the run. These were provided by editors Jeanne Gomoll and Janice Bogstad. Thanks! Janus has been a core fanzine for us to scan.

--Added one more issue of SF Dividend  by Dick Wilson. This is issue 1, and was distributed with Science Fiction News Letter 10. These are "Free to subscribers of The Science Fiction News Letter". Provided by David Ritter.

--PDF Replacements: SF Echo, issue 1 - new scan by Bob Hurter.  Thanks Bob!

--Added 6 more issues of Science Fiction Newsletter  by Dick Wilson. As you might imagine, it's a newszine. These are issues 2-5, 10 and 14 from 1937-1938. The scans were provided by David Ritter. Many thanks David!

--Added the 1 and only issue of Joe Fortier's Twilight. This was a one-shot in 1942, preceding his fanzine Twilight Echoes  by more than 2 years. Scan by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob!

--Added 4 issues of Van Houten Says, by Raymond Van Houten. These are from 1939-1942. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Added 5 issues of Jeanne Gomoll's perzine Whimsey  to complete the run. These are issues 3-7, provided by Jeanne herself. Thanks Jeanne!

March 15, 2020
First, today's mea culpa. I had inadvertently given credit for the scan of an issue of Fantast's Folly  to Rob Hansen. It should go to Sam McDonald. Apologies to both gentlemen (and it's fixed now).

--1 issue of Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll's Janus. This is issue 15 from 1979 and was provided by Jeanne and Janice. Thanks guys!

--2 issues of Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll's Aurora. These are issues 25 and 26 and were actually edited by Diane Martin. They were provided to us by Jeanne and Janice. With issue 19, Janus changed its name to Aurora and maintained the issue numbering.

--15 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 101-107, and 116-123. The issues from 101-106 were edited by Kevin Smith, issue 107 by Alan Dorey, and the remainder by Geoff Rippington. These are from from the early to mid 1980s. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

--2 issues of Dick Wilson's Science Fiction Newsletter  added. These are issues 36 and 37 from 1938. Two others have been replaced by searchable PDFs (issues 34 and 35). Scans provided by David Ritter. Thanks David!

--3 issues of Energumen  by Mike Glicksohn and Susan Wood. Energumen was nominated for Best Fanzine in 1971 and 1972 and won in 1973. Contributors include Dean Koontz, Ted Pauls, Sandra Miesel, Bob Toomey, Arnie Katz, Bill Rotsler, Bob Shaw, Jack Gaughan. Enough? Provided and scanned by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

March 14, 2020
--4 issues of Chunder, a newszine by John Foyster out of Melbourne. These are from 1979, and yes, there are Harry Warner Jr letters.

--1 issue of Double Bill, by Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi. This is the 7th anniversary issue, issue 20 from 1969. Here you will find Harry Warner Jr, Bob Tucker, Leo P. Kelley, Roy Tackett, Terry Jeeves, John and Sandra Miesel, Banks Mebane, Hank Davis andy offut, Steve Fabian, Bill Rotsler, Alicia Austin and others. Something nice to read while you're not thinking about the news. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--5 issues of Le Zombie  by Bob Tucker. We've uploaded issues 1 (1938), 6-7 and 9-10 (1939). This is a core fanzine for us to scan. These scans were provided by David Ritter. Thanks David!

--1 issue of SF Dividend  by Dick Wilson. These are "Free to subscribers of The Science Fiction News Letter". This one was mailed out with issue 18. Provided by David Ritter.

--11 issues of Science Fiction Newsletter  by Dick Wilson. These are issues 15-21, and 23-26, from 1938. We also replaced issue 22 with a searchable PDF. The scans were provided by David Ritter. Many thanks David! Thanks to David, we can really get our 1938 on today.

--2 issues of SF Review  by Richard E. Geis. We've uploaded issue 43 (B Series, March 1971) and issue 13 (C Series, May 1975). This is a core fanzine for us to scan, and the scanning today was done by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Spaceship  by Bob Silverberg and Saul Diskin. This is issue 8 (April 1950). Hard to believe this was almost exactly 70 years ago. Scan by Joe Siclari.

From our regular contributing faneds:

Somehow, I unaccountedly missed it when George Phillies sent us a PDF of January 2020's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. It's up now, and a belated thanks to George.

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 37, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

March 13, 2020
--1 issue of Tale of the 'Evans  from E. Everett Evans, Spring 1948. This is issue 18, V5#2. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Texas SF Inquirer. This is issue 40, from 1991, edited by Dale Denton and Alexander Slate. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--6 issues of SF Review  from Richard E. Geis. These are issues 15, 17, 25, 27, 28, and 34 from 1975-1980. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scans provided by Jim Harris. Thanks Jim!

--1 issue of Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. From George Philies, we have issue 306 in two parts. Tightbeam, is the clubzine of the NFFF. Thanks George!

--4 issues of Bill Rotsler's Voyage. This is an artzine, with wall-to-wall Rotsler art. Issues run from 1969-1982. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Vernon McCain's Wastebasket. We added issues 1 and 2, and also replaced the retyped version of issue 3 that Judy Bemis did 20 years ago with a searchable PDF. Scans by Joe Siclari. Does anyone have #4? That would finish out the run, I believe. Contributors include Lee Hoffman, Shelby Vick, Mack Reynolds and Walt Willis.

Replaced by PDFs: Issue 3 of Joe Fortier's Scientifan  replaced by a searchable PDF. Scan by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob!

March 10, 2020
In these trying times, here are more fanzines to keep you good company.

--Issue V2#6 of Gus Willmorth's Fantasy Advertiser. The issue is from 1948, and advertises a copy of the British first edition of H. Rider Haggard's ALLAN QUARTERMAIN for $4. Big money then, and about $44 now. The minimum wage in 1948 was 40 cents (according to interwebs random website). Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Issue 7 of A. Langley Searles's Fantasy Commentator  from the summer of 1945. This is a core zine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--8 issues of Leland Sapiro's Riverside Quarterly. These are Volume 2 and 3 from the late 60s. Contributors include John Sladek, Thomas Disch, Alexei Panshin, R. Bretnor, Chip Delany, etc. The issues were provided by Tom Whitmore, and scanned by Joe Siclari. This is a core fanzine for us to scan.

--Issue 79 of Ethel Lindsay's Scottishe. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--23 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 250-272. The issues from 251-265 were edited by Niall Harrison; the issues from 266-272 were edited by Shana Worthen. Issue 250 was edited by Niall Harrison and Geneva Melzack. These are from from 2007-2013. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

--Issue 1 of Lora Crozetti's Venus. This is a 1944 zine (think Retros!). This completes the run. Scanned by Joe Siclari.

March 9, 2020
--14 issues of Terry Jeeves's Erg. These are issues 2, 99-100, 105, 107-111, 116, 128, 137, 154 and 162. They run from 1959 to 2003 - a 44 year long era, an impressively long span for any zine. There's also a 1984 calendar of original art by Terry Jeeves. If you like calendars, there are a few more for you to see - Erg is a core zine for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of Ethel Lindsay's Haverings. Today we added issues 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 41. These are from the mid 1960s, and provided and scanned by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

--3 issues of Leland Sapiro's Riverside Quarterly  from the 1960s. These are issues V1#3, V1#4 and V4#1. Contributors include Alexei Panshin, Algis Budrys, ATom, Charles Schneeman, Jack Williamson, Harry Warner Jr. Provided by Tom Whitmore at Loscon 2019, and scanned by Joe Siclari. These are core issues for us to scan. Thanks Tom!

--1 issue of John Magnus's SF. This is issue 8 from Dec 1953, and completes the run. Bill Venable, Harlan Ellison, Jack Harness...Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Eric Bentcliffe's Triode. We've added issue 18 from May 1960. These are core issues for us to scan. Issue was provided and scanned by Tom Whitmore.

--4 issues of Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro. We've added issues 70-71, 78 and 87 from the late 50s/early 60s. These are core issues for us to scan. Provided and scanned by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

--An Index to SF Review Nos 28-43, by Gregory Bridges, published in 1983 for FAPA. Scans by Joe Siclari

March 6, 2020
Uploaded today:

--10 issues of Will Sykora's Fantasy News. These run from 1940 to 1949. Today we added issues: 91, 93, 126, 130, 131, 175, 176, 181, 183, and 191. These were provided and scanned by Sam McDonald. Thanks Sam!

--1 issue of Leslie Croutch's Light. This is issue 47 from 1951. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Ethel Lindsay's Scottishe. This is issue 33 from 1963. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of John Magnus's SF. We have uploaded issues 3,4 and 7 from 1952 and 1953. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Lee Gold's Third Foundation. These are issues 93 and 95 from 1970. Provided and scanned by Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

--14 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 273-286. The issues from 273-274 are edited by Shana Worthen, issues 275-284 by Glyn Morgan, and the rest of this batch are edited by Anna McFarlane. These are from from 2013-2017. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

March 4, 2020
--2 issues of Richard Geis's Psychotic. Today we add issues 18 and 19 from 1955. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--3 issue of Richard Geis's SF Review. We have issue 46, from 1983. Provided and scanned by Jim Harris. Thanks Jim! We also have issues 29 (1969) and 42 (1971) provided and scanned by Joe Siclari. Here's a partial list of interior artists for issue 42: Tim Kirk, Vaughn Bode, Richard Bergeron, Bill Rotsler, ATom, Jack Gaughan and Grant Canfield.

--5 issues of fanzines/Focal_Point. One of these was edited by rich brown and Arnie Katz. The other 4 were all edited by Arnie. We've uploaded issues V2#21 and V3#1-V3#3, V3#5. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Opuntia. Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #468 (5.2 MB) of his perzine. Thanks Dale.

February 29, 2020
Thanks to Sam McDonald for pointing out an embarrassing plethora of broken links. They're all fixed but one.

--Continuing the Richard E. Geis focus, we added 3 issues of SF Review  today. These are issues 36, 40 and 41. Scans by Jim Harris. Jim also sent us issue 39, but Joe Siclari had just scanned that one and it went up yesterday. Thanks Jim!

--Added 2 bits of Irish Fandom material. First, a news supplement to Hyphen  in 1955, and a message about the Goons from the Bleary Eyes in the same year. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 35, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

--2 more issues of Washington fannish material. These are issues of Don Miller's SF&F Journal from the mid 70s. You'll find then in the WSFA Journal index at

It's a YouTube day. In case you missed it, this video (which has been available through the Philcon site) was created during the Guest of Honor interview of Dave Kyle at Philcon 2012. He's interviewed by Joe Siclari, who's looking very spiffy in his tuxedo, and who is eminently qualified to make sure Dave tells the important stories. We narrowly missed getting this on YouTube for what would have been Dave's 101 birthday (Feb 14). From the writeup - "Dave Kyle was an enthusiastic and productive science fiction fan and professional, with an 80+ year tenure. In this 2012 interview conducted at Philcon 2012, Dave talks about how fandom started, the first worldcon, fandom in the 1930s (and 40s and 50s and ...), the Science Fiction League, decades of controversies, Gnome Press, chairing his Worldcon and much, much more. ...Thanks to Philcon 2012 and Syd Weinstein for providing the video." 

February 26, 2020
I've been putting up a lot of fanzines lately, so for today, back to photos. Thanks to the cameras of TR Renner, Andrew Porter and David Ritter, we have some photos of this year's Boskone - Boskone 57. You can see them at  .

Did put up issues 1-9, 11 and 13 of Richard E. Geis - Personal Journal. These are from 1975-1978. Scan by Joe Siclari. Two issues had mistakenly been up under the SF Review index, misidentified by me (not Joe) as Richard E. Geis. Those have been moved to the proper index now. Mea Culpa.

Since that was insufficiently confusing, we've added two issues of Richard E. Geis from 1972. These are in the index with SF Review. We've also added issue 39 of SF Review from August 1970. Scans by Joe Siclari.

February 24, 2020
Here's what's new:

--11 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Carol Goodwin. Today's issues are from 2019. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to Fanac.

--3 volumes of The Bleary Eyes, a set of retrospective anthologies by John Berry and Ken Cheslin. These were scanned at Boskone 2020 and provided by Murray Moore.

--1 issue of A. Langley Searles's Fantasy Commentator. This is issue 31 from 1981. Fantasy Commentator is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue Yerke's Mikros. This is issue 3, and has Ray Bradbury's 2nd story, "Hollerbochen Comes Back", a sequel to "Hollerbochen's Dilemma". Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Dan McPhail's Phantasy Press. These are issues 15 and 28, but more importantly they are Memory Books. The first commemorates 20 years of the FAPA. The 2nd reprints material from FAPA 1. Very cool stuff. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issue of John Magnus's SF. We've added issues 1 and 2 from 1952. We've also added a letter survey, and replaced issues 5 and 7 with searchable PDFs. Scans and OCR by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Art Rapp's Spacewarp. This is issue 2 from May, 1947. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Frank Lunney's Syndrome. This is issue 4 from 1975. Scan by Joe Siclari.

February 22, 2020
As the zines from the Boskone 2020 scanning station start trickling online, I'd like to mention that Murray Moore was a superstar providing substantial numbers of fanzines for the scanning. He has helped fill-in a number of runs, and provided some great stuff. Thank you Murray! The other superstar of the weekend was Geri Sullivan who also brought in a large batch of choice materials for the scanning. Thanks Geri! Thanks to all who brought fanzines to the convention for us. Watch this space to see them all going online. Today's uploads:

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Carol Goodwin. There are 4 issues from 2017 and the rest are from 2018. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to Fanac.

--1 NFFF Fandbook. For 2020, NFFF has produced an 8th Fandbook, on "Founders of the National Fantasy Fan Federation". It's by Jon Swartz and George Phillies, and was sent to us by George Phillies. Thanks George!

--2 issues of Phil Bronson's The Fantasite. We've added issues 5 and 10, thanks to Rob Hansen who provided us with scans. Tucker, Chauvenet, and others. Thanks Rob! Some cool covers.

--1 issue of C.S. Youd's Fantast's Folly. This is issue 3 from Aug 1945, scan by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!

--1 issue of John D. Berry's Foolscap. This is issue 3 from Halloween 1967. Supplied by Murray Moore and scanned at Boskone 2020.

--1 issue of Forry and Morojo's Imagination. This appears to be Imagination 13 (V2#1, October, 1938) with a cover from Imagination 11 (August, 1938). Pavlat-Evans does not mention that the issue is misnumbered on the cover. If anyone can scan the correct cover and inside front cover, we will fix the issue. Scan provided by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!

--1 (and only) issue of Ginjer Buchanan and Suzle Tompkins fanzine Imryrr. This dates from 1969, and contributors include Bill Rotsler, Bill Mallardi, Sandra Meisel, Andy Porter, and Ted Pauls. Scan provided by Eli Cohen. Thanks Eli!

--2 issues of Jeff Smith's Khatru, issues 1 and 7. This completes the run. Khatru is one of our core fanzines to scan. Jeff sent us proof pages of these issues so we could scan them. Thanks to Jeff for sending them! Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of MT Void. We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 34, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

--1 issue of The National Fantasy Fan. George Phillies sent us the latest issue. Thanks George!

--6 more issues of the BSFA's Vector. Issues 4-5 (1959), 27-28 (1964), 30-31 (1965). This is a core issue for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Lora Crozetti's Venus. Issue 2 from 1944. Contributors include Bob Bloch, Bob Tucker, Forry Ackerman and Alva Rogers. Provided by Murray Moore and scanned at Boskone 2020. Thanks Murray!

Last but not least, it's a YouTube day. We have a charming audio recording from Boskone 5 (1968) of Isaac Asimov holding forth for more than an hour. It's decorated with photos of people in the room, photos of Isaac, and book and magazine covers. I hope that those that never had a chance to meet Isaac get a sense of how it might have been. From the Youtube writeup: "...Isaac Asimov spends an hour talking about everything and anything. He is speaking to his extended family - a roomful of science fiction fans. Isaac speaks with great good humor about his writing (both science fiction and science fact), ribs his fellow writers, especially Lester Del Rey and others who were in the room, and tells stories about Harlan Ellison and John W. Campbell. He is charming and arrogant, explaining his view of women, why he doesn't write for TV, his experiences on late night TV and more. This is an opportunity to get to know one of science fiction's greats as his contemporaries did. Thanks to the New England Science Fiction Society (NESFA) and Rick Kovalcik for providing the recording." You can find it at 

February 17, 2020
If you've been following along, you know that we have had more than our fair share of migrations in the last 13 months. First, we moved to a new hosting company (and there are still a few truly irritating AF bugs left in that migration). Second, Mark Olson and John Bray migrated  to a new technology. That move was very painful and took a long time. They are, however, victorious and you can see it in all its new glory at the aforementioned Welcome now to the next migration. The code that generates is a marvel of persistence and dedication. It was written over the course of 25 years by our late, lamented first webmaster - Jack Weaver. Embedded in the code are artifacts of the last 30 years of evolution of the internet. There is code from defunct publishers. There is code only maintained by a cabal of aging enthusiasts, none of whom were born after the election of Dwight D. Eisenhower. There are surprises galore. Still. Today, we migrate to Windows 10 and a new laptop. I put the migration off as long as possible (figuring I might make it to Windows 11 or 12 or 13), but the old system found an engaging new way to fail - presenting me with command menus on every (increasingly) frustrated keystroke. It's time.

It is likely to be a little slow in the fanzine uploading department for a few days. So far, so good though. There are problems still to be overcome. However, I present to you the first fanzines uploaded post-this-migration:
--Habakkuk  edited by Bill Donaho, issue V3#4. Provided by Murray Moore and scanned at Boskone 2020! This completes the run for us. Thanks Murray!
--Idea, edited by Geri Sullivan, issues 5 & 6 from 1992. Includes articles by Linda Bushyager, Stu Shiffman, and James White among others. This completes the run for us. Provided by Geri Sullivan and scanned at Boskone 2020! Thank you Geri.
--Mota, edited by Terry Hughes, issues 4 & 6 from 1992. Provided by Murray Moore and scanned at Boskone 2020! Includes articles by Lee Hoffman, Grant Canfield, and Ray Nelson among others.

--Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #467 (3.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

--We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 33, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both
--Personal Notes, edited by Richard Harter, issues 1 and 2 from 1973-1974. This completes the run for us. Provided by Murray Moore and scanned at Boskone 2020!

Thanks to Dave Langford for bringing some navigation screwups to my attention. I think they're fixed now.

February 11, 2020
More fanzines today (but I am working on a YouTube piece):

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Carol Goodwin. Today's issues are from 2016. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to Fanac.

--February issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

--12 issues of Arnie Katz and rich brown's Focal Point  from 1970-1971. Focal Point was "a fanzine of news, views, and reviews". The new issues are the ones between V2#17 and V2#30, and they were scanned by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

--2 issues of Don D'Ammassa's Mythologies. These are issues 5 (1975) and 19 (1986). Scans provided by Eli Cohen. Thanks Eli!

--1 issue of Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. From George Philies, we have issue 305 in two parts. Tightbeam, is the clubzine of the NFFF. Thanks George!

February 10, 2020
Today in

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Carol Goodwin. Today's issues are from 2015. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to Fanac.

--1 more issue of Larry Shaw's McSnoyd's Bulletin. Issue 2, January 1945.

--1 more issue of The Scarr, edited by George Charters. Issue 15 (marked as issue 120) from May, 1967. I have no idea why his numbering became so unique. Whole number 11 was marked as 102, 12 was marked as 110, and so on until 15 became 120.

--4 more issues of SFSFS Shuttle, the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. Editors for 3 of the issues are Joe Siclari and Edie Stern, and the 4th was edited by Carol Porter. These are issues 100, 115, 130 and 132. The 100th issue has some fun stuff including Joe Green's first published "story" (his quotes, not mine), a reprint of a short-short by Charles Fontenay, a short-short by Lee Hoffman (which I believe was never published elsewhere), one by Marion Zimmer Bradley, and a personal favorite of mine, a poem by Nancy Atherton entitled "Ode to Joe, Fan". Full disclosure: I co-edited the 100th issue. Also some LeeH cartoons.

--17 publications from Dick Geis. There are 13 issues of SF Review, from the early 80s, provided and scanned by Jim Harris. These are issues 43-45, 48, 53-61. We also have 4 issues of SF Review from the 1969-70 scanned by Joe Siclari. These are issues 34-35, 38 and a short 43. Note that the fanzines scanned earlier have random keystrokes for metadata, so the tab on the top of your screen looks kind of funny. We'll get that fixed, but I thought that it was better to get the issues up as is rather than wait until they were perfect.

--10 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 108-115 and 124-125. The issues from 108-115 Geoff Rippington, and 123-125 by Paul Kincaid. These are from from the early to mid 1980s. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

February 7, 2020
Thanks to Rob Hansen for the cover to issue 1 of Jimmy Kepner's Toward Tomorrow. You may recall that we put up a coverless copy recently, and appealed to anyone that had a cover. Rob came through for us! Thanks Rob.

Joe was able to scan more fanzines from FAPA 28. We're putting them up, beginning with
--Arcadia, Harry Honig
--Black & White, Nova Press

--Issue 2 of Chan Davis's Blitherings 

--Issue 5 of Larry Shaw's Caliban 

--Issue 1 of Mike Fern's Eccentric's Orbit 

--Issue 2 of Elmer Purdue's Elmurmurings 

--Issue 131 of Leslie Croutch's Light.

--Issue 15 of Milt Rothman's Milty's Mag 

--Issue 1 (and only) of Don Wollheim's New Hieroglyph 

--Issue 10 of Donald B. Thompson's Phanny 

--Issue 48 (V11#4) of Don Wollheim's The Phantagraph. See notes below.

--Issue 1 (and only) of Oliver Saari's So Saari 

--Issue 1 (and only) of George Ebey's Star-Stung 

--Issue 1 (and only) of Al Ashley's The Stump 

--Issue 7 of E. Everett Evans' Tale of the 'Evens 

--Issue 1 of Raym Washington's Take-Off! 

--Issue 10 of Walt Leibsher's Walt's Wramblings. Summer 1944.

--John B. Michel's The Works 

Also we have:

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Carol Goodwin. Today's issues are from 2014. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--8 more issues of Will Sykora's Fantasy News. This includes some 1944 issues. Provided and scanned by Sam McDonald. You can tell which ones are new because they're marked as scanned by Sam McD. BTW, there are two V8#12s, as printed in the zine. Luckily, they have different whole numbers. Thanks for the scans, Sam! Especially thanks for the 1944 issues that might factor into Retro Hugo decisions.

--1 more mailing of J. Michael Rosenblum's Futurian War Digest. This is a 1944 issue, V5#1 (marked on the front page as V4#1 but we all know better). It includes issue 18 of the British Fantasy Society Bulletin  and a few other items.

--2 issues of Don Wollheim's The Phantagraph, issue V11#4, and V12#3 from November, 1944. This was distributed in FAPA 28  and FAPA 30A. "Founded in 1934 as The T.F.G. BULLETIN, Combined with SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW, MIND OF MAN, SCIENCE FICTION WEEKLY, IE VOMBITEUR, FANTASY FICTION DIGEST, THE PLANETEER, and others, including the rights to the original fantasy fanzine THE TIME TRAVELLER." Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Bill Watson and George Ebey's Sappho. This is issue 5, from September 1944. Scan by Joe Siclari.

February 2, 2020
"Today, in support of the Retro Hugos project for CoNZealand, we've added an alphabetical list of 1944 fanzines. It is the largest list of 1944 fanzines that we could compile. We have linked, both from our site and others, all the zines we can find to give you the ability to read what was going on in 1944. We will link to additional zines as we find them, and are also still scanning more ourselves. If you know of appropriate materials not on the list, please let us know. We hope this will give you some ability to judge the 1944 materials first hand. Much of it may not seem of significant quality to us today, but it gives context and the ability to compare the writers and editors of 1944, rather than just relying on their later reputations."...Joe Siclari 

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Carol Goodwin. Today's issues are from 2013. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of Forry's Outlandi  from October 1944. Actually it's the only issue. For your retro pleasure. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--8 issues of Derek Pickle's Phantamagoria  from the mid50s. Some of these are co-edited by Mavis Pickles, and others by Stan Thomas. Cartoons (some by Eddie Jones), articles, columns, reviews. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Texas SF Inquirer. These are issues 30 and 42, edited by Dale Denton and Alexander Slate, from 1990-1991.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #466 (2.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 31, 2020
For you:

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Rog Peyton and Carol Goodwin. Today's issues are from 2012. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 more issue of Alva Rogers' fanzine Bixel  from 1962. This is issue 1. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--4 more issues of Jeff Smith's Khatru. Includes the massive double issue 3/4 (over 160 pages) with the "Women in Science Fiction" Symposium. Participants: Susy McKee Charnas, Samuel R. Delany, Virginia Kidd, Ursula K. Le Guin, Vonda McIntyre, Raylyn Moore, Joanna Russ, James Tiptree, Jr, Luise White, Kate Wilhelm, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and it's edited by Jeffrey D. Smith. It's a dream team. "Officially, the Symposium ran from 10/9/74 to 5/8/75 (though minor revisions carried on well after), seven months and 168 pages of letters. Most of those 168 are here." Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 more issue of James Kepner's Toward Tomorrow. This is issue 1, from Spring 1944. Unfortunately, the cover is missing. (Does anyone have one with a cover that they could scan? Or scan the cover and send that to us?). The issue is dedicated to the memory of A. Merritt. Scan by Joe Siclari.

January 29, 2020
Today's adds:

--24 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Rog Peyton. Today's ssues are from 2010-2011. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of Alva Rogers' fanzine Bixel  from 1962. This issue has a Ray Nelson cover, and an article by Cleve Cartmill. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of T Dikty's Fantasy Digest, August 1939. "In this issue: Henry Kuttner Sam Moskowitz Eric Korshak Walter Sullivan J. Harvey Haggard Forrest J. Ackerman Harry Warner, Jr, Larry B. Farsaci" . Yep, Forry with a J period. There are more contributors, but those are the ones listed on the cover. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Jeff Smith's Khatru. This is issue 2 from 1975 and is the first Khatru we've put up. Thanks go to Jeff Smith and to Joe Siclari (who scanned the issue).

--1 issue of L. R. Chauvent's L'Oasis d'Horreur. It was distributed in 1941 in FAPA 15. It's in French. I can read some of it. Actually, some of it is a bit blurry.

--1 issue of L. R. Chauvenet's Nachgemachle Schild Krotensuppe. It was distributed in 1941 in FAPA 15. It's in German. I can't read it. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of Mari Beth Wheeler's 1940s fanzine Rosebud, "fandom's intimate fanzine". There are two issues from 1944 for those looking to nominate in the Retro Hugos. Contributors include Forry Ackerman, Walt Leibscher, Bob Tucker, F.T. Laney, Dick Wilson, and Al Ashley. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue Don Miller's Son of the WSFA Journal, issue 5, February 1970. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 more issues of Lee Gold's Third Foundation. These are from 1968 when she was Lee Klingstein. Don't forget that when the zines are large, it may take a few seconds for them to come up on your screen. Have patience. They're there. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Eric Bentcliffe's Waldo. Issue 7, from 1983. Contributors include Mal and Hazel Ashworth, John Berry, Chuck Harris, and ATom. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Jeanne Gomoll's perzine Whimsey  from 1983. Thanks Jeanne!

--4 issues of the WSFA Journal  from the 1990s. Various editors including Joe Mayhew. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Also a WSFA data sheet from 1970.

January 27, 2020
Today in

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Rog Peyton. Today's ssues are from 2009. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--32 more issues of Cry of the Nameless! Steve Johnson saw a piece written by Andy Hooper which mentioned that we were looking for Crys, and responded with grand fannish generosity and sent us 32 early issues of Cry. Joe has now scanned and OCR'd them, and they are online for your viewing pleasure. It's hard to put these up without falling in to them. I can hear Buz when I read the editorials. The new issues are the ones marked on the index as provided by Steve Johnson. A couple of the issues have photos on the cover. Check out the photo of James White on the cover of issue 108. Thanks Steve!

--6 more issues of Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll's Janus. Issues 9-13, and 18 are from 1977-1980. There is much that is serious constructive here, eg the focus on Chip Delany in issue 12-13. Scans by Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll. OCR by Joe Siclari. Thanks Jeanne and Janice!

January 26, 2020
We've had fabulous contributions from all around the world to this archive. To shamelessly beg for more, we've put up a list of the zines we'd most like to scan here:  . If you have any of these, we'd love to get them online. Thanks!

I've updated the core list of fanzines to scan that we have prioritized. The titles haven't changed much since November (if any), but there's progress on many of them. You'll find it at: 

We had erroneous information on the OMPAzine The Wall. Thanks to Rob Hansen, it's been corrected. Thanks Rob!

I've been having a little trouble with the new distributions of MT Void. Apologies on that. It's being resolved.

Added today:

--1 issue of Austra-Fantasy. This is issue 6, from September 1941. According to Pavlat-Evans, it's the last issue. Vol Molesworth, Donald Tuck, Bill Veney and more. Provided and scanned by Kim Huett. Thanks Kim!

--22 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Rog Peyton and William McCabe. Today's ssues are from 2007 and 2008. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of Bill Watson's Diablerie. This is issue 5 from Nov 1944. There are articles by Walt Leibscher and Harry Warner Jr, satire, and poetry by several folks including Banks Mebane. After a full fannish career up north, Banks retired to Florida and became a stalwart of the South Florida Science Fiction Society.

--Replaced 21 issues of Inside  and Inside, 2nd series  with searchable PDFs. Scans and OCR by Mark Olson.

--1 issue of the N3F's Ionisphere, edited by John Thiel and sent by George Phillies. This is the February 2020 issue. Thanks George!

--8 issues of Janice Bogstad and Jeanne Gomoll's Janus. These are from the mid70s, full of lovely stuff. Provided and scanned by Janice and Jeanne. Thanks!

--2 issues of Richard Harter's Personal Notes. Both of these are from 1975. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--7 issues of BSFA's Vector. Well actually it's 6 issues and one supplement. We've added issue 48, 96-100 and the Feb 1977 review supplement. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scanning for 2 of these by Joe Siclari. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

January 24, 2020
There's a new FANAC update today. You can see the current update, and all the old ones at Check it out to find out what we've been doing (even the parts that don't show).
--Filksong Manual part 2, Bruce Pelz, 1966. Includes wonderful pieces like "Young Man Mulligan" (identify the references!), and "Highlights from My Fair Femmefan" by Carl Brandon. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Rog Peyton. Today's ssues are from 2006. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of Lee Hoffman Shaw and Larry Shaw's Excelsior, dated "April 1, and vicinity, 1957". Do you miss interlineations? "ashestoashesanddusttodustifthefissiondon'tgetyouthefailoutmust" . Cover by ATom, and interior art by LeeH. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--5 issues of Richard Harter's Personal Notes, a 1970s perzine from the Boston area. For more about Richard Harter, see  . As always, if you have something to add to the Fancyclopedia article, please drop me a line.

--6 issues of Dick Wilson's newszine Science Fiction Newsletter  from June and July of 1938. Beautiful hecto zines, provided and scanned by David Ritter. Thanks David!

--14 issues of Irwin Hirsh and Andrew Brown's newszine Thyme, from 1981-1982. These are early issues including #1 and #2. The fanzines were provided and scanned by Irwin Hirsh. Thanks Irwin!

--4 issues of The Wall, a round-robin done for OMPA in the early 1960s. Represented are Bill Donaho, Ethel Lindsay, and Jim Groves. "Ron Bennett was a worried man. For perhaps the first time in his fannish career, he had problems other than being the sole member of Harrogate fandom." Scans by Joe Siclari.

January 21, 2020
Today's bounty from the past (27 pubs)-

More from FAPA 30B  -

--Blitherings #3, Chan Davis

--Chartreuse and Shocking Pink, Robert Lowndes

--Devil Take the Hindmost, A. Langley Searles

--STF Comment, Oliver Saari

--Twenty-First Century, Don Wollheim

--YHOS 12, Art Widner

--FAPA Index, Larry Shaw


--11 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Rog Peyton. Today's ssues are from 2005. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of two zines. The combined issue 8 of Walt Kessel's Cosmic Dust  and Fred Warth's Luna Pono  from October 1944. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Phil Bronson's Fantasite  from Februay 1944. Nice cover (Ronald Clyne) and a good set of contributors including Milt Rothman, Harry Warner, Bruce Yerke, Bob Tucker, and Bob Bloch. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Lynn Bridges' Inspiration  from Summer 1944. Distributed with FAPA 28. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Dale Speirs' Opuntia, dated Edgar Allan Poe's Birthday, 2020. It's issue #465. Thanks Dale.

--5 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 91-95. The issues from 91 through 94 are edited by Dave Wingrove, and issue 95 by Mike Dickinson. These are from from 1979. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

January 19, 2020
Today in, we've added:

We've started to add FAPA30B, the mailing from December 1944. More zines coming in the next few days, but here are 9 to start with. Scans for this mailing of FAPA from Joe Siclari.

--Agenbite of Inwit #7, Bob Lowndes

--En Garde #12, Al and Abby Lu Ashley

--Fandango #7A, F. T. Laney

--Fen 2, Jimmy Kepner

--Horizons 21, Harry Warner Jr

--Phanny V3#3, Don Thompson

--Phantagraph V12#4, Don Wollheim

--Sardonyx 13, L.R. Chauvenet

--Tale of the Evans 9, E. Everett Evans

Additionally, here are other zines added today.

--1 issue of Andy Anderson's Centauri, from 1944. Nice cover by Jack Miller. Fiction, articles, verse and humor. Familiar contributors such as Duane Rimel, Bob Tucker, Harry Warner Jr. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--11 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Rog Peyton. Today's ssues are from 2004. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of Walt Kessel's Cosmic Dust. We've added issue 10 from 1947. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of F.T. Laney's Fan-Dango. We added issue 5, which was distributed in FAPA 28.

January 18, 2020
Today in, we've added:

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. These are edited by by Rog Peyton, Steve Jones and William McCabe. Today's ssues are from 2003. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--2 issues of Ethel Lindsay's Haverings. These are issues 1 (1960) and 12 (1962). Issue 1 says "To be published every time the pile on my desk grows too high..." Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Vince Clarke's Science Fantasy News  from 1951-52. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Lee Gold's Third Foundation. These are issues 89 and 92 from 1969-1970. Scans by Joe Siclari.

January 15, 2020
Today in, we've added:

--The first Filk publication. This was a 2 page song sheet by Jack Speer, produced for the 1940 Worldcon. It was provided and scanned by Filthy Pierre, aka Erwin Strauss. Thanks Filthy! You can find it here (and more to come): 

--24 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. One is edited by Martin Tudor, and the remainder by Rog Peyton, Steve Jones and William McCabe. Today's ssues are from 2001-2002. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--4 issues of Don Wilson's Dream Quest, ranging from issue 2 (1947) to issue 13 (1955). Fiction, articles and art. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. From George Philies, we have issue 304 in two parts. Tightbeam, is the clubzine of the NFFF. Thanks George!

Replacements: Replaced King Goddard's Technocrat, issue 1 with a searchable PDF. OCR done by Joe Siclari.

January 12, 2020
Today in, we've added:

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Some are edited by Martin Tudor, and the remainder by Yvonne Rowse. These are from 2000. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to We've also added an image of the first membership card issued for the BSFG - to Pete Weston. Thanks to Rob Hansen for providing and scanning the card. Cool stuff.

--3 issues of J. Michael Rosenblum's Futurian War Digest. These are 1944 issues, so you'll have them for your Retro Hugo consideration. We've also uploaed the fanzines that were bundled with them. We've added V4, #5 and #5, and V5, #2. The volume numbers in the zines themselves are different, but I've gone by Pavlat Evans. These are core fanzines for us to scan. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Leland Sapiro's Riverside Quarterly. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Provided by Tom Whitmore, and scanned by Joe Siclari. Thanks Tom!

--13 (12?) issues of Dick Wilson's Science Fiction Newsletter  from 1939. We have isses 67-78. The reason for the 12 and 13 confusion is that we have a V3,23a AND A V3,23b by two different guest editors (Lowndes and Speer). All the news of early 1939. These were provided and scanned by David Ritter. Thanks David!

--1 issue of Art Rapp's Spacewarp. This is issue 6 from September 1947. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--1 issue of Time Warp, edited by Art Rapp and George Young. This is issue 1 from 1948. Fiction, poetry and a tongue in cheek manifesto. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

January 10, 2020
I misattributed the editorship of The Third Foundation  the other day. It should properly be attributed to Lee Gold aka Lee Klingstein. Sorry about that, and thanks to Lee for the correction.

Today in, we've added:

--2 issues of Austra-Fantasy, edited by Warwick Hockley and Keith Taylor, from 1941. These are issues 4 and 5, and come to us courtesy of Kim Huett, who provided and scanned them. If you want to check your 1941 trivia chops, there's a quiz on page 28 of issue 5. Warning: includes questions on fan fiction. Thanks Kim!

--24 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Some are edited by Martin Tudor, and the remainder by Yvonne Rowse. These are from 1998-1999. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to We've also added an image of the first membership card issued for the BSFG - to Pete Weston. Thanks to Rob Hansen for providing and scanning the card. Cool stuff.

--5 more issues of the newszine Ember, edited by Don Brazier, from the mid 1940s. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--8 issues of Les Spinge, some issues edited by Ken Cheslin and others by Dave Hale. Issue 13 was stapled in two parts (and ran 100 pages). Contributors include George Locke, Mike Moorcock, John Berry, Archie Mercer, Terry Jeeves, ATom, and others. Les Spinge is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scanning by Mark Olson.

--3 issues of Light, edited by Leslie A. Croutch. These are issues 112-114 from 1942, and were provided and scanned by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob! We really appreciate the trove of Canadian fanzines you've sent us.

--9 issues of PFJ, mostly edited by Michael Carroll. These are from the early 1990s, and say "Ireland's only Phunny Fantasy Journal". They were provided by Philippa Ryder and scanned at Dublin 2019. Thanks Philippa!

--1 issue of The Rocket, edited by Dan McPhail. We have the 1 page issue #1 from December 1937. Provided and scanned by Alistair Durie. Thanks Alistair! This fanzine changed names to "Phantasy Press" after 3 issues according to Pavlat-Evans.

--2 issues of Stf Hash, edited by Harry Jenkins. This is the complete run of 2 issues from 1941-1942. They were provided and scanned by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob!

January 8, 2020
Today in, we've added:

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Martin Tudor, these are from 1997. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of Innuendo, edited by Terry Carr. We've added issue 11, completing the run. This is a core zine for us to scan. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues of The Planeteer  from 1935-1936, edited by Jim Blish. Provided and scanned by Alistair Durie. Thanks Alistair! It's exciting to get scans of fanzines that are this old.

--10 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 81-90. The issues from 81 through 83 are edited by Christopher Fowler and the rest of this batch are edited by Dave Wingrove. These are from from the early to mid 1970s. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

January 1, 2020
We're back to work after holiday travels. To all those who wrote with offers of fanzine scans, thank you very much. I'm working through the emails and the Dropbox treasures. Soon now (which is before RSN).

Today in, we've added 40 publications:

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Martin Tudor, these are from 1996. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--5 issues of Rob Jackson's Maya. We have issues 9-11, 14-15. These were kindly provided by Rob and scanned at Dublin. Also in situ is the 1976 FAAN Awards Ballot. This completes the run of Maya. There's lots of choice reading material here. Thanks Rob!

--We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 25, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

--Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #463 (6.4 MB) and #464 (4.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

--From George Philies, we have issue 303 of Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Tightbeam, is the clubzine of the NFFF. Thanks George!

--George Phillies sent us a PDFs of December 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

--18 issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues: 61, 64-80. The issues from 61 through 68 are edited by Malcolm Edwards, and the rest in this batch are edited by Christopher Fowler. These are from from the early to mid 1970s. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

December 20, 2019

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Martin Tudor, these are from 1995. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--2 Fannish calendars, one from Bruce Pelz in the 70s and the other from Joe Siclari for 2000. You can find them at

December 17, 2019
Uploaded today:

--11 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Martin Tudor, these are from 1994. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--2 issues of Richard Schultz's fanzine, En Garde. This is a 1960s zine and most of it is focused on the TV show "The Avengers". He subtitles it "a magazine of personal opinion and natter...". Issue 6 is 110 pages long.

--2 issues of Lee and Barry Gold's fanzine, The Third Foundation. These are from 1969, and have material by Larry Niven, David Gerrold, Tom Digby and others. BTW, you can hear an interview with Lee and Barry on the Fanac YouTube channel. The interview is at: 

December 16, 2019
Here's what's new today:

--Replaced 8 issues of Peter Vorzimer's fanzine, Abstract, with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson.

--5 issues of Don Brazier's newszine, Ember, from 1946-1947. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Martin Tudor, these are from 1993. Thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of George Charters' fanzine, The Scarr. Issue 6, from November 1964 was added. There's an article by Bob Shaw in here! Scan by Joe Siclari.

--5 issues of Art Rapp's fanzine, Spacewarp. We've added issues 16 (1948), 65 (1960), 126, 129, and 133 (early '80s). This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

December 15, 2019
Today's additions are more than fanzines:

--3 issues of Charlie Hornig's The Fantasy Fan, from 1933-1934. We've added issues 3, 6, and 15, courtesy of the scanning of Kim Huett. Underneath the credit for "Editor: Charles D. Hornig", is the further credit "(Managing Editor: Wonder Stories). Charlie was 17.

--3 issues of Morojo's Guteto, from 1941-1942. Issues 2, 3 and 4 added today, scanned by Joe Siclari.

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Martin Tudor, these are from 1992. As always, thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to
--Yearbooks:The Yearbook of Science, Weird, and Fantasy Fiction 1941, edited by Julius Unger and published in 1942. Before the net, before the NESFA Index, how was a fan to find and remember where individual stories were published. The Yearbook, published by Fantasy Fiction Field, had it all. Thanks to Tom Whitmore for providing it for scanning.

And now for something completely different. We've added a whack (43 images) of bid buttons, convention badges and membership cards. They're under the "Artifacts" section at  . This section is also where you find business cards, diaries, autograph books and other artifacts of fannish existence. If you ever lose the link, just click on the "More" link on the homepage.

Last, but not least, it's a YouTube day. In 1990, Moshe Feder, Linda Bushyager, Toni Weisskopf and Hank Davis made a roadtrip to Hagerstown, MD to interiew Harry Warner, Jr. Today, in 2 parts, we've put the interview up on YouTube. Thanks to Moshe for providing it. From the YouTube writeup: "Harry Warner, Jr., author of ALL OUR YESTERDAYS and A WEALTH OF FABLE (the major histories of fandom in the 40s & 50s), is interviewed by editor Moshe Feder...for screening at Corflu 7 in 1990. Harry was Fan Guest of Honor at Noreascon 1, a prolific fanzine editor, and the most prodigious letterhack in fandom. This interview is a rare opportunity to hear from him face-to-face. Harry Warner was somewhat of a recluse, nicknamed the "Hermit of Hagerstown". His fan activity was almost entirely on paper. In this interview, Harry talks about his entry into fandom, his thoughts on conventions, Spaceways and FAPA, the "Odd Tales Hoax", his experiences as a classical musician and more. He talks about the special appeal that fandom had for him." Part 1:  and Part 2 at 

December 13, 2019
Today on

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Martin Tudor (11 issues), these are from 1991. As always, thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of fanzines/Destiny, edited by Malcom Willits and Jim Bradley. This is issue 2, from Fall, 1950. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--The latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 24, edited by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

--5 more issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These are issues 245-249, from 2006, edited by Niall Harrison and Geneva Melzack. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

--15 issues of Dick Wilson's newszine Science Fiction News Letter, from 1938-1939. Scanned and provided by David Ritter. Today we added issues: 53-56, plus an "EXTRA" issue and a Hoax News (Love) Letter. Thanks David!

--1 issue of Rhodomagnetic Digest, produced by the Elves', Gnomes', and Little Men's Science-Fiction Chowder and Marching Society. This issue from September 1950 was edited by Donald Baker Moore. This is a core fanzine for us to scan. Scan by Joe Siclari. This is the second Fall 1950 fanzine today. Curious.

December 11, 2019
Our big news is that Steve Rosenstein has most kindly donated a new blueray writer and disks to He has been reviewing our backup policies, and providing advice and counsel. Part of the advice was to get a blueray writer for archival storage, and now thanks to Steve, we have one! Thank you Steve. You've been beyond wonderful.

--23 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Dave Hardy, these are from 1989-1990. As always, thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik, December 2019 issues. Thanks Leybl!
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie, issue 76, October 2000 - the 30th anniversary issue, focused on George Turner. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--1980 ISFA calendar, Arthur O'Duffy, scanned at Dublin 2019. With illustrations!

--10 more issues of Vector, the Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. These were edited by Andrew M. Butler from 2004-2005. Vector is a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans.

December 10, 2019
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #462 (6.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia, along with an updatd cumulative index. Thanks Dale.

December 9, 2019
I left out an important fact about Dick Wilson's Escape 2. On page 5, it contains what we believe to be Cyril Kornbluth's first published fiction. I think we may have skipped the OCR step on this issue. We'll get it updated at some point.

We've replaced issues 25 and 55-56 of SF Commentary  with searchable PDFs. OCR thanks to Mark Olson. We also replaced Pong, issue 19-20 with a searchable PDF. OCR here is thanks to Joe Siclari.

Newly uploaded:

--12 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Carol and Tony Morton, these are from 1988. Today's additions - issues 196-207. As always, thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--2 issues of Jim Harmon's Radio Hero  from 1963. This is a fanzine about Old Time Radio. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--9 issues of Vector, these edited by Andrew M. Butler from 2002-2004. Vector is the Offical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association, and a core fanzine for us to scan. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans. Vector published material by many well known fans and writers.

December 8, 2019
Today we have zines from 1939 to 1987, with a few in between.

--11 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Carol and Tony Morton, these are from 1987. Today's additions - issues 184-188, 190-195. As always, thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

--1 issue of Escape, Dick Wilson, August 1939. There's an anecdote about Cyril Kornbluth, and another about Fred Pohl and Jack Gillespie in Hagerstown soon after "the convention from which they were barred." We met Dick in the early 80s, during several of his visits to the Florida residence of Dave Kyle. It always pleases me to be able to put his fanzines online. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Yerke's The Knanve, 1944. For background on the Knanves, see . Scans by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues of Son of a Beach, edited by Les Schachter, 1970-1971. This was a fanzine of the Terminal Club, at the State Unitercity of New York at Binghamton. Issue 2 has a long article by Priscilla Pollner on the "Folklore of Fandom". You may know her better as Priscilla Olson. There's also a reprint of a Joanna Russ piece on "The Image of Women in Science Fiction". Scan by Mark Olson.

December 7, 2019
Today in Fan History:

--2 issues of Destiny, edited by Malcom Willits and Jim Bradley. These are issues 1 and 6 from 1950-1951. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--9 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Edited by Carol and Tony Morton, these are from 1986. Today's additions - issues 173-175, 177-178, 180-183. As always, thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to
--The War Lock, by Forry Ackerman for the Fall 1942 FAPA mailing. This is subtitled "An Open and Shut Letter (to Persons like Pogorus)". Scan by Bob Hurter.
--Xenolith, Bill Bowers perzine, 2nd series, issue 4. Scan by Mark Olson.

December 6, 2019
Hope all the US folks had a happy Thanksgiving.

It's been more than a week since the last update, so here goes. We have a modest 31 fanzines to tell you about.

--16 more issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. By various editors, these are from the mid 1980s. Today's additions - issues 133, 141, 144, 146-148, and 162-171.As always, thanks to Carol Goodwin for scanning them, and to John Bray for providing them to

-- 1 issue of Geri Sullivan's Idea. We've added issue 2 from March 1989. Scans by Mark Olson.

-- Latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 23, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

-- 5 issues of Polaris, edited by Paul Freehafer. We have issues 1-4 and 6 from 1939-1941. There was an extract from issue 4 up already, but today we put up the whole issue. The story in the extract is said to be by Rimel and Lovecraft. Rimel's name is the only one I see in the fanzine. The story is widely attibuted to Lovecraft. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

-- 6 issues of Robert Silverberg's Spaceship. We've added issues 17-18, and 23-26 from 1952 to 1954. Walt Willis, Red Boggs, Lee Hoffman, Harry Warner Jr, Harlan Ellison, and Robert Silverberg, along with others. Scans by Joe Siclari.

-- 1 issue (the only issue) of Strange Fantasy  by Larry Farsaci and Francis Litz, 1940. This is combined with Litz's Outre 3. Scan by Bob Hurter.

-- 1 issue of Frank Lunney's Syndrome, issue 3 from 1973. Scan by Joe Siclari.

December 3, 2019
Added the latest issue (#20) of the N3F's Ionisphere, edited by John Thiel and sent by George Phillies.

November 26, 2019
Correction to info on the Fantasy Tarot Deck. Rich Lynch points out that it should b 1980, rather than 1981 for the date. Thanks Rich!

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #461 (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 24, 2019
In 1981, Bruce Pelz published a Fantasy Showcase Tarot Deck. It's now online under "Artzines" at The Tarot Deck is very cool, with different cards done by different artists. Artists include some of the best fan artists around (and a few pros): Josh Kirby, Ross Chamberlain, Bill Rotsler, Anne Chancellor, Harry Bell, Ken Fletcher, Reed Waller.... You get the idea. If you missed the chance to acquire a copy of the Tarot Deck, Elayne Pelz still has a few for sale for $45. If you are interested, contact her at elaynepelz at . Thanks to Elayne for allowing us to scan this, and thanks to Mark Olson for doing the scans.

We have 27 issues of Vector  added today. Vector is the Offical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association, and a core fanzine for us to scan. 25 of these were scanned by the BSFA - issues 16-21, 23-26, 32, 34-37, 40-45, 57-60. Two of them were scanned by Joe Siclari - issues 29 and 52. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin and the BSFA for their scans. Vector published material by many well known fans and writers - John Brunner, Christopher Priest, Ken Slater, Brian Aldiss, Malcolm Edwards, Terry Jeeves, etc. Very cool stuff.

Also today, we replaced 13 more issues of SF Commentary  with searchable PDFs. OCR by Mark Olson.

November 23, 2019
61 items today (63 if you count the TAFF Ballots). We also replaced Norm Metcalf's New Frontiers, issue 4, with a searchable PDF.

Let's start with TAFF. We're scanning the trip reports and placing them (slowly) in the new TAFF directory - Today's additions: TAFF ballots from 1956 and 1969, Eric Bentcliffe's "TAFF Reporter 1", and Eric's 1961 TAFF Report - "Epi-TAFF". Scans by Joe Siclari.

--24 issues: Birmingham Science Fiction Group News, various editors. We've added issues 111-113, 117-122, 124-127, and 149-160. Scans by Carol Goodwin, and provided by John Bray. Thanks to the BSFG for these!

--7 issues: Degler!, Andrew Porter, issues 172-178. Scans by Mark Olson.

--9 issues: Ember, Don Brazier. This includes issue 1 titled "Spark", and later renamed to Ember.. We've added issues 1, 5, 7, 21, 25, 27, 28, 30, and 32 of Ember. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--2 issues: Flatbush Artery, Fred Pohl, 1938. These are not SF zines, but are publications for the Young Communist League. It is edited by a fan, Fred Pohl, and has articles by fans, John Michel and Helen Glaser. These zines answer any question people may have about whether Pohl had any Communist leanings. "In a 1989 conversation I had with him, Milt Rothman still blamed his association with Pohl for his inabilty to clear security regulations for working in nuclear research in the 1940s"- Joe Siclari. Scanned and provided by Alistair Durie.

--3 issues: Proper Boskonian, issues 34 and 37, edited by Ken Knabbe and issue 44 edited by Lisa Hertel. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--11 issues: PSFS News, and SF Viewsletter (various editors). It's a mixed grouping. We've added PSFS News issues from: March & May 1951, Nov 1943, Oct 1944, Nov 1945, Mar 1946, and April 1952. There are also issues of "SF Viewsletter" edited by George Heap. These are marked "in the interest of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society". Those are dated May, June, Sept, and October 1960. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--3 issues: Vector, the Offical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. Thanks to Allen Stroud, Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin. Today we added issues 22, 38, and 39. Scans provided by BSFA.

November 22, 2019
I received a question from Justin Busch about the last lines of the last few pages of the fanzine Australian Fan News. Justin wanted to know if there was any way to improve the legibility. From Kim Huett who scanned the zines: "I totally forgot to mention that the bottom line on each page of this fanzine is unintelligible. My best guess is that whoever typed the original pages went just a little too far down the stencil. Probably because the editor was unfamiliar with the machine it was printed on...A further thought. I'm pretty sure Bill Veney didn't own a printer and so had to the flatbed machine owned by either Bill Castellari
or Vol Molesworth (jds). In which case it's quite likely he didn't know how much of the stencil he could use. Fanzine production was a bit complicated in Australia during the 40s it has to be said." Now you know.

Today we added 37 fanzines(!).

--2 collections/anthologies. First, Quo Davis, a festschrift to honor Hank Davis on his 30th birthday edited by Moshe Feder (1972). Second, 14 Bob the Bushel, a collection of Bob Shaw's "Glass Bushel" columns by Bruce Pelz (1995). You can find them at Hint: 14 is spelled out and the list is alphabetical.

--17 issues of the Birmingham Science Fiction Group Newsletter. Thanks to the good offices of John Bray and the scanning of Carol Goodwin, we have a goodly number of these to put up. There will be more coming. Pete Weston was the editor of the first newsletter.

--2 issues of Mainstream, edited by Jerry Kaufman and Suzle Tompkins. Jerry kindly scanned issues 1 and 2 for us, completing the run.

--12 issues of Norstrilian News, mostly edited by John Foyster, with one by Leigh Edmonds. We've added issues 1 and 6-15 incl 10A all from 1970. Scanning by Mark Olson.

--2 issues of The Phantagraph, edited by Don Wollheim. Issues 36 and v13, num 4 from the 1940s. By volume 13, DAW had stopped putting whole numbers on the zine. Scans provided by Alistair Durie. Thanks Alistair!

--2 issues of South of the Moon, edited by Tim Marion and David Ortman. We've added issues 10 and 10s (a supplement) from 1975.

November 20, 2019
A nice count of 33 new zines for you today, ranging in publication date from 1936 to 2019, an 83 year span.

--2: Arcturus, edited by Harold W. Kirshenblit, issues 2 and 3 from Jan/Feb 1936, provided and scanned by Alastair Durie. Thanks Alastair!

--10: Ember, edited by Don Brazier. This is a hectozine so parts are a little faded. We have issues 3, 8-9, 11-15, 22, and 33 from 1946 and 1947. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--1: Horizons, Harry Warner Jr. issue 43 from summer 1950. We've also replaced issue 70 with a searchable PDF. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--3: Operation Fantast, Ken Slater. Issues V1N4 and V2N6, from 1950 scanned by Thomas Recktenwald, along with Fantast Sidetrack (1954). All we had before for the two Operation Fantasts was a table of contents. Now, thanks to Thomas, we have the zines!

--4: Science and Fantasy Fan Reporter, Colin Roden (AU), issues 26-28, and 34 all from 1942. These were provided and scanned by Kim Huett.

--1: Telefan  by Vol Molesworth (AU). The one and only issue, from March 1941. Provided and scanned by Kim Huett.

--12: Vector, the Offical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. Proper credits and more issues are coming but thanks for now to Allen Stroud, BSFA president and the BSFA board for providing these scans for the archive. Thanks also to Alex Bardy and Polina Levontin. We also uploaded a 2018 publication "Through the Decades - Sixty Years of the BSFA 1958-2018" aka the Best of Vector, Vol II. Thank you guys!

November 18, 2019
Today's haul in 4 parts:

From Kim Huett, we have a batch of interesting Australian Newszines.
--Australian Fan News, by Bill Veney. As far as I know, this is the only issue. Bill Veney chaired the first Australian Science Fiction convention in Sydney in 1952. Scanned and provided by Kim Huett.
--Science and Fantasy Fan Reporter, various editors. We have 13 more issues today, from 13-25. Note that Pavlat-Evans only lists them up through 15, so here you go. Thanks Kim!

From Joe Siclari's fanzine scanning, we have an issue of John D. Berry's Foolscap, issue 13 from 1978. Note that he used a piece of art that was not new, and so the cover says "Foolscap 7". It fooled us, and the title metadata lists the wrong issue. It's on our list to fix.

--Also from Joe Siclari's scanning, the 1955 edition of Tucker's Neo-Fans Guide. Fandom explained in 10 pages.

The 3rd part of the additions today: another 24 photos from the collection of Howard DeVore. You can see them at  Scans by Joe Siclari.

The 4th part is an addition from a regular contributor. George Phillies sent us a PDF of November 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

November 17, 2019
Today's haul has 24 fanzines from Australia, Northern Ireland, England and the US.

--Starting with the fanthologies, we have 2. There's "Curt Phillips for TAFF!" from Randy Byers and Claire Brialey (2014), and the "Best of Entmoot", from Greg Shaw (1970). You'll find them in the Fanthologies index at  . Scans by Joe Siclari.
--The Scarr, George Charters, issue 111 aka issue 13, November 66. "The Scarr" is of course an anagram of "Charters". This was done for OMPA 50. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Science and Fantasy Fan Reporter, from Eric F. Russell, Colin Roden, Graham Stone and Vol Molesworth. We add this newszine title and 12 issues from 1941, Australia. These were scanned and provided by Kim Huett. Thanks Kim!
--Science Fantasy News, Vince Clarke, issues 7, 8 and 11 from 1951-52. This continues the newszine theme and brings it to England. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Space Diversions, issue 7 from Norman Shorrock, John Roles and David Gardner. This issue is over 100 pages long. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Spaceship, from Robert Silverberg with some co-edited by Saul Diskin. Here we have issues 5, 9, 10 and 13 from 1949 to 1951. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Waldo  from Eric Bentcliffe, issue 2. Scan by Joe Siclari.

November 16, 2019
It's a YouTube day today. I've uploaded the Harlan Ellison Memorial panel that was held at Worldcon 76. From the YouTube description: "This Memoriam panel (audio, with pictures) features memories and anecdotes from Tom Whitmore, Robert Silverberg (who was a friend of Harlan's for 65 years), Chris Barkley, David Gerrold, Christine Valada and Nat Segaloff (Harlan's biographer). Each of the panelists had a close relationship with Harlan, and these loving but clear-eyed reminiscences are a comfort to those that miss him, and hopefully to those readers who never had a chance to meet him. Harlan was an enormous presence in science fiction. His stories, his scripts, his kindnesses and his sometimes unbelievable missteps will be long remembered. Recording provided by Karen G. Anderson and Richard Lynch." It was all I could do to not add my own Harlan stories to the description. My favorite memory may be watching Harlan try to convince my then 5 year old that violence was wrong, and that he should not watch Godzilla movies. 

In the world of written material, we've added a few things to the site (scans by Joe Siclari).

First, a searchable PDF version of the magnificent John Bristol (aka Jack Speer) effort Fancyclopedia 1  in our reference section. More reference materials here: 

For the newsminded, SF Parade, issues 3 and 5 from 56-57, a special Walt Willis one-shot from 57 and a 1962 issue edited by Stan Woolston.

November 15, 2019
It's been a few days since I did a 'What's New' entry, but I have been putting up a few things.

First, thanks to Bruce Mai and Filthy Pierre for their photo corrections. I've got some of them up, and am working on the rest. Thanks guys!

Secondly, if you're on our mailing list, you received a Flash Update from Joe Siclari. Thanks to a suggestion we received after the last newsletter, we're using Mailchimp to distribute future communications. If you didn't get one and you'd like to be on our mailing list, let me know at . If you believe you're on our mailing list already but didn't get the Flash, then please let me know that also. We had some email bounces and I may have misread your email address from one of our signup sheets at a convention somewhere.

Ok onward. If I've added correctly, we have 35 items added to the archive for this edition of 'what's new'.
--Idea, Geri Sullivan, issue 4, February 1992. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--ISFA Newsletter, edited by Richard Gallagher. We added the first 8 issues (from 1976-77). These were provided by Philippa Ryder and scanned at Dublin 2019.
--Lowdown, Richard Labonte, issue 1, 1968, which completes the run. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 20,Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thanks Mark and Evelyn!
--Opuntia, Dale Speirs, issue #460. Thanks Dale!
--Science Fiction Review, Richard E. Geis, issues 14, 16, 19-20, 23, 26, and 36-38. These were scanned and provided to us by Jim Harris. There's something a little screwy with the title metadata on these. When you look up at the title tab, you'll see nonsense letters. We'll fix that, but for now the fanzines are up as is. Thanks Jim!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay, issues 63-64 from 1972. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Sky Hook, Redd Boggs, issue 2, May 1948. On page 4, "FAN MEETS AUTHOR: The talk at the post-meeting session of MFS members had got around to the subject of mutants. Someone said reflectively, "There was a good story in Astounding some time ago about a mutant -- a kid and his dog... What was the name of it?" Poul Anderson blinked a few times, then ascertaining that the otner was not kidding, remarked, "It was called 'Logic'. I wrote it. " Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp, issue 85, 1967. Scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Texas SF Inquirer, issue 43, edited by Dale Denton and Alexander Slate, 1991. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Xero, Dick and Pat Lupoff, issues 3 and 4 of Xero Comics from 1961. Scans by Joe Siclari
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Issues 193-195 and 197. Scanned by Mark Olson.

And two special items.
--TAFF material. Joe Siclari has rescanned "ATom Abroad" and made it a searchable PDF. Over time, we'll migrate the TAFF reports to this spot on the site.
--Musicals. We've added the script and a glossary for the Dublin 2019 production of "The Enchanted Duplicator - The Musical", written and updated by Irwin "Filthy Pierre" Strauss, who provided the material to us. Thanks Filthy!

Also, for those that are interested, I've updated our progress on the list of core fanzines to scan. You can find it here - 

November 11, 2019
More fanzines today. If you received the last newsletter, we pointed you to our list of fanzines that are high priority for us to scan. I'll try to indicate which ones are "core" as I report on what we've put on line. The list can be found at: 

Today, all the uploads are core. We have 16 newly uploaded issues:
--Erg, Terry Jeeves, issues 0 and 133. How's that for a spread. There's also an upgraded 64 with a fewm ore pages. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Pot Pourri, John Berry, issues 18 and 46. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--SF Review, Richard E. Geis, issues 30-33 from 1969. Jim Harris has kindly provided the scans to us. Thanks Jim!
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay, Issues 62, 67, and 68. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Spacewarp, Art Rapp, issues 73, 77 and 80 from the 1960s. Additionally, we replaced issue 76 with a searchable PDF. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Xero, Dick and Pat Lupoff, issues 1 and 4. Scans by Joe Siclari.

November 10, 2019
First, a few miscellaneous items. In our quest to move to the searchable format, we've replaced Andy Porter's Algol 15 with a searchable PDF. It's at  .

Also, we've replaced the 4 PDF listing of Joe Siclari's Fanzine Archive colllection with a single bigass PDF. It says A-E on the first page, but ignore that. It's the whole collection. Easier to search, easier to deal with. Thanks Joe. Oh yes, you can find it at: 

Now on to the 16 newly uploaded fanzines.
--CyberCozen, Leybl Botwinik, Oct and November 2019 issues. Thanks Leybl!
--Fantasy War Bulletin, C.S. Youd, issues 4, 7, and 8, 1940. These were provided by Rob Hansen. Thank you Rob!
--Light, Leslie Croutch, issues 118-120, 1942. Scanned by Bob Hurter, from the collection of Canadian fan, Fred Hurter. Thanks Bob!
--The Time Scanner, Bob Studley, 1941. This is the complete run of 2 issues. Scan by Bob Hurter. Thanks again!
--Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson, issues 187-192 from 1969. Scans by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

November 8, 2019
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #459 (2.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 7, 2019
Today's roster of 25 fanzines (plus a few pieces of ephemera).
--Haverings, a review zine by Ethel Lindsay. We've added 18 issues, along with a couple of pieces of ephemera. I was happy to get a guestbook comment recently from someone that really appreciated the ephemera we've been adding. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Mikros. We've added issue 7, (Vol 2, #1), from Spring 1941. This was edited by Russ Hodgkins, Henry Kuttner, Art Barnes, Jim Mooney, and Fred Shroyer. The zine was provided and scanned by Alistair Durie. Thanks Alistair! I've added you to our list of contributors at  . If anyone out there has contributed time, material, scanning, articles for Fancy 3, etc. and is NOT on that list, please let me know. Send a note to and I'll put your name on it. I know we're missing a number of names.
--Outworlds, Bill Bowers, issues 8.5 and 8.75 from 1972. I know, a quarter point issue is a bit strange. Warning: issue 8.5 is marked as a "supplement for consenting adults". Issue 8.75 is a lettercol. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Prehensile, Mike Glyer, November 1974, issue 13. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--From George Philies. we have issue 302 of Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. This one is in 2 parts. Tightbeam of course, is the clubzine of the NFFF. Thanks George!
--Triode. We've added issues 3 and 4, edited by Eric Bentcliffe and Terry Jeeves, and issues 20, 22, 25, 26 edited by Eric Bentcliffe. Issue 26 is the last issue, and they range over 20 years. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

November 4, 2019
We've started a new fan photo album for Howard DeVore's collection. When photos are identified as having been taken at a convention, generally we put them on the convention page. For the non-convention photos from Howard's collection, we have this album at There are some rarely seen fans pictured like Raymond Washington (he of the Cosmic Circle), along with old friends like Pat and Roger Sims, and folks we would have liked to know like Doc Smith. Thanks to Karol DeVore Sissom and Mark Hickman for getting these to Joe Siclari for scanning.

There are two new titles in the fanzine department. Curiously, they both end in an exclamation point, although one is in quotes.
--Sound Off!, Joseph Gilbert, 1941. We have the complete run of 3 issues thanks to Bob Hurter. These were scanned from the collection of Fred Hurter.
--The 'Pseudo-Futurian!', J. Michael Rosenblum, all 4 issues from 1940. The 'Pseudo-Futurian!' then combined with Science Fantasy Review's War Digest to become the Futurian War Digest. Three of these issues were provided by Rob Hansen, and Joe Siclari supplied the last, completing the run.

November 3, 2019
23 additional publications uploaded today, along with replacing 3 more publications with PDFs instead of JPGs.
--Duplicating Without Tears!  is the new entry here. It's a symposium, edited by VinÂą Clarke. This is where we are collecting articles and publications on how to (physically) pub your ish. This contribution comes from Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob!
--Fantasy Foundation publications. This index has "I Bequeath" by Forry Ackerman (1946), and a Checklist of Fantasy Magazines, 1945 edition. Scans by Joe Siclari. Read a 1959 article from Fancyclopedia 2 about the Fantasy Foundation in Fancyclopedia 3 - Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Light, Leslie Croutch. 14 issues added: 115-117, 121-122, 124-128, 34-36, and 43. The numbering in this list is ordered by design. Light started with issue 108, ran to 135 and then changed its numbering to start back at issue 29. Scans by Bob Hurter from the collection of Fred Hurter.
--Sustaining Program, Jack Speer. Issues 9-13 (1941-1942) are newly online, and the other 3 issues from 1942 have been replaced with PDFs. Scans by Bob Hurter. Thanks Bob!
--The History of SF Fandom in New Zealand, 1981, Nigel Rowe, scan by Mark Olson. We have a number of short histories of various aspects of fandom in our history section. Look here to see them listed by geography and by decade: 

November 1, 2019
Today's count is 12 fanzines and 23 photos. All scans besides Opuntia today by Joe Siclari.
--Diablerie, Bill Watson, 1944, issues 1 and 3. Articles by F. T. Laney, and E. Hoffman Price. Published by "Watson and his Cohorts in Horror" just too late for Halloween.

--Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #458 (6.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
--Peon, Charles Riddle, issue 36 from December 1955.
--unterHelios, Joe Siclari, issues 2 and 3 from the mid1970s.
--SFSFS Shuttle, Joe Siclari and Edie Stern. 4 issues from the mid 90s. Yes, we are scanning our fanzines too. This was the clubzine of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. I flipped through these issues and was scandalized at a missed typo in an editorial. Summabitch. However, I really liked one of the other editorials (so generating my own egoboo apparently).
--Shadow of a Fan, Joe Siclari, w Edie Stern. Issues 1 and 2

All the photos today are from the collection of Howard DeVore, courtesy of Karol DeVore Sissom and Mark Hickman.
--MidWestCon  - 11 photos from MidWestcon. Of these 5 are from MidWestCon 1  in 1950 and 6 are from MidWestCon 50  in 1999. One of these is a photo of Howard DeVore and Margaret Kiefer, the only people to have attended all 50 MidWestCons.
--Discon 1  - 12 masquerade photos from Discon 1 in 1963.

October 31, 2019
Thanks to Karol DeVore Sissom, we are scanning photos from the collecton of Howard DeVore. Today, we put up 19 photos from Detention from Howard's collection.  . Scans by Joe Siclari.

We also added two calendars today, one from 1960 (George Barr) and the other from 1969 (Tim Kirk). They're now in a directory set aside for calendars, and I'm sure there will be more as we go forward. You can see it at:  . Scans by Joe Siclari.

October 29, 2019
16 publications for you today (although one is just a bookmark from 1944).
--Triode, Eric Bentcliffe, issues 21, 23-24, from 1975-76. Contributions from Bob Shaw, Terry Jeeves, Tom Perry, Rob Jackson, John Berry and others. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Scarr, George Charters, issue 14 aka issue 112, March 1967.

FAPA 29, September 1944. Finally finished, and as complete as it is going to get. Today we added 12 zines. Please go to the FAPA 29 index to link to individual zines.

--Elmurmurings 3, Elmer Purdue, August 44

--FFF Presents Richard Tooker and ER Burroughs; Julius Unger, September 44,

--Janus 1, Paul Spencer, September 44

--Mad Muse, James Russell Gray, September 44

--Panty Raiser 1, Jimmy Kepner and F. T. Laney, September 1944

--Paradox 8, Frank Wilimczyk

--Rouzine; Gordon K. Rouze

--Shangri Luna'Affaires, Claude Degler, a Cosmic Circle publication

--Star Bound bookmark; Litterio Farsaci

These last 3 FAPA contributions are of a type.

--Open Letter to All Members of FAPA, Robert Lowndes, September 1944

--Open Letter to Officers and members, F. Towner Laney / Walt Daugherty / James Kepner / Morojo / Mel Brown / Forrest J Ackerman, September 1944

--These Amazing Amendments, Al Ashley

October 26, 2019
We've put up 4 more fanzines from the Fred Hurter collection, scans courtesy of Bob Hurter.
--, issues 1 and 2 of Art Widner's YHOS from 1941
--, the complete run of Last Testament, by Lee Eastman, 1941-1942. That's issues 1-2.

We started a new directory on fanzine reproduction. It's  "How We Used To". The first item here comes from Ahrvid Engholm. It's a 127 page publication called "The Stencil Duplicated Newspaper", from FS and Damon Knight, 1941. We'll put more "how to" materials in this directory as we find them. Thanks Ahrvid!

And of course, more fanzines went up as well.
--, Looking Ahead, Jack Robins, 3/1940. Issues 1 and 2 (both from March of 1940). Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--, Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson, issues 180-183. We've also replaced the JPGS on seeral other issues with searchable PDFs - issues 146-150, 152. Scanning by Mark Olson.

--Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #458 (6.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

--George Phillies sent us a PDFs of October 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

FANAC Update #10 has been uploaded as well; it was sent out on 10/24/19. You can find it at: 

That's 14.

October 22, 2019
For your reading pleasure, we have 18 zines from the early 40s, all courtesy of Bob Hurter from the collection of Fred Hurter. Bob provided us these scans and more; these are the first ones to be uploaded (after OCR) to the Fan History Project. Thanks Bob!

--2 issues of Le Vombiteur, Doc Lowndes, issues 34 and 37 from 1940,

--13 issues of Light, Leslie Croutch, early 40s. We have issues: 29-33, 108-111, 123, 134, 135, and Light Flashes 1. Note that issues 29-33 are from a later date. These issues are the "new" Light.

--3 issues of Sci-Fic Variety, Bob Tucker, issues 3,4,5 from 1941 and 1942.

October 20, 2019
Updates for the last few days include 11 more FAPA 29  zines, a script for a science fiction musical, and another 6 fanzines. We have received a number of scans from Bob Hurter, son of Canadian fan Fred Hurter (who edited "Censored"). We're running them through the OCR process and will start putting them up shortly. Thanks very much to Bob Hurter for helping us to preserve this material.

Today we have a new MT Void, providing me my eye-roll moment of the day. Thanks to Mark and Evelyn Leeper, we get new issues regularly, and I have a software routine that accepts them and readies them for posting on However, today's issue started with a section by Mark asking folks to stop using the word "million" in emails to him, so he could filter out all the spam that offered to make him rich. My software decided that this MT Void, which quoted a number of such emails, was itself spam and refused to process it. Thanks to the magic of manual processing, the new issue is up, but that was an unexpected consequence of this particular fannish diatribe. You can read it at: 

Getting back to our regular update, from FAPA 29  and scanned by Joe Siclari, we have

--An Anonymous Civilian, Bill Watson, 

--FAPA Fan, Donald Wollheim, #15, 

--Fandango 6, F. Towner Laney, 

--Guteto V4, #2, Morojo, 

--Light 132; Leslie Crouch, 

--Milty's Mag Fall 1944; Milton Rothman; 

--Nucleus, V5, #2 , August 1944; Louis Kuslan, 

--Presenting Adam Singlesheet, September 1944, Forrest Ackerman, 

--Sardonyx V3, #4, Fall 1944, Chauvenet, 

--Tale of the Evans, V2, 4, Fall 1944, E. Everett Evans, 

--Twilight Echoes 1, Fall 1944, Joe Fortier, 

Andy Hooper sent us a musical treasure. It's a scan of the script for The Purple Pastures, performed at the 1960 Pittcon, written by Terry Carr/Carl Brandon in 1958, and adapted for presentation by LASFS in 1960. This was produced jointly by LASFS-CHIAC for the 1960 Pittcon, and performed on September 4, 1960. Thanks Andy! BTW, I didn't know what "CHIAC" was so I looked it up in - 

We've also posted the August 2019 update online, finally. It was sent from a Dublin hotel room before worldcon, and managed to evade online publication. If you missed it, you can read it here - 

5 other fanzines added (all scanned by Joe Siclari):

-- Richard E. Geis, issues 1, 2, 1975, along with Geis Letter 48 from 1998. These are listed on a common index page for all of the Geis pubs, so if it looks funny, just keep scrolling down till you see what you're looking for.
--Scientifriction, issue 5, Mike Glyer, 1978.
--Texas SF inquirer  issue 49, Alexander Slate, April 93.

October 16, 2019
27 zines added today.

First, we finished uploading FAPA 28. There were 2 last Cosmic Circle Publications to add - a membership report, and what appears to be yet another version of Cosmic Circle Monthly. Now onward to FAPA 29, already in progress. You can find all the Cosmic Circle pubs listed at 

The oldest zine of the day was scanned and provided by David Ritter. It's the first annual edition of Tesseract, from May, 1939, edited by C. Hamilton Bloomer. Thanks David!

We've also added the complete 13 issue run of Outlander. This was the Official Organ of the Outlander Society in Southern California and had a different editor for every issue. The first issue was in February, 1949, and the cover of this copy features signatures by Forry Ackerman, Len Moffatt, Con Pederson and a bunch of others. There's also 2 pages of bibliographic notes included. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Next up, Focal Point. We've added 9 issues: Volume 2, #1, 3, 4, 10, and 12-16, all edited by Arnie Katz and rich brown. These are all from 1970. Focal Point was "a fanzine of news, views and reviews". Scanning by Mark Olson.

Mark also scanned issues 52 and 53 of Don and Maggie Thompson's Newfangles  from 1971.

Finally, we have issue 47 of Outworlds, published by Bill Bowers. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

October 15, 2019
I'm almost done with FAPA 28. There are two more small Cosmic Circle pubs to get up. So, we've started putting up FAPA 29  from September 1944. Today, we put up 14 fanzines from FAPA 29, and another 8 from other times and places. It's still under construction, and I plan to do a few at a time. Today, everything was scanned by Joe Siclari.

First the list of FAPAzines.

--Agenbite of Inwit 6, Doc Lowndes 

--Banshee 5, 6, , Larry Shaw, 

--Beyond 3, Roscoe Wright, nice Wiedenbeck cover, 

--Browsing 7, John Michael Rosenblum, 

--Caliban 6, Larry Shaw, 

--Cushlamochree, 1 and 2, Walter Daugherty, 

--En Garde 11, Al Ashley and Abby Lu Ashley, 

--FAN-TODS 8, Stanley, 

--Fantasy Amateur V8, #1, Larry Shaw, 

--FAPA Variety 10, Bob Tucker, 

--Horizons 20, Harry Warner Jr, 

--YHOS11, Widner, 

Also, we have put up --

--Cry of the Nameless 179, Elinor Busby, Wally Weber and Vera Heminger. 

--Erg 89 and 90, Terry Jeeves, 

--Habbakuk V3, N1 and V3, N2, Bill Donaho. These issues complete the run. 

--Proper Boskonian, 28 (Laurie Mann), 30, 36 (Ken Knabbe) and a seasons greetings from 1995. 

Today's archive haul = 22 fanzines

October 14, 2019
Eight fanzines and some ephemera for today. In no particular order-
--Alien Critic 7, Richard Geis, November 1973, with a speech by Fred Pohl, a column by John Brunner, and an interview with Roger Zelazny. Scan by Mark Olson
--Mikros, T. Bruce Yerke, issues 5 and 6 from 1939. The first 4 issues all had different titles. We have one of those that will be going up soon, but for now, ssues 5 and 6. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--South of the Moon, various editors. Issue 11, scanned by Joe Siclari. Issue 19, scanned by Mark Olson. We're adding a column on many of the index pages indicating who provided the zine or did the scanning. Everyone should have their egoboo, and that way the notes column is saved for more pertinent notes.
--Luna Pono, Fred Warth, issue 4, July 1944. It seems a very sincere fanzine. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Spasmodic, Eric Jones, 1957-1958. We have both of issues of Spasmodic here. These will help complete your understanding of the mysteries of Saint Fantony. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Miscellaneous TAFF documents. These are from the 50s and 60s, and include ballots, progress reports and statements of support. We'll be putting up more such as we go.

October 12, 2019
Since our world runs on egoboo, that's the order in which today's uploads are presented. First, because I can, here is a LOC on the website which was very heartening. From Steven Johnson: "Incredible volume of top rate fanzines added to the site in the past few > months...endless hours of reading pleasure and memories of times past. Today I've enjoyed Innuendo for the first time and rereading that last issue of Lighthouse first encountered when published. Thank you!"

One of our regular contributors, Lebyl Botwinik sent us the September issue of his CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

Also, we added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 15, sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thanks guys!

Next, from the scanning of Mark Olson.
--Alien Critic 9, Richard Geis, May 1974,
--Fanfare 11, Tony Lewis, 1989, published by MCFI. This was a publication inspired by the Noreascon 3's Fan Guest of Honor - The Stranger Club.
--Hababbuk V3, 3, Bill Donaho, 1994
--Idea 10, Geri Sullivan, 1997. There's a lot of Steve Stiles art in this one.
--Mythologies 18, Don D'Ammassa, 1985, with art by Brad Foster and Taral.
--Prehensile, Mike Glyer, issues 10, 11, 12, and 13.5. Too much art to list.

From the scanning of Joe Siclari.
--Bulletin of the Cleveland SF Society , issues 13, 14 and Science Fantasy Bulletin 7, Harlan Ellison, 1952. Includes art by Raymond Lowell Gibson, Margaret Dominick, Ray Nelson, Harlan Ellison, Shelby Vick, and I believe, MZB.
-- FANAC, issue ###, April 1962, a little hoaxzine(?) from Ron Bennett and Ron Ellik.
--Goon Library Publication 1, The Enigma of the Heironymous Machine, Steve Schulteis. 1957, published by John Berry and ATom. Art by ATom.
--Proper Boskonian, issues 29 (Laurie Mann) and 31 (Ken Knabbe). Issue 29 has art by David House, Anatoly Paseka, Linda Michaels, Sheryl Blrkhead, Diana Stein, Joe Mayhew, Peggy Ranson, Ingrid Neilsen and Laurel Slate. Issue 31 has art by Merle Insinga, Alice Lewis, Joe Mayhew, Diana Stein, and Phil Tortorici.

Additionally, we replaced 3 issues of Pamphrey  with searchable PDFs (issues 0,3, and 6).

Finally, we added a few photos from Philcon 2017, taken by Joe Siclari and Edie Stern. You can see them at 

Today's fanzine total - 18

October 11, 2019
Added 27 zines today, and replaced 2 others with searchable PDFs. One of the replaced ones was John D. Berry's Hitchhike 28. Scanning today by Joe Siclari unless otherwise ntoed.
--Damn Thing, T. Bruce Yerke, issues 2 and 4 from 1940-1941. We had The Damn Denventioneer Thing #4, but that's very different from the regular issues. For one, the regular Damn Thing is about 18 pages longer. With Rob having given us several interesting Yerke fanzines, Joe was very pleased to turn up a few more to add to the site.
--Double Bill, Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi. We added issues 14, 16, a rider on 16 and issue 17. There's material here by Lloyd Biggle, Buck Coulson, Harry Warner Jr., Dan Adkins, George Barr, Terry Jeeves and Mae Strelkov.
--Duplicating Without Tears!, a symposium edited by Vince Clarke on fannish reproduction. This is from 1956, and was provided by Rob Hansen. One day I'll have to put up a "How To" section for material like this.
--Gambit 48, Ted White and Les Gerber, 1963. This is the 10th annish, and is combined with Minac 4 (a special Discoon Issue).
--Lowdown, Richard Labonte, issues 2-3, 1968-1971. This was the first publication of the Montreal in 1974 bidding committee.
--Mainstream, Jerry Kaufman and Suzle Tompkins. We have a wealth of Mainstreams here, issues 7-17, and they cover 1982 to 1998. Stu Shiffman, Jeanne Gomoll, Alexis Gilliland, Dan Steffan, Craig Smith, Andy Hooper, Art Widner, Brad Foster and of course Jerry and Suzle. Good stuff.
--Minac, Les Gerber and Ted White, issues 5 and 6, along with a hoaxzine by Bill Blackbeard and Redd Boggs.
--Pamphrey, Walt Willis. Added issues 1, 2 and 5. Replaced issue 7 with a searchable PDF.

--Lastly for tonight, Songs from Space, Eric Bentcliffe, 1957. This is a book of science fiction songs, set in a skiffy fictional frame. I've put it up in the musical section, although I don't know that it was performed as a musical. Provided by Rob Hansen.

October 10, 2019
Since the last update, we've put up a variety of (hopefully) items of interest. There's more FAPA28, including 3 pieces of Cosmic Circle history}, there are UK zines provided by Rob Hansen, there are important US zines, and there's a script/playbill for a musical (thanks to Linda Deneroff}.

First, here are some 1940s zines from Rob Hansen

-- , a Dirty Word, Damon Knight, May 46. You can find this at This zine has no name. The publishing colophon has a few blanks followed by ", a Dirty Word". Mark Olson, writing the Fancyclopedia entry for it has opined that Mr. Knight was too clever by far in his title so we are listing it under Dirty Word, A
--The Bedside Fassbeinder, T. Bruce Yerke, oneshot, Nov 44. A volume of words from Carlton Fassbeinder (one of Yerke's pennames).
--Damn Thin, T. Bruce Yerke, 1942. An unfinished Damn Thing.
--Fan Dance 1, C.S. Youd, August 1941.
--The Gentlest Art, Douglas Webster, issues 1, 3-4. These were part of FIDO.
--Hellzapoppin, Douglas Webster 1941. Also part of FIDO.

The remaining zines were scanned by Joe Siclari.

Next, the FAPA28  zines. Almost done with this mailing; there are just two more to go. If you look at the Retro Hugo materials for next year ( ), you'll find these are being added as we go since the mailing was in 1944. Links for these are found in FAPA28 

--Troy, Helen Bradleigh, March 44 -- Cosmic Circle

--Jupiter (Ronald Maddox) and Cosmian World (Rex Matthews), Spring 44, Cosmic Circle

--National Futurian Weekly 22 (Degler); Cosmic Circle

--Memoirs of a Superfluous Fan, Yerke, has been replaced with a searchable PDF

If you want to read more of the Cosmic Circle, we have gathered the original materials we have here - 

Ok, now for more recent fanzines.
--Psychotic 3, Richard Geis, September 1953. The real Psychotic 3 this time! You guys keep us honest.
--Mainstream, Jerry Kaufman and Suzle Tompkins, issues 3-6 from 1978-1981. Mainstream was nominated for Best Fanzine in 1991. These are the first of the title we've put up.
--Proper Boskonian, issue 33 from Ken Knabbe (Dec 94), and issues 41-42 from Lisa Hertel.
--unterHelios, issue 1, Joe Siclari, July 1971. Joe is the chairman of the Fan History project and Ever get a fanzine from him? Here's your opportunity to see what the callow youth of 21 (almost 22) produced. Send your LOCs to I'll pass them on.

And finally, from Linda Deneroff, the script and playbill of the first Lunacon musical performed in 1980. Based on "1776", this production is entitled "1986". We've put up the script (book by Richard Kolker, lyrics by Richard Kolker, Patrick Daniel O'Neill, Jill Wilkins, and John Kingsbridge) and the Playbill. Soon we'll be adding the permission letters from the authors whose names were taken in vain. Thanks to Linda for keeping all the letters, and the rest. Watch this space - 

That's 20 zines today, and one musical.

October 7, 2019
Today's most notable PDF replacement is for Dave Kyle's notorious pamphlet from the first worldcon. You can find it here -  Amazing that for all the fuss it caused, it was only 5 pages.

Continuing to work on FAPA28, today we've added 7 to the TOC (well 6 if you don't count the PDF that replaces the JPGs)

-- Emergeny Flare, Dik Daniels

-- Futuria 2, Elsie Wollheim. There were only two, and this is the last issue, but it's marked "The Official Organ of the Futurian Society of New York".
--Futurian Advance 3, Helen Bradleigh. Cosmic Circle
--History of the Future Cards. Not sure who these were from, but they are very cool. For various years in the future (the future of FAPA28 that is), "facts" are extracted from science fiction stories and replicated here. For example, for 1960, "Peace, ending the long war from 1940 to 1960; worldwide, participants unknown. Eye of the Past, Eando Binder, Astounding, March, 1938" Check it out.
--Investigation in Newcastle, Jack Speer. This is another of Jack's articles on Cosmic Circle.

-- Intelligence Quotient 2, Doro aka Don Rogers aka Degler. This was already up as JPGs, and is now replaced as a searchable PDF. More Cosmic Circle, of course.
--Venus-Con, Francis T. Laney and Mel Brown. Not Cosmic Circle!

In addition to the FAPAzines we've added the complete 5 issue run of Tappen, by Malcolm Edwards. This ran from 1981 to 1982. Contributors include Peter Nicholls, Dave Langford, D. West, and Chris Atkinson.

You'll also find 2 more issues of Erg  (Terry Jeeves) from the early 60s. Look for issues 11 and 18.

There's also our first upload of an issue of Mike Glyer's Prehensile, May 1973. By issue 9, he was already up to 78 pages. One of the articles is titled "Dark Alleys of Fanhistory" by Dan Goodman. Hmmmm....

George Phillies sent us issue 301 of Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz.

Finally, for the newszine enthusiasts, we have 2 more issues of Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. These are issues 69 and 192.

That's 17 new fanzines, and all but one were scanned by Joe Siclari.

October 5, 2019
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #457 (5.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

--Ephemeron 2, Russell Chauvenet

--Fan Slants 3, Mel Brown (this one a replacement for JPGs)

--Fan-Tods 7, June 1944, Norman Stanley

--FAPA Variety 9, Tucker

--FAPA Fan 14, Don Wollheim

--Horizons 19, Harry Warner, Jr.

--Reader and Collector V3,3 H.C. Koenig

--Sustaining Program 6/44, Jack Speer

--Towards Tomorrow #2, James Kepner

--YHOS 10, Art Widner

Additionally, we added 4 issues of John Berry's Pot Pourri. Issues added: 35, 44, 51 and 52. Also, we replaced 42 with a searchable PDF.

For the newszine junkie, we have 9 issues added of Ron Bennett's Skyrack  from the 60s an early 70s. We replaced issues 36 and 40 with pdfs, and added issues 38, 42, 56, 58-59, 62-64, and 96. We also added some issues of Skyrack Trader, mostly a catalog that Ron sent out in the 70s. You'll find 6 issues of that - 96 and 99 (which came first, around the same time as Skyrack 96), and then issues 5-8. Fans are infinitely creative. All of the above were scanned by Joe Siclari.

Next, from Rob Hansen, we have a scan of an issue of C.S. Youd's Fantasy War Bulletin, from 1941. I believe this is the last issue. The first piece starts with the Blitz. Thanks Rob!

Plus, we have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 14, sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

Finally, it's a YouTube day. Actually it's a musical YouTube day. From the paragraph on YouTube: "Julia Ecklar was the special filk guest at Tropicon 8, held in Dania, Florida, in 1989. This recording captures her concert at the convention, and includes 10 songs (of which Julia wrote four). The last song is beautifully signed by Linda Melnick. In the 1980s and early 1990s, Julia was a sought-after filk performer at science-fiction conventions worldwide. As a published author, her skill with words is very evident in the songs she writes. Filk songs are often strong on narrative, and you’ll notice that a number of these are about science fiction novels that were popular at the time." 

October 2, 2019
35 zines added for you since the last "What's New". All scanning today is by Joe Siclari.

Let's do the singletons first today. There are 8 of them, although 4 are really a start at adding FAPA 28.
--Yandro 259, the last issue, February 1986, Buck and Juanita Coulson. For the new zines we scan, we're tryin to put information in the PDF metadata. If you float your cursor to the top part of the screen, an info line should appear with the title, issue number, editor, and date of publication.
--Wingwindow 10, August, 1987, John D. Berry. This completes the run on
--Waldo 1, April 1959, Eric Bentcliffe.
--Satellite 4, January 1939, John F. Burke. This seems to be missing its cover.

The next 4 are the beginnings of FAPA 28. Since CoNZealand is doing retros next year for 1944, this issue of FAPA is are relevant.
--Banshee 4, Larry Shaw, June 1944.
--Browsing 6, John Michael Rosenblum, June 1944.
--En Garde 10, Al and Lu Ashley, June 1944.
--Fantasy Amateur V7, #4, R. D. Swisher, June 1944.

And finally, 27 issues of Erg  by Terry Jeeves. Today we added issues 53-59, 61-62, 64-76, 81, 92-93, and 95-96.

September 30, 2019
Treat of the day: 10 issues of Psychotic, Dick Geis. Early, early Psychotic. We have added issues: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9-10, 12, 14-16. Scans by Joe Siclari. Enjoy! All are searchable PDFs.

September 27, 2019
Just a few for you today, in no particular order.

--One issue Orion, Paul Enever, issue 20, from 1958. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--Two issues Proper Boskonian  - issue 38 (Ken Knabbe, 1995) and issue 39 (Lisa Hertel, 1997). Scan by Joe Siclari

--Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #456 of his Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

--Latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 13, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thanks to Mark and Evelyn.

September 26, 2019
Fanzines added today: 40. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--17 issues of the newszine Fantasy Fiction Field, 2nd series. This is the one done by Harvey Inman, that started in 1963. We also replaced two that were all JPGs with PDFs. You can find the earlier series of Fantasy Fiction Field, by Julius Unger, at

--15 issues of Erg, Terry Jeeves. We added issues: 7-10, 12-17, 21,23, 28, 31, and 40. Terry was a member of "First Fandom, Knights of St. Fnnthony. B.S.F.A., and the Stockport & Ecclesall Dog & Cake Wa;king Society" (From issue 16).

--8 issues of Ted White's egoscan. We added issues: 2-5, and 8-11. We also replaced issues 6-7 with PDFs.

September 25, 2019
The count of fanzines uploaded today is 40, and Joe Siclari did all the scanning. In addition to the issues newly added, we have one PDF replacement for a zine that was online as JPGs. It's Egoboo 11, by John D. Berry and Ted White.

We have added:

--32 issues of Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. These are issues: 89-96, 98, 103-112, 114-120, 122-126, 129 and date from 1973 to 1974.

--7 issues of Proper Boskonian, various editors, late 70s to early 80s. Three of these are a little different. They were distributed with Instant Message mailings are pretty short. Added issues 15, 17-19, and the ones marked IM.

--1 issue of the N3F's Ionisphere, from John Thiel. This one (issue 19) was sent electronically by John.

September 23, 2019
Kim Gibbs was kind enough to notice we were missing the cover for Beabohema 3, and provide us with a scan. Now we have a complete issue! We've turned it all into a searchable PDF. Thanks Kim! 

Today's additions:
--Beabohema, issue 19, Frank Lunney, December 1971.

--31 issues of Son of the WSFA Journal. We've added issues: 51-52, 55-57, 59, 63, 66-67, 70, 72-73, 75, 80, 88, 100, 127-128, 132, 145, 150, 157-160, 173-176, and 181-182. Scans by Joe Siclari

--2 issues of Erg, Terry Jeeves. We've added issues 49 and 63 from the mid 70s. In issue 49, search on "shading" to get to the articles on stencil art. There's material on shading plates, textures, homemade stylii, letter guides and such. When posting your blog or your facebook story gets too onerous, just read and remember what sensitive fannish types did to achieve those artistic fanzine triumphs. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Entropy Booklet 1, Terry Carr, 1964. "Crime Stalks the Fan World" by F. Lee Baldwin, with illustrations by Ray Nelson and an intro by Bob Tucker. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Less is More dept: Thanks to Mark Olson, we've replaced another 24 SF Commentary  issues with searchable PDFs. Today, we replaced SF issues 26, and 28-50.

September 22, 2019
It's all about the Son of the WSFA Journal  today. We've added 26 issues: issues 12-14, 17, 19, 21-22, 24, 27-29, 33-34, and 36-48. Also, we've started to replace some of the fanzines with searchable PDFs. For Son of the WSFA Journal, so far we've replaced issues 30-32.

September 20, 2019
Dave Langford kindly told us about an upside down page in one of Tucker's Bloomington News  issues. Thanks Dave! I fixed it.

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 27,824 names in these listings.

We've added about 10 new photos. They're masquerade photos from the 1995 Lunacon, taken by Andrew Porter. You can see them at Thanks Andy!

Today's fanzine count: 37
--Fanfare, issue 3, August 1940, edited by Russ Chauvenet. Contributions from Earl Singleton, Harry Warner, and R.D. Swisher. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 38, No. 12, Mark and Evelyn Leeper. This is the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter. Thank you guys.
--The Scarr, issues 2 (1963) and 4 (1964), George Charters. According to Fancyclopedia, "The Scarr" is an anagram for Charters. ATom, John Berry, Ian MacCauley, Bob Shaw, Archie Mercer.
--Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay, 1955-1981. 33 issues, including the last issue. Ethel Lindsay was the first female TAFF winner, and was a Knight of Saint Fantony. Today: issues 31, 34, 36, 43, 45-54, 55 nibblings, 56-60, 69-78, and 80-82.

September 18, 2019
Fanzines first today, and photos after. Thanks to Jerry Kaufman, we now have recovered pages 66 and 67 of Slant 7, which had gone unaccountably missing (it's an uninteresting story). Jerry was kind enough to let me know so I could fix the problem. Thanks Jerry!

--Added VoM 34, July 1944, Forry Ackerman and Morojo. This was provided and scanned by Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob! The only VoM we're missing now is issue 31. Anyone?

--New-to-us title Vagabondia, complete in all 2 issues, Doc Lowndes, 1941. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

--New-to-us title Scottishe, Ethel Lindsay, 14 issues. More of these are coming.

Photos: We have 30 more photos from Dublin, thanks to Rich and Nicki Lynch. There are some nice photos of the Fan Fund auction, and of the Lego version of the Star Wars battle on Hoth. You can find them at The new ones are in the section for general photos, and for program items. Thanks Rich! Thanks Nicki!

September 17, 2019
We have both photos and fanzines today, along with a poster for a 1959 concert of the New Lost City Ramblers that goes along with Lee Hoffman's Gardyloo.

Photos first: We have the first of the photos scanned at Dublin 2019, from the collection of Philippa Ryder. These are from 1990, from the first Octocon, the Irish National convention: Thanks again, Philippa!

Fanzines next:

--Jan-Feb 1936: The 2nd issue #1  of Flabbergasting stories, John Michel and Donald A. Wollheim. This was provided to FANAC and scanned by Kim Hewitt. Thanks, Kim!

--May 1943: Two (different) #1 issues of Cosmic Digest, edited by Don Rogers and Raymond Washington. Don Rogers is a pseudonym for Claude Degler. It is exactly as interesting as you think it might be. Scan by Joe Siclari.

--May 1944: Cosmic Circle membership directory. We also added a page 2 to the white paper. Links to all the Cosmic Circle material we have online can be found at Scans by Joe Siclari.

--Jan 1946: Science*Fiction, by Larry Shaw and Judy Zissman. This is the one and only issue. This had a bang up start, with contributions by Bob Bloch and Jim Blish. Scan by Mark Olson.

--1969-1970: The last 2 issues of Cry of the Nameless, edited by Elinor Busby in 1969-1970.

--1969-1976: 6 issues of Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller. We added issues 1, 10, 23, 25, and 197-198.

--1975: Issues 4 and 6 of Mythologies, Don D'Ammassa.

--1969-1976: 4 issues and 2 supplements of the WSFA Journal, also Don Miller. We added issues 67, 68, 84, SF&F Journal 87, Supplements to 47 and 51. By issue 87, Don wanted a different name, so that one is an SF&F Journal.

--Sep 2019: George Phillies sent us a PDFs of September 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

--Sep 2019: Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #455 (3.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 16, 2019
A whopping 61 additional fanzines today. Randomly on a Monday (actually in order of upload):
--Issue 5  of Sky Hook, Red Boggs, January 1949 FAPAzine. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--14 issues of Beabohema, Frank Lunney. Issues 2, 4-11, 13-16, and 20, from 1968-1971. Scans by Mark Olson.

--3 issues of GötterdÀmmerunng, Tommy Ferguson, Mark McCann, and James McKee. We added issues 1-3, but we actually alrady had issues 8-11. However they were listed in a pre-2000 format on the website, and I suspect no one, except maybe our late lamented 1st webmaster, actually knew they were there. Scans of issues 1-3 were done at Dublin 2019.

--5 issues of Xero, Dick and Pat Lupoff. We added issues 6, 8-9, along with issue 8 Comics, and issue 8 Avram Birthday edition (which is only 2 pages). Note that issue 6 from 1961 is the Willish - Scans by Joe Siclari.

--25 more issues of Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Today's additons: issues 184-186, 196, 198, 201-204, 206-209, 211-218, 221-224. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--9 issues Scientifriction, Mike Glyer. This is a new title for us. Mike introduces the first issue (December 1974), by saying it's "A sort of Christmascard of a fanzine", By issue 4, he's up to 94 pages. We have issues 1-4, 6, and 9-12. Scans by Joe Siclari.

--4 more issues of Proper Boskonian, various editors, from 1969-1976. We've added issues 5, 7, 13, and 14. Scans by Joe Siclari.

September 14, 2019
Between the Dublin 2019 scanning and Joe Siclari's scanning, and with a little help from our friends, we added 58 zines today.

From Dublin -

--3 issues of Tommy Ferguson's TASH, 1990s. According to, TASH stands for "The Amazing Sentient House". Cool.

--30 issues of the ISFA Newsletter, the newsletter of the Irish Science Fiction Association. Apparently, the newsetter had some evolution in its name, being styled "newsletter" in the 70s and 80s, and just "news" in the 90s. There were a couple of different editors along the way as you might imagine. These issues run from 1977 to 1982.

From the scanning of Joe Siclari -

--23 more issues of Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro. We added issues: 141, 144-145, 153, 155, 157-161, 164-169, 171, 200, 205, 210, 219-220, and 225. Issue 141 dates from 1964, and 225 comes from 1974, so a 10 year span. Usually, I talk about the contributors of words when I mention fanzine ToCs. Having put up a vast number of Yandros in the last few days, I want to point out that there are some fine covers here too - from folks like George Barr, Eddie Jones, Dan Adkins, Danny Frolich, and Juanita herself.

With a little help from our friends -- Rob Hansen provided us with scans of 2 issues of VOM. Newly uploaded are issues 17 and 49. Thanks Rob! We're only missing two issues now. Does anyone have issues 31 or 34? Can you scan them for us? Contact me at

September 13, 2019
When I do the updates, I usually talk about the fanzines and photos uploaded. Often, folks provide corrections or clarifications, and I generally don't point those out. It happens relatively often, so today let me tell you that I corrected a bunch of misspellings of "Hertz" thanks to a note from John Hertz. No, the misspellings had nothing to do with John, but were for a fellow traveller. Thanks, John.

Added a curious item from August 1950, provided and scanned by Susan Graham and UMBC. It's Egoboo - A Fantasy Satire, by Manly Banister. "EGOBOO is strictly fiction-its characters, places and incidents are fictional. It is, admittedly, satire, but satire without the sting of malice or animosity. It is a mirror like one of those you find at amusement places, laughably distorting what they reflect." Thanks go to Susan Graham and her team.

The biggest addition is another 18 issues of Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro. Newly uploaded: issues 121, 123, 126, 129-138, 226-227, and 250-252. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

September 12, 2019
We're mostly staying at least 50 years behind the times today (and all the scanning is by Joe Siclari). We've added 25 zines here.
--1943 Fanzine Yearbook, compiled by Bob Tucker, Larry Shaw and Art Widner. This appeared with Le Zombie 56  in January, 1944.
--Zap, a one-shot done by Ted Johnstone in May, 1957, to commemorate the 1957 LASFS Fanquet held in honor of Forrest J Ackerman. The ink has faded in parts, so some of this is physically hard to read.
--KiwiFan, from Roger Horrocks. 3 issues of this New Zealand fanzine from the late 50s.
--Yandro, from Buck and Juanita Coulson. We've added 20 issues, mostly from the 1960s: 101-102, 104, 106, 108-113, 115-117, 119-120, 253-254, 256-258 and 2 calendars plus a supplement.

September 11, 2019
From Ireland to Dave English - that's where we go today, with a difficult stop in California.

Ireland is represented by 2 issues of James Bacon's The Brentford Mercury  from the mid90s. Did you think Journey Planet was the first?

We halso have 3 issues of Lee Hoffman's folk music zine, Caravan. The last issue here, number 16, is what the zine looked like after it had been taken over by Billy Faier. There's also a songbook, "Folksong Festival Songs".

In the area of collections and fanthologies, today sees 4 more scanned and online: Fanthology 1981, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, A Dave English Sketchbook, published by Larry Stark, the Incompleat Burbee, Vol 1, put together by Pete Graham, Ron Ellik Terry Carr, Dave Rike and Carl Brandon, and Rotsler's Rocks, by Bill Rotsler. We've also replaced the JPG version of "The Selected Writings of Rick Sneary" with a PDF version.

Lastly, I want to call to your attention that we are assembling materials related to the Breen Boondoggle. You can find them at: 

September 10, 2019
Wow, we've uploaded 35 fanzines today, from 1955 to 2019.

Noteworthy (not that they're not all noteworthy):
--Issue 300 of Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. That's a lot of issues. George Phillies says that next year is the NFFFs 60th year of publication for Tightbeam.
--The Zed 780, Karen Anderson (Summer 1955). My favorite for today - this issue has the first intentional use of the word "filk" according to - and you can search for it! Very cool.

Irish zines scanned at Dublin 2019 (all thanks to Philippa Ryder for bringing them for scanning):
--Cygnus, 2 issues (1970s), edited by David Patterson. These are from the North Down Science Fiction Group.
--ISFA News, 10 issues (early 90s), edited by Brendan Ryder. News from the Irish Science Fiction Association.

More issues of stuff we have and want more of:
--Alien Critic and FAPA Psychotic, edited by Richard E. Geis. We have Alien Critic, issue 4 (Jan 1973), and FAPA Psychotic 2 (from around 1972). Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Cry of the Nameless, edited by F.M. Busby. We have a strange little issue from September 1960, plus an envelope from 1969 (it's groovy, and I mean that with no subtext), and a letter from Ted Pauls (1959). I've tucked everything in chronological order, so just look for the date and you'll see the names/descriptions. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Jane's Fighting SMOFs, edited by Jane and Scott Dennis. Added today is issue 12 (Summer 1988), scanned by Ben Yalow. This is the fanzine that focused on convention bidding (esp worldcon bidding).
--Proper Boskonian, 8 issues, various editors. We added issues 6, 12, 26-27, 32, 35, 40, and 43. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--South of the Moon, issue 18 (1980), edited by Harry Andruschak. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Yandro, 8 issues (1960-1961), edited by Buck and Juanita Coulson. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

September 9, 2019
Variety is today's keyword.

First, we added the November 1944 FAPA30A mailing, with 14 zines, including poetry, snark and serious constructive fandom (like Laney's Fan-Dango 7. This is part of our 1)FAPA love and 2)prep for next year's Retro Hugos. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Second, we've added some photos of program panels from Dublin 2019, thanks to Rich and Nicki Lynch. There are also a few caption corrections courtesy of photographer Frank Olynyk. You can see them all at:  . The panel photos are at the end.

Third, it's a YouTube day. We've added another interview by Rusty Hevelin conducted at MagiCon in 1992. Note the warning in the writeup. From the writeup - "In this video, Rusty Hevelin interviews author Jack Williamson. Jack talks candidly about his life and career, from his experiences with psychoanalysis to his apprenticeship with (early SF writer) Miles J. Breuer to how he changed with the market over 50 years. WARNING: You have to listen closely as Jack speaks softly, and the interview is very slow till about midway. There's a lot of "I don't recall" early on. If you do, you'll be rewarded with insights into one of the field's most important early writers." The link: 

September 8, 2019
For you today, we have a mixed bag of interesting fanzines.
--Lighthouse, edited by Terry Carr and Pete Graham. We've added issue 6, May 1962, completing the run! Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Maya. We've added issue 7, February 1975, edited by Rob Jackson. This was provided by Rob Jackson and scanned at Dublin 2019.
--The Phantagraph, edited by Don Wollheim. We've added issues 49 and 50 from 1944. These are part of FAPA 30A from November 1944 which will be added next. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Quibble only one, October 1951, by Peter Ridley. This was a one shot, one copy zine done for Lee Hoffman, presumably as a gift or a goof. It features "Illustrations by Virgil Mislay and Earle Bogey". There's hand drawn art, and apologies but the print quality is not the best. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Xero, edited by Dick and Pat Lupoff. Issues 5 and 7 from 1961. Issue 7 credits includes John Berry, Lin Carter, Don Westlake, Buck Coulson, ATom and Steve Stiles. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Yandro, edited by Buck and Juanita Coulson. Issues 74-75, 77, 79, 81, 85, 86, 88, and 100 (which range from 1959 to 1961). Scanning by Joe Siclari.

September 7, 2019
Still catching up from Dublin 2019. Today we added about 200 photos taken by Frank Olynyk. These are primarily of authors at their autographing, but there are a few others. See them at There's a little more tuning to do on the descriptions, but they're up. Thanks Frank!

--11 more issues of First Contact, 1990s, edited by Robert Elliott. This is the newsletter of the Irish Science Fiction Association, and was provided by Philippa Ryder, and scanned at Dublin 2019.
--Maya, edited by Ian Williams, Ian Maule and Rob Jackson. Today, we have issues from all of them. Adding issues 1-6 and 12-13. There's content from the editors, Terry Jeeves, Darrell Schweitzer, Harry Bell, Bill Kunkel, Christopher Priest, Greg Benford, Malcolm Edwards, Pete Weston among others.
--Proper Boskonian, 12 issues by various editors. This was the genzine from the New England Science Fiction Association, published from 1967-1998. Here's a quote from issue 8 - One of the delights of fandom is the never-ending stream of characters who are going to save and purify SF and/or Fandom. They arise; they issue their manifestos; people take them very seriously; all sorts of statements are issued pro and con; people get very upset about what "they" are doing; and a good time is had by all." That was by Richard Harter, in 1971. It seems quite modern, doesn't it?

September 5, 2019
Alphabetically today, we begin with

--9 issues of First Contact, 1990s, edited by Robert Elliott. This is the newsletter of the Irish Science Fiction Association, and was provided by Philippa Ryder, and scanned at Dublin 2019.

--4 issues of Quandry  1952, from Lee Hoffman. We've added issues 18-19, 22 and 24. Thanks to the scanning and OCR'ing by Joe Siclari, we've also replaced issue 20 with a searchable PDF. It makes me unreasonably happy to go into a Q and search on Bloch and (after a couple of clicks) go directly to the letter of comment that he wrote. (In issue 20, he starts with "Dear Shirley", which I'm pretty sure was something no one else did. LeeH always called him 'Mr. Bloch'.)
--Issue 4, Fall 1938, of Scienti-Snaps, edited by Walter Marconette, provided and scanne by David Ritter. David says this is the last all hecto issue.
--Sensor 1.5, Summer 1995, Brendan Ryder. This is the Intersection issue (it's short). It was scanned at Dublin 2019 having been provided by Philippa Ryder.
--WSFA Journal 72, June 1970, Don Miller. Scans by Joe Siclarti.

--2 issues of Yandro, Buck and Juanita Coulson. Issues 56 (1957), and 68 (1958). Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Issue 11, January 1966, of Pete Weston's Zenith Speculation. There's also a letter  soliciting subscriptions. Don't we all wish we had a secretary like Pete did.

September 4, 2019
Another mixed bag today, including a couple of scans from Dublin 2019.
--Maya 8, July 1975, edited by Rob Jackson, with material by Malcolm Edwards and Peter Weston among others. Scanned at Dubin 2019.
--Outworlds, issues 8 and 11, by Bill Bowers. Issue 8 is an all column issue with contributions by Poul Anderson, Greg Benford, Steve Fabian, Doc Lowndes, Andy Offut, Ted Pauls and Bill Rotsler. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Pamphrey 7, the last issue of a Walt Willis FAPAzine from 1958. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Retribution 5, December 1956, by John Berry and Arthur Thompson.
--Issue 1  of Sensor, Winter, 1994, Brendan Ryder. Subtitled a "Review of Irish Science Fiction". This is one of the cache of Irish fanzines, provided to us at Dublin by Phillipa Ryder, and scanned at Dublin 2019.
--Shangri L'Affaires, 14 issues from 1963-1965: 54-60, 63 and 65, plus the 1961 Meritricious Art Supplement, from various editors. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Son of the WSFA Journal, Don Miller, 7 issues 1970-1973: 6-9, 62, 76, 87. These are news supplements to the WSFA Journal.
--South of the Moon 13, August 1976, Andrew Sigel
--Spacewarp 14, May 1948, Art Rapp

September 3, 2019
Today, we learned of the death of's first webmaster, Jack Weaver. Without him, there would be no FANAC site. I met Jack in 1980, when we were both working on the same real-time telephony project for IBM. Jack was technically excellent, thoroughly irascible with those he had little respect for, and a remarkably good friend for what turned out to be almost 40 years. He read science fiction, joined the local club and worked on art show and other convention jobs. At work, when we were having one of those inevitably strange discussions, this time about which of Snow White's dwarfs each programmer resembled, Jack immediately laid claim to Grumpy. No one objected. I will miss him a lot.

As we've experimented with OCR, I've been articulating whether each day's PDFs are searchable. From now on, they're all searchable (except for the art portfolios) and so I'm going to stop mentioning it. Everything new will go up as a searchable PDF unless it makes more sense to have them go up as an image. Thanks for your patience and sorry for any confusion. We are still experimenting with bookmarks, so I'll keep you posted about that.

Today, everything is from Joe's scanning. Thanks Joe! Finally, we've added issue 9  of Hyphen. Materials by Walt Willis, Vince Clarke, Chuck Harris, and Bob Bloch plus letters from all kinds of interesting people. This completes the run (!!!).

Added issue 117  of Harry Warner's Horizons. This was mailed out in FAPA 111.

We've added a boatload of Art Rapp's Spacewarp. There are 14 newly uploaded issues: 7, 19, 23-33, 66, plus the index to the first 5 volumes. Issues are primarily from the late 40s, with the most recent one being from 1960.

Continuing the run of classic zines, we also have issue 2  of Wild Hair, this one dated April 21, 1949. It is from Burbee, Laney and Rotsler.

In random order, we finish with issue 52  of Tucker's Le Zombie, from 1943. Page 9 has a list of fans in the war.

September 2, 2019
Today's additions are courtesy of the scanning of Joe Siclari.

We have added 3 issues of Richard Bergeron's Warhoon, specifically 9, 14 and 16. These range from 1960 to 1962. There are contributions from Walt Willis, Dick Eney, Gregg Calkins, Walter Breen, etc.

Another treat is the addition of 2 searchable issues of Hyphen, edited by Walt Willis et al. We've added issue 19, and replaced the partial issue 1 with a PDF of the entire issue.

From Frank Dietz, we have issue 3  of Luna (which is different than Luna Monthly ). This completes the run. In this issue, there's a speech by Fritz Leiber, a debate on "Witchcraft in Science Fiction" by Lester Del Rey and Randall Garrett and more. Despite the fact that this zine is 56 years old, and our source is not pristine, with the magic of current OCR you can open it up and search on "Witchcraft" and go right to the article. It may not sound exciting to you, but it's exciting to me.

We've also added Chanticleer 6, by Walt Liebscher. I believe this is from December 1945, and contributors include Doc Lowndes, Bob Bloch and Bob Tucker.

And finally, Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #454 (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 31, 2019
The first and maybe the best of our Dublin 2019 scanning is now online. From the collection of Dublin chair James Bacon, we have the sketchbook  of James White, circa 1948, done on the back of a receipt book from the tailor shop where he worked. These are the covers of Slant  that you never saw, plus you know, sketches.

August 30, 2019
More classic issues of Cry of the Nameless  today. We've added 15 issues in PDF format from the late 50s and late 60s. Issues added are: 112-114, 116-119, 122-125, and 180-183. These are chock full of fascinating letters, illos and articles by professionals and BNFs, but you'll have to delve in for yourself. I've had too much fun the last few weeks and now I'm tired. More tomorrow.

at There are a few errors baked in (eg the numbers on a couple of these are not accurate), but it's a decent start.

Today's other offerings still come from the backlog (aka before Dublin). We've added:

Issues 2 and 4 of the Whole Fanzine Catalog, by Brian Earl Brown, scanning by Joe Siclari. We've also replaced the JPG verson of issue 21  with a searchable PDF created by Mark Olson. The new issues complete the run.

Vol 2, #2  of Boyd Raeburn's ĂĄ Bas, scanning by Joe Siclari.

Issues 2 and 4 of Ground Zero, edited by Belle and Frank Dietz and George Nims Raybin. This completes the run of Ground Zero. Contributors include: John Trimble, Ron Ellik, Lynn Hickman, Ian Macauley and Ted Johnstone. Scans by Joe Siclari.

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 27,704 names in these listings.

August 23, 2019
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #453 (8.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 21, 2019
We're back from Dublin 2019, and playing a little catchup. Not ready yet to post anything scanned at Dublin, but here are a few other fanzines for you.

First, from Mark Olson's scanner, we have 12 issues and 5 supplements of the WSFA Journal. The supplements are from the issues numbered in the 70s, and the regular issues are scattered from 1971 to 1974.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the August issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. Thanks George!

Lebyl Botwinik sent us the August issue of CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of August 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #451 (7.2 MB) and #452 (6.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 2, 2019
We're glad to announce that we have completed the run of Joe Kennedy's major fanzine, Vampire. We added the rare first issue (hecto & construction paper) from 1945.

July 28, 2019
First, we've added another classification system for your edification. This one is from Jack Speer, and was originally published in December of 1943. The version we have uploaded is the reprint by Roy Tackett in Dynatron 25 (1965). The title is Decimal Classification for Fantasy Fiction. Scans by Joe Siclari

Mark Olson has been continuing to experiment with OCR of mimeographed fanzines, and we are now starting to put these searchable PDFs online. Remember when you are searching them that the OCR of these old documents is not 100%, but hot damn, now we can search in fanzines that were published decades ago! The earliest today is Yandro 50 from March 1957.

Today's searchable bounty:
--Issue 67, January 1989, of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary. We also put up issues 71-72  from April 1992, but that scan is not searchable as yet. Scans by Mark Olson.
--Issue 1, July-August, 1976 of Brian Earl Brown's The Whole Fanzine Catalog. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Issue 76, April 1971, of Don Miller's WSFA Journal. Scan by Mark Olson
--Yandro, by Buck and Juanita Coulson, issues 50, 69, 73, 93 and 95. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Xero, by Dick and Pat Lupoff. We've put up our first issue, which is the final issue, #10.

July 26, 2019
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of July 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #450 (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia, as well as an updated index to cover the last 25 issues. Thanks Dale.

July 25, 2019
More from the scanners of Susan Graham and her team at UMBC:

1. Two issues of Harry Warner's Spaceways  - issues #2 and #6 from 1939. Number 6 has been tinkered with to improve readability.

2. Issue 6  of Ron Ellik's Starspinkle. This newszine from the early 1960s was a "bi-weekly news and chitter-chatter fanzine" according to Ron.

3. Issue 2  of Ed Mesky's Niekas  with an off-putting front cover. Page 4  has a lovely description of the filk singing session in Karen Anderson's room at Chicon. Sample - "For the next few hours I was there listening to and grokking in its fullness the various filk, Tolkien, and filth songs sung."

4. Issue 8  (edited by Jean Cox) of Shangri-LA. This is a "conference issue" from 1948, and the cover advertises in this issue A E Van Vogt, Ray Bradbury, L Major Reynolds, and Chas Schneeman.

Many thanks to Susan Graham and UMBC.

July 24, 2019
Very pleased to say that today's update consists of 3 of the first 4 issues of Laney's The Acolyte. These were provided and scanned by Susan Graham and her team at UMBC. They kindly have helped fill in some holes in the archive and there are more fanzines from UMBC coming (although unfortunately not more Acolytes). Issue 1 has been tinkered with in terms of color and contrast in order to make the text more readable. Thanks, Susan!

July 23, 2019
Ed Meskys has provided more than 20 boxes of fanzines to scan and upload. We're starting to go through them now. Thanks, Ed! It's like finding a treasure chest and just getting ready to open the lid. Mark Olson provided the transport. Thanks, Mark! That's a lot of boxes.

We're putting the individual zines from the Denventioneer up on their own index pages. Today, we've added Wright's Denventioneer Comet  issue to that index, and started one for Yerke's Damn Denventioneer Thing. These are from Marh 1941. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

In the spirit of tidying up, we've also added the cover (found it!) to ĂĄ Bas 6. There's also a B&W cover  for the same issue. I don't know the story behind the two covers. Do you?

Additionally, we have added the double issue 18-19  of the Whole Fanzine Catalog from March 1981. Scans by Mark Olson.

July 22, 2019
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #449 (8.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 18, 2019
A bit of a puzzle to lead off with today. I put up issue 3  of Psychotic today, but I'm not entirely sure that it is issue 3. If someone can clarify this for me, it would be much appreciated. There's no issue number that I can find or date. Apparently Geis had some printing problems too, as there were blank pages embedded. We think we put this back to together accurately but if you have a copy, we would appreciate any corrections or confirmations. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Thanks to David Ritter, we now have the first 4 issues of volume 2 of Fantasy News. These are whole numbers 27-30 and date early 1939. All issues are from David's collection, with the exception of issue 27 which is from the collection of James Halperin, Heritage Auctions. David did all the scanning. Thanks David!

Joe also scanned Science Fiction Reivew 21  published by Dick Geis in August of 1955. Contributors include Damon Knight, Dick Lupoff, and Harlan Ellison.

Moving to a more contemporary period, we've added issue 71-72 of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary  from April, 1992. There are letters from Ursula Le Guin, Walt Willis, Brian Aldiss, Mal Edwards, Stan Robinson, and many more. Scanning by Mark Olson.

And lastly, today, we have issues 20 and 21 of the Whole Fanzine Catalog. As the index says, these are both from November 1981. They were mailed out together and they are separate issues. Scanning by Mark Olson.

July 14, 2019
Thanks to David Ritter, we now have the first volume of James Taurasi's Fantasy News  online. All issues are from David's collection, with the exception of issues 18 and 24 which are from the collection of James Halperin, Heritage Auctions. David did all the scanning. The issues run from June - December of 1938, coming out very regularly every two weeks. Today's addition is issues 11-26. Here you can read the fannish reaction (or at least Taurasi's reaction) to important events of 1938. Example: the issue 13 headline: "Greater New York Chapter of the Science Fiction League dissolved by Thrilling Wonder Stories", followed a few months later by the issue 21 headline: "First Queens SFL Meeting Huge Success. Mort Weisinger, Editor of Thrilling Wonder, Present". A big hoorah for David Ritter! Thanks!

We have 4 more issues of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary. Mark Olson has scanned issues 32, 34, 38, and 68 for us. The first 3 are from 1978 and issue 68 is from 1990. Thanks Mark!

George Phillies sent us PDFs of the July issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. This month's Tightbeam comes in two parts (as did last month's issue). Thanks George!

We also received a PDF of John Thiel's latest Ionisphere  from George Phillies. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of June 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

July 12, 2019

"Ain't Technology Grand" department - Mark Olson has provided a PDF of the Pavlat-Evans fanzine index  that is searchable! It's not 100%, eg there are some pages and characters that the OCR didn't grasp, but I ran 3 searches and 2 of them worked just fine. What a great improvement to those of us that use the Pavlat-Evans Index heavily. For those that don't, the index chronicles all the fanzines published from the beginning through to the December 1952. There are errors and omissions, but it's a very handy tool. Thanks Mark!

A real newszine treat, courtesy of David Ritter. He's scanned and provided us with the first ten issues of James Taurasi's Fantasy News, dating from the summer of 1938. The first headline of the first issue? "NEXT HELIOS TO BE LARGE SIZE!". A big thanks to David Ritter, and to Mark Olson who provided some reformatting support. This gives us 2886 newszines available online.

There are two more issues of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary  up - issue 19 (1971) and issue 29 (1972). Issue 19 is massive - it's 142 pages, and is a special John Foyster issue. Scanning by Mark Olson.

We have for you the (current) July issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #448 of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

And finally, a teaser. We have the last two issues of Spaceways  coming soon, thanks to Susan Graham and UMBC. There are other zines from our scanning wish list as well that we'll be getting online as soon as we can. Thanks so much for helping Fanac fill in the gaps in the online archive of important zines.

July 10, 2019
Mark Olson sent us scans of 3 issues of Don D'Ammassa's Mythologies. Today we've added issues 15-17. Thanks Mark!

July 8, 2019
Two sterling additions to the archive today.

First, it's a YouTube day. Thanks to the careful archiving of Bill Burns, we have a 1970 recording of a talk by James Blish. From the YouTube description: An interesting talk tracing the history of science fiction from well accepted general literature to a literary ghetto and back to general respectability. With wit and insight, James Blish (who was also the respected critic William Atheling Jr.) talks about science fiction before the debut of Amazing,and his perceptions of the malign influence of the specialty magazine. Jim discusses the impact of technology on society's attitude towards science fiction, and where we might go from here. Audio recording enhanced with 40 images. Recording and photos provided by Bill Burns, who was part of the Sci-Con 70 committee. Link: 

Second, we've added a vintage Combozine. Scanned by Joe Siclari, we have added The Denventioneer 1, produced for the 1941 Worldcon, Denvention. Edited by 4e and Morojo, this includes special issues of VOM, Comet (Wright) including a Ray Bradbury piece, Fantasite (Bronson), Damn Thing (Yerke), Alchemist (Hansen), Pluto (Manning) and a few extras.

July 4, 2019
A few treats today for you:

The oldest is Damon Knight's Snide. We've added the Denventioneer issue, from 1941. The first page is more legible than the second, but if you blow it up you can read it. Scan by Joe Siclari.

From the 60s, we have Saint Fantony publications. First, from Keith Freeman and Stanley Nuttall, a very helpful explanation: The Most Noble and Illustrious Order of Saint Fantony, a history and structure. There's also the 1966 secret ballot  for election to the Order.

Dale Speirs was kind enough to resend a PDF of issue #445 (5.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Somehow I missed/lost it. Thanks Dale.

July 3, 2019
Today's zines:

Twig 16, 1960, edited by Guy Terwilliger. This issue has pieces by Ted White, Rick Adams and Miriam Carr, and art by Rotsler, ATom, Reamy and others. Scanning and contrast enhancement by Joe Siclari.

Foolscap, issues 1 and 2 from 1967. Edited by John D. Berry. Joe has enhanced the contrast on these to make them more legible. Scanning also by Joe Siclari.

A few updates to start with: thanks to Jonathan Baker for reporting the problem, the links have been fixed on the Other Conventions  index page.

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 27,624 names in these listings.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #446 (3.5 MB) and #447 (8.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 14, 2019
We tried to scan Terry Carr's Innuendo 4  at Corflu 2019, but it jammed the scanner and a page was damanged. Now, with careful attention Joe Siclari has scanned the issue and it is finally online. Thanks Joe!

Three new titles today. The earliest is an issue of Walter E. Marconette's Scienti-Snaps. This is the first annish, and it's from February 1939. It has fiction, articles and features, including "An Answer to 'Science or Fiction?' by R.D. Swisher, Ph.D. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Next, from March-May 1939, we have 2 issues of Bob Tucker's D'Journal. The banner reads "Fantasy Fiction's First Fun-Fan Folio Featuring Funtastic Foolery". That sounds like Bob, doesn't it? Scans by Joe Siclari.

Fannish generations later, we have an issue of Dean Grennell's Grue. This is issue 27 from February 1956. Grue was a FAPAzine, and it was nominated for the 1956 Best Fanzine Hugo. Since I've been quoting, here's one from page 2 - "Material this time by Robert Bloch,
Chuck Harris, Lee Hoffman, John Berry, A J Burks, Chuck Derry, Ken Beale, Burbee, Bill Courval, and Bob Hoskins. Artwork by Ray Nelson, Ron Fleshman, Arthur Thomson, Will'm Rotsler, Rich Bergeron, Lee Hoffman, Juanita Wellons Coulson, damon f knight, Randy Jason, also random scraps by the editor." Scans by Joe Siclari.

We have for you the (current) June issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

June 13, 2019
Two more issues of Psychotic, edited by Dick Geis. These are issues 7 and 13 from 1954. Remember, the Psychotic issues are listed under SF Review, so don't be surprised. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

June 12, 2019
A new title for us today - we've added issues 7-14 of Don D'Ammassa's Mythologies. The issues are from 1975-1978, and Mythologies was twice nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo. These are substantial zines, with contributors including Paul Di Filippo, Jerry Pournelle, Bonnie Dalzell, and Jim Young. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Joe Siclari has manually corrected the scan for Fan-Dango 21, making it more readable. Thanks, Joe!

June 5, 2019
Two new-to-us titles, and an article by Helen Wesson today.

We've added the complete run of Lee Hoffman's folk music zine Gardyloo, the "Magazine of Folknikness". Gardyloo, or something like that, is of course what French housewives were reputed to yell as they emptied the chamberpot from a 2nd story window. These are from 1959-1960. They're a bit peripheral to our main focus, but we are now out of Lee Hoffman folk titles to upload. Gardyloo was added by request, which pleased me no end.

Thanks to Rob Hansen's OCR project, we have issue 1, 7-11 of Sands of Time, edited by Ted Carnell. Issues are from 1941-1944, and were bundled with FIDO. You can see text versions of Sands of Time on Rob's web site at . These scans were delivered to us at Corflu 2019 through the good offices of Bill Burns. Thanks Rob! Thanks Bill!

The article I mentioned is The Phenomenon of HPL. It's a ten page article that appeared in The Fossil, the official organ of the alumni of amateur journalism. The page indicates that this article won the first annual Fossil literary award for biography. It's from July, 1957.

June 4, 2019
A mixed bag today, as it is on most days.
--Wild Hair 7, June 1951, edited by Charles Burbee, F. Towner Laney and Bill Rotsler. Lifted from the facsimile published in Boonfark. Thanks Dan!
--Dimensions. Issue 15, August 1954, edited by Harlan Ellison, and issue 16, September 1956, edited by Lee and Larry Shaw. Apparently Lee and Larry Shaw inherited some materials from Harlan after he had moved on to other interests. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Beabohema, edited by Frank Lunney, 1968 - 1971. Beabohema was nominated for the 1970 Best Fanzine Fanzine Hugo. We've added 4 issues: 3, 12, 17-18. There's Vincent Di Fate fan art -, and also in issue 17, a Hannes Bok section - Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Eye, edited by Vince Clarke. Issues 2 and 6 from 1954-1955. Contributors including John Brunner, E.C. Tubb, Ron Bennett, Sid Birchby and of course Vince Clarke. More issues coming. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Operation Fantast Newsletter, Ken Slater. Issues 6 (Oct 51), April 54 and August 54. News of the day. This is a different publication from Operation Fantast, although they're both put out by Ken Slater. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Whole Fanzine Catalog, edited by Brian Earl Brown. Issues 27-28 from 1987-1989. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Gafia, Ted White. Issues 9 and 10, 1958. Issue 9 has a report on Ted's trip to the Midwestcon. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Fanthology 76, edited by Victoria Vayne. Best of the year, with contributions by Harry Warner, Lee Hoffman, Reed Waller, Bob Shaw, Mae Strelkov, Bob Tucker, Grant Canfield, Tom Perry and more. Scan by Mark Olson.
--1986 Science Fiction Fanthology, edited by Mike Glyer, produced by Dennis Virzi and Pat Mueller, and scanned by Mark Olson. Chris Priest, Avedon Carol, Jeanne Gomoll, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Elst Weinstein, Skel, Arthur Hlavaty, Brad Foster, Dave Langford and more.

June 3, 2019
Today, we have some interesting ephemera along with two new fanzine titles (new-to-us fanzine titles). Of course, there's a little more filling in of existing titles as well. All scans today are by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

For the interesting ephemera --
--An Inchmery Holiday card  (1959) from the Aporrheta folks. I find this particularly poignant since 1960 was the year that it all fell apart. When we met Vince Clarke in the 80s, he was still beyond devastated.
--Program for the Enchanted Duplicator production  at Norwescon 5, March 19, 1982, Shelley Dutton and the Razz Bazz Rep. Now you have the program and the script.

For the new titles--
--Boonfark, edited by Dan Steffan, 1974-1983. We have issues 1-3, 5-8. Issues 6 and 8 have graphic adaptations of Chapters 2 and 3 of the Enchanted Duplicator. Presumably Chapter 1 was in issue 4. (Does anyone have an issue 4 that they're willing to scan for us?) Contributors to Boonfark are stellar - Terry Carr, Ted White, rich brown, Grant Canfield, Bill Rotsler, Alexis Gilliland, Ray Nelson, Dave Langford, Jack Gaughan, Steve Stiles, Lee Hoffman, Richard Bergeron, ATom, etc.
--Wing Window, John Berry perzine, 1981-88. We've added issues 1-9, and 11.

And finally for the filling in--
--Double Bill, edited by Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi. Issues 11-13 (1964-1965), and 18-20 (1968-1969)

-- Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #444 (5.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 2, 2019
A wealth of updates today. Joe was up half the night scanning apparently. Thanks Joe!

Two new titles:
--Bane, edited by Vic Ryan, 1961-1962. We have added the complete run of 10 issues (well 9 and 1/2 issues). Contributors include Dan Adkins, Nick Falasca, MZB, Buck Coulson, Bob Lichtman, Bill Rotsler, Steve Stiles, Terry Jeeves, Bob Tucker, Andy Offutt, Shelby Vick, ATom, Redd Boggs, and Harry Warner, Jr.
--Habakkuk, edited by Bill Donaho, 1960-1994. There were a few gaps in publication. The first 6 issues are 1960-1961. The next 3 are 1966-1967. Donaho also stopped numbering the issues with their whole numbers, and switched to Volume/Number in the second set, or rather Chapter/Verse. There are some great illos, and contributors include Bjo Trimble, ATom, Ray Nelson, Bill Rotsler, Mal Ashworth, Felice Rolfe, Art Rapp, Ron Ellik, Steve Stiles, Greg Benford, Gordon Eklund, Terry Jeeves, Joe Staton, and Don D'Ammassa.

More of the same. Issues to start filling in runs of fanzines that are already represented on the site.
--Aporrheta, edited by Sandy Sanderson, 1958-1960. We've completed the run, adding issues 1-5, 7-14, and 16. ATom, Ron Bennett, Vince Clarke, Harry Warner, Dean Grennell, Joy Clarke. says Aporrheta has been called "one of the best British fanzines of the late 50s" -  .
--Outworlds 48, December, 1985, Bill Bowers.
--SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie. Issues 51-52 (1977), 69-70 (1991). The last is a double issue. Scanning by Mark Olson on the SF Commentary issues. The rest of today's scanning is all Joe Siclari.
--WSFA Journal, edited by Don Miller. Issues 57, 61, 70, 73-74, 77 from 1968-1971. This is a clubzine, but there are unexpected art and articles in here. Covers and back covers are done by Vaughn Bode, Jack Gaughan, Tim Kirk and articles by Thomas Burnett Swann, Jay Kay Klein. Strong representation on the TOC by DC locals of course like Alexis and Doll Gilliland.

June 1, 2019
We have a new-to-us title to add today. Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we've added the first 10 issues of Double Bill, edited by Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi. The zine was published from 1962 to 1969, and had contributors like Buck Coulson, Bjo Trimble, Bob Tucker, John Berry, G.M. Carr, and Terry Jeeves.

There's more sercon in 4 additional issues of SF Commentary, edited by Bruce Gillespie. Today's additions: issues 25, 26, 28, and 30. These are sizable issues. Issue 26 alone is 120 pages. Scanning by Mark Olson. We may be asking for help in filling in our gaps in SF Commentary. We're running out of issues to scan and there are not that many issues under 70 that are missing.

More music today as well. We have added issues 1-9 of Lee Hoffman's Caravan, 1957-1958. This is a folk music zine so a little peripheral to our focus, but 1) it's from LeeH, and 2) you'll see contributions from John Brunner, Buck Coulson and Harlan Ellison. There's also Dave von Ronk. Scanning by Joe Siclari from LeeH's file copies.

Fill in the gaps:
--WSFA Journal #1, March, 1965, edited by Don Miller. This 1st issue starts with a history of the Washington Science Fiction Association, the organization for which this fanzine is the official organ. There's a short message from the president, Banks Mebane. In a curious juxtaposition, Banks Mebane later moved to Florida and was friends with Lee Hoffman. Here's my favorite picture of them together - Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Femizine 11, May, 1959, edited by Ethel Lindsay. There's a piece by Elinor Busby in this issue, along with other contributors. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

May 31, 2019
Today's additions continue to fill in existing titles. All scanning by Joe Siclari today.
--Pot Pourri 41, John Berry, October 1965.
--Peon, edited by Charles Lee Riddle. Issues 2 (Sept 1948) and apparently issue 11 (Dec 1949). I thought issue 11 was already online, but somehow I neglected to actually put it online. Issue 2 has Rotsler illos. Issue 11 has David Keller, E. Hoffman Price, Ray Nelson and more.
--Yandro, edited by Buck and Juanita Coulson. From 1962-1966, we've added 6 more issues of Yandro: 118, 124, 128, 139, 142, 156.
--Shangri L'Affaires 13, A Series, edited by Forry Ackerman and Morojo, Halloween 1941. This is a one page zine that was apparently done at a party by leaving the stencil in the typer. We've all done it at one time or another, haven't we?
--Orion, issue 19, June 1957 edited by Paul Enever and George Richards, and a 3 page Christmas Card for 1961.
--Odd, edited by Duggie Fisher and Richard Elsberry. Issues 4-8, 10-13 from 1950-1951. Issue 12 has a Silverberg piece, "The Truth About Yngvi".

May 30, 2019
Fill in the blanks
--Spacewarp, edited by Art Rapp, issues 67. 69, 74, 76 from 1960 to 1963. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Spanish Inquisition 9, February 1977, edited by Jerry Kaufman and Suzle Tompkins. This has a great Stu Shiffman cover - a portrait of the editors. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Voice of the Imagi-Nation, edited by Forry Ackerman and Morojo. Many issues: 18-19, 22, 29-30, 32,35-45, 47-48, 50 and two special issues done for the 1941 Denventioneer. Issue 39 has Forry's article/response to the death of his baby brother, KIA on January 1, 1945. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Warhoon, edited by Richard Bergeron. Issues 18 (1963), 23 (1968). Contributers include Robert Lowndes, Walt Willis, William Atheling Jr (Jim Blish), and Walter Breen. Scans by Joe Siclari.

May 29, 2019
Scanning and uploading have been happening. Reporting on the scanning and uploading has not. So, additions from the last few days (in order of upload):
--Fanvariety, edited by Max Keasler. Issues 4-13 from 1951. This later became Opus. This was 1951 remember, and on page 3 of issue 12,, you can read Max Keasler's reaction to finding out that Lee Hoffman was a girl. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Shangri L'affaires 10, May 1943, edited by Phil Bronson. This is the "B" series (the "A" series issue 10 appeared in 1941). Shaggy 10 was provided by Rob Hansen from his OCR project and delivered by Bill Burns at Corflu 2019.
--Novae Terrae 28, December 1938, edited by M. K.Hanson. All the Novae Terraes have been provided by Rob Hansen from his OCR project, and were delivered by Bill Burns to us at Corflu 2019. If you would rather read a text version, they're all on Rob's site at
--Femizine, edited by Joan Carr and Ethel Lindsay. Issues 1, 5-6,7 and 9, mid 1950s. Joan Carr, of course, was a hoax perpetrated by Sandy Sanderson. Issue 9,  tells the whole story. Femizine went on for 6 more issues. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--SF Commentary, edited by Bruce Gillespie. Issues 16-18, 20-23 from 1970-1971. Scanning by Mark Olson.
--Little LeZombie, Bob Tucker, Issues 1 and 3 from 1941. These were printed in Fantasy Fiction Field and are slotted into the Le Zombie index where they fit chronologically. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Cinder, edited by Jim Ashe, late 1960s. The dates and numbering are inconsistent here. Does anyone have insight? Are there two series? Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Foolscap, John D. Berry. Issues 4-6, 8. 10-11 AND a 3 page LOC from Lee Hoffman that was tucked into one of the issues. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

May 27, 2019
Added Foundation of the CPASF, by John Michel from May 1939. You've heard that Michel thought fans should be politically active. This one shot pamphlet is about the CPASF - "Committee for the Political Advancement of Science Fiction". Scan by Joe Siclari.

May 26, 2019
Something old, something new. Today's additions in chronological order:
--Deventioneer Fantasite 1, Phil Bronson, March 1941. This is part of a combozine done for Denvention in 1941. My favorite line is "Cliff Simak is every inch a fan and he is positively swell." He certainly was when I met him in 1981. We will be putting up other zines from the Deventioneer, as well as the entire fanthology. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--What is Science Fiction Fandom?, Martin Carlson. This is a 1971 reprint of a 1944 pamphlet presented by the welcoming committee of the National Fantasy Fan Federation. It's a window on the past. In defining fandom, the pamphlet quotes E. Everett Evans as saying that fandom "is a state of mind", and from Michael Rosenblum's "Citizens of Tomorrow in the World of Today". I have to agree that fandom broadens your life. Scanned at Corflu 2019.
--Fantasy Advertiser 4, September 1946, edited by Gus Wilmorth. Magazines and books for sale, ads and the occasional article. Scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Operation Fantast 6, December 1948. Edited by Ken Slater, 1st series. Fiction, reviews, editorial and listings of magazines for sale. Scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Fandango 21, edited by F. T. Laney, Spring 1949. In addition to Laney, there's an article by Burbee. Scan by Joe Siclari.
--Orion, edited by Paul Enever. Issues 11-12 from 1955. Contributors include John Berry, George Richards, ATom and others. Scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Space Diversions 11, edited by Norman Shorrock, June 1960. This is the last issue Space Diversions, and has contributions by Eric Bentcliffe, Ron Bennett and Terry Carr among others. Norman was still looking for LOCs despite it being the last issue. He promises that a LOC will ensure you receive the first issue of Bastion.
--Legal Rules, Jerry Lapidus. Issue 2 from 1969. Business meeting stuff from worldcon. This was scanned by Mowgli Assor, and provided to Fanac at Corflu 2019.
--Inworlds, Bill Bowers. This is a review zine from the early 70s. We've put up 12 issues of it today. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Intermission 84, 2019, an EAPA zine. Ahrvid Engholm. This one is also on e-fanzines.

May 25, 2019
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! In the US, it's the unofficial start of summer. For your beach reading pleasure, we have added fanzines from both sides of the pond, and across multiple decades.
--Novae Terrae, edited by M. K. Hanson, issues 23-27, as well as the supplemental pages for issue 27. These issues are all from 1938, and include a 48 page anniversary issue. Associate editors include Arthur C. Clarke and William Temple. Jack Speer has an article in the anniversary issue titled "Why Fandom?" It's still worth reading. As with the other issues, these were provided by Rob Hansen from his OCR project and delivered to Corflu 2019 by Bill Burns.
--Opus, edited by Max Keasler, issues 2-6, 1952. There's a lot tove here. There's the continuing "All Our Yesterdays" by Harry Warner Jr, columns and articles by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Harlan Ellison ("Cleveland Fandom - First Year") and a quirky feature called "About This Picture" in which a skiffy illustration is paired with an explanation that is funny or outrageous or a combination. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Psychotic, edited by Richard E. Geis. Issue 5 from 1953. Remember, the Psychotics are in the SF Review index along with other Geis titles.
--Spacewarp, edited by Art Rapp, issue 100, October, 1972. This is the 25th anniversary issue, and a 104 page behemoth. There's a useful list here too - page 3 has a checklist of Spacewarps to date -  . There are reprinted articles, other checklists, poetry, art and cartoons. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Timebinder, edited by E. Everett Evans, issues 1, 4 and 6 from 1944-1946. Serious and constructive. Very serious. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Umbra, edited by John Hitchcock, issue 8, August 1955. Book reviews, fanzine reviews, fiction, editorials. This is ditto. Joe Siclari for the scan and judicious punch-up so it's more readable. Thanks Joe.
--Warhoon, edited by RIchard Bergeron. Issues 1, 5, and 11 from 1952-1961. Issue 1, page 6 is not upside down. Issue 11 has a piece by John Berry. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Yandro, edited by Buck and Juanita Coulson. Issue 84, January 1960. This issue has a 13 page art section and some innovative page numbering. There are no pages missing, but the numbers aren't contiguous. I've numbered the art section ("Yandrart") as A1, A2, etc. Contributions by MZB, Ted White, Gene DeWeese and others. In particular, art by George Barr, Dan Adkins, Bjo Wells (aka Trimble), Juanita Coulson, George Scithers and others. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

May 24, 2019
I've fixed some errors on the site thanks to help from John Boston and Rob Hansen who pointed them out. If you see a problem, even if it's a small one, please let me know by sending a message to . Thanks to Rob, I've corrected the editor's name on Caustic Square Bullshooter - part of the December '43 FAPA mailing, and thanks to John, I've corrected the page ordering on Terry Carr's Lighthouse 5. Thanks to you both.

We have a few new additions as well.
--Aporrheta, edited by Sandy Sanderson. Issues 6, 15, 17 from 1958-1960. Contributors include: Bob Tucker, Frank and Belle Dietz, Joy and Vince Clarke, Dean Grennell, Bill Rotsler, ATom, and John Berry.
--Full Length Article #6, Jack Speer, 1965. Titled "The Breenigan After One Year". Too soon?
--Opus, edited by Max Keasler. Issue 20, January 1953. This is our first issue of Opus, but the last of the fanzine I believe. On Max Keasler: Lee Hoffman said of him, "Max was the personification of Sixth Fandom in America: young, witty, enthusiastic. He openly avowed that he never read science fiction. He blazed across the fan skies, speaking in interlineations, publishing monthly, filling the world with Ray Nelson drawings. Then he disappeared." 
--Psychotic, edited by Richard E. Geis. Four issues: 11, 22, 25, 27 from 1954 (issue 11) to 1968. Sample contributors from issue 27 - Bill Rotsler, Ross Chamberlain, Harlan Ellison, Greg Benford, Jack Gaughan, and John Christopher. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Sky Hook, edited by Redd Boggs. Issues 14 (1952) and 20 (1953). Skyhook was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo in 1956 and the Retro for Best Fanzine of 1954.
--Spacewarp, edited by Art Rapp. Added issues 22, 109. We had had text versions of some others, but have now also added scans of issues 34, 35, 36, 38, 42, and 109. Spacewarp was nominated for the Retro for Best Fanzine of 1951.
--Texas SF Inquirer, issue 24 (edited by Scott Merritt), and issue 55 (edited by Brad and Cindy Foster). Provided by Pat Virzi and and scanned at Corflu 2019. We are still working down those scans.

May 23, 2019
For your fannish entertainment today:

Completed runs:
--Oopsla, edited by Greg Calkins - I thought this was complete before but Sam McDonald pointed out that there was an interim issue after 29 and before 30. That one is now online as well, so we ought to be well and truly complete on Oopsla. Thanks Sam! Joe Siclari for the scan.
--Pong, edited by Ted White and Dan Steffan - In a massive feat of scanning, Joe has provided the remaining 35 Pongs and now we have a complete run. Thanks Joe!

More of a good thing:
--A Bas, edited by Boyd Raeburn. Issues 5, 6, 8 supplemental (2 pages), 10, and Volume 3, Number 3. I can't figure out which issue is V3, N3. Does anyone know? From internal evidence, I place it at July, 1954, but I don't know the whole number. Help. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Canadian Fandom 21, June 1954, this issue edited by Gerald Stewart. Intended for distribution at the Mid-West Con. Scanning by Joe Siclari.
--Goon, but Not Forgotten  by Jack Harness, October 1959. Scan by Joe Siclari. This was pubbed in 1959. The Goons of TV fame released an album by the same name (with the addition of an ellipsis) in 1967. There are some puns that cannot be avoided. The Goon Show ran from 1951 to 1960, so perhaps Jack reused the title.
--SF Commentary, edited by Bruce Gillespie. We've added issues 10-14, all from 1970. George Turner, John Foyster, Harry Warner, Bill Rotsler, etc. Scanning by Mark Olson

May 22, 2019
More good stuff today in no particular order. From the 1970s, we have 4 more issues of Mike Gorra's Random. These are issues 1-4 from 1974, and issue 4 has an Egoboo Poll for 1973-1974 and lists voters and votes for Best Fanzine and Best Fan Writer. Who won? Outworlds was the best fanzine and Susan Wood was the best fanwriter. You can see the entire poll at Scanned by Joe Siclari.

The next is, I think, a new title for us today. We've added 6 issues of Pong, edited by Ted White and Dan Steffan. An early 1980s fanzine (except for issue 41), it was a key fanzine for its commentary and wit. Issue 41 scanned by Dan Steffan, and the rest by Joe Siclari.

More Peons  too. We have added 14 more issues: 1, 3-6, 8-11, and 17-21. Edited by Charles Riddle. These date from the late 40s to early 50s.

We've added 3 more issues of John Berry's SAPSzine Pot Pourri, including issue 1. (We've added 1,5, and 6.) In the first issue, you can feel his excitement over finally getting into SAPS. It's charming. Scans by Joe Siclari.

May 21, 2019
First, we have more Oopsla, edited by Greg Calkins. These are issues 4 issues today. We have issues 13-14, 16, and 30, from 1954 to 1961. Issue 30 has contributions from: George Barr, Walt Willis, Dean Grennell, Bob Bloch, Harry Warner Jr, Bob Tucker and Greg Calkins. Oh, and the art credits are really good too: Dan Adkins, Richard Bergeron, Jack Harness, William Rotsler, and ATom. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Next we have more Psychotics, including some early ones. Issues 8 and 17 are from 1954, and issue 23 from 1968. Psychotic was one of the titles that Dick Geis used, and you'll see on the index that they are listed with SF Review and Alien Critic. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Finally, we've added the first 9 issues of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary. SF Commentary is serious and constructive, and there are unexpected (to me, anyways) contributors like Stanislaw Lem. Scanning by Mark Olson.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of May 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

May 20, 2019
Just two titles today, but both of them are outstanding.

First, we have another 11 issues of Lighthouse, edited by Terry Carr and Pete Graham. Beginning with issue 10, Terry's name is the only one that appears as editor. Lighthouse was nominated twice for the Hugo for Best Fanzine. Contributors include Walt Willis, Terry Carr (of course), Jack Gaughan, Don Wollheim, Ted White, Pete Graham (of course). For issue 15, the TOC reads like a wishlist of contributors - Chip Delany, Carol Carr, Gahan Wilson, Fritz Leiber, Damon Knight, Tom Disch, Pat Lupoff, Joanna Russ, Harlan Ellison. And now it's online at  and you can read it whenever and wherever you want. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Next, we have another 6 issues of Oopsla, edited by Greg Calkins. Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we've added issues 1-5, and also issue 5.5. This last was done for Walt Willis, put together to raise money for the fan fund to bring him to the US and Chicon II.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #443 (3.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 19, 2019
I ran out of time to post an update yesterday, so this is actually for yesterday and today. Today's fanzines come from 1935 to the late 1960s, so I will attempt a chronological list.
--Membership list of the Society for the Prevention of Wire Staples in Science Fiction Magazines, March 1935, presumably by Don Wollheim. For the original material on the Staple Wars, see the zines in the index of the Polymorphaneucleated Leucocyte. Scanned at Corflu 2019
--Nova Terrae, edited by M.K. Hanson. Issues 19-22, from 1937-1938. As with the other issues, these were provided by Rob Hansen from his OCR project and delivered to Corflu 2019 by Bill Burns. More to come.
--The Timebinder, edited by E. Everett Evans. Issue 2, April 1945. Poetry, personal reflection, letters. Scanned at Corflu 2019.
--Toward Tomorrow, edited by Jimmy Kepner, June 1945. FAPAzine. This issue includes an article on the Social Structure of Fandom. Scanned at Corflu 2019
--Beware, edited by Ken Beale. Issues 1-2 from 1951. The editorial in issue 2 is about how conventions *should be run*, triggered by receiving the first Nolacon material. There's fiction and articles as well. Scanned by Mowgli Assor and and provided by him at Corflu 2019.
--Sinisterra, edited by Wally Weber. Issue 7, Winter 1954. Another from the Nameless Ones, with fiction and articles. Scanned at Corflu 2019.
--Ploy, edited by Ron Bennett. Issues 3-4 from 1955, and issue 12 from 1958. Scanned by Joe Siclari. I believe we are only missing 2 issues to complete the run.
--Ooopsla, edited by Greg Calkins. Issues 20-26, and part 1 of the double issue 28-29. Issue 20 is from Jan 1956, and issue 26 is from March 1959. Contributors include John Berry, Walt Willis, and Harry Warner. Scanned by Joe Siclari.
--Peon 37, October 1956, edited by Charles Lee Riddle. There's an article by James Gunn in this issue, on the topic of getting a mass market for science fiction. It ends with these lines - "The only way to a mass circulation for science fiction is a slow process of education. Bring up a generation that isn't afraid of speculation, that can swallow an idea without getting indigestion." And now we are popular culture. Scanned by Joe Siclari.
--SF Club of London Club Combozine, various editors. These issues for 1960 and 1961. ATom, Vince Clarke, Ethel Lindsay, and others. Scanned at Corflu 2019
--Locus, edited by Charlie and Marsha Brown, issues 11-15, from late 1968. Scanned by Mowgli Assor and and provided by him at Corflu 2019.

May 17, 2019
I screwed up the What's New report yesterday, and gave short shrift to Random, edited by Mike Gorra. Yesterday we added issues 5-10 from 1975. Contributors include Bob Tucker, Terry Carr, Redd Boggs, James Shull, Ray Nelson and others. Ray,of course, invented the propellor beanie. He talks about it in issue 9, in "Birth of the Beanie" -

Today's additions:
--Tomorrow And..., edited by Jerry Lapidus. Issues 8-9 from 1971-1973. Contributors include David Gerrold, Bob Vardeman, Dan Steffan, andy offutt, Mike Gilbert, Richard Bergeron, James Shull, Ted White, Harry Warner, and John Foyster. Scanned at Corflu 2019
--Oopsla, edited by Greg Calkins. Eight issues from the 1950s. Conributions from Walt Willis, Shelby Vick, Richard Elsberry, Bob Tucker, Hal Shapiro, Robert Bloch and more. Scanned by Joe Siclari.

May 16, 2019
Still working through the Corflu scanning (plus a little gap filling).

The gap filling is Innuendo 6, the Innish. This is an 86 page zine, with material by Terry Carr, Ron Ellik, Ron Bennett, Harry Warner Jr. Rich Eney, Pete Graham and the final 3 chapters of Carl Brandon's "The Cacher of the Rye". Scanning by Joe Siclari.

From the Corflu scanning we have:
--A L'Abandon, edited by Jim Caughran, issues 3 and 6 from 1958-1960. Contributions from Terry Carr, Bill Donaho. Random 5-10
--Pirate Jenny, edited by Pat Mueller, issues 1-4 from 1988-1999. Handsome zine out of Texas, with contributions by Teddy Harvia, Richard Brandt, Dennis Virzi, and Brad Foster. Pirate Jenny was nominated for the Hugo for Best Fanzine in 1990.
--Nova Terrae, edited by M.K. Hanson, issues 14, 16-18 from 1937. As with the other issues, these were provided by Rob Hansen from his OCR project and delivered to Corflu 2019 by Bill Burns. More to come.

May 15, 2019
A couple of delightful additions to the usual roster of zines uploaded from the Corflu mass scanning event.

First, we have a transcript of the highly entertaining Guest of Honor speech  that James White gave at Albacon II, the 1983 Eastercon, titled "The Scottish Influence on Sector General". Ian Sorensen provided and corrected the OCR transcript. It's a real pleasure to hear James speak again, and you can hear him when you read the transcript. Thank you, Ian.

Second, thanks to Jerry Kaufman, we now have the script for the Enchanted Duplicator play  that was performed in 1982 at (I believe) Norwescon 5. The adaptation was done by by Shelley Dutton Berry, Gary Farber, and Jerry Kaufman. Thanks Jerry! This is especially timely with the Irish worldcon just a few months away.

On to the fanzines.

-- Everything is Everything, by Gary Deindorfer, March 1972. This is a 2 page rider that was distrubited with Hot Shit  one month. Provided by Grant Canfield, scanned at Corflu 2019

-- Ploy, edited by Ron Bennett, from 1956 - 1959. 9 issues. There are lots of illos, including art from Bill Rotsler, ATom, Eddie Jones, Juanita Coulson. Articles from Lee Hoffman, Terry Carr, Bob Bloch, John Berry, Terry Jeeves. It was fun even to upload them. Voyage 3, Rotsler Art zine, 1974, scanned at Corflu 2019
--Space Diversions, issue 2 (1952) edited by Tom Owens and issue 10 (1958), edited by John Roles. The Liverpool group of the 1950s published this fanzine, edited by one or more of Norm Shorrock, Tom Owens and John Roles. Content by the editor, Walt Willis and others. Art by Eddie Jones. Scanned at Corflu 2019.

May 14, 2019
More Horizons  today. FAPAzine by Harry Warner Jr, from 1954 to 1975. Thanks to Frederic Gooding III who provided these issues at Corflu 2019, we have added issues: 61, 65, 67, 69-81, 83-84, 113-114, 127-141, and 143. If I've counted correctly, that's 36 issues. Thanks also to Joe Siclari who scanned them.

Having led with the massive issue count, now on to lesser issue counts.
--Novae Terrae, edited by M.K. Hanson, 4 issues from 1937: issues 10-13. As with the other issues, these were provided by Rob Hansen from his OCR project and delivered to Corflu 2019 by Bill Burns. More to come.
--The Pendulum, edited by Bill Venable, 1952-1953. Complete run of 4 issues. Redd Boggs, columns by Derek Pickles and Harlan Ellison. Scanned at Corflu 2019.
--Vieing, edited by Wayne Strickland, August 1955. Rotsler art, Terry Carr, Daniel Galouye, Bob Tucker, Charles Burbee. I think this was a one shot. Scanned at Corflu 2019.
--Voice of the ImagiNation 46, September 1945, edited by Forry Ackerman and Morojo.

May 13, 2019
Today's additions:
--egoscan, by Ted White. Issues 6, 7 from 1984. "The Fanzine That Talks About Fans". Scanned at Corflu 2019.
--Texas SF Inquirer, these issues edited by Scott Merritt. Issue 29 and the rest of issue 27. Apparently I had only uploaded part of issue 27 before. Provided by Pat Virzi and scanned at Corflu 2019.
--Hot Shit, edited by John D. Berry and Calvin Demmon. We added the complete run of 20! Many thanks to Grant Canfield for providing the zines to scan. Scanned at Corflu 2019.
--Novae Terrae, edited by M.K. Hanson. Added 5 issues: 5,6,7,8, and 29. These were provided by Rob Hansen from his OCR project, and delivered to Corflu 2019 by Bill Burns.
--Horizons, edited by Harry Warner and published in FAPA. A lot of issues of Horizons were provided by Frederic Gooding III, and we are starting to get them online today. The first batch of 8 issues: numbers 47-51, 53-54, and 60 which are from 1951-1954. Harry was not only prolific but amazingly consistent. One of the most trying parts of putting zines online is to find the number, the date, and often the editor (and the name of the fanzine). Bruce Pelz was a marvel of consistency in making this info easy to find. Harry's Horizons are equally consistent. A very big thank you to Frederic for providing these at Corflu 2019.

May 12, 2019
Lots more fanzines scanned, but first a brief digression. At the end of April, I uploaded Thyme 77, and commented on the unusual inclusion of Thyme Fiction. Kim Huett tells us that a number of issues of Thyme included a fiction supplement while Lync & Clive Newall were editing the newszine. Thanks Kim! I'll keep an eye out so I can note that in the index as we scan more.

Now fanzines. We've added the May issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

Below is today's roster of fanzines scanned or acquired at Corflu 2019 and uploaded. We scanned 3500-4000 pages at Corflu; so far we have uploaded 1700 or so.
--Button-Tack, the Rick Sneary Memorial Fanzine, edited by Len and June Moffatt and John Hertz, 1991. Tributes and writings. Provided by Joe Siclari.
--Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Memoirs, Critiques and Bibliographies, edited by George Wetzel, 1955. Provided by Joe Siclari.
--Innuendo, edited by Terry Carr. From 1956 to 1990, we have added issues 2, 9, 10, and 12. Last update I credited these to the wrong person. They were provided by Joe Siclari. Stellar contributors include Terry Carr, Greg Benford, Harry Warner, Susan Wood, Tom Perry, Carol Carr, Steve Stiles, Grant Canfield, Dan Steffan, Bill Rotsler and ATom.
--Niekas, edited by Ed Meskys and Felice Rolfe. From 1965-1966, we have added issues 11 and 16. These were provided by Murray Moore. Serious and constructive, and enormously long. These two issues total 180 pages.
--Novae Terrae, edited by M.K. Hanson, 1936. We added issues 1 and 4, and will be adding more. These are thanks to Rob Hansen whose OCR project team scanned many British fanzines. He's providing the scans to us. Thanks Rob! You can read a text version of these at 
--Peon, edited by Charles Lee Riddle. From 1949 to 1957, we added issues 7, 30-35, and 38. Contributors include Robert Bloch, Terry Carr, Harlan Ellison, and Jerome Bixby. Provided by Joe Siclari.
--Pot Pourri 2, John Berry, 1958. Includes a Carl Brandon piece. Provided by Joe Siclari.
--Skyhook, edited by Redd Boggs. From 1948 to 1952, we added issues 4, and 13. Provided by Joe Siclari.
--Tomorrow And.., edited by Jerry Lapidus. From 1968 to 1973, we added issues 1, 5, and the Letter and Review supplements to issue 9. Provided by Rob Jackson from the collection of Paul Skelton.
--Twilight Echoes, edited by Joe Fortier. Issue 5 from 1945. "Dedicated to the Liberal Fantasy Mind" . Provided by Joe Siclari.
--Umbra 15, edited by John Hitchcock, August, 1956. Provided by Rob Jackson from the collection of Paul Skelton.

May 9, 2019
Continuing to put up the zines scanned at Corflu 2019. All the zines today are provided by Rob Jackson from Paul Skelton's collection and scanned at Corflu 2019.

-- Innuendo, 1956-1958. Edited by Terry Carr and Dave Rike (later by Terry Carr alone). 5 issues with contributors like Terry Carr, Robert Bloch, Carl Brandon, Harry Warner Jr., Bjo Wells (Trimble?), Bill Rotsler, Ray Nelson, Jack Speer, and Marion Zimmer Bradley. Outstanding stuff.
--Tomorrow, issue 4, Winter 1938. Edited by Douglas Mayer. Published by the Science Fiction Association.
--Umbra, 1955-1956, edited by John Hitchcock. 3 issues with contributors like Larry Stark, Ron Bennett, and Greg Benford.
--Voice of the Imagi-Nation, edited by Forry Ackerman and Morojo. Issues 24, 27 and 33 from 1942-1944. Letters from fandom, with correspondence from folks like Bob Tucker, Tigrina, Walt Leibscher, Harry Warner, C.S. Youd, Francis Towner Laney, Jimmy Kepner, Vol Molesworth, Robert Bloch, Milt Rothman and more.
--Vulcan, edited by Pete Graham and Terry Carr. Issue (August 1952). Features, Fan humor, serious constructive stories, and serious constructive poems. Lots of Terry Carr content.

Also from Corflu, but not a fanzine, we've added to the YouTube channel a recording made by Rob Jackson of the Saturday panel, "The Void Boys Speak!". If you are a subscriber to the FANAC YouTube channel, you may have gotten a notice yesterday. Thanks to Bill Burns, today we are uploading a replacement video of that panel with improved quality. Thanks Rob, and thanks Bill! From the YouTube description: "VOID was a focal point fanzine of the 1950s, and launched the science fiction careers of Jim and Greg Benford. This panel, held at the 2019 Corflu, covers the history of VOID. With original editors Jim and Greg Benford, co-editor Ted White, and with Luis Ortiz (who is publishing a book on the topic) , the panel covers all aspects of VOID. If you are familiar only with the professional careers of Jim and Greg Benford, and Ted White, this video will give you perspective on their fannish careers. The video ends with a rousing rendition of the Void Boys song! Note that the video was streamed live, and there are slides in use showing the VOID covers that are not visible in the video. If you are interested in seeing the covers, or reading Void, check out". You can find the video at: 

May 7, 2019
Corflu 2019 was a delightful fannish oasis from start to finish. Today's update is about Corflu and what is happening next. had put out a request for particular fanzine issues before the convention, and did in fact bring the scanning station to the convention. The Corfluvians came through, bringing fanzines, material support, skilled hands and all that we could hope for. We scanned 3500-4000 pages during the weekend, and received more scans on CD and thumb drive. We are beginning to put them up today. Also was given the 2019 FAAN award for Best Online Fan Activity!

Thanks go to Michael Dobson, Paul Skelton, Ted White, Nigel Rowe, Rob Jackson, Murray Moore, Pat Virzi, Greg Benford, Ian Sorensen, Mary Ellen Moore, Frank Lunney, Jerry Kaufman, Suzle Tompkins, Jim Benford, Andy Hooper, Bill Burns, Rob Hansen, Grant Canfield, Susan Graham, Luis Ortiz, Dan Steffan, Frederic Gooding III, Mowgli Assor, John D. Berry and Rich Lynch. Many more at the convention who aren't on that list have contributed to at other times. This archive is very much a community activity. Thank you all.

Here are the first fruits of the weekend, today in alphabetical order.
--Canadian Fandom, issue 16. July 1949. This issue from 1949 was edited by Ned McKeown. Thanks to Mowgli Assor for scanning it and bringing it to us.
--Hyphen 20, February 1958. Contributions by Bob Shaw, Mal Ashworth, Vince Clarke, ATom, Ray Nelson, Bjo Wells. Provided by Rob Jackson from Paul Skelton's collection and scanned at Corflu.
--Phantagraph 11, July 1935. Edited by Wilson Shepherd, and provided by Rob Hansen, with Bill Burns doing transport. Contributions from Don Wollheim and F. Orlin Tremaine among others. Rob was kind enough to give us the scans that he and his team made in order to provide the OCR'd material on . Thanks Rob! So we have the facsimile version, and go to Rob's site for the text version.
--The Satellite, issues 1 and 2 from 1938. This is the official organ of the Liverpool SFA. Provided by Rob Hansen.
--Texas SF Inquirer, issues 1-2, 4-5, 7, 10, 27-28, 34, 46, 51-52. Provided by (and mostly edited by) Pat Virzi. From a 2 page newsletter to a 28 page fanzine. All scanned at Corflu. Thank you Pat.
--Twig 9, July 1958, edited by Guy Terwilliger. Contributors include John Berry, John Trimble, Dan Adkins and ATom. Provided by Rob Jackson from Paul Skelton's collection and scanned at Corflu.
--Void, edited by Jim and Greg Benford, and later Ted White. Issues 1, 5, 29. Many thanks Jim and Greg for providing issues 1 and 29. Issue 5 was provided by Rob Jackson from Paul Skelton's collection. All were scanned at Corflu. Contributors include the editors and Terry Carr, Avram Davidson, Harry Warner, Alva Rogers, John D. Berry, and Arnie Katz. This completes the run on

May 6, 2019
We're back from Corflu, and have many new scans to put online. The FANAC scanning station was there, and Corfluvians brought many interesting zines to be added to the online archive. Thanks and numbers and zines to follow.

There are a couple of items that we put online before Corflu that I hadn't yet noted by the time we left. First, we've the Chuch Harris Appreciation Society Magazine. Edited by Spike on behalf of Corflu 6, this collection of Chuch Harris pieces was published in 1989. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Adding to the Geis index, we have Psychotic 20  from 1955. Contributions by Peter Graham, Wallac West, Greg Calkins and Bob Tucker. This is from the first series of Psychotic. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

George Phillies sent us PDFs of the May issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. This month's Tightbeam comes in three parts (as did last month's issue). Thanks George!

May 1, 2019
Adding 4 more issues of Science Fiction Review  and 2 more issues of Alien Critic (same index) today. These are issues 49-52 of Science Fiction Review from 1983-1984, and issues 6 and 10 of Alien Critic.. Scanning by Jim Harris. Thanks Jim!

Filling in the gaps department (scans by Joe Siclari):

-- Cry of the Nameless issue 2, edited by G.M. Carr from February, 1950. Humble beginnings.

-- Sun Spots, issues 16, 24, edited by Gerry de la Ree, 1940s. Ok, less filling in the gaps and more adding to the list. Fiction, articles, and art.

New titles department:
--Oopsla, edited by Greg Calkins, with 2 issues from 1959. There are articles by Dean Grennell, Ron Bennett, Walt Willis. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--Minac, edited by Ted White and Les Gerber. Eight issues from 1963, including Minac 4, the Discon special issue that was joint with Gambit 48. Scans by Joe Siclari.
--SF Critic, by Andrew Porter. Review zine, with five issues from 1967. Scans by Mark Olson

April 29, 2019
Listed under the index for Science Fiction Review, today we've added 3 issues of Psychotic from the late 60s. Articles by Arnie Katz, Harry Warner, Norman Spinrad, Steve Stiles, Ted White and others. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

From the wilds of November, 1939, we've uploaded issue 2 of Larry Farsaci's fanzine Golden Atom. There's an article by Forrest J. Ackerman. Yes, the table of contents lists the middle initial with a period. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #442 (7.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

There are 3 new titles today. First, Orcrist, a Tolkien related fanzine from the University of Wisconsin. We have 2 issues up from the early 70s. One is a C.S. Lewis themed issue, and the other focused on the "Medieval Tradition in Modern Literature". Scanning by Mark Olson.

The second new title today is Stu Shiffman's Potsherd  from 1985. There's wonderful Shiffman art, and an article by Moshe Feder. Scanning by Mark Olson.

And finally, we have four issues of Al Weinstein's Ad Infinitum  from the mid 1940s. Some pages are faded, especially in the first issue, but they are mostly readable. Articles by Walt Kessel, Joe Kennedy, Harry Warner, Hoy Ping Pong, and other familiar names. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

April 28, 2019
Today's update is an eclectic mix, and all the scanning is by Joe Siclari. We have two new fanzine titles, plus what I hope are some interesting items.

The first of the new titles is Pluto. We've added 4 issues of this Vincent/Marvis Manning fanzine from 1940-41. Issue 5 has a cover by Damon Knight. There's some poetry, an article referencing a certain H. P. Pong, an article by Forry Ackerman, and a number of contributor names I didn't recognize.

The second of the new titles is a bit of a tangent to our usual material. We have a couple of issues of Lee Hoffman's Caravan. Caravan was a folk music zine rather than science fiction, and has record reviews, an article by Paul Clayton, ads for Electra Records and so on. These issues are from 1958, and the staff photographer is listed as Aaron Rennert. Aaron was living in Port Charlotte towards the end of Lee's life, and was my co-consipirator in delivering my surprise 70th birthday present to her - Happy Birthday, LeeH!.

The Enchanted Duplicator is still loved and appreciated, 65 years after its original publication. We now have 6 versions on line, included a text version. Today we added the original 1954 edition, and the 1971 edition. You can find them all here -

We're also scanning Yearbooks, and are collecting them in one index. Today we added a short one - Tucker's 1944 Fanzine Yearbook. It's a compendium of the fanzines published during the year. Here's your chance to cross check Pavlat-Evans!

The last item on today's update is another Neofan's Guide. Today we added the 4th edition from 1976, edited by Bob Tucker and published by Linda Bushyager.

April 27, 2019
Two new titles today. First, at the suggestion of Greg Benford, we've added some issues (4) of Boyd Raeburn's fanzine, A Bas. This Canadian fanzine was pubbed in 1950s. There's poetry, there are interlineations (some of which sound a little sketchy now), there are articles and there is humor. Thanks for the suggestion Greg, and thanks to scanner Joe Siclari.

The second new title is Varioso  aka Vamp aka SF. Vamp and SF are the previous names, but the numbering is contiguous so we've put them in the same index. There are 8 of them up now - this zine was pubbed by John Magnus, and has articles by Hal Clement, Shelby Vick, Bob Madle, and other 50s stalwarts. Also scanned by Joe.

Today, we fill in a few blanks. First, continuing the Dick Geis zines, we have added issues 39-42, and 47 of Science Fiction Review, courtesy of Jim Harris. These issues are from the early 80s.

We've filled a gap in Izzard  too. Issue 6 is now online. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

For those fascinated by the financial side of fandom, we have an issue of the Business Supplement to the WSFA Journal  from 1967. The treasurer reports an on hand amount of $39.03. Scanning by Mark Olson.

The last of our fill-in-the-blanks today is another issue of Geri Sullivan's Idea. You can now find issue 11 on the index. There's a piece by Dave Langford, and art by Stu Shiffman, Ken Fletcher and Bill Rotsler, among other notables. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

April 26, 2019
Still working through the Dick Geis zines, today we have put online 7 more issues. There's Alien Critic 11, and Science Fiction Review issues 29-33, and 35. You can find them all at Scanning by Jim Harris. Thanks Jim!

Continuing with yesterday's 1930s theme, we've put up 4 more zines of that decade. These were all scanned by Joe Siclari. Are these representative of the period? What do you fan historians say? I find the singletons of these to be rather sad, remnants of good intentions that never led to issue 2.

--King Goddard - Technocrat, September, 1938

--Alex Osheroff - Robot, August, 1937

--James Taurasi - Space-Lines, September, 1938

--Don Wollheim - The Science Fiction Bugle, May, 1937

Almost as old, we have a new-to-us title from the 1940s - Walt Daugherty's Fan. Issue 2 has fiction from Henry Hasse (who was co-author on Ray Bradbury's first published story). Issue 4 was for the 1945 Fanquet. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

From 1941, we have both issues of Harry Jenkins Fanart, with abundant examples of exactly that. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

We've also established an index for publications that were focused on art at To kick it off, we've seeded it with the ATom Fan Calendar 1959, and Ted Johnstone's "Fanzine for Atom/Rotsler" from 1964. Scanning by Joe Siclari. More to come.

April 25, 2019
Congratulations to this year's TAFF Winner, Geri Sullivan. In celebration, we have uploaded 6 issues of her fanzine Idea. Idea ran from the late 80s to 2000. Besides Geri (who is a very good writer), Idea had contributions from folks like Jim Young, Nate Bucklin, Jon Singer, Walt Willis (!), James White, Jeff Schalles, Jeanne Gomoll and Andy Hooper. Yay Geri! See you in Dublin. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

There's another LASFS publication today. It's the Christmas Art Meritricious  for 1959. This one was edited by Bjo Trimble. It's mostly art, with a few short articles, including one by Robert Bloch. Scanning by Mark Olson.

More from Jim Harris today. We've put up 2 issues of Alien Critic, edited by Dick Geis. Remember that we've put Dick's zines in a single index even though he changed titles several times. The ranges and zine titles are bolded to give you a perspective on what came when. Today's addition is two issues from 1973 and 1974. Thanks Jim!

Joe Siclari has been scanning as many 1930s zines as he can (and so has Mark Olson). These are the most fragile and so move to the front of the line. Today we have 5 zines from the 1930s for you. Each of them is the only issue published for that title. I'm sure the editors (at least some of them) planned to publish more, but one issue is what they did. Some of the pages are a little hard to read. They are old.

--Forrest Ackerman - Metropolis, July, 1939. Done for the first Worldcon, there are pictures and (presumably reproduced) signatures.

--Jim Avery - Funtasy, Spring of 1939. Harry Warner is the Associate Editor and Hoy Ping Pong the consulting editor.

--Robert Madle - Cosmos, May, 1938. John Baltadonis is the Associate Editor.

--Robert Madle - Science Fiction Fan, February, 1935. John Baltadonis is the Managing Editor.

--James Taurasi - Queer Tales, June, 1938. Poetry, art and articles.

By the way, thanks to Mark Olson's coding skills, we are keeping a running total of pages and fanzine issues on  and on The total is right under the descriptive paragraph. We are also keeping tally of the newszines on It's not completely accurate. Most of the PDFs count as 1 page, so the real total is actually larger.

April 24, 2019
To pick up the newszine thread again, we've added several issues of two titles. First, we have 6 more issues of Checkpoint, edited by Peter Roberts. Checkpoint was a UK newszine from the late 60s/early 70s. There are a couple of double issues, and the evocatively named "Lostwithiel" issue. I have long thought that Lostwithiel is the most Tolkienesque placename on the planet. This Checkpoint issue was primarily intended for trade. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Next, we have 5 more issues of the Australian newszine, Thyme. Today's additions are issues 77, 78, 80, 82, 83. Issue 77 includes a fiction section  of 12 pages. I don't believe there was another such in any other Thymes. Does anyone know? Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Leaving the newszines, and getting more traditional, we've added an issue of a 1940 hectograph zine by Tom Wright, The Comet. Page 10 (  has a where-are-they-now article on the winners of the first Gernsback cover contest. The contest was held in Gernsback's Science Wonder Stories in 1929, and challenged readers to submit a story based on the Frank R. Paul magazine cover. This article has the perspective of 10 years afterwards. Consider it your dose of SF history for today. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

April 23, 2019
Thanks to Jim Harris, we have new-to-us title(s) today. So far, there are 8 issues of Richard Geis's fanzines on line at  . The titles changed every so often, while the numbering remained consecutive, except when it didn't. For more on Dick Geis, see the Fancyclopedia article at  . Science Fiction Review was one of the most influential zines of its time. It was filled with discussions, and often arguments, between pros and fans, and reached more people than any other fanzine. Contributors were a "Who's Who" of both fans and pros. Geis won the Hugo for Best Fan Writer seven times, and was nominated many more. His fanzines won the Hugo for Best Fanzine 6 times. You'll notice we put some title ranges in the index  to help keep the title Cconfusion to a minimum. Thanks to new contributor Jim Harris who scanned copies of his zines and provided them to us! Thanks Jim!

More issues today of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary. Today, we've added issues 46-50. Note that whole numbers 48-50 are one big triple issue (and weigh in at 146 pages). Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

We're starting to scan Lighthouse. We have 3 issues up so far. Edited by Terry Carr and Pete Graham, Lighthouse was nominated for the 1967 Best Fanzine Hugo and the 1968 Best Fanzine Hugo. Contributors to these issues include: Terry Carr, Pete Graham, Ted White, Ray Nelson, ATom, Rotsler, Alva Rogers, Walt Willis, and Steve Stiles. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

April 22, 2019
Five more issues for you of A. Langley Searles Fantasy Commentator  from the mid-late 1940s. This sercon fanzine published articles by contributors like F. Towner Laney, Sam Moskowitz, and Jack Speer. Plus a little poetry. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Moving forward in time to the 1950s we have 7 more issues of Shangri-L'Affaires, namely issues 39-41, 43, 49, 53 and Series C, 8A. If you look at the index page, there are almost different editors as issues. Of course, the issues span 1958 - 1997. There's a little Bob Bloch, a little Ron Ellik, a little John and Bjo Trimble, among others. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

A week or so ago, we started putting up PNH and TNH's Izzard. Our contribution today: scans of issues 2-5 and 7. Issue 7 for instance, has work by Bertie MacAvoy, Ted White, and Terry Carr. And a letter from Harry Warner too. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of April 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

April 20, 2019
Continuing with more of Harlan Ellison's zines, today we have another 4 issues of Science Fantasy Bulletin, also from the early 50s. Not only is there writing by Harlan, but by Bob Bloch, MZB, Dean Grennell, Algis Budrys, Bob Silverberg and more. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Ready for some NFFF history? We've put 5 more early Bonfires  online, including the first one. These are from the early 40s, and show how important the NFFF was thought to be at the time. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Harry Warner's fanzine Spaceways  ran for 30 issues in the late 30s - early 40s. Today's addition to the canon - issues 17-23. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

I'm not sure that I mentioned this before, but we have 4 issues of Mallorn  on line too. This is the annual Journal of the Tolkien Society, from the early 70s. Scanning by Mark Olson.

April 19, 2019
Guy Terwilliger did more than Annuals. He also pubbed Twig. Today we added 4 issues. There are contributors like Tom Reamy, the Coulsons, and Dean Grennell. There is at least one Feghoot-like article too. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Everyone has heard of Walt Willis and Bob Shaw's fannish masterpiece, "The Enchanted Duplicator", right? has long had a text version online, and today to enhance your reading, we have added 4 more editions, all with different artwork. There's one from 1962, one from 1979, from 1983 and from 1988, with different illustrations. Here's your chance to get ready for Dublin this year, and immerse yourself in Irish fan writing. They can be found at Scanning by Mark Olson.

And back to the 1950s again, this time with Harlan Ellison in the US. We have two issues of Harlan's Science Fantasy Bulletin, from the early 50s. Issues 8 and 10 show what Harlan was capable of when he was a fan and before the mad dogs kneed him in the groin.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #441 (4.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

April 18, 2019
There are more Fanthologies that Mark Olson has scanned for Fanac. Today, we add 2 from Guy Terwilliger-The Best of Fandom - 1957  and The Best of Fandom - 1958. The 1957 volume has an intro by Bob Bloch, and contributions from John Berry, Tom Reamy, Bob Shaw, Carl Brandon (wink wink), Marion Zimmer Bradley and more. If you are not familiar with Carl Brandon, you can read about him in Fancyclopedia 3 - The 1958 volume has an intro by Bob Madle, and contributions from Robert Bloch, C.S. Youd (John Christopher), John Berry, Charles Burbee, MZB, Terry Carr, Harry Warner and more. Thanks Mark!

Joe Siclari has scanned more issues of Cry of the Nameless. We've added 8 issues between 7 and 17. Most of these eary issues are edited by G.M. Carr. Thanks Joe!

April 17, 2019

There's nothing like variety to keep your hobbies interesting. Today, we have a variety of publications to share with you. First, how about some Australian History? Published in the mid90s, Vol Molesworth's "A History of Australian Fandom 1935-1963"  is chock full of details and photographs. It appeared in segments in The Mentor. Scanning by Mark Olson.

We also have a trio of fanthologies, published from 1948 to 1982. From 1948, we have the 1948 Fantasy Annual, edited by Red Boggs and Don Wilson. There are articles on clubs, APAs and magazines. It's really more of a Yearbook, but for now you can see it here under Fanthologies. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Next, we have The Expurgated Boob Stewart, published in 1960 and edited by Terry Carr. This of course is a collection of work by Boob Stewart. One of the articles (done in collaboration with Terry Carr) is "Dr. Longdog Answers Your Questions". Scanning by Mark Olson.

The last of today's additions is from 1982, edited by Eric Bentcliffe. When Yngvi was a Louse  has articles by Ted Tubb, Mal Ashworth, Bob Shaw, John Berry, Terry Jeeves and others. The articles look back to the 50s, when Yngvi was indeed a louse. Scanning by Mark Olson.

April 16, 2019
We're making some more incremental changes to the look and feel of the site. Today's noticeable change: we've put all the fanzines in a single, sortable list -- here. It's a long list, and you can search to find a particular zine on the page. With over 7100 fanzines and hundreds of titles, it's not reasonable for everyone to remember when a particular fanzine was published and look in the right list. So we're doing away with the artificial distinctions of modern and classic. We'll be tweaking the descriptive wording over the next few days as well. I hope this makes the site easier to use for everyone.

Now to the fanzines: Sam McDonald has really come through with some 1943 material for us. Today we've added 2 issues of the MFS Bulletin  from 1943. He's also combed through our list of fanzines published in 1943  and found half a dozen spots where we didn't have the link properly included, even though the materials are online. Sam, I think I have them all now. Thanks!

We have another issue of Canadian Fandom. This is issue 17  from 1951, and it's edited by Ned McKeown. For you Worldcon fans, there's an article on Cinvention. That was in 1949 and this fanzine lists 1951 as a publication date. Hmmm, I better read it a little closer. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Moving from Canada to the UK, we've also added another issue of Orion. This one is issue 18, edited by Paul Enever. Contributors include John Berry, and Terry Jeeves. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Moving right along to the 1960s, we've added 4 more issues of Frank Dietz's Luna. This changed its name to Luna' at issue 6, but the ones we added today are the earlier issues. Much of this is transcriptions from convention programs and interviews. You'll see names like Randall Garrett, E. Everett Evans, Theodore Sturgeon, Doc Smith, Ed Emsh, SaM and John W. Campbell, so a few names you know. The Campbell/Emsh piece is from a discussion led by SaM at the Pittcon. Scans by Joe Siclari.

April 14, 2019
Time for newszines. We've added 3 more issues of the British newszine Checkpoint, edited by Peter Roberts. These are from the mid 1970s. Today's addition - issues 22, 92. and 99. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Our new title today is from the 80s. We have for you 2 issues of Izzard, by Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden. Izzard was nominated for the 1984 Best Fanzine Hugo and in 1987 it won the SFC Award for Best Fanzine. There are contributors here like Terry Carr, Greg Benford, Tom Whitmore and Steve Stiles. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

April 13, 2019
Hooray for Rob Hansen! He saw that we were missing issues of The Fantast, and sent us scans of issues 1, 2, and 4, along with a rejected article from issue 2. Since the issues were published in 1939 (by C.S. Youd aka John Christopher), this is no easy feat. Thank you Rob!

By the way, along with these early issues, check out the star studded Fantast issue 13. Contributors include Arthur C. Clarke, Doc Lowndes, Forry Ackerman, and of course, C.S. Youd along with others.

More issues today of SF Commentary. This zine edited by Bruce Gillespie won the Ditmar Award 5 times and was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo in 1972, 1973 and 1975. Today's issues are 40-45, published in 1974-1975. Scanning by Mark Olson.

April 12, 2019
We're back in the 1940s today with 9 issues of Canadian Fandom. Edited first by Beak Taylor and later by Gerald Stewart, this zine was first published as 8-Ball, and later morphed into Canfan (edited by Bill Grant). Contributors include Leslie Croutch, Fred Hurter, and Henry (no relation) Ackerman. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

From an even earlier time, we have 6 issues of Fantast. This UK fanzine was first edited by C.S. Youd (better known as John Christopher), and later by Douglas Webster. There are a few familiar contributors, but a number of new-to-me names. Check it out. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

April 11, 2019
Dublin 2019 has announced the Finalists for this year's Retro Hugo Awards, to be given for works published in 1943. We've pulled together what we have on, along with a few zines from eFanzines and the University of Iowa, to give you a single place where you can find all the Finalist publications available online. Read before you vote!  Thanks to Joe Siclari and Mark Olson for all their scanning efforts, and to Bill Burns and Pete Balestrieri for their archives.

April 8, 2019
We have another issue of Blat  for you today. It's issue 4, from 1994, and has material by Andy Hooper, Rob Hansen, Gordon Eklund, Steve Stiles and more. Scan by Mark Olson

Mark also scanned Fanthology 64. Edited by Mike Domina and Terry Carr, contributors include Bob Tucker, Ted White, Bill Rotsler, Lee Hoffman, Dick Lupoff, Carol Carr, Grania Davidson and others. What were you doing in 1964?

April 7, 2019
For a modern touch, today we uploaded the complete run of Patrick and Teresa Neilsen Hayden's fanzine, Telos. Telos ran from 1980 to 1982, and had 5 issues. There are contributions and letters from folks like LeeH, Dick Bergeron, Dan Steffan, Terry Carr, Bertie MacAvoy, John D. Berry and Gary Farber (who had a hand in editing a couple issues). And of course there's material by Patrick and Teresa :-) Scanning by Joe Siclari.

We've a few more of issues of Wally Weber / Buz Busby's Cry of the Nameless  online. Today's additions (scanned by Joe Siclari) are issues 101, 109 and 120. These issues are from the 50s, when Cry was considered one of the most fannish of fanzines. Thanks Joe!

We've added the April issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

April 4, 2019
We have another YouTube piece up today! Thanks to Fred Lerner, we have a 1962 audio interview with John W. Campbell. It can be found at From the YouTube writeup: John W. Campbell and his views on science fiction are showcased in this intriguing audio interview (presented with illustrative pictures) from 1962. Fred Lerner, noted librarian, bibliographer and historian, was just 17 when he interviewed John W. Campbell, the man that shaped much of science fiction for decades. Campbell was both a successful author and the long time editor of Astounding Science Fiction (later Analog). Topics discussed include Rudyard Kipling as a science fiction writer, the government's interest in Cleve Cartmill's fiction, and the nature and value of science fiction. If you like Golden Age science fiction, this is an opportunity to hear one of the giants of the field in his own voice.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #440 (3.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

April 2, 2019
Mea culpa. I incorrectly marked The Spanish Imposition  as a hoax zine. It's not -- it's a one shot done by DavE Romm in honor of Jerry and Suzle being Guests of Honor at Balticon in 1976. Sorry about that.

As another Corflu approaches ( ), we have for you today a fanthology edited by Andy Hooper for Corflu 10. It's Fanthology '89. Contributors include Walt and Madeline Willis, Jeanne Gomoll, Mike Glyer, Dick Lynch, Joseph Nicholas, Ted White and more. Thanks Andy! Scanning by Mark Olson.

Eastercon is approaching too - Fancy a little British fanzine? Here's the complete 6 issue run of Mal Ashworth's BEM. It ran from 1954 to 1958, and had contributers like Vince Clarke, C.S. Youd aka John Christopher, Bob Shaw and Bob Bloch. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

April 1, 2019
A treat from the '70s today! We have 7 issues of Suzle Tompkin and Jerry Kaufman's Spanish Inquisition. SpanInq won the 1977 Best Fanzine Hugo, and had a contributors list of some of the best of 70s fandom including Ginjer Buchanan, Randy Bathurst, Grant Canfield, Vincent Di Fate, Moshe Feder, Ken Fletcher, Phil Foglio, Alexis Gilliland, Mike Glicksohn, Terry Hughes, Bertie MacAvoy, Sandra Miesel, Andy Porter, Peter Roberts, Bill Rotsler, Stu Shiffman, Jon Singer, Dan Steffan, Mae Strelkov, Reed Waller and much more. There's also a hoax zine included, titled The Spanish Imposition. Thanks to Jerry and Suzle, and to the man who did the scanning - Joe Siclari.

March 31, 2019
I'm very happy to say that Joe Siclari is back to scanning after his heart surgery. He's not at full strength by any means, but has returned to archiving some of the best of fandom's publications. Today, we have 9 issues, including 2 supplementary issues, of Ella Parker's Orion. These ran from 1953 - 1962, and had material from Ken Bulmer, ATom, John Berry, George Locke and others. We prioritized scanning Orion at the suggestion of Rob Hansen. Thanks Rob! And hooray for Joe, back from the brink and engaged in his usual and much-missed fanhistorical pursuits.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of John Thiel's latest Ionisphere. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George!

George also sent us PDFs of the February issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. This months Tightbeam comes in three parts. Thanks George!

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF of his Perzine Rat Sass 12  which we have added to the Rat Sass index. He says this is likely the last issue of Rat Sass. Thanks for sending it, Taral.

March 30, 2019
Thanks to Eli Cohen and Leslie Turek for the name updates on the photos from Selina Lovett's photo album. We appreciate you guys helping to clarify the names so quickly!

Still working on those WSFA Journals. Today we added issues 60, 62, 64, 65 and 69. The latter is a 90 page behemoth special Disclave 1969 issue. Scanning by Mark Olson. (They may still be uploading so if they're not there when you look, give it until tomorrow). Thanks Mark.

March 29, 2019
Thanks to Alan White, we have a scan of what is arguably the first fanzine ever published, the May 1930 issue of The Comet. It was the only issue with that name. Later issues were titled "Cosmology". Thanks Alan!

Selina Lovett provided us a lovely slew of photographs from the early 1970s. These are primarily NE fans, but there are also photos of folks like Arthur C. Clarke, 4sj, and Poul Anderson. I've added them in as an album under You can link directly too: Thanks Selina!

March 26, 2019
Thanks to the good offices of Peter Mansfield, we now have the last of issues of Jack Chalker's Mirage. The missing one was #4, and Peter was kind enough to notice the gap, and provide the issue and the scan. Thanks Peter!

FYI, we have a list of folks that have contributed materials to at If you have contributed, but don't see your name, please send a quick note to . If you haven't contributed, and have some interesting fanzines that are not on the site already, please send us a scan and get the double egoboo of seeing your scan on line and your name on the list. Before you do a lot of work, please check in and make sure that we don't already have the scan in the backlist waiting to go up. If you aren't of the scanning persuasion, how about finding a corner of fandom that you know about and adding or extending articles on Be a participant.

We have 9 more issues of the WSFA Journal  today from 1968. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #439 (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 22, 2019
We have more issues of the WSFA Journal, this time from post-Boskone scanning. Today we put up 8 issues, all from 1967 of the clubzine, including a couple edited not by Don Miller, but by Jay Haldeman. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Some of the last of the Boskone scanning is Battle of the Titans, Vaughn Bode vs Jack Gaughan. This art zine is exactly what it sounds like it should be - an entertaining artistic romp between two great fan (and pro) artists. This is part of the material that Geri Sullian brought to Boskone for scanning last month, and was scanned there. Thanks Geri!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of March 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

March 16, 2019
Another interesting collection for you today. We've added Selected Writings of Rick Sneary  to the list. This was edited by Len Moffatt, with a disclaimer by Rick Sneary. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #438 (2.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 15, 2019
We've added the March issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

We've added the run of Eric Bentcliffe's Bastion. There are 3 issues, from the early 1960s. In the last issue, there's an article by Dick Lupoff describing the formation of Fanoclasts, the New York city fan group. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

March 12, 2019
We've added the first issue today of Blat!, the 1994 FAAn Award winning zine from Ted White and Dan Stefan. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Enjoy!

March 7, 2019
Still from Boskone 2019, we have today 2 issues and a supplement from Blat!, the 1994 FAAn Award winning zine from Ted White and Dan Steffan. The supplement  is called "Blat Archives", and is marked as a supplement to issue 4.

More Mota! We've uploaded the remaining 15 issues that we have - from issue 17 to the final issue, issue 31. This is Terry Hughes's Hugo nominated genzine from the 70s.

March 6, 2019
George Phillies sent us a PDF of the February issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. This months Tightbeam comes in two parts. Thanks George!

A treat today - we have 13 issues of Terry Hughes's Mota. Mota ran from 1971 to 1980 and was nominated for the 1979 Best Fanzine Hugo.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #437 (6.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

February 27, 2019
Today's additons - The Really Incomplete Bob Tucker, edited by Dave Locke and published by Robert and Juanita Coulson. Scan by Mark Olson.

We've added 5 issues of Sata, first published by Dan Adkins and later by Bill Pearson. There is art here. Scans by Joe Siclari.

February 26, 2019
More from the Boskone scanning (getting to the end pretty quickly). We've added Ole Chavela!, a zine from 1960 edited by John and Bjo Trimble for Isabel Burbee (wife of Charles). Thanks to Geri Sullivan for bringing it!

Additionally from Boskone, we've added a couple of Neofans Guides  to fandom and to science fiction. These are from 1973 and 1984, edited by Bob Tucker, Marty Cantor and Mike Glyer. If you have to ask what they are, then you should read them.

Adding to our collection of yearbooks, we've added the Science Fiction Yearbook 1957, 1958 edition, published in 1960. I think I have that right. Editors are the editors of Science Fiction Times, James Taurasi, Ray Van Houton, Frank Prieto. Scan by Mark Olson.

Joe has scanned 2 more issues of Jack Chalker's excellent zine, Mirage. Today we add issues 7 and 8. Articles by J. Ramsey Campbell, Gordy Dickson, and others. There's even a chronology of Clark Ashton Smith!

A new title today is Gambit  from Ted White. This ran from the mid50s to the early 80s. It has a convoluted ancestry, and I'll wait for Joe to explain it. Scanning by Joe Siclari (on our new high speed scanner :-)

February 25, 2019
We've added the first material scanned with our new scanner, donated by Steve Rosenstein (thanks again Steve!). A choice selection, we have 5 issues of Karen Anderson's Vorpal Glass. This was done for the Golden Gate Futurian Society (GGFS) and many contributors include Poul Anderson, Tony Boucher and Fritz Leiber, among others. Thanks to Astrid Bear for finding/reporting a couple problems with the uploads! They're fixed and Vorpal Glass awaits you.

We've uploaded a few more of Bob Tucker's Le Zombies, (also scanned with the new scanner). We've added issues 51, 56 and an improved scan of issue 48. Scans by Joe Siclari.

A new index page has been added for yearbook sorts of things. It's at The first two are edited by Joe Kennedy from the late 40s - the 1945-1946 Fantasy Review, and the 1946-1947 Fantasy Review. I'll also link to them from the Fanthologies page  and maybe from the Fan Histories page. More yearbooks will be coming. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Another interesting item from the Boskone scanning. Added ATom, A Tribute, a heartfelt zine put together by Vince Clarke after Arthur Thomson's death in 1990. There's much to see here. This was in the trove that Geri Sullivan brought. Thanks Geri.

February 24, 2019
More from Geri Sullivan's Boskone fanzine set of scans -- 4 issues of Eric Bentcliffe's Waldo. Waldo was done for OMPA, and ran from 1959 to 1984.

Yesterday, we put up a bunch of issues of the WSFA Journal. Today, we've put up 11 issues of the supplement, known as Son of the WSFA Journal. This is more of the Boskone scanning.

Three charming photos added today, provided by Thomas Recktenwald. Two are photos of LASFS from the 50s  (and we sure could use some ids for the people), and one is a photo of special effects artist Paul Blaisdell and actress Lori Nelson reading a German SF pulp edited and translated by Walter Ernsting (here ). The photos were sent to Waldemar Kumming by Walter Ernsting in 1981, and came to Thomas Recktenwald from Waldemar. Thanks to Thomas for sharing them with everyone!

Eli Cohen has provided us with scans of 35 of the 36 issues of Prospectus, the Newsletter of the Fantasy and Science Fiction Society of Columbia University from 1969 to 1973 which he edited. If you fondly recall the Adventures of Ferdinand Feghoot, I'm told that many of the issues contain "The Adventures of Grayson Greensward", a feghoot-like series. Thanks Eli! If anyone has issue 1, please let us know. That's all we (and Eli) need for a complete run.

February 23, 2019
At Boskone, Steven Rosenstein offered to donate a high speed scanner to FANAC. It's arrived!... and we look forward to lots more scanning (and faster too). Thanks Steve!

From the Boskone scanned pile, we have added 25 issues (435 pages) of the Washington Science Fiction Association clubzine, the WSFA Journal.

Geri Sullivan provided some lovely Irish oriented materials at Boskone. Today, we've uploaded 3 issues of John Berry and Ken Cheslin's Fables of Irish Fandom. This late 90s fanzine reprints articles from the 50s, 60s and more of and about Irish fandom. You'll find pieces from Hyphen and Oopsla, from Cry of the Nameless and Void, from Scottische and Nexus. There's also a link to it from our page on Irish fandom - Thanks Geri! Scanned at Boskone 2019.

We've now put online more than 2/3 of what was scanned at Boskone last weekend. We're up to about 1500 pages!

February 22, 2019
You may notice some different formatting on our homepage. We're experimenting with some changes to the look and feel, so it will be fluid for a little while. If you have suggestions or comments, please send them to

We've added 5 issues of George Locke's zine Smoke  from 1959 - 1963. Scanning at Boskone 2019.

February 21, 2019
Geri Sullivan brought us some zines to scan at Boskone last weekend, and a couple of them are now available to you. First, we have an issue of Richard Bergeron's Warhoon. Warhoon 25  is titled "Bob Shaw for TAFF".

Geri also brought us a special Bob Shaw issue of Focal Point. Edited by Arnie Katz and rich brown, issue 12.5  was published in 1970 and the Fancylopedia article lists it as part of Volume 2 -  .

More from the Boskone 2019 scanning: today we've added 3 issues of Charles Riddle's Peon. Peon was nominated for a Fanzine Hugo in 1956, and was produced during Riddle's career in the Navy. Contributors include Terry Carr, Jim Harmon, Lee Hoffman, H. L. Gold and others.

You may notice some strange formatting on our homepage. We're experimenting with some changes to the look and feel, so it will be fluid for a little while. If you have suggestions or comments, please send them to

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of February 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

February 20, 2019
We had a very productive weekend at Boskone 56. The FANAC scanning station scanned almost 2000 pages of material. Scanning by Mark Olson and Joe Siclari. History minded fans stopped by and provided material (thanks Geri Sullivan!), and promised more. We have promises of photos, and fanzines and scanning hardware too. The zines scanned at Boskone will be so marked in the index pages of the title, so you can see what we did. The first batch going up are Yandro issues.

Today in Buck and Juanita Coulson's Yandro  we have added 7 1965 issues from 146-152.

The fanzine section has been organzined since the mid 90s into categories of Classic Fanzines (before 1980), Modern Fanzines (after 1980), and Electronic Zines. Those categories will be changed eventually, but for now we have provided two new ways to find what you're looking for. Thanks to software written by Mark Olson, we now have a Chronological Fanzine Listing, and an Alphabetic Fanzine Listing  that cover ALL the zines we have. You can look at a month and see what we have online that was published during that month. As always, we are adding more zines, so the list will change. It's not ALL the zines that were published, but we are getting some good numbers. December 1943 shows 55 listings for instance.

February 19, 2019
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #436 (6.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

February 12, 2019
Back to Shangri L'Affaires. Today, we added issue 74. Scanning by Mark Olson. These are sizable issues; thanks, Mark!

Today, we uploaded the last 3 issues of Rob Hansen's Epsilon. Actually this was the first 3 issues and completes the run. Scanning by Mark Olson.

A treat for those thinking of Ireland (and for everyone else as well) - we've uploaded Willis Discovers America, a "pre-trip report" for Walt's 1952 journey in the US. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

February 9, 2019
Back to Shangri L'Affaires. Today, we added issues 71-73. Scanning by Mark Olson. These are sizable issues; thanks, Mark!

February 8, 2019
Thanks to Sam McDonald for finding some omissions and inconsistencies in our Retro Hugo materials. What a labor of detail that must have been! Thanks Sam! We are fixing/have fixed them. The Retro Hugo reading list can be found at

Today, we uploaded issue 4  of Austin Hamel's Stellar  (1944). Scan by Joe Siclari. If Pavlat Evans is to be believed, this is the last issue. Pavlat Evans  is indispensible if you're working with fanzines before 1953. While there are errors, it attempts to list ALL the fanzines published until that time.

For the music lovers among us, we've added an autographed program  from the Disclave 1975 production of The Mimeo Man. Scan by Joe Siclari.

It's been a while since we posted anything to the list of Irish Fandom related publications. Today, a juicy 40 page addition in John Berry's G.D.A. Casebook 1959. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

On the newszine front, we have newszine hoaxes (and a couple of Westercon special editions). Check out Starfink 69, a "bi-weekly slander and misinformation fanzine". There's also a (fanzines/Starspinkle/Starspinkle457-01.html hoax issue 49}. The real news (of 1963) are the two Westercon special editions in July. They're listed as such in the Starspinkle index. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

We also added the February issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

February 4, 2019
Today we have added a PDF of Spang Blah, Vol 2, N3  from September 1974. This scan was provided by The Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College through the good offices of librarian Elaine Hooker. Thanks Elaine! And thanks to the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College. The issue also has a note on the last page from jan finder to Wade Center founder Clyde S. Kilby.

February 3, 2019
The lastest update on what we've been doing at the Fan History Project has been doing is online at Older updates can be found at

One more Shangri L'Affaires  for you. This one (scanned by Mark Olson) is #50  from 1960. It's edited by John Trimble and has a cover by Bjo.

We also have one more issue of the Whole Fanzine Catalog, edited by Brian Earl Brown. This one (issue 22-25 ) isn't a milestone issue like the #50, but it is a quadruple issue covering 2 years, from 1982-1983. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #435 (4.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

February 2, 2019
Most of the Shangri L'Affaires  on the site have been from the 1940s. Today, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we've uploaded 6 issues from the late 1950s/early 1960s. Shaggy had various editors over its lifetime and the editors for these issues were Al Lewis and John Trimble. The issues we added are 42 and 44-48. For more on Shaggy, see the article in Fancyclopedia at

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the February issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. This months Tightbeam comes in three parts. Thanks George!

George also sent us a PDF of John Thiel's latest Ionisphere. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George.

6 more issues today of Cry of the Nameless. Edited by Wally Weber, and Buz & Elinor Busby, this fabulous zine has contributors like ATom, Terry Carr, Ted White, rich brown, John Berry, Elinor Busby and Buz himself. Today's issues are 115, 169, 171-174, 184. There's also a fake Cry of the Nameless Issue 175  by Wally Weber and Phil Harrell dated "Argh 1964". Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

January 31, 2019
9 more issues today of Cry of the Nameless. Edited by Wally Weber, and Buz & Elinor Busby, this fabulous zine has contributors like ATom, Terry Carr, Ted White, rich brown, John Berry, Elinor Busby and Buz himself. Today's issues are 115, 121, 126, and 162-168. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

We've uploaded 15 issues of Rob Hansen's excellent Epsilon. Epsilon ran from the mid70s to the mid80s, and won the Nova Award for Best Fanzine in 1982. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Today, we added the January issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #434 (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 21, 2019
We've one more vintage photo from Kenneth Johnson. It's a picture of a MITSFS meeting in 1973 with guest Theodore Sturgeon. You might be surprised to see who's in the room. You can see it along with the NESFA photos at  . Thanks Kenneth!

From 1944, we bring you two issues of Russell Wilsey's Felix. There's a little poetry here and a little fiction too. Scans by Joe Siclari.

We've also got another issue of South of the Moon  - issue 19.5. This is the fanzine that gives information about current APAs. Editors for this issue were Martin Horvat and Denys Howard. Scan by Joe Siclari.

For our Irish Fandom project, we have 3 issues of John Berry and Arthur Thomson's Veritas. Think late 50s, done for OMPA. In addition to Berry and ATom, there's material by Bob Shaw. Scans by Joe Siclari.

One of the most entertaining zines of the late 70s, early 80s was Stu Shiffman's Raffles. We've added the complete run of 11 issues, from 1-8. Stu's wonderful artwork is there, plus art by ATom, Ross Chamberlain, Reed Waller, and many others. The articles feature bylines such as Hank Davis, Eric Bentcliffe, Arnie Katz, Sandra Miesel, Larry Carmody, Avedon Carol, Joe Siclari, and Taral. What more could you want? Great stuff. Scanning by Mark Olson.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of January 2019's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

January 19, 2019
More issues of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary. We've added issues 31, and the triple issue 35-37 today. That triple issue is 146 pages long! Bruce, how did you avoid some variation of Nydahl's disease? Scanning for these SF Commentary issues by Mark Olson.

We're still working to save as many 1930s fanzines as possible. Today, we've added one edited by Sam Moskowitz. It's Helios 3, and it's in hecto. These hecto zines are in the greatest danger of disappearing. Helios 3 has material not only by SaM, but by Dick Wilson and Clark Ashton Smith. It promises future issues will also have Henry Kuttner, David Keller and other names you may know. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Still working on the 30s, we've added issue 11 of Tesseract, edited by C. Hamilton Bloomer. This ran from 1936 - 1938. The issue we posted has materials by HP Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith and Doc Smith. Wow! Scanning by Joe Siclari.

January 18, 2019
It's a YouTube day. We've uploaded another of Rusty Hevelin's excellent interviews from MagiCon, the 50th Worldcon. This time, Rusty interview Frank Robinson. Frank was a long time fan, as well as author and editor. From the YouTube description: "Frank talks about the war years, the fanzines he published, the Ray Palmer era in magazines, his time at Rogue Magazine and lots more. Highlights include: working with Ray Palmer, discussion on the line between fan and pro writing, the story of George Pal's production of 'The Power' from Frank's story of that name, and Frank's views on the impact of science fiction and of fantasy." There's also talk of his not-good relationship with Damon Knight, his brief career as a fan artist (6 color cover on a fanzine!), and how he made his first sale. These interviews provide great insight into a fascinating period in our field. You can find the video at 

Joe Kennedy's fanzine Vampire  was one of the most highly regarded fanzine in the late 40s. It had outstanding articles and columns about fanzines, the Shaver controversy, and was the must-have zine of its time. Contributors included Laney, Palmer, Shaver, Tucker and others. Today we added 8 issues of the 9 that were produced, as well as Boff Perry's index to Vampire. Scans by Joe Siclari.

We've uploading more issues of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary. We've added 57-66 today. Note that there are a double and a quad issue included. SF Commentary was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo three times during the early 1970s. Scans by Mark Olson.

January 17, 2019
Thanks to Kenneth R. Johnson, we have half a dozen photos of a 1971 NESFA meeting and frisbee session. You can find them in the NESFA photo section. Thanks Kenneth!

Two more early issues of the Tolkien Journal. Today, thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we've added issues 1-2. These early issues are very short and not at all like what the zine became.

For our newszine project, we have another issue today of Fantasy News, this one edited by Will Sykora. It's issue 173  from late November, 1944. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

We've started uploading issues of Bruce Gillespie's SF Commentary. We have 6 issues up so far, with more to come. SF Commentary was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo three times during the early 1970s.

January 15, 2019
We're migrating the website. If you notice any problems with it, please send a note to

Four more issues of Egoboo, the late 60s/early 70s fanzine edited by Ted White and John D. Berry. Today we added issues 11-13, and 17. Scans by Joe Siclari.

In the early 60s, the NFFF published Fandbooks  as background education on fandom. In the 2010s, they've published a couple more. Fandbook 5  is on Pseudonyms, and fanzines/Fandbook/Fandbook06-01.pdf  is on Hugo Awards for Best Novel. Thanks to the NFFF for providing them.

January 14, 2019
We're migrating the website. If you notice any problems with it, please send a note to

We've added issue 161  of Buz Busby's Cry of the the Nameless. In this issue: Buz, Red Boggs, Terry Carr, Wally Weber, Elinor Busby, John Berry, and Ted White. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Three more issues of Egoboo, the late 60s/early 70s fanzine edited by Ted White and John D. Berry. Today we added issues 9-10 and 15. Scans by Joe Siclari.

In the late 1950s, John Magnus edited a little newszine called Rumble. It had fan doings, opinion, reviews and LOCs. We have 13 issues on line for you today.

January 12, 2019
We're migrating the website. If you notice any problems with it, please send a note to

We're scanning a new title today, Pat Mueller's Texas SF Inquirer. These 20 issues are primarily from the mid-80s. The earlier issues were marked "The Best Little Newszine in Texas". Scanning by Mark Olson and Joe Siclari. For those that came in late Pat Mueller is Pat Virzi. Thanks Mark and Joe!

There was a Special Issue  of Cosmic Tales  done for the 1st Worldcon in 1939. In fact, it was dedicated to the committee. Contains what may be the first piece by Cyril Kornbluth. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

There's a treat for you today. We've uploaded 6 issues of Egoboo, a fine fannish fanzine edited by Ted White and John D. Berry. These issues are from 1968-1972 and include a lot of good personal writing and a plethora of really interesting letters from their friends.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #433 (2.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 11, 2019
We're migrating the website. If you notice any problems with it, please send a note to

January 6, 2019
Three more Tolkien Journal, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson. Today we've added issues 7-8 and 15. Thanks Mark!

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the January issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George Phillies and Jon Swartz. This months Tightbeam once again comes in two parts. Thanks George!

January 4, 2019
Before it was "Speculation", Pete Weston's fanzine was "Zenith". We've added issues 3, 5 and 6 today, and you can find them all here - Articles by Poul Anderson, Terry Pratchett, Chris Priest, Ethel Lindsay, among others. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Back to the Tolkien Journal, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson. Today we've added issues 9-14. Contents include part of the proceedings of the first annual Tolkien Conference and art by Tim Kirk. Thanks Mark!

January 3, 2019
More issues of The Voice of the Lobster. Edited by George Flynn, and produced by the committee of Noreascon 2, Voice of the Lobster was published to "discussion of Worldcon management and related topics". Today we added the last 5 issues. This completes the run. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Today's newszines have an international flavor. We've added the complete 5 issue run of Science Fiction International News, edited by Keith Freeman and Dave Kyle. This newszine ran from 1976-1976. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

January 2, 2019
South of the Moon  was a 1970s fanzine that gave information about current APAs. It has a variety of editors, and today we have uploaded 5 of them. Scanning by Mark Olson and Joe Siclari.

Today's newszines cover June and July of 1970. We have 3 issues of Focal Point  for you. The newly added ones are V2, numbers 6-8. These were edited by Arnie Katz and rich brown. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

From 1939, we have issue 2  of Ted Carnell's New Worlds. This early British fanzine ran for 4 issues, and after the war, Carnell edited a prozine by the same name. Cover by Harry Turner. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

If you are interested in conventions, especially Worldcons, you may want to read the discussions in today's newly uploaded title - The Voice of the Lobster. Edited by George Flynn, and produced by the committee of Noreascon 2, Voice of the Lobster was published to "discussion of Worldcon management and related topics". Today we added the first 2 issues. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (6.5 MB) of his Perzine Rat Sass 11  which we have added to the Rat Sass index. Thanks Taral.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #432 (5.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

December 30, 2018
Well, it turns out that I was wrong when I said we were done with uploaded Outworlds. We have 2 more issues today - issues 4 and 6 from 1970-1971. Scanning by Mark Olson. Issue 4 has a cover by Vincent Di Fate, and interior artwork by Alicia Austin, Tim Kirk and others.

May 1952 saw the last issue of the short run newszine, Stfanews  edited by Clyde Hanback. We uploaded the last issue today, completing the run. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Moving down under, we have 2 issues of Alan Stewart's Thyme  from the early 90s, issues 94 and 95. Alan distributed several other fanzines along with these. Both issues contain an Artychoke  by Ian Gunn, and an Australian SF News, edited by Alan Stewart and Merv Binns. Scans by Mark Olson.

Continuing with the newszine theme, Mike Ward has scanned more Sanders  for us. We've added issue 0 (really more of a flyer), 1, 13, and 15. Thanks Mike! All we seem to be missing now are issues 6 and 21. Hey, does anyone out ther have issues 6 or 21? We're up to 2746 newszines now.

December 29, 2018
An interesting item for you today, originally distributed in FAPA 87. Edited by Terry Carr, it's The Stormy Petrel. This is a collection of articles about Francis Tower Laney. Laney is best known for two publications. First, his star studded fanzine about Lovecraftian fiction, The Acolyte  and second his diatribe on fandom, Ah! Sweet Idiocy!. The Stormy Petrel was put together in response to news of Laney's death. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

We already have part of the Willis Papers  online as retyped text version. Today, we're adding a scanned version  as well. Now you can see it in all its original glory. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Continuing with Pete Weston's Speculation, today we have 2 more issues - 24 and 26. Here you'll find Chris Priest, FM Busby, and Fred Pohl, not to mention Pete Weston. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we've finished the run of Henry Elsner's fanzine, The Sciencefictionist. This was mid40s, and issue 5 just added has articles by Laney, Speer and E. Everett Evans.

We already had online Shelby Vick's full Hyphen Tribute. Today, for completeness, we added the Hyphen Tribute Thumbnail  that Shelby did for the May 1999 FAPA mailing. Different cover, subset of the contents. Thanks to Mark Olson for the scanning.

Added issue 6 of Science Fiction World. This was a Bob Bloch/Bob Tucker newszine of the 1950s published by Gnome Press. One of the leading articles in ssue 6? "Fancyclopedia Project Under Way". Of course, that was Fancyclopedia 2. Read all about it in Fancyclopedia 3 at

December 27, 2018
Three more issues today of Pete Weston's excellent fanzine, Speculation  from the 1960s. These are actually Zenith Speculation issues - 7-8 and 10. You'll find content by Fritz Leiber, Robert Bloch, Walt Willis and Chris Priest. Speculation was nominated for the Hugo for Best Fanzine four times. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Len Moffatt edited a newszine in the mid 1950s named Science Fiction Parade. We've added 5 issues today from 1956 - 1958. You can read it here - there's a Westercon IX report, a report on NYCon II, awards polls, etc. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

One more issue of The Sydney Futurian, this one from 1950. Headline: Futurian Society Will Carry On. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

December 26, 2018
For our Irish Fandom  page, we have 2 new entries today. First, we have an April 1, 1957 newszine from Joy and Vince Clarke, Sandy Sanderson and Chuck Harris. It's Goontact 13. Next, the 1961 Willis Fund Papers, including the announcement, invitation and raffle. This was a kickoff for the fund to bring Walt to the 1962 Worldcon. It was very much a group effort - check out the list of fans on the announcement. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

There are 2 additional issues of Pete Weston's Hugo nominated fanzine Speculation  from the 1960s as well. We've uploaded issues 13 and 23. You'll find content by Brian Aldiss, F.M. Busby, and Chris Priest among others. Scanning by Mark Olson.

December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. For your holiday pleasure, we have two Christmas Art publications from LASFS. From 1960, we have the Shangri L'Affaires Christmas Art Supplement. From 1968, we have another Shangri L'Affaires Christmas Art Supplement. Enjoy! Scanning by Joe Siclari.

For the 1941 Worldcon, Denvention, Fanfare  published a special supplement. Although Art Widner published it for the 1941 Worldcon, it contained the text of the GoH speech that Doc Smith had given for Chicon, the 1940 Worldcon. Now you can read it too. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Today's Outworlds  are: issues 3, 32-34 along with the first 2 flyers. I believe these 4 issues are the last of the ones we have available to scan. All Outworlds scanning has been by Mark Olson.

Well, it seems to be more of a 40s day than a 30s day. Another offering from the 1940s - issues of the LASFS clubzine, Shangri L'Affaires. Today we have 10 issues - issues 25-26, 29-31, 33-35, 37-38 plus a 1941 promotion zine, a 1945 Fanquet reminder  and a 1945 LASFS program schedule. There's also an issue 38 supplement  where Burbee explains that this is the last issue he plans to edit. There is a lot of content by F.T.L., art by Rotsler, a review by A.E. Van Vogt, a poem by Tigrina, and generally just what you would expect from Los Angeles fandom in the 40s. Scans by Joe Siclari.

December 24, 2018
Still adding more Outworlds. Today, we added 9 issues: issues 1-2, 10, 13-14, 29.5, 35-37, and Outworlds' Inwords 8, the floating lettercol for Outworlds. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

We still have more 30s zines too. Today, we put up Ted Dikty's Grab Bag, a fanzine done for the first Worldcon in 1939. Ted notes that he cannot attend.

December 23, 2018
Still adding more Outworlds. Today, we added 9 issues: issues 40-43, 49, 51-54 from 1984-1985. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Time for newszines. We've added 27 issues of the British newszine Checkpoint, including some edited by Ian Maule, and many edited by Peter Roberts. These are from the mid 1970s. Today's addition - issues 63-77, 80-84, 86-91, 93-98 and issue 100, the final issue. Issue 100 includes an index of all the Checkpoints. Several of the zines include issues of Eric Bentcliffe's MI. There are also two issues of TAFF Talk, by Peter Roberts. Scans by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe! By my count, we now have 2731 newszines, ranging from October 1936 to December 2016.

December 22, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #431 (6.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

December 21, 2018
Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we've uploaded the complete 14 issue run of Denis Quane's Notes from the Chemistry Department. This ran from 1973-1975, and had contributors like Joan Vinge, Jerry Pournelle, Greg Benford and Mike Glyer. Thanks Mark!

Still adding more Outworlds. Today, we added issues 38-39 from 1984. Scanning by Mark Olson.

December 19, 2018
A massive Quandry annish from Lee Hoffman for you today! Quandry 13  from August 1951 is 100 pages long. The table of contents lists contributors like Walt Willis, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Bob Tucker, Bob Shaw, and of course, Lee herself. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Four more Outworlds  today, along with 3 Outworlds flyers. The flyers are more than flyers - they have content! At least some of them were associated with a specific issue of Outworlds. Interesting. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Still working on fanthologies, today we've added "6 in 60", An Incomplete Look at 60 Years of Science Fiction Fandom in Chicago ..and beyond. Done for Chicon 2000, this fanthology edited by Marcy Lyn-Waitsman, has pieces by Bob Tucker, Bob Passavoy, Ross Pavlac, Phil Foglio and many more.

December 18, 2018
Five more issues of Lee Hoffman's Quandry today! Contributors include Walt Willis, Lin Carter, Bob Tucker, Bob Silverberg, Red Boggs, Shelby Vick, and need I list more? If you haven't read it, you should. These are from 1951. Find out why Quandry was a focal point fanzine. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Three more Outworlds  today, along with a couple of unusual items, like the Outworlds 1970 Egoboo Poll. Scanning by Mark Olson.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of December 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

December 17, 2018
We've uploaded another choice recording on our YouTube channel. During the filming of the "Demon With a Glass Hand" episode of Outer Limits, Harlan Ellison gave a talk about adapting science fiction for media. This was at the 1964 Worldcon, Pacificon II. Thanks to Jerome Scott, Director of Projects for SCIFI in LA, we have the audio. You can find it at it at: The first few minutes of the talk are missing. From the YouTube description: Harlan gives an engrossing talk (audio, enhanced with images) about writing for television and about how Hollywood works. The talk took place during the filming of the Outer Limits episode, "Demon With a Glass Hand", and Harlan speaks very frankly (including complaints) about his experience as the writer on the episode. Includes Harlan's reading of a scene as written, and as changed by management as well as discussion on the casting, the directing and the location. Embedded are photos of Harlan throughout his science fiction career." Enjoy! WARNING: Harlan uses some strong language in this talk.

As it happens, today we've uploaded a Harlan Ellison edited zine. It's Bulletin of the Cleveland Science Fiction Society 16  from 1952. This is the issue that was transitional between the Bulletin and Science Fantasy Bulletin. In fact, if you look at the last page of the zine, it's marked as "Science Fantasy Bulletin". Contributors include Lee Hoffman and Dave Kyle ("In Defense of My Fanhood"). Scans by Joe Siclari.

The NFFF has been the "entry point" into fandom for many fans. In the early 60s, they published Fandbooks  to provide fans with background education on the fannish community. Here are 4 of them -  . Scans by Joe Siclari.

December 15, 2018
Geri Sullivan has put together's first "Guided Walk" through some of our fannish publications. This is a new thing for us - kind of an online fanthology. Geri's piece is titled "Roadtripping with the Wheels of IF"  and will point you to some great fanwriting from the BNFs of Irish Fandom. It also includes personal letters and photos that will give you a feeling of what Wheels of IF were really like. See our splash page for more explanation. Thanks Geri!

Joe Siclari has been scanning more from Irish Fandom. Today's offerings are issue 50  of John Berry's Pot Pourri, and a "Burbee-type one-shot" for FAPA 69 done by Walt Willis in 1954 titled WAWCRHBSJWCATWCMWPMSSACW. Want to find out what that means? Follow the link. Thanks Joe!

Mark Olson has been scanning too. From his prolific scanner we have two more fanthologies. The first is from 1978, put out by Linda Bushyager, Tim Marion and Joyce Scrivner - Of Such Are Legends Made, V1.

The second is not your general fanthology. Edited by Ruth Berman, it's the SHsf Fanthology 3, a collection of writing on Sherlock Holmes from fanzines. Thanks Mark!

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the December issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George himself and Jon Swartz. Or rather, George sent us two PDFs. This months Tightbeam comes in two parts. Thanks George!

December 14, 2018
Collections and fanthologies have long been a popular way to share important fannish writing. We've had a few online for a while, like Terry Carr's Entropy  (1964). Today, we've added a few more for your reading pleasure. We have The Incompleat Terry Carr, edited by rich brown and Arnie Katz, published by Jerry Kaufman. We have The Portable Carl Brandon, eddited by Terry Carr and published by Jerry Kaufman. By the time you read this, I may have already added The Incomplete Burbee, Volume 2  edited Terry Carr and published by Jeff Schalles. More coming! Enjoy.

Thanks to Mark Olson, we have another Outworlds  issue today. It's issue 170, the last that Bill Bowers put out before his death. Another issue was in preparation when he died. This is a whopping 150 pages long, and begins with page 2571. Thanks Mark!

Thanks to Joe Siclari, we have 8 more issues of Lee Hoffman's focal point fanzine, Quandry. The new issues range from 6 to 26, and have contributors from the Wheels of IF, including James White and Walt Willis. You'll also find Harlan Ellison, Bob Silverberg, A. Vincent Clarke, Forrest J Ackerman, and F. Towner Laney! I'm very glad to have these up. Thanks Joe!

December 13, 2018
Thanks to Mark Olson, we have 2 more Outworlds  today. Issues 66 and 67 are from the 1990s, and publication dates were not as frequent. Thanks Mark!

It's been a while since we've uploaded more Cry of the Nameless. Today we have 14 more issues, ranging from early issues edited by G. M. Carr to issues from the 1960s edited by Wally Weber and the Busbys. There's material by Buz, by John Berry and others. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

December 12, 2018
Matthew Strait, archivist for the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, has sent us listings of the MinnStf fanzine archive. They are in our Bibliography  section, along with the Pavlat-Evans Fanzine Index, Ned Brooks' Fanzine Index, and the Fanzine Archive Collection. Thanks Matt!

We're starting to upload issues of Outworlds, edited by Bill Bowers. We begin with 4 issues from 1992-1993. Contributors include Bruce Pelz, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Bill Rotsler, John Giunta, Buck Coulson and many more. Outworlds was nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo in 1971 and 1974-77. It won the FAAN Award for Best Fanzine in 1975, 1976 and 1999. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Continuing with our 1930s theme, we have 3 issues of Science Fiction Progress  edited by Don Wollheim and John B. Michel. Issue 2 says "Published for the Committee for the Political Advancement of Science Fiction." John Michel is a name with which you may not be familiar. Read all about him in Fancyclopedia at Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

December 10, 2018
A few days ago, I reported that we put up Fanfare  issues 5 and 6. What I neglected to mention is that issue 6 was the Earl Singleton memorial issue. Earl wasn't really dead, but he had his roommate announce that he had committed suicide and fandom was in mourning. This fanzine was released before the deception became known. Read more about Earl at 

Thanks to Thomas Recktenwald, we have an additional 10 issues of Shards of Babel, a newszine from the Netherlands edited by Roelof Goudriaan. The issues are from 1991 - 1993. Thomas realized we were missing these issues, located them and sent the scans to us. Thank you, Thomas!

More Irish fanzines for you today. We have added facsimile issues of Hyphen 21  and Hyphen 36. Hyphen 36 was already up in part, having been retyped for years ago by Judy Bemis. The new facsimile issues were scanned by Joe Siclari.

We also added several issues of Richard Bergeron's Warhoon. Issues 6 and 7 are now online, with scanning by Joe Siclari.

Steam 16  by Ken Bulmer is uploaded today, with the announcement that Ron Bennett has been elected the 1958 TAFF delegate. Scan by Joe Siclari.

December 8, 2018
Dick Wilson was about 18 when he published The Convention Crier  in 1938. There's a little bit of everything here. Dick was a Futurian, and in 1940 had his first science fiction story published.

Tired of all the 1930s zines we're posting? Something more modern today. We have 5 issues of Gus Willmorth's Fantasy Advertiser  from the mid to late 1940s (and one from 1951). This haul includes the 1st two issues. There are articles, worldcon ads, and oh yes, book listings. Interested in a December 1932 Weird Tales for 75Âą ? I suspect the offer may have expired by now. Scans by Joe Siclari.

We also have Fanfare  issues 5 and 6. Issue 5 has a cover by Damon Knight. Issue 6 has articles by Bob Tucker, Milt Rothman and Doc Lowndes. Tucker's piece is on the financial matters of the Chicon, the 1940 worldcon. He contends that you don't need much money to put on a convention. Scans by Joe Siclari.

From September, 1980. we bring you the Noreascon Two Special Report  issue of Mike Glyer's File 770. Get a contemporary view of a great convention. It was great, but I was there toting a 6 week old baby, so I may have missed a few things. Scanning by Mark Olson.

Today, we added the December issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

December 5, 2018
From the late 70s and early 80s, today we have a dozen or so issues of The Whole Fanzine Catalog. This was from Brian Earl Brown in Michigan, and is full of contemporary fanzine reviews. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

From the 1940s, we have 2 more issues of The Sydney Futurian, issues 6 and 11. I'm not sure who the editor was for these issues - it was either Vol Molesworth or Graham Stone. Scanning by Joe Siclari. These newszines can really give you a feel for Australian fandom in the late 40s.

December 3, 2018
Are you feeling musical today? We have two fannish musicals, originally presented at Boskone in the 70s to share with you today. Scanned by Mark Olson, these were both written by Sue Anderson and Mark Keller. The earliest is Rivets Redux, a science fiction musical  from 1978, followed by The Decomposers Songbook or "Rivets Has Risen From the Grave"  from 1979. Both were illustrated by the late, lamented Stu Shiffman. There's also a playbill  from the Decomposers.

For your 1930s fix, we have the first issue (hecto!) of Fantasy Fiction Digest. This was done by Morris Scott Dollens, and appeared in September of 1936. There were only two issues. As you probably know, Dollens was an artist. Check out the 1930s art in this issue. It's very cool.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of John Thiel's latest Ionisphere. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George.

December 2, 2018
News of the 70s. News of the 70s in the UK to be specific. We've added 20 issues of Checkpoint, some edited by Peter Roberts and some by Darroll Pardoe. They range from 1971 to 1975. There are two trial issues, both labeled "Issue 0" from 1971. There are also a couple of issues of MI, a zine by Eric Bentcliffe that were distributed with Checkpoint. Those are in situ with the Checkpoint issues, and also can be found here - I think we're at 2,681 newszines now. You can find a chronological list here.

December 1, 2018
Smofcon is currently in progress in California, and so today we have some "new" Smofcon  photos for you. These however, are not from 2018, but from 1992 and Smofcon 9. Photos and scans by Mark Olson.

Everyone has heard of the Exclusion Act that occurred in 1939 at the 1st Worldcon, right? Here is a contemporary piece of commentary about it by one of the excluded. Check out Leslie Perri's "In your teeth, 'gentlemen'. Plus there are sketches. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Sticking with 1939, we have 4 new to us issues of Harry Warner's Spaceways. There's also now scan of issue 1  as a complement to the text version that has been on the site. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

November 30, 2018
Thanks to Frank Olynyk, we have added some photos of this year's World Fantasy Convention. You can find them here -  . Thanks, Frank!

More Irish publications. Joe Siclari has scanned 5 more issues of the OMPAzine Woz  done by Walt Willis. To round out the picture of Irish Fandom, we'll be adding some fanzines where the Wheels of If and their compatriots wrote frequent columns and articles.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #430 (7.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 28, 2018
Twenty-one (21!) newszines added today, all PSFS News or PSFS Bulletins. The earliest of these are from the 1930s (and hecto). The most recent are from 1992. There's some fascinating material here, including a special convention supplementary issue  for the 2nd US convention - the 1938 Philadelphia gathering.Scanning by Joe Siclari.

From Mark Olson's scanner, we have 7 more issues of Richard Bergeron's Warhoon. The issues range from 1960 to 1964. Issue 20  from 1964 has quite a lot of discussion about Walter Breen.

November 24, 2018
Our first offering today is another 1930s hectographed fanzine. It's Ted Dikty's Fantasy Digest, issue 4. This fanzine had 8 issues, running from 1939-1940. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Next, we have 9 issues of Richard Bergeron's Hugo winning fanzine, Warhoon. Warhoon won Best Fanzine in 1962, and was nominated a total of 3 times. It started life as a SAPSzine, then moved to FAPA. Contributors include Terry Carr, Bob Bloch, Harry Warner and Walt Willis. Page through yourself and find more (although these are some pretty fine contributors right here). Scans by Mark Olson.

I'm told you can tell a lot about a person by their signature. This is your chance to see a bunch of signatures from the attendees of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th worldcons. Morojo put together an autograph pamphlet as a fanzine, and today we've uploaded 3 issues complete with signatures, including those of Robert Heinlein and his wife Leslyn. Scanning by Joe Siclari. You can find Stephan the STFan here -

November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Joe Siclari has scanned some rare and fragile zines for today's update. We have 3 additional issues from 1944 and 1945 of Laney's Acolyte. The contributors are legendary. Here you'll find pieces by Fritz Leiber, H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, E. Hoffman Price, Tony Boucher, and others. If you love Lovecraft, this is the zine for you.

In the way of newszines, we have 3 issues of Ahrvid Engholm's Science Fiction Journalen, the longeset running Scandinavian newsletter. These are from 1989 and 1985. Scan by Mark Olson. This brings us up to 2,640 newszines.

We have a 30s addition today. Scan by Joe Siclari. This is the last issue of Fantasy Fiction Telegram  from 1938. It's from Bob Madle, Jack Baltadonis, Milt Rothman and Oswarld Train. This was done in hecto, and achieved some really nice color. Check it out.

Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we have 4 issues from 1966 of The Tolkien Journal. These issues were edited by Dick Plotz.

November 20, 2018
One of the Most Important Fanzines Every Published! Today, we added Donald Wollheim's defense on keeping staples in science fiction publications. There are two issues from 1935 of Wollheim's Polymorphaneucleated Leucocyte. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Keeping with the 30s theme of the day, you can now read issue 6  of Maurice Ingher's Science Fiction Digest. It leads off with a story by A. Merritt, and has material by Julie Schwartz, Forrest J Ackerman and Mort Weisinger. There's also an interview with Harry Bates, who later wrote "Farewell to the Master", the story basis of the film, "The Day The Earth Stood Still".

From 1999, we've added Shelby Vick's tribute to Hyphen, titled Hyphen 38. And now we've lost Shelby too.

For those that are keeping score, the lastest update on what the Fan History Project has been doing is online at There's information there not only about our online activities, but also the other things that FANAC has been doing to preserve fan history. Older updates can be found at

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of November 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

November 16, 2018
Adding to our convention publications today, we have 5 Progress Reports from Discon II, the 1974 Worldcon. You can see all the Discon publications at PR5, the Final Progress Report  is really a post-convention report, with a cover photograph taken from the masquerade. Scanning by Mark Olson.

November 15, 2018
More 30s goodness for you today. We have 3 issues of Corwin Stickney's Amateur Correspondent  from 1937. These are very cool, with names like E. Hoffman Price, Robert Bloch (fan fiction?) and Clark Ashton Smith. Scan by Joe Siclari.

For those who like more modern fan writing, say 1943, we have the first iteration up of our source page for those interested Retro Hugos. This is a work in progress and there are at least 20 more links that we'll be putting in, but it's there for your perusement at We're including links not only to materials, but to relevant fanzines from the University of Iowa collection  of Rusty Hevelin's fanzines, and from Bill Burns's efanzines. If you have materials that are not online, and are willing to scan them for us, or make them available for scanning, please let us know. The Retros will be better if interested parties can access the original materials. Thanks to Mark Olson and Joe Siclari for putting this together.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #429 (6.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 13, 2018
Ready for your dose of Irish fandom? We have 2 more issues of John Berry's Pot Pourri  today. These are issue 4 (1958) and issue 15 (1960). Pot Pourri was distributed through SAPS.

For those who think the 50s and 60s are too recent to count as fan history, we have issue 12 of Maurice Z. Ingher's fanzine Science Fiction Digest. This includes a chapter of Cosmos too. There are articles by Julie Schwartz, Mort Weisinger, 4sj and others. Very cool. Very old - it's from 1933.

We also have added issues 6 and 10 of the A series of Shangri L'Affaires, from Forry Ackerman. These are from 1941.

For your reference, there's also a useful bit of indexing done by Elinor Busby. It's an index  to the people in Laney's Ah! Sweet Idiocy!. Now you can ego scan for your favorite 40s LA fans. All scanning today by Joe Siclari, with Mark Olson contributing on the Pot Pourri. Thanks!

November 11, 2018
We're happy to have a new video up on YouTube for you. Well, it's from 1992, and it's about the early days of fandom. If you go to, you can watch Rusty Hevelin interviewing Art Widner about the early days of fandom. From the Youtube blurb: "The conversation ranges from the first fanzine (arguably published by Lovecraft) to the origins of FAPA to the Singleton suicide hoax. You'll hear about the perils of mimeography, the start of the Strangers Club and even learn the plural of YHOS. If you are interested in Fan History, here's your chance to get a personal view from someone who was there at the beginning. To read many of the fanzines discussed, go to FAFANAC.ORG." It's nice to hear Rusty's laugh again.

We have fanzines too. Today's have been scanned by Joe Siclari. First up, last issue of the Dietz(s)/Raybin fanzine, Ground Zero. This is the Detention issue, and includes Ted Johnstone's convention report.

Two more issues of Charlie Hornig's Fantasy Fan  have been added as well. These are from 1933/1934. As I said before, this is the fanzine that got the Charlie a job as editor of Wonder Stories. We added issues 2 and 16, and on the first page of issue 16, he notes his role as "Managing Editor: Wonder Stories". Why not. In 1933, Charlie was 17.

November 9, 2018
We've added a couple more LACon1 publications. Progress Report 3 has a great Tim Kirk cover. The hotel reservation card will give you pause. Room rates were $14/night for a single. You can find the pubs at

For a look at early fandom, we've put up the 1936 issue 4  of the Science Fiction Fan, a fanzine edited by Olon Wiggins. Donald Wollheim contributed FanFarade (see page 1), a column about fan doings. Sample: "A committee was formed to arrange the next and more pretentious gathering of all fans East of the Mississippi next year..."

November 8, 2018
Today we bring you news of the 1950s and 60s, and an interesting Worldcon program book from the 70s. First, thanks to scanning by Mark Olson, we have the L.A.Con 1 Program Book  from 1972. There are some interesting things here. For example, see Artists’ Interpretations of Frederik Pohl’s Works.

In the way of news, we have two titles represented. From 1954, there are 3 issues of Futurian Society News, the clubzine of the Futurian Society of Sydney. There’s also a 40th anniversary meeting publication  of the society. This newszine and the next are from the scanning of Joe Siclari.

Last but not least, we have 28 issues from 1959-1966 of Ron Bennett’s Skyrack, a regional newszine from Liverpool. Our newszine collection now has 2637 zines, with the early issues predating the first worldcon.

November 6, 2018
A couple of interesting newszines for you today, scanned by Joe Siclari. First, we have a February 1939 issue of The Futurian News, edited by John B. Michel. News for Futurians, by Futurians, before the first worldcon.

Next, we have two issues of the Rick Weiss fanzine, The Filking Times  from 1991. We don't have much filk related material on line yet, so this newszine is a welcome addition. Thanks for the newszines, Joe!

From the scanning of Mark Olson, we also have the Program Book from Discon II, the 1974 Worldcon. You can find it at Thanks Mark!

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, MT Void Vol. 37, No. 18, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

November 5, 2018
George Phillies sent us a PDF of the latest issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by George himself and Jon Swartz. Thanks George!

Today, we also added the November issue  of CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issue #427 (5.8 MB), and #428 (4.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 25, 2018
Some newszines, another musical, and an Irish fanzine for you today. First, the musical. Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we have for you Mik Ado About Nothing (Back to Rivets, Part 1). Written by Sue Anderson and Mark Keller, this was produced by the RISFA players, and performed at Boskone 14 (1977). Thanks Mark!

The Irish fanzine today is another issue of Pot Pourri, to wit, Pot Pourri 8. It's John Berry's SAPSzine, this one from August of 1959. Read your Irish zines! They are homework for worldcon (sort of). Scanning also by Mark Olson.

Joe Siclari has been scanning newszines. Today we have 8 more, across 3 titles, from 3 continents. First up, Bay Area News #3, from 1946. It opens with a discussion of the controversial "open letter to the NFFF".

Next, we have 2 regular and one special issue of the Merv Binns newsletter, Australian SF News.We've added the 1st issue, the 50th issue and the special issue  given away at Seacon in 1979. Headline? "Come and See The Largest Coathanger in the World!"

Finally, there are 2 issues of a Checkpoint  from England. These two were edited by Darroll Pardoe, and are from the mid-70s. Three titles. Three continents. Thanks Joe!

October 19, 2018
From the days of early fandom, thanks to Joe Siclari's scanning, we bring you today the complete run (4 issues) of Sully Roberd's Fantasy Fictioneer. This is from 1939-1940, and has the subheading, "Official organ of the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers, sponsors of the 1940 Chicago Science-Fiction Convention!". It has articles by Erle Korshak, Bob Tucker, 4sj, Don Wollheim and others. Conventions were still a very new thing for science fiction.

The rest of the materials on Discon I  are up now. Today's addition consists of 2 more progress reports, a hotel form, an art show form (from Bjo Trimble's Art Show Project!) and the Hugo ballot. They are here - Scanning by Mark Olson.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of October 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. I also managed to miss September while on vacation. That's up now too. Thanks George.

October 18, 2018
Three very different fanzine treats today, all scanned by Joe Siclari (and thanks, Joe!). First, for the Poul Anderson fans (and who amongst us is NOT a Poul Anderson fan?), we have Smorgasbord. He never pubbed any other issues of this fanzine, but here in issue 1, you will find poetry (including translations of old Norse poetry), and thoughtful articles. It's a fascinating look at some of the things Poul thought interesting.

Still on the west coast, we have the 1944 article by T. Bruce Yerke, Memoirs of a Superfluous Fan. This was intended to be in multiple parts, but he only completed part 1 of his life in fandom. If you want another view of what LASFS was like (besides Laney's tirades), check it out.

The last of the fanzine offerings today comes from 1934-35. We have two issues of Charlie Hornig's fanzine, The Fantasy Fan. This is amongst our oldest fanzines on line, and for me, it's the oldest fanzine we've scanned pubbed by someone I've known. This is the fanzine that got the young fan a job as editor of Wonder Stories. Number 18 is the last issue. Fantasy Fan was produced on a monthly basis for all 18 issues, regular as clockwork. Charlie was a nice guy, even when faced with being talked over by Julie Schwartz.

For your time travelling convention pleasure, today we have a batch of publications from the 1963 Worldcon, Discon I. Scanned by Mark Olson, you can see the Fan's Guide to Washington, the first 3 progress reports, and a fabulous Convention Annual, chock full of pictures and the occasional snarky comment in the photo key. Photos by the incomparable Jay Kay Klein. It's all to be found here - Check out the way cool photo of the Stopas on the back cover. Thanks Mark!

October 16, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #426 (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 14, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #424 (4.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the National Fantasy Fan Federation's latest Tightbeam. Thanks George!

Today, we also added the October issue  of CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 26,781 names in these listings.

October 10, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #425 (6.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. He also sent an updated subject index of all 425 issues. The index is at the top of the page Thanks Dale.

September 18, 2018
The Heicon  materials are all up now, including scans of receipts and such that you can find in the Heicon photo section. There are more Heicon photos here.

What comes after Heicon? Noreascon 1  of course. After all, it was the 1971 worldcon. We've started adding publications for N1, starting with 3 progress reports - More to come for N1 as we go forward. Scanning for Heicon and N1 by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

We've also added 3 more issues of Space Magazine. This was published by the American Rocketry Association but was a fanzine. First issue has 3 science fiction articles, including one by John W. Campbell. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Last but not least today, we have another musical. This is Galactic Gaieties 3  by Steve and Virginia Schultheis. There are a couple pages of comment up front, and the primary material starts afterward. This was performed at the Pittcon in 1960, with cast including Dave Kyle, Roger Sims, Lou Tabakow, and Wally Weber. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

September 15, 2018
Ireland and Germany for you today. Thanks to Mark Olson's scanning, we have the program book and some PRs from the Heicon, the 1970 worldcon held in Heidelberg, Germany. More to come and you can see them here -

Joe Siclari has scanned more Irish fanzines. You can find them all at Today we uploaded 1) the 8th edition of the Enchanted Duplicator, with the Dan Steffan illos, 2) The Harp Stateside  by Walt Willis, 3) Through Darkest Ireland with Knife Fork and Spoon  by Chuck Harris, 4) two issues of Ken Bulmer's Steam, 5)Inphantasmagoria, a one shot by Walt Willis and 6) The Enchantment, a 1989 trip report by Walt Willis. I have a particular fondness for that last. The Enchantment  was a trip report about Walt and Madeleine's trip to Tropicon VII, the only convention I ever chaired. I thought it was swell.

September 14, 2018
Lots of interesting material today, from YouTube, Worldcon, fanzine fandom and even a musical. Let's start with YouTube. Today's offering can be found at It's an audio interview of Lee and Barry Gold, enhanced with 35ish images. From the writeup: "Lee and Barry Gold tell stories about Los Angeles fandom and filking in the 1960s...there are charming anecdotes about Poul and Karen Anderson, LASFS, and a great story about Bruce Pelz and Ted Johnstone obtaining permission from John Myers Myers to print the Silverlock songs." If you're interested in filk, especially the history of filk, you'll like this.

The Worldcon entry today is courtesy of the scanning of Mark Olson. We've added PR4 and PR5 to the Noreascon 2 publications  list. Thanks Mark.

Mark has also been scanning more fanzines. He's sent us 4 more issues of Buz Busby's Cry of the Nameless. These are issues 155-158 from 1961-1962.

There's also issue 8  of Luna'  by Frank Dietz. Thanks Mark!

From Joe Siclari's scanner come more fine fanzines from Irish Fandom. Today, it's 4 additional issues of John Berry and ATom's Retribution  from from the late 1950s/early 1960s.

If you like parody zines and convention running, you should look at Sad3Party, a sideways look at convention planning. Better read an issue of Mad3Party  afterwards, lest you keep the wrong earworm. (Also from Joe.)

Today's musical is from 1961. Captain Future Meets Gilbert & Sullivan or Alas! Who Loves a Spaceman?  It was produced with a stellar West coast cast, including Bruce Pelz, Bjo Trimble, and Ron Ellik, and was written by Steve and Virginia Schultheis. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Anyone up for a revival?

September 11, 2018
Ever wish you had memories of the first Worldcon in 1939? Now you can relive the highlight by reading Sam Moskowitz's New Fandom. Issue 6 is virtually a proceedings of what went on, including speeches, attendee lists, finances and more. Not surprising since New Fandom was the organizer of the convention. Issue 7 is also online. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Today, thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we have another 5 issues of John Berry and ATom's Retribution. This batch include the last issue, #17.

We have another of Gus Willmorth's Fantasy Advertisers. This one is from 1947. You can find V2#3 at

September 9, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #423 (6.3 MB) and #66.3 (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. This batch completes the last of the archive issues. Thanks, Dale! We're looking forward to more new issues.

September 7, 2018
Worldcon 76  is over, and we are now anticipating Dublin 2019! To that end, we are focused on adding more publications from Irish Fandom. Today, thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, 5 issues (and an index) of Retribution, edited by John Berry and Arthur Thomson. Retribution was the official organ of the Goon Defective Agency, or G.D.A. The G.D.A. is probably the most famous fannishly mythological organization created in science fiction fan circles. There's artwork by ATom, articles by Walt Willis, Robert Bloch, Harry Warner and others, a speech by Poul Anderson, and above all, the doings of the legendary G.D.A.

Need a convention fix? How about a Worldcon fix? If the Worldcon you're faunching after was held in 1980, you're in luck. Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we have added three Noreascon Two  publications. The pubs are listed here at: You'll find the Memory Book, the Souvenir Book and Progress Report 3. Leslie Turek chaired Noreascon Two, and it was delightful.

Today, we also added the September issue  of CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl! Somehow, we had inexplicably failed to add all the issues from 2015 and 2016. My fault, and that's now been remedied.

September 6, 2018
More Cry of the Nameless!  Thanks to Mark Olson's scanning, we have 11 more issues of this important zine. I cannot imagine how much work it must have been to turn these out once a month. Just the production, collation, and mailing would have been brutal. Issues average about 50 pages each, and January 1960  was over 100 pages. Features writers like John Berry, Dean Grennell, Terry Carr, Harry Warner, rich brown, Art Rapp....

Still working on the newszines. Joe has scanned three more issue of early 90s Ansibles. Thanks Joe.

September 4, 2018
A real treat today. We have 8 issues from the beginning of the major period of Cry of the Nameless. Edited by Buz Busby, this fanzine began as a clubzine for the Seattle "Nameless Ones" club. Many of these issues have columns by John Berry, articles by Buz and/or Elinor Busby, Wally Weber, art by ATom, Terry Carr's column "Fandom Harvest", and more. Scanning of these issues (all from 1959) by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

For the Tucker fans amongst us (and who isn't?), we have 5 more issues of his fanzine Le Zombie. These are from the 40s. There are some interesting photos in issue 58 -- see them at Issue 55 has a list  of fans (and their ranks) in uniform. Remember, this was 1943. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Continuing our newszine focus, Joe has also scanned 6 more issues of the Australian newszine, Thyme. These are from the early 90s, and some include Merv Binn's Australian SF Newsletter. Thanks Joe!

September 2, 2018
Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we've added 14 issues of Shangri L'affaires, dating from 1962 to 1992, published by the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. Today's addition includes 4 from the "C" series and 10 from the "B" series. There's a lot of content here!

A couple of choice fanzines scanned by Joe Siclari. First, the Spring 1946 Acolyte 14, edited by Francis T. Laney and Sam Russell. It has a Rotsler cover, and an interesting mix of articles, poetry and reviews.

Second, is the very first issue of Granfalloon, edited by Linda Eyster (Linda Bushyager) and Suzanne Thompkins. This completes the run on FANAC.ORG of a focal zine of the time. Thanks to Linda Bushyager for supplying the copy, and to Joe Siclari for the scans.

Evelyn Leeper has sent us her report on the 2017 Philcon. Thanks Evelyn!

September 1, 2018
Rich Lynch sent us some photos of both LoneStarCon 3  and Sasquan. The Lonestar photos included a few taken of the baseball game that was played (indoors) in homage to the game played at the first Worldcon in 1939. Thanks Rich!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #422 (3.4 MB), #66.1 (5.3 MB), and #66B (4.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 31, 2018
Added the August issue  of CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #421 (5.2 MB), #65.5 (5.5 MB), and #66A of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 23, 2018
Gary Farber sent us a scan of Leonard Moffatt's 1950 Fan Directory, sponsored The Fantasy Foundation and The National Fantasy Fan Federation. You can find it here with other "Who's Who" publications - As you look through the pages, you realize how few fans there were. It's a proud and lonely thing. This is the first scanned pub from Gary. Thanks Gary! Looking forward to many more.

Worldcon is over and we have a whack of photos for you (where whack=100). These were taken by Rich Lynch, Mark Olson, Joe Siclari, Lisa Hayes and Edie Stern (me) and I suspect more are coming from others. Especially note the photos from our pictorial project "1000 Years of Fandom", started by Mark Olson. We actually captured 6707 years of fannish experience. You'll find them all at the Con Jose photo index, or just find Con Jose under Worldcons.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the latest issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George!

August 22, 2018
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of August 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

August 7, 2018
Today's unusual offering is fannish musicals. I've put together a new section for these at, and added John Pomeranz's Smoflahoma!, subtitled "The Discon III Memorial Musical Review". We've also linked to Midwestside Story, the musical written and produced by the Minnesota Science Fiction Society and performed at Minicon 12. Thanks Deny Lien and Matt Strait for making it possible!

More Niekas  today. Mark Olson has scanned for us issues 3 and 4 of Ed Meskys' important fanzine. Thanks Mark!

In the way of Irish fan publications, Joe Siclari has scanned a potful of Pot Pourri, John Berry's zine from the early 60s. We have 12 new issues, plus the index to the first 25 issues. Thanks Joe!

August 5, 2018
It's a YouTube day. Thanks to the Southern California Institute for Fan Interests (SCIFI), we've added a video of the Guest of Honor speeches from the 1984 Worldcon, LACon II. Fan Guest of Honor Dick Eney talks about his life outside of fandom (which is full of interesting anecdotes from his overseas experiences), and Gordy Dickson talks about his life, his mother, and the inspiration for his Childe cycle of stories. The last part of Gordy's speech is particularly poignant now. You can watch it on  or just search on our YouTube channel:

Filling in the fanzine blanks. Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we have added issue 5  of Ed Mesky's Niekas. This one has an article and artwork by Poul Anderson, and a reprint of a SAPSzine by Karen Anderson. Choice.

Mark also scanned the November 1946 issue  of Gus Wilmorth's Fantasy Advertiser. Contents by Forry Ackerman, Walt Leibscher, Walter Gillings, and Art Widner. Thanks Mark!

More newszines today. Newszines from Australia, the UK and the US, all scanned by Joe Siclari (thanks Joe!). We've added 28 of them. From Australia, we have issue 4  from 1948 of Vol Molesworth's Sydney Futurian. We also have 24 issues(!) of Graham Stone's Science Fiction News. These issues are from the 50s and 60s with one lone 1999 issue.

From Liverpool, we have issue 65  of Ron Bennett's Skyrack. This one is from 1964.

We have an April 1950 issues of Ron Friedman's Science Fiction Weekly. This title didn't last too long. Also, we've completed the set of Bob Tucker's Science Fiction Newsletter  with the addition of issue 26 and the supplements to issues 28 and 29.

August 4, 2018
Quite a few zines to tell you about today. Both Mark Olson and Joe Siclari have been scanning.

We have two issues of Bob Tucker's Le Zombie. Joe has scannied issues 57 and 60 from 1944-45. Issue 60  includes a proposed constitution for the NFFF.

We also have a newsletter from the NFFF  in it's early days. Joe has scanned Vol 5, No. 6  from September 1945 for your reading pleasure.

During Harlan Ellison's fannish days, he was indeed a fan editor. Check out Dimensions 14  from 1954, which includes an article by Fletcher Pratt on the Harold Shea novels. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Mark Olson has scanned a huge number of pages in 7 issues of Gus Wilmorth's Fantasy Advertiser. There's an article by Arthur C. Clarke taken from a paper he delivered to the British Interplanetary Society on page 15 of Vol 5, No 1.

From the UK also comes issue 2 of Archie Mercer's Anglofanac. Scan by Joe.

Finally, we have some choice offerings from Irish Fandom. All of these from the scanning of Joe Siclari.

--Two issues of Slant  by Walt Willis. Issues 5 & 6 to be precise.

--Two issues of Pot Pourri  by John Berry. Issues 30 and 31.

--The lovely The Goon Goes West  by John Berry.

August 2, 2018
Today's contribution to the fanzines of Irish Fandom  consists of 6 more issues of Walt Willis's Hyphen. Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we added issues 25-29 plus issue 22.

From the scanning of Mark Olson (thanks Mark!) we have 7 issues of Gus Wilmorth's Fantasy Advertiser, running from 1947 to 1952. We also have the continuation under a new name - Science Fiction Advertiser. Roy Squires edited some of that title. The titles say "Advertiser" but these are chock full of interesting articles, Example: Taking Science Fiction Seriously  by Reginald Bretnor.

We have one issue of a newszine, and it's a new title for as well. It's issue 2 of Graham England's Don't Panic  from 1979. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Some unusual Worldcon ephemera for you today. We have hotel cards and postcards from 3 different Worldcons, spread over 58 years. From the 1961 Worldcon, Seacon, comes this spiffy Hotel Postcard  and Reservation Card. This is old enough that it predates zip codes. From the 1965 Worldcon, Loncon II, this Hotel Reservation Card. Check the prices. And, from the 2019 Dublin worldcon, this attractive Postcard. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of John Thiel's latest Ionisphere. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #420 (8.1 MB), #65.1 (5.3 MB), and #65.3 (5.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 28, 2018
A varied collection of fannish material for you today.

First, I've set up a spot for proposed classifications  of fantasy and science fiction. There are two here so far, and there's at least one more that will be here eventually. Scanning by Mark Olson.

In the category of fanzines, we have several new offerings. From Andrew Porter, we have 12 issues of his fanzine Twentieth Century Unlimited. These were originally distributed in FAPA and scanning is by Mark Olson.

Today's progress in the way of Irish publications is in the form of two Walt Willis titles. We've added two issues of Woz, done for OMPA, and two issues of Pamphrey, done for FAPA. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Mark Olson also scanned the Summer 1964 issue  of Inside. This one is unique as it is combined with Riverside Quarterly. Sam McDonald has written a nice description of the name and editor changes from Inside  to Inside  and a summary will make its way onto the index pages shortly.

Lastly, another interesting item scanned by Mark Olson. This one is the IguanaCon Operations Manual  used by the operations staff at the 1978 Worldcon, IguanaCon.

July 27, 2018
We've added a convention report  by Evelyn Leeper on the 2013 Philcon. Thanks Evelyn!

The Shangri-LAs  are not all up yet, but we have added issue 17  from January 1950. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

For our continuing project to make available fanzines from Irish Fandom, we have for you today 2 more issues of Hyphen  (23-24) and 2 more issues of Slant  (2-3). Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #419 (7.6 MB), #64.5 (4.7 MB), and #65 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 24, 2018
Yesterday, we added more fannish video to the Youtube station. From the wilds of 1997, and thanks to the kind permission of Chairman Karen Meschke and of ALAMO (Austin Literary Arts Maintenance Organization), you can now see the 1997 Hugos, with the entertaining preamble by Toastmaster Neal Barrett, Jr. The video is up in two pieces at  and There are many departed friends (as well as many very much alive friends) here as award announcers and recipients. Among the luminaries are Pat Cadigan, Ellen Datlow, Gardner Dozois, GoH Don Maitz, Robert Silverberg, Michael Moorcock, Connie Willis (with at least one Harrison Ford joke), Algis Budrys and George RR Martin. If the links are too gnarly, you can do what I do. Just go to the channel and look. It's at 

Not all fannish publications fit into tidy categories of fanzines or con pubs. So we have organized a new category of unusual items, for things that don't fit in other places. You can find it at Our first entry is The Game of Fandom, from 1964, by Dian and Bruce Pelz, greatly expanded by Lee Gold. Here you can find the rules as well as the gameboard. There'll be more to come, and we may move some stuff around so don't be too surprised. Thanks to Lee Gold for her kind permission and to Mark Olson for the scanning.

Are graveyards your thing? Check out these newly uploaded Howard DeVore business cards. There are more on the previous page too, albeit not involving graveyards. Scans by Joe Siclari.

In our quest to make more Irish fan writing available, we have added our first issue of John Berry's Pot Pourri  from 1960. Hopefully more of these to come. We've also added a promo for This Goon For Hire. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Not Irish, but British. You can see the 3 issues of Walter Gillings' Cosmos, with pieces by Arthur C. Clarke, Judith Merrill, and others. Cosmos  only ran these 3 issues. Scan by Joe Siclari.

We're moving still on adding 1943 fanzines. Today it's Al Ashley's Nova. We've added issue 3. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Another zine of 1943 interest is the poetry zine Sappho. This zine from the early 40s was edited by Bill Watson and George Ebey. We've put up 4 issues. Scans by Joe Siclari.

From the 1950's we have 2 issues of Belle and Frank Dietz's Ground Zero. Want to know what the 1958 Disclave was like? Here's your chance on page 9  of issue 2. Scan by Joe Siclari.

Two more issues of Ron Smith's Inside  today, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson. These are issues 17 and 52 for those keeping track. We'll get an explanation of the numbering up soon. It's not completely intuitive.

July 19, 2018
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of July 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

I've been remiss in posting updates, even though we have been putting more material on the site. Here's what's new since the last update.

First, we posted 4 more issues of the Walt Willis zine, Hyphen. Those are issues 15-18, dated from 1955 - 1957. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Issue 3  of Jack Chalker's Mirage  is up. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Fanfare 1  is up, edited by Francis Paro. Fanfare  later had other editors, including Art Widner and Earl Singleton. I think this was also scanned by Joe.

Patty Peters sent us 6 photos of (mostly) Detroit fans at Fan Fair 3, in Toronto. Thanks Patty!

Joe also scanned issues 2-4 of New Frontiers  from the early 60s.

Mark Olson has been scanning Inside  (first series) and Inside  (second series). We've add 4 issues altogther, with 2 from each series. Thanks Mark! These are long zines. The second series is a decade later than the first and has a different editor.

July 14, 2018
Yesterday, we put up a new FANAC Update  newsletter. Today, we added some of the older newsletters so that inquiring minds can contemplate the changes in the website. You can find them at You might notice that there's a gap between the early newsletters and the later ones. The updates at that time went out to individuals via phone and email, and probably carrier pigeon. I think this is better.

Two more issues of Ron Smith's Inside  today, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson. These are issues 14 and 15 for those keeping track.

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF of his Perzine Rat Sass 9  which we have added to the Rat Sass index. Thanks Taral.

July 13, 2018
There's a new FANAC Update newsletter today. You may have received it via email. If not you can find it at If you did not receive the newsletter and would like to, you can get on our mailing list by filling in the form on the home page of

We have more from the scanning of Mark Olson today. We have 2 parts of The British Fanzine Bibliography  done in the 70s by Peter Roberts, covering fanzines from 1951 to 1970. Over time, we plan to corral other bibliographic efforts here as well.

There are also 4 more issues of Ron Smith's Inside. Thanks Mark!

July 10, 2018
Sorry all, but I screwed up yesterday and missed the fact that we already had a number of issues of Jane's Fighting Smofs  online. I've corralled them all in one directory now. The proper link is

July 9, 2018
A long update today, full of choice material.

Next year is the Dublin worldcon, and we're supporting it by putting some focus on Irish Fandom and the Wheels of If. We will be scanning as many classic Irish fanzines as possible, and making them available via a central webpage. We've started. The webpage is Irish Fandom Publications. You can see we've linked to zines like Hyphen, and are starting to add one-shots too. Towards that goal, today we've added the following zines (all scanning by Joe Siclari):

-- 6 more issues of Hyphen, issues 7-9, 10-11, 13-14

-- This Goon for Hire  by John Berry

-- The Thomson Saga  by John Berry

-- 7 issues of Toto, the Walt Willis reprint zine. There are also TOCs for the issues we don't have online yet. They're marked with "index only" in the comment section.

Added the July issue  of CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

Back to classic zines. Joe also scanned issue 3  of Fan Slants  from 1944, and 2 issues of Nick and Noreen Falasca's 1958 fanzine about (against?) WSFS Inc, Fandom's Burden, completing that run. He also scanned issue #1 of Bob Bloch & Bob Tucker's Science Fiction World  from 1955.

Two new fanzine titles today. We've added isse 6 and 7 of Luna', by Frank Dietz. This fanzine started life as Luna, and changed its name to Luna' with issue 6. There's also a completely different fanzine called Luna Monthly  by Ann Dietz. It's a little confusing, but there are far more confusing fannish naming practices in the world. Consistency has never been a preoccupation of faneds. Scans by Mark Olson.

The second title is Jane's Fighting Smofs, a fanzine dedicated to convention bidding by Jane and Scott Dennis from the 1980s. We have 3 issues up so far, with 2 from Mark's scanner and 1 from Joe's.

July 8, 2018
Four more issues today of Ron Smith's Inside. Issues 6-9 have been added, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson. Includes articles by Ross Rocklynne, Paul Blaisdell, and part of a story by Harlan Ellison among others. These issues are from 1954-1955.

With the addition of issues 7 and 8 of Edward Ludwig and Sam Sackett's Fantastic Worlds", we now have the complete run on line. These issues, and the rest of today's classic fanzines, were scanned by Joe Siclari.

We've upgraded our issue 40  of Julius Unger's Fantasy Fiction Field. We now have most of the photos that were distributed with the fanzine. This issue is a special Denvention issue, from 1941. Alas, some of the photos are faded now. Issue is courtesy of Andrew Porter.

Another newszine. Added the August 1973 issue  of Norstrilian News, produced by Robin Johnson. This issue announces that the Australia bid has won the right to host the Worldcon for 1975. Remember who chaired Aussiecon One? It was Robin Johnson.

And now for something quite different. We've added a photo album of The Cult. You can see it here - Scanning by Joe Siclari, and album courtesy of Andrew Porter.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #418 (8.3 MB), #63 (5.2 MB), and #64.3 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 6, 2018
More Hyphens  today. We've added issues 34 and 35, thanks to Joe Siclari's scanning prowess, along with issue 63 of Tucker's Le Zombie.

Mark Olson has been scanning too. We've added 4 issues of Ron Smith's Inside. It's from the 1950's and the first two issues have page counts over 50. Issue 3 has an article by William Nolan on Ray Bradbury, from the perspective of Bradbury's first 13 years in the field. Thanks for the scanning Mark!

More Shangri L'Affaires  today too. 11 issues of the B series from issue 18 to 52, almost all of them from the 1940s. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Joe also scanned 4 more issues of Ted White's Stellar. These are issues 9&10, 21 &22. Thanks Joe!

July 5, 2018
You can now read 4 more (facsimile) issues of the Walt Willis fanzine, Hyphen. Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, issues 2-5 are newly added.

Issue 4, C series, of Shangri L'Affaires  is online too. This issue, edited by Charles Lee Jackson II, is from 1987. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Ron Bennett's Skyrack  is represented today with the upload of issue 52 from 1963. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Two issues of James Taurasi's Fantasy Comics  added today. Issues 6 and 14 from 1953 have been uploaded. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Joe also scanned 6 issues of FMZ Digest, edited by Arthur Joquel II. These are from 1941.

Lest you think we've given up on the news, we've added issues 1 and 3 of STEF Headlines, edited by Walter Coslet. These cardzines are from 1951. There are also 3 issues of the Daily Dynamic, the newsletter for the 1958 Worldcon, Solacon. You can see all the pubs we have up for Solacon here - All scanning today by Joe Siclari.

July 2, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #417 (3.7 MB), #62.5A (5.5 MB), and #62.5B (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Catching up on the materials that Mark Olson has scanned, we have 4 titles represented today.

First, we have an issue of Fandom's Burden. This one is called Son of Fandom's Burden. It's a 1958 zine by Nick and Noreen Falasca, where they express their displeasure with WSFS, Inc.

Next, an issue of Wally Weber's SAPSzine, Key Hole  from 2001.

We also have 3 more issues (completing the run) of the Journal of Science Fiction, from the early 50s. This was the fanzine of the University of Chicago Science Fiction Club, edited by Lester Fried and Ed Wood.

Last, we have 3 issues of Fantastic Worlds, edited by Edward Ludwig or Sam Sackett. This is also from the early 50s.

Thanks Mark, for all the scanning!

June 28, 2018
Mark Olson and Joe Siclari have been scanning again.

Thanks to Joe, you can now find issues 11-16 of 4sj and Morojo's Voice of the Imagi-Nation  added to the list. These are issues from 1941, with some cool covers. You can also see issue 1 of Mel Brown's Fan Slants  from 1943, with articles by Laney, Daugherty and others.

Mark has been working on Abstract. We put up issues 7 and 8, which are 126 pages between them. Includes features by Bob Bloch, Dean Grennell, Harlan Ellison (*sigh*), Terry Carr and others. Thanks Mark.

June 24, 2018
A frothy bit of miscellany today for you. First, there's an additional issue of Bob Tucker's Le Zombie. It's #21.

We're also working on our 1943 fanzines. We have Beak Taylor's 8-Ball  from Canada, and Len Moffat's Asteroid. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

Not from 1943, but from 1941, we've added 4 issues of the A series of Shangri L'Affaires. This was an Ackerman/Morojo effort that was sometimes distributed inside Voice of the Imagi-Nation  aka VOM. Scanning (and more impressive, finding, these issues) by Joe Siclari.

Slightly later in time, we have the first 6 issues of Peter Vorzimer's Abstract. You'll find contributors here like Terry Carr, Dick Geis, Peter Graham and letter writers like Bob Bloch, Bob Tucker, and Dean Grennell. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Another of today's new titles is Ted White's Stellar. You can see 6 issues from the late 50s. Contributors include SaM, Robert Madle, and Dick Geis.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the latest issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George!

June 23, 2018
Feeling a lack of humor in the world? Try these. We have put up 4 more issues of Walt Willis's Hyphen. Joe Siclari has scanned issues 30-33.

We've also added a couple of Bob Tucker's Le Zombie. The new ones are issues 2 and 61. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

At last. FAPA 26 is completely up. This was a 461 page mailing. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks again, Mark. To pseudoquote Tom Purdom, FAPA is the internet of the time, but slow. This completes the 1943 FAPA issues. We're getting ready for the 2019 Retro Hugos which will cover material published in 1943.

June 22, 2018
Two treats today. First, we have put up the fabled fannish musical The Mimeo Man. The book is by Moshe Feder, lyrics by Moshe Feder, Debbie Notkin and Eli Cohen, and music by Meredith Wilson. I wish we had a video of one of the productions to show you. If anyone has one, please get in touch.

Second, we have a new YouTube piece. It's at This one is an audio of a conversation in the Philcon 2017 consuite between Tom Purdom and Chip Delany. From the Youtube description: "Chip Delany and Tom Purdom talk informally about their experiences in science fiction in this audio tape with images. You'll hear some startling stories about the Nebulas, and about writers such as Judy Merrill, Walter Miller, and Fred Pohl. Tom talks about his introduction to science fiction and fandom in the 50s, and the fannish equivalent of the internet. This is a low key, entertaining session, held in the Philcon con suite. It's an interesting take on how different fandom is for these two authors". There is some choppiness in the audiFAPA 26 o during the last 15 minutes.

More of FAPA 26  is online. The last of it is coming soon. Today, we also added the June issue  of CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of June 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #416 (4.8 MB), #62.1B (5.1 MB), and #62.3 (4.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 18, 2018
I hope there are some FAPA fans out there. FAPA 25, September 1943, is complete now. FAPA 26, December 1943 is well begun. FAPA 26 is over 400 pages long, so it may take a while. Included, and already are online are some interesting pieces. For example, Jack Speer's In Memoriam - Sprit of Foo Foo  and Art Widner's 54 page fanzine Fanfare 10. FAPA 25 and 26 were scanned by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

June 12, 2018
Most of FAPA 25, September 1943 is online now. Scanning by Mark Olson. More coming. This is R. D. Swisher's first issue as Official Editor.

June 11, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #415 (7.4 MB), #61.5 (5.2 MB), and #62.1A (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 4, 2018
Two more newszines today, with hot off-the-presses news from 1951 and 1952. These are two issues of Clyde Hanback's Stfanews. It only went for three issues. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

Joe also scanned the 1955 Bob Tucker Fan Survey. This was Bob's second fan survey. It asks not only demographic questions, but questions on religion, fan activity, and opinions on the future. Do you have what it takes to be an actifan in 1955? Read this survey and decide. Thanks Joe!

George Phillies sent us a PDF of John Thiel's latest Ionisphere. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George.

In preparation for this year's Worldcon in San Jose, we've added some of the daily newszines from Con Jose, the 2002 Worldcon. The pubs can be found at These are from the backlog, so I'm not sure who to thank for them.

May 30, 2018
Phew. Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we have FAPA 24  on line. This includes THE FIRST PUBLICATION of Lovecraft's "The Funghi From Yuggoth" Cycle by Bill Evans -

This June 1943 issue of FAPA was very large - with 35 zines under the covers, additionally including several Donald Wollheim zines, Doc Lowndes, Harry Warner Jr, Bob Tucker, Art Widner, Al Ashley, Jack Speer, Walt Liebscher, and the like.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #414 (6.0 MB), #61 (5.1 MB), and #61.3 (4.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 26, 2018
Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we have FAPA 23  on line. There are a couple of zines missing from the mailing, so if anyone has it and is willing to scan them for us, that would very welcome. We're working towards having 1943 material on line for the 2019 Retro Hugos. Thanks for the scanning Mark!

There are photos to brag on today too. Check out the SmofCon 11  photos that Mark scanned. This is the 1994 SmofCon. Hard to believe we're now up to 36.

May 24, 2018
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of May 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #413 (5.4 MB), #60 (5.2 MB), and #60.1 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 15, 2018
Interesting curiosities today, both listed under Fan Artifacts. First, a quote card which started in the 1950s, with signatures of some BNFs like Terry Carr and Lee Hoffman - Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Second, a prepublication solicitation by Hugo Gernsback (Hugo Gernsback!) for subscribers to his new magazine - Amazing Stories. Yes, this is a one page mailing (presumably to readers of other magazines) to encourage them to subscribe to a new kind of magazine - one that exclusively offered scientifiction stories. The first issue of Amazing Stories came out in April 1926. Scanning for this by Bill Burns. You can find it at

Thanks Joe and Bill! Special thanks to the Merrill Collection for allowing us to photograph the Gernsback material.

May 14, 2018
Our thanks to Lee Breakiron for providing the missing pages of Acolyte 11! When you're seeking missing pages for a 1945 fanzine, there are not many folks that can help. But, with Lee's help, now it's online in all its glory. Thanks Lee!

We've added some of Mark Olson's 1994 Armadillocon  photos. There's a great shot of fans engaged in bat-watching, and there's one (somewhat hard to see I fear) shot of the bats themselves. Thanks Mark!

May 12, 2018
Some photos and more convention pubs, all thanks to Mark Olson's scanning.

First, we have 17 photos from Armadillocon 9, 1987. Lots of great dead dog photos here.

Next, we have a slew of convention publications from Noreascon III. You'll find all the PRs, the souvenir book, the memory book and the ballots. The site selection ballot  includes the excruciatingly painful bidder's questionnaire that was given to the Orlando and the DC bids. This later gave rise to the 'tar and feather' ceremony for the originator of the questionnaire at MagiCon. As you all may know, Mark Olson was the chair of Noreascon III.

May 11, 2018
We've added issues 19 and 20 of Linda Bushyager's Granfalloon  to the site. Scanning is courtesy of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

May 10, 2018
Working some of the scanned materials backlog, and today we have a slew of interesting materials from the 1962 worldcon, Chicon III. You can find a list of the publications at  and it includes such interesting items as the photo filled convention annual, put together by Jay Kay Klein, the Progress Reports, several of which have articles about Theodore Sturgeon, and the invitation to a special reception for Walt and Madeline Willis. Great stuff. Scanning courtesy of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

May 8, 2018
Added the April and May issues of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #412 (1.6 MB), #58.1 (5.3 MB), #58.3 (4.8 MB), and #58.5 (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 1, 2018
We've added 18 photos from the collection of Edie Stern and Joe Siclari, from 1979 to 1983. Most of these are of the South Florida fan group, with a few from Disclave and Lunacon in 1979. We were very young, all of us. You can see the Florida photos at here  and here. For the Disclave and Lunacon photos, look under those conventions on Joe, thanks for scanning and identifying everyone!

April 28, 2018
We've uploaded another Worldcon recording to Youtube today. Thanks to SCIFI, we have the Hugo and special tributes presentation at the 1984 Worldcon, LAcon II. From the Youtube writeup - "Toastmaster Robert Bloch's introductory remarks are tantamount to standup comedy, and the video also includes several special and moving tributes along with the Hugos. The first tribute is presented by Robert Silverberg and Harlan Ellison to fan and editor Larry Shaw (who died within the next year) and the second to Robert Bloch himself. There's also some fun with Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle on stage having to do with a rocket shaped object." You can find it at 

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #411 (7.6 MB), #57 (2.6 MB), and #58 (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

April 27, 2018
George Phillies sent us a PDF of the latest issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George!

April 26, 2018
Two more issues of Linda Bushyager's Granfalloon. You can now find issues 15 and 18 line, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson.

The full set of MagiCon bookmarks, with original illustrations and short short stories is online at Scanning by Joe Siclari. These were an entertaining bit of worldcon bidding, with a heavy emphasis on Florida writers and artists. Full disclosure - I was part of the bid committee.

April 21, 2018
Thanks to John Bray, we've added the pubs from the 2018 Eastercon, Follycon. You can find them here:  . Thanks John!

April 19, 2018
More convention materials and fanzines. All scanning to day by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

In the way of fanzines, we have added issue 66  of Bob Tucker's Le Zombie  and issue 14  of Linda Bushyager's Granfalloon.

For worldcon publications, we have added a couple of Noreascon 2 progress reports. Noreascon 2  of course was the 1980 worldcon.

For other conventions, we have added the program book from ChattaCon 5, the 1980 ChattaCon. We've also added the program preview for Odyssey, the 2010 Eastercon. This last was from John Bray. Thanks guys!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #410 (4.4 MB), #56.1 (5.3 MB), and #56.3 (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

April 18, 2018
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of April 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

A miscellaneous set of changes today, all thanks to scanning by Mark Olson. First, we've added issue 12  of Linda Bushyager's Granfalloon.

Second, we have the Pocket Program and PR0 from the 2nd NASFiC, North Americon.

Lastly, there's a Report From the Chairmen  of Baycon, the 1968 Worldcon. Thanks Mark!

April 12, 2018
More convention pubs thanks to Geri Sullivan. Today we've added the Souvenir Books from Renovation and Noreascon 4. You can find them with the Noreascon  and Renovation pubs. Thanks Geri!

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (14.5 MB) of his Perzine Rat Sass 8  which we have added to the Rat Sass index. Thanks Taral.

April 6, 2018
Joe Siclari has combed through the rest of the 1942 fanzines we can access, and has provided a list of the letters and articles written by the 1942 Retro Fan Writer candidates. It's all up now and you can find it at The links to other sites will bring you to the first page of the fanzine. The links to hosted fanzines will bring you directly to the article or letter. Thanks Joe!

Mark Olson has done another mammoth scanning job, this time on the Souvenir Book from the Worldcon he chaired. You can find all 190+ pages of the 1989 Noreascon 3 Souvenir Book at Thanks Mark!

Theodore Krulik has sent us a few photos from the 2002 I-Con. They are at Thanks, Ted!

Added the March issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

April 5, 2018
Ok guys, the Retro Hugo fan candidates have been named. With the help of Jack Weaver ('s Webmaster for the first 20 years}, we are putting a good list of reading materials together for your consideration. Go to  for the list. What's novel here? We're pulling out individual articles and letters written by the Fan Writer nominees and giving you links. We're also giving you links to fanzines on other sites. This is a lot of work, so I sure hope you guys are taking advantage of it.

Mark Olson has been scanning convention materials. Check out the 145 page Denvention 2 Program Book. Thanks Mark!

April 1, 2018
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of John Thiel's Ionisphere. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George.

John Bray has sent us material on Conine, a UK convention held in 1988. Here you'll find a number of publications on the convention. Thanks John!

March 29, 2018
More bounty from SCIFI, thanks to Jerome Scott (Director of Projects for SCIFI in LA)! We've put up another talk from the 1964 worldcon. Fritz Leiber speaks on "Monsters and Monster Lovers". This talk starts lightly but ends up seriously (and gets what sounds like a standing ovation from the crowd). From the Youtube blurb: "In this interesting audio with images, Fritz Leiber speaks eloquently about his favorite literary monsters (from Yog Sothoth to the forest in Peer Gynt), the relationship of science fiction to traditional monsters, why we are drawn to these characters, and on horror in a time of war. The first 10 minutes or so are a loving listing of characters, and the meat of the talk starts after that." 

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #409 (4.0 MB), #55.5 (5.3 MB), and #56 (5.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 25, 2018
A (very) belated thank you to Sam McDonald for providing the list of 1942 fanzines available from the Rusty Hevelin collection. With the list of fanzines published in 1942 generated by Joe Siclari and the software support of Mark Olson, we used that to put up this list for Retro Hugo nominators - Thank you Sam. Sorry the appreciation comes so late.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of March 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. He's also sent us a PDF of the latest issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #408 (2.7 MB), #55 (5.1 MB), #55.1 (5.5 MB), and #55.2 (3.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 13, 2018
I know it's a little late, but we now have a page of 1942 fanzines for the Retro nominations with individual issue links, not only to FANAC.ORG, but to other sites if they have them and we don't. It would have been up earlier, but we lost power in the storms (NY) and didn't get it back for 9 days. Listing of the fanzines by Joe Siclari and software for the integrated list by Mark Olson. Thanks guys!

Something different for you on Youtube. Thanks to the technical wizardry of David Dyer-Bennet and Video Archeology, we have a brief MAC clip of the awards being presented for the masquerade. It's under 8 minutes and shows all the winners, including some very beautiful costumes and a most impressive Martian. You'll also see presenters Sally Rand and Bruce Pelz, and some snappy footwork by Filthy Pierre. It's at  .

More photos coming from Ted Krulik. Here are a few from I-CON 20  in 2001. Thanks Ted!

March 12, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #407 (6.0 MB), #54.3 (5.3 MB), and #54.5 (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 1, 2018
Helsinki Worldcon photos today. We have uploaded the rest of Frank Olynyk's photos, and you can find them all at Note that there's a change of directory since yesterday. Use this new link. There are 123 photos altogether, including a number of folk that don't normally come to US conventions. Thanks Frank!

February 28, 2018
Mostly photos today, and one fanzine. First, the fanzine comes courtesy of Kirby Bartlett-Sloan. It's an issue of Arkfandom, a 1977 clubzine by Margaret Middleton. I understand that this started out as a clubzine for two Little Rock clubs - The Little Rock Science Fiction Society and Fantasy Fellowship. We'll have more issues coming up soon. Thanks Kirby!

There are a couple of photos from Kirby as well. These are from Illinois fandom. Perhaps there will be more of these too.

From Balticon 40  in 2006, we have half a dozen photos from Ted Krulik. Thanks Ted!

Last but not least, we're starting to upload photos from this year's worldcon in Helsinki. You can see 45 photos from the autograph sessions taken by Frank Olynyk here - Also more to come. Thanks Frank!

February 26, 2018
We've added some photos and some seriously old fanzines. Ted Krulik has provided us another 10 photos, this time from Noreason 4. We also have new art related photos  from Loncon 3, received from artist Maurizio Manzieri. Thanks all!

For our old fanzines, we have two titles today. First, David Ritter has scanned 4 more issues of Allen Glasser's 1930 fanzine, The Planet. Thanks for sharing David!

An old motto of the LASFS is said to be "Even Death Will Not Release You" (or at least that's what Laney said). It's true of the fanzines too apparently, as they are still worth reading. Even if you're not a LASFS member, you might want to check out these 8 newly scanned issues of Shangri L'Affaires. In these issues (13-17, 32, 51), you'll find Frank Robinson, F.T. Laney, Charles Burbee and more. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.

February 23, 2018
It's another Youtube day. Today we have uploaded a 35 minute audio clip (with images)of both Hugo Awards and two Guest of Honor speeches from the 1964 worldcon, Pacificon II. The Guests of Honor were Leigh Brackett and Ed Hamilton. The tape is brought to us by SCIFI, specifically by Jerome Scott, Director of Projects for SCIFI in LA. From the Youtube intro: Toastmaster Tony Boucher awards the Hugos (in under 7 minutes!), and Guests of Honor Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton give their speeches. It's great fun; Tony Boucher is witty and thoughtful, Leigh Brackett is open and sincere, and Ed Hamilton is surprisingly funny, with anecdotes and personal reminiscences. Learn the secret of the Boys Club of Science Fiction. Hear the tale of throwing a body out of a spaceship near Saturn. Get a real understanding of what it feels like to sell your first story." Of Ed Hamilton, Tony Boucher says, "No one has ever destroyed so many suns so well." You can find it at

More photos from Ted Krulik. He's provided 16 photos split between Lonestar  (1997) and the Milennium Philcon (2001). Thanks Ted!

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the latest issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George.

February 20, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #406 (5.0 MB), #53.1B (5.4 MB), and #54 (4.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

February 13, 2018
Back to 1976. There's another video from the 1976 Worldcon, Big MAC at  . This short (20 minute) talk is Jim Gunn's "Fifty Amazing, Astounding, Wonderful Years". From the Youtube blurb: (1976) "was also the 50th anniversary of the first science fiction magazine. In this video, Professor Gunn talks about the impact of the magazines on science fiction and the creation of fandom. There's also an entertaining description of the responses of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne to each other, a brief account of how to create a science fiction writer, and a sense of what the field was like in the early days, all delivered with charming wit. This essay later appeared in Gunn's "Inside Science Fiction", published by Scarecrow Press. (1992)." Thanks again to Video Archeology.

More photos. We've added the beginnings of an album for photos from the collection of Mark Hickman. Mark has photos of his own plus those of his father, Lynn, that go back for many years. Thanks Mark! And thanks to Joe Siclari for scanning.

Plus there are a few photos  from Bill and Mary Burns' party in 2014. There are some additional Suncon shots  too.

From 1942, we've added a letter  from Harry Warner, Jr. about the end of Spaceways. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

February 11, 2018
We've added an album for photos taken by Theodore Krulik. This is the the first small batch, and there are others being added to the appropriate convention photo pages. We've had some photos from Ted for different Readercons  and one from the 2000 Lunacon  so far. Thanks Ted! Great photos.

Added a 1987 issue of Pete Presford's UK newszine, Scantle. "Send your scandle for 'Scantle' ". Don't get too excited; not much scandal here.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #405 (5.7 MB), #52.5 (5.1 MB), and #53 (4.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

February 10, 2018
Today, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, you can immerse yourself in Pittcon, the 1960 Worldcon. We've added the Hugo nomination and voting ballots, 3 Progress Reports and best of all, Jay Kay Klein's Con Annual. This has 158 photos, with identifications. The key to the photos is in one section, and the photos are in another. You'll figure it out. The pubs for Pittcon can be found here - Thanks Mark!

More of jan finder's Spang Blah. Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we've added 5 issues from the 1970s. Jan was in Italy for some of these. In prep for your 2019 Worldcon in Dublin, you might want to read Bob Shaw's Tyme Travel Talk here  in issue 20.

February 7, 2018
Whoo-hoo! We've completed the run of Walter Gillings's Fantasy Review. Issue 17, added today, has articles such as the one introduced by "THOMAS SHERIDAN tells the romantic life story of shy JACK WILLIAMSON, who might have been a cowboy but instead became a Space-Time Ranger". Love it.

More European news, this time from the 1980s. We've added 7 issues of Roelof Goudriaan's Shards of Babel, including 5 issues co-edited with Lynne Ann Morse. Issue 16  includes the SweCon85 Progress Report. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

From 1943, we've an issue J. Michael Rosenblum's Futurian War Digest. He kept this up all during the war, with amazing regularity despite the British paper shortages. We've included the zines that were bundled with it. His Booklist, Terry Overton's Galaxy, and Ron Holmes Review Section. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Taral sent us Forgotten Toys. Is it issue 51 of Broken Toys? Maybe. Thank you Taral.

Added the February issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks Leybl!

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the February 2018 issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George.

Today's Granfalloon  is number 11. Thanks to Mark Olson for scanning.

February 6, 2018
Today's newszines are from the UK. We have 4 issues of Fred Robinson's Straight Up  from 1952. Page 2 of issue 3  for instance, has letters from the late and lamented Wheels of If - Bob Shaw, Walt Willis and James White. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Today's Granfalloon  is number 10. Thanks to Mark Olson for scanning.

February 5, 2018
It's another newszine-rich day, with 14 more added. All scanning by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted. First, we've added another 1950 issue of Ronald Friedman's SF Weekly. "All the News while it's News".

The reason that SF Weekly  is marked II is that there was a I. Today we've added 6 issues, a hoaxzine and an introductory letter for Doc Lowndes's Science Fiction Weekly  from 1940. The hoax is called "Science Fiction Weakly" and was an April 1 publication. Headline: Sykora Stubs Toe!

From Australia, we've added 7 issues of Vol Molesworth's newszineThe Sydney Futurian. These are all from 1947 and 1948 and is a newsletter of the Futurian Society of Sydney. If you're wondering what life was like then and there, the price for Americans is one prozine in exchange for 6 issues of the zine (and "Exchange

We've added 4 issues of 1942 Le Zombies  for your Retro research. Scanning thanks to Keith Stokes.

Today's Granfalloon  is number 9. Thanks to Mark Olson for scanning.

Mea culpa. Two errors to report. Yesterday, I mentioned adding the April 1950 issue of SF Weekly, edited by Ronald Friedman. It's really "Science Fiction Weekly" not "SF Weekly". The webpage has been fixed. Joe has an eagle eye.

Also, I had added the Phil Bronson zine Scienti-Comics. My error. It was already on our site with two issues scanned by Tom Veal almost ten years ago. I've removed the duplicate pages. Sorry for any confusion.

February 4, 2018
A strangely mixed bag for you this evening, with items from 5 decades of fandom. All scanning by Joe Siclari unless otherwise indicated. (Thanks Joe!) First, 3 issues of Sam Moskowitz's Helios. These

Next up is an issue of Walter Gillings British Scientifiction Fantasy Review  from 1938. It includes an article by Arthur C. Clarke on "Science Fiction for Beginners".

Moving along to 1940, we have the first issue of Phil Bronson's Scienti-Comics. It's exactly what the name would imply. This is starting to fade. As we put these old fanzines online, it really feels like a rescue mission for some of them.

Merry belated New Years. Here's your 1946 Greetings Gazette  from Walt Dunkelberger's Fanews. Best wishes from Dunk and Lorraine, Forry Ackerman and others.

Getting our first newszine fix, we've added the April 1950 issue of SF Weekly, edited by Ronald Friedman. It starts with what happened at a gathering when it was announced that L. Ron Hubbard had just had a baby.

Another version of Fanspeak  is up too. This one is from 1951, and was one of the welcome leaflets from the NFFF. It was edited by Bill Venable, with appreciations to Art Rapp.

Getting our 2nd newszine fix, we've added 2 issues of Harvey Inman's Fantasy Fiction Field  from 1963. This was the second series of the zine founded by Julius Unger.

And finally, the 70s. Today's Granfalloon  is number 17. Thanks to Mark Olson for scanning.

February 3, 2018
Retro stuff: Today we've uploaded Joe Siclari's list of 1942 fanzines with notations as to which are eligible for Best Fanzine. The PDF is here- Our plan is to make this linkable so you can go from the full list directly to the fanzines. Watch this space.

Today's Granfalloon  is number 13. Thanks to Mark Olson for scanning.

February 2, 2018
More photos today. First, a correction. Yesterday's Roc*Kon 3 photos are from 1979, not 1978. Thanks to Kirby Bartlett-Sloan for the photos and the corrections.

We've added another set of 30ish photos from the Gil Gaier album. These are photos by Gil that were scanned by Patty Peters. Included are a couple of great photos of Patrick Hayden and of Patty Peters. There's a very fine photo of Mal Edwards  too.

Some miscellaneous fanzines today, including 3 issues of 1942 publication (and a couple more from 1943). We've added the March 1975 issue  of jan finder's Spang Blah, along with issue 8  of Linda Bushyager's Granfalloon. Scanning for Spang Blah by Joe Siclari, and for Granfalloon by Mark Olson. We've also added the latest issue of John Thiel's Ionisphere. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks!

The older fanzines today are VOMs. There are 3 issues from 1942, and 2 from 1943, along with a few supplements. Alas one of the 1943 issues is partial, with only a few pages online. We'll keep lookng for the remainder.

February 1, 2018
Thanks to Kirby Barlett-Sloan, we have photos of Roc*Kon 3, from 1978. There are Klingons, there is filking, and a car with an admirable license plate. Thanks Kirby! We look forward to more Roc*Kon photos.

Today's newszines (this will stop at some point): we've added 18 more issues of Walt Dunkelberger's Fanews Newsletters. This includes the second 2nd annual issue, this one dedicated to Earl Kay, after a briefer one so marked earlier in the year. Earl Kay was co-editor until he was killed in the war. There's also a 4 page Pacificon supplement (1947). There are issues from 1945-1948 represented, and scanning is by Joe Siclari.

January 31, 2018
All scanning today by Joe Siclari, except where otherwise noted.

We have a new update for FANAC.ORG. If you're not on our mailing list (and why aren't you on our list?) you can find it here - Just to throw some numbers are you. we have reached 50,000 pages of fan material online, over 2500 newszine issues and more than 33,000 views on our Youtube channel. Round numbers and lots of zeros. Help us keep it going.

Retro Hugo materials: We've added two more of Harry Warner, Jr.'s Spaceways, although one is from 1941. There were continuations from it into the 1942 first issue so it seemed like a good idea to add it now. We've also added issue 9  of Art Widner's Fanfare. As always, all Retro candidates on the site can be found here - 

Added issue 7 of Linda Bushyager's Granfalloon. Sample titillating article in that issue - "Ravished - Piers Anthony Reviews Dick Geis's latest sex novel". Scanning by Mark Olson.

Last but not least, 21 more newszines. We've added a slew of 1946 and 1947 issues of Walt Dunkelberger's FANEWS newsletters. There's an HG Wells obituary, there are reports of fan gatherings, and there are anecdotes. My favorite is in issue 278. It's about Tigrina's experience on the show "Queen for a Day". The part I liked best is the intro - "In keeping with the plan for LASFS members to get on all the radio quiz shows and split the profits with the LASFS, Memorial Day found Tigrina on the "Queen for a Day" program..."

January 30, 2018
All scanning today by Joe Siclari.

More Retro Hugo material today. We've added two more 1942 fanzines. First, we've added VOM22  from October 1942.

We've also added Space Tales 4  from July 1942. BTW, Space Tales is listed as a 1941 fanzine in the Pavlat Evans index. However, internal evidence in multiple places in the zine puts it as a 1942 publication.

26 newszines added from 1945-1946. These are issues of the Fanews  newsletters. As you may know, the zine was also published in card form. You can find all the issues listed in one place whether they are cards or newsletters. For that look here

January 29, 2018
Many thanks to Sam McDonald for scanned material, background information, and for very useful recommendations. Today, thanks to Sam, we've put up issue 58 of STEFNEWS, and thereby completed the run.

Sam sent us Retro Hugo materials too. We have 3 1942 issues of Bonfire, and 2 more 1942 issues of Shangri L'Affaries, along with a 1941 issue -

When we put up VOM 21  a few days ago, we asked for help with the photo index. IT was there all the time. Sam pointed out that the key to the cover photos can be found on page 3.

Speaking of photos, we've put up another 100 or so of Gil Gaier's photos and you can see them here - Patricia Peters scanned them all and provided them to us. Thank you Patty!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #404 (7.3 MB), #51.5B (5.3 MB), and #52 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 28, 2018
Now that we've scanned as many issues of Niekas  as we can, Mark Olson has started scanning issues of Linda Bushyager and Suzanne Thompkins' Granfalloon. We have 5 issues from the late 60s up so far. Thanks Mark!

Added the January issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thaks Leybl!

January 24, 2018
Confiction  was more than 27 years ago. But thanks to Thomas Recktenwald, you can listen to the Guest of Honor speeches and a few panels. You can find them here - There will be a few more coming too. Thanks Thomas! Some or all of these may end up on Youtube with appropriate image accompaniment, but there are so many great audio tapes that we're putting them on FANAC.ORG as we can rather than wait till they're all tricked out for Youtube.

Ok, the December 1942 FAPA mailing  is entirely online. 235 pages, all scanned by Mark Olson.

January 23, 2018
The December 1942 FAPA mailing  is mostly online now. This is a vast mailing, and many thanks to Mark Olson for the scanning. These are part of our Retro Hugo efforts so that you can nominate and vote with knowledge. You can always see what he have for the Retros at

We've put up about 70 of Gil Gaier's photos and you can see them here - These are identified photos, and as we start to put up the unidentified photos, we'll be asking for your help to get the right names on the right faces. Patricia Peters scanned them all and provided them to us. Thank you Patty! These are great.

January 22, 2018
Lots of material today, both for the Retro Hugos and for the news junkies among you.

First, Mark Olson has scanned the last of the Ed Mesky Niekas  that we have. If you have issues that are not online, please let us know (especially if you are willing to scan or loan them!).

Next, Mark has also scanned another 1942 issue of FAPA. You can find the September issue there now, with more by Jack Speer, Art Widner, Russell Chauvenet and others. All this is reflected in the listing of materials available for those considering Retro nominations. You can find it all here - Thanks Mark - that's an enormous effort.

And for the folks eager to know what happened in the 40s, we have an additional 52 issues of Fanews. To make it easier to read, I've broken them up into newsletters and cardzines. All the issues are in the index here - FanewsCard/  but if you click on a newsletter you'll find yourself with the newsletter index and need to click on a FanewsCard link to get back. The advantage is that you can easily click through from card to card without getting bogged down in a 10 page newsletter. Actual coherent explanation will be posted on the relevant pages soon. This herculean scanning effort provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

January 21, 2018
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #403 (5.4 MB), #51.1A (5.2 MB), and #51.5A (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 19, 2018
It's Youtube time again. Today, we've uploaded a 1996 interview of Forry Ackerman by Richard Lynch. Forry talks about the beginnings of "Famous Monsters of Filmland" and Vampirella, and about the man behind the Big Heart award, E. Everett Evans. There's a very sweet anecdote about Dr. David Keller, and lots of talk of film cameos, along with world class name dropping. What else would you expect from the man who won the first fan Hugo, for #1 Fan. It's an audio recording, enhanced with more than 50 images and you can find it at

Some random and not so random fanzines uploaded today. Mark Olson has scanned another one of Ed Meskys' Niekas. It's #15. Thanks Mark. Joe Siclari has added a flock of fanzines today. First, we've uploaded Speculation 21, edited by Pete Weston.

Joe has been scanning many 1942 and 1943 zines in preparation for the Retro Hugos. Today from 1942, we've added two issues of Larry Shaw's Leprechaun  and two issues of VOM. VOM (Voice of the Imagi-Nation) was edited by Forry Ackerman and Morojo, and has letters from folks like Ted Carnell, Harry Warner, Jr., Art Widner, and Milt Rothman. Issue 21  has a great cover made up of fan photos. Our page 2 is blank. If anyone has a page 2 with (maybe) a key to the photos, please let us know. Remember, you can always find a directory of candidate retro materials at

From 1943, Joe has scanned an issue of Phil Bronson and Walt Daugherty's Fantasite. Contributors include Ross Rocklynne, Carl Jacobi, Gordon Dickson, and Bob Tucker. This is 1943. Gordy's first published story was 1950.

January 17, 2018
Retro Hugo nominations will be open soon. We're putting materials up on so you can have as much grist for your Hugo mill as possible. You can always see what we have available by looking at our Retro Hugo candidate materials  page. Lots of good stuff, and more everyday.

Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, today we've added another external criticism  of Claude Degler's Cosmic Circle, this one by Larry Shaw as well as more Shangri L'Affaires, with 4 more issues from the 40s. We've also added issue 17  of Sanders, and the first two issues of Bill Kroll's Scientifantasy, completing the run. If you're yearning for some news of Australia, there are also 6 more issues of Roger Weddall's Thyme  from the mid80s.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of January 2018's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

January 10, 2018
Many new pages added since the last update. All scanning by Joe Siclari unless otherwise noted. Thanks Joe! That's a LOT of scanning. First in the way of newszines, we have Nebula V2, #3  from July, 1942, edited by Rusty Barron, better known to us youngsters as Rusty Hevelin. We also have issue 1 of Newfangles  by Don and Maggie Thompson.

On the non-newszine side, we have issue 6 of Ed Meskys' Niekas  from 1963 (scanned by Mark Olson) and we have Fanfare 8  from February, 1942, edited by Art Widner.

Joe has added a wealth of 1942 issues of Harry Warner Jr's Spaceways, with issues 25-29 covering almost all of 1942.

Thanks to Joe Siclari's scanning, we also have the June 1942 FAPA 20  mailing. This issue of FAPA had zines by some of the best known names in fandom, includng Donald Wollheim, Jack Speer, Bob Tucker, Harry Warner Jr. Forrest J no period Ackerman, Milt Rothman, Russell Chauvenet and many others.

Are you detecting a chronological pattern in most of these pages? The 1942 Retro Hugos are coming. More about that later.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #402 (4.3 MB), #50.1B (5.3 MB), and #51 (4.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 8, 2018
George Phillies sent us a PDF of the January 2018 issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George.

We've added 3 more issues of Ed Mesky's Niekas, scanned by Mark Olson. Issue 46  is about Strange Sports Stories, and there are other issues dedicated to a single topic. Thanks Mark!

January 5, 2018
Two more Niekas  today, scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark! (and thanks Ed!)

January 2, 2018
Happy New Year! Our first offerings for 2018 are 2 more issues of Ed Meskys' Niekas  from the 1990s, the last 3 issues of Taral's Rat Sass  and 4 issues of Opuntia. Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #401 (3.6 MB), #49 (5.0 MB), #50 (5.1 MB), and #50.1A (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks to Dale for the Opuntias, and to Taral for the Rat Sass. Scanning of the Niekas issues done by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

December 30, 2017
We've added 13 more issues of Ed Meskys' Niekas  for your holiday pleasure. Thanks to scanning by Mark Olson, we have issues covering most of the 1980s, including the Arthurian issue  and the Andre Norton issue. Enjoy!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #48 (4.8 MB), #48.1B (5.2 MB), and #48.5A (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of December 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

December 17, 2017
To round out the year, another tidbit of Video Archeology for you. This time, we present the Robert Heinlein Guest of Honor speech from the 1976 Worldcon, MidAmeriCon (with video provided by the inestimable Video Archeology team) You can see it at* In this speech, a few years after Heinlein's brain surgery, you get a variety of topics. It's sometimes uncomfortable (as it was in 1976), and there are boos as well as applause. Boos. At a GoH speech. The talk touches on Heinlein's belief in the inevitability of atomic war and his belief that mankind will go to the stars. There are comments on Russia and China, the role of men, and more than a few very bad jokes. If you like Heinlein, or if you don't, this video is a rare opportunity to hear that legendary figure. Thanks again to the Video Archeology team (especially Geri Sullivan and David Dyer-Bennet) for providing the video, and to Jeff Schalles who kept the tapes safe for so long.

*It's easier to remember our channel address -

Thanks to Kim Gibbs, our archive of File 770  is now complete! The elusive issue 81  is online in PDF format. Kim, thanks so much for responding to our request for help. This site is really a community effort.

Somehow we missed the fall issue of the TNFF Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks go to George Phillies for sending us another copy of issue 280.

December 15, 2017
Another issue of Ed Meskys Niekas, thanks to Mark Olson's scanning. Thanks Mark! These are big issues, so it's a lot of scanning. And of course our thanks to Ed Meskys for his support of this effort.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the December 2017 issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George.

December 14, 2017
A new fanzine title today! Thanks to Mark Olson's scanning, we have 4 issues of Ed Mesky's Hugo award winning fanzine Niekas  online. Niekas was the first fanzine focused on Tolkien. Per the article  in, contributors included Piers Anthony, ATom, John Boardman, Vaughn Bode, Anthony Boucher, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Charles N. Brown, Don D'Ammassa, Philip K. Dick, an ongoing "Glossary of Middle Earth" by Robert Foster, who later published Tolkien's World From A to Z: The Complete Guide to Middle-earth, Clyde Kilby, Jack Gaughan, Jack Harness, Ben Indick, S. T. Joshi, Tim Kirk, Fred Lerner, Dave Locke, Sam Moskowitz, Andrew J. Offutt, Diana Paxson, Bruce Pelz, Darrell Schweitzer, Bjo Trimble, and Roger Zelazny.

December 13, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #400 (8.0 MB), #47.1A (5.2 MB), and #47.5 (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

December 11, 2017
ONE MISSING FILE 770! That's all that's left. Does anyone have issue 81? Mark Olson has scanned the last 4 issues that he has, and we're now only missing issue 81. If you have it and could scan it, please send a note to . We will keep looking for that issue. You can see them (almost) all at the FIle 770 index page.

Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we've added 6 issues of Shangri L'Affaires, the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) newsletter. There's one from the 1st series and 5 from the 2nd series, both from the early 40s. This zine lasted over 80 issues, until the 1980s.

December 9, 2017
A plethora of once current events is now yours for the looking, with 25 newszines added today.

We've added our earliest newszine title, Science Fiction News, with 2 issues from 1936. This was an official publication of the Oklahoma Scientifction Association, edited by Dan McPhail, with Jack Speer as an assoicate editor. Marked as Volume 5, Number 3, one of the articles makes mention that was the first printed issue. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

We have more File 770's  up too, with 5 issues from 145-149 scanned by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

There are another 18 issues of Graham Stone's Science Fiction News, this title from Australia. The issues range from 1954 to 1983. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

December 8, 2017
Another voice from the past for you today, thanks to Evelyn Leeper, we've added an audio with images of Theodore Sturgeon's Guest of Honor speech at the 1972 Lunacon. You can find it at With an Isaac Asimov introduction, there are corny puns and jokes from both of them, but primarily the talk is a serious, constructive discussion of Sturgeon's "best beloved field", and a defense against those that would marginalize and dismiss it. There are a few heartfelt minutes at the end about the (1972) US government amassing citizens' private data, without any ability to challenge it. More than 40 years later, it's still important, and worth listening. This is an audio tape enhanced with images. Thanks Evelyn!

Added the latest issue of John Thiel's Ionisphere. This is the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks!

December 7, 2017 has discovered the FANAC YouTube channel! Or at least one item on it. They did an article  on our Video Archeology footage of the MidAmeriCon Star Wars panel, and the hits shot up to over 10,000. It's great to have all that hard work by the Video Archeology crew pay off. That's far more than the entire attendance was at Big Mac.

Newszine update: We've added 6 more issues of File 770  from 2001 and 2005. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Joe Siclari has been locating and scanning Shangri-LAs! 9 issues added today from 1941 to 1956. There are some choice issues here, includng one with a cover by Charles Schneeman. Thanks Joe!

Added Evelyn Leeper's report on Philcon 2014. Thanks Evelyn!

More to come. Smofcon 35 was last weekend, and we'll be putting up a batch of photos. We're also working on a new audio piece for Youtube. Actually it's an old audio piece - from 1972. Does anyone have any 1972 Lunacon photos? We could sure use them.

December 4, 2017
Newszine update: We've added 11 more issues of File 770, with Mark Olson providing 5 issues from 2000 and 2001, and Mike Glyer giving us the last 6 issues from 2012 to 2016. Thanks to you both!

Added the last two issues of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thaks Leybl!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #399 (5.8 MB), #46.5D (5.3 MB), and #47 (4.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale!

November 28, 2017
Don't Miss: A real treat today. Do the names Mort Weisinger and Julius Schwartz mean something to you? Today, we put up an issue of the 1932 fanzine, The Time Traveller  that they put out with Allen Glasser and Forry Ackerman. This is one of the earliest fanzines devoted to science fiction. This fanzine is so old that the masthead lists one Forrest J. Ackerman, with a period after the J!

If you got the FANAC newsletter, you know that we've been adding issues of Mirage, Jack Chalker's Hugo nominated fanzine. If you didn't get the newsletter, and you would like to, then please drop a line to and I'll make sure you get on the list. Joe Siclari has scanned issue 5  from the Spring of 1962.

Another fanzine we've been working (see the newsletter ) is Shangri-LA. Today we added issues 11, 15 and 26. Scanning courtesy of Joe Siclari.

Newszines: We've added 4 newszines today. Mark Olson scanned two more File 770s  for us, these from the latter part of 1999. Joe Siclari scanned two issues of CHAT  for us, these from 1978. Not quite a newszine....but in the ballpark. Joe also provided a scan of Fantasy Faction Field  purportedly from 1941. It's issue &@ .

November 25, 2017
We've posted the latest FANAC Fan History project update. This gives you a tops down view of what we've been doing over recent months. Sometimes it can be easy to get lost in all the detail you see in what's new. The update  can make sense of it. You can find the update in the section About Us  which also contains interesting info on who we are, what we're doing, and most importantly, who our contributors are. If you should be listed and you're not, then it's the webmaster's error, so please send a note to and we'll get that little problem corrected.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #398 (5.0 MB), #46.5B (4.9 MB), and #46.5C (4.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of November 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

November 20, 2017
Thanks to the Video Archeology folks (especially Geri Sullivan and David Dyer-Bennet), we've uploaded another bit of fannish history. Today, it's an excerpt from the Weird and Horror Genre Luncheon panel discussion. This features Poul Anderson, Charles Grant, Ted White, Kirby McCauley (mod), Tom Reamy and Stuart Schiff talking about Lovecraft, ghost stories, fairy tales and why they are attracted to the genre. There is some damage to the film, but DDB has made it very watchable. You can find it here  or just search for the FanacFanhistory channel on .

We've also added 9 more issues of File 770, these from 1998 to 1999. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark, for the photos and the fanzine scanning!

November 18, 2017
Who are these people? We've added about 100 new photographs from two Worldcons, and a bunch of other conventions. Check out these photos provided by Mark Olson for ConFrancisco  and ConAdian. New photos (also from Mark) for Westercon 48, 1995, Boskone 31, 1994, Smofcon 7, 1991, Eastercon, 1996 and Fourth Street Fantasy, 1994. As always, we appreciate any corrections or people identifications you can give us.

We've added 5 more issues of File 770, these from 1997 to 1998. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark, for the photos and the fanzine scanning!

November 15, 2017
An unusual treat for you today, that will hopefully help bring a light mood for the holiday season. We've added 15 years/issues of Irish Fandom's Christmas greetings, Peace on Sol III. These were edited by Walt and Madeline Willis, and always started with the phrase "Goodwill to Mellow fen". Some of the issues were not internally dated. If you have a correction for the dating that we have determined, please let us know. All scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks again Joe!

Thanks to Richard Lynch, we have 4 more issues of CHAT, the newszine of the Chattanooga Science Fiction Assocation. One of these is from 1977 and the remaining three are from 1979. Thanks Rich!

We've added 5 more issues of Shangri-LA, from 1949-1951. Scanning also by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #397 (6.2 MB), #46.1 (4.9 MB), and #46.5A (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 14, 2017
Fanzines and photos are the order of the day.

First, for photos. We've added about 115 photos today, all from Mark Olson, spread across the decade between Conspiracy  in 1987 and BucCONeer  in 1998. You'll find new photos online for both of these Worldcons. Also, we have new photos for:
--1992 Boskone 
--1993 Readercon, including photos of photos Brian Aldiss, another great writer who we've lost this year
--1994 Tropicon XII, including photos of another friend lost this year, the recently deceased Francine Mullen
--1997 Albacon 

Now to the fanzines. We've added 8 more issues of File 770, these from 1995 to 1997. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark, for the photos and the fanzine scanning!

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 36, No. 19, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

November 10, 2017
Today's "What's New" from FANAC Fan History Project Chair, Joe Siclari:

Around 1960, Dick Eney was a fannish reference and publishing machine. He was a frequent contributor to quite a few apas, and published material for other fen. Dick published two of the major fannish reAlference works of all time. The first was Fancyclopedia 2 and its supplements, containing hundreds of pages of material. Fancyclopedia 2 was the basis and starting point for FANAC's Fancyclopedia 3 (online at ).

The other major work was the 388 page collection/history A SENSE OF FAPA. We have just finished scanning and uploading this to SENSE OF FAPA contains several major publications that were originally distributed in FAPA (FanBtasy Amateur Press Association), the earliest being from 1937 in the first issue of FAPA.

Among the major articles uploaded today in A SENSE OF FAPA are:

John Michel's Mutation or Death - politics in fandom

Jack Speer's Up to Now - a compact history of fandom, without the digressions of Moskowitz's The Immortal Storm

F. Towner Laney's Ah! Sweet Idiocy! - also online separately at 

Joe Kennedy's Before the Bomb! - New York Fan History from the same period as ASI

A SENSE OF FAPA  includes many articles by the best that fandom has produced including: James Blish, Redd Boggs, Charles Burbee, P. Schuyler Miller, Milt Rothman, Bill Rotsler, Harry Warner, Jr., C, S. Youd (John Christopher) and many others.

Help yourself to one of best publications fandom has produced.

---Joe Siclari

All scanning for A SENSE OF FAPA  by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!....Fanac webmaster

November 9, 2017
Where were you in 1991? If you were at a science fiction convention, maybe we can spot you in the FANAC photos. Today we've added photos from 3 1991 conventions, all courtesy of photographer Mark Olson. You can see 15 new photos of Chicon V, the 1991 Worldcon. There are 11 new photos from the 1991 Smofcon  in Portland, and there are 16 photos of the 1991 4th Street. Thanks Mark! (Hint: There are more to come.)

Today's fanzine updates are all about the news. We've added 4 issues of the Lynch's CHAT, the newszine of the Chattanooga Science Fiction Assocation. These are from 1977-1978. Scanning by Richard Lynch. Thanks Richard!

Five issues added today of Mike Glyer's File 770. These issues are from 1994-1995. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

November 8, 2017
Return with us to those thrilling days of 1991 - 1992, in winter time Boston. Today, we've added 40ish pictures from Boskone 28 and 29, thanks to Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

November 7, 2017
We've completed the run for Joe Siclari's Fanhistorica, adding issues 3 and 5. There are some choice bits of history in here. Check out the TOC for the issues to see what's there. Don't miss the wonderful Stu Shiffman covers on Issues 3 and 4. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

More newszines, this time from 1994. Two newly posted issues of Mike Glyer's File 770  from the scanning of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark.

November 6, 2017
Today's "What's New" from Fanac Fan History Project chair, Joe Siclari -

Francis Towner Laney's memoir Ah! Sweet Idiocy!  is, without a doubt, the single most important polemic about science fiction fandom. Laney claimed that this would be his farewell and last stand in fandom. It didn't work out that way as he kept somewhat active into the 1950s. It did, however, make him the most controversial fan of his period (standing out in importance and notoriety even over Claude Degler and his Cosmic Circle.

This memoir is not only long (130+ pages) and detailed but it is the major primary source of information (some would say disinformation) about fandom in the 1940s. Laney was a prolific, opinionated writer credited with saying "Anything worth writing is worth putting on stencil". This statement is belied by the fact that he wrote numerous tightly spaced, full and multipaged letters, often directly to the people he was criticizing.

Ah! Sweet Idiocy! has been the single most requested item to be put online. Laney takes some liberties with the facts to suit himself, however, he is often candid about his own problems and biases. To put this material in some context, I devoted many pages of my fanhistory zine, FanHistorica, to articles written by, about, and against FTL and ASI (including excerpts from ASI). You can find these at FanHistorica. To see other sides of Laney look at his sercon fanzine The Acolyte  and his FAPA zine, Fan-Dango. More material by Laney will be put online here in the future.

As you can easily tell, I have been fascinated/engrossed ??? by Laney and his oversized influence in S-F Fandom for years.

--- Joe Siclari

November 5, 2017
We're happy to tell you that we have 2 more Voids  on line today. Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we now have issues 2 and 3 on line. Thanks Joe!

More newszines, this time from 1993 and 1994. Four newly posted issues of Mike Glyer's File 770  from the scanning of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark.

You may have heard that we've lost another fan, D. Potter. *sigh* Thanks to Andrew Porter, we posted a few beautiful pictures of her from the 1980s. They're on two different pages, so please page through. Start on the bottom right of this page.

Here's your daily dose of esoteric fannish interest. Mark Olson has provided us a number of photos from the MagiCon exhibit setup, along with some photos of the preparation work that went on in Boston, before the con. If you work on exhibits or are thinking of volunteering you can find a sample of what to expect starting here. Thanks Mark, for the photos, and the exhibits.

November 3, 2017
Grins and giggles for your Friday afternoon. On our Youtube channel  we've added a fabulous audio recording (with pictures) of Harry Harrison's Eastercon 22 talk on Stonehenge and Sex. It includes a roaringly funny discourse on the introduction of sex into science fiction stories in the 60s, with anecdotes about well loved authors and editors including Brian Aldiss, Mack Reynolds, Ted Carnell and George O. Smith. You'll hear about Starship 69, and how to get "dirty bits" past editorial assistant Kay Tarrant. The last part of the talk is an absolutely fascinating view of John W. Campbell, editor of Astounding (later Analog) and how it was to work with him. Audience interruptions include Anne McCaffrey and John Brunner. Worth a listen!

November 2, 2017
Take a look at these recent photos, added courtesy of Mark Olson. We have photos for the 1989 Tropicon 8  and for the 2001 Boskone 38. Thanks Mark! There are a few fans to be identified in these photos, so if you know someone, say something.

We've added Evelyn Leeper's 2015 Philcon report. Thanks Evelyn!

More news of the 90s. Mark Olson has provided scans of three more issues of File 770, this time from 1992 and 1993. Thanks for the scanning Mark!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #396 (6.8 MB), #45.5 (4.9 MB), and #46 (4.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 31, 2017
It's almost time for Philcon this year. Thanks to Evelyn Leeper, we've added her report  on last year's Philcon. Thanks Evelyn!

Mark Olson is still scanning. We've added 5 issues of File 770  to the list, from 1991 and 1992. Thanks Mark!

October 29, 2017
Today, we've added 3 issues of Jack Chalker's Hugo nominated fanzine Mirage. Here you'll find articles, stories and bibliographies related to the field. Thanks to Eva Chalker for her kind permission, and to Joe Siclari for scanning (especially for the 80+ page issue)!

We've added 3 more issues of Shangri-LA, from 1949-1951. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

Time for some convention publications. Today, we've added pubs from several Eastercons. If you didn't get a chance to attend, you can live vicariously by looking at the pubs for Olympus, Satellite 4, and Innominate. Publications were scanned and otherwise provided by John Bray. Thanks John!

October 27, 2017
Five more File 770s, all from 1986. Scanning by Mark Olson.

October 24, 2017
Mark Olson scanned and sent us 7 more issues of File 770  from 1985 and 1986. Thanks Mark!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #395 (3.2 MB), #44.1D (5.0 MB), #45 (4.7 MB), and #45.1 (4.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 20, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #394 (6.6 MB), #44.1A (4.9 MB), and #44 (4.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of October 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

October 16, 2017
Two more of Mike Glyer's File 770s, this time from 1984. Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Five more issues of the Lynch's CHAT, the newszine of the Chattanooga Science Fiction Assocation. These are from 1979-1981. Scanning by Richard Lynch. Thanks Richard!

October 14, 2017
Continuing today with Newszines. Five more File 770s, 1983 and 1984. Scanning thanks to Mark Olson. By my count, we have put online 2267 newszines so far, with the earliest from April 1938, and the most recent from 2011. That April 1938 newszine, Science Fiction Newsletter, published by Dick Wilson, appeared only 12 years after the first science fiction magazine hit the newsstand. Dick was 17 at the time, and his first short story was published in Astonishing Stories two years later.

October 13, 2017
More Shangri-LAs! Today, 5 issues from the 1940s, edited by either Dale Hart or Walt Daugherty. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Shangri-LA  was one of the official organs of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society.

A big drop of fannish history today. Ever hear of Claude Degler? You can read the Fancyclopedia 2 article about him here. Degler and his Cosmic Circle were the center of fannish furor in the 1940s (and deservedly so). Here  is a whack of the original materials published by and about the Cosmic Circle. Here you'll find both external criticism (so marked) and the Cosmic Circle fanzines. Today, a whack equals 44 publications. Included are almost the entire run of Cosmic Circle Commentator  and three Fanews Analyzer. All scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 36, No. 15, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

October 12, 2017
A slew of new things today. We've added issue 23  of Rhodomagnetic Digest, scanning by Gideon Marcus. Thanks Gideon!

With the permission of the LASFS board, we have started putting up some Shangri-LA issues. Today, 5 issues from the 1950s. Scanning by Joe Siclari. Shangri-LA  was one of the official organs of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society.

Added issue 13  of Bruce Sterling's Cheap Truth  from 1985.

Who was who in 1940 in fandom? We have the answer here. What we don't know is who it was that produced this publication. If you do, please let us know. Send the info to .

October 8, 2017
You can't tell the BNFs without a scorecard, or at least a Who's Who. We've added L.D. Broyle's Who's Who  from 1961 under Fannish Reference Works. Here you can read about folks like Roger Ebert, Dick Eney, Rick Sneary and more. What did the world (or at least Broyle) think of Harlan Ellison in 1961? Of Bjo? Read it here. Broyle even included what kind of audio equipment each fan had. Scanning by Mark Olson.

October 6, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #393 (4.6 MB), #43.1A.pdf (5.0 MB), and #43.1B.pdf (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 5, 2017
Two more File 770s, from March and April 1983. Scanning thanks to Mark Olson.

October 3, 2017
More fannish news today, this time from the 70s and 80s. First, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we've added 5 more issues of Mike Glyer's File 770, from 1982 and 1983. If you remember Chicon IV  with fondness, you might want to check out the File 770 issue that includes the convention report. Thanks Mark!

Thanks to the scanning of Richard Lynch, we have another 16 issues of CHAT, the newszine of the Chattanooga Science Fiction Assocation. With co-editor Nicki Lynch, the zine also covered fannish news of the region and the nation.

September 29, 2017
Today's update includes Ron Bennett's TAFF report. The report was published in 1961 and covers his TAFF trip in 1958. Want to see what fandom was like almost 60 years ago? Read the report.

Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we've added 11 more issues of Mike Glyer's File 770, including all the issues from 1981 and a couple from 1980 and 1982. Thanks Mark! As all you viewers of this page know, File 770 is still a very living newszine and can be found at

September 26, 2017
Thanks to the scanning of Richard Lynch, we have added two issues of CHAT, the newszine of the Chattanooga Science Fiction Assocation. He edited it with his wife, Nicki Lynch, and the zine also covered news of the region and the nation.

Added the latest issue of John Thiel's Ionisphere. Thanks!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #392 (6.8 MB), #42.5 (5.1 MB), and #43 (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 18, 2017
Ready for your close up? Maybe it's already online. Today we added photos from the 2016 SMOFcon. Many of these were taken by Rick Katze. Thanks Rick! The rest were taken by Edie Stern. We also put up a batch of photos from 2000 from Tropicon 19, including many South Florida fans. These are from the collection of Joe Siclari. If you can identify the folks marked as ???, please let us know who they are. It's easy to fill in an update form. You'll see the "Click Here" button near the caption.

Added 6 issues of Mike Glyer's File 770  from 1979 - 1980, including the 1980 Yearbook. Scanning courtesy of Mark Olson.

Added issues 27  and 29  of the 40s cardzine QX. These issues happen not to be cards, and are not dated, but I think they are from 1945. Warning - these are not the best zines of the run. Scanning courtesy of Joe Siclari.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #391 (6.4 MB), #42.1.pdf (2.5 MB), and #42.pdf (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 16, 2017
It's 25 years since MagiCon! To celebrate, we've uploaded a video of MagiCon Guest of Honor Vincent Di Fate speaking on "Science Fiction, Spirit of Youth". You can find it here. This far ranging talk includes an illuminating discussion of Frank R. Paul and how he affected the field. Vin also talks about his own influences, and science fiction film. At a 1980s Tropicon, Vin's Guest of Honor speech centered on being a science fiction guy. That enthusiasm comes out loud and clear in this video. Check it out!

September 12, 2017
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of September 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #390 (6.5 MB), #41.1D.pdf (5.4 MB), and #41.5 (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 9, 2017
Added 5 more issues of Mike Glyer's newszine File 770  from 1978 and 1979, thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson.

September 7, 2017
We can call today "Bob Tucker Day", as we have added 27 issues of his seminal humor zine Le Zombie. Combined with news and gossip, this "Ghoul's Ghazette" was a must read of the time, and is still entertaining. He often quoted people or commented in such a way that the feuds of the day were clearly exposed. Lee Hoffman was Bob's fannish granddaughter, and we have added all 3 issues of her 1956 history zine Fanhistory. You might notice a similarity in the covers for Fanhistory and in the covers of Lee's earlier focal point zine, Quandry.

September 6, 2017
Want some truth? Some Cheap Truth? 16 issues of the Vincent Omniaveritas (Bruce Sterling) fanzine from the mid80s are now online. Scanning is thanks to Joe Siclari.

Thanks to Joe's scanning, we also have added news of the day. For days in March 1947, see Tympany 2.

For Austalian days in May 1959, see Merv Binns's Australian Science Fiction Newsletter 3. For more Australian news, this time from October 1978, we have Merv Binns's Australian SF News 5. If you like your Australian news more media oriented, we've added the first issue  of Sweetness and Light.

For news of Europe, we've put up 6 issues (mostly from 1984) of Shards of Babel.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of the August 2017 issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

September 4, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #389 (4.7 MB), #41.1B (5.7 MB), and #41.1C (4.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

MagiCon was the 50th Worldcon, held in 1992 in Orlando, Florida. It was the first project of FANAC, Inc. and eventually provided the seed money for the Fan History Project. Our Guests of Honor were Jack Vance, Vincent Di Fate and Walt Willis. To see our photos from the convention, click here. Mike Glyer has celebrated the anniversary by republishing his contemporaneous convention report at File 770.

We have fond memories of the Enchanted Duplicator miniature golf course, of the amazing History of Art retrospective led by GoH Vincent Di Fate, and of our Fan Lounge, which people have said is the standard by which all subsequent fan lounges are judged. At the closing ceremonies we celebrated the field by creating a time capsule, which was surprisingly emotional. After a quarter of a century, we're planning to open it soon. soon. Watch this space.

Thanks again to all the people who worked so hard and made this convention, a surprising number of whom are still working on worldcons today.

Hope you enjoy the memories. Joe Siclari and Edie Stern

August 22, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #388 (6.1 MB), #40.2 (2.4 MB), #40.5 (5.0 MB), and #41.1A (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 19, 2017
Back to the 40s today. We've added 26 issues of the newszine FanewsCard  from late 1943 - mid 1944. Scanning courtesy of Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

August 16, 2017
News today about Western North American fandom in David Nee's Sanders. We've added 12 issues from 1971 and 1972. Scans by Joe Siclari.

August 15, 2017
Thanks to Jack Weaver, our site builder and webmaster for FANAC's first 20 years, we have a new FANAC.ORG feature! If you look at the fanzine list (either classic  or modern ) you'll see a count on the right of how many issues are online at FANAC.ORG and an indicator if the fanzine is new or updated, or if the run of fanzines is complete. Check it out!

Today we've added 3 newszines: 2 1978 issues of Mike Glyer's File 770  and one 1991 issue of the European newsletter Shards of Babel. Scans by Mark Olson.

We added a small picture of Carol Hoag, Iguanacon registration head, thanks to Tim Kyger.

August 14, 2017
Adding a few more issues of various newszines. First, issue 4  of Vince Clarke's Science Fantasy News  from 1949. Two issues of Graham Stone's Science Fiction News  from 1985. That last is from Australia. And finally two 1978 issues of Mike Glyer's File 770. Want to know more about these people? Check out the articles about them in Fancyclopedia.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #387 (4.3 MB), #40.1 (5.2 MB), #40.2  (2.4 MB), and #40 (4.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

News and anecdotes (including one about Isaac and Harlan) from 1953 in 9 issues of a newly scanned fanzine Saturday Morning Gazette. This was edited by John Mangnus, and scanned by Joe Siclari. The editor's nickname for the magazine? "Smug".

August 11, 2017
Not at Worldcon this year? Stop by the FANAC site and browse through some prior Worldcon photo albums:  . Laurie Mann will be posting a few at the FANAC Twitter account. Follow along at:

Today, we added the August issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl!

Mark Olson has been scanning. Thanks to him we have issue 15  and issue 17  of Pete Weston's Speculation. We also have issue 3  and issue 4  of Mike Glyer's newszine File 770. Thanks Mark!

August 6, 2017
Evelyn Leeper has written a convention report  on this years NASFIC. Thanks Evelyn!

August 5, 2017
It's always interesting to see how others view us. In modern times, science fiction has permeated popular culture, but as we all know, it was not always thus. Today we've added the very first mainstream press review of a science fiction convention. Have a look at the TIME magazine report  on the first worldcon, published July 10, 1939. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Thanks to Tim Kyger, we have put online Bill Patterson's memoir of Arizona fandom and how IguanaCon, the 1978 Worldcon, came to be. The Little Fandom That Could  is up under Fan Histories. Thanks Tim!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #386 (7.2 MB), #39 (4.7 MB), and #39.5 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 2, 2017
Added the latest issue of John Thiel's Ionisphere. Thanks!

More newszines. Added 12 issues of Andrew Porter's SF Weekly  from 1967 and 1968. Scanning thanks to Mark Olson.

July 27, 2017
A whopping 84 newszines added today, all scanning by Joe Siclari:

4 issues of Focal Point, volume 2 from 1970. These were edited by Arnie Katz and rich brown.

80 issues of STEFNEWS, edited by Jack Speer from 1945 - 1947. This newszine was amazingly regular for the first couple years.

July 26, 2017
Continuing now with the newszines, we've added these zines scanned by Joe Siclari (thanks Joe!):

20 issues of Tympany, a zine edited by Redd Boggs and Robert Stein. These are issues from 1947-1948. One of the 20 is a hoax zine. (Don't worry, it's labeled in the index.)

4 issues of Shards of Babel  from 1982-1983. This is a newszine from the Netherlands edited by Roelof Goudriaan.

3 issues of Ron Ellik's Starspinkle  from 1963, along with a checklist of the fanzine.

3 issues of jan finder's Spang Blah  from 1976.

5 issues of (mostly) Roger Weddall's Thyme, with issue numbers in the 20s. The most recent issue  (from 1987) added today was edited by Lyn and Peter Burns.

Issue 1 (1992) of Joyce Katz's Spin Dizzy. The opening lines? "Joe 'Houdini' Siclari pulled off a neat trick at the worldcon, when he managed to turn an oversized gathering of anonymous convention goers into a warm and intimate room full of fandom's finest. Such was the feeling of walking from the thousands, into the true heart of the convention, the fan lounge, where a glow of goodwill filled the room." Joe chaired MagiCon, and Geri Sullivan ran the fan lounge.

Issue 441, April 67 of Science Fiction Times.

July 25, 2017
Steven Brust and Geri Sullivan tell the true story of Minneapolis fandom on today's new Youtube piece. Listen to this audio recording (with supplemental images) to hear great anecdotes about how the music parties got started, the Minneapolis style of convention running, the first Minneapolis World Fantasy Convention and much more. Geri does a great job of moderating as well as participating in this discussion. Check it out!

July 24, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #37.1 (5.2 MB), #37.2 (1.5 MB), #38 (3.6 MB), and #385 (7.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 22, 2017
Newszines today. Added 4 issues of a newszine published by Gnome Press, and edited by Bob Tucker and Robert Bloch. The issues are from 1956 and 1957, and it's called The Science Fiction World.

July 21, 2017
Added 5 issues of the Australian newszine Futurian Observer  from 1940. Issue 8  begins the reporting on the Australian government's ban of all SF magazines in 1940, and what was done about it. Very interesting. Material provided and scanned by Joe Siclari.

July 18, 2017
Issue 1  of Ian Gunn's art zine Artychoke  is up. The other issues are now accessible under Artychoke  as well as under Thyme  where many of them were distributed. Thanks to Joe Siclari for scanning that first issue. Mark Olson scanned the Thymes.

Evelyn Leeper has sent us photos of NorthAmeriCon '17, this year's NASFIC. Thanks Evelyn!

July 17, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #35.5.pdf (3.6 MB), #36.pdf (4.3 MB), and #384 (9.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of July 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

July 16, 2017
We've added 3 more issues of Joe Siclari's Fanhistorica. Included are articles from luminaries such as Bob Tucker, Ray Nelson, Walt Willis and Alva Rogers. You'll also find 2 parts of the reprint of F. Tower Laney's Ah! Sweet Idiocy!. If you haven't read it, you should.

July 15, 2017
George Phillies sent us a PDF of the July 2017 issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam, edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George.

July 13, 2017
Newszines today. We've added 7 issues of Fandom on Parade, a cardzine from 1945. Sample headline? STATEMENT BY SHAW: "Yes, DAW's sueing us" . Scans by Joe Siclari.

July 11, 2017
More issues of Greg and Jim Benford's VOID! You can now read online issues 11, 12, and 13. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

We've finally added issue 1  of Joe Siclari's Fanhistorica. This history focused zine has fabulous material reprinted from the past as well as current insights. If you haven't read the true story of Baycon in Ginjer Buchanan's "I've Had No Sleep and I Must Giggle", this is your chance. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

More material provided by Kerry Kyle and scanned by Joe Siclari:

Issue 2  of the Jack Baltadonis fanzine, Fantasy Herald. Hecto!

Issue 12  of the International Observer of Science and Science Fiction. Editors were John Michel, Fred Pohl and Donald A. Wollheim.

We also have more newszines today. There are 5 issues from the early 60s of the British newszine by Ron Bennett, Skyrack, along with the last issue  of Mike Ward's Winnie. There's also issue 151  of Ansible.

July 10, 2017
Kerry Kyle has provided us with some choice 1930s publications to scan. Thanks to Kerry, and to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we have added:

Issue 1 of the Fantasy Amateur  from 1938, the official organ of the Fantasy Amateur Press Association (FAPA). FAPA is the oldest and longest running fan APA. Check out the membership list on page 3. It's a who's who of the era. First editor? Fred Pohl.

Issue 1 of The Atom, a 1937 fanzine by Richard Wilson.

Arcturus 8  from 1936.

Issue 1  of James Taurasi's Cosmic Tales Quarterly (1937).

Issue 1  of the Bulletin of the Leeds Science Fiction League. After a few issues, news of Leeds was to be found in the Futurian.

Issue 1  of Weir's Fantasmagoria (1937).

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #34.5 (5.3 MB), #35.1 (5.1 MB), and #383 (8.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 6, 2017
More fan news of WWII. Today, we added 25 issues of FanewsCard  from 1944 and 1945. Most of them are issues between #64  and #91. All scanning thanks to Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

One more issue of Andrew Porter's Degler  too. It's #252, and scanning is by Mark Olson.

July 4, 2017
David Speakman sent us 22 issues of Tightbeam, ranging from 1962 to 2014. This is an NFFF production. Thanks David!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #33.1 (5.5 MB), #33.5 (5.2 MB), and #381 (4.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 3, 2017
Today, we added the July issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of the issue June 2017 issue  of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #34.1 (3.6 MB), #34 (5.1 MB), and #382 (8.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 23, 2017
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of June 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

June 20, 2017
Newszines! Another 10 issues of QX  from 1944, including the first 5 issues. Scanning thanks to Joe Siclari. News of the day, including what's being published, and fannish wartime stories.

June 19, 2017
Back we go to newszines. Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we have added 7 more issues of QX  from 1944 to January, 1945. The first line of the last January issue  - "Ye Ed in infant ry".

June 18, 2017
More Eastercon  publications, still thanks to the scanning of John Bray. Today, we have added pubs from Concourse (2004) and from Contemplation (2007). Thanks John!

June 17, 2017
Started adding Eastercon  publications, thanks to the scanning of John Bray. To begin with we have pubs from Dysprosium (2015) and from Mancunicon (2016). Thanks John!

June 13, 2017
Added the latest issue of John Thiel's Ionisphere. Thanks!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #32 (4.2 MB), #33 (4.5 MB), and #380 (6.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 6, 2017
New photos and photo caption updates are being added all the time. In the last week, Joe Siclari has corrected and updated a number of captions, new MAC2 photos were added thanks to Rich Lynch and Thomas Recktenwald, and photo updates were supplied by Amy Wolfthal. Thanks, all!

Today, we added the June issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl!

June 5, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #31 (4.7 MB), #31.1 (5.1 MB), and #379 (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 30, 2017
Added some photos  from the Fan History program from last weekend's Balticon. Thanks to Balticon Fan GoH Geri Sullivan for arranging it.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #29.1(4.0 MB), #29.2 (1.6 MB), #29.5 (2.4 MB), #29 (2.3 MB), and #378 (3.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 25, 2017
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of May 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

May 20, 2017
Added PR6 for Noreascon 3, the 1989 Worldcon. Scanning by Mark Olson.

May 19, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #28.1B (5.5 MB), #28.5.pdf (5.2 MB), and #377 (8.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 18, 2017
We've started listing our contributors  on the website. If you've contributed to FANAC.ORG, or Fancyclopedia, or sent us materials for the Youtube channel, then you should be there. We're not done yet, but if you're not listed and should be, please let us know. If you're listed and would prefer not to be, then let us know that too. There are many fans that have contributed scanning, photos, identified people in photos or corrected information, written articles for Fancy3, sat at the FANAC table at conventions, done interviews, etc. This is a community effort. Take a look at our community!

May 17, 2017
More newszines today, this time from 1969 and 1970. We added issues 2, 6, 10, and 11  of Winnie, edited by Michael Ward. Scanning by Mark Olson.

May 16, 2017
Added 6 more issues of Fantasy Newsletter  from 1981 and 1982. Here you'll find columns by Fritz Leiber, Bob Weinberg and others. Issue 44  and 45  were edited by Bob Collins, and published by Florida Atlantic University. Scans for these issues by Mark Olson.

May 15, 2017
Remember the 60s? Remember 1963 very well? If not, then you can check out Issue 3  of the Science Fiction Yearbook. This was edited by the James Taurasi and Frank Prieto, the fans that brought us Science Fiction Times. Scanning by Ned Brooks.

May 14, 2017
Added 4 Progress Reports and a flyer on the Willis Fund  from the 1961 Worldcon, Seacon. Scanning from Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #28 (5.4 MB), #28.1A (5.3 MB), and #376 (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 12, 2017
The run of Mad 3 Party  is now complete. With scanning by Mark Olson, the last 12 issues have been added. This is the zine (winner of the 1990 Hugo for Best Fanzine) that started as part of bidding for Noreascon 3, and morphed into worldcon planning once the bid was won. Thanks Mark!

May 9, 2017
Were you at Aussiecon I in 1975? If you answered no (and I did), then catch our latest Youtube upload. We are happy to have provided video of Ursula K. Le Guin's Guest of Honor speech. It's a funny, thoughtful speech covering the state of the field, the place of women writers, her own experiences and her hopes for science fiction. There are more than a few zingers too. You also get Le Guin in a propeller beanie. Enjoy! Thanks to S.C.I.F.I. for digitizing, and to Elayne Pelz for providing us the footage.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #26.2, #27, and #375 (7.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. He has also updated the Cumulative Index to cover issues through #375. Thanks Dale!

May 4, 2017
Added the May issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl.

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 35, No. 44, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

April 29, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #26 (5.1 MB), #26.1 (5.4 MB), and #374 (7.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Added Taral's Rat Sass 4. Thanks Taral.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the National Fantasy Fan Federation's latest Tightbeam. Thanks George. This is an N3F publication, edited by Bob Jennings.

Added the April issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl.

April 14, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #373 (3.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

April 12, 2017
Did you realize that Harry Harrison was a comics artist as well as a science fiction writer? Check out our latest Youtube upload, the comics panel from Baycon (1968). This audio recording with images features moderator Paul Moslander with Marv Wolfman and Harry Harrison. Harry is a fabulous story teller, talking about EC Comics, Bill Gaines, and the story of the comic that was almost published as the "Man with No Balls At All" among other things. Marv was just at the beginning of his career, with all the accomplishments at DC and Marvel to come, and talks about the state of the contemporary comics scene. Thanks to Tom Whitmore and Pacifica Radio for the recording, and to Mark Olson for format processing.

The MT Void, Vol. 35, No. 41, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

April 4, 2017
Remember Noreascon 3? Now you can refresh your memories by looking at the Noreascon 3 Memory Book. Scanning courtesy of N3 Chair, Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

April 3, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #23.1Bi (1.6 MB), #23.5 (5.5 MB), #25 (5.1 MB), and #372 (4.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Issue 23.1 Bi is a Parody issue from 1995! Thanks Dale.

April 2, 2017
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of March 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

The MT Void, Vol. 35, No. 40, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #371 (5.6 MB), #41 (4.6 MB), and #53.1A (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 22, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #22.5 (5.6 MB), #23.1A (5.7 MB), and #23.1B (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 15, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #21.1 (5.5 MB), #22.1 (5.3 MB), and #370 (3.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 8, 2017
Added 13 more issues of Fantasy Newsletter  from 1979 and 1980. Scanning courtesy of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #20 (1.2 MB), #20.2 (729.1 KB), and #21 (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

March 3, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #19.1 (5.5 MB), #19.5 (5.6 MB), and #369 (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Added the March issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl!

March 1, 2017
Woot! Another fabulous piece of video from the Video Archeology team. Here  is "Gonad the Barbarian", presented at MidAmeriCon, the 1976 Worldcon, by Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre before they famous. If you are a Conan fan, or if you're not, this is worth watching. There are great sketches afterwards as well, my favorite being the recreation of famous pieces of art. Thanks to Geri Sullivan, David Dyer-Bennet, Scott Imes, Jeff Schalles and others, we have another piece of delightful video history. Thanks!

February 28, 2017
Today's additions: Issue 2  of the west coast newszine Sanders  from February 1971, edited by David Nee, and scanned by Joe Siclari.

Five issues of Fantasy Review (UK), edited by Walter Gillings from 1949/1950. Fantasy Review  was retitled Science-Fantasy Review with issue 16. The last issue of Science-Fantasy Review as a fanzine was #18. Science-Fantasy Review was incorporated into the first issue of the prozine Science-Fantasy, published in July, 1950. It continued to be edited by Walter Gillings. All scanning by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe!

February 25, 2017
Added two more issues of Convention, Andy Porter's fanzine of news for convention planners (circa 1970). Scanning by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark and Andy!

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the National Fantasy Fan Federation's latest Tightbeam. Thanks George. This is an N3F publication, edited by Bob Jennings.

1970. Akos was edited by Eli Cohen and Janet Megson (aka Janet Kagan). Thanks Eli!

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 35, No. 35, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

February 22, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #18 (5.0 MB), #19 (5.5 MB), and #368 (4.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

We've added more of Andrew Porter's zines today. First, two issues of Chronicle, a predecessor to SF Chronicle, but this one is focused on fannish news only. Second, three issues of Convention  news for convention planners. Chronicle  is from 1973, and Convention  began in 1969.

These are scanned by Mark Olson, as are the 92 issues of Degler  we put up today, beginning with issue 108.

February 21, 2017
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of February 2017's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

February 20, 2017
More Video Archeology footage! in 1976. Before the film was released, before Star Wars and George Lucas were household names, producer Gary Kurtz, star Mark Hamill and marketing director Charles Lippincott came to MidAmeriCon to promote Star Wars. This Q&A session  is full of fascinating background information about the film, the filming and the attitudes of the Star Wars team. Thanks to Geri Sullivan and David Dyer-Bennet for all their hard work and to Jeff Schalles for storing this material. Remember, you can find all our Youtube videos at

Added the February issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen. Thanks!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #16.5 (5.5 MB), #17 (5.3 MB), and #17.1 (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

February 12, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #15 (4.6 MB), #16 (5.0 MB), and #367 (7.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

February 9, 2017
Thanks to your interest, we've reached a milestone. We now have 105 subscribers and a readable URL for our Youtube channel. The url is easy -- it's More audio and video coming up soon, so please subscribe or watch here for notice of new uploads.

Today we've posted an interesting late 40s fanzine from the UK. Full of reviews and some news as well, Walter Gillings' Fantasy Review  is a window on the preoccupations of UK fandom in the time period. Twelve issues now available here.

Ever notice just how many newszines were being published during the 40s? Today, thanks to the scanning of Sam McDonald, we have 6 more issues of Julius Unger's Fantasy Fiction Field  from the early 40s, including the 10 page Denvention issue. Thanks Sam!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #13.5 (5.2 MB), #14 (5.1 MB), and #14.5 (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

February 8, 2017
A decade and continent spanning collection of newly scanned and uploaded fanzines for you today.

First, we have 7 more of Mike Glyer's File 700's  for you from 1987, including the 10th anniversary issue. If you want to get a feel for what that period was like, check out the inside front cover and the inside back cover of that anniversary issue.

We have completed the (short) run of Dave Kyle's 1937 fanzine, Fantasy World, aka Phantasy World. This was one of the first comics fanzines, and we've added the last issue.

For a little hoax with your news, we give you Panac 99. Read it and learn how LASFS was to have a fan column in the Times.

More wartime reporting, with issue 4  of Phan. Fandom was much smaller. News of the day had to do with who was travelling, who was coming home from the wars and who was going to college and where.

The first issue  of Ron Ellik's Starspinkle  has been added. The " news and chitter-chatter fanzine" was started in 1962.

Down under contribution for today is two 1948 issues of The Sydney Futurian. This news and clubzine has a very earnest feel to it, and it's interesting to compare to zines from the US from the same period.

One more Thyme. Mark Olson has scanned issue 136  from 2002 for us.

And finally, we have added 18 more issues of Andrew Porter's apazine Degler  from 1965-1966.

February 5, 2017
Six more of Alan Stewart's Thymes  today thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson. You can now find issues 129 (1999) through 135 (2001) online for your reading pleasure.

February 4, 2017
Added the January issue of Leybl Botwinik's CyberCozen  and the latest issue of John Thiel's Ionisphere. Thanks!

January 31, 2017
Today is about the early-mid 60s. We're filling the VOIDs for one thing. Check it out - amond other issues, we've added the three part fifth annish  and the Willish  which is completely about or by Walt Willis and was used to help kick off the special fan fund to bring him to the 1962 Chicon. Altogether there are 5 issues newly up today.

We've also added our earliest Youtube entry so far. From Loncon II, the 1965 Worldcon we have the Banquet speeches  featuring Guest of Honor Brian Aldiss. It also features Robert Bloch commenting on fandom, Arthur C. Clarke talking about working with Stanley Kubrick, TAFF winner Terry Carr, and Forry Ackerman giving the Big Heart award to Walter Ernsting. I was vastly entertained to hear the 1965 version of Robert Silverberg giving out the Hugos. It took 6 minutes!

January 29, 2017
More Tucker! Today, we added issue 8  of Tucker's Le Zombie from 1939.

Added 11 more issues of the Alan Stewart's Australian newszine Thyme  from 1997 - 1999. Scanning courtesy of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #13 (5.1 MB) and #366 (5.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Added Taral's Rat Sass 3. Thanks Taral.

January 23, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #12 (4.9 MB), #12.1 (5.4 MB), and #365 (2.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 17, 2017
Added a number of photos from AussieCon 4, courtesy of Thomas Recktenwald. Thanks Thomas!

Thanks to Joe Siclari's scanning, today we've added two more VOIDs. Edited by Greg Benford, Terry Carr, Pete Graham and Ted White, issue 26  has artwork by Steve Stiles, Bhob Stewart, Bill Rotsler, Ray Nelson and more. Issue 28  has articles by the esteemed editors, and a few others you may have heard of, including Avram Davidson.

We've added a "recent" newszine today. with 17 issues of Paul Allen's Fantasy Newsletter. Paul Allen started this in 1978 and handed it over to Robert Collins in 1980.

January 12, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #11.1 (5.1 MB), #11.5 (5.1 MB), and #364 (3.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 11, 2017
Everyone has heard of Nydahl's disease, right? After putting out a 100 page anniversary issue of his fanzine Vega, he was so burned out that he gafiated. Today we've added issue 4, and the fabulous annish. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Before there was Speculation  there was Zenith Speculation. We've added 2 issues of Pete Weston's zine from 1965 and 1966. Scanning by John Boston.

January 10, 2017
We're all very sorry to hear of the death of Peter Weston, the 2004 Noreascon 4 Guest of Honor, and a friend to many reading this. Today, through the courtesy of the scanning of John Boston, we bring you 13 additional issues of his Hugo nominated fanzine, Speculation. There are fabulous contributors here -- folks like James Blish, Larry Niven, John Brunner and more. There's also an issue there of Speculaton Data, with news and other material not normally in Speculation.

Thanks to the scanning of Mark Olson, we've added 5 more issues of Alan Stewart's fanzine Thyme. Check the index for issues 113 - 117 from the 90s, and see what the news was in Australia.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #63.5B (5.1 MB), #64.1B (5.6 MB), and #64.1C (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 8, 2017
Another wonderful video today, this one from the Video Archeology folks. Today's blast from the past is a fanzine panel  from the 1976 Worldcon, MidAmeriCon. Featuring Moshe Feder, Patrick Hayden (aka Patrick Nielsen Hayden), Victoria Vayne, Gary Farber, Linda Bushyager (moderator), Jon Singer, and Taral, this video is a detailed look at fanzine mimeography. It has a brief but fabulous segment with Jon imitating a mimeo, and is rich with the details of how faneds produced those priceless zines. Thanks to Geri Sullivan and David Dyer-Bennet for the Video Archeology program, and to Jeff Schalles for keeping these recordings safe through the decades.

January 4, 2017
We've added 13 issues and now have the complete run of Fanscient  on line. This Donald B. Day fanzine from the late 40s, early 50s, boasts contributors such as David Keller, MD, artist Jon Arfstrom, Robert Bloch, Ray Bradbury and Anthony Boucher. Scanning by Joe Siclari, with one issue by Tom Veal.

January 3, 2017
Continuing our push to add VOID issues, today thanks to Joe Siclari's scanning, we've put up issues 19, 20  and from 1960, issue 21.

Another Thyme, thanks to Mark Olson's scanning. We have added issue 112  from 1996. Check it out -- there's an issue of Ian Gunn's Artychoke  in this issue.

January 2, 2017
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #363 (6.6 MB), #64A (5.1 MB), and #64B (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 1, 2017
Happy New Year! If this time doesn't suit you, then how about some Thyme? Today we added issue 111  of Alan Stewart's Thyme from 1996, scanning by Mark Olson.

December 27, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #362 (4.7 MB), #63.1E (4.9 MB), #63.3 (5.1 MB), and #63.5A (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

December 26, 2016
George Phillies sent us a PDF of the National Fantasy Fan Federation's latest Tightbeam. Thanks George.

We've put up issue 3  of Bob Madle's Fantascience Digest. This is a 1938 issue from a stalwart of First Fandom (and in fact, the first leader of the organization). First Fandom has a distinctive triangular membership patch and the motto, "First Fandom is not dead, only doddering." For more, see the article  on First Fandom.

December 25, 2016
Added Thyme 110, the Australian newszine. This issue is from 1996 and comes to us through Mark Olson's scanning prowess. Thanks Mark.

We've added the Guest of Honor Speeches by Jack Williamson (partial audio) & Bob Madle (complete audio) for Suncon, the 1977 Worldcon on our Youtube channel. Jack tells how he found science fiction and became a writer, and Bob talks about his fannish career. This is an audio recording embellished with photos. You can find it here.

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 35, No. 26, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

More Australian news today. Through the efforts of Mark Olson and his scanner, we have added 4 1995/1996 issues of Thyme. Thanks Mark!

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 35, No. 26, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

December 21, 2016
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of December 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

December 20, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #10.5A (5.5 MB), #10.5B (5.3 MB), #11 (2.6 MB), and #361 (6.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Nostalgic for the 1970s? For your reading pleasure, today we have 10 issues of Luna Monthly  from 1972 - 1976. Scanning provided by Mark Olson; thanks, Mark!

December 15, 2016
Another Youtube extravaganza! Today we uploaded FAANS, a video produced in in 1983 by Larry Tucker. Featuring Roger Sims  and a multitude of midwest fans this "mystery" story of hotel detective Mundane at his first convention is full of fun and contemporary jokes and references. Please subscribe to the Youtube Channel  if you haven't already. Once we have another 23 subscribers, we can get our vanity URL!

December 14, 2016
More newszines coming your way. First, thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, we have 2 more issues of Fanews, both multipage. Issue 338  is from the end of 1947, and the big issue is the fourth anniversary issue  also from 1947.

Mark Olson has been busy scanning as well. From him we have an additional 8 issues of Luna  from 1970 and 71. One of these is a double issue, from May-June 71. Thanks Mark!

Added 4 issues of Bob Tucker's Le Zombie. Thanks to the scanning of Joe Siclari, you can read issues 37, 41, 65  and 67.

December 13, 2016
Continuing our plan to have the complete run of VOID  online, today we've added issues 10, 17, and 18. Issue 10 is edited by Greg and Jim Benford, and the other two by Greg Benford and Ted White, with scanning of all issues by Joe Siclari.

December 8, 2016
This week's Youtube addition is the oldest one yet. Today we added a unique panel  discussion from Baycon, the 26th WorldCon. This entertaining, funny recording of the the panel "Remembrance of Things Past" features personal anecdotes about Lovecraft and writing for the pulps. Here's your chance to hear stories about Lovecraft (and Robert E. Howard), from Fritz Leiber, Robert Bloch, Edmond Hamilton, Emil Petaja, E. Hoffman Price, and Jack Williamson, with accompanying photos. The panel is moderated by Baycon co-chair Alva Rogers (who wrote
Requium For Astounding). This excellent recording is courtesy of the Pacifica Radio Archives. Thanks to Tom Whitmore for providing the material and getting permission from Pacifica Radio Archives. Contact Pacifica Radio Archives  to purchase a CD. Thanks also to Mark Olson for audio formatting. If you enjoy this, please subscribe to the FANAC YouTube channel.

December 6, 2016
We've added 3 issues of the Alberta Science Fiction Society fanzine from 1971-1972, courtesy of Dale Speirs. You can find them at either Alta-Ego  or at Great Nor'Western News. There are some familiar names in the ToC, including Mike Glicksohn, Susan Glicksohn (Wood), and John Mansfield. Thanks, Dale!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of Issue 2  of Ionisphere, the Bulletin of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Fan-Pro Coordinating Activity. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #10 (5.0 MB), #360 (3.7 MB), #9.1 (4.8 MB), and #9.5 (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 30, 2016
More newszines. Lots more newszines. Thanks to the scanning efforts of Joe Siclari, we have put up 35 issues of Andrew Porter's SF Weekly  from mid 67 to mid 68. Headlines include "Hugo Gernsback Dead" and "SFWA Settles with Sol Cohen of Ultimate Publications".

We also put up 4 hoaxzines  of the UK newszine Skyrack. Publication dates like May 35 should tell you when you're not reading the news.

In honor of Smofcon, due to start imminently in Chicago, we have posted the first flyer  for the first SMOFcon. Started in 1984 by co-chairs Joe Siclari, Theresa Renner and Ben Yalow, this convention has done wonders for the standard of operations for science fiction conventions. I have personally seen a concom change their minds about running a local convention after attending a Smofcon and realizing how ill prepared they were to do so.

To continue yesterday's newszine focus, today we have posted 2 more issues of Luna Monthly  from 1970. Issues 10  and 11  await your reading pleasure. All the Lunas have been scanned by Mark Olson.

We've also put up another 9 issues of Ron Bennett's newszine from the UK, Skyrack. Issues range from 1963 to 1966. All the Skyracks have been scanned by Joe Siclari.Soon to come -- hoax zines for this newszine.

November 29, 2016
Headlines getting you down? There is plenty of news waiting for you in the past. Today, we've added 3 more issues of Luna Monthly, from December 1969 - February 1970. Scans are courtesy of Mark Olson. Read about Isaac Asimov's "To Tell the Truth" appearance in Issue 7, or about Seabury Quinn in Issue 9. What a difference a handful of decades makes.

Do you feel the need for a good tendril-session? Do you miss the Wheels of IF? Has someone asked you to join their Cosmic Circle? If you have no idea what these words mean, then you need to understand Fanspeak. Enjoy this expanded version of Art Rapp's glossary, as published in 1952 by Lee Hoffman and Redd Boggs.

Another tidbit today from the Video Archeology crew. Thanks to Geri Sullivan, David Dyer-Bennet, Jeff Schalles and others, we have some Minneapolis fandom film that was used on the closed circuit channel at Big MAC in 1976. Welcome to Know the Hotel Staff, a film made "in cooperation with the Institute for Transtemporal Fannish Studies".

November 25, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #359 (3.6 MB), #67 (5.1 MB), #67.1A (5.4 MB), and #67.1C (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 22, 2016
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of November 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

November 17, 2016
Comics? Early comics? We added two issues of David A. Kyle's early fanzine Fantasy World. This is one of the earliest (1936) comics fanzines.

We added 4 newszines today, ranging from 1940 to 1968. All scans by Joe Siclari (and thanks Joe!).

-- The April 1940 issue of MidWest News & Views, edited by Mark Reinsberg.

-- A May 1968 issue  of SF Weekly, edited by Andrew Porter.

-- Two issues of the German SF Times  from 1961.

Another Video Archeology piece is now up on Youtube. A very young Joe Haldeman sings "Stan Long".

An interesting artifact added today. Thanks to Kerry Kyle, we have added a diary/autograph book  from Dave Kyle's 1965 trip to England for the British Worldcon, Loncon 2.

November 15, 2016
Added a number of photos from World Fantasy 2016. Taken by Frank Olynyk, these are photos of the author/artist autograph session. Thanks Frank!

Added two issues of Taral Wayne's new fanzine, Rat Sass. Thanks Taral!

November 12, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #358 (4.1 MB), #8.1 (5.2 MB), #8.5 (5.2 MB), and #9 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 9, 2016
On our Youtube channel, we've added an audio recording with images  of the Guest of Honor speeches from Noreascon 2, the 1980 Worldcon. Bob Silverberg, as Toastmaster, gives great introductions, including a story about working with editor Damon Knight. Damon Knight's talk is full of life history and anecdotes including how he ended up with the Futurians ("Fred Pohl saved my life"). Kate Wilhelm's talk is a serious discussion of the nature of our reality. Several photos provided by Leslie Turek and by Andrew Porter. The photos from the Program Book were taken by Jay Kay Klein.

Added a few images for Noreascon 2. These are primarily PR covers and a few Guest of Honor pictures from the program book. Photos were taken by the estimable Jay Kay Klein.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #44.1B.pdf (5.0 MB), #7.1 (5.0 MB), #7.5 (5.3 MB), and #8 (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

November 7, 2016
Courtesy of the Video Archeology program, we've added another MidAmeriCon(1976) Worldcon  panel. My Favorite World Tomorrow  features Jerry Pournelle, Spider Robinson, Arsen Darnay, Jim Baen and Karl T. Pflock. Each of the panelists (except for Jim Baen) talks about a future. Jim provides editorial comment. Arsen contributes a somewhat mystical "favorite tomorrow", with the others staking out very different futures. The guideline was to predict at least 50 years out, which would make these visions no earlier than 2026. Hey that's only 10 years away.

Added the current issue of CyberCozen. Thanks, Leybl!

George Phillies has sent us the current issue of Askance, a genzine by John Purcell. Thanks George and John!

November 4, 2016
Added some photos  for the 1971 Worldcon, Noreascon. These are taken from the Noreascon Proceedings, and were from the talented camerawork of Jay Kay Klein.

November 1, 2016
Added issue 20  of Sanders  from June 1972.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #357 (5.5 MB), #67.1E (5.3 MB), #67.1F (5.6 MB), and #67.3 (4.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 31, 2016
Filling in the blanks on the newszines. Here's an opportunity to find out what the movers and shakers of UK fandom were talking about in the 50's. We've added 4 issues of Vince Clarke's Science Fantasy News, "Fandom's answer to The Times". If you're not familiar with Vince Clarke, check out the article  in FANCYCLOPEDIA.ORG .

Today we added 3 issues of Mike Glyer's File 770, with 2 from 1987 and one from 1993. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

We also added an issue of Andrew Porter's Science Fiction Chronicle  from January, 1980.

Ready for more comic fandom news? Today we added 2 issues of Don and Maggie Thompson's Newfangles  from 1971. The March issue  marks the 10th anniversary of comics fandom, and the fifth anniversary of Newfangles.

October 30, 2016
Thanks to Bill Burns for the scanning, we've added 14 issues of Fanews Card  from 1944 and 1945. Thanks!

October 27, 2016
And now for something completely different. Check out the short video, Ms. Marian's Bedtime Story, we've posted on our Youtube channel. This was created in the summer of 1976 to be used as filler on the MidAmeriCon closed circuit channel in the hotels. It's a fannish life, suitable for children.

October 26, 2016
Some MidAmeriCon (1976) history for you today. We've added another of the daily newsletters, Bullsheet#0, which was distributed before the convention. We've also added the Hugo voting tallies, which according to Ken Keller, have not been published before now. You can find them on the MidAmeriCon publications page. So if you always wanted to know just how large Joe Haldeman's margin of victory was for THE FOREVER WAR, here's a chance to find out.

October 25, 2016
Added another issue of Shards of Babel  from 1983. This is a newszine from the Netherlands.

Time for more VOID! Added 4 more issues of Greg Benford and Ted White's fanzine (from 14 to 16.5), and have included at the end the original LOC from Rick Sneary. Here's a chance to see what Greg and Ted excerpted from the letter to print in issue 16.5.

Added about 175 photos  from Loncon 3. Most of these are individual shots taken at the autograph sessions. Thanks to Frank Olynyk for the photos!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of October 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

October 23, 2016
So far today, we've added three 1979 issues of Andrew Porter's Science Fiction Chronicle, with scans by Joe Siclari.

We've also added an unusual piece done for FAPA 61. It's Fen Crittur Comical Books, with original story by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw, and with drawings by Bob Shaw assisted by Vince Clarke. Scanning was done by Andrew Porter. Thanks Andy!

October 20, 2016
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of MONTH YEAR's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #356 (4.2 MB), #68 (5.4 MB), #68.1A (5.2 MB), and #68.1B (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

October 18, 2016
We've posted a video of the Constellation Masquerade on our Youtube channel here. This video was briefly up a month ago, but blocked because of a copyrighted bit of music used by one group of contestants (and it was also wrongly identified as Bucky at that time). Thanks to Kathi Overton, the offending music has been silenced. See costuming state-of-the-art circa 1983; hear the explanation of the judging approach; check it out. Please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so. When we get another 40 subscribers, we can get an easy to remember URL for the channel.

Sam McDonald has provided us with scans for 14 more issues of Fantasy Fiction Field  from 1941 - 1945, along with much improved pages for several other issues. Thanks Sam! Your scans are very much appreciated.

We've added an issue of Ahrvid Engholm's e-zine Intermission.

John Thiel is starting Ionisphere  as a TNFF Bulletin publication for the Fan-Pro Co-ordination activity of the N3F. First issue has an interview with Adam-Troy Castro.

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 35, No. 16, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

October 13, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #354 (5.2 MB), #355 (4.2 MB), #68.1C (5.6 MB), #68.3 (5.2 MB), #6.5 (4.9 MB), and #7 (4.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Another outstanding video from the Video Archeology Project! Today, we have posted a video captured at MidAmeriCon, the 1976 Worldcon, with George Barr's Fan Guest of Honor speech, and with many tributes to Robert Heinlein by folks like Alfred Bester, Fred Pohl, Bob Tucker, Jerry Pournelle, L. Sprague de Camp, Larry Niven and George Scithers. You can find it here  on our Fanac Fanhistory Youtube Channel. Thanks to David Dyer-Bennet and to Geri Sullivan.

George Phillies sent us a PDF of the new issue of the National Fantasy Fan Federation's Tightbeam  edited by Bob Jennings. Thanks George.

September 20, 2016
More news! Added 3 Skyracks  from 1959 and 1960. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

Added about a dozen MidAmericon 2 photos  provided by Rich Lynch. Thanks Rich!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of September 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

September 18, 2016
Added the first two issues of Fantasy Fiction Field, from the collection of (and scanned by) Tom Whitmore. Thanks Tom!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #18.5 (5.6 MB) and #353 (12.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 17, 2016
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (11.2 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 50  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.

September 16, 2016
Hooray for the fen that are filling in the blanks! Today, we've put up 14 issues of Fantasy Fiction Field  from 1940 and 1944. They come from the collection of Tom Whitmore, with scanning by Joe Siclari. If you see gaps that you can fill in our Newszines  or other areas, please let me know at . I can send you a dropbox link for the scans or we can perhaps make arrangements to do the scanning. Thanks Tom, and thanks Joe!

Another issue of VOID  is up. Here's the VOID 9  with a spiffy ATom cover. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

September 14, 2016
We've now added the Newszine index to the site. If you were at MidAmericon 2, you may have visited the FANAC table and learned about our newszine collection. Now, you can access it from anywhere easily. Thanks to Mark Olson for the index and the impressive scanning feats of Ned Brooks, Mark Olson and Joe Siclari, we have a substantial number of zines that provide a contemporary take on the news of the day. You can find them here.

Added a flock of Andrew Porter's APAzine Degler  from 1964 - 1965. All together, we put up 78 short issues.

Also put up 2 issues of Andy's Science Fiction Chronicle, from November and December of 1980.

September 11, 2016
Several "new" fanzines (and one new one) today. We've added 3 more issues (circa 1956) of Void, with scanning by Joe Siclari. We've added 2 more 1939 issues of VOM  courtesy of Bob Madle, and with scanning by Joe Siclari. We've also added a new issue of Tightbeam! from the National Fantasy Fan Federation, edited by Bob Jennings.

Several more MAC2 photos  today, from Joe Siclari and Mark Olson.

September 10, 2016
We've added a 2004 video of David Hartwell interviewing David Drake on the youtube channel. You can access it here. If you're not already a subscriber to the channel, what are you waiting for?

September 9, 2016
Starting to get some photos up from this year's worldcon, MidAmeriCon 2. So far we have about 40 photos, taken by Frank Olynyk, and a couple by Geri Sullivan. Thanks Frank, and thanks Geri! You can see them here.

Two more issues of VOM  up today. The new ones are #1  and #4. There's also a VOM promo. Thanks to Bob Madle for loaning them to us for scanning, and thanks to Joe Siclari for the scanning.

We've put up an issue of the focal point fanzine VOID, by Greg and Jim Benford. More to come!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #352 (5.7 MB), #68.1D (5.4 MB), and #68.1E (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 7, 2016
We have another 8 issues of Algol  on line, scanned by Mark Olson (thanks Mark!). These contain articles and art by folks like Ted White, Chip Delany, Steve Stiles, rich brown, Anne McCaffrey, and Fred Pohl. If you didn't read them when they came out (1960s), they're well worth your time now.

The current issue of CyberCozen  is up too. Thanks, Leybl!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #351 (4.6 MB), #68.5B (6.0 MB), and #69 (4.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

September 5, 2016
Thanks to Sam McDonald, we have an additional 33 issues of Fantasy Times  online. These issues range between #12  and #64. Thanks Sam!

August 26, 2016
We've posted an hour long interview  with Alfred Bester on Youtube. This video is from the 1976 Worldcon, MidAmeriCon  and was conducted by Ro Nagy. If you're looking for a funny, anecdote-filled, interesting way to spend an hour, this could be it. It's the first full length video we've posted from the Video Archeology Project, coordinated by Geri Sullivan, and with technical magic by David Dyer-Bennet. Thanks!

August 24, 2016
Thanks to those that came by the table at MidAmeriCon 2. We had a great turnout, and were able to showcase the newszines we've been scanning. More about this later!

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #350 (4.9 MB), #69.1A (5.2 MB), and #69.1B (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of August 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

August 9, 2016
As part of our newszine project, we've added several hundred more in the last few days. Come and see us at our table at MidAmericon 2, in the Fan Fair. Here are a few of the recent newszine highlights:

Ansible  180 issues

Australian SF News  45 issues

Axe  38 issues

fanzines/Barsoomian_Times  7 issues

fanzines/Bay_Area_News  2 issues

Bloomington Newsletter  11 issues

Fanew Sletter  12 issues

File 770  30 issues

Focal Point  14 issues

Futurian Observer  9 issues

Luna  40 issues

Nebula  7 issues

Newfangles  2 issues

Norstrilian News  2 issues

Organlegger  4 issues

Sanders  1 issue

Sanders  1 issue

Skyrack  5 issues

August 4, 2016
Some new, regional newszines have been added, and more issues of various fanzines all scanned by Joe Siclari.

You'll find 17 more of Dave Langford's Ansibles  from 1981 - 1982, from the U.K.

1 more of Mike Glyer's File 770s.

5 more Focal Points  from the mid-1960s, edited by rich brown and Mike McInerney.

3 more of Jan Finder's Spang Blahs  from the mid 70s.

3 more of Larry Shaw's Nebulas  from 1944.

2 issues of Bay Area News  from 1946, with, yes, news of the Bay Area.

1 issue of David Nee's Sanders  from 1972, with US western regional news.

2 real issues and one hoax issue of Ron Bennett's Skyrack  from Yorkshire.

4 issues of one Mike Glyer's newszine before File 770. This one is Sylmarillion  and it's from 1974.

7 more issues (mid 90s)of the Australian newszine Thyme, these scanned by Mark Olson. Editor for these issues is Alan Stewart.

14 issues of Michael Ward's Winnie  from 1969 - 1971.

2 issues of the Australian newszine Sweetness and Light, edited by Jack Herman.

1 more issue of Ron Ellik's Starspinkle  from 1963.

15 more Fanews Card  issues from the 1943 - 1944.

1 issue of Scream  from Birmingham, England, edited by David Sutton. This issue is from 1970.

1 issue of John-Henri Holmberg's Swefanac, a newszine from a Swedish perspective. This issue is from 1964.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #349 (8.2 MB), #5.5 (4.7 MB), and #6 (4.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

August 2, 2016
Today we have 73 issues of more recent news. We've started putting up issues of Ansible. Permission courtesy of the estimable Dave Langford, and scans by Joe Siclari.

July 29, 2016
News, news and more news. Today's crop:

12 issues of Luna  primarily from 1972 - 1975, but with 2 from 1969.

1 issue of Thyme, the Australian newzine.

5 issues of Fanew Sletter, also Australian, from 1974.

7 issues of Futurian Observer, also Australian from 1941. Sample headline: "Hoaxers Trick American Fandom"

5 issues of Fantasy News  from 1940. Sample headline: "Chicon Boys & Girls Had Fun".

3 "extra" issues of Fantasy News  ranging from 1944 to an editorial extra in 1950, and 1 flyer for their 3rd annish.

8 issues of Axe  from 1962 - 1963. Careful - I fell into this one for a while. Walt Willis trip report section in issue 36  was full of fun, and old friends.

1 issue of Rally  from 1967.

1 issue of Spang Blah  from the Summer of 77.

1 issue of Mid-West Fan News  from 1940.

July 28, 2016
"WEIRD TALES TO BE REVIVED", "AVRAM DAVIDSON TO WED". These and other items of news and propaganda can be found in the 30 issues of Axe  edited by Larry and Noreen Shaw that we put online today. Axe was intended to raise money for the Willis fund, to bring Walt Willis from Ireland to the US.

"AUSTRALIAN FANDOM GOES TO WAR". This one is from issue 30 of Bert Castellari's Futurian Observer, an Australian newzine from the 40s. We've uploaded two issues from 1941 today.

Filling in some gaps, we also have added Tympany 1  from 1947, and 5 issues of Fantasy Fiction Field  from 1942. Filling in another gap, we've uploaded issues 11  and 12  of Fanew Sletter.

July 27, 2016
What was the news in the exciting 1970s? Take a look at Luna, edited by Ann Dietz. We have 12 issues from 1972 - 1974, with news and interviews in the field. You'll find interviews with Andre Norton, Roger Zelazny, Keith Laumer and more. Scans by Mark Olson.

July 26, 2016
Still filling in the gaps today. Added 19 issues of Australian SF News, 18 of which are from the 1980s and 1 from 1992. This is the Merv Binns newszine focusing on, yes, Australian SF News.

Added 7 issues of Focal Point  from 1965 (edited by Mike McInerney and rich brown).

Added 1 issue of Starspinkle, the Ron Ellik newszine.

Added one more issue of Rally  today, this one from 1978.

July 25, 2016
Filling in a few things today. Added 7 issues of the Bruce Pelz fanzine, Ratatosk  from 1965-1966.

Added 5 later issues of Fanews Card  from 1945 - 1947.

A new fanzine for us, Focal Point  added today. It was edited by rich brown and Mike McInerney. The 13 issues added today are from 1965 - 1966.

On the international scene, from the Netherlands, we added one issue of Shards of Babel, a regional newszine edited by Roelof Goudriaan from 1983.

Another singleton so far, we added one issue of Spang Blah, a newszine with international flair by jan finder. This issue is from 1977.

One more singleton today, with the addition of Tympany, issue 6, edited by Redd Boggs and Robert Stein.

We've added another 42 issues of Fantasy Fiction Field  from 1941 - 1944. Sample headlines - "Doc Lowndes Released From Service; Couldn't Pass Medical Exam", "Bok Sells to Campbell!" and "Moskowitz Drafted!"

July 24, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #348 (3.9 MB), #69.3 (5.5 MB), and #69.5 (4.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 23, 2016
A new (and very short) video is up on Youtube. This is a snippet from the Video Archeology Project, coordinated by Geri Sullivan. At the 1976 Worldcon, the release of Star Wars was featured with an exhibit, and appearances by Mark Hamill and film execs. This video  is a preview of a featured discussion held in 1976 at the convention. The full video, along with many others produced by Scott Imes at the 1976 Worldcon will be shown at the 2016 Worldcon, MidAmeriCon 2. After the convention, the FANAC Fanhistory Channel will be hosting all the videos from MidAmericon thanks to the Video Archeology Project coordinated by Geri Sullivan. Subscribe to our channel! You'll be notified of new videos as we put them online.

Today's newszines are from 1941. We've put up 28 issues of Fantasy Fiction Field  from that period. Sample headline: Wollheim reports Cosmian League Newest Pro Organization is Growing Leaps and Bounds.

We've put up two more Barsoomian Times  and one more Fantasy Comics  today for your reading pleasure.

July 22, 2016
News for you. Added 60 issues of Fantasy Fiction Field  from 1942 - 1945. Con reports, obituaries, and so on from the days when everyone was a paper fan.

July 20, 2016
Happy Moon Landing Day! Today we have 9 more issues of Fantasy Fiction Field  from 1942 and 1943 in the way of newszines.

If you want a more focused view of the news, check out Barsoomian Times  and Fantasy Comics. More of these to come.

July 19, 2016
Three different continents are represented in today's score of newzines. First, from Australia, we have 14 issues from 1980 - 1982 of the Australian SF News. In 1982, an Australian author was GoH at the Worldcon in Chicago. Take a look at how his countrymen responded to that honor.

From the UK, we have 4 1939 issues of L.V. Heald's Science Fantasy Review. Their motto is "Science Fiction: Seeker of a Better To-morrow".

And from US, we have one additional newszine issue today. Issue 22  of Dick Wilson's Science Fiction Newsletter  from April 1938 is now online.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of July 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

to fans, leaving professional news to other zines. We have the run of 9 issues up. Over the course of the run, it was edited by Craig Miller, Elliot Weinstein, Glen Mitchell and Mike Glyer.

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 23,656 names in these listings.

July 18, 2016
A newszine from Brooklyn put online today, from Julius Unger. Check out Fantasy Fiction Field issues  from 1940-1941. Today we have put up 10 of them. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

More issues of Rally  available as well today, with 2 from the '60s, and 8 from the '70s. Scanning by Joe Siclari.

July 17, 2016
It's our week for Australian newszines. We have 26 more issues of Fanew Sletter  up, covering parts of Sept 1976 - Jan 78. Ever wonder how the Ditmar's are awarded? Here's a chance to learn more about the process. Take a look at the nomination form and explanatory material in issue 74.

It's really our week for Australian newszines. A new title has been put up today. Check out Merv Binns' newzine, Australian SF News. We have 12 issues from 1979 and 1980 online, with convention reports, the professional scene and more!

For your Retro Hugo reading pleasure, today we have put up a 1940 issue  of Wiggin's Science Fiction Fan. This issue contains an article  by Retro Hugo nominated fan writer, Harry Warner Jr. on Dracula. You can see the full list of Retro Hugo Fan materials here.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #347 (6.5 MB), #4.5 (4.9 MB), #5 (5.0 MB), and #70 (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 15, 2016
Australian newszines! Today, we've put up 43 issues of Fanew Sletter, Leigh Edmond's newzine. There's occasional supplementary material, including the Daily Newsletters from Aussiecon, and FanWords. Here's your chance to get a view of Australian fandom in the 70s.

July 14, 2016
For Bastille Day, we've put up the first 7 issues of Andy Porter's Algol. Algol received 6 nominations for the Best Fanzine Hugo, winning in 1974. By issue 7, contributors included Dave Van Arnam, rich brown, Richard Wilson and Steve Stiles.

One more newszine is up as well. Issue 40  of Dick Wilson's Science Fiction Newsletter  from September 1938 is now online. It was pubbed on a mimeo; take a look - earlier issues online were hecto.

July 13, 2016
Today's newzine is Science Fiction Newscope, edited by Lawrence Ray Campbell. This zine is from the early 1950s, and reports pro and fan news. We've added 8 issues from 1951 and 1952.

July 11, 2016
1930s and 1940s not your beat? Today we have some newszines from a later period. Take a look -- we've added 16 1960s issues of Rally, a "news and chatterzine with a Southern accent".

From the 70s, we've added 6 issues of Joyce and Arnie Katz's fanzine, Fiawol.

We've also added issue 77  of FANAC, giving us a complete run of this 1950s/1960s newszine.

July 10, 2016
Great stuff today. We've added a batch of Fantasy News, including 25 issues from 1939, and 4 from 1940. What was it like to be at the very first World Science Fiction Convention? Feel the joy and excitement in this contemporary report, here in issues 55, 56, and 57. That last one has a detailed description of the ballgame!

One of the fans nominated for Best Fan Writer in the Retro Hugos is Bob Tucker. We've added fanzines from a slightly later period than the Retros today, with all 15 issues (1945-1949) of the Bloomington Newsletter, and 12 issues (1950-1952) of the fanzine after it changed to Science Fiction Newsletter.

We've also added Le Zombie #5  from 1939.

July 8, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #346 (6.1 MB) and #70.1C (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

July 7, 2016
Asimov sings! Added the third segment of the 1971 Hugos banquet to our Youtube channel. You can find it here. This features banter by Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg,and also Asimov singing an original limerick.

Added two special editions of Starspinkle, towards the end of the run. Both the specials announce the broadcast of adaptations of Harlan Ellison stories. "Harlan Ellison wants you to watch television Saturday night."

July 6, 2016
During the past week, our Fancy 3 site,, added 67 new pages and updated around a hundred others. The entry of the week is "Fanac". Pages for Hal Clement  and Filthy Pierre  were among those updated. Fancyclopedia is a wiki based encyclopedia, and knowledgeable fans are encouraged to add to it. New pages added include New Zealand Natcon 19, Marv Wolfman, the Vogon Interdimentional Poetic Society  and Fred Prophet.

On  today we added 3 issues of Phan, a little newszine from 1944. Interesting headline (reeking of fannish legend) - "Outsiders, Los Angeles Radicals, Disband!"

July 5, 2016
Much to report today. We've put online 43 issues (almost the entire run) of Starspinkle, a "news and chitter-chatter fanzine" by Ron Ellik from 1963-1964. There's a good illo in each of the issues, and I do believe I saw art by Roy Krenkel, Dan Adkins and Bill Rotsler to name a few.

Two more issues of Bob Tucker's Le Zombie  are up. These are issues 3 & 4 from 1939.

Filling in the gaps on Fantasy News. Today, we've added 12 issues, with 4 from 1939, 4 from 1941, 3 from 1943 and 1 from 1944. These wartime issues are poignant, with news of fans being called up for service intermixed with news of the science fiction field.

July 2, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #345 (6.4 MB) and #64.1A (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Added 7 1949 issues of Fantasy News  from the April to September period.

July 1, 2016
Is February 1939 important to you? We've added 4 issues of Fantasy News  from that period.

June 28, 2016
In response to some Facebook conversation, today we've added a fanzine by Walt Willis and James White, "From the Enchanted Duplicator to the Enchanted Convention". Enjoy!

Joe has scanned another three Fantasy Times, filling in holes in 1947 and 1948. Today we added issues 60, 61, and 70. Thanks Joe!

June 27, 2016
Today, we've added fanzines nominated for the Retro Hugos. First, there's another 1940 issue of Spaceways, this one #11. Thanks to the help of Bob Madle, we also have 3 more issues of 1940's Voice of the Imagi-Nation. Zines provided by Bob, and scans of those zines courtesy of Joe Siclari. Thank you both.

June 26, 2016
Finished putting up the run of FANAC, adding 7 later issues by Walter Breen as well as Terry Carr's 28 page 3rd anniversary issue, the Fannish III. Great anniversary issues for this fanzine -- check out the first two anniversary issues as well. They're #34  and #53. Note that it took Terry until 1964 to get that third anniversary issue out.

June 25, 2016
FANAC  was a Hugo award winning fannish newszine, edited by Terry Carr and Ron Ellik, and later by Walter Breen. Today, we put online 39 issues from 1960 - 1962. In addition to the news, contents include columns by Walt Willis, cartoons by artists such as Bill Rotsler, Ray Nelson and ATom.

For our Retro Hugo reading list, today we have added a 1940 piece written by H.P. Lovecraft and Duane W. Rimel, published in Paul Freehafer's September 1940 Polaris.

June 24, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #344 (1.8 MB) and #70.1E (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 22, 2016
Now, filling in some of the gaps in Science Fiction Times. Joe Siclari has scanned 6 more issues, with 3 from 1958, 1 from 1959, 1 from 1960 and 1 from 1967. We're working to have as broad a calendar coverage with the newszines as possible. Thanks Joe!

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of June 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

June 21, 2016
Filling in some of the gaps in Fantasy Times. Joe Siclari has been searching for the zines to fill in the gaps for Fantasy Times, and today we've put up 9 issues from 1946, 1947, 1951 and 1955. One of the zines came from Lee Hoffman's collection and one from Ross Rocklynne. Thanks to Joe for the searching and scanning.

June 20, 2016
Added a segment to the Noreascon 1 (1971) Worldcon Hugo Banquet on Youtube. This is part 2  of the banquet and has the Guest of Honor Speeches by Harry Warner, Jr. and by Clifford Simak. It also has an explanation and awarding of the Pat Terry Award by Gordy Dickson and of the Big Heart Award by 4sj.

June 17, 2016
Today's offering - another 24 Science Fiction Times. This set includes 8 from 1967, 12 from 1968 and 4 from 1969.

June 16, 2016
Almost done now with the Science Fiction Times  run that Ned Brooks scanned. Today you'll find 16 more issues, with 13 from 1965, one from 1966 and two from 1967. The newszine had been in publication for 25 years with very regular issues. Issue 433  marks the death of Doc Smith with many appreciations by fans and pros. If you are a Burroughs fan, you might be interested in the Barsoomian Times, found on the last 4 pages of Issue 433, and edited by Jeremy Barry. There are more Barsoomian Times in other issues, including in 1965, Issue 432, Issue 424  and Issue 426.

June 14, 2016
More newszines. Today you will find 8 1962 and 7 1964 issues of Science Fiction Times. Fun stuff - there's a financial report for Seacon, the 1961 Worldcon on page 3 of this issue  and a report on the 15th Westercon in here.

June 13, 2016
An interesting set of newszines today. First, we've added 4 issues of the Australian SF News  from 1954 and 1958. If you'd like to check out the differences between the United States and Australia in how and what the news of science fiction and fandom was reported, you can compare the Australian fanzine with Fantasy Times  and Science Fiction Times  from the same month and year.

Wonder how worldcons were different decades ago? Check out the daily newsletter  from the 1961 Pittcon.

We've also added the June  issue of CyberCozen  edited by Leyble Botwinik. Thanks Leybl.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #343 (6.4 MB) and #70.1G (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 8, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #14.1 (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

June 5, 2016
Added Progress Report 1  from Seacon, the 1961 Worldcon. It includes a final financial report on Pittcon, the 1960 Worldcon, showing a cash flow of all of $5013.68.

Continuing to add Science Fiction Times, you can now find 3 more issues from 1963 and 7 more from 1964. 1964 was the 23rd year of this newszine's publication, and at the time it was the world's oldest amateur SF publication.

June 3, 2016
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (6.1 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 49  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 34, No. 48, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

June 2, 2016
Today we have more newszines. We've added 23 issues from 1961 of Science Fiction Times  and 6 more from 1962. This includes a blockbuster 20th anniverary issue  with articles by Fred Pohl, James Blish, Otto Binder, Forry Ackerman and others.

June 1, 2016
Added four 1940 issues of the Retro Hugo nominated fanzine, Voice of the Imagi-Nation. Letters from Wm. Temple, Arthur C. Clarke, Art Widner, Jack Speer and others, with many facsimile signatures included.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue 342 of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

May 30, 2016
Today, we've added Hyphen 6, the January 1954 issue of Walt Willis's fanzine. In addition to articles by Walter, there are contributions from Bob Shaw, Vince Clarke, F. Towner Laney and others, along with letters by Eric Frank Russell, Robert Bloch, Shelby Vick and more.

For newszines, we've added a May, 1944 issue  of Fantasy Times  along with 24 issues of Science Fiction Times  from 1960.

May 29, 2016
Added 1959 issues (23 of them) of Science Fiction Times. This is the same fanzine as Fantasy Times  which changed its name in mid 1957. Headlines include: "First Worldcon SF Con Held 20 Years Ago", "Detention - Huge Success, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Blish - Freas & Bloch Win Hugos", and "'Astounding' to Change Name".

Sample headlines: "Twenty Years of Asimov to be Celebrated in March '59 Amazing", and "Detroit Wins '59 Site, 'Fantasy and Science Fiction' Wins 'Hugo', Solacon Withdraws from WSFS"

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 34, No. 47, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both.

May 26, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #341 (3.3 MB), #48.5B (4.7 MB), #62 (4.5 MB), and #70.3 (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Added issue 275  of Fanews Card. This issue is from 1947.

Now online - the remaining 12 1957 issues of Fantasy Times.

Glicksohn, DUFF Winner Rusty Hevelin, as well as Robert Silverberg, Ben Bova, Forry Ackerman and others. 2016 video editing thanks to Kathi Overton.

Now online - the very first issue of Fantasy Times. The banner headline - "Tremaine Quits as Editor of Comet!!".

Added 20ish 1945 issues of the Walt Dunkelerger & Earl Kay card newszine Fanews Card. Sample headlines - "Trip to Moon in 1948 says R.L. Farnsworth" and "Rocket 2 the Morgue out in pocket book".

Also added the first 6 months (12 issues) of 1957's Fantasy Times. This newszine was the Locus of its day. Sample headline - "Fred Pohl to edit new SF mag".

We have updated the Fanac Names Cross Reference. There are currently 17,128 names in these listings.

May 24, 2016
Added a dozen 1944/1945 issues of the Walt Dunkelberger & Earl Kay card newszine Fanews Card. Headlines include "4sj's kid brother KIA" and "HPL's Dunwich Horror out from Bart H".

May 23, 2016
Today, we've added 4 issues of Larry Shaw's Nebula, the newszine he called the Fantasy Fan Record. These are from 1943 and 1944.

We've also added the 24 1956 issues Fantasy Times. The first September issue  is the 15th anniversary issue, and runs 48 pages with articles by Forry Ackerman, Ray Palmer, Robert Lowndes and others, as well as congratulations on the anniversary from the prozines of the period, including Astounding, Fantasy & Science Fiction, and all the Ziff-Davis publications.

May 22, 2016
Added issue 13 of Rune  from 1968. Scans for this issue, and some retyping for the faded parts of the zine are courtesy of Matthew Strait. There's a pointer to the retyped parts right there in the fanzine index.

The remaining 1955 issues of Fantasy Times  are up now. Today's count - 11 added.

May 21, 2016
One more issue of the Fan-Vet  up, this one from 1955.

We now have 1955 issues of Fantasy Times  through July with the exception of Issue 222. Scans by Ned Brooks. Today's count - 13 added.

Added a 1938 issue of The Futurian, a British zine edited by J. Michael Rosenblum.

May 20, 2016
Today, added the remaining 9 1954 issues of Fantasy Times.

Last night, added an audio with images of the 1971 Noreascon Hugo Banquet (part 1). This features comments by Bob Silverberg and an insightful tribute to John W. Campbell by Lester Del Rey. See it here.

May 19, 2016
Today, added the first 15 1954 issues of Fantasy Times. This includes the 32 page 200th issue.

May 18, 2016
Added a new video to our Youtube channel. You can find video of the 1989 Noreascon 3 Brunch banquet celebrating 50 years of Science Fiction Fandom. It's a family reunion and you can find it here.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of May 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

The last 6 months of 1953 issues  of Fantasy Times are up. Scans by Ned Brooks. This morning's update was 12 issues.

May 17, 2016
Fantasy Times  issues from the first six months of 1953 are up. Scans by Ned Brooks. This morning's update was 11 issues.

May 16, 2016
The remaining 11 issues from 1952 of Fantasy Times  have been put on line. Enjoy!

May 15, 2016
Thirteen issues from January through first July issue of 1952 added for Fantasy Times. These scans are courtesy of Ned Brooks. One of the April issues included an issue of The Fan-Vet.

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 34, No. 45, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

May 13, 2016
We now have the complete year of 1950 issues of the newszine Fantasy Times. All scans by Ned Brooks. That's another 12 issues made available today. If you were born in 1950, look here to see the news of the field in the month you were born.

May 12, 2016
Added a 1940 issue of Fantascience Digest  with an article by Harry Warner, Jr., this year nominated for a Retro Hugo as Best Fan Writer.

Added issue #1  of Shangri-LA with an article by Forrest J Ackerman, this year nominated for a Retro Hugo as Best Fan Writer.

Added the first 6 months (11 issues) of 1950 Fantasy Times. All scans courtesy of Ned Brooks.

May 10, 2016
With the permission of Keith Stokes, who did the scans, we have added a dozen 1940 issues of Bob Tucker's Retro Hugo nominated fanzine, Le Zombie.

We've added 15 more issues of 1949 Fantasy Times. All scans by Ned Brooks. Ned did a Herculean amount of work in getting these all scanned.

May 9, 2016
Added a 1939 issue  of Will Sykora's Fantasy News. Scans by Joe Siclari.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #340 (6.4 MB) and #70.5B (7.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Added five more 1949 Fantasy Times, as well as the one page "Extra"  announcing that Street and Smith was dropping all their pulps other than Astounding.

May 8, 2016
More Fantasy Times. Today we've added issues #71 - #75 from Nov 1948 to Feb 1949. Scans by Ned Brooks. Enjoy!

May 7, 2016
Added two fall 1947, six 1948 and one 1953 issue of Fantasy Times, one of which is a 24 page issue! Scans are courtesy of Ned Brooks.

May 6, 2016
Issue 2  of Robert Madle's fanzine Fantascience Digest is now up.

Added an issue of Tom Reamy's fanzine Crifanac  from 1957.

The new issue of CyberCozen from Leybl Botwinik is now up. Thanks Leybl!

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 34, No. 44, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

More 1940 issues of the newszine, Fantasy News  thanks to scans by Joe Siclari.

May 5, 2016
We've added a very old fanzine today. The Planet  was published in 1930 by the Scienceers, edited by Allen Glasser with Associate Editor Mort Weisinger.

May 3, 2016
Today's addition to our Youtube channel. This one is an audio interview with Joe Siclari, chair of the 1992 Worldcon, MagiCon. Warren Buff is our interviewer, and Joe talks about the making of the MagiCon golf course, the special transport used by MagiCon's Keynote Speaker, John Young of NASA, and what went into those special Hugos.

May 2, 2016
Added issue 16 of F. T. Laney's Fan-Dango  from 1948.

April 29, 2016
Thanks to scans by Joe Siclari, we have two more 1940 issues of the newszine, Fantasy News. Joe has also scanned some issues of the 1963 Fantasy News, New Series.

Added issue 7  of Francis Tower Laney's Acolyte. This is a 1944 issue.

April 28, 2016
We have five more issues of Fantasy News from 1940, courtesy of scans by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.

April 27, 2016
Another addition to our Youtube channel. This one is an audio interview  with Ron Zukowski, co-chair of the 1986 Worldcon, ConFederation. Warren Buff is the interviewer, and Ron talks about the background, bidding and running of ConFederation.

Joe Siclari has provided scans of 5 issues of Fantasy News from 1940. Thanks Joe.

We've also put up the second part of the audio recording, with images, of the Hugo Awards at Suncon, featuring Toastmaster Robert Silverberg. You can find them on our Youtube  channel or directly here.

April 25, 2016
Thanks to scans by Joe Siclari, we have added isses #15 and #16 of Spaceways. These are from 1940.

Added the set of Linda Bushyager's outstanding 1970's fanzine Karass. Scanning courtesy of Mark Olson.

We've just put up a terrific artifact on the Youtube  channel. This is the 1975 Aussiecon 1 Bidding film, "Anti-Fan". It was the first bidding film ever made. You can find it right here.

George Phillies sent us a PDFs of April 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

April 24, 2016
We've put up two more videos on Youtube. One is an introduction to the history of science fiction and the worldcon that was done for Conadian, the 1994 Worldcon. The other is an audio recording, with images, of the Hugo Awards at Suncon, featuring Toastmaster Robert Silverberg. You can find them on our Youtube  channel.

All the FANACs  through 49 are now up. Page scans all courtesy of Mark Olson.

April 23, 2016
Added even more issues of FANAC  edited by Ron Ellik and Terry Carr. We now have the first 41 issues. Page scans are courtesy of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark.

Thanks to scans by Joe Siclari, we have added four issues of Spaceways  from 1940. This Harry Warner, Jr fanzine was one of the best of 1940 and is a potential Retro Hugo nominee.

April 22, 2016
Added more issues of FANAC  edited by Ron Ellik and Terry Carr. We now have the first 34 issues. Page scans are courtesy of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark.

April 21, 2016
Added additional issues of FANAC  edited by Ron Ellik and Terry Carr. Page scans are courtesy of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark.

April 20, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #339 (5.6 MB) and #71.1D (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Added the first 15 issues of FANAC  edited by Ron Ellik and Terry Carr. Page scans are courtesy of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark.

April 17, 2016
Added a number of 1940s Fantasy Times  edited by James Taurasi and others. Page scans done by Ned Brooks.

We have added many more Ratatosks. This is a newszine by Bruce Pelz from the 60s. Thanks to Mark Olson for the page scans.

that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both

April 14, 2016
We have the first 19 issues of Bruce Pelz's Ratatosk  up, thanks to the scanning efforts of Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!

April 6, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #338 (4.0 MB), and #71.1C (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

April 1, 2016
We have a new video up on the
Fanac Fanhistory Project channel
on Youtube. Featuring Fred Pohl, Bob Madle, Earle Korshak and Dave Kyle, you can view the MagiCon panel discussion on the first Worldcon.

We've posted the new April issue  of Leybl Botwinik's fanzine
Cyber Cozen
along with earlier 2016 and 2015 issues. Thanks, Leybl.

March 30, 2016
We have a new video up on the
Fanac Fanhistory Project channel
on Youtube. Check out the playlist for
Outworlds Live!
, the live performance of Bill Bowers' fanzine Outworlds 50 from the 1987 Corflu.

March 29, 2016
We've posted the new Broken Toys 48  issue of Taral's fanzine Broken Toys. Thanks, Taral.

You can also find the February  issue of The National Fantasy Fan  thanks to George Phillies.

March 21, 2016
Two new issues of
added, both the new
Opuntia 337
, and an archive issue,
Opuntia 248
. Thanks Dale!

March 15, 2016
A number of fanzines that were added in February and March dropped off the "what's new" list. Don't worry, the
Fantasy Times
, the
, and the others are still there.

In addition to the February and March issues, today we added two issues of
, both the new one,
Opuntia 336
, and an archive issue,
Opuntia 30
. Thanks Dale!

One of our most exciting new projects is to make historic video and audio available. We have begun the
Fanac Fanhistory Project channel
on Youtube! To begin with, we have made available a couple of items from MagiCon. the 50th Wordcon held in 1992. On the channel you will find an interview with Fan Guest of Honor, Walt Willis, and the Isaac Asimov Memorial.

January 29, 2016
Edie Stern has added Fantasy Times #2A, #4, and #5 edited by James V. Taurasi during October to December 1944 to the Fantasy Times  index. Thank you Edie.

These scans were provide by Ned Brooks before his accidential death and include most, if not all, of the issues of the zine that were published from September 1941 to July 1956. Edie will be putting them on-line here over the next few months.

January 28, 2016
Edie Stern has added Fantasy Times #8 and #10 edited by Sam Moskowitz in April and June 1944 to the Fantasy Times  index. Thank you Edie.

January 26, 2016
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (11.6 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 46  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.

January 18, 2016
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of January 2016's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

January 15, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #251 (5.4 MB) and #332 (1.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 8, 2016
Edie Stern uploaded a PDF (1.96 MB) of the first Progress Report for the 2015 Operacon  that was held March 12–15 in Milwaukee, WI. Thanks Edie.

It was a four-day relaxacon in conjunction with the Milwaukee world premiere of “The Snow Dragon”, the latest opera by award-winning sf, fantasy and horror writer Somtow Sucharitkul (aka S.P. Somtow).

January 5, 2016
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #331 (3.0 MB) and #61.1 (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

January 1, 2016
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.1 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 45  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.

December 29, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #254 (145.3 KB) and #330 (2.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
December 18, 2015
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of December 2015's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.
December 14, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #257 (5.5 MB) and #329 (4.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
December 7, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.0 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 44  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 2, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #328 (3.5 MB) and #69.1E (5.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
November 23, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #327 (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
November 18, 2015
George Phillies sent us a PDF of November 2015's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's clubzine The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.
November 9, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #326 (7.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
November 6, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #37.pdf (5.3 MB) and #63.1A (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
November 1, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.6 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 43  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
October 27, 2015
During the migration of the support for Fanac I noticed two files that somehow fell through the cracks apparently back in 2001. They are Tolkien Fannish and Scholarly Activities and Publications  and FROM THE ARCHIVES OF HILDIFONS TOOK  both from Gary Hunnewell. They have been added to the Fannish Reference Works index where they belong. Please accept my apologies Gray for the delay.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #22 (5.5 MB) and #325 (1.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. He also sent us a PDF of the updated Cumulative Subject Index for issues #1 to #325. Thanks Dale.
October 26, 2015
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of October 2015's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.
October 23, 2015
George Phillies sent us a PDFs of January 2015's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #24.1 (5.3 MB) and #261 (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
October 20, 2015
Last June Mark Olson sent us scans of RUNE 62, the The Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc. (Minn-stf) Clubzine for Winter, 1981. Thanks Mark and thanks to Laurie Mann for entering the data for the "clickable" TOC.
October 12, 2015
Laurie Mann has updated the GUFF information on Fanac's Fan Funds pages by adding this year's winner. Thanks Laurie.
October 11, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #262 (5.3 MB) and #324 (3.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
October 8, 2015
Laurie Mann has updated the TAFF, DUFF and GUFF information on Fanac's Fan Funds pages. Thanks Laurie.
October 6, 2015
John Purcell sent us the first two issues of his Perzine Askew  which were originally one-shots. The first issue was to be his first ever FAPA zine, but he never joined, and the second issue was his 2010 DUFF campaign fanzine. The remainder of the run, issues #3 to the current #13 (soon to be mailed), are all paper-only, but he is converting them to pdf. The plan is to have them all completed Real Soon Now. Thanks John.
October 4, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #267 (5.7 MB) and #268 (5.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
September 28, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #323 (1.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
September 24, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (4.0 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 42  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
September 22, 2015
George Phillies sent us a PDF of September 2015's issue of The National Fantasy Fan Federation's The National Fantasy Fan. Thanks George.
September 21, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #322 (8.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
September 13, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #321 (7.1 MB) and #44.1C.pdf (4.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
September 2, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #320 (5.0 MB) and #55.3 (4.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
August 27, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #319 (4.3 MB) and #70.1B (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
August 18, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #318 (854.4 KB) and #59 (4.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
August 17, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (4.9 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 41  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
August 9, 2015
Ned Brooks has updated his SFPA Index (sfpatoc) to include the July Mailing 306 and his Fanzine Index (z102) has been updated to include the latest acquisitions. Thnaks Ned.
August 5, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #317 (8.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
July 28, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #316 (4.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
July 16, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #315 (6.8 MB) and #67.1B (4.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
July 11, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.5 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 40  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
July 10, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #314 (6.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
July 2, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #313 (3.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
June 26, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #259 (5.4 MB), #270 (5.4 MB), #35.pdf (5.0 MB), #70.1A (5.4 MB), and #70.1F (5.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
June 22, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #312 (6.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
June 12, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #311 (2.8 MB), #51.1B (5.2 MB), and #70.1D (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
June 3, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #310 (3.7 MB) and #71.3 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
June 1, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (5.6 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 39  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
May 25, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #309 (3.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
May 22, 2015
In 2012 Evelyn Leeper was scheduled to be on a panel at Philcon titled Londinium Wins the Worldcon in A.D. 201. However, she was unable to attend due to Hurricane Sandy, but she had written up some ideas and hates to see them wasted, so ...

This "Convention Report" that never was is now on-line under the Fan Publications Other Convention Publications index. Thanks Evelyn.
May 21, 2015
Ned Brooks sent us 35 scans of letters and postcards that he had recieved from Avram Davidson over the years. They are now on-line under the Fan Publications Articles about Fandom index. Thanks Ned.
May 19, 2015
Evelyn C. Leeper's report for LoneStarCon 3 (Worldcon 2013) is now available via LoneStarCon 3's index. Thanks Evelyn.
May 15, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #308 (1.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
May 7, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #307 (2.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
April 30, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (4.9 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 38  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
April 27, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #306 (1.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
April 20, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #305 (5.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
April 7, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #304 (6.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
March 24, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.3 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 37  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
March 22, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #303 (6.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
March 15, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #302 (4.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
March 8, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #301 (4.4 MB), #43.5.pdf (5.0 MB), and #70.5A (6.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
March 2, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #263 (6.1 MB), #27.1.pdf (5.3 MB), and #271 (322.0 KB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
March 1, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #67.5 (4.9 MB), #69.1D (5.5 MB), and #71.1B (5.3 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
February 25, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of an updated Cumulative Subject Index for issues #1 to #300 of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
February 24, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #300 (6.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
February 20, 2015
Joe Siclari sent us four searchable PDF files of his fanzine collection. They have over 13,000 entries, in comparison to the 10K entries that were on the site. They have replaced the nonsearchable scans from 2007. Please see The Fanzine Archive to check them out. Thanks Joe.
February 16, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #299 (5.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
February 10, 2015
Ned Brooks has updated his SFPA Index (sfpatoc) with the ToC for January. Thanks Ned.
February 7, 2015
Taral Wayne sent us PDFs of his Perzines Broken Toys 35  (1.5 MB) and 36  (The Four-Months-Late Halloween Issue) (6.5 MB) which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
January 29, 2015
Joe Siclari sent us several photos that we have uploaded to the Fanac website:

One photo was added to the photo album for Tropicon IV.

One photo used to to create a photo album for CactusCon (NASFic 1987).

One photo was added to the photo album for ConStellation 1983.

Thanks Joe.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #298 (2.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
January 22, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #250 (5.2, MB), #297 (7.7, MB), and #48.1A (5.2, MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
January 15, 2015
Evelyn C. Leeper sent us "stripped down" convention reports for the 2009, 2010, and 2011 Philcons. Thanks Evelyn.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #296 (4.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
January 2, 2015
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #295 (4.6 MB) and #52.1A (5.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
December 25, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #26.5 (3.8 MB) and #294 (5.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Ned Brooks has updated his Fanzine Index (z102) and SFPA Index (sfpatoc). Thanks Ned.
December 21, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.8 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 34  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 18, 2014
Evelyn C. Leeper sent us a stripped-down Philcon 2008  convention report which we have put on-line. Thanks Evelyn.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issue #293 (1.4 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
December 15, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF of Lost Toys issues 9 (81 KB), his contribution to Arnie Katz's Trufannish Electronic Press Exchange (TePe) APA. We have uploaded the zine to the Lost Toys  index. Issue 9 is "another final issue. Last one!! I promise". Thanks Taral.

Leybl Botwinik who recently become the asssistant editor of CyberCozen  - Israel's longest surviving SF fanzine (they've been around since about 1988) sent us PDFs of seven of the zine's most recent issues. Their repository, that was last updated in May, is at: Thanks Leybl.
December 10, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #292 (5.4 MB) and #60.5 (2.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
December 9, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.4 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 33  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 2, 2014
A couple of months ago Ned Brooks sent us a whole bunch of scans of DeepSouthCon con publications from 1965-2014. This was mostly program book covers but it did include one full program book (DSC 17 1979) and four other miscellaneous pubs. Way too many to list individually. These latter pubs went on-line November 23rd. Thanks to all who helped make this possible.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #291 (4.2 MB), #68.5A (6.1, and MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
November 23, 2014
Thanks to Ned Brooks and Mark Olson we have just uploaded five PDFs of DeepSouthCon pubs. They are for DSC 3 (2.2 MB), DSC 4 (2.4 MB), DSC 7 (1.7 MB), DSC 17 (9.8 MB), and DSC 25 (2.1 MB).

Ned scanned the pages and Mark turned them into PDFs.
November 22, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues # (9.0 MB), # (2.1, and MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #290 (2.1 MB) and #69.1C (9.0, MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
November 16, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #289 (3.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
November 6, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us PDFs of Lost Toys issues 6 (1.2MB), 7 (5.8MB), and 8 (944KB), his contributions to Arnie Katz's Trufannish Electronic Press Exchange (TePe) APA. We have uploaded the zines to the Lost Toys  index. Issue 8 is the final issue of Tarall Wayne's TePe apazine. Thanks Taral.
November 5, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #288 (9.7 MB), #71.5 (5.2, and MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
November 4, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.7 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 32  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
October 23, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #287 (12.4 MB), #47.1B (4.9 MB), and #57.3 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
October 15, 2014
Ned Brooks has updated the SFPA Index to include mailing #301. Thanks Ned.
October 14, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #286 (7.5 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
October 11, 2014
Ned Brooks has uploaded It Goes on the Shelf 36. Thanks Ned.
October 1, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #23 (5.6 MB) and #24 (5.2 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
September 29, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #285 (5.9 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
September 26, 2014
Evelyn C. Leerer made her LonCon 3  report available to us but it is not the usual sort, since she wasn't actually there... Thanks Evelyn.

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.0 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 31  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
September 22, 2014
Harry Bell sent Ned Brooks a color version of his cover for his newszine IGOTS 8. Thanks for the update.
September 20, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #3.5 (5.0 MB) and #4 (4.8 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
September 13, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #284 (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
September 11, 2014
Ned Brooks has updated the file z102, the inventory of the fanzine archive. Thanks Ned.
September 1, 2014
Warren Buff sent us an MP3 file (13.2 MB) of an interview that he did with Ron Zukowski while attending Contrails, DeepSounthCon 52. The interview may be accessed via the ConFederation audio index. Warren says of the interview: “I'm not a great interviewer on the fly, but luckily, I asked Ron one question, "Would you be willing to talk about ConFederation?", and he went on for a half hour”. Thanks Warren.
August 31, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.7 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 30  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
August 29, 2014
A while ago, actually about a decade age, we received CDs containing 14 WMA files, digitized versions of recordings of activities at Loncon II, the 1965 WorldCon, but they sort of fell through the cracks, so to speak. These recordings were made by Waldemar Kumming and digitized by Tomas Recktenwald. They have belatedly been uploaded to Loncon II's audio index.

Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #283 (7.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
August 22, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #256 (5.8 MB), #258 (5.6 MB), #260 (5.3 MB), and #269 (5.7 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Ned Brooks just added the ToC of the 300th mailing of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance to the SFPA Index file SFPATOC. Thanks for the update Ned.
August 11, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #282 (4.1 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
August 8, 2014
Mark Olson passed us a digitized copy of a tape of the first part of the SunCon Hugo Awards Banquet. The tape was also recorded by Debbie King and digitized by Michael Kerpan. The MP3 file (36.9MB) is 53:39 long and may also be accessed from the new SunCon Audio File index. Again, thanks to everyone that helped make this bit of Fan History available.

Taral Wayne sent us PDFs of Lost Toys issues 2 (1.2MB), 3 (5.8MB), 4 (944KB), and 5 (1.4MB), his contributions to Arnie Katz's Trufannish Electronic Press Exchange (TePe) APA. We have uploaded the zines to the Lost Toys  index. Thanks Taral.
August 4, 2014
Mark Olson passed us a digitized copy of a tape of the SunCon Hugo Awards presentations. The tape was recorded by Debbie King and digitized by Michael Kerpan and the voice is that of Robert Silverberg who was the Toastmaster for the Hugo Awards banquet. The MP3 file (41.2 MB) is 29:07 long and may be accessed from the new SunCon Audio File index. Thanks to everyone that helped make this bit of Fan History available.
July 30, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us a PDF of issue #281 (8.6 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
July 24, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #2 (7.4 MB) and #3 (5.0 MB) of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
July 13, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #280 and #71 of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.6 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 29  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
June 28, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #264, #265, #266, and #279 of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
June 14, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #272 and #278 of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
June 7, 2014
Ned Brooks has just updated the SFPA Index file SFPATOC  to include the 299th mailing. The end of July will be the deadline for the 300th mailing - any former member of SFPA is invited to submit something on paper to:

Gary Robe
PO Box 3221
Kingsport TN 37664-0221

May 29, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #277, #67.1D, and #71.1A of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
May 21, 2014
Ned Brooks has updated two of his indices under the FANAC Bibliographies  index.

An issue of the University of Chicago Magazine from January 1952, found by Malcolm Edwards on eBay, was added to The Hannes Bok Illustration Index.

He also updated his Fanzine Index 

Thanks Ned.
May 16, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.2 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 28  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
May 5, 2014
Dale Speirs sent us PDFs of issues #249, #255, #273, and #276 of his perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale.
April 13, 2014
Joe Siclari passed on PDFs of a "Cumulative Subject Index of Oputina #1 to #275" (279.9 KB) and issues #252 (133.6 KB), #253 (5.4 MB), and #257 (2.4 MB) of Dale Speirs' perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale and Joe.

The SFPA had a postmailing, so Ned Brooks updated the Southern Fandom Press Alliance Index to include the new information. Thanks Ned.
April 11, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (454 KB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 27  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
April 6, 2014
Joe Siclari passed on PDFs of the first (#1) and the most recent (#274) issues of Dale Speirs' perzine Opuntia. Thanks Dale and Joe.
April 2, 2014
Ned Brooks uploaded the bimonthly addittion to Southern Fandom Press Alliance Index and the latest version of his Fanzine Index. Thanks Ned.
March 31, 2014
Rogers Cadenhead sent us a copy of his Prime Material #6 (August 2013) PDF (253.2KB) his Alarums & Excursions APA submission. This APAzine has been added to Rogers Cadenhead's APA Submissions under our Electronic Fanzines index. Thank you Rohers.
March 14, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (882.0 KB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 26  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
March 1, 2014
Rogers Cadenhead sent us copies of two of his recent APA contributions. Three Rocks #5  November 2013 (Capa-Alpha) and Swordperson #2  February 2014 (FAPA). Thanks Rogers.

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (90.5KB) of Lost Toys #1, his contribution to Arnie Katz's new Trufannish Electronic Press Exchange (TePe) APA. Taral also included a copy of TePe Pre-eMailing 0 (48.2KB), Arnie's announcement of the formation of the APA. We have uploaded both to the new Lost Toys  index. Thanks Taral.
February 9, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.4 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 25  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
February 3, 2014
Over the last several months Mark Olson sent us a whole bunch of scans of various pubs relating to conventions. Of these we have found homes for all but 15, 13 Bid Flyers and a couple of Playbills. We have have now uploaded these scans and they can be found under the Fan Publications Conventions and Worldcons indices. Thanks Mark.
January 27, 2014
Mark Olson sent us PDFs of three of NYcon II's Progress Reports which we have added to it's Publications index. Thanks Mark
January 20, 2014
Mark Olson sent us a PDF (14.1MB) of Clevention's Progress Report #4  that we have added to Clevention's Publications list. Thanks Mark.
January 16, 2014
Mark Olson sent us 26 PDFs of The Mad 3 Party  that where scanned in by Tim Szczesuil. We have added them to the Modern Fan Publications index. Our thanks to both Tim and Mark.
January 10, 2014
Mark Olson sent us PDFs of thee of the Progress Reports from 1957's Loncon I which we have added to it's Publications index. Thanks Mark.
January 4, 2014
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (9.0 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 24 Xmas Ish  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 28, 2013
Evelyn C. Leeper sent us her Chicon 7  report which be accessed from the Worldcon index. Thanks Evelyn.
December 16, 2013
Mark Olson sent us a PDF (1.4MB) of the Pocket Program  for Tricon, the 1966 Worldcon, that we have added to to Tricon's index. Thanks Mark.
December 10, 2013
Mark Olson sent us a PDF (1.5MB) of the playbill for Back to the Rivets, a Fannish Operetta by Sue Anderson & Mark M. Keller that was presented at Boskone 14. We have added it to Boskone's index. Thanks Mark.
December 9, 2013
Mark Olson sent us a couple of more scans (PDFs) of Solacon publications which we have added to Solacon's publications list. Thanks Mark.
December 8, 2013
Mark Olson sent us another four scans (2 PDFs & 2 JPGs) of material from Detention, the 1959 Worldcon, which we have added to it's Publications index. Thanks Mark.
December 1, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.0 MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 23 REVISED  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
November 14, 2013
Mark Olson sent us seven scans (PDFs & JPEGs) of Solacon publications which we have added to Solacon's publications list. Thanks Mark.
November 9, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.2MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 22  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
November 2, 2013
Rogers Cadenhead sent us copies of Prime Material #4 (August 2013) and Prime Material #5 (Novemmber 2013) his Alarums & Excursions APA submissions and Three Rocks #3 (June 2013) his Capa-Alpha APA submissions. These APAzines have been added to Rogers Cadenhead's APA Submissions under our Electronic Fanzines index. Thank you Rohers.
October 30, 2013
Carol De Priest sent us a copy of 2013 TusCon Science Fiction Convention  an article from the Tuscon Daily Star by Gerald M. Gay which we have added to our Important Articles about Fandom and TusCon indices. Thanks Carol.
October 29, 2013
David Speakman sent us a PDF (678.4KB) of The NEOSFS Newsletter #3  published by the Northeast Ohio Science Fiction Society in November of 1968. We have added it to the Classic Fan Publications index. Thanks David.
October 27, 2013
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of 49 of AussiCon 4's publications. Thanks Joe.
October 19, 2013
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of 28 of LoneStarCon 3's publications. Thanks Joe.
October 14, 2013
We have downloaded HTML versions of eBooks of the four issues of Ray Bradbury's Futuria Fantasia  that were publishes during 1939-1940, These electronic versions were created and released by The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.

Our thanks go to Project Gutenbergℱ, the eBooks' producers Greg Weeks and Mary Meehan and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at who made them possible.
October 5, 2013
Mark Olson sent us scans of four Worldcon membership cards that we have added (one each) to the Cinvention, Nolacon I, SFCon, and Loncon I photo albums. Thanks Mark.
September 28, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.8MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 21  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
September 24, 2013
Mark Olson sent us PFDs of Detention's Progress Report #3  (10.9MB) and #4  (6.9MB) that were both edited by George Young. Thanks Mark.
September 23, 2013
Mark Olson sent us a PFD (5.4MB) of the Weclome to Detroit that was supplied by Detroit for the members of Detention. We have added it to the Detention publications list. Thanks Mark.
September 22, 2013
Mark Olson sent us PFD's of some of the Detention's publications which we have added to the Detention photo album and other indicies. Thanks Mark.
August 23, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (6.1MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 20  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
August 22, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (4.6MB) of Chris Garcia's Drink Tank 340  which contains Taral's final contribution 100 is Not Too Many! which we have added to our Important Articles about Fandom index. Thanks Taral and thanks Chris for letting use this.
August 9, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (368.8KB) of his Scanners Live in Vain. a list of fanzines and other material that he has scanned over time. We have placed it under the FANAC Bibliographies & Collecctions index. Thanks Taral.

Brian Kanpp sent us copies of his scans of the Lunacon '87 Program Book. Thanks Brian.
August 4, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us PDFs of Genre Plat, a Fanzine that was published from 1977-1983 and edited primarily by Allyn Cardogan with Bill Gibson or Grant Canfiel. Thanks Taral.
July 31, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (4.0MB) of his Perzine Broken Toys 19  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.

Taral also sent us copies of several issues of Censored, an Apazine published by Fred Hunter Jr. between 1941 and 1954. Thanks again Taral.
July 28, 2013
We have used Mark Olson's scans to add progrm book covers to the photo albums for the following Worldcons:

Thanks Mark.
July 25, 2013
Rogers Cadenhead sent us Three Rocks #1 (April 2013) and Three Rocks #3 (June 2013) his Capa-Alpha APA submissions, Prime Material #2 (May 2013) and Prime Material #3 (June 2013) his Alarums & Excursions APA Submissions, and Swordperson #1 (May 2013) his FAPA submission. These have been added to Rogers Cadenhead's APA Submissions under our Electronic Fanzines index. Thank you Rohers.
July 23, 2013
A while back Rogers Cadenhead sent us a copy of Three Rocks #2, his May 2013 fanzine submission for the Capa Alpha APA. Thanks Rogers.

We have also consolidated all of Rogers' submissions under one index at Rogers Cadenhead's APA Pubs.
June 25, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.2MB) of his perzine Broken Toys 18  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
May 31, 2013
Mark Olsen sent us scans of the Program Book covers from Renovation and Chicon 7. Thanks Mark.
May 28, 2013
Carol De Priest sent us scans of Iguagacon's Program Report #5. This report includes Iguanacon's final Financial Report. Thanks Carol.
May 27, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.6MB) of his perzine Broken Toys 17  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
April 30, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (980.4 KB) of his perzine Broken Toys 16  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
April 22, 2013
Evelyn Leeper sent us her Renovation  convention report. It has been added to our Renovation index. Thanks Evelyn, as you said "Better late than never!".
April 4, 2013
Rogers Cadenhead sent us Prime Material #1, his April 2013 fanzine submission for the Alarums & Excursions APA. Thanks Rogers.
April 3, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (991.8 KB) of Broken Toys 15  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
March 27, 2013
We have added Release The Hounds! #3  (52.9KB PDF), Rogers Cadenhead's February 2011 FAPA Fanzine submission. Thank you for sending it to us.
March 21, 2013
Rob Hansen was kind enough to let us know that a number of the links that we had to his material were no longer valid and where the material has been relocated. So far we have fixed the links that where broken in both Then  and the Enchanted Duplicator. Thanks Rob.
March 3, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.3 MB) of Broken Toys 14  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
February 11, 2013
Joe Siclari sent us Andrew I. Porter's photo of Ann Deverough Jordan to add to the photo album for ConStellation 1983. Thanks Joe and Andy.

We have added the latest issue of the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society's newsletter The MT Void, Vol. 31, No. 32, that was sent to us by Mark and Evelyn Leeper. Thank you both
January 22, 2013
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (2.5 MB) of Broken Toys 12  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.5 MB) of Broken Toys 12  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
January 20, 2013
We have added Fanac's Articles of Incorporatioon  and the 2003 version of the By-Laws  to the FANAC, Inc.  directory.
December 31, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.7 MB) of Broken Toys 11  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 17, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (3.6 MB) of Broken Toys 10  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
December 2, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us 47 scans that we used to create a Fan Artist album for Atom (Arthur Thompson). Thank you both.
November 25, 2012
Shelby Vick sent us a link to a PDF (13.1MB) of Hyphen 37  which we have copied to our Hyphen  directory replacing the offsite link to that we used to use. Thanks Shelby.
November 17, 2012
Mark Olsen sent us a scan of Tucker Bag 4-œ, a single page flyer issue of the occasional newszine sent to contributors to The Tucker Bag, a fan fund to bring Bob Tucker to Aussiecon 1. This issue was published for Discon II in 1974. Thanks Mark.

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.2 MB) of Broken Toys 9  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
November 11, 2012
Mark Olson has notified us that Fancyclopedia III has just passed 8,500 pages. Why not visit it and add some more?
November 7, 2012
Carl Coling sent us a link to his website that details the making of the costumes, props, and puppets,, which we have added to the caption of the photo of the presentation (w84m045.html) in the LA Con II photo album. Carl did this for the 30th anniversary of the release date of the film (December 17, 1982). Thanks Carl.
October 12, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.4 MB) of the Eighth issue of Broken Toys  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
October 11, 2012
We have used 16 of Taral Wayne's scans to create a Fan Art album for Marc Schirmeister. Thanks Marc and Taral.
September 16, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us another six of his scans for Stu Shiffman's Fan Art album. Thanks Taral.

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.1 MB) of the Sixth issue of Broken Toys  which we have added to the Broken Toys index. Thanks Taral.
September 14, 2012
We have used 19 of Taral Wayne's scans to create a Fan Art album for Stu Shiffman. Thanks Stu and Taral.

Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (851.6 KB) of the Seventh issue of Broken Toys  which we have added to our Electronic Fanzines index. Thanks Taral.
September 9, 2012
A while ago we noticed that the link to Joe Schaumburger's (1930-2011) Klatchian Foreign Legion, a world-wide group of Discworld fans, newszine WOSSNAME  was broken. We just found out that the editorship of this publication was later taken over by Annie Mac and that the old link is active again. Keep up the good work Annie.
September 6, 2012
Kim Huett picked up a copy of Progress Report #4 from the 11th World Science Fiction Convention on eBay recently. Interestingly this copy had been addressed to T. L. Sherred but returned to sender for some reason. It had never been opened so the voting card for the first Science Fiction Achievement Awards  was still inside. Thanks Kim for sending it to us.
September 3, 2012
Ned Brooks sent us page scans of The Planeteer #5  from March, 1936. These scans are from a facsimile by Gary Labowitz in 1971 and distributed with his fanzine, Canticles from Labowitz #7. Thanks Ned.
September 1, 2012
Ned Brooks has updated his Hannes Bok - Illustration Index. The changes were inspired by a notion of George Beahm's that Ned should send George printed copies - and Ned has no printed copies, just the 1970 covers with the Bok art. The printed pages were all outdated, as corrections since 1994 have been to the computer file. Whether it is ever actually printed again, Ned will continue to update the file. Thanks Ned.
August 7, 2012
Ned Brooks just updated the index to the 288 mailings of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance and the index to his Fanzine Archive. Thanks Ned.
August 5, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us PDFs of the first four of his personal zine Broken Toys. Thanks again Taral.
August 2, 2012
Taral Wayne sent us a PDF (1.6 MB) of the Fifth Issue of Broken Toys  which we have added to our Electronic Fanzines index. Thanks Taral.
June 20, 2012
Shelby Vick sent us a photo of himself and Bea Mahaffey at Detention. Thanks Shelby. He's the one with the big grin...
June 3, 2012
Mark Olson has notified us that Fancyclopedia III has just passed 6,500 pages. Thomas Bull of Australia has been especially active and Australia is probably now the best-documented area.
June 2, 2012
We have used 12 photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for MidAmeriCon. Thanks Joe.
May 27, 2012
We have added 18 photos from a party that was held at Edie Stern and Joe Siclari's home near Kingston, NY in 2008 to the New York Fandom photo album. The photos were taken by Mark Olson, Joe Siclari, and Edie Stern. Thanks all.

We have used 43 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for MagiCon. Thanks Mark.
May 20, 2012
We have used two of Rich Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Midwestcon 43. Thanks Rich.
May 12, 2012
Dara Korra'ti gave us access to a couple of scans of photos from the Memory Book of NorthameriCon, the 1979 NASFiC. Thanks Dara.

(The cover of the Memory Book was used as the logo for this con's photo index. JW)
May 11, 2012
Angelique Trouvere sent us another photo from LA Con II that she had in her collection. Thanks Angee.
May 10, 2012
We have used 11 of Taral Wayne's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation 2009. Thanks Taral.
May 9, 2012
We have replaced the link to Fanac's LiveJournal with one to Fancyclopedia III in our homepage's index.

Please vist Fancyclopedia III and take advantage of, and possibly add too, the wealth of Fannish history, knowledge, humor, and other interesting material that has been gathered there.
April 28, 2012
Don Sakers sent us a PDF (207.3 MB) of the Intersection (1995 Worldcon) Pocket Programme Book and Local Guide. Thanks Don.
March 4, 2012
Last month Kim Huett sent us scans of an issue of Warwick Hockley's fanzine Austra-Fantasy #3  from the late 1940's. Thanks Kim.
February 1, 2012
Joe Siclari sent us one of Andrew I. Porter's photos to add to the photo album for Conspiracy. Thanks Andrew.
January 19, 2012
When we first put up Spaceways #1  in April of 1999 we did not have a copy of the zine's TOC so the correct order of the articles could not be determined. Kim Huett recently sent us a scan of the missing TOC so we have attempted to get it right this time. Thanks Kim and how well did we do?
January 15, 2012
Steve Silver also gave us access to a PDF of the program book from Chicon III. We have added links to it from the Convention Publications, the Worldcon Publications, and the Worldcon indices. Thanks again Steve.
January 14, 2012
Steve Silver gave us access to PDFs of the program books from Chicon I  and Chicon II (TASFiC). We have added links to them from the Convention Publications, the Worldcon Publications, and the Worldcon indices. Thanks Steve.
December 21, 2011
We have enhanced the Fannish Publications indices by adding a Worldcon Publications Index and an Other Convention Publications Index. In addition we have made all of the Fannish Publications indices sortable for your convince.

Our thanks to Stuart Langridge for his excellent JavaScript app, "SortTable". It worked exactly as expected "right out of the box".
December 9, 2011
Matthew Strait sent us a number of publications from Minn-stf's Minicon. The next four of these pubs (Program Books for Minicons 9, 10, 19, & 25) are now on-line and they may be accessed from the Minicon or Convention Pubs indices. Thanks Matthew.
November 29, 2011
We have added a photo provided by Bill Warren of the LASFS Board of Directors standing in front of the first clubhouse in 1973 or 1974 to the LASFS album. The photographer is unknown so if you know who he or she is please let us know too. Thanks.
November 28, 2011
We have used five of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Nippon. Thanks Brian.

We have used two of Mike Ransom's photos to add to the photo album for OKon I. Thanks Mike.

We have used nine of Richard Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Corflu 11 and another three to add to the photo album for FanHistoricon 01. Thanks Richard.
November 25, 2011
Rich Lynch sent us larger scans of some of his photos from Corflu 11, FanHistoriCon 1, and MidwestCon 43. Thanks Rich
October 29, 2011
Kim Huett sent us scans of the first issue of Olon F. Wiggins' The Science Fiction Fan  that was published July 1938. Thanks Kim.
October 28, 2011
We have used 104 of Frank Olynyk's photos to add to the photo album for Renovation. Thanks Frank.
October 24, 2011
Rob Hanson also sent us a link to his collection of Loncon II con reports and photos. This link has also been added to Fanac's Worldcon index. Thanks again Rob.
October 20, 2011
A while back Rob Hanson sent us a link to his collection of Loncon I con reports and photos. This link has been added to Fanac's Worldcon index. Thanks Rob.
October 19, 2011
Matthew Strait sent us a number of publications, a bunch of program books and one flyer, from Minn-stf's Minicon. The first five of these are now on-line and they may be accessed from the Minicon or Convention Pubs indices. Thanks Matthew.
October 13, 2011
Kim Huett sent us scans of Austra-Fantasy #2  the second issue of the first fanzine published in Melbourn, Australia. Please notice that Kim has discovered a way to make hecktographed pages far more legible than they usually are after the initial scanning, Thanks Kim.
September 10, 2011
We have used two photos from Kim Huett's collection to add to the photo album for Australian Fandom. Thanks Kim.

In addition, Kim Huett sent us a PDF of the first issue of the first fanzine published in Melbourn, Australia, Austra Fantasy. This zine was published by Warwick Hockley and Keith Taylor in 1940. Thanks Kim.

Kim Huett also sent us PDFs of the 9œ issues of the fanzine Melbourne Bulletin, the seond fanzine that was that was published in Melbourn, Australia, from late 1940 to late 1941. This zine was also published by Warwick Hockley and Keith Taylor. Thanks Kim.
September 9, 2011
We have used one photo from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon I. Thanks Angie.

We have used photos from Mark Olson, Richard and Nicki Lynch, and Melanie Herz to start a photo album for Renovation. Thanks Mark, Richard, Nicki, and Melanie.
September 8, 2011
We have used 63 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation 2009. Thanks Mark. There's more to come.
September 1, 2011
Rich Lynch has added an on-line copy of Mimosa Issue #9 which may be viewed through our Mimosa Index. Thank you Rich.
August 7, 2011
At Jim Caughran's request, Mark Olson has taken over as editor of Fancyclopedia III. We would like to sincerely thank Jim for the time and effort that he invested in this worthwhile project over the past five years. We would also like to invite all of you to visit the new Fancyclopedia III  to explore it's newly expanded content and to contribute your insights, experiences, and knowledge of Science Fiction Fandom by adding new articles or expanding existing ones.
June 17, 2011
We have used 11 photos that were scanned by volunteers at Anicipation to add to the photo album for MidAmeriCon.
May 20, 2011
We have used ten photos from Dik Daniels's collection to add to the photo album for LA Con III. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. There are a lot more comming.

We have used ten of Taral Wayne's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Taral.
May 19, 2011
We have used 20 of Dik Daniels's photos to add to the photo album for Loscon 19. Thanks Dik. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens and there are more comming.
May 15, 2011
We have used three of Richard Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for DeepSouthCon 14 and two more to create a photo album for DeepSouthCon 15. Thanks Rich.
April 26, 2011
Laurie Mann sent us updated links for the home pages of the four Noreascons that are listed in our WorldCons index. Thanks Laurie.
April 25, 2011
We have used one of Nicki Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for California Fandom. Thanks Nicki.

We have used one of Rich Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Millennium Philcon. Thanks Rich.

We have used one of Rich Lynch's photo to create a photo album for Ditto 2001. Thanks Rich.

We have used three of Rich Lynch's and one of Barry Newton's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. Thanks Rich and Barry.
April 23, 2011
Angelique Trouvere sent us scans of 14 of Celia Tiffany's photos from St Louiscon, the 1969 Worldcon. These photos are courtesy of The International Costumers Guild / Pat & Peggy Kennedy Memorial Library. Thanks to both Angie and the guild.
April 16, 2011
We have added a photo from the 1985 Omnicon October Party to the Omnicon index.
April 15, 2011
We have added eight photos from Don Sakers' collection to the photo album for Millennium Philcon. Thanks Don.

We have added one photo to the photo album for Nolacon 2.

We have used 18 photos to create a photo album for Omnicon 1986 and four more to create a photo album for Omnicon 1988.
April 7, 2011
Kim Huett sent us a copy of Jack Speer's 1943 circular The Cosmic Circle and Fandom. Jack published this in December of 1943 when the Cosmic Circle brouhaha was at its peak, Thanks Kim.
April 4, 2011
Kim Huett sent us scans of Harry Warner's fanzine Spaceways #7  and #8  from August and September 1938. Thanks Kim.
April 1, 2011
We recently updated the photo album photo pages but there was a problem that we had missed. When one of those new pages was linked to by anything other than another one of those new pages the browser's back button would not work properly. This has been fixed for all the major browsers except for FireFox which may have a small bug in it's JavaScript support. When you access one of the new photo pages with FireFox from anywhere outside of Fanac please right click on back button and select the page that you wish to return to from the drop down list. Oh, and Safari requires a double click in the same circumstances.
March 20, 2011
We have completed a major update of the Fanac photo albums. All 6,438 photo webpage html files have been replaced by files that are an average of 34% of their old size. This update will result in more consistent formatting of the webpages and their associated photo update forms because many of those pages and forms were generated early in the life of the website and have now been brought up to date in terms of how they are displayed for you. Please note that the pages make use of JavaScript to control their format. Without JavaScript enabled they will still display properly but some formatting features and the photo updates forms will not be available.
February 23, 2011
Kim Huett sent us scans of Muarice Z. Ingher's fanzine Science Fiction Digest, Vol. 1, No. 7 from March 1933. Thanks Kim.
January 31, 2011
Kim Huett also sent us a PDF (442.6KB) of Bob Tucker's Sci-Fic Variety #7, the Winter of 1942 edition . Thanks Kim.
January 30, 2011
Kim Huett sent us PDFs of Richard Wilson's Science Fiction News Letter  #32 (503.9KB), #33 (775.1KB), #34 (735.6KB), and #35 (737.8KB) from July, 1938. Thanks Kim
January 26, 2011
Kim Huett sent us a PDF (1.2MB) of H. C. Koenig's fanzine Reader and Collector  from June, 1943. Thanks Kim

October 31, 2010
L. Truman Douglas just won a very rare copy of the 3rd Worlldcon Program on eBay and he kindly sent us scans of the front cover and the inside front cover which we have used to start a Denvention I album. Thanks Truman.

October 16, 2010
Don Sakers sent us scans of his Membership Card and the Program Book plus PDFs of three of of the newsletters, the program from "2001 a Space Opera", and the Film Prorgam from Discon II. Thanks Don.
September 27, 2010
At Gary Farber's suggestion we have added three additional links to Fanzine Collections to the FANAC Bibliographies & Collections index. Thanks Gary.
September 25, 2010
At Gary Farber's suggestion we have added a link to the University of California Riverside Libraries Fanzine Collections to the FANAC Bibliographies & Collections index. Thanks Gary.
July 31, 2010
We have added the last issue of the second series (#101 August 2010) of The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet . Thank you Edwina Harvey & Ted Scribner for sending it to us. We are sure that this fine newszine will be sorely missed.
June 28, 2010
We have used 39 34 30 28 photos that were scanned by Mike Resnick from his and Margaret Kiefer's collections to add to the photo albums for:

(Fan Photos) Midwest Fandom, S-F Professionals

(Other Cons) Triple Fan Fair 1969, Midwestcon 3, Tropicon 15

(Worldcons) Chicon II, Chicon III, Discon I, Interaction, LA Con I, LA Con II, MidAmeriCon, Millennium Philcon, Nolacon I, Nolacon II, NY Con III, Pittcon

Thanks Mike.
June 19, 2010
We have used nine photos by Steve Stiles or Lee Smoire to create a photo album for the N. Y. Fanoclasts, 1970s. Thanks Steve and Lee.
June 18, 2010
Jean Weber has updated several pages in the Fan Funds directory including the Index, Miscellaneous Australlian funds, and GUFF Winners. Thanks Jean
June 15, 2010
We have used 14 of Dik Daniels's photos to create a photo album for Forry Ackerman's Birthday under the new Southern California Fandom index. Thanks Dik.
June 4, 2010
We have added a link to the web page for TropiCon XVI to the index for TropiCon.
June 2, 2010
We have added links to the web pages for TropiCon XIV, the only post convention one, and TropiCon XV to the index for TropiCon.
May 31, 2010
We have added a link to the web pages for TropiCon XVII to the index for TropiCon.
May 28, 2010
We have added a link to the web pages for TropiCon XVIII to the index for TropiCon.
May 27, 2010
We stumbled across the files (on a Zip disk no less) for the homepage for TropiCon and the web pages for TropiCon XX so we put them on-line, more may follow.
May 16, 2010
We have used 48 photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for IguanaCon II. Thanks Joe.

We have used 33 photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Mike.
May 3, 2010
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of the thirteen issues of Anticipation's Newsletter Voyageur. Thanks Joe.
May 1, 2010
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of two more Progress Reports and sixteen documents from the WSFS business meeting that was held at Anticipation. Thanks Joe.
April 29, 2010
Joe Siclari sent us PDFs of a Flyer and two Progress Reports for Anticipation. Thanks Joe.
April 28, 2010
We have added the April 2010 version of To Walk the Moon, Taral Wayne's convention report, to the Anticipation reports index. Thanks Taral.

Kim Huett sent us scans of Art Rapp's Spacewarp 39  from June of 1950. Thanks Kim.
April 6, 2010
We have used 42 of Bill and Beverly Warren's photos to add to the photo album for the Ackermansion. Thanks Bill and Beverly.

We have used 31 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Mark.

Jean Weber has updated several pages in the Fan Funds directory to include the DUFF 2010 winner info and to update links to Irwin Hirsh's Australian Fan Funds pages, which are now located at Thanks Jean.
March 14, 2010
We have used 37 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Mark.
March 2, 2010
We have used 14 of Bill Warren's photos to add to the photo album for Seacon. Thanks Bill.

We have used two photos that were scanned by James Bacon & Peggy White to add to the photo album for Irish Fandom. Thanks James & Peggy.
February 17, 2010
Joe Siclari sent us his scans of Vega 3  which we have put on-line. Thanks Joe.
February 9, 2010
Jean Weber has just updated several of the pages in the Fan Funds pages and added some more historical material (DUFF and GUFF ballots). Thanks Jean.
February 6, 2010
We have used four photos from Mike Resnick's collection to replace existing with better copies in the Nebula Awards 1990, Oasis, MagiCon, and BucCONeer albums. Thanks Mike.
February 3, 2010
We have used 28 photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to or create photo albums for Albacon 2002, Astronomicon 2009, ConText 2006, DragonCon 2008, Istrocon 2001, Nebula Awards 1995, Omegacon 2002, Windycon I, Discon I, LA Con I, Discon II, ConStellation, Nolacon II, Noreascon 3, ConFransisco, ConAdian, BucCONeer, and Millennium Philcon. Thanks Mike.
February 2, 2010
Laurie Mann has started archiving the Denvention 3 website on She says that it should take 'till March to get the job done. Good luck Laurie.
January 30, 2010
We have used four photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo albums for Solacon, Pittcon, Chicon II, and Chicon III. Thanks Joe.
January 16, 2010
We have used a few photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to the photo albums for MidAmeriCon and NorthAmeriCon 1979. Thanks Mike.
January 15, 2010
Andy Porter sent us a bunch of photos of a number of cons and other fan stuff that he has scanned using both his own photos and those from other fans, includibng Ben Jason and Don Fanzo. These scans have been used to add to or create photo albums for Philcon II, Clevention, Loncon II, Tricon, NYcon III, Baycon, LA Con I, West Coast Fandom, Midwest Fandom, New York Fandom, and S-F Professionals. Thanks Andy.
January 14, 2010
We have used 19 of Mike Resnick's photos to add to the photo album for ConJosé. Thanks Mike.

We have used 20 of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Brian.

We have used 21 of Will Stewart's photos to create a photo album for Disclave 1989. Thanks Will.
January 1, 2010
Angelique Trouvere noticed that three photos of Marjii Ellers that were in the ConFederation album should have been in a photo album for Costume Con 1986 instead. We have corrected that error. Thanks Angie.
December 21, 2009
We have used 22 of Mike Resnick's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Mike.
December 20, 2009
We have used 14 of Don Ford's photos from Margaret Kiefer's collection to add to the photo album for Midwestcon #2. Thanks Don and Margaret. These photos were scanned by Mike Resnick.
December 17, 2009
Bill Warren noticed that a couple of his photos that we thought belonged in the LA Con II photo album actually belong in the one for the 1980 Loscon 7. Thanks Billy, the photos have been moved.
December 16, 2009
We have put the last two of Brian Knapp's scans of the 1983-89 Boskone con pubs, Boskone XXV and Boskone XXVI, on-line. Thanks Brian for sending us the scans and for helping with the editing of the on-line indices.
December 15, 2009
We have put Brian Knapp's scans of the Boskone XXIV con pubs on-line. There's still more to come. Thanks Brian.
December 13, 2009
We have used 13 more of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Brian. There's more to come.

We have used 38 of Dave Sorgen's photos to add to the photo album for Interaction. Thanks Dave.

We have used 12 photos that were scanned by volunteers at Anticipation add to the photo album for Denvention Two. Our thanks to all of those who participated.

We have used 24 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation and another 25 to add to the photo album for Boskone 46. Thanks Mark. There is much more to come.
December 12, 2009
We have put Brian Knapp's scans of the Boskone XXIII con pubs on-line. There's more to come. Thanks Brian.

We have used 13 photos that were scanned by volunteers at Sakers Con to add to the photo albums for ConFederation, Conspiracy '87, and Noreascon 3. Our thanks to those people who volunteered their time and effort. There is more to come.

We have used ten of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for La Con IV. Thanks Laurie.
December 8, 2009
We have put Brian Knapp's scans of the Boskone XXII con pubs on-line. Three down, four to go. Thanks Brian.
December 5, 2009
We have put Brian Knapp's scans of the Boskone XXI con pubs on-line. There's more to come. Thanks Brian.
December 4, 2009
Brian Knapp sent us scans of the convention publications for the Bokones that were he from 1983 through 1989. We have put the ones for Boskone XX on-line. The rest will follow shortly. Thanks Brian.
November 29, 2009
Ned Brooks has added an index to the first 270 mailings of the Southern Fandom Press Alliance to the Bibliographies & Collections index. Thanks Ned.
November 27, 2009
Taral Wayne and Gary Farber sent us PDFs that Taral made of Susan Glicksohn's Susanzine Amor  which she published from 1972 to 1979. Thanks Taral and Gary.
November 26, 2009
Brian Siano has allowed us to display the 2009 PhilCon publications. Thanks Brian.
November 23, 2009
We have used 20 photos that were scanned and/or taken by Andy Porter to create or to add to photo albums for ConFederation, Conspiracy '87, NYcon III, Autoclave 1976, Corflu 7, Westercon 6, Westercon 10, Los Angeles fandom, LASFS, and New York fandom. Some of these photos were from Forry Ackerman's collection. Thanks Andy.

We have used one of Jay Kay Klein's photo to add to the photo album for Tricon. Thanks Jay Kay.

We have used seven of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Brian.

We have used eight photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for the Poul & Karen Anderson 33rd Wedding Anniversary that was held in the LASFS Clubhouse. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks to all.

We have used ten photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo album for LA Con II. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks to all.
November 19, 2009
Last night Ned Brooks uploaded the PDF (7.7MB) of It Goes On The Shelf #31. Thanks Ned.
November 18, 2009
A while back Ned Brooks sent us a photo of Ruth Judkowitz, George Wells, and JoAnn Montalbano at ConFderation. We fianlly remebered to put it on-line. Thanks Ned.

November 11, 2009

We have added a link to the Westercon homepage to our Westercon photo album's index.
November 8, 2009
Andrew Porter sent us a photo that was provided by John Bangsund of a group of Australian fans in Ferntree Gully, January 1968.
October 30, 2009
We have used five of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation 2009. There's more to come. Thanks Brian.
October 28, 2009
We have used six of Marly Collas and Marc Verdiesen's photos to add to the photo album for ConFiction 1990. Thanks Marly and Marc.

We have used one of Nicki Lynch's photo to create a photo album for Pennsylvania Fandom. Thanks Nicki.

We have used four of Helena Binns's photos to create a photo album for Canberra 1956. Thanks Helena.

We have used 35 of Mark Olson's photos; 6 to create a photo album for Windy City Pulp & Paper 36, 12 to create a photo album for SmofCon 26, and 17 to create a photo album for Boskone 46. There's more to come for Boskone 36. Thanks Mark.
October 23, 2009
We have used nine of Bill Warren's photos to add to the photo album for Baycon 1968. Thanks Bill.
October 22, 2009
We have used five of Kevin Williams's photos to add to the photo album for Seacon 1979. Thanks Kevin.

We have used eight of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation 2009. Thanks Brian.

We have used nine of Bill Warren's photos to add to the photo album for LASFS. Thanks Bill.

We have used five of Richard and Nicki Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Interaction 2005. Thanks Richard and Niki.
October 20, 2009
Kim Huett has sent us new scans of Spacewarp 38. Thanks Kim.
October 9, 2009
Evelyn Leeper has also published a preliminary version of her 2009 Worldcon report, Anticipation. More to come later. Thanks again Evelyn.
October 5, 2009
Evelyn Leeper has published her 2008 Worldcon report, Denvention 3. Thanks Evelyn.
September 29, 2009
Ned Brooks sent us a cleaned up copy of The Secret History of ansible  page 13 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly #11  published in 2001 by Lee Hoffman, Geri Sullivan, Jeff Schalles & Terry Hughes. The old copy we had had a number of formatting errors that he has corrected. Thanks Ned.
September 27, 2009
Gary Farber sent us a link to a Googel Books copy of a May 21, 1951, Life Magazine article Through the Intersellar Looking Glass by Winthrop Sargent. This link had been added to our Fan Publications: Articles index. Thanks Gary.
September 23, 2009
Gary Farber also sent us a PDF of Jerry Kaufman's Best of Susan Wood  that was published on October 31, 1982. This zine was also scanned by Taral Wayne. Thanks again Taral & Gary.
September 22, 2009
Gary Farber sent us PDFs of five issues of Aspidistra  that was edited by Susan Glicksohn (Susan Wood) from 1971 to 1973. The zines were scanned by Taral Wayne. Thanks Taral & Gary.

We have used 40 of Mark Olson's photos to add to the photo album for MagiCon. Thanks Mark.

We have used nine of Joe Siclari's photos to add to the photo album for TropiCon IV. Thanks Joe.
September 15, 2009
We have used three of Richard Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Richard.
September 14, 2009
Kim Huett sent us a 12.7MB PDF of Harry Turner's Zenith One  that was published in August of 1941. Thanks Kim.
September 12, 2009
Joe Siclari forwarded us copies of the first two issues of Robert A. W. "Doc"" Lowndes' Le Vombiteur  that were scanned by Kim Huett. Thanks to Joe & Kim.
September 5, 2009
We have used a few more of the photos of earlier conventions that were scanned by volunteers at the Fanac Fan History booth at Anticipation:

There's still more to come.
September 4, 2009
We have used more of the photos of earlier conventions that were scanned by volunteers at the Fanac Fan History booth at Anticipation:

We have aslo used 16 of Joe Siclari's photos to add to the photo album for Anticipation and 34 photos from Len & June Mofffatt's collection to add to the photo album for LA Con II. Len & June's photos were scanned by Milt Stevens.
September 3, 2009
We have used 11 photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for Conspiracy. Thanks Joe.
September 2, 2009
During Anticipation a number of photos from earlier conventions were scanned by volunteers at the Fanac Fan History booth. We have just added a few of these photos to our site:

There are many more to come.
August 26, 2009
Andy Porter sent us a photo of the line awaiting entrance to Baycon's Summer Party. Thanks Andy.

Joe Siclari sent us a photo of One of the largest groups of past, present & future Worldcon Chairmen (27) that were in attendance at Anticipaton. Thanks Joe.
August 25, 2009
Joe Siclari sent us eight additional Interaction Pubs. Thanks Joe
August 23, 2009
Joe Siclari sent us the rest of Tom Veal's scans of Jane's Fighting Smofs  (Issues #2 - #8) that was published by Jane & Scott Dennis in the mid to late 1980s. Thanks Joe and Tom.
August 17, 2009
Richard Lynch sent us three photos of his plus one each by Joe Siclari and Tom Veal which we have used to start a photo album for Anticipation. Thanks Richard.
August 13, 2009
Jean Weber has added and updated a number of pages in our Fan Funds directory. She has added a page about the DUFF 2009 Race Results and copies of the DUFF 2009 Ballot in both HTML and PDF versions and she has updated the DUFF - Doun Under Fan Fund and DUFF Winners pages. Thanks Jean.
August 11, 2009
We have used one photo that Angelique Trouvere sent us to add to the photo album for St Louiscon. Thanks Angie.
August 7, 2009
Kim Huett sent us scans of the 1973 Eastercon, OMPAcon, First Day Cover. Thanks Kim.
August 6, 2009
We have put the Program Book and the Video & Radio Room Schedules that Brian Knapp sent us for LunaCon '84 on-line. That's the last one. Thanks Brian.
August 4, 2009
We have put the Program Book & Schedule that Brian Knapp sent us for LunaCon '83 on-line. One more to go. Thanks Brian.
July 30, 2009
We have put the Program Book & Schedule that Brian Knapp sent us for LunaCon 25 (1982) on-line. Two more to go. Thanks Brian.
July 29, 2009
Brian Knapp sent us scans of the Program Books and Schedules for !981-1984. We have put the pubs for 1981 on-line at LunaCon. The others will follow soon. Thanks Brian.
July 23, 2009
Brian Knapp sent us scans of the Program Books and Schedules for LunaCon '79 & '80. Thanks Brian.
July 16, 2009
Ben Yallow has been working (for much too long) to scan and OCR some fanzines on conventions. He also wrote an article about other rule changes. These zines, The Legal Rules  and Ben's article are available under the Convention Management and Control  were produced both as a service to fandom in general and as a Cult publication by Jerry William Lapidus. They are presented in both HTML and PDF format.
July 15, 2009
Last March Brian Knapp sent us scans of the MagiCon Original Bookmark Anthology which we added to the MagiCon photo index. Due to an editing error that Brian called to our attention these entries were poorly displayed so we have moved them to the Convention Pubs to correct the problem.
July 9, 2009
We have used 22 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Denvention 3. Thanks Laurie.
July 6, 2009
We have used one of Richard Lynch's photo to create a photo album for Disclave 1994. Thanks Richard.

We have used five of Ned Brooks's photos to create a photo album for DeepSouthCon 31. Thanks Ned.
June 20, 2009
We have used three photos, one by Sarah Clemens, one by Edie Stern, and one by an unknown photographer, to add to the photo album for Denvention 3. Thanks Sara and Edie.
May 11, 2009
We have used 11 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four 2004. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.

We have used 25 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for ConJose. Thanks Laurie.
May 10, 2009
We have used 27 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Denvention 3. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
May 9, 2009
We have used 24 of Kyle McGregor's photos to create a photo album for the Toronto Comic-Con Fan Appreciation Event 2009. Thanks Kyle.
May 1, 2009
We have used 22 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for EasterCon 24. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens and are a subset of the 1973 TAFF Trip photos that were put up the other day. Thanks Len, June, and Milt. Our thanks also go out to Harry Bell, Bill Burns, John Nielsen Hall, Rob Jackson, Jim Linwood, Ian Maule, and Peter Weston who helped with the editing of the photo captions.
April 26, 2009
We have used 17 of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Two. Thanks Brian.

We have used 45 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for the 1973 TAFF Trip. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks Len, June, and Milt. Our thanks also go out to Harry Bell, Bill Burns, John Nielsen Hall, Rob Jackson, Jim Linwood, Ian Maule, and Peter Weston who helped with the editing of the photo captions.
April 25, 2009
We have used 11 of Kay Shapero's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. Thanks Kay.

We have used one photo from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Chicon V. Thanks Angie.

We have used photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo albums for LA Con II and ConStellation. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
April 14, 2009
We just put up a copy of the Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet April 2009 Supliment  regarding the Ditmars and NAFF (National Australian Fan Fund) races which are now both open. The Ditmar nominations close on 4th May, and the NAFF nominations close 24th April.
April 9, 2009
Ned Brooks has updated his Fanzine Index.
March 29, 2009
The Fanac Fan History website has been moved to a new Internet Host at X7 Hosting. The move, which was not our idea, appears to have been fairly successful but if you notice anything that's screwed up please drop a note to
-- Jack Weaver, Webmaster
    Fanac Fan History Project

Rogers Cadenhead joined FAPA last year and he started a new fanzine as his contribution. He has asked us to host it. The second issue of his zine, Release The Hounds, is now on-line.
March 4, 2009
We have used 12 artworks by Sarah Clemens, Phil Foglio, Ingrid Neilson, MagiCon Guest of Honor Vincent Di Fate to add to the photo album for MagiCon. These artworks were scanned by Brian Knapp. Thanks Brian.

Joe Siclari sent us Tom Veal's scans of the first and the final issues of Jane's Fighting Smofs  that were published in August of 1985 and April of 1998. Thanks Joe and Tom.
February 21, 2009
We have used four artworks, one by Phil Foglio and one by Michael Whelan (we don't know who did the others) to create a photo album for ConAdian. These artworks were scanned by Brian Knapp. Thanks Brian.
February 5, 2009
Deb Geisler led us the images of the front and back covers for Interaction's Wondrous Things CD. She thought that it would make a lovely addition to our page about Wondrous Things.. We concur. Thanks Deb.
February 1, 2009
Brian Knapp found a copy of a handout that was given to everyone who went to ConStellation's banqut, the Hugo Awards Crab Feast, along with their commemorative ConStellation crab mallet. Thanks for sending it to us Brian
January 31, 2009
We have added the latest issue (#83) of The Australian Science Fictioon Bullsheet. Thank you Edwina Harvey & Ted Scribner for sending it to us.
January 29, 2009
Jim Caughran has added or updated several articles in Fanac's Fanclopida III. Thanks Jim.
January 23, 2009
Jim Caughran has added an article about the Alberta Science Fiction Society to Fanac's Fanclopida III. Thanks Jim.
January 13, 2009
Over the last couple of weeks Jean Weber has sent us issue 1-82 of the new version of The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet  which we have placed on-line. This new version of this newsletter is written by Edwina Harvey and rendered into html by Ted Scribner. Thanks Jean.
January 11, 2009
At Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon held in Glasgow, Scotland, attendees were presented with a unique CD edited by Deb Geisler. A version of this CD, Wondrous Things  is now on-line and can be accessed via the Interaction Publications index. Thanks to Doug Brown who was kind enough to send us his copy and Vincent Docherty who gave us permission to use its material.

We have used 23 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for LA Con I. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
January 8, 2009
We have used 15 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for LASFS. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
January 5, 2009
Jean Weber has uploaded more PDFs of scanned back issues of her Weberwoman's Wrevenge  (issues 31-48). Thanks Jean.
January 2, 2009
Jean Weber has uploaded PDFs of 20 more scanned back issues of her Weberwoman's Wrevenge  (issues 11-30). Thanks Jean.
January 1, 2009
We have updated the Plokta  index and added issues 14-31 using material from Deb Geisler's Wondrous Things CD.
December 31, 2008
We have used 65 of Norman Shorrock's photos to add to the photo album for Loncon I and 22 of Norman Shorrock and Ben Jason's photos to add to the photo album for Loncon II, and we have also added 21 Interaction publications. This material was all taken from the Wondrous Things CD that was edited by Deb Geisler for the attendees of Interaction. Thanks to Deb, Norm, and Ben and thanks to Doug Brown who sent us his copy of the CD and Vince Docherty, co-chair of Interaction, who gave us the okay to use it.
December 23, 2008
Jean Weber has updated the Fan Funds pages for the Down Under and Going Up and Over/Under Fan Funds. Thanks Jean.

She has also uploaded ten PDFs of scanned back issues of her fanzine Weberwoman's Wrevenge. Thanks again.
December 11, 2008
We have used five of Jeff Maynard's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon II. Thanks Angee and Jeff.

We have used nine of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Nippon. There's more to come. Thanks Brian.
December 9, 2008
Rogers Cadenhead joined FAPA and he started a new fanzine as his contribution. He has asked us to host it. The first issue of his zine, Release The Hounds, is now on-line.
October 29, 2008
We have used 61 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to create a photo album for FUNcon I - Future Unbounded Science Fiction Show and Convention 1968. Thanks Len & June and Milt.

We had erroneously identified them as from Lazlar Lyricon 1985 which is also referred to as Funcon 1 but Mark Plummer caught our mistake and pointed us in the right direction. Thanks Mark.
October 27, 2008
We have used 32 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to create a photo album for Westercon 23. Thanks Len & June and Milt.
October 24, 2008
We have used 15 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for LASFS Anniversary Dinner 1972. These photos were scanned by Milt Stevens. Thanks Len & June and Milt.
October 11, 2008
We have used 59 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to create a photo album for LASFS Board of Directors Meeting 1972. Thanks Len & June and Milt.

We have used 11 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.

We have used 11 of Carol De Priest, Gary Hayes, and Earl Billick's art and photos to add material to the photo album for TusCon XXXIV. Thanks Carol. The art was scanned by Carol De Priest.
October 10, 2008
We have used 23 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for Noreascon I. Thanks Len & June and Milt.
October 6, 2008
We have used 12 examples of art by Taral Wayne, Roger Patterson, Skip Olsen, D. D. Carol Roberts, William R. Warren, Don Davis, and Robert McCall to add to the photo album for IguanaCon. Thanks all. These artworks were scanned by Taral Wayne and Carol De Priest.

We also added three publications that relate to IguanaCon including The Provenance of IguanaCon II, Tim Kyger's comments on why IguamaCon was dubbed "II" when it was the first. and so far the only, IguanaCon.
October 3, 2008
Doug Brown sent us a copy of a Lars-Olov Strandberg photograph of Kathy and Drew Sanders' presentation of the "King and Queen of Pentacles" from the Seacon '79 masquerade. This photo was copied from the CD-R "Wondrous Things" from Interaction 2005 and used with permission from Vince Docherty the co-chair of the con. Thanks Doug and Vince.
September 28, 2008
We have used 16 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to to create a photo album for FunCon 1 - Lazlar Lyricon 1985. There's more to come. Thanks Len.
September 25, 2008
We have used seven of Kay Shapero's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. There's more to come. Thanks Kay.

We have used 19 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for Noreascon I. There's more to come. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.
September 19, 2008
We have used 11 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection that were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens to add to the photo album for Noreascon I. There's more to come. Thanks Len, June, and Milt.

We have used 13 of Michael Jhon, Michael Lee Burgess, Michael Jhon, and Stephen Jacobson's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Nolacon 2. Thanks Angelique.
September 18, 2008
We have used 37 of Brian Knapp's photos to add to the photo album for Nippon 2007. Thanks Brian. There's more to come.
September 13, 2008
We have used ten of Kay Shapero's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. Thanks Kay.

Joe Siclari sent us ten more issues (101-110) of Marc Ortlieb's The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet  which we had overlooked. These issues cover June 26 thru November 20, 1998. Thanks Joe.
September 12, 2008
We have used 12 of Carol De Priest's photos to create a photo album for TusCon XXXII. Thanks Carol.

We have used 29 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo album for Westercon 22 and 32 photos from the same collection to add to the photo album for Noreascon I. All of these photos were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens. Thank you Milt, Len, & June. There's still more to come.
September 10, 2008
We have used six photos from Wolf Forrest's collection to add to the photo album for TusCon 25. Thanks Wolf.
September 8, 2008
We have used one of Carol De Priest's photos to add to the photo album for TusCon XXXI and five of her photos to add to the photo album for TusCon XXXIII. Thanks Carol.
September 6, 2008
We have used 27 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create a photo album for Westercon 22. All of these photos were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens. Thank you Milt, Len, & June. There's more to come.
August 27, 2008
We have photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo albums for Westercon 25 and Baycon. All of these photos were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens. Thank you Milt, Len, & June.
August 20, 2008
We have used two of Nicki Lynch's photos to add to the photo album for Denvention 3. Thanks Nicki.

We have used four more of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. Thanks Laurie. There are a few more to come.

We have used 44 photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo album for Baycon. Thanks Len. There's more to come.
August 18, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us 25 more PDF's of the documents then were published for LA Con IV. Thanks Joe.
August 16, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us two more PDF's of the documents that were published for Denvention 3. Thanks Joe.
August 14, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us PDF's of 22 of the documents that were published for Denvention 3. Thanks Joe.
August 7, 2008
Greg Pickersgill e-mailed us today and said "I have just found out that the Fanac site still has a copy of my Memory Hole webpages dated 1999. That's pretty startling in itself, but it's also a bit useless in that the information on those pages is now outdated or completely obsolete and misleading." and asked us to delete our versions of his material. This has been done and we have replaced the links to that old material on the Bibliographies & Collections index with links to the newer material on his site. Thanks for the "heads up" Greg.
August 2, 2008
Joe Sicalri sent us a copy of a Denvention I report by Rusty Hevelin that was scaned by Gay Haldeman. Thanks to all involved.
July 22, 2008
We have used 18 of brengibble, Rachel Holmen, Rick Hawes, Jay Kay Klein, and Dave Clark's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConStellation 1983. Thanks Angelique.
July 6, 2008
We have used nine of Carol DePriest's photos to add to the photo album for TusCon XXXI. Thanks Carol.
June 29, 2008
We have used 11 of Dave Clark, brengibble, Linda Sweeting, and Trudy Myers's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConStellation 1983. Thanks Angelique.

We have used one of Jeff Maynard's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon II 1974. Thanks Angelique.
June 14, 2008
We have used one of Michael Nelson's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for BucCONeer 1998. Thanks Angelique.
June 10, 2008
We have used photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to add to the photo album for LASFS Halloween 1965 and Tricon 1966.

We have used photos from Len & June Moffatt's collection to create photo albums for Westercon 18, Westercon 19, and Westercon 20.

All of these photos were scanned and sent to us by Milt Stevens. Thank you Milt, Len, & June.

We have use four photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo albums for BucCONeer 1998. Thanks Angelique.

We have used one of Libby Tucker's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConFederation 1986. Thanks Angelique.
June 7, 2008
We have used a dozen photos by from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to or create photo albums for IguanaCon II 1978 (Ray Jones and Sally C. Fink), MidAmeriCon 1976 (Mike Resnick, Marjii Ellers, Hank Beck, and Sandy Cohen), Baycon 1968 (Anthony Lewis), Noreascon 3 1989 (Carol Porter), and MagiCon 1992 (Thom Walls). Thanks Angelique.
June 4, 2008
Usually we don't mention the updates that our loyal fans make to the captions and other information for the photos that we have on-line because most of the time, while we are truly grateful for their efforts, they affect only a few photos at a time. In the last week or so Angelique Trouvere has updated 67 of the BucCONeer Masquerade photos and we think that that deserves a special mention. Thanks Angee.
June 2, 2008
In September of 2007 Angelique Trouvere was interviewed by Richard Arndt, a well known and respected comic book fan. With the permission of Mr. Arndt angee has sent us a copy of that interview, Angelique, the Unconventional ComiCon Costumer. The interview and her introduction are now on-line under the Fan Publications: Articles index. Thank you both.
May 15, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us scans of the first issue of New Frontiers  and the December 1945 issue of The G.A.P.A. Vanguard. Thanks Joe.
May 14, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of Wild Hair 3  from December 1952. Thanks Edie.
May 12, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of Science Fiction Fan #48, Thanks Edie.

Joe Siclari sent us scans of the first (and probably only) issue of Mallophagan. Thanks Joe.
May 11, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us a flyer and six Progress Reports from Nippon 2007. Thanks Joe.
May 9, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us a number of PDFs of the publications from LA Con IV. Thanks Joe.
May 8, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us a whole bunch of PDFs of the publications from Noreascon 4. Thanks Joe.
May 7, 2008
We have uploaded additional PDFs of Progress Reports 3 & 6 for 2003's Torcon 3. Like the ones for Progress Reoprt 2 these PDF's are of groups of pages of the progress report, in addition to the entire full sized report itself, and were also provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
May 6, 2008
We have uploaded PDFs of Progress Report 2 for Torcon 3. These PDFs are of groups of pages of the progress report, in addition to the entire 7MB report itself, and were also provided by Joe Siclari. There is more of these to come. Thanks Joe.
May 5, 2008
We have uploaded PDFs of some of the progress reports, Dam Write Daily newsletters, and Hugo award notices from 2003's Torcon 3 that were recently provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
May 1, 2008
Joe Siclari also sent us PDF files of of the Millennium PhilconÂź Progress Reports. Thanks Joe.
April 27, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us PDF files of 2001's Millennium PhilconÂź Kessel Run  newsletter. Thanks Joe.
April 25, 2008
We have used ten of Mike Resnick and Jeff Maynard's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon II. Thanks Angelique.

Joe Siclari pointed out that the NASFiC index was messed up. We're sorry about that, it has been corrected. Thanks Joe.
April 19, 2008
We have used 19 photos by Al Elliott, Mike Resnick and Kathy Sanders all from Angelique Trouvere's collection to create or add to the photo albums for SFcon, Heicon 70, Noreascon I, Torcon 2, NYcon III, St Louiscon, SunCon, NaSFic 1975 and NaSFic 1979. Thanks Angelique.

We have used five photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to the photo album for Millennium Philcon. Thanks Mike.

We have used one photo from Ned Brooks's collection to add to the photo album for European Fandom. Thanks Ned.
April 18, 2008
Edie Stern provided us with scans for the Spring, 1945, issue of Acolyte. Thanks Edie.

Joe Siclari sent us another publication from the 2005 Worldcon Interaction. It is ION Trails, The WSFS Armadiiio Inflight Magazine, Premier Issue, for August 3005, Thanks Joe.
April 17, 2008
We have used one of Joe Markovic's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConFederation. Thanks Angelique.

Joe Sicalie sent us a photo that he recieved from Andy Porter amd we have used it to start a photo album for Midwestcon #17. Thank you both,
April 12, 2008
We have used 32 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for ConJose. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.

Joe Siclar sent us scans of Vertigo #25. Thanks Joe.
April 9, 2008
We have used photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection by Dave Clark & Lenny Provenzano to add to the photo album for LA Con II. Thanks again Angie.

Angelique Trouvere sent us six of Stephen Jacobson & Mike Resnick's photos from her and Ernst & BJ Ellersieck's collections to create a photo album for IguanaCon II. Thanks Angie.

We have used 18 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
April 5, 2008
Joe Sclari sent us a dozen more cardzine scans of Fanewscard  #11-14, 17-18, 20-25, Thanks Joe.
March 27, 2008
Joe Sclari sent us some cardzine scans that we have uploaded to the Fanac website. They are Fanewscard #106, FFF FANEWSCARD #2, QX the Cardzine #14-#20, and STEFCARD #1. Thanks Joe.
March 22, 2008
We have uploaded the last two of Tom Veal's fanzine scans, the 1940's Scienti-Comics  issues #1 & #2, to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 20, 2008
We have uploaded more of Tom Veal's fanzine scans, the first four issues of Science, Fantasy & Science Fiction, to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 17, 2008
We have uploaded one more of Tom Veal's fanzine scans, A Lovecraft Symposium  from 1963, to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 13, 2008
We have uploaded another of Tom Veal's fanzine scans, Fantastic Worlds 4, to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 10, 2008
Tom Veal has scanned a number of fanzines for us. The first of those zines, Fanscient #5, has been uploaded to the Fanac website. Thanks Tom.
March 8, 2008
We have uploaded last two of Melanie Herz's convention publications scans. These are Progress Report #1 and a "Confidential Progress Report" for 1950's NorWesCon. Many thanks Melanie.
March 5, 2008
We have uploaded one more of Melanie Herz's convention publications scans. This one is Journal #1 for 1957's Loncon. Thanks again Melanie.
February 28, 2008
Two more of Melanie Herz'a convention publications scans have been uploaded to the Fanac site. They are the Program Book for the first Worldcon, NYcon I, held in New York in 1939 and Journal #1 for the second Worldcon held in New York, NYcon II, in 1956. Thanks again Melanie.
February 26, 2008
We have uploaded five more of Melanie Herz's convention publications scans. These are 10th Anniversary Bulletins #1-#4 and an Invatation leaflet for 1952's Chicon II. Thanks again Melanie.
February 25, 2008
We have uploaded four more of Melanie Herz's convention publications scans. These are Progress Reports #1-#4 for 1954's SFCon. Thanks again Melanie.
February 22, 2008
Edie Stern sent us scans of the 1946 fanzine Space Flight... When?  edited by Gerry de la Ree. It is now on-line under the Classic Fanzine index. Thanks again Edie.
February 20, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us 142 .txt files each one containing an issue of Marc Ortlieb's 1994-2001 Newsletter The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet. The are now on-line under the Modern and Electronic Fanzines indices. We had some trouble figuring out the format of these files but, thanks to Jean Weber's help, we finally succeeded.
February 19, 2008
Jean Weber has uploaded changed pages for TAFF Publications & Stuff  and CUFF winners, plus minor changes to the Fan Funds Home Page. She's collecting info to update some of the other pages. Thanks Jean.

February 18, 2008

We have moved Melanie Herz's scan of the Solacon Progress Report #3  to the Fanac site. Thanks Melanie.
February 16, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of the 1937 fanzine Tomorrow  Vol. 1 No. 2 edited by Douglas W. F. Mayer. It is now on-line under the Classic Fanzine index. Thanks again Edie.
February 14, 2008
We have replaced the site search that we have successfully used for the last several years with one from Google Custom Search. If you want to give it a try then please click on Site Search either in our Homepage's index or here and let us know what you think. The new search will encompass all of Fanac including the main part of the site, the new Fancyclopedia III on EditMe, and ConJosé, an archive of the 2001 Worldcon's homepage.

The reason for this change is the limitation of 10,000 web pages imposed by the Fluid Dynamics search engine. We have recently blown that limit and, though there have not been any apparent problems, we thought that it was time for an upgrade.
February 13, 2008
We have moved five of Melanie Herz's scans of Clevention's Progress Reports to the Fanac site. They can be found in the new Clevention Publications index. Thanks Melanie.
February 10, 2008
New on Fancyclopedia: Knights of St Fantony, by Peter Weston (from Prolapse 11) and Langdon Chart  (adapted from Rick Lynch notes on history of fandom in the 1960s, by Frederic Gooding).

Jean Weber has updated the DUFF and GUFF pages and added a bunch of new pages to the Fan Funds directory. She also updated the first page of that directory. Thanks Jean.
February 3, 2008
The DUFF 2008 ballot and voting results have been moved to Fanac's Fan Funds index.
February 2, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of a copy of Sun Spots  from September of 1940. This zine was edited and published by Gerry de la Ree. Thanks Edie.

Moved another two of Melane Herz's scans, the Nolacon Bulletin #1  and #2  to the Nolacon Publications index. Thanks Melanie.
February 1, 2008
Joe Siclari sent us the DUFF 2008 Voting Results. Thanks Joe.

Moved four more of Melane Herz's scans, the Philcon II Progress Report #1, #2, #3, and #4  to the Philcon II Publications index. Thanks Melanie.
January 30, 2008
Because of the addition of the Convention Pubs index to the "Fanzines" index it has been renamed Fan Publications. This is a work-in-progress so please bear with us as we consolidate the existing Convention Publications that are already on the site and add the scans that Melanie Herz has done for us.
January 29, 2008
Moved two more of Melane Herz's scans, the Philcon News #1  and #2, to the to the Convention Publications index. Thanks Melanie.
January 28, 2008
Joe Siclari has sent us a PDF of the Pavlat-Evans Fanzine Index  that was published in December of 1952 by Bob Pavlat and Bill Evans. Thanks Joe.

Moved two more of Melane Herz's scans, a Convention Flyer  and Convention News #1, to the Convention Publications and the Pacificon I photo album. Thanks Melanie. index. Thanks Melanie.
January 23, 2008
Melanie Herz has scanned a number of Convention Publications, Progress Reports, Newsletters, etc. The next three issues of the Cinvention Daily are now on-line under the Cinvention index. Thanks Melanie.

We have started a new index under the Fanzines index for Convention Publications. Currently convention publications such as ones for Cinvention are scattered throughout the other fanzine idiocies making them hard to find. We hope that this will make the site easier to use.
January 21, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of The Acolyte #12  from the Fall of 1945. This zine was edited and published by Francis T. Laney & Samuel D. Russell. Thanks Edie.
January 20, 2008
Edie Stern sent us a copy of X #1 the Notorious NY Futurian "X" document created by Roger Conway in 1941. Thanks Edie.

Melanie Herz has scaned a number of Convention Publications, Progress Reports, Newsletters, etc. The first of these, issue #1 of the Cinvention Daily  is now on-line. Thanks Melanie.

We have used 14 photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo albums for the Cincinnati Fan Group, Cinvention, Philcon II, Discon I, and NYcon III. Thanks Joe.
January 18, 2008
We have used a photo from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for NYcon II. Thanks Joe.

We have used three photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for LA Fandom. Thanks Joe.

We have used one photo from Ned Brooks's collection to add to the photo album for LA Fandom. Thanks Ned.
January 17, 2008
Edie Stern has provided us with scans of The Acolyte #11  from the Summer of 1945. This zine was edited and published by Franciis T. Laney & Samuel D. Russell. Thanks Edie.
January 16, 2008
We have used the last of Laurie Mann's Interaction photos to add to that album. Thanks Laurie.
January 15, 2008
We have used 13 of Lee Bradley's photos to create a photo album for CascadiaCon (NASFiC 2005). Thanks Lee.

We have used one of Saha's photos from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for Discon I. Thank you both.
January 14, 2008
We have used 13 more of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Interaction. There's still more to come. Thanks Laurie.
January 7, 2008
Laurie Mann has created a LiveJournal community account for Fanac to help introduce the FANAC Web site to LJers. Thanks Laurie.
January 3, 2008
We have used 22 of the photos that Laurie Mann sent us to create a photo album for Interaction. There's more to come. Thanks Laurie.
December 23, 2007
Joe Siclari, the current North American Administrator for the Down Under Fan Fund, sent us a pdf of the 2008 DUFF Ballot. This ballot can be downloaded and printed so you can vote but it must reach Joe or the Australasia Administrator, Norman Cates, by January 31, 2008!
December 21, 2007
Ned Brooks has just uploaded this year's issue, It Goes on the Shelf 29, of his zine to the Modern Fanzines index. Thanks Ned.
November 2, 2007
We have used ten photos from Mike Resnick's collection to add to or create photo albums for Pros & Fans At Large, MidwestCon 43, ConVersion 2000, Denvention Two, Nebula Awards 1990, and Nolacon 1951. There's more to come. Thanks Mike.

We have used three of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to add to the photo album for Australian fandom. Thanks Merv & Helena.
October 29, 2007
We have used about sixty of Mike Resnick's photos to add to or create photo albums in the Worldcon (17), Fan Photo (1) and Other Conventions (14) photo albums. Thanks Mike.
October 27, 2007
We have used another 13 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There are still more to come. Thanks Laurie.

We have used 31 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Millennium Philcon. Thanks Laurie.
October 26, 2007
We have used 16 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There are many more Noreascon Four photos yet to come. Thanks Laurie.
October 24, 2007
We have used three of Debbie King's photos from Joe Siclari's collection that we found where they had fallen behind some dusty boxes of old photos to create a photo album for Boskone 29. Thanks Joe and Debbie.
October 23, 2007
We have used five of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There are many more Noreascon Four photos yet to come. Thanks Laurie.
October 20, 2007
We have used eight of Joel Zakem's photos to create a photo album for Midwestcon #57. Thanks Joel.

We have used seven of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. There are more of these photos to come. Thanks Laurie.

We have used seven of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Chicon 2000. Thanks again Laurie.
October 18, 2007
We have used ten of Kay Shapero's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV 2006. There's more to come. Thanks Kay.
October 17, 2007
We have used 33 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV and 19 of her photos to add to the photo album for Chicon 2000. There's more to come for both albums. Thanks Laurie.
October 16, 2007
We have used 21 of Laurie Mann's photos to add to the photo album for Noreascon Four. Thanks Laurie.
October 13, 2007
The last one of Melanie Herz's photos have been added to the LA Con IV photo album. Thanks Melanie.
October 10, 2007
Andy Porter has allowed us to use his recent (Sept. 28, 2007) photo of Terry Jeeves at home. It's been added to the UK Fandom photo album. Thanks Andy.
October 9, 2007
Jim Linwood sent us better scans of the two photos in the "Young UK Fandom" section of the UK Fandom photo album. Thanks Jim.
September 27, 2007
We have added forty of Melanie Herz's photos to the LA Con IV photo album. Thanks Melanie.

We have also added eleven photos by Adina Klass and Laurie Mann from Joe Siclari's collection to the Noreascon Four photo album. Thank you Joe.
September 19, 2007
Recemtly Gordon McGregor sent us 31 photos that we have used to create a photo album for Nippon 2007. Thanks Gordon.

Joe Siclari has provided PDF formatted copies of Changing Tides,  the newsletter that was published at Nippon 2007. Thanks Joe.

Ned Brooks sent us six of Larry Montgomery's photos that we have added to the DeepSouthCon III photo album. Thanks to you both.
August 11, 2007
Fred Patten has provided A Brief History of the LASFS  that has been added to Jim Caughran's Fancyclopedia III. Thanks Fred.
July 31, 2007
Cynthia L. Moore has tolds us that "That is definitely NOT the Lisa Goldstein who wrote The Red Magician or The Alchemist's Door. Do we have another LG in fandom?" in the LoneStarCon 2 photo Lisa Goldstein and Melissa Scott busily signing books. Can anybody help? Thanks.
June 24, 2007
Jim Caughran has completed the first step in creating a new version of Fancyclopedia III  and we have replaced the link to the old Fancy III link in the Fancyclopedia index with a link to this new site. This new version is located on EditMe which is a Wiki type hosting service. Please take a look at the results so far and let us know what you think. Thanks Jim.
May 1, 2007
We have used one photo from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Japanese fandom. Thanks Joe.

We have used three photos from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for LASFS. Thanks Joe.

We have used five of James O'Meara's photos from Earl Kemp's collection to add to the photo album for Los Angeles Fandom. Thanks Earl.

We have used one photo from Joe Siclari's collection to add to the photo album for Los Angeles fandom. Thanks Joe.

We have used one of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to add to the photo album for Melbourne fandom. Thanks Merv & Helena.

We have used one of James O'Meara's photos from Earl Kemp's collection to create a photo album for Wyoming fandom. Thanks Earl.
April 30, 2007
We have used one of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to create a photo album for Unicon 4. Thanks Merv & Helena.

We have used one of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to create a photo album for Cinecon 2. Thanks Merv & Helena.

We have used one of Helena Binns's photos from Merv & Helena Binns's collection to create a photo album for Wellcon 1980. Thanks Merv & Helena.

We have used one of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Mythcon 4. Thanks Joe.

We have used two of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Mythcon 8. Thanks Joe.

We have used one of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Mythcon 13. Thanks Joe.

We have used two of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create a photo album for Westercon 25. Thanks Joe.

We have used 14 of Lee Bradley's photos to create a photo album for CascadiaCon. Thanks Lee.

We have also consolidated the NASFiC photo albums that we had for NorthAmericon and LoneStarCon under the NASFiC heading in the Other Conventions index.

We have used one of Bonnie Callahan's photos from Joe Siclari's collection to create photo album for the Mythopoeic Society. Thanks Joe.
April 29, 2007
We have added six photos to the Andre Norton at Necronomicon in 1985 section of Andre Norton's personal album that was loaned to us by Irene Harrison. Thanks Irene.

Note that not all of these photos have Adndre in them but they are are part of the album.
April 28, 2007
We have used 1 photo from Angelique Trouvere's collection to add to the photo album for ConStellation. Thanks Angie.

We have used 3 of James O'Meara's photos from Earl Kemp's collection to add to the photo album for Midwest Fandom. Thanks Earl.

We have used 1 of James O'Meara's photos from Earl Kemp's collection to create a photo album for California Fandom. Thanks Earl.

We have used 1 photo from Mike Resnick's collection to create a photo album for ConCave 15. Thanks Mike.

We have used 4 of my photos to add to the photo album for LA Con IV.
April 25, 2007
Added Petrea Mitchell's fanzine Picofarad  to the Modern and Electronic Fanzines indices. As she said in her note "It's not strictly an e-fanzine, though there are probably more people reading it online than in print". Thanks Petera.

Angelique Trouvere sent us a number of photos from the 1974 and 1975 Star Trek Conventions that were held in New Your City. Thanks Angie.
April 24, 2007
Used more of Mike Resnick's photo to create or add to various photo albums: Thanks Mike.
April 23, 2007
Added three of Joel Zakem's photos to the LA Con IV photo album. Thanks Joel.

Added 27 photos by James O'Meara and Joe Sarno from Earl Kemp's collection to the Pittcon photo album. Thanks Earl.
April 22, 2007
Angelique Trouvere sent us photos by Rick Hawes, Dave Clark, Bill Lewis, and Lenny Provenzano for LA Con II and photos by Anthony Pescatore and Bruce Mittelman for the 1974 TrekCon that was held in New York. Thanks Angie.

We also added six photos from Joe Siclari's collection to the LASFS album. Thanks Joe.
April 21, 2007
We have used photos that we obtained from Mike Resnick's collection to create photo albums for Midwestcon 45 and Midwestcon 47. Thanks Mike.

We have also added photos from Lee Hoffman's collection to the photo albums for Nolacon, Chicon II, and Loncon I, and the Southern Fandom album. We miss you Lee.

We have added 42 of Laurie Mann's photos to the Torcon 3 photo album. Thanks Laurie
April 20, 2007
Angelique Trouvere sent us 21 photos by Carolyn Cushman, Dave Clark, and Jane Jewell from ConFederation 1986 and a single photo by Mike Resnick from St Louiscon 1969. Thank you Angie.
March 25, 2007
Geri Sullivan has sent us a PDF version of SFFY #12  and a improved PDF version of SFFY #11. In addition she has allowed to use her a brief history  that was original published on Bill Burns' eFanzines site. Thanks Geri.
March 14, 2007
Added Shelby Vick's confuSon V1 N5  to the Confusion  fanzine index. This issue is a memorial to rich brown. The issue is in PDF format which requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. Thanks Shelby
March 6, 2007
Judy Bemis has entered the text of a number of pages from Masque #7. This makes them easier to read and allows them to be scanned by search engine spiders as well as searched by you. Thank you Judy.
February 28, 2007
In November of 1985 the South Florida Science Fiction Society (SFSFS) published the first issue of it's quarterly clubzine Solstice. We have added a copy of that issue to the Modern Fanzines index.
February 25, 2007
In fond memory of Lee Hoffman we have added a copy of Happy Birthday, LeeH!  to the Modern Fanzines index. This was limitedly published in August 2002 by a number of her friends and fans as a surprise present for LeeH's 70th birthday.

We have also added seventeen more photos to Andre Norton Scrapbook from the Andre Norton's personal album loaned to us by Irene Harrison. Fan Photo Album There is more to come. Thank you Irene.
February 10, 2007
Evelyn Leeper has sent us a copy of her convention report for LA Con IV. Thanks Evelyn.
January 23, 2007
Ned Brooks has added more fanzines from George Wells' declutterfication project to his Fanzine Index  in the Fannish Bibliorgaphys index. Thanks Ned.
January 3, 2007
Mike Ransom sent us the rest of the OKon '78 Program Book  and we have put it in the Classic Fanzine index. Thanks again Mike.
December 29, 2006
Mike Ransom sent us a photo of the OKon '78 program book cover that we have added to the OKon II photo album. Thanks Mike.
December 15, 2006
Ned Brooks has again updated his Fanzine Index.
December 4, 2006
Ned Brooks has updated his Fanzine Index  in honor of the arrival of the 12th issue of the Science Fiction Five-Yearly.
November 28, 2006
We have added a link to Gary McGath's Filk Book Index  to the Fannish Bibliorgaphys index. Thanks Gary.
November 22, 2006
Ned Brooks has added his The Hannes Bok Illustration Index  to the Fannish Bibliorgaphys index. Thanks Ned.
November 9, 2006
A while back Mike Resnick sent us a bunch of photos from various cons and other fan activities. We have just used a dozen or so of them to add to or create photo albums for Discon I, four Midwestcons, some New York fan activity, and a couple of Rivercons. Thanks Mike.
November 7, 2006
Angelique Trouvere also sent us four photos from ConFederation by Jay Kay Klein. Thanks again Angee.
November 5, 2006
Angelique Trouvere sent us eleven photos from Noreascon I by Gail Osherenko and Jay Kay Klein. Thank you Angee.
November 4, 2006
In a much overdue effort to frustrate the bottom feeders that troll websites such as ours for e-mail addresses of people to victimize, we have made a change to the Fanac Guestbook. The e-mail addresses have been altered so the one of the critical characters is incorrect. If you want to send mail to one of the great people that have signed the book over the years you will need to correct that character before you can do it.
October 26, 2006
Added 12 photos to the Seacon 1979  album that were sent to us by Ned Brooks. Thanks again Ned.
October 22, 2006
Ned Brooks has added Issue 28  to his It Goes on the Shelf  zine. Thanks Ned.

Evelyn Leeper has also sent us a copy of her convention report for Readercon 17. Thanks again Evelyn.
August 31, 2006
Replaced Shelby Vick's confuSon V1 N4  to the Confusion  fanzine index. Shelby's comment: "Thanx to Peter Sullivan, the somewhat HEAVYish Four has been redone; now just a bit over 400 kilobites. Also, somehow I had left out the ending of Arnie Katz' column. It's in it, now." Thanks Shelby.
August 12, 2006
Added Shelby Vick's confuSon V1 N4  to the Confusion  fanzine index. This issue is in PDF format which requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing.
June 16, 2006
Shelby Vick sent us scans of the Program Book for Pacificon I, the "4th World Science Fiction Convention". Thank you Shelby.
June 14, 2006
Evelyn Leeper has provided us with her (short) convention report for Lunacon 2006 and an updated version of her report for Philcon 2005 Thank you Evelyn
April 28, 2006
We have added PDF formatted copies of The Port Authority Interaction's twice/thrice daily newsletter.
April 18, 2006
We have moved another five of Helena Binns' photos to the Torcon 2 photo album. Thank you Helena.

We aslo recieved the following note from Eric Schultheis:

I just discovered a photograph in a stack of 1949 Astoundings. The little girl seems to be posed reading the June 1947 Astounding, and I doubt the undated photo was taken much later than the Fifties. It was scanned at 1500dpi and I have the original. I'm just wondering whose sister or daughter was posed for this photo.

If anybody can help Eric please send him a note and copy us. Thanks.
April 15, 2006
We have moved another sixteen of Helena Binns' photos to the Seacon 1979 photo album. Thank you Helena.
March 25, 2006
Added the last twelve of the photos that David Dyer-Bennet's sent us to the Discon II photo album. Thank you David.
March 20, 2006
Added the final three photos from Andre Norton's personal album loaned to us by Irene Harrison of Andre Norton at Oasis to the Andre Norton Scrapbook. Thank you Irene.
March 8, 2006
Evelyn Leeper has provided us with her new convention report for Philcon 2005 and an updated version of her convention report for Aussiecon Three. Thank you Evelyn
February 14, 2006
We have added 44 more of Charles Mohapel's photos to the Torcon 3 photo album. Thank you Charles. There is still much more to come.
February 10, 2006
We have uploaded HTML scans of issues #14, #15, and #16 of Raymond D. and Joyce M. Fisher's 1960's fanzine ODD that we received from Ned Bush and Shelby Vick. Thank you both.
February 4, 2006
We used more Helena Binns photos from Merv & Helena Binns' collection to start a photo album for the Australian National Convention 2, to add Melbourne Fandom to the Australian Fandom photo album, and to add to the AussieCon One and AussieCon Two albums. Again, thank you.
February 3, 2006
We used some of Helena Binns photos from Merv & Helena Binns' collection to create photo albums for Syncon 1970 and Syncon 1975. Thank you both
February 2, 2006
We have added another two dozen of Charles Mohapel's photos to the Torcon 3 photo album. Thank you Charles. Again there is more to come.

We have also added fifteen photos from Joe Siclari's collection to the LASFS photo album. Thanks Joe. There may be more to come.

We have also created a photo album for Midwestcon 27 using four photos and added two more photos to Discon II. These photos are by Thelma Naugle from Joe Siclari's collection. Thank you both.
February 1, 2006
Using photos from Andre Norton's personal album that was loaned to us by Irene Harrison we have started the Andre Norton Scrapbook in the Fan Photo Album There is more to come. Thank you Irene.
January 17, 2006
We have added a link to Ned Brooks' Fanzine Index - January 2006  to the Fannish Bibliorgaphys index. Thanks Ned.
January 5, 2006
Added 15 more of David Dyer-Bennett's photos to the Discon II photo album.

Added another of Joe Siclari's photos to the LASFS photo album.

Added 3 more of Charles Mohapel's photos to the Torcon 3 photo album.

Added Shelby Vick's confuSon V1 N3  ("The Son of Confusion") to the Confusion  fanzine index. This issue is a tribute to Howard Devore (1925-2005) and is in PDF format which requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing.

Thank you all.
January 4, 2006
Added more of David Dyer-Bennett's photos to the Discon II and the LA Con I photos albums. There is still more to come.

Started a photo albun for the Minnesota Science Fiction Socciety with one of David's photos.

Added 2 more of Charles Mohapel's photos to the Photo Album for Torcon 3. There is also still more to come.

Thank you David and Charles.
January 3, 2006
Last October David Dyer-Bennett sent us a number of photos for the site. Due to various reasons (mostly to do with our real lives) we are just now getting a chance to process them. You can find some of them in the Minicon 9 (1), Discon II (73), and the LA Con I (6) photos albums. There is more to come. Thank you David.
January 1, 2006
Shelby Vick has sent us a PDF of his Confusion #12  fanzine that he originally published in November of 1952. We have added it to the Classic Fanzine index. Note that this copy of the zine is in PDF format and requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. Thank you Shelby.
December 29, 2005
Shelby Vick has also sent us a copy of Raymond D. and Joyce M. Fisher's 1966 issue of ODD #14  which we have added to the Classic Fanzine index. Note that this copy of the zine is in PDF format and requires the Addobe Acrobat Reader for viewing. Thanks again Shelby.
December 28, 2005
We have added a number of photos from Joe Siclari's collection to the site. They may be found in the Fan Photo Album, Intersection and MagiCon photo albums. Thanks Joe
December 27, 2005
Added 53 more of the photos that Charles Mohapel sent us for the Photo Album for Torcon 3. There is still more to come. Thank you again Charles.
December 20, 2005
Shelby Vick has sent us Ned Bush's scans of Scientifantasy #3  Bill Kroll & John Grossman's Prozine, this one published in the Spring of 1949. It has also been added to the Classic Fanzine index. Thank you both.
December 18, 2005
Shelby Vick has sent us scans of Scientifantasy #4  Bill Kroll & John Grossman's Prozine published in the Suummer of 1949. It has been added to the Classic Fanzine index. Thank you Shelby.

We have added a Site Map to the Fanac website. Over time we plam to add a bar to most of our pages that will allow you fast access this map, the Homepage, and the Search page. Please take a look at our efforts and let us know if the will be helpful.
December 16, 2005
Evelyn Leeper has provided us with her convention report for Interaction the 2005 Worldcon that was held in Scotland. Thank you Evelyn.
December 10, 2005
Ned Brooks has just added issue #27 of his It Goes On The Self  fanzine that is available via the Modern Fanzines index. Thank you Ned
November 29, 2005
Added more of the photos that Charles Mohapel sent us for the Photo Album for Torcon 3. Thank you again Charles.

Planetary Stories  Volume 1 Number 3 is now available via the Electronic Fanzines index. Chock--full! Includes -- A new Bill Jackson cover (based on an old confusion cover) and stories by L. Baehne, Richard Brooks, Ahrved Engholm, P. J. Lozito, Gerald Page and Shelby Vick and a new Feature, Pulp Fiction.
November 28, 2005
Shelby Vick was kind enough to send us a copy of Ned Brooks' scans of Raymond D. Fisher and Rich Elsberry's 1951 issue of ODD #9  which we have added to the Classic Fanzine index. Thanks to you both.
October 30, 2005
Recently rich brown (aka Dr. Gafia) has added several new, and updated some old, of his Dr. Gafia's Fan Terms definitions. Please take a look at the results of his efforts and, if you have any constructive comments or suggestions, please contact him at . Thanks again rich for your work.
October 24, 2005
Adder a link to Shelby Vick's new E-Zine Planetary Stories to the Electronic Fanzines index. "An Online homage to the S-F pulp magazines of the 30's through the 50's!" Good luck Shelby!
October 4, 2005
Added the rest of the photos that Andy Kwong sent us to the Photo Album for Noreascon Four. Thank you Andy and I'm sorry that it took so long to get funally get them all on-line.
October 2, 2005
Added links to the websites of the bidders for the 2008 and 2009 Worldcons. Thanks to Judy Bemis for the information.
September 15, 2005
Over the last couple of months rich brown (aka Dr. Gafia) has been revising his Dr. Gafia's Fan Terms. Please take a look at the results of his considerable efforts and, if you have any constructive comments or suggestions, please contact him at . Thank you rich for your efforts.
June 7, 2005
Used a few of the photos that Andy Kwong sent us last year to start a Photo Album for Noreascon Four. Thank you Andy and I'm sorry that it took so long to get them on-line.
June 4, 2005
Used a few of the photos that Charles Mohapel sent us to create a Photo Album for Torcon 3. Thank you Charles.
April 3, 2005
Added a button provided by Carol De Priest for "Tuscon V - The NonCon" to the TusCon photo albums. Thank you Carol.
March 31, 2005
Added a couple more photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo album for Millennium PhilconÂź. Thanks again Mike.
March 30, 2005
Added listings provided by Charles Mohapel of the various award winners at Torcon 3. Thank you Charles.
January 12, 2005
Added another two of Evelyn Leeper's convention reports, JerseyDevilCon 3 and Westercon 57, to the Other Conventions index. Thank you again Evelyn
January 11, 2005
Added two more of Evelyn Leeper's convention reports, one for Philcon 2003 and the other for Noreascon 4 (2004). Thank you Evelyn
November 1, 2004
We have installed a new, feature rich, Search Engine from Fluid Dynamics Software Corporation. If you want to give it a try then please click on Site Search either in our Homepage's index or here and let us know what you think. You currently may search for references in either Fanac, the main part of the site, or ConJosé, an archive of ConJosé's homepage.
September 25, 2004
Added four new fanzines, Masque #7, Shrangi LA Fall-Winter 1953, Starlight #1, and Vega #5-11, to the Classic Fanzine index. Page scans provided by Tom Veal. Thank you Tom.
September 3, 2004
Nicki and Richard Lynch have added Mimosa 30  to the Mimosa index.
July 27, 2004
Added links to John Teeham's Millennium PhilconÂź Convention Report and Photo Album to the WorldCon and Millennium PhilconÂź indices. Thank you John.
July 23, 2004
Added a link to Bill & Sue-On Hillman's Edgar Rice Burroughs Web Museum and Weekly Online Fanzine to the Electronic Fanzines index. Thanks to you both.
July 21, 2004
Added the rest of the ConJosé photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the ConJosé photo album. Thanks again Mike.

A while back Julie Zetterberg pointed out that a couple of photos that belonged in the Nolacon 2 photo album had been incorrectly filed under Noreascon 3. This error has been corrected. Thank you Julie.
July 17, 2004
Added more photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo albums for ConJosé and Millennium PhilconŸ. Thanks Mike.
July 9, 2004
We have moved the rest of the photos that David Dyer-Bennet sent us to the Minneapolis Fandom, Minicon 39, and MidAmeriCon photo albums. Thanks again David.
July 7, 2004
Over the period of several years a number of people have called our attention to a group of masquerade photos that had been misfiled under Constellation when they should have been inculded in the ConFrancisco photo album. This error has finally been corrected.

Thanks to all of you who took the trouble to bring this error to our attention.
July 2, 2004
David Dyer-Bennet has sent us some photos for the Minicon 8, 9, and 10 photo albums. Thank you David.
June 26, 2004
Carol De Priest has provided Badges, Buttons, and Program Book Covers for all the TusCon photo albums. Thank you Carol.
June 21, 2004
Added 31 photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo album for Millennium PhilconÂź. Thanks again Mike.

Added a dozen of George Young's photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo album for Nolacon 2.

Added another ten photos from Mike Resnick's collection to the photo album for ConJosé. Thank you Mike.
May 1, 2004
Tony Lewis sent us a photo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Science Fiction Society banquet from 1959 and we added it to the Fan Photo Album. Thanks Tony.
April 30, 2004
Added a link to Joe Schaumburger's Pratchett-focused on-line monhtlly fanzine WOSSNAME to the Electronic Fanzines index. Thanks Joe.
April 18, 2004
Used photos provided by Tony Lewis to create a photo album for Boskone 1 and added two photos provided by Rich Lynch to FanHistoriCon I. Thank you both.
April 17, 2004
Used photos provided by Carol De Priest to create photo albums for TusCon XXIX and TusCon XXX. Thank you Carol.
April 9, 2004
Added more of Mike Resnick's convention photos from Discon II, MidAmeriCon, SunCon, Torcon 2, and Nasfic 1979. Thank you again Mike.
April 8, 2004
Used some of Mike Resnick's convention photos to create a photo album for Chicon 2000. Thank you Mike and I'm sorry that it took so long.
April 7, 2004
Added three issues (#14, #15 & #16) of Shelby Vick's fanzine Confusion , one issue (Vol 1 No 2) of Larry J. Touzinsky's fanzine Fan To See  and one issue (Vol 3 No 3) of Paul Ganley's fanzine Fan-Fare  to the Classic Fanzine and, when appropriate, Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
January 14, 2004
Added another issue (#190) of James V. Taurasi's fanzine Fantasy Times  to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
December 26, 2003
Added the work of Professional Artists' Sam Andre, Davis, Ross A. Leslie, Miller, and William E. Terry plus additional work of Coggins and Emsh (Ed Emshwiller) to the Professional Artists Index. All of these pieces are eligible for consideration for Retro Hugos at Noreascon Four. More to come. Scans provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
December 11, 2003
Added nineteen more Professional Artists' work to the Professional Artists Index plus some additional work of those artists that were already there. All of these pieces are eligible for consideration for Retro Hugos at Noreascon Four. More to come. Scans provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
November 29, 2003
Added Evelyn Leeper's convention reports for ReaderCon II and 15. Thank you again Evelyn.
November 16, 2003
Added three photos provided by Greg Benford to the Fan Photo Album under the heading Fans Around the World. Thank you Greg.
November 2, 2003
Added Evelyn Leeper's convention reports for Boskone 24-32 and for Torcon 3. Thank you Evelyn.
October 28, 2003
Added two issues (#20 and #22) of Robert Silverberg's fanzine Spaceship  and one issue of Norman L. Shorrock's fanzine Space Diversions  to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
October 1, 2003
Added page scans provided by Judy Bemis to Don Fabun's Rhodomagnetic Digest #17  (1951) and #21  (1952)
September 26, 2003
Added three 1953 issues of of John Magnus' fanzine SF  and a complete set of page scans for Walt Willis' Slant #7  to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
September 18, 2003
Added five 1953 issues of of Ray Van Houten's fanzine The Fan-Vet  and Charles Lee Riddle's Peon 28 and 29 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
September 16, 2003
Added a new directory for Professional Artists to dispaly work that is eligible for consideration for Retro Hugos at Noreascon Four. For starters we have work by Hannes Bok, Chesley Bonestell, Coggins, Emsh, Virgil Finlay, Kelly Freas, Mel Hunter, Sidney Meltzoff, and Frank R. Paul. More to come. Scans provided by Joe Siclari. Thanks Joe.
September 14, 2003
Added the PDF Introduction to the Retro Hugos, a comprehensive introduction to, and history of, the Retro Hugos to the Worldcon and Retro Hugos Indicies. This document was edited by Andrew I. Porter with the assistance of Joe Siclari and Edie Stern.
July 28, 2003
Added Bob Tuckers fanzine issues Science Fiction Newsletter 28 and 29 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 26, 2003
Added the first six issues of Graham Stone's Australian Newsletter Science Fiction News to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 25, 2003
Added Roy A. Squires fanzine issiues Science Fiction Advertiser Vol VI No 4 (6), Vol VI No 5 (7), and Vol VI No 6 (8) to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 23, 2003
We are trying out a little something new on the recently added issues of Destiny, Fantastic Worlds, and The Journal of Science-Fiction. On the zine pages you may notice one or two extra buttons. For example:
The two additional buttons are provided on pages of material (an editorial in the example) that are continuations from an earlier page (Page 3) and/or are continued on a later page (Page 47). We hope that this change will make browsing fanzines a little easier particularly for scanned material. Please let us know if this change is useful.
July 21, 2003
Added Charles Freudenthal and Edward Wood's fanzine The Journal of Science-Fiction 4  to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 16, 2003
Added Sam Sacket's fanzine issues Fantastic Worlds 3 and 5  to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans again provided by Tom Veal
July 13, 2003
Added Earl Kemp & Malcom Willits' fanzine issues Destiny VII, VIII  and IX  to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to additional Retro Hugo candidates. Scans provided by Tom Veal
July 12, 2003
Nicki and Richard Lynch have added Mimosa 29  to the Mimosa index.
July 2, 2003
Used more of Carol De Priest's photos to create a photo album for TusCon IV and to add photos to the photo album for TusCon XXVIII. Thank you again Carol.
June 5, 2003
Used photos provided by Carol De Priest to create photo albums for TusCon II, XXIII, and XXVIII. Thank you Carol.
June 1, 2003
Added 1975, Patrick Nielsen Hayden's essay about his introduction to "science fiction fandom", to the Articles index.
May 28, 2003
Added The Sacred Writings of Roscoe by Arthur Rapp to the Fanzine Articles index.

Added Published Short Stories - 1953 to the Retro Hugos index.
May 20, 2003
Added thirteen new page scans to Lee Hoffman's Quandry 27-28 from December 1952.
May 18, 2003
Added Lee Hoffman's Quandry 29  to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry and scans provided by Judy Bemis.
May 17, 2003
Added Charles Lee Riddle's Peon 26 and 27 to the Classic Fanzine and Retro Hugos Indicies. Please continue to watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry and scans provided by Judy Bemis.
May 16, 2003
Added 17 page scans to Vanations #4 and added Skyhook 16, 17, 18, and 19 to the Classic Fanzine index. These zines are candidates for the Retro Hugos to be awarded at the 2004 Worldcon, Noreascon Four. Watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry and scans provided by Judy Bemis.
May 7, 2003
Added Fantasy Times 177 and Vanations #4 to the Classic Fanzine index. These zines are candidates for the Retro Hugos to be awarded at the 2004 Worldcon, Noreascon Four. Watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry and scans provided by Judy Bemis.

Also added Lee Hoffman's Quandry 27-28 from December 1952.
April 1, 2003
Added covers for NOSFAn #30 and NOLAzine #10-#13 to the Classic Fanzine index. Scans provided by Dean Sweatman. Thank you Dean.
March 31, 2003
Added two photos provided by Shayne McCormack to the photo albums for AussieCon and Discon II, one to each album. Thank you Shayne. Again we're sorry that it took so long to get your photos on-line.

Added Peon. This zine is a candidate for one of the Retro Hugos to be awarded at the 2004 Worldcon, Noreascon Four. Watch this space for more on-line access to these zines. Data entry provided by Judy Bemis.

Added a couple of photos by D. Gary Grady to DisClave 1976 photo album and used another of his photos to start an album for Disclave 1978. Photos provided by Tim Marion. Thank you both.
March 29, 2003
Added photos provided by Dina Pearlman, George Willick, and your humble Webmaster to the photo albums for Tropicon XX, LunaCon 1962, and Boskone 40. Thank you Dina and George and we're sorry that it took so long to get your photos on-line.
March 19, 2003
Added Evelyn C. Leeper's convention reports for ReaderCon I (1987), Boskone 40 (2003) & Shorecon '95. Thank you Evelyn.
March 9, 2003
We have made a change to the way photos are displayed in the various photo albums on the Fanac site. In the past photos that had incomplete information, such as a missing photographer's name, unidentified people in the photo, a totally missing caption, and the like were displayed with a form that could be used to supply the missing information. Photos that apparently had all their information were displayed without a form. We have found that the use of a form in this manner is distracting and that frequently people have wanted to add to, or make changes to, photos that did not have a form.

In the future all photos will be displayed without a form but, by clicking were indicated, a form will be made available that will allow anybody to submit additions or changes that they think are appropriate for any photo.

We wish the thank all of those in the past that have taken the time to help us improve this site and to express our appreciation to those who will continue to do so in the future. We hope that this change will make it easier for you to continue to assist us.
March 6, 2003
Added issue 11 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. Data entry provided by Judy Bemis and hard copy provided by Geri Sullivan. Again, thank you both.

Started a new version of the Retro Hugos index for Noreascon Four.
February 19, 2003
Reestrablished the link to GötterdÀmmerung, a "A science fiction fanzine from Belfast", published by Mark McCann, Tommy Ferguson, and James McKee.
January 16, 2003
Added a dozen mostly unpublished examples of Fred Phillips' art work, provided by Norman E. Masters, to the Fan Art Index. Thank you Norman.
January 10, 2003
Added Evelyn C. Leeper's convention reports for Millenium Philcon (2001), ConJose (2002), Boskone 37 (2000), 38 (2001) & 39 (2002) and Windycon XXIX (2002), Thank you Evelyn.
January 9, 2003
Added the second part of Garth Spencer's work-in-progress, A History of Canadian SF Fandom, "Les AnnĂšes 70", to the FANAC Fan Histories. Thank you Garth.
January 2, 2003
Added issue 10 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. Data entry provided by Judy Bemis and hard copy provided by Geri Sullivan. Thank you both.
November 21, 2002
Now we have added issue 9 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. Data entry provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you again Judy.
November 11, 2002
Now we have added issue 8 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. All data entry and page scans were provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you again Judy.
November 8, 2002
Added issue 7 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. All data entry and page scans were provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you again Judy.
November 6, 2002
Rich Lynch sent us three of his photos from ConJosé for which we are very grateful. We wish that we had lots more of them.
October 13, 2002
Copies of issues 1-6 of Science-Fiction Five-Yearly edited by Lee Hoffman, et al, have been added to the Modern and Classic Fanzine indices. All data entry and page scans were provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.

Cuyler Brooks has added a HTML copy of Issue 24 to his It Goes On The Shelf fanzine. Thank you Cuyler.
October 11, 2002
Rudy Fick Jr. has added a short rebuttal regarding the Ruby Fick "hoax" to Spacewarp #35 Page 11. Thanks for the input Rudy.
October 1, 2002
Carol De Priest has allowed us to link to her site for TusCon from the Other Cons Index. Thank you Carol.
September 21, 2002
Laurie D. T. Mann has allowed us to link to her sites for Chicon 2000, Millennium PhilconŸ 2001, and ConJosé. Thank you Laurie.
March 5, 2002
Nicki and Richard Lynch have added Mimosa 27 to the Mimosa index.
December 17, 2001
Added rich brown's Dr. Gafia's Fan Terms to the Fannish Reference Works index. Thank you rich.
October 18, 2001
Added a copy of Jim Gaine's article from the New Times Broward-Palm Beach on-line web site that provides a brief but comprehensive history of the South Florida Science Fiction Society. Thanks to Jim and his editor for allowing us to use the material
September 29, 2001
Added photos by:

John Hall

Tim Marion (sent by Jeff Kleinbard)

Norm Masters

We appreciate their effort and apologize for taking so long to get the photos on-line. Real life sometimes interferes with the important things like SF fandom.
August 26, 2001
The Site Search Engine is back on-line. It was taken off-line due to a problem that occured during the building of the search database that was caused by an incorrect setting of one of the server's parameters. This error has been corrected.
August 21, 2001
Added text copies of a number of pages of Spacewarp 35 and 36 to the existing photocopies of the zines and started a text version of Spacewarp 37.

Added photocopies of Quandry 3 and 4. All these zine pages were transcribed and/or photocopied by Judy Bemis.
July 12, 2001
Added text copies, transcribed by Judy Bemis, of a number of pages of Quandry 2.
July 10, 2001
Added text copies of a number of pages of Spacewarp 38. More thanks to Judy.
July 8, 2001
Added text pages for Yandro #122 Volume XI - No 3 to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entry by Judy Bemis.
July 4, 2001
Added text pages entered by Judy Bemis to Spacewarp 42. Thank you again Judy.

Added text and/or scanned pages provided by Judy Bemis for Quandry 1 and 2 to the Retro Hugos index. Thank you Judy.
June 26, 2001
Norm Masters has provided us with the complete indices and about 120 pages of text and/or scans from the fanzines THE NO-EYED MONSTER & THE UNKNOWN that he and John Merkel published during 1964-1974. Thank you Norm.
June 23, 2001
Added text copies of a number of pages of Slant #4.

Added a number of scanned pages to Spacewarp 38. More of Judy's good work.
June 21, 2001
Also added copies of Operation Fantast (New Series) 4, 5 (TOC only), and 6 (TOC only) to the Retro Hugos index. More thanks to Judy.
June 20, 2001
Added copies of Spacewarp 34, 35, 36, 38 (TOC only), and 42 to the Retro Hugos index. Text entry and/or page scans again provided by Judy Bemis. Thanks again Judy.
June 19, 2001
Added copies of Quandry 5, Sky Hook 9, and Slant #4 to the Retro Hugos index. Text entry and/or page scans provided by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.

We also added Rhodomagnetic Digest 17. Text entry also provided by Judy Bemis.
June 15, 2001
Added the Program Book cover provided by Dean Sweatman for DeepSouthCon 39. Thanks Dean.
May 20, 2001
Norm Masters sent in some photos for MidWestCon 19 and Triple Fan Fare 1969. Many thanks Norm.

Ned Brooks supplied a photo of the 100th meeting of the LASFS held in 1940 and Vincent J. Docherty provided a photo of the Smofcon 17 consuite. Thanks guys.
May 19, 2001
Shirlene Ananayo-Rawlik has provided us with photos from the SFSFS Annual Dinner 2000 and Tropicon XIX. Thank you Shirlene.
May 18, 2001
We have added copies of more candidates for the Retro Hugos for The 2001 Worldcon, the Millennium Philcon, at Fanscient 10 and Fanscient 12.
May 15, 2001
Added photos by Charlotte Proctor to the AussieCon Two, After AussieCon Two, and B'hamacon II photo albums. Thank you Charlotte.
May 13, 2001
Ned Brooks added issues #9 and #10 to his IGOTS fanzine in the Modern Fanzines index. Thank Ned.
March 20, 2001
We have added The LASFS Album to the Classic Fanzines index. This album was edited by Al Lewis and published by Fred Whitledge in 1966 in honor of the 1500th meeting of LASFS. The zine was scanned and ocr'd by Ned Brooks from a copy provided by Doris Beetem. Thanks to you all.

We have also added copies of Fantasy Commentator #24 and Science Fiction Newsletter #15, #16, #17, and #18 to the Classic Fanzines index. These five zines are candidates for Worldcon's Retro Hugos this year.
March 16, 2001
Jean Weber has added Issue #57 (March 2001) to her WeberWoman's Wrevenge fanzine. Thank you Jean.
February 23, 2001
Added Barry R. Hunter's Baryon Magazine to the Electronic Fanzines index.
February 21, 2001
Added the Program Book covers for DeepSouthCon 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11, and St. Louiscon to the convention's photo album indices. These covers were provided by Dean Sweatman.
February 18, 2001
Added the Program Book for the Eleventh World Science Fiction Convention to the Classic Fanzines index. This Program Book was also provided by Dean Sweatman. Thanks again Dean.
February 17, 2001
Added the Program Book for the 1969 Nebula Awards Banquet to the Classic Fanzines index. This Program Book was provided by Dean Sweatman. Thanks Dean. December 24, 2000
Added John Foyster's article Nineteen Somerset Place to the Fan Histories index.
December 23, 2000
Added John Foyster's PDF format fanzine eFNAC to the Electronic Fanzines index.
December 9, 2000
Added a link to Nic Farey's fanzine This Here to the Modern Fanzines index. The site also includes sections for ARROWS of DESIRE (his zine which ran from 1988-98), SINGSING (FAPA contribution) and NICHEVO (fandomcentric genzine). Also available are font downloads which are needed for SINGSING and NICHEVO.
December 5, 2000
Added Jaap Bokestein's article about Dutch and Flemish fandom in the fifties and sixties to the Fan Histories Index. Thank you Jaap.
November 22, 2000
Ned Brooks has amemded Issue 22 of It Goes On The Shelf. For the first time the on-line version will differ significantly from the print version. He has acquired more complete information for the inventory of Mae Strelkov's manuscripts and added it to the on-line version.
November 21, 2000
Jean Weber has added Issue #56, dated November 2000, to her WeberWoman's Wrevenge fanzine. Thank you Jean.
November 14, 2000
Added "Chicon 2000", A convention report by Evelyn C. Leeper, to the WorldCon Index. Thank you Evelyn.
November 7, 2000
Added "A short outline of the history of GDR fandom" to the Fan History Index. Translation by Thomas Recktenwald.
October 26, 2000
Added the Program section (pages 14-16) of the Boskone 37 Program Book to the Boskone Index.
October 21, 2000
Added Michael J. "Orange Mike" Lowrey's Goh speech to the ICon 25 Photo Album.
October 18, 2000
Added a link to Richard Lynch's outline for a work in progress Fan History Outline - 1960's to the Fan Histories index.
October 10, 2000
Started a Photo Album for ICon 25 using a drawing of Michael J. "Orange Mike" Lowrey by Georgie Schnobrich. Thanks a lot guys, now how about more details and a bunch of photos to add to the album?
October 7, 2000
Added the first part Garth Spencer's work-in-progress, A History of Canadian SF Fandom, to the FANAC Fan Histories Index which has been moved from Fannish References to the main index. Thank you Garth.
October 4, 2000
Added Janice Gelb's SMOFcon 16 Convention Report "SMOFs in Snow" to the SMOFcon Index. Thank you Janice.
October 1, 2000
Added Laurraine Tutihasi's Westercon 49 Convention Report to the Westercon Index. Thank you again Laurraine.
September 30, 2000
Added Laurraine Tutihasi's WorldCon 1996 Convention Report to the WorldCon 1996 Photo Album. Thank you Laurraine for allowing us to use it.
September 26, 2000
Added Peter R. Weston's 1973 fanzine Speculation #33 to the Classic Fanzines index. Document scaning and conversion provided by Peter Barker. Thanks Mal.
September 19, 2000
Used a number of Bruce Pelz's photos to add to, or create albums for, Ackermansion, Arizona Fandom, Los Angeles Fandom, LASFS, Southern Fandom, San Francisco Fandom, TAFF, Texas Fandom, Walt Willis Fan Fund, and Chicon III. Thank you Bruce.
September 17, 2000
Added 84 of Debbie King's photos to the LaCon III Photo Album. Thank you Debbie.

Used photos provided by Ned Bush to add to, or create albums for, Southern Fandom, DisClave 1971, 1976, and 1977, MileHiCon 4, 6, and 7, NorthameriCon 1979, Rivercon 1976, WesterCon 24, Discon II, and MidAmeriCon. One of these photos was taken by Ned, the rest by Doris Beetem or her camera or by George Beahm's camera. Thank's to Ned, Doris, George, and their cameras.
September 9, 2000
Added 87 of Debbie King's photos to the Chicon IV Photo Album. Thank you Debbie.

Added FandBook No. 1, "A Key to the Terminology of Science-Fiction Fandom by D. Franson", to the Fannish Reference Works index. Data entry by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
September 6, 2000
Updated the Gaylaxicon index page using information provided by Kendall Bullen. Thank you Kendall.
September 3, 2000
Added Joe Siclari's FANAC Update #7 to the Electronic Fanzines index.
August 10, 2000
Added a "Young English Fandom" section to "English Fandom" using two delightful photos provided by Jim Linwood. Thanks Jim.
July 28, 2000
Tim Frayser provided photos to start a Photo Album for Conestoga 2000. Thank you Tim.
July 26, 2000
Used a large number of photos by Debbie King to create a Photo Album for Boskone 18. Thank you Debbie.
July 25, 2000
Nicki and Richard Lynch have added Mimosa 25 to the Mimosa index.
July 16, 2000
Added photos provided by Tim Frayser to, or created Photo Albums for, ConQuesT 31, OKon IX, OKon XV, and Soonercon 13 Photo Albums. Thanks Tim.
July 3, 2000
Added a PDF file of the "True Tale of Zorba the Greep" by Jon Singer as published in RUNE 48 (1976) to the Fanzine Articles Index. File provided by Fred A Levy Haskell. Thanks Fred.
June 8, 2000
Added a form to the Fanac Names Cross Reference that will allow people to correct the way their names are presented in the listings. Thanks to Leah Zeldes Smith for the idea.
May 31, 2000
Added the third issue of Walt Liebscher's Chanticleer to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entry by Judy Bemis. Thanks Judy.
May 30, 2000
Added links to two of Susan Stepney's convention reports to the Albacon Photo Album. Thanks again Susan.
May 29, 2000
Added a link to Susan Stepney's convention report to the Conspiracy Photo Album. Thanks Susan.
May 28, 2000
Added a couple of Bob Ewart's photos to the SFSFS Photo Album. Thanks Bob.
May 11, 2000
Added issue number 14 of Lee Hoffman's Quandry to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entery by Judy Bemis. Thank you again and again and again Judy.

Added issue number 1 of Frank Dietz and Arthur H. Rapp's Cinvention Daily to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entery by Judy Bemis. Thank you again and again Judy.
May 10, 2000
Added issue number 21 of Don Fabun's Rhodomagnetic Digest to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entery by Judy Bemis. Thank you again Judy.
May 9, 2000
Jean Weber has added her WeberWoman's Wrevenge zine to the Modern Fanzines index. Thank you Jean.

Added issues 1 and 11 of Donald B. Day's Fanscient fanzine to the Classic Fanzines index. Data entery by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
May 8, 2000
Added issue #156 of Walter Dunkelberger & Earl Kay's FANEWSCARD that was published May 16, 1945. Data entry by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
May 5, 2000
Added a number of Susan Stepney's convention reports to the Eastercon index. Thank you Susan for alowing us to link to them.
May 1, 2000
Used material provided by Dean Sweatman to create or update Photo Albums for New Orleans Science Fiction Association, MidAmeriCon, Noreascon I, and Torcon 2. Thank you Dean.

Started a Photo Album for the Darkover Grand Council 1983 using a photo provided by Jim Grunst. Thanks Jim, please send us some more.
April 21, 2000
Used photos that were provided by Evelyn C. Leeper to start Photo Albums for Austrailian Fandom and AussieCon Three. Thank you Evelyn.

Used photos that were provided by Ben Jason to start Photo Albums for Pacificon II and Loncon II. Thank you Ben.
April 8, 2000
Added a text version of Issue #3 of Slant. Data entry also provided by Judy Bemis.
April 4, 2000
Added Ned Brook's AussieCon I Report to the AussieCon I Photo Album. Thanks Ned for the good work.

Added Issue #34 of Hyphen to its index and three missing articles by Walt Willis to the Willis Papers. More data entry also by Judy Bemis. More thanks to her.
April 2, 2000
Added Issue #5 of Hyphen that was edited by Walt Willis in 1953. More of Judy Bemis' hard work. Thank you again Judy.
March 17, 2000
Added Issue #36 of Hyphen that was edited by Walt and Madeleine Willis. Data entry by Judy Bemis. Thank you Judy.
March 14, 2000
Added Issue #133 of THE FANEWS that was edited by Walter Dunkelberger and Earl Kay in March of 1945.
March 13, 2000
Added photos to, or created, Photo Albums for Corflu 9, Loscon 19, and MagiCon using photos provided by Bruce Pelz. Thank you Bruce, we really appreciate your many contributions.

Copied Eric Lindsay's fanzine Gegenschein  from its Austrailian site to Fanac's Modern Fanzines index.

Added a number of photos by Debbie King and Laura Dolan to the SunCon Photo Album. Thank you ladies.
March 10, 2000
Added photos to, or created, Photo Albums for Ackermansion, Los Angeles Fandom, LASFS, SFSFS, OtherMeeting 89-NY95, Corflu 9, and Minicon 34 using photos provided and/or taken by Bill Warren, Debbie King, Geri Sullivan, Gordon Garb, Dan Siclari, and Francine Mullen. Thank you all very much.

Added Joe Siclari's FANAC Updates #6 to the Electronic Fanzines index.
March 9, 2000
Added photos to, or created new, Photo Albums for Historic Buildings and Things, English Fandom, Irish Fandom, TAFF 1998, Boskone 35, Corflu 6, Corflu 13, Minicon 25, OKon XIII, OKon XV, Toner 1996, Tropicon VII, LA Con III, and MagiCon using photos provided and/or taken by Geri Sullivan, Jeff Schalles, Tim Frayser, and Babich. Many thanks to one and all.
March 8, 2000
ht://Dig Added the ht://Dig search engine to the Fanac Fan History Project site.

The current version of the search software (ht://Dig 3.1.5) cannot handle phrase searching (see details on the search page). We will be upgrading the Search Engine as soon as possible.
February 17, 2000
Started a Photo Album for the Mae Strelkov Fan Fund using photos from Ned Brook's collection. Way to go Ned.
February 14, 2000
Added a photo from Bruce Pelz's collection the Photo Album for Los Angeles Fandom. Thank you Bruce.
February 4, 2000
Used photos by Tim Frayser, dee la Ree, and Frank Olynyk to add to, or create, Photo Albums for OKon XV, Soonercon 3, Clevention, and LA Con II. Thank you one and all.
February 3, 2000
Added a number of Debbie King's photos to the Photo Album for Seacon '79. Thank you Debbie.
January 30, 2000
Used a few of Tim Frayser's photos to add to, or create new, Photo Albums for ConQuesT 30, OKon XII, and Roc*Kon 6. Thanks Tim.
January 27, 2000
Added a number of Dina Pearlman's photos of the Second SFSFS Clubhouse and the SFSFS Annual Luncheon to South Florida Science Fiction Society Photo Album. Many thanks Dina.

Used some of Dean Sweatman's photos to create a Photo Album for the New Orleans Science Fiction Association and to add to the Disclave 1972 Photo Album. Thank you Dean.
January 26, 2000
Added four of Dunkelberger & Kay's Fanews Cards to the Classic Fanzines index. Anyone have any more that we can put on-line?
January 25, 2000
Ned Brooks has added Issue 21 to It Goes On The Shelf. Thank you Ned.
January 24, 2000
Added to the Photo Album for Intersection using photos by Carol Proter. Thank you Carol.

Added to the Photo Album for Los Angeles Fandom Using photos by Bruce Pelz. Many thanks Bruce.

Added to, or created Photo Albums for, OKon I, OKon II, OKon VI, OKon IX, OKon XI, and Soonercon 12 using photos provided by Tim Frayser. Again, thank you Tim.
January 21, 2000
Added to, or created Photo Albums for, South Florida Fandom, Tropicon VII, Tropicon IX, Tropicon X, Tropicon XIV, Tropicon XV, Tropicon XVI, MagiCon, using photos by Carol Proter. Thank you Carol.
January 18, 2000
Added a number of items from Joyce Scrivner to the Fan History For Sale page.
January 17, 2000
Added to, or created Photo Albums for, Los Angeles Fandom, DeepSouthCon 22, DeepSouthCon 27, Disclave 1972, SciCon 1980, and St. Louiscon 1969 using photos by Ned Brooks, Bruce Pelz, and Dean Sweatman. Thanks guys for taking the trouble to send them to us.
January 16, 2000
Added to or created Photo Albums for South Florida Fandom, Disclave 1988, Tropicon II, and Tropicon VII using photos by Joe Siclari. Thank you Joe.
January 15, 2000
Created Photo Albums for Ambercon, ConQuesT, OKon, and Roc*Kon using photos by Tim Frayser. Thank you Tim for taking the trouble to send them to us.
January 14, 2000
Added a bunch of Dian Pearlman's photos to the Tropicon XVIII Photo Album. Thank you Dina for letting us use them.

Created new, or added to existing, Photo Albums for Solacon 1958, Discon I, Torcon 2, and Tricon using photos by Ben Jason. Many thanks Ben for the photos.
January 13, 2000
Started a Photo Album for St. Louiscon, the 1969 Worldcon using two photos provided by Dean Sweatman. Thanks Dean.
January 12, 2000
Started a new section called "Fannish Artifacts" that will be used to hold off beat material that does not fit neatly into one of the other sections of this site. The first entry in this new section is Howard DeVore's Business Cards. These business cards show the wide range of interests, and humor, of one of the famous father figures of fandom.
January 9, 2000
Add photos to, or created photo ablums for, Southern Fandom, DeepSouthCon 7, DeepSouthCon 22, and Disclave 1972 using additional photos provided by Ned Brooks and some new photos provided by Dean Sweatman. Our thanks go to both of these gentlemen.
January 8, 2000
Add photos to, or created photo ablums for, Southern Fandom, DeepSouthCon 22, DeepSouthCon 23, DeepSouthCon 30, DisClave 1981, BucCONeer, ConFederation, MagiCon, and Noreascon 3 using photos provided by Ned Brooks. Thanks Ned.
December 28, 1999
Added the Aussiecon Three Newsletter, the Monotreme, to the Modern Fanzines index.
December 16, 1999
Added PulpFantasy, a new E-Zine by Marc Sahr and Todd DeBoni, to the Electronic Fanzines index.
November 28, 1999
Added some more of Joe Siclari's FANAC Updates to the Electronic Fanzines index.
November 24, 1999
Added the Cinvention Program Book to the Classic Fanzines index.
November 23, 1999
Started a Photo Album for Tropicon XVIII using photos by Bob Ewart.
October 31, 1999
Added a Photo Album for Concept Boreal 1999 using photos by Jean-Pierre Normand and Gaetan Borgia.
October 28, 1999
Added Evelyn Leeper's Convention Reports for Boskone 33, LunaCon 1994, and AussieCon Three.
October 17, 1999
Added Joe Siclari's FANAC Updates to the Electronic Fanzines index.
October 11, 1999
Added one of Debbie King's photos to the NESFA Photo Album and used other photos of hers to create a Photo Album for Lexicon 1989.

Added a couple of John Millard's photos, that were provided by Ned Brooks, to the AussieCon Photo Album.
October 6, 1999
Added more links to reports for Intersection, WorldCon 1995, that were also provided by V. J. Docherty.
October 5, 1999
Added a new feature to the Fanac Names Cross Reference. You may now add your E-Mail address to your Cross Reference listing entry to allow others in the fannish community to locate you. This feature was suggested by Joe Monson and has been added in the hope of helping fen locate long lost friends and acquaintances.
October 4, 1999
Added links to a number of reports for Intersection, WorldCon 1995, using a list provided by V. J. Docherty.
October 1, 1999
Created a Photo Album for Boskone 13 using photos by Debbie King.

Created or added to Photo Albums for Los Angeles Fandom, Northwest Fandom, DeepSouthCon III, DeepSouthCon XIV, AussieCon, ConFederation, Discon II, and Seacon '79 using photos taken or provided by Ned Brooks. September 30, 1999

Created a Photo Album for Star Trek 1975 using photos by Debbie King.
September 26, 1999
Using photos provided by Ann Methe, created a Photo Album for ConCept-Boreal 98 that was held in Montreal, Quebec, last year.
September 11, 1999
Using photos by Gordon Mcgregor, created a Photo Album for the Canadian National Science Fiction Expo that was held in Toronto, Canada, in August of this year.
September 10, 1999
Added the Cinvention Memory Book to the Classic Fanzines index.

Created a Photo Album for Metrocon 1954 using a photo by Ben Jason.
September 2, 1999
Started Photo Albums, or added photos to Photo albums, for the following:
Ackermansion 12/97
Boskone 28
LoneStarCon I
LunaCon 1979
SmofCon 1915
World Fantasy Conference 1983
World Fantasy Conference 1987
Chicon II
Noreascon 3
Seacon '79
Using photos that were taken by Ben Jason (from Howard Devore's collection), Debbbie King, Laurie Mann, Frank Olynyk, Robert Sneddon, or Ben Yallow.

Started Photo Albums for Confusion and Contradiction 4 using photos that were taken by Frank Olynyk. Unfortunately we do not know the years or locations of these conventions so if you know anything about them please drop me a note.
-- Thank you
    Fanac Webmaster

September 1, 1999
Added some of the TAFF Progress Reoprts to the Modern Fanzines and Classic Fanzines indices.
August 31, 1999
Added some of Avedon Carol's photos to the Baltimore, Maryland, USA, East Coast Fandom, Washington, D. C. Fandom, and Disclave 1975 Photo Albums.

Added some of Lenny Provenzano's photos to the MagiCon Photo Album.
August 30, 1999
Added a bunch of Frank Olynyk's photos to the Photo Albums for Chicon Vand Denvention Two 1981.
August 29, 1999
Started Photo Albums, or added photos to Photo albums, for the following:
English Fandom
Midwest Fandom
New Jersey
New York Fandom
Washington D. C. Fandom
Arisia 1998
Arisia 1999
Contact 1998
DeepSouthCon 1998
LunaCon 1997
MidwestCon #1
MidwestCon #2
MidwestCon #3
MidwestCon #28
MidwestCon #40
MidwestCon #49
PhilCon 1997
PhilCon 1998
SmofCon 1997
Wiscon 1998
LA Con I
NYcon 1
Seacon '79
Using photos provided or taken by, Avedon Carol, Joni Dashoff, Howard DeVore's collection, Don Ford, Mike Glicksohn, Lee Hoffman's collection, Ben Jason, Margaret Ford Kiefer's collection, Dick Schultz(?), and Joel Zakem.
August 28, 1999
Started Photo Albums for Balticon 1994 and LunaCon 1984 using photos from Joni Dashoff.

Added photos by Joni Dashoff and Debbie King to the LoneStarCon 2 Photo Album.
August 26, 1999
Added TommyWorld 47 to the Electronic Fanzines index.
August 25, 1999
Added 82 of Gordon McGregor's photos to the Noreascon 3 Photo Album and other photos of his to the Conspiracy '87 and Chicon V albums.

Started Photo Albums for Washington DC Fandom, Autoclave 1977, Balticon 1977, and Disclave 1975, using photos by Avedon Carol.

Added more photos by Avedon Carol to the Photo Album for Midwest Fandom.

Started a Photo Album for Disclave 1974, using photos by Dick Eney.

August 24, 1999

Created a Photo Album for the East Coast Fandom using a photo provided by Bob Madle and added it to the Fan Photo Album index.

Started a Photo Album for the Cocoa Beach, Florida 1999 Travelling Fete using photos provided by Carol Porter.
August 19, 1999
Created a Photo Album for the 1999 Nebula Awards Weekend using photos provided by Laurie Mann and added it to the Other Conventions index.
August 15, 1999
Added a one-shot fanzine that was edited by Joe Siclari & Edie Stern at the 1999 Travelling Fete, titled Tails of Fandom, to the Modern Fanzines index.
August 12, 1999
The relocation of the Fanac Fan History Project to our new host is 99% complete as of this evening. If you find any broken links, missing photos or graphics, or any other anomaly in these pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster describing the problem.
---- Thank you

August 11, 1999
Due circumstances beyond our control we have had to relocate the Fanac Fan History Project to a new host. Please bear with us while we complete this process. When you come accross a broken link please be patient and check back in a day or so, the link should be working by then.
-- Thank you for your patience
    Fanac Webmaster

July 21, 1999
Added a link to Samuel Lubell's WSFA Journal to the Modern Fanzines index.
July 8, 1999
Added a couple of photos of the 1996 SFSFS Annual Dinner by Joe Siclari to the Fan Photo Album.
July 7, 1999
Started photo albums for Loncon 1951 and Mancon 1952 using photos by Derek Pickles and added photos by Carol Porter and Lenny Provenzano to the MagiCon photo album.
July 6, 1999
Changed the Fan Photo Album to eliminate the "Miscelaneous" index. All collections of Fan Photos can now be accessed directly from the Fan Photo Album Index.
July 5, 1999
Started a photo album for Soonercon 1996 with a photo by John Coker and another for Westercon 16 with a photo by Joe Siclari.
July 3, 1999
Added photos by Joe Siclari to ICFA 1980 and 1981, Omnicon 1988, and the Traveling FĂȘte at Gainesville, Florida 1989.

Added albums for two of the Fabulous Traveling FĂȘtes, Key West, Florida 1996 and Naples, Florida 1998.
June 30, 1999
Added photos by Lenny Provenzano, Joe Siclari, Frank Olynyk, George Young, and Dick Lynch to, or created new photo albums for, ASFiCon 1982, ConClave 1982, ConStellation, EarthCon 1982, IllwisCon 1958, MarCon 1983, PhilCon 1983, Sci Con 1991, and TallyCon 1982.
June 27, 1999
Mike Scott has added Issue 13 to the on-line version of Plokta.
June 20, 1999
Added one of Mae Strelkov's pieces to the Fan Artists section of these pages.
June 19, 1999
Thanks to Laurie Mann for scanning the Martin Alger photos for Cinvention and Norwescon from Howard Devore's collection and thanks to Howard Devore for allowing us the use of part of his collection. Without the contributions of people like Laurie and Howard this project would surely come to naught.

We have added the rest of Martin Alger's photos to the NorWesCon photo album.

We have created a new photo album for ConClave 1981 and 1983 using photos from Frank Olynyk.

We have also added photos from Martin Alger, John Coker, Charles Mohapel, Richard Lynch, Frank Olynyk, Lenny Provenzano, Joyce Schrivner, Joe Siclari, and George Young to the following photo albums:

June 18, 1999
Added more of Debbie King's photos to the BucCONeer photo album. Thank you Debbie.
June 16, 1999
Added a bunch of photos (217 of them) from Martin Alger (from the collection of Howard Devore), Howard Devore, Richard Lynch, Robert Madle, Frank Olynyk, Joe Siclari, and George Young to a number of photo albums:
WorldCon albums:

Chicon II & IV, Cinvention, Clevention, ConFiction, Conspiracy '87, LA Con II, Nolacon I, Noreascon Two, NorWesCon, NewYorCon (NYcon II), Seacon '79, and Solacon Fan Photo albums

Miscellaneous Other Convention albums:

MidwestCon #1, #2, #3, #4, #43, & #49 and the World Fantasy Conference for 1980, 1983, & 1987

June 14, 1999
Added several of Frank Olynyk's photos to the ConStellation and Conspiracy '87 photo albums and started a new photo album for LA Con II using his photos. Way to go Frank.
June 12, 1999
Added a number of Phylis Brown's photos to the BucCONeer, Chicon V, LA Con III, Nolacon 2, and Noreascon 3 WorldCon photo albums. Thank you Phylis.
June 9, 1999
Thanks to a number of dedicated fans we have added one or more photos to the following photo albums: Their generosity is deeply appreciated by the Fanac staff.
June 8, 1999
Added photos from Lenny Provenzano to the MagiCon photo album. We all appreciate your help Lenny.
June 7, 1999
Added a gaggle of Debbie King's photos to the BucCONeer photo album. Thanks Debbie.
May 22, 1999
Added links to Sarah Prince's photographic reports for Ditto 11 and BucCONeer.
May 18, 1999
Added photos from the construction of the South Florida Science Fiction Society's Clubhouse to the South Florida Fandom Photo Album.
May 12, 1999
Started a Photo Album for Boskone 36 (1999) with two photos by Lisa Hertel.

Added several new photos to the Tropicon Photo Albums.
May 9, 1999
Added issues #18 and #20, 1952, of Don Fabun's Rhodomagnetic to the Classic Fanzines index.

Added a link to Nova Express to the Modern Fanzines index.
April 30, 1999
Added a photo of Richard Lynch to the LoneStarCon 2 photo album.

Added a photo album for Corflu Nova 1994.
April 24, 1999
Mike Scott has uploaded Ploktas 11, 12 and 12.5 to the on-line version of Plokta. The earlier issues have also had a tidy-up, and issues 9 and 10 have new filenames, although he has left the old versions in place so that bookmarks and search engines will continue to work. Thanks Mike.
April 23, 1999
Added a couple of photos by Richard Lynch to the Intersection Photo Album. Thank you Richard.
April 21, 1999
Added Version 3, April 1999, of Greg Pickersgill's Memory Hole Collection to the Fanac Bibliography.

Added Issue #5, November 1998, of Fiona Anderson's Babel On to the Electronic Fanzines index.
April 20, 1999
Added issue #32, July 1935, of Fantasy Magazine to the Classic Fanzines index.
April 16, 1999
Added issue #2, Septemper 1952, of Hyphen and issue #161, June 1962, of Cry of the Nameless to the Classic Fanzines index.
April 7, 1999
Added issue #2, November 1953, of Toto and issue #1 of Spaceways to the Classic Fanzines index.
April 6, 1999
Added the June 1937 (Volume 1 Number 1) issue of Helios.
April 4, 1999
Added the March 1936 issue of Novae Terrae and a copy of the pamphlet A Warning by David Kyle that caused some consternation at the 1939 Worldcon.
April 3, 1999
Added text versions of the September 1952 issues of Cosmag and Science Fiction Digest.
March 28, 1999
Added a number of new photos to several of the existing photo albums and created several new photo albums:
March 21, 1999
Added a text version of Slant issue #1 to the Fanzine collection. This is in addition to the photocopy version that was already available.
March 14, 1999
Added a new feature to the Fanac Homepage. We now provide a list of fanhistorical related publications that are available from different sources. Please check out the new Fan Historical Publications For Sale page.
March 11, 1999
Added a Photo Album for BucCONeer the 1998 WorldCon.
March 10, 1999
Added Photo Albums for Albacon 1998 and Novacon 1998.

Added "P" and "Q" to Fancyclopedia I.
March 8, 1999
Added Slant issue #7 to the Fanzine collection.
March 4, 1999
Added "F", "I" (partial), "M", "N", "O", "S" (remainder), and "W" to Fancyclopedia I.
February 19, 1999
Added a report by Steve Towsley for Tricon (1966 Worldcon).
February 16, 1999
Created a photo album with three photos for Tricon (1966 Worldcon) thanks to Steve Towsley.
January 19, 1999
Added some new photos to the Intersection and NoreasCon 3 Photo Albums and added Photo Albums for Boskone 35 and EasterCon.
December 30, 1998
Added some new photos to the Tropicon XVII Photo Album and added Photo Albums for SmofCon 16 and the 1998 SFSFS Annual Dinner.
November 22, 1998
Added a new section, the Fan Photo Album, to provide a home for photographs of fannish activities that do not directly relate to a convention. This section starts out with a photographic report of Joyce Scrivner's 1981 DUFF trip to Australia.
November 16, 1998
Added a link to Cuyler Brooks' It Goes on the Shelf #18 to the Fanzine Index.

Started a Photo Album for Tropicon XVII
November 2, 1998
Started Photo Albums for MidwestCon 1951, 1992, and 1997 (please note that I'm not sure that the first photo in the 1951 album (M51-005) actually belongs there).

November 1, 1998

Added a bunch of new photos to LA Con III, Boskone, and LoneStarCon II
October 20, 1998
Added a number of new photos to the MagiCon Photo Album.

Started Photo Albums for Advention 1981 and Tropicon VII.
October 3, 1998
Added a link to Egoboo For Algernon to the Fanzine Articles Index.
October 1, 1998
Replaced the Memory Hole Collection listing with the latest version.
September 30, 1998
Started a Photo Album for DeepSouthCon 1978.
September 20, 1998
Started a Photo Album for Oasis 1997.

Added reports for Boskone 34 (1997) and Boskone 35 (1998).